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IULY 16-:11, 1996 Ken Silverstein & Alexander Cockburn VOL. 3, NO. 14 • IN THIS ISSUE Oil in Its Hours of Triuniph robed by public interest groups, drop inc.endiary bombs and burn o£fthe Special Summer the Democratic candidate for the sliclc, hopefully before the goop fetches Reading Issue Ppresidential nomination agrees up on · the shores of the Mak.ah and that he will: Quinault Indian reservations. • Break up the oil cartel, dominated Billed by proud government flacks as The Murder of Mary by the Seven Sisters, ;,.hose Ameri an enviro wargame, this mad exercise Meyer: A Mystery · . ·' -· ·can members are Texaco, Chevron, actually represents unconditional sur from Babylon's Past Mobil, Exxon, and ARCO. render to the oil industry . What ,re have • Prohibit oil and gas companies here is taxpayer money underwriting in • A Killing on the from simultaneously controlling dustry efforts to persuade the public .Canal Towpath . ~ther energy sources such as coal (which maintains .a healthy loathing for and natural gas. Big Oil) that drilling in the most ecologi • Nationalize the development 0£ all cally sensitive areas is just line, and that • A Nod and a Winlc oil and gas reserves on federally even the worst disaster can be swiftly Did Joseph Kennedy owned, public lands. cleaned up. Order Her Death? • Curb corporate profits from public There is every reason for the public to leases, particularly oil companies be skeptical of the oil companies' good • Hijinks on the High Seas: drilling on the outer continental intentions. An independent counsel who JFK and Mrs. Niven shelf. investigated the Department of Interior's • Oppose deregulation 0£ the oil and oil leasing practices put together a report gas industry. in 1994 which was recently excavated by Oil Uber Alles The candidate, obviously, was not Bill the DC-based Project on Government Clinton . But this check list is no £antasy. Oversight. • How Big Oil Made the We have in our possession, held by a It emerges that ten companies extract World Safe for Itself CounterPunch editor in his files for 20 ing oil and gas from federal lands in years, the statement 0£ intent of candi California have underpaid the US Treas • Babbitt Okays Petro date and nominee Jimmy Carter, re ury by at least $1.5 billion in royalties Lords' Rip-Off of leased by the Carter Campaign in June of and accumulated interest dating back to California Schools 1976, answering a questionnaire sent by 1960. The companies are: Texaco, Shell, the Energy Action Committee. Note that Mobil, ARCO, Chevron, Exxon, UNO in 1976 Carter was among the·most con CAL, Phillips, Santa Fe and .Oryx. By Plus: servative of the candidates, yet he too felt federal law, one quarter of this money it expedient to vow to bring the titans of should have been returned to the state of • Upsizing, Beltway Style: American capitalism to their knees. California's desperately underfunded The Soaring Pay of Now move the clock forward 20 years. school system, which has thus been Public Interest CEOs This £all the US Department of the shorted $375 million by the oil compa Interior and the Environmental Protec,. nies. The remainder should have been tion Agency plan to spill eleven thousand • Morris Dees Seeks deposited in the Land and Water Conser gallons of crude oil of£ the coast of Wash vation Fund, a federal account used to Protection Money ington state's Olympic peninsula . EPA acquire public lands for parks and wild scientists , clad in full body condoms, will life reserves . • I'll Scratch Your Back ... : monitor the flow of the oil slick as it Did the US Interior Department, bas The Washington Times passes over a marine mammal sanctuary tion of Babbitt the Magnificent, take ac and the GOP containing some of the best orca whale tion after reading this report? It did no habitat in the Pacific. Then, Coast Guard such thing . It proposed instead a simple helicopters will swoop onto the scene to (continued on p. 7) 2/COUNTERPUNCH JULY 16-31, 1996 ,benefits . The Project has six staffers whose combined salaries total roughly $225,000, Doing Well By Doing Good all hut $25,000 of the outfit's revenues. orporate executives have long while the Environment.al Defense Funds Fighting poverty can also be a lucra lined their pockets at the expense Fred Krupp talres home $210,T74. tive career here in Washington. David Cof workers . Now, a Counter It's interesting to compare green sala Liederman of the Child Welfare League Punch survey of salaries in the public ries with the pay of CEOs of energy indus of America makes $138,075 crusading interest sector shows that many advocacy try trade associations. The compensation for the underdog; Robert Greenstein, groups seem to have taken a page from package of Michael Baly III of the Ameri president of the Center on Budget and the handbook. of corporate greed. In can Gas Association ($343,780) topped Policy Priorities, gets $105,000 (1996) deed, in some cases the gulf between the that of all of the wildlife defenders listed and Edward C.OOneyof the Food Research upper echelons and the toilers at such and Action Center, a puny shop dedicated groups appears to mimic the income dis to eradicating hunger, makes $84,246. parities found at Fortune 500 firms. (The Pay at conservative and liberal civil figures cited below, culled from annual The head of the Petroleum rights groups is also interesting . Wayne filings to the IRS and a variety of publish Marketers Association LaPierre of the National Rifle Associa ed source~ include benefits and are from . tion takes home $184,708 while Ralph 1993 unless otherwise stated.) makes less than Reed of the Christian Coalition makes It will not surprise CounterPunch many Beltway greens. $122,556. Nestled comfortably in be readers that the highest paid do-gooder tween is Arthur Kropp, president of Peo executives head Beltway environmental ple for the American Way (1994), who groups. Jay Hair, who was finallyforced above, butCEOs Lawrence Hobart ol the makes $147,760. Note that the revenues out of the National Wildlife Federation American Public Power Association of the latter group stand at about $6 last year, had been ra.k:ingin a salary and ($207,029) and Phillip Chisolm ol the million, less than half of the Christian benefits package worth $298,876. Hair's Petroleum Marketers Association of Coalition's $14.6 million and about five counterpart at the Nature Conservancy, America($171,528)wouldhavedonejust percent of the National Rifle Associa John Sawhill, pulls in $202,118 a year fine financially by moving into a post at tion's $121.4 million. Seven other people a DC green organization. on the People for the American Way staff Sharing the same tax bracket are ex make more than $65,000 per year. Editors ecutives at conservative and liberal think Members of the right-wing groups cer KEN SILVERSTEIN ·tanks. Edward Crane, who oversees the tainly get their money's worth for their ALEXANDER CocJCBURN deregulation boosters at the Cato Insti contributions. The same can't be said of tute, makes $160,000 (1994) while Bruce backers of People for the American Way, Co-writers MacLaury ol the Brookings Institution, a the supposed defender of civil rights JEFFREYST. CLAm Democratic think tank, easily tops that ANM'SSHIN which was too cowardly to oppose the with $227,981. Morton Abramowitz of Antiterrorism Act recently signed by the Carnegie Endowment for Interna President Clinton . Production tional Peace earns $181,688 annually The bloated salaries paid to public TERRYALLEN while the hawkish head of Georgetown's advocates present obvious problems. Center for .Strategic and International "Non-profit public interest groups should Counselor Studies, David Abshire, nets $232,646. not reflect the huge disparities in society BENSoNNENBERG It's no surpfise ' that the Heritage and the corporate world," Bill Goodfel Foundation's Edwin Feulner tops the low, a director of the Center for Interna Design chart in this sector with a pay package of tional Policy, a human rights group, says. DEBORAH THOMAS $433,611 or that Al From, the head of the "We're supposed to be critics of the estab Democratic Leadership Council who has lished order and if you make as much Published twice monthly except made a career (and a fortune) demand money as people in the establishment, August, 22 issues a year: ing sacrifice from the rest of the popula you will be very reluctant to rock the $40 individuals, tion, ta1reshome $225,000. boat." Goodfellow is one of the few public $100 institutions, Pay at the liberal Institute for Policy interest advocates who can make this $25 student/low-income Studies is fairly modest. Its highest paid statement in good conscience : he makes CounterPunch. staffer for 1995 was Marcus Raskin, who $43,080. Goodfellow says that the direc All rights reserved. made $75,000 (and benefits of $5,780), tors of public interest groups have little CounterPunch welcomes all tips, this after more than three decades of difficulty in extracting big pay packages information and suggestions. employment. In the same Dupont Circle from their boards of directors: "Very sel Please call or write our offices. area building as the Institute is a relative dom do boards resist increasing top sala CounterPunch newcomer, the Demilitarization for De ries. The reason is that most hoard P.O. Box 18675, mocracy Project, whose director, Dr. members are rich and they have a hard Washington, DC 20036 Caleb Rossiter, makes the same salary as time aslcing their executives to accept 202-986-3665 (phone/fax) Raslcin and $3,500 more than Raskin in modest salaries." • JULY 16-31; 1996 COUN'n:RPUNCH/3 struck by a car and killed as he ran across ·the street in front of the family home.