City of Iola, Kansas Custom-Cab and Equipment Project # 21-PF-012 Notice of Invitation to Bid

The City of Iola, Kansas is accepting bids for the following items and equipment:

• 1 x New Construction Custom-Cab Fire Engine • Loose Equipment, , Nozzles, Tools, and Accessories for the Fire Engine

The City of Iola, will receive sealed bids for a Custom-Cab Fire Engine and Equipment, Project # 21-PF-012 at the office of the City Clerk no later than May 27th, 2021 at 2:30 pm, at which time or thereafter said bids will be opened and read aloud. Bids received after this time will be returned unopened. Bids shall be valid for 60 calendar days after the bid opening date.

The general scope of services includes:

• 1 x New Construction Custom-Cab Fire Engine • Loose Equipment, Fire Hose, Nozzles, Tools, and Accessories for the Fire Engine

Bids must be submitted on the City’s Bid Forms. Bidders may obtain a copy of the Contract Documents from the City of Iola at: 2 W. Jackson, Iola, KS 66749.

Bid opening will be held at Iola City Hall located at 2 West Jackson Street, Iola, Kansas at 3:00 PM on Thursday, May 27th, 2021. For those bidders wishing to attend the bid opening, hand- delivered bid packets may be turned in at City Hall no earlier than 2:00 PM and no later than 2:30 PM on Thursday, May 27th, 2021. Likewise, hand-delivered bids may be turned in to the City of Iola prior to 2:30 PM. Bid award will be made to the lowest responsible bidder.

Federal Requirements: This project is being financed in part by Community Development Block Grant funds (24 CFR Part 570) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). All contracts pertaining to this project will be subject to certain requirements including but not limited to: HUD Federal Labor Standards Provisions (HUD 4010) - Davis-Bacon Prevailing Wages; Section 3 Economic Opportunities Requirements (24 CFR Part 135); Information pertaining to the Federal requirements is incorporated into this bid document and is on file with the City of Iola.

The City of Iola has made every attempt to make this bid specification sheet as generic as possible to ensure fair and equitable competition between multiple vendors and, as such, has not intentionally tried to write specifications biased in favor of any one manufacturer or vendor. We have tried to keep components and pieces of equipment which are not available through multiple manufacturers/vendors to a minimum. Occasionally, trademarked brand names can enter the fire service parlance as being synonymous with the generic name of those products (an example of which is how “Jaws of Life” has become synonymous with all extrication tools despite being a trademark of HURST™.) While we have attempted to avoid such usage in this bid specification, any instance thereof is accidental and generic or alternatively branded products are acceptable so long as the product meets all of the specified requirements.

The City of Iola understands that engineering a fire apparatus is a complicated process and some of the bid specifications contained herein may be vague, may make references using laymen’s terms, or may not adequately describe what the fire department is looking for in terms of apparatus design, layout, or equipment. Therefore, the City of Iola encourages prospective vendors to contact the with any questions or points of clarification as necessary.

Bidders may deviate from this specification sheet with “alternative solutions” if any manufacturer offers products, equipment, or systems which may include materials, features, engineering designs, or proprietary technology that slightly deviate from this specification sheet. However, any and all alternative solutions and deviations from this specification sheet must be clearly and explicitly stated in the bid documentation and must be specified by individual line item in this document. Some vendors may not be able to meet 100% of the bid specifications, particularly without the use of alternative solutions, therefore failure to meet 100% compliance with every line item in the specification sheet is not grounds for automatic disqualification, however priority will be given to bids with the fewest amount of deviations from this specification and/or with the solution closest to the apparatus and equipment package outlined in these specifications.

These specifications contain loose equipment, delineated under the final section of this document: “Equipment, Tools, Adapters, Nozzles, and Appliances.” Vendors are encouraged to bid the loose equipment as an optional “package” in addition to the price of the apparatus, as an “a la carte” price list in addition to the price of the apparatus, both or a combination of the two, however the city will not disqualify any bidder who chooses to include the equipment as part of the base bid for the apparatus. Bidders offering “package deal” pricing may consider some large-dollar-value items (such as extrication tools or SCBA) as severable from the package pricing. Since bidders are permitted to submit more than one bid, bidders are allowed to bid a “package deal” for the apparatus and equipment and also submit a different bid whereupon equipment is priced a la carte, separate from the fire engine itself, at a different price than the package deal. However, the city does require that if any vendor does choose to bid the loose equipment as a la carte add-ons to the price of the apparatus, that a sum total of the prices be included in the bid documentation to eliminate the need for the department to make lengthy calculations to determine the total price.

While the city has intended to limit the number of items specified in such a way as to narrow down the number of brands or makes/models which are acceptable in order to keep the specification as generic as possible, however for some items it is necessary that our requirements are quite precise in terms of size or capabilities of the equipment. If a vendor is not able to supply the equipment (or a suitable alternative) that meets our needs the city reserves the right to purchase such equipment from a different vendor. Likewise, vendors are strongly encouraged to notate in the bid documentation for loose equipment (particularly when a la carte prices are provided) if those prices will or will not be honored should the city purchase the apparatus from a different vendor.

Finally, concerning loose equipment, the city acknowledges that the territorial nature of fire equipment manufacturers prohibits some vendors from selling some equipment to departments in different sales territories, even if they are an authorized dealer of said equipment, therefore the city specifically acknowledges that each vendor has the option of partnering with other suppliers as subcontractors for loose equipment, however in that instance the bidder shall be required to disclose in the bid documentation any instance in which they plan to utilize a third-party equipment vendor as a partner/subcontractor. All loose equipment shall arrived mounted on (or stored inside) the apparatus when the apparatus is delivered EXCEPT when specifically noted in bid documentation or when the loose equipment is purchased from a vendor other than the apparatus manufacturer or dealer.

For all loose equipment, bidders shall specify the make, models, and quantities of the pieces of equipment being quoted in the bid.

All loose equipment bid as part of this specification sheet shall be in brand new condition. Demo units, refurbished equipment, floor models, returns, scratch-and-dent items, used equipment, and salvage items shall not satisfy this requirement.

The bid specifications require that the apparatus, chassis, cab, and fire pump be Made in America. The City prefers, but does not require, that the loose equipment also be Made in America.

The specifications contained in this document includes Optional specifications which vendors may include in their base bid, may list at an upgrade price, or may choose not to specify. Priority will be given to vendors meeting the optional specifications either as part of the base bid or at an upgrade price, however vendors which do not bid Optional upgrade specifications will not be disqualified as these specifications are beyond the minimum specifications required by the City of Iola.

Any options, add-ons, loose equipment, or a la carte items not included as the base bid on the apparatus must be explicitly stated in the bid documentation.

In the bid specifications later in this document, each specification will be followed by three checkboxes: a “Yes” checkbox, a “No” checkbox, and an “Alt.” checkbox. Vendors shall check “Yes” only if their bid meets that aforementioned specification. Vendors shall check “No” if their bid does not meet that aforementioned specification. Vendors may check the “Alt” if they are proposing an Alternative Solution which they believe will generally comply with the intended spirit of the specification, however includes materials, features, engineering designs, differing brands, or proprietary technology that slightly deviate from this specification sheet. Any Alternative Solutions must be accompanied by documentation noting the line item for which an alternative solution is being proposed, clearly delineating the alternative solution, and explaining how it differs from the bid specification.

All bidders shall guarantee that, if selected as the winning vendor, the City shall have the ability to make minor changes in the design of the apparatus from the time the bid is received until the time the bid is formally accepted without any engineering or design related change-order fees imposed on the City, notwithstanding the vendor’s right to adjust the price of the apparatus accordingly pursuant to any engineering or design changes if and only if those changes increase the actual cost to the vendor in terms of labor, materials, or equipment to physically produce the apparatus. In simpler terms, the vendor agrees not to impose any additional charges on the City for changes to the specification prior to bid acceptance if those changes do not increase the vendor’s costs.

The bid specifications include references to the general location of some items, such as mounting brackets, without specifically detailing where those items will be installed. Likewise (as stated earlier,) all loose equipment purchased by the vendor shall be delivered on or inside the apparatus (unless specified in the bid documentation.) Therefore all bidders shall guarantee that, if selected as the winning vendor, they will work cooperatively with City personnel to ensure proper placement of these items.

The City of Iola shall not be required to accept any late bids, nor shall it be responsible for bids which were not received, or bids which do not meet the requirements set out in this specification.

Bidders are encouraged to contact Fire Chief Chase D. Waggoner at (620) 365-4970 or (417) 588-7770 prior to bid opening for clarification with any questions with the specification.

Information Required for All Bids and Bidders

The following information shall be required of all bids:

• Name and location of fire body manufacturer • Number of years the fire body manufacturer has been in business • Name and location of cab/chassis manufacturer (if different from body manufacturer) • Number of years the cab/chassis manufacturer has been in business • Name and location of dealer (if not being sold factory-direct) • Number of years the dealer (if applicable) has been in business • Number of years the dealer (if applicable) has been actively marketing fire apparatus for this body manufacturer • Name and location of the nearest manufacturer-approved service center for the fire body (this may or may not be the dealership) • Name and location of the nearest manufacturer-approved service center for the cab/chassis (this may or may not be the dealership) • Is a mobile service unit available for Iola, Kansas? If so, what is the name and location of the nearest mobile service unit provider (this may or may not be the dealership) • Employer ID Number / Federal Tax ID Number for the fire body manufacturer • Employer ID Number / Federal Tax ID Number for the cab/chassis manufacturer (if different from body manufacturer) • Employer ID Number / Federal Tax ID Number for the dealership (if applicable) • The bid specification shall include a minimum of two trips for two personnel per trip to the place of manufacture of the fire apparatus – at the vendor’s expense – for a mid-construction inspection and a pre-delivery inspection. If the vendor has any written policies/procedures regarding inspection trips and what is paid/reimbursed to the fire department, please provide that information in the bid packet. • Vendor will be required to deliver the fire apparatus to Iola Fire Department, 408 N. Washington, Iola, KS with a full tank of fuel at the vendor’s expense. Please notate the method with which the fire apparatus will be delivered to Iola Fire Department including if the City of Iola will need to provide transportation to a delivery driver to the nearest airport, bus station, or rail terminal. • Vendor shall provide a contact list of five departments – preferably within a reasonable driving distance of Southeast Kansas – that have similar apparatuses in service • Vendor shall provide a contact list of five departments within a reasonable driving distance of Southeast Kansas that have at least one apparatus with the same cab & chassis model which the vendor is quoting. • List all warranty periods and coverages on the apparatus and/or all major components thereof • List all insurance and coverage rates (including, but not limited to commercial general liability, product liability, and umbrella coverage) for the chassis manufacturer, fire body manufacturer, and dealer (if applicable) • If the vendor offers a post-delivery acceptance period, please provide any applicable information regarding the length of that period and what returns or repairs are covered within that period • Is the vendor able to offer on-site, in-service training for three shifts of after the apparatus is delivered, on the proper operation, care, and maintenance of the apparatus? • In addition to the bid/purchase price of the vehicle, please include any proposed payment schedules, required down-payments, early payment discounts, etc. • List all loose equipment which will be provided by the vendor at the time of delivery. If any loose equipment is priced as an a la carte or add-on price beyond the bid price for the apparatus, please specify those items, the per-item cost, and the per-item quantity. • The bid specifications require a delivery date no later than sixteen months from the day the apparatus will be ordered. If the vendor estimates that they can deliver sooner than sixteen months, please provide either an estimated delivery date or a guaranteed delivery date. • If the vendor is able to provide a guaranteed delivery date (per the previous note) please notate any liquidated damaged available to the City should the vendor not meet the guaranteed delivery date.

Apparatus Specifications YES NO ALT

A-01 The apparatus, all components thereof, and all loose equipment [ ] [ ] [ ] thereon shall be compliant to all applicable NFPA Standards of the most recent edition.

A-02 The apparatus cab, chassis, fire pump, and body shall be made in [ ] [ ] [ ] America.

A-03 The length overall of the apparatus shall not exceed thirty-two feet. [ ] [ ] [ ]

A-04 Customer shall be allowed to approve of apparatus [ ] [ ] [ ] drawings/blueprints prior to start of construction.

A-05 During the manufacturing process, vendor shall provide construction [ ] [ ] [ ] progress reports on a minimum of a bi-weekly basis.

A-06 Apparatus shall be delivered a maximum of sixteen months from the [ ] [ ] [ ] date the order will be placed.

A-07 Apparatus shall be delivered with all available manuals, wiring [ ] [ ] [ ] diagrams, and blueprints/drawings for both the apparatus, engine, pump, and all major apparatus components in both print and electronic format.

A-08 Apparatus shall be delivered free of any unusual noises, vibrations, [ ] [ ] [ ] body damages, blemishes, or leaks.

A-09 Apparatus shall be delivered with a current pump test certification. [ ] [ ] [ ]

A-10 Apparatus shall be delivered with a full tank of diesel fuel and DEF. [ ] [ ] [ ]

A-11 Apparatus shall be delivered with foam cell full an “encapsulating [ ] [ ] [ ] agent” concentrate.

A-12 Vendor shall furnish a minimum of two trips for two personnel per [ ] [ ] [ ] trip to the place of manufacture of the fire apparatus – at the vendor’s expense – for a mid-construction inspection and a pre-delivery inspection.

Mechanical Specifications YES NO ALT

M-01 A diesel engine with a minimum 445 HP rating and ability to [ ] [ ] [ ] generate a minimum of 1,500 foot-pounds of torque

M-02 OPTIONAL: Minimum engine rating of 500 horsepower [ ] [ ] [ ]

M-03 Automatic Transmission [ ] [ ] [ ]

M-04 Side-Mount Pump Layout [ ] [ ] [ ]

M-05 Fire Pump shall be a two-stage pump. [ ] [ ] [ ]

M-06 Fire Pump shall have a minimum rated capacity of 1,500 gallons per [ ] [ ] [ ] minute.

M-07 OPTIONAL: Fire Pump shall have a minimum rated capacity of [ ] [ ] [ ] 1,750 gallons per minute.

M-08 OPTIONAL: Fire Pump shall have a minimum rated capacity of [ ] [ ] [ ] 2,000 gallons per minute.

M-09 OPTIONAL: Compact, space saving pump design [ ] [ ] [ ]

M-10 Fire pump shall have an auxiliary engine cooling feature. [ ] [ ] [ ]

M-11 Fire pump shall have a priming pump. [ ] [ ] [ ]

M-12 Fire pump shall have a recirculator valve and a tank-to-pump valve. [ ] [ ] [ ]

M-13 Onboard booster tank with a minimum water capacity of 700 gallons [ ] [ ] [ ]

M-14 OPTIONAL: Onboard booster tank with a minimum water capacity [ ] [ ] [ ] of 750 gallons

M-15 OPTIONAL: Onboard booster tank with a minimum water capacity [ ] [ ] [ ] of 800 gallons

M-16 OPTIONAL: Onboard booster tank with a minimum water capacity [ ] [ ] [ ] of 850 gallons

M-17 OPTIONAL: Onboard booster tank with a minimum water capacity [ ] [ ] [ ] of 900 gallons

Mechanical Specifications (continued) YES NO ALT

Note – Manufacturer may, at their discretion, engineer apparatus with an irregularly shaped and/or “L-Shaped” booster tank in order to lower the hosebed.height, increase storage space, or increase overall water capacity.

M-18 Baffling system for onboard booster tank [ ] [ ] [ ]

M-19 Onboard foam system with foam proportioner and a foam [ ] [ ] [ ] cell containing a minimum capacity of 20 gallons of foam concentrate

M-20 Onboard system shall either inject foam into the [ ] [ ] [ ] lines past the fire pump OR there shall be a mechanism in place to prevent foam – or foam concentrate – from moving into the booster tank when the fire pump is recirculating.

M-21 Onboard firefighting foam system shall be able to draw foam [ ] [ ] [ ] concentrate directly from the foam cell/tank and from an intake located on the driver’s side pump module that connects directly to a pick-up tube. Foam intake shall be equipped with an open/closed valve.

M-22 OPTIONAL: Second onboard firefighting foam cell so department [ ] [ ] [ ] can carry Class B Foam concentrate in a separate cell. (If this option is bid, documentation shall specify capacity of second foam and option/bid price shall include apparatus being delivered with second foam cell full of AR- AFFF foam concentrate)

M-23 Fuel tank capacity – minimum of 60 gallons [ ] [ ] [ ]

M-24 OPTIONAL: Fuel tank capacity – minimum of 75 gallons [ ] [ ] [ ]

M-25 Tire pressure sensors on all six tires with warning lights, an [ ] [ ] [ ] annunciator panel, or electronic display in the cab that is able to alert the operator which individual tire has low pressure

M-26 Engine compression braking system [ ] [ ] [ ]

M-27 High Idle Mode with a High Idle switch in the cab [ ] [ ] [ ]

Cab & Chassis Specifications YES NO ALT

C-01 Custom Cab with seating for a minimum of five occupants [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-02 8” – 16” Raised Cab Roof [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-03 A minimum of 4 seats in the cab (minimum of 5 if vendor specifies a [ ] [ ] [ ] 6-person cab) shall be SCBA seats with an integrated SCBA bracket.

C-04 Seatbelt Alarm System for all five seats [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-05 Integrated Backup Camera [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-06 Pneumatic Seat Height Adjustment [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-07 Full-Height Cab Doors [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-08 Power Windows [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-09 Power Mirrors [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-10 OPTIONAL: Heated Mirrors [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-11 Power Door Locks [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-12 Adjustable Driver’s and Officer’s Seats [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-13 Tilting and Telescoping Steering Wheel [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-14 In-Cab Heating, Air Conditioning, and Windshield Defroster [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-15 AM/FM Radio with AUX jack and Bluetooth capability [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-16 CD Player (May be incorporated into the AM/FM Radio) [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-17 Integrated headset communications system with jacks, mounting [ ] [ ] [ ] hardware, and one headset for each seated, riding position. Driver’s and officer’s headsets shall be capable of transmitting over the UHF radio from line C-19. Jacks may be substituted for a Bluetooth / wireless option.

C-18 One Master Key Holder integrated into the cab or dashboard [ ] [ ] [ ]

Cab & Chassis Specifications (continued) YES NO ALT

C-19 Two x two-way mobile radios, one capable of operating on the UHF [ ] [ ] [ ] spectrum and the other capable of operating on the 800 MHz spectrum. UHF radio must be accessible from both the driver’s and the officer’s position.

C-20 Five lantern charging docks mounted in the cab [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-21 One with charging dock mounted in the cab [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-22 Four portable two-way radio charging docks mounted in the cab. [ ] [ ] [ ] This may be accomplished via four individual docks, two two-radio banks, or one four-radio bank

C-23 Master battery cutoff switch [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-24 Interior map lights / reading lights [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-25 Sun visors for both driver and officer [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-26 Minimum two cigarette-lighter-plug style 12-Volt power outlets [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-27 Minimum one USB power outlet [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-28 One mobile paging unit / encoder mounted in the cab, capable of [ ] [ ] [ ] activating pagers in the UHF spectrum

C-29 GPS with mounting bracket, accessible from driver’s position [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-30 Gauge or display showing apparatus speed visible from officer’s [ ] [ ] [ ] position

C-31 In-cab storage solution capable of holding map-books and three-ring [ ] [ ] [ ] binders accessible from the officer’s position

C-32 Shoreline hookup with autoejector [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-33 Integrated compressed air tank with quick-connect air chuck / air [ ] [ ] [ ] outlet and air inlet available on the exterior of the apparatus.

Cab & Chassis Specifications (continued) YES NO ALT

C-34 In-cab control panel(s) for electronic (s) accessible from both [ ] [ ] [ ] driver’s and officer’s positions.

C-35 Control buttons or foot pedals for air horn(s) and Mechanical Siren [ ] [ ] [ ] accessible from both driver’s and officer’s positions.

C-36 Antennae for the mobile radios, mobile paging unit, and AM/FM [ ] [ ] [ ] radio mounted on the apparatus.

C-37 OPTIONAL: Adjustable Position Foot Pedals [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-38 Interior of cab doors shall include a retroreflective stripe or decal to [ ] [ ] [ ] improve visibility of open cab doors in low-light conditions

C-39 Interior of driver’s and officer’s doors shall include a canvas or [ ] [ ] [ ] leather “satchel-style” map pocket

C-40 Cab shall include a warning light, annunciator panel, or electronic [ ] [ ] [ ] display that notifies the operator if the deluge cannon (deck gun) is not properly stowed when the apparatus is running.

C-41 Cab shall include a warning light, annunciator panel, or electronic [ ] [ ] [ ] display that notifies the operator if any compartment doors are open when the apparatus is running.

C-42 Cab shall include a warning light, annunciator panel, or electronic [ ] [ ] [ ] display that notifies the operator if the ladder rack is not properly stowed when the apparatus is running.

C-43 Dash camera with recording feature [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-44 Gray cloth upholstery on seats [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-45 A Seatbelt System whereupon the seatbelt buckles are extended [ ] [ ] [ ] forward in order to make them more easily accessible to the seated occupants of the cab

C-46 Spotlights – Manual or electronically controlled – accessible from [ ] [ ] [ ] both driver’s and officer’s seats

C-47 Storage compartments on both sides of the cab, directly behind the [ ] [ ] [ ] driver’s and officer’s seats, accessible from the exterior of the apparatus Cab & Chassis Specifications (continued) YES NO ALT

C-48 Aforementioned exterior storage compartments shall have a shelf [ ] [ ] [ ] inside the compartment or a bracket on top of the compartment (accessible from inside the cab) for the purposes of safely mounting a minimum of one fire helmet per compartment.

C-49 Minimum one storage compartment on the rear wall of the cab, [ ] [ ] [ ] accessible from the inside or the outside of the cab; mounting hardware for hand tools, including a married pair ( & axe), closet hook, drywall hook, wrecking bar. This storage solution can be in the form of a transverse compartment located under the seats against the rear wall of the cab, centered against the rear wall of the cab (with interior access), or two compartments in the rear corners of the cab.

C-50 Aforementioned storage compartment(s) along the rear wall of the cab [ ] [ ] [ ] shall have a shelf inside the compartment or a bracket on top of the compartment for the purposes of safely mounting a minimum of two fire helmets in total. *Note – if the vendor chooses to utilize two such storage compartments, then the compartments shall have a minimum mounting capability of one helmet per compartment.

C-51 Step lights for all steps on the cab of the apparatus [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-52 Knurled or textured handrails on the exterior of each cab door [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-53 Each handrail on the exterior of each cab door shall contain a [ ] [ ] [ ] minimum of one coat hook capable of sustaining the weight of a bunker coat, fire helmet, SCBA face-piece, and four pounds of pocket tools.

C-54 Handrails or grab handles on the interior of each cab door [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-55 Chassis and body shall have reflective finish metallic wheels or wheel [ ] [ ] [ ] covers (commonly called ‘chrome simulators’)

Cab & Chassis Specifications (continued) YES NO ALT

C-56 Chassis and body shall have black rubber (or similar material) fender [ ] [ ] [ ] crowns (AKA fenderettes.)

C-57 Cab shall have chrome, stainless steel, or other reflective metal strips [ ] [ ] [ ] at the rear of all cab personnel doors to serve as a guard to protect the paint from blemishes caused by cab entry and exit.

C-58 Chassis shall have mud-flaps at the rear of each wheel well. [ ] [ ] [ ]

C-59 Tow Hooks or Pintle Rings shall be mounted to the frame of the front [ ] [ ] [ ] of the apparatus with the appropriate weight rating to tow the apparatus when fully loaded to GVWR.

C-60 Mounting bracket for 6’ Pike Pole on the exterior rear wall of cab – [ ] [ ] [ ] officer’s side – near the pump module

C-61 Mounting bracket for 6’ New York Hook on exterior rear wall of cab [ ] [ ] [ ] – officer’s side – near the pump module

Safety Features YES NO ALT

S-01 Driver’s Airbag [ ] [ ] [ ]

S-02 Officer’s Airbag [ ] [ ] [ ]

S-03 Side Curtain Airbag for Driver’s Seating Position [ ] [ ] [ ]

S-04 Side Curtain Airbag for Officer’s Seating Position [ ] [ ] [ ]

S-05 Knee Airbag for Driver’s Seating Position [ ] [ ] [ ]

S-06 Knee Airbag for Officer’s Seating Position [ ] [ ] [ ]

S-07 Side Curtain Airbag for Rear Passenger Compartment [ ] [ ] [ ]

S-09 OPTIONAL: Airbags integrated into the apparatus seatbelts [ ] [ ] [ ]

S-10 Audible Back-Up Alarm [ ] [ ] [ ]

S-11 Crush Resistant Cab Design –OR– Integrated Roll-Cage Design [ ] [ ] [ ]

S-12 UV Air Scrubber Installed In-Line in the HVAC System [ ] [ ] [ ]

S-13 Anti-lock braking system [ ] [ ] [ ]

Lights, Sirens, Warning Devices, Scene Lights YES NO ALT

L-01 Electronic siren control box with minimum output of 200 watts [ ] [ ] [ ]

L-02 Two siren-speakers with metallic housings located at the right-front [ ] [ ] [ ] and left-front corners of the front bumper, angled away from the cab of the apparatus

L-03 Pedestal-mounted mechanical siren on the driver’s side front bumper [ ] [ ] [ ] of the apparatus

L-04 Pedestrian Warning Device (Bell) mounted on the officer’s side front [ ] [ ] [ ] bumper of the apparatus

L-05 Minimum Two Air Horns [ ] [ ] [ ]

L-06 All-LED Emergency Lighting Package, & in Color [ ] [ ] [ ]

L-07 Flashing Red LED lights mounted on the outside portion of the inside [ ] [ ] [ ] of each of the four cab doors, which automatically activate anytime the apparatus engine is running and the door is opened

L-08 Full-Length Red & Blue LED Lightbar manufactured by a company [ ] [ ] [ ] headquartered in the United States

Lights, Sirens, Warning Devices, Scene Lights (continued) YES NO ALT

L-09 Vintage appearance White/Clear LED Flush Mount warning light [ ] [ ] [ ] with a “wobbling” motion mounted in the driver’s side front bumper of the apparatus

L-10 OPTIONAL: Spinning warning light with three bulbs/heads (Red, [ ] [ ] [ ] White, & Blue in color) mounted to the nose of the apparatus

L-11 Minimum of One Set of Red, Blue, or Red/Blue Combo LED Lights [ ] [ ] [ ] located on the front fascia or imbedded within the grille of the apparatus

L-12 One Set of Red, Blue, or Red/Blue Combo LED Lights located on the [ ] [ ] [ ] sides of the front bumper of the apparatus, perpendicular to the direction of travel

L-13 One Set of Red, Blue, or Red/Blue Combo LED Lights located on the [ ] [ ] [ ] midship sides of the apparatus (near the pump panel or rear of the cab) perpendicular to the direction of travel

L-14 One Set of Red, Blue, or Red/Blue Combo LED Lights located on the [ ] [ ] [ ] aft sides of the apparatus (near the rear of the body) perpendicular to the direction of travel

L-15 One or more sets of Red, Blue, or Red/Blue Combo LED Micro- [ ] [ ] [ ] Lights located on the sides of the apparatus at a different vertical height than the aforementioned sets of LED lights to provide additional warning light visibility for both the upper and lower portions of the apparatus

L-16 Red, Blue, or Red-and-Blue (one each) LED Rotating Beacons visible [ ] [ ] [ ] from the rear of the apparatus

L-17 Amber LED Traffic Advisor visible from the rear of the apparatus [ ] [ ] [ ]

L-18 White/Clear LED brow lights [ ] [ ] [ ]

L-19 Two sets of white/clear LED scene lights mounted on each side of the [ ] [ ] [ ] apparatus, one set forward of the centerline of the apparatus and one set aft of the centerline of the apparatus

L-20 A minimum of one white/clear LED scene light mounted on the rear [ ] [ ] [ ] of the apparatus

Lights, Sirens, Warning Devices, Scene Lights (continued) YES NO ALT

L-21 Apparatus cab and fire body shall have marker lights and reflectors [ ] [ ] [ ] mounted as necessary for other vehicles to determine the height and length of the apparatus in low-light conditions

L-22 A Low-Frequency Siren [ ] [ ] [ ]

L-23 200 Watt (or higher) Siren compatible with the low frequency siren [ ] [ ] [ ] system referenced in L-22, with selectable tones including Wail, Yelp, and Hi-Lo

L-24 One remote-control light tower OR two remote-control searchlight [ ] [ ] [ ] beacons mounted to the top of the apparatus

Graphics, Lettering, and Paint Specifications YES NO ALT

G-01 Apparatus paint shall be a Fire Engine Red / Candy Apple Red of the [ ] [ ] [ ] same color and as our existing engine.

G-02 Apparatus cab shall have a “whitecap” (white over red) paint scheme [ ] [ ] [ ] with the white portion being of the same color and hue as our existing engine and the division between the white portion and the red portion being in the same general location as our existing engine

G-03 Apparatus shall have a 1-6-1 white “beltline” stripe made of [ ] [ ] [ ] retroreflective material running the length of the apparatus. Stripe shall be the same color as the “whitecap” and shall include a 1” stripe, a 6” stripe, and a 1” stripe, separated by 1” red (body color) stripes. There shall be no border color between the red and white stripes. The 1-6-1 stripe shall remain the same height for the entire length of the apparatus and shall have no S-Curves or Zig-Zags.

G-04 Compartment doors (including roll-up doors) shall be painted the [ ] [ ] [ ] same color as the apparatus body. (Compartment doors and/or access panels on the pump module may be the same color/material as the pump module.)

G-05 The rear of the apparatus shall have NFPA-compliant red and yellow- [ ] [ ] [ ] chevron stripes of the same color and hue as our existing engine.

G-06 Lettering on the front cab doors shall be a faux goldleaf style of three [ ] [ ] [ ] lines in plain block lettering with black outline. Top line shall read: CITY OF and the bottom line shall read: FIRE & EMS with the top and bottom lines being of the same font size. Center line shall read: IOLA in a larger font so as to be the same width as the bottom line. All three lines shall be centered atop one another.

G-07 Lettering on the rear cab doors shall be of the same style and color as [ ] [ ] [ ] the front door lettering, with two lines of text. Top line shall read: ENGINE and shall be the same font size as the top and bottom lines of text on the front doors. The 2nd line on the rear door shall be the apparatus’s two or three digit radio number (which has yet to be determined) and shall be the same font size as the middle line of text on the front doors.

Graphics, Lettering, and Paint Specifications (continued) YES NO ALT

G-08 Lettering on the nose of the cab, below the front windshield, shall be [ ] [ ] [ ] the same style and color as that on the cab doors and shall read: IOLA. (Please note, should the apparatus be purchased with the OPTIONAL warning light listed in line item L-10, the nose lettering shall be changed to read: IOLA FIRE with four characters on either side of the aforementioned spinning warning light.)

G-09 All exterior compartments shall have small, matching decals with [ ] [ ] [ ] compartment identification numbers (specified by buyer) on them.

G-10 The roof of the cab shall have the apparatus’s two- or three-digit radio [ ] [ ] [ ] number on the top in large enough font to be visible to aircraft.

G-11 “EMERGENCY – DIAL 911” (or similar) Lettering or commercially [ ] [ ] [ ] available decals on the rearmost compartment door on either side of the apparatus body

G-12 Upon delivery, the paint, lettering, striping, and graphics shall be free [ ] [ ] [ ] of any defects, including smudges, ripples, crooked/off-center graphics, air bubbles, etc.

Front Bumper Specifications YES NO ALT

F-01 The apparatus shall have a custom-built extended front bumper. [ ] [ ] [ ]

F-02 Exterior top surfaces of extended front bumper shall be diamond [ ] [ ] [ ] tread.

F-03 The right and left front corners shall be beveled at an angle of no less [ ] [ ] [ ] than 25 degrees and no more than 45 degrees. Siren speakers of metallic construction shall be mounted within the angled corners.

F-04 The front bumper shall feature a well-style compartment for “jump [ ] [ ] [ ] line” or “trash line” fire hose, measuring approximately 36” wide and a minimum of 13” deep x 12” tall, capable of holding 150 linear feet of 1.75” fire hose and a nozzle. This compartment shall be accessible by a fold- down door in the front of the apparatus bumper.

F-05 The aforementioned front bumper jump line shall have a 1.5” NH [ ] [ ] [ ] discharge located in the compartment.

F-06 A covered storage compartment/box on the top of the extended front [ ] [ ] [ ] bumper designed to accommodate a battery-powered combi-tool style extrication tool with battery and one spare battery. Vendor shall specify the make and model of combi-tool the compartment is specified to fit.

F-07 The aforementioned combi-tool storage compartment/box shall be [ ] [ ] [ ] mounted on a plate on top of the front bumper in such a manner that it is able to lift away from the top of the jump line compartment beneath in order to facilitate easier loading of the compartment below. Plate shall have clips or other means to keep it secure on the front bumper of the apparatus.

F-08 OPTIONAL: The setup in line F-07 may be altered so that the plate [ ] [ ] [ ] on which the combi-storage tool storage compartment/box sits is hinged at the rear and opens up toward the grill of the apparatus. If so engineered, this hinge mechanism shall have a stopper built-in to prevent the combi-tool storage box from striking the grille of the apparatus when fully extended. It is understood that the geometry of this design may prevent the plate from opening fully, only partially exposing the top of the jump line compartment below.

Front Bumper Specifications (continued) YES NO ALT

F-09 OPTIONAL: The setup in line F-07 may be altered so that the plate [ ] [ ] [ ] on which the combi-storage tool storage compartment/box sits may pivot horizontally to a position perpendicular to the front bumper in order to facilitate access to the top of the jump line compartment.

F-10 Pedestrian Warning Device (Bell) mounted on the officer’s side front [ ] [ ] [ ] bumper of the apparatus

F-11 Vintage Style White/Clear LED warning light specified in line item [ ] [ ] [ ] L-09 shall be flush-mounted in the driver’s side front bumper of the apparatus

F-12 5” Intake with long-handled chrome cap flush-mounted in the [ ] [ ] [ ] officer’s side front bumper of the apparatus

F-13 The mechanical siren referenced in line item L-03 shall be pedestal- [ ] [ ] [ ] mounted on the driver’s side front bumper of the apparatus

F-14 OPTIONAL: Twin Air Horns may be mounted in the front bumper, [ ] [ ] [ ] symmetrically located inboard of the Vintage Style warning light from line F-11 and the 5” Intake from line F-12.

Pump Module, “Well Area,” and Generator Specifications YES NO ALT

*Note – Pump Module & Well Area (Dunnage Area) specifications are based on a “traditional” pump configuration. Should the vendor choose the compact, space saving pump design referenced in line item M-09, the vendor may deviate from the specifications in this section as many of these design features will not be applicable to that pump layout.

P-01 The pump module shall be of a narrower width than that of the cab [ ] [ ] [ ] and fire body so that no discharge, intake, cap, plug, adapter, or valve shall extend or protrude beyond the width of the body and/or cab of the apparatus.

P-02 OPTIONAL: Height of “well area” (AKA dunnage area) over pump [ ] [ ] [ ] panel to be flush with height of the front or rear of the cab.

P-03 Driver’s side of well area above pump panel shall contain an auxiliary [ ] [ ] [ ] generator with a minimum rated capacity of 5,000 watts.

P-04 Auxiliary generator shall be wired into the apparatus with a minimum [ ] [ ] [ ] of four electrical outlets or junction boxes on the body and/or in compartments which are connected to the generator.

P-05 Generator shall be capable of being started remotely from ground [ ] [ ] [ ] level at the pump panel.

P-06 Generator shall either be P.T.O.-driven OR shall be capable of [ ] [ ] [ ] utilizing the apparatus fuel tank as its fuel source.

P-07 Generator shall be capable of charging the battery or batteries [ ] [ ] [ ] supplying electricity to the engine of the apparatus.

P-08 Officer’s side of well area above pump panel shall contain a reel- [ ] [ ] [ ] mounted large-gauge electrical cord within a water-resistant housing. Electrical cord reel shall be wired to the auxiliary generator. End of cord shall contain a four-outlet junction box.

P-09 Aforementioned electrical cord reel shall have a powered rewind [ ] [ ] [ ] capability.

Pump Module, “Well Area” & Generator Specs. (continued) YES NO ALT

P-10 OPTIONAL: Should the width of the aforementioned electrical cord [ ] [ ] [ ] reel be narrower than the width of the generator, vendor shall add a small storage compartment next to the cord reel for the purpose of housing portable LED scene lights.

P-11 Above the pump panel, forward of the well area, shall be three pre- [ ] [ ] [ ] connected crosslay hose lines, two 1.75” hose connected to 1.5” NH discharges and one 2.5” hose connected to a 2.5” NH discharge.

P-12 Aforementioned pre-connected crosslays shall be capable of holding a [ ] [ ] [ ] minimum of 200 linear feet of hose each.

P-13 Aforementioned pre-connected crosslay areas shall be covered with a [ ] [ ] [ ] foldable (if made of metal) or removable (if made of leather, vinyl, or tarpaulin) cover.

P-14 Driver’s side pump panel shall include LED lighting capable of [ ] [ ] [ ] illuminating gauges and work area.

P-15 Driver’s side pump panel shall include a small, water-resistant storage [ ] [ ] [ ] compartment for storing an intercom headset and plug-in jacks for said headset. Intercom headset shall have radio communication capabilities either through the in-cab UHF mobile radio or through a secondary radio at the pump panel. Jacks may be omitted if intercom system is operated through wireless / Bluetooth technology.

P-16 Driver’s side pump panel shall include a radio speaker with adjustable [ ] [ ] [ ] volume setting, capable of broadcasting the radio traffic over the in-cab UHF mobile radio or secondary radio.

P-17 Driver’s side pump panel controls shall include a manual, aircraft- [ ] [ ] [ ] style throttle-control knob.

P-18 Driver’s side pump panel shall include a display monitor with live [ ] [ ] [ ] stream camera feed from a camera mounted on the officer’s side pump panel. Display monitor shall be recessed slightly into the pump panel with a door or other cover to protect the device from the elements.

P-19 OPTIONAL: Aforementioned camera system shall include selectable [ ] [ ] [ ] view between officer’s side pump panel and the apparatus backup camera.

Pump Module, “Well Area” & Generator Specs. (continued) YES NO ALT

P-20 OPTIONAL: Slide-out step platform with a minimum weight rating of [ ] [ ] [ ] 400 lbs. under the driver’s side pump panel to allow the pump operator to step up off the ground.

P-21 There shall be a metal glare shield mounted on the pump panel to [ ] [ ] [ ] reduce glare. Glare shield shall be reinforced and load bearing so it can be used as a step. Pump panel lights shall be mounted under glare shield.

P-22 The aforementioned glare shield shall have a mounting bracket on the [ ] [ ] [ ] forward end capable of mounting a 5” hose clamp.

P-23 Mounting brackets with one hydrant wrench and two spanner [ ] [ ] [ ] wrenches shall be mounted on or near the pump panel on both the driver’s side and the officer’s side pump panels.

P-24 There shall be a large LED water level indicator mounted on the pump [ ] [ ] [ ] panel or exterior of the apparatus on both the driver’s and the officer’s side. A series of four or five individual, color-coded LED lights with a minimum width of three inches and a minimum height of two inches per light shall be an acceptable alternative to the large LED water level indicator.

P-25 There shall be a foam cell foam level gauge mounted on the pump [ ] [ ] [ ] module. Foam level gauge should be able to be clearly distinguishable from the water tank level gauge.

P-26 There shall be a remote control deluge cannon (deck gun) with [ ] [ ] [ ] selectable pattern nozzle mounted on the top of the apparatus, in the well area over the pump panel between the generator and the electric cord reel. Plumbing to the deluge cannon shall be direct from the pump with the smallest cumulative degrees of bends/curvature possible to minimize friction loss

P-27 There shall be a fill tower with built-in overflow drainage for the [ ] [ ] [ ] onboard water tank on the top of the apparatus, either in the well area over the pump panel or on top of the fire body (see H-09 below.)

P-28 There shall be a fill tower with built-in overflow drainage for the [ ] [ ] [ ] onboard foam cell on the top of the apparatus, either in the well area over the pump panel or on top of the fire body (see H-09 below.)

Body Specifications YES NO ALT

*Note – Some of the fire body specifications are based on a “traditional” pump configuration. Should the vendor choose the compact, space saving pump design referenced in line item M-09, the vendor may deviate from the specifications in this section as some of these design features will not be applicable to that pump layout.

B-01 Both sides of the apparatus shall have “high side” compartmentation. [ ] [ ] [ ]

B-02 Fold-up steps on the front of the body at both sides of the apparatus [ ] [ ] [ ] near where the body and the pump panel meet. Minimum one or more knurled or textured handrail near the fold-up steps.

B-03 The officer’s side of the apparatus shall have a motorized and/or [ ] [ ] [ ] hydraulic ladder rack. Ladder rack shall have a single arm OR shall have two arms if both arms connect to both ends of the fire body and straddle the three compartments on the officer’s side of the fire body. Ladder rack shall hold extension ladder, collapsible , and one section of .

B-04 OPTIONAL: In addition to the aforementioned ladders and section of [ ] [ ] [ ] hard suction hose, ladder rack shall also hold a roof ladder.

B-05 A small transverse compartment on the fire body, sized to hold a [ ] [ ] [ ] Stokes basket, Backboard, and minimum of one medium-length pike pole. Compartment can be placed at vendor’s discretion and may be located inside the doors of a pair of larger compartments.

B-06 Three large compartments on both sides of the apparatus, the forward [ ] [ ] [ ] and rear compartments shall be full height and the center compartment shall be partial height, over the wheel wells. *Note – if the aforementioned ladder rack is of single-arm design and the arm placement must be centered along the fire body, a layout of three large compartments on the driver’s side and two large compartments, plus two mid-sized compartments (or just two extra-large compartments) on the officer’s side is an acceptable alternative.

B-07 The forward compartments on both sides of the apparatus shall have a [ ] [ ] [ ] slide-out tray at the bottom of each compartment.

Body Specifications (continued) YES NO ALT

B-08 The bottom portion of the rearmost compartments on each side of the [ ] [ ] [ ] apparatus shall be transverse and shall be accessible by a third door at the rear of the apparatus.

B-09 OPTIONAL: A storage compartment at the rear of the apparatus, [ ] [ ] [ ] located over the third door of the transverse rear compartment

B-10 OPTIONAL: If the apparatus design has a tailboard (i.e. not a flat- [ ] [ ] [ ] faced rear end), the design shall include utilization of the rear corners of the apparatus for additional compartment space.)

B-11 Tailboard, running board, and any exposed horizontal surfaces on the [ ] [ ] [ ] fire body shall be diamond tread pattern metal.

B-12 The middle (over wheel wells) compartment on the driver’s side of [ ] [ ] [ ] the apparatus shall have one SCBA bracket capable of holding one SCBA of The Department’s choosing.

B-13 The middle (over wheel wells) compartment on the officer’s side of [ ] [ ] [ ] the apparatus shall have a swing-out tool mounting board. Tool board shall have mounting brackets for hand tools and forcible entry tools listed in the equipment section of this specification (E-069 through E-078.)

B-14 The front compartments on both sides of the apparatus shall have an [ ] [ ] [ ] adjustable height shelving system.

B-15 The rearmost compartments on both sides of the apparatus shall have [ ] [ ] [ ] an adjustable height shelving system above the transverse portion of the compartment(s).

B-16 All large and mid-sized compartments shall include integrated LED [ ] [ ] [ ] lighting.

B-17 All large and mid-sized compartments shall be coated with a spray-on [ ] [ ] [ ] protective coating.

B-18 All slide-out trays shall be lined with raised grip-lock drainage tiles / [ ] [ ] [ ] mats.

B-19 All slide-out trays shall have weep holes or other solutions for water [ ] [ ] [ ] drainage.

Body Specifications (continued) YES NO ALT

B-20 Above the compartments on the driver’s side of the apparatus shall be [ ] [ ] [ ] mounting hardware for long tools such as full length pike pole(s), piercing nozzle, and Coast Guard Applicator Nozzle.

B-21 Through-tank, “beside tank,” or “on the hosebed” compartment, [ ] [ ] [ ] accessible from the rear of the apparatus, for roof ladder. *Note – if the ladder rack is capable of holding all three primary ladders (extension, attic, and roof) elimination of this through-tank compartment is an acceptable alternative.

B-22 Wheel chock holder – with two wheel chocks – mounted under the [ ] [ ] [ ] body on the driver’s side of the apparatus, just aft of the real wheels.

B-23 Storage for a minimum of five 4500 psi, 45-minute SCBA cylinders [ ] [ ] [ ] in compartments over the upper corners of the wheel wells

B-24 Storage for one 2.5 gallon pressurized water can, one 2.5 gallon ABC [ ] [ ] [ ] dry chemical extinguishers, and one carbon dioxide extinguisher over the upper corners of the wheel wells.

B-25 Front compartment on driver’s side of body (engineer’s compartment) [ ] [ ] [ ] shall have mounting hardware for various hose couplers, including 2.5” double male, 2.5” double female, 5” double male, 5” double female, 5” to 2.5” reducer, 2.5” to 1.5” reducer, 1.5” to 2.5” increaser, 2.5” to 5” increaser, 2.5” to 1.5” gated wye, 2.5” to 5” Siamese, 1.5” to 2.5” Siamese, as well as mounting hardware for a 1.5” nozzle and a 2.5” playpipe nozzle.

B-26 Fold-down steps, built-in steps, or ladder for access to the top of the [ ] [ ] [ ] apparatus from the rear end

B-27 Step lights for all steps on the body of the apparatus [ ] [ ] [ ]

B-28 Knurled or textured handrail to accompany rear steps or ladder [ ] [ ] [ ]

B-29 Mounting bracket with one hydrant wrench and two spanner wrenches [ ] [ ] [ ] shall be mounted on or near the rear of the apparatus.

B-30 Rear turn signal indicators with “sequential” or “chaser” function [ ] [ ] [ ]

B-31 Auxiliary turn signal indicators and brake light indicators at upper [ ] [ ] [ ] portion of the rear of the apparatus to increase visibility

Body Specifications (continued) YES NO ALT

B-32 Main compartment doors on sides and rear of body shall be roll-up [ ] [ ] [ ] style doors.

B-33 Rear license plate bracket [ ] [ ] [ ]

B-34 Tow-bar under the rear of the apparatus, capable of supporting the [ ] [ ] [ ] apparatus’s weight (fully loaded to GVWR) under tow

B-35 Receiver hitches mounted to the frame of the apparatus at the rear of [ ] [ ] [ ] the apparatus and along both sides of the apparatus. Rear receiver hitch shall have a minimum tow rating of 15,000 lbs. Side receiver hitches shall have a minimum tow rating of 10,000 lbs.

B-36 OPTIONAL: One or two fold-down steps or recessed-into-the-body [ ] [ ] [ ] steps located on the driver’s side rear portion of the fire body to facilitate easier access of the booster reel located in the driver’s side hosebed as specified in line H-03.

B-37 OPTIONAL: One small handrail or grip located in the upper-rearmost [ ] [ ] [ ] or upper-middle compartment on the driver’s side or on the body in the same general vicinity to give personnel a place to grip while accessing the booster reel (from H-03) using the steps specified in B-36.

B-38 OPTIONAL: Slant-back body design where the bottom of the rear- [ ] [ ] [ ] end of the apparatus (or the tailboard) extends approximately 12” longer than the top rear-end of the body. *Note – this is a purely aesthetic concern and may be disregarded if it significantly reduces the storage area, tank capacity, or functionality of the fire engine.

Hosebed / Top of Apparatus Specifications YES NO ALT

H-01 Along the driver’s side top of the apparatus, there shall be an area [ ] [ ] [ ] approximately 23 inches in width that shall run the length of the apparatus. This area shall be referred to as the top storage area. The top storage area may extend over the compartments on the driver’s side of the apparatus.

H-02 The portion of the top storage area closest to the rear of the apparatus [ ] [ ] [ ] shall be of sufficient size to accommodate three high-rise packs (stacked upon one another) measuring 26” in length, 18” in depth/width, and 7” each in height (cumulatively 21” in height.)

H-03 The portion of the top storage area immediately forward of the high- [ ] [ ] [ ] rise pack storage area shall include a 200’ booster reel not exceeding 32.28” long, 23” deep/wide, and 23.5” high. Reel shall have electric rewind feature and shall deploy over the driver’s side of the apparatus.

H-04 The hose reel shall include rollers to facilitate easy, abrasion-free [ ] [ ] [ ] booster hose deployment.

H-05 OPTIONAL: A strip of stainless steel or other reflective metal may be [ ] [ ] [ ] placed over the upper edge of the body near the booster reel to prevent booster hose from scratching the paint on the upper edge of the fire body.

H-06 The hose reel shall include 200’ of 1” red rubber fire hose and a 1” [ ] [ ] [ ] nozzle of the usual thread pattern for booster hose.

H-07 A portion of the top storage area shall include a hopper-style coffin [ ] [ ] [ ] compartment with a closeable lid that can hold a minimum of 64 quarts of oil absorbent. The bottom of the oil absorbent hopper shall feature a sloped design to facilitate directing the product to a drain tube or chute. The tube or chute shall descend through the body of the apparatus and shall be dispensed from beneath the fire body of the apparatus by mean of a valve made of a sturdy material.

H-08 A portion of the top storage area shall include a dunnage area of [ ] [ ] [ ] sufficient size to hold a minimum of one standard-sized five-gallon pail of firefighting foam concentrate.

H-09 The remainder of the top storage area may be used for such purposes [ ] [ ] [ ] as the fill tower for the onboard water tank, the fill tower for the onboard foam tank, and additional storage space as available.

H-10 Four-section hosebed (not including “top storage area”) with dividers [ ] [ ] [ ] Hosebed / Top of Apparatus Specifications (continued) YES NO ALT

H-11 The edge of all hosebed dividers shall feature a rounded edge or tube- [ ] [ ] [ ] shaped metal to eliminate any hose abrasion or snags. Hosebed dividers shall extend a minimum of 5 – 8 inches taller than the anticipated hose load.

H-12 Horizontally-mounted handrail, free of any knurling, running the [ ] [ ] [ ] width of the rear of the apparatus immediately below the back of the hosebed to prevent hose abrasion against the rear of the apparatus

H-13 Hosebed section along the driver’s side of the apparatus shall contain [ ] [ ] [ ] 3” supply-line fire hose with 2.5” NH couplings.

H-14 First hosebed section shall have the capacity to hold a minimum of [ ] [ ] [ ] 900 linear feet of 3” supply-line fire hose with 2.5” NH couplings.

H-15 OPTIONAL: First hosebed section shall have the capacity to hold a [ ] [ ] [ ] minimum of 1,200 linear feet of 3” supply-line fire hose with 2.5” NH couplings.

H-16 Second hosebed section from the driver’s side of the apparatus shall [ ] [ ] [ ] contain 5” LDH supply line with 5” NH couplings.

H-17 Second hosebed section from the driver’s side of the apparatus shall [ ] [ ] [ ] have the capacity to hold a minimum of 900 linear feet of 5” LDH supply line with 5” NH couplings.

H-18 OPTIONAL: Second hosebed section from the driver’s side of the [ ] [ ] [ ] apparatus shall have the capacity to hold a minimum of 1,325 linear feet of 5” LDH supply line with 5” NH couplings.

H-19 Third hosebed section from the driver’s side of the apparatus (second [ ] [ ] [ ] from the officer’s side) shall contain 2.5” pre-connected “commercial line” attack fire hose with 2.5” NH couplers. The discharge for this pre- connected line will protrude from the rear of the apparatus and shall be able to be disconnected to be used as a standalone rear discharge.

H-20 Third hosebed section from the driver’s side of the apparatus (second [ ] [ ] [ ] from the officer’s side) shall have the capacity to hold a minimum of 200 linear feet of pre-connected 2.5” “commercial line” attack fire hose with 2.5” NH couplings.

Hosebed / Top of Apparatus Specifications (continued) YES NO ALT

H-21 OPTIONAL: Third hosebed section from the driver’s side of the [ ] [ ] [ ] apparatus (second from the officer’s side) shall have the capacity to hold a minimum of 250 linear feet of pre-connected 2.5” “commercial line” attack fire hose with 2.5” NH couplings.

H-22 Fourth hosebed section from the driver’s side of the apparatus (the [ ] [ ] [ ] section along the officer’s side) shall contain a pre-connected 1.75” “live line” attack fire line with 1.5” NH couplings.

H-23 Fourth hosebed section from the driver’s side of the apparatus (the [ ] [ ] [ ] section along the officer’s side) shall have the capacity to hold a minimum of 300 linear feet of pre-connected 1.75” “live line” attack fire line with 1.5” NH couplings.

H-24 OPTIONAL: Fourth hosebed section from the driver’s side of the [ ] [ ] [ ] apparatus (the section along the officer’s side) shall have the capacity to hold a minimum of 350 linear feet of pre-connected 1.75” “live line” attack fire line with 1.5” NH couplings.

H-25 Hosebed shall have slats or other solution to allow moisture to drain [ ] [ ] [ ] away from the hosebed.

H-26 Hosebed shall come with a custom-shaped, waterproof hosebed cover [ ] [ ] [ ] to protect the fire hose from rain or mist. If hosebed cover is made of metal, cover shall be able to fold out of the way to facilitate easy reloading of hose. If hosebed cover is made of leather, vinyl, or tarpaulin material, hosebed cover shall be removable to facilitate cleaning and easy reloading of hose.

H-27 Hosebed shall have a restraint system such as a webbing net, a [ ] [ ] [ ] tailgate, or a semi-permeable fabric mesh. Restraint system must be able to be quickly removed by a single .

H-28 The estimated height of the apparatus’s anticipated hose load shall not [ ] [ ] [ ] be taller than the length of the useable hosebed in order to reduce the likelihood that the hose load falls off the rear of the apparatus (or puts pressure on the aforementioned restraint system.)

Intakes, Discharges, and Fire Hose Specifications YES NO ALT

I-01 5” NH intakes on both sides of the apparatus shall both have butterfly, [ ] [ ] [ ] gate, piston, or ball valves allowing the intakes to be opened and closed. Both couplers on the valve shall be 5” NH female with the “hose” side coupler having a 5” Plug.

I-02 2.5” NH Auxiliary Intakes shall be present on the pump module on [ ] [ ] [ ] both sides of the apparatus.

I-03 A 2.5” NH Auxiliary Intake (or direct tank fill intake) shall be present [ ] [ ] [ ] on the rear of the apparatus.

I-04 All other intakes on the apparatus shall have valves allowing them to [ ] [ ] [ ] be opened and closed either at/on the valve OR on the pump panel.

I-05 Two 2.5” NH discharges with elbows shall be present on the pump [ ] [ ] [ ] module on both sides of the apparatus. One of each of those discharges shall come pre-equipped with a removable 2.5” NH to 1.5” NH reducer of similar material as the discharge itself. The discharges with the 1.5” reducer shall have 1.5” NH discharge caps of the same material as the discharge itself.

I-06 One Large Diameter 5” NH discharge shall be present on the officer’s [ ] [ ] [ ] side of the pump module. The Large Diameter discharge shall come pre- equipped with a removable 5” NH to 2.5” NH reducer of similar material as the discharge itself. This discharge shall have a 2.5” NH discharge cap of the same material as the discharge itself.

I-07 Each discharge shall have a drain. Discharge drain identifiers shall be [ ] [ ] [ ] color coded the same as the discharge, handle, and gauge (per I-12.)

I-08 All plumbing pipes, elbows, valves, and internal connections leading [ ] [ ] [ ] to a discharge shall not be of smaller diameter than the specified diameter of the discharge outlet itself.

I-09 All couplers, fittings, and adapters shall be NH (National Hose) [ ] [ ] [ ] standard unless specifically stated otherwise.

I-10 All discharges and intakes shall have caps and/or plugs unless they are [ ] [ ] [ ] designated in this specification as pre-connects.

I-11 Caps and/or plugs on discharges and intakes – except for the front [ ] [ ] [ ] bumper intake – shall be chained to the pump panel or body of the apparatus Intakes, Discharges, and Fire Hose Specifications (continued) YES NO ALT

I-12 All discharges shall be color coded on the pump panel handle and [ ] [ ] [ ] gauge with color codes to match the anticipated fire hose color for each discharge based on the following table:

Discharge Gauge Color Fire Hose Booster Reel in Front Bumper Red Red 1” Booster Booster Reel in Hosebed Red 1” Booster 1.75” Crosslay #1 Yellow Yellow Rubber 1.75” Crosslay #2 Royal Blue Blue 2.5” Crosslay White White with Stripes Deluge Cannon / Deck Gun Silver --None-- 3.0” Supply Line (no discharge) --None-- Tan/Brown 5.0” LDH Supply Line (no discharge) --None-- Red (1 Yellow Section) 2.5” Rear Commercial Line Orange Orange High-Rise Pack 1.75” Hose #1 --None-- Black High-Rise Pack 1.75” Hose #2 --None-- White High-Rise Pack 1.75” Hose #3* --None-- Purple 1.75” Rear Live Line Kelly Green Kelly Green 2.5” Driver’s Side Discharge Lime Green --None-- 2.5” (Reduced to 1.5”) Driver’s Side Purple --None-- 2.5” Officer’s Side Discharge Light Blue --None-- 2.5” (Reduced to 1.5”) Officer’s Side Black --None-- Rolled 2.5” in Compartment --None-- Lime Green Officer’s Side LDH Discharge Tan/Brown --None--

Equipment, Tools, Adapters, Nozzles, & Appliances YES NO ALT

E-001 A tablet or laptop mounting bracket accessible from officer’s [ ] [ ] [ ] position. Device must have the newest commercially available version of a popular, commercially successful operating system installed. If vendor bids a laptop, device must have a minimum of 8 GB RAM, 128 GB solid-state (SSD) storage, and Wi-Fi capability. If vendor bids a tablet or tablet/laptop, device must have a minimum of 6 GB RAM, 64 GB solid-state (SSD) storage, and Wi-Fi capability. Device must have charging port integrated into the electrical system of the apparatus cab or delivered through a dedicated outlet with the appropriate electrical adapter (i.e. cigarette lighter adapter, USB charging cord) if necessary.

E-002 OPTIONAL: Five SCBA units. [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-003 OPTIONAL: Ten composite, 4500 psi, 45-minute SCBA cylinders [ ] [ ] [ ] with the ability to recertify for a 30-year lifespan

E-004 OPTIONAL: Five SCBA Face-Pieces, compatible with the [ ] [ ] [ ] aforementioned SCBA units

E-005 OPTIONAL: Five Voice Amplifiers, compatible with the [ ] [ ] [ ] aforementioned face-pieces

E-006 Five LED lanterns (box-style flashlights) compatible with the [ ] [ ] [ ] charging docks in line C-20

E-007 One Thermal Imaging Camera with spare battery compatible with [ ] [ ] [ ] the charging dock in line C-21

E-008 Four portable handheld radios operating in the UHF band and [ ] [ ] [ ] compatible with the charging docks in line C-22

E-009 Minimum of one ANSI Class III traffic safety vest for each seated [ ] [ ] [ ] riding position in the apparatus

E-010 LED Beacon / LED Road Flare kit (with a minimum of four beacons [ ] [ ] [ ] / flares)

E-011 One Digital camera with carrying case [ ] [ ] [ ]

Equipment, Tools, Adapters, Nozzles, & Appliances (continued) YES NO ALT

E-012 One four-gas monitor with carrying case and calibration kit. Four- [ ] [ ] [ ] gas monitor must be capable of being self-calibrated at the department without having to be sent in to a service center.

E-013 One Center-punch tool [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-014 Minimum of four sprinkler wedges [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-015 One Fire sprinkler shutoff tool [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-016 One Seatbelt Cutter Tool [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-017 One K-Tool [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-018 OPTIONAL: One Automated External Defibrillator with both adult [ ] [ ] [ ] and pediatric electrodes/pads

E-019 Mounting bracket capable of holding department’s existing cardiac [ ] [ ] [ ] monitor.

E-020 Two 20 lb. Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-021 One 2.5 Gallon Pressurized Water Can [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-022 One CO2 [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-023 One Hydrant Wrench [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-024 Two Rubber Mallets [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-025 One set of “Spider Straps” for a Backboard (Department will provide [ ] [ ] [ ] the Backboard)

E-026 One Piercing Nozzle [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-027 One Coast Guard Applicator Nozzle [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-028 One 10’ D-Ring Pike Pole [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-029 One 12’ Pike Pole [ ] [ ] [ ]

Equipment, Tools, Adapters, Nozzles, & Appliances (continued) YES NO ALT

E-030 One Water Curtain [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-031 One Cellar Nozzle [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-032 Three Hydrant & Spanner Wrench Sets (to accompany three [ ] [ ] [ ] mounting brackets specified in lines P-23 and B-29.)

E-033 One 2.5” to 5” Clappered Siamese [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-034 One 1.5” to 2.5” Clappered Siamese [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-035 One 2.5” NH Gated Wye [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-036 One 2.5” NH (reduces to 1.5” NH) Gated Wye [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-037 One 2.5” NH Water Thief with 1.5” Side Discharges [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-038 Two 5” NH Double Female Adapters with Swivel Couplings [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-039 One 5” NH Double Male Adapter [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-040 Three 2.5” NH Double Female Adapters with Swivel Couplings [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-041 Three 2.5” NH Double Male Adapters [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-042 One 1.5” NH Double Female Adapter with Swivel Couplings [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-043 One 1.5” NH Double Male Adapter [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-044 One 1.5” NH Female to NPT Garden Hose Adapter [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-045 One 5” NH Female to 2.5” NH Male Reducer [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-046 One 5” NH Female to 1.5” NH Male Reducer [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-047 One 2.5” NH Female to 1.5” NH Male Reducer [ ] [ ] [ ]

Equipment, Tools, Adapters, Nozzles, & Appliances (continued) YES NO ALT

E-048 One 1.5” NH Female to 2.5” NH Male Increaser [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-049 One 1.5” NH Female to 5” NH Male Increaser [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-050 One 2.5” NH Female to 5” NH Male Increaser [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-051 One 1.5” NH Female to 1.0” (Forestry) Male Reducer [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-052 One 1.0” (Forestry) Female to 1.5” NH Female Increaser [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-053 One 5” NH Female to 125 (5”) Storz LDH Adapter [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-054 One 5” NH Male to 125 (5”) Storz LDH Adapter [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-055 One 5” NH Female to 100 (4”) Storz LDH Adapter [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-056 One 5” NH Male to 100 (4”) Storz LDH Adapter [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-057 One 5” NH Male to 4.5” NH Female Adapter [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-058 One 5” NH Male to 4.0” NH Female Adapter [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-059 One hydrant valve – either quarter-turn ball valve or gate valve style [ ] [ ] [ ] – with 2.5” NH male and female couplers

E-060 One Hydrant Bag or Duffle suitable for carrying hydrant wrench, [ ] [ ] [ ] spanner wrenches, hydrant valve, and adapters

E-061 Two LDH Spanner Wrenches & Two Double-Ended Spanner [ ] [ ] [ ] Wrenches with Universal LDH on one end and Storz on the other

E-062 Two Rolls of Fire Line Tape [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-063 One Sharps Container with Closing Lid, Minimum 5-Qt. Capacity [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-064 Two Personal Rope Rescue Bags (AKA Bailout Bags) with Life [ ] [ ] [ ] Safety Rope

E-065 One Commercially available plastic (or similar material) toolbox [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-066 One Commercially Available Socket Set with Socket Driver, [ ] [ ] [ ] Extender, and sockets in both Metric and Standard Sizes Equipment, Tools, Adapters, Nozzles, & Appliances (continued) YES NO ALT

E-067 One Gallon Jug of a nontoxic, nonflammable polymer capable of [ ] [ ] [ ] both plugging and diking a chemical leak. [ ] [ ] [ ] E-068 One Door Marking Kit consisting of: one commercially available plastic (or similar material) toolbox, two cans of fluorescent spray paint, two cans of fluorescent lime/yellow spraypaint, one roll of fluorescent orange flagging tape, one roll of fluorescent lime/yellow flagging tape, and two grease pencils [ ] [ ] [ ] E-069 One Truckman’s Axe [ ] [ ] [ ] E-070 One Flathead Axe [ ] [ ] [ ] E-071 One Pick Head Axe [ ] [ ] [ ] E-072 One Large Bolt Cutters [ ] [ ] [ ] E-073 One Small Bolt Cutters [ ] [ ] [ ] E-074 One Pry Axe [ ] [ ] [ ] E-075 One Crow Bar [ ] [ ] [ ] E-076 One Sledge Hammer [ ] [ ] [ ] E-077 One Halligan Bar-Style Forcible Entry Tool (AKA Hooligan Bar) [ ] [ ] [ ] E-078 One Slow / Stop traffic direction paddle [ ] [ ] [ ] E-079 One Rotary Rescue Saw (AKA “K-12 Saw”) with a minimum of two metal-cutting blades, two-concrete cutting blades, and one roof ventilation blade [ ] [ ] [ ] E-080 One Ventilation Saw (Chainsaw with Depth Limiter) [ ] [ ] [ ] E-081 One set of chainsaw chaps [ ] [ ] [ ] E-082 Rechargeable battery powered Cordless Drill and Reciprocating Saw utilizing the same make and model of battery. These items must have a minimum of one battery each, plus a battery charging dock. [ ] [ ] [ ] E-083 One 50-to-1 Mixture Fuel Can Equipment, Tools, Adapters, Nozzles, & Appliances (continued) YES NO ALT

E-084 One Bottle of Chainsaw Bar Oil [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-085 One Box of DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-086 One 5” Hose Clamp compatible with mounting bracket in line P-22 [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-087 One Floating Strainer with 5” NH coupler [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-088 One Low-Flow Strainer with Jet-Siphon Feature [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-089 Minimum Three Medium- to Heavy-Duty Salvage Covers (minimum [ ] [ ] [ ] size of 12’ x 12’)

E-090 One Foam Nozzle with Bale Shutoff [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-091 One Foam Eductor with Detachable Pick-Up Nozzle [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-092 Two Pails of Class A Firefighting Foam [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-093 Two Pails of AR-AFFF Firefighting Foam [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-094 One Pail of Wetting Agent [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-095 One Universal Spanner Wrench for Foam Containers [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-096 One Pair of Fire Hose Ramps with a tunnel capable of protecting 5” [ ] [ ] [ ] hose

E-097 One Portable Ground Monitor with Base [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-098 One Fire Hose Snagging/Pulling Tool [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-099 One Applicator (with 90-degree bend) for Cellar/Bresnan Nozzle – [ ] [ ] [ ] 2.5” NH fittings

E-100 One 10’ Collapsible Attic Ladder [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-101 One 12’ Roof Ladder [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-102 One 24’ Extension Ladder [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-103 One Section of 5” NH Hard Suction Hose [ ] [ ] [ ] Equipment, Tools, Adapters, Nozzles, & Appliances (continued) YES NO ALT

E-104 One 8’ D-Ring Pike Pole [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-105 One 6’ D-Ring Pike Pole [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-106 One 6’ New Yorker / New York Style Pole [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-107 One Drywall Hook / Drywall Puller Tool [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-108 One Sawtooth Drywall Cutter Tool [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-109 One Trash Hook (AKA Rubbish Hook) [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-110 One Closet Hook [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-111 One Wrecking Bar [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-112 One Battery-Powered 18” Electric PPV Fan weighing less than 55 [ ] [ ] [ ] lbs. with a minimum 10,800 CFM rating and tilt capabilities

E-113 One Smoke Ejector with Door Jam Hanger [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-114 One RIT Pack w/ Cylinder, Face-Piece, and Carrying Case [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-115 One Heavy-Duty Yellow, Lime, or Orange Tarp for RIT Team [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-116 Minimum of 64 ounces of oil absorbent in designated hopper [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-117 One Electric Winch capable of fitting in the receiver hitches [ ] [ ] [ ] specified in line B-35 and capable of pulling a minimum of 8,000 lbs.

E-118 One Fire Swatter [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-119 One Square-Nose Shovel [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-120 One Spade-Nose Shovel [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-121 One Military-Style Collapsible Shovel [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-122 One Anti-Spark Shovel [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-123 One Snow Shovel [ ] [ ] [ ]

Equipment, Tools, Adapters, Nozzles, & Appliances (continued) YES NO ALT

E-124 Five Full-Height Traffic Cones (with retroreflective stripe) [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-125 Three plug-in LED work lights [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-126 One plug-in LED work lights with tripod or other elevated stand [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-127 One heavy-duty, water resistant, outdoor rated extension cord, 25’ in [ ] [ ] [ ] length

E-128 One heavy-duty, water resistant, outdoor rated extension cord, 50’ in [ ] [ ] [ ] length

E-129 One heavy-duty, water resistant, outdoor rated extension cord, 100’ [ ] [ ] [ ] in length

E-130 One Insulated drinking water cooler with dispenser spout [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-131 One Traffic Warning Triangle Kit [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-132 Two Galvanized Metal Buckets [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-133 Two Illuminated Traffic Director Wands / Batons [ ] [ ] [ ]

E-134 OPTIONAL: Battery Powered Combi-Tool (Extrication Tool) with [ ] [ ] [ ] Two Batteries and Charging Dock

E-135 Air Chisel / Air Hammer with set of Bits and Air Line [ ] [ ] [ ]

Equipment, Tools, Adapters, Nozzles, & Appliances (continued) YES NO ALT

E-136 1 x 1.5” NH Nozzle with 7/8” Rear (Smoothbore) discharge and 75 [ ] [ ] [ ] psi Automatic Front (Fog) nozzle that can “flip down” out of the way to expose the smoothbore discharge. Nozzle must come with a Green-colored Bale Shutoff and a Pistol Grip.

E-137 1 x 1.5” NH Selectable Gallonage 50 psi Adjustable Pattern Fog [ ] [ ] [ ] Nozzle with Black Bale Shutoff and NO Pistol Grip

E-138 2 x 1.5” NH Selectable Gallonage 75 psi Adjustable Pattern Fog [ ] [ ] [ ] Nozzle with Bale Shutoff and NO Pistol Grip. One shall have a red bale and one shall have a purple bale.

E-139 3 x 1.5” NH Automatic Adjustable Pattern with Bale [ ] [ ] [ ] Shutoff and NO Pistol Grip. One shall have a blue bale, one shall have a black bale, one shall have a white bale.

E-140 2 x 1.5” NH Smoothbore Nozzles with Detachable Tips, Bale [ ] [ ] [ ] Shutoff, and NO Pistol Grip. One shall have a black bale, one shall have a yellow bale.

E-141 4 x 1.5” NH Smoothbore Nozzle Tips in Sizes 3/4”, 7/8”, 15/16”, [ ] [ ] [ ] and 1 1/8”

E-142 1 x 2.5” NH Selectable Gallonage 75 psi Adjustable Pattern Fog [ ] [ ] [ ] Nozzle with White Bale Shutoff and NO Pistol Grip

E-143 2 x 2.5” NH Smoothbore Nozzles with Detachable Tips, Bale [ ] [ ] [ ] Shutoff, and NO Pistol Grip. One shall have an orange bale and one shall have a black bale.

E-144 4 x 2.5” NH Smoothbore Nozzle Tips in Sizes 3/4”, 7/8”, 15/16”, [ ] [ ] [ ] and 1 1/8”

E-145 1 x 2.5” NH Playpipe with Smoothbore Stack-Tips and Black (or [ ] [ ] [ ] Metallic) Bale Shutoff

Equipment, Tools, Adapters, Nozzles, & Appliances (continued) YES NO ALT

E-146 4 x 50’ long sections of 1.75” yellow attack fire hose with a [ ] [ ] [ ] rubberized outer jacket and 1.5” NH couplings

E-147 4 x 50’ long sections of 1.75” to 1.78” double jacketed attack fire [ ] [ ] [ ] hose with a blue woven outer jacket and 1.5” NH couplings

E-148 4 x 50’ long sections of 2.5” double jacketed attack fire hose with a [ ] [ ] [ ] white woven outer jacket with “tracer stripes” or chevrons, preferably red and blue in color. Hose shall have 2.5” NH couplings.

E-149 18 x 50’ long sections of 3.0” double jacketed fire hose with a [ ] [ ] [ ] brown, tan, or khaki woven outer jacket. Hose shall have 2.5” NH couplings.

E-150 OPTIONAL: An additional 6 x 50’ long sections of 3.0” double [ ] [ ] [ ] jacketed fire hose with a brown, tan, or khaki woven outer jacket and 2.5” NH couplings if the Hosebed has storage space for 1,200’ of 3” supply hose per the optional specification H-15.

E-151 1 x 10’ long section of 5.0” LDH supply line with rubberized outer [ ] [ ] [ ] jacket and 5.0” couplers (color is unimportant.)

E-152 1 x 25’ long section of 5.0” LDH supply line with a red rubberized [ ] [ ] [ ] outer jacket and 5.0” couplers.

E-153 8 x 100’ long sections of 5.0” LDH supply line with a red rubberized [ ] [ ] [ ] jacket and 5.0” couplers.

E-154 1 x 100’ long sections of 5.0” LDH supply line with a yellow [ ] [ ] [ ] rubberized jacket and 5.0” couplers. When outfitting the apparatus, this single section of yellow LDH supply shall be laid at the bottom of the hosebed as the last section to deploy as a visual cue that the final section of hose is coming off the bed.

E-155 OPTIONAL: An additional 4 x 100’ long sections of 5.0” LDH [ ] [ ] [ ] supply line with a red rubberized jacket and 5.0” couplers if the Hosebed has storage space for 1,325’ of 5.0” LDH supply line per the optional specification H-18.

E-156 OPTIONAL: Upgrade the rubberized LDH supply line hone [ ] [ ] [ ] described in lines E-151, E-152, E-153, E-154, and E-155 from rubberized outer jacket to woven outer jacket. Equipment, Tools, Adapters, Nozzles, & Appliances (continued) YES NO ALT

E-157 4 x 50’ long sections of 2.5” double jacketed attack fire hose with an [ ] [ ] [ ] orange outer jacket. Hose shall have 2.5” NH couplings.

E-158 OPTIONAL: One additional 50’ long section of 2.5” double jacketed [ ] [ ] [ ] attack fire hose with an orange outer jacket and 2.5” NH couplings if the Hosebed has storage space for 250’ of 2.5” ‘commercial line’ attack hose per the optional specification H-21.

E-159 3 x 50’ long sections of 1.75 to 1.78” double jacketed attack fire [ ] [ ] [ ] hose with a black outer jacket. Hose shall have 1.5” NH couplings.

E-160 3 x 50’ long sections of 1.75 to 1.78” double jacketed attack fire [ ] [ ] [ ] hose with a white outer jacket. Hose shall have 1.5” NH couplings.

E-161 3 x 50’ long sections of 1.75 to 1.78” double jacketed attack fire [ ] [ ] [ ] hose with a purple outer jacket. Hose shall have 1.5” NH couplings.

E-162 OPTIONAL: Vendor shall supply three highrise bags, red [ ] [ ] [ ] in color with zippered enclosure, measuring 26” x 18” x 7”

E-163 6 x 50’ long sections of 1.75 to 1.78” double jacketed attack fire [ ] [ ] [ ] hose with a Kelly green (medium green) outer jacket. Hose shall have 1.5” NH couplings.

E-164 OPTIONAL: One additional 50’ long section of 1.75” to 1.78” [ ] [ ] [ ] double jacketed attack fire hose with a Kelly green (medium green) outer jacket and 1.5” NH couplings if the Hosebed has storage space for 350’ of 1.75” “live line” attack hose per the optional specification H-24.

E-165 3 x 50’ long sections of 2.5” double jacketed attack fire hose with a [ ] [ ] [ ] lime green or yellow-green outer jacket. Hose shall have 2.5” NH couplings. When outfitting the apparatus, this hose shall come rolled in a compartment.

E-166 1 x 50’ long section of heavy-duty garden hose with a commercially [ ] [ ] [ ] available garden hose nozzle

Equipment, Tools, Adapters, Nozzles, & Appliances (continued) YES NO ALT

E-167 One U.S. Coast Guard Approved “lifesaver” style ring buoy / [ ] [ ] [ ] throwable personal flotation device with 100’ of rope bearing a minimum working load of 250 lbs.

E-168 Any loose equipment not on this list which is required per NFPA for [ ] [ ] [ ] a pumper truck of this type. Bidders shall specify which loose equipment, in addition to that listed in the specification, will be included with the apparatus.

E-169 Bidder certifies that all equipment bid as part of this proposal shall [ ] [ ] [ ] be in “brand new” condition (neither used, nor refurbished, nor “demo unit”.)