MercantileEXCITINGSee section our NovemberNovember 2001 2001 CowboyCowboy ChronicleChronicle(starting on PagepagePage 90)11 The Cowboy Chronicle~. The Monthly Journal of the Single Shooting Society ® Vol. 19 No. 5 © Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. May 2006 WILD WEST MERCANTILE’S WINTER RANGE 2006 SASS National Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting™ By Justice B. Dunn, SASS #3516 Photos by Mr. Quigley’s Photography Team

hoenix, AZ – Over 700 com- See HIGHLIGHTS on page 73 petitors formed 36 posses to P stage the shootout among a legion of dedicated volunteers, the rocks of Louis L’Amour’s Shalako. Winter Range featured five brand They were drawn to the Conestoga new stage designs with new store wagon from The Quick and the Dead fronts and props. Thanks to the and entertained in Healey’s Theater Arizona Game and Fish for creating from Heller with a Gun. After the two new shooting bays, Winter Open Range theme for Winter Range Range 2006 featured four stages 2005 we went to a great deal of effort with down range movement adding to find something cowboy without an exciting dynamic to Cowboy rain being a major part of the story. Action Shooting™. Searching Louis L’Amore’s many Winter Range 2006 welcomed a works, the backdrops were colored new signature sponsor—Wild West sunsets and wind swept dusty plains. Mercantile. Proprietor’s C. S. Fly and But somewhere in his many works Claudia Feather are well known some rain must have snuck in. throughout Cowboy Action Shoo- Winter Range was blessed with beau- ting™. Wild West Mercantile has tiful weather on Wednesday for the pleased many a match director warm-ups and side events. Thursday The Dark Side is alive and well at Winter Range! Each year Cactus Chris through their generous sponsorship and friends do their best to arrange a blackpowder posse. They succeeded and Friday were blustery, character- of major Cowboy Action Shooting™ again this year with posse members from all over the country. There was istic of those windswept dusty plains. a waiting list of those who wanted to join them, but match officials matches around the country. Wild Then Saturday there was trout declared their posse was already too large, and enough was enough! West had been a sponsor of Winter fishin’ on Main Street again! This group shot together, cleaned together, and laughed together … Range for many years, and we are Range Master Blackjack Zak, it just doesn’t get any better! (Continued on page 71) SASS #26828, again outdid himself e e in designing interesting and skill Junior competitor, testing stages where fun was WINTER RANGE Star of July, emphasized without the challenge of shot an outstanding procedural pitfalls. With the help of SASS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP match and took Top Lady Honors. Her times OF MOUNTED SHOOTING were slightly behind World Champions SASS Cowboy Chronicle Resurrected Through Smoke and Dust! William Bruce, By Cinnamon Lucy, SASS #14014 Expressman, and Outlaw Annie, but she shot nearly clean and In This Issue hoenix, AZ – The 2006 Range on March 9th and 10th. posted better scores. SASS National Champion- The Buffalo Range Riders Practice, focus, and P determination all played 32 CONFESSIONS ship of Mounted Shooting was Mounted Club from Founders OF A AT AZI a role … at the same H N held at Ben Avery Shooting (Continued on page 78) time … Congratulations! by Bob Boze Bell 62 CIMMARON’S ’66 WINCHESTER by Tuolumne Lawman 68 MARLIN .32 H&R MAGNUM C h C by Capt. George Baylor r o 74 1ST GOLD COAST o w GUNFIGHT n b by L. Topay i o c 23255 La Palma Avenue y APPALACHIAN 76 l Yorba Linda, California 92887 SHOWDOWN XIV e by Hardrock Hiram

May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 5 The Cowboy CCONTENTSONTENTS Chronicle

1 ON THE COVER Wild West Mercantile Winter Range’06 . . Mounted Winter Range’06

6 FROM THE EDITOR Smart Stage Design Is Critical For SASS . . . Editorial Staff 8-20 NEWS Waddies Needed 25th END of TRAIL ’06 . . . & Garrulous Women . . . Tex Editor-in-Chief 16 CAT’S CORNER END of TRAIL’S Silver Anniversary Of Costuming . . . Cat Ballou Editor What’s Goin’ On . . . Chiz 18 CHIZ BIZ Managing Editor Advertising Director 22-25 LETTERS Comments From SASS Members . . . Adobe Illustrator Layout & Design 26 POLITICAL Duty, Honor, Country: A Memorial Day Tribute . . . Mac Daddy Graphic Design 30-39 ARTICLES Confessions Of A Hat Nazi . . . German TV-Channel Goes Western . . . Donna Oakley Advertising Administrator 42-51 GUNS & GEAR Posse Leaders Need Help . . . Staging The Long Gun . . . Contributing Writers Bob Boze Bell, Capt. George Baylor, Cinnamon Lucy, Col. Dan, 52-61 MOUNTED Buffalo Range Riders . . . Mounted Shooting Goes To The Science Fair Cree Vicar Dave, Ellsworth T. Kincaid, Grizzly Adams, Holy Terror, Ima Darlin’, Beyond The Rio Grande . . . Gun Digest 2006 . . . Ioway, Joe Fasthorse Harrill, 58, 59 REVIEWS-BOOKS Juaquin Malone, Madd Mike, Mr. Quigley, Nubbins Colt, 62, 68 REVIEWS-PRODUCTS Cimarron Brings Back Early West (Part 3) ... Purdy Gear, Quick Cal, Swift Montana Smith, Tuolumne Lawman 64 HISTORY This Month In History . . . Little Known Famous People . . . The Cowboy Chronicle is published by The Wild Bunch, Board of Directors of The Single Action Shooting 65 PROFILES Future Cowgirl . . . Future Cowboy . . . Society. For advertising information and rates, administrative and editorial 70-80 What’s Goin’ On In Your Town? . . . offices contact: ON THE RANGE Chronicle Administrator 23255 La Palma Avenue 84, 86 TRAIL MARKERS Yorba Linda, California 92887 714-694-1800 FAX: 714-694-1813 90-96 MERCANTILE Nice SASS Collectibles . . . email: [email protected] The Cowboy Chronicle (ISSN 15399877) 97- CLASSIFIED is published Monthly by the Single Action Shooting Society, 23255 La Palma SHOOTING SCHEDULES (MONTHLY)-(ANNUAL) Avenue, Yorba Linda, California 92887. 101- Periodicals Postage is Paid at ANAHEIM, CA and additional mailing offices (USPS 105 ADVERTISERS INDEX #020-591). POSTMASTER: Send ad- dress changes to The Cowboy Chronicle, 23255 La Palma Avenue, Yorba Linda, 106 TERRITORIAL GOVERNORS LIST California 92887. DISCLAIMER - The Single Action Shooting Society does not guarantee, 107 SASS MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION warranty or endorse any product or service advertised in this newspaper. SASS Clubs Administrator, The publisher also does not guarantee Aim Me Home, participates in SASS® Trademarks the safety or effectiveness of any prod- her first Cowboy Action SASS®, Single Action Shooting Society®, uct or service illustrated. The distribution of some products/services may be ille- ® ® Shooting™ match under the END of TRAIL , EOT , gal in some areas, and we do not watchful eyes of Tex and all the The Cowboy ChronicleTM, assume responsibility thereof. State and other members of the posse! As COWBOY ACTION SHOOTINGTM, local laws must be investigated by the is so often the case, new shooters purchaser prior to purchase or use or CASTM, receive lots of attention and products/services. more helpful coaching than they The World Championship of Cowboy Action ShootingTM, WARNING: Neither the author nor The can absorb in a single session. Cowboy Chronicle can accept any Aim Me Home learned there’s Bow-legged Cowboy Design, and the responsibility for accidents or diffe- much more to Cowboy Action Rocking Horse Design ring results obtained using reloading Shooting™ than simply pointing are all trademarks of data. Variation in handloading tech- a gun down range … and the The Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. niques, components, and firearms shotgun can be a brutal will make results vary. Have a compe- Any use or reproduction of these marks tent gunsmith check your firearms companion until one learns without the express written permission before firing. to curb its hurtful ways! of SASS is strictly prohibited. Page 6 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

SMART STAGE DESIGN IS CRITICAL FOR SASS By Tex, SASS #4 as necessary. Not surprisingly, a com- a little, spread out, and innovative This same Smart Stage Design petitor with a Henry rifle was the target sequences invoked, tuned would also have short circuited winner. The next year there were guns can compete successfully another hot topic … do we need rules several Henry rifles in evidence. The with tricked out firearms. It’s both that state “no more than two shot- Wild Bunch quickly realized their legal and OK to modify one’s gun rounds in hand at one time?” stage design had shaped the way firearms within the restrictions There is very little sentiment for a Tex, SASS #4 competitors planned and practiced defined by the Covenants, but these rule like this, and in consequence, ~SASS Hall of Fame Inductee~ for the next match. Stage design had changes should be largely unneces- the 20 gauge Model ‘97 is now disal- influenced the shooter’s ideas of com- sary to be competitive. That’s what lowed to prevent talented shooters ast month this column petitiveness and defined what was SASS wants, and it can be achieved from palming half a dozen rounds at dealt with target size and required to “win.” through Smart Stage Design. once. If our stages never presented L placement and introduced The significance of this was not There has been considerable dis- more than two shotgun targets in a the notion of Smart Stage Design. lost on the Wild Bunch. They realized cussion lately regarding basic single sequence, the 20 gauge In simple terms, Smart Stage stage design was a powerful influence inequities between the more modern Winchester Model ‘97 would likely Design is stage design with an atti- on the game and could be used to Model ’97 shotgun and the classic still be legal today. tude … stage design with an objec- shape Cowboy Action Shooting™ Side by Sides. The initial load two Another topic that was tabled tive in mind. without the need for new rules, shoot two “rule” originated from an during the last Summit was, once At the very first END of TRAIL, a covenants, or restrictions. effort to keep the two shotguns on again, do we need power factors in stage was designed where there were We saw in last month’s column more or less an even keel. Had Smart Cowboy Action Shooting™. The fifty bowling pins, a sixty second “par how clustering very large targets up Stage Design been used early on question arises because we are time,” and your match guns were close and allowing multiple hits on a where no more than two shotgun tar- shooting virtually 100% “dingers” loaded to the max. The objective was single target led directly to the “race gets were ever presented in a single with rifles and . Even to get the most pins down anyway gun” mentality we see today. If the sequence, the rule would never have major gun magazines are starting to you could in the par time … reloading targets are a bit smaller, moved back needed to be established. (Continued on page 28)

Page 8 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

WADDIES NEEDED FOR THE 25TH END of TRAIL, 2006 By Drago, SASS Regulator #2995, and Travis, SASS Regulator #5057

ast year approximately 90 cattle companies of the era, END of and … it was great! Count me in for are interested in being a BIG part LWaddies signed up just to par- TRAIL depends on its Waddies to next year’s END of TRAIL!” of its success, visit the SASS ticipate in making End of Trail get the work done. Parking lot duty We are receiving sign-ups daily Website, END of TRAIL 2006, 2005 a huge success. Waddies are can be as dusty and dirty as riding for END of TRAIL 2006 and only a Waddie application to sign up ‘ON more than just the volunteer hands. drag on a trail drive and every bit few more will be accepted. If you LINE,’ and we’ll see you there! They have become a family, many as exciting with a few “stray cars” to returning for more than 10 years. round up. Working the arena was e e They have become the backbone of just as exhilarating and perilous as the majority of the set-up and labor it was working the original Buffalo HOW TO CONTACT THE for the event, some working as Bill Wild West Show, with all the “LADY ENGRAVER” – ASPEN FILLY many as 10, 12, even a couple of 16 Waddies doing an excellent job. hour days. Just like 100 years ago, Waddies oly Terror wrote a recent col- Lady Engraver, Aspen Filly, here’s In the 1800’s Waddies spent the come from all walks of life and all Humn on the Lady Engraver, the information: Aspen Filly’s majority of the time outdoors. They areas of the country. END of TRAIL Aspen Filly, SASS #50535. Merchandise (A SASS Affiliated were subject to scorching heat, Waddies use their experience and However, contact information for Store), 5573 Gray Street, Arvada, choking dust and dirt, torrential wits from their “career” jobs to get Aspen Filly was not provided. If CO 80002. Telephone 303-434- rains, and freezing cold weather. the job done at the event. Thanks you are interested in contacting the 1204. For long periods of time, their wide- to their expertise and cooperation, brimmed hat, duster, or slicker was Waddies make things run smooth. their only shelter. They worked Last year we saw about 40 first- long, hard hours for little pay doing time Waddies. Most described their VISIT THE SASS WEB SITE AT whatever was necessary. experience as, “It was freezing cold, WWW.SASSNET.COM Just like the large ranches and wet, long days; it was hard work,

Page 10 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

BROWNELLS® INTRODUCES e e NEW MARLIN LEVER ACTION 113th National NSSA SPRING KIT FOR COWBOY Scheduled for May ACTION SHOOTING™ rownells®, the world’s leading sup- actions, including 39A, .444, ‘94, ‘95, Bplier of factory gun parts, gun- and 336 series. smithing tools, and accessories, has A new addition to Brownells introduced a new spring kit designed Catalog #58, the new Lever Action to give Marlin lever action shooters an Spring Kit (Stock #080-000-192) is edge in Cowboy Action competition. priced at $15.97, and features the company’s exclusive 100-percent sat- Both components in the new kit— a hammer spring and a lever latch isfaction guarantee. For more infor- spring—have been specially devel- mation about Marlin lever action spring kits from Brownells, call 800- oped to require less overall effort to 741-0015, or visit http://www. operate. In contrast to heavier, facto- ry-installed springs, the springs in the Brownells is the world's largest Brownells kit combine to provide a supplier of factory gun parts, gun- light, crisp trigger pull while reducing A rifleman from the 1st U. S. Sharpshooters takes careful aim smithing tools, equipment, and latch pressure and friction. As a with his Model 1855 rifle during the musket matches firearms accessories. Since 1939, at the North-South Skirmish Association’s 112th National Competition result, installation of the new Brownells has been serving gun- held last October. The 113th National will be held May 19-21, 2006 reduced-power springs can contribute smiths and firearms enthusiasts with at the Association’s home range, Fort Shenandoah, to decreased cycle times and increased the products they need to repair, pro- near Winchester, Virginia. firepower for Cowboy Action Shooters. tect, and accessorize their firearms. For more information, visit Springs in the new Brownells kit are Today, the company stocks more than manufactured to precise factory 32,000 items, and its long-familiar being uniquely Brownells. Products For more information, call 800-741- dimensions and can easily be retrofit- horizontal-format catalog is known to can be ordered by toll free phone, fax 0015, Dept. #PCH, or visit http://www. ted on all popular Marlin lever shooters and gunsmiths worldwide as or through the company's Website. Your Source for Cowboy Action Parts Numrich Gun Parts Corporation is the world’s largest supplier of original and reproduction firearm parts and accessories. We carry over 650 million obsolete, antique and current parts, as well as military surplus and parts for foreign guns. We offer Single Action Army parts for Colt, Ruger, and Uberti, lever action parts for Marlin and Winchester, and pump shotgun parts for Mossberg, Remington, and Winchester. Our vast inventory ranges from barrels and stocks to triggers and high performance accessories.

WINCHESTER 1 1/4" STOCK SWIVEL SET WINCHESTER 97 TRENCH GUN BAYONET LUG & HEAT SHIELD MARLIN FLAT HAMMER SPRING Blued-steel replacement. Fits Blued-steel replica with Blued-steel models 52C, 69A, 75 and 12/97 authentic features including replacement. trench guns after serial #912,000 the 29-hole/6-row pattern for Manufactured to and serial #915,000 respectively. the handguard and the flush, original specifications. Fits early lever action rifles and ITEM#CC931850 $15.70 6-rivet mounting design. shotguns including models 1888, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, The unmarked bayonet lug 95, 97, 98, 39 and 39A. accepts our replica U.S. 1917 Bayonet and Scabbard, ITEM#812540, and includes ITEM#CC932510 $15.70 WINCHESTER 95 LEVER ACTION RIFLE FIRING PIN the front sling swivel, brass sight bead and attaching screws. Note: Fits solid frame Blued-steel replacement. and takedown models. Standard barrels and riot barrels will require locating notches ITEM#CC885090 $46.15 for the bayonet lug attachment screws. Takedown model applications will require WINCHESTER 1894 COWBOY RIFLEMAN LEVER the purchase of a magazine plug, ITEM#252150, and a magazine plug screw, Blued-steel ITEM#252160. MARLIN 336 COWBOY RIFLEMAN LEVER ITEM#CC813820 $99.95 construction. Fits straight grip Blued-steel construction. Fits the Pre-64 and Post-64 models. following pistol grip series rifles: WINCHESTER PRE-64 LEVER ACTION RIFLE MAGAZINE RINGS ITEM#CC319490 $56.25 336, 30GT, 444 & late model 1895. Finger lever plunger Quality blued-steel replacements. Rotary design. Note: Retaining pin assembly not included. Note: not included for standard model rings. WINCHESTER 97 12 GA. REPLACEMENT BARRELS Minor final fitting may be required. 1892/1894/1873/64 - Standard Ring - Large Caliber - .652" I.D. ITEM#CC883860 $77.15 ...... ITEM#CC316010-01 $20.95 1892/1873 - Standard Ring - Small Caliber - .528" I.D. WINCHESTER 12 12 GA. REPLACEMENT BARREL ...... ITEM#CC316010-02 $20.95 Quality blued-steel barrels with bead front sight and 1892/1894 - Takedown Ring - Large Caliber - .652" I.D...... ITEM#CC810860 $20.95 2 3/4" chamber. 1892 - Takedown Ring - Small Caliber - .528" I.D...... ITEM#CC810870 $22.05 30" Full Choke Barrel ...... ITEM#CC862670 $112.45 1886 - Standard Ring - All Calibers - .728" I.D...... ITEM#CC810880 $20.95 20" Cylinder Bore Riot Barrel ...... ITEM#CC233270 $112.45 Quality 30" blued-steel barrel with full choke, bead front sight 1886 - Takedown Ring - All Calibers - .728" I.D...... ITEM#CC810890 $20.95 and 2 3/4" chamber. 1876 - Standard Ring - All Calibers - .753" I.D...... ITEM#CC810900 $20.95 ITEM#CC279210 $112.45

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ITEM#CC-28 $14.95 Shipping and handling costs for parts orders additional. Call for details. Mail: 226 Williams Lane, P.O. Box 299, West Hurley, NY 12491 • Order Toll-Free: 866-686-7424 • Toll-Free Fax: 877- GUNPART • Web: May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 11 Page 12 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006


eade County, KS – At first the weekend in Meade County, eat- the participation of such Old West event will be the beginning of a Mglance the headline might ing with the town folk and leaving a notables as Bob Boze Bell of True whole new look for Dalton Days Wild appear as an invitation to disaster, mark on the territory. West Magazine, the Dalton Days West Fest in years to come. For more but Meade County is looking for- Marc Ferguson, manager at the Committee has no doubt the 2006 information call 620/873-2008. ward to playing host to Old West Dalton Gang Hideout and award characters, gunfighters, fast draw winning AFRG reenactor himself, types, and true to life cowboy camps says he is proud to welcome his com- June 3 & 4 during the annual padres to Meade County, Kansas. Dalton Days Wild West Fest. “I can’t wait to have southwest Dalton Gang Hideout, already a Kansas get a peek at what an event of noted historic site, will look as if the this nature is like. And for a $5 clock had turned back 125 years to the admission button, it will be the cheap- days of cattle drives, buffalo hunting, est two days of family fun you ever pioneer bravery, and outlaw exploits had. From the early morning smells as members of the of coffee on the fire and a chuckwagon Reenactors Guild (AFRG) hold their breakfast, on through the all-day first annual Midwest Regional Living competitions, into the Saturday History Competitions. evening parade and back again on AFRG has members from Sunday for more food, a little word Arizona, Arkansas, California, from the gospel, and lots more compe- Colorado, Florida, Kansas, New titions … need I say more?” Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Da- With the presence of this dedi- kota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, cated group of reenactors, the heavy and Wisconsin. They will be staying lineup of historians as judges, and WILDWILD WESTWEST MERCANTILEMERCANTILETM Tom "C.S. Fly" and Claudia "Feather" Ingoglia - Proprietors LARGEST OLD WEST STORE AND ONLINE CATALOG Goods Bargain Corral Don't Miss Our Bargain Corral New Items Men's Clothing Hundreds of items updated weekly! Men's Big & Tall Women's Clothing Formalwear Scully Leatherwear Classic Undergarments Hats Boots Accessories LARGE Jewelry Gun Leather SELECTION Leather Accessories IN-STOCK Spurs & Spur Straps Patterns Ready to Ship! Old West Replicas Books, Music, & Videos Gift & Novelty Items Gift Certificates Frontier Gallery BIGGEST SELECTION BEST SERVICE LARGEST INVENTORY

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SILVER SCREEN LEGEND IX A Tribute to Two Western Heroes An Opportunity Drawing Benefiting Abused Children

pple Valley, CA – Two of engraved Colt Single Action Army AAmerica’s most beloved fictional comes in a sterling silver Western heroes—Hopalong Cassidy mirror finish with a unique serial and The Lone Ranger—are the inspi- number—H2006T—for Happy Trails ration for a $20,000 gun and gor- and the year this gun will be present- geous hand carved and sterling silver ed to the lucky winner. mounted Hollywood style holster rig The gun belt and holster authen- billed as the “Silver Screen Legend tically replicate the outfit worn by IX.” This magnificent outfit will be Clayton Moore who played The Lone given away in a charity opportunity Ranger in the TV series and two big drawing that culminates December screen feature films. Moore actually 17, 2006. The tickets now on sale had some input on the design of the benefit the Cooper Home for abused outfit originally created by the Bohlin children, a project of the Happy Company of Hollywood. The all black Trails Children’s Foundation, Apple rig features a hand-sewn, fully-lined Valley, CA. The foundation was a and completely carved belt, holster, favorite charity of Roy Rogers and and billet, complemented by authen- Dale Evans. ivory handled 5 1/2” barrel Colt 45’s. Company of Hartford, CT, features tic reproductions of the original ster- Throughout his career, which Interestingly enough, his two the exact engraving pattern that ling silver “raspberry” and California included 66 feature films for revolvers had slightly different appears on one of Hoppy’s pistols and poppy spots, conchas, and authentic Paramount Pictures, Hopalong engraving designs. The “Silver is adorned with hand-carved, legal, sterling silver buckle sets just like Cassidy, played by actor William Screen Legend IX” revolver created pre-ban elephant ivory grips like his. the ones The Lone Ranger used. Boyd, carried two fully engraved and donated by Colt’s Manufacturing And just like the star’s, this fully- (Continued on page 28)

Page 16 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006


given before the Don Edwards/Waddie Mitchell concert scheduled for 7:00 PM. Get those smiley shirts and rhinestones ready! Shooting Costumes: Shooting Costumes, Best Dressed Conven- Cat Ballou, SASS #55 tioneers, Best Dressed Waddies, and Best Guncart will be judged over his year celebrates the 25th two days, Friday, June 23rd and Anniversary of END of TRAIL Saturday, June 24th, from 2:00-4:00 T and 25 years of costuming. PM at the Belle Union Saloon. No pre- We’ve come a long, long way from registration is required, but you MUST those early days of trying to put “out- come to the Belle Union to be judged fits” together to reflect our Old West during those times. All of these awards heritage. If you are planning to enter will be given at the Sunday Awards any of the costume contests at END of Ceremony. Shooting costume awards TRAIL ’06, here’s some information will be from 1st to 3rd place for men, you need in order to participate. women, junior boys, and junior girls. Silver Anniversary Costume Best Dressed Conventioneers will be a Category: There will be a special 1st place award only for man, woman, Silver Anniversary Costume category junior boy, and junior girl. Best Some costumes from a very early END of TRAIL, circa 1983 or in the Saturday night Best Dressed Waddies will be 1st place only for male 1984. Cowboy second from left is Judge Roy Bean, SASS #1, and Costume Contest open to all costume and female, and as a waddie, you need Cowgirl is Pecos Pullet, SASS #494. entrants. Costumes should reflect the to take a break from your duties to “silver” theme and awards will be come and be judged. Best Guncart – Mounted Shooting Costume time to dress in your finest and partic- given from 1st to 3rd place. bring your guncart to the Belle Union Contest: The Mounted Shooting ipate in the Best Dressed Costume Soiled Doves: You don’t need to for judging. Awards for Best Guncart Costume Contest will be held in the Contest. You MUST pre-register for pre-register to enter, but you MUST be will be from 1st to 3rd place. main arena from 3:00-4:30 PM on this event. All entries should be sub- a SASS member. Costumes should be Best Dressed Sutler/Best Saturday. Entry forms must be mitted by noon Saturday at a desig- “era-appropriate, reflecting the spirit Sutler Display: Sutlers are not received by Wildcat Kate by Noon on nated box in the SASS Compound. of the “Cheyenne Social Club.” There expected to leave their booths to par- Thursday, June 22nd. You do not have Judging will take place from 5:30-7:00 will be a panel of judges and judging ticipate in a costume contest. to be a Mounted Shooting competitor PM in the Belle Union Saloon. Best will occur Thursday evening June However, we want to recognize the to enter this contest, but you must be Dressed categories are Male, Female, 22nd from 8:30-9:30 PM in the Belle Best Dressed Male and Female Sutler mounted or in a cart pulled by an Couple, Military, Junior Boy, Junior Union Saloon. and Best Sutler Display. Our judges equine partner. Your equine partner Girl, and Silver Anniversary. At 9:00 B-Western: This contest will be will be “roaming” Sutlers’ Row taking is also judged for appropriate tack PM, there will be a promenade around held Friday, June 23rd, from 5:30-6:30 photos during the event. These and detail. the dance floor in Founder’s Hall and PM. Costume awards from 1st to 3rd awards will be presented on Sunday at Best Dressed Costume Con- contest winners in 1st through 3rd place for cowboys and cowgirls will be the Awards Ceremony. test: Saturday night, June 24th is the (Continued on page 29)

Some fantastic costumes from END of TRAIL 2005 – we’ve come a long way since the early END of TRAIL days!

Page 18 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006 q q

Chiz, SASS #392 SASS Marketing Director These two multi-user buildings are the first of the Founders Ranch western town. It’s exciting to finally see the beginnings of the long-range plan coming into focus!

here has been quite a bit of progress at Founders south platform. The buildings are designed improvements include new stalls at the Ranch in the past few months. Most notably are to full size standards ideal for Western movie arena, a new bridge connecting town center T the first two Sutler buildings that are well into making and will be completed by END of to a service road, and a variety of new ranch construction. The 80-foot platforms are the beginning of TRAIL. In addition to the two Sutler plat- signage. A big “thank you” goes out to our the Founders Ranch Western Town. Each platform or forms, a 70’ by 80’ steel building set center sponsors, to Crazy Kurt for taking on the town block contains individual 20’ x 16’ Sutler buildings range will serve as a permanent venue for all lead contractor role for the project, and to all with front and rear covered boardwalks. The buildings future Founders Ranch Events. Although the volunteers contributing heavily to are sponsored by a variety of merchants and manufac- the building will only be a roof covering with Founders Ranch development for the benefit turers and are being built by volunteers. Tonto Rim no walls for END of TRAIL, it will eventual- of SASS Membership at large. Trading Company, SASS, and Taylors & Company will ly be sided with false fronts and replaces the Also new at the ranch is the addition of occupy the north platform, while Cimarron, Texas Jacks, tented Tijeras Corral, which is used for meet- two new family members. We all heard of Brownells, and Sturm Ruger & Company will occupy the ings, dining, and entertainment. Other (Continued on next page) May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 19 (Continued from previous page)

Bevo managed to leave a legacy … currently known as “Little Bevo.” His older sister has the dad’s markings, but Little Bevo favors his mom. Bevo always more than held his own against the buffalo, and Little Bevo will likely do the same!

Bevo’s sad passing, the stately on by enthusiastic media coverage Longhorn bull who died earlier this and community involvement. The year. Well his mate, Daisy, gave New Mexico Visitors Bureau has birth to not one but two calves, one already named END of TRAIL as of which has been confirmed to be a one of the top five events in the little bull! With the grass greening state, and we have been working up and the new features at the closely with the Albuquerque, ranch, END of TRAIL visitors are in Edgewood, and Moriarty Chambers for quite an exciting experience. of Commerce, who are heavily pro- END of TRAIL ‘06 has turned moting our event statewide. out to be the largest ever. With the For those who cannot make END main weekend being sold out, we of TRAIL this year, don’t miss the have opened a second weekend for opportunity to enjoy the improve- all those who want to shoot this 25th ments at Founders Ranch by signing Anniversary World Championship. up for the new SASS Southwest We’ve planned additional events and Territories Regional to be held Labor entertainment and are expecting a Day Weekend, August 31 – Septem- large turnout of the public, spurred ber 3. See you at the Ranch! Page 20 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

SASS MEMBER RECEIVES e e TEACHER OF THE YEAR AUSTRALIAN SADDLE AWARD! COMPANY INTRODUCES By Palaver Pete, Life/Regulator #4375 NEW HALTER BRIDLE e have much to be proud of in he traditional Australian halter bridle WCowboy Action Shooting™. Thas found a new home with American Many of our SASS members serve trail riders. Shown here is a version devel- our country in various branches of oped by The Australian Stock Saddle the military, and others serve our Company of Malibu, California. communities and our families The equipment functions as a bridle, through education, physical and with the bit connecting either a strap, or a mental health, and public safety. We snap. With the bit and connected reins have members who serve in law dropped out, it also functions as a halter, enforcement, emergency medical with a lead line attached to a ring under response and fire fighting, and those the noseband. who serve our families by educating There is COB size for smaller horses, our children and loved ones. These In today’s hectic world, it’s not easy such as Arabians; FULL for standard-size varied careers demonstrate to us for working fathers to find the time horses, such as Quarter Horses or once again just how diverse SASS to serve their communities, Thoroughbreds, and X-FULL for Drafts or membership is. Occasionally, when support athletic events for Draft crosses. space permits, we recognize some of their children, and still win honors The cost is $89 for Standard Leather, or and recognition at work. Irish Jack $159 for Grade A leather. our members through articles in The Riley is one of those fathers who Cowboy Chronicle, but to recognize all simply made the time to help others For more information, call or write: The Australian Stock Saddle deserving shooter/members would be and still get to a Cowboy Action Company, PO Box 987, Malibu, CA, 90265. Telephone (818) 889-6988: Fax impossible. Suffice it to say, “we Shooting™ match occasionally. (818) 889-7271. Email [email protected] or web at (Continued on next page) Thanks Brian for all you do!

SASS MEMBER RECEIVES TEACHER OF THE YEAR AWARD! . . . (Continued from previous page) selected “Teacher of the Year” for the know you are out there, and we are Vacaville, California High School and very proud to be part of your lives. School District for 2005. But the hon- Keep up the good work!” ors he received do not end in One such individual is Brian Riley, Vacaville. As a history teacher, he Irish Jack Riley, SASS #9238. Irish was selected to participate in a Jack serves our community and our University of California at Davis his- children by teaching. But his involve- tory project, and because of his con- ment with youth and education does tribution to that project, he was not end there. He also serves as both selected “Teacher of the Year” in that coach and referee for soccer and base- endeavor as well. His award for this ball events in the Davis, California accomplishment was his selection to area. Despite his every day teaching represent teachers from his area as a job and curricular activities, Irish delegate to Germany. While in Jack Riley finds time to shoot on Europe, he had the opportunity to weekends with the River City exchange ideas and teaching method- Regulators and other Cowboy Action ologies with many foreign teachers— Shooting™ clubs with which he is ideas that will help make American affiliated in the Sacramento area. He classrooms a better place for our is truly representative of today’s hard young people. Congratulations once working fathers, who must manage again to Irish Jack Riley—keep up every minute of their time. the good work, and while at it, dedi- In recognition of his hard work cate a little Irish jig to our military and volunteerism, Brian Riley was people wherever they are!

GIVE TO THE SASS SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION (A non-profit, tax-deductable charity) MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! Page 22 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

OUR HEROES 2. It was easier to draw from horse- a second one.” The inference is it only DQ, and offering to share the fun of back. takes “one” bullet to kill, and it really Cowboy Action Shooting™. WORE ONE GUN – Actually, the working cowboy was didn’t matter how many guns you I am only a member of SASS and WHY CAN’T WE? lucky to make $10 to $15 a month wore if bullet you shot didn’t kill your cannot speak for them on this issue. By Coop Trawlaine, SASS #63617 and found. Most could not afford adversary or he killed you. However, I am sure it would be more than one handgun. Besides, the Anyway, coming to the point worth the experiment for local clubs This is a topic that has come up long gun was a more functional regarding Cowboy Action Shooting™ to initiate a single pistol category frequently, that of wearing two single firearm for most cowboys. Many did- and SASS. There is the constant that shoots right along with every- action pistols. Looking back at our n’t even have a handgun, at all. talk on forums, in The Cowboy one else; just it would be scored as a Western Heroes of the Silver Screen, Another point to make note of is Chronicle, and just talk among the separate category from the standard we find a mix of the terrible gun- the fact many didn’t even use “gun shooters at local matches, how to two pistol shooting times and compe- slingers that wore two guns and leather;” they just slipped their bring new members into the fold. We tition. If this seems to work at the heroes that either wore one or two. handgun in the waistband of their are all aware of the costs involved in local level in enough venues, it may In pictures of some of the notorious trousers. Thanks to Hollywood and Cowboy Action Shooting™, and this create a track record that would pos- characters of the Old West, not too the “B” Westerns, we have become is a big consideration for anyone sibly cause SASS to revisit the origi- surprisingly we see the majority of accustomed to seeing cowboys of a interested in this activity/sport. Yes! nal single pistol category. them only wore one handgun. So the sort, running around wearing two We, for the most part, Cowboy-up Cowboy Action Shooting™ is question comes, “Why two guns?” The guns, two gunbelts cross-strapped, a and offer new shooters the use of a based on the idea of living the Cowboy average cowboy, if he carried a hand- right and a left, or in the Buscadero spare firearm, albeit a second hand- Way and gathering of our Pards and gun at all, usually only carried one, type holster setup. Of course there gun, rifle, or shotgun. Many of us Pard’ettes for a fun few hours a and that was worn cross draw. The were the heroes, like Roy Rogers, have been on the receiving end of month, letting us escape to the past in reason for wearing a handgun cross Wild Bill Elliot, Hopalong Cassidy, this highly unusual courtesy. American History and our childhood draw was based on a solid foundation. and a number of others that wore two However, the facts are the new Pard away from life’s everyday stresses. 1. Many of these men had big ole guns. But mostly heroes wore only still has some embarrassment at (SASS has never had a “one handgun Hawglegs, seven or eight inch one gun (e.g., John Wayne, Garry having to ask or to borrow someone category.” In the beginning all stages barrels or maybe a horse pistol Cooper, and an equal number of oth- else’s firearm. I have done it early simply required only a single hand- like the Colt . Wearing ers). There was a line in one movie on in my SASS membership, and gun. It wasn’t until enough cowboys these long pistols waist high was where the older gunman was teach- both times I was very grateful to pressed for “more shooting” that ten not reasonable in a strong side ing the younger and the question of those cowboys that lent me their revolver rounds became the norm and holster; the cross draw afforded why only one gun was asked. That guns, but at the same time, nervous reloading a handgun under the clock the additional range of motion answer was this line, “If you don’t get and less than totally comfortable. At became way too time consuming. In needed to draw the firearm. it done with one gun, you won’t need one point, I had only one operational fact, there is nothing in the Handbook single action pistol, as I had already that suggests any of the categories are gotten a rifle and shotgun. Now, if “two gun” categories, except perhaps we had a category for the single pis- for . Any match director at tol shooter, much of this angst would any match may design stages that be history. I say angst because I am require only a single handgun. Some sure the owner of the borrowed pis- match directors design stages that tol has that normal human moment require only one handgun to ever of wondering if they would see the come from leather, the other is always gun again. Don’t misunderstand! I a staged handgun (and could even be am not intimating the cowboys and a club “loaner” handgun that stays on cowgirls are less than honest. I was the stage). There is also no reason a just saying there is a natural emo- match director cannot experiment tional stress for either party to such with a “one handgun” category … a situation. There are other Cowboy there is also nothing in the Handbook Action Shooting™ venues that that demands all stages be shot the already have a single pistol category, same way be everyone … Ladies, i.e., Working Cowboy, Sodbuster, and Seniors, Juniors, and One Gunners also from some of the earliest mem- can all have separate instructions for bers of SASS, I got the impression shooting each stage (it just takes a lit- there was a single pistol class at or tle more thought on the part of the near the inception of SASS. match designer to get everything writ- So, since most of the people who ten down). In fact, it’s also quite like- show interest in Cowboy Action ly any club would allow a “one gun- Shooting™ come from other shooting ner” to simply shoot the first five sports, they already have either a revolver targets and take the misses rifle or shotgun that would be on the rest with a “no harm no foul” acceptable to SASS or both, but just call. The biggest issue that seems to recently acquired a single action pis- cause the most stumbling blocks is the tol (one only). If SASS still had a notion someone must “win the match.” single pistol category, we would be To have a match winner, everyone able to invite more new members. must shoot the match the same way, There are also the positive side even though the whole notion of effects of shorter time on the stages, “match winner” is flawed … none of less pressure when trying to shoot the categories are equal anyway … so through the target patterns, the only category winners should be rec- extra loaded gun handling, less ognized. For those clubs that wish to opportunity to miss the holster and accommodate “one gunners,” there’s drop a handgun garnering a Match no reason you can’t … editor.) May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 23 Page 24 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

STAND AND expression for stage robbers was THERE ARE JUST wonderful ROs and Cowboy Action “Stand and Deliver!” Such a com- Shooters, I am really enjoying each DELIVER mand was to get the driver to SOME PEOPLE … match now and improve every time I When I joined the Single Action stand, remove the strong box from Who make all the shoot, thanks to their help. Shooting Society I had to pick an under his feet, and deliver it to the Difference in the At the end of the day, it doesn’t alias. Well, I had no difficulty in outlaws. really matter how you shot the accepting that challenge. You see, It is important for us to “Stand World match or what task you performed, as a pastor of a Baptist church, I’ve and Deliver!” We should take a At our first shoot in December all anybody ever remembers is how been called doctor, brother, preach- stand for what we believe. What 2004, our Range Officer was people treated you along the way. I er, and many other names I can’t about our faith, our morality, our Quicksdraw Connie, member of the started to list all the Cowboy Action mention here. However, since I integrity, and our behavior? Hatbill Gang in Titusville, Florida. Shooters that have made a positive was born in Rockwood, Tennessee Someone has said, “If you don’t As I’m sure with many first time difference for me this last year, but (near Knoxville), one of the men in stand for something, you will fall shooters, my knees were shaking, the list became too long for this pub- our posse suggested the name, for anything.” I’m not trying to be and I know I wasn’t breathing! lication. But for Quicksdraw Connie, “Rockwood Ranger.” What alias do critical, but as an old cowboy Connie was very calm with me and Bad Hombre, Night Train Kate, and you use? Does it associate you would say, “I think you catch my talked me through the entire stage, Turkey Creek Red, a special “thank with your work or profession like drift.” even when I didn’t hold or shoot the you” for being special ROs and really the old rhyme, “doctor, lawyer, mer- After we take a stand, we need rifle correctly, or when I heard some- good people. And for my best friend, chant, chief ...?” Or did you pick a to deliver. Delivery means we need one behind me ask my husband, “has Dangerous Dan Del Rio, who has put name from history or from a west- to produce or do something. It she ever shot a shotgun before?” up with me through three sets of pis- ern movie? means living a life characterized Connie hung in there with me. At tols, two rifles, and three shotguns, a Shakespeare once asked, by faith, integrity, hope, and love. the end of the first match I didn’t do really big thank you! “What’s in a name? A rose by any Yes, our name does make a dif- so well, but not according to Connie. Aggravatin’ Annie, other name would smell as sweet.” ference. Especially if our name And just about one year later SASS #60316 So, what is in a name? Everything, carries the reputation of a straight Connie was our RO again at a shoot Titusville, FL if it’s a good name. shooter. The world around us will in Port Malabar, Florida. I was five In so many of the old western be a better place, not because stages into a first possibly clean movies, those outlaws who robbed everyone claims to be good, but by match, and then had a meltdown in VISIT THE SASS stage coaches would yell, “This is a the good everyone delivers. the last stage. I know Connie want- holdup. Throw down the strong- The Rockwood Ranger, ed me to do well, as she does with all WEB SITE AT box!” However, Western historians SASS #28480 the participants. Because of her and write that the most common Nashville, TN her partner, Bad Hombre, and all the WWW.SASSNET.COM May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 25

VISIT THE ROYAL FINE ‘ESPRIT-DE GUNPOWDER MILLS CORPS’ IN THE UK I just joined SASS as Devil Box Through The Cowboy Chronicle, Johnny, and on Saturday I went to may I enter a plea for any Cowboys my first match. The gentleman who coming to the UK this year to visit a encouraged me to join SASS is Bluff, little known historical site in my SASS #28259, also from Georgia. He home town of Waltham Abbey, not far talked me through the event, lent me outside London? The Royal his guns, gave me some ammo, and Gunpowder Mills date back before was really encouraging! As you can Henry VIII and is a 170 acres of his- imagine, showing up as a newbie can tory and wildlife. The first gunpow- be intimidating, but with members der carried by the Pilgrim Fathers like Bluff it must be reassuring to almost certainly came from there. SASS to know they have members The site depends almost 100% on that are really walking the walk! I financing from admission fees. I am really grateful to him and SASS work there as a volunteer, so am for this great opportunity! aware of the struggle. Full informa- Devil Box Johnny, tion is on their website . Nobody will Locust Grove, GA be disappointed by visiting, and I am prepared to meet anyone there. English Russ, SASS #63610 / Waltham Abbey, Essex

For AD Rates ~ DONNA ~ (EXT. 118) Page 26 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006


well that path may not lead them MacArthur, and he did so in a mag- ters, but also as one of the most home again? nificent speech given at West Point stainless. His name and fame are After living with such great in May 1962—his last address to the the birthright of every American cit- Americans for the better part a life- Corps of future Army leaders. What izen. In his youth and strength, his time, one realizes this knowledge of better Memorial Day tribute then love and loyalty, he gave all that the individual soldier is not the than to read an excerpt from one of mortality can give. result of an instant epiphany—it the best descriptions of the He needs no eulogy from me or evolves over time and elicits as many American soldier and his service from any other man. He has written Colonel Dan, varied emotions as there are those ever given by one of the best his own history and written it in red SASS Life #24025 who wear the uniform. Although American soldiers who ever served. on his enemy’s breast. But when I heartfelt, to adequately describe ——————————— think of his patience under adversi- merica’s annual tribute rightful- what that heart feels about these “… And what sort of soldiers are ty, of his courage under fire, and of Aly honors the sacrifice of the exceptional human beings is oft those you are to lead? Are they reli- his modesty in victory, I am filled multitude that gave their lives in times difficult to articulate in a way able? Are they brave? Are they with an emotion of admiration I can- unconstrained service to our country, that does laudable justice to those capable of victory? Their story is not put into words. He belongs to at the request of and for their fellow most deserving. known to all of you. It is the story of history as furnishing one of the countrymen. The sacrifice of those There was one old soldier, howev- the American man-at-arms. My esti- greatest examples of successful who went before and died for those er, that described this kind of mate of him was formed on the bat- patriotism. He belongs to posterity who would come after should never American about as well as any I’ve tlefield many, many years ago, and as the instructor of future genera- be forgotten. But at the individual ever heard—one who not only inter- has never changed. I regarded him tions in the principles of liberty and level, what kind of American is it nalized that realization, but one who then as I regard him now—as one of freedom. He belongs to the present, that willingly follows such a patriot- earned the credentials to articulate the world’s noblest figures, not only to us, by his virtues and by his ic path of selfless service knowing it. That man was General Douglas as one of the finest military charac- (Continued on next page)

Mask Side kick White Horse Shoot Silver Bullets.

Silver is better! 1-800-811-0548 They’re extremely accurate with no leading. View the entire Laser-Cast line at May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 27

(Continued from previous page) murky foxholes, the stench of ghost- However horrible the incidents Corps, and The Corps, and The achievements. In 20 campaigns, on a ly trenches, the slime of dripping of war may be, the soldier who is Corps. hundred battlefields, around a thou- dugouts; those boiling suns of relent- called upon to offer and to give his I bid you farewell.” sand campfires, I have witnessed less heat, those torrential rains of life for his country is the noblest ~ General Douglas MacArthur ~ that enduring fortitude, that patriot- devastating storms; the loneliness development of mankind ….” 12 May 1962 West Point, NY ic self-abnegation, and that invinci- and utter desolation of jungle trails; “… This does not mean that you The view from the General’s sad- ble determination that have carved the bitterness of long separation are war mongers. dle… his statue in the hearts of his people. from those they loved and cherished; On the contrary, the soldier, I strongly urge you to listen to that From one end of the world to the the deadly pestilence of tropical dis- above all other people, prays for speech just as he gave it at American other he has drained deep the chal- ease; the horror of stricken areas of peace, for he must suffer and bear Rhetoric’s Online Speech Bank: ice of courage. war; their resolute and determined the deepest wounds and scars of war. As I listened to those songs [of defense, their swift and sure attack, But always in our ears ring the echbank.htm under “Speech Index,” go the glee club], in memory’s eye I their indomitable purpose, their ominous words of Plato, that wisest to “Get Speeches A-F” scroll down to could see those staggering columns complete and decisive victory— of all philosophers: ‘Only the dead Douglas MacArthur Duty, Honor, of the First World War, bending always victory. Always through the have seen the end of war.’ Country, pour yourself a drink, sit under soggy packs, on many a weary bloody haze of their last reverberat- The shadows are lengthening for back, and listen to history spoken from march from dripping dusk to driz- ing shot, the vision of gaunt, ghastly me. The twilight is here. My days of the heart of a venerable old soldier zling dawn, slogging ankle-deep men reverently following your pass- old have vanished, tone, and tint. about those he admired and was priv- through the mire of shell-shocked word of: Duty, Honor, Country. They have gone glimmering through ileged to lead throughout his most dis- roads, to form grimly for the attack, The code, which those words per- the dreams of things that were. tinguished life. blue-lipped, covered with sludge petuate, embraces the highest moral Their memory is one of wondrous Contact Colonel Dan at: and mud, chilled by the wind and laws and will stand the test of any beauty, watered by tears, and coaxed [email protected] rain, driving home to their objective, ethics or philosophies ever promul- and caressed by the smiles of yester- and for many, to the judgment seat gated for the uplift of mankind. Its day. I listen vainly, but with thirsty of God. requirements are for the things that ears, for the witching melody of faint I do not know the dignity of their are right, and its restraints are from bugles blowing reveille, of far drums birth, but I do know the glory of their the things that are wrong. beating the long roll. In my dreams VISIT THE death. The soldier, above all other men, I hear again the crash of guns, the They died unquestioning, uncom- is required to practice the greatest rattle of musketry, the strange, SASS plaining, with faith in their hearts, act of religious training—sacrifice. mournful mutter of the battlefield. and on their lips the hope that we In battle and in the face of dan- But in the evening of my memory, WEB SITE would go on to victory. ger and death, he discloses those always I come back to West Point. Always, for them: Duty, Honor, divine attributes, which his Maker Always there echoes and re-echoes: AT Country; always their blood and gave when he created man in his Duty, Honor, Country. sweat and tears, as we sought the own image. No physical courage and Today marks my final roll call WWW. way and the light and the truth. no brute instinct can take the place with you, but I want you to know SASSNET.COM And 20 years after, on the other of the Divine help, which alone can that when I cross the river my last side of the globe, again the filth of sustain him. conscious thoughts will be of The Page 28 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006 SMART STAGE DESIGN IS CRITICAL FOR SASS . . . (Continued from page 6) targets, what’s the point of having run articles explaining how to build knockdowns? Knockdown revolver “wimp” loads for Cowboy Action targets have always been specified as Shooting™ … “after all, all you need requiring a 158 gr. bullet traveling to do is ring the steel!” If you want to 850 fps to reliably knock over the tar- be competitive today, you must have get. .32 caliber handguns are perfect- very lightly loaded ammunition. If ly legal, but they may not be any more we want folks to use “honest” mid- competitive than the equally legal range ammunition, there are two “full house” 255 gr. .45 Long Colt fir- ways to accomplish it … have a new ing handguns. If match directors set of rules defining a series of power want to make allowances for factors—perhaps one for each cal- Buckaroos, Buckarettes, Senior iber, or use Smart Stage Design and Ladies, and Elder Statesmen, and invoke knockdown targets. simply give them credit for hits vs. Resetting rifle targets is doable, knockdowns, small or frail hands but is significantly more difficult to could still use the .32s in a competi- accomplish than resetable revolver tive way. Once again, Smart Stage SILVER SCREEN LEGEND IX . . . targets. And, keeping the revolver Design would ensure the use of hon- (Continued from page 14) Precision Pro Grips, Gibsonia, PA. knockdowns in calibration is an issue est, mid-range ammo by everyone … The original concept, overall David Warther II of Sugarcreek, OH … but one that can be resolved. Guns and would require no inspections or theme, coordination, design, and donated the pre-ban ivory for the of August own revolver knockdown testing by match officials. leatherwork were provided by Jim grips. Ron Love of Prescott, AZ targets that work really well. SASS and our match directors can Lockwood, Jr. of Legends in Leather, donated the prop cartridges There have also been a number of preserve the integrity of Cowboy Prescott, AZ. Tickets for this one-of-a-kind discussions regarding use of small Action Shooting™ either through the The winner will also receive an museum quality cowboy collectible framed and small caliber revolvers, use of oppressive and restrictive elaborate presentation case with are $10 each or 11 for $100. The such as the .32. If these firearms are rules, or through Smart Stage Design. hand-carved likenesses of the two drawing will be held December 17, to take down the knockdown revolver I vote for Smart Stage Design! Western stars, crafted by Ben Hansen 2006 in Victorville, California. You of Prescott, AZ. Conrad Anderson, need not be present to win. Order Rocktree Ranch Enterprises, tickets by phone (760) 240-3330 or GIVE TO THE Kingston, ID created the sterling sil- online Or send SASS SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION ver buckle sets, spots, and conchas. your check to: Happy Trails (A non-profit, tax-deductable charity) He also did the pistol engraving and Children’s Foundation, Silver Screen gun tuning. The carved ivory grips Legend IX, 10755 Apple Valley Road, MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! were hand crafted by Bob Leskovec, Apple Valley, CA 92308. May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 29

END of TRAIL’S SILVER ANNIVERSARY OF COSTUMING . . . (Continued from page 16) 62 participants began by wearing mod- Cochise Leather place will be presented immediately ern blue jeans and blue jean skirts, following the promenade. snap-button Western shirts, Buscadero Reproductions from the Frontier West Era For the very first time, you can pre- rigs, and straw cowboy hats. Now in register online at the END of TRAIL our 25th year, over a thousand partici- page on the SASS Website – www.sass- pants will be decked out in period Registration forms will also be authentic clothes, fabulous B-Western in the shooters, conventioneers, and attire, and spectacular ballgowns and waddies’ packets. frock coats. For me personally over the It doesn’t seem possible 25 years past two decades, it has been a thrill have passed since the birth of END of and a wonder watching costuming TRAIL in the idyllic oak covered hills blossom into such magnificence! See of Coto de Caza, California. The first you at END of TRAIL ’06. VISIT THE SASS WEB SITE AT WWW.SASSNET.COM

Quality Custom Leatherwork at Affordable Prices • Chaps/Chinks • Saddlebags • Ranger Belts • Cuffs • Spur Straps Cochise, AZ • (520) 826-1272 See these and MUCH MORE on our Website: Page 30 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

THE LAWMEN OF EL PASO Part 3 By Three Fingers Tequila, SASS #61260

ake Bass Outlaw. Known as the ed the Ranger’s speech by shooting severely crippling him. at the age of 40. He had read law TLittle Wolf, this pint-sized him at point-blank range, once over John Selman was a killer and while in “the joint” and hung out his Ranger sergeant was loved and the left ear, a second shot into the cattle thief who, having struggled shingle in the border Sodom. But feared by his friends. Sober, he unfortunate McKidrict’s back as he through brushes with the law and his main occupation was gambling composed himself as befitting his was falling. personal enemies for most of his and cooperation with the many bar- gentle upbringing. On the sauce, as Constable John Selman, a law- years, found himself in the tenders. He became involved with he frequently was, the little lawman man of questionable character, had September of his life in the El Paso the blonde mistress of a fugitive was contentious as only a confident spent the best part of the day trying of the 1890s. Elected constable in horse thief, Martin M’Rose. M’Rose, gunman trained to violence can be. to dampen Outlaw’s propensity 1892 of the wide-open border city, a rough cut sort, languished in Fired from the Rangers for toward violence. As McKidrict fell he found many chances for an Juarez, El Paso’s twin city, and sent drinking on duty, Outlaw stayed on to the ground, Selman saw his pla- extracurricular dollar and the occa- ample funds to provide for the in Alpine as Deputy U.S. Marshal. catory approach wasn’t working. sional need to reaffirm his position needs of his interest, as well as to A drinking spree led him on April 5, Sidling up behind a board fence, as a tough character by resorting to pay a retainer to Hardin for prepar- 1894, to Tille Howard’s ill-reputed Selman drew to fire on Outlaw, who a well-oiled sixgun. ing a legal defense that would per- house in El Paso, where he began to let go a blackpowder .45 round that Trouble had been brewing for mit his return to the States. give demonstrations of his own spe- sizzled by Selman’s ear, the burning quite a spell between the cane-car- Hardin’s infatuation with cial brand of Hell. Joe McKidrict, a powder cutting into his eyes. rying constable, still crippled by M’Rose’s woman caused him to rep- Texas Ranger, approached him in Blinded, Selman shot Outlaw Outlaw’s bullets, and the most resent his client’s interest with the Howard backyard, suggesting through the chest, piercing his left feared gunman ever to holster a something less than vigor. The the Little Wolf refrain from his exu- lung and right shoulder. The mor- Colt, John Wesley Hardin. lovesick M’Rose was finally lured to berant target practice while in the tally wounded killer fired two more Hardin, after serving 15 years the Texas side of the river and, in a downtown area. Outlaw interrupt- shots into Selman’s right leg, at Huntsville, had come to El Paso (Continued on page 40) May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 31

[email protected] Page 32 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006


Bob Boze Bell is the executive editor of True West magazine and the author of six illustrated books about the Old West. He writes a daily blog at /

Page 34 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

GERMAN TV-CHANNEL GOES WESTERN By Santa Klaus, SASS #28780 Life, TG Germany

ould you be astonished to all what might be needed. A few days Wof a sudden receive a phone and many telephone calls later, call from a TV-channel with the everything was fixed, and we were plan for a documentary about the ready to start. myth of Hollywood Western movies? October 10th the crew flew to They found out about us by looking Arizona, and I followed October at the website www.western- 13th, arriving in Phoenix after a 25- and hoped I could help hour journey. Thank God the car them with the project. rental had a 4WD Pick Up waiting After a few long and detailed for me because on the next day we phone calls, we first decided to start made a trip into the desert to look the project here in Germany. We for a suitable ghost town. met at an indoor shooting range in In vain! The town I investigat- Bavaria, but the light conditions, ed through the Internet was inhab- the limited room, and the obstacles ited again! Okay, another 100 miles in the German firearms laws led us back to the Rio Salado Shooting quickly to a new idea. Range. Fortunately, the film crew The chief of the film team, found a nice location inside the Christian Schene, thought about incredibly large area of the range. the problem and came up with the The next day at around 100° F in suggestion of moving the project to the shadows, which were nowhere to a more correct background— be found, we started the time con- Arizona! One of the reasons was suming takes for the accompanying they had a film team in this area western scenes. It’s unbelievable working on another project. how much detail work is needed for The first location for the frame a few film minutes. Anyway, it was program, a ghost town did not work, great fun for everybody involved! as the Ben Avery Shooting Range in Late afternoon we started the Phoenix was booked. So, our first real shooting at the range. A com- attempts ended in the desert sand. The film team. parison between old style western Now my part began. I contacted guns and modern police equipment my old friend, journalist Nyle of Cowboy Action Shooting™ relat- Leatham, father of IPSC world ed people around the Phoenix area. champion Rob Leatham, and he And, my first round hit! Arizona immediately provided me with a list Lightning Jack, SASS #7400, the

Was that fast enough?

leading person in Cowboy Action was the task. A Maricopa County Shooting™ at Rio Salado Shooting Sheriff’s Deputy, Dubious Don, SASS Range responded immediately say- #56333, firearms instructor, and ing,” What can I do? How can I trained sniper was there with all his Dubious Don and Santa Klaus checking the AR 15. help?” gear to help make it a real test. The First, plans were discussed and result – as a “cowboy” against a well- investigated to determine who and (Continued on next page) money for ammo to find better results. The men of the west would not have had the time and the money to train for such practice. A toppled table as a shelter against bullets or a slammed door panel? A loud laughter! Definitely only a safe way to the grave! It was a very interesting weekend in the dry heat of Arizona, one I will not soon forget. A big thanks to the members of the Arizona Cowboy Action Shooters for all their help. And thanks to a super friendly film team that took care for such an inter- Arizona Lightning Jack esting theme. Meanwhile, the docu- pulls his iron. mentary could be seen on German TV channel Pro 7, and its 14 minutes attracted 2.8 million vewers! (Continued from previous page) trained policeman, you would have only few words to speak. Even so, the deputy admitted the first shot is on the single action revolver, drawn from the holster even after 130 years, the fastest iron! Is it possible to hit an apple by the stem at a distance of 15 yards with a fast drawn hip shot, like seen in a famous Clint Eastwood western movie? The test has shown at about three yards the apple was hit by an Police vs. Cowboy! un-aimed shot. It would probably need lots of training and a lot of VISIT THE SASS WEB SITE AT WWW.SASSNET.COM Page 36 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

~ REMINISCING ~ Cowboy Action was New and Exciting in the Good ‘Ol Days! By Sumac Kid, SASS #961

t’s January 7, and we took the patients started gawking at me! I nization’s business from their home. IChristmas tree down and put all copied the address and joined SASS. Poteet was mostly in praise and decor away. I settled into a chair and In a few weeks I received my pleased we were trying to get SASS finally opened the December 2005 membership package with a sample started in the Northeast. Cowboy Chronicle, and was immediate- Cowboy Chronicle (quarterly then) and Tex printed us up in The Cowboy ly taken with Tex’s holiday wish. It a handsome metal badge with my Chronicle, and from that I received an was obvious he was thankful for all SASS #961 number. Now I were one! invite from Temple, SASS #180, to SASS stands for, and he reminisced But … where I gotta’ go to attend? come down to New Jersey and meet about its innocent start. There simply was no place in the with more interested members. Ma Turned a few pages and there East to go for a match. Ma Bear and I went down to New The Sumac Kid and Spirit of ’76— was the Judge telling of SASS fulfill- I neither lead nor follow, but I Jersey for our very first time. the original “Long Riders.” ing his life as he ... reminisced … wanted this SO bad I held a thirteen Temple’s wife took my wife shop- They criss-crossed the country a By now, I too was reminiscing … man (mostly family) shoot in my pas- ping while we all planted the first number of times attending the What a great trail this cowboy fanta- ture here above the Mohawk Valley SASS seed in the Northeast. All was Gold Boot Awards, END of TRAIL, sy has been. in upstate New York. It was great going well until … the restaurant and other cowboy-oriented events. Whether it was fighting Indians fun! I took a video of it and mailed it Around 1989, I came onto the owner put up his hands … and get- at the Little Big Horn or simply very first magazine article about to the Wild Bunch. Got a reply from ting our full attention said, “Guys! blazing a new path through SASS while waiting my turn in a R. J. Poteet, SASS #3, then a member Guys! There’s money to be had here!” interesting looking western doctor’s office. I became so visibly of the Wild Bunch. His wife, My blood went cold … my God is landscapes, horse and rider excited at this discovery all the other Sarasota, SASS #33, did all the orga- (Continued on next page) shared the West together. May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 37 (Continued from previous page) Shortsville, NY. not green. Money and me never Clubs formed up and down the became good friends. I feared this East coast – over night! It was like was going the wrong way in a hurry. Robin Hood gave three toots on his I looked about the room and horn, and they came, from the moun- studied their faces carefully. They tains, the valleys, the swamps, cities, were all successful men in business. villages, rivers, and even fisherman Would they seize this opportunity for from the sea. It was magic! more financial gain? Now, I wanted to attend a shoot NOT one face showed interest in in the WEST! I loaded my money! They all understood … this Appaloosa, Spirit of ‘76, into his trail- is for FUN … and FUN only! er, packed the shooting irons, We ended the day voting Temple slapped Ma Bear on the butt, and Territorial Governor, and he would away we went – off to Durango start the first Cowboy Action Colorado!We had not gone two miles Shooting™ program in Pennsylvania. and the escape door to the front of The word got out and members the horse trailer flew open! I stopped came to and shot stages in my pas- … and would you believe … used ture. The Straight Shooters duct seal tape to hold the door was born, the very first club in New closed? A desperate quick fix already York State. I was in my glory. Seems and hardly out of the driveway. like my entire time from one shoot to There would be plenty more adven- another was planning fun stages and tures up the trail … making props. Silver Sage drove 300 (“Reminiscing” could be a feature miles round trip from Rochester where the older guys get to tell tales every shoot and would be one of the of the good ole’ days … back when … group to start The Long Riders in editor.)


GIVE TO THE SASS SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION (A non-profit, tax-deductable charity) MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! Page 38 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006


y first impression of Cowboy Action Shooting™ was “This is a combina- not a coincidence. I think we got a lot of shoot- Mtion of shooting and play-acting.” I had the clothes, the props, the lines, ers in that first wave of the membership explo- the stage directions (note: we shoot stages), and real guns and ammo to do it sion. Dignified shooters. Now, had we all with. Many, many years ago, I was a drama major in college. This game was been the collection of clowns and play-actors made for me! like me, the need to get more folks through a Wonnerful Hubby thought it was “too whimsical” for his taste, so I joined match would have been solved some other and participated without him. Some folks are too um, er, dignified to be able way. Expand the range, shoot one less stage to try and imitate John Wayne or dance with a dolly or some of the other silly a day, shoot an extra day—something, any- things I just loved and did with gusto. thing but give up the play–acting. I ate it up. I loved it. It leaves the more sedate in the population vague- So we grew. Our non-silly spouses and ly embarrassed, and it is not fun for them, in fact it is seen as something to friends joined. Something had to give. The be overcome or endured in order to be able to shoot—rather than part of the winner used to be the one that didn’t flub the total experience. Us free spirit types are having fun, and the more serious line, drew the ace, didn’t forget the money- watching us are wishing they could participate, too. So, they get the mini- bags, AND shot well. It was part luck, part mum clothing (they feel pretty silly “dressed up”) and try to mumble the line. shooting ability, and part non-shooting skills. They really want to break loose and have fun, but it’s just so hard for them. Kept it from being a “serious shooting com- In Cowboy Action Shooting™, dignity is the first casualty. petition,” and that is what gave Cowboy The explosion in membership and the changes in the way we compete are (Continued on page 41) May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 39

HOW I FOUND MY NEW STETSON HAT By Cowchip Thrower, SASS #48267

ell, as I have already told y’aIl, I’m early age to wear a bandanna and wet it Wa product of the Panhandle of to place over my face when one blew up. Texas. I cannot say they’re proud of me, Well, the common way that roads but I sure am proud of them. I can say were made in the Panhandle was to make this: I sure learned a lot of “country wis- a high crown with deep ditches on both dom” growing up there. I’ve told you sides. We called them “Bar Ditches,” about being a champion cowchip thrower although I’m not too sure why. One day, (in the prairie Olympics), and I’ve told I woke to a yellow sky and visibility of you about how I learned to mow frog’s about three feet. I knew at once we were legs. And if you’re not too tired of my in the middle of a blinding, choking sand- ramblin’s, I thought I would tell you storm of epic proportions. After two days, about how I found my new Stetson hat, the critter blew itself out, and just settled so you could be prepared in case you down to the ground. Later, the sun was found one like I did. out and the sky was clear and blue. I had For those of you who aren’t familiar to drive over across town to do some with the legendary weather in the errands, so I started off in my old pickup. Panhandle (look up the “Texas Blue As I drove along, I spotted a big, Norther” I spoke of in the “How to Mow white, beautiful Stetson hat lying on the Frog Legs” article), there are occasional- sand in the bar ditch. I naturally ly (at least when I lived there) some stopped and walked over to the hat and mean sandstorms that would put the picked it up. To my surprise, there was a Sahara Desert to shame. Why, those head under it! I looked down at it and sandstorms are so mean, that the old said, “What are you doing down there Amarillo High School named their foot- (buried to the neck)?” He looked up at ball team “the Golden Sandstorms” (or me and said, “Get a shovel, dammit, I’m “the Sandies” for short). I learned at an on horseback!” Page 40 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006 THE LAWMEN OF EL PASO . . . (Continued from page 30) Saloon. They retired to a nearby alley for controversial arrest attempt, shot down a conference. Four shots were heard, and by officers Jeff Milton, George Scar- witnesses later testified they had found borough, and Ranger Frank McMahon, a Scarborough standing over Selman, who brother-in-law of Scarborough. had been shot at close range through the In the interim, the M’Rose woman back of the neck, the right hip, the side, had been arrested for carrying a pistol by and the left knee. His gun was not pres- young John Selman, son of the old con- ent at the scene. He died on April 6, 1896. stable and a popular city policeman. Precisely four years later, on April Hardin’s threatening reaction to this 1900, Scarborough, by then a detective arrest and possibly a more sinister dis- for a cattle raiser’s association, found cord over the fate of M’Rose himself led himself in pursuit of a band of train rob- the elder Selman through the batwing bers in eastern Arizona. They were doors of the Acme Saloon that summer believed to have been the fleeing sur- night. Hardin stood at the bar, playing vivors of Butch Cassidy’s Hole-in-the poker dice with a feather merchant Wall gang. A .30-40 bullet ripped named Brown. through his leg and killed his horse. “Four sixes to beat,” he said, as Taken to Deming, New Mexico, he died Brown reached for his turn at the dice. after the amputation of his leg, writing a Selman took careful aim and shot Hardin finish to the strange, interlocking chain through the head, the .45 bullet making of killings. an exit through an eye. As Hardin’s body (About the author: Three Fingers Tequila slipped to the floor, Selman shot again oversees the area of training and educa- Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors, men, Outlaws and Gunfighters. and again, missing completely, then hit- tion, certifications, and law enforcement and the N.R.A.) Checkmark Books, 2002 ting the dead man in the right arm and for the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas - El Resources Metz, Leon, The Shooters. Mangan again in the chest. Paso Protection branch. He has been in Cool, Paul, The Frontier Battalions’ Books, 1976 In 1896, John Selman, Jr., was law enforcement since 1974. An El Paso Forgotten Officer. Texas Ranger Metz, Leon, Turning Points in El Paso arrested in Juarez on a charge of abduct- native, he joined the El Paso branch in Dispatch Magazine, 2002 Texas. Mangan Books, 1986 ing a young girl with whom he had been 2002, after a brief (27-year) stop with the Egloff, Fred R. El Paso Lawman G.W. McHugh, Justin, Chavez, Chenoa, found sharing the comforts of a hotel El Paso Police Department. He first Campbell. Creative Publishing Montoya, Isela. Marshal Dallas room. His father, Old John, solicited the became interested in the history of local Company, College Station, Texas, 1982 Stoudenmire Terrorized Town. aid of George Scarborough, one of the law enforcement as a police officer with the Gillett, James B. Six Years with the Texas Borderlands, El Paso Community killers of M’Rose and a Deputy U.S. El Paso Police Department. He continues Rangers. New Haven, Connecticut: College, Marshal, in freeing the lovesick boy. It to research the early law enforcement years 1925 Pavia, Elisa, Guerrero, Omar, Williams, was not forthcoming. What happened in El Paso, and has collected badges from Mangan, Frank, El Paso in Pictures. The Julie, Ovar, Jeramiah. James Gillett next is confused. that time period. He is a member of the El Press/El Paso, 1971 Showed Courage in El Paso. At 4:00 a.m. on April 5, 1896, Paso Historical Society, Single Action Metz, Leon, Dallas Stoudenmire: El Paso Borderlands, El Paso Community Constable Selman, who in the lingo of the Shooting Society (SASS), International Marshal. University Oklahoma Press, College, 2004-2005 day was “taken drunk,” ran into Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers 1979 Skelton, Skeeter, The Gunmen of El Paso. Scarborough in front of the Wigwam Association, International Association of Metz, Leon, The Encyclopedia of Law- Shooting Times Magazine, 1969 May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 41

Easily converts your Cap & Ball revolver to (Shown ’49 Colt Pocket) ’51/’61 Colt Navy 1858 Remington New Model Ruger Old Army .32 S&W caliber Konverter for Uberti made ’49 Colt Pocket replicas Available at: River Junction Trade Co...... Toll Free: 866-259-9172 “Our Quality Buffalo Arms Co...... 208-263-6935 Ned Buckshot’s Wild West ...... 763-533-8886 is Always Higher VTI Gun Parts ...... 860-435-8068 than the Price!”

I SHOWED UP JUST BEFORE THE moved “off the clock” and then left We admire those serious folks out entirely. with incredible shooting skills, but MEMBERSHIP BOOM . . . So, we grow and change. We are they are playing some other game, (Continued from page 38) have two categories—Traditional no longer the joke event of yesterday and they took our field to do it. The Action Shooting™ its unique charac- and Modern. at our range. Other shooting sports "originalist cowboy" has been mar- ter. That’s where “the cowboy way” As time passed, the dignified, now take our skills seriously. That’s ginalized, pushed aside, left in the came into play. Give a pard your gun serious shooter, always uncomfort- the up side. dust—just like our heroes were at to finish the day when his breaks— able with this silliness, had more The downside? The play-acting the turn of the century. It’s called unheard of in most other shooting like-minded folks than us goofballs. goofballs are feeling hollow. “progress,” which is an interesting sports. Why? Because it didn’t mat- Unhappy at losing over a dropped Something precious has been lost, concept when we’re talking about a ter if he beat you. Playing cowboy prop when they had out-shot every- and it makes us sad. We would like game that’s based on history (or and doing what The Duke would do body there, complaints of it being to have it back. We lobbied for Hollywood’s version of history). Too was more important than anything “unfair” started to be heard. After Classic Cowboys and B-Western, but much progress and the Old Game, else. That’s why we have Warthogs all, they were there to shoot, not play clothes don't make the game. It was like the Old West, may cease to and blackpowder shooters and cowboy. The Match Directors a sorrowful attempt to bring back exist—is that what we want? Duelists. If the serious amongst us responded and started to leave out the unique character of the cowboy had started this game, we would only that stuff. Action and lines were first game we love.

608-676-2518 Page 42 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006


estancios were often covered with have ankle support, and nasty, thorny vegetation. The sad- there were plenty of dles of the day had toe-protecting punchers who wore ‘em. tapaderos on ‘em and often an These varied in height apron of leather to cover the rider’s depending on personal legs. (The earliest version of chaps!) preferences and the pre- If you didn’t have this leather cover- ponderance of poisonous ing, the next best thing to protect snakes they might acci- your britches and legs was a set of dentally stomp on while Purdy Gear, SASS #33315 botas or leggins’. In earliest form, stringing fence! this was just a chunk of leather tied The scout, buffalo n the past year or so, I’ve had a around the calf. The top was gener- hunter, cowboy, and mili- Inumber of folks call or e-mail with ally folded down over the string to tary man might also have harrowing tales of bad feet and hurt free up the knee, but could be been inclined to wear feelings for not being able to wear unfolded for kneecap protection as moccasins. The higher- period-correct cowboy boots. They the circumstances required. In topped ones seemed to are reassured they shouldn’t be in later days, leggin’s became quite have found more favor, the least bit hurt as: a) folks ornate. They’re a nice addition to A well-designed chap leg or a set of leggin’s but I would think there through all periods of history have costumes of the early Spanish or can help disguise unconventional footwear. was a great deal of had bad feet and/or been unable for later Mexican Revolution, as well as regional variation here some reason or other to wear boots to cowboy costumes from later with his “genre.” simply depending on what tribe you and b) well … not everyone in the times and territories. It is well While boots ruled for cowboys of were near and what could be traded west wore cowboy boots. Not even known Wild Bill Hickok wore them the era, all kinds of footwear and for. Some tribes favored low tops all cowboys wore cowboy boots, so if while in the Dakotas. There are a gear were also worn. If you were an while others preferred high. If your you’re looking for simple historical number of historical photos that immigrant or a “pilgrim” out looking persona is from a particular region correctness, you have tons of leeway! show others wearing them, so I can for work and that happened to be the of the west, I would urge you to do a The earliest cowboys were actu- only assume they were appropriate only thing you could find, you’d go bit of R&D. ally Indians trained by Spanish all over the west. out and cowboy in whatever it was Townies would also dress with missionaries to tend cattle. They The military variation on leg- you had and used it until it either great variation. Brogans, more either went barefoot or wore san- gin’s is the gaiter or puttee. These wore out or you got paid enough to dressy lace or button-up low-top dals. If you have a persona that is were used by all army units though buy proper boots. A soldier who had boots, as well as standard cowboy early Mexican, Californio, or even the variations must be regarded in just gone westward after the War boots would all have been popular. “Viva, Pancho!”, it is entirely terms of issue, era, and unit rather Between the States or who had just Working folks generally wore heav- acceptable to wear sandals. (Bare than in generalities. I am sure finished his hitch at a military out- ier, more utilitarian footwear. feet are not recommended as ranges there was some trading between post on the frontier would have been Cowboys who got town jobs often abound with sharp rocks and occa- enlisted men and civilians, so it is as inclined to be there with brogans refused to give up their high-heeled sional bits of glass, bullet casings, not historically unlikely that a cow- as with boots. Many cowboys also boots. If they donned town shoes and other jaggedy things.) boy, mule whacker, buffalo hunter, wore packers (lacers) especially once and then picked their original trade Those sections of the Southwest or other might have shown up with fences started invading the range. up again, they’d wear their town where the Spaniards had their issued gear not usually identified Footwork is always easier if you (Continued on next page) May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 43 (Continued from previous page) find a pair of moccasins you can slip boots until they were completely on over your sneakers. If you’re used up and then get themselves handy, you can make a pair. I know new cowboy boots. Don’t forget— Dixie Gun Works has patterns for the frontier didn’t have Walmarts, sure, but there are other places that and everything you had was worn, have them as well. repaired, used, and recycled until Another cover option is the leg- there was nothing left of it! gin’ or a set of chaps. You’d be Women had their own footgear at how cool your uncool, as well, but just as often would don modern sneaks can look when they men’s boots or cast-off “dress” boots. are pretty much concealed. Leggin’s Even brogans! It depended on their are easier on the legs for weight, station in life and their circum- and they make for easier move- stances just the same as it deter- ments in outhouses. (Chaps often mined what the menfolk wore. require contortions worthy of I guess by now you’re seeing a Houdini in that charmingly tight sort of picture emerging. The little booth, particularly if in coat, footwear is dependent on not just vest, suspenders …) who you were, but where you were And don’t forget … SASS is real- and your economic as well as person- ly quite gracious when it comes to al circumstances. In short, a really folks who have physical problems. great persona comes with really If you can come out and have a fun great pieces of clothing or gear. day shooting but have to wear Every piece in every costume should, sneaks, you’ll be forgiven. The technically speaking, reflect the unforgiven are those who have no choices your persona would make. troubles and use specific types of For you folks out there with footwear to gain an advantage! problem feet, that means there’s a Compadres, footwear is a seri- lot of leeway in footwear options, ous issue if you have bad feet, but which will allow you to be histori- it’s also an issue for all of us to look cally correct and not offend the cos- at. I’ll get into this some more next tume police. If there’s no answer for month. Meantime, keep your socks you except sneakers, well … you clean and your feet dry! As usual, STILL have options. Think of holler, crab, or comment at pur- sneakers as sort of, well … modern [email protected] or 706-692-5536 moccasins and try “the Great Cover or through the link on the website. Up.” If you have smallish or medi- ( See you on um sized feet, sometimes you can down the trail! 1875 REMINGTON SINGLE ACTIONS “NOW AVAILABLE”

71/2” “MUST BE SEEN!” BARREL ARMY MODEL Quality Reproduction 51/2” BARREL FRONTIER MODEL Finest Quality & Fit MFD by AUTHENTIC WESTERN PATTERN A.Uberti 45 LONG COLT ONLY LIST EMF Exclusive ($425 00) The unique look and feel of the 1875, also known as the “Outlaw”, made it a weapon of choice for both lawmen and the lawless. Strong and easy to handle, it was known for its reliability. Now available in a highly desirable Laser Engraved antique Old West or bright nickel-plated finish. Made Exclusively for EMF by A. Uberti. SASS SPECIAL $$ 9000 MATCHED PAIR MEMBERS PRICE 389569 $37990 EACH FOR A BRIGHT NICKEL-PLATED FINISH ADD $150.00 PER GUN NEW! COWBOY $ 00 ORDER DESK GUN CATALOG 5 (800) 430-1310

Fax: 949-756-0133 E.M.F.Co.,Inc. 1900 E. Warner Ave., Suite 1-D, Santa Ana, California 92705 Page 44 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

WOMEN, GUNS, AND GEAR Safety, Safety, Safety By Holy Terror, SASS #15362

are things that should be reviewed in depth, and all the instructors “Scott free.” It’s important to prac- just for safety’s sake. have been certified to answer any of tice them! First of all, there is the SASS your questions. Also, by taking a There are a couple of practices I Handbook. I would like to think RO course you will be better have developed to remind myself to every new SASS shooter reads his equipped to help your posse at a be safe at all times. The first thing rulebook cover to cover the minute match. An RO course can prepare I like to do is to know my guns are Holy Terror, SASS #15362 he gets it. However, I know that you to run the timer and even help unloaded. I check my firearms isn’t always the case. So, if you explain some of the finer points of multiple times to make certain they he single most important aspect haven’t read your rulebook yet, I spotting. If you have not taken a are unloaded, not only by racking Tof Cowboy Action Shooting™ is would strongly recommend you do RO course, then you should not run them, but also by looking into the to be safe. That should be the num- so. It will help you understand all the timer, period. There are many chamber. I check them when I put ber one concern of every shooter. the safety rules and inform you responsibilities of the timer’s job them away, and I check them when Whether it is practice, shooting a about any new rules. that should be taken very seriously I get them out, I check them when I match, or just admiring your Another thing I think all shoot- and need to be addressed by some- pick them up; I check them when I firearms, everyone should always ers should do, no matter their expe- one knowledgeable. put them in a cart, and I check be careful. Most Cowboy Action rience level, is to take a Range By reading your SASS Hand- them when anyone hands them to Shooters have no problem being Officers (RO) safety course. An RO book and taking some Range me. You cannot check your fire- careful, but for some newer shoot- course is highly beneficial to any Officer courses, you will set up a arms too many times. ers, or those that haven’t been level of shooter. The courses cover solid foundation for safe practices The second way I check to make around firearms very long, there all the safety rules and regulations both on and off the range. However, sure my firearms are always just because you have learned the unloaded is to leave myself little safety rules, does not mean you are (Continued on next page) May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 45 going to upset people. If you see an unsafe practice occurring, then it is your responsi- bility to politely explain to the Golden Gate shooter why he/she is being unsafe. If the unsafe practices continue, Western Wear then you should approach the range officer or match director and explain the situation. They have the authority to deal with a serious Home of problem and should be consulted for everyone’s benefit. Knudsen Hat Co. These are the two main ways a Authentic OLD WEST hats shooter practices safety on the for damn near 25 years range. However, this is not where Outlaw Josie Wales safe practices should end. All shoot- Limited Sale We recommend stains on ers should also be safe when they 4X Resistol this hat as shown. are on their own, practicing, or han- $159.98 $10 light stains dling any type of firearm. $20 heavy stains A major safety concern I have 100% Wool $94.98 (Continued from previous page) do not use their thumb straps at all, involves the practice of dry firing— reminders. With my long guns I but they can be very useful, not practicing with your firearms, but remind myself by keeping my only in holding the pistols in the with no ammunition. Dry firing can Bull Rider actions open at all times. In some holster, but also as reminders of be excellent practice, especially in 100% Ours has a deeper weather conditions, it is difficult to whether or not you are loaded or the cold of winter. Wool concave pinch and a $79.98 more dramatically leave your action open because they unloaded. Dry firing is not dangerous by contoured can get dirty. I purchased the gun Shooters should also practice any means. The caution with dry brim. sacks that have slits so I can keep being safe by being a safety officer. firing is it usually gives more oppor- 10X Beaver Duke my actions open in my gun cart. As a safety officer you are in charge tunity for mistakes. Most people $279.98 Cavalry This way, I can protect my firearms of watching all other shooters to that dry fire do it in their own IfyouwantaDukeCav.hat from becoming dirty, and I can see make certain they are practicing homes. However, when you handle Limited Sale from a specific my actions are open, and I know my safely as well. However, when you any firearms, there are special rules 4X Resistol movie just specify guns are empty. To remind myself do this, you need to be careful. The that apply, and dry firing is no dif- $159.98 at time of order 100% wool $99.98 my pistols are empty, I leave my number one purpose of a safety offi- ferent. thumb straps on. If my thumb cer is to be safe; but the number Special rules for dry firing are: straps are on, I know my pistols are two purpose to make people feel 1) Check your firearms multiple Mississippi empty. If they are off, then I know safe. If you go around yelling at times before you start, and if you Top Hat my guns are loaded. Many people everyone to be safe, you’re just leave the room for any reason, check Very distinctive and them again. Some people keep their cocky, very cool. cowboy firearms loaded for self- $44.98 for defense, so it is always a good idea bone pipe bead band to check them before you start any 100% Wool Wild Bill type of practice. $104.98 Hickok 2) Always dry fire in a safe 6X Beaver Also available direction. This is especially impor- w/ lower crown $159.98 tant if you dry fire at home. Accidents happen, and if you hap- pen to shoot a live round, it is a good Pistolero idea to make sure you will not be 10X Beaver 6" Crown destroying anything important. $279.98 3) Never dry fire in a place dark colors 6" Brim where you keep live ammunition. If $299.98 you aren’t around live ammunition, light colors then it is less likely you will acciden- tally load your firearms by mistake. SPECIAL 4) If you use snap caps, make With both X-tra Fancy Dark $319.98 Horse Hair Stampede (pecan shown) sure they do not resemble live String and1 Inch Band Light Sand $339.98 ammunition. This is an especially See our Online Catalog at important one. You want to ensure you do not accidentally load a live Most orders call Richmond. round thinking it is a dead one. Dry firing can be excellent practice, but One of the oldest & biggest WAH MAKER dealers extant. it must be done safely, just like Also Cows, Recollections, everything else. Stetson, Bailey, etc. I cannot write enough about how important safety is. Our sport has an excellent safety record, and 963 Contra Costa we all hope to keep it that way. Pleasant Hill, CA. 94523 Please, let’s all be safe, so we can all (925) 827-1014 and keep having fun. 12153 San Pablo Ave. If you have questions about this Richmond, CA 94805 article, or if you have an idea or Just off Hwy. 80 product you think should be Call: (510) 232-3644 10-6:30pm brought to the attention of women Closed Sundays shooters, or anyone else, please e-mail: [email protected] email me at holyterror15362@ Page 46 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

RANGE OFFICER ROUND UP Weather Related & Other Emergencies By Quick Cal, SASS Life #2707, Regulator, and Chairman of RO Committee

up. Two Posses had already shot the amount of hay would solve several ize emergency situations could occur stage with a lot of difficulty, but they inches of mud. This decision was also at any time, to any match, anywhere. made it through. However, with each made on three other stages for the For instance, what if there was a wild passing shooter and timer operator, same reasons. “Safety First, Last, and fire, a common occurrence in the west- the mud kept getting deeper and Always,” and I support their decision. ern U.S., that shuts down all roads deeper. I was operating the timer, Some folks were really upset, and leading to Founder’s Ranch during and the first shooter slipped and some of them are good friends of mine END of TRAIL for a day? What if this dropped his unloaded gun and and told me how they felt. It’s no fun goes on more than one day? Do we received a Stage DQ. The second having a stage you shot very well have provisions to cancel the Sunday Quick Cal, SASS Life #2707 shooter lost his footing several times thrown out, especially since the folks events and finish the main match on and almost lost control of his firearm. that shot Stages 9–12 shot all four that day, or even go into a Monday? There were several members of my stages on Saturday while the other The closest related sport to ours is inter Range ’06 is over and there posse who decided not to shoot, as two thirds of the shooters only had to probably Golf, in that it is an individ- Ware a lot of emotions over what they have physical handicaps and have two stages count. I know it’s all ual competitor event and they have to happened relating to the disastrous were concerned over slipping and too easy for the rest of us to “Monday compete against each other during weather on Saturday. First and above hurting themselves. Heck, I slipped morning quarterback” and say what differing weather elements at various all, I want to point out that a lot of several times and almost went down we would have done in the situation times of the day over the course of sev- hard working and dedicated people just trying to run the timer. the match officials at Winter Range eral days. Maybe we can check into did their best to organize, set-up, and My concern was not just because had to face. Some say we should have their policies and learn from it. manage one of the best matches we the weather was miserable to shoot in. taken the best 8 scores and “total Some say we should never shut have the opportunity to enjoy each In my thinking, that Stage had timed” the match, but the flaw in that down a stage; it ain’t the Cowboy Way. and every year. They did a great job! crossed the most important threshold plan is the stages were different I say if a lightning storm approaches, It was not their fault a record setting we have, SAFETY, as pointed out in enough that a good time on one stage I’m heading for cover with the rest of drought was ended with a record set- the SASS Range Operations Basic would be a mediocre time on some my posse, ‘cause Cowboys weren’t that ting “One Day Down-Pour.” Safety Course. I felt I could no longer others. In hindsight, my suggestion stupid. Sometimes you just have to From my standpoint, I was a “Safely assist the shooter through the would be to shut down the entire accept the best that can be made out Posse Marshal and led my posse course of fire.” On Page 3 of RO-I, it range on Saturday and count only the of a bad situation, as on the Rodeo through Stages 7 & 8 first thing says in bold letters, “Don’t be afraid stages that were shot in acceptable Circuit when you draw the bull that Saturday morning in the pouring to refuse to allow your posse to conditions. It would still be rank has never been ridden. That’s where rain. There was mud and several shoot an unsafe stage. Insist the points, so the speed of individual the saying, “I drew a bum-steer, but inches of standing water in the shoot- stage be made safe before pro- stages would be irrelevant, and you there is always another Rodeo down ing positions on the first two stages, ceeding.” I then instructed my posse would be ranked against the two the road,” originated. so we had to “Cowboy Up” and shoot to stand down as I was going to get thirds of the shooters that completed I suggest this would be an excel- them, just like everyone else had to the Range Master to assess the situa- the same stages that you did. Not per- lent topic for the Territorial Governors do. Everyone’s hands were so cold, tion. Match officials came to the stage fect, but possibly a better solution. to discuss at the upcoming Summit. we had no feeling in our fingers, to look it over, and at first they were The point of this whole lesson is By the way, I can’t wait for the which was a lot of “fun” on the rifle going to order some hay be put down perhaps it’s time for all of us to consid- applications to come out for the next reload stage. But then we reached to make the stage safe. However, er some standard contingency plans Winter Range, I want to be among the Stage 5 that was on a separate shoot- through further discussions they and recommended procedures for any first to sign up for 2007, as it’s still one ing bay that drained water right into made the decision to close the stage match to follow when faced with a of the best “Rodeos” around. the center where the stage was set- down after determining that no similar situation. We should all real- Hit’em Fast May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 47

POSSE LEADERS NEED HELP Don’t Leave Everything Up to Them

By Madd Mike, SASS #8595

things done in a timely manner. On most posses at a large match, Sounds like a stage DQ to me.” My After all, “daylight is a burning”, you will need at least three quali- point is this—a posse leader is just Madd Mike, SASS #8595 and dang burn iff’en them outlaws fied timers just to rotate that very that, a leader. However, in my ain’t putting distance between you important job. humble mind, the posse leader can- and them, while you organize and A posse leader’s job seems to be not be looking in every direction at am here to say “thank you” to all git on thar trail. endless. Did I mention nonstop? A every moment. In some cases, it’s Ithe posse leaders, the ones that The posse leader must deter- posse leader has to have eyes in the difficult just for a posse leader to volunteer or are sought out for mine what skills he has to tap into, back of his cowboy hat. No sooner load his own loading strip without their expertise in leading and and then conjure up some sort of a is the posse leader watching the interruption. Please do not take organizing, whether it is for the starting point, whether it were ever so important firing line, when my comments as complaining and smallest local shoots, state and back in the 1800’s, or at shoots now. someone will come up to him/her offer me “cheese with my whine” on Regional shoots, or all the way up The posse leader will not immedi- and say something like, “no-one is the SASS Wire tomorrow. I am just to the big ones, our beloved Winter ately know who does what the best, watching the unloading table.” trying to enlighten a lot of shooters Range and END of TRAIL. within his/her current group of peo- Then someone will say,“Hey did the that have not been posse leaders, as Without posse leaders, well ple, but he will figure it out with timer start that shooter with his to how difficult and challenging the shucks folks, the posse would be a some time, consideration, and help hands on his hat?” No sooner does position can be. riding in all directions, trying to from within. the posse leader take care of these At every shooter’s meeting the read signs, messin’ up what little Many posse leaders take on the types of items and then there is a statement is made that “every shoot- sign the outlaws left behind, and task of the timing job. Personally, dropped, unloaded gun on the er is a safety officer” and if you see a the posse would be arguing, point- since I can NOT hear squibs, when stage. The whole posse looks at the safety issue, than please handle the ing, and heading in all sorts of I am posse leader I will find others posse leader for direction, and he situation promptly and politely, directions, ultimately not getting better qualified for that position. simply says, “I did not see it. (Continued on page 50)

################################# # # # BLUED BARREL &BLUED OR # # # # CASEHARDENED RECEIVER # # 1892 # # # # # # # # # # SASS MEMBERS ONLY # # # # SPECIAL 90 # $379 20” BARREL # PRICE # # CALIBERS: 45 LONG COLT AND 357 MAGNUM # # # # # LIMITED # # # # # QUANTITIES # # •BARRELS AVAILABLE•# # ~GWII CALIFORNIAN~ 43/4” # 5 1/2” # # 1873 SINGLE ACTION REVOLVER 7 1/2” # # # The 2002 SASS Product Of The Year Is Also Available In # # Durable Stainless Steel. Ask For Pricing. Made For The # # Cowboy Who Wants The Best In Quality And Price. Walnut Grips. # # SPECIAL $ 90 # # SASS MEMBERS ONLY PRICE 429 # # # $ 90 # PAIR OF REVOLVERS 839 # # $ 90 # # RIFLE &PISTOL COMBO PRICE 799 # # # # Call "Pike", "Coerced Kid" or "RAB" CREDIT CARDS # # We Will Arrange Direct & Immediate Shipment Of Your # # Guns To A Convenient Dealer In Your Local Area. # # NEW COWBOY GUN CATALOG $5.00 (800) 430-1310 # # # Fax: 949-756-0133 # # E.M.F.Co.,Inc. # # # 1900 E. Warner Ave., Suite 1-D, Santa Ana, California 92705 # ################################# Page 48 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006


spin to the projectile, gyroscopically discovered.) significantly improving both range stabilizing it to improve accuracy. At one time, was thought and accuracy. The softer silver bul- This same principle allows a foot- to be of demonic invention. Round let skidded by the rifling, filling it, ball to be thrown more accurately balls, when fired through smooth- and exiting the barrel with little or when thrown in a spiral. bores, generally flew the same inac- no spin, flying as if fired from a Its origin is lost to history, but curate trajectory, whether the ball . evidence indicates true rifling dates was lead, iron, or even stone. Rifling can be formed by several from the mid-1400’s in Europe. For However, it was seen that in rifled methods. Machine cutting uses a centuries, archers used feathers to bores, tight fitting slugs of lead toothed cutter. Early rifles were impart a twist to their arrows, giv- fired truer than those of silver. made this way, cut by hand, one Skyhawk Longknife, ing them greater accuracy. Perhaps Church doctrine at the time groove at a time. Button rifling SASS #60596 simply making ‘fouling grooves’ in declared silver was more “holy” uses a hardened plug that is forced dirty to aid loading than base lead, and because of this, through the barrel, cutting all e all use rifles, but what dis- might have led to an observed rifling was a tool of the devil. In grooves at the same time. A third Wtinguishes a firearm as a increase in accuracy. fact, the church decreed the devil method forges the rifling into the “rifle,” and why was the invention of Some early rifled guns used spe- himself rode on the lead bullet, barrel by hammering the barrel rifling so supremely important in cially made bullets designed to guiding it to its target. over a precut mandrel. Broach and the development of both handguns exactly match the rifling. Many As time went on, it became obvi- electrochemical rifling are also and long guns? experimental designs used different ous the impure lead was harder used. The spaces cut out are the Rifling refers to the spiral bullet and rifling shapes, as well as than the pure silver, and was able to grooves, and the remaining ridges grooves cut into the barrel of a different degrees of spiraling. (The grip the rifling better, thus impart- are the lands. These can vary in firearm. These grooves impart a “patched ball” technique was not yet ing a stabilizing spin to the bullet, (Continued on page 50) Handlebar Doc Shooting Schools

NEW SHOTGUN KNOCK-DOWN TARGET!!! Shot at EOT, NE Regional, SW Regional and Mule Camp

Shooting Schools Private Lessons Group Schools One on One Via Video Focusing on your individual needs Handlebar Doc 903-732-5245 - [email protected] May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 49 OFF THE WALL Gun Carts Suited for the Rowdiest CAPTURING FLAME Cowboys & Cowgirls 224 N. Howard St. IN YOUR COWBOY Greentown, Indiana 46936 Tel: (765) 628-2050 ACTION SHOOTING™ Fax: (765) 628-1899 PHOTOGRAPHS “The Ultimate Gun Cart for C.A.S.” Now a SASS Affiliated IS CHALLENGING … Merchant Gunther Cartwright BUT POSSIBLE! SASS Life Member #20136 By Mark Quigley of Mr. Quigley Photography 7 Cart styles common question asked of us at Mr. 3 Species of wood AQuigley Photography is how do we capture gunfire as it exits the firearm? 7 Wheel options That perfect moment in time when film records what the eye never sees; a huge 2 Wagons flame of burning gunpowder as it leaves the barrel. This is one of those things in 2 New Sheriffs Rack life that constantly still amazes me. To be honest, this is an extremely difficult E-mail: [email protected] moment to capture. However, there are steps you can take to help improve your Tornado Ali odds of capturing this nano second. Let me share some of our tips on how we try and capture flame. First it helps to be a Cowboy Action Mark Quigley, Shooter™ shooter yourself and have an SASS #43018 understanding of the game and Cowboy Action Shooter™ firearms. Most of you that read The Cowboy Chronicle are, but we are also asked this question often by visitors to shoots. Next, become familiar with the shooter you are photographing. Every shooter has a rhythm when shooting, and all are different. As they begin to shoot I pick up on their rhythm quickly, and when I think they are going to pull the trigger, or in many cases when I would pull the trigger, I push the shutter, thus capturing their shot. Some photographers just push the button and hope for the best. I call this spray and pray. This method does not work well for us and probably won’t work well for you either. By following the shooters rhythm and firing the camera when you think your shooter will fire works much better. You will have better odds at capturing flame with blackpowder shoot- ers than with smokeless shooters. Set your film or digital camera speed as slow as you can to keep the shutter open the longest. This will increase your chances. But remember, too slow and you could blur your picture. Try capturing your flame photographs on low light or overcast days. By adding all these tips together you will increase your odds of capturing that fireball that comes out the end While at Winter Range I quickly picked up on of a barrel. It will be the rhythm of this shooter and was able to capture the flame from his shotgun. worth framing and put- Canon 1DN 28-135 IS lens, ISO 250, ting on your wall! F5.6 at 1/250 of a second. Shoot well Photo by Mr. Quigley and safe. Page 50 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

Evil Roy Pistol, Rifle, and Shotgun training DVD’s available. “New and Improved” • Evil Roy Gun Cart • Performance Gun parts Evil Roy and Holy Terror • Tapes and Books • Hearing Protection holster rigs and • Lanny Basham Mental series for shooting sports • Snap caps shotshell belts • Larry Crow Gunsmithing Tapes and DVD’s • Gun Sleeves by Mernickle Leather. • Timers and Chronographs • Aluminum Travel Cases Cimarron Firearms • Shooting Glasses including Prescription • Vihta Vuori powder Dealer • Eagle Grips • And More ...... Private and group shooting schools for CAS, Military or Law Enforcement Check out the web site (970) 385-4141

items occurred on one stage. The Every shooter should fill the POSSE LEADERS NEED HELP . . . dropped gun of course, made it all boots of a Posse Leader at some (Continued from page 47) cross draw dance, and that the seem worse than it was because I time, even if it just at a local yourself, and in a timely manner. unloading table is being manned did not personally see it happen; monthly shoot. It is an education in Now DO NOT mis-interpret appropriately, and so and so just yet, I had to call the DQ. itself. Every shooter should take what I am going to say. I am NOT closed the action on his gun walk- Help your posse leaders out. the RO-I and RO-II classes during saying every shooter is a posse ing back to his gun cart. Remember, this is a volunteer their Cowboy Action Shooting™ leader, but what I am saying is, Posse leaders can usually use hobby, and as a posse participant, shooting career, as they make us all that even the best posse leader can some help, and someone mention- you did volunteer for the posse. understand better what is going on, not do it all, and by that I mean, ing no one is watching the unload- Just like days of old, now do your and creates the foundation for a ensure the loading table is being ing table, just after someone did not share in helping the posse leader better shoot for all. Things just manned, the brass pickup (if start like everyone else, and the find the outlaws by fulfilling have a way of going smoother with allowed) is being retrieved in a shooter just before that wanted to required tasks that need to be done. an appropriate education of rules timely and safe manner, the timer stand his shotgun shells in the If you see the unloading table and accepted procedures among is starting the shooter in the correct stage designed prop box, instead of unmanned, walk over there to the like-minded folks. “as written in the stage description” laying them down, and the dropped unloading table for a minute. If Like in any other volunteer starting position, watching for 170 gun happened to me at my own someone is fudging on the request- organization, help as much as you degree violations, including the State Championship. All of those ed starting position, make a state- can on the posse. Think of it as a ment. Don’t expect the posse leader real posse. Way back then, the to see, catch, and say everything. If more organized and helpful you counters are standing where YOU were as a posse member, the sooner think they cannot see the targets, you caught the bad guys out on the merely suggest to them they reposi- trail, and were able to return to yer tion themselves to a spot where cozy cabin, wood burning stove, hot they can both SEE and HEAR hits meal, and coffee. or misses, or volunteer to count for See ya all on the range of life, a spell. If you wait to tell the posse and “thank you again” to all Posse marshal to make the corrections, in Leaders! many cases, it’s too late. [email protected]

RIFLING IS THE KEY TO RANGE AND ACCURACY . . . (Continued from page 48) ployed by all the world’s armies, but number, depth, shape, direction of not primarily for minimal wound twist (“right” or “left”), and rate humanitarian reasons. Lead begins (turns per unit of barrel length), the to melt at velocities above 2000 feet rate varying with both the length per second, and high-powered rifles and diameter (caliber) of the bullet. well exceed this velocity. Copper jackets, harder than So how does all this affect the lead but which increase barrel wear, average shooter? A gun that refuses can be used to surround the lead to shoot accurately may simply not core, allowing much higher than like what it’s being fed. You can’t normal velocities. Gas checks, change the rifling, but try changing small copper cups attached to base the velocity of the load, the bullet of lead bullets, allow moderately weight, its design, or even the pow- higher velocities. Interestingly, full der. You just might be very pleasant- copper jacketed bullets are em- ly surprised at the results!


For AD Rates ~ DONNA ~ (EXT. 118) May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 51

STAGING THE LONG GUN By Cree Vicar Dave Life #49907 Territorial Governor, Michigan

tendency to close or rollover. Staging a hinged shotgun parallel to the earth most always depends upon a flat surface such as a bale of straw, table, and the like. With these dilemmas in mind, I set out to design a horizontal rack friendly to all long guns while fitting into the stage scheme. I find my thought process functions quite well with my body also in the horizontal mode, but there is a slight problem of By Cree Vicar Dave, my eyes slamming shut in this posi- SASS Life #49907 tion. It says in Proverb 20:13, “Do Territorial Governor, Michigan Both horses and cows can be cut from a single piece of plywood. not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to acrylic. The Missions Director of our asked an old friend the other day spare.” So, I have to force myself to Church volunteered to paint the Ihow he was doing. He shot back stand straight up from time to time critters for a donation to the mission that every day he can get out of bed fund by our club. She superbly and stand vertical is a very good day. painted the animals and put a finish At our age standing vertical is indeed coat of clear acrylic spray on them. good, even if it requires some effort. They look great and almost come But for long guns, staging verti- alive on the stage! cal is not always a good idea. You The tops of the horse legs have are probably aware of someone grooves in them on each side for restaging a rifle or shotgun only to staging long guns. I applied deer- have it slip or turn on its axis and skin, held in place by DAP acrylic sil- Staging rifles and ‘97s is easy … the end up on the ground, making for a icone clear caulk, to protect the doubles require a shotgun saddle. bad experience. Match Directors are firearms. To accommodate a double becoming more aware of this and are to keep from becoming a slacker. barrel shotgun, I designed a saddle With the right design, horses and expressing a desire to have all long After many sleepless hours and a that slides over the horse and sup- cows can provide convenient staging guns staged horizontally. couple of prototypes, I’m pleased to ports the gun under the hinge. This for all rifles and shotguns. Rifles resign themselves well to reveal the Cree Vicar horse and cow keeps it upright for staging and pro- the prone position. Shotguns, take down props. They are designed vides for viable restaging. The sad- (Cree Vicar Dave is a life member of though, are another matter. Not all to have two animals fit on one ?” x 4’ x dle is easily removed to provide room the NRA, MCRGO, and SASS. He is shotguns are created equal. 8’ sheet of plywood. I used seven ply, for the ‘97. The shotgun saddle and an avid gun enthusiast, ordained Winchester ‘97s do well in a horizon- exterior glue, sanded both sides ply- the cattle horns were made from minister, and former teacher and tal rack, but double barrels have a wood. It costs a little more, but stands excess plywood. journeyman millwright. He enjoys up better under the elements. These props are quite easy to Cowboy Action Shooting™, instruct- All the legs are approxi- make. If you would like actual size ing new shooters, and preaching at mately 18” wide by 36” high, drawings, you may obtain them for a Cowboy Church. Cree Vicar also has while the bodies are around $30 donation to Sucker Creek Saddle a degree in Mechanical Design and 18” deep by 48” long. The legs and Gun Club. If interested, contact spends his free time designing and fit intertwined on the ply- Cree Vicar Dave at tippicanoe90@ building props and targets for wood, while the bodies are Cowboy Action Shooting™.) belly to belly. The legs are slotted 3/4” wide by 8” down from the tops, and the bodies have corresponding slots cut from the bottom, so when the legs are in place they are even with the top of the body. The slots have to be wide enough to accommodate 3/4” plywood plus any paint applied plus horsehair or two clearance. Some of the animals swelled a little from moisture, and I had to make the adjusted relief. After a slight rounding of Ranch critters provide the edges, they were sanded. wonderful ambiance for many One coat of undercoat latex different stage scenarios. was used with a finish coat of Page 52 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006


veryone’s heard how the weather hadn’t seen before at Founder’s cones, sticks, and balloons. Ecan change quickly in New Ranch … Doc Eli Masterson driving Three action packed Mexico. Well, at our monthly match his two-up cart with a matched pair stages put Mac The Knife on February 4th we had an absolute- of miniature paint horses! It was in front as the overall win- ly perfect day to cap off a couple of obvious they weren’t new to driving, ner as well as 1st place in weeks of warm sunny days and cold but it was his first day shooting from Division 1. Riding in nights. Periodically a cloud would the cart. Doc and his team did great, Division 2, Buckskin Doc drift by driven by the mild breeze we and we look forward to seeing him was a close second overall, enjoyed all day. The sun was bright next month. and not too hot on his and warm enough that when she Along with more beautiful heels was Sierrita Slim. removed her hat for a time, one of weather, the afternoon brought us Turquoise Lil won Lady’s our fearless leaders, Cinnamon Lucy, several additional members for the Division 1, with Cinna- was rewarded with a mild sunburn! match. Cinnamon Lucy and “Sweet- mon Lucy winning Lady’s Activities started at 10 am with face” (my better half) inflated the Division 2. Nuevo Mike a practice session lasting until early balloons for us. We were our own beat out Doc Eli Master- afternoon. Everyone had a great balloon setters, picking up the empty son in Pioneer Carts, and time and made tremendous progress sticks, and replacing them with my little Morning Dove with both their mounts and marks- inflated balloons from the backs of was our Junior. We also Sweetface, Sierrita Slim and Morning Dove manship! As much as we all love to our horses. Setting balloons is a had Rio ‘Paolini’ (Dos enjoyed a day of mounted family togetherness watch Nuevo Mike sliding his cart great help in training mounted Rios), Ted E. Lee, Elk at the February Buffalo Range Riders around the barrels while giving ver- shooting horses to get them accli- Master, Capt. Chance mounted match.

bal commands to Chief The Wonder mated to the balloons, as well as Call, and Chili Cowboy pushing us including Wild Shot, followed by a Horse, we all enjoyed something we moving at our direction around the all the way! Buffalo Range Riders meeting. Just

We topped off the fun-filled day goes to show we all live the cowboy

with barbequed buffalo burgers at way, as one big happy SASS family. the Founder’s Ranch house, along We’ll see you down the trail, at the q withq the Action Shooters’ work party, ranch, and in the arena.

q q

May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 57


ince I was seven years old I’ve patterns from 5.5 inch barrels and Sbeen competing in Cowboy Action 4.75 inch barrels? This was the Shooting™ with my father, Sierrita Problem for my project. My hypoth- Slim, SASS #4054. We also have esis was I thought the further away horses and help rancher friends with you get, fewer and fewer powder their ranch work. About two years granules hit the balloon. My proce- ago we started competing from horse- dure was to use certified blank back in the fastest growing equine ammunition; shot paper from 5 feet, sport in the world, Cowboy Mounted 10 feet, and 15 feet; measure the size Shooting. The ammunition we use is of the powder burn pattern; and then certified to break a balloon from a average and compare them. distance of 10 feet (or less) and not to Morning Dove continues to mature My Conclusion is the reason it is and develop her Mounted Shooting break a balloon from a distance of 20 harder to break balloons the further competition skills. She took top Morning Dove understands what it feet. It is loaded with blackpowder Junior honors at Founders Ranch’s away you are is simple. The burning takes to pose a question, postulate and the burning embers of powder is Smoke in the Valley last year. blackpowder embers are burning up what actually breaks the balloons, so and also spread out as they are pro- an answer, and then systematically that means by the time the burning why and that is why I decided to pat- pelled from the gun. That means the develop the empirical evidence to determine the facts, and hence the embers get 20 feet from the gun they tern the blanks for my Science proj- further away you get, there are less truth. She parlayed her Mounted are all burned up. From experience I ect at school. embers, and they are also spread Shooting experience and won the know at some point it gets harder to How does distance affect the pat- over a bigger area. Shooting at five top Physics award during break a balloon the further away you tern of the burning powder embers? feet there is almost no difference in her school’s Science Fair. get from them. I wanted to know What difference is there between (Continued on page 66) Congratulations, and good job!

Previous Waddie Experience: END ENDof TRAIL OF TRAIL - - WADDIE WADDIE SIGN-UP SIGN-UP JUNE 17TH - 25TH, 2006 WADDIE SIGN UP FORM • Please indicate days available. JUNE 17TH - 25TH, 2006 WADDIE SIGN UP FORM (END of TRAIL Waddie position are limited and not guaranteed. Assignments will be made for each work area based on a • (Please note: While all help is appreciated, Waddies must be able to work a complete five and one half (5.5) hour shift combination of application filing, previous experience and special skills. Your selection does not guarantee you a place for a minimum of three (3) days. Preference will be given to Waddies who commit to complete work assignments as on any specific Posse and you may be assigned to a different group if your selected work area is full. Drivers must have described below) a valid drivers license from their home state.) Today's Date: ______Waddie Work Areas: Alias:______Available for evening shifts? ______Yes ______No SASS#: ______Name: ______Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Mon 6/17 6/18 6/19 6/20 6/21 6/22 6/23 6/24 6/25 6/26 Address:______Awards/Prizes City: ______Belle Union Saloon State: ______Contests Zip: ______Decorations & Aesthetics E-mail: ______Electrical/Lighting Home Phone: ______Entertainment Work Phone: ______Fire Safety & Control Cell Phone:______Mounted Shooting/Arena Support Parking/Camping/Gate Control • I will need a Camping Space: RV RV Length or Tent (Waddie Camping is in the designated Waddie Camping Area) Raffle Prize Emporium Tent ______RV______If RV, please enter RV length:______Ramrod Posse In Case of emergency contact: Receptions/Bars/Hospitality/Provisions Name: ______Registration/Administration Relationship: ______Scoring Home Phone: ______Signage/Banners Work Phone: ______Transportation/Tractor Driver Cell Phone:______Post Event Clean Up • I understand I will be assigned to work a complete shift for each work day at END of TRAIL. I understand I am not an Rover employee of SASS, END of TRAIL or Founders Ranch and any duties I perform are as a volunteer. I understand I must vol- First time Waddie? ______Yes ______No Shooting END of TRAIL? ______Yes ______No unteer a minimum of three days to qualify as an END of TRAIL 2006 Waddie. Conventioneer? ______Yes ______No Junior (Age) ______I have read and understand the statement above • Special Skills: ______• Are there any physical conditions to be taken into consideration in arranging volunteer assignments for you? ______Yes ______No • Comments: ______Now you're all finished! For further information, please contact Waddie Ramrod, Drago at [email protected] If "Yes," please explain: ______Send all materials to: END of TRAIL Waddie Sign Up ______23255 La Palma Avenue Yorba Linda, California 92887 ______(714) 694-1800; Fax (714) 694-1813 Page 58 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006


By Steve Shaw, aka Ellsworth T. Kincaid Book Review by Lady Stetson, SASS Life/Regulator #6038

irst I want to say how proud I even the years to write it, I sure do. know how much he loves the histo- Jack’s friend and a dime-novel Fam of my husband, Steve … er, Those of you that enjoy reading his ry of the Old West. And his novel is celebrity, and his beautiful female Ellsworth. If anyone knew how monthly “This Month in History” based on historical fact. companion, learn of Wood’s where- hard he researched the information column in The Cowboy Chronicle,or Second, I must mention he did- abouts and resolve to rescue him. for this novel, and the hours … well, are acquainted with him personally, n’t want me to write this review. Crossing into Mexico, the couple He wanted another “author” to penetrates the Mexican strong- write it, so the review would have hold. But she is apprehended, some creditability. He’ll get that in forcing Jack’s friend to make a SHOOT magazine and the other stand against two hundred mania- Western publications. I insisted cal cutthroats. and prevailed (smile). A beautiful double agent, The story line reads like a mod- Apache warriors, and gunfights ern day thriller, only it’s set in round out this intriguing story. September 1876: U.S. Treasury You may recognize some of the agent Jack Wood, while attempting Texas Rangers … they’re SASS to discover the source of counter- members. feit money appearing along Texas It’s been a long time since a border towns, suddenly disappears Western has made New York’s Top in El Paso. The U.S. Deputy 10 list. So, if every SASS member Treasury Director, a member of a buys just one book … well, it might clandestine group of advisors to just work! President Ulysses S. Grant, in- You can order the novel from forms Grant and the committee of iUniverse, Barnes & Noble, Borders, Wood’s disappearance and of and But, if you pur- Mexico’s possible involvement with chase it from the SASS Mercantile, the counterfeit money. Ellsworth will personally autograph South of El Paso, Mexican mer- it for you, at your request. cenaries have assembled with orders to destroy the town, advance on Dallas, and hold the Beyond the Rio Grande city hostage until Grant exchanges Author: Steve Shaw Texas for thousands of American lives. Grant, considering an unpre- 286 Pages, Publication Date: cedented third term, hesitates. His Feb-2006 administration, fraught with scan- Paperback, ISBN: dal, is not trustworthy. With the 0-595-37374-7 post–Civil War depression and mil- Hardcover, ISBN: itary downsizing, America can ill- afford another war. 0-595-67492-5 With instructions from Washing- iUniverse, Inc. 800-288-4677; ton, a half-dozen Texas Rangers descend on El Paso, only to learn that Wood is being held captive in Mexico. SASS Mercantile – The Mexican government is in revolt, and crossing the Rio Grande would be considered an act of war. May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 59

GUN DIGEST 2006 60th Annual Edition Edited by Ken Ramage Reviewed by Nubbins Colt, SASS Life #7802

o you know how hard it is to guns in the past few months. ment, optics, metallic sights, and Dreview a book when the review However, if Ruger’s chokes and brakes. Listen, these is handed to you on a silver platter? shot rifle has not been oft discussed are highlights—I’m skipping some The book’s front cover says it is the around your campfire, when you see great stuff or this review would be world’s greatest gun book, and the how gorgeous the Gun Digest 60th twice as long. You need this book! back cover says it is today’s most Anniversary Rifle is, dedicated to the Need to know more? A Web Nubbins Colt, complete gun book. And you know digest’s anniversary by Ruger, you’ll Directory so complete that every SASS Life #7802 what—that’s right! This is an quickly realize that shooters who use company that apparently has any- up–to–the–minute compendium of those guns had to have been thrilled thing to do with the firearms case there is someone, some compa- everything current in available new to see this rifle—and since it is in .38- industry is listed; maybe this is a ny, some item you just have to find firearms in America. Everything. 55 caliber, it ought to get every complete SHOT Show roster, I but cannot locate the maker—Gun Well, almost everything. Not to Cowboy Shooter’s attention. can’t tell! It’s seven pages long, Digest 2006 has it for you! be negative, but you won’t find refer- Okay, that’s the niggling and covers every aspect of the industry, The sum and substance is, if ences in this fine volume to the guns irrelevant negatives and glowing and has about 600 URLs listed. you don’t have a complete gun ref- that just came into our hands in the remarks about the Digest’s covers. That’s followed by lists of every erence book in your library, and if past few weeks—c’mon, this book Wannano what’s inside? Sure you do. periodical in the industry, every you’re really a gun aficionado, the was printed for 2006, copyright Check this out: available book in an “Arms Gun Digest 2006 is the book you 2005, they can’t be clairvoyant, Eight feature articles, including Library” or nearly thirty pages and need on your bookshelf, and you right, or include guns they are not one incredibly fantastic article then a forty-page directory, just in need it now. certain will be on the market, right? called “The Good Old Day—60 So the new slide action rifles from years of Six-Guns.” Three very Taurus, Beretta, and Pedersoli are interesting “Testfires,” and seven not included. I was a little surprised detailed “Reports From the Field,” to not find any Pedersoli rifles, but including one incredibly fantastic there is probably an explanation for article called “Six-guns and Others; that, as well as the omission of spe- Handguns Today.” Of course, you’re cialty guns from B. Searcy & Co. wondering, why did Nubbins repeat Just two minor omissions I only himself and why did he focus on noticed because I went looking for those two special articles. Well, it’s them. Also, the recently discontin- my book review, so I can, and they ued guns, such as the Remington happened to be written by my ADL, are included—again, the edi- favorite gun writer, none other than tors cannot predict everything—I “Sixgunner” himself, Mr. John guess they would have dropped the Taffin! Gun Digest 2006 is a great whole Winchester line if the editors gun book just with those two arti- were completely prescient! But I’m cles, never mind the great articles nitpicking just for fun and to get by such gun writing luminaries as these little items cleared up so Norm Flayderman (forget guns, his nobody will suggest I just find every article is called “Unsheathing an gun book I read to be perfect in American Legend: The Bowie every way. But speaking of perfect, Knife” – I mean, COME ON! For well, this Gun Digest 2006 comes lovers of the Old West this will mighty doggone close! make your heart race!), Holt After smiling to myself when I Bodinson, John Molloy, etc. And read the statements on the covers, I we’re just talking about the read- realized not only were the puffery- ing—we haven’t even begun to dis- style statements actually true, but I cuss the actual heart of the book! noted the editors were on the very So, let’s discuss the heart of the cutting edge of where the gun afi- book, a very big heart, complete cionados are this year and the guns with some of the best gun photo- everyone is talking about. The front graphs you’ll ever hope to see, with cover has great pictures of Ruger’s details on every gun available new Alaskan (technically the Super today, with specifications, prices, Redhawk Alaskan) and Ruger’s New import details, caliber availability, Vaquero. If you’re any kind of a and suggested retail prices. This is Cowboy Action/self defense/concealed a reference book of the first magni- carry/woods loafer–of–a–shooter, you tude—it also includes detailed bal- have been talking about these two listics tables, handloading equip- Page 60 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

MOUNTED SHOOTING PREPARATION AND WARM UP By Johnnie Concho, SASS Life/Regulator #2926, and Wildcat Kate, SASS Life Regulator #7873

of fluids. • Warm up your horse ade- your strategy, get assistance if • Feed your horse early; give quately. needed, and watch others ride him plenty of time before the • Do dry runs in a practice the course. Johnnie Concho, match (do the same for your- arena. • If you have any questions SASS Life #2926, Regulator self J). NOTE: Do not do dry runs on the about the course, ask the & Wildcat Kate, • Water your horse early. competition course. Range Master … avoid penal- SASS Life #7873, Regulator • Don’t water your horse imme- • Dismount between stages to ties and be safe. diately after he has run. give you and your horse a • Make sure you and your horse • Saddle up and give your horse break. are in a safe place at all times. t is important to be physically a chance to adapt. • You and your horse eat a Know your surroundings. Iprepared and warmed up for both • Check all of your tack thorough- snack, lunch, and drink water • Be mindful of spectators and yourself and your horse before you ly throughout the day; your as needed. other riders at all times for go into the arena to ride. We get in equipment and any malfunc- • Check your firearms; all of your own and their safety. a hurry and take certain steps for tions are your responsibility. your equipment and any mal- • Keep your firearms holstered granted, so we decided to document • Check your clothing from function is your responsibility. at all times. reminders that will benefit us in head to toe throughout the • Check the order of go and be • Never load your own firearms our practice and competition match- day; be sure nothing will get at the arena with time to while mounted. es. Here is a helpful checklist. in the way of your holster rig spare before your ride. • Unload your firearms immedi- • Get plenty of rest. and pistols, your hat will stay • Attend all riders and safety ately after your run. • Get to the match early. on, etc. meetings; listen and ask ques- • You and your horse should eat • Stretch and limber yourself tions as needed. Be safe, have fun, properly and drink plenty up. • Study the course, prepare and be safe! May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 61

MOUNTED REPRESENTATIVES ROUND TABLE MEETING AT 2006 END of TRAIL By Johnnie Concho, SASS Life/Regulator #2926, and Wildcat Kate, SASS Life Regulator #7873

t was discussed and agreed upon at the SASS 2005 Mounted Territorial There will be plenty of seating to observe and listen to the round table dis- IGovernor Summit it would be a great idea to have a “Round Table” dis- cussion, and we strongly urge everyone who is at END of TRAIL to attend. cussion at END of TRAIL 2006. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss The meeting will be held in town in one of the main meeting areas; further pertinent issues related to the growth, participation in, improvement of, details to be announced. and further development of the SASS Mounted Shooting Program. It is If you do not have a club president attending END of TRAIL, you may vital to get the feedback of the SASS Mounted Club Presidents, the submit a proxy to Johnnie and myself to name your club representative. Mounted Regulators, and the Mounted Territorial Governors at a Round Once again, SASS is providing an opportunity for us. Please let your voice Table discussion. be heard. If you have an agenda item for the Round Table meeting or any The meeting will have a meeting agenda prepared based upon your questions, email [email protected] or phone Johnnie Concho and submissions and facilitated by Johnnie Concho, Wildcat Kate, and Chiz. Wildcat Kate at (951) 928-4601. See ya there! J.B. Hickok Mercantile Prescott, Arizona Home of the World’s Oldest Rodeo

Complete Cowboy Outfitter. All major brands of 1880’s style clothing. Custom-made dresses in stock. Rodeo wear. Antique and new cowboy guns. Leather, western collectibles and decor.

Hickok’s on-line Mercantile posts weekly specials. 1-888-445-6336 Where the Cowboy Spirit Lives On 4900 E. Highway 69, Prescott, AZ 86301 Page 62 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006


been manufactured! Even as late as Tuolumne Lawman, 1883, only 81,000 of the 1873 models SASS #6127 had been produced. That was less e think of 1873 Winchesters in than half the number of the approxi- W.44-40 as being the rifles that mately 185,000 total of 1860 Henry tamed the West. Consider, however, and 1866 Winchesters in circulation that the critical period of expansion at that time. The 1866 Winchester in the West was from the end of the (and its older brother the Henry), Civil War in 1865, until the mid to with its .44 rim-fire cartridge, was Cimarron’s antiqued Model 1866 Winchester has the look and feel late 1870s. probably the most popular and plen- of the original … and works flawlessly. It’s a great addition to any With this perspective, consider tiful rifle during the time period cowboy’s collection of Action Shooting firearms! now the 1873 Winchester was not 1865 to 1885, followed closely by the readily available until 1875 (by the surplused out military .56-56 and 1866 Winchesters until the turn of reproductions of the 1866 Win- end of 1874, only 126 rifles had .56-50 Spencer repeaters. Home- the Century and even beyond. chester. It is available in modern shipped) and by 1878, only about steaders, travelers, cowboys, and the Mike Harvey at Cimarron fire- center fire calibers like the .44-40 22,000 of the 1873 Winchesters had Indians hunted and fought with the arms is offing fine, Uberti made (Continued on next page) May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 63 (Continued from previous page) azine. This tubular magazine also and .45 Colt for today’s “New West” allowed the use of a wooden forearm, Cowboys and Cowgirls. preventing burns on the hand from 1866 Winchester History grasping the Henry’s bare, hot barrel. Winchester coupled the .44 rim- This 1866 proved to be even more fire cartridge designed by B. Tyler popular than the Henry. A total of Henry, with a modification of the old 170,000 1866 Winchesters were Volcanic rifle. In 1860, the Henry manufactured between 1866 and Repeating Rifle was born. The 1860 1898. Of these, probably 95% were Henry was a heavy weapon, tipping produced between 1866 and 1873. the scales at almost 9 ? pounds! The The 1866 came in both carbine and majority of this weight was in the rifle versions. The handy carbine barrel and magazine, which was was a favorite of those working on machined out of a single solid forged horseback. It had a 20” barrel, and piece of steel over two feet long. The the magazine held 13 rounds of the Henry rifle had a revolutionary tog- .44 rim-fire. The rifle came with a gle link action, with an exposed ham- 24” barrel, in both round and octago- mer and finger lever like the earlier nal configurations. The rifle held 16 Volcanic. Rather than a cartridge rounds, and was referred to as “six- loading gate on the side of the receiv- teen shooters” by . er like later designs, the Henry A full stock military musket version By this time the ammunition for Custer’s various commands. They loaded from the muzzle end of the was also manufactured. The 1866 the Henry and 1866 was also called the 1866 “Yellow Boy,” “heap magazine tube. Another distinctive musket came with a sword bayonet, improved from the 216 grain round rifle,” or “rifle of many shots.” feature of the Henry is the absence of much like the one on the Spencer nose bullet with 24-26 grains of Despite the tremendous popular- a wood forearm. Navy models and Remington 1863 blackpowder of Civil War days to a ity of the new 1873 Model In 1866, Oliver Winchester contract rifle. 200 grain flat nosed, healed bullet Winchester and its 200-grain bullet stopped producing the Henry rifle in Instances of the 1866’s prowess over 28-29 grains of blackpowder. powered by 40 grains of blackpow- favor of his new “King’s patent are too numerous to count. From The cartridge was simply called .44 der, the 1866 “Yellow Boy” continued improved Henry”, the 1866 Win- 1866 to 1880, it was the most com- Flat Rim-fire. to be popular in the West for thirty chester. It was essentially a Henry mon and popular repeating rifle on While still not a powerhouse by more years, until the turn of the cen- with the barrel and the magazine the American frontier. Cowboys, out- today’s standards, many a man and tury. Winchester made its last run of tube being separate pieces, and a laws, lawmen, teamsters, settlers, game animal met its demise from 1866s in 1898, six years after the loading gate on the side of the famil- and Indian braves all prized it for its the .44 Henry cartridge. In fact, the introduction of the new, super iar brass receiver to make loading reliability and firepower, and called recent archaeological excavations of strong, smokeless powder firing 1892 easier. It had the improvement of an it “Yellow Boy.” You only have to look the Little Big Horn Battlefields show Winchester! A total of over 170,000 enclosed magazine, rather than the at the tintypes of that period. If the 1866 Winchester and 1860 1866 rifles, , and full stock slotted bottom of the Henry that there is a rifle or two shown, chances Henry were the most common rifles were manufactured allowed dirt and debris into the mag- are it is an 1866 Winchester. carried by the Indians that defeated (Continued on page 67) Page 64 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

THIS MONTH IN HISTORY WAY OUT WEST – Twentieth LITTLE KNOWN Century - End of an Era FAMOUS PEOPLE By Joe Fasthorse Harrill, SASS #48769 Joe Fasthorse Harrill, MMaayy SASS #48769 enry McCarty, alias Kid Antrim, alias HWilliam H. Bonney, alias Billy the Kid By Ellsworth T. Kincaid, was a cold-blooded killer. He was a major Life/Regulator #6037 player in the Lincoln County War, the feud between the Dolan/Riley and the Tunstall/McSween factions fought in 16 May 1900 In retaliation for killing a friend of his, Wild Bunch member Harvey Logan Lincoln County, New Mexico in the late rides to Moab County, Utah, looks up Sheriff John Tyler and Deputy Sam 1870’s. Billy the Kid killed 21 men, not Jenkins and kills them both in a street shootout. counting Negroes and Indians, in his 30 May 1900 In a letter to Utah Governor Wells from W.S. Seavey, general agent of the short life span. It is said by some that Denver office of the Thiel Detective Service: “I desire to inform you that I have Bonney was only 12 years old when he reliable information to the effect that if the authorities will let him [Butch killed his first man. Cassidy] alone and the UPRR [Union Pacific Railroad] officials will give him On July 14, 1881, the Kid was tracked a job as guard, etc., the outlaw Butch Cassidy will lay down his arms, come down in Fort Sumter, New Mexico and shot in, give himself up, go to work and be a good peaceable [sic] citizen hereafter.” dead at age 21 by Sheriff Pat Garrett. May 1901 Sheepmen in Sweetwater County, Wyoming, employ a band of well-armed Johnny Mack Brown’s first major cow- men to resist attacks from cattle ranchers. boy role was portraying the infamous 15 May 1901 The studio portrait of the Wild Bunch, discovered by Fred Dodge of Wells, killer, William H. Bonney, in the MGM Fargo and Company and distributed by him, will assist in the identification feature film “Billy The Kid.” The movie of each member, now known as the “Fort Worth Five.” This photograph will appear on Pinkerton wanted posters with each outlaw described physically. was filmed in 1930, directed by King Vidor and featured Wallace Beery as The manhunt is on. 30 May 1902 MacMillian publishes Owen Wister’s The Virginian: A Horseman of the Pat Garrett. Plains, which is dedicated to Theodore Roosevelt. 8 May 1904 Harvey Logan is killed near Las Cruces, New Mexico. 28 May 1904 Kicking Bear, a Miniconjou Sioux, dies. 21 May 1906 The United States and Mexico sign a treaty providing for equal distribution of the waters of the Rio Grande River between the two countries. 9 May 1907 Lemhi Chief Tendoy dies when he falls off his horse while crossing a cold mountain stream in Idaho. It is believed he was seventy-three years old. 26 May 1907 Marion Robert Morrison (aka John Wayne) is born in Winterset, Iowa. 29 May 1908 Lands on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation in South Dakota are set aside to create the townsite of Timber Lake. 5 May 1916 The last fight by U.S. Army Indian scouts, part of the Eleventh Cavalry, takes place when they fight Pancho Villa’s troops at Ojos Azules Ranch in Mexico. None of the scouts are killed, but Villa loses forty-four men. 13 May 1916 The Society of American Indians establishes Indian Day to recognize, honor, and improve Indians’ conditions. 10 May 1919 Commodore Perry Owens dies peaceably in Seligman, AZ at the age of sixty- six from pareses of the brain. He is buried in Flagstaff, Arizona. 3 May 1922 According to the Foss Enterprise newspaper in Oklahoma, “Chief Little Wolf, the most noted Indian of the Cheyenne tribe,” died one mile south of Clinton, Oklahoma. 23 May 1923 Curly, Crow scout and only survivor of the Custer battalion at the Battle of the Little Big Horn, dies and is buried in the National Cemetery of the Custer Battlefield, in Montana. 19 May 1939 Pope Pius XII approves the beatification of Kateritekawitha, a Mohawk from Ossernenon, New York. 23 May 1944 Van Barfoot, a Choctaw, a second lieutenant in the Forty-Fifth Infantry will be awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions against enemy troops near Anzio, Italy. Among his achievements: destroying two machine-gun nests, capturing seventeen German soldiers, stopping a German tank assault, and carrying two wounded commanders to safety. 30 May 1944 Chris Madsen, one of the ‘Three Guardsmen’ of Oklahoma, dies of natural causes at the age of ninety-two. 29 May 1945 The Shoshone-Arapaho tribes of Indians in Wyoming cede to the United States a large area of their reservation in Wyoming. 5 May 1969 For his book House Made of Dawn, N. Scott Momday becomes the first American Indian to win the Pulitzer Prize. 14 May 1971 The first radio station on an American Indian reservation is dedicated at the San Carlos Reservation, station SCCR. 7 May 1973 According to the FBI, at 10:19 AM the occupation of Wounded Knee officially ends. The occupation started on February 27, 1973. 24 May 1996 Executive Order No. 13007, “Indian Sacred Sites,” is issued to “protect and preserve Indian religious practices.” May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 65


acramento, CA Crossfire Colt, orn September 2, SColton Bosik, is the 3-1/2 year old B2005 in Sacramento, son of Bigsby, SASS #54551, and California, Jack doesn’t Tequila Lolita, SASS #59559, and look too happy to be a grandson of Mosebee, SASS #8606. Cowboy at the moment, Colt loves to help his Daddy sort but we’re sure he’ll love and reload bullets at home. He also it, eventually! likes to dress up as a cowboy whenever Born with the per- the chance allows. We have no doubt fect alias of “Jack he’ll be getting his own SASS badge in Daniel,” he has already no time. In his downtime, he likes to been given the honor of play with his big sister, Taylor, and new being part of the baby brother, Jackson. “Darryl” group just like his Daddy, Bigsby, SASS #54551, can’t wait until he is big enough to and his Grandfather, Mosebee, shoot. His mom, Tequila Lolita SASS #8606. Jax proudly wears a couldn’t be prouder of her newest / mini Darryl badge #30-1/2, and we little cowboy! Page 66 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006 GWII “EXPRESS” MODEL 1873 SINGLE 43/4” ACTION REVOLVER BARREL Send For New Gun Catalog 45 LC & 357 MAGNUM $500 WALNUT OR POLY IVORY GRIPS Stainless Steel or Color Casehardened Frame LIST THE “EXPRESS” GRIPS ARE ()$ 00 BASED ON THE DISTINCTIVE 665 GRIP OF THE COLT DOUBLE- ACTION LIGHTNING AND THUNDERER REVOLVERS. Fair came. I woke up in the morning kids in my school who like to steal. ~ SPECIAL SASS PRICES ~ and said, “This is it!” I jumped out of So I was standing by my board, STAINLESS STEEL W/ "IVORY" GRIP $62990 New bed and got ready for school wearing nervous, waiting for a judge. When the my old western dress I wore for the judges finally came in, I was judged STAINLESS STEEL W/ WALNUT $59990 For Costume Contest at last year’s END of three times by a different judge each $ 90 CUSTOM CASEHARDENING W/ "IVORY" 629 TRAIL. At 6:45 am my bus drove out time! I messed up on my presentation STANDARD CASEHARDENING W/ WALNUT $45990 2006! in front of our gate, and I jumped in a bit, but not that bad. I was by my $ 90 CUSTOM BRIGHT NICKEL W/ "IVORY" 629 and waved bye bye to my father. As I board with my friend, Krystan, right was sitting in the bus, I was thinking next door to me for nearly four hours. $ 00 SAVE 10 PER GUN WHEN YOU BUY TWO OR MORE GUNS about the Science Fair. Will I win? When it was finally lunchtime, I was so LIMITED Will I mess up my presentation in happy because my stomach was HUN- ORDER DESK 800-430-1310 SUPPLY front of the judge? So I kept practicing GRY! As my friend and I sat at a table my presentation for an hour when I eating, we were wondering who would Fax: 949-756-0133 finally got to school. I normally have win? We couldn’t wait as we went to E.M.F.Co.,Inc. P.E. class for 50 minutes, but this regular classes. 1900 E. Warner Ave., Suite 1-D, Santa Ana, California 92705 morning it was from 7:55 to 8:30 am 2:40 pm finally came, and my class because of the Science Fair. When P.E. and I went to the auditorium for the was over, we went to the cafeteria to award ceremony. I was in the category MOUNTED SHOOTING have brunch. I was sitting at a table of Physics, and I was waiting to hear with a few of my friends, and we were that category as they gave out other GOES TO THE SCIENCE FAIR . . . all talking about the Science Fair ‘till awards. I was starting to get butterflies (Continued from page 57) spread out so far that at 15 feet there coach yelled it was time to go. in my stomach when my science teacher the size of the patterns from the two can be holes in the 36 inch pattern big We were all nervous and ran all announced, “second place in physics is barrel lengths, less than one inch. At 10 enough to let a balloon inside the pat- the way across the street into the Edward.” My two friends just looked at feet you’re better off with the shorter tern escape. One such “hole” was eleven Middle School building. When I got me since they were expecting to hear barrel. The pattern is 26 inches across inches across! The longer barrel’s pat- there, my pictures, DVD player, and my name next. Then my teacher and still good enough to break balloons, tern is 24 inches, but stays tight enough my Dad’s laptop computer were announced, “First place Physics is while the longer barrel’s pattern is only that the remaining embers will still already set up! My dad came to school Kathy!” I was so excited and surprised 19 inches. The 5.5 inch barrel doesn’t break balloons. So at 15 feet with a 5.5” for the Science Fair, bringing in my as I walked up on stage to get my prize. let the embers spread out so far, so you barrel, you need to be a better shooter, DVD player to show video of a match They even had me stand to the side so must be a better shot. At this distance but at least you can break balloons we competed in, Mr. Quigley’s photos, they could take my picture. Now I can’t you’d be better off with the shorter bar- every time. I didn’t shoot at twenty feet and a laptop computer to play a slide wait for March 4th for the Regional rel because it gives you more room to because we trusted the manufacturer, show of more of Mr. Quigley’s Mounted Competition in Portales, New Mexico. make mistakes in your shooting. But it and they are certified not to break bal- Shooting photos. Dad also had to I hope you enjoyed this and find the changes when you get further away. loons at that distance. watch over everything when I wasn’t information interesting. See you in the The 4.75 inch barrel lets the embers Then the day of our local Science around because there are some bad arena! May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 67 CIMARRON BRINGS BACK THE EARLY WEST . . . (Continued from page 63) windage, as is the rear sight, which between 1866 and 1898. The .44 is also adjustable for elevation. rim-fire ammunition was still manu- The fit and finish on the factured until the beginning of World Cimarron is flawless, both wood to War Two in 1941. Modern incarna- metal fit and metal-to-metal. The tions of the 1866 manufactured in butt stock is walnut, and has a grace- Italy by A. Uberti are still popular ful, gently swelled curve, reminiscent with Cowboy Action Shooters. of a Kentucky long rifle. The action CIMARRON’S of the Cimarron 1866 is smooth, typ- 1866 WINCHESTER ical of the 1866s and 1860 Henries One of Cimarron Firearms most with their brass followers moving popular rifles is the 1866 Winchester within their brass frames. The trig- Yellow Boy. The 1866 is offered in ger on my sample was a little heavy both 24” barreled rifle versions, and at about six pounds with very little 20” barreled carbines. The standard creep. My .44-40 sample holds 13 calibers the 1866 is available in are rounds in the full-length magazine .45 Colt/Schofield, .44-40, .38 tube under the barrel, as does the .45 Special, and occasionally .44 Special. Colt versions. I believe the .38 The sample I requested and Special 1866 holds 14 or 15. The received was a 24-inch full octagonal 24”barrel gives a nice long site barreled rifle, in .44-40 Winchester, radius, increasing accuracy. It also with their “antiqued finish.” The gives the rifle heft and makes recoil Cimarron Henry’s 1866 has an eye- with the .44-40 almost non-existent. catching brass frame, nose cap, and AT THE RANGE butt plate, with an aged, tarnished The .44-40, or .44 WCF (Win- finish. The tarnished brass nicely chester Center Fire) as it was origi- accents the aged steel of the barrel. nally called, is one of my favorite car- The finish on the barrel, loading tridges. It was the most popular car- gate, and lever of my sample is a tridge in both the 1873 and 1892 nice, grayish aged patina finish, Winchesters, and the second most which is indistinguishable from an popular cartridge in the Colt Single original aged gun. It has a semi- Action Army. It is probably the third buckhorn rear sight, and a reproduc- most popular caliber with today’s tion of the original Winchester front Cowboy Action Shooters, behind the sight. The front is adjustable for .45 Colt and .38 Special. With this in

mind, I selected an 1866 in .44-40 to ing drills included bouncing pop use for my article. The 1866 was cans at 25 to 30 yards. Several originally produced in .44 rimfire, times, I bounced a pop can at about except a small batch of .44 Henry 35 yards 10 times, shooting rapid center-fire made for export. As .44 fire, off-hand without a single miss, rimfire is no longer made, it seems though I had to aim under them, so more appropriate to at least use a as not to shoot over them with the contemporary Winchester cartridge low front sight. like the .44-40 in it. It seems like CONCLUSION blasphemy to me to shoot a .38 Of all the Winchester lever guns, Special or .45 Colt, which were his- past and present, it is no secret my torically pistol only cartridges, from favorite is the 1860 Henry. A close an 1866! second, however, is the 1866 Both Black Hills and Ultramax Winchester. With the lack of fore- offer a great Cowboy Action stock and the necessity to do the Shooting™ load in .44-40. Both sup- “Henry Hop” with your off hand to plied ammunition for the test. I used avoid the follower, the Henry by their 200-grain .44-40 for my shoot- design is not a “Gamer friendly” rifle! ing sessions. Both companies list the The 1866, on the other hand, is a per- velocity from a 24” barreled rifle at fect platform for a classy looking, around 1150 fps. short stroke link, lightened action, The 1866 performed flawlessly! Gamer Gun.” I personally don’t care The bulls-eye shooting for group size for such modifications, but others do. was done from a casual rest (two Cimarron has done a great job with stacked milk crates) at 25 yards. this Uberti 1866 Rifle. With the Groups averaged about 1 1/4” inches antique finish, it looks like an origi- at 25 yards. Even with the sight on nal rifle. You can’t go wrong to get its lowest setting, however, the one for your Cowboy Shooting arse- groups were four to five inches above nal. Check out their Web Site at point of aim at that range. It really, or call should have a taller front sight. them at: (830) 997-9090. Tell them Standing, off-hand speed shoot- old Tuolumne Lawman sent Ya!

VISIT THE SASS WEB SITE AT WWW.SASSNET.COM Page 68 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

MARLIN COWBOY .32 H & R “MAGNUM” By Captain George Baylor, SASS Life #24287

and you drop rounds into it. The stroke is considerably short- er than a .45 Colt Marlin Cowboy or a .357 Magnum Cowboy. The en- Capt. George Baylor, closed photo shows it, about 5”, com- SASS #24287 fortably above the new 4-1/8” mini- mum, but close enough to make lev- ering it easy. Were it mine, I would .32 H & R “Magnum.” Somehow send it to a good Marlin gunsmith to it’s hard to take the word “Magnum” smooth the action to the extent mine seriously when talking about a still has been. In order to shoot .38 itty-bitty cartridge. The caliber is Specials, .357s need either a magic controversial in SASS. When Ruger bullet (long enough to fool the carrier came out with a .32 H & R Magnum into thinking it’s a .357) or a gun- pistol, the usual suspects predicted smith who understands Marlins, but the end of the SASS World as we the .32 doesn’t need anything to feed know it. Manly men using it in normal sized .32 H & R cartridges. I matches received harassment from ejected one live round in the course of Firing a full house blackpowder load on a windy day wasn’t good the SASS Wire about the same as several matches, probably due to my for pictures of smoke, but the Marlin soldiered on without complaint. shooting wearing an 1875 period unfamiliarity with the not-so-smooth Recoil was gone with the wind, too. correct, totally authentic tutu. action, so I would consider it reliable. Women and children using it were I shot the little rifle in several directions. The Elephant loads made at full stroke and locked it open. I able to shoot SASS when they matches and let other people shoot less smoke, so I started with them. sent it to Long Hunter for an action couldn’t before. People with arthri- it. Originally I tried to get blackpow- It took me two stages to realize job, and he marveled at how bad the tis and other physical problems der ammo from Dawge Nose, but he you didn’t pull the plug out of the action was when he got it.) The sight could shoot when they couldn’t han- told me Goex doesn’t do .32 H & R. end of the barrel and drop rounds picture was familiar, a nice brass dle heavier calibers. Neither does Ten-X. Thus, both of down it. You just pulled it out bead up front, and a Marbles Semi- Apparently the little Ruger did- my suppliers of store-bought ammo enough to open the cartridge shaped Buckhorn in the back. Do remember n’t sell as fast as they could produce were out of the picture. An appeal on opening in the bottom of the maga- to turn the sight insert around so the it. It’s not being produced at the the Wire resulted in 200 APP rounds zine tube. The Elephant loads, with dreaded white diamond won’t be vis-

Something seems to be missing. Marlin .32 H & R on top; Could it be a loading port? .45 Colt on bottom— Cartridges are loaded directly into Marlin .32 H& R on top; comparing strokes. the magazine tube. .357 Magnum on the bottom— moment, and distributors have sever- comparing strokes. al still on hand. Cimarron makes the from Steel Eyes, SASS #23576, using ible to the shooter. As I understand Lightning pistol and Model P Jr. in 90 gr. Hampton bullets loaded to their bullets dipped in lube barely it, anyone using a white diamond on .32 H & R/.32-20 with two cylinders. 1.35 and stuffed with 1 cc (15 gr. vol- went through, and they left lube on his rear sight was declared the loser If the caliber was really to take over ume) APP 3F. Sergeant Smokepole, the outside that needed to be wiped of the gunfight even if he won, so SASS, a rifle was needed. Marlin SASS #29248, sent 100 rounds off. No problem, though. The rifle SASS has continued this tradition. filled that niche with a Marlin loaded with 15 gr. (vol) 3F Elephant shot to point of aim without adjust- Marbles blithely ignores this long- Cowboy in .32 H & R Magnum. and 115 gr. bullets dipped in a ment, tested to 50 yards. 50-yard standing SASS rule because they I received the rifle along with Crisco/toilet seat ring mixture. I groups were all one hole, primarily know we’ll buy their sights anyway. three other guns for testing from also had 250 smokeless rounds because I shoot groups of one round! Also taking some getting used to Tequila last fall at the Cowboys TV Tequila gave me, a mid-range The action was pretty good for a was the lack of recoil. This is a short, shoot at Tin Star Ranch. It looks like Titegroup load with 115 gr bullets. new Marlin, but not, of course, as heavy rifle, weighing more than a a normal Marlin Cowboy, 20” barrel, Before the match I shot it to slick as my old one with tens of thou- 24” barreled Taurus Thunderbolt. same stock and sights, except there make sure it shot to point of aim, sands of rounds through it. This That and the lack of recoil from the is no loading gate. You load it like a and tested both blackpowder loads. took some getting used to. (Marlins cartridges made it a VERY stable .22 Marlin by pulling the plug out of The APP load made the usual huge vary out of the box. I got a new .357, shooter. But, for the first few stages the end of the barrel far enough to white wall of smoke in the rising and it would barely function out of I would shoot one round and start reveal a cartridge shaped opening, sun, with tendrils going off in all the box. The ejector caught the bolt (Continued on next page) May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 69 (Continued from previous page) which really wasn’t that much, just gr., .32 H & R would be eliminat- bitty bullets. wondering if I had had a squib. more than I’m accustomed to. ed from blackpowder categories. 3. The only problem I see is a Fortunately my first round shots By the end of the day I was .32 S & W long rounds work fine match requiring a multi-round were all hits, so I continued. I did accustomed to it and really liked in it, but they’re too small for reload. A single reload is no get faster and faster with it. the speed potential. One shooter blackpowder categories. problem in a Marlin. Just leave After the sun came up and the whose wife has had a stroke and 2. Loading for one of the blackpow- the lever down, chamber open, wind appeared, I switched to the can’t push the rounds trough a con- der categories should be easy. No and throw a round in the ejection APP loads. These were so light I ventional loading gate took a real fillers; just adjust your machine port. REALLY thought I had a squib, so interest in the gun. Her old rifle is to throw the right amount of 4. I LIKE this rifle. Tequila is my shots went like this: bang ……… up for sale as a result. He liked the blackpowder (or) substitute and going to have a hard time getting bang–bang–bang, etc. They were lack of recoil, too. stuff in a bullet. Downloading this one back! light, but they shot flat, and rang the target when they hit. There are a lot of 90 gr. .38 loads out there, so people are used to listening for light rings. I have noticed when faced with a wall of blackpowder smoke, a lot of spotters can no longer hear. The 115s were stouter, but they still didn’t move the rifle. Comparing these to my lightest .45 Colt loads was like comparing blanks to real ammo. I swabbed the bore after every stage using them, even though Sergeant Smokepole figured they would go an entire day. They did leave a lube blossom at the end of the barrel. Conclusions isn’t necessary, even if you’ve got The scorer told me the APP 1. 15 gr. .32 loads smoke sufficient- a physical problem. Women and ADVERTISING rounds made really great smoke ly to convince a seven year-old children should take to this gun. rings. I had one foul up with APP boy you’re shooting blackpowder, Men, of course, can expect INFORMATION rounds, resulting in a live round but not enough to cause him to attacks on their masculinity if ASK being ejected. I blame it on the not- jump up and down squealing they shoot it—on the Wire, of yet-smooth action, not the rounds, with delight, and not enough to course, not at the match, where FOR and not on an inherent problem satisfy a Warthog Soot Lord. The most contestants know enough ~ DONNA ~ with the rifle. After that, I was used case is small enough that if the not to mess with someone carry- (EXT. 118) to the force needed to cycle the rifle, requirement had been 16 or 17 ing a gun, even one with little- Page 70 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006


ew Zealand 2005 - Lucky me, worries” and no paperwork. One Nmy wife suggested we go fishing suitcase took care of all our clothes, in New Zealand to celebrate our 30th boots, and leather; hats we wore on anniversary. When the The Cowboy the airplane. Chronicle arrived in February 2005 Finding the site of the match, the with an article on New Zealand’s Waiuku Pistol Club, was a bit chal- national shoot, the timing couldn’t be lenging. It is way out at the end of a better to start planning our trip for narrow rural road with only one later that year. After a few long dis- small 8.5” X 11” sign hung on a fence tance calls to New Zealand to make with “W P C” to identify it. Waiuku initial contact with Kiwi cowboys, we is a small community about 45 min- went to email and got the dates for utes south of Auckland, near the the match through Pistol New The entrance to the Waiuku Pistol coast of the Tasman Sea on North Zealand. Everyone was very helpful Club near Auckland, New Zealand. Island, a very beautiful setting. in getting us in touch with individu- The range is a bit remote, and this I arrived early and met J.E.B. sign is your only clue to finding Stuart, so I could acquaint myself als to help coordinate our participa- the entrance. tion. We booked our fishing trip with his guns. I became familiar around the shoot dates with a week bring your guns into the country. with his Ruger pistols, somewhat of fishing before and three weeks fol- You can bring in pistols, rifles, and with his Marlin rifle, but his side-by- lowing the match in November. shotguns, no problem, including your side shotgun was quite different The Cowboys of New Zealand 1897’s. The concern I had was what from my 1897. JEB provided all the sponsored “El Jaffa’s Revenge,” their to do with the guns during the four metallic cartridges (reloads) and the Double Dollar planned a New national shootout. Of the 400 cow- non-shooting weeks we were to be range had shotgun rounds for sale. Zealand fishing trip to compliment boys in New Zealand, 87 participat- traveling throughout the country. The shoot was a “hoot” with side his participation in El Jaffa’s Revenge. He did right well at both ed. Just think of a shoot with 22% of Guns cannot be left overnight in a matches, main matches, and a Top … and was recognized as the 2005 Gun Shootoff. The range is some- the US 60,000+ members participat- car. Pistols must be stored in an New Zealand Top International ing at END of TRAIL. I thought 800 approved vault. I doubted the vari- what remote, so the shooting wad- Shooter. Congratulations! shooters were a lot in 2005. If well ous fishing lodges would have legal dies of “El Jaffa’s Revenge” prepared over a dozen times that many partic- storage vaults and might not want three meals a day for all partici- between the different clubs, as well ipated, it would be a bit crowded, the hassle. Another possibility was pants, which was included in the as between North and South Island. indeed! Back to “down under” in to leave them in Auckland at the match fees; great down home cook- The 2006 match will be held on Kiwi land. The match was tradition- police station and pick them up just ing. One of the interesting differ- South Island in November. If you are al with a day of side matches and two before flying home. The perfect solu- ences I noticed in New Zealand is thinking of going to New Zealand to days of regular matches and a final tion presented itself when JEB Juniors and new shooters are not participate in the match, I suggest day for shootouts to determine over- Stuart, SASS #5686, whom I met at allowed to draw from holsters. They you visit the Kiwi contingent at END all champions. END of TRAIL in April, suggested I must pick up their guns from a table of TRAIL. The stages were great, the Pistol NZ will assist you in get- share his guns for the match. in front of them. competition fun, and the hospitality ting all the forms and paperwork to Quickly, all my concerns became “no There was lots of competition second to none.

s. gun TOP OF THE LINE ur y yo pla n is SINCE 1957 o r d ng ge e vi u ad a R Tr gr & r n lt o E o le C a m S o ed r t v fo s a s u r n C g u n g E

MASTER ENGRAVER P.O. Box 2332 OM Cody, WY 82414


(Continued from page 1) and Shotgun – 6.47). Winter Range pleased to have C. S. and Claudia step also offered Speed Pocket Pistol up their support to this level. Both C. (Desert Deuce – 2.59) and Speed S. and Claudia are founding members Derringer (Rick O’Shea – 2.36). of the Arizona Territorial Company of (Continued on page 72) Rough Riders, the company of volun- teers that have produced 15 consecu- tive Winter Range matches. Wednesday’s pre-match activity included 242 shooter’s participation in the Winter Range Warm-up match. Badlands Bud continues to impress as he took All Around Cowboy for 2006. He distinguished himself dur- Blackjack Zak again filled the shoes ing the Side Matches and took top of Winter Range Range Master … Junior honors. Congratulations! and did an admirable job! As Mountie Dunnright, he explains the basic safety rules and match etiquette.

the men’s and ladies divisions. In addition to the warm-up, The Dress Costume Contest took Winter Range offered speed competi- place under conditions of extreme tions for Pistol (Badlands Bud – 4.81 adversity on Saturday night. Not only did many choose to brave the This prop caused more double takes seconds), Rifle (Badlands Bud – 3.62 elements, an impressive number did than any other this year. It was seconds), and Shotgun (Handlebar so in their finest. Winners of the slightly down range … and many Doc – 7.40 seconds). Wooo-eee, them Ladies Best Dressed category were were ready to shoot when was some fast times! But Badlands (l-r) Sweet Violet, Pinto Annie, and their eyes came up and saw the Bud was looking for a clean sweep Marshal’s Lady. Looking Great! “horseman” down range! and came back for an “I bought it run” and bested those times in every category (Pistol – 4.42, Rifle – 3.22, 2006 WINTER RANGE COSTUME CONTEST By Pea Patch, SASS #23840, Each year Cactus Chris donates a and Miss Emma Starr, SASS #3517 guncart to a Junior competitor. Dancin’ Spurs was this year’s lucky any cowboys and cowgirls in Best Working Junior. Congratulations! Cowboy Action Shooting™ come to M Men Lorenzo Kid, national, Regional and monthly match- SASS #30214 Comprised of six Winter Range–like es dressed in their best, rain, or shine. Women Sweet Violet, stages set up by Blackjack and his And Winter Range 2006 was no excep- SASS #51200 legion of Arizona Territorial Ranges, tion. We had sun, we had wind, we had J Boy Cobra Cat, SASS #19275 many competitors commented, “Wow, dust, and we had drenching rains. We J Girl Dancin’ Spurs, I feel like I shot a whole major match saw diamonds and spangles of all types for the B-Western category (and that SASS #68115 already!” Or, “That tune up was more Match Director, Justice B. Dunn, than just points and plugs!” After all was just the men). Winter Range had In spite of the weather there were made sure everything happened its share of Classic Cowboys and still a few people who braved the rain was said and done, the best times in as it was supposed to. His Winter Cowgirls and military from the Civil to and mud and dressed in their finest the warm up stages were claimed by Range leadership has been the Spanish American wars. We had attire for the Saturday Evening Costume Chuckwalla Kid and Holy Terror in outstanding … great job! belles of the ball and soiled doves Contest. The winners were: carousing with townspeople and store- Best Dressed keepers and bartenders. There was Lady Sweet Violet, even an Indian or two. SASS #51200 Costuming is such an important Gentleman Take Aim, SASS #39434 part of our sport and it needs to be rec- Couple Curly Kathy, ognized. Judging is a tough chore, and SASS #36381, and Winter Range thanks those stalwart Kid Ladoga, individuals who resist temptations to SASS #36380 objectively select those competitors who B-W Male Ima Lee, SASS #55585 put thought, time, and lots of cash into B-W Lady Brighton Belle, those outfits that make Cowboy Action SASS #33858 Shooting™ so unique. Military Dan Mad Dog This year’s judging of the Working Costumes was done a little differently. Morgan, SASS #5399 A panel of four judges walked the shoot- Junior Girl Sunshine Sam ing line every day taking digital pic- Male Sutler No Toe Joe, SASS #7450 tures of shooters. The pictures were Lady Sutler Aspen Filly, then viewed on a computer by all four SASS #50535 Lead Dispencer and Holy Terror again posted the best overall scores judges and the winners were selected. Thanks again to our great judges, at Winter Range … both continue to demonstrate focus, dedication, and Winners of the Working Costume Miss Emma Starr, Pea Patch, Skinny, talent in their pursuit of excellence. Great Shooting! Contest were: and Border Agent. Page 72 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006 ~~WILDWILD WESTWEST MERCANTILE’SMERCANTILE’S WINTERWINTER RANGERANGE 20062006~~

(Continued from page 71) from troubled inner-city schools. ‘till after midnight by the master By sunset Wednesday, every cow- Each Explorer agrees to perform a gamesman himself – Lafitte, Knight poke was looking for a cool one, a certain number of hours of commu- of the Green Cloth. Lafitte kept his place to put their feet up, and a nity service. These services can one good eye on all the tables for bot- chance to catch their breath. They range anywhere from parking cars tom dealers and card sharks without knew the real fun would get started at events to search and rescue anyone bustin’ into fistfights or at sunrise the next day. efforts. Activities for the Explorers name callin’. As the clock chimed Opening ceremonies began with include a summer camp where they midnight, Lil Bear Track’s strategy a prayer by the Reverend Bob James, received instruction on a variety of of wearing down the older players aka Arizona Thumber and a stirring subjects from recognizing sexual worked (was that Solicitor General rendition of our National Anthem abuse to drug awareness and resist- noddin’ off at the champion’s table?). from Irish Thunder. A visiting ance education. Friday brought the desert winds Canadian Mountie, Dudley Dunn- The various raffles and other to Ben Avery while the Winter right, and his faithful companion, activities with proceeds to the Youth Range competitors did their best to Horse, returned by popular demand Assistance Foundation resulted in get through their four stages that to review the SASS Safety rules raising over $10,000! day without losing their hats. At the while preventing evil Snidely As the last round was fired end of the shooting day they were Whiplash from absconding with downrange on Thursday afternoon, wettin’ down their whistles in the Winter Range’s brass. The brass was the Rough Rider Saloon opened in Rough Rider Saloon and getting the saved and brought a tidy sum of the main tent. Cowboys and girls dust out of their gullets to sing cow- $735 from the brass and hull auction poured in to discuss their successes boy karaoke and do a little riverboat Sunday during the awards ceremony. and failures of the day while enjoy- gambling during Casino Night, All proceeds of the brass and hull ing an adult or not-adult beverage of sponsored by the Sheriff’s Youth action were donated to the Maricopa their choice. Entertainment was Assistance Foundation. County Sheriff’s Youth Assistance provided by DJ Mark Dunn from Prizes were taken home by Foundation to support the Sheriff’s 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Pigpen, Potus, Mogollon Munk, Youth Explorers. The Explorers are The second annual Winter Range Chilly Willey, and Boot Hill. students between the ages of 13 and Texas Hold-em Poker Tournament Storm clouds gathered over the 20 who have a career interest in law with prizes donated by Desperado Arizona desert in the wee hours of enforcement. Many are recruited Bullets was conducted from 7:00 pm Saturday morning. The early morn- ing sprinkling ended a 144-day Winners L Modern Sweetwater, drought in the Valley of the Sun and Cowboy Action Shooting™ matches. Overall SASS #1122 continued throughout the day’s The work has already begun on Man Lead Dispencer, L Senior Two Sons, competition. Undaunted, the three Winter Range 2007 set for March 7th SASS #27115 SASS #12636 waves of cowboys trudged through through March 11th, 2007. The Woman Holy Terror, L Traditional Holy Terror the mud, which did little to dampen result would not be possible without SASS #15362 Modern Handlebar Doc, their powder or spirits. But, as the the countless hours invested by the SASS #35794 level raised in the rain gauge, the members of the Arizona Territorial Categories Senior Evil Roy, SASS #2883 deeper the mud became. After some Company of Rough Riders, Arizona S Duelist Silver, SASS #31581 B-Western Shotgunner, near falls moving with loaded guns, Territorial Rangers, and volunteers. SASS #55550 Traditional Lead Dispencer some posse marshals questioned We thank them and the sponsors and C Cowboy T-Bone Dooley, SASS #36388 Side Matches the safety of conditions on some vendors who have supported your Cc Cowgirl Wicked Wanda, Plainsman Lefty Eastman, stages. After consulting with match prize table. SASS #28122 SASS #20645 officials, the Range Master agreed See ya next year! Duelist Nutt in Graceful, Long Range Rifle and closed four stages to further (The Winter Range Board is to be SASS #39117 P C Lever Long Hunter competition. commended for moving Winter Range E Statesman Ed Sieker – Texas R C Lever Kodiak, SASS #6708 This action obviously created a back a few weeks in an effort to Ranger, SASS #15960 S Shot Dutch Dalton, dilemma in scoring the National ensure better weather. In years past, 49er Long Hunter, SASS #44089 Championship of Cowboy Action Winter Range’s weather has varied SASS #20389 Quigley Silver Buck, Shooting™. A meeting was con- from idyllic to bone-chilling cold, to F Cartridge Sheriff Bill Murphy, SASS #5682 SASS #43990 Shotgun vened at day’s end attended by a rain, to wind, to … and March prom- F Duelist Billy Boots, Trap number of Territorial Governors, ised to offer generally milder weather. SASS #20282 Smokeless Gila, SASS #39128 Match Directors, and SASS officials Unfortunately, Winter Range suffered Grand Dame Badland Cactus Lil, B Powder Range Hazard, with the charge of determining the through the latest major drought- SASS #53136 SASS #9806 most equitable method to score the ending rainstorm in Phoenix’s histo- Gunfighter Badlands Ben, Clays match. After careful evaluation of a ry! That’s what can happen when SASS #24747 Smokeless Arizona Redneck, number of alternatives, Match you have an outdoor event! Many of Junior Boys Badlands Bud, SASS #49989 Director Justice B. Dunn determined us were proud to have completed all SASS #15821 B Powder Ol’ #4, SASS #41004 the four stages were to be dropped twelve stages, but the decision to sus- Junior Girls Little Fawn, Skeet SASS #41497 Smokeless Skeets, SASS #22176 from scoring. “There is about hun- pend competition on four of the stages L B-Western Boisd’arc Jean, B Powder Utah Jake, dred different ways to look at this was the right decision. As with re- SASS #46439 SASS #22624 and everyone has an opinion. But shoots, there is nothing good about L Duelist Pepper Shot, All Around Cowboy when all is said and done, you can’t having to drop stages from a major SASS #34370 Badlands Bud fairly score the match and determine match, but the decision to simply L 49er Daisy Jane, Top Gun Shoot-off a winner unless you compare the drop those four stages from the scor- SASS #25191 Women Little Fawn stages everyone shot. Weather will ing was the best option left. SASS L F Cartridge Ramblin’ Rose, Men Rick O’Shea always be a variable on a multi-day commends the Winter Range officials SASS #2811 Mixed Little Fawn match. It’s the luck of the draw.” for doing an excellent job of persever- L Gunfighter Half-A-Hand Henri, SASS #9727 Winter Range continues to ing under conditions of adversity. evolve, setting higher standards for Great Job! … editor.) May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 73 ~ SASS National Championship of Cowboy Action ShootingTM ~ Page 74 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

1ST ANNUAL GOLD COAST GUNFIGHT It Was a Little Bit Scary, but Came Off Like a Dream

By L. Topay, SASS #29327

iramar, FL – Here it is, just a One was the limitation of our range, Sunday morning before the match. Winners Mfew days after our 1st Annual just an open 50 yard pistol range, giv- Saturday check in was from 8:30 49’r & overall Match Winner Gold Coast Gunfight sponsored by ing us room to have five good scenar- to 9:30 AM, with a mandatory safety Jeremiah Longknife, the Gold Coast Gunslingers, and we ios. Another item of concern was the meeting at 9:30. Shooting started at SASS #21326 are talking about how we are going to range clubhouse, where we held our 10 AM and the first five stages were B Western Professor Pete, do it next year. At the beginning, BBQ Saturday evening. There is only completed by 2 PM. After a short SASS #54288 there were doubts as to whether this room for 100 people seated. break for lunch, the stages were Duelist Amaduelist, would be done again, and as the date We ran the match like our month- attacked. All of the targets were SASS #28092 drew closer, things got very anxious. ly shoots, as we are only able to set up rearranged, with some added. Two of F Cartridge Buffalo Brady, SASS #24830 With a limit of 100 shooters, the final the range the evening before the the stages were completely changed Jr. Bullhead Kid, count was 83 signed up to compete. match. This did not allow for berm out, and the other three changed SASS #43523 Everyone had a great time, and the marshals to shoot through, so we had around, making for more thought L Duelist Canyon Lake, only complaint I heard was about the club members volunteer as posse provoking shooting. SASS #21669 number of trophies given at the end. marshal and assistant, who would From 5 to 7 PM Saturday, Modern Desperado Dale, The weather was perfect, hovering at run each posse. All the posse mar- Cowboy Clays were provided for the SASS #25754 80 degrees, with a light breeze to shals and assistants got to the range cowpokes that wanted to give it a try. S Duelist Macon Maverick, keep the sweat off. early on Saturday morning and com- This was located just outside the SASS #44523 We limited the number of shoot- pleted a walk through of each stage to range clubhouse, where the BBQ was C Cowboy Deadwood Woody, SASS #22184 ers to 100, due to a number of factors. be shot that day. We did the same on held. The BBQ was scheduled for 6 E Statesman Papa Dave, PM and came off without a hitch, SASS #17266 right on time. There were many com- Gunfighter Preacher man Bob, pliments about the delicious food, SASS #20408 and there was more than enough for Lady 49’r Sassy Teton Lady, all in attendance. Not wanting any- SASS #47525 one to go hungry, we had bought L Traditional Velvet Sheath, enough so we were able to have “left- SASS #21327 overs” for lunch on Sunday. Senior Regulator Rude, SASS #19615 Sunday was again another per- Traditional Angus McNasty, fect day, as far as the weather. The SASS #17362 shooting of those five stages turned out to be interesting. Stage Ten had all the people who helped us tear 17 targets, ten of which were rifle, down. This is where “The Spirit of with four knockdowns. All the stages the Game” really comes to play. By were completed before 2 PM, at the time all the stuff was put away, which time we had the “leftover” the scores were done. BBQ. While the scores were tabulat- Prior to announcing scores and ed, we tore down all the props and presenting awards, we put all the targets. A hearty “THANK YOU” to (Continued on next page)

Priced at $325.00 FUR FELT $165 BEAVER BLEND $275 100% PURE BEAVER $385 Custom Hats At Cowboy Prices

Bob “Smitty” Smith & Cherie Slaven P.O. Box 1482 • Fairplay, CO 80440 • 719-836-1411 [email protected] (e-mail) May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 75 ~ 1st ANNUAL GOLD COAST GUNFIGHT ~ (Continued from previous page) award was a special badge donated there was no contest. This award was work, but we had great participa- shooter names in a hat and drew by “Star Packer LLC,” which they presented to Capt. D. tion. The club did not go in the them out for the door prizes. To col- requested to be presented to the per- Since this was our First Annual “RED,” and everyone had a good lect, you had to be present. Then, the son displaying the best “Cowboy Shoot, another one was in question, time. So, the answer is YES; the scores were ready and the awards Spirit.” When it comes to “Cowboy and we were waiting to see the same weekend for next year is presentation commenced. The first Spirit” and “Spirit of the Game,” results of our efforts. It was a lot of already reserved at the range. Page 76 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006


prings, WV – The sun came up farms around, and the law couldn’t Son September 23, 2005, but it touch them. The Pitch Black Mining woke no crowing roosters and no Company was idle because any gold cows could be heard mooing to be taken from it was stolen before it milked. It was a quiet day with could be brought to town. A rumor almost no wind, but you could feel was circulating the Singing Hills tension in the air. Something was Bank was going to be robbed any stirring back in the hollers behind day. One of our leading citizens was Singing Hills Ranch. It felt like missing, and the ransom note said he something big was about to happen. was going to be hung if we didn’t People were starting to gather in cough up some money we didn’t small groups. There were stone- Jackson County Killer (r) receives have. Something had to be done and faced men and hard eyed women and Overall Match Winner and his 1st place Frontiersman award done quickly. from Walker Colt. a few youngsters who know how to Champion Gunfighter, Walker Colt We swallowed our pride and sent (l) receives his award from Twin. pull their share of the load. All of Inc.) took note of them, there were so out word we needed help evicting Congratulations! them were armed; all of them dan- many we knew we couldn’t handle these uninvited squatters, rustlers, gerous. From time to time, a glance It had started months before. them by ourselves. A group of land and misbegotten spoilers from would stray toward the East and Strangers drifting in a few at a time, grabbers had staked claim to our Singing Hills Range. The word went then be hastily pulled back. There too few to be of concern at first, but high pasture. Most of our livestock out through the valleys and the was something back there, and no they kept coming. By the time CASS had been taken. Carpetbaggers hollers and the hills. Singing Hills one thought it was friendly. (Cowboy Action Shooting Sports, were running false claims on all the (Continued on next page) May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 77

(Continued from previous page) Ranch, stepped to the microphone Saving the best for last, the boss Ranch was calling in its debts—call- and gave a short speech to make cowgirl then announced the latest ing in our friends. No one doubted everyone welcome. Last Word, boss appointment to the ranks of they would come. Ranchers and cowgirl, came forward next to let (Continued on page 79) hands from neighboring states came. everyone know what a fix we were in Lawmen and army regulars in both with the gunslingers and all around blue and grey came. Merchants and bad hombres camped out in our other townies hung out the “closed” shooting bays and needing to be sign and caught the train to Great evicted. She thanked everyone for coming to help and wished everyone well. Her husband, Twin, the one who never gets the last word, then stood up and told everyone not to Hired Gun gets rid of shoot each other and not to shoot unwelcome varmints on Stage 2. anything close enough to scare one of were meeting with their charges. us and not to even point their guns Territorial Rangers were seeing to at anyone on our side. Tucker lights up the darkside! last minute details. The time had come for gunpowder to burn and lead to fly. At noon a meeting was held to remind everyone to be safe when the shooting commenced. People started unlimbering their guns for practice right after that. Just for fun, we kept track of who shot the best with each type gun. September 24, 2005 was the big Dakota Doc is seen here fraternizing day. Seventy shooters stood by with with a champion … Lady Senior Winner, Cactus Kay. She shot well! hats in hand while Old Glory rose majestically to the top of the flag Cacapon where they could catch the pole accompanied by the stirring stage from Dory’s Delli to Singing sound of our National Anthem echo- Hills Ranch. By noon a lot of horse- ing through the hollers. A rousing power was penned in the three big “Ye Haaa” followed the final notes. corrals. The chuck wagon was start- Then everyone fell silent as Lady ing to draw a crowd. Posse leaders Benson, owner of Singing Hills Page 78 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006 WINTER RANGE SASS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP OF MOUNTED SHOOTING . . . (Continued from page 1) Ranch, NM produced the event with the help and guidance of the SASS Mounted Shooting family and Chiz. When SASS announced in January Winter Range Mounted was on, there was much skepticism. This was mainly due to the way the mounted camp was previously set up at Ben Avery. Camping for the Cinnamon Lucy of Founders Ranch Mounted Shooters was a big issue. Buffalo Range Riders presents the There were numerous things not con- winner’s buckles to Overall Match ducive to having horses there and Winner, Buffalo Rider, and many competitors indicated they Top Lady, Star of July. would not return. Nuevo Mike and I Congratulations! included. However, Chiz promised our problems and concerns would be resolved. With constant input from the Mounted Shooters and Chiz’s help everything was put right. Most everyone was a winner just by being a competitor … however, On Thursday at the warm up this group earned their ribbons! practice there were 32 riders. Some of the riders had just joined SASS that morning so they could partici- pate in the match. One cowboy, Gamblin Rodg, came all the way from Wisconsin to shoot. The warm up practice was exciting, and the weather was perfect. Winter Range It was cold. It was wet. But many of the competitors didn’t feel a thing! again heard the sound of thunder- Division 1 competitor, July Johnson, ing hoofbeats coupled with resound- received his very first winners ing gunfire! buckle, presented by Chiz. On Friday morning before the Then the rains came! Nuevo Mounted Winners Mike and I got up early Saturday Top Man Buffalo Rider, morning to get everyone packed up SASS #6214 and onto hard ground in the parking Top Lady Star of July, lot. No one got stuck … a different SASS #47177 story from last year’s event! Div 5 Expressman, The rain didn’t dampen the spir- SASS #41513 its of the Mounted Shooters. We held Div 4 Saddle Burr West, our awards ceremony under the SASS #67959 canopy of Chiz’s motor home. The A potluck dinner was held Thursday night at the Mounted encampment Div 3 Bufford McHogg, cheers for each of the winners SASS #507 with plenty of food that tickled the taste buds. The Huginkiss Sisters and Chiz provided dinner music. A grand time was had by all! drowned out the noise of the rain Div 2 Boggy Draw Buford, coming down around us! SASS #41402 main match there were a few more issue. We received word a strong Like a Phoenix rising from the Div 1 July Johnson, SASS #107 sign ups, bringing the official entry storm front was approaching and sands of the desert, SASS Mounted L Div 5 Outlaw Annie, count to 37! There were seven full would arrive early Saturday morn- Shooting once again persevered at SASS #14042 Divisions in the mix, and the compe- ing. The decision was made to run Winter Range due to the dedication L Div 4 Wildcat Kate, tition was fast and furious. Nuevo four stages and declare it an official and loyalty of its Mounted Shooters SASS #7873 Mike took care of the announcing match. Everyone agreed, and the … Thank you to everyone who L Div 3 Miss Lilly, SASS #7646 duties. Sweetface kept track of match ended by early afternoon. attended! L Div 2 Canyon Cowgirl, recording times and scoring. Sierrita SASS #31074 Slim and Buck Cantrell took care of L Div 1 Sassy Spurstrap, RO duties. Also, Buffalo Range SASS #63973 Junior Tater Shot, Riders from Los Lunas, NM, Katie SASS #67932 Longears and Doc Eli Masterson Sen. Lim Tom Valiant, helped with balloons and the loading SASS #21415 table. I ran interference, making Sen. Open Juana Mestena, sure everything got done. Chiz was SASS #24549 there to lend support for the match. The first problem we had was the Best Dressed dust. On Friday there was so much Cowgirl Loon Lady, dust in the arena, the timers were SASS #12100 Cowboy Royal Bandit, malfunctioning. Putting water down SASS #56620 did not help … 146 days without rain Performance Horse for the Phoenix area made for very Oakey Dokey dry conditions. When the timers Spirit of the Game were placed at the “upwind end” of Gamblin’ Rodg, the arena, beyond the blowing dust SASS #67954 from the riders, the match was able Wildest Ride to continue. Rico Star, SASS #34970 Then the weather became an May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 79 quite sure which. At any rate, Winners Side Matches Stagecoach Trent won that honor this Pocket Pistol year and was duly humble and appre- Category Winners Junior Grampa’s Sidekick, ciative. He was immediately chris- Overall Walker Colt, SASS #60981 tened “Probie” and sent for coffee. SASS #3035 Cowgirl Last Word, Without further adieu the com- West Virginia Champions SASS #22225 manding voices of the posse leaders Men Punch, SASS #4368 Cowboy Twin, SASS #9553 rang out, calling all their charges Women Queen Of Hearts, Derringer together, and only then did each of us SASS #9938 Junior Grampa’s Sidekick Cowgirl Last Word find out which bay we would be Traditional Hunt ‘Urn Down, Cowboy Twin attacking first. The battle plan was SASS #18312 Modern Punch Rifle/Pistol Combo to take six of them back today, and if 49er Wingem Wib, Junior Grampa’s Sidekick we did not suffer too many losses or SASS #14462 Cowgirl Salty Sal, SASS #34717 run out of ammunition, or too many C Cowboy Bull Shoals, Speed Rifle of us make a really big mistake, take SASS #25400 Cowgirl Sagebrush Sal, the other four back tomorrow. Duelist Big Fred, SASS #28338 SASS #7357 Saturday evening found some F Cartridge Bad Company, Cowboy Big Fred, SASS #28338 tired, gunsmoke smudged Cowboy SASS #20195 Speed Pistol Cowgirl Last Word Action Shooters gathering around F C Duelist Doc Argyle, Cowboy Walker Colt, the home place feeling pretty good SASS #12847 Frontiersman Jackson County Killer, SASS #3035 about the day’s events. Those that SASS #60948 Speed Shotgun weren’t too tired and didn’t have any Gunfighter Walker Colt SxS Stagecoach Trent, injuries needing tending, saddled up Senior Will Kilya, SASS #9568 SASS #31138 and rode over to the American Legion S Duelist Flatboat Bob, Model ‘97 Hall where some first class citizens SASS #32310 Cowgirl Last Word had prepared a supper fit for heroes E Statesman Sgt Frank Finkel, Cowboy Wing’em Wib, in our honor. After supper some SASS #7356 SASS #14462 Long Range Rifle music and some dancing and some L Traditional Eula Goodnight, P Caliber Captain Hook jugs of John Barleycorn were passed SASS #18313 L Senior Cactus Kay, R Caliber Kuba Kide around, and sure enough, after a few SASS #15157 SS R Cal. Cody , sips from those jugs, some of us found L 49er Queen Of Hearts SASS #6986 out we could dance after all. L Modern Lena Okley, Men’s Fastgun Next morning came way too early SASS #6987 Pistol Hunt’um Down for those of us who had stayed at the L Gunfighter Sagebrush Sal, Rifle Hunt’um Down American Legion Hall ‘till they SASS #7357 Shotgun Punch turned out the lights on us the night L Duelist Kanyon Kitty, Ladies Fastgun Pistol Sagebrush Sal before. A little cowboy coffee from SASS #32243 Rifle Last Word the chuck wagon steadied down our Young Gun Sharpsburg Kid, SASS #58544 Shotgun Sagebrush Sal hands somewhat, and by 9:00 am we Buckaroo Grandpa’s Sidekick, were ready to finish the job we start- SASS #60981 ed yesterday. Last Word, the boss ANOTHER LOOK AT lady, gave the word to strap on our passed out some nice trophies. Those Carver was also a big contributor. APPALACHIAN guns and go after the bad guys again. of us who didn’t win big, at least got He does leather work custom fit for SHOWDOWN XIV We didn’t hesitate. By noon all of the nice door prizes donated by some the tall, the short, the round, and the uninvited guests occupying our really generous people who faithfully thin. Will Reynolds Enterprises AND THE SASS WEST shooting bays had been driven off, support Cowboy Action Shooting™. operated by Will Kilya, SASS #9568, VIRGINIA STATE surrendered, or gone on to meet their No recitation of such a tall tale as and Queen of Hearts, SASS #9938, Maker. The range was ours again. this would be complete without men- can both fix your guns and make the CHAMPIONSHIP . . . Singing Hills Ranch was safe. We tion of the big guns that sponsored leather to fit them. Atlantic Guns, (Continued from page 77) were so happy and so proud of all the the match and made it all possible. Inc. operated by Big Bad Bob, SASS Territorial Rangers. A Territorial good people who had come out to help First and foremost is Cody Conagher, #6553, and Billy Blackjack, SASS # Ranger is either the standard by us, we decided to have a little compe- SASS #6986, gunsmith and owner of 4970, will go out of their way to out- which all other cowboys/cowgirls are tition to see who could shoot fastest The Cowboy Shop, a place where any fit a Cowboy Action Shooter without judged, the cream of the crop so to with rifle, shotgun, or pistol. cowboy/cowgirl can get their shoot- lifting the poke from his back pocket speak, or someone who is most likely At the closing ceremonies, Last ing irons slicked up and shooting at the same time. They have been to show up for workday. No one is Word and her Segundo, Walker Colt, straight at a reasonable price. The (Continued on page 88) Page 80 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006


hatanika, Alaska – It looks to be night sun,” so if your blood’s too thin Canother chilly day with tempera- to join us in January, come on up in tures ranging from –10 to –20. It’s June or August for three consecutive New Year’s Day and time to head out Judge days of shooting. We’ll be shooting to Chatanika for the Golden Heart Yukon the Summer Solstice Shoot on June Shootist Society’s annual “Freeze Hatch, 23 and 24. Lead flies beginning at SASS Your Buns” shoot! As in previous 9:00 PM (yes, PM) and will continue #13327, years, the journey was peaceful with tackles through around 1:00 AM both nights. the sun rising as we prepared to leave one of Pictures are taken at midnight. For the homestead. On coming close to the those who want more, June 25th is our destination, a moose was bedded Fifteen brave souls participated freezing the monthly Sunday shoot with down close to the entrance of the Old in the January Freeze Your Buns stages! action starting at 1:00 PM. F.E. Gold Camp. match in Chatanika, Alaska’s August 4-6 brings some of the With sunrise approaching just sub-zero temperatures. best shooters in the state for the before 11:00 AM and setting at not packed up to head to the saloon for a their guns real well and the third will SASS Alaska State Championship. quite 3:00 PM, we wouldn’t have a hot lunch afterwards. be in contention for top shooter in the We’ve been fortunate to have some long day of shooting—but by the time Fifteen stout-hearted souls near future. Judge Yukon Hatch, great outside shooters join us and we we were through it would seem as braved the cold to shoot part of three SASS #13327, was the top shooter of look forward to seeing you again! If though we had done a full day’s stages with 14 completing all three. the day, and Lt. Col. D.D. Reed, SASS you’re interested in more informa- shooting, and I guess we had. Three new shooters and a first time #34182, didn’t miss a single shot. tion, Trail Boss Valencia Rose, SASS Thankfully a blazing fire kept us “watcher” joined us. Two of those new Robert Service once said, “There #10588, ([email protected]) will be warm between stages and as we shooters were juniors who handled are strange things done in the mid- pleased to provide it. May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 81 Page 82 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006 May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 83 Page 84 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

SHOEMAKER, SASS LIFE #20091 e e By His Loving Family Wyatt E., SASS #10386 Shoemaker, aka Richard (Dick) Bennett, died on Feb March 4, 1946 – November 30, 2005 16, 2006. A Life member of SASS, he was also a member By Shiloh Fox, SASS #8372 of the Comanche Trails Shootist Club in Midland, Texas, and the Seven Rivers Regulators Shooting Club of Tega Cay, SC – It is with great Carlsbad, New Mexico. He worked as a computer spe- sadness we report the passing of cialist for the National Park Service for 24 years, first in our good friend, Wyatt E., a.k.a. Omaha, Nebraska, then Big Bend National Park in Mike Price. Wyatt E. was born in Texas, and then in Carlsbad, New Mexico. Boston, Massachusetts. He earned Shoemaker was an amazing man. He had polio at his college degree from Boston the age of 7, which left him with very limited use of his University. He was an Emmy win- right arm and his left arm was completely paralyzed. He won awards for ning producer and was an employ- Outstanding Handicapped Employee of the Year and an Outstanding ee of the NBC News Channel in Administrative Employee. Charlotte, NC. Because of his disability, he was unable to compete in shoots, but talked Wyatt E. was the 2004 South his wife Frosty Rose, SASS #20092, into shooting, and when he was in Carolina and 2004 Florida Senior Nebraska took his grandson, Wylie Colt, SASS #30036, to shoot. He pur- Champion. He was a good com- chased a membership for his granddaughter, Miss Millie Rose, SASS #22945, petitor and was always willing to before she was even born. He was pleased when his daughter Sarah Abigail, help others with their game. SASS #20093, and granddaughter Princess Rose, SASS #30037, came dressed His home club was the up to watch the matches. He had not yet purchased a membership for his 18- Carolina Rough Riders. He month-old grandson, Jared. also shot regularly truly one of the more memorable Shoemaker was there to help with any problems Frosty Rose or Wylie Colt with Old North characters of Cowboy Action had with shooting, if their aim was off, or maybe a better way to shoot the State Posse, Iredell Shooting™. We will miss his quick stage. He was a range officer, took care of the unloading table, and kept Regulators, and wit and hearty laugh. Good ride, score for the shooters. He enjoyed the friends he met and the clubs PHA Cowboys. Cowboy, good ride. We’ll catch up he belonged to. He and Frosty Rose attended shoots in Nebraska, Wyatt E. was with you on down the trail. Texas, New Mexico, and Wyoming. He loved his guns, and took many hunting trips with his wife at his side. Surviving are his wife, daughter, son, four grandchildren, and three sisters. Shoemaker was carried to his final resting place by M.T. Brass, M.T. Poke, Grandpa Doe, Billie Pate, Arizona Kid, and G.T. Kid.

GRANDOTE, SASS #21736 By Katy Did, SASS #3706 SASS, Cowboy Action Shooters, and the world in general lost a dear friend and avid supporter in February. Grandote, aka Frank McKibben, born August 18, 1929, left this earth February 14, 2006 for the big shoot in the sky. Larger than life in both stature and nature, Grandote was an Elder Statesman with the wit and fortitude to battle cancer with total dignity until the end. Given a prognosis of only six to eight months, in his own inimitable style, Grandote far sur- passed the prediction and continued to live life large and in full color until the very end. Grandote had true grit! Somewhat rough around the edges at times, Grandote would take on any shoot with as much gusto as he did his favorite pastime of eating. Challenges issued by those younger than him were no threat; he simply stood up to the line and let his shooting do the talking. You could always find a smile on his face and the evil glint in his eye. His banter with the other shooters never let them get the upper hand. No matter what, Grandote would always remem- ber and display the spirit of the game. Shortly before his death, Grandote became a published author. The January/February 2006 issue of Shoot! Magazine (Volume 38) contains a wonderful picture with Grandote’s article, “The Odor of Captain Eagle’s Ode To My Alias.” Those of us who were privileged to have shared many a meal with Grandote, shot the same range with him, and to have known him will always remember him. Thanks to his son, Brother Chuck, SASS #44193, for always being there and shar- ing Grandote with the rest of us. It is with a heavy heart and a tear in our eye that we say “Vaya con Dios, mi amigo!” May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 85 Page 86 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

ZEKE WONOTA, SASS #37869 e e (1949-2005) STORMIN NORMAN, SASS #8511 August 2, 1942 to January 3, 2006 By Giddyup Gal, SASS #33788 By Grandma Kate, SASS #8512 Chippewa County Regulators, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Our dear friend, Zeke Wonota, recently rode on to that grand Port St. Lucie, FL – Stormin Norman aka Norman roundup! We all miss him, but he is still fondly remembered Bilisko died at the age of 63. Norman was born and for his exuberance for life. raised in Chicago, IL where he studied and became a Zeke and his lovely wife, Hemlock Lil, SASS #37870, fashion photographer with an international reputation. joined the cowboys during our startup in 2000. Zeke was In 1995 he became interested in Cowboy Action weak and wheelchair bound because of a debilitating ill- Shooting™ and soon was shooting at matches all across ness that sapped his strength, yet he was determined the country. We liked playing cowboy so much, we were to shoot it out with the rest of us even if he had to sit in a chair. married by Judge Roy Bean at Arizona’s Winter Range We all much admired in 1998. Norman was especially fond of long range his tenacity. shooting, the further, the better. He was forced to Over the next give up shooting these past few years because of four seasons Zeke his heart condition but still followed friends gained strength and through The Cowboy Chronicle. walked with the aid He’s hittin’ the heart of that buffalo with of only a cane … every shot now. Rest in peace, Darlin’. many times hoofing it unaided. We all, lease on life, and he proclaimed it which had a great effect on everyone Zeke included, attrib- was the most fun he had ever had … who had the honor to hang around uted this surprising “Where else can you dress up like a with him. change to the fact he cowboy and shoot yer guns all … day We'll miss Zeke, but take great was having the time … long?” Zeke always displayed a comfort in knowing he is with our of his life. Cowboy positive attitude and a joy for life, Lord. S’long, pard! Action Shooting™ gave Zeke a new May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 87 Page 88 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

ANOTHER LOOK AT APPALACHIAN SHOW- have a faithful few who keep the felt pretty good. DOWN XIV AND THE SASS WEST VIRGINIA wheels turning and don’t get a lot of There were a few suggestions recognition. Well, for those of you about what we should do again and STATE CHAMPIONSHIP . . . who fit into this easily overlooked what we should leave out next time. (Continued from page 79) tions. They are why these big category, here is a bat throwing, boot Attendance had been a little light helping Singing Hills Ranch put on matches seem more like a family stomping, shoot up the town thank this year and we had not been able these big shoots almost as long as we gathering where everyone has fun you from all of us who benefit from to persuade any vendors to set up have been putting on big shoots. and everyone takes something home your labors. shop. That took some of the shine off Twin, SASS #9553, and Last Word, to remind them they will be welcome As the sun sinks in the West on our success. Next year we are going SASS #22225, saved their egg money back next year. September 25, 2005, Lady Benson to sweeten the pot a little and see if and sold a mule that was blind in one CASS club members also deserve watches the parking lots empty and we can persuade the pack peddlers eye to raise the money to contribute some special thanks. Those who waves back at those cowboys and and the fur traders to roll out their to our war chest. Sparks Sport faithfully show up for the workdays cowgirls departing for their home blankets and lay out their trade Center, Miss Dixie Sage Hen Dry to donate their talents and labor to ranges. Back in the shooting bays goods again. Goods, Five Sisters Western Out- constructing and decorating the Last Word, her executive committee, Today, though, we are glad for all fitters, and Hendershots all spon- stages and those who act as posse and the Territorial Rangers put a the people who were able to come sored stages in the grand shootout. leaders for the match are unsung few finishing touches to the clean up and a little sad they had to leave. It Some others who donated door heroes who never get the credit due and put away process that has to be was a fun few days and, hopefully, prizes and deserve special mention them. Those leaves didn’t get raked, done at the end of any match. The Appalachian Showdown XV will be are Lex Engraving, Adventure those heavy targets didn’t get posi- chuck wagon is still open, but the even better. So when September, Designs, Black Hills Ammo, Blue tioned just right, and those props grub rangers are getting ready to 2006 starts to bring out the color in Ridge Arsenal, Clark Brothers, didn’t get built and painted by close it up. They fed a lot of people the leaves, think about the hills and Dutch Henry’s mercantile, Hardrock Bigfoot (although the tracks Walker and sobered up a few with their hollers of West Virginia, and come on Hiram & Black Orchid, Henry Colt leaves are sometimes mistaken strong coffee the last three days. out to see us. We will still be here Repeating Arms, True West Maga- for his). The range is spanking clean Everyone is tired, but it was a good and I suspect some new “baddies” zine, Kirkpatrick Leather, Westlance and sparkling in the sun on match match, and it will be a year before will have moved into the shooting Arms, Inc., Desperado Bullets, day because several dedicated peo- we have to do another big one. We bays by then. Americast Bullets, Shenandoah, ple who probably have lots of other Hunters Hardware, Lady Benson, things they could be doing, show up Sagebrush Sal and her sidekick in their work clothes and put it all VISIT THE SASS WEB SITE AT WWW.SASSNET.COM Dirty Dog, Tod Buzzerd (yeah, that’s together. And those posse leaders his real name), Morgan Messenger, with the clenched jaws and a fixed Walker Colt, and Arizona Anzie. stare don’t need mental health coun- GIVE TO THE These individuals and businesses seling after a match because they got along with others who never get a lot of praise and appreciation from SASS SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION their names mentioned add a little their posse. I’m sure this isn’t just (A non-profit, tax-deductable charity) something extra to our game that true for CASS, as I suspect all the MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! sets it apart from other competi- Cowboy Action Shooting™ clubs May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 89 Page 90 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006 May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 91 Page 92 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006

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WYATT EARP’S FAMOUS ORIENTAL SALOON & MERC. 4409 N. 16th Street Phoenix, AZ 85016 500 E. ALLEN ST. P.O. BOX 126 David Espinoza 602-263-8164 TOMBSTONE, AZ 85638 Free 1-520-457-3922 Brochure 1-520-457-1452 FAX EMAIL: [email protected] on Request (562) 431-2400 SALES & RENTALS - BRIDAL Roger Peterson Design REPRODUCTION 1880’s CLOTHING 1460 W. Walnut Pkwy. Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220 FOR MEN & WOMEN, PATTERNS

740-414-4129 May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 99

EMPORIUM Waterproof Oilskin Dusters from Australia, Since 1991 All BIG and TALLS now on Sale. 1032* Standards - $109.00 3001* Leather Trim - $119.00 Call or write– P.O.Box 299, Melissa, TX 75454

*Plus $10 Shipping* (972) 838-4111 Page 100 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006 CLASSIFIED RELIVE the 1880’s – Longhorn Cattle Drive on Working Ranch. Horses, Equipment, Chuckwagon provided. Moore Ranch (620) 826- 3649,

COMPLETE CAS STORE – Firearms • Reloading Supplies • Cowboy Carts • Action Jobs • Boots • Hats • Leather • Clothing • Knives • Accessories • Most Brands-Great Prices, Kempf Gun Shop, Michigan City, Indiana (219) 872-7957 Visa/MC. www.kempfgun

COWBOY MOVIE STARS WANTED!!! Star in your own old time movie. Mosey over to to find out more.

COWBOY and INDIAN BUCKSKIN CLOTHING - Riflecases, Moccasins and Weapons. Catalog $3.00, Tecumseh’s Trading Post, 140 W. Yellowstone Ave., Cody, WY, 82414 (307) 587-5362,, Email: [email protected]

.45-70 REVOLVERS WANTED any other large Rifle Caliber, Sin- 243–14th Ave., NW gle Action, Six Chamber Revolvers. Rick Leach 4304 Rt. 176, Crystal Turtle Lake, ND 58575-9410 Phone 701-448-9188 Lake, IL 60014. (815) 459-6917; Fax: (815) 459-9430; E-mail: E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

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LADIES, MAKE HEADS TURN AT YOUR NEXT BALL Visit for Victorian must-have accessories.


ADVERTISING INFORMATION ASK FOR ~ DONNA ~ (EXT. 118) May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 101

SASS AFFILIATED CLUBS MONTHLY SHOOTING SCHEDULE Club Name Sched. Contact Phone City State Club Name Sched. Contact Phone City State Alaska 49er’s 1st Sat & 3rd Sun David Cook 907-243-0181 Anchorage AK Big River Rangers 1st Sat Nimrod Long 850-592-5665 Grand Ridge FL Golden Heart Shootist Society 2nd Sat & Last Sun Valencia Rose 907-488-7660 Chatanika AK Gold Coast Gunslingers 1st Sat L. Topay 305-233-5756 Miramar FL Juneau Gold Miners Posse 3rd Sun C. W. Knight 907-789-2456 Juneau AK Howey In the Hills Cowboys 1st Sat Lady Robin 352-429-2587 Howey in the Hills FL North Alabama Regulators 1st Sun Six String 256-582-3621 Woodville AL Hatbill Gang 1st Sun Colonel Dan 407-359-7752 Titusville FL Alabama Rangers 2nd Sun RC Moon 205-410-5707 Brierfield AL Hernando County Regulators 1st Sun Y. Jack Derringer 352-344-0912 Brooksville FL Gallant Gunfighters 3rd & 5th Sun Buck D. Law 256-504-4366 Gallant AL Everglades Rifle & Pistol Club 2nd Sat Nick Simicich 561-368-1055 West Palm Beach FL Vulcan Long Rifles 3rd Sat Havana Jim 205-979-2931 Hoover AL Fort White Cowboy Cavalry 2nd Sat Delta Glen 352-317-2357 Fort White FL Old York Shootist 4th Sun Dusty Diablo 205-664-7793 Hoover AL Okeechobee Marshals 2nd Sat & 4th Sun Lead Pusher 561-793-5024 Okeechobee FL Cahaba Cowboys Quarterly TBA Curly Doc Coleman 205-988-9076 Argo AL Panhandle Cowboys 2nd Sun Blackhawk Kid 850-432-1968 Pensacola FL Mountain Valley Vigilantes 1st Sat Christmas Kid 501-525-3451 Hot Springs AR Tater Hill Gunfighters 2nd Sun Judge JD Justice 941-743-4043 Arcadia FL Running W Regulators 1st Sat & 3rd Sun Mule Skinner 501-824-2590 Lincoln AR Weewahootee Vigilance Critter Creek Citizens Committee 2nd Sun Weewahootee 407-857-1107 Orlando FL Vigilance Committee 1st Sun C.C. Undertaker 903-838-8944 Fouke AR Lake County Pistoleros 3rd Sat Brocky Jack Norton 352-409-3693 Tavares FL Outlaw Camp 2nd & 5th Sat Ozark Red 501-362-2963 Heber Springs AR Martin County Marshals 3rd Sat Papa Dave 561-747-7588 Stuart FL Judge Parker’s Marshals 2nd Sat Reno Sparks 918-647-9704 Fort Smith AR Southwest Florida Gunslingers 3rd Sat Swamp Fox 239-566-2047 Punta Gorda FL Peach Orchard Pistoleros 2nd Sat & 4th Sun Doc Sorebones 479-621-1317 Bentonville AR Miakka Misfits 3rd Sun Deadlee Headlee 941-650-8920 Miakka City FL South Fork River Regulators 3rd & 5th Sat Standing Eagle 870-895-2677 Salem AR Indian River Regulators 4th Sat Turkey Creek Red 321-728-7928 Palm Bay FL True Grit Single Action Panhandle Cattle Co. 4th Sat Tac Hammer 850-785-6535 Port St. Joe FL Shooters Club 4th Sun Sister Sundance 479-968-7129 Belleville AR Cowford Regulators 4th Sun Dakota Lil 904-724-7012 Jacksonville FL Cochise Gunfighters 1st Sat I.B. Good 520-366-5401 Sierra Vista AZ Doodle Hill Regulators 4th Sun Dave Smith 813-645-3828 Ruskin FL Rio Salado Cowboy Action Five County Regulators 4th Sun Dead Shot Scott 239-261-2892 Punta Gorda FL Shooting Society 1st Sat Lightning Jack 480-820-7372 Mesa AZ Antelope Junction Rangers Fridays Mayeye Rider 727-736-3977 Pineallas Park FL Cowtown Cowboy The Withlacoochee Renegades Last Sat Hungry Bear 850-929-2406 Pinetta FL Shooters Assoc. 1st Sun & 3rd Sat Barbwire 480-488-3064 Cowtown AZ American Old West Cowboys 1st Sat Josey Buckhorn 423-236-5281 Flintstone GA Arizona Cowboy River Bend Rough Riders 1st Sat Georgia Cracker 770-442-8630 Dawson County GA Shooters Association, Inc 2nd Sat Sunshine Kay 602-973-3434 Phoenix AZ Valdosta Vigilance Committee 1st Sat Big Boyd 229-244-3161 Valdosta GA Pima Pistoleros Cowboy Keg Creek Renegades 2nd Sat Nooga Kid 770-460-0752 Sharpsburg GA Action Shooter 2nd Sat Wander N. Star 520-744-3869 Tucson AZ Pale Riders 2nd Sat Will Killigan 706-568-0869 Midland GA Colorado River Regulators 2nd Sun Crowheart 928-855-2893 Lake Havasu AZ Bitter Creek Rangers 3rd Sat Cherokee Maddog 423-326-3759 Ft. Oglethorpe GA El Diablo de Tucson 2nd Sun Big BooBoo 520-312-8288 Tucson AZ Mule Camp Cowboys 3rd Sat San Quinton 706-335-7302 Covington GA Dusty Bunch Old Lonesome Valley Regulators 3rd Sun Wishbone Hooper 478-922-9384 Warner Robins GA Western Shooters 3rd Sat Squibber 520-568-2852 Casa Grande AZ Cherokee Cowboys 4th Sat Southern Breeze 770-597-7994 Gainesville GA Los Vaqueros 3rd Sat Ole Deadeye 520-749-1186 Tucson AZ Doc Holliday’s Immortals 4th Sat Easy Rider 770-954-9696 Griffin GA White Mountain Old Georgia Mountain Marshals 4th Sat Robin T. Banks 770-869-3036 Toccoa GA West Shootists 3rd Sat German Joe 928-537-7088 Snowflake AZ Maui Marshals 1st Sat Bad Burt 808-875-9085 Maui HI Altar Valley Pistoleros 3rd Sun Dave Rudabaugh 520-889-9231 Tucson AZ Single Action Shooters of Hawaii 4th Sun Clell Miller 808-923-9051 Honolulu HI Mohave Marshalls 3rd Sun Mizkiz 928-753-4266 Kingman AZ Turkeyfoot Cowboys 1st Sat Kingdom Kid 319-351-7572 Waterloo IA Tonto Rim Marauders 3rd Sun Rye Creek Roberts 928-472-9136 Payson AZ Iowa South West Shootist 1st Sun Colonel J. Fighters 402-291-2053 Glenwood IA Arizona Yavapai Rangers 4th Sat W. Meadows 928-567-9227 Camp Verde AZ Zen Shootists 4th Sat Rhett Maverick 515-270-8654 Ankeny IA Tombstone Buscaderos 4th Sat Diamond Pak 520-743-0179 Tombstone AZ Southeast Idaho Colorado River Shootists 4th Sun ClueLass 928-726-7727 Yuma AZ Practical Shooters 1st Sat Idaho Packer 208-589-5941 Idaho Falls ID YRL-High Country Cowboys 4th Sun J. P. Trouble 928-445-2468 Prescott AZ Panhandle Regulators 1st & 3rd Sun Long Rifle 28-245-4142 Plummer ID Sunnyvale Regulators 1st & 3rd Mon Billy Two Bears 408-739-4436 Sunnyvale CA Squaw Butte Regulators 1st Sun & 2nd Sat Acequia Kidd 208-365-4551 Emmett ID Escondido Bandidos 1st Sat Devil Jack 760-741-3229 Escondido CA El Buscaderos 2-4 Sun Often Cranky 208-448-0999 Spirit Lake ID Lassen Regulators 1st Sat Marshal Hankins 530-257-8958 Susanville CA Northwest Shadow Riders 2nd Sat Silverado Belle 208-743-5765 Lewiston ID West End Outlaws 1st Sat Rob Banks 714-206-6893 Myers Canyon CA Southern Idaho Rangers 2nd Sat Snake River Dutch 208-237-2419 Pocatello ID Two Rivers Posse 1st Sat & 4th Sun Cherokee Knight 209-477-8883 Manteca CA Oregon Trail Rough Riders 2nd Sun & 3rd Sat Pinkeye Pinkerton 208-922-3671 Boise ID Hole In The Wall Gang 1st Sun Gun Hawk 818-761-0512 Piru CA Hell’s Canyon Ghost Riders 3rd Sat J.P. Sloe 208-798-0826 Lewiston ID Mother Lode Shootist Society 1st Sun Dusty Webster 209-728-2309 Jamestown CA Twin Butte Bunch, The 3rd Sat (4-9/06) Idaho Shady Layne 208-524-1597 Rexburg ID River City Regulators 1st Sun Max Sand 916-359-4041 Davis CA Snake River Western Silver Queen Mine Regulators 1st & 3rd Sun Walks Fletcher 310-539-8202 Azusa CA Shooting Society 4th Sat Missy Mable 208-736-8143 Jerome ID 5 Dogs Creek 1st Wknd Almost Dangerous 760-376-4493 Bakersfield CA Rangeless Riders 1st Sat The Inspector 618-345-5048 Highland IL Cajon Cowboys 2nd & 4th Sat Bojack 760-956-5044 Devore CA The Lakewood Marshal’s 1st Sat Pine Ridge Jack 618-673-2568 Cisne IL California Rangers 2nd Sat Melvin P. Thorpe 916-984-9770 Fair Oaks CA Boneyard Creek Regulators 1st Sun Kiowa 217-834-3774 Murdock IL Dulzura Desperados 2nd Sat Tecolote Jack 619-987-9096 San Diego CA Kishwaukee Valley Regulators 1st Sun (No May) Mountain Man Mike 815-899-0046 Sycamore IL Palm Springs Gun Club 2nd Sat Deacon Dick 760-340-0828 Palm Springs CA Shady Creek Shootists 1st & 4th Sun Dapper Dan Porter 309-734-2324 Monmouth IL Shasta Regulators 2nd Sat Cayenne Pepper 530-275-3158 Burney CA Effingham County Hawkinsville Claim Jumpers 2nd Sat (In 8/06) Bloody Bill 530-467-4045 Yreka CA Sportsman’s Club 2nd Sat Fossil Creek Bob 618-238-4222 Effingham IL Burro Canyon Gun Slingers 2nd Sun Smedley Butler 714-639-8723 Orange CA Illinois River City Regulators 2nd Sun Chillicothe Outlaw 309-579-2443 East Peoria IL Chorro Valley Regulators 2nd & 5th Sun Solvang Shootist 805-688-3969 San Luis Obispo CA Midwest Firearms Association 2nd Sun Doug Alexander 217-228-9047 Quincy IL Double R Bar Regulators 2nd Sun Kentucky Gal 760-956-6921 Lucerne Valley CA Vermilion River Long Riders 2nd Sun Bailey Creek 815-442-3259 Streator IL Richmond Roughriders 2nd Sun Buffy 650-994-9412 Richmond CA Nason Mining Company NCSA Saddle Tramps 3rd Sat Graybeard 760-727-9160 Pala CA Regulators 3rd & 5th Sat Lowdown Highwall 618-279-3500 West Frankfort IL Robbers Roost Vigilantes 3rd Sat Coso Kid 760-375-9519 Ridgecrest CA Macoupin County Regulators 3rd Sat One Good Eye 877-585-4868 Bunker Hill IL Shasta Regulators 3rd Sat Silver Buck 530-474-3194 Redding CA McLean County Peacemakers 3rd Sat Marshall RD 309-379-4331 Bloomington IL High Desert Cowboys 3rd Sun Doc Silverhawks 661-948-2543 Acton CA Tri County Cowboys 3rd Sat Sierra Hombre 815-967-6333 Hazelhurst IL Kings River Regulators 3rd Sun Slick Rock Rooster 559-299-8669 Clovis CA Illowa Irregulars 3rd Sun Sassparilla Ken 309-792-0111 Milan IL Murieta Posse 3rd Sun Black Jack Traven 530-677-0368 Rancho Murieta CA Oak Park Sportsmen’s Club 3rd Sun Torandado 815-302-8305 Plainfield IL Panorama Sportsman Club 3rd Sun Desperado 818-341-7255 Sylmar CA Marion County Renegades 4th Sat Shell Stuffer 618-822-6952 Sandoval IL South Coast Rangers 3rd Sun Swifty Schofield 805-968-7138 Santa Barbara CA Long Nine 4th Sun B.J. McGinnis 217-787-2834 Loami IL Ukiah Gun Club 3rd Sun Will Bonner 707462-1466 Ukiah CA Dewmaine Drifters As Sched Wounded Knees 618-997-4261 Carterville IL Deadwood Drifters 4th Sat K.C. US Marshal 310-640-3653 Piru CA Prairie State Cowboy Mad River Rangers 4th Sat Kid Kneestone 707-445-1981 Eureka/Arcata CA Action Shooters As Sched Taquila Tab 217-496-3949 Sparta IL FaultLine Shootist Society 4th Sun Marshal Freedom 831-763-7133 Gonzales CA Cutter’s Raiders 1st Sat Midnite Desperado 574-893-7214 Warsaw IN Ojai Valley Desperados 4th Sun Paul Fielding 805-644-5637 Ojai CA Thunder Valley 1st & 3rd Sat Redneck Rebel 812-755-4237 Campbellsburg IN The Cowboys 4th Sun Captain Jake 714-536-2635 Norco CA Big Rock SASS 2nd & 4th Sat South Paw Too 812-866-2406 Lexington IN The Range 4th Sun G.V. Federally 530-273-4440 Grass Valley CA Daleville Desperados 2nd & 4th Sat Frenchy Yukon 765-472-7123 Daleville IN Malibu Desperados As Sched Doc Snakeoil 310-589-2111 Malibu CA Schuster’s Rangers 2nd Sun Coal Car Kid 219-759-3498 Chesterton IN Colorado Cowboys 1st Sat Mule Creek 719-748-3398 Lake George CO High Ground Regulators 3rd Sat Blackjack Max 765-832-3324 West Terre Haute IN Windy Gap Regulators 1st Sat Piedra Kidd 970-565-9228 Cortez CO Indian Trail Ambush 3rd Sat Dorvin Emery 765-853-1266 Modoc IN Colorado Shaketails 1st Sun Yaro 303-646-3777 Ramah CO 10 O’clock Line Shootist Club 3rd Sun Bunsen Rose 765-832-6620 Cayuga IN San Juan Rangers 1st Sun Sapinero 970-323-6566 Montrose CO Red Brush Raiders 4th Sat Chinaman 812-426-0793 Newburgh IN Four Corners Rifle & Pistol Club 2nd Sun Capt. Kelso 970-565-8960 Cortez CO Deer Creek Regulators 4th Sun C. Bubba McCoy 765-948-4487 Jonesboro IN Montrose Marshals 2nd Sun Big Hat 970-249-7701 Montrose CO Wildwood Wranglers 4th Sun VOODOOMAN 219-872-2721 Michigan City IN Rifle Creek Rangers 2nd Sun Miles Coffee 970-625-0657 Rifle CO Circle C Cowboys As Sched Marshal Montana 317-842-7316 Indianapolis IN Pawnee Station 3rd Sat Buckeye Logan 970-568-0350 Ft. Collins CO Butterfield Gulch Gang 1st Sun Polecat 785-827-8149 Chapman KS Rockvale Bunch 3rd Sat Nevada Steel 719-784-6683 Rockvale CO Powder Creek Cowboys 2nd Sat Shawnee Shamus 913-236-8812 Lenexa KS Thunder Mountain Shootists 3rd Sat & 3rd Sun Pinto Being 970-464-7118 Grand Junction CO Mill Brook Wranglers 2nd Sun Glacier Griz 785-421-3329 Hill City KS Castle Peak Wild Shots 3rd Sun Old Squinteye 970-524-9348 Gypsum CO Sand Hill Regulators 3rd Sat Latigo Max 620-663-8666 Hutchinson KS Four Corners Gunslingers 3rd Sun Cerveza Slim 970-247-0745 Durango CO Free State Rangers 3rd & 5th Sun Buffalo Phil 785-448-7733 Parker KS Northwest Colorado Rangers 4th Sat Sagebrush Burns 970-824-8407 Craig CO Capital City Cowboys 4th Sun Major Lee Wild 785-539-9508 Topeka KS Shootists Society of Pawnee Kentucky Regulators 1st Sat Kentucky Dover 270-658-3247 Boaz KY Sportsmens Center 4th Sat Cherokee Kat 970-484-3445 Briggsdale CO Hooten Old Town Regulators 1st Sat (Mar - Dec) No Purse Nez 606-633-7688 Mckee KY Black Canyon Ghost Riders 4th Sun Double Bit 970-874-8745 Hotchkiss CO Knob Creek Gunfighters Guild 1st Sun & 2nd Sat Mountain Drover 502-817-8124 Shepardsville KY Sand Creek Raiders 4th Sun Sweet Water Bill 303-366-8827 Byers CO Crab Orchard Cowboy Shootist 2nd Sat Rowdy Fulcher 270-389-9402 Clay KY Congress of Rough Riders 1st Sun Frank Tanner 203-612-8855 Naugatuck CT Kentucky Longrifles Cowboys 2nd Sat B. Shotgun Red 606-784-0067 Morehead KY Echo Ridge Regulators 1st Sun Shiloh Beck 203-467-9577 Colechester CT Ohio River Rangers 2nd Sat Jim Spears 270-443-5216 Paducah KY Ledyard Sidewinders 2nd Sat Yosemite Gene 860-536-0887 Ledyard CT Lonesome Pine Pistoleros 3rd Sat No Purse Nez 606-633-0707 Blackey KY CT Valley Bushwackers 2nd Sun Johnny Pecos 413-572-2820 East Granby CT Fox Bend Peacemakers 4th Sun Tioga Kid 859-277-9693 Wilmore KY Homesteaders Shooting Club 3rd Sun Kidd Reno 860-536-3342 Ledyard CT Devil Swamp Gang 1st Sat Captain Parker 985-537-7725 Thibodaux LA Padens Posse 3rd Sun Deacon Will 302-422-6534 Seaford DE Bayou Bounty Hunters 2nd Sat Soiled Dove 985-796-9698 Amite LA

If your Listing is incorrect, please notify SASS office (714) 694-1800. (Continued on page 102) Page 102 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006 SASS AFFILIATED CLUBS MONTHLY SHOOTING SCHEDULE (Cont.) (Continued from page 101) Club Name Sched. Contact Phone City State Club Name Sched. Contact Phone City State Up The Creek Gang 2nd & 4th Sat Slugs 337-439-4579 Lake Charles LA NRA Whittington Cajun Cowboy Shooters Society 2nd Sun Durango Dan 225-752-2288 Baton Rouge LA Center Gun Club As Sched Range Boss 505-445-4846 Raton NM Cypress Creek Cowboys 2nd Wknd Mav Dutchman 318-396-6320 Downsville LA High Plains Drifters 1st Sun Fernley 775-575-3131 Fernley NV Grand Ecore Vigilantes 3rd Sat Ouachita Kid 318-932-6637 Natchitoches LA Eldorado Cowboys 1st Wknd Charming 702-565-3736 Boulder City NV Deadwood Marshals 3rd Wknd Cajun Dove 225-751-8552 Sorrento LA Nevada Rangers Cowboy Gunnysackers Sat As Sched Nantucket Dawn 781-749-6951 Scituate MA Action Shooting Society 2nd Sun English Andy 702-648-6434 Jean NV Danvers Desperados As Sched Pittsburg Mac 781-599-1930 Middleton MA Pahrump Cowboy Harvard Ghost Riders As Sched Yosemite Kid 781-891-4089 Harvard MA Shooters Association 2nd Sun Lash Latigo 775-727-8790 Amargosa NV Mansfield Marauders As Sched Mohawk Mac 508-369-5093 Mansfield MA Roop County Cowboy Nashoba Valley Regulators As Sched Texas Jack Black 508-882-3058 Harvard MA Shooters Assn. 2nd Sun Russ T. Chambers 775-747-1426 Sparks NV Shawsheen River Rangers As Sched Cyrus Klopps 978-667-2857 Bedford MA Desert Desperados 3rd Sun Buffalo Sam 702-459-6454 Las Vegas NV Thurmont Rangers 1st Sun Rifleman C.W. 301-606-1106 Thurmont MD Silver State Shootists Club 3rd Sun Tahoe Bill 775-586-9178 Carson City NV St. Charles Sportsman’s Club 2nd Sat Corn Dodger 301-423-7232 Waldorf MD Silver City Shooters Society 4th Sun Oklahoma 702-657-8822 Indian Springs NV Damascus Wildlife Rangers 4th Sat Chuckaroo 301-831-9666 Damascus MD Bar D Hombre’s 5th Sun Madd Mike 775-727-7476 Pahrump NV Potomac Rangers at SCSC As Sched Tennessee Slim 301-743-7664 Waldorf MD Tioga County Cowboys 1st Sat Empty Cases 607-699-3307 Owego NY Big Pine Bounty Hunters As Sched Ripley Scrounger 207-876-4928 Guilford ME Pathfinder Pistoleros 1st Sun Sonny 315-695-7032 Fulton NY Blue Hill Regulators As Sched D. Dan Dalton 207-667-3586 Blue Hill ME Bar-20 2nd Sat Renegade Ralph 315-363-5342 W. Eaton NY Capitol City Vigilance Committee As Sched Bum Steer 207-622-9400 Augusta ME Panorama Trail Regulators 2nd Sat Twelve Bore 585-638-8413 Penfield NY Hurricane Valley Rangers As Sched Leo 207-829-3092 Falmouth ME Boot Hill Regulators 2nd Sun Colonel Bill 845-354-4980 Chester NY Rockford Regulators 1st Sat No Cattle 616-363-2827 Rockford MI Border Rangers 2nd Sun Colesville Bob 607-693-2286 Greene NY River Bend Rangers 2nd Sat J. Slim Chance 574-277-9712 Buchanan MI The Hole In The Wall Gang 2nd Sun Patchogue Mike 631-289-8749 Calverton NY Sucker Creek Saddle & Diamond Four 3rd Sat Kayutah Kid 607-796-0573 Odessa NY Gun Club 2nd Sat Rodeo Road 989-205-0096 Breckenridge MI Circle K Regulators 3rd Sun Smokehouse Dan 518-885-3758 Ballston Spa NY Chippewa Regulators 3rd Sat Yooper Fred 906-635-9700 Sault Ste. Marie MI D Bar D Wranglers 4th Sat Captain Maf 845-266-8611 Wappingers Fall NY Timber Town Marshals 3rd Sat Grizzly Bear Pete 989-631-6658 Midland MI The Long Riders 4th Sun Mebbe L. Schute 585-377-0186 Shortsville NY Hidden Valley Cowboys 3rd Sun Charlie Ringo 269-327-4969 Sturgis MI East End Regulators Last Sun Diamond Rio 631-585-1936 West Hampton NY Rocky River Regulators 3rd Sun Chili Pepper Pete 586-301-2778 Utica MI The Shadow Riders As Sched S.R. Cowboy 631-477-1090 Westhampton NY Double Barrel Gang 4th Sat Slippery Pete 269-838-6944 Hastings MI Firelands Peacemakers 1st Wed, 3rd Sat & 5th Sun Johnny Shiloh 440-984-4551 Rochester OH Eagleville Cowboys 4th Sat Thummper John 231-377-7232 Central Lake MI Big Irons 1st Sat Deadwood Stan 513-894-3500 Middletown OH Johnson Creek Regulators 4th Sat Cheyenne Raider 734-355-6333 Plymouth MI Middletown Sportsmens Saginaw Six-Shooters As Sched Katie Callahan 989-585-3292 Saginaw MI Club, Inc. 1st Sat Deadwood Stan 513-894-3500 Middletown OH Wolverine Rangers As Sched Dodge City Dick 248-674-1254 Port Huron MI Tusco Long Riders 1st Sat Split Rail 330-364-6185 Midvale OH West Walker Rangers As Sched Sat Two Rig A Tony 616-891-6917 Grand Rapids MI Ohio Valley Vigilantes 2nd Sat Rowdy K 419-529-0887 Mt. Vernon OH Lapeer County Sandusky County Regulators 2nd Sat Kenny Vaquero 419-874-6929 Gibsonburg OH Sportsmans Club Wranglers As Sched Sun Ricochet Bill 810-441-2438 Attica MI Miami Valley Cowboys 2nd Sun Buckshot Jones 937-615-2062 Piqua OH Cedar Valley Vigilantes 1st & 3rd Sat Mogollon Drifter 507-838-7334 Morristown MN Shenango River Rats 2nd Sun & 4th Sat Shenango Joe 330-782-0958 Yankee Lake OH Crow River Rangers 1st Sun Cantankerous Jeb 763-682-3710 Howard Lake MN Scioto Territory Desperado’s 3rd & 5th Sun Lucky Levi Loving 740-745-1220 West Jefferson OH Lookout Mountain AuGlaize Rough Riders 3rd Sun Doc Carson 419-782-7837 Defiance OH Gunsmoke Society 3rd Sat Wagonmaster 218-744-4694 Virginia MN Briar Rabbit Rangers 4th Sat Grizzly Killer 330-204-4606 Zanesville OH East Grand Forks Rod & Central Ohio Cowboys 4th Sun Buffalo Balu 740-569-3206 Circleville OH Gun Club 3rd Sun BB Gunner 218-779-8555 East Grand Forks MN Jackson Six Shooters Last Sat Flat Iron Fred 330-538-2690 North Jackson OH Ike’s Clantons 4th Sun Dawgnapper 507-276-2255 New Ulm MN Zane Trace Regulators As Sched Charlie Three Toes 740-962-3812 Cambridge OH The Ozark Posse 1st Sat Tightwade Swede 417-847-0018 Cassville MO Shortgrass Rangers 1st Sat & 3rd Sun Cap. Allyn Capron 580-357-5870 Grandfield OK Rocky Branch Rangers 1st Sun Iza Littleoff 816-524-1462 Higginsville MO Cherokee Strip Shootists 1st Sun Querida Kate 405-372-0208 Stillwater OK Green Valley Raiders 2nd Sun T.J. Casino 573-696-3738 Hallsville MO Oklahoma Territorial Marshals 2nd Sat & 4th Sun Prospector 405-485-3406 Arcadia OK Moniteau Creek River Raiders 2nd Sun Doolin Riggs 573-687-3103 Fayette MO Indian Territory Single Action Central Ozarks Shooting Society 2nd Sun, 3rd Sat, Western Shooters 3rd Sun X S Chance 573-765-5483 St. Robert MO 4th Wed, 5th Sun Montana Dan 918-313-0249 Coweta OK Gateway Shootist Society 3rd Sun Bounty Seeker 636-464-6569 St. Louis MO Flying W Outlaws 3rd & 5th Sat Papa Don 580-225-5515 Elk City OK Southern Missouri Rangers 4th Wknd Smokie 417-759-9114 Willard MO Tater Hill Regulators 3rd Sun Taos Willie 918-355-2849 Tulsa OK Natchez Six Gunners 1st Sat Winchester 601-445-5223 Natchez MS Orygun Cowboys & Cowgirls 1st Mon, 2nd Sun & Mississippi Peacemakers 3rd Sat Squinter 601-825-8640 Mendenhall MS 3rd Sat Bart Star 503-391-8917 Portland OR Mississippi Regulators 4th Sat Lone Yankee 601-249-3315 McComb MS Dry Gulch Desperados 1st Sat G. D. R. Goldvein 509-394-2418 Milton Freewater OR Mississippi River Rangers 4th & 5th Sat Casino Clair 662-838-7451 Byhalia MS Merlin Marauders 1st Sat Rogue Rascal 541-472-8585 Grants Pass OR Sun River Rangers Horse Ridge Pistoleros 1st Sun Cowboss 541-548-7325 Bend OR Shooting Society 1st Sun & 4th Sat Wapiti Willie 406-454-2809 Simms MT Siuslaw River Rangers 1st Sun Johnny Jingos 541-997-6313 Florence OR Honorable Road Agents Fort Dalles Defenders 2nd Sat & 4th Sun Mallard 541-993-3663 The Dalles OR Shooting Society 2nd Sat Diamond Red 406-685-3618 Ennis MT Klamath Cowboys 2nd Sun Wimpy Hank Yoho 541-545-3120 Keno OR Rocky Mountain Rangers 2nd Wknd Jocko 406-847-0745 Noxon MT Jefferson State Regulators 3rd Sat Jed I. Knight 541-944-2281 Ashland OR Bigfork Buscaderos 3rd Sat Bodie Camp 406-883-6797 Bigfork MT Oregon Trail Regulators 3rd Sat Road Agent 541-963-2237 La Grande OR Last Chance Handgunners 3rd Sat Bocephus Bandito 406-439-4476 Boulder MT Oregon Old West Rosebud Drygulchers 3rd Sun Sgt. Blue 406-356-7885 Forsyth MT Shooting Society 3rd Sun & 4th Sat Mid Valley Drifter 541-259-2774 Shedd OR Montana Territory Peacemakers 4th Sat Montana Rawhide 406-245-2854 Billings MT Umpqua Regulators 4th Sun Big Lou 541-484-5900 Roseburg OR Yellowstone Regulators 4th Sat Chisler Wood 406-646-9577 West Yellowstone MT Molalla River Rangers As Sched Gold Dust Bill 503-705-1211 Canby OR Greasy Grass Scouts Call to Shoot Prairie Annie 406-638-2438 Garryowen MT Columbia County Cowboys TBA Kitty Colt 503-642-4120 St. Helens OR Old Hickory Regulators 1st Sat Father Time 252-291-3184 Wilson NC Dry Gulch Rangers 1st Sat Pepc Holic 724-263-1461 Midway PA Old North State Posse 1st Sat Layden 704-279-7161 Salisbury NC Perry County Regulators 1st Sat Snappy Lady 717-789-3893 Ickesburg PA Walnut Grove Rangers 1st Sat Ross Rutherford 828-287-4519 Rutherfordton NC Boothill Gang of Topton 1st Sun Lester Moore 610-821-8215 Topton PA Carolina Rough Riders 1st Sun Pecos Pete 704-996-0756 Charlotte NC Chimney Rocks Regulators 1st Sun Cove Lane 814-793-2844 Hollidaysburg PA Carolina Cattlemen’s Whispering Pines Shooting and Social Society 2nd Sat Rev Will U. Sinmore 919-693-1644 Raleigh/Creedmore NC Cowboy Committee 1st Sun Mac Traven 570-723-8885 Wellsboro PA High Country Cowboys 2nd Sat Wild Otter 828-423-7796 Asheville NC Heidelberg Lost Dutchmen 2nd Sat Cobb 717-949-6854 Schaefferstown PA Carolina Single Action Logans Ferry Regulators 2nd Sat Mariah Kid 412-793-1496 Pittsburgh PA Shooting Society 2nd Sun Carolina Kid 336-498-6449 Eden NC Dakota Badlanders 2nd Sun Jack Gunfighter 610-837-8020 Orefield PA Cross Creek Cowboys 3rd Sat Grizzly Greg 910-424-3376 Fayetteville NC Mainville Marauders 2nd Sun Gettysburg 570-387-1795 Mainville PA Gunpowder Creek Regulators 3rd Sat Horsetrader 828-754-1884 Lenoir NC Westshore Posse 2nd Sun Doc Hornaday 717-432-1352 New Cumberland PA Piedmont Handgunners Assn. 3rd Sun Clint Crow 704-983-2909 Lexington NC Jefferson Rifle Club, Inc. 3rd Sat Oracle Jones 410-239-6795 Jefferson PA Bostic Vigilantes 4th Sat Bostic Kid 704-434-2174 Bostic NC River Junction Shootist Society 3rd Sat Mattie Hays 724-593-6602 Donegal PA Iredell Regulators 4th Sat Big Jake Hosey 704-604-1717 Statesville NC Blue Mountain Rangers 3rd Sun The Mad Tanner 610-562-8161 Hamburg PA Dakota Peacemakers As Sched Zuma 701-794-3391 Center ND Open Range Rowdies 3rd Sun Bubba Bear 610-449-0750 East Greenville PA Dakota Rough Riders As Sched Rough Rider 701-222-6612 Bismarck ND Silver Lake Bounty Hunters 3rd Sun Marshal Buckshot 570-663-3045 Montrose PA Sheyenne Valley Peacekeepers As Sched Doc Neilson 701-588-4331 Kindred ND Purgatory 3rd Wknd Dry Gulch Geezer 814-827-2120 Titusville PA Alliance Cowboy Club 1st Sun Panhandle Slim 308-762-7086 Alliance NE El Posse Grande 4th Sun Black Hills Barb 570-538-9163 Muncy Valley PA Oregon Trail Regulators, NE 2nd Sat Doc Viper 308-623-1797 Scottsbluff NE Elstonville Hombres 4th Sun Basket Lady 717-949-3970 Manheim PA Eastern Nebraska Gun Club 2nd Sun Flint Valdez 712-323-8996 Louisville NE Stewart’s Regulators 4th Sun Ellie Sodbuster 724-479-8838 Shelocta PA Flat Water Shootists 3rd Sun Scorpion Blain 308-226-2567 Grand Island NE Conestoga Wagoneers As Sched Loose Change 215-497-9560 South Ampton PA Monadnock Mountain Regulators Last Sun La Bouche 603-352-3290 Keene NH Lincoln County Lawmen 4th Sun One-Ear Pete 401-647-3049 Manville RI Merrimack Valley Marauders As Sched Sheriff Bucket 603-881-3656 Pelham NH Palmetto Posse 1st Sat Dun Gamblin 803-951-1986 Columbia SC Pemi Valley Peacemakers As Sched Capt. Side Burns 603-539-4584 Holderness NH Piedmont Regulators 2nd Sat Chase Randall 864-843-6154 Anderson SC The Dalton Gang Hurricane Riders 3rd Sat C. Valley Charlie 843-997-4063 Aynor SC Shooting Club, of NH LLC As Sched L. Sidecar Dalton 603-444-6876 Dalton NH Savannah River Rangers 3rd Sun Creede Kid 706-860-0549 Jackson SC White Mountain Regulators As Sched Dead Head 603-772-2358 Candia NH Geechee Gunfighters 4th Sat Osage Pete 843-899-4370 Ridgeville SC Thumbusters 2nd Sun Ol’ Sea Dog 732-892-7272 Monmouth NJ Deadwood Seven Jackson Hole Gang 4th Sun Emberado 609-466-2277 Jackson NJ Down Regulators 1st Sun Deadwood George 605-642-2301 Spearfish SD Otero Practical Cottonwood Cowboy Shooting Association 1st Sat Alamo Rose 505-437-6405 La Luz NM Association 2nd Sun Dakota Nail Bender 605-532-5212 Clark SD Magdalena Trail Drivers 1st & 3rd Sat Slippery Steve 505-835-8664 Magdalena NM Black Hills Shootist Association 3rd Sun Hawkbill Smith 605-342-8946 Pringle SD Buffalo Range Riders 1st Sun Coyote Calhoun 404-580-5985 Founders Ranch NM Bald Mountain Renegades 4th Sun Grease Cup 605-598-6744 Faulkton SD Bighorn Vigilantes 2nd Sat Travis Boggus 505-832-1302 Edgewood NM Wartrace Regulators 1st Sat Will Reily 615-325-9585 Wartrace TN Gila Rangers 2nd Sat Cap. Eli McDaniel 505-388-4060 Silver City NM Memphis Gunslingers 2nd Sat Sagebrush Jim 901-380-5591 Arlington TN Lost River Cowboys 2nd Sun Concho Viejo 505-622-9970 Roswell NM Smokey Mountain Lost Almost Posse 3rd Sat Buncle Steve 505-662-6034 Los Alamos NM Shootist Society 2nd Sat H. Sin Nombre 865-966-1168 Knoxville TN Seven Rivers Regulators 3rd Sat Mike D. Harkey 505-885-4157 Carlsbad NM Greene County Regulators 3rd Sat Mort Dooley 423-335-0847 Greeneville TN Rio Grande Renegades 3rd Sat & 4th Sun Rancid Roy 505-898-4894 Albuquerque NM North West Tennessee Rio Vaqueros 3rd Sun More or Les 505-744-5670 T or C NM Longriders 3rd Sat Can’t Shoot Dillon 731-885-8102 Union City TN Monument Springs Bushwackers 4th Sat Mesquite Bandit 505-392-5017 Hobbs NM Tennessee Mountain Marauders 3rd Sat Ohio Kid 423-421-1690 Ringgold TN Picacho Posse 4th Sat La Lu 505-526-9668 Las Cruces NM Tennessee Trail Bums 3rd Sun Wiley Fish 931-728-5327 Manchester TN Tres Rios Bandidos 4th Sun Long Step 505-325-4493 Farmington NM Highland Regulators, Inc 3rd & 4th Wknd Hezekiah Hawke 859-250-7766 Winfield TN If your Listing is incorrect, please notify SASS office (714) 694-1800. (Continued on page 103) May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 103 SASS AFFILIATED CLUBS MONTHLY SHOOTING SCHEDULE (Cont.) (Continued from page 102) Club Name Sched. Contact Phone City State Club Name Sched. Contact Phone City State Ocoee Rangers 4th Sat Ocoee Red 423-476-5303 Cleveland TN CANADIAN MONTHLY MATCHES Plum Creek Carriage & Alberta Frontier Shootists As Sched Mustang Heart 780-464-4600 Kelsey ALB CANADA Shooting Society 1st Sat Delta Raider 512-376-2602 Lockhart TX Rocky Mountain House South Texas Pistolaros 1st Sat Long John Beard 830-663-4783 San Antonio TX Old West Shootists As Sched Luke A. Leathersmith 403-845-4347 Rocky Mtn House ALB CANADA Texas Rivera Pistoleros 1st Sat Michael McKinney 361-991-7215 Corpus Christi TX Mission Frontier Shootist 1st Sun Rusty Wood 604-820-0048 Mission BC CANADA Texas Troublemakers 1st Sat Lefty Tex Larue 903-849-2655 Brownsboro TX Valley Regulators 3rd Sat High Country Amigo 250-334-3479 Courtenay BC CANADA Comanche Trail Shootists 1st Sat & 3rd Sun Hoodoo Brown 432-682-1422 Midland TX Victoria Frontier Shootists As Sched Prairie Buck 250-655-1100 Victoria BC CANADA Orange County Regulators 1st Sat & 5th Sat Nate Kiowa Jones 409-984-5473 Orange TX Western Canadian Frontier Shootists Society As Sched Caribou Lefty 250-372-0416 Kamloops BC CANADA El Vaqueros 1st & Last Sun Tom Doniphan 254-559-9896 Breckenridge TX Waterloo County Old Fort Parker Patriots 1st Wknd Slowaz Molasses 254-412-0904 Groesbeck TX Revolver Association 1st Sat Ranger Pappy Cooper 519-536-9184 Kitchener ON CANADA Texas Peacemakers 1st Wknd Pecos Red 903-984-1951 Tyler TX Wentworth Shooting Bounty Hunters 2nd Sat Cable Lockhart 806-299-1192 Levelland TX Sports Club 2nd Sun Stoney Creek 1-905-664-3217 Hamilton ON Canadian River Regulators 2nd Sat Capshaw 806-335-1660 Clarendon TX CANADA Texican Rangers 2nd Sat Dusty Chambers 830-896-7856 Fredericksburg TX Otter Valley Rod & Gun Inc. 4th Sun Slick Sid [email protected] Strafforduille ON CANADA Travis County Regulators 2nd Sat Shotgun Sally 512-694-6803 Smithville TX Barrie Gun Club As Sched Canadian Crow 705-435-2807 Barrie ON CANADA Ottawa Valley Marauders As Sched Reverend Damon Fire 613-825-8060 Ottawa ON CANADA Texas Tenhorns Shooting Club 2nd Sun & Last Sat Hoss Jack 903-546-6291 Greenville TX Lone Star Frontier Shooting Club 2nd Wknd Lamesa Kid 204-802-2595 Ormsby Ranch TX Oakwood Outlaws 2nd Wknd Texas Alline 903-545-2252 Oakwood TX Big Thicket Outlaws 3rd Sat Shynee Graves 409-860-5526 Beaumont TX EUROPE MONTHLY MATCHES Gruesome Gulch Gang 3rd Sat Eli Blue 806-293-1313 Plainview TX Sweetwater Gunslingers Austria As Sched Mercante 43121114251 Vienna AT San Antonio Rough Riders 3rd Sat Dusty Lone Star 210-680-8840 San Antonio TX Old West Shooting Tejas Caballeros 3rd Sat Texas Heat 512-219-8280 Austin TX Society Switzerland As Sched Hondo Janssen 01-271-9947 Zurich CH Red River Regulators 3rd Sun El Rio Rojo Ray 903-838-0964 Texarkana TX Czech Cowboy Action Texas Historical Shootist Society 3rd Sun Longhaired Jim 979-373-9938 Columbus TX Shooting Society As Sched George Roscoe 420-777-220248 Oparany CZ SASS Germany As Sched Santa Klaus 0049-941-24924 Philippsburg DE Comanche Valley Vigilantes 3rd Wknd Nueces Outlaw 817-508-0774 Cleburne TX Cowboy Action Alamo Area Moderators 4th Sat Tombstone Mary 210-493-9320 San Antonio TX Shooting-Germany Last Sat Kid O Folliard 491703829406 Edderite DE Butterfield Trail Regulators 4th Sat Cob-Eye Zack 325-698-0685 Abilene TX Club Hipico Del Maresme As Sched Martin Rosell 93-759-1887 Barcelona ES Badlands Bar 3 4th Wknd T-Bone Dooley 903-628-5512 English TX SASS-Finland As Sched Quincannon 358-41-5794962 Finland FI Purgatory Ridge Rough Riders 4th Wknd Eldorado Cole 806-548-0074 Lubbock TX Old West Shooting Society Italy As Sched Alchinista 39-335-7322291 Gussago IT Tejas Pistoleros, Inc. 4th Wknd Texas Paladin 713-690-5313 Eagle Lake TX Dutch Western Shooting Association 1st Sun Fat Bob 31-40-242-4076 Varies NL Texas Regulators 4th Wknd Shotglass 281-259-0284 Tomball/Cypress TX Scherpschutters Veghel 2nd un Cloggie Joe 31-4120-652694 Veghel NL Jersey Lilly Shooting and Western Shooting Club Social Club As Sched Ed Mcgivern 830-775-1983 Del Rio TX Stone Valley As Sched Pete Cody 31-4-6433-1075 Stein (LB) NL Big Hollow Bandits 1st Sat Marshal Diablo 435-654-3986 Heber UT Quantrill Raiders As Sched Charles Quantrill 4793259669 Loten NO Crow Seeps Cattle Schedsmoe County Company L.L.C. 1st Sat Buffalo Juan 435-528-7432 Mayfield UT Rough Riders Thurs Jailbird 47-6399-4279 Korpaasen NO Dixie Desperados 2nd & 4th Sat Nitty Gritty Sandy 435-656-5211 St. George UT British Western Shooting Society As Sched Badas Bob 16-422-53-3333 Redcar UK Hobble Creek Wranglers 2nd Sat Utah Rifleman 801-489-5267 Springville UT North Rim Regulators 2nd Sat Autum Rose 435-644-5053 Kanab UT Rio Verde Rangers 2nd Sat Doc Nelson 435-564-8210 Green River UT Coal Creek Cowboys 3rd & 5th Sat L. A. Puffbuster 435-680-9275 Cedar City UT DOWN UNDER MONTHLY MATCHES Deseret Historical Cowboy Action Shooters Shootist Society 3rd Sat Wind River Ranger 801-825-2521 Kaysville UT of Australia 3rd Wknd Tony Cohen 02-9975-7983 Beacon Hill NSW AU Diamond Mountain Rustlers 3rd Sat D. M. Claim Jumper 435-789-7563 Vernal UT Gold Coast Gamblers 1st & 3rd Sat Dagger Jack 61-7-5537-5857 Gold Coast QLD AU Mesa Marauders Gun Club 3rd Sat Copper Queen 435-979-4665 Lake Powell UT SSAA Single Action Shooting-Australia 4th Sun Virgil Earp 61-7-4695-2050 Millmerran QLD AU Roller Mill Hill Gunslingers 3rd Sat Widtsoe Kid 435-676-8382 Panquitch UT Adelaide Pistol & Utah War 3rd & 5th Sat Jubal O. 801-944-3444 Salt Lake UT Shooting Club 1st Sat & 3rd Sun Lobo Malo 61-8-2890606 Korunye SA AU Wasatch Summit Regulators 3rd Sun Boots Rob 435-649-3625 Park City UT Fort Bridger Shooting Castle Gate Posse 4th Sat C. Murder’n Maude 435-637-8209 Price UT Club Inc. 4th Sun Duke York 61-3-9551-2902 Drouin VIC AU Wahsatch Desperados 4th Sat Sanpitch Kid 801-231-2643 Kaysville UT Wiski Mountain Rangers, The As Sched The Caretaker Hare 414383845Mt. Martha VIC AU Virginia City Marshals 1st Tues Virginia Vixen 703-455-4795 Fairfax VA Mount Rowan Rangers Sat Brent Squires 03-5342-8400 Mt Rowan VIC AU Cavalier Cowboys 1st Sun Kuba Kid 804-270-9054 Richmond VA Bullet Spittin Sons O’ Thunder 2nd Sat Billy Deadwood 64-6-3564720 Palmerston N. NZ Stovall Creek Regulators 1st Wknd Bear Creek Jesse 434-332-5310 Madison Heights VA Wairarapa Pistol Club 2nd Sun Doc Hayes 63796692 Gladstone NZ Blue Ridge Regulators 2nd Sun Bad Company 540-886-3374 Lexington VA Trail Blazers Gun Club 2nd Sun Sudden Lee 64-3-755-8870 Hokitika NZ K.C.’s Corral 3rd Sat Sam Hades 804-264-3608 Mechanicsville VA Quarry Gang 3rd Sat Kento Kid 64-6-857-7297 Waipawa NZ Mattaponi Sundowners 3rd Sun Flatboat Bob 804-785-2575 West Point VA Tararua Rangers 3rd Sun J.E.B. Stuart 64-6-3796436 Carterton NZ Pepper Mill Creek Gang 4th Sun Slip Hammer Spiv 540-775-4561 King George VA Golden Downs Rangers 3rd Sun Ian Douglas 0064-3-5418421 Wakefield NZ Roanoke Rifle and Revolver Club, Inc. 4th Sun Trapper Dan 540-890-5162 Roanoke VA Verdant Mountain Vigilantes 2nd Sun Sgt. McCandless 802-862-1708 Marshfield VT SOUTH AFRICA MONTHLY MATCHES Mica Peak Marshals 1st & 3rd Sat Old Timer Gus 509-325-9253 Spokane Valley WA Western Shooters North East Washington of South Africa 3rd Sat Richmond Hobson 27-21-797-5054 Glen Ridge ZA Regulators 1st Wknd Crossfire Scout 509-684-8953 Colville WA Renton United Cowboy Action Shooters 1st Wknd Jess Ducky 425-271-9286 Renton WA Black Rock Bunch 2nd Sat Pataha 509-452-1181 Yakima WA SASS MOUNTED MONTHLY MATCHES Smokey Point Desperados 2nd Sun Mudflat Mike 425-335-5176 Arlington WA Northwest Arkansas Apple Valley Marshals 3rd Sat Silent Sam 509-884-3875 East Wenatchee WA Range Riders 1st Sat & 3rd Sun Lester Whitney 479-824-2590 Lincoln AR Wolverton Mtn. Peace Keepers 3rd Sat Hellfire 360-260-5299 Ariel WA Coyote Valley Regulators 1st Sun Leroy P. Justice 408-842-6694 Gilroy CA Ghost Town Riders Ghost Riders-Snoqualmie Mounted Shooters 1st Sun Dusty Chaps 714-995-4399 Norco-Corona CA Valley Rifle Club 3rd Sun Sidewinder Sam 425-836-8053 Snoqualmie WA LC Cowboys 1st Sun L.C. Smith 909-926-0070 Winchester CA Black River Regulators 4th Sat Montana Slim 360-754-4328 Littlerock WA Drive By Shooters Assoc. 2nd Sat Nuevo Mike 505-832-4059 Winchester CA Custer Renegades 4th Sun Slingshot Sam 360-410-6869 Custer WA Roy Rogers Rangers 2nd Sat Wildcat Kate 951-928-4601 Winchester CA Poulsbo Pistoleros 4th Sun Alzada Slim 360-308-8384 Poulsbo WA San Joaquin Valley Rangers 2nd Sun Jim Wild 209-941-4655 Stockton CA Rattlesnake Gulch Rangers Last Sat Crisco 509-628-0889 Benton City WA Fresno Stage Robbers 4th Sun Dewey D. Mented 559-846-6341 Fresno CA Beazley Gulch Rangers Last Sun An E. Di 509-787-1782 Quincy WA California Desperados Mounted Shooters As Sched Gentleman Joe 661-538-9826 Acton CA Old West Cowboys & California Range Riders Guns Shooting Society As Sched Bear Britches 800-735-1348 Cle Elum WA Mounted Shooters As Sched Old Buckaroo 408-710-1616 Gilroy CA Rock River Regulators 1st Sat Stoney Mike 608-868-5167 Beloit WI Hat Creek Rangers TBD Bitter Creek Dalton 951-763-1168 Anza CA Western Wisconsin Wild Bunch 2nd Sat Sierra Jack Cassidy 608-792-1494 Holmen WI Sand Creek Shadow Riders 1st Sat Wildkat Mike 303-644-5802 Byers CO Bristol Plains Pistoleros 2nd Sun Chicago Steely Bob 847-322-2647 Bristol WI Colorado Cowboys Mounted As Sched Mule Creek 719-748-3398 Lake George CO Liberty Prairie Regulators 3rd Sat Dirty Deeds 920-748-4833 Ripon WI Revengers of Montezuma As Sched Aneeda Hugin Kiss 970-565-8479 Cortez CO Bitter Creek Rangers Mounted 3rd Sat Cherokee Maddog 423-326-3759 Ft. Oglethorpe GA Blue Hills Bandits 3rd Sun Lone Lady 715-458-4841 Rice Lake WI Idaho Regulators 4th Sun My Name Is Nobody 208-536-2641 Gooding ID Oconomowoc Cattlemen’s Broken Spoke Mounted Posse As Sched El Paisano 217-964-2433 Mendon IL Association 4th Sat Marvin the Moyle 414-254-5592 Concord WI Midwest Firearms Wisconsin Old West Association Mounted As Sched Gene Cockrum 217-964-2433 Quincy IL Shootist, Inc. 4th Sat Tracker J. Daniels 715-643-2011 Boyceville WI Midwest Rangers, Inc. As Sched James B. Hume 630-961-9696 Rockford IL Good Guys Posse As Sched Longtooth 847-838-2866 Sharon WI Thurmont Mounted Rangers 2nd Sun Timber Smoke 410-997-9370 Thurmont MD The Bad Guys Posse As Sched Speedy Dan 262-728-6577 Elkhorn WI Greasy Grass Scouts Mounted Call to Shoot Prairie Annie 406-638-2438 Garryowen MT New Hampshire The Pioneers As Sched Snapshot 262-882-5251 Sharon WI Mounted Shooters As Sched Army Saddler 603-487-3379 New Boston NH Dawn Ghost Riders 1st Sat Coffee Bean 304-327-9884 Hinton WV Buffalo Range Riders Mounted 1st Sat Nuevo Mike 505-832-4059 Founders Ranch NM The Railtown Rowdys 2nd Sun Miss Print 304-589-6162 Bluefield WV Rio Grande Mounted Rustlers 2nd Sat Buckskin Doc 505-440-0257 Belen NM Kanawha Valley Regulators 3rd Wknd Pike Marshall 304-925-9342 Eleanor WV Pecos Valley Pistoleros 4th Sat Yankee Duke 505-308-9245 Hagerman NM Cowboy Action Shooting Gila Rangers Mounted Division 4th Sun Capt. Eli McDaniel 505-388-4060 Silver City NM Sports, Inc. 4th Sun Last Word 304-289-6098 Largent WV Magdalena Trail Drivers Mounted As Sched Rimrock Mike 888-823-5709 Magdalena NM Cheyenne Regulators, Inc. 1st Sat Overland Kid 307-635-9940 Cheyenne WY Las Vegas Mounted Colter’s Hell Justice Shooting Association Varies Joni Evans 702-396-6089 Las Vegas NV Committee WSAS 1st Sat Lucky B. Thorington 307-754-5831 Cody WY 1st Ohio Cowboy Mounted High Lonesome Drifters 1st & 3rd Sat Kari Lynn 307-587-2946 Cody WY Shooting Association As Sched Tatonka Dan 513-932-1021 Middletown OH Bessemer Vigilance Yamhill County Committee WSAS 1st Sun Smokewagon Bill 307-472-1926 Casper WY Mounted Shooters 1st Sun Spotted Pony 503-662-3046 Yamhilll OR Southfork Vigilance Lone Pine Rangers 3rd Sat Hawkeye Scout 541-447-7012 Prineville OR Deadwood Seven Down Committee WSAS 2nd Sun Wennoff Halfcock 307-332-5035 Lander WY Regulators Mounted As Sched Gentleman Cowboy 605-642-7736 Spearfish SD Donkey Creek Shootists 3rd Sat Poker Jim 307-660-0221 Gillette WY Plum Creek Carriage & Powder River Justice Shooting Society Mounted 1st Sat Delta Raider 512-376-2606 Lockhart TX Committee WSAS 3rd Sun Red Angus 307-684-9473 Buffalo WY Rock River Mounted Regulators As Sched Easy Pickens 608-676-2518 Beloit WI

If your Listing is incorrect, please notify SASS office (714) 694-1800. Page 104 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006 SASS AFFILIATED CLUBS ANNUAL MATCHES Match Name Sched. Contact Phone City State Match Name Sched. Contact Phone City State

Shootout at 5 Dogs Creek May 4-7, ‘06 Almost Dangerous 760-376-4493 Bakersfield CA SASS New Hampshire State Black Powder Shootout SASS Texas State Championship The Great Buffalo Hunt Aug 12-13, ‘06 Capt. Morgan Rum 603-772-5041 Candia NH Jail Break May 4-7, ‘06 Texas Alline 903-545-2252 Oakwood TX Speidie Shoot Aug 12-13, ‘06 Colesville Bob 607-693-2286 Greene NY Serge at Clark Station May 5-7, ‘06 Robert Muir 785-823-6986 Chapman KS Last Stand at Flint Hill Range Aug 18-20, ‘06 Standing Eagle 870-895-2677 Salem AR Mo-Kan Border Skirmish May 5-7, ‘06 Iza Littleoff 816-524-1462 Higginsville MO Squinty Eye Western Shoot Aug 18-20, ‘06 Wagonmaster 218-744-4694 Virginia MN 3rd Annual Ambush at Oregon Trail Shootout Aug 18-20, ‘06 Hank Vaughan 800-963-2630 La Grande OR Ricochet Junction May 5-7, ‘06 Crossfire Scout 509-684-8953 Colville WA Shootout at Saddle Butte Aug 18-20, ‘06 Mid Valley Drifter 541-259-2774 Shedd OR SASS Kentucky State Championship Montana Territorial Shootout Aug 19-20, ‘06 Bocephus Bandito 406-439-4476 Boulder MT Hooten Holler Round-Up May 6-7, ‘06 No Purse Nez 606-633-7688 McKee KY North Rim Regulators Round-Up Aug 25-26, ‘06 Autum Rose 435-644-5053 Kanab UT Merlin Marauder’s Shootout at Three Rivers Aug 25-27, ‘06 Ole Wise SASS 505-632-9647 Farmington NM 2nd Annual Shoot May 13, ‘06 Rogue Rascal 541-472-8585 Grants Pass OR SASS Wisconsin State Championship Utah Territorial Shootout May 13, ‘06 Bufflo Juan 435-528-7432 Mayfield UT Fire In The Hills Aug 25-27, ‘06 Hay Root 715-595-6475 Boyceville WI Siege at San Juan May 18-21, ‘06 San Juan 970-249-4227 Montrose CO Last Blast of Summer Aug 26, ‘06 Yankee 781-383-9799 Scituate MA Spring Avalanche Stampede May 19-20, ‘06 Buckskin John 907-789-7498 Juneau AK Shootout At Lithia Springs Aug 26-27, ‘06 Col. Cornelius Gilliam 541-734-8509 Ashland OR SASS Alaska State Black Powder Shootout SASS SOUTHWEST TERRITORIES REGIONAL Smoke in the Greatland May 19-21, ‘06 Four Bucks 907-350-4422 Anchorage AK Smoke in the Valley Aug 31-Sep 3, ‘06 SASS Office 714-694-1800 Founders Ranch NM Seven Rivers Shooting Shindig May 19-21, ‘06 Big Jim Slaughter 505-234-8588 Carlsbad NM Purgatory Rush Sep 1, ‘06 Dry Gulch Geezer 814-827-2120 Titusville PA Shooutout at Leadville May 19-21, ‘06 Jingle Jerr 410-833-3430 Codorus PA Shoot’n in the Shade Sep 1-3, ‘06 Christmas Kid 501-525-3451 Hot Springs AR Shootout In the Hills May 19-21, ‘06 Hezekiah Hawke 859-250-7766 Winfield TN True Grit Sep 1-3, ‘06 Dapper Dan Porter 309-734-2324 Little York IL Women and Children Shootout at Moniteau Creek & of the Old West May 20, ‘06 Idaho Six Gun Sam 208-866-7271 Kuna ID Missouri Boat Ride Sep 1-3, ‘06 Doolin Riggs 573-687-3103 Fayette MO Hanging Tree Shootout May 20-21, ‘06 X S Chance 573-765-5483 St. Robert MO Gunfight at Chimney Rocks Sep 1-3, ‘06 Cove Lane 814-793-2844 Hollidaysburg PA SASS SOUTHEAST TERRITORIAL BLACKPOWDER SHOOUTOUT SASS Michigan State Championship Wolverine The Shootout at Mule Camp May 25, ‘06 San Quinton 706-335-7302 Covington GA Ranger Range War Sep 1-4, ‘06 No Cattle 616-363-2827 Port Huron MI High Sierra Shootout May 25-28, ‘06 Black Jack Traven 530-677-0368 Railroad Flats CA SASS Oregon State Championship SASS SOUTHEAST REGIONAL Lead Daze at Linkville Sep 1-4, ‘06 Wimpy Hank Yoho 541-545-3120 Klamath Falls OR The Shootout at Mule Camp May 25-28, ‘06 San Quinton 706-335-7302 Covington GA SASS Maine State SASS Mississippi State Championship Smokin’ Guns Black Powder Shootout Sep 2-3, ‘06 Dangerous Dan Dalton 207-667-3586 Blue Hill ME at Rabbit Ridge May 26-28, ‘06 Easy Lee 662-838-7451 Byhalia MS SASS Nebraska SASS Pennsylvania State Championship State Championship North Mountain Shoot Out May 26-28, ‘06 Black Hills Barb 570-538-9163 Muncy Valley PA Shootout at Flatwater Sep 2-4, ‘06 Scorpion Blain 308-226-2567 Grand Island NE Where the Old West The 12th Annual Stayed Young May 27-28, ‘06 Sagebrush Burns 970-824-8407 Craig CO John Wayne Shootout Sep 8-10, ‘06 Fillmore Coffins 805-528-6705 San Luis Obispo CA St. Jude Charity Shoot May 27-28, ‘06 Dapper Dan 309-734-2324 Little York IL Rifle Creek Rangers Shootout on the Cimarron May 27-28, ‘06 Querida Kate 405-372-0208 Stillwater OK Present Deadwood Sep 8-10, ‘06 Miles Coffee 970-625-0657 Rifle CO 4 States Championship May 27-28, ‘06 T-Bone Dooley 903-628-5512 English TX SASS Louisiana Western States Cowboy Action State Championship Sep 8-10, ‘06 Matt Masterson 318-396-5870 Downsville LA Shooting Championship Jun 1-4, ‘06 Quick Cal 775-575-6700 Fernley NV SASS Maine SASS Arkansas State Championship Pursuit By State Championship Rooster Cogburn’s Posse Jun 2-4, ‘06 Tombstone Shadoe 501-888-5244 Belleville AR Stealing the Thunder Sep 8-10, ‘06 Leo 207-829-3092 Falmouth ME Showdown Jun 2-4, ‘06 Rob Banks 714-206-6893 Lytle Creek CA Shootout at Hoss Creek Ranch Sep 8-10, ‘06 Kenny Vaquero 419-874-6929 Gibsonbong OH SASS MA, CT, and RI State Championship A Gunfight in Dixie Sep 8-10, ‘06 Cherokee Sargent 901-867-0449 Arlington TN Shootout at Sawyer Flats Jun 2-4, ‘06 Yosemite Kid 781-891-4089 Harvard MA Standoff at Smokey Point Sep 8-10, ‘06 Mudflat Mike 425-335-5176 Arlington WA Paradise Pass Ambush Jun 3-4, ‘06 Midnite Desperado 574-893-7214 Warsaw IN The Final Showdown Sep 9-10, ‘06 Rowdy K 419-529-0887 Mt. Vernon OH SASS Ohio State Championship Dakota Territory Goldrush Sep 9-10, ‘06 Hawkbill Smith 605-342-8946 Pringle SD Shootout at Hard Times Jun 8-11, ‘06 Buckshot Jones 937-615-2062 Piqua OH Robbers Roost SASS Idaho State Black Powder Shootout Beaver Regional Roundup Sep 9-10, ‘06 Cowboy Murder’n Maude 435-637-8209 Price UT Dick Blackpowder Blowout Jun 9-10, ‘06 Idaho Packer 208-589-5941 Rigby ID Crow River Rangers Quilt Walk Festival Shoot Jun 9-10, ‘06 Dale Baldwin 435-676-2403 Panquitch UT Shootout ‘06 Sep 10, ‘06 Cantankerous Jeb 763-682-3710 Howard Lake MN Gundown on the Little Big Horn Jun 9-11, ‘06 Prairie Annie 800-371-7963 Garryowen MT Shootout at Fort Miller Sep 12-14, ‘06 Slick Rock Rooster 559-299-8669 Clovis CA State Games of North Carolina Jun 10, ‘06 Wicken Wanda 919-266-1678 Creedmore NC SASS Minnesota State Championship Shootout at Recoil Springs Jun 10-11, ‘06 Anvil Annie 570-752-3394 Mainville PA Gunsmoke ‘06 Sep 14-17, ‘06 Mogollon Drifter 507-838-7334 Morristown MN Utah Summer Games Jun 15-17, ‘06 Lineas A. Puffbuster 435-680-9275 Cedar City UT Idaho Territory Six Gun Justice Sep 15-16, ‘06 Idaho Shady Layne 208-524-1597 Rexburg ID Revenge of Montezuma 2006 Jun 16-18, ‘06 Piedra Kidd 970-565-9228 Cortez CO Shootout at the Happy Jack Mine Sep 15-16, ‘06 Happy Jack 435-979-4665 Lake Powell UT SASS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Redemtion at Plummer Butte Sep 15-17, ‘06 Longrifle 208-245-4142 Plummer ID END of TRAIL Jun 16-25, ‘06 SASS Office 714-694-1800 Founders Ranch NM SASS New Mexico State Championship Stagetrail Shootout Jun 17, ‘06 Slip Hammer Yates 309-359-8699 Bloomington IL Shootout at Old Magdalena Sep 15-17, ‘06 Slippery Steve 505-835-8664 Magdalena NM True Grit Jun 20-23, ‘06 Big Lou 541-484-5900 Roseburg OR SASS New York State Championship SASS Maryland State Championship Heluva Rukus Sep 15-17, ‘06 Annabelle Bransford 518-877-7834 Ballston Spa NY Thunder Valley Days Jun 22-24, ‘06 Chuckaroo 301-831-9666 Damascus MD SASS Ohio State Black Powder Shootout Ambush at Durham Ferry Jun 22-25, ‘06 Cherokee Knight 209-477-8883 Manteca CA Smoke in the Hills Sep 15-17, ‘06 Smokin Iron 740-385-6692 West Jefferson OH Great Lakes Match #9 Jun 24-25, ‘06 Wall-Man 248-628-7424 Attica MI Shootout at the Longbranch Sep 16, ‘06 Tennessee Deadeye 423-349-4924 Greenville TN Mica Peak Marshals Jun 24-25, ‘06 Old Timer Gus 509-325-9253 Spokane Valley WA Chippewa Regulators Sep 16-17, ‘06 Yooper Fred 906-635-9700 Sault Ste. Marie MI Hang ‘um High Jun 24-25, ‘06 Marvin The Moyle 414-254-5592 Concord WI SASS Oklahoma State Championship SASS Wisconsin State Black Powder Shootout The Ruckus in the Nation Sep 21-24, ‘06 Montana Dan 918-224-6292 Coweta OK Smoke in the Hills Jun 25, ‘06 Tracker Jack Daniels 715-643-2011 Boyceville WA High Plains Throw Down Sep 22-24, ‘06 J. P. Trouble 928-445-2468 Prescott AZ SASS HIGH PLAINS REGIONAL Legends of The West Sep 22-24, ‘06 Bojack 760-956-5044 Devore CA Hell on Wheels Jun 29-Jul 2, ‘06 Overland Kid 307-635-9940 Cheyenne WY Rapmpage Sep 23, ‘06 Sanpitch Kid 801-231-2643 Kaysville UT SASS Wyoming State Championship Shootout at Wildwood Sep 23-24, ’06 VOODOOMAN 219-872-2721 Michigan City IN Hell on Wheels Jun 29-Jul 2, ‘06 Overland Kid 307-635-9940 Cheyenne WY Eagleville Cowboys SASS Alaska Territorial Championship Shootout Annual Shoot Sep 23-24, ‘06 Thummper John 231-377-7232 Central Lake MI Under The Midnight Sun Jun 30-Jul 2, ‘06 Four Bucks 907-350-4422 Anchorage AK SASS West Virginia State Championship Indiana Pre-State Jul 1, ‘06 Redneck Rebel 812-755-4237 Campbellsburg IN Appalachian Showdown XII Sep 23-25, ‘06 Last Word 304-289-6098 Berkeley Springs WV Independence Day Shoot Jul 1, ‘06 Diamond Red 406-685-3618 Ennis MT Massacre at Millbrook Station Sep 28-30, ‘06 Glacier Griz 785-421-3329 Hill City KS SASS Michigan State Black Powder Shootout SASS NORTHEAST REGIONAL Smoke on the Range Jul 1-2, ‘06 Two Rig A Tony 606-891-6917 Grand Rapids MI Mason Dixon Stampede Sep 28-Oct 1, ‘06 Chuckaroo 301-831-9666 Thurmont MD 10th Annual Montana Cowboy SASS Nevada State Championship Action Championship Jul 7-9, ‘06 Michael Fortune 406-771-8457 Simms MT Eldorado 2006 Sep 28-Oct 1, ‘06 Charming 702-565-3736 Boulder City NV SASS New Hampshire & Vermont State Championship SASS Alabama State Championship Fracas at Pemi Gulch Jul 7-9, ‘06 Capt. Side Burns 603-539-4584 Holderness NH Ambush At Cavern Cove Sep 29-Oct 1, ‘06 Hair Trigger Floyd 256-776-0897 Gurley AL Blue Mountain Shootout Jul 7-9, ‘06 Lester Moore 610-821-8215 Topton PA Rattlesnake Gulch Roundup Sep 29-Oct 1, ‘06 Ricochet Robbie 509-628-0889 Benton City WA SASS NORTHWEST REGIONAL Knob Creek Stampede Sep 30-Oct 1, ‘06 Mountain Drover 502-817-8124 KY Shootout at Horse Ridge Jul 12-16, ‘06 Cowboss 541-548-7325 Bend OR SASS WESTERN REGIONAL SASS Indiana State Championship Last Stand at Chimney Rock Oct 5-8, ‘06 Five Jacks 760-949-3198 Apple Valley CA Hoosier Ambush Jul 14-16, ‘06 Doc Molar 765-948-3844 Jonesboro IN Robbers Roost Thunder In The Valley Jul 14-16, ‘06 Johnny Shiloh 440-984-4551 Amherst OH Regional Roundup Oct 6-7, ‘06 Doc Nelson 435-564-8210 Green River UT SASS South Dakota State Championship High Noon at Tusco Oct 6-8, ‘06 Split Rail 330-364-6185 Midvale OH Summer Shoot ‘06 Jul 14-16, ‘06 Deadwood George 605-642-7736 Spearfish SD Guns In The Grove Oct 7, ‘06 Ross Rutherford 828-287-4519 Rutherfordton NC SASS SOUTHWEST TERRITORIAL BLACKPOWDER SHOOTOUT The Whoopin’ Oct 7, ‘06 Texas Heat 512-219-8280 Driftwood TX Powder Blast Jul 14-16, ‘06 Texas Alline 903-545-2252 Oakwood TX Underwear Day Oct 7-8, ‘06 G.D. Rimrock Goldvein 509-301-2418 Milton Freewater OR SASS Colorado State Championship Rocky Mountain Comanche Moon Shootout Oct 7-8, ‘06 Hoodoo Brown 432-682-1422 Midland TX Regional Raid Jul 20-23, ‘06 Bat Masterson 303-745-2529 Byers CO Huntsman Senior Games Oct 10-14, ‘06 Buzzard’s Brat 435-627-2346 St. George UT Guns Of The Timberlands Jul 21-23, ‘06 Kid Kneestone 707-445-1981 Eureka/Arcata CA SASS Tennessee State Championship Wild West Days Jul 21-23, ‘06 Into Buffalo 360-384-4161 Custer WA Regulator’s Reckoning Oct 12-14, ‘06 Charlie Bowdre 615-896-8450 Wartrace TN Bessemer Jail Break Jul 21-23, ‘06 Banker Bob 307-234-5850 Casper WY SASS California State Championship SASS Illinois State Championship Shootout at Durham Ferry Oct 12-15, ‘06 Cherokee Knight 209-477-8883 Manteca CA Randolph County Ruckus Jul 26-30, ‘06 Taquilla Tab 217-496-3949 Sparta IL Mississippi Fandango Oct 13-15, ‘06 Grump Hellrider 608-526-4687 Holmen CA SASS NEW ENGLAND REGIONAL SASS Georgia State Championship The Great Nor’easter Jul 27-30, ‘06 Capt. Morgan Rum 603-772-5041 Pelhan NH Ride of The Immortals Oct 13-15, ‘06 Alabama Southpaw 770-631-0534 Griffin GA Shootout at Pawnee Station Jul 28-30, ‘06 Red River Wrangler 970-225-0545 Ft. Collins CO SASS Kansas State Championship SASS North Dakota State Championship Border Wars ‘06 Oct 13-15, ‘06 Buffalo Phil 785-448-7733 Parker KS Peace in the Valley Jul 28-30, ‘06 Doc Neilson 701-588-4331 Kindred ND SASS Virginia State Championship Ambush at Indian Creek Jul 28-30, ‘06 Comanche Joe Tracker 412-937-4601 Donegal PA Star City Shootout Oct 13-15, ‘06 Beer Slinger 540-314-3949 Roanoke VA SASS Alaska State Championship The Justin Pierce Gunfight At Wolf Creek Oct 14, ‘06 Wild Otter 828-423-7796 Asheville NC Memorial Shoot Aug 4-6, ‘06 Poco Loco Lowie 907-488-7660 Fairbanks AK Shindig Oct 14, ‘06 Dusty Chambers 830-377-6331 Fredericksburg TX Sagebrush Aug 4-6, ‘06 Marshal Hankins 530-257-8958 Susanville CA Buzzard Boil Oct 15, ‘06 Dave Heinig 203-457-1031 East Granby CT Shaketails Annual Match Aug 4-6, ‘06 Yaro 303-646-3777 Ramah CO SASS SOUTHWEST REGIONAL SASS Iowa State Championship Showdown at Buck Creek Oct 19-22, ‘06 Nueces Outlaw 817-508-0774 Cleburne TX Beaver Creek Shootout Aug 4-6, ‘06 Kingdom Kid 319-351-7572 Ackley IA Diamond Four Roundup Oct 21-22, ‘06 Kayutah Kid 607-796-0573 Odessa NY Ambush at Hickory Ridge Aug 4-6, ‘06 Mac Traven 570-723-8885 Wellsboro PA Gunfight Behind The Jersey Lilly Oct 25-29, ‘06 Marshal Law 951-780-6467 Norco CA SASS Washington State Championship SASS Arizona State Championship Westmatch XV Aug 4-6, ‘06 The Elder Katie 253-946-1438 Renton WA Bordertown Oct 26-29, ‘06 Quicksand 520-290-8599 Tucson AZ SASS Utah Black Powder State Shootout Aug 5, ‘06 Jubal O. Sackett 801-944-3444 Park City UT SASS Missouri State Championship SASS Idaho State Championship Show-Me Shootout Oct 26-29, ‘06 Smokie 417-759-9114 Branson MO Reckoning at Black Creek Aug 9-13, ‘06 Idaho Sixgun Sam 208-322-3351 Kuna ID Gun Smoke SASS MIDWEST REGIONAL Among the Petticoats Oct 27-28, ‘06 Hungry Bear 850-929-2406 Pinetta FL Guns of August Aug 9-13, ‘06 Deadwood Stan 513-894-3500 Middletown OH SASS New Jersey State and Delaware Championship SASS Utah State Championship Utah War Aug 10-12, ‘06 Jubal O. Sackett 801-944-3444 Park City UT Purgatory In The Pines Oct 27-29, ‘06 Flat Iron Frank 609-693-6120 Jackson NJ Richmond Roundup Aug 11-13, ‘06 Buffy 415-640-7810 Richmond CA Comin’ At ‘Cha Oct 27-29, ‘06 T-Bone Dooley 903-628-5512 English TX

If your Listing is incorrect, please notify SASS office (714) 694-1800. May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 105 SASS AFFILIATED CLUBS ANNUAL MATCHES Match Name Sched. Contact Phone City State Match Name Sched. Contact Phone City State

Coming Thru The Rye Oct 28-29, ’06 Dusty Diablo 205-664-7793 Hoover AL October Shootout Oct 28-29, ‘06 Littleton Sidecar Dalton 603-444-6876 Dalton NH CANADIAN ANNUAL MATCHES (Continued) Shoot with No Name Oct 28-29, ‘06 Colesville Bob 607-693-2286 Greene NY Rim Rock Sep 16, ‘06 Hawk Feathers 905-936-2129 Palgrave ON CANADA SASS NORTHWEST TERRITORIAL Heffley Creek Fall Windup Sep 17, ‘06 Turkey Will 250-579-5819 Kamloops BC CANADA BLACKPOWDER SHOOTOUT Oct 28-29, ‘06 The Elder Kate 253-946-1438 Renton WA Roadhouse Oct 14, ‘06 Prairie Buck 250-479-4276 Victoria BC CANADA Castle in the Clay Nov 4, ‘06 Madd Mike 775-727-7476 Shoshone CA Bunkhouse Nov 12, ‘06 Prairie Buck 250-479-4276 Victoria BC CANADA Shootout at Big River Swamp Nov 4, ‘06 Nimrod Long 850-592-5665 Grand Ridge FL CRR Memorial Nov 4-5, ‘06 Longeye 704-366-9662 Charlotte NC Showdown In HogTown Nov 4-5, ‘06 Bear Creek Jesse 434-332-5310 Madison Heights VA EUROPE ANNUAL MATCHES Hole in the Wall Turkey Shoot Nov 5, ‘06 Don Busik 818-761-0512 Piru CA SASS South Carolina State Championship Gunfight in the Plains Apr 28-May 1, ‘06 Mercante 43121114251 Haringsee AUSTRIA Shootout at Givhans Ferry Nov 9-12, ‘06 Osage Pete 843-899-4370 Givhans SC Six Feet under Jun 9-11, ‘06 Charles Quantrill 4793259669 Loten NORWAY Defend Old Fort Parker Nov 9-12, ‘06 Slowaz Molasses 254-415-0904 Groesbeck TX Forgotten Valley Sep 15-17, ‘06 George Roscoe [email protected] Oparany (South Bohemia) 12th Annual Dixie Shootout Nov 10-12, ‘06 RC Moon 205-410-5707 Brierfield AL SASS Louisiana State Black Powder Shootout CZECH REPUBLIC Hanging at Coyote Creek Nov 10-12, ‘06 Rattlesnake Blake 985-796-9698 Amite LA Montrose Marshals DOWN UNDER ANNUAL MATCHES High County Turkey Shoot Nov 12, ‘06 Big Hat 970-249-7701 Montrose CO The Great Northfield Raid Nov 17-19, ‘06 Desperado 818-341-7255 Sylmar CA Callin Ya Out May 27-28, ‘06 Brent Squires 03-5342-8400 Ballarat VIC AUSTRALIA Cowford Stampede Nov 18-19, ‘06 Deadwood Jake 904-724-7012 Jacksonville FL SASA - Southeast Tombstone Territory Heartland Territorial Jul 15-16, ‘06 Dagger Jack 61-7-5537-5857 Gold Coast AUSTRALIA “Ace La Rue” Championship Nov 24-26 ’06 Sixpak 520-743-0179 Tombstone AZ SASS AUSTRALIAN REGIONAL Shootout at Purgatory Flats Nov 24-26, ‘06 Lash Latigo 775-727-4600 Amargosa NV Chisholm Trail 2006 Sep 26-Oct 1, ‘06 Virgil Earp 61-7-4695-2050 Millmerran QLD AUSTRALIA Cowboy Christmas Shoot Dec 2, ‘06 Gerald Dunn 803-951-1986 Columbia SC Gunfight at the Ok Corral Oct 21-22, ‘06 Duke York 61-3-9551-2902 Drouin VIC AUSTRALIA Top Gun Dec 9-10, ‘06 Amaduelist 561-694-2079 Okeechobee FL SASS Australian SASS Hawaii State Championship Black Powder Shootout Nov 4-5, ‘06 Mister Skye 02-9975-7983 Beacon Hill NSW AUSTRALIA Great Pineapple Shoot Dec 28-31, ‘06 Lobo Negro 808-242-6024 Lahaima HI SASS NEW ZEALAND REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Nov 23-26, ‘06 Wyatt Colt 64-3-755-5232 Hokitika CANADIAN ANNUAL MATCHES NEW ZEALAND Prairie Dog Shoot May 13, ‘06 Hawk Feathers 905-936-2129 Palgrave ON CANADA Shoot Out At The Ridge May 19-21, ‘06 Gifford Gringo 604-855-4231 Mission BC CANADA SASS MOUNTED ANNUAL MATCHES Malahat Ridge Jun 11, ‘06 Prairie Buck 250-479-4276 Victoria BC CANADA Mulligans Mother’s Day Match May 5-7, ’06 Seymore Dust 408-591-4523 Gilroy CA Dry Gulch Jun 17, ‘06 Hawk Feathers 905-936-2129 Palgrave ON CANADA Ely Train Robbers May 27, ‘06 Joni Evans 702-396-6089 Las Vegas NV Palmer’s Gulch Jun 30-Jul 3, ‘06 Turkey Will 250-579-5819 Kamloops BC CANADA The Battle of Plum Creek Jun 1-4, ‘06 Delta Raider 512-376-2606 Lockhart TX Canadian Championship Revenge of Montezuma 2006 Jun 16-18, ‘06 Piedra Kidd 970-565-9228 Cortez CO of CAS Aug 4-6, ‘06 Kelsey Kid 780-375-2333 Kelsey AL CANADA SASS California State Buffalo Shoot Aug 12, ‘06 Hawk Feathers 905-936-2129 Palgrave ON CANADA Mounted Championship Jul 1-2, ’06 Seymore Dust 408-848-0039 Gilroy CA 15th Headquarters Aug 12-13, ‘06 Prairie Buck 250-479-4276 Victoria BC CANADA Duel on the Delta Sep 9-10, ‘06 Jim Wild 209-941-4655 Stockton CA Rocky Mountain Thunder Aug 13, ‘06 Luke A Leathersmith 403-845-4347 Rocky Mountain House SASS New Mexico State Mounted Championship AL CANADA Shootout at Old Magdalena Sep 15-17, ‘06 Grizzly Adams 505-854-2488 Magdalena NM SASS CANADIAN REGIONAL Reckoning SASS Nevada State Mounted Championship At Red Mountain Pass Sep 1-3, ‘06 Rusty Wood 604-820-0048 Mission BC CANADA LVMSA Nov 11-13, ‘06 Joni Evans 702-396-6089 Las Vegas NV

Nutmeg Sports ...... 97 SASS - MERCANTILE ...... 93 Off The Wall ...... 49 SASS - MERCANTILE ...... 94 Okeechobee Marshals ...... 86 SASS - MERCANTILE ...... 95 SASS Advertisers Index Oklahoma Leather Products ...... 100 SASS - MERCANTILE ...... 96 Old River Saddlery ...... 99 SASS - Renewal ...... 36 2 T Manufacturing ...... 48 Cowboy Corral ...... 15 Hell On Wheels ...... 81 Old West Art ...... 97 SASS - Waddie Sign-Up ...... 57 AA Callister Corp...... 99 Cowboys And Indian Store ...... 69 Hide Crafter Leathercraft ...... 49 Old West Reproductions ...... 100 Shoot Magazine ...... 20 Action Target ...... 30 D.S. Welding ...... 63 High Plains Reboring & Rerifling . . . . . 100 Old West Wagon Wheels ...... 99 Single Action Service ...... 97 Alaska 49’ers ...... 89 Dab Mfg...... 77 Hoplite Inc...... 98 Olde Tyme Mercantile ...... 97 Star Packer Badges ...... 100 American Cowboy ...... 52 Damascus Wildlife Rangers ...... 89 Horseridge Pistoleros ...... 82 Oregon Trail Bullet Company ...... 26 Starline Brass ...... 9 American Pioneer Powder ...... 28 Dennis Yoder Leather ...... 99 I.A.R...... 77 Oregon Trail Rough Riders ...... 87 Sweet Shooter Gun Cleaner ...... 21 Ammo Direct ...... 61 Desperado Cowboy Bullets, LLC ...... 67 J.B. Hickok Mercantile ...... 61 Oriental Saloon ...... 98 Tales of the West dimenovels ...... 100 Arntzen Steel Target ...... 46 Dick De Bernardis ...... 99 James & Guns ...... 40 Outdoor Channel ...... 4 Tatonka Dan ...... 100 Back Pocket Guncart ...... 74 Dillon Precision ...... 50 James Country Mercantile ...... 51 Pact ...... 3 Taylors & Company ...... 108 Ballistol USA ...... 97 Dixie Gun Works ...... 59 Jaxonbilt Hat Co ...... 77 Parker River Alpaca Farm ...... 97 Tecumseh Trdg Post(cowboy) ...... 100 Bar S Grips ...... 23 Don Diego Leather ...... 70 Jeff Flannery ...... 28 Pemi Valley Peacemakers ...... 84 Ted Blocker Holsters ...... 98 Barber’s Firearms ...... 98 El Paso Saddlery ...... 24 Jim Downing Custom Engraver ...... 78 Pioneer Gun Works ...... 63 Ten-X Ammunition ...... 25 Bear Bones Knives ...... 98 El Paso Saddlery ...... 69 Jim Downing Custom Engraver ...... 98 Pistol Pete’s Emporium ...... 99 Texas Jacks Wild West ...... 18 Bear Tooth Leather ...... 98 Electronic Shooters Protection ...... 23 JMB Distribution ...... 97 Powder Inc...... 99 Thomas Moxley Gallery ...... 19 Big 45 Frontier Gun Shop ...... 97 EMF Company ...... 43 KCC Bullet Co., LLC ...... 98 Publishers Development Co...... 37 Thurmont Rangers ...... 85 Bill Johns Master Engraver ...... 70 EMF Company ...... 47 Kempf Gun Shop(Suspenders) ...... 100 Puff-Lon ...... 99 Tippmann Industrial Products ...... 19 Black Hills Leather ...... 65 EMF Company ...... 66 Kempf Gun Shop(Complete) ...... 100 R & D-Taylor & Co...... 8 Tonto Rim ...... 21 Blue Book Publications ...... 60 Enck’s Gun Barn ...... 97 Key-Lock Saddlery ...... 79 R & D Gun Shop ...... 41 Top Brass - Scharch Mfg. Inc...... 41 Bond Arms ...... 44 Espinoza Bootmaker ...... 98 Kiowa Creek Trading Co...... 66 R.V. Sales ...... 11 Tres Rios Bandidos ...... 89 Bordertown ...... 82 Evil Roy Shooting School ...... 50 Kirkpatrick Leather ...... 27 Redding Reloading ...... 65 True Grit Single Action Shooters ...... 87 Bozeman Trail Arms ...... 97 Evolutions Footwear ...... 25 Kirst Company ...... 41 Remax 100 ...... 29 True West Magazine ...... 35 Bryan Fillers ...... 99 Five Star Publications ...... 79 Laughing Moon Mercantile ...... 99 Richard E. Leach(wanted c/c) ...... 100 Twin Butte Bunch ...... 86 Buffalo Arms Company ...... 98 Flat Water Shootists ...... 80 Leather, Guns & Etc...... 100 River Junction Trade Co ...... 17 U.S. Army of the West/ Buffalo Runner Boots ...... 99 Fort Western Outfitters ...... 33 Lefty’s Leather ...... 100 Rocking R Enterprises ...... 97 Mormon Battalion ...... 42 Buffalo Western Wear ...... 99 Front Sight - U.S. Practical Schools . . . . 22 Legendary Guns ...... 62 Roger Peterson Design ...... 98 Uberti-Stoeger Industries ...... 2 Cal Graph ...... 97 Frontier Classics ...... 39 Liberty Leather ...... 98 Rossi 92’ Specialists ...... 97 UniqueTek Inc...... 44 Calico Lassie ...... 100 Frontier Gun Leather ...... 37 Lolo Sporting Goods ...... 21 Ruby Begonia’s Emporium ...... 97 Victoria’s Jewelry Box ...... 100 Canisteo’s ...... 100 G & J Leather ...... 100 Long Hunter Shooting Supply ...... 12 Running Buffalo ...... 98 W.A.Murphy ...... 98 Cart-Right Carts ...... 98 George R Driscoll Studio & Workshop . . 66 Long Hunter Shooting Supply ...... 75 Rusty Musket Enterprises ...... 100 Wahmaker ...... 35 Cast Bullet Association ...... 64 Gilded Lily ...... 98 M. Shelhart ...... 40 Ruxton’s Trading Post ...... 97 Walker 47 ...... 45 Champion Attitude Boots ...... 79 Golden Gate Western Wear ...... 45 Magic Springs ...... 97 Saber River Gunsmithing ...... 99 Western And Wildlife Wonders ...... 31 Cheyenne Pioneer Products ...... 99 Golden Heart Shootist Society ...... 80 Meister Bullets ...... 23 Safevision, Inc...... 45 Western Stage Props ...... 99 Cimarron FA ...... 14 Great Basin Cartridge Co...... 63 Mernickle Custom Holsters ...... 47 Sand Creek Raiders ...... 87 Western Star Leather ...... 12 Circle K Regulators ...... 82 Gregg Fysh ...... 100 Merrimack Valley Marauders ...... 83 SASS - Championship Buckle ...... 38 White Mountain Regulators ...... 89 Circle KB Leatherworks ...... 62 Griner Gunworks ...... 97 Miami Valley Cowboys ...... 88 SASS - End of Trail 2006 ...... 53 Wild Rose Trading Company ...... 100 Cobra Enterprises ...... 39 Grip Maker ...... 99 Moore Ranch ...... 100 SASS - EOT Waddie Sign-up ...... 57 Wild West Junction ...... 43 Cochise Leather Company ...... 29 Gun Craft ...... 77 Munden Enterprises ...... 6 SASS - Join SASS Today ...... 19 Wild West Mercantile ...... 13 Colorado Mountain Hat Co ...... 74 Guns Of The Old West ...... 60 Murphy Leather Co ...... 99 SASS - Match Management ...... 76 Wisconsin Old West Competition Electronics ...... 7 Hamilton Dry Goods ...... 97 Northeastern Bullet Co...... 48 SASS - MERCANTILE ...... 90 Shooting Society ...... 105 Costumes in Time ...... 100 Hamilton Dry Goods ...... 98 NRA ...... 29 SASS - MERCANTILE ...... 91 Wolf Ears ...... 98 Country Western Singles ...... 99 Handlebar Doc ...... 67 Numrich Gun Parts Corp...... 10 SASS - MERCANTILE ...... 92 XS Sight Systems ...... 43 Page 106 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006 SASS TERRITORIAL GOVERNORS LIST

CLUB NAME St. Governor Phone CLUB NAME St. Governor Phone CLUB NAME St. Governor Phone Alaska 49er’s AK Four Bucks 907-344-4880 Red Brush Raiders IN Indy Kid 317-856-4573 Umpqua Regulators OR Pale Wolf Brunelle 503-769-4138 Golden Heart Shootist Society AK Wind Drifter 907-457-2113 Schuster’s Rangers IN Sassie Sue 219-872-7957 Blue Mountain Rangers PA Loose Change 215-674-5121 Juneau Gold Miners Posse AK Buckskin John 907-321-4032 Thunder Valley IN Vaquero Hayes 812-662-7799 Boothill Gang of Topton PA Lester Moore 610-821-8215 Alabama Rangers AL Pinchony Creek 334-227-4712 Wildwood Wranglers IN Sassie Sue 219-872-7957 Chimney Rocks Regulators PA Almost Broke Joe 724-627-0326 Cahaba Cowboys AL Curly Doc Coleman 205-988-9076 Butterfield Gulch Gang KS Flinthills Jim 785-922-7029 Conestoga Wagoneers PA No Change 215-579-9025 Gallant Gunfighters AL 205-680-1001 Capital City Cowboys KS Major Lee Wild 785-539-9508 Dakota Badlanders PA Lester Moore 610-821-8215 North Alabama Regulators AL Blue Wolf 256-566-3257 Free State Rangers KS Brazos Peddler 913-649-7444 Dry Gulch Rangers PA Fuzzy Gonzalez 412-804-3481 Old York Shootist AL Pistoleer 205-680-1001 Powder Creek Cowboys KS Tame Bill 913-441-5660 El Posse Grande PA Loose Gun 570-363-2810 Critter Creek Citizens Vigilance Committee AR Critter Creek Bob 870-773-1350 Crab Orchard Cowboy Shootist KY Cherokee Big Dawg 606-633-7688 Elstonville Hombres PA Barnmaster 717-949-3970 Judge Parker’s Marshals AR Reno Sparks 918-647-9704 Fox Bend Peacemakers KY Tiny Texarkana 859-885-3058 Heidelberg Lost Dutchmen PA Barnmaster 717-949-3970 Mountain Valley Vigilantes AR Ozark Outlaw 501-362-2963 Highland Regulators, Inc KY Sunshine Billy 865-281-2930 Jefferson Rifle Club, Inc. PA Jingle Jerr 410-833-3430 Outlaw Camp AR Ozark Outlaw 501-362-2963 Hooten Old Town Regulators KY Cherokee Big Dawg 606-633-7688 Logans Ferry Regulators PA Doc Paul 412-795-5259 Peach Orchard Pistoleros AR Socorro Killer 918-647-9704 Kentucky Longrifles Cowboys KY Hoss Lytle 606-784-0067 Mainville Marauders PA Cincinnati Kid 570-474-0381 Running W Regulators AR Reno Sparks 918-647-9704 Kentucky Regulators KY Ned Roundtree 859-263-1230 Open Range Rowdies PA Loose Change 215-674-5121 South Fork River Regulators AR Arkansas Bell 870-994-7227 Knob Creek Gunfighters Guild KY Capt. James Albertson 812-944-2468 Perry County Regulators PA Lester Moore 610-821-8215 True Grit Single Action Shooters Club AR Ozark Outlaw 501-362-2963 Lonesome Pine Pistoleros KY Isom Kid 606-633-4465 Purgatory PA Buck Johnson 814-945-6922 Altar Valley Pistoleros AZ Dirty Dave Rudabaugh 520-889-9231 Ohio River Rangers KY Luck Hatcher 270-488-3592 River Junction Shootist Society PA Fuzzy Gonzalez 412-804-3481 Arizona Cowboy Shooters Association, Inc AZ Johnny Meadows 928-567-9227 Bayou Bounty Hunters LA Rattlesnake Blake 985-796-9698 Silver Lake Bounty Hunters PA Pete Gabriel 607-734-7993 Arizona Yavapai Rangers AZ Johnny Meadows 928-567-9227 Cajun Cowboy Shooters Society LA Logan Sackett 225-936-0125 Stewart’s Regulators PA Sodbuster Burt 412-479-8838 Bordertown, Inc. AZ Take A. Chance 520-573-1218 Cypress Creek Cowboys LA Matt Masterson 318-397-2035 Westshore Posse PA Lester Moore 610-821-8215 Cochise Gunfighters AZ Blaze Kinkaid 520-457-3572 Deadwood Marshals LA Barkeeps 225-751-8552 Whispering Pines Cowboy Committee PA Pete Gabriel 607-734-7993 Colorado River Regulators AZ Trinity 928-855-6155 Devil Swamp Gang LA Cooper York 504-467-9077 Lincoln County Lawmen RI Hezekiah Ezekiel Hipshot 508-476-3072 Colorado River Shootists AZ Irish Thunder 928-317-5139 Grand Ecore Vigilantes LA Needmore Gunz 318-256-2550 Geechee Gunfighters SC Ranger Law 843-552-1591 Cowtown Cowboy Shooters Assoc. AZ Two Dot 623-931-4889 Up The Creek Gang LA Navasota Kid 337-734-2281 Hurricane Riders SC The Barber 843-756-9307 Dusty Bunch Old Western Shooters AZ Rattler John 602-803-5646 Danvers Desperados MA Barrister Bill 978-667-2219 Palmetto Posse SC Lorenzo Kid 803-957-1365 El Diablo de Tucson AZ Pecos Clyde 480-266-1065 Gunnysackers MA Yankee 781-383-9799 Piedmont Regulators SC Montana Brown 706-423-9363 Los Vaqueros AZ Old Deadeye 520-749-1186 Harvard Ghost Riders MA Barrister Bill 978-667-2219 Savannah River Rangers SC Surly Dave 803-892-2812 Mohave Marshalls AZ Kizmet 928-753-4266 Shawsheen River Rangers MA Skeets 781-386-0900 Bald Mountain Renegades SD Sodak Red 605-598-6281 Pima Pistoleros Cowboy Action Shooter AZ Dirty Bob 520-825-2863 Damascus Wildlife Rangers MD Chuckaroo 301-831-9666 Black Hills Shootist Association SD The Badlands Fox 605-923-5191 Rio Salado Cowboy Action Shooting Society AZ Wrangel 480-380-4380 Potomac Rangers at SCSC MD Chuckaroo 301-831-9666 Cottonwood Cowboy Association SD Lucky O’Riley 605-472-1882 Tombstone Buscaderos AZ Sixpak 520-743-7760 St. Charles Sportsman’s Club MD Chuckaroo 301-831-9666 Deadwood Seven Down Regulators SD W. E. L. 605-642-7736 White Mountain Old West Shootists AZ Stands Alone 928-537-8401 Thurmont Rangers MD Cody Conagher 304-258-1419 Greene County Regulators TN Tennessee Deadeye 423-349-4924 Winter Range Marksman, Inc. AZ Justice B. Dunn 928-636-4911 Big Pine Bounty Hunters ME Long Haired Mike 207-395-4835 Memphis Gunslingers TN The Arizona Ranger 662-342-0564 YRL-High Country Cowboys AZ Star Packer 520-632-5463 Capitol City Vigilance Committee ME Long Haired Mike 207-395-4835 Ocoee Rangers TN Pleasant 423-476-6865 5 Dogs Creek CA Snakebite 559-787-2943 Hurricane Valley Rangers ME Capt. Morgan Rum 603-772-5041 Smokey Mountain Shootist Society TN Owlhoot Hardin 423-334-4576 Brimstone Pistoleros CA Rowdy Yates 714-532-2922 Chippewa Regulators MI Jack Bantam 906-635-6947 Tennessee Mountain Marauders TN Double Barrel 706-375-6711 Burro Canyon Gun Slingers CA Smedley Butler 714-639-8723 Double Barrel Gang MI Lucky Lennie 616-340-9197 Wartrace Regulators TN Charlie Bowdre 615-896-8450 Cajon Cowboys CA Asphalt Cowboy 951-679-8662 Eagleville Cowboys MI One Son Of A Gun 386-760-1911 Alamo Area Moderators TX Crosscut 870-499-7315 California Rangers CA Allie Mo 916-443-8844 Hidden Valley Cowboys MI Grampa Willie 269-760-6159 Badlands Bar 3 TX Billy Boots 903-632-5811 Chorro Valley Regulators CA El Lazo 805-441-4242 Lapeer County Sportsmans Club Wranglers MI Wall-Man 248-628-7424 Bounty Hunters TX Texas Dude 806-299-1313 Deadwood Drifters CA Johnny Mack Brown 818-884-1846 Rockford Regulators MI Diewalker 616-837-0428 Butterfield Trail Regulators TX Capt. James H. Callahan 325-893-4165 Double R Bar Regulators CA Desert Dawg 760-949-3597 Rocky River Regulators MI Mackinaw Kid 248-852-0351 Canadian River Regulators TX Adobe Walls Shooter 806-669-3465 Dulzura Desperados CA Chilly Willy 619-823-0087 Saginaw Six-Shooters MI Bad River Marty 989-585-3292 Comanche Trail Shootists TX Texas Boden 432-693-2700 Escondido Bandidos CA J. W. Bass 858-279-7233 Sucker Creek Saddle & Gun Club MI Cree Vicar Dave 989-654-3636 Comanche Valley Vigilantes TX Goatneck Clem 817-439-3185 Hawkinsville Claim Jumpers CA Scattergun Scotty 541-512-2770 Timber Town Marshals MI Dakota Duchess du Roi 989-689-3891 El Vaqueros TX Col. John S. Mosby 254-559-6667 High Desert Cowboys CA Camp Cookie 661-943-4201 West Walker Rangers MI Lucky Lennie 616-340-9197 Lone Star Frontier Shooting Club TX Goody 972-620-9133 Hole In The Wall Gang CA Hyatt Earp 818-982-2092 Wolverine Rangers MI No Cattle 616-363-2827 Oakwood Outlaws TX Justa Hand 903-545-2252 Kings River Regulators CA Snakebite 559-787-2943 Cedar Valley Vigilantes MN Henry Andrew Thomas 507-387-8147 Old Fort Parker Patriots TX Slowaz Molasses 254-412-0904 Lassen Regulators CA William Bowie 530-253-3538 Crow River Rangers MN Boulder Canyon Bob 763-753-4820 Orange County Regulators TX Navasota Kid 337-734-2281 Mad River Rangers CA Cap Roundtree 707-923-4999 East Grand Forks Rod & Gun Club MN Robber Robert 701-746-5131 Plum Creek Carriage & Shooting Society TX Delta Raider 512-376-2602 Mother Lode Shootist Society CA Southpaw 775-246-8070 Ike’s Clantons MN H. B. Lovett 507-354-1270 Red River Regulators TX Billy Boots 903-632-5811 Murieta Posse CA River City Gun Runner 916-771-9307 Lookout Mountain Gunsmoke Society MN Wagonmaster 218-744-4694 San Antonio Rough Riders TX Moses Austin 210-269-2503 NCSA Saddle Tramps CA Will Finder, Bounty Hunter 619-224-8480 Central Ozarks Western Shooters MO Fingers McGee 573-774-6311 South Texas Pistolaros TX Dusty Lone Star 210-680-8840 Ojai Valley Desperados CA Single Shot 805-526-0310 Gateway Shootist Society MO Missouri Bull 314-776-6885 Tejas Caballeros TX The Original Lajitas Bob 512-847-5162 Panorama Sportsman Club CA Solomon Star 310-832-7445 Rocky Branch Rangers MO Latigo Smith 816-318-9967 Tejas Pistoleros, Inc. TX Texas Paladin 713-690-5313 Richmond Roughriders CA I. M. Nobody 650-589-0505 Southern Missouri Rangers MO Rowdy Joe 417-239-3931 Texas Peacemakers TX Tennessee Star 972-964-8627 River City Regulators CA Diamond Dick 916-483-9198 The Ozark Posse MO LongShot John 417-461-0033 Texas Regulators TX Texas Jack Daniels 281-259-0284 Robbers Roost Vigilantes CA Kazarah Jane 760-375-9519 Mississippi Peacemakers MS Leatherneck 601-824-5932 Texas Rivera Pistoleros TX Sofilthy Odell Mcmeaness 361-991-7215 Shasta Regulators CA Captain Grouch 530-226-9600 Mississippi River Rangers MS Easy Lee 662-838-7451 Texas Tenhorns Shooting Club TX Cole Bluesteele 817-577-1854 Silver Queen Mine Regulators CA California Guy 909-599-5484 Natchez Six Gunners MS Leatherneck 601-824-5932 Texas Troublemakers TX Knife Maker 817-498-4527 Sunnyvale Regulators CA Billy Two Bears 408-739-4436 Greasy Grass Scouts MT Judge Colt 406-638-2438 Texican Rangers TX Dusty Lone Star 210-680-8840 The Cowboys CA Ivory Jack McCloud 714-739-2721 Honorable Road Agents Shooting Society MT Captain Drummond 406-363-5443 Big Hollow Bandits UT Uncle Billy 435-548-2247 Two Rivers Posse CA Shenandoah 209-477-1117 Last Chance Handgunners MT Captain Drummond 406-363-5443 Castle Gate Posse UT Fargo Kid 435-613-0449 Ukiah Gun Club CA Sonoma Mike 707-578-3682 Montana Territory Peacemakers MT Brother Van 406-328-6807 Coal Creek Cowboys UT Lineas A. Puffbuster 435-680-9275 Way Out West Bunch CA Jeb Mcfoo 916-865-9586 Rocky Mountain Rangers MT Lobo Joe 623 680-7420 Crow Seeps Cattle Company L.L.C. UT Brazos Cain 435-529-2172 West End Outlaws CA J. J. Johnson 951-688-9854 Sun River Rangers Shooting Society MT Captain Drummond 406-363-5443 Deseret Historical Shootist Society UT Gunlock 801-544-4451 Black Canyon Ghost Riders CO Fandango Dave 970-835-8871 Yellowstone Regulators MT Colt Heart 801-302-8612 Dixie Desperados UT Haffasst Cowboy 435-632-9695 Castle Peak Wild Shots CO Old Squinteye 970-524-9348 Bostic Vigilantes NC Horsetrader 828-728-3077 Hobble Creek Wranglers UT Utah Rifleman 801-489-5267 Colorado Cowboys CO Mule Creek 719-748-3398 Carolina Cattlemen’s Shooting and Social Society NC J. M. Brown 919-266-3751 Mesa Marauders Gun Club UT Happy Jack 435-979-4665 Colorado Shaketails CO Colorado Swede 303-688-3750 Carolina Rough Riders NC Longeye 704-366-9662 North Rim Regulators UT Oh Well 435-644-5053 Four Corners Gunslingers CO Deputy Duke 505-778-5551 Carolina Single Action Shooting Society NC Rawhide Rider 919-383-7567 Rio Verde Rangers UT Fargo Kid 435-613-0449 Montrose Marshals CO Big Hat 970-240-6151 Cross Creek Cowboys NC Carolina Jack 910-864-9875 Roller Mill Hill Gunslingers UT Rockwell 435-676-2403 Northwest Colorado Rangers CO Powder Wash Kid 970-826-0150 Gunpowder Creek Regulators NC Ripshin 828-754-1884 Utah War UT Jubal O. Sackett 801-944-3444 Pawnee Station CO Rawah 970-568-3378 High Country Cowboys NC Oklahoma Charlie 704-662-3917 Wahsatch Desperados UT Doc Freud 801-407-6108 Rifle Creek Rangers CO Charles Bolton 970-625-3710 Iredell Regulators NC Red Cent 336-698-9338 Wasatch Summit Regulators UT Alaska Bill Hillis 435-645-9645 Rockvale Bunch CO Owen 719-564-2999 Old Hickory Regulators NC Red River Mike 252-535-6599 Blue Ridge Regulators VA Levi Garrett 540-433-2240 San Juan Rangers CO San Juan 970-249-4227 Old North State Posse NC Red Cent 336-698-9338 Cavalier Cowboys VA Kuba Kid 804-270-9054 Sand Creek Raiders CO Gingles 303-781-2609 Piedmont Handgunners Assn. NC Island Girl 704-662-3917 K.C.’s Corral VA Shenny Sheno 804-443-3212 Shootists Society of Pawnee Sportsmens Center CO Governor General 970-484-3789 Walnut Grove Rangers NC Horsetrader 828-728-3077 Mattaponi Sundowners VA Slow Lawman 910-594-1331 Thunder Mountain Shootists CO Hulahan Bob 970-263-8590 Dakota Rough Riders ND RoughRider Jim Bob 701-222-6612 Pepper Mill Creek Gang VA Jim Plinkerton 540-775-5226 Windy Gap Regulators CO Deputy Duke 505-778-5551 Sheyenne Valley Peacekeepers ND Doc Neilson 701-588-4331 Roanoke Rifle and Revolver Club, Inc. VA Beer Slinger 540-314-3949 Congress of Rough Riders CT Cayuse 203-457-1031 Flat Water Shootists NE Wes Beckett U. S. Marshal 308-226-2651 Stovall Creek Regulators VA Beer Slinger 540-314-3949 CT Valley Bushwackers CT Cayuse 203-457-1031 Oregon Trail Regulators, NE NE Doc Viper 308-623-1797 Virginia City Marshals VA Lonesome Polecat 703-450-4090 Homesteaders Shooting Club CT Tahoe Kid 860-739-6384 Merrimack Valley Marauders NH Marshal Mo Hare 603-897-3068 Verdant Mountain Vigilantes VT Doc McCoy 802-434-2533 Ledyard Sidewinders CT Cayuse 203-457-1031 Monadnock Mountain Regulators NH Capt. Morgan Rum 603-772-5041 Apple Valley Marshals WA Wiley Bob 509-884-3827 Padens Posse DE U. S. Marshall Jim Paden 410-742-6982 Pemi Valley Peacemakers NH Capt. Morgan Rum 603-772-5041 Beazley Gulch Rangers WA Wiley Bob 509-884-3827 Antelope Junction Rangers FL Hombre Paul 727-492-6113C The Dalton Gang Shooting Club, of NH LLC NH Ike Shotgun Mccoy 802-467-8837 Black River Regulators WA Will Simeon Skinner 360-866-3902 Big River Rangers FL Mad Dane 251-943-3341 White Mountain Regulators NH Capt. Morgan Rum 603-772-5041 Black Rock Bunch WA Yakama 509-453-1954 Cowford Regulators FL Deadwood Jake 904-721-1916 Jackson Hole Gang NJ Ben Cooley 215-343-2276 Ghost Riders-Snoqualmie Valley Rifle Club WA Elder Kate 253-946-1438 Doodle Hill Regulators FL Doc Dalton 812-684-4778 Thumbusters NJ Ol’ Sea Dog 973-743-8888 Mica Peak Marshals WA Old Lead Spreader 509-926-3665 Everglades Rifle & Pistol Club FL Brasshopper 561-368-1055 Bighorn Vigilantes NM Cryptkeeper 505-286-0062 North East Washington Regulators WA Coyote Johnson 509-685-2366 Five County Regulators FL B. S. Buhley 941-354-2919 Buffalo Range Riders NM More Or Les 505-744-5670 Poulsbo Pistoleros WA Roy Mason 206-842-9113 Fort White Cowboy Cavalry FL Deadly Sharpshooter 352-332-6210 Gila Rangers NM W. W. 505-536-3888 Rattlesnake Gulch Rangers WA Crisco 509-628-0889 Gold Coast Gunslingers FL Frenchie LePetomaine 954-227-2139 Lost River Cowboys NM Iron Worker 505-622-3490 Renton United Cowboy Action Shooters WA Moe MacDandee 425-788-1246 Hatbill Gang FL Black Diamond Doug 407-977-3839 Magdalena Trail Drivers NM Grizzly Adams 505-854-2488 Smokey Point Desperados WA Doc Faraday 360-563-0356 Hernando County Regulators FL Shady Brady 352-686-1055 Monument Springs Bushwackers NM Big Jim Slaughter 505-885-9226 Wolverton Mtn. Peace Keepers WA Big Iron Buster 360-892-3027 Howey In the Hills Cowboys FL Ole Glor E 352-326-8047 NRA Whittington Center Gun Club NM More Or Les 505-744-5670 Blue Hills Bandits WI Slick Sloan 715-458-2818 Indian River Regulators FL Turkey Creek Red 321-728-7928 Otero Practical Shooting Association NM Rising Star 505-430-4301 Good Guys Posse WI Dangerous Denny 815-459-4570 Lake County Pistoleros FL C. C. Kid 407-222-9192 Picacho Posse NM More Or Les 505-744-5670 Liberty Prairie Regulators WI Doc One Shot 920-748-8897 Martin County Marshals FL Buffalo Brady 772-344-6119 Rio Grande Renegades NM Auger Creek 505-385-6030 Oconomowoc Cattlemen’s Association WI Dennis James 262-650-1439 Miakka Misfits FL Keokotah 941-748-5357 Rio Vaqueros NM More Or Les 505-744-5670 Rock River Regulators WI Stoney Mike 608-868-5167 Okeechobee Marshals FL Amaduelist 561-694-2079 Seven Rivers Regulators NM Big Jim Slaughter 505-885-9226 The Pioneers WI Kocheese 414-724-5251 Panhandle Cattle Co. FL Super Cowboy 850-265-2800 Tres Rios Bandidos NM O Bar Freddie 505-325-2167 Western Wisconsin Wild Bunch WI Mike The Blacksmith 608-537-2345 Panhandle Cowboys FL Navajo Kid 850-478-5608 Bar D Hombre’s NV Madd Mike 775-727-7476 Wisconsin Old West Shootist, Inc. WI Hay Root 715-595-6475 Southwest Florida Gunslingers FL Swamp Fox 239-566-2047 Eldorado Cowboys NV Blind Bill 702-368-3934 Cowboy Action Shooting Sports, Inc. WV Twin 304-289-6098 Weewahootee Vigilance Committee FL Black Diamond Doug 407-977-3839 High Plains Drifters NV El Rod 775-783-8387 Dawn Ghost Riders WV Horse Soldier 304-383-2809 American Old West Cowboys GA Cherokee Maddog 423-559-3759 Nevada Rangers Cowboy Action Kanawha Valley Regulators WV Captn. Hook 304-429-2199 Bitter Creek Rangers GA Dusty Diamond Justice 706-858-9286 Shooting Society NV English Andy 702-648-6434 The Railtown Rowdys WV El Rubio 304-589-6162 Cherokee Cowboys GA Silver City Rebel 770-887-9942 Pahrump Cowboy Shooters Association NV Lash Latigo 775-727-8790 Bessemer Vigilance Committee WSAS WY Wyoming Drummer 307-587-9222 Doc Holliday’s Immortals GA Alabama Southpaw 770-631-0534 Roop County Cowboy Shooters Assn. NV Russ T. Chambers 775-747-1426 Cheyenne Regulators, Inc. WY Slowpoke Wyoming 307-778-6636 Georgia Mountain Marshals GA Stub 706-754-2483 Silver City Shooters Society NV Otto N. Sure 702-614-9205 Donkey Creek Shootists WY Wyoming Drummer 307-587-9222 Lonesome Valley Regulators GA Echeeconnee Kid 912-923-4251 Bar-20 NY Buckskin Bruce6074234490 High Lonesome Drifters WY Joe Cross 307-587-2946 Mule Camp Cowboys GA San Quinton 706-335-7302 Boot Hill Regulators NY Colonel Bill 845-354-4980 Powder River Justice Committee WSAS WY Wyoming Drummer 307-587-9222 Pale Riders GA Limp Along 706-327-6801 Border Rangers NY Pete Gabriel 607-734-7993 Southfork Vigilance Committee WSAS WY Wyoming Drummer 307-587-9222 River Bend Rough Riders GA Hardbark Harry 770-393-8088 Circle K Regulators NY Feany Valentine 315-357-2352 Australia Valdosta Vigilance Committee GA Hi Seas Cowboy 229-468-3175 D Bar D Wranglers NY Esmeralda 845-724-3515 Adelaide Pistol & Shooting Club SA Virgil Earp 61 7 4695 2050 Maui Marshals HI Lobo Negro 808-242-6024 Diamond Four NY Rios 585-973-3450 Cowboy Action Shooters of Australia NSW Mister Skye 029-975-7983 Single Action Shooters of Hawaii HI Clell Miller 808-923-9051 East End Regulators NY Sheriff A. B. Dupree 516-588-8495 Gold Coast Gamblers QLD Virgil Earp 61 7 4695 2050 Turkeyfoot Cowboys IA Cedar Falls Kid 319-266-5259 Pathfinder Pistoleros NY Freddy Pharkas 315-469-2023 Mount Rowan Rangers VIC Squizzy 61-3-5342-8400 Zen Shootists IA Dusty Tagalon 319-351-1885 The Hole In The Wall Gang NY Doc Bogan 631-598-1989 SSAA Single Action Shooting-Australia QLD Virgil Earp 61 7 4695 2050 El Buscaderos ID The Cocolallan 208-683-9708 The Long Riders NY Rios 585-973-3450 The Wiski Mountain Rangers VIC Virgil Earp 61 7 4695 2050 Hell’s Canyon Ghost Riders ID Kid Karen 509-397-3715 The Shadow Riders NY Lady Lassiter 516-360-7490 Canada Northwest Shadow Riders ID El Gordo Hombre 208-743-5765 Tioga County Cowboys NY Pete Gabriel 607-734-7993 Alberta Frontier Shootists ALB Cariboo Lefty 250-372-0416 Oregon Trail Rough Riders ID Idaho Sixgun Sam 208-866-7271 AuGlaize Rough Riders OH Temple 419-784-3220 Mission Frontier Shootist BC Cariboo Lefty 250-372-0416 Panhandle Regulators ID Kid Karen 509-397-3715 Big Irons OH Highweeds 937-746-1426 Valley Regulators BC Cariboo Lefty 250-372-0416 Snake River Western Shooting Society ID Idaho Bad Company 208-736-8143 Briar Rabbit Rangers OH Slowrider 740-747-3030 Victoria Frontier Shootists BC Cariboo Lefty 250-372-0416 Southern Idaho Rangers ID El Jefe Hombre 208-406-3854 Central Ohio Cowboys OH Loose Lucy 740-569-3206 Western Canadian Frontier Shootists Society BC Cariboo Lefty 250-372-0416 Squaw Butte Regulators ID Jimmy R. 208-377-1339 Firelands Peacemakers OH Cheyenne Culpepper 440-324-7611 Barrie Gun Club ON Bear Butte 905-891-8627 The Twin Butte Bunch ID Hardtwist Trader 307-883-3675 Jackson Six Shooters OH Krazy Thom 330-792-0450 Islington Sportmen’s Club ON Big Jim Dandy 905-936-6746 Effingham County Sportsman’s Club IL Crooked Arm 618-483-6309 Miami Valley Cowboys OH Jinglebob Kidd 437-667-2868 Otter Valley Rod & Gun Inc. ON Bear Butte 905-891-8627 Illinois River City Regulators IL The Fourty Five .45 Kid 309-383-2395 Middletown Sportsmens Club, Inc. OH 7 Mile Tom 937-885-5043 Wentworth Shooting Sports Club ON Bear Butte 905-891-8627 Illowa Irregulars IL Trader Dave 309-787-2244 Ohio Valley Vigilantes OH Marcus Allen 330-225-5625 Europe Kishwaukee Valley Regulators IL Six Fingered Shootist 815-895-4051 Sandusky County Regulators OH Two Shot Tinly 734-654-0988 Sweetwater Gunslingers Austria AT Wyatt H. Ristl 4312721278 Long Nine IL Citizen Kane 217-793-2330 Scioto Territory Desperado’s OH Smokin Iron 740-385-6692 Czech Cowboy Action Shooting Society CA Rookie 420-181-751618 Macoupin County Regulators IL Railroad Bill 314-994-0367 Tusco Long Riders OH D. J. McDraw 614-571-3551 Old West Shooting Society Switzerland CH Palouse Creek Hondo 01-271-99-47 McLean County Peacemakers IL Boot Hill Bones 309-244-8214 Zane Trace Regulators OH Ustas B. Slim 740-965-6310 Cowboy Action Shooting-Germany DE Arizona Tom 00385 99 6977 361 Midwest Firearms Association IL Logo 573-655-4875 Cherokee Strip Shootists OK Buffalo Jones 405-372-3326 SASS Germany DE Santa Klaus 0049-941-24924 Nason Mining Company Regulators IL Wolftracks 618-982-2976 Flying W Outlaws OK Aberdeen 806-256-3047 Club Hipico Del Maresme ES White Head Teddy 343-759-1887 Oak Park Sportsmen’s Club IL Maddog Mccoy 815-436-8304 Indian Territory Single Action Shooting Society OK Bone Arranger 918-275-8067 SASS-Finland FI Smoothhand Pat 358-3-7306015 Prairie State Cowboy Action Shooters IL Triple ‘T’ 618-465-9266 Shortgrass Rangers OK Goose Terwilligher 580-248-7260 Dutch Western Shooting Association NL Fat Bob 31-40-242-4076 Rangeless Riders IL Hassayampa John Mossman 618-675-3591 Tater Hill Regulators OK Eight Bit Bob 918-437-1474 Scherpschutters Veghel NL Fat Bob 31-40-242-4076 Shady Creek Shootists IL T. A. Spurs 309-798-2635 Columbia County Cowboys OR Johnny Colt 503-642-4120 Western Shooting Club Stone Valley NL Pete Cody 00 31 464 33 1075 The Lakewood Marshal’s IL Back Forty 618-625-6538 Dry Gulch Desperados OR Ol #4 509-301-2640 Quantrill Raiders NO Nashville Frank 476-258-0585 Tri County Cowboys IL Thunderbird Kid 815-239-2774 Fort Dalles Defenders OR Ol #4 509-301-2640 Schedsmoe County Rough Riders NO Samuel B. Carpenter 479-001-1230 Vermilion River Long Riders IL Bailey Creek 815-442-3259 Horse Ridge Pistoleros OR Texas Jack Morales 541-923-0686 British Western Shooting Society UK Badas Bob 1642-253-3333 10 O’clock Line Shootist Club IN Bunsen Kid 765-832-6620 Jefferson State Regulators OR Colonel Cornelius Gilliam 541-734-8509 New Zealand Big Rock SASS IN Nomore Slim 812-839-3052 Klamath Cowboys OR Rocky Hill Rustler 541-865-3929 Bullet Spittin Sons O’ Thunder The Hangman Will Lynch 0-064-354-4324 Circle C Cowboys IN Raton Rick 317-356-5571 Merlin Marauders OR Sweetwater Jack 541-479-6021 Frontier & Western Shooting Sports Association Doc Hayes 0064 6 3796692 Cutter’s Raiders IN Montana Longhair 574-269-9784 Molalla River Rangers OR Bart Star 503-391-8917 NZPA (Cowboy Section) James B. Wright 643 688-9002 Daleville Desperados IN Padre P.W. 260-672-3295 Oregon Old West Shooting Society OR Pale Wolf Brunelle 503-769-4138 Quarry Gang Kento Kid 06 8798622 Deer Creek Regulators IN Padre P.W. 260-672-3295 Oregon Trail Regulators OR Wire Paladin 541-963-3616 Tararua Rangers J. E. B. Stuart 64 6-379-7575 High Ground Regulators IN Bunsen Kid 765-832-6620 Orygun Cowboys & Cowgirls OR Johnny Colt 503-642-4120 Trail Blazers Gun Club Sudden Lee 03-755-8870 Indian Trail Ambush IN Indy Kid 317-856-4573 Siuslaw River Rangers OR Pale Wolf Brunelle 503-769-4138 Wairarapa Pistol Club Southern Cross 64-6-379-8062 JoinJoin TheThe ThousandsThousands OfOf OtherOther SASSSASS MembersMembers WhoWho HaveHave DiscoveredDiscovered 500500TED AFFILIACLUBS TheThe FastFast GrowingGrowing FunFun SportSport OfOf CowboyCowboy ActionAction ShootingShootingTMTM SASS® – THE SINGLE ACTION SHOOTING SOCIETY®

priate character from fiction. JOIN THE ACTION NOW!!! Their costume is then devel- SASS Members Receive a The Single Action Shooting SocietyTM is an interna- oped accordingly. Many Wagon Load of Benefits: tional membership organization created to preserve participants gain more and promote the sport of Cowboy Action enjoyment from the cos- Permanent shooters’ ShootingTM. SASS® endorses regional matches con- tuming aspect of our sport alias registration TM ducted by affiliated clubs, stages END of TRAIL , than from the shooting Permanent The World Championship of Cowboy Action competition, itself. member/shooter number TM Shooting , promulgates rules and procedures to Regardless of a SASS® mem- SASS® badge ensure safety and consistency in Cowboy Action ber’s individual area of interest, ® TM SASS membership card Shooting and seeks to protect it’s members’ 2nd SASS® events provide regular amendment rights. SASS® members share a common opportunities for fellowship and fun with like-mind- SASS® Marshall interest in preserving the ed folks and families. lapel pin history and traditions of Distinctive the old west and competi- membership certificate tive shooting. OLD WEST FIREARMS The Cowboy Chronicle, Cowboy Action ShootingTM is a multi-faceted shoot- monthly journal of SASS® OLD WEST ing sport in which contestants compete with firearms typical of those used in the taming of the SASS® Decal ALIAS AND old west: single action revolvers, pistol caliber lever action rifles old time shotguns. The shooting COSTUMES competition is staged in a unique, characterized, ® ® One of the unique aspects of SASS Cowboy Action “old west” style. SASS shooters handbook TM Shooting is the requirement placed on costuming. Gold collector’s badge for Participants are required to adopt a shooting alias Life members appropriate to a character or profession of the late 19th century, a Hollywood western star or an appro- Silver Collector’s Badge available

Annual Membership Dues US International International Call Toll-Free in (U.S.) Order your Silver Collectors Badge with your w/PDF w/Printed new membership. Life Membership $500 $600 $600 + $90 yearly 1-877-411-SASS (Includes gold collectors badge) The SASS Silver Collectors Badge First Year Basic Dues $45 $55 $100 (714) 694-1800 is a high quality custom product Spouse or Significant Other $30 $45 that will stand the test of time. Dependents (17 and under) $20 $30 or sign up on-line Include $33.95. Renewals Individual Basic $35 $45 $90 Renewal notices mailed by (Please allow 4-6 weeks for Spouse of Significant Other $25 $35 SASS on Membership anniversary. Collectors Badge delivery.) Junior $15 $20 All fees U.S. dollars. (You pay only for 1st Junior. All other Juniors are free)

U.S.– 1 Yr. Life Family Renewal SASS MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION International – 1 Yr. Life Life w/Printed Chronicle Family Renewal (Allow 4-6 weeks for Delivery) 23255 La Palma, Yorba Linda, CA 92887 Name: ______SASS # ______Family Member: Shooting Alias (Must be Printable): #1 ______1. S/O Name: ______#2 ______#3 ______Alias: #1 ______#2 ______Address: ______City: ______State: ______2. Young’un Name: ______Birthday: ______Country: ______Zip/Postal Code: ______Alias: #1 ______#2 ______Telephone: ( ) ______ Please include my Silver Collectors Badge with this Your SASS Affiliated Club if any: ______order. I have included $33.95. Signature: ______Date: ______

METHOD OF PAYMENT (U.S. funds): Personal Check Money Order Visa M/C Amex Discover Card #: ______Exp. Date: ______Amount Enclosed $ ______Experience the Fun, Excitement and Traditions of the 19th Century Old West History and Lore!!!