MercantileEXCITINGSee section our NovemberNovember 2001 2001 CowboyCowboy ChronicleChronicle(starting on PagepagePage 90)11 The Cowboy Chronicle~. The Monthly Journal of the Single Action Shooting Society ® Vol. 19 No. 5 © Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. May 2006 WILD WEST MERCANTILE’S WINTER RANGE 2006 SASS National Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting™ By Justice B. Dunn, SASS #3516 Photos by Mr. Quigley’s Photography Team hoenix, AZ – Over 700 com- See HIGHLIGHTS on page 73 petitors formed 36 posses to P stage the shootout among a legion of dedicated volunteers, the rocks of Louis L’Amour’s Shalako. Winter Range featured five brand They were drawn to the Conestoga new stage designs with new store wagon from The Quick and the Dead fronts and props. Thanks to the and entertained in Healey’s Theater Arizona Game and Fish for creating from Heller with a Gun. After the two new shooting bays, Winter Open Range theme for Winter Range Range 2006 featured four stages 2005 we went to a great deal of effort with down range movement adding to find something cowboy without an exciting dynamic to Cowboy rain being a major part of the story. Action Shooting™. Searching Louis L’Amore’s many Winter Range 2006 welcomed a works, the backdrops were colored new signature sponsor—Wild West sunsets and wind swept dusty plains. Mercantile. Proprietor’s C. S. Fly and But somewhere in his many works Claudia Feather are well known some rain must have snuck in. throughout Cowboy Action Shoo- Winter Range was blessed with beau- ting™. Wild West Mercantile has tiful weather on Wednesday for the pleased many a match director warm-ups and side events. Thursday The Dark Side is alive and well at Winter Range! Each year Cactus Chris through their generous sponsorship and friends do their best to arrange a blackpowder posse. They succeeded and Friday were blustery, character- of major Cowboy Action Shooting™ again this year with posse members from all over the country. There was istic of those windswept dusty plains. a waiting list of those who wanted to join them, but match officials matches around the country. Wild Then Saturday there was trout declared their posse was already too large, and enough was enough! West had been a sponsor of Winter fishin’ on Main Street again! This group shot together, cleaned together, and laughed together … Range for many years, and we are Range Master Blackjack Zak, it just doesn’t get any better! (Continued on page 71) SASS #26828, again outdid himself e e in designing interesting and skill Junior competitor, testing stages where fun was WINTER RANGE Star of July, emphasized without the challenge of shot an outstanding procedural pitfalls. With the help of SASS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP match and took Top Lady Honors. Her times OF MOUNTED SHOOTING were slightly behind World Champions SASS Cowboy Chronicle Resurrected Through Smoke and Dust! William Bruce, By Cinnamon Lucy, SASS #14014 Expressman, and Outlaw Annie, but she shot nearly clean and In This Issue hoenix, AZ – The 2006 Range on March 9th and 10th. posted better scores. SASS National Champion- The Buffalo Range Riders Practice, focus, and P determination all played 32 CONFESSIONS ship of Mounted Shooting was Mounted Club from Founders OF A AT AZI a role … at the same H N held at Ben Avery Shooting (Continued on page 78) time … Congratulations! by Bob Boze Bell 62 CIMMARON’S ’66 WINCHESTER by Tuolumne Lawman 68 MARLIN .32 H&R MAGNUM C h C by Capt. George Baylor r o 74 1ST GOLD COAST o w GUNFIGHT n b by L. Topay i o c 23255 La Palma Avenue y APPALACHIAN 76 l Yorba Linda, California 92887 SHOWDOWN XIV e www.sassnet.com by Hardrock Hiram May 2006 Cowboy Chronicle Page 5 The Cowboy CCONTENTSONTENTS Chronicle 1 ON THE COVER Wild West Mercantile Winter Range’06 . Mounted Winter Range’06 6 FROM THE EDITOR Smart Stage Design Is Critical For SASS . Editorial Staff 8-20 NEWS Waddies Needed 25th END of TRAIL ’06 . Gunfighters & Garrulous Women . Tex Editor-in-Chief 16 CAT’S CORNER END of TRAIL’S Silver Anniversary Of Costuming . Cat Ballou Editor What’s Goin’ On . Chiz 18 CHIZ BIZ Managing Editor Advertising Director 22-25 LETTERS Comments From SASS Members . Adobe Illustrator Layout & Design 26 POLITICAL Duty, Honor, Country: A Memorial Day Tribute . Mac Daddy Graphic Design 30-39 ARTICLES Confessions Of A Hat Nazi . German TV-Channel Goes Western . Donna Oakley Advertising Administrator 42-51 GUNS & GEAR Posse Leaders Need Help . Staging The Long Gun . Contributing Writers Bob Boze Bell, Capt. George Baylor, Cinnamon Lucy, Col. Dan, 52-61 MOUNTED Buffalo Range Riders . Mounted Shooting Goes To The Science Fair Cree Vicar Dave, Ellsworth T. Kincaid, Grizzly Adams, Holy Terror, Ima Darlin’, Beyond The Rio Grande . Gun Digest 2006 . Ioway, Joe Fasthorse Harrill, 58, 59 REVIEWS-BOOKS Juaquin Malone, Madd Mike, Mr. Quigley, Nubbins Colt, 62, 68 REVIEWS-PRODUCTS Cimarron Brings Back Early West (Part 3) ... Purdy Gear, Quick Cal, Swift Montana Smith, Tuolumne Lawman 64 HISTORY This Month In History . Little Known Famous People . The Cowboy Chronicle is published by The Wild Bunch, Board of Directors of The Single Action Shooting 65 PROFILES Future Cowgirl . Future Cowboy . Society. For advertising information and rates, administrative and editorial 70-80 What’s Goin’ On In Your Town? . offices contact: ON THE RANGE Chronicle Administrator 23255 La Palma Avenue 84, 86 TRAIL MARKERS Yorba Linda, California 92887 714-694-1800 FAX: 714-694-1813 90-96 MERCANTILE Nice SASS Collectibles . email: [email protected] http://www.sassnet.com The Cowboy Chronicle (ISSN 15399877) 97- CLASSIFIED is published Monthly by the Single Action Shooting Society, 23255 La Palma SHOOTING SCHEDULES (MONTHLY)-(ANNUAL) Avenue, Yorba Linda, California 92887. 101- Periodicals Postage is Paid at ANAHEIM, CA and additional mailing offices (USPS 105 ADVERTISERS INDEX #020-591). POSTMASTER: Send ad- dress changes to The Cowboy Chronicle, 23255 La Palma Avenue, Yorba Linda, 106 TERRITORIAL GOVERNORS LIST California 92887. DISCLAIMER - The Single Action Shooting Society does not guarantee, 107 SASS MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION warranty or endorse any product or service advertised in this newspaper. SASS Clubs Administrator, The publisher also does not guarantee Aim Me Home, participates in SASS® Trademarks the safety or effectiveness of any prod- her first Cowboy Action SASS®, Single Action Shooting Society®, uct or service illustrated. The distribution of some products/services may be ille- ® ® Shooting™ match under the END of TRAIL , EOT , gal in some areas, and we do not watchful eyes of Tex and all the The Cowboy ChronicleTM, assume responsibility thereof. State and other members of the posse! As COWBOY ACTION SHOOTINGTM, local laws must be investigated by the is so often the case, new shooters purchaser prior to purchase or use or CASTM, receive lots of attention and products/services. more helpful coaching than they The World Championship of Cowboy Action ShootingTM, WARNING: Neither the author nor The can absorb in a single session. Cowboy Chronicle can accept any Aim Me Home learned there’s Bow-legged Cowboy Design, and the responsibility for accidents or diffe- much more to Cowboy Action Rocking Horse Design ring results obtained using reloading Shooting™ than simply pointing are all trademarks of data. Variation in handloading tech- a gun down range … and the The Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. niques, components, and firearms shotgun can be a brutal will make results vary. Have a compe- Any use or reproduction of these marks tent gunsmith check your firearms companion until one learns without the express written permission before firing. to curb its hurtful ways! of SASS is strictly prohibited. Page 6 Cowboy Chronicle May 2006 SMART STAGE DESIGN IS CRITICAL FOR SASS By Tex, SASS #4 as necessary. Not surprisingly, a com- a little, spread out, and innovative This same Smart Stage Design petitor with a Henry rifle was the target sequences invoked, tuned would also have short circuited winner. The next year there were stock guns can compete successfully another hot topic … do we need rules several Henry rifles in evidence. The with tricked out firearms. It’s both that state “no more than two shot- Wild Bunch quickly realized their legal and OK to modify one’s gun rounds in hand at one time?” stage design had shaped the way firearms within the restrictions There is very little sentiment for a Tex, SASS #4 competitors planned and practiced defined by the Covenants, but these rule like this, and in consequence, ~SASS Hall of Fame Inductee~ for the next match. Stage design had changes should be largely unneces- the 20 gauge Model ‘97 is now disal- influenced the shooter’s ideas of com- sary to be competitive. That’s what lowed to prevent talented shooters ast month this column petitiveness and defined what was SASS wants, and it can be achieved from palming half a dozen rounds at dealt with target size and required to “win.” through Smart Stage Design. once. If our stages never presented L placement and introduced The significance of this was not There has been considerable dis- more than two shotgun targets in a the notion of Smart Stage Design. lost on the Wild Bunch. They realized cussion lately regarding basic single sequence, the 20 gauge In simple terms, Smart Stage stage design was a powerful influence inequities between the more modern Winchester Model ‘97 would likely Design is stage design with an atti- on the game and could be used to Model ’97 shotgun and the classic still be legal today. tude … stage design with an objec- shape Cowboy Action Shooting™ Side by Sides. The initial load two Another topic that was tabled tive in mind.
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