Local Artist Explains How, Why Abstracts Are Painted

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Local Artist Explains How, Why Abstracts Are Painted Newspaper open house •County teams capture all five titles in District 9 Dixie Softball Tourna- The News Reporter will host a Columbus Chamber of Com- merce and Tourism “Business After Hours” open house men. •Post 137 sweeps Jacksonville tomorrow afternoon, June 21, from 5 to 7 p.m. Chamber to even season mark at 3-3. •South members are invited to have light hors d’oeuvres and watch Columbus captures second District a section of the paper being printed on the press at approxi- Sports 2 AA win. See page 2-A. mately 5:30. ThePublished News since 1890 every Monday and Thursday Reporterfor the County of Columbus and her people. Monday, June 20, 2016 Intersection Volume 125, Number 102 Whiteville, North Carolina at Lake has 75 Cents residents, Inside engineers at odds By JEFFERSON WEAVER Staff Writer A planned overpass at Lake Waccamaw has federal highway guidelines, fire and rescue service, school traffic and convenience at odds. The N.C. Department of Transportation announced last year that funding was avail- able for continuing improvements along U.S. Today’s 74-76. Officials want to eliminate flat cross- Staff photos by NICOLE CARTRETTE ings – called at-grade intersections – along the American Profile road, to bring it closer to Interstate Highway features “Block Rough seas at lake standards. Most at-grade intersections along Party Bash. Tips for A record number of entries – 21 – in the an- the corridor, still known as “Future Interstate nual N.C. Cardboard Boat Race Champi- 74,” have been exchanged for overpasses and a star-spangled July onships at Lake Waccamaw had no bear- interchanges between I-95 at Lumberton and ing on Saturday’s high winds and rough Bolton. In addition to improving traffic flow, Fourth.” eliminating the at-grade intersections also waters as contestants mustered all of their cuts down on the number of serious auto ac- DIDYOB? strength to navigate their paper creations cidents along the route. Did you observe ... to the end of the race course before be- “Safety is always our number one priority,” coming too waterlogged to continue. The said Drew Cox of the DOT. “We care about The post office receiv- annual event is sponsored by the White- safety and efficiently moving traffic.” ing a much needed ville Rotary Club. At right: Mary Kindschuh Interchanges similar to those at Ever- and Sally Jo Medford. Top photo: Ethan green, Whiteville and Bolton are planned for wash down ? ... Meg Malpass and Victor Etheridge. Hallsboro and Chaunceytown Road at Lake Garner of Whiteville Waccamaw. Some area residents, however, are upset that an overpass, not an interchange, is getting her first byline planned for Old Lake Road – known as Fire June 16 for Reuters in Tower Road on the south side of U.S. 74. article about Donald Local artist explains how, “They could put another interchange in there if they wanted to,” said Ray Jacobs, chief Trump making de- of Buckhead Fire and Rescue. position in lawsuit “Federal highway guidelines say you why abstracts are painted shouldn’t put two interchanges so close to- versus a chef pulling gether,” Cox said. out of agreement to By CLARA CARTRETTE Officials will meet with area residents open a restaurant in Staff Writer See U.S. 74-76, page 5-A a Trump hotel? ... Sue For those of us who have no talent Ward of Sue’s Diner in art, it is difficult, if not impos- trying to hush every- sible, to interpret abstract art. Some observers look at an abstract and say, Search is one mentioning her “I could paint a picture like that.” 50th birthday last That may be true, but it would not have the most important ingre- week? ... Mackenzie dients: meaning and emotion. on for new Gore’s photo on the Although I’ve written about art- front of The Fay- ists for many years, I still don’t know if it’s a put-down or a compliment to Whiteville etteville Observer’s ask an artist to explain their work. I sports section Sunday once asked an artist to interpret an for being named their abstract he had on display in a local principals art exhibit. His answer was, “It’s Amy Strickland with “That Fatal Day,” right, inspired by Sept. 11, regional baseball whatever you see in it.” It was a dark By NICOLE CARTRETTE 2001. player of the year? ... abstract, and knowing that he was a News Editor Vietnam veteran, I assumed it was tures in the exhibit. The campers at the his reflection on the war, but maybe She said she started developing The search is on for principals to lead two Helms Nature Pre- it was another emotion. her art in all mediums more than 65 Whiteville City schools. serve learning about There’s a lot more to abstract art years ago in schools and workshops The field of candidates seeking the top than splashing paint on a canvas. Lo- in Washington, D.C., where she was administrative position at Central Middle wildlife preservation cal artist Amy Strickland of Cerro born and raised. She continued art School has been narrowed to four. Three can- last week? ... Gordo explains it better than anyone studies later in France and Germany didates remain in the running for the principal I’ve ever talked to about it. for a year and a half, and when she position at Primary Elementary, according “Abstracts come from your feel- returned to America, she resumed to Whiteville City Schools Superintendent ings inside,” she said. “It starts art classes at Corcoran School of Art Kenny Garland. County Deaths with an idea and transfers your in Washington. A recommendation to hire a new principal emotions to the canvas with color Strickland “married into” Co- for each of the schools is anticipated June 28. Whiteville and arrangements. Abstracts cover lumbus County after meeting Bill “Initial interviews narrowed the field to Phyllis June Vineyard events in your life, transferring Strickland in Washington. They seven, four for Central Middle and three for Max Berman Walker color, arrangement and line. lived in Maryland but Bill felt the the Primary position,” Garland said. Rudolph McKenzie “Art reflects sad times and good need to move back home in the 1970s The district utilized a community forum as times,” she added. “I look at my to help after a death in his family. a way to help in the selection process. Geraldine Whittaker abstracts as studies in form, color, “When we moved to this area Thirty parents, teachers and staff members Tabor City line and arrangement. Each piece many years ago, I continued my art participated in interviewing nine candidates Norris Gore Hunt defines itself and the viewer has education at Southeastern Commu- for the Central Middle position while 29 ques- their own interpretation of what nity College, enjoying many wonder- tioned applicants for the Whiteville Primary they see and feel when viewing the ful art classes and workshops,” she job. piece. In my mind, that’s what makes said, giving high praise to the late “We just want to make sure we have highly Index abstract art so unique.” Christa Balogh who founded and effective principals an continue to improve,” Editorials .......... 8-A Strickland has a large exhibit headed up SCC’s art department. Garland said, adding thdat it is important that Obituaries ......... 7-A of her paintings in the Columbus “For me, art is a reflection of principals “mesh well with the community.” Sports ................ 1-B County Arts Council building, in- our society, events in our lives and The community panel method was effective cluding other art styles as well as A mother taking care of two many levels of emotions within us,” in hiring Jarred Worthington to be principal Crime ................ 4-A abstracts. A small exhibit within the grandchildren, one behaving she continued. “With all that we at Edgewood Elementary, Garland pointed out. exhibit has several art pieces by her and the other misbehaving. put out there for the world to see, The interviews follow both WPS and CMS father, the late F.C. Eastman. we also have to remain true to our principals being reassigned to the central of- “He was a designer and builder ently recognized her talent early on, convictions.” fice at different times this year. and drew beautifully,” Strickland long before she did. Strickland’s exhibit can be seen The Whiteville Primary Principal David said. “He always wanted me to draw, “I went from abstract to realism during Arts Council business hours Bobbitt was recently reassigned to a position but as a hardheaded teenager, I and back to abstract again,” she Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays overseeing middle and high school career edu- wanted to rebel and do the opposite explained. She points out that one from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. The Arts cation. Central Middle School principal Chris of what he wanted.” abstract “is family chaos, and I’m in Council building is located at the Burton was reassigned to the central office in Somewhere along life’s pathway the middle,” she said of the painting. corner of South Madison and Pecan April following a brief suspension with pay she began to appreciate what her Strickland is also a 3D artist and streets across from Sherwin Wil- in April. The reason for the suspension was father wanted for her. He had appar- has included a few of her clay sculp- liams in downtown Whiteville. not disclosed. 2-A – The News Reporter, Monday, June 20, 2016 Flemington Academy Valedictorian and Distinguished Flemington Academy Director Dr. Tom Simmons makes remarks to the Class of 2016 at the commencement cer- Senior Madeline Hemminger provides the senior class emony.
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