TO KNOW CHRIST, TO LOVE CHRIST, TO BRING OTHERS TO CHRIST ST. JUDE CHURCH 5924 BRIDGETOWN ROAD • CINCINNATI, OHIO 45248-3108 Web Address: Parish office: 574-1230 • Parish Fax: 598-2109 • School office: 598-2100 • School Fax: 598-2118 Pastoral Staff (Parish Office Phone Numbers unless otherwise indicated) Baptisms Rev. Michael Hay, Pastor…………………….……….. St. Jude 574-1230 Baptisms will be celebrated during Mass or immediately following any weekend Mass. Parents are expected to attend the baptismal program St. Aloysius 574-4840 Jude. Call the parish secretary for dates and times. Baptisms will be
[email protected] celebrated after Masses during Lent . Rev. Jim Ackerman, Associate Pastor …….574-1230 Ext 115 jim.ackerman@stjudebridgetown .org Weddings Mr. Louis Eichhold, School Principal 598-2100 Either the prospective bride or the groom is required to be a registered
[email protected] member of the parish for a minimum of six months before arranging a Mr. Ken Schultz, Business Manager 598-2103 date for marriage. The date must be at least six months in the future to
[email protected] provide adequate time for marriage preparation. Mr. Greg Williams, Music Director 574-1230 Ext. St. Vincent de Paul 118 If you or someone you know are in need of help please contact the
[email protected] church office at 574-1230 Ms. Diane Robisch, Religious Ed & R.C.I.A ….574-1230 Ext. 130 Bulletin Deadline: Deadline is Tuesday at 12:00 noon. No
[email protected] phone calls please. You may e-mail your article to Mr.