Interstate Commerce Commission Washington
INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION WASHINGTON REPORT NO. 3483 wTRAL OF GSOLTIA RAILWAY COMPANY IN RE ACCJ DENT AT MCINTIRE , OA.f ON ATJVAJS: 29, 1952 Report No. 3483 SUMMARY Date: August 29, 1952 Rail road: Central of Georgia Location: Mcli-tyre, G&. Kino oi' accident: Boiler explosion Train Number: Gordon svnitch local Locomotive number: g 00 Conn 1st: Ltjht, at time of accident Speed: Standing Operation: Local si\ri telling Track: On house track Tire : 1:20 p. m, g, nidl!-|c3: 2 Injured Cause : Overheated crown sheet result ing from low water INTERSTATE CONNERCE COMMISSION REPORT NO. 3483 IN THE NATTER OP MAKING ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION UNDER THE LOCOMOTIVE INSPECTION ACT OF FEBRUARY 17, 1911, AS AMENDED CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY November 10, 1952 Acoident (boiler explosion) at Hclntyre, Ga,, on August 29, 1952, caused, by overheated, crown sheet due to low water. REPORT OF THE COMMISSION1 PATTERSON, Commissioner: On August ?9, 1952, about 1:10 p.m., at Mclntyre, Ga., the boiler of Central of Georgia Railway locomotive 6?S exploded while the locomotive was standing on the house track. The engi neer and. fireman were seriously injured. lUnder authority of sect: on 17 (2) of the Interstate Commerce Act the above-entitled proceeding was referred by the Commission to Commissioner Patterson for consideration and disposition. - 3 - DESCRIPTION OF ACCIDENT Central of Georgia Railway locomotive 629 wan placed in service at Gordon, Ga,, at 7:30 a.m., August 29, 1952, on the Gordon switch local which regularly performs switching service at four kaolin mines at and between Gordon ana Mclntyre, Ga,, a station 8.9 miles ca?t of Gordon, After switching at two mines the train proceeded, without any known unusual incident, one mile to Nolntyre where the train, consisting of 3 loaded ana 4 empty cars, was placed-on a siding and the locomotive moved to the house track.
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