Steam Engines of Which We Have Any Knowledge Were

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Steam Engines of Which We Have Any Knowledge Were A T H OROUGH AND PR ACT I CAL PR ESENT AT I ON OF MODER N ST EAM ENGI NE PR ACT I CE LLEWELLY DY N . I U M . E . V i P O F S S O O F X P M L G G P U DU U V S Y R E R E ERI ENTA EN INEERIN , R E NI ER IT AM ERICAN S O CIETY O F M ECH ANI C A L EN G INEERS I LL US T RA T ED AM ER ICA N T ECH N ICA L SOCIET Y C H ICAGO 19 17 CO PY GH 19 12 19 17 B Y RI T , , , AM ER ICA N T ECH N ICAL SOCIET Y CO PY RIG H TE D IN G REAT B RITAI N A L L RIGH TS RE S ERV E D 4 8 1 8 9 6 "GI. A INT RO DUCT IO N n m n ne w e e b e the ma es o ss H E moder stea e gi , h th r it j tic C rli , which so silently o pe rates the m assive e le ctric generators in f r mun a owe an s o r the an o o mo e w one o ou icip l p r pl t , gi t l c tiv hich t m es an o u omman s our uns n e pulls the Limited a sixty il h r , c d ti t d n And t e e m o emen is so f ee and e fe in admiratio . ye v ry v t r p r ct its a on e e un on is e fo me w su e s on and cti , v ry f cti p r r d ith ch pr ci i e u a a we ose s of the won e u eo e a and r g l rity , th t l ight d rf l th r tic l me chanical development which w as ne cessary to bring these f n ‘ machines to th eir present stat e of p er e ctio . i T h n u of the fa e of the s eam en ne was so ll e ge i s Watt , th r t gi , his as on e on of h s his ea es n en on and great that b ic c c pti t i , gr t t i v ti , f n f hi no s o s in onne on w m a n o m a y o s mi r di c verie c cti ith it , re i n Y h almost as he gave them to the world ove r a c e tury ago . et e was so far in advance of the me chanical development of his tim e that his workmen could not build e ngine cylind ers n eare r true - n n M o n u s m n n than three eighths of a i ch . der b ilder de a d a accuracy of at least two-thousandths of an inch— almost two hundred tim es greate r . (11 But me chanical skill is not the only particular in which prog ss h d n m M an m no b ut m o t n m m n s re a bee ade . y i r i p r a t i prove e t have been brought about by a careful study of the theory of heat n n T h n n e es . e e u o of e o mous a oss s th u of u gi r d cti r he t l e , e se s pe r e a e s eam the ea of om oun e ans on th e e o m n h t d t , id c p d xp i , e d v l p e t of the S e enson W l s h r nd o — ll t ph , a c ae t, a ther valve gears a have contributed tow ards m aking the s team engine well -nigh mechan icall f n n n n y p er ect a d as efficie t as is i here tly possible . (11 T he story has been dev e loped from a historical st andpoint and a on soun n n I t f n l g d theoretical a d practical li es . will b e ou d absorbingly interesting and instru ctive to the stationary engine er as well as to all who wish to follow mod ern steam engineering e o m n T i d vel p e t . he material s particularly ad apted to hom e s u f . I e e o e the oo s ou o e of ea a ue in t dy , th r f r , b k h ld pr v r l v l s timulating the interest of the trained man or the layman in the e n a e e o men s of the da h u f t ch ic l d v l p t y , t e p blishers will eel th at its m ss on h n i i as be e accomplish ed . CO NT ENT S Deve lopment . Early history Parts of steam engine T yp e s and c onstruction n Classificatio . Simple engines . Co mpoun d engines Stationary engines Farm or traction engine Lo co motive engines Water pumps . Special engines M arine T ypes of engines n n s E gi e d etail . Propulsion . Propelle rs M anagement of marine engines M echanical and thermal effici ency Low thermal efficien cy inheren t n Losses i practical engine . n R adiatio . Cooling by expansion m n n n n r - n Stea co de satio a d e evaporatio . Exhaust w aste Clearance F n rictio . Operation e conomie s M ultiple expansion Jacke ting on ense s C d r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Anal ysis of engin e me chanisms Crank effort F w ly heel . Go ernor v . CONTENTS Ere ction of ste am engine s f m e n n e s O p eration o ste a gi . Engin e sp e cification s Se le cting an Drawing up Contract Engin e R e lative cost of o pe ration Annual o peration expenses Engin e te sts I mpo rt an ce of tests A M E S . o . c de ST EAM ENGINES PART I DEVELO PMENT Earl H ist r . of advis y o y In the study this subject , it is thought able to review the historical development of the steam engine in of order that a broad conception it may be obtained . It is not of intended , however , to give the history the steam engine in detail w w although it is an exceedingly interesting one , hich ould be bene ficial one w— é é for any to revie but rather , a short r sum in order that the student may be prepared for a detailed study of the mod ern engine . The first steam engines of which we have any knowledge were H w two described by ero of Alexandria , in a book ritten centuries f . S o w before Christ ome them ere very ingenious , but the best F H were little more than toys . rom the time of ero until the sev h wa w enteent s . At century little progress made this time , ho ever , there was a great need of steam pumps to remove water from the 1615 S coal mines . In , alomon de Caus devised an arrangement , consisting of a vessel having a pipe leading from the bo ttom which was w w was filled ith ater and then closed . When heat applied to was w w the vessel , steam formed , hich forced the ater through the discharge pipe . Later an engine was constructed in the form of a steam tur was n was bine , but unsuccessful , and the attention of the i ventors u again t rned to pumps . S aver F . S 1693 y inally Thomas avery completed , in , the first wa w f commercially successful steam engine . It s very asteful o w steam as compared ith engines of today but , as being the first ’ wa s . S engine to accomplish its task , it successful avery s , engine , Fi . 1 of two A A g , consisted oval vessels I and 2, placed side by side w B w and in communication ith a boiler 1 . The lo er parts Were con 2 STEAM ENGINES nected w In by tubes fitted ith suitable valves . operation , steam was to A from the boiler admitted , say, the vessel 2 and the air driven w as o ut . The steam then condensed and a vacuum formed by let w ting ater play over the surface of the vessel . When valve 1 was w w w opened , this vacuum dre ater from belo until the vessel was wa full . The valve s then closed and steam again admitted by valve 2 , so that on Opening valve 3 the water was forced out through w o 0.
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