No. 350,446. Patented .Oct. 5, 1886
(No Model.) 3 Sheets-Sheet 1. J. RICHARDS. ‘ ' COMPOUND STEAM ENGINE. No. 350,446. Patented .Oct. 5, 1886. : ' gvweml'o'c I (No Model.) 3 Sheets-Sheet 2. J. RICHARDS. COMPOUND STEAM ENGINE. No. 350,446. Patented 00's. 5, 1886.> I _ _._.|_ 6" ______I___l l _ _ _ _ __ |t____ ___ T ____|"f __—__ ' l |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ wand-50% ' gvwami'oz -' @Qf’d _ 33913 ' GMMW6%4 (No Model.) 3 Sheets-Sheet 3. J. RICHARDS. COMPOUND STEAM ENGINE. No. 350,446. - ' Patented Oct. 5, 1886. 2774/l/ _ L 1 M F37. a. / WA TE/i’ q/Vtlmeooao WM (5. MW N. PETERS. Pholo-Lilhngmphw. Wnshmglnh. Dv C. NI-TED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ’ JOHN RICHARDS, OF SAN FRANCISCO, ‘CALIFORNIA. COMPOUND STEAM-ENGINE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 350,446, dated October 5, 1886, ' Application ?led May 13, 1866. Serial No. 202,042. (No model.) To all whom. it may concern: right angles to the sectionslof Fig. 2, and trans Be it known that I, J OHN RICHARDS, a citi verse to the axial line of the shaft, and Fig. 4 zen of the United States, residing at San Fran is a partial top plan view. 55 cisco, in the county of San Francisco and State Like letters of reference designate like parts of California, have invented certain new and throughout the several views. useful Improvements in Compound Steam-.En A represents the main frame or hollow col gines; and I do declare the following to be a umn, which supports thereon the cylinder B, ' full, clear, and exact description of theinven and which is itself supported upon the base 0, tion, such as will enable others skilled in the ‘ said base serving also as a condenser, as will IO art to which it appertains to make and use be hereinafter explained.
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