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SHORT The bad weather we had aB JOHNSON GAIIE POSTPONED GET IN STATE PUY OFFS tact wc^ flnall7 easwd a break tD the achednle of the H%fa Eight Teams they annot dueen to represent School basefaaU team. SHORT STOP SECOND BASEMAN SPORT The rune aehedided foe Prl- Chosen For Zone 3. there Is a good dianoe dar acainst lohnaon Hicb ^ State tor the loeal lade to be choaen ae North AndoTtr had to be poet< one of tlw Siree teems at large. posed. It wffl be pUred «■ Jane Championship SHOTS The Eastern New Book, Meirimack Sports Writers AiwndatVm has By Geor»« Just that (jie chelmB- Pat In North Valley League ford Ugh school baartiell team is e of the leading contenders for Chelnuford Library place in the schoolboy playoO:. to be played at the Nationallea­ 7Me AnUur Rehearsal for Love, Faith Baldwin Hiyah Sport! gue field Ml June 6. 6, -7 and 8. wght. tonma viu be choscn trOD Han On Horseback. B. M. Bowen FoHowing our back-slapping performance of last the five zones which oomprin the The Who Oouldnt Shudder -week, we havje a few mor^bouquets to hand out. From eastern of the state, as John D. Carr The Customer's AhrayaRl^ a recent edition of the Boston Globe, we quote the fol­ j i well as t-Hy an , gt Anne P. DaviS large They wlU bold pl^ofi ganiw, lowing: “Mr. ‘Grand Slam’ Grant out-Foxxed Jimmy And So To Murder, Carter Dickson Foxx when he bjelted three round-trippers, two of them and on June 16 the Eastern 'and =;;;e; i .i - Wertem cbamploos will meet at with the baseschoked, to pacea17-hit barragethatlit­ Gerard Fatills Fenway park for the state clMun- erally drowned Dracut High 22-1 and resulted in the Ihe Case of the Baited Hoc* Boy ScouU pionship. Baile8. Oaidner 11th straight win for L’il Chelmsford.” CaptainDon Of Troop 45 Zone 2. iriUdi includes the Clear Before Seven really showed tl^em something that day. Hitting th|j^e Cbrtmgfcrd nine, is emspsAsed of Edith A. Holton Hold Meeting WIUIUID FBEMEAV BOBEBT ANGUS home runs in one game is something yours truly has teams In the Northwestern section Pliat Fort of OaU. EUabeth JOrdem never heard of in high school circles. Also, these home Troop 45. WesUands Boy Scouts of the state, and Includes such Hometown Angel .. Belts Lambert nms we^ not Texas leaguers, thatwere poorly played held lu regular meeUng at the Ccan- High School play, vdiea Ooehrane suted leagues as the Middlesex, LoweD Ihus Doctor MallMy SfibuitanandMlrttond Runner-up by the outfielders, but, rather,they were alllong drives munlty house Monday evenlog, 'rte Nine Swamps Tbcherch's line'drive EUzabetb Srtfeti usual opening look place, followed Newmanoff first. for top bonora In this section, to Outlawsof Red Canyon thatamost wefit out of the park. by a short business meeUng con- Howe, 13 to 1 Bud Doede tdtehed the last four- Chelmsford, is the Belmont nine, j. CAmrks E. Bo^ «1th 8 wins againstX loa. ffitting those three hon^e runs agaiilstDracutwas dueted by Scoutmaster Archie Mc- fntiingv allowed the Howe Murder Hus'...... Carolyn Wdls two bl^. Bowe scored their lone So far the local High school Rrtltng Stone. PatriciaWentworth Auley. Behind Jhe three hit pitching of just one more achievement for Don, who has beer going Appointmeni «-asmadeof the sev­ run In the lastof tfie ninth on three nine te leading aU the teams in Whoe Goes'the Bride Bud Doole andMike Oochrane,who great guns all season. Chelmsford High has had some eraltroev mmbers who areto take erron by the Cbelmsford substitutes. the Easternpartof the statewith MaudeWUliai&Bon divided the gamebetween them, the partIn the Memorial day exercises Mike Cochranegets credit for the a clean slate of 13 wln& Even If Red darkFm Luck. Gordon Young great baseball captains including: Sam Fletcher, Nick Chelmsford high nine eeored andthe meeting wasconcluded with victory. , Capuano, Stan Wacome, Del Johnson, etc.; but we can easy victory over Howe High of truthfully say thatDon measuresup to the best of them. game. Billerica, IS to 1. CHELMSFORD abrMl pea Their high standardhasnot been lowered o«e trifle by Coach George EnlghUy used every Angus. 2b ...... 4 2 0 0-3 Grant as he goes about his job in his quiet and efficient Junior Corps player on the sqdad In the game Clark. «b ...... 0 0 0 0 0 , I manner. Seldom if ever does he find fault with cither Wai Have in which the local lads scored 10 Greenwood, Sb .... 6 2 A 0 3 0 umpires or the waythings aregoing. He doesn’t leadthe nms In the fbwt three Inning and DeKalb. If^... 2 3 0 0 0 0 Busy Day. then coasted home to an ea? win. teamwith alot of chatterassome captainsandstarsdo. F. D^alb, U...... 0 0 0 0 0 H) winning their twelfth straight Grant,lb...... 4 4 3 15 0 0 His smart,aggressive play, however, inspires the team a A bus>- day is scheduled for Me­ game, .the Chelmsford boys coUeeted Zablerek, lb...... 0 0 0 1 .0 0 great deal more thana lot of talk could possibly hope morial day for the Junior Bugle only nine hits, but the Howe pitch- Drum evups of ~ * ' ' Beauregard, o .... 3 0 2 8 0 0 to achieve. Don is nerw completing his careeratC. H. S. allowed 14 bases aa balls, and CUyton. e ...... 0 0 0 2 0 1 Post 212, American Legion. nve addiUonalerrore allowed the 13 A very colorful and successful one; plajing football, Jones, rf 1 0 I 0 6 0 In the morning at 9 o'clock, theji ms to cross the plate. basketballand baseball.Starring in allthree sports is re to play In the parade and at the GebrgerW...... 1 0 10 0 0 Wilfred Eremeau led the local lads NorU^ rf ...... O’ 0 no mean achievement and Don has done just that. Were exercises of Post 313 at North In <*ta!nlng walks. In his first five USED CARS! Manahan,cf ,,.,..4 0 0 0 0 0 Chelmsford, returning to the Centre trips to the plate be was passed. we to try and recall, an athlete of his calibre in the lo­ to play for the exercises here at 10 McEkumy, cf...... 1 0 0 0 0 .0 Rob DcKalb was not far behind with cal high school history, we would have to go back quite o'clock. Hennessey, ef....O 0 O'OO 1 1937 Cou -Radio and Heater. four walks. On his fim three trips Fremeau,as ...... l l 0 0 a few years, probably to the days of Jack Ho>lt, if not After a lunch t^ovlded them by bat DeKalb was walked each the post, they wUl leavefor Beverly Mason, ss...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 farther, to find someone to match this year’s captain. Ume. and each Ume scared a tun. *445“ t' to play fOr the Memorial day OochraDe, p...... 4 1 0 1 6 0 eenwood. Grant and Beaure- erd^ of Sarle T. Warddl Post 12. Doole. P...... a 0 I 0 1 1 1935 Cberralet 157” Chaaais and Cab_Good tires. SILENT SLUGGER: gard led the local team for batting This is in A-1 condition. New paint and therk bonois with two hits each. Green­ Another member of the C. H. S. combine who, day Prom there they will go to Tewks­ ToUls...... 38 18 927 IS 5 wood got two for six. Grant got helper springs, ^245'^ bury andat7.45 o'clock will give a - BOWE in and day out does his job just as quietly and efficiently for four. And Beauregardob­ short musical program and an «br bh pe-n e as does Capt. Grant, is their left fielder, Bob DeEalb. tainedtwo'for five. 1939Chevrolet Masker Deluxe Town —Small hibiuon of maneuvering. They wiU Franklin.If ...... 4 1 0 3 0te He is now completing his third season for the local ball Chelmsford started oO the first mileage—an excellent carfor all around driv- be beaded by Drum Major Eileen Nolan, cf...... 4 0 0 2 0 0 inning br collecting four ing. This is anexceptional buy. Li'beralTerms. . club. Bob might be compared to some of the great stars Greenwood. NeUson.ai...... 3 0 114 1 of the game, regarding his talkativ,eness, being the only one hit. Argus walked. Green­ Newman,> lb .... 4 0* 1 8 3 0 wood reached on a fielder's choice, Tscherch, rf...... 4 0. 0 -0 0 0 *595“ strong, silent type. He takes his swings from the unor­ andAngus reachedsecond safely on Finnagan.lb. p .. 3 0 0 3 2 0 thodox side of the plate and really poles some long the second baseman'serror of the 1999- Master 85 Tou Has had ex- McOiskrt, 3b 3 0 0 4 3 0 cellent care. Paintand upholstery in spot! ones. Not always is the spectacular sb'Ie of play the LEGION third baseman’s throw. DeKalb iholstery in spotless Donald, c...... fi 0 1 5 1 I condition. An exceptional family■ ■■ carfor■ the1 walked to fiU the bases. Grant most important, as shown in hia case; playing good con­ conden, ss 3 0 0 0 i 3 price. Small down payment. Terms to Suit. tinually, his work gocg more or 'less unnoticed. Local reached an error by the short POST HAS stop «E Angus scored. Beauregard Totals ...... 27 I 3*ae 14 6 sports pecans have become so accustomed to his good singled Into center field *545“ play andhitting power thatthey areamazedonly when *-Fremeau Mt by batted ball in Greenwood and DeKalb. Grant weal third timing. 1939 Cbe^olet Sedan Ddivery —Nice tires, excellente he failsto hit. For example: In three recent games Bob MEEllG to third oa JOncs' long fiy tq'tbe mechanicalcondition. Your old ChelmsfOTci ..4 3 3 0 00 1 1 1—13 1 truck as pa left fielder, andscored asManahan ' garnered 8 singijes iaone, a triple anda ringle in an­ Howe...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1—1 payment and b ' e to suit you. wasbeing thrown out by the third Committee Two-base hit—Jones. Three-base other, and in the third he got another triple and single ; hasemsn. Appointed For Mt-Grant. Stolen bases-^. De- which is consistent hitting for anyone. From the defens­ In the second liming Chdmafend 1937 Chevrolet Sport Sedsn—With heaterandmany Kalb.Grant3, George 2, Me&tany ive standpoint it is granted that pitchers Do'ole and Boy Scout Troop sccned three more as Greenwood other extras. Excellent upholstery, good finish. 1. Double play—Ooehraneto Grant. singled into center field. DeKalb See it andride iait. A rarebuy. Easyterms. Cochrane and catcher Beuregard are mighty important Left on,bases—Chrtfflsfcffd 14. Bowe Leglonn&lres of Post 212. A. L.. walked,Grantwashit by apitched membeis; but from the offensive outlook, in our book, TBasm on balla-OttNewman 9. *445. held Utelr regular meeting al Uie ball, and Jonra' double Into ri^t Ftnnagan7, Doole 1. Struck out— ^ob DeEalb is Chelmsford’s most vailuable play^er. post quarters Monday night. Com­ field scored his three teammatraon By Cochrane6, Doole 6, Newman2, 1937 Ford V-8 Tudor—^Lustrous blackfinish, mech­ mander J. Ira Spacing conducted the basepaths. Finnagan1. Hits—OS Cortirane l anicallyO.K. in every respect. This -bargain MAJORMUMBLES: the meeting and appointed a troop Fremcauwalkedto startthe third. in 6 inning. oS Newman3 Iri 4 in­ won ’t stay here long atthis price, so hurry. commiUee for U» Boy Scout Troop Cochrane reached on an error by It seems Joe Croziiii ’s recent decision {o try Herti nings. off Doole 2 in 4 inning, off 212 for Ute mo-41 season. the short stop. Angus walked. sooe-oo Bash,Dickman,HarrisandButland.allin starting roles, Finnagan 6 in 6 wild The cmnmlttee Included Roy F.. Greenwood atun^tedto bunt Tn- pItrhrifT 2. Passedballs— ic. more or iless of an aswrtion tiiat 01’ Moae Grove is Wells. George O. Hood and Ctar- meeu home. Fremeauwashit by the Donald2. 'Winning pUcher-Coch­ 1936 Spon Sedan—Model 41, with 6 wheel reachingthe end of amost iliustrioas career.It is hard H. Dane, to be regie battedball and declared out. rane. Leelng pitcher—Newman. equipment. Replete with extras including for real sports enthuwasts to think of Grove as being this month. Kalb walked. Grant's single' into radio. Hashydraulic brakes,Turret top. Body TentaUve plans for a caxalvsl Umpire—Hazrt. done. Those who hav/e seen the old master hurl, have right field scored Oodirane, Angus by Fisher. to be moptored by the unit were and DeKalbwhen the rl^ 'fielder probably seen the dlosest thing to pitching perfection in made, and will be oonUnoed at misjudged the ball and allowed it West Softball present-day baseball. Speaking of pitchers^ not so' long the next meeting. to get awv from Grant went 1936 Plymouth Sports econditioBed, all new ago it was the popular bielief that Bob Feller of Cleve­ A social acUvitles committee to all the way around to third on the Team Beaten tires,ires, beautiful gun metal finish—Floating landhadthe' greatest possibility of becoming a SO-game arrange a program for the June play but died there. Power'ower engine, hydraulic brakes, all rtoel body. By Littleton it winner, amonk the major Ijeague hurlers. Now, however, meeting was named, and That ended the Chelmsfod scor­ cliufea Jidm J. Lawson, Q^lee ing until the seventh liming when. The Men’s dub softball team was it appears that if any hurler gets 30 «ins this year it is Mddaster. J. Omer Messier and with two out. Grant stnglod sharply defeated by a ^corc of 8 to 5 m lut 1935 Chevrolet Sedan4 Doors —Rons fine andlooks quite possibly might be Bucky alters of the Reds. The Wayne L. Gray. into center field and -■ ...... ' ‘ - Wednesday night by the Uniettm good. , Try and beat our price of way be is going, nobody sterns able to stop him. Walters, A period of silQice followed the second on Beauiegaad’s single into Odd Fellows at a match played at at this time, has won 7 games without a d,efeat, tops in business meeting, In respect to the left. Grant went tq third on a wild Littleton. Batteries ware; Few Wert the majors atpresent. Mathematicallyspeaidng, Walters memory of Mrs. Medora S. Adams, pitch and acoiwl a second later Chelmsford. Asa Robey, p.; Chester 1939 Bui^ Touring Sedan—Model 41 (4-dr.) .with late secretary of the Auxinary. when the pitcher rommltted the- r^dio andheater. This ig the famousSpecial winning atthe same;rate,would coj> 38 games thig sea- c.; for UUleton. Gerbl. p.; and During the sadal hour, a mo­ R. Piper, c. A return matchwith Buick. Very Clean. son. Quite naturally,,expectiiig WaitereWaite to win 38 games tion picture on the subject of In the d^th the local lads scored the Wertford team will be played is very foolish, being practicallyimpossible againstpres­ memory training was shown by another cm a walk to Fr«mrau and here on Thursday night of this 1937 Town Sedan—An enormous ent day hitters. By theory, however, we can say.that; to William Eamilum, ptocored from singles by Doole and Greenwood. week. the O. M. A. O. of Boston, throu^ lot of car here for little money. > The most econ­ Bucky Walterswith June, July, August andSeptembfer, Grant rewebed first, on hn error in the courtesy of Roger W. Boyd. “ {pe ninth, arent to thM on George's omical car to'operate on the mu-ket todav. ail left, ^e stands » great chance of hitting that pitcher’s - - • ~ tg ifingle in front of the plate, and *420“ dream — 80 wins. Charles W. Lane. John Holbrook, stole borne as the BUleilca team, was VISIT DEAN’S and Nathan Lapham. Members of t^tng the ban around the inflrtd. PrtacetonBlvd. No. Chetmrtord OISA ’N DATA the'firing squad iriio are to take xmirw Cochrane pitched the first FAMOUS FOR FOOD SEE THE ABOVE AT— Ed Desaulnieris doing pretty ’good atHoly Ckiss, part in the execlses at Pine Ridge five Innings of the game. flf open 11 AJO. UO 3 AM. playing second-string third baseman for their varsity cemeltfT on Memorial day are teen men faced him at th^plat. UQCOB SERVED dub. One can’t very well expect to beat out the varsity quested to report ^ -the port Newman slugled to open the secc quarten at 8:46 am. Ttwradiv. bat was erased cm a fast double star, a .400 hitter batting in cleanup position. In the re- CHELMSFORD CENTRE qent Howie game no lesaT^n 15 frec^asses were given the local lads. Tops for the day wasTBob DeKalb’s 16 diet, being rather a poor week from the boxing stend- SUBURBAN DAIRY badpitches to him before he got one good one. In the oiht We will make one prediction, however, and that Fasteiulsed BOtk and Cicam CHEVROLET CO. a Chelmsford over Pnnehard,Triday atthe WeBtlands, strict sense of the word it was a “wallttway.” We didn't From Nearby Fums TELEPHONE 7883 Uaojort aaahoneh: .WatchC. H. S. get aninvitation to do so badly in our predictions last week, getting one BOB TALTY, Prop. right ud havingthe other pos^oned, makingatotal of the Btate baaeballchampionship tourtey starting next Central Square Chelmafmd Ceatre CBELBfSFORO' TEL. S17 4 out of 5 so far. This week we cant find much to pre- week.