ESSEC , L’Esprit Pionnier

CRÉÉE EN 1907, ESSEC BUSINESS SCHOOL EST UNE INSTITUTION ACADÉMIQUE D’EXCELLENCE QUI S’EST, TOUT AU LONG DE SON HISTOIRE, ILLUSTRÉE PAR 50 000 SON ESPRIT PIONNIER. alumni à travers le monde En formation initiale comme en formation continue, l’ESSEC propose une large gamme de programmes à tous ceux qui souhaitent vivre une expérience 4 2 000 d’apprentissage hors du commun, fortifier leurs talents, exprimer leur leadership et campus : Cergy, diplômes délivrés devenir des managers de haut niveau. -La Défense, chaque année, Singapour et Rabat dont 1 600 de niveau Master Institution séculaire, forte d’un large réseau d’entreprises et d’institutions acadé- miques en France et partout dans le monde, l’ESSEC fait le choix de fonder son déve- 195 loppement sur trois principes : l’innovation, l’implication et l’internationalisation universités partenaires dans 43 pays qui constituent les trois axes de la stratégie ESSEC 3i.

Institution irriguée par la recherche et engagée dans une ambitieuse politique d’alliances avec des institutions de premier rang, l’ESSEC a le souci constant de 7 29 confronter ses étudiants à des savoirs de pointe, au croisement des disciplines, et de les faire bénéficier des dernières technologies. L’excellence académique de l’ESSEC est notamment reconnue par les plus grands standards internationaux en 21 162 gestion et possède la « Triple couronne » : EQUIS, AACSB et AMBA.

centres programmes Marquée par une profonde tradition humaniste, l’ESSEC a fait du lien entre vie éco- d’excellence de doubles diplômes chaires (24 internationaux, nomique et société un sujet majeur de recherche mais aussi un enjeu fondamental de d’entreprises 5 nationaux) la formation de managers responsables. Par là même, l’ESSEC affirme la nécessité de mettre l’innovation, le savoir et la création de valeur au service de l’intérêt professeurs de 36 nationalités général. dont 20 professeurs Emeritus Avec des étudiants originaires de 98 pays, un corps professoral très largement international et une implantation en Asie-Pacifique depuis 2005, l’ESSEC est une institution internationale et multiculturelle. Cette internationalisation se ren- force avec un nouveau campus de 6 500 m2 à Singapour et un campus Afrique- 5 867 Atlantique à Rabat inauguré en avril 2017. étudiants en formation initiale Les trois axes de l’ESSEC – l’innovation, l’implication et l’internationalisation - forgent la philosophie pédagogique, commune à l’ensemble des programmes : accompagner chaque étudiant tout au long d’un parcours de formation tourné vers la conquête 34 % 98 +100 de sa liberté. Étudier à l’ESSEC, c’est dessiner son propre chemin vers l’avenir et d’étudiants nationalités associations internationaux représentées étudiantes intégrer une communauté solidaire de 50 000 diplômés à travers le monde !

Bienvenue à l’ESSEC !

International Rankings 5 000 Business Education 2017-2018 managers en formation continue

#5 Master in Management

#3 Master in Finance Plus de 500 entreprises partenaires de la pédagogie et du recrutement #14 Executive Education Programs Sommaire/Contents

Le Centre de Recherche du Groupe ESSEC

Publications du corps professoral en 2017 Pages

Comptabilité-contrôle de gestion/Accounting & Management Control 7

Droit & environnement de l’entreprise/Public & Private Policy 19

Économie/Economics 29

Finance/Finance 39

Hors Département/Miscellaneous 49

Management/Management 51

Marketing/Marketing 71

Systèmes d’information, sciences de la décision et statistiques/ Information Systems, Decision Sciences And Statistics 87

Liste des membres du corps professoral permanent/Permanent Faculty Members 107 4

Centre de recherche Research Center

par José-Miguel Gaspar, Directeur du Centre de Recherche

C’est avec un grand plaisir que toute l’équipe du Centre de Recherche vous présente son Annuaire. Celui-ci répertorie toutes les publications faites par le corps professoral de l’ESSEC pendant l’année 2017 dans des ouvrages et des revues scientifiques et professionnelles, ainsi que les communications présentées dans des congrès scientifiques nationaux et internationaux.

La production de contenu intellectuel original et de qualité est une mission clé pour un établissement d’enseignement supérieur comme l’ESSEC. La création de connaissances constitue la première étape d’un Cercle Vertueux. Par le biais de la recherche, les professeurs créent de nouvelles connaissances, qui mènent à des cours pointus, avec des matériels pédagogiques actuels et pertinents. La réputation de l’école comme lieu de réflexion et d’expertise attire de bons élèves et de nouveaux enseignants chercheurs. Les bons élèves décrocheront de bons emplois et imprimeront leur marque sur la société civile. Au fil du temps, l’institution construit de l’expertise, de la crédibilité et de la réputation, attributs essentiels pour trouver les ressources nécessaires pour financer la recherche.

La mission du Centre de Recherche est de soutenir et coordonner les efforts de recherche des professeurs, et de les aider à imaginer, présenter, discuter et mettre en œuvre ces idées. C’est pour cela que nous œuvrons tous les jours.

C’est donc avec fierté que nous présentons l’ensemble de nos publications, qui reflètent nos principes stratégiques d’excellence académique, d’ambition internationale, et d’engagement dans la diversité.

En vous souhaitant bonne lecture, 5

It is with great pleasure that the ESSEC Research Center team presents its Yearbook. The yearbook contains all the publications made by the Faculty of ESSEC during 2017 in academic and professional books and journals, as well as communications in national and international scientific conferences.

The production of original intellectual content is a key mission of a higher education institution such as ESSEC. The creation of knowledge is the first step in a virtuous circle. Through research, faculty members create new knowledge, leading to courses and training materials that are sharp, relevant, and up-to-date. The school’s reputation attracts good students, who will obtain good placements and will make their mark on civil society. Over time, the institution builds expertise, credibility, and reputation, all essential attributes to find the resources necessary to fund new research.

The mission of the ESSEC Research Center is to support and coordinate the research efforts of our faculty members, and help them imagine, present, discuss and implement their research ideas. We work every day towards this purpose.

It is therefore with pride that we present to you all of our publications. Their quality reflects our guiding principles of academic excellence, international ambition, and a commitment to diversity.

Wishing you happy reading,

José-Miguel Gaspar, Associate Dean for Research

Comptabilité-contrôle de gestion Accounting & Management Control 8

multiples. Elle ne fait sens qu’à travers un processus Ouvrages/Books permanentmultiples. Elle de ne reconstruction, fait sens qu’à quitravers produit un processus simultanémentpermanent de reconstruction,: une performation, qui produit c’est-à-dire une Ouvrages/Books transformationsimultanément pratique: une performation, de la situation c’est-à-dire ; la signification une

LORINO P. detransformation l’agir collectif pratique en cours de ; etla situationle renouvellement ; la signification (DEMEESTÈRELORINO P. R., LORINO P., MOTTIS N.) continude l’agir des collectif rôles, eninstruments, cours ; et règles,le renouvellement cadres temporels (DEMEESTÈRE R., LORINO P., MOTTIS N.) etcontinu spatiaux des de rôles, cet instruments, agir : un mouvement règles, cadres continu temporels Pilotage de l'entreprise et contrôle de gestion d’organisation.et spatiaux de cet À partir agir :d’un un mouvement exemple concret continu (6ePilotage édition) de l'entreprise et contrôle de gestion (organisationd’organisation. du À travail partir dansd’un exempleune situation concret de fusion de Dunod:(6e édition) Paris (France), 2017, 403 p. grands(organisation groupes du de travail la distri dansbution), une situation on précisera de fusion les de CetDunod: ouvrage Paris (France),présente l'ensemble2017, 403 p. des approches fondementsgrands groupes théoriques de la distri de bution),cette approche on précisera et ses les théoriquesCet ouvrage du présente pilotage l'ensembledes performances des approches des implicationsfondements méthodologiques.théoriques de cette approche et ses organisationsthéoriques du : pilotageles approches des performances traditionnelles des : plan, Whileimplications the activity, méthodologiques. always social and organized, is budget,organisations centres : les de approches profit, prix traditionnelles de cession internes, : plan, locatedWhile the “within” activity, an always organization, social and the organized, organization is as indicateursbudget, centres financiers, de profit, choix prix d'investissements…, de cession internes, et les welllocated is located “within” “within” an organization, the activity. the In aorganization processual as méthodesindicateurs les financiers, plus récentes choix : d'investissements…,ABC, ABM, contrôle et les perspectivewell is located about “within” organizations the activity. (the In organizationa processual stratégique,méthodes les Balanced plus récentes Scorecard, : ABC, ABM,gestion contrôle par viewedperspective as a aboutcontinuous organizations process of (the emergence organization rather processus,stratégique, création Balanced de Scorecard,valeur, coût-cible, gestion RSE/ISR...par thanviewed as aas structure), a continuous the sociallyprocess organizedof emergence activity rather is Cetteprocessus, 6e édition, création entièrement de valeur, misecoût-cible, à jour (Lean RSE/ISR... immediatelythan as a structure), perceptible, the socially because organized it is fragmented activity is by Management,Cette 6e édition, reporting entièrement intégré, mise management à jour (Lean theimmediately division of perceptible, labour and spreadbecause out it ison fragmented multiple by visuel...),Management, est étayée reporting d'exemples intégré, actuels management issus des periodsthe division and of places. labour It and can spread only make out onsense multiple through its expériencesvisuel...), est étayéeprofessionnelles d'exemples et des actuels activités issus dedes conseil permanentperiods and process places. ofIt canreconstruction, only make sensewhich through produces its desexpériences auteurs. Cesprofessionnelles exemples illustrent et des deactivités façon de conseil simultaneously:permanent process a performation, of reconstruction, i.e. a practical which produces opérationnelledes auteurs. Ces les exemples concepts illustrent et techniques de façon présentés. transformationsimultaneously: of a theperformation, situation; the i.e. meaning a practical of Chaqueopérationnelle chapitre les s'accompagneconcepts et techniques également présentés. de cas collectivetransformation action of in-progress;the situation; and the the meaning continuous of d'application.Chaque chapitre s'accompagne également de cas renewalcollective of action roles, instruments, in-progress; rules,and the temporal continuous and spatial Thisd'application. book exposes the main performance management frameworks,renewal of roles, i.e. ongoing instruments, “organizing”. rules, temporal Starting and from spatial a approachesThis book exposes in organizations. the main performance This 6th edition management includes concreteframeworks, example i.e. ongoing (work “organizing”.organisation inStarting a situation from of a recentapproaches developments in organizations. of research This 6thin this edition field, includes related to mergerconcrete between example two (work mass organisation distribution ingroups), a situation the of suchrecent issues developments as business ofprocess research management, in this field, relatedCSR and to chaptermerger between develops two the masspragmatist distribution theoretical groups), basis the of SRIsuch for issues example. as business process management, CSR and thischapter approach develops and theits methodological pragmatist theoretical implications. basis of Mots-clésSRI for example. : Contrôle de gestion - Entreprise - Mots-clésthis approach : Activité and its- Allo-confrontation methodological implications. - Dialogique - PerformanceMots-clés : Contrôle - Stratégie de gestion - Entreprise - ExpérimentationMots-clés : Activité - Habitude - Allo-confrontation - Méthodologie - Dialogique - Narration - Keywords:Performance Management - Stratégie Control - Performance -Expérimentation Organisation - Processus - Habitude organisant - Méthodologie - Signification - Narration ManagementKeywords: Management Control - Performance Keywords:- Organisation Activity - Processus - Allo-Confrontation organisant - Signification - Dialogical - Management ExperimentationKeywords: Activity - Habit - Allo-Confrontation - Meaning - Methodology - Dialogical - - NarrationExperimentation - Organization - Habit -- MeaningOrganizing - Methodology Process - Participations à des ouvrages Narration - Organization - Organizing Process collectifs/ParticipationsBook à chapters des ouvrages ZICARI A. collectifs/Book chapters SustainabilityZICARI A. Indices in Latin America, Can FinancialSustainability Markets Indices Push in forLatin CSR? America, Can LORINO P. Financial Markets Push for CSR? LORINO P. dans : Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate L’Activité, processus collectif de signification et Governancedans : Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate d’organisation.L’Activité, processus Implications collectif méthodologiques de signification et GomezGovernance L. M., Vargas-Preciado L., Crowther D. (eds.) dansd’organisation. : Encyclopédie Implications d’analyse des méthodologiques activités Emerald:Gomez L. Bingley M., Vargas-Preciado (Great Britain), L., 2017, Crowther chap. D. 1, (eds.)pp. 3-20 Duranddans : Encyclopédie M., Barbier J.-M. d’analyse (eds.) des activités TheEmerald: chapter Bingley describes (Great the Britain), recent 2017, history chap. of 1, pp. 3-20 PUF:Durand Paris M., (France), Barbier 2017,J.-M. (eds.)chap. 30 SustainabilityThe chapter describesIndices in thethree recent Latin historyAmerican of countries: SiPUF: l’activité, Paris (France), toujours 2017,sociale chap. et organisée, 30 se situe Brazil,Sustainability Mexico, Indices and Chile. in three In these Latin countries, American local countries: Stock «Si dans l’activité, » une toujours organisation, sociale l’organisation et organisée, se se situe situe autant ExchangesBrazil, Mexico, have and been Chile. recently In these launching countries, their local own Stock « dans » l’activité.une organisation, Dans une l’organisation perspective processuellese situe autant SustainabilityExchanges have Indices. been This recently ongoing launching trend may their indicate own a (l’organisation« dans » l’activité. vue Dans non commeune perspective structure processuelle mais comme particularSustainability way Indices. of addressing This ongoing Socially trend Responsible may indicate a processus(l’organisation d’émergence vue non comme continu), structure l’activité mais comme Investmentparticular way (SRI) of in addressing the region. Socially Responsible socialementprocessus d’émergence organisée n’est continu), pas immédiatement l’activité Keywords:Investment Latin(SRI) inAmerica the region. - SRI - Sustainability Indices perceptible,socialement carorganisée elle est n’est déconstruite pas immédiatement par la division du Keywords: Latin America - SRI - Sustainability Indices travailperceptible, et son carétalement elle est surdéconstruite des périodes par et la lieuxdivision du travail et son étalement sur des périodes et lieux


ZICARI A. significant differences between SSAs’ and BSAs’ responses. (ZICARI A., ALDAMA L. P.) Research limitations/implications – The limited number Value-Added Statements as a Communication of questionnaires prevented the use of more Tool for Stakeholders: The Case of Industrias sophisticated statistical methods and the formulation of Peñoles in Mexico conclusions that could apply to the entire population. In addition, while the adopted CATI method provides a dans : Stakeholder Engagement: Clinical Research number of advantages, it also has its limitations – Cases interviews had limited time and the questions along Freeman R. E., Kujala J., Sachs S. (eds.) with the answers had to take into account the Springer: Cham (Switzerland), 2017, chap. 9, pp. 193- respondents’ limited perception ability. 214 Practical implications – Our results suggest that CSR This chapter illustrates the use of a value-added disclosures have limited usage for financial analysts, at statement (VAS) reporting model by Industrias Peñoles, least in the Polish context. Further, not only respondents a large mining, industrial, and chemical firm based in rarely make use of CSR disclosures, but they also give Mexico. This case study describes the use of a VAS low assessments to their quality. This implies that the reporting model in the context of stakeholder concept of CSR remains relatively far from becoming a engagement, which is a particularly relevant issue for a priority, hence some measures and incentives may be company that operates in a highly sensitive industrial necessary. sector. Originality/value – The paper adds to a relatively small Keywords: Social Reporting - Stakeholder Relationships number of studies that have dealt with the issue of non- - Value Distribution - Value-Added Statement financial information and its usefulness for SSAs and BSAs in Central and Eastern Europe. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility - Financial Articles dans des revues/Journal Analysts - Non-Financial Disclosures - Poland - Survey articles

CHO C. ENDENICH C. (CHO H. C., KRASODOMSKA J.) (ENDENICH C., TRAPP R., BRANDAU M.) Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: Management Accounting Networks in Perspectives from Sell-Side and Buy-Side Corporate Processes – A Cross-National Study Analysts Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, vol. 13, n° 1, 2017, pp. 25-43 Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy This study compares styles of management accounting Journal, vol. 8, n° 1, 2017, pp. 2-19 (MA), i.e. the way, in which MA influences corporate Purpose – The objective of this study is to examine the decision making, in German and Spanish companies. usage of non-financial information related to corporate The study illustrates the relevant differences by social responsibility (CSR) issues from the perspective of comparing the role of management accountants in sell-side analysts (SSAs) and buy-side analysts (BSAs) decision-making processes and puts a particular employed in Poland-based financial institutions. emphasis on their networking activities in a corporate Design/methodology/approach – We conducted a context. survey among financial analysts with the use of the Keywords: Actor-Network Theory - Cross-National CATI (computer-assisted telephone interview) method Research - Management Accounting and an on-line questionnaire. The adopted methods included purposeful, quota sampling and snowball sampling. Findings – Results indicate that financial analysts make use of CSR disclosures very rarely and attribute little importance to such information. Despite the limited use of CSR information and negative assessments of its quality, respondents are in favor of making a more frequent use of CSR disclosures. Finally, except for analyst attitude toward the “comparability in time” information characteristic, results do not indicate any


ENDENICH C. research on corporate reporting by entities in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), within the broader context (BRANDAU M., ENDENICH C., LUTHER R., of emerging, transitional economies. We also reflect on TRAPP R.) how research conducted on CEE countries can make a Separation - Integration - and Now...? A relevant contribution to the international literature, and Historical Perspective on the Relationship exemplify by summarizing the research questions and findings of the papers included in the special section. A between German Management Accounting future research agenda emerges, given the gaps in the and Financial Accounting international literature and the future research Accounting History, vol. 22, n° 1, 2017, pp. 67-91 implications suggested in the papers constituting the German accounting has traditionally followed a dual special section. ledger approach with strictly separated internal cost Keywords: Central and Eastern Europe - Corporate accounting, as the basis for management information, Reporting - Research opportunities and external financial accounting focusing on creditor protection and based on the commercial law. However, the increased adoption of integrated JENY A., SANTACREU-VASUT E. accounting systems implies a significant change in the New Avenues of Research to Explain the Rarity relationship between financial and management of Females at the Top of the Accountancy accounting systems. We use Hegelian dialectic to trace Profession the historical development of German accounting from Palgrave Communications, vol. 3, 2017, pp. 1-10 separated systems and antithetical propositions of full The rarity of females in leadership positions has been an integration, to the emergence of partial integration as important subject of study in economics research. The the synthesis of this transformation process. existing research on gender inequality has established Keywords: Financial Accounting - Integration - that important variations exist across time and place Management Accounting and that these differences are partly attributable to the

cultural differences regarding gender roles. The ENDENICH C. accounting research has also established that women (HOFFJAN A., ENDENICH C., TRAPP R.) are rarely promoted to the top of the Big Four audit firms (KPMG, Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Trends und Herausforderungen im Ernst & Young). However, a majority of research in internationalen Controlling accountancy has focused on Anglo-Saxon contexts Controlling, vol. 29, n° 6, 2017, pp. 7-12 (the US, the UK and Australia) or country case studies Multinational companies are confronted with multiple without explicitly considering the role that cultural economic, social, and technological developments variations may play. Because the Big Four are present in which imply challenges for international management more than 140 countries, we argue that the accounting. This paper provides an overview of accountancy research that attempts to explain gender selected recent developments and discusses their disparities at the top of these organizations would impact on the tasks and tools of international benefit from considering cultural factors. Such research, management accounting. however, faces a key methodological challenge— specifically, the measurement of the cultural dimensions that relate to gender. To address this FILIP A. challenge, we propose an emerging approach that (ALBU N., NICOLAE ALBU C., FILIP A.) uses the gender distinctions in language to measure cultural attitudes toward gender roles. The idea that Corporate Reporting in Central and Eastern language may capture gender roles and even Europe: Issues, Challenges and Research influence their formation and persistence has been the Opportunities focus of emerging research in linguistics and Accounting in Europe, vol. 14, n° 3, 2017, pp. 249-260 economics. We find that half of the countries where the The purpose of this paper, building upon the papers Big Four are present exhibit a sex-based grammatical included in this special section of Accounting in Europe system for their most-spoken language, while the other on Corporate reporting in CEE countries and on our half of the countries do not exhibit this system. Our knowledge of the region, is to broaden out and open findings suggest that the use of language as a measure up dialogue and debate about how local institutions of culture is a novel approach in accounting research. are evolving and impact the corporate reporting Keywords: Accountancy - Economics - Gender - practices in this under-researched region. We begin by Language discussing the institutional context for conducting


KOH P.-S. Keywords: Consecration - Creative Fields - Distributed Strategies - Historical Analysis - Innovation (KOH P.-S., REEB D. M., ZHOU W.) CEO Confidence and Unreported R&D LINDER S. Management Science, 2017, doi: 10.1287/mnsc.2017.2809 (LINDER S., TORP S. S.) We investigate whether managerial traits influence Middle Managers' Engagement in Autonomous corporate decisions to provide mandatory financial Strategic Actions: Does it Really Matter How Top disclosures. The results indicate that firms with confident Managers Use Budgets? chief executive officers (CEOs) are 24% more likely to IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 64, report their research and development (R&D) n° 4, 2017, pp. 450-463 expenditures relative to firms with cautious CEOs. Fostering middle managers’ entrepreneurial behavior is Exploiting staggered, state-level regulatory shocks and a key concern for established firms. Budgets are one of changes in CEO type, we find substantial evidence the most widely used management tools in that cautious CEO firms fail to report R&D expenditures. organizations and several conceptual articles claim After a plausibly exogenous shock to managerial that the way in which they are used – most notably, an reporting liability, cautious CEO firms exhibit a 35% interactive way – affects middle managers’ larger reduction in unreported R&D relative to autonomous strategic actions (ASA). This type of confident CEO firms. Interestingly, confident CEO firms entrepreneurial behavior in established firms focuses on do not exhibit more innovation than their cautious CEO opportunities outside the firms’ currently served counterparts after taking into account their differing product-market domains. Using structural equation propensities to report corporate R&D. Overall, our modeling (SEM) and a formative measurement analysis suggests that the precision or reliability of instrument for interactive use of budgets, we test these mandatory disclosures systematically varies with claims advanced in conceptual literature within a managerial characteristics. broad sample of large firms. We find that the way in Keywords: Corporate Opacity - Innovation - which budgets are used does not significantly impact Mandatory Disclosure - Missing R&D - Overconfident middle managers’ engagement in ASA. In contrast, CEOs firms’ boundary systems and middle managers’ autonomy seem important antecedents to ASA. LECA B. Keywords: Autonomous Strategic Action (ASA) - (DELACOUR H., LECA B.) Budgets - Interactive Use - Middle Manager

The Paradox of Controversial Innovation: Insights From the Rise of Impressionism LINDER S. Organization Studies, vol. 38, n° 5, 2017, pp. 597-618 (STONE V., POORTVLIET M., FEINDT P., FÜHR M., This article considers the strategies developed by a PURNHAGEN K., DAMLENCOURT J.-F., SCOTT- coalition of innovators and supporters to contribute to FORDSMAND J.-J., ÅGERSTRAND M., GABBERT the consecration of a controversial innovation that S., LINDER, S., BIZER K., ANDERSEN T.-J., transgresses the established codes. It does so through the analysis of Impressionism (1874–1900) that provoked HRISTOZOV D., STREFTARIS G.) a dramatic shift from classical to modern art. The case The Essential Elements of a Risk Governance study suggests that such consecration can be Framework for Current and Future achieved while claiming the distinctiveness of the Nanotechnologies controversial innovation, instead of toning it down. The findings reveal the importance of distributed strategies Risk Analysis: An International Journal, vol. 38, n° 1, 2017, developed by loosely coordinated coalition members. doi: 10.1111/risa.12954 More specifically, they point to simultaneous, and Societies worldwide are investing considerable potentially contradictory, strategies: strategies aimed to resources into the safe development and use of enforce the distinctiveness of this controversial nanomaterials. Although each of these protective innovation, and strategies aimed to extend support for efforts is crucial for governing the risks of nanomaterials, it, insisting that contradictory tensions between those they are insufficient in isolation. What is missing is a strategies can prove useful in achieving consecration. more integrative governance approach that goes Overall, the article contributes to research on the beyond legislation. Development of this approach must consecration of controversial innovations, as well as to be evidence based and involve key stakeholders to the literature on framing and brokerage. ensure acceptance by end users. The challenge is to develop a framework that coordinates the variety of


actors involved in nanotechnology and civil society to and semiotic view of Goffman's theory of frames, facilitate consideration of the complex issues that based on the concept of framing, defined as an occur in this rapidly evolving research and ongoing social process of context production in an development area. Here, we propose three sets of unfolding situation. This framework is applied to essential elements required to generate an effective situations of negotiation between a retailer and sixteen risk governance framework for nanomaterials. (1) suppliers, under a category management approach. Advanced tools to facilitate risk based decision The crucial finding is the plurality of competing frames making, including an assessment of the needs of users and the occurrence of frame-shifting episodes, by ‐ regarding risk assessment, mitigation, and transfer. (2) which, in response to a specific event, one frame is An integrated model of predicted human behavior suddenly replaced with another frame that narrates and decision making concerning nanomaterial risks. (3) the situation in a different way, with significant effects Legal and other (nano specific and general) regulatory on practices. The study highlights the dual nature of requirements to ensure compliance and to stimulate accounting numbers, simultaneously parts of generic ‐ proactive approaches to safety. The implementation of social frames and singular events in the situation, and such an approach should facilitate and motivate good their resulting action as mediators between a singular practice for the various stakeholders to allow the safe situation and socially-constructed classes of meaning. and sustainable future development of Mots-clés : Basculement de cadre - Cadre - Cadrer - nanotechnology. Comptabilité - Gestion par catégorie - Goffman - Keywords: Decision-making - Nano-regulation - Risk Médiation sémiotique - Modulation de cadre - Communication - Risk Governance - Risk Management Nombres - Situation Keywords: Accounting - Category Management - Frame - Frame Keying - Frame Shifting - Framing - LORINO P. Goffman - Numbers - Semiotic Mediation - Situation (LORINO P., MOUREY D., SCHMIDT G.) Goffman's Theory of Frames and Situated LUPU I. Meaning-Making in Performance Reviews. The Your Feelings About Work-Life Balance Are Case of a Category Management Approach in Shaped by What You Saw Your Parents Do the French Retail Sector Harvard Business Review (World), 2017, Accounting, Organizations and Society, vol. 58, 2017, pp. 32-49 Cette recherche explore le rôle de la comptabilité comme pratique sociale participant aux efforts Communications présentées dans continus des managers pour comprendre et orienter le des conférences/Conference changement organisationnel, dans des négociations presentations stratégiques. Elle s’appuie sur une interprétation processuelle et sémiotique de la théorie des cadres de Goffman, privilégiant le “cadrer” comme processus CAVÉLIUS F. social continu de contextualisation dans le développement d’une situation. Cette approche est Apprentissage par l’expérience : pédagogie appliquée aux négociations entre un grand distributeur inversée et mode projet en introduction au et seize fournisseurs pour réaliser une gestion par contrôle de gestion - année pré-Master catégorie. La recherche montre qu’il y a une pluralité 38ème Congrès de l'Association Francophone de de cadres concurrents et que se produisent des Comptabilité (AFC) 2017, Association Francophone de épisodes de basculement, en réponse à un événement Comptabilité (AFC): Poitiers (France), May 31, 2017 spécifique, un cadre en remplaçant soudain un autre, avec une autre vision narrative de la situation et des effets significatifs sur les pratiques. Les chiffres ELEMES A. comptables, du fait de leur double nature, Auditor Size and Audit Quality in Private Firms simultanément éléments de cadres sociaux génériques 40th European Accounting Association (EAA) Annual et événements singuliers dans la situation, sont Congress, European Accounting Association (EAA): médiateurs entre la situation singulière et des classes de Valencia (Spain), May 12, 2017 signification construites socialement. This research explores the role of accounting as a social practice contributing to managers' ongoing efforts to understand and influence organizational change in the course of review meetings. It develops a processual


ELEMES A. FILIP A. Big 4 Office Political Connections and Client (FILIP A., LOBO G. J., PAUGAM L., STOLOWY Restatements H.) 12th edition of the International Conference Do Managers Walk the Talk? M&A Accounting and Management Information Systems Announcement Press Release Disclosures and (AMIS 2017), Bucharest University of Economic Studies: Quality of the Deal Bucharest (Romania), June 08, 2017 13th Workshop on European Financial Reporting (EUFIN 2017), University of Florence: Florence (Italy), ELEMES A. September 01, 2017 Tax Planning and Big 4 Ownership 2017 American Accounting Association (AAA) Annual FILIP A. meeting, American Accounting Association (AAA): San (FILIP A., LOBO G., PAUGAM L.) Diego (U.S.A.), August 09, 2017 The Implication of Country-Level Audit Quality ENDENICH C. and Enforcement of Accounting Standards for Timeliness of Goodwill Management Control Systems in the 38ème Congrès de l'Association Francophone de Entrepreneurial Arena – Refining the New Comptabilité (AFC) 2017, Association Francophone de Control Paradigm Comptabilité (AFC): Poitiers (France), May 31, 2017 2017 Midyear Meeting of the Management Accounting & Section of the American Accounting Association 40th European Accounting Association (EAA) Annual (AAA), American Accounting Association (AAA): Puerto Congress, European Accounting Association (EAA): Rico (U.S.A.), January 07, 2017 Valencia (Spain), May 12, 2017 & 40th European Accounting Association (EAA) Annual Congress, European Accounting Association (EAA): GOMEZ M.-L. Valencia (Spain), May 12, 2017 Becoming by Doing as Wayfinding 33rd European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, European Group for Organizational Studies FILIP A. (EGOS): Copenhagen (Denmark), July 08, 2017 (FILIP A., LOBO G., PAUGAM L., STOLOWY H.) Disclosure about Intangible Resources in M & A JEANJEAN T. Press Releases, and Quality of the Deal (DAVRINCHE G., MARTINEZ I., JEANJEAN T.) 16ème Conférence Internationale de Gouvernance, Association Académique Internationale de Database Providers or Managers: Who Predicts Gouvernance (AAIG): Lausanne (Switzerland), May 16, Best Future Performance 2017 38ème Congrès de l'Association Francophone de & Comptabilité (AFC) 2017, Association Francophone de Financial Reporting and Auditing: Challenges and Comptabilité (AFC): Poitiers (France), May 31, 2017 Opportunities for Accounting Researchers and Educators, Cracaw University of Economics: Kraków (Poland), September 27, 2017 JEANJEAN T. (JEANJEAN T., MARTINEZ I.) Usefulness of Additional-Gaap versus non- Gaap Measures 40th European Accounting Association (EAA) Annual Congress, European Accounting Association (EAA): Valencia (Spain), May 12, 2017


JENY A. KOH P.-S. (JENY A., MOLDOVAN R.) (KOH P.-S., REEB D. M., ZHOU W.) Assets – A Meta-Analysis Review and Is Missing R&D Material? Framework 57th Annual Conference of the Accounting and 13th Workshop on European Financial Reporting (EUFIN Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand 2017), University of Florence: Florence (Italy), September (AFAANZ), Accounting and Finance Association of 01, 2017 Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ): Adelaide (Australia), July 04, 2017 & JENY A. 2017 American Accounting Association Annual (JENY A., COHEN N., PAUGAM L.) Meeting, American Accounting Association (AAA): San Diego (U.S.A.), August 05, 2017 Corporate Charitable Donations, Tax

Aggressiveness and Firm Value 38ème Congrès de l'Association Francophone de LECA B. Comptabilité (AFC) 2017, Association Francophone de It's Not Just What You Do, It's How You Do It. Comptabilité (AFC): Poitiers (France), May 31, 2017 Towards Critical Quantitative Accounting Research JENY A. 2017 Conférence de la Association Francophone de (CHIAPELLO E., JENY A., CÉLÉRIER L.) Comptabilité (AFC), Association Francophone de Comptabilité (AFC): Poitiers (France), May 31, 2017 Intangible Assetization as a Public Policy. The Case of France 13th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Intangibles and LECA B. Intellectual Capital, Marche Polytechnic University & (LAGUCIR A., LECA B.) Università degli Studi di Ferrara: Ancona (Italy), Managing One Own Visibility within September 22, 2017 Contemporary Surveillance Settings: Insights

from Misconduct Concealment in Financial JENY A. Markets (JENY A., COHEN I.) 2017 Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Université Too Good to be True? Corporate Charitable Laval: Quebec (Canada), July 05, 2017

Donations, Tax Aggressiveness and Firm Value 2017 International Accounting Section Mid Year LECA B. meeting, American Accounting Association (AAA): Surveillance Systems and Control Practices in Florida (U.S.A.), January 21, 2017 Digitized Contexts

40th European Accounting Association (EAA) Annual JENY A., LUI D. Congress, European Accounting Association (EAA): (JENY A., LUI D., ANDREICOVICI I.) Valencia (Spain), May 12, 2017

The Effect of Disclosure Quality on Analyst Disagreement, Return Volatility and Systematic LINDER S. Risk, the Case of Goodwill Impairment (UMMUGULSUM Z., LINDER S., ENDENICH C.) 16ème Conférence Internationale de Gouvernance, Does the CEO Make the Difference? Budgeting Association Académique Internationale de Practices in Emerging Market SMEs Gouvernance (AAIG): Lausanne (Switzerland), May 16, 9th Conference on Performance Measurement & 2017 Management Control, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM): Nice (France), September 15, 2017


LORINO P. RICHARD C. (LORINO P., ARNOUD J.) (RICHARD C., HUMPHREY C., SAMSONOVA- Dialogical Organizing in the Interstices of a TADDEI A., TURLEY S.) Monological Organization Audit Profession’s Knowledge Base and the 33rd European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Sustainability of Audit: An Exploratory Study of Colloquium 2017, European Group for Organizational Auditors in Europe Studies (EGOS): Copenhagen (Denmark), July 08, 2017 29th Annual Meeting, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) LORINO P. Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE): Lyon (France), July 01, 2017 (LORINO P., PAILLET M.)

Process (Inquiring) or Process (Control): The Collective Organizing of Activity, a Precarious RICHARD C. Undertaking Financialization in Action: The Public Private 9th International Process Symposium, Theme: Institutions Partnership Process and Organizations, a Process View (PROS 2017), Process 40th European Accounting Association (EAA) Annual Symposium (PROS): Kos (Greece), June 24, 2017 Congress, European Accounting Association (EAA): Valencia (Spain), May 12, 2017

LORINO P. (LORINO P., MOUREY D.) RICHARD C. (LAZEGA E., RICHARD C., BRAILLY J., JENY A., The Felicity's Conditions of Performing a Number PENALVA-ICHER E.) Act Within the Confines of Business Reviews. The Case of a Category Management Approach in Networks and Risk Transfers by Financial the French Retail Sector Institutions: The Case of PPP Contracting in OAP 2017: Collaboration and Materiality in France Management and Organization Studies, ESSEC and New Public Sector (NPS) 2017: Markets, Metrics and SMU, PSL-Université Paris-Dauphine (DRM), LUISS (Rome) Calculative Practice in Public Services, University of & King’s College : Singapore (Singapore), Edinburgh Business School: Edinburgh (Great Britain), June 18, 2017 November 03, 2017

LUI D. ZICARI A. (LUI D., GUAN Y., LI Y.) (ZICARI A., PERERA L.) Voluntary Sensitivity Risk Disclosure Building from Scratch: The Creation of a European Accounting Association (EAA) Annual Regional Social Reporting Standard Congress 2017, European Accounting Association 2017 CSEAR (Social and Environmental Accounting (EAA): Valencia (Spain), May 12, 2017 Research), Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research CSEAR: (France), May 16, 2017 RAMIREZ C. & (RAMIREZ C., GARNIER C., STENGER S.) 11th CSEAR Spain Conference: XI Reunión de The Audit Court Society: Applying an Eliasian Investigación en Contabilidad Social y Theoretical Framework to the Analysis of the Medioambiental CICSMA, Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR): Up-Or-Out System in Audit Firms Zaragoza (Spain), September 08, 2017 40th European Accounting Association (EAA) Annual Congress, European Accounting Association (EAA): Valencia (Spain), May 12, 2017


ZICARI A. ZICARI A. (ZICARI A., RENOUARD C.) (ZICARI A., PERERA L.) Corporate Tax Issues in the CSR Debate Value-Added Statements as a Communication 2017 CSEAR (Social and Environmental Accounting Tool for Stakeholders: The Case of IM in Mexico Research), Toulouse Business School (TBS): Toulouse 40th European Accounting Association (EAA) Annual (France), May 16, 2017 Congress, European Accounting Association (EAA): Valencia (Spain), May 12, 2017


Documents de recherche/Working Documents de recherche/Working Participations à des comités de Paper Participations à des comités de Paper lecture/Editorial Board membershipslecture/Editorial Board LECA B. memberships (LAGUECIR,LECA B. A., LECA B.)

A(LAGUECIR, Theological A., Approach LECA B.) to Organizational DEMEESTERE R. A Theological Approach to Organizational DEMEESTERERevue Française R.de Gestion Visual Representations Revue Française de Gestion Visual Representations WP Research Center 1704 FILIP A. WeWP Researchargue that Center analytical 1704 and critical aspects of FILIPAccounting A. in Europe theologyWe argue can that contribute analytical toand organizational critical aspects research, of InternationalAccounting in Journal Europe of Accounting andtheology potentially can contribute assist in elaborating to organizational new concepts. research, To International Journal of Accounting layand this potentially out, we useassist Christian in elaborating orthodox new theology concepts. of icons To aslay an this analytical out, we use framework Christian to orthodox study organizational theology of icons GOMEZ M.-L. visualas an representations.analytical framework We generate to study organizationalthree important GOMEZM@n@gement M.-L. insights.visual representations. First, we point toWe the generate need, so three far neglected, important to M@n@gement questioninsights. First, and we theorize point tothe the relation need, between so far neglected, the to JEANJEAN T. representationquestion and theorize and what the is relation represented. between Second, the we JEANJEANAccounting in T.Europe highlightrepresentation the prominence and what isof represented. symbolism over Second, aesthetic we ComptabilitéAccounting in Contrôle Europe Audit aspects.highlight Third,the prominence we underline of thatsymbolism images over are aestheticboth ContemporaryComptabilité Contrôle Accounting Audit Research embeddedaspects. Third, within we underlinemeaningful that relationships images are with both other EuropeanContemporary Accounting Accounting Review Research images,embedded and within used inmeaningful social and relationships power relationships. with other InternationalEuropean Accounting Journal of Review Accounting Buildingimages, onand these used insights, in social we and elaborate power relationships. the notion of International Journal of Accounting epistemicBuilding on power these toinsights, account we forelaborate the capacity the notion of visual of JENY A. representationsepistemic power to to provide account knowledge for the capacity of an object of visual of JENYAccounting A. in Europe inquiryrepresentations which cannot to provide be immediately knowledge conscripted of an object nor of ComptabilitéAccounting in Contrôle Europe Audit clearlyinquiry whichperceived cannot in its be entirety. immediately We contribute conscripted to the nor Comptabilité Contrôle Audit integrationclearly perceived of theological in its entirety. analysis We in contribute organizational to the LORINO P. researchintegration by of showing theological how analysisit can further in organizational extend our LORINOFinance Contrôle P. Stratégie understandingresearch by showing of secular how organizational it can further extend settings. our GérerFinance et ContrôleComprendre Stratégie Keywords:understanding Epistemic of secular Power organizational - Organizational settings. Visual OrganizationGérer et Comprendre Studies RepresentationsKeywords: Epistemic – Religion Power - -Theological Organizational Approach Visual RevueOrganization Française Studies de Gestion Representations – Religion - Theological Approach Revue Française de Gestion

RAMIREZ C. RAMIREZCritical Perspectives C. on Accounting EuropeanCritical Perspectives Accounting on Review Accounting European Accounting Review RICHARD C. RICHARDAccounting inC. Europe Accounting in Europe

VIENS G. VIENSRevue Française G. de Gestion Revue Française de Gestion

ZICARI A. ZICARICuadernos A. de RSO ManagementCuadernos de DecisionRSO Management Decision


Séminaires, ateliers de recherche et conférences organisés par le département/Research seminars, workshops, and conferences organized by the department

Department Seminar Series

Date du Lieu du Intervenant Institution Pays Titre du séminaire séminaire séminaire Economic Consequences of Hiring Wall Street Analysts as ESSEC Cergy 25/04/2017 Zhongwei Huang UK Investor Relations Officers Campus Direct Measures of Auditors' Quantitative Materiality ESSEC Cergy 04/05/2017 Katerine Schipper Duke University U.S.A. Judgments: Properties, Determinants and Consequences Campus for Audit Characteristics and Financial Reporting Reliability Localization of Global Accounting Practices: A Comparative ESSEC Cergy 20/06/2017 Eksa Kilfoyle University of Windsor Canada Analysis of Practice Variation in Response to Institutional Campus Complexity ESSEC Cergy 17/10/2017 Ingrid Jeacle University of Edinburgh UK Accounting & Popular Culture: A New Research Agenda Campus Stockholm School of Categorising Work: A Case Study of Capital Market ESSEC Cergy 04/12/2017 Ebba Sjögren Sweden Economics Valuation Practices Campus ESSEC Cergy 20/12/2017 Marion Brivot University of Laval Canada Accounting Ethics and the Fragmentation of Value Campus Embracing Ambiguity in Management Controls and ESSEC Cergy 24/04/2017 Paolo Quattrone University of Edinburgh UK Decision-Making Processes: On How to Design Data Campus Visualizations to Prompt Wise Judgement Eduardo Modeling Decision-Making in Argentinean Family Owned ESSEC Cergy 27/04/2017 University of La Pampa Argentina Pordomingo Farms Campus ESSEC Cergy 12/09/2017 Igor Goncharov UK (Why) Do Central Banks Care About Their Profits? Campus The Resilience of Off-balance-sheet Financing - The Case ESSEC Cergy 03/10/2017 Jan Friedrich Goethe University Frankfurt Germany of Lease Accounting in Germany Campus ESSEC Cergy 07/11/2017 Michel Dubois University of Neuchâtel Switzerland Which Firms Benefit from Interest Rate Hedging? Campus Do Firms Underreport Information on Cyber-Attacks? ESSEC Cergy 14/11/2017 Shai Levi Tel Aviv University Israel Evidence from Capital Markets Campus From Governing to Managing: Exploring Determinants and ESSEC Cergy 21/11/2017 Angelo Ditillo Bocconi University Italy Modes of Control in Private Equity Relationships Campus

CEMAS Seminars

Date du Lieu du Intervenant Institution Pays Titre du séminaire séminaire séminaire The Social Safety Net in Neoliberal Times: An Increasingly ESSEC Cergy 11/01/2017 Leslie Paik City College of New York U.S.A. Fraying System? Campus Marie- École Nationale Gender on Board: Making Sense of Affirmative Action in ESSEC Cergy 08/03/2017 Canada Soleil Tremblay d'administration publique Boardrooms Campus


Le Lean management, repères, débats et enjeux 13 March 2017, ESSEC CNIT Campus Organization: Philippe Lorino, Florence Cavélius Partner: Sciences Po Rennes

Droit & environnement de l’entreprise Public & Private Policy 20

Ouvrages/Books HELLERINGER G. (BERGÉ J.-S., HELLERINGER G.) DE BEAUFORT V. Operating Law in a Global Context: Comparing, Combining and Prioritising Generation #Startuppeuse ou la nouvelle ère Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd: Cheltenham (Great Eyrolles: Paris (France), 2017, 167 p. Britain), 2017, 235 p. La nouvelle économie émergente — ou l'économie du The application of law, in the variety of global legal « nouvel âge » — est portée par d’autres situations, has its own dynamism. It cannot result from fondamentaux que nos modèles dominants et the mere application of a method or a legal solution at essentiellement construite par les membres de la a given moment, in a predetermined space and on a génération Y. Dans ce livre, l’auteur évoque plusieurs predetermined level, by a duly identified actor. It must caractéristiques qui permettent de parler d'une be grasped in one movement. In a single situation, Génération #Startuppeuse et de décliner au féminin several laws must sometimes be mobilised, l'entrepreneuriat d'une nouvelle manière. alternatively, cumulatively, at the same time or at The new developing economy — or the economy of different moments, in one or several spaces or on one the "new age" — is carried by other fundamentals than or several levels, by one or by multiple actors. This our dominant models and essentially built by the distinctive dynamic, which the lawyer must be members of the generation Y. This book offers several conscious of when passing from one context – national, characteristics which make a Generation international or European – to another, has an *Startuppeuse possible and presents a gender influence over the law, its uses and, sometimes, its approach of entrepreneurship. content. The reasoning is organised according to a Mots-clés : Business - Entreprendre - Génération - Mixité three-step approach: comparison, combination and - Modèles - Startup - Valeurs hierarchization of the methods and solutions of Keywords: Business - Entrepreneurship - Gender - national, international and European law that the Generation - Startup - Values lawyer must use to resolve the case. Keywords: Global Law - International Law DELGA J. Plus de 100 questions d'actualité sur la prostitution. INTERNET : un très grand proxénète Direction d’ouvrage collectifs/Book MA Editions-ESKA: Paris (France), 2017, 263 p. Editor De nombreuses questions se posent sur la prostitution, la prostituée, le statut de la personne, son activité, le proxénète etc. Il règne un certain flou. Le sujet est DELGA J. d’actualité puisqu’une loi récente en date du 13 avril Criminalité en col blanc. Délinquance 2016 visant à « renforcer la lutte contre le système d'affaires, délinquance financière, délinquance prostitutionnel et à accompagner les personnes fiscale prostituées » a été votée dans des conditions délétères. L'Harmattan: Paris (France), 2017, 418 p. Elle prévoit de pénaliser le client et d’offrir une porte de Cet ouvrage à caractère pluridisciplinaire, où chaque sortie à la personne prostituée. Peu de pays adoptent auteur a librement choisi le thème à traiter, fait une telle législation. On s’interroge sur les effets de ce référence à la construction de modèles criminels texte, la volonté de lutter contre le proxénétisme, la astucieux. Il revient sur la difficulté de prévenir ou de cohérence de la sanction alors que la prostitution réprimer le crime en col blanc, aux renseignements, à demeure licite. On tente de décoder les diverses la cybercriminalité, à la corruption ou encore à la lutte dispositions. Cet ouvrage a pour but d’apporter un contre les comptes bancaires non déclarés. De éclaircissement sur la prostitution par le biais de nombreux exemples français, mais aussi étrangers, sont questions réponses. Il analyse le contenu de la nouvelle cités : « Amazon, Société Générale, Clearstream, proposition de loi à rebours parfois des idées Madoff, Cahuzac, etc. », permettant ainsi de revenir sur convenues. Un bilan de plusieurs mois après la le traitement de cette criminalité en col blanc. promulgation de la loi du 13 avril 2016 est établi. Mots-clés : Critiques - Pénalisation du client ? - Prostitution et droit - Prostitution et exercice d'activité


Participations à des ouvrages envers l'ensemble des parties ? L'article montre que diverses règles ou codes juridiques tentent d’organiser collectifs/Book chapters ou de préserver cette impartialité ; en prenant en compte les leçons apprises de la psychologie, les limites de cette approche deviennent apparentes. DE BEAUFORT V. In recent years, international business disputes have (DE BEAUFORT V., YOUSFI O.) increasingly been resolved through private arbitration. Le leadership mixte: un potentiel d'innovation The popularity of arbitration makes the questions that pour l'entreprise will strike any non-lawyer who is introduced to this means of solving dispute more salient: Should we trust dans : L'innovation managériale: Les multiples voies an arbitrator whom the opponent party has d'une spirale vertueuse appointed? Will the member of the arbitration panel Mignon S., Chapellier P., Mazars-Chapelon A., we nominated ourselves counterbalance any Vallesque-Dubus F. (eds.) partiality? The paper shows that although codes and EMS (Éditions Management et Société): Caen (France), disclosures will achieve less than what institutions aspire 2017, chap. 3, pp. 85-106 to deliver, they set the ground for achieving a level of Analysant de nouvelles pratiques de management et impartiality. Nonetheless the behavioral science tells us d’innovation, ce livre offre un panorama concret de la that one should also be aware of unintended adverse diversité et de la richesse de l’innovation managériale, consequences that may arise as a result of au cœur de la spirale innovante des organisations. Ce inappropriate presumptions about the effects of chapitre interpelle plus spécifiquement sur le thème de regulation on behavior. The case of moral licensing, la mixte ou gender diversity. showing that disclosure can in some cases backfire to Analyzing new practices of management and the detriment of those it is intended to help, is one innovation, this book gives a concrete panorama of sobering example. In the administration of human the diversity and the wealth of the managerial affairs judgment is ubiquitous. We trust that this review innovation, at the heart of the innovative spiral of serves to show that there is a need for the regulation of organizations. This chapter calls out(questions) more human judgment and that this should pay close specifically to the theme of the coeducation(mixing) or attention to the findings of behavioral science to gender diversity. research. Mots-clés : Collaboration - Innovation - Management - Mots-clés : ADR - Arbitre - Biais - Impartialité - Mixité Psychologie - Résolution des différends Keywords: Collaboration - Gender Diversity - Keywords: ADR - Arbitror - Bias - Dispute Resolution - Innovation - Management Impartiality - Judgment

DELGA J. HELLERINGER G. Fichiers de police et de gendarmerie « TAJ et The Proprietary Effects of Contracts FNAEG » et errements dans : The Code Napoleon Rewritten dans : Ingénierie et management des systèmes Cartright J., Whittaker S. (eds.) d'information - Mélanges en l'honneur de Jacky Akoka Bloomsbury Hart Publisher: Oxford (Great Britain), 2017, Comyn-Wattiau I., du Mouza C., Prat N. (eds.) chap. 11, pp. 207-225 Cépaduès Éditions: Toulouse (France), 2017, chap. 14, pp. 173-182

HELLERINGER G. (AYTON P., HELLERINGER G.) Arbitration and Psychology. Bias, Self-insight in Judgement and the Arbitrator’s Impartiality dans : The Roles of Psychology in International Arbitration T. Cole (ed.) Wolters Kluwer: Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 2017, chap. 2, pp. 21-44 Un arbitre, qui a été sélectionné par l’une des parties au litige, peut-il se comporter de manière impartiale


Articles dans des revues/Journal facilitating discussion, thus creating temporary settlements and enabling opportunities for productive articles compromises between different organizational groups and evaluative principles. The recursive feedback loops between reference point referents, criteria and ANDRE K. accounting artefacts help the organization to make (ANDRE K., BUREAU S., GAUTIER A., RUBEL O.) sense of its own social performance and interpret the Beyond the Opposition Between Altruism and associated performance feedback, and thereby Self-interest: Reciprocal Giving in Reward-Based provide ground for organizational decisions on further action. Moreover, we discuss how imperfect accounts Crowdfunding can be useful for social businesses in their pursuit of Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 146, n° 2, 2017, pp. 313- developing their activities and achieving social impact. 332 Keywords: Compromising Accounts - Reference Points Increasingly, frontiers between business and - Social Entrepreneurship - Social Performance philanthropy seem to be blurred. Reward-Based Crowdfunding platforms contribute to this blurring of lines since they propose funders to support both for- BOUTHINON-DUMAS H. profit and philanthropic projects. Our empirical paper (KIRAT T., MARTY F., BOUTHINON-DUMAS H., explores the case of Ulule, the leading crowdfunding REZAEE A.) platform in Europe. Our results, based on a statistical analysis of more than 3000 projects, show that « Quand dire c’est réguler ». Discours et crowdfunding platforms foster specific kinds of communication de l’Autorité des marchés relationships relying on reciprocal giving, beyond the financiers usual opposition between altruistic and selfish Economie et Institutions, vol. 2017, n° 25, 2017, motivations. We use the work of Marcel Mauss to L’analyse de discours a longtemps été développée account for this process of reciprocal giving, and we exclusivement dans le cadre des études linguistiques et argue that Maussian theory of gift can be used more sociolinguistiques, avant de devenir un objet de generally to describe funding activities in the context of recherche pour la sociologie puis pour la recherche early stage entrepreneurship. économique. Si l’analyse économique de la Keywords: Crowdfunding - Entrepreneurship - Gift - communication des banques centrales a gagné en Mauss - Philanthropy - Reciprocity importance, celle des autorités de régulation est encore peu développée. L’article explore la ANDRE K. communication et les discours concernant l’Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) et cherche à montrer à (ANDRE K., LAINE M., CHO C. H.) quelles conditions les discours de l’AMF peuvent Reference Points for Measuring Social produire un effet réel sur les marchés, en s’inspirant de Performance: Case Study of a Social Business la théorie des actes de langages. Il analyse d’abord Venture comment la presse produit de l’information sur l’action de l’AMF au regard des missions et prérogatives fixées Journal of Business Venturing, 2017, par le législateur. Il étudie aussi, via une méthode doi: 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2017.12.002 lexicométrique, les discours tenus dans la presse par les We present a longitudinal qualitative case study to responsables de l’AMF. elaborate on how a social venture forms reference Discourse analysis has long been exclusively in the points for social performance. Although organizations hands of linguistic and sociolinguistic, before being increasingly use various social performance targets to sociological research objects and entering the direct their operations, the scholarly knowledge on economic research. Although the economics of central social performance reference points remains limited. bank communication has gained importance, the We make use of the prior accounting literature and regulatory authorities are mainly shrugged off. Based draw on the idea of compromising accounts to discuss on the theory of acts of language, the article explores how provisional and performative metrics can have a the communication and official’s speech of the French significant role in how organizations develop new ways financial regulation authority’s (AMF). Given the legal to evaluate their social performance. Given that the duties of the regulator regarding its communication to social performance reference point criteria are the public, this article analyzes first, how the press ambiguous and the corresponding referents malleable, produces information on the action of the AMF. It also performative accounts are helpful as they can studies via a lexicometric method, speeches released intervene in the organizational life by making particular in the press by the AMF officials. things visible, providing space for interpretations, and Mots-clés : AMF - Discours - Régulation


Keywords: AMF - Discourse - Regulation qui utilisent le droit et, plus généralement, sur la société, est réel. La mesure de cet impact reste cependant délicate, même si quelques pistes méritent d’être BOUTHINON-DUMAS H. explorées. (BOUTHINON-DUMAS H., MASSON A.) Law has an ambivalent nature, often presented as a Les juristes d'entreprises au Luxembourg separate discipline; it is also a component of the management sciences, which explains why it is taught ACE Comptabilité, fiscalité, audit, droit des affaires au in all management training programs. Research in Law, Luxembourg, vol. 2017, n° 5, 2017, pp. 3-20 which presents true specificities, is inseparable from Cet article présente les résultats d'une étude empirique legal teachings. The impact of this research on all those sur le profil des juristes exerçant dans les entreprises au who use the Law and, more generally, on society, is Luxembourg. real. The measurement of the extent of this impact, This article presents the results of an empirical study on however, remains a delicate operation, even if some the profile of lawyers practicing in Luxembourg. options are worth exploring. Mots-clés : Directeurs juridiques - Externalisation - Mots-clés : Droit – Etudes juridiques - Impact - Juristes - Luxembourg Recherche Keywords: In-house Lawyers - Lawyers - Luxembourg Keywords: Impact - Law - Legal Studies - Research

BOUTHINON-DUMAS H. DE BEAUFORT V. L'évolution du régime applicable aux Administratrice et Startuppeuse, même combat intermédiaires en biens divers Entreprendre - la revue du MEDEF Somme, vol. 2017, Bulletin Joly Bourse, n° 5, 2017, pp. 352-356 n° 2, 2017, pp. 57-59 La loi Sapin 2 a modifié les dispositions du Code monétaire et financier consacrées aux Intermédiaires en biens divers. Elle habilite l’AMF à préciser, dans son DE BEAUFORT V. règlement général, les exigences qui doivent être Gouvernance pérenne et montée de respectées lorsque des épargnants sont invités à investir l’activisme actionnarial en France : y a-t-il un dans des placements atypiques. Ainsi l’AMF a modifié changement de paradigme ? son règlement général et adopté une nouvelle instruction en mai 2017. Désormais, toutes les offres de Journal des Sociétés, n° 153, 2017, pp. 13-16 ce type devront faire l’objet d’un contrôle préalable de la part de l’AMF. Il appartiendra aux « initiateurs » de DE BEAUFORT V. ces offres de déposer un dossier dont le contenu est désormais précisément réglementé. Montée d’un activisme moralisateur ? La RSE The Sapin 2 law has changed the legal framework of comme préoccupation émergente "intermédiaires en biens divers" under the French law. Option Droit & Affaires, n° 357, 2017, pp. 8-9 This article explains the contents of this change. Mots-clés : AMF - Intermédiaires en biens divers - Régulation DE BEAUFORT V. Keywords: Brooker - French Securities Regulator Peut-on parler d’activisme dans les assemblées générales en France ? Le pouls des AG est BOUTHINON-DUMAS H. faible, mais il bat ! (BOUTHINON-DUMAS H., VOSS W. G., Option Droit & Affaires, n° 356, 2017, pp. 10-11

REBEYROL V.) L'impact de la recherche en droit et sa mesure DE BEAUFORT V. Petites Affiches (Les), n° 189, 2017, pp. 11-20 Quand les actionnaires passent à l'action Le droit a une nature ambivalente ; souvent présenté Reflets, n° 120, 2017, comme une discipline autonome, il constitue également une composante des sciences de gestion, ce qui explique qu’il soit enseigné dans tous les programmes de formation au management. La recherche en droit, qui présente de réelles particularités, est indissociable des enseignements juridiques. L’impact de cette recherche sur tous ceux


HELLERINGER G. HELLERINGER G. Anatomy of the New French Law of Contract Au-delà du code de la consommation, l'acquis European Review of Contract Law, vol. 13, n° 4, 2017, européen pp. 355-375 Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, vol. 2017, n° 2, Depuis la promulgation du Code civil en 1804, les 2017, pp. 336-2 / 336-20 dispositions relatives au contrat n’avaient quasiment La conception européenne stricte et finaliste du fait l’objet d’aucune modification. Cela ne signifie pas consommateur et du professionnel a pleinement que le droit des contrats n’avait pas évolué, mais plutôt pénétré le droit français par l'entremise de la loi Hamon que la lettre du Code ne reflétait plus l’état du droit tel et du nouveau code de la consommation, mais aussi qu’appliqué par les tribunaux. Une version par l'utilisation que le juge en fait : un outil de profondément restructurée et remaniée de cette qualification pour les situations qui ne tombent pas sous partie du Code est entrée en vigueur le 1er octobre l'emprise légale. Les nouvelles dispositions législatives 2016. Quelles sont les idées structurantes du nouveau réalisant l'harmonisation trouvent de ce fait un écho droit français des contrats ? Dans une première partie, rétrospectif dans les solutions jurisprudentielles le présent article s’efforce d’évaluer l’importance The strict and finalist European conception of the concrète des principes énoncés dans le chapitre consumer and the professional has fully penetrated the introductif du nouveau droit des contrats français : French law through the Hamon law and the new liberté contractuelle, force obligatoire du contrat et consumer code, but also by the use that the judge bonne foi. L’article montre par ailleurs l’importance makes of it: a qualification tool for situations that do not accordée à l’unilatéralisme, l’anticipation et la justice fall under the legal hold. The new legislative provisions contractuelle : quoi que non proclamées, ces achieving harmonization thus find a retrospective echo dimensions représentent des développement in the case-law solutions structurants eu égard aux pouvoirs des parties comme Mots-clés : Droit de la consommation - Droit européen - du juge. Juge national Since their enactment in 1804 as part of the French civil Keywords: Consumer Law - European Law Code, the provisions relating to contract law had, until recently, remained almost untouched. That is not to say that the law of contract had not altered, but rather HELLERINGER G. that the text of the Code was no longer an accurate (HELLERINGER G., SIBONY A.-L.) reflection of the actual state of the law as interpreted European Consumer Protection Through the by the courts. An extensively restructured and modernized version came into force on 1st October Behavioral Pense 2016. In an attempt to map the new French law of Columbia Journal of European Law, vol. 23, n° 3, 2017, contract, this paper first seeks to evaluate the pp. 607-646 robustness of the guiding principles set out in the Code. L'article analyse le droit européen de la consommation By analysing how these principles are applied to the afin de déterminer dans quelle mesure les formation, interpretation and enforcement of connaissances issues des sciences du comportement y contracts, the paper concludes that freedom of sont mises en pratiques et comment elles pourraient contract and good faith emerge strengthened by the être mieux prises en compte. reforms, while the binding force of contract has In this article, we identify whether and how European become more qualified. The paper also highlights the Union consumer protection rules could incorporate existence of less obvious but important trends relating more behavioral wisdom. The relevance of behavioral to the parties’ behaviour and to the role of the judge. It insights to consumer rights is obvious, as consumer demonstrates how unilateralism, anticipation, and protection rules tend to ignore how boundedly rational equity are implicit core ideas lying behind many of the consumers can be when they make their decisions. The new rules. rules are all too often written with a fictional consumer Mots-clés : Contrat - Réforme in mind: someone who reads labels and checks the Keywords: Contract - French Law - Reforms terms and conditions. Though the relevance of behavioral insights to consumer protection is universal, the European context exhibits specific features. In Europe, paternalism is rarely seen as a matter of principle. The debate is therefore not whether a behavioral approach can offer minimalist regulatory approaches preserving freedom of choice, or whether it provides evidence that is robust and general enough to justify paternalistic interventions; rather, it is whether


and how a more behavioral approach can make EU — have been sketchy and disappointing, as the minute law more effective and European consumers better off. comparison of different regulatory approaches or the The focus in this Article is precisely on how behavioral game metaphor, albeit offering useful insights, do not insights are being incorporated and could be enrich our understanding. Our work uses the rich incorporated. vocabulary and conceptual frameworks of psychology Mots-clés : Droit de la consommation - Science du as it approaches financial regulation in the EU from a comportement socio-psychological perspective. In the context of Keywords: Behavioral Insights - Consumer Law financial regulation, it emerges that the relational structures of EU bodies and institutions are affected by their constitutional status, membership rules, and the HELLERINGER G. functional relation they perform vis-à-vis the common Extension du relevé d'office des clauses interest. It is our hope that further investigations will be abusives aux clauses illicites conducted in what appears to be a new approach to Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, vol. 2017, n° 3, regulation studies. 2017, pp. 336-343 Par un raccourci techniquement contestable, la première chambre civile de la Cour de cassation laisse Communications présentées dans entrevoir que les clauses illicites devraient être des conférences/Conference automatiquement qualifiées d'abusives. Cette solution ne coïncide pas avec la jurisprudence de la CJUE, presentations laquelle exige l'appréciation circonstanciée du caractère abusif. Il est permis de penser qu'un tel arrêt représente un appel en direction du législateur. ANDRE K. By a technically contestable shortcut, the first civil Hybridization of Performance Measurement chamber of the Court of Cassation suggests that the and Impact Assessment: A Case Study of a clauses illicit should be automatically described as Social Business unfair. This solution does not coincide with the case law 1st IESE-LUISS conference on Responsibility, Sustainability of the ECJ, which requires a detailed assessment of the and Social Entrepreneurship, LUISS University of Rome: unfairness. There is reason to believe that such a Rome (Italy), April 19, 2017 judgment represents a call to the legislator. Mots-clés : Cause illicite - Clause abusive - Juge national - Jurisprudence française BOUTHINON-DUMAS H. Keywords: European Law - Illicit Term - Unfair Term Anatomie de la place juridique internationale

de Paris HELLERINGER G. 2ème Congrès de l'Association française d'Economie (CASTELLANO G. G., HELLERINGER G.) du droit, Université d'Aix-Marseille: Aix-en-Provence Shedding Light on EU Financial Regulators: A (France), November 09, 2017

Sociological and Psychological Perspective Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, COLSON A. vol. 40, n° 1, 2017, pp. 69-121 Les négociations diplomatiques aux XVIIe et Les tentatives pour décrire les comportements et les XVIIIe siècles dynamiques de groupe qui président aux décisions des Ouverture du cycle de conférences « Versailles et le autorités de régulation financière dans l’UE monde, Château de Versailles: Versailles (France), apparaissent souvent décevantes. Notre travail se November 17, 2017 propose d’utiliser de manière pionnière le vocabulaire et les cadres conceptuels de la psychologie et d’étudier la réglementation financière dans l'UE d'un point de vue socio-psychologique. Il apparaît que les structures relationnelles des organes et des institutions de l'UE sont affectées par leur statut constitutionnel et leur relation fonctionnelle vis-à-vis de l'intérêt commun. Attempts to describe the behaviors and the group dynamics driving the decision making process of regulators — and, in particular, EU financial regulators


COLSON A. HELLERINGER G. (COLSON A., JENKINS A., THUDEROZ C.) Conflicts of Interest Rules: A Cross Sectorial Mediation in Collective Conflict: Setting the Analysis scene for dialogue in France Regulating Finance in a Post-sectoral World: Leuven (Belgium), February 07, 2017 30th Annual Conference of the International Association of Conflict Management, International Association of Conflict Management: Berlin (Germany), HELLERINGER G. July 11, 2017 Decision Making in Organised Public

Governance and Networks COLSON A. Theories of Choice. The Social Science and the Law of Se mettre d'accord à 196 : quelles leçons tirer Individual, Collective and Organisational Decision du processus de la COP 21 ? Making, European University Institute: Fiesole (Italy), July 14, 2017 2017 Colloque International de Royaumont, Revue Négociations: Asnières-sur-Oise (France), November 10, 2017 HELLERINGER G.

(GELTER M., HELLERINGER G.) COLSON A. Opportunity Makes a Thief. Corporate Secrecy vs. Transparency in International Opportunities as Legal Transplant and Negotiations. From a Historical Perspective to Convergence in Corporate Law the TTIP and COP21 Cases 34th Annual Conference of the European Association Transparency and Secrecy in Foreign Policy, University of Law & Economics (EALE), : of Agder: Kristiansand (Norway), March 16, 2017 Londres (Great Britain), September 16, 2017

DE CARLO L. HELLERINGER G. A Community Organizing in the UK: Future for The French Model and its Limits French Planning? Trust, Mistrust and Distrust in The Law and Finance of Related Party Transactions, Two British Community Energy Groups Frankfurt University: Frankfurt (Germany), October 21, 2017 International Conference: Democracy and 2017 Participation in the 21st Century, : Lisbon (Portugal), July 15, 2017 HELLERINGER G.

Trust Me, I Have a Conflict of Interest! Efficacy DE CARLO L. of Disclosure in Retail Investment Advice British Community Organizing and the Future of WINK: The Nudge Conference, University Hall Utrecht: French Planning Trust, Mistrust and Distrust in Utrecht (The Netherlands), June 24, 2017 Two British Energy Groups AESOP Annual Congress 2017, University of Lisbon: NAPPI-CHOULET I. Lisbon (Portugal), July 14, 2017 Determinants of Rents in the French Private

Rental Housing Sector DELGA J. 24th Annual Conference of the European Real Estate Le sexe, le sexologue et la loi Society (ERES 2017), European Real Estate Society 10es Assises Françaises de Sexologie et de Santé (ERES): Delft (The Netherlands), July 01, 2017 Sexuelle, Fédération Française de Sexologie et de Santé Sexuelle (FF3S): Lille (France), March 26, 2017


PACHE A.-C. Participations à des comités de (PACHE A.-C., GAUTIER A.) lecture/Editorial board The Making of Hybridizers: Exploring How memberships Individuals Combine Competing Logics 2017 Academy of Management Meeting, Academy of COLSON A. Management (AOM): Atlanta (U.S.A.), August 08, 2017 European Review of International Studies Négociations

Articles de presse/Press articles DE CARLO L. Négociations

DE BEAUFORT V. Activisme actionnarial en France : des attentes HELLERINGER G. Journal of Financial Regulation de nature moralisatrices Forbes, juin 2017 NAPPI-CHOULET I. Journal of European Real Estate Research DE BEAUFORT V. Réflexions Immobilières

Qu’est-ce qu’une bonne gouvernance d’entreprise ? Directions d'ouvrages La Tribune, mai 2017 collectifs/Edited books

Document de recherche/Working JENNY F. paper (JENNY F., CHARBIT N.) 2018 Competition Case Law Digest: A Synthesis DE BEAUFORT V. of EU and National Leading Cases (3e édition) Montée de l’activisme en France : intérêt ou Institute of Competition Law: New-York (U.S.A.), 2017, danger pour une Gouvernance pérenne ? 561 p. This 3rd edition of the Competition Law Digest provides WP Research Center 1707 a synthesis of EU and national leading antitrust cases Cette étude menée depuis 2012 sur la dynamique de from 1990 to 2016. The book is structured in two parts: fonctionnement des AG des grandes sociétés cotées Part I deals with competition rules in general (cartels, (CAC 40 et lorsque cela a été possible SBF 120 et unilateral practices, mergers etc.), whereas Part II is parfois All Tradable France) examine la possibilité d’un dedicated to specific sectors (automobile, energy, déplacement du pouvoir de décision du Conseil insurance, sports etc.). The Digest is to date the sole d’administration, structure de gouvernance la plus publication which allows lawyers, economists, in-house répandue en France, vers l’Assemble Générale. counsels, academics, and government officials to draw Mots clés : Actionnaires - Activisme - Assemblée comparisons between competition case law and générale - Décision - Démocratie - Démocratie policies in the EU and in the Member States, and, in actionnariale - Gouvernance d’entreprise - some instances, US antitrust law. This is an essential gouvernance publique - Intérêt général - Intérêt social - guide to learn about the most recent competition law Parties prenantes - Processus de décision trends.


Séminaires, ateliers de recherche et conférences organisés par le département/Research seminars, workshops, and conferences organized by the department

Séminaires IRENE

Date du Lieu du Organisation Institution Pays Titre du séminaire séminaire séminaire SIRENE 51 : Policy dialogue – paix et prévention des ESSEC CNIT 26/09/2017 Linda Benraïs ESSEC Business School France conflits : quelle place pour les entreprises Campus

Behavioral Research Lab, Séminaires de recherche expérimentale

Date du Lieu du Intervenant Institution Pays Titre du séminaire séminaire séminaire Self-Assertive Interdependence: A Cultural Psychological Analysis of Arab Culture (Project in collaboration with ESSEC Cergy 11/05/2017 Marwan Sinaceur ESSEC Business School France Alvaro San Martin, William W. Maddux, and Campus Shinobu Kitayama)


Global Pound Conference Series: Le règlement des différends à l’horizon 2050 26 April 2017 Organization: Geneviève Helleringer, Maison du Barreau, Paris Partners: University Paris 2 (39 global partners & sponsors)

ESSEC IRENE Europa 4th Anniversary: Negotiation, Conflict Management and Mediation Essential Skills in the EU Context 26 June 2017 Organization: Aurélien Colson, L42 Business Center Partner: ESSEC IRENE & Leuven Center for Collaborative Management (LCM)

1st Annual Gathering of Academic Research Centers of Philanthropy 2-3 November 2017 Organization: Anne-Claire Pache, ESSEC Cergy Campus Partner: European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP)

Économie Economics 30

CHARLETY P., SANTACREU-VASUT E. Participations à des ouvrages CHARLETY P., SANTACREU-VASUT E. Participations à des ouvrages (CHARLETY P., ROMELLI D., SANTACREU-VASUT (CHARLETY P., ROMELLI D., SANTACREU-VASUT collectifs/Book chapters E.) collectifs/Book chapters E.) Appointments to Central Bank Boards:

BERLINGIERI G. DoesAppointments Gender Matter? to Central Bank Boards: Does Gender Matter? (BERLINGIERIBERLINGIERI G., G. CALLIGARIS S., COSTA S., Economics Letters, vol. 155, 2017, pp. 59-61 (BERLINGIERI G., CALLIGARIS S., COSTA S., WeEconomics build a novelLetters dataset, vol. 155, that 2017, allows pp. us59-61 to track CRISCUOLO C.) CRISCUOLO C.) appointmentsWe build a novel to centraldataset banks that allows boards us from to track 2003 to Il Buono, il Brutto, il Cattivo: la Divergenza nella 2015appointments in 26 OECD to countries.central banks We findboards that from female 2003 board to Il Buono, il Brutto, il Cattivo: la Divergenza nella Produttività tra Settori e Imprese Italiane members2015 in 26 tendOECD to countries. replace each We find other, that suggesting female board a Produttività tra Settori e Imprese Italiane members tend to replace each other, suggesting a in: Salari, Produttività, Disuguaglianze. Verso un Nuovo systematic bias against women. systematic bias against women. Modelloin: Salari, Contrattuale?, Produttività, Disuguaglianze. AREL, il Mulino: Verso Italy, Dell'Aringaun Nuovo Keywords: Boards - Central Banks - Gender Keywords: Boards - Central Banks - Gender C.,Modello Lucifora Contrattuale?, C., Treu T. (eds.) AREL, il Mulino: Italy, Dell'Aringa C., Lucifora C., Treu T. (eds.) DOSIS A. NashDOSIS Equilibrium A. in Competitive Insurance Articles dans des revues/Journal Nash Equilibrium in Competitive Insurance Articles dans des revues/Journal Economics Letters, vol. 152, 2017, pp. 5-8 articles Economics Letters, vol. 152, 2017, pp. 5-8 articles I formalize a rather stylized insurance market with adverseI formalize selection a rather as stylized a standard insurance duopoly. market I formally with specifyadverse demand selection functions as a standard and profits duopoly. and Iprove formally that a BERLINGIERI G. specify demand functions and profits and prove that a BERLINGIERI G. Nash equilibrium in pure strategies exists if and only if (BERLINGIERI G., BLANCHENAY P., CRISCUOLO theNash well-known equilibrium Rothschild-Stiglitz in pure strategies allocation exists if and is efficient. only if (BERLINGIERI G., BLANCHENAY P., CRISCUOLO the well-known Rothschild-Stiglitz allocation is efficient. C.) Keywords: Adverse Selection - Contracts - Duopoly - C.) InsuranceKeywords: - NashAdverse Equilibrium Selection - Contracts - Duopoly - A Study of 16 Countries Shows That the Most Insurance - Nash Equilibrium A Study of 16 Countries Shows That the Most Productive Firms (and Their Employees) Are PullingProductive Away Firms from (and Everyone Their Employees) Else Are FOURÇANS A. Pulling Away from Everyone Else FOURÇANS A. Harvard Business Review (Digital), 2017 (BENCHIMOL J., FOURÇANS A.) Harvard Business Review (Digital), 2017 (BENCHIMOL J., FOURÇANS A.) Money and Monetary Policy in the Eurozone:

AnMoney Empirical and Monetary Analysis During Policy Crises in the Eurozone: CELIK G. An Empirical Analysis During Crises (CELIKCELIK G., G. YILANKAYA O.) Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol. 21, n° 3, 2017, (CELIK G., YILANKAYA O.) pp.Macroeconomic 677-707 Dynamics, vol. 21, n° 3, 2017, Resale in Second-Price Auctions with Costly Cetpp. 677-707article analyse le rôle de la politique monétaire et Resale in Second-Price Auctions with Costly Participation deCet la article monnaie, analyse ainsi le que rôle les de capacités la politique prédictives monétaire d’un et Participation International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 54, modèlede la monnaie, d’équilibre ainsi général que les dynamiquecapacités prédictives et stochastique d’un n°International Sep, 2017, pp.Journal 148-174 of Industrial Organization, vol. 54, selonmodèle qu’il d’équilibre y a ou non général séparabilité dynamique entre monnaieet stochastique et Wen° Sep, study 2017, sealed-bid pp. 148-174 second-price auctions with costly consommation.selon qu’il y a ou L’étude non séparabilité est conduite entre durant monnaie trois et participationWe study sealed-bid and resale. second-price Each bidder auctions chooses with to costly périodesconsommation. de crise L’étude dans la est zone conduite Euro : la durant crise dutrois SME, la participateparticipation in andthe auctionresale. Each if her bidder valuation chooses is higher to than crisepériodes dot.com de crise et la dans grande la zone crise Euro financière. : la crise Les du résultatsSME, la herparticipate optimally in chosen the auction participation if her valuation cutoff. isIf higherresale isthan not decrise tests dot.com économétriques et la grande Bayésiens crise financière. montrent Les que résultats allowedher optimally and thechosen bidder participation valuations cutoff.are drawn If resale from is a not pendantde tests économétriques ces crises le modèle Bayésiens fondé montrent sur la non- que strictlyallowed convex and the distribution bidder valuations function, arethe drawnsymmetric from a séparabilitépendant ces conduit crises le à modèle de meilleures fondé prévisionssur la non- hors equilibriumstrictly convex (where distribution all bidders function, use the the same symmetric cutoff) is échantillonséparabilité de conduit la production à de meilleures que le modèleprévisions de hors base. lessequilibrium efficient (where than a allclass bidders of two-cutoff use the same asymmetric cutoff) is Thiséchantillon paper analyzes de la production the role of que money le modèle and monetary de base. equilibria.less efficient Existence than a classof these of two-cutoff equilibria withoutasymmetric resale is policyThis paper as well analyzes as the theforecasting role of money performance and monetary of New sufficientequilibria. for Existence existence of ofthese similarly equilibria constructed without two-resale is Keynesianpolicy as well dynamic as the stochasticforecasting general performance equilibrium of New cutoffsufficient equilibria for existence with resale. of similarly Moreover, constructed the equilibria two- modelsKeynesian with dynamic and without stochastic separability general between equilibrium withcutoff resale equilibria are “more with resale. asymmetric” Moreover, and the (under equilibria a consumptionmodels with and and without money. separability The study is between conducted over sufficientwith resale condition) are “more more asymmetric” efficient than and the(under a threeconsumption crisis periods and money.in the Eurozone, The study namely, is conducted the ERM over correspondingsufficient condition) equilibria more without efficient resale. than the crisis,three thecrisis dot-com periods crisis,in the and Eurozone, the global namely, financial the ERM crisis correspondingKeywords: Endogenous equilibria withoutEntry - Endogenous resale. Valuations (GFC).crisis, the The dot-com results of crisis, successive and the Bayesian global financial estimations crisis - Keywords:Participation Endogenous Cost - Resale Entry - Second-Price - Endogenous Auctions Valuations demonstrate(GFC). The results that ofduring successive these crises,Bayesian the estimationsnon - Participation Cost - Resale - Second-Price Auctions separabledemonstrate model that generallyduring these provides crises, better the non out-of- sampleseparable output model forecasts generally than provides the baseline better model. out-of- sample output forecasts than the baseline model.


Mots-clés : Crises - Dynamic Stochastic General trade with those colonies. No significant impact was Equilibrium - Monnaie - Politique monétaire found for non-French colonies. Keywords: Crises - Dynamic Stochastic General Keywords: Colonization – Institutions - International Equilibrium - Monetary Policy - Money Trade

SANTACREU-VASUT E. VRANCEANU R. (GAY V., HICKS D. L., SANTACREU-VASUT E., (BESANCENOT D., VRANCEANU R.) SHOHAM A.) A Model of Scholarly Publishing with Hybrid Decomposing Culture: An Analysis of Gender, Academic Journals Language, and Labor Supply in the Household Theory and Decision, vol. 82, n° 1, 2017, pp. 131-150 Review of Economics of the Household, 2017, L'article étudie le nouveau modèle économique mis en doi: 10.1007/s11150-017-9369-x place par les grandes maisons d'édition académique Cet article analyse empiriquement le rôle de la culture en 2013, consistant à proposer le choix aux auteurs de dans la détermination de l'engagement des femmes soumettre leurs articles sous le régime « accès libre au marché du travail dans le contexte des modèles ouvert à tous sur Internet » (open access) moyennant collectifs de prise de décision des ménages. un paiement substantiel, ou bien sous l’ancien régime This paper empirically analyzes the role of culture in dont l’accès est reservé aux abonnés de la revue. Nous determining the labor market engagement of women étudions le problème de signalisation des auteurs, et la within the context of collective models of household maximisation du profit par les éditeurs (screening). decision making. In April 2013, all of the major academic publishing Mots-clés : Écart entre les sexes - Immigrants - Langue - houses moved thousands of journal titles to an original Participation au marché du travail - Pouvoir de hybrid model, under which authors of accepted négociation dans le ménage papers can choose between an expensive open Keywords: Bargaining Power in the Household - access (OA) track and the traditional track available Gender Gap - Immigrants - Laborforce Participation - only to subscribers. This paper argues that authors might Language now use a publication strategy as a quality signaling device. The imperfect information game between authors and readers presents several types of Perfect TERRA C. Bayesian Equilibria, including a separating equilibrium in (KALLAB T. E., TERRA C.) which only authors of high quality papers are driven toward the open access track. The publishing house French Colonial Trade Patterns and European should choose an open-access publication fee that Settlements supports the emergence of the highest return Comparative Economic Studies, 2017, equilibrium. Journal structures will evolve over time doi: 10.1057/s41294-017-0040-6 according to the journals' accessibility and quality We construct a new database relying on various profiles. primary historical sources containing information on the Mots-clés : Diffusion des connaissances - Open access - value of French sectoral trade between 1880 and 1913 Secteur de la publication académique - Signalisation in order to assess the contemporaneous effects of Keywords: Academic Publishing - Imperfect Information colonial European settlements on French trade - Knowledge Diffusion - Open Access - Signaling patterns. Our empirical results show that French colonies with more European settlements traded more with France. The impact is stronger with respect to the VRANCEANU R. imports of raw materials and exports of manufactured (JUNG S., VRANCEANU R.) goods from France to their colonies, suggesting that Experimental Evidence on Gender Differences those territories were a source of resources for France in Lying Behaviour and a market for its products. European settlements in colonies other than the French ones did not impact the Revue Économique, vol. 68, n° 5, 2017, pp. 859-873 trade of those colonies with France. We also explore to Cet article présente des résultats issus d’un jeu de what extent the impact of European settlements on l’ultimatum avec information asymétrique, dans lequel trade was exerted through the channel of the les offreurs peuvent transmettre aux receveurs des institutions brought by the settlers. Separating the part messages non vérifiables quant à leur dotation initiale. of European settlements associated with institutions, we Les sujets sont repartis pour former soit des groupes find that the settlements associated with stronger mixtes, soit des groupes homogènes en termes de institutions in French colonies had a positive impact on genre. Dans chaque paire, les individus prennent


connaissance du genre de leur partenaire. Dans les VRANCEANU R. faits, la plupart des offreurs mentent, pour communiquer une dotation inférieure à la dotation (NAIDITCH C., VRANCEANU R.) réelle. Le genre du partenaire ne semble pas avoir un The Legal Grounds of Irregular Migration: A impact significatif sur la fréquence du recours au Global Game Approach mensonge. Cependant, lorsqu’ils mentent, les hommes The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, vol. 17, recourent à de plus grands mensonges que les n° 2, 2017, doi: 10.1515/bejeap-2015-0259 femmes, et cette déviation entre dotation réelle et This paper analyses the relationship between regular dotation déclarée est la plus forte lorsque les hommes and irregular migration taking into account the sont appariés avec des femmes. Dans le partage migration network effect. We assume that migrants can concret de la dotation, les offres des hommes obtain a high payoff only if a critical mass of migrants is s’avèrent supérieures à celles des femmes. Enfin, dans reached in the destination country. If candidates to le rôle de receveurs, les hommes présentent un taux migration receive biased signals about the economic moyen d’acceptation des offres inférieur à celui des situation of the destination country, the migrants' femmes. decision problem can be analyzed as a standard The paper reports the results of an ultimatum game global game. Tying the quota of regular migrants to the experiment with asymmetric information where economic performance of countries might create large proposers can send responders misleading information discontinuities in immigration flows, with some countries about their endowments. We allow all possible gender attracting the bulk of irregular migrants and the other combinations in the proposer-responder pairs. In the being shunned by the migrants. pairs, the players’ genders are common knowledge. Keywords: Global Games - Immigration Quotas - ’ Proposers messages that underestimate the actual Irregular Migration - Migration Policy - Networks amount are widespread. Gender interaction has little impact on the frequency of lying. However, men tend to state bigger lies than women, and state the largest lies when paired with a woman. On average, men Communications présentées dans make higher offers than women, and also have lower des conférences/Conference acceptance rates, particularly when they are paired presentations with women.

VRANCEANU R. BERLINGIERI G. (JUNG S., VRANCEANU R.) (BERLINGIERI G., MARCOLIN L., ORNELAS E.) Gender Interaction in Teams: Experimental Export Dynamics and Global Sourcing: How Evidence on Performance and Punishment Experience Affects the Provision of Service Behavior Inputs Korean Economic Review, vol. 33, n° 1, 2017, pp. 95-126 2017 Conference on Global Production (CGP 2017), This paper reports the results from an experiment where National University of Singapore: Singapore, men and women are paired to form a two-member December 08, 2017 team and asked to execute a counting task. An individual’s payoff is proportional to the joint BERLINGIERI G. production of right answers. Participants who perform better than their partner in the task can punish him or Managing Export Complexity: the Role of her by imposing a fine. We manipulate the pairs’ Service Outsourcing gender compositions to analyze whether an 2017 ASSA Annual Meeting, American Economic individual’s performance and sanctioning behavior Association (AEA): Chicago (U.S.A.), January 08, 2017 depend on his or her gender and the gender of his or her partner, which is revealed to the subjects at the beginning of the experiment. The data show that, conditional on underperformance, women are sanctioned more often and more heavily than men; however, if they are sanctioned, men tend to improve their performances, while women’s performances do not change. Keywords: Discrimination - Gender - Performance - Punishment - Real-Effort Task - Team Production


BERLINGIERI G. DOSIS A. (BERLINGIERI G., PISCH F., STEINWENDER C.) Investment under Adverse Selection and Low Organizing Supply Chains: Input Cost Shares Interest and Vertical Integration 17th Annual Meeting of the European Financial Management Association (EFMA), European Financial 2017 Conference on Global Production (CGP 2017), Management Association (EFMA): Athens (Greece), National University of Singapore: Singapore, December July 01, 2017 08, 2017

BERLINGIERI G. DOSIS A. (BERLINGIERI G., BLANCHENAY P., CRISCUOLO Testing for Adverse Selection in Credit Markets C.) 16th Conference for Research in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Athens University of Economics and The Great Divergence(s) Business: Milos (Greece), July 14, 2017 2017 Association Française de Science Economique (AFSE) Annual Meeting, June 21, 2017 & LAMIRAUD K. 2017 American Economic Association Annual Meeting, (LAMIRAUD K., DONALDSON C., OXOBY R.) American Economic Association (AEA): (U.S.A.), Strategic Pricing Behaviors in the Presence of January 08, 2017 Consumer Inertia: The Case of Health Insurance & ECB-CompNet 13th Annual Conference: Innovation, 12th World Congress of the International Health Firm Size, Productivity and Imbalances in the Age of De- Economics Association, International Health Economics Globalization, European Commission: (Belgium), Association: Boston (U.S.A.), July 11, 2017 June 30, 2017 & PEPITO N. 2017 Society of Economic Measurement Annual (CLEMENTE T., PEPITO N.) Conference & MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy, MIT: (U.S.A.), July 28, 2017 Vulnerability to China's Economic Coercion: Implications of Philippine Inclusive CELIK G. Development 13th Asia Pacific Business Research Conference, World (SEVERNOV S., CELIK G.) Business Institute: Singapore (Singapore), October 24, Matching and Bilateral Communication 2017 European Summer Seminar Symposium (ESSET) 2017, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR): SANTACREU-VASUT E. Gerzensee (Switzerland), July 14, 2017 (SANTACREU-VASUT E., SHOHAM A., HICKS D.) CHARLETY P. Decomposing Culture: An Analysis of Gender, Language and Labor Supply in the Household Mandatory Voting and Shareholder Power 32nd European Economic Association Meeting, 2017 Africa Meeting of the Econometric Society (AFES University of Lisbon: Lisbon (Portugal), August 22, 2017 2017), Econometric Society (ESEM): Algiers (Algeria), July 01, 2017 SANTACREU-VASUT E. CONTENSOU F. (SANTACREU-VASUT E., DRORI I., MANOS R., Profit-Sharing as Tax Saving and Incentive SHOHAM A.) Device Microfinance Strategy to Target Women: An First Catalan Economic Society Conference (CESC), Interpretive Approach Catalan Economic Society (CES): (Spain), 5th European Research Conference on Microfinance, May 26, 2017 University of Portsmouth: Portsmouth (Great Britain), June 14, 2017


VRANCEANU R. Documents de recherche/Working (JUNG S., VRANCEANU R.) papers Experimental Estimates of Men's and Women's Willingness to Compete: Does the Gender of VRANCEANU R. the Partner Matter? (BESANCENOT D., VRANCEANU R.) 8th Annual Conference of the French Experimental Economics Association (ASFEE 2017), Association An Equilibrium Search Model of the French Dual Française d'Economie Expérimentale (ASFEE): Rennes Market for Medical Services (France), June 09, 2017 WP Research Center 1709 The French market for specialist physician care has a dual structure, including a sector 1 with regulated fees, Articles de presse/Press articles and a sector 2 where physicians can freely choose fees. Patients who undergo a sequential search process

for the best medical offer develop a reservation fee FOURÇANS A., VRANCEANU R. decision rule. We analyzed physicians’ decisions to Il n'y a pas de raison d'avoir peur du Bitcoin. Du work in sector 1 or in sector 2, and their choice of fee in sector 2. The model features several pure strategy moins aujourd’hui equilibria that can be ordered with respect to patient Le Monde, 14 December 2017 welfare. Policy implications follow. Keywords: Dual Market - Equilibrium Search - Medical GUYOT M., VRANCEANU R. Fee Dispersion - Regulation

Déficit commercial : 27 milliards ... de raisons de reformer le marché du travail VRANCEANU R. La Tribune, mars 2017 (JUNG S., VRANCEANU R.) Experimental Estimates of Men's and Women's GUYOT M., VRANCEANU R. Willingness to Compete: Does the Gender of Election présidentielle : 5 vues du marché du the Partner Matter? travail WP Research Center 1701 In a classical experiment, Niederle and Vesterlund La Tribune, avril 2017 (2007) used the dichotomous choice of individuals between a piece rate and a tournament payment GUYOT M., VRANCEANU R. scheme as an indication of their propensity to compete. This paper reports results from a two person Taxer les excavateurs, la dernière solution au interaction of a similar type to analyze whether the chômage preference for competition is dependent on the La Tribune, janvier 2017 gender of the partner. It introduces a Becker-DeGroot- Marschak mechanism to elicit individual willingness to compete (WTC), defined as the amount of money that VRANCEANU R. makes an individual indifferent between the two CSG ou TVA, quel impôt pour protéger la compensation schemes. Even when controlling for risk compétitivité ? aversion, past performance and overconfidence, the La Tribune, juillet 2017 male WTC is 3.30 Euros larger than the female WTC. The WTC instrument allows for a more precise analysis of the impact of the partner's gender on the taste for competition. Keywords: BDM Mechanism - Experiments - Gender Effect - Willingness-to-Compete


VRANCEANU R. Participation à des comités de (PEIA O., VRANCEANU R.) lecture/Editorial Board Experimental Evidence on Bank Runs under memberships Partial Deposit Insurance WP Research Center 1705 This paper presents experimental evidence on CHARLETY P. Corporate Ownership & Control depositor behavior under partial deposit insurance Revue Française de Gouvernance d'Entreprise schemes. In the experiment, the size of a deposit insurance fund cannot fully cover all deposits and the level of insurance depends on the number of DE POUVOURVILLE G. depositors running on the bank. We show that this form Gérer & Comprendre of strategic uncertainty about deposit coverage exerts a significant impact on the propensity to withdraw, and FOURÇANS A. results in a large frequency of bank runs. Runs are more Global Economy Journal likely when depositors have noisy information about the size of the insurance fund and as the maximum TERRA C. coverage increases, in line with a risk-dominant Journal of Applied Economics equilibrium selection mechanism. From a policy perspective, our results emphasize the limits of underfunded deposit insurance schemes in preventing VRANCEANU R. Global Economy Journal systemic banking crises. Keywords: Bank Runs - Deposit Insurance - Risk Dominance - Global Games


Séminaires, ateliers de recherche et conférences organisés par le département/Research seminars, workshops, and conferences organized by the department

Séminaires avec THEMA, Analyse Economique, Econométrie et Finance

Date du Lieu du Intervenant Institution Pays Titre du séminaire séminaire séminaire Université Experience Markets: An Application to Outsourcing and 14/12/2017 Catherine Thomas London School of Economics UK Cergy Pontoise Hiring (UCP) Université 07/12/2017 Thomas Troeger Germany Linear Voting Rules (co-author: Hans Grüner) Cergy Pontoise (UCP) Université 30/11/2017 Pierpaolo Parrotta ICN Business School France Gender Differences in Sorting Cergy Pontoise (UCP) Université Toulouse School of School Segregation in the Presence of Student Sorting and 23/11/2017 Ana Gazmuri France Cergy Pontoise Economics Cream-Skimming : Evidence from a School voucher Reform (UCP) Should We Discount the Welfare of Future Generations ? Université 16/11/2017 Peter Hammond University of Warwick UK Ramsey and Suppes versus Koopmans and Arrow Cergy Pontoise (coauthored with Graciela Chichilnisky, Nicholas Stern) (UCP) Université Working across Time Zones: Exporters and the Gender 09/11/2017 Beata Javorcik University of Oxford UK Cergy Pontoise Wage Gap (UCP) Université Royal Holloway College 19/10/2017 Michael Mandler UK The Benefits of Risk with and Without Competitive Markets Cergy Pontoise University of London (UCP) Université Geographical Constraints in Track Choices: A French Study 12/10/2017 Manon Garrouste Université Lille I France Cergy Pontoise Using High School (UCP) Université International Competition and Rent Sharing in French 05/10/2017 Stefano Schiavo University of Trento Italy Cergy Pontoise Manufacturing (UCP) Université Bilateral Communication and Matching (joint with Gorkem 30/06/2017 Sergei Severinov University of British Columbia Canada Cergy Pontoise Celik) (UCP) Université Sebastian 15/06/2017 University of Mannheim Germany Optimal Need-Based Financial Aid Cergy Pontoise Findeisen (UCP) Université Why and When to Allow Competitors to Share Information 08/06/2017 Joao Montez Lausanne University Switzerland Cergy Pontoise on Capacities (UCP) Université 01/06/2017 Filippo Pavesi University of Verona Italy Good Lies Cergy Pontoise (UCP) Université 18/05/2017 Jérôme Pouyet PSE France Vertical Mergers in Platform Markets Cergy Pontoise (UCP) Université Demand Estimation with Unobserved Choice Set 11/05/2017 Alessandro Iaria CREST ENSAE France Cergy Pontoise Heterogeneity (UCP) Université Frankfurt School of Finance 04/05/2017 Markus Reisinger Germany Sequencing Bilateral Negotiations with Externalities Cergy Pontoise Management (UCP) Université Gianmarco Geography, Competition, and Optimal Multilateral Trade 27/04/2017 LSE, University of Bologna Italy Cergy Pontoise Ottaviano Policy (UCP) Université MOVE, UAB and Barcelona 20/04/2017 Raul Stantaeulalia Spain Land Misallocation and Productivity Cergy Pontoise GSE (UCP) Université The role of Orthogonal Decomposition in Collective 23/03/2017 William Zwicker Union College U.S.A. U.S.A. Cergy Pontoise Decision-Making (UCP) Université Marseille School of 09/02/2017 Eric Strobl France Biodiversity and Economic Land Use Cergy Pontoise Economics (UCP)


Behavioral Research Lab, Séminaires de recherche expérimentale

Date du Lieu du Intervenant Institution Pays Titre du séminaire séminaire séminaire

Chinese University of Hong ESSEC Cergy 06/06/2017 Xianchi Dai China Need and Intertemporal Choice: A Dual Goal Hypothesis Kong Campus

Affective well-being and productivity in a paid real-effort ESSEC Cergy 07/11/2017 Radu Vranceanu ESSEC Business School France experiment (Project in collaboration with SeEun Jung, Inha Campus University, Seoul)

FinanceFINANCE FinanceFINANCE 40

Participations à des ouvrages manière significative selon les déciles. En particulier, le coefficient d'élasticité de la variable de taille des collectifs/Book chapters appartements qui est de 1,09 pour les prix les plus bas baisse à 1,03 pour les prix les plus élevés. L'étage de l'appartement, le nombre de parkings ainsi que DECLERCK F. certains attributs de voisinage et d'emplacement Filières et digitalisation : ensemble gagner la présentent des fluctuations substantielles de prix selon confiance... et la performance les déciles. Finalement, il est remarqué que plus le prix de l'appartement est bas, plus le potentiel dans : 150 idées pour la réussite de nos agricultures d'appréciation du prix dans le temps est élevé. En plus SAF agr'iDées: Paris (France), 2017, p. 87 d'améliorer la compréhension de la dynamique S’unir ou périr. Outil collaboratif, la digitalisation est un complexe d'un marché immobilier résidentiel d'une accélérateur de compétitivité des entreprises dans les grand métropole telle que Paris, cette recherche filières les mieux organisées au dépens des concurrents. démontre de façon empirique que l'approche par Attentifs ensemble, les acteurs des filières agro- quantile permet de capturer l'hétérogénéité des prix alimentaires ont intérêt à progresser ensemble pour qui s'applique tant au stock d'appartements classiques satisfaire leurs clients finaux. qu'au bâti historique et au secteur social. Join forces or perish. As a collaborative tool, digitization Mots-clés : Hétérogénéité du marché immobilier - is an accelerator of companies' competitiveness in the Marchés du logement - Méthodes hédoniques - best organized chains at the expense of competitors. Régression par quantile - Segmentation de marchés Together, the actors of the agri-food chains take an Keywords: Hedonics - Housing Sub-markets - Market advantage in collaborative work to satisfy their final Heterogeneity - Market Segmentation - Quantile customers. Regression Mots-clés : Agro-alimentaire - Alimentaire -

Compétitivité - Digitalisation - Filière Keywords: Agri-food - Chain - Competitiveness - BARONI M. Digitalization - Food (AMÉDÉE-MANESME C.-O., BARONI M.,

BARTHÉLÉMY F., DES ROSIERS F.) Articles dans des revues/Journal Market Heterogeneity, Investment Risk and articles Portfolio Allocation: Applying Quantile Regression to the Paris Apartment Market

International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, BARONI M. vol. 10, n° 5, 2017, pp. 641-661 (AMÉDÉE-MANESME C.-O., BARONI M., The purpose of this paper is to address the heterogeneity of real estate assets with regard to BARTHÉLÉMY F., DES ROSIERS F.) investment risk measurement, with Paris’ apartment Market Heterogeneity and the Determinants of market as a case study. Quantile regression is used to Paris Apartment Prices: A Quantile Regression handle the fact that willingness to pay for housing Approach attributes may vary greatly over both space and asset value categories. The method is alternately applied on Urban Studies, vol. 54, n° 14, 2017, pp. 3260-3280 central and peripheral districts of Paris, or Cet article traite de l'hétérogénéité du marché “arrondissements”, with hedonic indices built for nine immobilier à Paris en utilisant une régression par deciles over a 17-year period (1990-2006). Portfolio quantile (une segmentation du marché est réalisée par allocation is subsequently analysed with deciles being décile de prix) et les attributs du prix hédonique sont the assets.The findings suggest that during the slump, mesurés pour les différents segments de prix du peripheral districts show better resilience and define the marché. L'approche est appliquée à une base de efficient frontier while also exhibiting a lower volatility. In données provenant de la Chambre des Notaires d'Ile- addition, higher returns are observed for lower-priced de-France, qui comprend environ 156 000 transactions apartments, both central and peripheral. During the immobilières sur la période 200-2006. Bien que les recovery and boom stages of the cycle, the highest méthodes économétriques spatiales ne peuvent être returns are experienced for the cheapest apartments in utilisées du fait de l'indisponibilité des géocodes, les central locations, whereas upper-priced, centrally effets spatiaux de dépendance sont pris en compte à located units yield the lowest returns. The originality of travers 80 variables muettes de localisation. Les résultats this research resides in the application of quantile de la recherche suggèrent que les prix hédoniques regression in a real estate investment and risk relatifs d'un certain nombre d'attributs diffèrent de management context. The methodology may raise


individual investors’ and practitioners’ attention, FULOP A. especially index providers’. Keywords: Hedonics - Housing Submarkets - Market (FULOP A., YU J.) Segmentation - Portfolio Allocation - Risk-Return Bayesian Analysis of Bubbles in Asset Prices Econometrics, vol. 47, n° 4, BOULLAND R. doi: 10.3390/econometrics5040047 We develop a new model where the dynamic structure (BOULLAND R., DESSAINT O.) of the asset price, after the fundamental value is Announcing the Announcement removed, is subject to two different regimes. One Journal of Banking and Finance, n° 82, 2017, pp. 59-79 regime reflects the normal period where the asset price What drives investors’ attention? We study how far in divided by the dividend is assumed to follow a mean- advance earnings calendars are pre-announced and reverting process around a stochastic long run mean. find that investors are more attentive to earnings news The second regime reflects the bubble period with when such details are disclosed well ahead of time. This explosive behavior. Stochastic switches between two variation in investors’ attention affects short-run and regimes and non-constant probabilities of exit from the long-run stock returns, thereby creating incentives for bubble regime are both allowed. A Bayesian learning firms to strategically pre-announce the report date on approach is employed to jointly estimate the latent short notice when the earnings news is bad. Consistent states and the model parameters in real time. An with this idea, firms pre-announce their report dates important feature of our Bayesian method is that we well ahead of time when earnings are good and do it are able to deal with parameter uncertainty and at the at the very last moment when earnings are bad. A same time, to learn about the states and the trading strategy that exploits such variations yields parameters sequentially, allowing for real time model abnormal returns of 1.5% per month. analysis. This feature is particularly useful for market Keywords: Earnings Announcements - Earnings surveillance. Analysis using simulated data reveals that Conference Call - Investor Attention - Media Coverage our method has good power properties for detecting bubbles. Empirical analysis using price-dividend ratios of S&P500 highlights the advantages of our method. BOULLAND R. Keywords: Parameter Learning - Markov Switching – (BOULLAND R., DEGEORGE F., MCMC - Real Time Bubble Detection GINGLINGER E.) News Dissemination and Investor Attention LESCOURRET L. Review of Finance, vol. 21, n° 2, 2017, pp. 761-791 Cold Case File? Inventory Risk and Information We examine how investor attention changes when a Sharing during the pre-1997 NASDAQ firm adopts a modern news dissemination technology. European Financial Management, vol. 23, n° 4, 2017, We find that after continental European firms begin pp. 761–806 using an English-language electronic wire service to This paper shows that dealers in Over-The-Counter disseminate company news, they exhibit a stronger (OTC) markets might choose to share information initial reaction to earnings surprises, a lower post about transient price pressures. Using data from the earnings announcement stock price drift, and an pre-1997 NASDAQ preopening, I find that the increase in abnormal trading volume near earnings frequency and magnitude of non-positive spreads (the announcements, compared with when they information-sharing vehicle) initiated by wholesalers disseminated their news in non-electronic format and in (specialised market-makers with a high exposure to a continental European language. Our results hold for a inventory risk) are strongly related to opening price sub-sample of firms for which the decision to use a wire reversals and daily trading imbalances. This activity is service was likely exogenous. The effect of wire services more likely to occur on days of large liquidity shocks, on investor attention is due to the format of news and it is not observed for other dealers. Overall, the (electronic and English-language), not to the increased obligation to absorb price pressure at a yet unknown speed of news transmission. opening price might induce dealers to communicate the direction in which the opening price should move. The findings contain lessons for the design of today’s OTC markets. Keywords: Information Sharing - NASDAQ - OTC Markets - Preopen - Price Reversals


LI J. RAMOS S. (LI J., ZINNA G.) (PEREIRA M., RAMOS S. B., DIAS J. G.) The Variance Risk Premium: Components, Term The Cyclical Behaviour of Commodities Structures, and Stock Return Predictability European Journal of Finance, vol. 23, n° 12, 2017, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2017, pp. 1107-1128 doi: 10.1080/07350015.2016.1191502 Commodities are known to exhibit cyclical behaviour. This article examines the properties of the variance risk This paper studies the dynamics of commodities premium (VRP).We propose a flexible asset pricing regimes and their implications for portfolio model that captures co-jumps in prices and volatility, diversification. Using an extension of the regime- and self-exciting jump clustering. We estimate the switching model, we find that the 12 commodities model on equity returns and variance swap rates at studied can be clustered into four groups with different different horizons. The total VRP is negative and has a regime dynamics, demonstrating that the asset class downward-sloping term structure, while its jump behaviour of commodities is far from homogeneous. component displays an upward-sloping term structure. The existence of two regimes is transversal to the assets The abrupt and persistent response of the short-term studied. One regime is marked by high volatility and the jump VRP to extreme events makes this specific other by low volatility. In both regimes, most of the premium a proxy for investors’ fear of a market crash. commodities exhibit returns that are not statistically Furthermore, the use of the VRP level and slope, and of significantly different from those of the stock market its components, helps improve the short-run regime. The exceptions are oil and natural gas during predictability of equity excess returns. the low-volatility regime. The analysis of regime Keywords: Extreme Downside Events - Investors' Fear - synchronization shows that our stock market proxy has Particle Filter - Self-Exciting Jumps - Stock Return low synchronization with commodities, which suggests Predictability - Variance Risk Premia potential diversification value from adding commodities to an equity portfolio. Based on portfolio optimization, we find that commodities are included in RAMOS S. the optimal portfolios in the bull and bear regime of the (RAMOS S., TAAMOUTI A., VEIGA H., Standard & Poor’s 500 index. The benefits of diversifying WANG C.-W.) into commodities are particularly strong in the bear stock market regime. Do Investors Price Industry Risk? Evidence from Keywords: Commodities - Cycles - Diversification - the Cross-Section of the Oil Industry Heterogeneity - Regime-Switching Model Journal of Energy Markets, vol. 10, n° 1, 2017, pp. 79-108 Recent research identifies several industry-related patterns that standard asset pricing models cannot RONCORONI A. explain effectively. This paper investigates what (CALDANA R., FUSAI G., RONCORONI A.) explains the cross-section of returns of firms in the oil Electricity Forward Curves with Thin Granularity: industry and, in particular, how well an oil factor Theory and Empirical Evidence in the Hourly performs in comparison with the common systematic EPEX Spot Market factors identified in the literature. We conduct a time series analysis and demonstrate that the oil factor has European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 261, substantial explanatory power over traditional factors. n° 2, 2017, pp. 715-734 A cross-sectional regression shows that the size, We propose a constructive definition of electricity momentum and oil factors are associated with a forward price curve with cross-sectional timescales positive risk premium and are able to explain the cross- featuring hourly frequency on. The curve is jointly sectional variation in stock returns in the oil industry. Our consistent with both risk-neutral market informa- tion results suggest that investors demand compensation for represented by baseload and peakload futures quotes, the exposure to oil price changes, which has and historical market information, as mirrored by implications for the computation of the cost of equity. periodical patterns exhibited by the time series of day- ahead prices. From a methodological stand- point, we combine nonparametric filtering with monotone convex interpolation such that the resulting forward curve is pathwise smooth and monotonic, cross- sectionally stable, and time local. From an empirical standpoint, we exhibit these features in the context of EPEX Spot and EEX Derivative markets. We perform a backtesting analysis to assess the relative quality of our


forward curve estimate compared to the benchmark optimal hedging pay-off functions. Performance market model of Benth, Koekebakker, and Ollmar assessment is conducted in the context of the US gas (2007). market and a prototypical urban region. Results Keywords: Electricity Markets - Energy Finance - suggest that hedging through suitable custom claims Forward Curve Construction - Forward Pricing written on price and an additional index significantly outperforms standard price-based as well as mixed price-index forward hedging alternatives. Our optimal RONCORONI A. custom hedge could be adopted as a benchmark for (RONCORONI A., ID BRIK R.) the relative assessment of any risk management Hedging Size Risk: Theory and Application to solution. Mots-clés : Conception du contrat - Gestion des risques the US Gas Market de l'entreprise - Risque de produits de base Energy Economics, vol. 64, 2017, pp. 415-437 Keywords: Commodity Risk - Contract Design - De nombreux engagements de sociétés présentent Corporate Risk Management une exposition financière combinée à la fois aux prix du marché et aux composantes de taille idiosyncrasique (par exemple, le volume, la charge ou le chiffre TEDONGAP R. d'affaires). Nous concevons un contrat personnalisé (DAHLQUIST M., FARAGO A., TEDONGAP R.) pour atténuer de manière optimale le risque de fluctuations conjointes des prix et des tailles. La Asymmetries and Portfolio Choice couverture est recherchée parmi les créances Review of Financial Studies, n° 30, 2017, pp. 667-702 conditionnelles inscrites sur le cours et tout indice coté We examine the portfolio choice of an investor with qui est statistiquement dépendant de la taille de generalized disappointment-aversion preferences who l'engagement. Les solutions fermées sont dérivées de faces log returns described by a normal-exponential l'optimisation des couvertures de couverture et de la model. We derive a three-fund separation strategy: the répartition des actifs de deux stratégies de marché, investor allocates wealth to a risk-free asset, a standard l'une basée sur les contrats à prix fixes et l'autre sur les mean-variance efficient fund, and an additional fund contrats à prix et indexés. Les haies analytiques sont reflecting return asymmetries. The optimal portfolio is obtenues en utilisant un modèle de marché lognormal characterized by the investor’s endogenous effective stylisé. Une statique comparative détaillée fournit une risk aversion and implicit asymmetry aversion. In analyse approfondie des fonctions optimales de empirical applications, we find that disappointment couverture de couverture. L'évaluation de la aversion is associated with much larger asymmetry performance est effectuée dans le contexte du aversion than are standard preferences. Our model marché américain du gaz et d'une région urbaine explains patterns in popular portfolio advice across prototype. Les résultats suggèrent que la couverture both risk appetites and investment horizons. par des créances personnalisées sur le cours et un Keywords: Asset Allocation - Disappointment Aversion - indice additionnel surperforme de façon significative Downside Risk - Loss Aversion - Reference-Dependent les alternatives de couverture standard basées sur les Preferences - Skewness prix ainsi que sur les contrats mixtes. Notre couverture personnalisée optimale pourrait être adoptée comme point de repère pour l'évaluation relative de toute TEDONGAP R. solution de gestion des risques. (FENOU B., FONTAINE J.-B., TEDONGAP R.) Many corporate commitments exhibit a combined Implied Volatility and Skewness Surface financial exposure to both market prices and Review of Derivatives Research, vol. 20, n° 2, 2017, pp. idiosyncratic size components (e.g., volume, load, or 167-202 business turnover). We design a customized contract to The Homoscedastic Gamma (HG) model characterizes optimally mitigate the risk of joint fluctuations in price the distribution of returns by its mean, variance and an and size terms. The hedge is sought out among independent skewness parameter. The HG model contingent claims written on price and any quoted preserves the parsimony and the closed form of the index that is statistically dependent on commitment Black–Scholes–Merton (BSM) while introducing the size. Closed-form solutions are derived for the optimal implied volatility (IV) and skewness surface. Varying the custom hedge pay-off and for the asset holdings of two skewness parameter of the HG model can restore the market strategies, one based on price-linked forwards, symmetry of IV curves. Practitioner’s variants of the HG the other based on price-linked and index-linked model improve pricing (in-sample and out-of-sample) forwards. Analytical hedges are obtained using a and hedging performances relative to practitioners’ stylized lognormal market model. Detailed BSM models, with as many or less parameters. The comparative statics provide a thorough analysis of pattern of improvements in Delta-Hedged gains across


strike prices accord with predictions from the HG BOULLAND R. model. These results imply that expanding around the Gaussian density does not offer sufficient flexibility to (BOULLAND R., PAUGAM L., LOBO G.) match the skewness implicit in options. Consistent with Do Investors Pay Sufficient Attention to Banks the model, we also find that conditioning on implied Other Comprehensive Income? skewness increases the predictive power of the volatility 34th International Conference of the French Finance spread for excess returns. Association, Association Française de Finance (AFFI): Keywords: Delta-hedged gains - Implied Skewness - Grenoble (France), June 06, 2017 Implied Volatility - SP500 - Volatility Spread

BOULLAND R. YADAV V. Speed and Expertise in Stock Pricing (BODNARUK A., MASSA M., YADAV V.) 2017 American Finance Association (AFA) Annual Family Ownership, Country Governance, And Meeting, American Finance Association (AFA): Foreign Portfolio Investment Chicago (U.S.A.), January 08, 2017

Journal of Empirical Finance, vol. 41, 2017, pp. 96-115 We study how different dimensions of family ownership DECLERCK F. combine to make family firms around the world (DECLERCK F., CLOUTIER M.) appealing to foreign investors. Family firms provide the benefits of political connections, but at the same time Testing the Structure of the Champagne they are more prone to expropriate minority Vertical Coordination Dynamics Microstructure shareholders themselves. This cost-benefit trade-off Meets Macrobehavior depends on the quality of country governance: families 11th American Association of Wine Economists (AAWE) are attractive investment opportunities in countries in Conference Padova, American Association of Wine which the value of political connections is high, but the Economists (AAWE): Padova (Italy), July 02, 2017 majority shareholders have limited ability to expropriate, i.e., “useful” countries. Foreign investors – more sensitive both to the risk of expropriation by the DECLERCK F., INDJEHAGOPIAN J.-P. government and to the risk of expropriation by majority (DECLERCK F., LANTZ F., INDJEHAGOPIAN J.- shareholders – are particularly responsive to this trade- P.) off. While on average foreign institutional investors are less likely to invest in family firms and such firms have The Dynamics of Biodiesel Prices in Europe lower value, these effects disappear when family According to Rapeseed Grain and Oil Prices ownership in a country is useful. 11th International European Forum on System Dynamics Keywords: Corporate Governance - Family Firms - and Innovation in Foods Networks, University of Bonn: Foreign Investment - Ownership Structure Innsbruck (Austria), February 17, 2017

Communications présentées dans FULOP A., LI J. des conférences/Conference Inferring Volatility Dynamics Using Stock Prices and Variance Swap Rates presentations 2017 China Meeting of the Econometric Society, World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering: Wuhan (China), June 11, 2017 BARONI M. (BARONI M., AMÉDÉE-MANESME C.-O., BARTHÉLÉMY F.) A Changing Model for Real Estate Returns: A Factorial Approach 24th Annual Conference of the European Real Estate Society (ERES), European Real Estate Society (ERES): Delft(The Netherlands), June 29, 2017


FULOP A., LI J. TEDONGAP R. (FULOP A., LI J., WAN R.) (FEUNOU B., LOPEZ-ALIOUCHKIN R., Parameter Learning, Sequential Model TEDONGAP R., XU L.) Selection, and Bond Return Predictability A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Variance Risk 2017 China International Risk Forum, Shanghai Premium University: Shanghai (China), December 16, 2017 11th International Conference on Computational and & Financial Econometrics, University of London: London 22nd Annual Meeting 2017 of the Latin American and (Great Britain), December 18, 2017 Caribbean Economic Association, Universidad San Andrés: Buenos Aires (Argentina), November 11, 2017 TEDONGAP R. INDJEHAGOPIAN J.-P., DECLERCK F. (AUGUSTIN P., TEDONGAP R.) (LANTZ F., INDJEHAGOPIAN J.-P., DECLERCK Disappointment Aversion, Term Structure, and Predictability Puzzles in Bond Markets F.) Energy and Commodity Finance Conference 2017, Dynamique et ruptures dans les relations entre ESSEC Business School: Oxford (Great Britain), June 15, les prix des biocarburants et du pétrole sur le 2017 marché européen & 49èmes Journées de Statistique (Jds2017), Société 2017 Africa Meeting of the Econometric Society, Bank Française de Statistique (SFdS): Avignon (France), of Algeria, Ecole Supérieure de Banque: Algiers May 30, 2017 (Algeria), July 01, 2017

LI J. (LI J., HUANG T., WU F., ZHU N.) R&D Information Quality and Stock Returns 2017 European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Annual Meeting, European Financial Management Association (EFMA): Athens (Greece), July 01, 2017

RONCORONI A. Optimal Custom Hedge of Quantity Risk 2017 Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS): Houston (U.S.A.), October 25, 2017 & 2017 International Symposium on Environment and Energy Finance Issues, IPAG Business School: Paris (France), May 23, 2017

RONCORONI A. (GUIOTTO P., RONCORONI A.) Optimal Financial Hedging of Nontradable Risk 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Mathematics Applied to Social and Economic Sciences (AMASES 2017), University of Cagliari: Cagliari (Italy), September 16, 2017


Participations à des comités de Participationslecture/Editorial à des board comités de MARTEL J. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies lecture/membershipsEditorial board MARTEL J. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies memberships PONCET P. BARONI M. Bankers, Markets & Investors PONCET P. Zeitschrift für Immobilienökonomie: German Journal of Frontiers in Economics and Finance BARONI M. Bankers, Markets & Investors Real Estate Research Journal of Financial Perspectives Zeitschrift für Immobilienökonomie: German Journal of Frontiers in Economics and Finance

Real Estate Research Journal of Financial Perspectives DECLERCK F. RAMOS S. International Food and Agribusiness Management DECLERCK F. European Journal of Finance Review RAMOS S. International Food and Agribusiness Management European Journal of Finance International Journal on Food System Dynamics Review RONCORONI A. International Journal on Food System Dynamics Applied Mathematical Finance RONCORONI A. LONGIN F. Journal of Commodity Markets Applied Mathematical Finance Journal of Banking and Finance Journal of Energy Markets LONGIN F. Journal of Commodity Markets Journal of Risk Journal of Banking and Finance Journal of Energy Markets Journal of Risk


Séminaires, ateliers de recherche et conférences organisés par le département/Research seminars, workshops, and conferences organized by the department

Department Seminar Series

Date du Lieu du Intervenant Institution Pays Titre du séminaire séminaire séminaire

ESSEC Cergy 06/03/2017 Mark Cummins Dublin City University Ireland Model Risk in Gas Storage Valuation Campus

Unified Inference for Nonlinear Factor Models from Panels ESSEC Cergy 13/03/2017 Nicola Fusari John Hopkins U.S.A. with Fixed and Large Time Span Campus

Bid-Ask Spreads and the Over-the-Counter Interdealer ESSEC Cergy 20/03/2017 Artem Neklyudov University of Lausanne Switzerland Markets: Core and Peripheral Dealers Campus

Mutual Fund Shareholder Letters Flows: Performance, and ESSEC Cergy 27/03/2017 Stefan Ruenzi University of Mannheim Germany Managerial Behavior Campus

The Rules of the Rating Game, Market Perception of ESSEC Cergy 24/04/2017 Rainer Jankowitsch WU Vienna Austria Corporate Ratings Campus

Ruediger The Importance of Network Recommendations in the ESSEC Cergy 22/05/2017 Swiss Finance Institute, EPFL Switzerland Fahlenbrach Director Labor Market Campus

ESSEC Cergy 29/05/2017 Adam Zawadovski Central European University Hungary Learning in Crowded Markets Campus

ESSEC Cergy 12/06/2017 Andrew Ellul Kelley School of Business U.S.A. Corporate Leverage and Employees’ Rights in Bankruptcy Campus

Wealth Transfer and Acquirer CEO Incentives on the ESSEC Cergy 19/06/2017 Lily Yuanzhi Li Temple University U.S.A. Method of Payment in Corporate Acquisitions Campus

Time-Varying Predictability of Consumption Growth, Macro- ESSEC Cergy 01/10/2017 Pedro Barroso UNSW Australia Uncertainty, and Risk Premiums Campus

Price and Probability: Decomposing the Takeover Effects of ESSEC Cergy 09/10/2017 Maria Guadalupe INSEAD France Anti-Takeover Provisions Campus

ESSEC Cergy 16/10/2017 Ariadna Dumitrescu ESADE Spain Information and Optimal Trading Strategies with Dark Pools Campus

Inattention and Inertia in Household Finance: Evidence ESSEC Cergy 13/11/2017 Tarun Ramadorai Imperial College UK from the Danish Mortgage Market Campus

The Information Content of Dividends Safer Profits Not ESSEC Cergy 27/11/2017 Stefano Rossi Bocconi University Italy Higher Profits Campus

NHH (Norvegian School of Busy Directors: Strategic Interaction and Monitoring ESSEC Cergy 04/12/2017 Konrad Raff Norway Economics) Synergies Campus


Energy and Finance Webinar Series

Date du Lieu du Intervenant Institution Pays Titre du séminaire séminaire séminaire

21/02/2017 Anna Creti Université Paris Dauphine France Renewables and Electricity Pricing Web

Liquidity Provision under Stress: The Fast, the Slow, and 20/03/2017 Michel Robe Kogod School of Business U.S.A. Web the Dead

Parsimonious Term Structure Margin Models: Application to 25/04/2017 Carol Alexander University of Sussex UK Web Crude Oil Futures

Emanuèle 22/05/2017 Bocconi University Italy Sensitivity Analysis in the Management Sciences: A Review Web Borgonovo Premia Capital Management, LLC and J.P. Morgan Center Commodity Trading Strategies, Common Mistakes, and 12/06/2017 Hilary Till for Commodities, University of U.S.A. Web Catastrophic Blowups Colorado Denver Business School 19/09/2017 Rita D’Ecclesia Sapienza University of Rome Italy Momentum in Energy and Commodity Markets Web 17/10/2017 Lutz Kilian University of Michigan U.S.A. The Effects of Low Oil Prices in the U.S. Economy Web Florentina NTNU (Norwegian University 21/11/2017 Norway Random Field Models for Energy Forwards Web Paraschiv of Science and Technology) 12/12/2017 Craig Pirrong University of Houston U.S.A. Manipulation: Economics, Law and Regulation Web


Commodity and Energy Markets Annual Meeting 2017 14-15 June 2017, University of Oxford Co-organization: Sofia Ramos, Andrea Roncoroni Partners: University of Oxford, Energisk.org, AIGET

15th Paris December Finance 21 December 2017, Novotel Paris Les Halles Hotel Organization: Jocelyn Martel Partner: EUROFIDAI (European Financial Data Institute)

Hors Département Miscellaneous 50

Participations à des ouvrages This communication presents the findings of an ethographic study of middle managers' daily work in collectifs/Book chapters terms of boundary work - boundaries being of various nature, namely syntactic, semantic and political. Mots-clés : Cadres intermédiaires - Frontières - Travail ANCELIN-BOURGUIGNON A. Keywords: Boundary - Middle Managers - Work Daily Creativity at Work as a Source of Well- Being and Performance, Provided It Is Not Managed TIXIER M. Cruise Operators in the Face of Social dans : Redefining Management Muhlbauer V., Harry W. (eds.) Challenges: Stakes, Observations and Prospects Springer: Cham (Switzerland), 2017, chap. 8, pp. 127- in the Mediterranean and in Northern Europe 154 17th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, Ce chapitre s'appuie sur des travaux de psychologie and Change in Organizations, Charles Darwin clinique du travail pour proposer le concept de University: Darwin (Australia), April 21, 2017 créativité du quotidien au travail. Il en offre une typologie et des exemples variés. Pour que ce processus spontané, à l'initiative de l'individu, puisse produire ses effets positifs sur la performance et le bien- être au travail, il importe qu'il ne soit pas « géré » par la hiérarchie ou l'entreprise et que certaines conditions facilitantes soient réunies. This chapter draws on clinical work psychology to propose the concept of daily creativity at work. It offers a typology and various examples. This process, which is spontaneously initiated by the worker, positively impacts on performance and well-being at work under facilitating conditions, among which the renouncement to "manage" it. Mots-clés : Activité - Bien-être au travail – Catachrèse - Créativité - Travail Keywords: Activity - Catachresis - Creativity - Well- Being at Work - Work

Communications publiées dans des actes de conférence/Articles published in conference proceedings

ANCELIN-BOURGUIGNON A. (ANCELIN-BOURGUIGNON A., AZAMBUJA R.) Middle Managers and Their Boundary Work: an Ethnographic Study in: 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: At the interface, AoM 2017 Proceedings Academy of Management (AOM): Atlanta (U.S.A.), August 08, 2017 Cette communication présente les résultats d'une enquête ethnographique centrée sur le travail de cadres intermédiaires, qui s'analyse comme un travail « à la frontière » (frontières d'information, de sens ou politiques).

Management Management 52

Ouvrages/Books function, policy renewal, practices and tools are presented and illustrated in this reference book.

Mots-clés : Fonction RH BOUCHIKHI H. Keywords: Corporate Social Performance - Human Le Maroc à bâtons rompus Capital Development

Bookelis: Paris (France), 2017, 188 p. Cet ouvrage propose un éclairage sur les multiples facettes d'un Maroc en mouvement où des progrès Participations à des ouvrages réels dans les champs politique, économique et social collectifs/Book chapters côtoient moultes inerties et insuffisances. Les chapitres du livre sont constitués d'essais portant sur l'entrepreneuriat, l'économie, les entreprises, BIBARD L. l'éducation, le champ politique, le développement Bounded Rationalities, Routine, and Practical durable et les initiatives du Maroc sur le continent as well as Theoretical Blindness: On the africain. J'espère que le fait de porter un regard, avec une exigence bienveillante, sur les acquis réels et les Discrepancy Between Markets and défis persistants auxquels le Maroc du 21ème siècle Corporations demeure confronté, contribuera à l'instauration d'une dans : Extreme Events in Finance: Handbook of Extreme conversation sereine et authentique à propos d'un Value Theory and Its Applications pays en renaissance, sans excès de critique ni de Longin F. (ed.) glorification. La construction du Maroc nouveau Wiley: New Jersey (U.S.A.), 2017, chap. 26, pp. 571-581 gagnerait beaucoup à l'instauration d'un nouveau Plus s’intensifie la mondialisation, plus augmente type de relations et de dialogue entre dirigeants l’incertitude qui lui est concomitante (incertitude au responsables et intellectuels engagés. Ce livre est ma sens de Knight, 1921). Le potentiel d’événements modeste contribution à la concrétisation du rêve qui incertains semble même croître exponentiellement. La m'habite d'un Maroc où l'action et la pensée se réaction à ce contexte est en règle générale une nourrissent et se fécondent au lieu de s'ignorer, voire de tendance, tous niveaux confondus (i.e. personnel s'annuler. À bon entendeur salut. comme professionnel), à contrôler l’environnement et This is a collectiion of essays where the author evaluates l’action sur l’environnement. Or, loin de tempérer la the achievements and the challenges facing Morocco difficulté, cette tendance l’augmente, et parfois in the fiels of entrepreneurship, economic policy, dramatiquement. La prise de conscience de ce fait education, sustainable development, and doit favoriser une prise de distance par rapport au governance. court-terme, structurellement orienté en direction du Mots-clés : Développement - Économie - Education - profit et de la sécurité. La principale valeur ajoutée de Entrepreunariat - Maroc cette étude est, en permettant une indispensable prise Keywords: Economic Policy - Education - de recul par rapport au court terme, de favoriser profits Entrepreneurship - Morocco et sécurité de manière durable. The more globalization goes on, the more the level of uncertainty, understood as Frank Knight did it (1921), PERETTI J.-M. increases. In other words, the probability of emergence Ressources Humaines (16e édition) of radical events, which are not predictable, seems to Vuibert: Paris (France), 2017, 652 p. increase on a dramatic way. The general reaction of Cette nouvelle édition actualisée reflète l’extension des people – and utmost important, of markets – domaines de la fonction RH. Elle prend en compte les confronting this increase is to aiming at controlling the changements de la GRH et des métiers de DRH et de future. Far from being helpful, this contradiction cadres RH dans un contexte de transformation deepens the possibility of crises rather than dampening numérique, de globalisation et de changement socio- it. Making clear the above tension facilitates to take culturels. Les nouvelles responsabilités de la fonction RH, some distance from daily short-term profit and security- le renouvellement des politiques, des pratiques et des oriented operations. The most significant added value outils sont présentés et illustrés dans cet ouvrage de of this study is to help stepping back from short-term référence. objectives and to favor long-term, sustainable and This new updated edition reflects the extension of areas secured profit making. of the HR function. It takes into account changes in Mots-clés : Court terme - Durabilité - Incertitude - Long HRM and HRD trades and HR executives in the context terme - Risque - Sécurité of digital transformation, globalization and socio- Keywords: Long Term - Risk - Security - Short Term - cultural change. The new responsibilities of the HR Sustainability - Uncertainty


CERDIN J.-L. BIBARD L. (SELMERCERDIN J., J.-L. ANDRESEN M., CERDIN J.-L.) DeBIBARD l’opacité L. à la clarification de l'expérience : Self-Initiated(SELMER J., ANDRESEN Expatriates M., CERDIN J.-L.) regard d'un philosophe sur le management De l’opacité à la clarification de l'expérience : In:Self-Initiated Research Handbook Expatriates of Expatriates dans : Simplexité et modèles opérationnels McNulty Y., Selmer J. (eds.) regard d'un philosophe sur le management In: Research Handbook of Expatriates Minzoni A., Mounoud E. (eds.) Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd: Cheltenham (Great dans : Simplexité et modèles opérationnels McNulty Y., Selmer J. (eds.) Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS): Britain), 2017, chap. 9, pp. 187-201 Minzoni A., Mounoud E. (eds.) Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd: Cheltenham (Great Paris (France), 2017, chap. 11, pp. 153-164 Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS): Britain), 2017, chap. 9, pp. 187-201 Les organisations – et en particulier les entreprises – Paris (France), 2017, chap. 11, pp. 153-164 attendent de leurs membres une indubitable DONADA C. Les organisations – et en particulier les entreprises – performance, celle-ci étant censée être seule capable (NOGATCHEWSKY G., DONADA C., attendent de leurs membres une indubitable DONADA C. d’en assurer la durabilité. L’expérience montre MOTHE C., NILLES J.-J.) performance, celle-ci étant censée être seule capable (NOGATCHEWSKY G., DONADA C., cependant que l’attente de performance est d’une d’en assurer la durabilité. L’expérience montre Améliorer les échanges interentreprises : quand manière ou d’une autre à la fois court-termiste et clivée MOTHE C., NILLES J.-J.) cependant que l’attente de performance est d’une les vertus l'emportent sur le contrôle sur des compétences toujours déjà connues et Améliorer les échanges interentreprises : quand manière ou d’une autre à la fois court-termiste et clivée éprouvées. La durabilité réelle des organisations – dont dansles vertus : L'état l'emportent des entreprises sur 2017 le contrôle sur des compétences toujours déjà connues et celle des entreprises – sur le long terme, passe par La Découverte: Paris (France), 2017, pp. 55-62 éprouvées. La durabilité réelle des organisations – dont dans : L'état des entreprises 2017 l’intégration de l’incertitude comme une donnée Ce chapitre analyse le rôle des vertus dans les celle des entreprises – sur le long terme, passe par La Découverte: Paris (France), 2017, pp. 55-62 irréductible de la gestion. Une attention suffisante échanges interentreprises. Il met en évidence les l’intégration de l’incertitude comme une donnée Ce chapitre analyse le rôle des vertus dans les accordée au sens du propos socratique selon lequel influences respectives des vertus individuelles et des irréductible de la gestion. Une attention suffisante échanges interentreprises. Il met en évidence les nous ne savons, ultimement, rien, met en lumière le sens systèmes de contrôle de gestion sur la qualité de la accordée au sens du propos socratique selon lequel influences respectives des vertus individuelles et des opérationnel de la connaissance de l’ignorance, qui relation et de la performance des entreprises. nous ne savons, ultimement, rien, met en lumière le sens systèmes de contrôle de gestion sur la qualité de la est la capacité d’apprentissage organisationnel, sur les Ce chapitre analyse le rôle des vertus dans les opérationnel de la connaissance de l’ignorance, qui relation et de la performance des entreprises. deux plans individuel et collectif. échanges interentreprises. Il met en évidence les est la capacité d’apprentissage organisationnel, sur les Ce chapitre analyse le rôle des vertus dans les Organizations – and companies – expect the best influences respectives des vertus individuelles et des deux plans individuel et collectif. échanges interentreprises. Il met en évidence les when it comes to their members’ contributions. systèmes de contrôle de gestion sur la qualité de la Organizations – and companies – expect the best influences respectives des vertus individuelles et des Nevertheless, experience shows to what extent a really relation et de la performance des entreprises. when it comes to their members’ contributions. systèmes de contrôle de gestion sur la qualité de la sustainable organizational development supposes a Mots-clés : Contrôle de gestion - Relations client- Nevertheless, experience shows to what extent a really relation et de la performance des entreprises. long-term oriented action and attitude which are fournisseur - Vertus individuelles sustainable organizational development supposes a Mots-clés : Contrôle de gestion - Relations client- coeval to integrating uncertainty as a key data for Keywords: Buyer-supplier Relationships - Management long-term oriented action and attitude which are fournisseur - Vertus individuelles management. We show that this observation amounts Control Systems - Virtues coeval to integrating uncertainty as a key data for Keywords: Buyer-supplier Relationships - Management to adopting a socratic attitude in the best management. We show that this observation amounts Control Systems - Virtues understanding of the word: the other side of admitting to adopting a socratic attitude in the best MELL J. ignorance and uncertainty as the philosopher Socrates understanding of the word: the other side of admitting did is to be understood as a radical capacity to learn, (VANMELL KNIPPENBERG J. D., MELL J.) ignorance and uncertainty as the philosopher Socrates collectively as well as individually – e.g. for an did is to be understood as a radical capacity to learn, Team(VAN DiversityKNIPPENBERG and Learning D., MELL in J.)Organizations organization, as to showing a capacity to be really collectively as well as individually – e.g. for an dansTeam : The Diversity Oxford andHandbook Learning of Group in Organizations and creative and innovative on a daily basis. Organizational Learning organization, as to showing a capacity to be really dans : The Oxford Handbook of Group and Mots-clés : Apprentissage - Compétence - Argote L., Levine J. (eds.) creative and innovative on a daily basis. Organizational Learning Connaissance - Expertise - Ignorance - Incertitude Oxford University Press: Oxford (Great Britain), 2017, doi: Mots-clés : Apprentissage - Compétence - Argote L., Levine J. (eds.) Keywords: Apprenticeship - Expertise - Ignorance - 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190263362.013.44 Connaissance - Expertise - Ignorance - Incertitude Oxford University Press: Oxford (Great Britain), 2017, doi: Knowledge - Skills - Uncertainty We review evidence regarding the relationship Keywords: Apprenticeship - Expertise - Ignorance - 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190263362.013.44 between (team) diversity in organizations and (team) Knowledge - Skills - Uncertainty We review evidence regarding the relationship learning. Team diversity has long been understood as CERDIN J.-L. between (team) diversity in organizations and (team) an informational resource for teams to benefit from in learning. Team diversity has long been understood as (BREWSTERCERDIN J.-L.C., CERDIN J.-L., SHARMA K.) knowledge work, and there is a strong conceptual an informational resource for teams to benefit from in Global Talent Management in the Not-for-Profit linkage between team diversity and team learning. (BREWSTER C., CERDIN J.-L., SHARMA K.) knowledge work, and there is a strong conceptual There are very few studies on the diversity–learning SectorGlobal Talent Management in the Not-for-Profit linkage between team diversity and team learning. relationship, however. To contextualize our review of In: Competencies and (Global) Talent Management There are very few studies on the diversity–learning Sector these, we first review theory and evidence regarding Macado C. (ed.) relationship, however. To contextualize our review of In: Competencies and (Global) Talent Management the team diversity–team performance relationship. This Springer: Cham (Switzerland), 2017, pp. 1-24 these, we first review theory and evidence regarding Macado C. (ed.) paints a picture of team diversity as having moderated the team diversity–team performance relationship. This Springer: Cham (Switzerland), 2017, pp. 1-24 effects: Diversity as an informational resource is a paints a picture of team diversity as having moderated potentially positive influence, but diversity is also a effects: Diversity as an informational resource is a potentially negative influence when it invites intergroup potentially positive influence, but diversity is also a potentially negative influence when it invites intergroup


biases. Our review of the learning evidence shows that Recent research rooted in the resource-based view of it fits within this broader framework of moderated team the firm suggests that resources are more likely to diversity effects. We also discuss cross-level influences create value if they are effectively managed. An that extend this team-level framework. underlying assumption of the literature is that firms Keywords: Diversity - Group learning - Groups - manage their resources on their own. However, many Organizational Learning - Teams firms hire consultants to help them do so. In this study, I develop and test hypotheses regarding the impact of technical consultants on the quality of their clients’ STRAUSS K. products. Using data from the Bordeaux wine industry, I (STRAUSS K., KELLY C.) find evidence that the use of technical consultants has An Identity-Based Perspective on Proactivity: a positive impact on relative product quality and a negative impact on the extremeness of relative Future Work Selves and Beyond product quality. Moreover, the positive impact of dans : Proactivity at Work technical consultants on relative product quality is Parker S. K., Bindl U. K. (eds.) stronger at lower levels of relative resource quality. Routledge: New York (U.S.A.), 2017, chap. 12, Mots-clés : Consultants techniques - Théorie des pp. 330-354 ressources - Vins In this chapter, we extend previous theorizing on how Keywords: Resource-based View of the Firm - Technical proactivity is motivated and explore how identity consultants - Wine Industry motivates, shapes, and constrains proactivity, and how proactive behavior in turn influences who individuals believe they are, or may become. We specifically STRAUSS K. argue that proactive behavior is often identity- (RACKO G., STRAUSS K., BURCHELL B.) congruent, and serves the purpose of expressing one’s self. We further discuss the role of future work selves: Economics Education and Value Change: The hoped for, future-oriented identities in relation to work. Role of Program Normative Homogeneity and Future work selves constitute a motivational resource Peer Influence for proactivity, and drive self-directed behaviors aimed Academy of Management Learning and Education, at development and change. vol. 16, n° 3, 2017, doi: 10.5465/amle.2014.0280 In the light of corporate scandals and the recent financial crisis, there has been an increased interest in Articles dans des revues/Journal the impact of business education on the value orientations of graduates. We explore changes in articles power, hedonism, and self-direction values in a two- year longitudinal study of economics students (N=197) BARTHÉLÉMY J. in a normatively homogeneous and two normatively heterogeneous economics programs. As expected, for The Impact of Technical Consultants on the students in a normatively homogeneous economics Quality of their Clients’ Products: Evidence from program, interaction with peers was linked with an the Bordeaux Wine Industry [online 2016] increase in power and hedonism values, and a Strategic Management Journal, vol. 38, n° 5, 2017, decrease in self-direction values. pp. 1174-1190 Une hypothèse implicite de la théorie des ressources BIBARD L. (resource-based view of the firm) est que les entreprises gèrent leurs ressources elles-mêmes. Pourtant, de Comment favoriser le changement dans la nombreuses entreprises font appel à des consultants complexité ? pour les aider. L’étude s’intéresse à l’impact des Les Cahiers de l'Actif, n° 492, 2017, pp. 49-61 consultants techniques sur la qualité des produits de Il est, à la fois du point de vue managérial et théorique, leurs clients. Les résultats des analyses statistiques extrêmement fertile d’aborder les organisations menées sur les vins de Bordeaux montrent que les comme des séries de tensions à rééquilibrer consultants techniques ont un impact positif sur la continûment. La tension entre reconnaissance de la qualité des produits de leurs clients et un impact complexité des organisations et de l’environnement négatif sur le caractère extrême de la qualité des d’une part, et désir de simplicité en vue de l’efficacité produits de leurs clients. Enfin, l’impact des consultants des opérations d’autre part fait éminemment partie de techniques est plus marqué lorsque la qualité des ces tensions, et elle est pour partie reconductible à ressources de leurs clients est faible. celle entre changement et stabilité. On observe qu’un


moyen éminemment efficace de favoriser le changements de contexte, les changements dans le changement est de reconnaître le rôle dominant que type d'expérience internationale et les changements jouent dans la vie quotidienne de toute organisation, dans la gestion des expatriés. aussi « agile » soit-elle, les habitudes ou les routines. On In this introductory article, we explore three distinct but ne peut se départir d’un obstacle qu’une fois qu’on le related areas of change in expatriation and then, reconnaît. allowing for their interaction, propose new research Approaching organizations as a series of tensions which areas. We also introduce the articles of this Special constantly need to ber re-balanced is utmost fruitful, Issue. The areas of change that we note are changes in practically as well as theoretically. The tension between context, changes in the type of international recognizing complexity and needing simplicity is experience, and changes in the management of exceptionnally important among all the potential expatriates. tensions, and may to a certain extent be traced back Mots-clés : Expatriation - Expatriés - Expérience to the change and stability tension. One of the most Keywords: Expatriates - Expatriation - Experience efficient ways to favour change is to recognize the dominant role of routines in organizations. People cannot overcome a problem without previously CERDIN J.-L. recognising it. (CERDIN J.-L., SHARMA K., LIAO Y.) Mots-clés : Agilité - Changement - Réflexes - Réflexion - The Role of Perceived Career Prospects and Routines International Orientation in Determining Job Keywords: Agility - Change - Reflection - Reflexes - Routines Satisfaction of MNE Employees: A Moderated Mediation Model Thunderbird International Business Review, vol. 6, n° 59, BOUCHIKHI H. 2017, doi: 10.1002/tie.21955 (BOUCHIKHI H., KIMBERLY J.) Dans une entreprise multinationale (EMN) qui ne révèle Paradigmatic Warfare: The Struggle for the Soul pas à ses employés s'ils sont inclus dans le bassin de talents de l'organisation, nous examinons comment les of Economics at the University of Notre Dame perceptions des employés concernant leur inclusion ou Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 26, n° 6, 2017, non inclusion dans le bassin affectent leurs perspectives pp. 1109-1124 de carrière perçues dans l'organisation et leur L'article porte sur l'histoire de l'économie à l'Université satisfaction au travail (JS). Plus précisément, nous Notre Dame (Indiana, U.S.A.) et analyse la guerre émettons l'hypothèse que l'auto-perception des paradigmatique qui a opposé les économistes employés des EMN en tant que talent se rapporte hétérodoxes à leurs collègues orthodoxes. positivement à leur PCP. The article traces the history of economics at the In a multinational enterprise (MNE) that does not reveal University of Notre Dame (Indiana, U.S.A.) and to its employees whether they are included in the investigates the protracted paradigmatic warfare organization's talent pool, we explore how employees' which opposed heterodox and orthodox economists. perceptions regarding their inclusion or noninclusion in Mots-clés : Conflit - Économie - Identité - Institution - the pool affects their perceived career prospects Isomorphisme - Paradigme (PCPs) in the organization and their job satisfaction (JS). Keywords: Conflicts - Economics - Identity - Institution - Specifically, we hypothesize that MNE employees' self Isomorphism - Paradigm perception as talent relates positively to their PCP. We ‐ also predict that PCP mediates the relationship CERDIN J.-L. between talent perception and JS, and that this relationship is moderated by employees' cultural (BONACHE J., BREWSTER C., SUUTARI V., intelligence and internationalism career anchor. We CERDIN J.-L.) find evidence of a strong relationship between the The Changing Nature of Expatriation direct effects we predict. However, contrary to expectations, cultural intelligence does not moderate Thunderbird International Business Review, vol. 59, n° 6, the relationship between PCP and JS. We discuss the 2017, doi: 10.1002/tie.21957 implications of such findings and suggest areas for Dans cet article introductif, nous explorons trois future research. domaines distincts mais connexes de l'expatriation puis, Mots-clés : Approche de la MT fermée - Auto- en permettant leur interaction, nous proposons de évaluation de base - Intelligence nouveaux domaines de recherche. Nous présentons Keywords: Closed TM Approach - Core Self-evaluations également les articles de ce numéro spécial. Les - Cultural Intelligence domaines de changement que nous notons sont les


GRÖSCHL S. CHAI S. GRÖSCHL(GRÖSCHL S., S. GABALDON P.) CHAINear Misses S. in the Breakthrough Discovery (GRÖSCHLLeading Resistance S., GABALDON to Doing P.) Business as Usual NearProcess Misses in the Breakthrough Discovery LeadingManagement Resistance Revue. The to InternationalDoing Business Review as Usualof ProcessOrganization Science, vol. 28, n° 3, 2017, pp. 411-428 Management Revue.Studies ,The vol. International 28, n° 2, 2017, Review pp. 149-172 of In our inductive work, we extend the discourse of OrganizationWhy do researchers Science on, vol. the 28, verge n° 3, of 2017, breakthrough pp. 411-428 Management Studies, vol. 28, n° 2, 2017, pp. 149-172 leadership and resistance by addressing the auxiliary Whysometimes do researchers miss the discovery?on the verge While of breakthrough extensive In our inductive work, we extend the discourse of role resistance has played so far in leadership. In our sometimesliteratures have miss themodeled discovery? the course While extensiveof successful leadership and resistance by addressing the auxiliary exploratory study of Jochen Zeitz’s leadership at Puma, literaturesdiscovery haveand pinpointed modeled the factors course associated of successful with role resistance has played so far in leadership. In our we illustrate how a key decision maker resists the discoverygroundbreaking and pinpointed discoveries, factors I focus associated on understanding with exploratory study of Jochen Zeitz’s leadership at Puma, unsustainable usage of common pool resources and groundbreakingwhy near misses occurdiscoveries, by interviewing I focus on scientistsunderstanding who we illustrate how a key decision maker resists the how resistance can move beyond its often ascribed whywere near very misses close tooccur discovering by interviewing the ribonucleic scientists acid who unsustainable usage of common pool resources and auxiliary and antagonistic role. By extending the focus were(RNA) very interference close to discoveringbreakthrough the in ribonucleic biology but acid how resistance can move beyond its often ascribed of resisters to an executive management level, and by (RNA)ultimately interference missed out. breakthrough I identify three in biology mechanisms but auxiliary and antagonistic role. By extending the focus moving away from the commonly used leader-follower ultimatelyrooted in paradigmaticmissed out. I identify rigidity threethat led mechanisms to the seminal of resisters to an executive management level, and by constellation, we provide the basis to explore further rooteddiscovery in paradigmatic being missed severalrigidity thattimes: led not to noticingthe seminal or moving away from the commonly used leader-follower the ‘overlooked potential’ of resistance within the discoveryrecognizing being anomalies, missed severalactively times: resisting not solutions, noticing andor constellation, we provide the basis to explore further context of leadership. recognizingfailing to make anomalies, the link betweenactively resisting communities. solutions, These and the ‘overlooked potential’ of resistance within the failingfindings to shed make light the on link the between process communities. of breakthrough These by context of leadership. findingsclarifying shed that light a better on the understanding process of breakthrough of the by GRÖSCHL S. clarifyingmechanism that behind a better near understanding misses is crucial of theto mitigating (GRÖSCHL S., GABALDÓN P., HAHN T.) mechanismthem, saving behind time, and, near consequently, misses is crucial boosting to mitigating GRÖSCHL S. them,productivity saving and time, impact. and, consequently, They also have boosting implications (GRÖSCHLThe Co-Evolution S., GABALDÓN of Leaders’ P., Cognitive HAHN T.) for boosting creative breakthrough performance in productivity and impact. They also have implications TheComplexity Co-Evolution and Corporate of Leaders’ Sustainability: Cognitive The academic institutions and science-based firms, as well for boosting creative breakthrough performance in ComplexityCase of the andCEO Corporate of Puma Sustainability: The academicas for designing institutions organizational and science-based research environments firms, as well CaseJournal of of the Business CEO Ethics of Puma, 2017, doi: 10.1007/s10551-017- asand for guiding designing innovation organizational strategy. research environments 3508-4 andKeywords: guiding Breakthrough innovation strategy. - Creativity - Individual Journal of Business Ethics, 2017, doi: 10.1007/s10551-017- In this longitudinal study, we explore the co-evolution of Keywords:Cognition - BreakthroughNear Miss - Creativity - Individual 3508-4 the cognitive complexity of the CEO of Puma, Jochen Cognition - Near Miss In this longitudinal study, we explore the co-evolution of Zeitz, and his view and initiatives on sustainability. Our the cognitive complexity of the CEO of Puma, Jochen DONADA C. Zeitz,purpose and was his viewto explore and initiatives how the onchanges sustainability. in a leader’s Our DONADA(DONADA C., C. MOTHE C., NOGATCHEWSKY purposemindset relatewas to to explore his/her how views the and changes actions in on a leader’s sustainability. In contrast to previous studies, we adopt (DONADAG., DE CAMPOS C., MOTHE RIBEIRO C., G.)NOGATCHEWSKY mindset relate to his/her views and actions on sustainability.an in-depth longitudinal In contrast tocase previous study approachstudies, we to adopt G.,The DERespective CAMPOS Effects RIBEIRO of VirtuesG.) and ancapture in-depth the longitudinalrole of leaders’ case cognitive study approach complexity to in the TheInterorganizational Respective Effects Management of Virtues and Control capturecontext ofthe corporate role of leaders’ sustainability. cognitive By complexityunderstanding in the InterorganizationalSystems on Relationship Management Quality and Control contextthe cognitive of corporate development sustainability. of Zeitz Byas understandingleader of Puma, SystemsPerformance: on Relationship Virtues Win Quality and thewe providecognitive an development important step of towardZeitz as leaderunderstanding of Puma, the co-evolution of leaders’ cognitive complexity and Performance:Journal of Business Virtues Ethics ,Win 2017, doi: 10.1007/s10551-016- we provide an important step toward understanding theproactive co-evolution corporate of leaders’ sustainability cognitive initiatives complexity over time. and Journal3418-x of Business Ethics, 2017, doi: 10.1007/s10551-016- proactiveOur findings corporate show that sustainability as he developed initiatives a more over time. 3418-xDans cette étude, nous évaluons comment les vertus Ourcomplex findings mindset show that alsoas he included developed non-business a more Dansindividuelles cette étude, et les systèmesnous évaluons de contrôle comment inter- les vertus complexlenses, Zeitz mindset developed that also a more included inclusive non-business understanding individuellesorganisationnels et les influencent systèmes de la contrôleperformance inter- des lenses,of sustainability Zeitz developed and adopted a more proactive inclusive initiativesunderstanding that organisationnelsrelations client-fournisseur influencent par la une performance meilleure qualitédes ofwent sustainability beyond business-as-usual. and adopted proactive Our study initiatives also that relationsrelationnelle. client-fournisseur Les résultats montrentpar une meilleure que les effets qualité des wentdemonstrates beyond business-as-usual.that a longitudinal Our perspective study also can offer relationnelle.vertus gagnent Les sur résultats ceux des montrent systèmes que de les contrôle. effets des demonstratesvaluable insights that for a alongitudinal better understanding perspective of can how offer vertusMots-clés gagnent : Contrôle sur ceux de gestiondes systèmes inter-organisationnel de contrôle. - valuableindividuals insights and their for ainteractions better understanding affect and ofare how Mots-clésPerformance : Contrôle - Relations de gestion client-fournisseur inter-organisationnel - Vertu - individualsaffected by and an theirorganization’s interactions strategies affect and and are PerformanceKeywords: Buyer–Supplier - Relations client-fournisseur Relationships - Inter-- Vertu affectedperformance, by an in organization’s corporate sustainability strategies andand beyond. Keywords:organizational Buyer–Supplier Management Relationships Control Systems - Inter- - performance, in corporate sustainability and beyond. organizationalPerformance - ManagementVirtue Control Systems - Performance - Virtue


LEPOUTRE J. Mots-clés : Insularité - Management - Ressources humaines (THIEMANN M., LEPOUTRE J.) Keywords: Human Resources - Insularity - Management Stitched on the Edge: Rule Evasion, Embedded Regulators, and the Evolution of Markets PERETTI J.-M. American Journal of Sociology, vol. 122, n° 6, 2017, L’état des recherches sur les innovations pp. 1771-1821 While the role of laws and regulations in structuring managériales markets is well established, it is less understood how rule RH&M, Ressources Humaines et Management, n° 65, evasion affects the evolution ofmarkets or how the 2017, pp. 42-43 interaction between regulators and the regulated L’innovation technologique, plus que l’innovation about the meaning of compliance influences this managériale, a mobilisé les chercheurs. Aujourd’hui, effect. The authors study this issue by looking at the l'avènement du digital bouleverse les relations au development of the asset-backed commercial paper travail, les modes de coopération, les organisations et (ABCP) market in France, Germany, and the conduit à approfondir les recherches sur les innovations Netherlands from 1999 to 2009. In all three countries, this organisationnelles et managériales et leur impact sur la market involved financial innovations designed to performance au travail, individuelle et/ou collective, evade regulations. The authors identify diverging trends dans un environnement en mutation. in the ABCP market that are a result of whether and Technological innovation, more than managerial how regulators were embedded in the different innovation, has mobilized researchers. Today, the interpretive communities that defined regulatory advent of digital transforms relations at work, modes of compliance, such embeddedness being dependent cooperation, organizations and leads to further on their discretionary and sanctioning power as well as research on organizational and managerial innovations their expertise. Focusing on these regulatory networks and their impact on individual and/or collective that embed institutions in markets, they propose a performance in the workplace, a changing synthesis of relational and institutional accounts of the environment. embeddedness of markets. Mots-clés : Innovation managériale - Innovation organisationnelle - Parole libérée Keywords: Organizational Innovation PERETTI J.-M. Bonheur au travail, bonheur par le travail PERETTI J.-M. RH&M, Ressources Humaines et Management, n° 67, 2017, pp. 42-43 (IGALENS J., PERETTI J.-M.) Les liens entre le bonheur et le travail suscite un intérêt Les 60 ans de la revue Personnel croissant qu'illustrent l'apparition de "chief happiness Personnel, vol. 10, n° 582, 2017, pp. 58-60 officer" dans les entreprises et la multiplication d'articles Les 70 ans de l'ANDRH sont l'occasion de retracer le conférences et ouvrages consacrés au "bonheurisme". parcours de la revue, elle-même une jeune The links between happiness and work arouse a soixantenaire. Créé en 1957, Personnel a publié son growing interest illustrated by the appearance of "chief 580è numéro en juillet 2017. happiness officer" in companies and the proliferation of The 70 years of the ANDRH are an opportunity to trace articles conferences and books on "happinessism". the course of the magazine, itself a young sixty. Mots-clés : Bonheur - Chief Happiness Officer - Travail Established in 1957, Staff published its 580th issue in July Keywords: Chief Happiness Officer - Happiness - Work 2017.

PERETTI J.-M. PERETTI J.-M. Guadeloupe: les employeurs peinent à recruter (PERETTI J.-M., PERTINANT G.) et fidéliser les compétences Promesses et défis de l’analytique RH Personnel, n° 581, 2017, pp. 38-39 Personnel, n° 577, 2017, pp. 61-62 Le management des ressources humaines dans le La fonction RH s’interroge sur l’apport effectif des contexte des Iles de la Guadeloupe est marqué par le méthodes d’Analytique RH permettant d'exploiter les poids de l'histoire et celui de 'l’insularité’. masses considérables de données disponibles The management of human resources in the context of concernant les hommes dans l’organisation collectées the Islands of Guadeloupe is marked by the weight of par les différents systèmes d'information et notamment history and that of the insularity. le SIRH pour améliorer la prise des décisions RH,


opérationnelles ou stratégiques, et le pilotage de PERETTI J.-M. l’organisation. Cet article présente les principaux enseignements d’une enquête menée auprès des DRH. RSE, réputation et performance The HR function investigates the actual contribution of La Revue des Marques, n° 98, 2017, pp. 94-96 HR Analytics methods to exploit the considerable mass Le rôle des DRH est essentiel pour favoriser les of data available for men in the organization collected innovations sociales, sociétales et environnementales, by the various information systems and in particular the ressorts de compétitivité et de croissance. HRIS to improve the HR decisions, operational or The role of HRDs is essential for fostering social, societal strategic, and steering the organization. This article and environmental innovations as a means of presents the main lessons of a survey of HRDs. competitiveness and growth. Mots-clés : Analytique RH - Big Data RH - Expérience Mots-clés : Compétitivité - DRH - Innovation collaborateur - Métrique RH Keywords: Competitiveness - HRDs - Innovation Keywords: Analytical HR - Big Data HR - Collaborative Experience - HR Metrics RAMASWAMI A.

(RODE J. C., ARTHAUD-DAY M., RAMASWAMI PERETTI J.-M. A., HOWES S.) Quelques recherches sur la cindynique, les A Time-Lagged Study of Emotional Intelligence risques RH et leur mesure and Salary RH&M, Ressources Humaines et Management, n° 66, Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 101, 2017, pp. 77-89 2017, pp. 42-43 Despite strong claims for the importance of emotional La cindynique, science du risque ou science du intelligence (EI) in the workplace, few studies have danger, a pour ambition de permettre d'identifier le empirically examined the influence of emotional risque, direct ou indirect, actuel ou futur, d'évaluer sa intelligence on career success. Theoretically, emotional probabilité et ses conséquences, de le mesurer et de intelligence should help employees to develop stronger prévenir ou de le réduire. interpersonal relationships and leadership skills, leading Cindynics, the science of risk or the science of danger, to higher financial compensation. To test this proposed aims to identify the risk, direct or indirect, current or relationship, we examine whether an ability-based future, to assess its probability and its consequences, to measure of emotional intelligence in 126 college measure it and to prevent or reduce it. students predicts their salaries 10 to 12 years post Mots-clés : Cindynique - Danger - Risque workforce entry, controlling for personality, general Keywords: Cindynics - Danger - Risk mental ability, gender, and college GPA. We find that emotional intelligence has a significant, positive effect PERETTI J.-M. on subsequent salary levels, and that this effect is: 1) mediated by having a mentor and 2) stronger at higher Quelques thèses 2016 de doctorat en GRH organizational levels than at lower levels. Our results RH&M, Ressources Humaines et Management, n° 64, suggest that emotional intelligence helps individuals to 2017, pp. 42-43 acquire the social capital needed to be successful in Chaque année de nombreuses thèses de doctorat en their careers. Implications for theory and practice are sciences de gestion, spécialité GRH, sont soutenues en discussed. France par des doctorants français et étrangers. Les Keywords: Career Success - Emotional Intelligence - thèmes portent sur des thèmes à forts enjeux et les Mentoring - Social Capital résultats de ces recherches sont susceptibles de contribuer à l'amélioration de l'efficacité des pratiques RH. SGOUREV S. Each year many doctoral theses in management (SGOUREV S., VAN LENT W.) sciences, with HRM as specialty are defended in France When Too Many Are Not Enough: Human by doctoral students from France and abroad. Themes deal with high-stakes issues and the results of this Resource Slack and Performance at the Dutch research are likely to contribute to improving the East India Company (1700–1795) effectiveness of HR practices. Human Relations, vol. 70, 2017, pp. 1-23 Mots-clés : GRH - Pratiques RH - Thèses de doctorat Slack is an elusive concept in organizational research, Keywords: Doctoral Theses - HR Practices - HRM with studies documenting a variety of relationships between slack and firm performance. We advocate treating slack not as a resource, but as a practice – a sequence of events and responses over time. A


longitudinal analysis of the Dutch East India Company socially connecting and disconnecting behaviours (1700–1795) highlights the use of slack as a response to following I-deal negotiations. a resource constraint (the shortage of skilled labor). Keywords: Human Resource Management After documenting the negative performance effects of skill shortage, we identify a tradeoff in the use of human resource slack (number of sailors above what is STRAUSS K. operationally required), in which slack enhanced (STRAUSS K., PARKER S. K., O'SHEA D.) operational reliability, but reduced efficiency. Derived When Does Proactivity Have a Cost? from a historical context, this trade-off has Motivation at Work Moderates the Effects of contemporary relevance and is helpful in reconciling contradictory evidence on slack. Proactive Work Behavior on Employee Job Keywords: Contingent Workers - Human Resources - Strain Management History - Organizational Slack - Personnel Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 100, 2017, pp. 15-26 Selection The literature on proactivity has focused primarily on its positive performance outcomes. However, the effects of proactive behavior on employees' well-being are STRAUSS K. relatively unknown. We theorize that when an (ROFCANIN Y., KIEFER T., STRAUSS K.) individuals' motivation at work is characterized by What Seals the I-Deal? Exploring the Role of pressure and coercion (high controlled motivation), with no compensatory intrinsic interest in or Employees' Behaviours and Managers' identification with the work (low autonomous Emotions motivation), proactive behavior is likely to deplete Journal of Occupational and Organizational employees' resources, resulting in job strain. We tested Psychology, vol. 90, n° 2, 2017, pp. 203-224 this proposition in a lagged study of 127 employee- Idiosyncratic deals (I-deals) are work arrangements supervisor dyads across a variety of sectors. As between an employee and a manager, aimed at expected, supervisor-rated proactive work behavior meeting the employee's specific work-related needs was positively associated with job strain when (Rousseau, 2005, I-deals: Idiosyncratic deals employees controlled motivation was high and when autonomous bargain for themselves, M. E. Sharpe, New York, NY). motivation was also low. Under all other conditions, Studies to date have focused on the effects of there was no effect of proactive behavior on job strain. successful I-deal negotiations, but have paid little For example, when individuals experienced high attention to what determines whether negotiated I- controlled motivation yet also experienced deals are also obtained. We propose that managers autonomous motivation, there was no effect of play a crucial role in this process, and explore the role proactive behavior on job strain. In sum, proactive of managers' emotions in translating negotiation into behavior has costs in terms of job strain only when obtainment. We suggest that I-deals are more likely to employees experience a sense of pressure and be obtained when managers feel more positive and obligation in their work in the absence of any less negative about an employee's I-deal process in the compensating autonomous motivation. aftermath of the negotiation. We then aim to Keywords: Proactive Behavior - Strain - Stress - Well- determine what shapes managers' emotions about the being I-deal process. Given that I-deals are intended to be beneficial for the entire team (Rousseau, 2005, I-deals: Idiosyncratic deals employees bargain for themselves, STRAUSS K., LEPOUTRE J. M. E. Sharpe, New York, NY), we expect that managers (STRAUSS K., LEPOUTRE J., WOOD G.) feel more positive about the I-deal process of Fifty Shades of Green: How Microfoundations of employees who engage in socially connecting behaviours following their I-deal negotiation. In Sustainability Dynamic Capabilities Vary Across contrast, managers feel more negative about the I- Organizational Contexts deal process of employees who engage in socially Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 38, n° 9, 2017, disconnecting behaviours. Results from a two-wave pp. 1338-1355 study of employees and their managers supported our Because making progress on sustainability-related hypotheses. Our findings contribute to research on I- challenges will require organizational change for most deals by distinguishing between the negotiation and organizations, understanding sustainability dynamic obtainment of I-deals and by highlighting the role of capabilities is of utmost importance. In this theoretical managers' emotions in translating negotiated I-deals paper, we aim to identify the microfoundations of such into obtainment and the importance of employees' sustainability dynamic capabilities on the one hand but, consistent with recent work in this research stream,


we do so in a way that is sensitive to the dynamism of THÉVENET M. the organizational environment. We propose that the microfoundations of sustainability dynamic capabilities Le travail, une question dépassée will take different forms in different contexts. We La Lettre du Cadre Territorial, vol. 10, n° 511, 2017, pp. contrast moderately dynamic contexts characterized 40-41 by frequent yet relatively predictable change with highly dynamic contexts in which changes are rapid and not predictable. Achieving sustainability in these THÉVENET M. different types of contexts poses different types of Management, n'échappez pas aux effets de challenges, relies on different forms of employee mode behaviors, and is consequently enabled by different La Lettre du Cadre Territorial, vol. 05, n° 508, 2017, pp. individual-level characteristics and different 38-39 organizational practices and processes. Our paper calls for a more serious consideration of context in investigating how employees' behaviors can affect THÉVENET M. sustainability at the organizational level, and outlines Pourquoi se concentrer sur le management ? the implications for organizational policy and practice. La Lettre du Cadre Territorial, vol. 03, n° 506, 2017, We explore directions for future interdisciplinary pp. 34-35 research on sustainability that focuses on individuals and their interactions while also taking the environment within which organizations operate into account. THÉVENET M. Keywords: Green Employee - Green Behavior - Quoi de nouveau sur les transformations des Microfoundations - Pro environmental Behavior - organisations ? Sustainability ‐ La Lettre du Cadre Territorial, vol. 514, n° 1, , pp. 38-39

THÉVENET M. WORKIEWICZ M. Analyse : Les modes, modes d’emploi (BURTON R. M., DØJBAK HÅKONSSON D., Personnel, n° 577, 2017, pp. 38-39 NICKERSON J., PURANAM P., WORKIEWICZ M.,

ZENGER T.) THÉVENET M. Github: Exploring the Space Between Boss-Less Comment réagir face au travail indépendant ? and Hierarchical Forms of Organizing La Lettre du Cadre Territorial, 2017, pp. 38-39 Journal of Organization Design, vol. 6, n° 10, 2017, Le travail indépendant se développe fortement et doi: 10.1186/s41469-017-0020-3 selon des modalités et des motivations très diverses. In this edition of the organizational zoo series, we take a Cette évolution n’a pas seulement un intérêt closer look at an interesting organization design case— sociologique, elle interroge également les organisations GitHub, a software company from California. Similar to et le management, aussi bien dans le privé que dans le Valve, the subject of the previous article in the series public. (Puranam and Håkonsson, J Organ Design 4: 2–4, 2015) Self-employment is growing in our societies in ways and GitHub is used to delegate the choice of projects and according to motivations that can be very diverse. This project allocation to its workers, fitting the recent trend evolution is interesting for understanding our societies in running organizations without bosses. The interesting better but it concerns also organizations and fact about GitHub is that after years of praising its own management, private as well as public ones. unorthodox organizational structure, the company Mots-clés : Société - Travail - Travail indépendant suddenly decided to abandon it for something much Keywords: Self-employment - Society - Work more traditional. We asked several renowned organization scientists to share their thoughts on this THÉVENET M. interesting case and discuss what we can learn from it. Keywords: Boss-less Organization - New Forms of Le poids des incivilités sur la performance des Organizing - Organizational Change - Organizational organisations Design - Self-allocation La Lettre du Cadre Territorial, vol. 09, n° 510, 2017, pp. 42-43


WORKIEWICZ M. WORKIEWICZ M. (DONG J., MARCH J. G., WORKIEWICZ M.) Project Screening and Resource Allocation in On Organizing: An Interview with James G. Bossless Organizations March 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management (AOM): Atlanta (U.S.A.), Journal of Organization Design, vol. 6, n° 14, 2017, August 08, 2017 doi: 10.1186/s41469-017-0024-z In this interview with Professor James G. March, we focused on the key insights stemming from his work, with a special emphasis on the lessons for organization science and organization design. We discussed the major ideas and theories that he and his coauthors generated over the several decades as well as asked him about his views on the role of management research and business academia in general. The interview was conducted in September 2013 in Stanford, CA, and updated in August 2017 with a postscript from James G. March directed to the organization design community. Keywords: Behavioral Theory of the firm - Carnegie School - Interview - Organization Design

Communications publiées dans des actes de conférence/Articles published in conference proceedings

CERDIN J.-L. (CERDIN J.-L., SHARMA K., LIO Y.) The Role of Perceived Career Prospects and International Orientation in Determining Job Satisfaction of MNE Employees: A Moderated Mediation Model In: Proceedings of the 2017 AIB conference Academy of International Business (AIB), Dubai (United Arab Emirates), July 5, 2017

CHAI S. (SILVESTRI L., DOSHI A., CHAI S.) Framing Catastrophic Failure as a Learning Opportunity: Lessons From Virgin Galactic and SpaceX in: 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Best Paper Proceedings Academy of Management (AOM): Atlanta (U.S.A.), August 08, 2017


Communications présentées dans CERDIN J.-L. des conférences/Conference (CERDIN J.-L., SHARMA K., LIO Y.) presentations The Role of Perceived Career Prospects and International Orientation in Determining Job Satisfaction of MNE Employees: A Moderated CAVARRETTA F. Mediation Model Linking Triumphs and Tragedies: Variability in EURAM 2017: Making Knowledge Work, European Teams Outcomes and the Diversity- Academy of Management (EURAM): Glasgow (Great Performance Link Britain), June 24, 2017 2017 Academy of Management Meeting, Academy of Management (AOM): Atlanta (U.S.A.), August 08, 2017 CHAI S. (CHAI S., MENON A.) CAVARRETTA F. Breakthrough Recognition: Competition for Team Diversity and Risk Attention IESEG Entrepreneurial Teams Conference 2017, IESEG DRUID 2017, DRUID Academy: New York (U.S.A.), School of Management: La Défense (France), June 04, 2017 September 18, 2017

CHAI S. CAVARRETTA F. (SILVESTRI L., DOSHI A., CHAI S.) Theories of Action of Entrepreneurs Framing Catastrophic Failure as a Learning 2017 Darden Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Conference, University of Virginia & University Opportunity: Lessons From Virgin Galactic and of Cambridge: Cambridge (Great Britain), March 20, SpaceX 2017 2017 Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, & Strategic Management Society (SMS): (U.S.A.), 2017 INSEAD Entrepreneurship Conference, INSEAD October 21, 2017 Business School: Fontainebleau (France), May 06, 2017 & 2017 Frontiers in MOC-TIM, Swiss Federal Institute of CHAI S. Technology: Zurich (Switzerland), June 30, 2017 Uncovering the Creative Sources of Commercialization CERDIN J.-L. 2017 SMS Special Conference Banff, Strategic Management Society (SMS): Banff (Canada), June 04, (BRISCOE J. P., KAŠE R., DRIES N., DYSVIK A., 2017 UNITE J., CERDIN J.-L. et al.) Minding the Gap (s): Development and CHATTERJEE A. Validation of a Cross-Cultural Measure of (CHATTERJEE A., GHOSH A.) Subjective Career Success 3rd Global Conference on International Human Creative Disruption: How the Child In Need Resource Management, A VoxEU.org Publication: Institute Created and Disseminated New (U.S.A.), May 08, 2017 Practices 2017 Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual Conference, Strategic Management Society (SMS): Houston (U.S.A.), October 31, 2017


CHATTERJEE A. DONADA C. Scaling Up Good Ideas: Institutional Work from Managing Knowledge in Skunkworks Projects: the Margins Key Human Resource Practices and Dynamics 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, for Boosting Creativity and Radical Innovation Academy of Management (AOM): Atlanta (U.S.A.), 2017 International Forum on Knowledge Asset August 08, 2017 Dynamics (IFKAD), University of Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg (Russia), June 08, 2017 DONADA C. (DONADA C., MOTHE C., NOGATCHEWSKY DONADA C. G., DE CAMPOS RIBEIRO G.) (DONADA C., CHEN Y., CHOWDHURY S., Collaborative Management Control Package, PEREZ Y.) Risks, and Performance Mirroring Hypothesis and Integrality in the 40th European Accounting Association (EAA) Annual Electric Vehicle Industry: Evidence from Tesla Congress, European Accounting Association (EAA): Motors Valencia (Spain), May 12, 2017 2017 Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada: Digital Economies and Cities, DONADA C. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC): Montreal (Canada), June 01, 2017 (DONADA C., MOTHE C., ALEGRE J.)

Dealing with the Robinson’s Paradox: A Case Study of an Explorative Ambidexterity DONADA C. 2017 Valencia University Seminars, Valencia University: (DONADA C., OTRA V., ALEGRE J.) Valencia (Spain), April 03, 2017 Radical Innovation and Human Resource Practices: A Case Study of a Global Excellence DONADA C. Skunkworks Project 2017 Organizational Learning and Knowledge (DONADA C., MOTHE C., NOGATCHEWSKY Capabilities Conference (OLKC), University of G.) Valladolid: Valladolid (Spain), April 27, 2017 Do Relationships Matter in Collaborations? XXVIème conférence de l'Association Internationale de DONADA C. Management Stratégique (AIMS), Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS): (DONADA C., MOTHE C., NOGATCHEWSKY Lyon (France), June 07, 2017 G., DE CAMPOS RIBEIRO G.) The Impact of Collaboration Scope on Inter- DONADA C. Organizational Controls and Boundary (DONADA C., DE CAMPOS RIBEIRO G., Spanners’ Relational Skills MOTHE C., NOGACHEWSKY G.) 2017 Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference, Strategic Management Society (SMS): Inter-Organizational Management Control and Alajuela (Costa Rica), December 12, 2017 Boundary Spanners’ Relational Skills: The Impact of Collaboration Scope DONADA C. in: 2017 Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada: Digital Economies and Cities (DONADA C., ALEGRE J., MOTHE C.) Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC): When Skunkworks Projects Deal with Both Montreal (Canada), June 01, 2017 Organizational and Technological Exploration XXVIème conférence de l'Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS), Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS): Lyon (France), June 07, 2017


DONADA C. JANDHYALA S. (DONADA C., OTRA V., ALEGRE J.) Managing Political Risk: Multilateral Radical Innovation and Human Resource Development Banks in Infrastructure Projects Practices: A Case Study of a Global Excellence 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Skunkworks Project Academy of Management (AOM): Atlanta (U.S.A.), August 08, 2017 2017 Organizational Learning and Knowledge

Capabilities Conference (OLKC), University of Valladolid: Valladolid (Spain), April 27, 2017 JANDHYALA S. Political Shock and Firm Performance: Evidence GRÖSCHL S. from Telecommunications License Interculturalism as a Means Toward Greater Cancellations in India Sustainable Tourism Development of Islander 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Institutional & Populations: The Kuna Yala Case Organizational Economics, Society of Institutional and Organizational Economics: New York (U.S.A.), June 25, Rencontre International et Recherche en Management 2017 au Service de l’Économie Insulaire - Guadeloupe 2017, & Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources 2017 Industry Studies Conference, Industry Studies Humaines, Institut International Audit Social (IAS), Association (ISA): Washington DC (U.S.A.), May 25, 2017 Fondation Nationale pour l'Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises (FNEGE) MELL J. HOANG H. (MELL J., HIRST G., QUINTANE E., CARNEGIE A.) (HOANG H., SARMAH A.) Bad Bosses and Being in the Middle: Machiavellianism, Boundary Spanning and Allying with a Prospective Rival: Competitive Creativity Positions, Related Strategic Stakes and New 33rd European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) Entrant-Incumbent R&D Alliances Meeting, European Group for Organizational Studies 2017 MOC & TIM Conference, ETH Zurich: Zürich (EGOS): Copenhagen (Denmark), July 08, 2017 (Switzerland), June 30, 2017

HOANG H. MELL J. (HOANG H., PERKMANN M., DOWN S.) (MELL J. N., DECHURCH L., CONTRACTOR N., LEENDERS R.) Extrapreneurship: Creating Ventures to Drive Innovation in Bureaucratic Organizations Identity Asymmetries: An Experimental 2017 People and Organizations Conference, The Investigation of Social Identity and Information Wharton School: Philadelphia (U.S.A.), October 14, 2017 Exchange in Multiteam Systems 12th Annual Conference INGRoup Conference 2017, A VoxEU.org Publication: Saint Louis (U.S.A.), July 22, 2017 JANDHYALA S. International Organizations and Political Risk – the Case of Multilateral Development Banks in MELL J. Infrastructure Projects (INCERTI V., YÜCESAN E., MELL J. N., 58th International Studies Association Annual MATTARELLI E., BERTOLOTTI F.) Convention 2017, International Studies Association On the Impact of Multiple Team Membership (ISA): Baltimore (U.S.A.), February 25, 2017 on a System of Teams’ Performance 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management (AOM): Atlanta (U.S.A.), August 08, 2017


MELL J. OPERTI E. (MELL J., SCHECTER A.) Exploring the Link Between Organized Crime The Antecedents and Implications of Asset Confiscation and Regional Information Sharing Processes in Multiteam Entrepreneurship Systems 2017 Academy of Management Meeting, Academy of Management (AOM): Atlanta (U.S.A.), August 08, 2017 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management (AOM): Atlanta (U.S.A.), August 08, 2017 OPERTI E.

(KUMAR A., OPERTI E.) MELL J. What Do We Know about Strategic Exit? (MELL J., ZIANI-FRANCLET Z.) DRUID 2017, NYU Stern School of Business: New York Using and Abusing Metaknowledge: Motivated (U.S.A.), June 14, 2017 Information Processing and Transactive Memory System Centralization OPERTI E. 12th Annual Conference INGRoup Conference 2017, A (KUMAR A., OPERTI E.) VoxEU.org Publication: Saint Louis (U.S.A.), July 22, 2017 Why Firms Make Errors in Selecting

Technological Opportunities? METIU A. DRUID 2017, NYU Stern School of Business: New York (METIU A., OBODARU O.) (U.S.A.), June 14, 2017 Geeks and Freaks: Doing Voice in the & 2017 Academy of Management Meeting, Academy of Free/Open Source Software Development Management (AOM): Atlanta (U.S.A.), August 08, 2017 Community 10th Annual People & Organizations Conference 2017, The Wharton School: Philadelphia (U.S.A.), OPERTI E., SGOUREV S. September 14, 2017 (LAMPRONTI S., OPERTI E., SGOUREV S.) Rivalry Flips the Script: Gender Effects in METIU A. Network Recall and Activation (METIU A., MUKERJEE J.) 2017 Academy of Management Meeting, Academy of Management (AOM): Atlanta (U.S.A.), August 08, 2017 Work and True Play in a High Tech Organization

Economic Sociology Section and Occupations, Organizations, and Work Section: Fellow Travelers on PERETTI J.-M. Different Roads, McGill University: Montreal (Canada), Auditer les démarches RSE et diversité. August 11, 2017 Diagnostic, conduite du changement, études

d’impact OPERTI E. 35ème Université d'ÉTÉ de l'Institut Audit Social, Institut (BHATT H., OPERTI E.) International de l'Audit Social (IAS): Nice (France), July 07, 2017 Don Corleone – Greedy Businessman of

Benefactor? Examining the Impact of Italian Mafia Organizations on Income Equality 33rd European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2017, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS): Copenhagen (Denmark), July 08, 2017


PERETTI J.-M. STRAUSS K. La marque employeur dans un contexte (GEORGE M., STRAUSS K.) insulaire : le cas des PME en Guadeloupe The Self Left at Home: How Hypothetical Home 2017 Rencontre Internationale et Recherche en Selves Influence Expatriates Management au Service de l’Économie Insulaire - 2017 Academy of Management Meeting, Academy of Guadeloupe 2017, Association Francophone de Management (AOM): Atlanta (U.S.A.), August 08, 2017 Gestion des Ressources Humaines, Institut International

Audit Social (IAS), Fondation Nationale pour l'Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises (FNEGE) : STRAUSS K. Guadeloupe (France), May 05, 2017 (STRAUSS K., KELLY C., ARNOLD J.)

Work Hard, Play Hard: Examining the Enriching SGOUREV S. Effects of Serious Leisure on Daily Work Radicalization of Innovation and Structural Performance Marginality: Art at the Juncture of Tradition and 2017 Academy of Management Meeting, Academy of Avant-Garde Management (AOM): Atlanta (U.S.A.), August 08, 2017 33rd European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2017, European Group for Organizational WORKIEWICZ M. Studies (EGOS): Copenhagen (Denmark), July 08, 2017 (WORKIEWICZ M., LEVINTHAL D.) Near Decomposability and Organizational SGOUREV S. Structure: The Adaptive Rationality of Multi- Salons, Secessions and Fairs: Historical Links and Authority Benefits 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2017 Creative Industries Workshop, University of Academy of Management (AOM): Atlanta (U.S.A.), Edinburgh Business School: Edinburgh (Great Britain), August 08, 2017 July 28, 2017

WORKIEWICZ M. SGOUREV S. Project Screening and Resource Allocation in Wicket Game: Commercialization and Bossless Organizations Inequality in Cricket 2017 Strategic Management Society Annual 2017 Conference "Politics and Policy of Sport and Conference, Strategic Management Society (SMS): Recreation", University of Lodz: Lodz (Poland), Houston (U.S.A.), October 31, 2017 September 23, 2017 & 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, SOM A. Academy of Management (AOM): Atlanta (U.S.A.), August 08, 2017 [Important Speaker] Strategic Response of

Ralph Lauren to Changing Environment 4th International, Academic Conference of ELLTA: WORKIEWICZ M. ‘Perspectives on Leadership, Learning and Social Using Computational Models in Management Enterprise in Asia (ELLTA 2017), Exploring Leadership & Research Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA): Bangkok (Thailand), 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, July 27, 2017 Academy of Management (AOM): Atlanta (U.S.A.), August 08, 2017 SOM A. Agnès b.: From Fashion to Lifestyle 2017 Global Fashion Management Conference, University of Vienna: Vienna (Austria), July 09, 2017


YAKUBOVICH V. Participations à des comités de (YAKUBOVICH V., GALPERIN R., HOPKINS J.) lecture/Editorial board Dynamic Commitment: Trading Away Flexibility memberships for Security in a Virtual Call Center 2017 People and Organizations Conference, The BARTHÉLÉMY J. Wharton School: Pennsylvania (U.S.A.), October 10, Management International 2017 Revue Française de Gestion Gérer et Comprendre YAKUBOVICH V. (GALPERING R., MANSOURI M., BERNARD A. Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines YAKUBOVICH V.) Revue Française de Gestion Flexibility or Insecurity? Managing Precariousness at a Virtual Call Center BOUCHIKHI H. 2017 American sociological Association (ASA) Annual Gérer et Comprendre Meeting of the, American Sociological Association Management International (ASA): Montreal (Canada), August 15, 2017 & BOURGEON L. Industry Studies Conference (ISA) 2017, Industry Studies Revue Française de Gestion Association (ISA): Washington (U.S.A.), May 26, 2017

CERDIN J.-L. Article de press/Press article Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal Gestion 2000 International Journal of Human Resource Management PERETTI J.-M. Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research Aménagement et expérience collaborateur Journal of Managerial Psychology RH Info, janvier 2017 Management Revue. The International Review of Management Studies Question(s) de Management REMEST (Revue Multidisciplinaire sur l’Emploi, le Syndicalisme et le Travail) Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines Revue Management & Avenir Thunderbird International Business Review

CHATTERJEE A. Administrative Science Quarterly

DJELIC M. L. Management & Organizational History Organization Organization Studies Regulation & Governance Research in the Sociology of Organizations Scandinavian Journal of Management

DONADA C. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management Gérer et Comprendre


HOANG H. HOANGOrganization H. Science THIETART R.-A. OrganizationOrganisation ScienceStudies Entreprises et Histoire Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal THIETART R.-A. Organisation Studies EntreprisesInternational et StudiesHistoire of Management & Organization Strategic EntrepreneurshipManagement Journal Journal Journal of Strategy and Management International Studies of Management & Organization Strategic Management Journal JournalRevue Française of Strategy de and Gestion Management GRÖSCHL S. RevueSciences Française de Gestion de Gestion Strategic Management Journal GRÖSCHLAdvances in Hospitality S. and Tourism Research Sciences de Gestion Strategic Organization AdvancesDiversitas in Hospitality and Tourism Research Strategic Management Journal

DiversitasEquality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Organization Equality,International Diversity Journal and of Inclusion Hospitality and Tourism YAKUBOVICH V. InternationalAdministration Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Organization Science Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective YAKUBOVICH V. Administration Organization Science Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective JANDHYALA S. JANDHYALAGlobal Strategy JournalS. Global Strategy Journal KOENIG C. KOENIGManagement C. International Management International METIU A. METIUOrganization A. Science Organization ScienceStudies Organization Studies PERETTI J.-M. PERETTI@GRH J.-M. @GRHQuestion(s) de Management Question(s)Revue de Gestion de Management des Ressources Humaines Revue deRecherches Gestion des en RessourcesSciences de Humaines Gestion RevueRIMHE -Recherches Revue Interdisciplinaire en Sciences Management,de Gestion Homme RIMHEet Entreprise - Revue Interdisciplinaire Management, Homme et Entreprise SOM A. SOMLuxury ResearchA. Journal Luxury Research Journal STRAUSS K. STRAUSSBritish Journal K. of Management BritishJournal Journal of Applied of Management Psychology Journal of AppliedManagement Psychology Journal of ManagementOccupational and Organizational JournalPsychology of Occupational and Organizational Psychology TARONDEAU J.-C. TARONDEAURevue Française deJ.-C. Gestion Revue Française de Gestion THÉVENET M. THÉVENET@GRH M. Question(s) de Management @GRH Question(s)Revue de Gestion de Management des Ressources Humaines Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines


Séminaires, ateliers de recherche et conférences organisés par le département/Research seminars, workshops, and conferences organized by the department

Department Seminar Series

Date du Lieu du Intervenant Institution Pays Titre du séminaire séminaire séminaire ESSEC Cergy 24/01/2017 Guillaume Soenen EM Lyon France Working Smart Not Hard! Campus Managing Yopatriates: A study of Generation Y Expatriates ESSEC Cergy 21/02/2017 Ashish Malik University of Newcastle Australie in an Indian Multi-National Corporation Campus Artisans of Authenticity: The Construction of Collective ESSEC Cergy 28/02/2017 Robert David Mc Gill University Canada Identity in a Nascent Market Category Campus Bowing Before Dual Gods: How Structured Flexibility ESSEC Cergy 21/03/2017 Marya Besharov Cornell U.S.A Sustains Organizational Hybridity Campus ESSEC Cergy 11/04/2017 Maurizio Zollo Bocconi University Italie Towards an Integrated Theory of Strategy Campus The Wicked Learning Environment of Regression Toward ESSEC Cergy 02/05/2017 Emre Soyer Ozyegin University Turquie the Mean Campus Coordination of Joint Search in Distributed Innovation ESSEC Cergy 23/05/2017 Francesco Rullani LUISS Italie Processes: The Role of Initial Code Release in Open Campus Source Software Development Developing Global Human and Social Capital Across ESSEC Cergy 20/06/2017 Olivier Wurtz University of Vaasa Finlande Various Types of Global Work Arrangements Campus

Artist Embeddedness and the Production of Novelty in ESSEC Cergy 11/07/2017 Eric Quintane Los Andes University Colombie Music: A Multi-Dimensional Perspective Campus Informational Openness Enhances Collaborative Decision- ESSEC Cergy 06/09/2017 Joshua Skewes University of Aarhus Danemark Making in Groups of Autonomous Agents: A Cognitive Campus Agent-Based Study ESSEC Cergy 17/10/2017 Leslie De Church Northwestern University U.S.A Social Media and their Affordances for Effective Teamwork Campus What’s in a Frame? an In-Depth Exploration of the Role of ESSEC Cergy 19/10/2017 Giorgi S. Boston College U.S.A Framing in Fostering Collaboration in the Context of Two Campus Environmental Non-Profits When Stepping Up Also Means Stepping Down: Managerial ESSEC Cergy 14/11/2017 Bourmault B. NEOMA France Role Transitions for Members of High Campus Reliability Occupations

Les Ateliers MOS

Date du Lieu du Intervenant Institution Pays Titre du séminaire séminaire séminaire

Life Partners, Gender, and Reaching the C-Suite: A ESSEC Asia- 10/01/2017 Aarti Ramaswami ESSEC Business School Asia-Pacific Reformulation of Family Power Theory Pacific

Rivalry Flips the Script: Gender Effects in Network Recall ESSEC Cergy 07/02/2017 Elisa Operti ESSEC Business School France and Activation Campus Allying with a prospective rival: Overlapping competitive ESSEC Cergy 14/03/2017 Ha Hoang ESSEC Business School France positions, strategic stakes and new entrant-incumbent R&D Campus alliances Fool, Founder or Family Member? the Role of Social ESSEC Cergy 18/04/2017 Jan Lepoutre ESSEC Business School France Identity in Explaining the Social Meaning and Allocation of Campus Financial Resources Identity Asymmetries: An Experimental Investigation of ESSEC Cergy 16/05/2017 Julija Mell ESSEC Business School France Social Identity and Information Exchange in Multiteam Campus Systems What Hurts Today May Pay off Tomorrow: An Integrative ESSEC Cergy 06/06/2017 Karoline Strauss ESSEC Business School France Perspective on the Well-Being Consequences of Proactive Campus Behavior at Work


Maciej, Fabrice, Ha, Anca, Julija, Elisa, France et ESSEC Cergy 03/10/2017 Stoyan, Anand, ESSEC Business School 5 minute presentations Singapour Campus Sen, Arijit, Kevyn, Srividya, Karoline

CEMAS Brown Bag Series

Date du Lieu du Intervenant Institution Pays Titre du séminaire séminaire séminaire

Why Won't You Listen to Me? the Role of Dicursive ESSEC Cergy 25/01/2017 Helen Etchanchu Montpellier Business School France Legitimacy During Episodes of Contention Campus

Opening New Paths: Exploring the Link Between Organized ESSEC Cergy 08/02/2017 Elisa Operti ESSEC Business School France Crime Asset Confiscation and Regional Entrepreneurship Campus

ESSEC Business School ESSEC Cergy 21/04/2017 Swann Bommier France Struggles for Employment in India’s Industrial Development IRENE – Sciences Po Paris Campus

EDC Paris Business School / Institutional Change and General Practitioner’s Role in the ESSEC Cergy 24/05/2017 Marco Bottura France EMLyon Italian Primary Care System Campus

ESSEC Cergy 14/06/2017 Gabriel Berger Universidad de San Andrés Argentina Social Entrepreneurship in Latin America Campus

Managing Political CSR, the Case of the Atlanta ESSEC Cergy 14/11/2017 Bahar Ali Kazmi Aston Business School UK Agreements Campus

Behavioral Research Lab, Séminaires de recherche expérimentale

Date du Lieu du Intervenant Institution Pays Titre du séminaire séminaire séminaire Using and Abusing Metaknowledge: Motivated Information Processing and Transactive Memory System Centralization ESSEC Cergy 14/12/2017 Julija Mell ESSEC Business School France (Project in collaboration with Zoé Ziani-Franclet, PhD Campus student at ESSEC Business School)


Cross-Cultural Perspective on Proactive Behavior in Organizations 15-17 May 2017 Organization: Karoline Strauss, ESSEC Cergy Campus Partner: European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology

2017 ESSEC INSEAD HEC Workshop 17 May 2017 Organization: Julija Mell, Maciej Workiewicz, ESSEC CNIT Campus Partners: INSEAD & HEC

Marketing Marketing 72

Ouvrages/Books Participations à des ouvrages collectifs/Book chapters BUTORI R. (CADARIO R., BUTORI R., PARGUEL B.) DION D. Méthode expérimentale : analyses de (DION D., DUBREUIL C.) modération et médiation Comment gérer l'affluence De Boeck: Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 2017, 218 p. dans : Marketing sensoriel et expérientiel du point de Cet ouvrage est un guide pratique de la méthode vente expérimentale en sciences humaines et sociales. Il en Rieunier S. (ed.) présente les grands principes, puis offre un soutien à Dunod: Malakoff (France), 2017, chap. 7, pp. 225-251 chacune des étapes de mise en oeuvre d'une Lorsque l’affluence est trop importante, le point de expérimentation. vente devient hors de contrôle et les conditions de This book is a practical guide to the experimental shopping se dégradent: énervement et insatisfaction method in human and social sciences. It presents the des clients, ruptures de stocks, indisponibilité des main principles of the method, then offers a support to vendeurs, etc. Il est donc important de comprendre les each stage of the implementation of an experiment. impacts de la foule sur les clients et de mettre en place Mots-clés : A/B Testing - Expérimentation - Médiation - des actions pour éviter ces répercutions. Ce chapitre Modération dresse une synthèse des recherches sur les Keywords: A/B Testing - Experimental - Mediation - comportements dans la foule, réalisées en marketing et Moderation en psychologie sociale et propose de nombreuses pistes pour mieux gérer l’affluence. Le sentiment de DE BRUYN A. contrôle apparaît comme un élément clé pour permettre aux individus de mieux supporter les (LILIEN G. L., RANGASWAMY A., DE BRUYN A.) situations de foule en magasin. Pour limiter le stress et Principles of Marketing Engineering and l’insatisfaction des clients, il est important de multiplier Analytics (3rd édition) les possibilités de contrôle des clients en les informant sur la situation, sur le déroulement de la prestation, et DecisionPro Inc.: State College (U.S.A.), 2017, 305 p. en multipliant les possibilités de choix. Un client qui a The 21st century business environment demands more l’impression de mieux contrôler la situation est un client analysis and rigor in marketing decision making. moins stressé et plus satisfait. Increasingly, marketing decision making resembles Mots-clés : Contrôle perçu - Densité – Foule - Marketing design engineering – putting together concepts, data, sensorie analyses, and simulations to learn about the marketplace and to design effective marketing plans. While many view traditional marketing as art and some DION D. view it as science, the new marketing increasingly looks La figure du chef cuisinier: alchimie d’un artiste like engineering (that is, combining art and science to artisan solve specific problems). Mots-clés : Ingénierie marketing - Marketing analytique dans : Les gestes culinaires - mise en scène de savoir- Keywords: Marketing Analytics - Marketing Engineering faire Stengel K. (ed.) L'Harmattan: Paris (France), 2017, pp. 135-144 Comme dans la haute-couture, la gastronomie ne passe plus uniquement par la rareté des ingrédients et/ou la délicatesse du travail artisanal du cuisinier mais aussi par le nom et la renommée du chef (Dion et Arnould, 2011). La notoriété du chef devient un élément essentiel pour assoir la renommée d’un grand restaurant. Les critiques gastronomiques mettent en avant le parcours du chef, sa formation, ses créations. Ils évaluent son savoir-faire et sa créativité. De plus en plus de clients vont avant tout chez un chef et non dans un restaurant. La figure du chef-cuisinier est devenue centrale dans l’univers de la restauration gastronomique. Le chef est passé du statut de


domestique de l’ombre au statut d’artiste, voir même context-related, and person-related variables. The de célébrité, objet de l’attention et de la fascination segmentation procedure, which involved a finite des clients et plus généralement du grand public. mixture partial least squares estimation, provides more Mots-clés : Gastronomie - Luxe Savoir-faire insight into the different ways in which people come to accept new technologies. Unlike other segmentation studies published in IS journals, the resulting segments Articles dans des revues/Journal are based on similarities and differences in the structure of the underlying theoretical models rather than (a articles collection of) individual variables. Further research or a re-analysis of existing data should help establish robust “technology acceptance model”-based segments as ALTHUIZEN N. well as comprehensive profiles of the individuals in Communicating a Key Benefit Claim Creatively each segment. and Effectively Through Five Conveyor Keywords: Diffusion of Innovation - Sales Force Properties Automation - Segmentation Anylisis - Technologie Acceptance and Resistance - User Profiles Psychology and Marketing, vol. 34, n° 1, 2017, pp. 5-18 In today’s clutter of marketing communications, creative advertisements are capable of grabbing the ALTHUIZEN N., SGOUREV S. viewers’ attention with the aim of conveying the Is It a Masterpiece? Social Construction and product’s key benefit claim. A proven technique for drawing attention to an ad and communicating a key Objective Constraint in the Evaluation of benefit claim is the use of a “remote conveyor” that is Excellence seemingly unrelated to the product (e.g., a dolphin Social Psychology Quarterly, vol. 80, n° 4, 2017, pp. 289- and a sports watch for conveying its waterproofness). 309 Drawing on associative memory theory, this article A key question in scholarship on evaluation is the extent investigates the potentially antagonistic relationship to which the role of social construction is constrained between five “curiosity raising” (originality) and “benefit by objective reality. This question is addressed in an conveying” (effectiveness) properties of a sample of analysis of the evaluation of artistic excellence. In an 167 conveyors for communicating the key benefit online experiment, we manipulate the subjective social claim of four different products. The conveyors were status (both artwork and artist) and the degree of generated in a nominal brainstorming session with 20 aesthetic complexity of the artwork. The results confirm MBA students. This article also provides real-life the independent role of the objective aesthetic factor examples to illustrate the role of the five conveyor in art evaluation. Most importantly, we document an properties in getting across the message creatively and interaction between subjective and objective factors effectively. Creatives and do-it-yourself advertisers alike whereby aesthetic complexity serves as a credibility can easily apply the outlined procedure for generating lever, amplifying or attenuating the credibility of the and selecting conveyors. status labels. Excessive praise (i.e., a masterpiece by a Keywords: Advertising - Associative Memory Theory - world-famous artist) tends to reduce the appreciation Conveyor Properties - Creativity - Effectiveness - of aesthetically simple artworks when status labels are Remote (Associate Matching) Conveyor Model questioned. However, the association of aesthetic complexity with the capacity to provoke thought may encourage respondents to take the paintings more ALTHUIZEN N. seriously. Complexity is typically discouraged for Using Structural Technology Acceptance standard products, but it can be instrumental in the Models to Segment Intended Users of a New process of singularization by stimulating visual Technology: Propositions and an Empirical exploration and sustaining interest over time. Illustration Keywords: Art - Evaluation - Experimental social psychology - Popular Culture - Psychology - Social Information Systems Journal, 2017, doi: 10.1111/isj.12172 influence This article aims to offer an alternative method to analyse technology acceptance models, namely a segment-wise analysis. The empirical illustration of this method involves data that were collected during a company-wide implementation of a Sales Force Automation technology in Europe. The data comprise a variety of commonly used technology-related,


BUTORI R. Keywords: Firm Value and Performance - Institutional Investor Activism - Investment Horizon - Marketing (PEZ V., BUTORI R., MIMOUNI CHAABANE A.) Expenditures - Marketing-Finance Interface - Research Le côté sombre de la pression exercée sur les and Development consommateurs par les programmes de fidélité : enjeux éthiques et pratiques DE BRUYN A., PROKOPEC S. Recherche et Applications en Marketing, vol. 32, n° 3, Assimilation-Contrast Theory in Action: 2017, pp. 76-89 Operationalization and Managerial Impact in a En dépit des effets vertueux de la pression exercée par les programmes de fidélité sur le comportement des Fundraising Context clients (augmentation du niveau ou de la fréquence International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol. 34, de consommation), la pression ressentie par les n° 2, 2017, pp. 367-381 consommateurs peut aussi avoir des conséquences Charities often suggest specific donation amounts in négatives sur leur bien-être psychologique. A travers their fundraising appeals, and the assimilation-contrast trois études (N=461), nous montrons que la pression theory has been well-established as the explanation perçue peut être source de regret post-achat, behind the impact of such anchors on donors' d’inconfort dans la relation et de mal-être, et ce, behavior. Yet, researchers who tested it in field studies d’autant plus que la valeur perçue du programme est have reported contradictory findings, and despite its élevée. Trois caractéristiques des programmes proven reliability in the labs, this theory has had limited susceptibles de générer le plus de pression sont impact on managerial practice. Drawing on multiple testées : le délai d’expiration des points, le seuil de streams of research, we develop a multi-step strategy points à atteindre et la menace de perdre son statut. to operationalize the assimilation-contrast theory in a Seule la perte de statut semble avoir une influence fundraising context, and report the results of a large positive sur la pression perçue. Au final, cette field experiment in which a charity used anchors to recherche milite en faveur d’une évaluation à la fois influence the behavior of 23,500 of its donors. We found quantitative et qualitative des programmes, à travers la that average donation amount increased by 22% and surveillance du bien-être des clients. net margins increased by 36%. We report as one of the Mots-clés : Bien-être - Bien-être du consommateur - key managerial implications that the effects of the Confort dans la relation - Congestion - Éthique assimilation-contrast theory are largely asymmetric, d’entreprise - Éthique marketing - Presse - Pression - implying that it is far easier for a firm to nudge Programme de fidélité - Programmes de fidélisation - customers in the direction of increased losses than in Regret - Regroupement d'entreprise the direction of increased profit. We conclude by offering decision heuristics to those managers who do not have the resources to build an econometric model, CHUNG T. but wish nonetheless to benefit from our findings. (CHUNG T. S., LOW A.) Keywords: Anchors - Appeals Scales - Assimilation- The Impact of Investor Impatience and Contrast - Direct Marketing - Fundraising

Environmental Turbulence on Myopic Marketing Management and Stock DESMET P. Performance (HERBETH N., DESSALLES S., DESMET P.) International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol. 34, Brand and Design Effects on New Product n° 3, 2017, pp. 660-677 Evaluation at the Concept Stage The authors show that managers are less likely to Journal of Marketing Management, vol. 1, n° 5, 2017, myopically manage marketing spending in response to pp. 21-26 short-termism pressure from institutional investors when La valeur de la marque est un élément déterminant market turbulence is high. In addition, managers are dans l'évaluation d'un nouveau produit. Cette less likely to myopically manage R&D spending in recherche vise à mesurer la contribution de la marque response to such investors' pressure in technologically à un stade précoce de développement du produit, le turbulent environment. Furthermore, they find that long- stade du design concept. Dans un cadre expérimental term stock performance suffers with myopic marketing la présence/absence de la marque est combinée management and that (a) the total financial impact to avec quatre concepts de voiture qui sont évalués myopic management of marketing spending worsens globalement ainsi que sur les dimensions fonctionnelles as market turbulence increases and (b) the total et hédoniques et les émotions générées. Les résultats financial impact to myopic cuts in R&D spending montrent qu'à ce stade de développement, l'effet worsens as technological turbulence increases.


direct de la marque anticipé par la théorie de platform which is creating a two-sided market. This l'ancrage est globalement faible par rapport à l'effet article examines the effect of this intermediary on du design et qu'il est modéré par la typicalité. L'étude contributors’ willingness to participate in crowdfunding révèle non seulement la spécificité des médiateurs projects. pour la marque (fonctionnel) et le design (hédonique) Design/methodology/approach—In an online survey mais aussi le rôle médiateur général des émotions entre the relative effect of contributors’ attitudes toward the les évaluatsions fonctionnelles et hédoniques et crowdfunding platform on two key behaviours is l'évaluation globale du concept. measured: willingness to share word-of-mouth and Brand equity provides a high contribution to new willingness to participate in a project. product evaluation in consumption situations. The Findings—In the theoretical framework of a two-sided present study aims at measuring the brand contribution market, the empirical study reveals that attitude to the evaluation of a design concept at an early toward a crowdfunding platform moderates stage of the new product development process. The contributors’ willingness to participate. This effect can experimental design crosses four car concepts be explained by several risk factors that affect the assessed on functional and hedonic dimensions, platform’s perceived usefulness and ease of use. These emotions and overall liking, and the brand of a factors have a negative influence on attitude toward generalist car maker. Results show that at this stage the the platform, which in turn reduce support for the direct effect of the brand hypothesized by the project. The effects are stronger for willingness to anchoring effect is moderated by typicality and weak participate than for word-of-mouth intentions. Research compared to the design effect. In fact, the overall limitations/implications—Declarative measures and a brand effect is mainly mediated by emotions. focus on utilitarian dimensions of contributor Furthermore, brand equity and design are working participation limit the external validity of the findings. through different intermediate evaluations, functional Practical implications—Using the results of this study, for the brand and hedonic for the design. Finally results Internet platforms can improve attitudes among also emphasize that emotion is a key mediating potential contributors. Project creators can also use the variable between functional and hedonic evaluations findings to adapt their communication campaigns and and overall liking. reduce inhibitions that keep contributors from using the Mots-clés : Capital marque - Design produit - Effet platform. d'ancrage - Emotion - Evaluation hédonique - Originality/value—This study advances marketing and Innovation - Voiture crowdfunding literature by highlighting the potential Keywords: Anchoring Effect - Brand Equity - Car - dark side of a platform that functions as an Emotion - Hedonic Evaluation - New Product - Product intermediary in a twosided market. Design Mots-clés : Bouche-à-oreille - Financement participatif - Plateforme Internet Keywords: Crowdfunding - Platform - Sharing Economy DESMET P. - Two-sided Market - Word of Mouth (LACAN C., DESMET P.) Does the Crowdfunding Platform Matter? Risks DION D. of Negative Attitudes in Two-Sided Markets (ARNOULD E., CAYLA C., DION D.) Journal of Consumer Marketing, vol. 34, n° 6, 2017, pp. 472-479 Fetish, Magic, Marketing Le financement participatif (crowdfunding) est de plus Anthropology Today, 2017, pp. 27-31 en plus utilisé pour collecter des fonds auprès d'un Since Weber’s ([1922] 2013) magnum opus, an grand nombre de contributeurs. Au-delà du projet par immense literature has propounded a rationalist, lui-même et de son porteur, le choix des contributeurs universalizing, utilitarian theory of business, marketing, est aussi influencé par la plate-forme Internet qui consumer behavior and society as a whole. Critiques présente le projet et qui joue ainsi un rôle come from antiutilitarian social theory, economic d'intermédiaire. Une étude en ligne montre que la sociology (e.g. Zelizer 2011) and general social theory plateforme influence non seulement la décision de (Latour 1993, 2010; Miller 1987). Euro-American participer au financement mais aussi la décision marketing scholarship has largely ignored these d'émettre du bouche-à-oreille pour faire connaître la critiques. This article argues that magical thought and campagne. action, supposed by modernist theory to be in decline, Purpose— Crowdfunding has become a prominent is foundational in marketing practice. In this way, this means to raise donations online from a large number of article responds to calls to identify the specific forms contributors, such that open calls for contributions of‘the magic of modernity – those enchantments that inherently involve another actor, namely, the Internet are produced by practices culturally specific to


modern economies, and societies’ (Pels 2003: 5). Many class subjects who have a specific understanding of researchers have examined the relevance of magic to their position in the social hierarchy. Thus, managing modern-day consumption (Arnould et al. 1999; status requires the active creation and management of Fernandez & Lastovicka 2011; Meyer 2003). Thus, Belk consumers as class subjects. There is a shift from (1991: 17) pointedly observes that: ‘We reside in magic managing branded goods that signal status to places and make pilgrimages to even more magical managing customer experiences that make consumers places. We eat magic foods, own magic pets, and enact status positions. This research enables the envelop ourselves in the magic of films, television and identification of new ways to manage status brands, books. We court magic in a plethora of material loci especially luxury brands. that cumulatively compel us to conclude that the Keywords: Customer Experience - Luxury Brands - rational possessor is a myth that can no longer be Service Encounter - Service Work - Servicescape - sustained. It fails because it denies the inescapable Social Class - Status and essential mysteriousness of our existence. We might substitute Belk’s term mysteriousness with fascination, which as Freud suggested is the mode of apprehension McFARLAND R. appropriate to fetishism. The presence of an object (PÖYRY E., PARVINEN P., MCFARLAND R. G.) that is compelling but remains opaque fulfils our sense Generating Leads with Sequential Persuasion: of fascination, unlike curiosity or scientific investigation Should Sales Influence Tactics Be Consistent or that stimulates further action. Opacity is the key characteristic of the capitalist commodity that for Complementary? consumer culture dissimulates actual social relations Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, behind appearances (Mulhern 2007). Ideas about vol. 37, n° 2, 2017, pp. 89-99 fetishism and magic can be put together with Firms are becoming increasingly systematic in sales conceptions of materiality and performativity to lead generation activities and recognize that multiple provide a revived magical theoretical template interactions are often required to generate leads and appropriate to market capitalism to show that magical to reassure buyers of the benefits of an offering. thought and action is not only present in, but perhaps However, the literature is contradictory regarding what necessary to, contemporary social life (Meyer & Pels types of persuasive messages should be used across 2003) as well as marketing practice. In the sections that these multiple interactions. This paper investigates what follow, we present briefly some theoretical ideas about combination of sales influence tactics (SITs) should be magic from anthropology, link them to two examples, used when customers are approached more than and finally offer a discussion linking fetishism, magic, once regarding the same offering, that is, sequentially. performativity and materiality. Should the SITs be consistent (the same), or Keywords: Capitalism - Fetishism - Magic - Materiality - complementary (different)? Consistent vs. Performaivity complementary SIT approaches were tested in two field experiments, one with an electronics manufacturer in a single communication channel DION D. setting and one with a financial services provider in a (DION D., BORRAZ S.) cross-channel setting. The results supported our hypothesis and indicated that the use of Managing Status: How Luxury Brands Shape complementary SITs across interactions, regardless of Class Subjectivities in the Service Encounter the order, increases lead conversion. Journal of Marketing, vol. 81, n° 5, 2017, pp. 67-85 Keywords: Direct - Direct Marketing - Email Marketing - Although a large body of research investigates how Lead Generation - Sales - Sales Influence Tactics - consumers use goods to signal their status, little is known Sequential Persuasion - Telesales about how brands manage status. The very few studies that do look at this are grounded in the traditional conception of status and focus on the possession and display of status signals. The authors offer an alternative understanding of status management by investigating the role of interactions in the service encounter. Drawing from extensive ethnographic work in luxury stores, they investigate how brands (re)configure the status games that surface in the service encounter. They show that through the material and social cues of the servicescape, brands shape consumers’ class subjectivities, that is, they make consumers behave as


McFARLAND R. Communications publiées dans des (BLOODGOOD J. M., HORNSBY J. S., actes de conférence/Articles RUTHERFORD M., MCFARLAND R. G.) published in conference The Role of Network Density and Betweenness proceedings Centrality in Diffusing New Venture Legitimacy:

An Epidemiological Approach International Entrepreneurship and Management DARMON R. Journal, vol. 13, n° 2, 2017, pp. 525-552 Operationalizing Vroom’s Expectancy Theory To survive and grow, new ventures must establish initial For Raising Sales Force Motivation legitimacy, and subsequently diffuse this legitimacy in: 2017 Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI) through a given population. While the notion of initial Conference legitimacy has received substantial attention in the Port-Louis (Mauritius), 2017, 2017 Global Sales Science recent literature, diffusion has not. This work endeavors Institute (GSSI) Conference 6 June 2017 to outline the legitimacy diffusion process via drawing parallels with the field of epidemiology.

Keywords: Diffusion - Epidemiology - Legitimacy - Network Density

SEGGIE S. (SEGGIE S. H., SOYER E., PAUWELS K. H.) Combining Big Data and Lean Startup Methods for Business Model Evolution AMS Review, vol. 7, n° 3-4, 2017, pp. 154-169 The continued survival of firms depends on successful innovation. Yet, legacy firms are struggling to adapt their business models to successfully innovate in the face of greater competition from both local and global startups. The authors propose that firms should build on the lean startup methodology to help adapt their business models while at the same time leveraging the resource advantages that they have as legacy corporations. This paper provides an integrated process for corporate innovation learning through combining the lean startup methodology with big data. By themselves, the volume, variety and velocity of big data may trigger confirmation bias, communication problems and illusions of control. However, the lean startup methodology has the potential to alleviate these complications. Specifically, firms should evolve their business models through fast verification of managerial hypotheses, innovation accounting and the build-measure-learn-loop cycle. Such advice is especially valid for environments with high levels of technological and demand uncertainty. Keywords: Big Data Lean Startup - Build-Measure- Learn-Loop - Business Model Innovation - Confirmation Bias - Innovation Accounting


Communications présentées dans GUPTA R. des conférences/Conference (GUPTA R., MUKHERJEE S., JAYARAJAH K.) presentations Role of Group Cohesiveness in Consumer's Responses to Mobile Promotions 2017 Association for Consumer Research Conference ALTHUIZEN N. (ACR 2017), Association for Consumer Research (ACR): (ALTHUIZEN N, MUKHERJEE S.) San Diego (U.S.A.), October 29, 2017 Courting Controversy: When Taking a Stand on Social Issues Hurts or Helps Business 46th European Marketing Academy Conference GUPTA R. (EMAC 2017), University of Groningen: Groningen (The Improving Social Capital at the Bottom of the Netherlands), May 26, 2017 Pyramid: Which Interventions Work Best?

in: 2017 Annual Conference of Emerging Markets DE BRUYN A. Conference Board An Empirical Investigation of Word-of-Mouth IIM Lucknow: New Delhi (India), 2017, 2017 Annual Spillovers on Consumer Decision Process Conference of Emerging Markets Conference Board 5 January 2017 46th European Marketing Academy Conference

(EMAC 2017), University of Groningen: Groningen (The Netherlands), May 25, 2017 LE NAGARD-ASSAYAG E. (LE NAGARD-ASSAYAG E., GUILLARD V.) DE BRUYN A. L’impact de l’obsolescence perçue des biens The Spillover Effects of Online Word-of-Mouth durables sur la décision de remplacement et la on Rival Brands destinée de l’objet remplacé 39th ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Institute for 2017 conference of the Administrative Sciences Operations Research and the Management Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), HEC Montreal: (INFORMS): Los Angeles (U.S.A.), July 07, 2017 Montreal (Canada), June 01, 2017

DESMET P. LE NAGARD-ASSAYAG E. (LACAN C., DESMET P.) (BEZANÇON M., LE NAGARD-ASSAYAG E., How Message Framing and Temporal Distance GUIOT D.) Affect Word of Mouth Should Sellers Tell the Story of Second-Hand in: 19th International Conference on Digital Marketing Products? The Influence of Symbolic Contagion (ICDM 2017) on a Second-Hand Purchase World Academy of Sciences, Engineering and 33ème Congrès International de l’Association Française Technology (WASET): Kyoto (Japan), 2017, ICDM 2017: du Marketing, Association Française du Marketing 19th International Conference on Digital Marketing 27 (AFM): Tours (France), May 19, 2017 April 2017

DION D. Article de press/Press article (DUBREUIL C., DION D.) Performativity and Crowd: How do ALTHUIZEN N. Sociomaterial Entanglements Shape Managing the Supply and Demand of Experience in Practice? Creativity 9th Workshop on Interpretive Consumer Research, RSM Discovery, November 27, 2017 European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM): Stockholm (Sweden), April 28, 2017


Participations à des comités de Participationslecture/Editorial à desboard comités de DION D. lecture/membershipsEditorial board DIONRecherche D. et Applications en Marketing Recherche et Applications en Marketing memberships McFARLAND R. CHUNG T. S. McFARLANDJournal of Marketing R. CHUNGInternational T. JournalS. of Research in Marketing Journal of MarketingPersonal Selling & Sales Management International Journal of Research in Marketing Journal of PersonalRetailing Selling & Sales Management DARMON R.-Y. Journal of Retailing DARMONArab Journal R.-Y.of Administrative Sciences LE NAGARD-ASSAYAG E. ArabJournal Journal of Business of Administrative Research Sciences LEDécisions NAGARD-ASSAYAG Marketing E. Journal of BusinessPersonal Research Selling and Sales Management Décisions Marketing Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management ÖNÇÜLER A. DE BRUYN A. ÖNÇÜLERRecherche et A. Applications en Marketing DEInternational BRUYN JournalA. of Research in Marketing Recherche et Applications en Marketing InternationalJournal of Interactive Journal of Marketing Research in Marketing PRAS B. Recherche et Applications en Marketing Journal of Interactive Marketing PRASDécisions B. Marketing Recherche et Applications en Marketing DécisionsRecherche Marketing et Applications en Marketing DESMET P. RechercheRevue Française et Applications de Gestion en Marketing DESMETDécisions Marketing P. Revue Française de Gestion DécisionsJournal of Marketing Business Research XUEREB J.-M. Recherche et Applications en Marketing Journal of Business Research XUEREBInternational J.-M. Journal of Business Excellence Recherche et Applications en Marketing International Journal of Business Excellence


Séminaires, ateliers de recherche et conférences organisés par le département/Research seminars, workshops, and conferences organized by the department

Department Seminar Series

Date du Lieu du Intervenant Institution Pays Titre du séminaire séminaire séminaire

The Bigger, the Better? The Influence of Store Richard McFarland ESSEC Cergy 03/10/2017 ESSEC Business School France Spaciousness on Salience of Product Attributes in & Yenee Kim Campus Customer Product Evaluations

Future Ambiguity Effect: How Ambiguity Increases the ESSEC Cergy 17/10/2017 Ayse Önçüler ESSEC Business School France Appeal of a Future Project Campus

ESSEC Cergy 12/12/2017 Arnaud De Bruyn ESSEC Business School France A Unified Model of Context-Dependent Preferences Campus

Management des opérations Operations Management 82

Articles dans des revues/Journal Participations à des ouvrages Articles dans des revues/Journal Participations à des ouvrages articles collectifs/Book chapters articles collectifs/Book chapters DE GIOVANNI P. DORNIER P. (RAMANIDE GIOVANNI V., DE GIOVANNI P. P.) DésintégrationDORNIER P. et ré-engineering permanent de A(RAMANI Two-Period V., DEModel GIOVANNI of Product P.) Cannibalization laDésintégration Supply Chain et de ré-engineering la Santé: le cas permanent du de inA anTwo-Period Atypical ModelClosed-Loop of Product Supply Cannibalization Chain with médicamentla Supply Chain de la Santé: le cas du Endogenousin an Atypical Returns: Closed-Loop The Case Supply of Dell Chain with médicament dans : Soigner ou vendre? Quel avenir pour la chaîne ReconnectEndogenous Returns: The Case of Dell dudans médicament : Soigner ou vendre? Quel avenir pour la chaîne EuropeanReconnect Journal of Operational Research, vol. 262, Ledu Bord médicament de l'Eau: Lormont (France), 2017, pp. 115-132 n°European 3, 2017, Journalpp. 1009-1027 of Operational Research, vol. 262, LaLe supplyBord de chain l'Eau: du Lormont médicament (France), est 2017, interpelée pp. 115-132 par le Inn° this 3, 2017, paper pp. we 1009-1027 develop a two-period model of an changementLa supply chain de du la valeurmédicament des produits, est interpelée par leur par le atypicalIn this paper Closed-loop we develop Supply a two-period Chain (CLSC) model consistent of an spécificitéchangement logistique de la valeur croissante des produits, et par les par exigences leur withatypical the DellReconnectClosed-loop Supply project. Chain In our (CLSC) setting, consistent a croissantesspécificité logistiquede service. croissante Toutefois, et la par question les exigences de la manufacturerwith the DellReconnect (Dell) sells project.new products In our setting,in the first a period rupturecroissantes des deapprovisionnements service. Toutefois, restela question un sujet de de la andmanufacturer faces the threat(Dell) sells of cannibalization new products in in the the firstsecond period débatrupture et des les approvisionnementschoix en matière de restesupply un chain sujet ende sont periodand faces from the a Goodwill threat of agency,cannibalization which collects in the second and undébat facteur et les explicatif. choix en Enfin matière de nouveauxde supply businesschain en sont refurbishesperiod from the a Goodwillmanufacturer’s agency, goods which and collects sells them and as modelsun facteur apparaissent explicatif. pouvantEnfin de nouveauxtransformer business les canaux usedrefurbishes products. the manufacturer’sSurprisingly, and goods unlike andthe findings sells them from as demodels distribution. apparaissent pouvant transformer les canaux theused marketing products. literature, Surprisingly, cannibalization and unlike the does findings not lower from Drugsde distribution. supply chain is challenged by the growing value thethe manufacturer’smarketing literature, sales cannibalizationin both periods; doeshowever, not lower it ofDrugs the products,supply chain by theis challenged features of by the the products growing and value by doesthe manufacturer’s negatively impact sales the in bothmanufacturer’s periods; however, profits and it theof the expected products, levels by theof quality features of ofservice. the products But the andstock- by positivelydoes negatively affect the impact Goodwill the manufacturer’s agency’s profits. profits and outthe questionexpected stays levels a topicof quality in debate. of service. The supplyBut the chain stock- Keywords:positively affect DellReconnect the Goodwill - Game agency’s Theory profits. - Product choicesout question can partlystays aexplain topic inthis debate. situation. The Finally, supply new chain ResaleKeywords: Value DellReconnect - Product Returns - Game - Project Theory Cannibalization - Product businesschoices modelscan partly appear explain being this ablesituation. to change Finally, thenew Resale Value - Product Returns - Project Cannibalization naturebusiness of models the distribution appear channels.being able to change the

Mots-clésnature of the: Logistique distribution - Médicaments channels. - Rupture - Supply DE GIOVANNI P. chainMots-clés : Logistique - Médicaments - Rupture - Supply Closed-LoopDE GIOVANNI Supply P. Chain Coordination Keywords:chain Drugs - Logistics - Stock-Out - Supply Chain Closed-Loop Supply Chain Coordination Keywords: Drugs - Logistics - Stock-Out - Supply Chain through Incentives with Asymmetric Information Annalsthrough of OperationsIncentives Research with Asymmetric, vol. 253, n° Information 1, 2017, PAVIE X. pp.Annals 133-167 of Operations Research, vol. 253, n° 1, 2017, (PETRAITEPAVIE X. M., PAVIE X., CEICYTE J., JANIUNAITE App. closed-loop 133-167 supply chain seeks to enhance the B.,(PETRAITE CARTHY M., D.) PAVIE X., CEICYTE J., JANIUNAITE consumers’A closed-loop environmental supply chain consciousness seeks to enhance to increase the B., CARTHY D.) bothconsumers’ the profits environmental and the return consciousness of past-sold to products. increase Managing Innovation in Multicultural Evenboth though,the profits firms and have the misalireturngned of past-sold interests products. for closing Managing Innovation in Multicultural Environments: An Imperative of Responsibility theEven loop: though, while firms all firms have exploit misali gnedconsumers interests for closing WithinEnvironments: Interorganizational An Imperative Networks of Responsibility environmentalthe loop: while consciousnessall firms exploit to consumers increase sales, only In:Within Intercultural Interorganizational Interactions in the Networks Workplace: manufacturersenvironmental useconsciousness it for appropriating to increase of returns’ sales, only TraditionalIn: Intercultural and PositiveInteractions Organizational in the Workplace: Scholarship residualmanufacturers value. Startinguse it for from appropriating a benchmark of returns’ (no- RozkwitalskaTraditional and M., Positive Sułkowski Organizational L., Magala S. Scholarship (eds.) incentive)residual value. scenario Starting where from a manufacturera benchmark (no-(M) is the Springer:Rozkwitalska Cham M., (Switzerland), Sułkowski L., Magala2017, chap. S. (eds.) 10, pp. 137- leaderincentive) and scenario a retailer where (R) is thea manufacturer follower, we develop(M) is the two 154Springer: Cham (Switzerland), 2017, chap. 10, pp. 137- incentiveleader and games a retailer through (R) is a the profit-sharing follower, we contract develop to two The154 complexity of environmental, societal, economic alignincentive firms’ games motivations through for aclosing profit-sharing the loop. contract In both to challengesThe complexity etc. ofand environmental, businesses need societal, to address economic with incentivealign firms’ games, motivations the incentive for closing takes the the loop. form In bothof a theirchallenges innovation etc. strategiesand businesses and practices need to addresscalls for withnew shareincentive of profits games, that the M incentivetransfers to takes R. Our the question form of ais how underlyingtheir innovation concepts strategies to support and practices sustainable calls business for new theshare sharing of profits fraction that shouldM transfers be determined to R. Our question to make is how behaviorsunderlying within concepts increasingly to support multicultural sustainable business business and boththe sharing players fraction economically should betteroff.be determined The first to incentive make consumerbehaviors environments.within increasingly multicultural business and gameboth players assumes economically that R has no-information betteroff. The onfirst the incentive sharing Keywords:consumer environments. Coordinated Decision Making Innovation - parameter,game assumes which that is determinedR has no-information by M after on R thesets sharing her MulticulturalKeywords: Coordinated Networks - Responsibility Decision Making Innovation - strategies;parameter, thus which the isincentive determined has anby Mendogenous after R sets her Multicultural Networks - Responsibility nature.strategies; In the thus second the incentive incentive has game an endogenous the sharing parameternature. In the is common second incentive knowledge game and the both sharing players parameter is common knowledge and both players


know its values before the game starts, thus the identify the best CLSC structure to adopt when the incentive has an exogenous nature. We find that an return rate is both price- and quality-dependent. Our endogenous incentive is never more economically and results demonstrate that it is always worthwhile for environmentally convenient than a no-incentive game. companies to collect products and adopt an active In contrast, an exogenous incentive can make both return approach for returns. We investigate the effect players economically better-off inside specific sharing of retail competition in both forward and backward parameter ranges. Nevertheless, when other forces channels and show the impact of eliminating the (e.g., competition or legislation) impose the adoption double marginalization on market outcomes. of a profit-sharing contract, M should supply an Keywords: Closed-Loop Supply Chain - Competition - endogenous incentive when the exogenous share is Supply Chain Structure - Technology Investments either too high or too low. Keywords: Closed-Loop Supply Chain - Consumers Environmental Consciousness - Incentive - Information EL OUARDIGHI F. Asymmetry - Profit-Sharing Contract (KOGAN K., EL OUARDIGHI F., HERBON A.) Production with Learning and Forgetting in a DE GIOVANNI P. Competitive Environment (DE GIOVANNI P., RAMANI V.) International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 189, 2017, pp. 52-62 Product Cannibalization and the Effect of a It has been shown that learning-by-doing enables firms Service Strategy to reduce marginal production costs, but that this Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 69, effect weakens due to organizational forgetting. In n° 3, 2017, pp. 340-357 order to assess the impact of both learning and Product cannibalization can push some consumers to forgetting on longterm competitiveness and a firm’s shift their purchasing preferences from new to used profitability, we model an experience accumulation products. This is a costly issue for manufacturers, who process with depreciation and consider two competing have to adjust their pricing strategies accordingly to firms that produce fully substitutable products. In this mitigate the negative effect of cannibalization. In this model, unit production costs decrease with the firm’s paper, we characterize an atypical channel to experience due to the proprietary learning process as examine the effect of product cannibalization within well as the spillover of experience from the competing the DellReconnect project. firm. Firms can either share or hide from each other their Keywords: DellReconnect Project - Goodwill Agency - information about the state of their respective Price Competition - Product Cannibalization - Service experience throughout the game. We found that in an Strategy equilibrium steady state, if the organizational forgetting is sufficiently large (larger than the spillover rate value), then information sharing, compared to information DE GIOVANNI P. hiding, results both in less competitiveness and (GENC S. T., DE GIOVANNI P.) increased profits for firms. Conversely, if the Trade-In and Save: A Two-Period Closed-Loop organizational forgetting is small and the spillover opportunities are relatively large, then information Supply Chain Game with Price and Technology sharing promotes both long term competitiveness and Dependent Returns [online 2016] firm profits. Accordingly, firms are better off in the long International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 183, term by deliberately limiting (expanding) their 2017, pp. 514-527 experience accumulation process whenever Consumers evaluate the convenience of changing organizational forgetting is relatively large (small). A their products according to the price paid as well as high ability of proprietary learning, however, can the technology (quality) level. When the consumers interfere in this relationship so that limiting the firms’ wish to capitalize the products residual value, they experience process will always be compatible with should return them as early as possible. Accordingly, we higher profitability. develop a model of Closed-loop Supply Chain (CLSC) Keywords: Duopolistic Competition - Dynamic Games - where consumers seek to gain as much as possible Learning-By-Doing - Organizational Forgetting - from their returns and the return rate is a function of Production both price and quality. We model a two-period Stackelberg game to capture the dynamic aspects of a CLSC, where the manufacturer is the channel leader. We investigate who, namely, manufacturer or retailer, should collect the products in the market. Thus, we


Communications présentées dans EL OUARDIGHI F. des conférences/Conference Cheating or Delighting Customers on Product presentations Quality 2017 Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, DE GIOVANNI P. Institute for Operations Research and the Management A Joint Maximization Incentive in Closedloop Sciences (INFORMS): Houston (U.S.A.), October 25, 2017 Supply Chains: The Case of Spent Battery Recycling EL OUARDIGHI F. 4th International Conference on Energy, Sustainability Economic and Environmental Impact of and Climate Change (ESCC 2017), University of Vertical Decisional Sequences under Horizontal Thessaly, University of Florida and University of Munich: Competition and Integration Santorini (Greece), June 15, 2017 2017 Optimization Days, HEC Montreal: Montreal (Canada), May 10, 2017 DE GIOVANNI P. Dynamic Coordination in Supply Chain REZAE-VESSAL S. Management (REZAE-VESSAL S., SOMMER S.) 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Mathematics Applied to Social and Economic Sciences (AMASES Effect of Incentive Design on Location Decision 2017), Association for Mathematics Applied to Social of Product Development of Teams and Economic Sciences (AMASES): Cagliari (Italy), 2017 Institute for Operations Research and the September 16, 2017 Management Sciences (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS): Houston (U.S.A.), October 25, 2017 DE GIOVANNI P. Conformance Quality, Goodwill and Cooperative Programs in a Dynamic Supply Articles de press/Press articles Chain 9th Workshop on Dynamic Games in Management Science, HEC Montreal: Montreal (Canada), October PAVIE X. 13, 2017 Faut-il méditer ou philosopher ? La Tribune, juin 2017 DE GIOVANNI P. Environmental Collaboration and Process PAVIE X. Innovation in Supply Chain Management with Le pharmacien d’hier est-il celui de demain ? Coordination Bien être et Santé, mars 2017 2017 ENTRENOVA ENTerprise Research InNovation Conference, University of Zagreb: Dubrovnik (Croatia), September 10, 2017 PAVIE X. Le pharmacien est-il l'acteur de santé de demain ? DE GIOVANNI P. La Tribune, mars 2017 Supply Chain Coordination with Dynamic Sharing Parameters 11th Workshop of the International Society of Dynamic PAVIE X. Games (ISDG), International Society of Dynamic Le yoga et les exercices spirituels, une origine Games (ISDG): Warsaw (Poland), July 16, 2017 commune ? Namaskar, juin 2017


PAVIE X. Participations à des comités de Learning by Doing' Seen in Action lecture/Editorial board Asia One, June 2017 memberships

PAVIE X. EL OUARDIGHI F. Pourquoi les Individus innovants sont-ils aussi International Game Theory Review détestables ? Revue Française de Gestion Harvard Business Review (France) : Chroniques d'experts, sept. 2017

Document de recherche/Working paper

EL OUARDIGHI F. (EL OUARDIGHI F., KOGAN K., BOUCEKKINE R.) Optimal Recycling Under Heterogeneous Waste Sources and the Environmental Kuznets Curve WP Research Center 1711 We investigate how the relationship between economic growth and pollution is affected by the source of pollution: production or consumption. We are interested in polluting waste that cannot be naturally absorbed, but for which recycling efforts aim to avoid massive pollution accumulation with harmful consequences in the long run. We distinguish the cases where recycling efforts are capital-improving or capital-neutral. Based on both environmental and social welfare perspectives, we determine how the interaction between growth and polluting waste accumulation is affected by the source of pollution, i.e., either consumption or production, and by the fact that recycling may or may not act as an income generator, i.e., either capital-improving or capital- neutral recycling efforts. Several new results are extracted regarding optimal recycling policy and the Environmental Kuznets Curve. Beside the latter concern, we show both analytically and numerically that the optimal control of waste through recycling allows to reaching larger (resp., lower) consumption and capital stock levels under consumption-based waste compared to production-based waste while the latter permits to reach lower stocks of waste through lower recycling efforts. Keywords: Capital - Consumption - Economic Growth - Polluting waste - Recycling Efforts


Séminaires, ateliers de recherche et conférences organisés par le département/Research seminars, workshops, and conferences organized by the department

Department Seminar Series

Date du Lieu du Intervenant Institution Pays Titre du séminaire séminaire séminaire

Strategic Grading in the Product Acquisition Process of ESSEC Cergy 30/01/2017 Moritz Fleischmann University of Mannheim Germany a Reverse Supply Chain Campus

Counterproductive Effects of Commonsensical ESSEC Cergy 20/02/2017 Jean-Charles Chebat HEC Montreal Canada Marketing Strategies in Services Marketing Campus

How Experienced Waits Drive Queue Behavior in the ESSEC Cergy 27/03/2017 Zeynep Aksin Koç University Turkey Lab Campus

United A Dual Local Search Framework for Combinatorial ESSEC Cergy 10/05/2017 Jamal Ouenniche University of Edinburg Kingdom Optimization Problems with TSP Application Campus

Sensitivity Analysis in the Management Sciences: A ESSEC Cergy 22/05/2017 Emanuele Borgonovo Bocconi University Italy Review Campus

CRNS Laboratory Zero-Price Energy Offering by (Multiband) Robust ESSEC Cergy 27/09/2017 Fabio D'Andreagiovanni Heudiasyc Université de France Optimization Campus Compiègne

ESSEC Cergy 23/10/2017 Laurent Alfandari ESSEC Business School France Tighter Models for Barge Container Ship Routing Campus

A Unified Decomposition Matheuristic for Assembly, ESSEC Cergy 13/12/2017 Jean-François Cordeau HEC Montreal Canada Production and Inventory Routing Campus

Behavioral Research Lab, Séminaires de recherche expérimentale

Date du Lieu du Intervenant Institution Pays Titre du séminaire séminaire séminaire

Learning from Near-Miss Events to Avoid Supply Chain Jose-Benedicto PhD Candidate ESSEC ESSEC Cergy 20/05/2017 France Disruption (Project in collaboration with Ayse Onculer Duhaylongsod Business School Campus and Felix Papier)

Systèmes d’information, sciences de la décision et statistiques Information Systems, Decision Sciences And Statistics 88

terms of predictive ability are more and more desirable Participations à des ouvrages interms PLS-PM. of predictive The performance ability are of more the models and more can desirable be collectifs/ParticipationsBook àchapters des ouvrages improvedin PLS-PM. byThe choosing performance the appropriate of the models parameter can be collectifs/Book chapters estimationimproved byprocedure choosing among the appropriate the different parameter existing ones orestimation by making procedure developments among and the modifications different existing of the ones or by making developments and modifications of the COMYN-WATTIAU I. latter. A recent example of this type of work is the non- COMYN-WATTIAU I. symmetricallatter. A recent approach example for of component-based this type of work is paththe non- (AKOKA J., COMYN-WATTIAU I.) modeling,symmetrical which approach leads tofor a component-based new method, called path non- (AKOKA J., COMYN-WATTIAU I.) A Method for Emerging Technology Evaluation. symmetricalmodeling, which composite-based leads to a new path method, modeling. called In non-the symmetrical composite-based path modeling. In the ApplicationA Method for to Emerging Blockchain Technology and Smart Evaluation. Data composites construction stage, this new method Application to Blockchain and Smart Data explicitlycomposites takes construction into account stage, the thisdirections new method of the Discovery explicitly takes into account the directions of the Discovery relationships in the inner model. Results are promising in: Conceptual Modeling Perspectives forrelationships this new method, in the inner especially model. in Results terms areof predictive promising in: Conceptual Modeling Perspectives Cabot J., Gómez C., Pastor O., Sancho M. R., relevance.for this new method, especially in terms of predictive Cabot J., Gómez C., Pastor O., Sancho M. R., Teniente E. (eds.) Keywords:relevance. Multi-component Estimation - Predictive Teniente E. (eds.) Springer: Cham (Switzerland), 2017, chap. 17, pp. 247- AbilityKeywords: - Regularization Multi-component Estimation - Predictive Springer: Cham (Switzerland), 2017, chap. 17, pp. 247- 258 Ability - Regularization Emerging258 technologies represent a major innovation thatEmerging offers technologiessignificant advances represent to a both major private innovation and MALAURENT J. publicthat offers organizations. significant Examplesadvances of to these both technologiesprivate and BigMALAURENT Data: enjeux etJ. applications pour public organizations. Examples of these technologies are the “Blockchain technology” which combines appréhenderBig Data: enjeux la mobilité et applications pour cryptographicare the “Blockchain mechanisms technology” and peer-to-peer which combines (P2P) dansappréhender : Big Data et la Politiques mobilité Publiques dans les architecturecryptographic and mechanisms “Smart Data and Discovery” peer-to-peer combining (P2P) Transportsdans : Big Data et Politiques Publiques dans les artificialarchitecture intelligence and “Smart and analytics.Data Discovery” The importance combining of deTransports Palma A., Dantan S. (eds) theseartificial emerging intelligence technologies and analytics. requires The the importance use of of Economica:de Palma A., Paris Dantan (France), S. (eds) 2017, chap. 1, pp. 39-49 evaluationthese emerging methods technologies in order to requires understand the use their of Mots-clésEconomica: : Big Paris Data (France), - Mobilité 2017, - Politique chap. 1, - Transportpp. 39-49 contributionevaluation methods and the inassociate order tod understand risks. The objective their of Mots-clés : Big Data - Mobilité - Politique - Transport thiscontribution article is to and propose the associate a methodd risks. supporting The objective the of evaluationthis article isof to emerging propose technologies.a method supporting A guidance the approachevaluation is of proposed. emerging It technologies. is based on the A guidancerecognition Articles dans des revues/Journal approach is proposed. It is based on the recognition Articles dans des revues/Journal that emerging technologies are complex systems. Our articles approachthat emerging combines technologies three conceptual are complex frameworks: systems. Our the articles underlyingapproach theorycombines of complex three conceptual information frameworks: systems, the systemsunderlying theory, theory and of the complex ISO 25001 information standard systems, devoted to ALFANDARI L. softwaresystems theory, quality. and We thepropose ISO 25001 a multi-criteria standard devotedhierarchy to ALFANDARI L. software quality. We propose a multi-criteria hierarchy (DENOYEL V., ALFANDARI L., THIELE A.) which serves as the basis for the eval-uation. To illustrate (DENOYEL V., ALFANDARI L., THIELE A.) thiswhich approach, serves as we the apply basis itfor to the the eval-uation. particular cases To illustrate of Optimizing Healthcare Network Design Under “Blockchainthis approach, technology” we apply itand to the “Smart particular Data Discovery”.cases of ReferenceOptimizing PricingHealthcare and ParameterNetwork Design Uncertainty Under “Blockchain technology” and “Smart Data Discovery”. EuropeanReference Journal Pricing of Operational and Parameter Research Uncertainty, vol. 263,

ESPOSITO VINZI V. n°European 3, 2017, Journalpp. 996-1006 of Operational Research, vol. 263, ESPOSITO VINZI V. Healthcaren° 3, 2017, pp. payers 996-1006 are exploring cost-containing (DOLCE P., ESPOSITO VINZI V., CARLO L.) policiesHealthcare to steer payers patients, are exploring through cost-containingqualified information (DOLCE P., ESPOSITO VINZI V., CARLO L.) Predictive Path Modeling Through PLS and andpolicies financial to steer incentives, patients, towards through providersqualified offeringinformation the OtherPredictive Component-Based Path Modeling Approaches:Through PLS and bestand value.financial With incentives, Reference towards Pricing providers (RP), a payer offering the best value. With Reference Pricing (RP), a payer MethodologicalOther Component-Based Issues and Approaches: Performance determines a maximum amount paid for a procedure, Methodological Issues and Performance anddetermines patients a selecting maximum a amountprovider paid charging for a moreprocedure, pay Evaluation and patients selecting a provider charging more pay Evaluation the difference. In a Tiered Network (TN), providers are dans : Partial Least Squares Path Modeling: Basic stratifiedthe difference. according In a Tieredto criteria Network such as(TN), quality providers and cost,are dans : Partial Least Squares Path Modeling: Basic Concepts, Methodological Issues and Applications eachstratified tier accordinghaving a different to criteria out-of-pocket such as quality price. and cost, Concepts, Methodological Issues and Applications Latan H., Noonan R. (eds.) Motivatedeach tier having by a program a different recently out-of-pocket implemented price. in Latan H., Noonan R. (eds.) Springer: Cham (Switzerland), 2017, chap. 7, pp. 153- California,Motivated weby adesign program an optimization recently implemented model for payersin Springer: Cham (Switzerland), 2017, chap. 7, pp. 153- 172 combiningCalifornia, weboth design RP and an TN, optimization filling the gap model of for payers 172 This paper deals with the predictive use of PLS-PM and quantitativecombining both research RP and on TN,these filling novel the paymentgap of policies. This paper deals with the predictive use of PLS-PM and related component-based methods in an attempt to Thequantitative main decision research is to on select these which novel providers payment to policies. related component-based methods in an attempt to contribute to the recent debates on the suitability of exemptThe main from decision RP, whose is to select patients which will faceproviders no out-of- to contribute to the recent debates on the suitability of PLS-PM for predictive purposes. Appropriate measures pocketexempt costs. from RP,Patients’ whose choice patients of willa provider face no is out-of- modeled PLS-PM for predictive purposes. Appropriate measures and evaluation criteria for the assessment of models in withpocket a Multinomial costs. Patients’ Logit choice model. of The a providerobjective is ismodeled to and evaluation criteria for the assessment of models in with a Multinomial Logit model. The objective is to


minimize the payer’s cost, while constraints provide have the means to overcome them. The following key decision makers with levers for a trade-off between obstacles are discussed: low statistical power, cost reduction and providers quality. We build a robust common-method bias, and multilevel influences. We counterpart of our model to account for parameter also discuss two important advantages of employing uncertainty. Numerical experiments provide insights into AR in positivist IS investigations, from a positivist how tiers are scattered on a price/quality plane. We perspective: AR’s support for the identification of argue that this system has strong potential in terms of omitted variables and J-curve relationships. The study’s costs reduction, quality increase for patients and contribution is expected to enhance our knowledge of visibility for high-value providers. AR and foster its practice. Keywords: Choice Models - Combinatorial Optimization - OR in Health Services - Robust Optimization CHEVILLON G. (CHEVILLON G., MAVROEIDIS S.) AVISON D., MALAURENT J. Learning Can Generate Long Memory (AVISON D., MALAURENT J., EYNAUD P.) Journal of Econometrics, vol. 198, n° 1, 2017, pp. 1-9 We study learning dynamics in a prototypical A Narrative Approach to Publishing Information representative-agent forward-looking model in which Systems Research: Inspiration from the French agents’ beliefs are updated using linear learning New Novel Tradition algorithms. We show that learning in this model can European Journal of Information Systems, vol. 26, n° 3, generate long memory endogenously, without any 2017, pp. 260-273 persistence in the exogenous shocks, depending on the In this paper, we suggest an alternative way of weights agents place on past observations when they producing Information Systems (IS) case studies in update their beliefs, and on the magnitude of the which researchers act as narrators of stories following feedback from expectations to the endogenous the spirit and techniques of the French New Novel variable. This is distinctly different from the case of (FNN). As such, authors attempt to represent the rational expectations, where the memory of the richness of a problem situation. The readers’ role is more endogenous variable is determined exogenously. demanding compared to traditional case studies, as Keywords: Decreasing Gain Learning - Long Memory - they have to play detectives to discover meaning from New Keynesian Phillips Curve - Recursive Least Squares the narrative. Keywords: French New Novel - Narrative CHEVILLON G.

Robust Cointegration Testing in the Presence of AVISON D., MALAURENT J. Weak Trends, with an Application to the Human (KOCK N., AVISON D., MALAURENT J.) Origin of Global Warming Positivist Information Systems Action Research: Econometric Reviews, vol. 35, n° 5, pp. 514-545 Methodological Issues Standard tests for the rank of cointegration of a vector autoregressive process present distributions that are Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 34, affected by the presence of deterministic trends. We n° 3, 2017, pp. 754-767 consider the recent approach of Demetrescu et al. We discuss the cyclical nature of action research (AR) (2009) who recommend testing a composite null. We in information systems (IS) and contrast it with other assess this methodology in the presence of trends research approaches commonly used in IS. Often those (linear or broken) whose magnitude is small enough not who conduct AR investigations build on their to be always detectable at conventional significance professional expertise to provide a valuable service to levels. We model them using local asymptotics and a client organization while at the same time furthering derive the properties of the test statistics. We show that knowledge in their academic fields. AR is usually whether the trend is orthogonal to the cointegrating conducted using an interpretive research approach, vector has a major impact on the distributions but that but many doctoral IS students, as well as junior and the test combination approach remains valid. We senior IS researchers, are likely to be expected to apply of the methodology to the study of cointegration conduct research in a predominantly positivist fashion, properties between global temperatures and the even as they are determined to conduct an AR study radiative forcing of human gas emissions. We find new that builds on their professional expertise. We argue evidence of Granger Causality. that these IS researchers can successfully employ AR in Keywords: Cointegration - Deterministic Trend - Global their investigations as long as they are aware of the Warming - Likelihood Ratio - Local Trends methodological obstacles that they may face, and


ESPOSITO VINZI V. COMYN-WATTIAU I. (DOLCEESPOSITO P., ESPOSITO VINZI V. VINZI V., LAURO N.-C.) (AKOKACOMYN-WATTIAU J., COMYN-WATTIAU I. I., LAOUFI N.) Non-Symmetrical(DOLCE P., ESPOSITO Composite-Based VINZI V., LAURO Path N.-C.) Research(AKOKA J., on COMYN-WATTIAU Big Data – a Systematic I., LAOUFI Mapping N.) ModelingNon-Symmetrical Composite-Based Path StudyResearch on Big Data – a Systematic Mapping AdvancesModeling in Data Analysis and Classification, vol. 11, ComputerStudy Standards & Interfaces, vol. 54, Part 2, 2017, n°Advances 40, 2017, in doi: Data 10.1007/s11634-017-0302-1 Analysis and Classification , vol. 11, Partial least squares path modeling presents some pp.Computer 105-115 Standards & Interfaces, vol. 54, Part 2, 2017, n° 40, 2017, doi: 10.1007/s11634-017-0302-1 inconsistencies in terms of coherence with the Bigpp. Data105-115 has emerged as a significant area of study for Partial least squares path modeling presents some predictive directions specified in the inner model (i.e. bothBig Data practitioners has emerged and researchers.as a significant Big areaData of is astudy term for inconsistencies in terms of coherence with the the path directions), because the directions of the links forboth massive practitioners data sets and with researchers. large structure. Big Data In 2012, is a term Big predictive directions specified in the inner model (i.e. in the inner model are not taken into account in the Datafor massive passed data the topsets ofwith the large Gartner structure. Hype InCycle, 2012, Big the path directions), because the directions of the links iterative algorithm. In fact, the procedure amplifies attestingData passed the maturitythe top oflevel the of Gartner this technology Hype Cycle, and its in the inner model are not taken into account in the interdependence among blocks and fails to distinguish applications.attesting the maturityThe aim oflevel this of paper this technology is to examine and how its iterative algorithm. In fact, the procedure amplifies between dependent and explanatory blocks. The doapplications. researchers The grasp aim theof this big paper data concept?is to examine We howwill interdependence among blocks and fails to distinguish method proposed in this paper takes into account and answerdo researchers the following grasp questions: the big data How concept? many research We will between dependent and explanatory blocks. The respects the specified path directions, with the aim of papersanswer arethe produced?following questions: What is the How annual many trendresearch of method proposed in this paper takes into account and improving the predictive ability of the model and to publications?papers are produced? What are Whatthe hot is thetopics annual in big trend data of respects the specified path directions, with the aim of maintain the hypothesized theoretical inner model. To research?publications? What What are arethe themost hot investigated topics in big big data data improving the predictive ability of the model and to highlight its properties, the proposed method is topics?research? Why What the areresearch the most is performed? investigated What big aredata the maintain the hypothesized theoretical inner model. To compared to the classical PLS path modeling in terms mosttopics? frequently Why the obtained research researchis performed? artefacts? What Whatare the highlight its properties, the proposed method is of explained variability, predictive relevance and doesmost bigfrequently data research obtained produces? research artefacts?Who are the What active compared to the classical PLS path modeling in terms interpretation using artificial data through a real data authors?does big Whichdata research journals includeproduces? papers Who on are Big the Data? active of explained variability, predictive relevance and application. A further development of the method Whatauthors? are Whichthe active journals disciplines? include papersFor this purpose,on Big Data? we interpretation using artificial data through a real data allows to treat multi-dimensional blocks in composite- provideWhat are a theframework active disciplines? identifying existingFor this purpose,and emerging we application. A further development of the method based path modeling. researchprovide a areas framework of Big Data.identifying This framework existing and is basedemerging on allows to treat multi-dimensional blocks in composite- Keywords: (Generalized) Rice Formula - Non- eightresearch dimensions, areas of includingBig Data. theThis SMACITframework (Social is based Mobile on based path modeling. symmetrical analysis - PLS Path Modeling - Predictive Analyticseight dimensions, Cloud Internet including of Things) the SMACIT perspective. (Social MobileCurrent Keywords: (Generalized) Rice Formula - Non- Composite-based Methods andAnalytics past researchCloud Internet in Big Dataof Things) are analyzedperspective. using Current a symmetrical analysis - PLS Path Modeling - Predictive systematicand past research mapping in studyBig Data of publications are analyzed based using on a Composite-based Methods moresystematic than amapping decade study of related of publications academic based on KRATZ M. publications. The results have shown that significant more than a decade of related academic (KRATZKRATZ M., M. VADLAMANI S.) contributionspublications. haveThe results been have made shown by the that research significant community,contributions attested have been by a made continuous by the increase research in the Central(KRATZ M.,Limit VADLAMANI Theorem for S.)Lipschitz–Killing numbercommunity, of scientific attested publications by a continuous that address increase Big in Data.the CurvaturesCentral Limit of Theorem Excursion for Sets Lipschitz–Killing of Gaussian We found that researchers are increasingly involved in number of scientific publications that address Big Data. RandomCurvatures Fields of Excursion Sets of Gaussian research combining Big Data and Analytics, Cloud, We found that researchers are increasingly involved in JournalRandom of TheoreticalFields Probability, 2017, Internetresearch of combining things, mobility Big Data or social and Analytics,media. As Cloud, for quality doi:Journal 10.1007/s10959-017-0760-6 of Theoretical Probability , 2017, objectives,Internet of things,besides mobility an interest or social in performance, media. As for other quality Ourdoi: interest10.1007/s10959-017-0760-6 in this paper is to explore limit theorems for topicsobjectives, as scalability besides anis emerging. interest in Moreover, performance, security other and variousOur interest geometric in this paperfunctionals is to explore of excursion limit theorems sets of for qualitytopics asaspects scalability become is emerging. important. Moreover, Researchers security on andBig isotropicvarious geometric Gaussian randomfunctionals fields. of excursion In the past, sets of Dataquality provide aspects more become algorithms, important. frameworks, Researchers and on Big asymptoticsisotropic Gaussian of nonlinear random functionals fields. In theof Gaussian past, architecturesData provide thanmore other algorithms, artifacts. frameworks, Finally, application and randomasymptotics fields of have nonlinear been functionals studied [see of Berman Gaussian (Sojourns domainsarchitectures such thanas earth, other energy, artifacts. medicine, Finally, application ecology, andrandom extremes fields ofhave stochastic been studied processes, [see WadsworthBerman (Sojourns & marketing,domains such and as health earth, attract energy, more medicine, attention ecology, from Brooks,and extremes Monterey, of stochastic 1991), Kratz processes, and León Wadsworth (Extremes & researchersmarketing, and on big health data. attract A complementary more attention content from 3(1):57–86,Brooks, Monterey, 2000), Kratz 1991), and Kratz León and (J LeónTheor (Extremes Probab analysisresearchers on a on subset big data. of papers A complementary sheds some light content on the 14(3):639–672,3(1):57–86, 2000), 2001), Kratz Meshenmoser and León (J andTheor Shashkin Probab (Stat evolvinganalysis on field a subsetof big dataof papers research. sheds some light on the Probab14(3):639–672, Lett 81(6):642–646, 2001), Meshenmoser 2011), Pham and (Stoch Shashkin Proc (Stat Keywords:evolving field Analytics of big data - Artefact research. - Big Data - Framework - ApplProbab 123(6):2158–2174, Lett 81(6):642–646, 2013), 2011), Spodarev Pham (Stoch(Chapter Proc in SystematicKeywords: MappingAnalytics Study- Artefact - usage - Big Data - Framework - modernAppl 123(6):2158–2174, stochastics and 2013), applications, Spodarev volume (Chapter 90 of in the Systematic Mapping Study - usage seriesmodern Springer stochastics optimization and applications, and its applications, volume 90 pp of the

221–241,series Springer 2013) optimizationfor a sample andof works its applications, in such settings], pp the221–241, most 2013)recent for addition a sample being of works (Adler in and such Naitzat settings], in Stochthe most Proc recent Appl addition2016; Estrade being and (Adler León and in AnnNaitzat Probab in 2016)Stoch whereProc Appl a central 2016; limitEstrade theorem and León (CLT) in for Ann Euler Probab 2016) where a central limit theorem (CLT) for Euler


integral and Euler–Poincaré characteristic, respectively, KRATZ M. of the excursions set of a Gaussian random field is proven under some conditions. In this paper, we obtain (CADENA M., KRATZ M., OMEY E.) a CLT for some global geometric functionals, called the On the Order of Functions at Infinity Lipschitz–Killing curvatures of excursion sets of Gaussian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, random fields, in an appropriate setting. vol. 452, n0 1, 2017, pp. 109-125 Keywords: Chaos Expansion - CLT - Excursion Sets - We define a new class of positive and measurable Gaussian Fields - Lipschitz-Killing Curvatures functions in terms of their asymptotic behavior at infinity. This new class extends the class of regularly KRATZ M. varying functions, for broader applications. We provide different characterizations of the new class and Discussion on the Paper: Elicitability and consider integrals, convolutions and Laplace Backtesting: Perspectives for Banking transforms. We give some applications in probability Regulation theory. Some natural extensions of the new class are Annals of Applied Statistics, vol. 11, n° 4, 2017, also derived. pp. 1894-1900 Keywords: Karamata's Theorem - Karamata's The discussion focuses on four points in the context of Tauberian Theorem - Regular Variation - Representation Basel 3. The first concerns the choice of test functions in Theorems the calibration tests. Then we discuss the interpretation of the “internal model,” as well as the choice of risk KUDE T. measures. Last, we consider the score difference stationarity, an important issue in practice. (KUDE T., LAZIC M., HEINZL A., NEFF A.) Achieving IT-based synergies through KRATZ M. regulation-oriented and consensus-oriented IT governance capabilities (DACOROGNA M., ELBAHTOURI L., KRATZ M.) Information Systems Journal, 2017, doi : 10.1111/isj12159 Validation of Aggregated Risks Models This study aims at exploring the IT governance Annals of Actuarial Science, vol. 21, 2017, capabilities that enable organizations to achieve IT- doi: 10.1017/S1748499517000227 based synergies. Following existing work on the Validation of risk models is required by regulators and contextualization of theories and drawing on the demanded by management and shareholders. Those resource-based view of the firm (RBV), we develop an models rely in practice heavily on Monte Carlo (MC) RBV of IT-based synergies in two steps. First, we adopt simulations. Given their complexity, the convergence of existing context-specific constructs and relationships the MC algorithm is difficult to prove mathematically. from prior work on IT governance capabilities, IT To circumvent this problem and nevertheless explore relatedness, and synergies to develop a preliminary the conditions of convergence, we suggest an contextualization of the RBV. Second, to further refine analytical approach. Considering standard models, we our theoretical framework, we conduct an exploratory compute, via mixing techniques, closed form formulas field study that includes interviews with 26 CIOs and for risk measures as Value-at-Risk (VaR) VaR or Tail other IT executives from 21 multibusiness firms. Our Value-at-Risk (TVaR) TVaR on a portfolio of risks, and findings suggest that IT governance capabilities lead to consequently for the associated diversification benefit. IT-based synergies through IT relatedness and business The numerical convergence of MC simulations of those process relatedness. We found regulation-oriented IT various quantities is then tested against their analytical governance capabilities (IT roles and IT processes) to evaluations. The speed of convergence appears to increase IT relatedness, while consensus-oriented IT depend on the fatness of the tail of the marginal governance capabilities (IT groups and relational distributions; the higher the tail index, the faster the capabilities) had a positive effect on business process convergence. We also explore the behaviour of the relatedness. Our results suggest that, in isolation, IT and diversification benefit with various dependence business process relatedness lead to IT cost synergies, structures and marginals (heavy and light tails). As while collectively enabling IT-induced business expected, it varies heavily with the type of synergies. Our study is among the first to treat IT dependence between aggregated risks. The relatedness as an endogenous construct and to diversification benefit is also studied as a function of the explicitly integrate business process relatedness into the risk measure, VaR or TVaR. IT governance domain. Our context-specific decomposition of IT governance capabilities helps to better explain their links to IT and business process relatedness. These findings contribute to a better


understanding of the tension between IT-based computational study is presented to evaluate the synergies and business-IT alignment. Decision-makers performance of various solution methods on a are guided in developing IT governance capabilities to common testbed of more than 800 instances from the achieve IT-based synergies. literature and 60 randomly generated instances. Our new algorithm consistently outperforms (often by a large margin) alternative state-of-the-art methods from KUDE T. the literature, including methods exploiting problem- (HUBER T. L., KUDE T. , DIBBERN J.) specific information for special instance classes. In Governance Practices in Platform Ecosystems: particular, it solves to optimality more than 300 previously unsolved instances from the literature. To Navigating Tensions Between Cocreated Value foster research on this challenging topic, our solver is and Governance Costs made publicly available online. Information Systems Research, vol. 28, n° 3, 2017, Keywords: Bilevel Optimization - Branch And Cut - pp. 563-584 Computational Analysis - Cutting Planes - Intersection Based on an exploratory multiple-case study in two Cuts - Mixed-Integer Programming platform ecosystems, we develop a process theory that explains how and why different ways of practicing ecosystem-wide governance are more or less LJUBIC I. successful in navigating the tension between (BLEY A., LJUBIC I., MAURER O.) cocreated value and governance costs. Our process A Node-Based ILP Formulation for the Node- theory shows that how ecosystem-wide rules and values are practiced considerably varies and changes Weighted Dominating Steiner Problem over time. Initially, governance practices follow Networks: An International Journal, vol. 69, n° 1, 2017, ecosystem-wide rules; if and how practices shift toward pp. 33-51 going beyond the rules hinges on specific necessary In this article, we consider the Node-Weighted conditions. Irrespective of which governance route is Dominating Steiner Problem. Given a graph with node taken, the tension between cocreated value and weights and a set of terminal nodes, the goal is to find governance costs is more successfully addressed if a connected node-induced subgraph of minimum practices are sensitive to ecosystem-wide values. weight, such that each terminal node is contained in or Keywords: Design - Distributed Strategies - Dyadic adjacent to some node in the chosen subgraph. The Governance Tension - Enterprise - Governance Costs - problem arises in applications in the design of Governance Practices - Platform Ecosystems - Process telecommunication networks. Integer programming Model - Software - Value Cocreation - Vicious Cycle - formulations for Steiner problems usually employ a Virtuous Cycle variable for each edge. We introduce a formulation that only uses node variables and that models connectivity through node-cut inequalities, which can LJUBIC I. be separated in polynomial time. We discuss necessary (FISCHETTI M., LJUBIC I., MONACI M., and sufficient conditions for the model inequalities to SINNL M.) define facets and we introduce a class of lifted partition-based inequalities, which can be used to A New General-Purpose Algorithm for Mixed- strengthen the linear relaxation. Finally, we show that Integer Bilevel Linear Programs the polyhedron defined by these inequalities is integral Operations Research, vol. 65, n° 6, 2017, pp. 1615-1637 if the underlying graph is a cycle where no two Bilevel optimization problems are very challenging terminals are adjacent. In the general cycle setting, we optimization models arising in many important practical show that we can get a complete description of the contexts, including pricing mechanisms in the energy feasible solutions by lifting and projecting into a sector, airline and telecommunication industry, polytope with no more than twice the dimension. We transportation networks, critical infrastructure defense, also show that the well-known indegree equalities are and machine learning. In this paper, we consider implied by the lifted partition inequalities. Finally, we bilevel programs with continuous and discrete variables evaluate the effectiveness of the presented partition at both levels, with linear objectives and constraints inequalities in computational experiments. (continuous upper level variables, if any, must not Keywords: Connected Dominating Set - Steiner Tree - appear in the lower level problem). We propose a Integer Programming -Thin Formulation - Polyhedron general-purpose branch-and-cut exact solution Facets method based on several new classes of valid inequalities, which also exploits a very effective bilevel- specific preprocessing procedure. An extensive


LJUBIC I. Keywords: Combinatorial Optimization - Dynamic Programming - Integer Programming - Maximal (LEITNER M., LJUBIC I. , SALAZAR-GONZALEZ J.- Knapsack Packing - Minimal Knapsack Cover J., SINNL M.) An Algorithmic Framework for the Exact LJUBIC I. Solution of Tree-Star Problems (EHRGOTT M., LJUBIC I., PARRAGH S. N.) European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 1, n° 261, 2017, pp. 54-66 EDITORIAL: Feature Cluster: Recent Advances in Many problems arising in the area of Exact Methods for Multi-Objective Optimization telecommunication ask for solutions with a tree-star European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 260, topology. This paper proposes a general procedure for n° 3, pp. 805-806 finding optimal solutions to a family of these problems. The development of exact methods for multi-objective The family includes problems in the literature named as optimisation is experiencing increasing interest in the connected facility location, rent-or-buy and OR community as witnessed by the growing body of generalized Steiner tree-star. We propose a solution research emerging from that domain. Recent framework based on a branch-and-cut algorithm advances in the development of nonlinear, linear and which also relies on sophisticated reduction and mixed integer optimisation solvers push the boundaries heuristic techniques. An important ingredient of this towards more challenging areas. Hence solving to framework is a dual ascent procedure for asymmetric optimality larger, more difficult (real-world) problems connected facility location. This paper shows how this involving several conflicting objectives, has been put procedure can be exploited in combination with within reach. Also, researchers previously working in various mixed integer programming formulations. Using single objective optimisation are increasingly the new framework, many benchmark instances in the contributing to the fast progress of the development of literature for which only heuristic results were available exact multi-objective optimisation algorithms. As guest so far, can be solved to provable optimality within editors we hope that this feature cluster increases the seconds. To better assess the computational visibility of research concerning exact methods for performance of the new approach, we additionally multi-objective optimisation and to motivate a broader consider larger instances and provide optimal solutions group of researchers to contribute to the field. It for most of them too. presents a collection of the latest research results on Keywords: Benders Decomposition - Branch&cut - exact algorithms for multi-objective optimisation as well Combinatorial Optimisation - Connected Facility as heuristics derived from exact methods. Location - Dual Ascent

LJUBIC I. LJUBIC I. (FISCHETTI M., LJUBIC I., SINNL M.) (FURINI F., LJUBIC I., SINNL M.) Redesigning Benders Decomposition for Large- An Effective Dynamic Programming Algorithm Scale Facility Location for the Minimum-Cost Maximal Knapsack Management Science, vol. 63, n° 7, 2017, pp. 203-229 Packing Problem The uncapacitated facility location (UFL) problem is European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 262, one of the most famous and most studied problems in n° 2, 2017, pp. 438-448 the operations research literature. Given a set of Given a set of items with profits and weights and a potential facility locations and a set of customers, the knapsack capacity, we study the problem of finding a goal is to find a subset of facility locations to open and maximal knapsack packing that minimizes the profit of to allocate each customer to open facilities so that the the selected items. We propose an effective dynamic facility opening plus customer allocation costs are programming (DP) algorithm which has a pseudo- minimized. In our setting, for each customer the polynomial time complexity. We demonstrate the allocation cost is assumed to be a linear or separable equivalence between this problem and the problem of convex quadratic function. Motivated by recent UFL finding a minimal knapsack cover that maximizes the applications in business analytics, we revise profit of the selected items. In an extensive approaches that work on a projected decision space computational study on a large and diverse set of and hence are intrinsically more scalable for large- benchmark instances, we demonstrate that the new scale input data. Our working hypothesis is that many DP algorithm outperforms a state-of-the-art commercial of the exact (decomposition) approaches that were mixed-integer programming (MIP) solver applied to the proposed decades ago and discarded soon after two best performing MIP models from the literature. need to be redesigned to take advantage of the new


hardware and software technologies. To this end, we LJUBIC I. “thin out” the classical models from the literature and use (generalized) Benders cuts to replace a huge (LJUBIC I., MUTZEL P., ZEY B.) number of allocation variables by a small number of Stochastic Survivable Network Design Problems: continuous variables that model the customer Theory and Practice allocation cost directly. Our results show that Benders European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 256, n° decomposition allows for a significant boost in the 2, 2017, pp. 333-348 performance of a mixed-integer programming solver. We study survivable network design problems with We report the optimal solution of a large set of edge-connectivity requirements under a two-stage previously unsolved benchmark instances widely used stochastic model with recourse and finitely many in the available literature. In particular, dramatic scenarios. For the formulation in the natural space of speedups are achieved for UFL problems with edge variables we show that facet defining inequalities separable quadratic allocation costs, which turn out to of the underlying polytope can be derived from the be much easier than their linear counterparts when our deterministic counterparts. Moreover, by using graph approach is used. orientation properties we introduce stronger cut-based Keywords: Facility Location - Generalized Benders formulations. For solving the proposed mixed integer Decomposition - Nonlinear Programming programing models, we suggest a two-stage branch&cut algorithm based on a decomposed LJUBIC I. model. In order to accelerate the computations, we suggest a new technique for strengthening the (ÁLVAREZ-MIRANDA E., LJUBIC I., decomposed L-shaped optimality cuts which is LUIPERSBECK M., SINNL M.) computa- tionally fast and easy to implement. A Solving Minimum-Cost Shared Arborescence computational study shows the benefit of the Problems decomposition and the cut strengthening – which significantly reduces the number of master iterations European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 258, and the computa- tional running time. Moreover, we n° 3, 2017, pp. 887-901 evaluate the stability of the scenario generation In this work, we consider the minimum-cost shared method and analyze the value of the stochastic Steiner arborescence problem (SStA). In this problem, solution. the goal is to find a minimum-cost subgraph, which is Keywords: Benders Decomposition - Branch&cut - shared among multiple entities and each entity is able Integer L-Shaped Method - Stochastic Integer to establish a cost-efficient Steiner arborescence. The Programing - Stochastic network design problems SStA has been recently used in the literature to establish shared functional modules in protein-protein interaction networks. We propose a cut-based formulation for the LJUBIC I. problem, and design two exact algorithmic (FISCHETTI M., LEITNER M., LJUBIC I., approaches: one based on the separation of connectivity cut inequalities, and the other LUIPERSBECK M., MONACI M., RESCH M., corresponding to a Benders decomposition of the SALVAGNIN D., SINNL M.) former model. Both approaches are enhanced by Thinning out Steiner Trees: A Node-Based Model various techniques, including (i) preprocessing, (ii) for Uniform Edge Costs stabilized cut generation, (iii) primal heuristics, and (iv) Mathematical Programming Computation, vol. 9, n° 2, cut management. These two algorithmic alternatives 2017, pp. 203-229 are computationally evaluated and compared with a The Steiner tree problem is a challenging NP-hard previously proposed flow- based formulation. We problem. Many hard instances of this problem are illustrate the effectiveness of the algorithms on two publicly available, that are still unsolved by state-of-the- types of instances derived from protein-protein art branch-and-cut codes. A typical strategy to attack interaction networks (available from the previous these instances is to enrich the polyhedral description literature) and from telecommunication access of the problem, and/or to implement more and more networks. sophisticated separation procedures and branching Keywords: Benders Decomposition - Bioinformatics - strategies. In this paper we investigate the opposite Combinatorial Optimisation - Integer Programming - viewpoint, and try to make the solution method as Telecommunications simple as possible while working on the modeling side.

Our working hypothesis is that the extreme hardness of some classes of instances mainly comes from over- modeling, and that some instances can become quite


easy to solve when a simpler model is considered. In much vaunted rigour and relevance. We propose a other words, we aim at “thinning out” the usual models classification of three forms of reflexivity for interpretive for the sake of getting a more agile framework. In studies: self-reflexivity, domain reflexivity and particular, we focus on a model that only involves node collaborative reflexivity. We use a case study of a variables, which is rather appealing for the “uniform” project from a French public organization supporting cases where all edges have the same cost. In our organic farming to illustrate reflexivity in action, computational study, we first show that this new model highlighting its positive contribution. We suggest quality allows one to quickly produce very good (sometimes criteria to enhance reflexive studies and show how proven optimal) solutions for notoriously hard instances these can be incorporated into the well-known Klein from the literature. In some cases, our approach takes and Myers’ principles for interpretive field studies in just few seconds to prove optimality for instances never information systems. solved (even after days of computation) by the Keywords: Case Study - Collaborative Reflexivity - standard methods. Moreover, we report improved Domain Reflexivity - Interpretive Research - Self- solutions for several SteinLib instances, including the Reflexivity (in)famous hypercube ones. We also demonstrate how to build a unified solver on top of the new node-based model and the previous state-of-the-art model (defined O'CONNOR P. in the space of arc and node variables). The solver Competition in the Hotel Online Distribution relies on local branching, initialization heuristics, Space preprocessing and local search procedures. A filtering Hotel Analyst Distribution & Technology, vol. 12, n° 3, mechanism is applied to automatically select the best 2017, p. 19 algorithmic ingredients for each instance individually. Une analyse des récents développements de la The presented solver is the winner of the DIMACS concurrence dans l'espace de voyage en ligne. Challenge on Steiner trees in most of the considered An examination of the recent developments in categories. competition in the online travel space. Keywords: Exact Computation - Mixed Integer Mots-clés : Concurrence - En ligne - Voyage Programming Keywords: Competition - Online - Travel

MALAURENT J. O'CONNOR P. (AVISON D., MALAURENT J., EYNAUD P.) The Internet of Things - Potential or Peril? A Narrative Approach to Publishing Information Hotel Analyst Distribution & Technology, vol. 11, n° 7, Systems Research: Inspiration from the French 2017, p. 18 New Novel Tradition L'Internet des objets - dispositifs intelligents (ou au moins connectés) capables de collecter et d'échanger des European Journal of Information Systems, vol. 26, n° 3, données - devrait avoir un effet dramatique sur le 2017, pp. 260-273 secteur de l'hôtellerie, changer la façon dont nous In this paper, we suggest an alternative way of apprenons et servons les clients et permettre une producing Information Systems (IS) case studies in meilleure comprehension de leurs préférences et leur which researchers act as narrators of stories following comportement en temps reel. Compte tenu de la the spirit and techniques of the French New Novel résistance traditionnelle au changement du secteur, (FNN). As such, authors attempt to represent the cet article explore le potentiel de ces technologies richness of a problem situation. The readers’ role is more dans la gestion et l'exploitation hôtelières. demanding compared to traditional case studies, as The “Internet of things” - intelligent (or at least they have to play detectives to discover meaning from connected) devices capable of collecting and the narrative. exchanging data, are forecast to have a dramatic Keywords: French New Novel - Narrative effect on the hotel sector, changing how we learn

about, and serve, customers and enabling a better MALAURENT J., AVISON D. understand of their preferences and behaviour in real Reflexivity: A Third Essential 'R' to Enhance time. Considering the sector’s traditional resistance to change, this article explores the potential of such Interpretive Field Studies technologies within hotel management and Information and Management, vol. 54, n° 7, 2017, operations. pp. 920-933 In this paper, we argue that reflexivity should be as essential a component of interpretive studies as the


O'CONNOR P. Communications publiées dans des Whatever Happens to your OTA Commissions? actes de conférence/Articles Hotel Analyst Distribution & Technology, vol. 12, n° 2, published in conference 2017, p. 19 Alors que la plupart des hôteliers reconnaissent proceedings maintenant la valeur ajoutée de travailler avec les OTA globaux, la plupart déteste encore les commissions supposément douloureuses associées à la vente à COMYN-WATTIAU I., PRAT N. travers cette chaîne de plus en plus populaire. En (AKOKA J., COMYN-WATTIAU I., PRAT N.) prenant un point de vue objectif, nous examinons ici A Four V’s Design Approach of NoSQL Graph comment les OTA utilisent ces revenus pour générer Databases des affaires auprès de leurs partenaires hôteliers. Whilst most hoteliers now acknowledge the added in: Advances in Conceptual Modeling. ER 2017. Lecture value of working with global OTAs, most still detest the Notes in Computer Science supposedly painful commissions associated with selling de Cesare S., Frank U. (eds) through this increasingly popular channel. Taking an Springer: Cham (Switzerland), 2017, pp. 58-68 objective viewpoint, here we examine how OTAs use Les big data sont caractérisées par quatre dimensions: this revenue to drive business to their hotel partners. volume, variété, vélocité et véracité. Ce papier explore Mots-clés : Hôtellerie - OTA' le potentiel de l’ingénierie dirigée par les modèles pour Keywords: OTAs - Hotel Sector traiter les problèmes de conception des big data en prenant en compte l’effet des quatre dimensions. Notre approche considère les bases de données ONDRUS J. NoSQL orientées graphe et est appliquée au cas des (DE REUVER M., ONDRUS J.) bases de données Neo4j. Notre principale contribution est une méthodologie basée sur l’ingénierie dirigée par When Technological Superiority Is Not Enough: les modèles qui permet de prendre en compte les 4 Vs The Struggle to Impose the SIM Card as the NFC susmentionnés. L’approche est appliquée à un Secure Element for Mobile Payment Platforms scénario illustratif. Telecommunications Policy, vol. 41, n° 4, 2017, Big data are characterized by four dimensions: Volume, pp. 253-262 Variety, Velocity, and Veracity. This paper explores the Les opérateurs mobiles perdent le contrôle de potential of model-driven engineering to tackle design l'écosystème du paiement mobile par NFC. La carte issues of big data taking into account the effect of the SIM n'est plus le choix préféré pour le Secure Element. four dimensions. Our approach considers NoSQL graph La supériorité technologique ne suffit pas. databases and is applied to the case of Neo4j Mobile network operators have long played an databases. Our main contribution is a methodology essential role in the Near Field Communication (NFC) based on model-driven engineering that enables to mobile payment ecosystem. In most implementations, tackle the four V’s described above. The approach is the SIM card has been the main technical component applied to an illustrative scenario. to secure payments. Currently, mobile payment Mots-clés : Base de données orientée graphe - Big providers are increasingly planning to place the Secure Data - Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles - Neo4j - Element (SE) for authentication in the handset or cloud, NoSQL rather than on the SIM card. This paper unveils factors Keywords: Big Data - Graph database - Model-driven that influence stakeholder preferences for the SE engineering - Neo4j - NoSQL location. To structure the analysis, we use a multi-level framework based on concepts borrowed from multi- sided platform theory. Using interviews with stakeholders, we elicit themes and preferences for each level of the framework (provider, technology, and user). Our findings explain why mobile network operators, despite their superior technology, will likely lose the battle for control in the mobile payment ecosystem. Keywords: Digital Platforms - Ecosystems - Mobile Payment - Multi-Sided Platforms - Secure Element


COMYN-WATTIAU I., PRAT N. KUDE T. (AKOKA J., COMYN-WATTIAU I., PRAT N., (DOWIE J., HENNINGSSON S., KUDE T., STOREY V. C.) POPP K.) Evaluating Knowledge Types in Design Science Merging Platform Ecosystems in Technology Research: An Integrated Framework Acquisitions: A Governance Perspective in: Designing the Digital Transformation. 12th In: Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on International Conference on Design Science Research Information Systems (ECIS 2017), University of Minho, in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST 2017) Guimarães (Portugal), June 10, 2017 Proceedings Maedche A., vom Brocke J., Hevner A. (eds), Springer: Cham (Switzerland), 2017, 492 p. ONDRUS J., KUDE T. As the design science research (DSR) paradigm has (SCHIRRMACHER N., ONDRUS J., KUDE T., evolved, several frameworks and taxonomies have POPP K.) been proposed to aid researchers in understanding Launch Strategies of Digital Platforms: Platforms and applying DSR principles and practices to evaluate the knowledge produced. This paper attempts to with Switching and Non-Switching Users integrate two such efforts, the evaluation methods Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on taxonomy and the genres of inquiry framework, in an Information Systems (ECIS 2017), Universidade do attempt to derive a more complete evaluation Minho: Guimarães (Protugal), June 10, 2017 standard. The integration is based on various knowledge types, using mapping and merging techniques. Doing so results in three artifacts. The first is the integrated framework which refines the genres of inquiry framework with six recognized knowledge types (definitional, descriptive, prescriptive, explanatory, predictive, and explanatory and predictive). Evaluation criteria for each knowledge type emerge from the integration. The second contribution is a guidance scheme that helps in determining relevant evaluation criteria, based upon the type of DSR contribution and the role of the evaluator (DSR researcher, author, reader, or reviewer). Finally, the approach to the integration, including the integration algorithm, is adaptable to other contexts where criteria to evaluate different knowledge types need to be integrated. Keywords: Artifacts - Design Science Research - Evaluation Criteria - Evaluation Methods Taxonomy - Genres of Inquiry Framework - Integrated Evaluation Framework - Knowledge Types - Mappings - Nomothetic Design - Nomothetic Science

KRATZ M. (CADENA M., KRATZ M., OMEY E.) On Functions Bounded by Karamata Functions Proceedings of XXXIV International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models


ONDRUS J. COMYN-WATTIAU I. (DONGYEOB KIM D., TAN B., TER CHIAN (BENFREDJ F., LAMMARI N., TAN F., ONDRUS J., OH J.) COMYN-WATTIAU I.) IS Capabilities in the Development of an Approche guidée pour l’anonymisation de Innovation Ecosystem: A Case Study of the bases de données Hallyu (Korean Wave) Phenomenon 35ème Congrès INFORSID (INFormatique des Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth International ORganisations et Systèmes d’Information et de Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul Décision), Université de Toulouse: Toulouse (France), National University: Séoul (South Korea), December 13, May 30, 2017 2017 COMYN-WATTIAU I. Communications présentées dans (AKOKA J., COMYN-WATTIAU I.) des conférences/Conference Evaluation des systèmes d’information à base de technologies émergentes - Application à la presentations blockchain 35ème Congrès INFORSID (INFormatique des ALFANDARI L. ORganisations et Systèmes d’Information et de Décision), Université de Toulouse: Toulouse (France), (ALFANDARI L., DAVIDOVIC T., FURINI F., May 30, 2017 LJUBIC I., MARAS V., MARTIN S.) Tighter MIP Formulations for the Barge COMYN-WATTIAU I. Container Ship Routing Problem (AKOKA J., COMYN-WATTIAU I.) 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), International Model-Driven Reverse Engineering of NoSQL Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS): Property Graph Databases Quebec (Canada), July 21, 2017 2017 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Drexel University: Boston (U.S.A.), November 14, 2017 ALFANDARI L., LJUBIC I. (ALFANDARI L., FURINI F., LJUBIC I., MARTIN S.) KLOPP O. New MIP models for Liner Shipping Route (KLOPP O., VERZELEN N.) Design with Empty Container Repositioning 18ème Conférence ROADEF de la Société Française de Optimal Graphon Estimation in Cut Distance Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Workshop on Community Detection and Network Université de Lorraine: Metz (France), February 24, 2017 Reconstruction 2017, Eindhoven University: Eindhoven (The Netherlands), September 22, 2017

AVISON D. [Keynote] Research: Why Don’t You Do KRATZ M. Something Different Instead? (GUILLOU A., KRATZ M., LE STRAT Y.) 16th Wuhan Conference on E-Business, China University [Invited] An EVT Approach for the Early of Geosciences: Wuhan (China), May 28, 2017 Detection of Time Clusters. Application in Health Surveillance Probability: from East to West (PEW 2017), : Prato (Italy), July 20, 2017


KRATZ M. KRATZ M. (BRAÜTIGAM M., DACOROGNA M., KRATZ M.) (KRATZ M., LOK Y., MCNEIL A.) [Invited] A Procyclicality of Empirical An Implicit Backtest for Expected Shortfall via a Measurements of Risk in Financial Markets Simple Multinomial Approach Risk Measurement and Regulatory Issues in Business, 2017 IASSL International Conference: Statistics for Good Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM): Montreal Governance, Institute of Applied Statistics of Sri Lanka, (Canada), September 14, 2017 University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka & National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka: Colombo (Sri Lanka), KRATZ M. December 29, 2017 (BRAÜTIGAM M., DACOROGNA M., KRATZ M.) A Procyclicality of Empirical Measurements of KRATZ M. Risk in Financial Markets [Invited] EVT and Its Application to Finance and 10th International Conference on Extreme Value Insurance Analysis, Delft University of Technology: Delft (The ETH Risk Center March 2017 Workshop, ETH Zurich: Zurich Netherlands), June 26, 2017 (Switzerland), March 24, 2017

KRATZ M. KRATZ M. (DEBBABI N., KRATZ M., MBOUP M.) Limit Theorems for Functionals of Excursion Sets [Keynote] A Self-Calibrating Method for Heavy of Gaussian Random Fields Tailed Data Modeling. Applications in Finance 39th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their and Insurance Applications, Bernoulli Society for Mathematical 2017 IRFRC Annual Conference, Nanyang Statistics and Probability: Moscow (Russia), July 24, 2017 Technological University: Singapore (Singapore), June 30, 2017 KRATZ M. [Invited] Modeling and Backtesting Heavy KRATZ M. Tailed Data (DEBBABI N., KRATZ M., MBOUP M.) Durham Business School Workshop, Durham Business [Invited] A Self-Calibrating Method for Heavy School: Durham (Great Britain), January 16, 2017 Tailed Data Modeling. Applications in Finance and Insurance KRATZ M. CFA France Research Workshop, CFA: Paris (France), [Invited] On Risk Aggregation September 29, 2017 MATRIX workshop: "Mathematics of Risk", Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute: Creswick (Australia), KRATZ M. December 01, 2017 (DEBBABI N., KRATZ M., MBOUP M.) A Self-Calibrating Method for Heavy-Tailed KRATZ M. Modeling [Invited] Overview of Copulas for Actuaries in 2017 ERCIM Working Group on Computational and Management Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics), Birkbeck SAS Forum Singapore 2017, Singapore Actuarial Society: University of London and King's College London, ERCIM Singapore (Singapore), February 23, 2017 Working Group: London (Great Britain), December 18, 2017


KUDE T. LJUBIC I. (FORDNER J., KUDE T., MITHAS S., HEINZI A.) Recent Developments on Exact Solvers for the Does Platform Owner's Entry Crowd out (Prize-Collecting) Steiner Tree Problem Innovation? Evidence from Google Photos 22nd edition of the COMEX Belgian Mathematical Optimization Workshop: La-Roche-en-Ardennes Information Systems Special Issue Research Workshop: (Belgium), April 21, 2017 Digital Infrastructures and Platforms, : Warwick (Great Britain), April 08, 2017 LJUBIC I. KUDE T. (LJUBIC I., FURINI F., MARTIN S., (KUDE T., SPOHRER K., HEINZI A.) SAN SEGUNDO P.) Innersourcing in Software Development Teams Clique Interdiction in the Social Network 11th Global Sourcing Workshop, Global Sourcing Analysis Workshop: La Thuile (Italy), February 25, 2017 International Conference on Network Optimization) INOC 2017, University of Lisbon: Lisbon (Portugal), LI Y. March 01, 2017

(ZHANG B., LI Y.) Senior Population’s Acceptance and LJUBIC I. Expectance of Wearable Medical Devices in (LEITNER M., LJUBIC I., LUIPERSBECK M., China SINNL M.) 17th International Conference on Electronic Business, Decomposition Methods for Stochastic Steiner University of Wollongong: Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Trees December 08, 2017 2017 European Conference on Stochastic Optimization (ECSO 2017), Universita Roma Tre: Roma (Italy), LJUBIC I. September 22, 2017

A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for Mixed Integer Bilevel Optimization LJUBIC I. 21st Combinatorial Optimization Workshop, Centre (LJUBIC I., FURINI F., MARTIN S., SAN national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS): Aussois SEGUNDO P.) (France), January 13, 2017 On Click Interdiction Problems in Graphs

18ème édition du congrès annuel de la Société LJUBIC I. Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la (LEITNER M., LJUBIC I., LUIPERSBECK M., Décision, ROADEF2017: Metz (France), February 24, 2017 SINNL M.)

A Dual-Ascent-Based Branch-And-Bound Framework for the Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree LJUBIC I. and Related Problems (LJUBIC I., MORENO E.) Journées Polyèdres et Optimisation Combinatoire Outer Approximation and Submodular Cuts for JPOC10, Université Paris 13: Paris (France), June 16, 2017 Maximum Capture Facility Location Problems with Random Utilities Optimization 2017 Conference, Universidade de Lisboa: Lisbon (Portugal), September 08, 2017


MALAURENT J. Articles de press/Press articles [Keynote] Engaging with Activity Theory Framework in Information Systems Research KRATZ M. 2017 ECIS Workshop: Developing Activity Theory in The Future of Insurance with the Advent of Information Studies (DATIS) workshop, Universidade do Artificial Intelligence Minho: Guimarães (Portugal), June 06, 2017 ESSEC Knowledge, March 2017 MALAURENT J. (MALAURENT J., EYNAUD P.) O'CONNOR P. Are Hotel Franchise Fees a Growing Problem for The Role of Materiality in Organizing a Living Owners? Lab Tnooz - Talking travel technology, September 09, 2017 7th Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) Workshop on Collaboration and Materiality Studies, ESSEC and SMU: Singapore (Singapore), June 16, 2017 O'CONNOR P. & Breaking up Is Hard – 5 Pieces of Advice for 33rd European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2017, European Group for Organizational Owners Considering (Re-)Signing with a Hotel Studies (EGOS): Copenhagen (Denmark), July 08, 2017 Brand Tnooz - Talking travel technology, November 28, 2017 MALAURENT J. (MALAURENT J., MAKAGIAN J.-L.) O'CONNOR P. Third-Places Through Distributed Cognition and The Great Loyalty Rate Debate Material Engagement: Insights from an Activity Tnooz - Talking travel technology, January 17, 2017 Theory Framework 7th Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) O'CONNOR P. Workshop on Collaboration and Materiality Studies, Why OTA Commissions Are Actually a Steal of a ESSEC and SMU: Singapore (Singapore), June 16, 2017 Deal

Tnooz - Talking travel technology, April 06, 2017 MALAURENT J. Workaround Practices in the Context of Global Information Systems: Activity Systems Documents de recherche/Working Orchestrated by Contradictions and Expansive papers Learning OASIS 2017 Workshop of the International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS), Yonsei University: Seoul CHEVILLON G. (South Korea), November 12, 2017 (CHEVILLON G., MAVROEIDIS S., ZHAN Z.) Robust Inference in Structural VARs with Long- MALAURENT J., THIETART R.-A., Run Restrictions AVISON D. WP Research Center 1702 Long-run restrictions are a very popular method for Co-Evolving Emergence of the Physical and identifying structural vector autoregressions, but they Digital Worlds: The Story of a Street Art suffer from weak identification when the data is very Happening persistent, i.e., when the highest autoregressive roots 2017 MIS Quarterly Special Issue on Complexity – are near unity. Near unit roots introduce additional Workshop: University of Texas at Austin: Texas (U.S.A.), nuisance parameters and make standard weak- April 12, 2017 instrument-robust methods of inference inapplicable. We develop a method of inference that is robust to both weak identification and strong persistence. The method is based on a combination of the Anderson- Rubin test with instruments.


Keywords: Identification – IVX - Near Unit Roots - SVARs improve if these cultural differences are better - Weak Instruments understood and taken into account. Keywords: Culture – Development - Environmental Attitudes - Environmental Policies Multivariate Analysis - CHEVILLON G. Partial Least Squares Robustness of Multistep Forecasts and Predictive Regressions at Intermediate and KRATZ M. Long Horizons (DAS B., KRATZ M.) WP Research Center 1710 This paper studies the properties of multi-step Diversification Benefits Under Multivariate projections, and forecasts that are obtained using Second Order Regular Variation either iterated or direct methods. The models WP Research Center 1706 considered are local asymptotic: they allow for a near We analyze risk diversification in a portfolio of heavy- unit root and a local to zero drift. We treat short, tailed risk factors under the assumption of second order intermediate and long term forecasting by considering multivariate regular variation. Asymptotic limits for a the horizon in relation to the observable sample size. measure of diversification benefit are obtained when We show the implication of our results for models of considering, for instance, the value-at-risk. The predictive regressions used in the financial literature. asymptotic limits are computed in a few examples We show here that direct projection methods at exhibiting a variety of different assumptions made on intermediate and long horizons are robust to the marginal or joint distributions. This study ties up existing potential misspecification of the serial correlation of the related results available in the literature under a regression errors. We therefore recommend, for better broader umbrella. global power in predictive regressions, a combination Keywords: Asymptotic Theory - Diversification Benefit - of test statistics with and without autocorrelation Heavy Tail - Risk Concentration - Second Order Regular correction. Variation - Value-at-Risk Keywords: Dynamic Misspeci cation - Finite Samples - Local Asymptotics - Long Horizons - Multi-step Forecasting - Predictive Regressions KRATZ M. (CADENA M., KRATZ M., OMEY E.) ESPOSITO VINZI V., SANTACREU- New Results on the Order of Functions at Infinity VASUT E., VRANCEANU R.) WP Research Center 1708 (DAVINO C., ESPOSITO VINZI V., SANTACREU- Recently, new classes of positive and measurable functions, M(p) and M(±∞), have been defined in terms VASUT E., VRANCEANU R.) of their asymptotic behaviour at infinity, when An Attitude Model of Environmental Action: normalized by a logarithm (Cadena et al., 2015, 2016, Evidence from Developing and Developed 2017). Looking for other suitable normalizing functions Countries than logarithm seems quite natural. It is what is developed in this paper, studying new classes of WP Research Center 1703 functions of the type lim log U(x)/H(x) = p < ∞ for a large This paper analyzes the determinants of individual class of normalizing functions H. It provides subclasses of attitudes towards environmental action by means of an M(0) and M(±∞). original PLSPM model of Environmental Awareness-

Social Capital-Action (EASCA). Estimates build on survey data on 34.612 individuals from 42 different countries, as provided in the fifth wave of the World Value Survey (2005-2009). Besides the benchmark global estimates, we perform subsample analysis for developed and developing countries, as well as country analyses for four major economies: China, India, Germany and the United States. Doing so allows us to underline structural differences between countries or main groups of countries. In particular, we find that environmental awareness and trust in not-for-profit organizations are the main determinants of individual action in support of environmentally friendly policies. The quality of environmental policymaking should


Participations à des comités de O’CONNOR P. lecture/Editorial board Cornell Hospitality Quarterly International Journal of Hospitality Management memberships Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology Journal of Information Technology in Tourism AVISON D. Journal of Services Research Information and Management Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Information Systems Journal Commerce Research Information, Technology and People Journal of eCommerce Business International Journal of Accounting and Information Management Journal of the Association of Information Systems ONDRUS J. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Journal of Strategic Information Systems Information Systems Journal Journal of Information Technology Case and CHAN F. Application Research Information Systems Journal

PRAT N. COMYN-WATTIAU I Journal of Database Management Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information

ROMBOUTS J. CHEVILLON G. International Journal of Forecasting Revue Économique

ESPOSITO VINZI V. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification Computational Statistics Computational Statistics and Data Analysis

KLOPP Olga Bernoulli: A Journal of Mathematical Statistics and Probability

LJUBIC I. Omega Computers and Operations Research

MALAURENT J. Information Systems Journal Journal of the Association of Information Systems


Séminaires, ateliers de recherche et conférences organisés par le département/Research seminars, workshops, and conferences organized by the department

Department Seminar Series

Date du Lieu du Intervenant Institution Pays Titre du séminaire séminaire séminaire KU Leuven and Goethe ESSEC CNIT 11/1/2017 Karel Van Hulle Netherlands Solvency II: a Risky Business? University Frankfurt Campus The Price of Being a SIFI ESSEC CNIT 24/1/2017 Michel Dacorogna Head of DEAR-Consulting Suisse (Systemically Important Financial Institution) Campus United Macro and Financial Markets: The Memory of an ESSEC Cergy 2/3/2017 Karim Abadir Imperial College London Kingdom Elephant Campus ESSEC Cergy 2/3/2017 Joerg Breitung University of Cologne Germany Multivariate Tests for Asset Price Bubbles Campus An Implicit Backtest for Expected Shortfall, via a Simple ESSEC CNIT 8/3/2017 Marie Kratz ESSEC Business School France Multinomial Approach Campus ESSEC Cergy 15/3/2017 Alan Hevner University of South Florida U.S.A. Effective Design Science Research Campus Market Risk Modelling after Basel III: New Challenges ESSEC CNIT 23/3/2017 Jean-Paul Laurent Université Paris 1 France for Banks and Supervisors Campus Hidden Regular Variation under Full and Strong ESSEC CNIT 19/4/2017 Sidney Resnick Cornell University U.S.A. Asymptotic Dependence Campus United ESSEC Cergy 21/4/2017 Valentina Corradi University of Surrey Improved Tests for Robust Forecast Comparison Kingdom Campus The Behavior of Dealers and Clients on the European ESSEC Cergy 21/4/2018 Jean-David Fermanian Tilburg University Netherlands Corporate Bond Market: The Case of Multi-Dealer-To- Campus Client Platforms White Oak Asset Market Risk Methodologies, Volatility, Processes, and ESSEC CNIT 28/4/2017 Gilles Zumbach Suisse Management Backtesting Campus Risk Management at AXA: Technical and Behavioral ESSEC CNIT 11/5/2017 Alban De Mailly Nesle Group CRO, AXA France Aspects Campus Balancing Flexibility and Alignment During Outsourced ESSEC Cergy 29/5/2017 Thomas Huber University of Bern Suisse Software Development Through Contract Design and Campus Project Control: A Process Analysis ESSEC CNIT 31/5/2017 Maria Isabel Fraga Alves University of Lisbon Portugal Tailoring Heavy Tails for a Truncated Scenario Campus Improved Adaptive Multilevel Monte Carlo and ESSEC CNIT 15/6/2017 Mohamed Ben Alaya Université Paris 13 France Applications to Finance Campus ESSEC Cergy 4/7/2017 Aurore Delaigle University of Melbourne Australia Analyzing Partially Observed Functional Data Campus ESSEC CNIT 29/9/2017 Francis Bach INRIA France Machine Learning: New Challenges and Opportunities Campus ESSEC CNIT 6/10/2017 Olga Klopp ESSEC Business School France Big Data: New Challenges and Opportunities Campus ESSEC CNIT Marc Julliard Soc.Générale Insurance France Campus ESSEC CNIT Anani Olympio CNP Assurances France An Actuary's View on the Big Data and the Data Campus 13/10/2017 Science an Ecosystem of Political and Socio- Economic ESSEC CNIT Gontran Peubez Deloitte Paris France Transition Campus ESSEC CNIT Florence Picard Institut des Actuaires France Campus ESSEC CNIT Salma Jamal Actuary KPMG France France Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Campus 7/11/2017 Demystification and Actuarial Cases Studies ESSEC CNIT Frank Cuypers PRS Switzerland Suisse Campus Insurance: Risk Pooling & Price Segmentation Using ESSEC CNIT 24/11/2017 Arthur Charpentier Univ. Rennes 1 France Information in a 'Big Data' Context Campus ESSEC Cergy 14/12/2017 Artem Prokhorov University of Sydney Australia On Bernstein-Kantorovich Copula Estimation Campus


Operations Management Operations Research (OMOR)Cluster

Date du Lieu du Intervenant Institution Pays Titre du séminaire séminaire séminaire CRNS-Laboratory Zero-price Energy Offering by (Multiband) Robust ESSEC Cergy 27/9/2017 Fabio D'Andreagiovanni Heudiasyc, Université de France Optimization Campus Compiègne ESSEC Cergy 23/10/2017 Laurent Alfandari ESSEC Business School France Tighter Models for Barge Container Ship Routing Campus A Unified Decomposition Matheuristic for Assembly, ESSEC Cergy 13/12/2017 Jean-François Cordeau HEC Montreal Canada Production and Inventory Routing Campus


Internet of Things & Predictive Analytics 24 February 2017, IBM, Bois-Colombes Organization: Jeroen Rombouts

25th Annual Symposium of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 30-31 March 2017, Chamber of Commerce, Paris Organization: Guillaume Chevillon Partners: Banque de France, Labex MME-DII, Springer

7th Organizations, Artefacts and Practices (OAP 2017) 17-18 July, ESSEC Singapore Campus Organization: Julien Malaurent Partner: SMU Singapore

19th OxMetrics User Conference 11-12 September 2017 Organization: Guillaume Chevillon Partner: Timberlake

Liste des membres du corps professoral Permanent faculty members 108

Comptabilité-contrôle de Christoph ENDENICH gestion/Accounting & Management Assistant Professor PhD in Management Accounting, TU Dortmund, Control Germany Business Administration, University of Cologne, Germany Veronica CASARIN Assistant Professor Andrei FILIP PhD in Business Studies, Cardiff University Professor MPhil in Accounting, London School of Economics and Doctorat en Sciences Économiques et Sociales, Political Science University of Geneva MA in Decision and Management Control in Florence CAVELIUS Accounting, ASE Bucharest

Teaching Professor Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université Paris X- Marie-Léandre GOMEZ Nanterre Associate Professor EDHEC Business School Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université Paris X- Nanterre Charles H. CHO ESSEC Business School

Professor PhD in Business Administration, University of Central Michel A. GORDIN Florida Teaching Professor MSc in Accounting, University of Central Florida Engineer ISEP, Institut Supérieur d’Électronique de Paris M.S. in Management, Institut Français de Gestion Mark Christensen Professor – Singapore Campus Thomas JEANJEAN PhD (University of Adelaide) Thesis: Public Sector Professor Accredited Accounting PhD in Financial Accounting, Université Paris IX- Master of Business Administration, Australian Graduate Dauphine School of Management (UNSW) École Normale Supérieure de Cachan

Anne JENY René DEMEESTERE Professor Emeritus Professor Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, HEC Paris Master recherche en Sciences de Gestion, Université M.S. in Economics and Finance, Université Paris IX- Paris XII-Val-de-Marne Dauphine Engineering, École Polytechnique Ping-Sheng KOH Wolfgang DICK Professor - Singapore Campus Teaching Professor PhD in Accounting, University of Tasmania Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université Paris XII- B.Com (Hons), University of Tasmania) Val-de-Marne ESCP Europe Bernard LECA Professor Roger DINASQUET PhD in Management Sciences, Université des Sciences Emeritus Professor et Technologies de Lille Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université Paris XII- Agrégation d'Économie et de Gestion, École Nationale Val-de-Marne de la Magistrature Diplômé d’Expertise comptable (CPA) Stefan LINDER Anastasios ELEMES Associate Professor Assistant Professor Dr. (equivalent PhD), WHU-Otto-Beisheim School of PhD in Financial Accounting, Rotterdam School of Management Management Dipl.-Kfm., WHU-Otto-Beisheim School of Management MSc in Finance and Investments, Rotterdam School of Management Philippe LORINO Distinguished Emeritus Professor Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université Paris XII- Val-de-Marne École Polytechnique & École des Mines de Paris

Liste des membres du corps professoral Permanent faculty members 2017


Daphne LUI Droit et environnement de Associate Professor - Singapore Campus l’entreprise/Public & Private Policy PhD in Accounting, MSc in Finance, London Business School Kevin ANDRÉ Iona LUPU Assistant Professor Associate Professor PhD inchai Management Science, Sorbonne Business Marie-Curie Intra-European Fellowship, Cass Busines School, Paris School, London Master of Science in Management, ESSEC Business Doctorat en contrôle de gestion, Conservatoire School National des Arts et Métiers, Paris Hugues BOUTHINON-DUMAS Andreea MORARU-ARFIRE Associate Professor Assistant Professor Doctorat en Droit Privé, Université Paris IXDauphine Chercheur invité, Département de Comptabilité, The École Normale Supérieure de Cachan Wharton School, Université de Pennsylvanie Doctorat en Finance - Université de Neuchâtel Aurélien COLSON Associate Professor PhD in International Relations, University of Kent Carlos RAMIREZ Doctorat en Science Politique, Université ParisV- Professor Descartes Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université de Paris I Viviane DE BEAUFORT Doctorat en Sociologie, EHESS Professor Doctorat en Droit Communautaire Européen, Université Chrystelle RICHARD Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne Associate Professor Master in Political Science, Université ParisX-Nanterre Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université Montpellier II Laurence DE CARLO École Normale Supérieure de Cachan Professor

PhD en Aménagement, University of Montreal Peter WALTON Mastère Spécialisé en Gestion Marketing, ESSEC Emeritus Professor Business School PhD, London School of Economics M. Sc. Accounting & Finance, London School of Geneviève HELLERINGER Economics Associate Professor Juris Doctor, Columbia University, NY Gérard VIENS Doctorat en Droit, Université Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne Emeritus Professor CBE, Northwestern University Olivier DE TISSOT HEC Paris Emeritus Professor Doctorat d’État en Droit Privé, Université de Nice Adrian ZICARI Lauréat de la Faculté de Droit de Nice Teaching Professor Doctorate Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina Jacques DELGA MBA, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile Emeritus Professor Doctorat d’État en Droit, Université Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne Master in Law, Université Paris II-Panthéon-Assas

Ingrid NAPPI-CHOULET Professor Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, Université Paris-Dauphine Doctorat en Sciences Économiques, Université Paris XII- Val-de-Marne

Liste des membres du corps professoral Permanent faculty members 2017


Patrice NOISETTE Économie/Economics Associate Teaching Professor Doctorat en Urbanisme, Université Paris VIII-Vincennes Giuseppe BERLINGIERI Saint-Denis Assistant Professor CES en Urbanisme, École Nationale des Ponts et Research Associate, London School of Economics Chaussées PhD in Economics, London School of Economics

Anne-Claire PACHE Gorkem CELIK Professor Professor PhD in Organizational Behavior, INSEAD PhD in Economics, Northwestern University M.S. in Public Administration, Harvard Kennedy School B.A. in Economics, Bilkent University, Ankara of Government

Alain SALLEZ Patricia CHARLETY Professor Emeritus Professor PhD in Finance, Wharton School, University of Doctorat en Économie et Administration des Pennsylvania Entreprises, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne ESSEC Business School MBA, Wharton School of Business Administration,

University of Pennsylvania François CONTENSOU Thierry SIBIEUDE Emeritus Professor Agrégé des techniques économiques de gestion Teaching Professor DES de la Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Doctorat en Géographie et Gestion de Économiques de Paris l’Environnement, Université de Cergy-Pontoise Maîtrise de Gestion, Université Paris IX-Dauphine Anastasios DOSIS Assistant Professor Marwan SINACEUR PhD in Economics, University of Warwick Professor M.Phil in Economics, University of Athens PhD in Organizational Behavior, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford University Gérard de POUVOURVILLE MSc in Management, ESCP Professor Doctorat en Économie et Administration des Franck VALLERUGO Entreprises, Université Aix-Marseille/École Polytechnique Teaching Professor Diplôme d’Études Supérieures en Sciences Doctorat en Urbanisme et Aménagement, Université Économiques, Université Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne ESSEC Business School André FOURÇANS Distinguished Professor Andreas von GOLDBECK DBA, Indiana University Assistant Professor Doctorat en Sciences Économiques, Université de Paris PhD in Law, Trinity College, University of Cambridge JD, Columbia University School of Law Marc GUYOT Teaching Professor Doctorat en Sciences Économiques, Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris. Research Master in International Economic Relations, Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris

Frédéric JENNY Professor Doctorat d’État en Sciences Économiques, Université Paris II-Panthéon Assas PhD in Economics, Harvard University

Karine LAMIRAUD Professor PhD in Economics, Paris School of Economics (PSE) and University of Lausanne MA in Economics, Paris School of Economics (PSE)

Liste des membres du corps professoral Permanent faculty members 2017


HEC Paris Patricia LANGOHR HEC Paris

AssistantPatricia Teaching LANGOHR Professor Christian BITO PhDAssistant in Managerial Teaching ProfessorEconomics and Strategy, TeachingChristian Professor BITO NorthwesternPhD in Managerial University Economics and Strategy, DoctoratTeaching d’ÉtatProfessor en Sciences de Gestion, Université DiplomNorthwestern Volkswirtschaftslhere University (Economics), Humboldt d’OrléansDoctorat d’État en Sciences de Gestion, Université UniversitätDiplom Volkswirtschaftslhere zu Berlin (Economics), Humboldt Doctorat,d’Orléans HEC Paris Universität zu Berlin Doctorat, HEC Paris Nona PEPITO Romain BOULLAND AssistantNona PEPITO Professor – Singapore campus AssistantRomain Professor BOULLAND PhDAssistant in Economics, Professor –National Singapore University campus of Singapore PhDAssistant in Finance, Professor Université Paris IX-Dauphine MAPhD in in Economics, Economics, University National Universityof the Philippines of Singapore MScPhD inin Finance,Economics Université and Statistics, Paris IX-Dauphine ENSAE MA in Economics, University of the Philippines MSc in Economics and Statistics, ENSAE Estefania SANTACREU-VASUT Véronique BUISSON-BENMELOUKA AssociateEstefania Professor SANTACREU-VASUT AssociateVéronique Teaching BUISSON-BENMELOUKA Professor PhDAssociate in Economics, Professor UC Berkeley USA DoctoratAssociate en Teaching Économie Professor et Finance Internationales, MScPhD inin Economics,Economics, UCUniversitat Berkeley Pompeu USA Fabra UniversitéDoctorat enParis Économie IX-Dauphine et Finance Internationales, MSc in Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra ESCPUniversité Europe Paris IX-Dauphine Cristina TERRA ESCP Europe

ProfessorCristina TERRA Patricia CHARLETY PhDProfessor in Economics, Princeton University ProfessorPatricia CHARLETY MAPhD and in Economics, B.A. in Economics, Princeton PUC, University Rio de Janeiro PhDProfessor in Finance, Wharton School, University of MA and B.A. in Economics, PUC, Rio de Janeiro PennsylvaniaPhD in Finance, Wharton School, University of Radu VRANCEANU ESSECPennsylvania Business School ProfessorRadu VRANCEANU ESSEC Business School

HabilitationProfessor à Diriger des Recherches, Université Paris I Francis DECLERCK DoctoratHabilitation en à Économie, Diriger des Univ Recherches,ersité Paris Université II Panthéon- Paris I AssociateFrancis DECLERCKProfessor AssasDoctorat Research en Économie, Université Paris II Panthéon- HabilitationAssociate Professor à diriger des recherches (HDR), Université Assas Research MontpellierHabilitation 1,à dirigerFrance des recherches (HDR), Université André-Paul WEBER PhD,Montpellier University 1, France of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign EmeritusAndré-Paul Professor WEBER PhD, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign DoctoratEmeritus Professor en Économie, Université de Paris Andras FULOP DiplomaDoctorat ofen Higher Économie, Studies Université in Economics, de Paris Université de AssociateAndras FULOPProfessor NancyDiploma of Higher Studies in Economics, Université de PhDAssociate in Finance, Professor Rotman School of Management, Nancy UniversityPhD in Finance, of Toronto Rotman School of Management, MAUniversity in Economics, of Toronto University of Toronto Finance/ Finance MA in Economics, University of Toronto Finance/Finance José-Miguel GASPAR Florin AFTALION ProfessorJosé-Miguel GASPAR DistinguishedFlorin AFTALION Emeritus Professor PhDProfessor in Finance, INSEAD PhDDistinguished in Finance, Emeritus Northwestern Professor University MBA,PhD in Universidade Finance, INSEAD Nova de Lisboa DoctoratPhD in Finance, d’État Northwesternen Sciences Physiques, University Université de MBA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa ParisDoctorat d’État en Sciences Physiques,Physiques, UniversitéUniversité dede Jieying HONG Paris AssistantJieying Professor HONG - Singapore Campus

Sridhar ARCOT PhDAssistant in Finance, Professor Toulouse - Singapore School Campus of Economics AssociateSridhar ARCOTProfessor MasterPhD in Finance,in Economics, Toulouse Toulouse School School of Economics of Economics PhDAssociate in Finance, Professor London School of Economics Master in Economics, Toulouse School of Economics MScPhD inin Finance,Accounting London and SchoolFinance, of London Economics School of Laurence LESCOURRET MSc in Accounting and Finance, London School of Economics AssociateLaurence Professor LESCOURRET Economics PhDAssociate in Finance, Professor HEC Paris

Laurent BACH MScPhD inin Finance,Economics, HEC EHESS Paris AssistantLaurent Professor BACH MSc in Economics, EHESS PhDAssistant in Economics Professor at the Paris School of Economics Junye LI MresPhD in in Economics Economics at at the the Paris London School School of Economics of Economics AssociateJunye LI Professor - Singapore Campus Mres in Economics at the London School of Economics PhDAssociate in Economics, Professor Bocconi - Singapore University Campus

Michel BARONI M.EngPhD in inEconomics, Systems Engineering, Bocconi University Beijing Jiaotong ProfessorMichel BARONI UniversityM.Eng in Systems Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong DoctoratProfessor en Sciences de Gestion, Université Paris X- University NanterreDoctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université Paris X- Nanterre

Liste des membres du corps professoral Permanent faculty members 2017 Liste des membres du corps professoral Permanent faculty members 2017


François LONGIN ESSEC Business School Professor PhD in Economics, HEC Paris Maud TIXIER École des Ponts et Chaussées Emeritus Professor Doctorat en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication, Université Paris IV-Sorbonne Jocelyn MARTEL ENS St-Cloud Professor PhD in Economics, University of Montreal

Doctoral Studies (A.B.D.) in Economics, University of British Columbia Management/Management

Patrice PONCET Jérôme BARTHÉLÉMY Distinguished Professor Professor PhD in Finance, Northwestern University Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, HEC Paris ESSEC Business School Research Master in Strategic Management, Université Paris X-Nanterre Roland PORTAIT Emeritus Professor Alain BERNARD PhD in Finance, Wharton School, University of Emeritus Professor Pennsylvania M.Phil., Yale University Institut d’Études Politiques, Paris ESSEC Business School

Sofia RAMOS Laurent BIBARD Associate Professor Professor PhD in Finance, Swiss Finance Institute, Lausanne Doctorat en Socio-Économie du Changement University Technique, EHESS Master in Economics, ISCTE, University Institute of Lisbon Doctorat en Philosophie, Université Paris IV-Sorbonne

Andrea RONCORONI Hamid BOUCHIKHI Professor Professor Doctorat en Finance, Université Paris IX-Dauphine Doctorat en Méthodes Scientifiques de Gestion, PhD in Applied Mathematics, University of Trieste - Université Paris IX-Dauphine Venezia - Bocconi ISCAE Business School

Romeo TEDONGAP Laurent BOURGEON Professor Associate Teaching Professor PhD in Economics, Université de Montréal Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, IAE Aix- Engineer’s Degree in Statistics and Quantitative Marseille/ESSEC Business School Economics, ENSEA M.S. in Strategy and Management, Université Paris X- Nanterre Peng XU Assistant Professor - Singapore Campus Fabrice CAVARRETTA PhD in Management and Economics, University of Associate Professor Toronto PhD in Management (Organizational Behavior), INSEAD MA in Economics, University of Toronto MBA, Harvard Business School

Vijay YADAV Jean-Luc CERDIN Associate Professor - Singapore campus Professor PhD in Management, INSEAD Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université de M.Phil. in Development Economics, Indira Gandhi Toulouse Institute of Development Research MSc in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, London School of Economics

Hors département/Faculty at Large Sen CHAI Assistant Professor Annick ANCELIN-BOURGUIGNON DBA en Technology and Operations Management, Harvard Business School Professor MSc en Management Science and Engineering, Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université Paris Stanford University Sorbonne

Liste des membres du corps professoral Permanent faculty members 2017


Jan LEPOUTRE Arijit CHATTERJEE Associate Professor Associate Professor - Singapore Campus PhD in Applied Economics, Ghent University PhD, Pennsylvania State University Master in Bioscience Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit MBA, Indian Institute of Management Leuven

Julija MELL Carole DONADA Assistant Professor Professor PhD in Organizational Behavior, Rotterdam School of Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, HEC Paris Management M.S. in Strategy and Marketing, Université Paris IX- MSc in Psychology, Humboldt University Berlin Dauphine Anca METIU Maryse DUBOULOY Professor Emeritus Professor PhD in Management, Wharton School, University of Doctorat en Gestion et Psychologie des Organisations, Pennsylvania Université Paris IX-Dauphine/HEC MBA, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign DEA de Psychologie des Organisations, Université Paris IX-Dauphine Anand Nandkumar (Singapore)

Associate Professor Olivier FOURCADET PhD in Public Policy and Management, Carnegie Teaching Professor Mellon University PhD in Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin, MS (MISPPM), Carnegie Mellon University Madison D.V.M., École nationale vétérinaire d’Alfortville Cedomir NESTOROVIC

Teaching Professor - Singapore campus Stefan GRÖSCHL Doctorat en Géopolitique, Institut des Sciences Professor Politiques PhD, Oxford Brookes University Masters in Applied Foreign Languages, Université Paris MSc in International Hotel and Tourism Management, IV-Sorbonne Oxford Brookes University Elisa OPERTI Ha HOANG Associate Professor Professor PhD in Management, Bocconi University PhD in Organizational Behavior and International M.S. in Industrial Engineering, Polytechnic of Turin Relations, Walter A. Haas School of Business, University of California Jean-Marie PERETTI B.A. Psychology with Honors, University of Chicago Professor

Doctorat d’État en Sciences de Gestion, Université Aix- Srividya JANDHYALA Marseille III Associate Professor - Singapore Campus D.E.S. de Science Politique PhD in Management, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Aarti RAMASWAMI Masters of Science in Management, London School of Professor - Singapore campus Economics and Political Science PhD in O.B. and Human Resources Management, Kelley

School of Business, Indiana University-Bloomington Alan JENKINS MA in Industrial Psychology, Department of Applied Professor Psychology, University of Mumbai PhD in Sociology and Anthropology, University of Liverpool Stoyan V. SGOUREV B.A. Honors, University of Liverpool Professor

PhD in Sociology, Stanford University Christian KOENIG MA in Sociology, Central European University Associate Professor Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université Paris IX- Ashok SOM Dauphine Professor MA in Business Economics, Harvard University PhD in Business Management, Indian Institute of

Management (IIM) MSc M.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

Liste des membres du corps professoral Permanent faculty members 2017


Karoline STRAUSS Management des Associate Professor opérations/Operations Management PhD in Organizational Psychology, University of Sheffield MSc in Psychology, University of Vienna Pietro DE GIOVANNI Junko TAKAGI Associate Professor Teaching Professor PhD in Decision Management Sciences, ESSEC Business PhD in Sociology, Stanford University School MA, University of British Columbia Doctorate in Business Administration, UNICAL, Arcavacata di Rende Jean-Claude TARONDEAU Emeritus Professor Philippe-Pierre DORNIER PhD University of Texas, Austin Professor Doctorat d’État en Sciences de Gestion, Université Paris Doctorat en Ingénierie et Gestion, École des Mines de IX-Dauphine Paris MSc in Industrial Engineering, École Centrale de Paris Maurice THÉVENET Professor Fouad El OUARDIGHI Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université Aix- Professor Marseille III PhD in Management Science, ESSEC Business School ESSEC Business School Doctorate in Management Science, Université Paris X- Nanterre Raymond-Alain THIETART Distinguished Emeritus Professor Felix PAPIER PhD in Management, Columbia University Professor Research Master, Université Paris IX-Dauphine PhD in Operations Research, University of Cologne MSc in Information Systems, University of Muenster Gilles van WIJK Associate Professor Xavier PAVIE PhD in Management of Organizations, Columbia Associate Teaching Professor - Singapore campus University PhD in Management, Université Paris Ouest Dipl. Phys. ETH, Zurich Master in Marketing Management, I.G.S. Business school Paris Maciej WORKIEWICZ Assistant Professor Sara REZAEE VESSAL PhD in Management, INSEAD Assistant Professor MSc in Management, INSEAD PhD Candidate in Operations Management, HEC Paris Master of Business Administration (MBA), Blekinge Valery YAKUBOVICH Institute of Technology

Associate Professor PhD, Stanford University MA in Sociology, University of Warwick

Kevyn YONG Associate Professor PhD in Management, Cornell University EdM in Mind, Brain and Education, Harvard University

Liste des membres du corps professoral Permanent faculty members 2017


Marketing/Marketing Nicolas GLADY Professor Niek ALTHUIZEN PhD in Applied Economics, K.U. Leuven M.S. in Management, Solvay Business School Associate Professor PhD in Marketing Management, Rotterdam School of Management Reetika GUPTA MSc in Agricultural Economics, Wageningen University Associate Professor - Singapore Campus PhD in Marketing, Baruch College Albert C. BEMMAOR Master in Communication, Mudra Institute of Communications Professor PhD in Management, Purdue University MBA, Columbia University Thierry LARDINOIT Teaching Professor Doctorat en Kinésiologie et Éducation Physique, Martine Bronner Université de Louvain Teaching Professor Master in Management, Université de Louvain Maîtrise, Université Paris Nanterre Emmanuelle LE NAGARD Raphaëlle BUTORI Professor Associate Professor Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), Université PhD in Management, Université Paris IX-Dauphine Paris Dauphine M.S. in Management, HEC Paris Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, HEC Paris

Tuck Siong CHUNG Richard MCFARLAND Associate Professor - Singapore Campus Professor Ph.D. in Marketing, University of Maryland, College Park PhD in Marketing, Georgia Institute of Technology M.Sc. in Development Management, MBA, University of Arizona

René-Y. DARMON Simon NYECK Emeritus Professor Teaching Professor PhD in Marketing, Wharton School, University of Doctorat en Marketing, ESSEC Business School Pennsylvania ITP, IMD Lausanne MBA, Columbia University Frédéric OBLE Arnaud DE BRUYN Teaching Professor Professor Doctorat en Génie des Systèmes Industriels, INPL Nancy PhD in Business Administration, Pennsylvania State Engineering Degree in Food Industry, ENSAIA Nancy University M.S. in Economics, University of Liège Ayse ÖNÇÜLER

Professor Pierre DESMET PhD in Decision Sciences, Wharton School, University of Professor Pennsylvania Doctorat d’État en Sciences de Gestion, Université Paris MA in Managerial Science and Applied Economics, IX-Dauphine Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania M.S. in Management, IESEG Bernard PRAS Delphine DION Professor Associate Professor Doctorat d’État en Sciences Économiques, Université Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), University Paris IX-Dauphine of Paris 1 Panthéon, Sorbonne DBA in Business Administration, Indiana University PhD in Management Sciences, University of Rennes, School of Management Sonja PROKOPEC

Associate Professor - Singapore campus Hubert FAUCHER PhD in Marketing, University of Houston Teaching Professor MBA, University of Central Florida PhD in Industrial Economics, Cornell University Mastère en Économie et Gestion Agro-alimentaire, IGIA (Institut de Gestion Internationale Agro-Alimentaire)

Liste des membres du corps professoral Permanent faculty members 2017


Jean-Marc XUEREB Vincenzo ESPOSITO VINZI Professor Professor Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université Paris IX PhD in Computational Statistics, University of Naples Dauphine/ESSEC Business School M.S. in Business and Economics, University of Naples M.S. in Strategy and Marketing, Université Paris X- “Federico II” Nanterre Jean-Pierre INDJEHAGOPIAN

Distinguished Professor Systèmes d’information, sciences Doctorat en Statistiques, Université Paris VI-Pierre et de la décision et Marie Curie Research Master in Probabilities, Université Paris VI-Pierre statistiques/Information Systems, et Marie Curie Decision Sciences and Statistics Olga KLOPP Laurent ALFANDARI Associate Professor Habilitation à diriger les recherches, Université Paris Professor Ouest Nanterre la Défense Doctorat en Sciences Informatiques, Université Paris IX- Doctorat à l’Université Nationale Autonome de Mexico Dauphine (UNAM) Research Master in Management Science, Université Paris IX-Dauphine Marie KRATZ David AVISON Professor Doctorate in Applied Mathematics, Université Paris VI- Distinguished Professor Pierre et Marie Curie & UNC Chapel Hill PhD in Information Systems Development, Aston Post-Doctorate (delegation), Cornell University University Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), University of Nantes Thomas KUDE Assistant Professor Dominique BRIOLAT PhD in Information Systems, Universität Mannheim, Business School Emeritus Professor Diplom-Wirtschaftsinformatiker (combined Bachelor's PhD in Information Systems, Université Laval and Master's degree) in Information Systems, Universität Research Master in Information Systems, Université Paris Mannheim I Panthéon-Sorbonne

Yan LI Frank CHAN Professor- Singapore Campus Associate Professor PhD in Information Systems, National University of PhD in Information Systems, Hong Kong University of Singapore Science and Technology Master of Science in Information Systems, National BBA in Information Systems and Finance, Hong Kong University of Singapore University of Science and Technology

Ivana LJUBIC Guillaume CHEVILLON Professor Professor PhD in Computer Science, Vienna University of D.Phil. in Economics, University of Oxford Technology MSc in Engineering, École des Mines Master’s in Mathematics, University of Belgrade

Isabelle COMYN-WATTIAU Julien MALAURENT Professor Associate Professor Doctorat en Sciences Informatiques, Université Paris VI- PhD in Information Systems and Decision Sciences, Pierre et Marie Curie ESSEC Business School Degree in Engineering, Institut d’Informatique Research Master in Information Systems, CNAM d’Entreprise (IIE)

Peter O’CONNOR Anne-Marie DUSSAIX Professor Emeritus Professor PhD in Organizational Psychology, Queen Margaret Doctorat de 3e cycle en Statistique, Université Paris VI- University College Pierre et Marie Curie MSc in Information Systems, Trinity College Dublin Licence en Sciences Économiques

Liste des membres du corps professoral Permanent faculty members 2017


Jan ONDRUS Associate Professor - Singapore campus PhD in Business Information Systems, HEC Lausanne MSc in Information Systems, HEC Lausanne

Nicolas PRAT Associate Professor Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches en Informatique, Université Paris-Dauphine Doctorat en Sciences Informatiques, Université Paris IX- Dauphine

Jeroen ROMBOUTS Professor PhD in Econometrics, CORE, UCL Master in Statistics, UC

Liste des membres du corps professoral Permanent faculty members 2017

Éditions du Centre de Recherche du Groupe ESSEC - Edited by the ESSEC Research Center ISSN 1164-1681 PARIS RABAT SINGAPOUR

ESSEC Business School ESSEC Asia-Pacific 3 avenue Bernard-Hirsch 5 Nepal Park CS 50105 Cergy Singapore 139408 95021 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex Tél. +65 6884 9780 France www.essec.edu/asia Tél. +33 (0)1 34 43 30 00 ESSEC | CPE Registration number 200511927D www.essec.edu Period of registration: 30 June 2017 - 29 June 2023 Committee of Private Education (CPE) is part of SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)

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Le contenu présenté dans cette brochure est indicatif et peut être sujet à modifications, il n’est pas contractuel. ANNUAIRE DE LA RECHERCHE/ RESEARCH YEARBOOK 2017 © ESSEC Business School - 954150818 Août 2018 Photo couverture : iStock adventtr Document non-imprimable.