Standard Form For Members of the te91slature

1 . Birthday and place :2.1·!):!_, 1996

2. Marriage (s) date place

) c. Profession~~~-~4~~~~~"- ~. //~'~·e_' ______- ~ ; ---

4. Church membership ~~ .-~t -14 ~ 5. Sessions se·rved ';It ¢1 ~ ~.:...,f.-· aJ .. ~~ ~ 1./~. J /93~ /f3 7 1 6. Public Offices A. Local ______

Source: Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. lO.Education ______

I 11. Degrees ~ ,.l:d;_ tt..

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. . .

Sources Log For Legislation Entries


source Kon Applicable Applicable Information obtained - @1./4 - Jvk~4 · ··L: rL,J Jn~. ~~.. , di-. , /l_ -7 a;t-li10it, c;;, & _ , ' ' .

< "'"' • ../ t·'~':<' Y' U , - -- . 1"3 7-/ ?, ,e./t/ ' . - ~ Oft4 c-t".ck 1{?~~~ /;~v' I y;.7

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. SERVED STATE, NATION FOR Ji.·YEARS IOWa's. HiCkenloopei Dies ' ' I I • Protests .·Seen Co~tinuing in r-r-"".:_'"'~·""' · · - -evalue . · Issue-~=- -

. , , • 'lllllllltl ~1 '9 10 II' ltlVA' U ! INIIII FUN AND GAME:S' AFTER SCHOOL ,.., Me"IIJ JVIIIAr Jllsh S.hoo1 rtiMIIMft )IMtlp with Htf~ . tkt 'ilfud•11 I• ~ ••,~,., nr.. '- 11 dnw. 'Nri• ... "'"' """ tty "' -. ,,.,,,. ~~~· ' '"'": ~~ " t!tt •• rrtl•" t11 ."' u,.. ""• pt•r• alk.r N'htl rrktaJ, · ' ~;; ~};~.~~· ~; ;;;;~-;;;~· -·-- / Dog ; Patrol StateFarmDiViclencl - ~ Out;-Glf~rd -­ . · ---- Your Poach!


I I Se,el~jury and Death . ! Riding Alongside Bett-er'L He~lth tn Bicycle Craze By Bette Scaalia ... t.II(N~ ... - -ll-t


..' ... ~

.,U.i. THE, JlAliJTrf.S In lh~ !lhrNr)' 11t Slilhbuty lll"'t'le . hett,EPI tht rarest It a JWrdow ,.. tfr. frnm • C. ul ~· ~ btr1 lblo-1 ,.,. that liutl!'nlk-rl hun~Jf'nllly hne t ·_ pot fh QUJh hiJ PftU-~1 lh•n ~ yt ll ~ II((\. I'll! II ~E.~f'TE I W.U(~ums TO PARI!:NTS IJillln : ~ ~.InK. ''tKishy:"·. a Jurv~y flnda tluit · chlldrtn ·•Ao hut pu.;hy. 1nd"'"tnr p.rtntt ltnd to dn Jhe top .wflft..· In ..-.:. R•dlo,-;·, ..\ 1.:·;;-,' , Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. =::. ·· :·~ .:: ·:·: : ~::: 1: . \' . . . /' .. '.. . .· "~ · ::.. ···-~ .. :.._:~.~ ...- -. ·... ..!_..• . _ • ..:..:..:' ' --.- ·~- - - , ...... ,...... ,...... : ·~- ...... ~. ({bodes ~ Man ·· Pl~yed .·Big··: Rol,e.. Injured ·iii ._. .In ·~erinedy' s Crash Here~ ; · . " ·.· . E ~ o:reJgn ··. . .-:.-P·_:: o 1· Icy =· ==== In a tJ , S . rcpre~entntlvc to the near· Forly·nlnlh Street ·a.nd United NatlnM In 1959 and 1960 hnndale. Avenue ·at i :45 i.m, und reccnily .t•ompletcd duties bert Hoover Prcsldt•ntlal u. us a mcmhcr or Presldt•nt Nix· - · ~·--•-S aturday . , ' n·s ·co.nmlisi:lon· lor the nhserv· :Police satd Lannitu:'s • iruck ··-· brery at WeRt BrAnch or to n llllCC ur the twenly-llllh nnnt, wa! westbound on :' Urb~ndale charity of the donor's l'holce. Yt•rsury of the l)nlled Nnllons. . Av~nu e...Ji hen It ·\eft. the pave· ~nnlor lllckcnlooper rccenlly Shorlly bolornlr'll ...I!L hi' per'• papers were aent to the of the nuclrul"': .

on the ROCk Island Rallron• trncks ·across :'the . !lrcet. rt>· · S Prc•ldcnt• engine started up and draggl'· S c n n t o r lllcllrni(Jnpcr, rc­ the car . 116 feel north bel or --carded ~•• a -conscr vn llve ne: the auto wns freed, pollee said - --:publlcon, had a roreer in Wosh- . The engineer told . police, th:. ·lngton sponnlng the udmlnls­ he was not aware al first th;. tratlon• or live pre'sldrnts, !rom his train had been slntck .. Fran~lln D. lloo•cvell · thrnu~h Pollee . charged . Skoog wll _Lyndoo B. Johnl!lln. lie served fulllnR to ;have hl8 cnr unrlo . longer .In the Scnute than any l'(ln(rnl. . .·,. · other lowary except ' Wllllatn ,II. Allison, who ·wn• there: from Pu'reto 1873 to 1008 . Ricam . ... 1 n _Senator

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. Fivr mrn u•·•·uph•d th• While lluusc durlug the y<•nrs S<•dy, .Juhnsun. ifl VIA WALKS IN GARDEN i ill -- 1 /In Rhodes Man j ls Pl~yed Big Role ; Injured in lh iCrash Here Ill· ' \ In ~ennedy' s 'I'PI'I'Y J•!, J.mming, 26, nC l lthndc•!'l, wms l~t' on Atotlllf' : ;t utility pole ;mtl traveling ~35 a 1 hrary nnd "wns Vt•rv proud of l I~hwrgy !ll~Hsc-11 a spt'dat n·sulu· ; ket hr(on• hitting a ~econd ,ulil- bt·· 11 1 that and lnokinr,: h;rwunl" tu ~::~',::: :.~1 1\\~u\~:~·lo:~"~:: ~·;,'.m:,'::. lly p~lr. bo • his duties, Mrs. 0\)('rlin said. Vt'lupnwnt of nudt•nr fHJWt•r. Lanning was <'hargcd. with llr,:' Muny ul Senntor lllt-kt·nlnu· /\dill. Hyman H\<'knvt·r. t, fa· raihll'(• tu havr. rontroL ~f.. his M' Source:prr's Iowa IJHpt.>rs Territorial were :wnt tuand tht• Statethcr ofLegislators the nul'l••arrsuhmannt• Collection, compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library,vrhiclr. Des Moines, Iowa. 126 . library whrn ht• rrllrrd, to ht• nnd formrr !Hlm I.A•wl.~ L I bP Bvulluhlt• fur rxutnlnntlon by Straw·;~. who Wll~ it nwrnlwr of 1 pr. 111 1':'" --: h' ...- ... 1 _,., , h~1r'i IJif.,r. !h1• '\1(\q~i~ · !·' r•!'r'"·' ·;• Auto Hitt. T~ n in, ' lh· .\lnlMI nnr•thltd nr f'nllrDrnht'fll. •·rKf d 1 n LH, UlltiiY dl~&lllu•dont'd wllh n\-rrrmwdlnJL .nnd JHlliU · lion, w11nt tn lrll'\"1! lht · Jillltt, " J.'lrld Ut.wo~lrrh forp, PQJiindJrH(Ifllo 1'hoy plrk•d Oro~on, ('nlon1do 11nd Arlronu .In thlll onlrl' K!l l1 r l l r r 11~u·r:c In IIYt,


Tw• crHkl MKhd wUb i

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. •v .. ··-·~ ·- · · - · · · ··· -- ·-··---·-·-·'...... OLD ·. SOLDIERS ~' ·~·. .. -.,MOSl DEADLY CAN~l GET IN VEHICLE.' ON

Briei fly Nic-k tamhorin 'l'ht• llllllnr<~Yf'ln IS lhf) ntMI L~aps to Death 1 . ' n•uHh ~ - of trnvf'l on A \\ 1111l i111 \Iii !'- b \! .. r! !Ut lfil•hw,_t\'!4 _ llf:(•n~•tlin~ to rur:1! ('nh1111hd-t , S t '. ,., , ; f 1/.!tl1'11s ,.,:h,ois;;c( ···; ~ \dlf'il ~j;,. :tpj!dl"l'llth 11' .11" tS:t! 11 r ciicr~ . wifl• .J ct1>tl•hln•• ~:111 ...!!.!.!.L'... ~ ; , P i· !i<•llrr• k 111 d Jflllllt\t·iil IJrtrf .. f.,. Jtli nt•• •f I'h€' diallcVfi fff,lll Ow t•ur Y.hdt • •I ''. R l e s rnllr nlll. nr rive ' lr~V(J hn" ;~t u.~ut ,1Q mli1 lllmt om loWar\ :m hou r ,• lie 1-tli. ('f'ing ., lw ;,, rnoton·yelc wUI U.LLEU Jli':LrNi dt•ad. dryvr lil t• 1' . nwrh ~; hr kill{'rl or injured. lll\ 11 H utili t~ polt• Hl nn ~ 11 whn·' f•'or a person In a car In- trm J•l to kdlliittl..:I•H !It• !'II . ft •r('(l nunor illJUrlf'S awl \\ . !hnNI to ••1 llmnptnn nursmg lnop1•r .t s puhlw oHrcHil s of 1vnlvrci m a~1 a~cidt:>nt, thP Ihorn< '; . S!'hW<'Jg(•r hil S :t ~ kill both partu~s f'Uiogi zcd lht• lor-' dwncrs nr hemg k!llrd ()~ hurt cti~fg(ld \\ 1th Tt•rklf''-" tin c on rl111~1n !hat m 't' ilSIOnp:mnNI :l·t yr;1rs _·; ~I a rabh~t - hk~ pace tn Iowa, Elmhurst General I ln sptt: . 1\HTausr it \vould t•ost only ; from hi s ekl'lion 10 till' lnwa St'IIC'rs. saul, from 55,775 reg­ .The ownrr of thP hag . ~ t·• u \ ahout hal[ or what thr ~Ur s in~ ~ Legislature tn J!l:.H In hiS rt•tirr· ']Sterecl in lim fir:il gcvcn months 1 tam in~ the . 2~ -c ahh.·r p1 ,1 ' hnnw f"tls,t s," s:mi ~dnvc·lgPr. lf at hts honw · lt•rms. • 1:l l per <'l'nl. ' ~1n Frandsro. wOptd, , 1 ·· waltlng h ~ t rl1mmrrt whf'n thf" · 1'h -· , t l ·- 1tv rttle· for-nil vrhtclt':'l i:"i ~ rlown ---- sin g er~ . oT tlu;· i050s 11fio .. at ,IInnw ,tnpJwd iH'<'t'pttng nt·w · r~n. ursdayat f.lrstlres- izrwrcr"ill· n ·lni1wd S;lluJLia.\· IJ\ lltt• Cu~! " II ·..., a tpH ·...,t lon 11 1 t' I JII/1\~ out llunald Jtutdl\so n . nl ;\lgnna. tnrc·vde fntulitl<•s In the 1\lll·• und .in all of there uno wer(> plt:ll in Los ~·nmg tlw Pl\111'1' program.·· san\ r~:· ,_om lillt•:Ju\'t'rl and _Dan · 41, wi~h mosl or tho!ie In thr 1 Ans:f'l(•:;. He .-~ ~ . ·· to hnrt : railed on to t•xplalll th c• 1r .H· l>;w}. "" \\'t' hopt' In l't'OJll'il tlw 0 Bnt·n. ;~II of 1_1cs ~ tnm<> s; last rive months of ra<·b \'t'ar, 011 c (' w il s wrrr oh- lums. nur..;ln~ sc ·c·1Jtlll , hut not until ·':'mcs :O.Iilrn~ · ol \ mlon: .Judgr , Srllers said. . m ,; r r i1·d to .t!A,YI ... Who rr- Llt _ \\as 111,. fw:-;t :-ond~. ~~~~~~.. 111 _1 ~ • \\·•· h:w t• Llw monry" ~\~~~-~t::~ ~t'~~~;lat';~ :;;tm~c;;~; ! "I'm gomg to be visiting ~eg­ at'lr~!.~ llt.'bru H R~n NrbrHska )Irat:"""'" \ OlO\'(' lo curh dJ \'Uh'JHI .llat•h -\a1(1 ahnul '$ 180 ,000 is r L:t kf' ;. llarolrl Howe, - .Jamrs ! isbtor~ and . ~ncnuraging . the.m· Paget. rluatcd a!i [i nrn•asPs wh]('h Wf'rr nut sp1· - •• nt't'tlt-d In rt•nprn tht''ility . Yuill. [lr ~~ ,/. Fostt'f. ~ r6 pass some type of­ 1 1 10 Jusltt'(' ~lilltht ' " ~1 . Lr\ . a{!\l. and 1 rif. icnlly prnluhitrd in Pn•sJth•nt lit• :~nd \ ' rh·r:~n.; ~runp lohhy- ('ilC'hak anri J;tnws C'anf1rld\ all . ry . hc~m~· t and C')'e protertt~n of th(' l\cw ,York };u prt' tl , bh trit•rl tn ~t · l lhf" money in )a \\ stm1br to thos(> r naC'tcd m tt,!n. Somr ! Ntxon's Wat-w-pril't•_ln•PIY ordt•r tht• t · l o~ing days uf tht• l:.t"t of Ct'dar HapHis: :md Fn•rl ' · · ' · Court, i:!, m Bronx·lA'ban< 1 yt•ar . or _ :-ln omission n•JwaiNllv at · Hhndrs nf \\'nslungtnn . Dr _ lt ns,pual Cmtrr. Tlw l'oh' l t' t rcretve 1lla<"k(l{l lw unions ;mrl 6t~mo. SOI.nigHs - Causr of df•r <'on n r t' l i o n w1th Wvh.•r \, hoastino Ire,~rted art inn ... ll k. I h . . t~ s "st'lli!l ! ll" f l illll l!l\:1 through. Kl'nneth n C'l:-trk ~nirt ~llf'h a rlc111th hfolt·ttuAe 11 f\I'IW;.I ';•.d I• t l! s<~ '· mu lng t I ,. worst sin· Hl!ifl drug nught ht• usrful for all had suHerC"d a he-ad wtHmd I f\ SJlrra< I The telrman Grm·r< Pm:e7., Vntnm<' Shn!' :!\l"'nf!t:'rli nntl SQ ven rrrwlt\f' n. · - .. It? prC'~ident , Hospital in San Franci~w-u E • .Source: Corp. , Tnp< Iowa•ka, TerritorialXan.; ~:nws! andA :was State en route Legislators Jrom An('.h Collectionnragc. Rat"n compiled Breaks by volunteers Iowa and staff 'Heat,· at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Desdred Moines,served as Iowa.General Pa· Slcmssen, prt:'sident and chi<'r (Alaska. to S~tk . Wash It lmd ton's l>"""' olf1cer during 1h •s thr Uni· ~xecutivc, &las Corp . of Anwr· l made · intl'rmt•rdov:o aorr~>\"""""" !: .. !"' !'r "'; : I n J · e I i it t - ye l 'S ~ t . a ... . I H e to it re th M he us ' . ~ to say , I""P we-h tha .... down . t for at her r y ' n ; said _ j time We "Most down they'd maybe one - " of .. . da · . next each liero:ll , ra pound , lall citmlor . hog 'Complc that soap things llasn · Betty, ""il ham first cans ...... freezer. Jot 15 tables , !b• ; recent days .$1 ram," ' And Last sftliag ucepl that comlng tlng thoagb of stralilit," "' ey~no~ weeks a evory city • the Calllomians, ~7 COUm!, __ ... _ · pound wile and --~-•: rtlO.'!tero for make nell' and -. _ - · ..:_ -· , - - . . ------!':A · • . - - I - . . - ' - - : - -- -·- ~ y. . the air- · . -.. oU . Author- m ,; , scbJldu!ed Saturda · - . .~~~ a Earn! • Le~son · Served -. 42-passengers skidded 10 - Boeing injuries · 7 n.AnH . . 1\loline G~ ng no ' Md., yl the and - dur'!ng In re i e.,_..~ ...... , ~""• .. carr - · . · - H. Introductory arn Moft..•n4Twet...Oct.4th&flh . · fREE R~freshmenls TAXSEMINAR. ·· · -,; : ~ .l II a m ' ~ ntly ' • - - ece r . aes mfield U loo B · . en!ooper . .t-u:-.E~~en~.J c-<>f · d lllek l .... cnm~ or .,. '- 1 _ . Dav granckhildrm a · - ;;;. enat Besi S lo" _ ( HickeDll'Oper four soo, ...... aonor ' , 1 ~ j ; 1 • ' ! e r e n o s5 his his th y . ~~· lo .' ' .. Hick- n f y Ma years, a b r · r _!~ - the o word, t statesman assistance the s ley ed ,_ . --~~~ !li- iz \lt - the Senat . gratefully_ true I - and motirn of · :" t~~ · - "a :eonshtuents." · through said recogn ~~ and when his ntatt>e friend .) sense was lne · lil hip by gueS remember _ ve ., good ers very p eprese r ga e looper a R _ pecially aa •· Re - s (Re le en ~ _valued encouragement he or e Congress, ' t , ; .tn . , . . , . ; J' • • · m s, p- . ac- sl- s e • . · · ~n- !oo poht1- y Sena- __ n Pri -~ IDem, · ~ s · - Hugh , · - .,; _ r man Cl{ Hi s . once .'_ Spessard carrer succeeded a d de l d Hisyot . • a SenaU!t' t:,S. a dUllly c ain - m•rn _ !e lncueaseBS toe ptimll. failed ""''~ l!l>s 111 '11-. aiD • ZJIII1!I!d - ~ ' - •

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the_ State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. - - ~ \ HICKENLOOPER, Bourke Blakemore (1896-1971) Biographic .. Page 1 of2

) HICKENLOOPER, Bourke Blakemore, 1896-1971 Senate Years of Service: 1945-1969 Party: Republican

HICKENLOOPER, Bourke Blakemore, a Senator from Iowa; born in Blockton, Taylor County, Iowa, July 21, 1896; attended the public schools and Iowa State College at Ames until April1917, when he enrolled in the officer's training camp at Fort Snelling, Minn.; commissioned a second ) lieutenant, embarked overseas in August 1918 and served in France as battalion orientation officer; returned to the in February 1919 and was honorably discharged; reentered Iowa State College and graduated in 1919; graduated from the College of Law of the State at Iowa City in 1922; admitted to the bar in 1922 and commenced practice in Cedar Rapids, Iowa; member, State house of representatives 1934- 1937; lieutenant governor oflowa 1939-1942 and Governor 1943-1944; elected as a Republican to the in 1944 for the term commencing January 3, 1945; reelected in 1950, 1956, and 1962 for the term ending January 3, 1969; was not a candidate for reelection in 1968; co-chairman, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy (Eightieth Congress), chairman, Republican Policy Committee (Eighty-seventh through Ninetieth Congresses); died in Shelter Island, N.Y., 2/1/02

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. HICKENLOOPER, Bourke Blakemore (1896-1971) Biographic.. Page 2 of2

September 4, 1971, while visiting; interment in Cedar Memorial Cemetery, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.


American National Biography; Dictionary of American Biography; Schapsmeier, Edward, and Schapsmeier, Frederick. 'A Strong Voice for Keeping America Strong: A Profile of Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper.' Annals ofIowa 47 (Spring 1984): 362-76; U.S. Congress. Memorial Addresses. 92nd Cong., 2nd sess., 1972. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1972.

) H000559 2/1/02

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.