United States Department of Agriculture BUREAU of ENTOMOLOGY and Plat QUARANTIN!
Bur. Ent. & P. Q. Issued June 1944 United States Department of Agriculture BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLAt QUARANTIN! SERVICE AND REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENTS LIST OF INTERCEPTED PLANT PESTS, 1943 (List of Pests Recorded During the Period July 1, 1942, to June 30, 1943, Inclusive, as Intercepted in, on, or with Plants anid-Plant Products Entering United States Territory.) INTRODUCTION This report covers the thirtieth year for which lsts of pest interceptions have been issued. During the first year, the fiscal year 1914, a total of 1,456 inter- ceptions were recorded. The highest number in any list is 81,592 for the fiscal year 1940. Interceptions for the thirty-year period total more than 600,000. The records summarized in this report include pests intercepted in, on, or with plants and plant products (1) imported, (2) offered for but refused entry, (3) held as ships' stores, etc., and hence not imported through customs, (4) offered for entry for immediate export or for immediate transportation and exportation in bond, and (5) in domestic shipments between Hawaii and Puerto Rico and the mainland. Determinations of collections made near the close of the preceding year are included with data for the current year. In addition to routine reports and determinations by the personnel of this Bureau, considerable information is supplied by State and customs officials. Staffs of specialists maintained by the States of California and Florida and the Territory of Hawaii determine most of the interceptions made there, and specialists of the Bureau of Plant Industry determine a large part of the more difficult plant-disease material.
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