Revelation 21:1-22:5: An Early Christian Locus Amoenus? Fergus J King D Th (University of South Africa) Dept of Philosophy, Religious Studies & Theology University of Newcastle, University Drive Callaghan NSW 2305
[email protected] Keywords Pastoral* Revelation* Johannine Literature *Apocalyptic* locus amoenus*eschatology ABSTRACT The visons of the Heavenly Jerusalem (Rev. 21) have a utopian feel. This essay suggests that ancient writers from a Graeco-Roman background might have read these visons through the lens of the locus amoenus (pleasant place)- a utopian prototype. Whilst associated primarily with pastoral poetry, the motif also served wider theological and philosophical purposes in the late Roman Republic and early Imperial periods and had spread beyond purely literary confines. The genre also engaged with philosophical, theological and eschatological themes. Thus engaging with Revelation 21 as an locus amoenus, as a contextually appropriate form, may have served as a jumping-off point into the less familiar realms of Judaic eschatological symbolism. Lastly, it is suggested that the appearance of the motif within what would become the Scriptures of emerging Christianity may provide a reason for the later more explicit developments of the genre in patristic writing. 1 Introduction The literary character of Revelation embraces many different types and genres. In this article, it is suggested that the literary motif of the locus amoenus, found predominantly, but not exclusively, in pastoral poetry provides a literary form which may be helpful in analyzing the visions of the heavenly Jerusalem given in Revelation 21-22. It is worth, as a preliminary question asking whether it is appropriate to explore revelation for a Graeco-Roman literary motif.