Dr. Simmons Chosen President Dr. William K. Simmons, Dean his wife Dolores, and daughter Ann things and if they don't work we'll of Academic Affairs was named the live at Cox's Mill. try something else." next president of Glenville State The new president lists his College by the West Virginia Board hobbies as woodworking, hunting, He has served as president and of Regents on Tuesday of this week. fishing, gun oollecting and writing. vice president of the West Virginia His position becomes effective on Dr. Simmons oommented, "I am Asso ciation of College English Teach­ July 1, 1977 upon the retirement of very pleased with the decision of ers and in 1974 was a member of the Dr. D. Banks Wilburn, current pres­ the Board, and rm really looking Board of Regents Advisory Council ident. forward to the presidency. We'll of Faculty. He is a member of the A native of this area, Dr. Simmons all just have to roll up our sleeves West Vuginia Council- on Teacher ~ttended Glenville State College where and get to work. We'll try some Preparation. he was graduated with an AB in English and Biology in 1961. In '1960, he served as Pioneer. He has GSC To Offer Martial Arts Training taught at Harpers Ferry High School Glenville State College will be If taken tor credit it will count as and Ben Franklin Junior High and offering a new course beginning an elective and will not meet the received his MA degree in 1964 from second semester 1976-77 school year. General Education requirement. West Virginia University and his TIlls course-Physical Education339- TIlls course will be open to stu­ Ph. D. from Ohio University in '1969. 01-BEGINNING KARATE- 3 semes­ dents of all ages and to both sexes. From 1964-67 he was instructor ters hours credit. This course may be It will be held beginning January 6, of English and in 1969, he returned taken on a credit/non credit basis. 1977 on Tuesday and Thursday as professor of English. In 1975, he evenings at 6: 3(}'9' 30 p.rn. in 153 H. EXECUTIVES GALORE. .. Pictured above is GSC President, became Dean of Academic Affairs. Regular Registration will be held The instru ctor will be Mr. Wll- Dr. D. Bunks Wilburn, congratulating his July, 1977 successor, He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. on January 5, 1977 and classes will liam King who is a holder of a Black Dr. William K. Simmons. Guy Simmons of Glenville. He and begin on January 6, 1977. Belt in Karate. The Glenville Mercury

Number IS Glenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Friday, December 10, 1976 December Graduates Anticipate Diplomas The list of prospective graduates Early Childhood NK6, Social Studies brarian 1-12, Speech 7-12; John Paul for December 197 6 has been correct­ 1-9; Brenda J. Bleigh, Elementary Gumm, Mathematics Comprehensive ed. Those 47 seniors graduating 1-8, Social Studies -19. 7-12, Social Studies 7-9; Linda Lou with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Debbie Lynn Boserman, Elemen­ Hall, Elementary 1-8, Mathematics education are: Linda S. Aldridge, tary 1-8, Social Studies 1-9; Jennifer and Social Studies 1-9; Millie . Hall, Home Economics (Vocational) Comp­ B. Bunner, Elementary 1-8, Social Elementary 1-8, Social Studies 1-9; rehensive 7-12; Gordon Lee Allen, Studies 1-9; Julie Burton, Business David Lynn Harsh, Health, Physical Music Comprehensive 1-12; Anita Principles 7-12, Social Studies 7-9; Education and Safety Comprehen­ P. Anderson, Business Education Delbert D. Conley, English 7-12, sive 1-12; Sherry Lee Helyy, Ele~ Comprehensive 7-12; Ronald V. And­ Speech 7-9; Linda Ann Cordray, entary 1-8, Social Studies 1-9; Deb­ erson, Physical Education 1-12, Math­ Early Childhood NK6, Social Studies orah V. Hoff, Business Education ematics 7-12; Barbara Sue Badgley, 1-9; Paula H. Covey, Early Childhood Comprehensive 7-12, Social Studies Early Childhood NK6, Social Studies NK6, Social Studies 1-9; Janet Elaine 7-9; Paul E. Jackson, Health, Phys­ 1-9; Catherine Louella Bail, Elemen­ Cunningham, Elementary 1-8, Mental ical Education and Safety Compre­ tary 1-8, Mental Retardation 1-12, Retardation 1-12, Social Studies 1-9; hensive 1-12; Melodie Lea Jones, Ele­ Social Studies 1-9; Sue Ellen Blake, Mary Louise Farnsworth, School Li- mentary 1-8, Social Studies 1-9; Linda R. Koppisch, Music Comprehensive 1-12; Patricia R. McCallister, Early ___ (The Miracle Worker' Childhood NK6, Social Studies 1-9; One of the most moving exper­ shows great emotion but isn't sure William M. Marshall, Health and ME, YOU, AND WINNIE-THE-POOH... The adorable Pooh iences in the modern theatre, "The of herself at all times; Captain Keller, Physical Education 1-12, Safety characters will be in attendance at the Wilburn's annual Christmas Miracle Worker," will be presented 5'10"-6'1", hearty gentleman in his Education 7-12; Brenda J. Means, party. by the GSC drama department next 40's, was in the Confederate army Home Economics (vocational) Comp- h semester. It is the electrifying story and the sternness carries over in to rehensive 7-12; David Roy Mossor,POO To Star At Christmas Party of Helen Keller, who could see his personal life; Aunt Ev, 5'5"-5'7", Art Comprehensive 1-12; Susan Lynn nothing, say nothing, hear nothing, heavyset, 5(}'55 years old, strict and Mouser, Mathemetics Comprehensive Winnie-the-Pooh and company The annual affair is sponsored by but found the road to understanding bossy, straightforward. '7-12, Safety Education 7-12; Thomas will be the stars of the Wilburn's Dr. and Mrs. Wilburn and will be everything throuth the help of Annie The two major roles are those of Everly Newberry, Health, Physical Christmas party Sunday, December held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.rn. in the Sullivan. Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan. Education, and Safety Comprehensive 12. Winnie-the-Pooh and company Pioneer Center. Glenville State Col­ There are six male roles and 12 Annie is approximately 5'6"-5'8", 1-12; Vanessa Denise Pannell, Health, consists of Brenda Henthorn, Kathy lege f acul~, staff, and families are female roles in the play. A few of 20 years old. She is a woman of Physical Education and Safety Ed- Sullivan, Bob McGure,Kyle McCart- invited to join in this celebration the major characters are: the doctor, great determination, courage, patience ucation Comprehensive 1-12; Joyce ney, Mary Morton, Ray Powell, Sue of Christmas. 5'9"-5'10" in height, late 60's, very and shows independence. Annie is Ann Richards, Elementary 1-8, Math­ Bame, Billy Hutchinson, Daysi Melo, Santa Claus will make his appear­ sympathetic, ahd been a doctor for near blindness herself and she man- ematics and Social Studies 1-9; Pam­ Vivian Melo, Lynn Gough, Pitty ance sometime during the afternoon several years; Kate Keller, 5'6", 30's, (continued on page four) ela May Ries, School Librarian 1-12, Groves, Joanna Icenhower, and Jac­ and there will ~ singing of Christmas Social Studies 7-9; Vicki Lee Rode­ quetta Mahan. carols. heaver,Elementary 1-8, Social Studies Choir Presents Christmas Concert 1-9; Caroline June Shields, Elem­ The Music Department of Glen­ entary 1-8, Social Studies 1-!); Brenda ville State College will present its Kay Smith, Elementary 1-8 Appa­ GSC Students Participate Choir in the annual Music for Christ­ lachian Studies 4-8, Social Studies mas Concert at 8: 00, Sunday evening, 1-9; Ella Jane Smith, Social Studies December 12. 7-12, Art 7-9; Harold R. Smith, In '77 State Internships The music for this year's program elementary 1-8, Mental Retardation Three GSC students have been Federal State Relations, and Dennis will feature F.J. Haydn's Theresien­ 1-12. Social Studies 1-9: Lucinda accepted as a part of the Public Miller in Department of Natural Re­ messe, the Mass in B flat. This is one (continued on page four) Service Learning Internship Program. sources. of Haydn's late Masses and ranks with Anita Harold, Curtis Hardman, and There will also be a Legislative the popular' Nelson Mass and the DECEMBER GRADUATES Janet Thompson have been accepted Internship for one week in February Harmoniemesse. It was oomposed in for Spring 1977 semester. They will or March. There will be one intern Attention December graduates. 1799, probably for Empress Marie be going through interviews to det­ working with the state legislature. Senior pictures for the 1976-77 Theresa. The soloists will be Marsha ermine placement in a state agency. The student will receive one hour Kanawhachen will be taken Tuesday Mcintyre, alto from St. Marys and The students will receive 15 December 14 in the darkroom loca­ of credit. The purpose is to farnilar­ Hugh Givens, bass, from Elizabeth, ted in the basement of Clark Hall. hours college credit and a weekly ize the student with legislative pro­ both students. The soprano solos salary. Hou~s will be from 1:00 until 5:00. cesses. Ms. Joyce Arnold has the will be sung by Mary Prather, a 1976 If you want your picture in the At present there are three students internship. graduate from GSC, rurrently teach­ college annual please be there. Spring on internship in Charleston. They Please be sure to return all lib­ Lorenz Wahlers ing at Harrisville High School. Mr. graduate's pictures will be taken in are: Dawn Knicely in the Depart­ rary materials by December 14, Salem College February. Seniors must clear prior to Dec­ (continued on page four) ment of Welfare, Mike Gherke in ember graduation. Friday, December 10, 1976 IGreek lews l-jfrr~Li~~;'~ LAMBDA CHI ./ .."., IS~'i!~.. ,-~."""'" ~;____ • The Brothcll Df Beu Beta Zeu held a MW election of officer on The president-<:Iect Is a peanut nuUionare, the governor~lect an oil Monda} ~t with David 'J], Jillre miI1ionare. and the secretary of state~lcct, a junk dealer. being elected PresldenL Randy Gillis Is the MW ,ice-president. Ronnie ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Butcher secreury, Jeff Wiles rush chairman, RId Sinunons part) chair­ The latest scientific breakthrough is the disoovery that there is one man, Don Chapman fraternity ed­ strand of oorn sill: for every kernel of corn on the cob. This revelation ucator, Tim Bryant alumni chairman, was no doubt brought about by the same agricultural scientist who Roger YOWlg scholastic chairman, developed the featherless chicken. The featherless chicken, I am told, is Soott BarkweU treasurer, and John supposed to be an eoonomic advantage, as the feathell oonsume °a large Woomb ritualist. portion of the chicken's food intake. The featherless chicken failed Tim Coffman and Bill Rubin however; the amount of money saved by not feeding feathers was were elected to lFC with Rex Mit­ oonsumed by the necessity of heaters in the chicken ooops so that they cheU serving as alternate. MitcheU wouldn't freeze to death. What all this boils down to, is that if some and Tom Phillips are the new execu· enterprising young biologist develops 8 oornsill:less corn, the Jolly tive oommittee membell with Sim­ Green Giant will save a small fortune by channeling the wasted growth mons being the alternate. Dave into the oorn kernel. No more little Green Sprouts. Twyman is the new athletic director. Congratulations goes out to the • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• new Ladies of the White Rose: Pam \farsh, Debbie Oark, Debbie Nichols, The 1976 Presidential elections reproved what happened in 1960: Debbie Wildman, Sandy Burnside, A candidate's popularity is directly proPortional to his number of teeth. Kathy Arthur, Lynn Bartges, Carol The Merriest 10 YOU ••• Humphrey, Martha Johnson, Janet Manley, Janet Janes, and Marc Mc­ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• C1uiJtmas i a pecial Ume of the year to a lot of people. It is a time when Laudtlin. v. come closer together and try to capture the joy of the season. Thanks also goes out to the Speaking of chickens and their by-products, the square egg maker To many, til merely vacation from ~chool or work; to others, it's a time for Ladies for helping with yesterday's has been invented. A boiled egg is placed in the little container, receiving IftS; to till many, it is party-time. Most of us think of renewing ac­ Christmas party that was held for and a large plastic bolt is screwed down over it, squeezing it into quaintance gettIng together with our families and watching smalJ children's some underpriviledged children of a reasonably square shape. After being placed in the refrigerator for eyeslJght up "'hen they see Christmas lights, toys or Santa. Gilmer County. ten minutes, it solidifies for slicing. Pet rocks were a better idea. The spirit of Olristmas is reOected in hearty greetings fuU of cheer and Congratulations are extended ooncern. At no other tune of the year do we take time to send greetings to TKE to Mike McOung and Gil Valdez A formal meeting of the Tau give a donation and try to win a friend and loved one. On campus, signs of the Holiday Season are every­ for being named to Who's Who. v.here-In actIvities. in cards, in decorated trees and in everyone's enthusiasm. Kappa Epsilon fraternity was held new television. The drawing will be Tueaday, the resident of Pickens HalJ had a deliCIOUS dinner. AU week stu­ December 7 at the TKE house. December. IS. dents have been having parties. Quistmas trees are alJ around campus; Pickens THETA XI New officers were instalJed as Congratulations to C. W. Camp­ bell on his recent engagement to HaU, cafeteria. the Wesley roundation. The Kappa Eta of Theta Xi follows: Cindy Gunnoe. Congratulations also fany organIzations have tried to make sure that other people have a nice fraternity 'w~ uld like to welcome Pry tanis-Mark Rohrbaugh; Epi­ go to frater Joyce on the arrival Ouistmas; Ohnimgohow Players, Christian FeUowship, and many others. into the bonds of brotherhood, Tom Pry tanis-Joe Shomo; Grammateus­ of his new daughter, Julia. The Ouistma' Season is a time for giving. It is a time we should all re­ Antill, Mark Dorsey, and Jim Dotson C.W. CampbeU; Crysophylus-Joe No­ The Order of Diana and Tau member; tho e who !ti~ much receive much. Merry Christmas! who were initiated Tuesday evening. ble; Hypathetes-Kenny Skinner; Hy­ Kappa Epsilon had a nice time carot­ New officers were elected as follows: stor-Rich Conaway; Hegemon-Chris ing Thursday evening. Brenda Hen thorn President, Fred Copley; Vice-Presi­ Lattimer; pylortes-John Ruckman; Ass!, Editor dent, Jeff Casten; Treasurer , Steve Rush Chairman-Otuck Barker; Social SIGMA Chairman- ·John Caldwell; Profit Com­ Fisher Secretary,.Jim Cooper, Pledge-­ The Delta Alpha Chapter of Sigma mittee-Pa t Joy oe, John Caldwell, master, Mike Swann, AsSIstant and Steve Parker. Sigma Sigma held a grub meeting in Student's Pre-Christmas Pledge master, Tim Snead, and Schol­ Model pledge for the faU pledge the lounge. The sisters attended a On the tenth day of Chnstmas a astic Chairman, Al Stump. On the fu t day of Christmas class is Kenny Skinner. Money mak­ reverse rush party given by the professor assigned to me ten business Awards this week are as follows: pledges Sunday. The theme was • prof or igned me a 1,000 ing plans and house living were dis­ a SLOTH, George Bivens "Snoot" for page novel to read. problems. Pajama Party and it was enjoyed by a fraternity record of three times; cussed for second semester. Fraters On the .econd day of Christmas On the eleventh day of Christmas a all. HOGGER, Don Post, Ii 'fits his style: of Tau Kappa Epsilon will be taking a profe r a igned me two articles. professor gave to me 11,000 push-Ups. Congratulations to recipients of LOVER, Jim Bob Brown, he de­ donations on a 9-inch black and On the thud day of Christmas a On the twelvlh day of Christmas a the Who's Who in oolleges and uni­ serves it, and finally, the BIG MA~ white television. See any TKE to profe sor lj;lIed to me 3 surveys. professor gave to me twelve final versities. Sigma's receiving the honor award goes to Mike Swann. Swann, ••••••••••••••••••••••• On the fourth day of Christmas exams. come actives! Congratulations, Sis- are Shelly Adolfson, Lyn Bartges, "ferry Christmas and A Happy a jUnior majoring in Physical Ed. is a profe sor a