James H. Kenney 250 Scottsborough Circle • Bowling Green, KY 42103 • 270.745-6307(W) • 270.991.9447(C)

Education Master of Science, Communications Photography Syracuse, New York S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications August 1995 Syracuse University — graduated with high honors Bachelor of Arts, Journalism/Photography Communications Fresno, California California State University, Fresno — graduated cum laude August 1984

Research/Creative Activity Solo Photography Exhibition, 2018 “Belief in Bosnia” gallery exhibition: 20 images from Bosnia and Herzegovina exhibited at Spencer’s Coffee House from February-July 2018. Responsible for applying for a grant to fund the exhibition received grant), preparing images for printing and framing, designing promotion materials and promoting the opening event and gallery show. Wrote and delivered a speech to open the exhibition. The Associated Press, Titans Photography, 2014-2018 Photographed three Tennessee Titans games for the Associated Press in 2014 and all home games for the 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 seasons. Photographs from the games published on websites and newspapers worldwide. Gallery Exhibition Contribution, 2018 Two photographs from Bosnia and Herzegovina contributed to a multiple-photographer gallery show, “Bosnia and Herzegovina: Then and Now, A Visual Exploration of a Country in Change,” exhibited at Jody Richards Hall on Western University’s campus. Gallery Exhibition Contribution, 2017 One photograph from Bosnia and Herzegovina contributed to a “A Culture Carried: Bosnians in Bowling Green” gallery show at the WKU . Used as a mural in one of the wall displays Bosnia-Herzegovina Documentary Project, 2017 One of eight faculty members chosen to represent WKU in the Zueir Sofia Endowed International Faculty Seminar, part of WKU’s International Year Of... program. Producing a project exploring the tenuous relationship between the Catholic, Muslim and Orthodox faithful living together in Bosnia-Herzegovina beyond a war that ravaged this country over 20 years ago. Michael Carter, 2012-Present Producing a video project about Michael Carter, who suffers from Ataxia, a disability that has effects similar to cerebral palsy. The condition is usually extremely debilitating, forcing those who suffer from it into wheelchairs and often confining them to their beds. Michael credits his rigorous exercise routine (something that he was already doing when he first noticed symptoms of Ataxia in his early twenties) and his faith as factors in slowing the effects of the disability. Hidden in Haiti, 2013 Produced a short documentary film “Hidden in Haiti” for IVUmed, a nonprofit medical organization serving people worldwide who have urology-related issues. The film documents women in Haiti suffering from Vesicovaginal Fistula, a condition caused by medical complications involving childbirth. The film was shown at an IVUmed fundraising event and has been used by the nonprofit to help raise grant money for future medical trips. The film can be seen at http://vimeo.com/75661446 password: vvf_haiti. Haiti Gallery Show, 2013 Mass Media and Technology Hall gallery, 37-print solo show: “Haiti’s Future?” The photographs documented the nation’s rebuilding efforts after the 2010 earthquake. Haiti, 2012-2013 As part of a Spring 2012 sabbatical, and in cooperation with two medical nonprofit organizations, IVUmed and Project Haiti, took a three-week trip to Port-au-Prince and Pignon, Haiti, in February/ March and a second 19-day trip in May/June to document women with Vesicovaginal Fistula (VVF), a condition that leaves these women incontinent and outcasts in society. Made a third trip to Haiti in November 2012. The still photographs have been used on websites and other promotional/fundrais- ing materials for both organizations. A short documentary has been used by IVUmed to raise awareness about VVF in developing countries like Haiti and to raise grant money to continue caring for these women, as well as educate local medical practitioners to do the same. While in Haiti, documented the nation’s rebuilding efforts after the 2010 earthquake. Thirty seven still photographs exhibited in April 2013 in the Mass Media and Technology Hall gallery space. In addition, worked on several smaller video projects with WKU graduate Kohl Threlkeld, who worked in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Center for Courageous Kids, 2010-2012 Video project for the Center for Courageous Kids, an organization located in Scottsville, Ky., that provides a memorable camp experience for kids with disabilities and terminal illnesses. Collaborated with Photojournalism student, Leslye Davis, providing video clips for a project produced to promote the Center’s Ambassador Program. See http://vimeo.com/41480960. Maine Media Workshops, 2011 Made photographs and shot video for a project produced about Michael Heath and his family during a multimedia workshop at Maine Media. Michael is a special needs teen who with the help of his family is trying to overcome public ridicule surrounding his disability. IVUmed, 2009 Produced a 10-minute multimedia program of work produced over an eight-year period of time for IVUmed, a nonprofit medical service and educational organization that provides urology-based care for children and adults worldwide. The multimedia program consists of over 100 photographs and an audio interview with IVUmed’s founder and president, Catherine deVries. It was presented at IVUmed’s annual convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. China, 2009 Traveled with a fellow colleague and a team from the Department of Geography and Geology to cover the team’s water conservation and management activities in the Yunnan Province in China. Made still photographs and recorded audio and video for a website produced documenting the work of the Hoffman Environmental Research Institute on WKU’s campus (in the Department of Geography and Geology). Contributed still photographs to Circle of Blue, a multimedia company based in Michigan that produces projects about water issues worldwide. Pictures used in a multimedia program the organization produced about water challenges in China. Jamaica, 2009 Traveled with a student and a team from WKU’s Department of Geography and Geology for an interdisciplinary project on water management in the karst regions of Jamaica. Made still photographs and recorded audio for a website documenting the work of the Hoffman Environmental Research Institute on WKU’s campus (part of the Department of Geography and Geology). In addition to the work in Jamaica, made photographs and recorded audio of representatives from Jamaica’s water resources department who visited Western Kentucky University and toured Mammoth Cave, part of their participation in a cave management and water resources class offered by the Department of Geography and Geology. NPPA Multimedia Immersion, 2008 Participated in the National Press Photographers Association’s Immersion Multimedia Workshop. Fifty photographers from across the country came together for intense instruction on multimedia tools used for storytelling. During the workshop, completed a video project in Final Cut Pro, called “Memorial,” about a mother of soldier killed in Iraq. Project published on the Immersion Workshop website.

Kentucky Derby, Lexington Herald-Leader, 2000-2012 Picture editor and photographer for special coverage of the Kentucky Derby. Photographs published in the paper and the Herald-Leader website. Nigeria, 2006 Received a $5,000 grant to travel to Jos, Nigeria, with IVUmed, a group of American medical personnel who joined a Nigerian team of doctors from Evangel Hospital in Jos to help young women who are outcasts in society because of incontinence as a result of early childbirth. Made still photographs, audio and video for the story. Produced a 14-minute DVD program (along with two colleagues) chronicling the lives of these women and the doctors trying to help them. The DVD has been presented across the country, including a presentation at a national convention of urologists in Anaheim, California, and a showing in Salt Lake City, Utah, at an opening of “A Walk to Beautiful,” a documentary film about the struggles of women who suffer from this condition. Photographs and the multimedia program from this project have won several awards in three International Contests – Pictures of the Year International (multimedia award), Best of Photojournalism (one still picture award and one multimedia) and The Southern Short Course Pictures of the Year contest (four awards, including Best of Show) – as well as three state awards. The project also won the Top Creative Project award in the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication’s annual competition (presented the project at the AEJMC convention in August 2008). The Nigeria story was published in NPPA’s Best Photojournalism 2007 print publication and on the websites of The Southern Short Course and NPPA. The multimedia presentation was published on the NPPA and the Pictures of the Year International websites. In addition, IVUmed published pictures on its website and in promotional materials used to seek funding for future missions.

Photographs Exhibited, International Photography Festival, Pingyao, China, 2006 Two photographs (along with 18 photographs from students) exhibited at the IPF gallery during the Festival. One of four schools from the United States represented in the exhibition.

100 Hours Project, 2006 Photographer for the 100 Hours of Western online photography project that was produced by the WKU Photojournalism program as part of Western’s centennial celebration. Five pictures were published on the centennial website and three pictures were displayed in the MMTH gallery, part of a 31-print exhibition.

24 Hours of Vanderbilt Medical Center, 2005 One of 15 photographers chosen to photograph a project documenting 24 hours of life inside Vanderbilt Hospital. Fourteen photographs were published in “One Day: 24 Hours in the Life of Vanderbilt Medical Center” in November 2005.

Mongolia, 2004 Received a $1,000 grant to travel to Ulan Baatar, Mongolia, with IVUmed, a group of American doctors who travel worldwide providing urology-based medical services and education to underdeveloped countries. Provided over 1,900 images to IVUmed. Some of these pictures were published on its website and used in fundraising materials, as well as in Medscape Urology (online magazine) and a television documentary about IVUmed. Helped produce (along with two colleagues) an 11-minute DVD program of still images and audio gathered from the trip. This program has been shown nationwide to bring awareness to the work of IVUmed. Three photographs from this project won state awards in the Kentucky News Photographers Association’s annual Pictures of the Year contest, along with a Judges’ Award for an unrelated photograph made while working on another project in Mongolia. These pictures were published on the KNPA website.

Pulitzer Project, 2004 Worked with Tim Broekema and conducted interviews in New York, Dallas and Minneapolis of WKU alumni who have been part of Pulitzer Prize-winning teams. The interviews were used in a DVD program honoring WKU alumni and in the multimedia program that was part of the Pulitzer Wall in Mass Media and Technology Hall.

America 24/7, 2003 One of 1,000 photographers chosen from across the country (one of 20 photographers chosen in Kentucky) to photograph America from May 12-18 for a book project produced by Rick Smolan and David Cohen, creators of the “A Day in the Life” book series. Photographed several stories and events during the week of shooting. Four photographs were published in the book “America 24-7” in 2003 and 46 photographs were published in the book “Kentucky 24/7” in 2004. The Mountain Workshops, 2002-2005 Recorded and edited audio stories in Cave City, Bardstown, Lebanon and Lawrenceburg, Kentucky, that were published in the multimedia DVD program and Mountain Workshops website.

New York, 2001 Traveled to New York City two days after September 11 to photograph and collect audio of stories about people who worked in the World Trade Center, the people who tried to save them and those who were left behind. Photographs and audio were used in a multimedia show of a collection of work produced by students and faculty while in New York. Five pictures were hung at the Kentucky Museum, part of a print exhibition of student and faculty images taken in New York.

Vietnam, 2001 Received a $5,000 summer faculty research grant to photograph Vietnam for a project about the rapid cultural and political changes taking place in Asian countries.

Lexington Herald-Leader Fellowship, 2000 Chosen for an American Society of Newspaper Editors fellowship. Worked in the photography department at the Lexington Herald-Leader for three months shooting daily assignments and three self-generated long-term projects. Multiple pictures published in the paper, including several front-page pictures. Conducted a lighting workshop for the photography staff and consulted on page design.

Platypus Workshop, 2000 Participated in a week-long workshop in Cupertino, California, designed to train still photojournalists in digital video storytelling and production techniques. Intense training with Canon’s XL1 digital video camera and Apple’s Final Cut Pro digital video editing software. Produced two stories from idea to the final edit. Hands-on training was supplemented by discussions concerning the merging of still and digital video photography.

China, 1999 One of six professors to represent Western Kentucky University on a trip to China. Started a project documenting China’s tenuous balance between traditional culture and Western culture. Pictures published in an online magazine and Western Kentucky University’s Alumni Magazine. Gave presentations on and off campus using a multimedia show produced from the photographs and audio gathered while in China. Western Kentucky University Minority Journalism Workshop; 1999, 2002, 2003 Designed a 16-page newspaper for participants in Western Kentucky University’s 1999 Minority Journalism Workshop. Designed a 20-page newspaper for the same workshop in 2002 and 2003.

Journalism 1998 Wrote a chapter on photojournalism and contributed to another chapter for a textbook called Journalism 2000, published by CourseWise. The book is the result of a collaboration of several educators who wrote about their area of expertise in journalism. Provided pictures for two chapters. Consulted on photographs and graphics for all of the chapters. The book was published in 1997 and revised in 1998.

Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar, 1998 Received a $585 Professional Development Grant to participate in documentary, studio and location lighting, sports photography and Adobe Photoshop workshops conducted during the seminar.

Journalism Department Brochure, 1997 (updated in 2002) Designed and directed production of the 1997-2000 journalism department brochure. The 40-page brochure included over 40 photographs. Responsible for prepress issues, digital production of pictures and cover design. Worked on the 2002-2003 brochure that covered the new School of Journalism and Broadcasting. The Dallas Morning News, 1996 Worked on the picture desk for three weeks. Prepared pictures for publications, assisted photographers on assignment and photographed baseball games. National Geographic Magazine, 1995 Awarded a 10-week fellowship at National Geographic’s Washington, D.C., office that involved working with photographers, picture editors and design editors in putting together stories for the magazine. Responsibilities included attending story planning conferences and story progress meetings, viewing film shipments and assisting photographers.

Master’s Thesis, 1995 Wrote an analysis of how hidden cameras, both still and video, have been used to gather news. Reported on how the use of hidden cameras has affected public perception of the media.

Photographs Exhibited Locally ● ● Solo show, 20 photographs, Spencers, 2018 Two pictures, contribution to an exhibition in Jody Richards ● Hall, WKU, 2018 One photograph, contribution to an exhibition at WKU's Kentucky Museum, 2017 ● 2014-Present, three photographs exhibited in the University of Kentucky’s new medical complex, part of ● an art installation project art directed by colleague Tim Broekema Current, Breathe: A Global Portrait; ● seven pictures hanging in the WKU Student Success Center 2013, Two photographs exhibited in Mass Media and Technology Hall for the “Family Tree” show celebrating all those who have taught in the WKU ● Photojournalism program 1994, 2005, 2007, 2008, U.S. Bank Celebration of the Arts (pictures hung in ● the Kentucky Building gallery) 2007, two photographs exhibited at a Presbyterian church in Bowling ● ● Green 2006, 100 Hours centennial project, three photographs exhibited in the MMTH gallery 2002, Seven photographs from New York exhibited in the Kentucky Museum, part of the second anniversary ● memorial of 9/11

Publications ● ● 2014-2018, The Associated Press, Titans Football, websites, newspapers worlwide 2018, Seven pictures ● displayed on KNPA contest website 2017, Photographs from the HAD collective (Bosnian artist group) ● used in promo materials for the HAD collective’s visit to WKU 2018, pictures contributed to Nanseng- ● ● Dialogue Centre, Mostar, Bosnia 2014-2016, Fathers of Mercy website 2014, 2015, 2018 KNPA website ● ● 2014-2018, IVUmed promotional materials 2009-present, photographs taken in various countries ● published in IVUmed’s newsletter and donor cards 2008-2016, photographs from Fathers of Mercy ● ● events published in its print publications 2014, Warren East High School Football website 2013, Photograph from Nigeria used for the cover of a book: “Schwartz's Principles of Surgery” (McGraw-Hill) ● ● 2013, still photographs from Haiti project published on the BG Daily News website 2013, wrote ● opening words for Civil War exhibit displayed in the WKU MMTH gallery 2012, photographs from Titans-Jaguars NFL game published in the print edition of the BG Daily News and in their online edition ● 2012, video from a project on Camp For Courageous Kids was used in a student project about the camp; ● published on Vimeo 2012, photographs from documenting a medical mission conducted by the nonprofit ● group Project Haiti published on its website 2012, photographs from a Catholic diaconate ordination ● published on the BG Daily News website 2012 (and previous years dating back to 2001), winning images ● from the KNPA contest published on its website 2012, photograph from the Rams-49ers NFL game ● published on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch website 2011, “Beneath the Surface” video project produced at ● the Maine Media Workshops published on its website 2011, essay about 9/11 published for WKU's ● commemoration of 9/11 2010, a photograph from Mongolia published on the cover of the book “Global ● Surgery and Public Health” 2010, photograph from the Rams-49ers NFL game published on the St. ● Louis Post-Dispatch website 2009, photograph from the Rams-49ers NFL game published on the St. ● Louis Post-Dispatch website 2009, photographs from China published by WBKO for their story about the collaboration between the School of Journalism and Broadcasting and the Department of Geography and Geology involving projects in Jamaica and China ● 2009, photographs from China published in the ● BG Daily News newspaper and website 2008, multimedia program that won a Best of Photojournalism ● award published on the National Press Photographers Association website 2008, multimedia story ● “Memorial” published on NPPA Immersion website 2008, Fathers of Mercy Chapel of Divine Mercy dedication; picture story published in the BG Daily News; pictures published on the Fathers of Mercy ● website 2007, 2002, photographs winning awards from the Southern Short Course published on its ● website 2007, photographs from picture story award in the Best of Photojournalism contest published on the NPPA website; story also published in a special contest issue of the NPPA magazine in December ● ● 2007 2007, photograph of the Kentucky Derby published on the Lexington Herald-Leader website ● 2007, photograph of youth retreat published in the Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer 2007, priest ● ordination; pictures published on the Fathers of Mercy website and the August 2007 newsletter 2007, ● picture of brothers used in the Fathers of Mercy newsletter 2007, pictures and video interviews from a joint project between WKU, NPPA and the Poynter Institute published on Poynter’s NewsU Web ● ● e-learning website 2006, pictures from the 100 hours project published on WKU centennial website ● 2005, pictures published in “One Day: 24 Hours in the Life of Vanderbilt Medical Center” 2002-2005, ● audio stories published on the Mountain Workshops website and DVD programs 2005, priest ordination; ● pictures published in the Fathers of Mercy newsletter 2005, pictures of the brothers’ vows ceremony ● ● published in the Fathers of Mercy newsletter 2004, pictures published in the “Kentucky 24/7” book 2001-2004, winning photographs from the Kentucky News Photographers Association Pictures of the ● Year contest featured on their website 2004, photographs of two vow ceremonies and a priest ordination ● ceremony published on the Fathers of Mercy website 2003, pictures published in the “America 24/7” ● book 2001, article about the ethics of running pictures of people jumping from the World Trade Center Towers during the events of September 11 published in an issue of the American Society of Newspaper ● Editors magazine 2000, photographs made of Indian Summer Camp, a summer camp for kids with cancer, featured on the Indian Summer Camp website ● 2000, photographs from China featured on a web magazine (www.handheldmagazine.com); wrote a journal entry on personal perspectives on ● photojournalism for the same website 2000, pictures for a story on the new School of Journalism and ● Broadcasting published in Western Kentucky University’s Alumni magazine 2000, picture from China ● published in Western Kentucky University’s Alumni magazine 1999, wrote a story for the College ● Heights Herald on the birth of daughter 2000, photographs of the birth of daughter featured on www. ● handheldmagazine.com 2001, photograph of the Kentucky Derby published in the Lexington Herald- ● Leader (as well as multiple pictures published over the summer as part of a ASNE faculty fellowship) ● 2001, photographed, designed and produced a CD cover and inside pages for the music group REV21 ● 2002, photographs and logo displayed on REV21’s website 2001, Tennessee Titans-Green Bay Packers ● photograph published in the BG Daily News 1999, pictures of a Bowling Green church musician ● published in the Eerie Daily Times (Pennsylvania) 1995, 1996, photographs published for stories in ● Farm Journal magazine Additional Photography ● ● 2014-2018, photography for the Governor’s Scholars Program website and end-of-summer show 2017, ● Michael Carter video shoot in Bowling Green, Ky. 2016, Michael Carter video/still photography shoot in ● ● ● Alpharetta, Georgia 2016, Thien and Trinh Truong wedding 2015, Matt and Kati Knight wedding ● ● 2015, Monique Braun bridal portraits 2015, video assistance for Nashville Ballet 2014, Tennessee ● ● ● Titans Football 2014, Warren County youth football 2014, Warren East High School track 2014, ● ● Warren County major league baseball 2012-2014, Fathers of Mercy Ordination 2013, Warren East ● ● High School Football 2013, Tamara and Ryan Durbin wedding; Justin and Anne Hayes wedding ● ● 2010-2013,Western Kentucky Trailblazers basketball 2012, Titans vs. Jaguars, NFL 2009-2012, Aaron ● ● ● Academy football 2012, Fathers of Mercy Family Day 2012, St. Joseph’s ordination of a deacon 2012, ● ● Rams vs. 49ers, NFL 2011, Rams vs. 49ers, NFL 2011, Area 5 Special Olympics Track and Field ● ● ● ● Competition 2009-2011, Fathers of Mercy ordination 2010, Rams vs. 49ers, NFL 2010, wedding ● ● ● 2010, birth preparation 2007, Mennonite tent revival 2006-2008, six weddings 2007, funeral of Father ● Dan Sheehan 2007, Warren County Youth Football League season photographs for Cowboys football ● ● team 2005, Tennessee Titans-Cleveland Browns, Tennessee Titans-Kansas City Chiefs, NFL 2005, St. ● Louis Rams-Philadelphia Eagles Monday Night Football, NFL 2004, Tennessee Titans-Buffalo Bills, ● ● NFL 2004, Iraq War protest, San Francisco 2003, Girl’s Sweet Sixteen state high school basketball ● ● championships 2003, Men’s Sunbelt Conference college basketball tournament 2002, St. Louis Rams- ● San Francisco 49ers Monday Night Football, NFL 2002, Tennessee Titans-St. Louis Rams, Tennessee ● Titans-Indianapolis Colts, St. Louis Rams-New England Patriots, NFL 2002, 9/11 memorial service, ● Bowling Green, Kentucky 2002, ordination of two priests from the Fathers of Mercy in Russellville, ● ● Kentucky 2002, funeral of a priest in the Fathers of Mercy Catholic order in South Union, Kentucky 2000, photographed two church musicians from Bowling Green, Kentucky, for a promotional brochure for ● ● their music workshops 2000, produced a multimedia show on the birth of daughter 2000, photographed ● a Tennessee Titans NFL football game 1998, photographer and designer for Holy Spirit Catholic ● Church publications Photography Awards ● First Prize, Creative Project Competition, AEJMC Visual Communication Division, 2008

● NPPA Best of Photojournalism International Photography Awards Third Place, Documentary Video (with Tim Broekema) — 2008 Second Place, Enterprise Picture Story/Small Markets — 2007 Second Place, Small Media Interactive (team entry) — 2005

● Pictures of the Year International Competition Awards Award of Excellence, Best Multimedia Project (With Tim Broekema) — 2008 Third Place, Best Use In Multimedia/Small Media (team entry) — 2008 Third Place, Best Use Interactive Publication/Small Media (team entry) — 2007 First Place, Multimedia Interactive Publications/Small Media (team entry) — 2005 Third Place, Sports — 1986 Award of Excellence, Portrait — 1986

● Southern Short Course Best of Show — 2007 First Place, Portrait/Personality — 2007 First Place, Picture Story — 2007 Honorable Mention, Feature — 2007 Third Place, September 11 Picture Story — 2001 Honorable Mention, September 11 Feature — 2001

● Kentucky News Photographers Association First Place, Feature Picture — 2018 Second Place, One Week’s Work — 2018 Second Place, Pictorial — 2018 Honorable Mention, Feature Picture — 2017 First Place, Feature Picture — 2016 Honorable Mention, Portrait — 2016 Honorable Mention, Feature Picture — 2015 Third Place, Feature Picture — 2014 Honorable Mention, Sports Feature — 2014 First Place, Sports Picture Story — 2013 Second Place, Feature Picture Story — 2013 Honorable Mention, Portrait/Personality — 2013 Second Place, Pictorial — 2012 Honorable Mention, Feature — 2012 Third Place, Pictorial — 2011 First Place, Pictorial — 2010 Third Place Feature — 2010 Third Place, Portrait/Personality — 2008 Honorable Mention, Feature — 2008 Second Place Feature Picture Story — 2007 Second Place Pictorial — 2007 Third Place Feature — 2007 Judges’ Award — 2005 Second Place, Portrait/Personality — 2005 Third Place, Feature Picture — 2005 Honorable Mention, Portrait/Personality — 2005 Honorable Mention, Feature Picture Story — 2003 First Place, Feature Picture Story — 2001­ Third Place, News Picture Story — 2001 Third Place, Pictorial — 2001 Honorable Mention, Portrait Personality — 2001 Best of Show, Feature Picture Story — 2000 First Place, Feature Picture Story — 2000 Honorable Mention, Portrait Personality — 2000

● U.S. Bank Celebration of the Arts Competition Honorable Mention, Photography Division — 2007 Second Place, Color Division — 2005 First Place, Color Division — 1994 ● National Press Photographers Association Regional Clip Contest First Place, Picture Story — 2000 Third Place, News; Second Place, Feature; Third Place, Picture Story — 1989 Tenth place, Region 10 Photography Clip Contest — 1989 Second Place, Feature; First Place, News — 1988 Sixth Place, Las Vegas Sun Photography Staff, Region Ten Clip Contest (while photo editor) — 1988 First Place, Feature; First Place, Sports — 1986

● Nevada State Press Association First Place, Feature — 1991 First Place, Sports; First Place, Feature; Third Place, News — 1988 First Place, Sports; Second Place, Sports; Second Place, Feature — 1989 Grants ● $125,000 endowment for the Mountain Workshops (Douglass family) ● $1,671 IYO grant for Belief in Bosnia Solo Photography Exhibition at Spencer’s ● $2,958.97 QTAG grant from Potter College for Bosnia and Herzegovina project ● $1,625 faculty travel grant from the School of J&B for Bosnia and Herzegovina project ● $7,000 RCAP grant to work on a photography project in Haiti ● $750 Instructional Development Grant from WKU to participate in the Maine Media Workshops ● $5,000 summer faculty research fellowship from WKU to work on a photography project in Nigeria ● $400 faculty development grant from WKU to attend the AEJMC National Convention ● $5,000 summer faculty research fellowship from WKU to work on a photography project in Vietnam ● $1,000 summer faculty research fellowship from WKU to work on a photography project in Mongolia ● Two $1,000 grants from International Volunteers in Urology for work on Mongolia and Nigeria projects ● $2,850 grant from the Provost’s Initiatives for Excellence fund for the enVision Workshop in 2008 ● $5,500 grant from the Provost’s Initiatives for Excellence fund for the enVision Workshop in 2007 ● $200 Potter College Professional Development grant to attend the AEJMC conference in Chicago to present Nigeria project ● $600 Potter College Professional Development grant to participate in the National Press Photographers Association’s Multimedia Immersion Workshop ● $400 Potter College Professional Development grant to present project on Nigeria at the Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference in Chicago ● $350 Potter College Professional Development grant to present project on Mongolia at an International Volunteers in Urology national fundraising event in Salt Lake City, Utah ● $1,250 Potter College Professional Development grant to participate in the Platypus (digital video) Workshop in Cupertino, California ● $585 Potter College Professional Development grant to participate in photography workshops at the Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar ● Part of a team that secured a $100,000 grant from the Knight Foundation for a project done in partnership with the National Press Photographers Association and the Poynter Institute involving the Best of Photojournalism Pictures of the Year contest directed by NPPA ● In 1997, assisted Mike Morse (then coordinator of the Photojournalism program) with a $325,000 matching grant to establish a picture editing educational division for the Mountain Workshops ● Primary writer for a Knight Foundation grant for $250,000 to fund a community journalism component for the Mountain Workshops (not awarded) Teaching Professor/Photojournalism Program Coordinator Bowling Green, Kentucky Western Kentucky University Fall 2009 - Present Classes include Introduction to Photojournalism, Intermediate Photojournalism, Picture Stories, Introduction to Photography for non-majors, Advanced Photojournalism and Introduction to Multimedia for non-majors. Responsible for staying current on digital photography technology and multimedia storytelling. Develop curriculum changes within the Photojournalism program. Conduct numerous one-on-one sessions with students related to class material, conduct portfolio reviews, discuss study abroad opportunities for students and work with students on scholarship opportunities. Officially advise 30-40 students for their degree program, registration and career development. Advise the Photojournalism minor students.

Associate Professor/Photojournalism Program Coordinator Bowling Green, Kentucky Western Kentucky University Spring 2003 - Spring 2009 Classes included Introduction to Photography, Electronic Technologies in (Took over as program Photojournalism, Picture Stories, Advanced Photojournalism and Introduction coordinator in Fall 2001) to Photography for non-majors. Responsible for staying current on digital photography technology and multimedia storytelling. Developed curriculum changes within the Photojournalism program. Conducted numerous one-on- one sessions with students related to class material, portfolio review, study abroad opportunities for students. Worked with students on scholarship opportunities. Officially advised 30-40 students for their degree program and registration.

Photojournalist-in-residence/Assistant Professor Bowling Green, Kentucky Western Kentucky University Fall 1993 - Spring 2003 Taught photojournalism, studio and location lighting, color, digital imaging, picture editing and website design. Other responsibilities included advising student publications (Herald and Talisman), assisting in running the wet lab, overseeing the electronic imaging lab, portfolio critique, contest administration, academic advising of photojournalism majors, writing recommendations for students and committee work. Assistant director of the Mountain Workshops.

Photography Instructor Syracuse, New York S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University May 1993 Taught an introductory course in photography with an emphasis in photojournalism. Assignments and class critiques were geared toward a technical and aesthetic understanding of light and composition. Traditional black and white developing and printing techniques were stressed along with an introduction to electronic imaging.

Language Workshop Instructor Syracuse, New York Teaching Assistant Program, Syracuse University Summer 1993 Led a cross-discipline workshop for international teaching assistants needing assistance with English skills prior to teaching courses at Syracuse University. Teaching Fellow Syracuse, New York Teaching Assistant Program, Syracuse University April 1992 - May 1993 Taught in an orientation program that trained new teaching assistants. Conducted panel discussions, led small group sessions and participated in activities to prepare new teaching assistants for their roles as instructors in their disciplines.

Lab Instructor Syracuse, New York S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University August 1991 - May 1993 Designed a new lab structure emphasizing formal instruction in the basic photography labs by teaching assistants. Reinforcement of photographic techniques achieved through quizzes, darkroom training, photography assignments and individual critiques. Supervised labs and instructed in 35mm, medium format and 4X5 view camera techniques.

Photojournalism Instructor North Las Vegas, Nevada Community College Of Southern Nevada Fall 1990 Designed a photojournalism course for students with previous photography experience. The emphasis was on idea generation, people skills, seeing moments and understanding the newspaper industry.

Teaching Workshops University Freedom Forum Teaching Workshop, 1996 Week-long workshop in Bloomington, Indiana, for teachers with three years or less of full-time teaching experience. The workshop included critique sessions of teaching style and exploration into unique methods of teaching journalism skills to students. Poynter Institute, 1994 Received a fellowship that funded three workshops given at the Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida. The first workshop discussed teaching writing, editing and design in an integrated format in the classroom. The second workshop involved projects aimed at effective techniques for teaching visual communication. This workshop was taught by Mario Garcia. The third workshop involved exercises to help coach writers in the classroom and in the profession.

Teaching/Academic Awards ● Honorable Mention, Excellence in Photographic Teaching Award, a national contest sponsored by the Santa Fe Center for Photography, 2003 ● WKU University Teaching Award, 2002 ● Potter College Teaching Award, 2002 ● Journalism department nominee for Potter College Teaching Award, 1999 ● Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Syracuse University ● Teaching Assistant Scholarship, Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University ● Teaching Fellow Award, Syracuse University

Service Photojournalism Program Coordinator, 2001-present ● ● Direct a program with three full-time faculty and one full-time staff member Facilitate curriculum ● changes, accreditation reports and academic program reviews Participate in sequence ● ● coordinator meetings Conduct weekly Photojournalism program meetings Conduct the ● Photojournalism majors meetings at the beginning of each semester Help administer Hearst ● Photojournalism and Multimedia Competition entries Administer WKU program scholarships ● ● Gather program accomplishments and other sequence information for yearly reports Advise the ● National Press Photographers Association WKU Student Chapter Coordinate prospective student ● visits Advise the Photojournalism program’s labs manager in running the labs, ordering supplies and ● hiring student personnel Assist Photojournalism faculty with classes, student issues and projects ● ● Assist adjunct faculty Travel to San Francisco to represent the Photojournalism program at the ● Hearst National Championships Administrate and advise the Photojournalism minor

Governor’s Scholars Program, 2014-2018 Teach in the six-week Governor’s Scholars Program at Northern Kentucky University. Developed a Journalism class, as well as another class with a different theme every year. Also part of seminar discussion classes with scholars designed to prepare them for college. In the Journalism course, scholars learn the fundamentals of news reporting, photography, video and audio, and they are exposed to current issues in mass media. The “Kentucky Roots Music” scholars are exposed to different genres of music, ranging from bluegrass to blues. Emphasis is placed on bringing in (or going to see) live bands so that the scholars receive a hands-on musical experience. In the “Messages” class, scholars are exposed to how people send and receive messages. In the “Eye See” class, scholars are introduced to the science and aesthetic of photography. In the “Coming to Our Senses” class, scholars explore the science and psychology of the five senses. Each Spring, attend a day-long teaching prep seminar in Georgetown, Ky. Mountain Workshops Director, 2005-present Director of the Mountain Workshops, a Photojournalism, Video Storytelling, Picture Editing, Time-lapse, Data Visualization and Dataseam Teachers workshop that attracts up to 70 participants from all over the world and brings in over 65 journalism professionals nationwide for five days of hands- on media training. A book, website and 50-print gallery exhibition are produced each year from the stories covered during the workshops. Director activities are year-round and include: workshop site selection (visiting towns and securing support through presentations to community leaders); helping with production of the book; selecting faculty for the Photojournalism and Picture Editing workshops; consulting on the selection of faculty for the Video Storytelling, Time-lapse and Data Visualization workshops, as well as workshop support staff and student lab assistants; working with the Mountain Workshops logistics coordinator to prepare for the event; and securing sponsorship from Canon, Nikon and other vendors. During the Workshops, oversee operations and emcee the opening, closing and nightly presentations. Also participate in presentations to the community a year after the Workshops. In 2016, wrote a proposal and successfully secured a $125,000 endowment for the Workshops. In 2018, the Mountain Workshops received the Kentucky Governor’s Award in the Arts Media Award.

WKU PJ Career Day, 2004-present Direct WKU PJ Career Day, an event that brings together area industry leaders with WKU Photojournalism students for a day of portfolio critiques, interviews and discussion about what these professionals expect from students entering the profession. Up to 17 professionals have been brought in each year from Alabama, , Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee and Texas. Facilitate a meeting with these professionals the night before the event to discuss the state of the photojournalism industry and what the photojournalism faculty can do to best prepare students for the changes taking place in the profession.

ILPC, Austin, Texas, 2002-present Five lectures on photojournalism at the Interscholastic League Press Conference in Austin, Texas. The two-day conference serves high school journalism students from across Texas. Lectures have been given on ethics, idea generation, moments, light and composition, multimedia and covering sensitive events.

Algerian Journalists, WKU, 2017 Gave a presentation to Algerian photographers who were visiting the United States (WKU was one of their stops) on an educational mission. In addition, participated in a roundtable discussion about the differences between Algerian and American journalism.

High School Journalism Day, WKU, 2017 Gave a presentation about light to Kentucky high school students who were visiting WKU for the annual journalism day event held in Jody Richards Hall. enVision, 2005-2010 Director of enVision, an annual high school photojournalism workshop that selected up to 10 of the top minority photographers in the country to come to Western Kentucky University to participate in an intense five-day workshop. A DVD program and website were produced from the work of the photographers. Responsible for all aspects of planning, including promotion, participant selection, faculty and staff selection, logistics, food, participant travel, location assignment arrangement, workshop content and correspondence. During the workshop, was responsible for overseeing students (on campus and on location while shooting assignments), transporting coach and students to shooting venues, mentoring students and transporting students from the airport to WKU and back. In addition, secured funding from the Provost’s Initiatives for Excellence fund to support enVision for two years of the workshops, including a $5,500 grant in 2007 and a matching grant of $2,850 in 2008.

School Press Institute, Syracuse, New York, 2004-2008, 2011, 2013 Conducted five-day workshops on design to high school students in a workshop held on Syracuse University’s campus in the summer.

Kentucky High School Media Association Workshops, WKU, 2004-2011 2013, 2015 Conducted five-day high school photojournalism workshops each summer, combining classroom lecture with hands-on photography. Accompanied students on assignments and conducted nightly critiques. Gloria Shields All-American Publications Workshop, Dallas, Texas, 2003-2006, 2008 Conducted five-day high school workshops each summer for picture editing students for the largest high school journalism workshop in the United States.

Eyes on the World, 2008 Coordinated the Eyes on the World Alexia Foundation photography exhibition, a body of work from professional recipients of Alexia’s annual contest that awards $15,000 to the winner to fund their project proposal. The exhibit was brought in from Syracuse University. Arranged for and helped in the delivery of the pictures, oversaw the hanging of the show, brought in Peggy Peattie, staff photographer for the San Diego Union-Tribune and recipient of the first Alexia Foundation professional grant, to speak to a university and community audience. The founders of the Alexia Competition also attended the opening of the exhibit in the Mass Media and Technology Hall gallery.

Sam Abell, National Geographic Photographer, WKU Visit, 2008 Coordinated the presentation of National Geographic Photographer Sam Abell, who showed his work and spoke to over 325 people from the university, community and surrounding states. Also arranged a lunch roundtable discussion with Photojournalism students.

100 Hours of Western, 2006 Assisted Jeanie Adams-Smith in coordinating and producing the 100 Hours project, a Photojournalism faculty/student photography project that was part of Western’s centennial celebration. A website of the pictures was produced, as well as a 31-print photography exhibition in the MMTH gallery.

Poynter Institute, NewsU Project, 2006 Directed a joint project between Western Kentucky University’s Photojournalism program, the National Press Photographers Association and the Poynter Institute, facilitated by a $100,000 Knight Founda- tion grant. The project involved WKU photojournalism students and faculty traveling to St. Petersburg, Florida, site of the Best of Photojournalism international photography contest, to document the contest in still pictures, audio and video. The material was used for an online educational module published on the Poynter Institute’s NewsU e-learning site. An online educational module was produced for classroom use at WKU and at workshops across the country. Specific responsibilities included helping to secure the Knight grant, planning for the trip, ordering equipment, overseeing students (together with Tim Broeke- ma) during the nine-day trip to St. Petersburg, conducting interviews with contest judges that were used in the project and taking still photographs for the educational module.

Why Western Works, 2005 Directed a project requested by President Gary Ransdell called “Why Western Works,” a 30-print photography exhibition honoring the behind-the-scenes employees who work on WKU’s campus. Worked with fellow faculty members who assigned the project to students in their classes, selected other students in the program to make photographs of the workers, edited images and coordinated the production and hanging of the exhibit in the Mass Media and Technology Hall gallery.

Iraq War Exhibition, 2005 Coordinated an exhibition of photographs made by alumni of the WKU Photojournalism program who had photographed the War in Iraq. Arranged the visit of Cheryl Diaz Meyer, Dallas Morning News, Andrew Cutraro, St. Louis Post-Dispatch and Rick Loomis, Los Angeles Times, and facilitated discussion during their presentations at the exhibit opening.

Pulitzer Exhibition, 2005 Helped organized and set up the Pulitzer celebration gallery exhibition in the Mass Media and Technology Hall gallery. This was held in conjunction with the unveiling of the MMTH Pulitzer Wall that honors WKU alumni who have been Pulitzer Prize winners.

David Burnett Exhibition, 2004 Coordinated an exhibition of photographs by internationally acclaimed photojournalist David Burnett. This was the first exhibit in the Mass Media and Technology Hall gallery to come from outside of the university. Made arrangements for delivery of the work and organized David Burnett’s visit to campus for the exhibit’s opening. eMOTION, 2004, 2005 Organized and directed a sports photography/photojournalism business practices workshop, called eMO- TION, sponsored by Nikon and held on WKU’s campus. Three internationally-recognized freelance photographers were brought in to coach 30 WKU photojournalism students while they photographed several sporting events in the Bowling Green area. Worked with Joe Imel from the Daily News to coor- dinate story ideas that included the men’s Sunbelt Conference basketball tournament, the boy’s district high school basketball tournament held at a local high school, WKU swimming, WKU volleyball and drag racing at Beach Bend Raceway. Responsible for arranging and facilitating conference calls to coordi- nate the workshop with the coaches and a representative from Nikon; arranged the selection process for the students and the collection of workshop tuition; talked with sponsors who provided equipment for the workshop; wrote letters to representatives of the various vendors to inform them about the workshop; consulted with Tim Broekema about a DVD produced from the students’ work made at the workshop; emceed the workshop and coordinated the digital workflow. After the 2004 workshop, organized a print exhibition of student pictures from the workshop in the Mass Media and Technology Hall gallery. Wrote an introduction for the show that was displayed in the gallery.

Assistant Director/Logistics Coordinator, Mountain Workshops, 1994-2004 Responsible for digital planning and production aspects of the Mountain Workshops. Researched software and hardware needed for the workshops and coordinated the moving, setting up and running of a network of 60-plus computers used during the event. Responsible for preparing the workshop book for publication, assisting in the publication of multimedia materials and the design and prepress work for a brochure promoting the workshops.

Agriculture Publications Summit, Cleveland, Ohio, 2003 Conducted (with Tim Broekema) a seminar critiquing farming publications (sent before the seminar) to a group of professional agriculture magazine journalists at their national convention. Gave a presentation on how to make better visual publications.

Sports Photography Exhibit, 2003 Coordinated an exhibition of photographs by nationally acclaimed freelance photographers Dave Black, Joe McNally and Rick Rickman.

Mountain Workshops Retrospective Exhibit, 2003 Helped coordinate the first photography exhibition in the Mass Media and Technology Hall gallery, a retrospective of the 28-year history of the Mountain Workshops. This was shown in conjunction with the President’s Gala dinner, hosted by President Gary Ransdell.

Multimedia Exploratory Trip, 2003 Traveled with eight photojournalism students, Pam Johnson and Tim Broekema to New York City and Washington, D.C., to visit several multimedia outlets, including The New York Times online, Corbis, Picture Projects, USA Today, Washingtonpost.com and National Geographic. The trip was funded by a $15,000 Gannett grant. The purpose of the trip was to gather information to use in the classroom concerning the state of the photojournalism profession in terms of multimedia storytelling in order to better prepare students for their transition from traditional media to new media.

President’s Gala, 2002 Organized a print exhibition of student photographs shown at the President’s Gala in May 2002. The purpose of the dinner was to thank donors for their contributions to WKU. New York Gallery Show, 2002 Organized a 35-print exhibition of student and faculty photographs taken while in New York City after the events of September 11. The exhibit opened on Sept. 11, 2002, in the Kentucky Museum, and stayed up until May 2003. Wrote an introduction for the exhibit and gave a speech at the opening.

New York Presentation, 2001-2002 Presented “New York: A City Searching For Hope,” a multimedia program of pictures and audio by students and faculty who traveled to New York after the events of September 11. The show was presented at numerous venues, including: ● ● ● Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar Bowling Green chapter of the Knights of Columbus Kentucky ● ● Business Leaders meeting Elizabethtown Noon Rotary Club Kiwanis Club of Bowling Green ● ● ● Kentucky Housing Authority WKU Christian Faculty Association Bowling Green Literary Club ● Brought four students to New York City to show the project and participate in a panel discussion ● during the College Media Advisors convention in March 2002 Brought six students to the University of Louisville to show the program and to be the panel for a discussion titled “Terrorism -America Under Attack,” facilitated by Congressman Romano Mazzoli. The event was part of the National Forum for Black Public Administrators Executive Leadership Institute conference that was taking place at the ● ● university. Interscholastic League Press Conference in Austin, Texas High school Journalism Day, ● ● Evansville, Indiana School of Journalism and Broadcasting awards dinner For President Ransdell at ● ● the Herald breakfast For WKU alumni after the Herald breakfast Bowling Green Morning Rotary ● ● Club Bowling Green Noon Rotary Club Philanthropic educational organization in Bowling Green ● ● Urban Religion sociology class at WKU Videobred (went to Louisville with a WKU development ● ● office member to show it to the owner) Two Journalism and Society classes at WKU Press Law and ● Ethics class at WKU Gary Hairlson, picture editor for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (during his visit to ● ● WKU) Atlanta Photojournalism Conference Freshman seminar class co-taught by President Ransdell ● ● ● Shown on WKYU’s “Outlook” program Shown on WKYU’s “Main Street” program WKU’s Board ● ● of Regents meeting in Frankfort, Kentucky 911 Expo for the city of Bowling Green Atmos Energy ● ● convention in Owensboro, Kentucky Glasgow Noon Rotary Athletics department meeting on campus ● ● ● ● Bowling Green City Commissioners Minority group visiting Western Russellville Rotary

The Care Project, 1996, 1998 Coordinated a community project, The Care Project, to assist people in the Bowling Green community with special needs during the Christmas season. Three journalism classes, including a photojournalism class, a feature writing class and an electronic design class, combined to create a special section in the local newspaper, the Bowling Green Daily News. In the first edition, published in 1996, the Bowling Green community responded by giving food, clothing, a special wheelchair, appliances and other items to the 14 people who were featured in the tabloid-sized special section. The community also gave over $1,800 in monetary donations. In the second edition, published in 1998 and dedicated to the children of Bowling Green, 20 children received food, clothing, toys and bicycles. One girl received the horse she requested. Over $6,000 was given in these donations and in monetary donations.

The Mountain Workshops, 1993 Photo coach for a team of photographers who participated in the Mountain Workshops in Jamestown, Tennessee, a photography workshop designed to hone the visual storytelling skills of students and professionals in the photojournalism field. Led nightly critiques as well as one-on-one meetings.

Other Service Activities ● ● ● Internship coordinator for WKU PJ WKU NPPA Student Chapter advisor WKU PJ scholarship ● administrator Consulted with PJ graduate Dijana Muminovic about her photography school she is ● directing in Bosnia and Herzegovina WKU PJ liaison for Danish School of Media Journalism partnership ● ● Designed poster and brochure promoting Marian Congress, Bowling Green, Kentucky, 2015, 2018 Arranged for the WKU visit of portrait photographer Gregory Heisler and introduced him for his ● ● presentation Introduced Joe Corcoran for a roundtable for Space Shuttle Gallery Exhibition Lolek ● ● Productions board member EyeSee photo mentorship board member Advisor of the WKU NPPA ● student chapter Photojournalism internship advisor (Career Day event, coordinate individual visits by photography professionals to interview students for internships, facilitate internship announcements and ● talk to editors over the phone about students) Help to procure and administer about $175,000 worth of ● ● camera gear from Nikon and Canon Member of the National Press Photographers Association Member ● of the Kentucky News Photographers Association Brought in the Photojournalism program’s Professional Advisory Committee for senior assessment and discussion about the direction of the Photojournalism ● program Advise photojournalism students with scholarship entries; College Photographer of the Year and ● KNPA portfolio entries; resumes, cover letters and portfolios for internships/jobs Mentor students on ● student publications Talk with prospective students on the phone and in person during tours of the ● Photojournalism program Write letters of recommendations for students applying for scholarships, ● ● workshops, internships/jobs and graduate school Help with Focus on Western recruitment days Advise ● alumni working in the photojournalism field Help with orientation and registration sessions for new ● ● students Advised a local elementary school teacher on starting an after-school photography program Donated photographs to International Volunteers in Urology for their annual fundraiser held in Salt Lake ● ● City, Utah Donated photographs for the School of Journalism and Broadcasting print auction Wrote the ● section for Photojournalism in the ACEJMC reacreditation report Board of Directors, Kids on the Block, ● Bowling Green, Kentucky Assisted Joe Imel, president of the Kentucky News Photographers Association, ● with the Vision 2002 Education Days seminar Organized and administrated an internship/scholarship/ ● contest portfolio and resume day for photojournalism students Consulted Eagle Industries in Bowling Green, Kentucky, concerning studio lighting equipment they needed for photography for their furniture ● catalogue Contributed an article on teaching for Western’s Center for Teaching and Learning Center ● newsletter Arranged a digital photography seminar with Carol Fisher, a Nikon Representative, for ● ● Photojournalism program students Consult with several newspapers about digital technology Wrote an ● introduction for the 9/11 print exhibition at the Kentucky Museum Wrote an essay to go inside a card ● WKU President Gary Ransdell distributed to donors Organized a retirement slide presentation and ● celebration for Mike Morse as part of WKU’s Photo Homecoming Advised United Way on a book they ● were producing for their top donors in their organization Wrote a section of the reacreditation portfolio for ● the Department of Journalism Assisted in the Photo Print Auction for the Atlanta Photojournalism ● ● Seminar Designed a poster for the WKU Photo Homecoming celebration Additional Workshops Conducted ● 2008, three-week course (three hours weekly) on photography to elementary and high school students in the ● Barren River Home School Association’s Co-op 2004, 2008, Potter Gray Elementary School Spring Break ● Photography Workshop 2003, Kentucky High School Media Institute, two days, Bowling Green, Kentucky ● ● 2003, Dishman-McGinnis Elementary School Spring Break Photography Workshop 2001, conducted two photojournalism sessions for high school students and advisors at the Kentucky High School Journalism ● Association meeting in Louisville, Kentucky 2001, conducted a photography workshop with David Stephenson, Lexington Herald-Leader photographer, to area newspaper journalists at a Kentucky Press ● Association convention in Louisville, Kentucky 2001, photography workshop for Bowling Green’s 4-H club ● 2000, one-day photography workshop, Kentucky High School Journalism Association, Louisville, Kentucky ● ● 1996, 1998, Western Kentucky University High School Journalism Workshop, Bowling Green, Kentucky 1996, 1997, 1998, two-day QuarkXPress and Photoshop workshops for employees of Landmark Community ● Newspapers Inc. 1994, 1997, five-day Ball State University High School Journalism Workshop ● (photography and design workshops), Muncie, Indiana 1996, Adobe Photoshop and Ethics workshop for ● the Kentucky Press Association, Bowling Green, Kentucky 1995, QuarkXPress/Adobe Photoshop ● workshops for journalism faculty, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky 1994, High ● School Journalism Day, MTSU, Murfreesboro, Tennessee Additional Presentations and Contributions ● ● 2018, attended ZHEIFS meeting, Knicely Conference Center, Bowling Green 2018, invited to attend Alan Tieger dinner before his WKU presentation (prosecuting Bosnian war crimes committed during the ● ● Bosnian War) 2018, attended Yvonne Petkus’ art show opening, FAC, WKU 2017, presenter, No Man’s ● Land documentary showing, WKU 2017, contributed pictures to Brent Bjorkman’s “Bosnia in Bowling ● Green” project (Gina Dzeldina photographs and Kentucky Museum exhibition) 2017, ZSEIFS Cuba info ● ● session speaker, WKU 2017, Mountain Workshops presentation, Maiden Alley Cinema, Paducah, Ky. ● 2007, Nigeria presentation, Colombian Journalists Delegation at WKU 2001, 2003, 2006, 2007, Journalism ● Scholars Day, WKU campus 2005, Mongolia, Vietnam and China photographs presented to Bowling Green ● Camera Club 2003, presented China and Vietnam photographs to WKU students (presented in one of the ● ● dorms) 2002, presenter on ethics, Kentucky News Photographers Association Education Days 1998, ● Indiana Press Photographers Association Pictures of the Year competition Presented a multimedia show of ● photographs and music of pictures from China and Thailand at Holy Spirit Catholic Church Presented a multimedia show of photographs from China and Thailand to a business group at the Chamber of ● Commerce of Bowling Green Interviews ● ● 2018, WKU 2016, National Press Photographers Association interview for a story ● ● about photojournalism education 2010, WKYU PBS, Barb Deeb, media trends 2010, WBKO, China ● ● ● photographs 2010, WKYU PBS, Hearst retrospective 2010, NBC 40, Hearst retrospective NPPA ● ● Magazine, article about ethics 2009, WBKO, trip to China 2008, WKU Public Radio, Alexia Foundation ● ● photography exhibit 2008, Bowling Green Daily News, for a story about a former student 2007, guest on ● WKYU’s Outlook program titled “Media Exchange” 2006, WKU Public Radio, about the ethical ● implications of digitally manipulated photographs 2004, American Journalism Review, about graphic ● ● images from the Iraq War 2004, Mia Foster, InterNews Seattle Times, about the ethical implications of ● grief photographs appearing in newspapers 2002 interviews about 9/11 remembrance and the print exhibition, “New York: A City Searching for Hope,” hung in the Kentucky Museum; WKYU’s Outlook program; Dan Modlin (WKU Public Radio); WKCT Drive Time (Bowling Green radio station); WBKO ● (Bowling Green television station); Bowling Green Daily News; College Heights Herald 2002, interviewed for an article in Quill magazine during the College Media Association’s convention in New York about ● returning to New York to show the DVD program, “New York: A City Searching for Hope” 2001, The Associated Press, about WKU student photographers going to New York to photograph the September 11 ● tragedy 2001, Kenny Irby, the Poynter Institute, about WKU student photographers going to New York to ● photograph the September 11 tragedy 2001, The New York Times, for an article about digital photography ● ● in education Echo magazine, about the changes in the photojournalism program Chips Quinn, for an online article about Dawn and LaVondia Majors, the first time sisters had been involved with the scholarship ● ● program 1999, WKU Public Radio, about the trip to China after the bombing of the Chinese embassy ● 1999, Bowling Green Daily News, about the trip to China after the bombing of the Chinese embassy 1999, ● WKCT, concerning the trip to China

Judging ● ● 1998-present, Quill and Scroll National High School Photography Contest 2017, NPPA Picture Editing ● ● contest 2013, 2014, Best of Gatehouse Media 2008, Florida Society of Newspaper Editors annual ● Journalism Awards contest 2007, 2008, Area Health Education Center’s Health Occupations Students of ● America photography competition 2007, Association of Texas Photography Instructors national high ● ● school photography contest 2006, Indiana Press Photographers clip contest 2003, 2004, Sigma Delta Chi ● ● national photography contest 2003, 2005, Tennessee Valley Authority electric co-op photography contest 2004, FACET Illustration Competition ● ● 2001, 2002, Florida Magazine Association’s Charlie Awards contest 2001, 2003, monthly clip contest for ● photographers at the Lexington Herald-Leader 2003, Owensboro Photo Club annual art photography ● ● contest 1996, 2000, 2004, 2009, NPPA Picture Editing Quarterly Clip Contest 1999, Kansas Press ● Women Communications Awards 1998, judge, presenter, Indiana Press Photographers Association Pictures ● ● of the Year competition held in Muncie, Indiana 1997-1999, Milwaukee Press Club Contest Workshops Attended ● ● 2018, Southwest Photojournalism Conference 2017, Kentucky News Photographers Association ● ● convention 2016, Governor’s Scholars Program information fair 2008, Southwestern Photojournalism ● ● Conference, Fort Worth, Texas 2007, Grants for the Beginning of the Century workshop, WKU 2001, ● 2002, 2004, 2005, 2008, Kentucky Press Photographers Association convention, Louisville, Kentucky 1996, ● 1997, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, Atlanta Photojournalism Conference, Atlanta, Georgia 2004, NCAA ● Sports Photography Workshop 2004, Teaching Portfolios seminar given by WKU’s Center for Teaching ● and Learning 2004, Collaborative Learning/Team Building seminar given by WKU’s Center for Teaching ● ● and Learning 2002, National Press Photographers Association Short Course, Louisville, Kentucky 2001, ● week-long workshop held at WKU covering Macromedia Flash and Dreamweaver software 2001, workshop at WKU about constructing performance measures for students ● ● 2000, two-day Dreamweaver software workshop at WKU 1999, one-day workshop covering Adobe ● InDesign software, Nashville, Tennessee 1999, grant writing workshop about budgets sponsored by the ● Office of Sponsored Programs at WKU 1999, day-long workshop held at WKU about how to write a ● grant, hosted by Bob Lucas 1998, Macworld Expo – participated in workshops covering Adobe Premier ● and Adobe After Effects, San Francisco, California 1998, workshop covering GoLive website software, Fort ● Wayne, Indiana 1996, two-day workshop covering QuarkXPress and prepress technology, Nashville, ● Tennessee Academic Committees ● School of Journalism and Broadcasting Scholarships Committee, current ● School of Journalism and Broadcasting Coordinators Committee, current ● School of Journalism and Broadcasting Curriculum Committee, current ● School of Journalism and Broadcasting Tenure/Promotion Committee, current ● Honors Thesis Committee member, Jennifer King, current ● Honors Thesis Committee member, Abby Potter, 2018 ● Chair, School of Journalism and Broadcasting Scholarships Committee, 2015-2018 ● School of Journalism and Broadcasting Student Grants Committee, 2015-2017 ● Chair, Photojournalism Labs/Mountain Workshops Manager Search Committee ● Chair, School of Journalism and Broadcasting News/Editorial Faculty Search Committee ● Chair, School of Journalism and Broadcasting Broadcast Faculty Search Committee ● School of Journalism and Broadcasting Accreditation Committee ● Potter College Sabbatical Committee ● University Photographer Search Committee ● Potter College Professional Development Committee ● School of Journalism and Broadcasting Diversity Committee ● Chair, School of Journalism and Broadcasting Photojournalism Faculty Search Committee ● Chair, School of Journalism and Broadcasting Photojournalism Staff Search Committee ● School of Journalism and Broadcasting News/Editorial Faculty Search Committee ● School of Journalism and Broadcasting Equipment Committee ● School of Journalism and Broadcasting Advisement Committee ● School of Journalism and Broadcasting Recruitment Committee ● University 9/11 Remembrance Committee ● Distinguished Contribution to the University Awards Committee ● Potter College Faculty Awards Committee ● Chair, New Media Publishing Faculty Search Committee ● Chair, Photojournalism Faculty Search Committee ● Photojournalism Faculty Search Committee ● Dean’s Advisory Committee ● Teaching Assistant Program, Syracuse University ● Teaching Fellow Selection Committee, Syracuse University ● Newhouse School of Public Communications Tenure Committee, Syracuse University ● Newhouse School of Public Communications Teaching Standards Committee, Syracuse University ● Student Representative Committee, Syracuse University

Skills Canon, Nikon and Sony digital still and video cameras and related technologies; medium format; 4X5 view camera; studio and location lighting; traditional color and black and white processing; Canon digital printers; Adobe Photoshop; Adobe InDesign; Adobe Premier; Photo Mechanic; WordPress; Apple networking Professional Experience Staff Photographer Las Vegas, Nevada Las Vegas Review-Journal May 1989 - July 1991 Photographed news, features, sports, picture pages and studio editorial illustration assignments. Freelanced for the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, St. Paul Pioneer Press, The Associated Press and other major publications. Photography Editor Las Vegas, Nevada Las Vegas Sun January 1988 - January 1989 Managed a five-photographer department. Scheduled assignments and met with newsroom departments concerning design and picture usage. Completed daily photography assignments and worked on several special feature projects.

Staff Photographer Las Vegas, Nevada Las Vegas Sun August 1985 - January 1988 Shot news, features, sports and picture stories. Wrote stories to accompany picture projects and designed special sections. Photographed several travel assignments for the sports and features departments. Photographed assignments for New York Newsday, The San Diego Union-Tribune and United Press International.

Freelance Photojournalist Reno, Nevada Reno Gazette-Journal November 1984 - August 1985 Photographed news, sports and features. Photographed freelance assignments for the San Francisco Chronicle, USA Today, The Boston Globe and The Sacramento Bee.

Freelance Photojournalist Los Angeles, California Los Angeles Times July 1984 - August 1984 Produced daily features, sports and general news assignments as a temporary photographer during the 1984 Summer Olympics.

Free-lance Photojournalist London, England United Press International February 1984 - July 1984 Photographed news, features, general assignments and sports during a six-month stay in London.

Photojournalist Hanford, California Hanford Sentinel April 1983 - September 1984 Photographed news, features and sports and assisted in the design of special photography projects.

Related Professional Experience Graphic Artist Intern Syracuse, New York The Syracuse Newspapers ­January 1992 - January 1993 Responsible for design of Food, Fashion, Business Extra and Living pages. Developed color news graphics. Worked with Macintosh programs that included QuarkXPress, Aldus FreeHand, DeltaGraph and Adobe Photoshop.