Flyer News, Vol. 57, No. 13
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2009-2010 BASKETBALL PREVIEW FRIDAY OCT. 30, 2009 UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON VOL. 57 NO. 13 New door opens for UDRI as Car, bicycle theft numbers NCR closes down in Dayton at peak high, JACLYN PHELPS Staff Writer thiefs remain UD is in negotiations with NCR to purchase its former world headquar- ters building and the 150 acres sur- unidentified rounding it. ALLISON DUNN This opportunity brings forth Staff Writer many possibilities to UD, especially for the University of Dayton Re- Adding to the list of crimes this search Institute, for further advance- year are auto and bicycle thefts, ment for the university. Richard which have occurred multiple times Stock, director of Business Research in the past month and a half, leaving Group said economic development is UD police searching for the culprits. not about the move. It’s about what Within the past month, three auto- UDRI will do. motive vehicles have been stolen from “The UD move is largely symbolic parking lots RP14, SV and S2 lots on if no additional UDRI work is brought campus. One vehicle was stolen Oct. here from elsewhere or no new UDRI 18, and two were stolen Oct. 20. contracts are based there,” Stock “These things usually seem to go said. “If new UDRI contract work is in spurts, where you’ll have a rash done there or UDRI work is consoli- of thefts,” said Executive Director dated from other bases or other office NCR, which provided over 1,000 jobs to local people, is being shut down and moved to Georgia. JARED SZECHY/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER of Public Safety and Chief of Police space outside Montgomery County and psychological blow to the image ters and land, it is not just an attempt land it will be a positive step toward Bruce Burt. then it helps the county.” and marketability of our region as to save the region. its reuse and renewal. Burt believes that these thefts are Sen. Jon Husted said the move of an information technology growth “Contrary to media imagination, “Having the property under lo- performed by someone from the Day- NCR has several effects on the city of region.” the region does not need to be saved,” cal ownership by someone who cares ton area. At this time, they have no Dayton’s economy. Husted said both of these reasons Stock said. “We are going through a deeply about the community is much suspects. “First, it eliminates the Dayton- have immediate and long-term con- transition from large plant manufac- better than it being owned by a com- Police have recovered all three ve- based jobs of over 1,000 well-paid, sequences. However, he believes it is turing but that is not the same as be- pany that is headquartered in Geor hicles. One vehicle was found on cam- educated and talented people,” Hus- time to start moving forward. ing at death’s door.” pus, one in the city of Dayton and one ted said. “Second, it provides a real By UD purchasing the headquar- Husted said if UD purchases the See NCR on p.6 in the city of Fairborn. Burt said the vehicles were older models and easier models to steal. Provost Office considers new 2010-2011 school calendar During one incident, Burt said SARA DORN lengthen the spring semester half- the calendar is to have a little bit “A lot of universities are still in that the suspect brought an already Chieff Staff Writer way into May. more time for the Christmas and a recession and our faculty is losing stolen vehicle on campus, left it, and “The change is being suggested New Year’s recess,” he said. “The out on that because it’s hard to leave went to steal a vehicle on campus. University of Dayton’s Provost in an effort to provide a better over- most important reason is that the on the first week,” Saliba said. Determining when these thefts Office is considering making several all learning and service experience faculty and staff really don’t have A main concern for the projected are taking place is difficult because changes to the 2010-2011 academic for the majority of the students,” said the time to prepare for the next se- calendar is that it will shorten the students park their vehicles in these calendar. Thomas Westendorf, UD’s assistant mester.” summer semester to 10 weeks in- lots and don’t return to them for some The new calendar is expected to provost and registrar. Many national academic con- stead of the current calendar’s 12- time. According to Burt, the univer- include a winter recess that extends According to UD Provost Joseph ferences take place during the first week summer semester. This will sity has over 700 security cameras on approximately two weeks into Janu- Saliba, the potential new calendar week of January and it is difficult not allow students enrolling in sum- campus, and it is difficult to monitor ary, which will eliminate Monday was suggested for multiple reasons. for staff members to leave campus at mer courses to obtain a 15-credit- all of the cameras. through Friday exam study days and “The main purpose of changing that time. See Calendar on p. 6 See Thefts on p. 3 weather TODAY SATURDAY SUNDAY (Source: 67/50 58/39 55/39 STUDENT FRIENDLY STUART FIELD? You may want to change your costume Showers Chance of Mostly Talks of renovation to Stuart Field in full swing | PAGE 3 showers sunny to include a poncho for this rainy Halloween. likely. 2 NEWS Flyer News •Friday, October 30, 2009 NEWS 3 Flyer News •Friday, October 30, 2009 NEW STUART FIELD TO BETTER SERVE STUDENTS JEN CHENEY 5.61 acres of open, centrally locat- According to Ostrander, this building process can begin. The If interested in voicing concerns, Staff Writer ed, well-lit area in close proximity challenge course could enhance entire process is projected to take comments, and/or questions about Imagine a turfed Stuart Field as to the RecPlex allows for numerous skills such as leadership, listening, anywhere from nine to 12 months. this project, e-mail udintramu- home for an outdoor sports complex renovation possibilities. planning, problem solving, team The most optimal plan would be for [email protected]. Students and a challenge ropes course. Installing an infill turf product building and communication skills. building to start in early spring, are welcome to offer their input. Dave Ostrander, RecPlex asso- for most of the Stuart Field site with He also claims that this could be and be ready for students in the fall. ciate director, said it’s time to start a lighted, paved walkway around the beginning of development of talking about Stuart Field renova- the playing area will provide a con- outdoor education programming tions. sistent, safe surface for intramural for UD. Currently, UD has no major on- and club sports, Ostrander said. An open, outdoor sport complex campus venues for sport clubs. Ten- Stuart Field’s central location would provide a campus area for nis courts are off campus, and soc- allows for students to access the numerous outdoor activities that cer clubs have limited off-campus site with a short walk. A turfed could all occur simultaneously. A access. Lacrosse and field hockey field also provides usage all months staging and seating area would ex- teams are temporarily reduced of the year. Even when no intramu- ist for those who wish to support to unlit CPC fields. Since these ral or club programs take place, the these outdoor events. locations are not within walk- turf field would be available for stu- In order to begin the proposed ing distance of campus, students dent use. renovation options, the field must are discouraged from supporting A challenging high or low ropes first be leveled. The total cost of UD’s nationally recognized sports course provides activities for lead- project completion, including level- teams. No area exists on campus ership training for student staffs, ing, would cost roughly $3 million. for outdoor sports such as basket- clubs, organizations and classes. How will this project be funded? ball, tennis or inline hockey. This obstacle course is composed of Donors? Student and user fees? Even though the odd shape of poles, cables and bolts, with ropes “The million-dollar question re- Stuart Field has many drainage is- serving as the means to complete mains,” Ostrander said. sues and durability problems, this the course. Sometimes these cours- Despite this question of finan- unsafe surface still has hope, ac- es are suspended in the air, on the cial support, once 70 percent of Stuart Field, now empty, may one day house an outdoor sports complex. PHOTO CONTRIBUTED BY cording to Ostrander. The field’s ground or a combination of the two. the money is received the actual STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION THEFTS nessed her bicycle being stolen at 365 (cont. from p. 1) Garden Apartments. “Neither one of these [bicycle or “I’m not really sure how he picked Rescue Squad responsibilities auto thefts] have a significant pat- my bike,” Hanna said. “I don’t think tern,” Burt said. “It’s hard to pinpoint [public safety] could have done any- when it’s happening.” thing about it, I think that security is Prior to last October, the last fine. If someone’s going to steal some- highlighted during EMS week time a vehicle was stolen on campus thing they’re going to find a way. I was Jan. 2009. Typically two to three think it’s more about making sure at Miami Valley Hospital, as well cookout in the Kennedy Union green MAGGIE MALACH grand theft autos occur in a year, you have a deterrent lock.” Opinions Editor as participated in ride-alongs with space Friday, Nov.