
J. Geod. Sci. 2017; 7:31–42

Research Article Open Access

G. Panou* and R. Korakitis and their numerical solutions in geodetic and Cartesian coordinates on an oblate spheroid

DOI 10.1515/jogs-2017-0004 given two points P0 and P1 on an oblate spheroid, deter- Received December 5, 2016; accepted February 17, 2017 mine the geodesic s01 between them and the az- imuths α , α at the end points. Abstract: The direct geodesic problem on an oblate 0 1 These problems have a very long history and several spheroid is described as an initial value problem and different methods of solving them have been proposed by is solved numerically using both geodetic and Cartesian many researchers, as they are reported in a comprehensive coordinates. The geodesic equations are formulated by list by Karney (2016) in GeographicLib. Also, some of the means of the theory of differential . The initial existing methods have been presented by Rapp (1993) and value problem under consideration is reduced to a sys- Deakin and Hunter (2010). tem of first-order ordinary differential equations, which is The methods of solving the above problems can be solved using a numerical method. The solution provides divided into two general categories: (i) using an auxil- the coordinates and the at any along the iary sphere, e.g., Bessel (1826), Rainsford (1955), Robbins geodesic. The Clairaut constant is not used for the solu- (1962), Sodano (1965), Saito (1970), Vincenty (1975), Saito tion but it is computed, allowing to check the precision of (1979), Bowring (1983), Karney (2013) and (ii) without us- the method. An extensive data set of is used, in ing an auxiliary sphere, e.g., Kivioja (1971), Holmstrom order to evaluate the performance of the method in each (1976), Jank and Kivioja (1980), Thomas and Featherstone . The results for the direct geodesic prob- (2005), Panou (2013), Panou et al. (2013), Tseng (2014). The lem are validated by comparison to Karney’s method. We methods which use an auxiliary sphere are based on the conclude that a complete, stable, precise, accurate and classical work of Bessel (1826) and its modifications. On fast solution of the problem in Cartesian coordinates is ac- the other hand, the methods without using an auxiliary complished. sphere are attacking the problems directly on an oblate Keywords: Clairaut’s constant, Direct geodesic prob- spheroid. They are conceptually simpler and can be gener- lem, Geometrical geodesy, Karney’s method, Numerical alized in the case of a triaxial ellipsoid, as has been already method presented by Holmstrom (1976) and Panou (2013). The solution of the geodesic problems, with one of the above two methods, includes evaluating elliptic inte- 1 Introduction grals or solving differential equations using: (i) approxi- mate analytical methods, e.g., Vincenty (1975), Holmstrom (1976), Pittman (1986), Mai (2010), Karney (2013) or (ii) nu- In geodesy, there are two traditional problems concern- merical methods, e.g., Saito (1979), Rollins (2010), Sjöberg ing geodesics on an oblate spheroid (ellipsoid of revolu- (2012), Sjöberg and Shirazian (2012), Panou et al. (2013). tion): (i) the direct problem: given a point P0 on an oblate The approximate analytical methods are usually based on spheroid, together with the α0 and the geodesic the fact that an oblate spheroid deviates slightly from a distance s01 to a point P1, determine the point P1 and sphere, so these methods essentially involve a truncated the azimuth α1 at this point, and (ii) the inverse problem: series expansion. On the other hand, numerical methods can be used for ellipsoids of arbitrary flattening. In addi- tion, they do not require a change in the theoretical back- *Corresponding Author: G. Panou: Department of Surveying Engi- ground with a modification of the computational environ- neering, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou Campus, 15780 Athens, Greece, E-mail: [email protected] ment. However, they may suffer from computational er- R. Korakitis: Department of Surveying , National Tech- rors, which are reduced with the improvements in modern nical University of Athens, Zografou Campus, 15780 Athens, Greece

© 2017 G. Panou and R. Korakitis, published by De Gruyter Open. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License. 32 Ë G. Panou and R. Korakitis computational systems. Furthermore, since the numerical precision of the numerical integration. We should mention methods perform computations at many points along the that other methods for the solution of the direct geodesic geodesic, they can be used as a convenient and efficient problem, such as Rollins (2010) and Sjöberg and Shirazian approach to trace the geodesic. If tracing is not needed, an (2012), use the Clairaut constant as an a priori known analytical method may be sufficient to give the results of quantity in the equations and they employ iterative tech- the geodesic problems. niques. From the vast literature on geodesic problems, one no- Inevitably, in there are two tices that the evaluation of the performance of the geodesic poles (singularities) and hence all of the above methods, algorithms is based on the aspects of stability, accuracy without modifications, can be ill-behaved. This does not and computational speed. Of course, the execution time happen in Cartesian coordinates and the algorithms based (︀ )︀ depends strongly on the programming environment and on them are insensitive to singularities, such as tan π/2 . the computing platform used. Today, with the broad avail- Also, the Cartesian coordinate system can be easily related ability of high speed computers, the execution time does to other curvilinear systems, many formulas in this system not longer play an essential role. With regard to stability, are simpler, without numerical difficulties and computa- the algorithms should be stable in the domain of use, i.e. tions do not demand the use of trigonometric functions, without limitations to the input data of the problem. Fi- which can make computer processing slow, as pointed out nally, they should provide results with high accuracy, de- by Felski (2011). pending on the demands of the application. Using the calculus of variations, the geodesic equa- In this work, the direct geodesic problem and the cor- tions in Cartesian coordinates were derived on a sphere responding equations, with independent variable s, are by Fox (1987) and on a triaxial ellipsoid by Holmstrom numerically solved as an initial value problem, directly on (1976). Although the approximate analytical solution given an oblate spheroid, using two coordinate systems: geode- by Holmstrom (1976) can be applied in the degenerate case tic and Cartesian. We note that, Panou et al. (2013) have nu- of an oblate spheroid, it is of low precision, since the pre- merically solved the inverse geodesic problem and the cor- cision was not his primary consideration. responding equations, with independent variable λ, as a The method proposed in this work introduces a new boundary value problem. The method presented here can approach to the geodesic initial value problem, both in be generalized in the case of a triaxial ellipsoid and can be terms of its theoretical and its numerical solution. used for arbitrary flattening. However, in order to evalu- Part of the solution constitutes the solution of the direct ate the method, we limit the numerical applications to the geodesic problem, where the and the azimuth are case of the WGS84 oblate spheroid. determined only at the end point of the geodesic. In addi- In general, there are several numerical methods for tion, the geodesic initial value problem directly provides solving an initial value problem (see Hildebrand 1974). In the trace of the full path of the geodesic. this study, we will use a relatively simple and commonly applied fourth-order Runge-Kutta method (see Butcher 1987), which has been applied successfully to the geodesic 2 Geodesics in geodetic boundary value problem (Panou 2013, Panou et al. 2013). coordinates In addition, we examine the performance (stability, pre- cision, execution time) of the method in both coordinate The geodesic initial value problem, expressed in geodetic systems. coordinates on an oblate spheroid, consists of determin- Kivioja (1971) has solved the geodesic initial value ing a geodesic, parametrized by its s, φ = φ(s), problem by numerical integration of a system of two dif- λ = λ(s), with azimuths α = α(s) along it, which passes ferential equations. Thomas and Featherstone (2005) im- through a given point P0 (φ (0) , λ (0)) in a known direction proved Kivioja’s method by altering the system of the two (given azimuth α0 = α (0)) and has a certain length s01. differential equations along the geodesic, in order to avoid the singularity when the geodesic passes through the ver- tices. Alternatively, in this study we propose the numeri- 2.1 Geodesic equations cal integration of a system of four differential equations of a geodesic in geodetic coordinates, which is free from We consider an oblate spheroid which, in geodetic coordi- this singularity. Although there are more equations, from nates (φ, λ), is described parametrically by the solution we can determine the Clairaut constant, at any point along the geodesic, and thus we are able to check the x = N cos φ cos λ (1) Geodesic equations and their numerical solutions in geodetic and Cartesian coordinates Ë 33

1 2 2 y = N cos φ sin λ (2) Γ12 = Γ11 = Γ22 = 0 (15) Therefore, the geodesic equations, expressed in geodetic (︁ )︁ z = N 1 − e2 sin φ (3) coordinates on an oblate spheroid, are given by (Struik 1961, p. 132) where φ (–π/2 ≤ φ ≤ +π/2) is the geodetic latitude, λ (–π 2 (︂ )︂2 (︂ )︂2 < λ ≤ +π) is the geodetic longitude and d φ 1 dφ 1 dλ + Γ11 + Γ22 = 0 (16) a ds2 ds ds N = 1/2 (4) (︁ 2 )︁ 1 − e2 sin φ d2λ dφ dλ + 2Γ2 = 0 (17) ds2 12 ds ds is the of in the prime vertical sec- The initial conditions associated with these equations are tion, with a the major semiaxis and e the first eccentricity. ⃒ 2 dφ dφ Also, it holds that e = f (2 − f ), where f is the flattening. In φ φ ⃒ 0 = (0) , ds ⃒ = ds (0) (18) this parametrization, the elements of the first fundamental ⃒0 form are (Vermeer 2015) ⃒ dλ ⃒ dλ λ0 = λ (0) , ⃒ = (0) (19) a2 e2 2 ds ⃒ ds E (1 − ) 0 = 3 (5) (︁ 2 )︁ 1 − e2 sin φ where the values of the derivatives at point P0 (φ0, λ0) are given below. Hence, the direct geodesic problem is de- F = 0 (6) scribed as an initial value problem in geodetic coordinates on an oblate spheroid by Eqs. (16) and Eqs. (17). a2 2 φ G cos = 2 (7) 1 − e2 sin φ 2.2 Numerical solution In Eq. (6), F = 0 indicates that the φ- (parallels) and λ-curves (meridians) are orthogonal. Also, E ≠ 0 for all φ In order to solve the geodesic initial value problem by a and G = 0 when φ = ±π/2 (at the poles) (Panou et al. 2013). numerical method, the system of two non-linear second- From Eqs. (3), we obtain the derivatives order ordinary differential equations (Eqs. (16) and (17)) are written equivalently as a system of four first-order dif- 3e2a2(1 − e2)2 sin (2φ) Eφ = (︁ )︁4 (8) ferential equations: 1 − e2 sin2 φ d dφ φ ds ( ) = ds (20) Fφ = 0 (9) (︂ )︂ (︂ )︂2 (︂ )︂2 d dφ 1 dφ 1 dλ = −Γ11 − Γ22 (21) a2(1 − e2) sin (2φ) ds ds ds ds Gφ = − (︁ )︁2 (10) 1 − e2 sin2 φ d dλ λ ds ( ) = ds (22) Eλ = Fλ = Gλ = 0 (11) (︂ )︂ d dλ 2 dφ dλ i = −2Γ12 (23) Thus, the Γjk (i, j, k = 1, 2) become ds ds ds ds (Struik 1961, p. 107) This system can be integrated on the [0, s] using a E e2 φ numerical method, such as Runge-Kutta (see Hildebrand Γ1 φ 3 sin (2 ) 11 = E = (︁ )︁ (12) 1974, Butcher 1987). The step size δs is given by δs = s/n, 2 2 1 − e2 sin2 φ where n is the of steps. As a rule, a greater number (︁ )︁ of steps leads to a greater precision but also to a greater ex- 1 − e2 sin2 φ sin (2φ) 1 Gφ ecution time and vice versa. The effects of the number of Γ22 = − = (︀ )︀ (13) 2E 2 1 − e2 steps and the performance of the method (stability, preci- sion, execution time) are examined in detail in Section 4. G (︀ e2)︀ φ 2 φ 1 − tan φ λ φ Γ12 = = − (14) For the variables and , the initial conditions are 0 2G 1 − e2 sin2 φ and λ0, respectively. For the required derivatives, we recall 34 Ë G. Panou and R. Korakitis the well-known relations of a differential element on an 3 Geodesics in Cartesian oblate spheroid, for any of length ds (Vermeer 2015) dφ cos α coordinates ds = M (24) In a similar manner, the geodesic initial value problem, dλ sin α expressed in Cartesian coordinates on an oblate spheroid, ds = N φ (25) cos consists of determining a geodesic, parametrized by its arc where (︀ )︀ length s, x = x(s), y = y(s), z = z(s), with azimuths a 1 − e2 M = (26) α = α(s) along it, which passes through a given point (︁ )︁3/2 2 2 1 − e sin φ P0 (x (0) , y (0) , z (0)) in a known direction (given azimuth α0 = α (0)) and has a certain length s01. is the radius of curvature in the meridian normal sec- tion. Hence, the required values of the derivatives at point P φ , λ are 0 ( 0 0) ⃒ 3.1 Geodesic equations dφ ⃒ cos α0 ds ⃒ = M φ (27) ⃒0 ( 0) ⃒ We consider an oblate spheroid which is described in dλ ⃒ sin α0 Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) by ds ⃒ = N φ φ (28) ⃒0 ( 0) cos 0 z2 S (x, y, z) ˙=x2 + y2 + − a2 = 0 (34) 1 − e2 2.3 Azimuths and Clairaut’s constant It is well-known, from the theory of , that the principal normal to the geodesic must coincide α Eqs. (24) and (25), the azimuth at any point along the with the normal to the oblate spheroid (Struik 1961, Deakin geodesic is computed by and Hunter 2010), i.e. (︂ )︂ (︂ )︂ V U    α = arctan = arccot (29) d2x ds2 d2y ds2 d2z ds2 U V = = = −m (35) ∂S/∂x ∂S/∂y ∂S/∂z where dφ m s U = M (30) where is a function of . From these equations, together ds with Eq. (34), it is possible to determine x(s), y(s), z(s) and dλ m(s). Using Eq. (34), Eqs. (35) become V N φ = cos ds (31) 1 d2x 1 d2y 1 − e2 d2z = = = −2m (36) Note that Eqs. (29) involves the variables φ, dφ/ds and x ds2 y ds2 z ds2 dλ/ds, which are obtained by the numerical integration. The integration of Eq. (17) yields Differentiating Eq. (34), we have dλ dx dy z dz G = C (32) x + y + = 0 (37) ds ds ds 1 − e2 ds where C is an arbitrary constant. We note that Eq. (32) in- and a further differentiation yields volves only the variables φ and dλ/ds. Substituting Eq. d2x d2y z d2z (25) into Eq. (32) and using Eqs. (4) and (7), we obtain x + y + ds2 ds2 1 − e2 ds2 [︃(︂ )︂2 (︂ )︂2 (︂ )︂2]︃ N cos φ sin α = C (33) dx dy 1 dz = − + + (38) ds ds 1 − e2 ds which is the well-known Clairaut’s in geodetic coordinates. Hence, Eq. (32) and Eq. (33) are mathemati- Hence, from Eqs. (36) and Eq. (38), we obtain cally equivalent and C is the Clairaut constant. Also, we h can estimate, at any value of the independent variable s, m = (39) 2H the difference δC = C − C0 between the computed value C C P φ where and the known value 0 at point 0, from the given 0 and 2 2 2 z α0, by means of Clairaut’s equation (Eq. (33)). In this way, H = x + y + (40) (︀ e2)︀2 we can check the precision of the numerical integration, 1 − (︂ )︂2 (︂ )︂2 (︂ )︂2 since the difference δC should be zero meters at any point dx dy 1 dz h = + + (41) along the geodesic. ds ds 1 − e2 ds Geodesic equations and their numerical solutions in geodetic and Cartesian coordinates Ë 35

Substituting Eq. (39) into Eqs. (36), we obtain the geodesic equations in Cartesian coordinates on an oblate spheroid

d2x h + x = 0 (42) ds2 H

d2y h + y = 0 (43) ds2 H

d2z h z + · = 0 (44) ds2 H 1 − e2 which are subject to the initial conditions dx ⃒ dx x x ⃒ 0 = (0) , ds ⃒ = ds (0) (45) ⃒0 Figure 1: Unit vectors to a geodesic through a point P on an oblate dy ⃒ dy spheroid: σ tangent to the geodesic, n normal to the oblate y y ⃒ 0 = (0) , ds ⃒ = ds (0) (46) spheroid, p tangent to the parallel, q tangent to the meridian. ⃒0 ⃒ dz ⃒ dz z0 = z (0) , ⃒ = (0) (47) To obtain the required derivatives, we proceed to describe ds ⃒ ds 0 the unit vectors to a geodesic through a point P (x, y, z) on where the values of the derivatives at point P0 (x0, y0, z0) an oblate spheroid (see Fig. 1). are given below. Hence, the direct geodesic problem is de- Let σ be a tangent to an arbitrary geodesic scribed as an initial value problem in Cartesian coordi- through P. Then, we can express σ in terms of the unit vec- nates on an oblate spheroid by Eqs. (42) to (47). tors p, q and the azimuth α (Fig. 1): (︂ dx dy dz )︂ σ = , , = psin α + qcos α (54) 3.2 Numerical solution ds ds ds The unit vector normal to an oblate spheroid (using the In order to solve the above problem, the system of three operator and Eqs. (34), (40)) can be expressed as non-linear second-order ordinary differential equations (Fig. 1): (Eqs. (42) to (44)) is rewritten as a system of six first-order (︃ )︃ differential equations: x y z n = (n1, n2, n3) = , , (55) H1/2 H1/2 (︀ e2)︀ H1/2 d dx 1 − x ds ( ) = ds (48) Furthermore, considering the of the meridian of the point P, which passes also through the pole B and the cen- d (︂ dx )︂ h x tre of the oblate spheroid O (Felski 2011), we obtain the ds ds = − H (49) unit vector p (Fig. 1): d dy (︃ )︃ (y) = (50) −y x ds ds p = p , p , p = , , 0 (56) ( 1 2 3) (︀ )︀1/2 (︀ )︀1/2 x2 + y2 x2 + y2 d (︂ dy )︂ h = − y (51) ds ds H This vector has singularities at the poles, where we can simply set p = (0, 1, 0). Otherwise, this vector can be ex- d dz z pressed in terms of geodetic longitude λ with the help of ds ( ) = ds (52) Eqs. (1) and (2): d (︂ dz )︂ h z = − · (53) p = p , p , p = −sin λ, cos λ, 0 (57) ds ds H 1 − e2 ( 1 2 3) ( ) This system can be integrated on the interval [0, s] by a At the poles, we can now set λ = α, i.e. p = numerical method. Again, the step size δs is given by δs = (−sin α, cos α, 0). s/n, where n is the number of steps. For the variables x, y The unit vector q, tangent to the meridian, can now and z, the initial conditions are x0, y0 and z0, respectively. be determined as the of unit vectors n and p 36 Ë G. Panou and R. Korakitis

(Fig. 1): integration is performed in space, we can compute, at any value of s, the function S, given by Eq. (34). Therefore, we q n p q q q n p n p n p n p = × = ( 1, 2, 3) = (− 3 2, 3 1, 1 2 − 2 1) can double check the precision of the numerical integra- (58) tion, since the difference δC should be zero meters and the p q Finally, substituting the vectors and into Eq. (54), function S should be zero at any point along the geodesic we obtain the required values of the derivatives at point on an oblate spheroid. P0 (x0, y0, z0) ⃒ dx ⃒ ⃒ = p1 (0) sin α0 + q1 (0) cos α0 (59) ds ⃒ 0 4 Numerical tests and comparisons

dy ⃒ ⃒ p α q α ds ⃒ = 2 (0) sin 0 + 2 (0) cos 0 (60) 4.1 Test set ⃒0 ⃒ dz In order to evaluate the performance of the solution in ⃒ p α q α ds ⃒ = 3 (0) sin 0 + 3 (0) cos 0 (61) ⃒0 each coordinate system (with respect to stability, preci- sion and execution time) and to validate the method pre- sented above, we used an extensive test set of geodesics, 3.3 Azimuths and Clairaut’s constant which is available in Karney (2010). This is a set of 500000 geodesics for the WGS84 ellipsoid of revolution, with a = Taking the product of Eq. (54) successively with p 6378137 m and f = 1/298.257223563. The geodesics of the set and q and dividing the resulting equations, yields are distributed into nine groups, as described in Table 1. (︂ R )︂ (︂ Q )︂ α = arctan Q = arccot R (62) Table 1: Description of the geodesics in the test set. where dx dy dz Group Identification Case Q q σ q q q = · = 1 ds + 2 ds + 3 ds (63) number (ID) 1 1 – 100000 randomly distributed dx dy dz R p σ p p p 2 100001 – 150000 nearly antipodal = · = 1 ds + 2 ds + 3 ds (64) 3 150001 – 200000 short Note that Eqs. (62) involves all the variables x, dx/ds, y, 4 200001 – 250000 one end near a pole dy/ds, z and dz/ds, which are obtained by the numerical 5 250001 – 300000 both ends near opposite integration. poles From the first equation of Eqs. (36), a second-order dif- 6 300001 – 350000 nearly meridional ferential equation, we obtain a first integral 7 350001 – 400000 nearly equatorial dy dx 8 400001 – 450000 running between ver- x − y = C (65) ∘ ds ds tices (α0 = α1 = 90 ) 9 450001 – 500000 ending close to vertices where C is an arbitrary constant. We note that Eq. (65) in- volves only the variables x, dx/ds, y and dy/ds. Now, from the scalar product of Eq. (54) with p and using Eqs. (56), Each geodesic of the test set is defined by the data and (65), we obtain the results for the direct geodesic problem, as described in 1/2 (︁ 2 2)︁ Table 2. x + y sin α = C (66) K K K The values of φ1 , λ1 and α1 were computed by Karney which is the well-known Clairaut’s equation in Cartesian using high-precision direct geodesic calculations with the φ λ α s coordinates. Hence, Eq. (65) and Eq. (66) are mathemati- given 0, 0, 0 and 01. For simplicity and without loss φ ∘ ∘ λ cally equivalent and C is the Clairaut constant. Also, in a of generality, 0 is chosen in [0 , 90 ], 0 is taken to be α ∘ ∘ φ α manner similar to the geodetic coordinates, we can esti- zero, 0 is chosen in [0 , 180 ]. Furthermore, 0 and 0 −12 are taken to be multiples of 10 deg and s01 is a multi- mate, at any value of s, the difference δC = C − C0 between ple of 0.1 µm in [0 m, 20003931.4586254 m]. Also, the val- the computed value C and the known value C0 at point ues for s01 for the geodesics running between vertices are P0, from the given x0, y0 and α0, by means of Clairaut’s equation (Eq. (66)). Furthermore, because the numerical truncated to a multiple of 0.1 pm and this is used to deter- Geodesic equations and their numerical solutions in geodetic and Cartesian coordinates Ë 37

Table 2: Description of data and results for the direct geodesic problem in the test set.

Quantity Symbol Unit Accuracy

latitude at point 0 φ0 degrees exact longitude at point 0 λ0 degrees exact, always 0 azimuth at point 0 α0 clockwise from north in degrees exact K −18 latitude at point 1 φ1 degrees accurate to 10 deg K −18 longitude at point 1 λ1 degrees accurate to 10 deg K −18 azimuth at point 1 α1 degrees accurate to 10 deg geodesic distance from point 0 to point 1 s01 meters exact

Table 3: Composition of the sub-set. mine point 1. Finally, these conditions result to having λ1 ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ in [0 , 180 ] and α1 in [0 , 180 ] (Karney 2016). For each geodesic in the test set, the systems of first- Group Total number of geodesics order differential equations (Eqs. (20) to (23) and Eqs. 1 97997 (48) to (53)) were integrated using the fourth-order Runge- 2 49441 Kutta numerical method (see Hildebrand 1974, Butcher 3 46699 1987) using several different values of the number of steps 4 0 n. 5 0 All algorithms were coded in FORTRAN95, were com- 6 0 piled by the open-source GNU FORTRAN compiler (at Level 7 50000 2 optimization) and were executed on a personal computer 8 47294 running a 64-bit operating system. The main characteris- 9 47209 tics of the hardware were: Intel Core i5-2430M CPU (clocked at 2.4 GHz) and 6 GB of RAM. ∘ ∘ sub-set satisfy the following criteria: φ0 <85 , |φ1| <85 , For the computations, we used a 10-byte floating point ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ 1 <α <179 and 1 <α <179 . arithmetic, which provides a precision of 18 decimal digits. 0 1 The direct geodesic problem in geodetic coordinates is However, for the conversion of the data of the full set (Table solved using the input data φ0, λ0, α0 and s01. The results 2) from geodetic to Cartesian coordinates (x0, y0 = 0, z0, K K K (φ1,λ1) at the end point are converted to Cartesian coordi- x1 , y1 , z1 ) using Eqs. (1) to (3)„ as well as for the compu- K nates (x1,y1,z1) because this transformation is simple and tation of Clairaut’s constant C1 at the end point using Eq. numerically stable. In addition, this permits a direct com- (33), a 16-byte arithmetic was employed, which provides parison with the corresponding results using Cartesian co- a precision of 33 decimal digits. The same high-precision ordinates. arithmetic was also used for several tests (e.g. Table 16). At any point along the geodesic, the difference δC = Detailed results of solving the direct geodesic problem C − C is computed and its maximum value max|δC| is in both coordinate systems are presented in the following 0 recorded. We also record the max(max|δC|) of the whole sections. set. At the end point of each geodesic, we compute the dif- [︂ ]︂1/2 (︁ K)︁2 (︁ K)︁2 (︁ K)︁2 4.2 Solving the geodesics in geodetic ference δr1 = x1 − x1 + y1 − y1 + z1 − z1 coordinates and we record the max(δr1) of the whole set. Similarly, we K K compute the differences δα1 = α1 − α1 and δC1 = C1 − C1 The performance of the proposed method, using geodetic and we record the max|δα1| and the max |δC1|. Finally, we coordinates, was evaluated through a sub-set of 338640 record the execution time t, which was needed using the geodesics, having the composition shown in Table 3. specified computing system. This sub-set was formed considering the constrains We note that we do not compute the azimuth at the in- presented in Thomas and Featherstone (2005), in order to termediate points of the geodesic (Eqs. (29)), since we have avoid the instabilities caused by the singularities in the no other similar data to compare with. geodetic coordinates. In particular, the geodesics of the 38 Ë G. Panou and R. Korakitis

All of the above data, along with the ID of the relevant steps (50000) but the improvement is small, especially for geodesic, are presented in Table 4, for several values of the group 5. number of steps of the integration. In order to examine further the cause of this behavior, we solved a particularly ill-behaved geodesic (ID 294750) using high-precision arithmetic (33 digits) and greater 4.3 Solving the geodesics in Cartesian of integration steps. The results, which are pre- coordinates sented in Table 16, show a full agreement with those of Karney’s method. In a similar manner, Table 5 presents the corresponding results of the performance of the proposed method in Cartesian coordinates, using the same sub-set of 338640 5 Concluding remarks geodesics and using several values for the number of steps in the numerical integration. The input data are now x , 0 A numerical solution of the geodesic initial value prob- y , z , α and s . 0 0 0 01 lem in geodetic and Cartesian coordinates on an oblate Comparing the results presented in Table 4 and Ta- spheroid has been presented. The real power of the pro- ble 5, it is remarkable that, using Cartesian coordinates, posed method is that it is universal, i.e. can be used for we achieve similar or better levels of accuracy with a much arbitrary flattening and can be generalized in the caseof smaller number of integration steps than using geodetic a triaxial ellipsoid. Also, by setting e = 0 in the formula- coordinates. Therefore, the execution time in Cartesian co- tions, the geodesic initial value problem and its numerical ordinates is reduced by a factor about 60, for similar accu- solution in geodetic and Cartesian coordinates on a sphere racy levels. is obtained as a degenerate case. Table 6 describes the results obtained solving the full Comparing the results of solving the geodesic initial set of 500000 geodesics in Cartesian coordinates. We note value problem in the two coordinate systems, we conclude that, at any point along each geodesic, we compute the ab- that only the solution in Cartesian coordinates is complete, solute value of the function S (Eq. (34)) and we record the i.e. it works in the entire range of input data, it is stable, max|S|. Thus, in addition to the data presented in the pre- precise, accurate and fast, so it is recommended for use, vious tables, we also give the value of max(max|S|) for the especially when a tracing of the geodesic is required. whole set. The precision of the method depends on the number of the From Table 6 we conclude that our results are in significant digits of the computer system being used. How- agreement with the results of Karney’s method, within ever, current computer systems of everyday use are ade- a few nanometers in the end position and a few micro- quate to achieve excellent results in a very short time. arcseconds in the end azimuth. Furthermore, employing higher precision arithmetic With regard to the execution time, these impressive re- (larger number of decimal digits), the results obtained, us- sults are obtained at an average rate of 0.3 µs per integra- ing the proposed method in Cartesian coordinates, are di- tion step, which corresponds to about 6 ms for a geodesic rectly comparable with the results of Karney’s method and using 20000 points. However, for most practical applica- they constitute an independent validation and verification tions, a smaller number of steps is quite adequate. of the test set of Karney (2010). In order to study in detail the differences in the results We also investigate ways to improve the performance at the end points, we subsequently present, in Tables 7 of the proposed method, with regard to the precision at- to 15, the main results, separately for each group. tained in relation to the required execution time. We are We remark that the execution times for groups 2 to experimenting with different orders of the numerical in- 9 (all have 50000 geodesics) were almost identical, so tegration method, a more detailed examination of the de- we present execution times only for group 1 (100000 pendence on the number of integration steps, as well as geodesics) and group 2. with using a variable step algorithm. We are also working In Table 9 one may notice that a very small number of on the generalization of this method and its application to integration steps is sufficient to provide accurate results in a triaxial ellipsoid. the case of very short geodesics. In this case, an increase For the sake of a complete theory, knowledge of an in the number of steps leads to worse results, which are analytical solution of the direct geodesic problem, in attributed to the effects of round-off errors. Cartesian coordinates, is of interest. Although today, with Since the results for groups 5, 8 and 9 indicate a lower Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technologies, accuracy of the value max|δα1|, we use a larger number of Geodesic equations and their numerical solutions in geodetic and Cartesian coordinates Ë 39

Table 4: Performance of the method on the subset of 338640 geodesics using geodetic coordinates. n max(max|δC|) ID max(δr1) ID max|δα1| ID max|δC1| ID t (m) (m) (arcsec) (m) (s) 1000 42 110733 1.5·104 145577 81 145577 3.2·102 110733 302 2000 2.7 110733 3.0·102 145577 1.7 145577 1.5·101 110733 618 5000 3.4·10−2 110733 4.4 145577 2.3·10−2 145577 3.7·10−1 110733 1551 10000 1.1·10−3 110733 1.7·10−1 140863 7.4·10−4 145577 2.2·10−2 110733 3051 20000 3.5·10−5 110733 9.1·10−3 140863 2.2·10−5 145577 1.4·10−3 110733 5659 50000 3.6·10−7 110733 2.2·10−4 140863 2.2·10−7 110733 3.5·10−5 110733 14768 100000 2.8·10−8 170970 1.4·10−5 140863 1.3·10−8 110733 2.2·10−6 110733 28792 150000 4.7·10−8 154108 2.7·10−6 140863 5.6·10−9 154108 4.3·10−7 110733 43621

Table 5: Performance of the method on the subset of 338640 geodesics using Cartesian coordinates.

n max(max|δC|) ID max(δr1) ID max|δα1| ID max|δC1| ID t (m) (m) (arcsec) (m) (s) 500 2.7·10−6 490402 2.6·10−4 126166 9.6·10−5 424861 2.7·10−6 490402 75 1000 8.3·10−8 434510 1.6·10−5 126166 6.0·10−6 424861 8.3·10−8 434510 123 2000 2.6·10−9 462032 1.0·10−6 126166 3.7·10−7 424861 2.6·10−9 462032 226 5000 9.1·10−10 159630 2.6·10−8 418118 9.6·10−9 499415 9.1·10−10 159630 478 10000 1.4·10−9 159630 2.2·10−9 159630 6.3·10−10 443838 1.4·10−9 159630 928

Table 6: Performance of the method on the full set of 500000 geodesics.

n max ID max ID max(δr1) ID max|δα1| ID max|δC1| ID t (max|δC|) (max|S|) (m) (arcsec) (m) (s) (m) 100 8.3·10−3 413757 1.4·10−9 130433 1.6·10−1 117312 4.3·103 293277 8.3·10−3 413757 83 200 2.6·10−4 407322 4.3·10−11 130433 1.0·10−2 117312 2.7·102 293277 2.6·10−4 407322 106 500 2.7·10−6 490402 4.5·10−13 261766 2.6·10−4 117312 6.9 293277 2.7·10−6 490402 132 1000 8.3·10−8 434510 1.0·10−14 252658 1.6·10−5 289531 4.3·10−1 293277 8.3·10−8 434510 217 2000 2.6·10−9 462032 <10−14 296969 1.0·10−6 286391 2.7·10−2 293277 2.6·10−9 462032 358 5000 9.1·10−10 159630 <10−14 486112 2.6·10−8 299239 7.0·10−4 292563 9.1·10−10 159630 789 10000 1.4·10−9 159630 <10−14 159630 2.2·10−9 159630 4.6·10−5 292563 1.4·10−9 159630 1502 20000 3.9·10−9 193167 <10−14 193167 4.2·10−9 193167 7.7·10−6 293277 3.9·10−9 193167 2971 40 Ë G. Panou and R. Korakitis

Table 7: Performance of the method for Group 1. Table 11: Performance of the method for Group 5.

n max(δr1) max|δα1| max|δC1| t n max(δr1) max|δα1| max|δC1| (m) (arcsec) (m) (s) (m) (arcsec) (m) 100 1.6·10−1 2.4·10−1 7.7·10−3 9 100 1.6·10−1 4.3·103 1.5·10−6 200 1.0·10−2 1.5·10−2 2.4·10−4 12 200 1.0·10−2 2.7·102 4.6·10−8 500 2.6·10−4 3.8·10−4 2.5·10−6 21 500 2.6·10−4 6.9 4.7·10−10 1000 1.6·10−5 2.4·10−5 7.7·10−8 34 1000 1.6·10−5 4.3·10−1 1.6·10−11 2000 1.0·10−6 1.5·10−6 2.4·10−9 63 2000 1.0·10−6 2.7·10−2 9.7·10−12 5000 2.6·10−8 3.8·10−8 5.1·10−11 155 5000 2.6·10−8 7.0·10−4 1.5·10−11 10000 1.7·10−9 2.4·10−9 6.3·10−11 306 10000 1.8·10−9 4.6·10−5 1.9·10−11 20000 3.2·10−10 2.2·10−10 9.5·10−11 553 20000 3.5·10−10 7.7·10−6 3.0·10−11 50000 4.9·10−10 3.6·10−6 4.7·10−11 Table 8: Performance of the method for Group 2.

n max(δr1) max|δα1| max|δC1| t (m) (arcsec) (m) (s) 100 1.6·10−1 1.3·10−1 8.3·10−3 5 200 1.0·10−2 8.2·10−3 2.6·10−4 6 500 2.6·10−4 2.1·10−4 2.7·10−6 10 Table 12: Performance of the method for Group 6. 1000 1.6·10−5 1.3·10−5 8.3·10−8 17 n max δr max|δα | max|δC | 2000 1.0·10−6 8.2·10−7 2.6·10−9 31 ( 1) 1 1 (m) (arcsec) (m) 5000 2.6·10−8 2.1·10−8 6.9·10−11 77 100 1.6 −1 17 6.9 −7 10000 1.8·10−9 1.3·10−9 6.0·10−11 150 ·10 ·10 200 1.0 −2 1.1 2.2 −8 20000 3.9·10−10 8.9·10−11 8.5·10−11 277 ·10 ·10 500 2.6·10−4 2.7·10−2 2.2·10−10 −5 −3 −12 Table 9: Performance of the method for Group 3. 1000 1.6·10 1.7·10 6.9·10 2000 1.0·10−6 1.1·10−4 2.2·10−13 −8 −6 −14 n max(δr1) max|δα1| max|δC1| 5000 2.6·10 2.7·10 <10 (m) (arcsec) (m) 10000 1.7·10−9 1.9·10−7 <10−14 −10 −9 −14 100 1.5·10−11 3.1·10−13 1.6·10−11 20000 3.6·10 2.5·10 <10 200 4.1·10−11 3.6·10−13 2.8·10−11 500 9.7·10−11 1.2·10−12 6.5·10−11 1000 1.6·10−10 1.2·10−12 1.3·10−10 2000 4.6·10−10 3.9·10−12 4.5·10−10 5000 1.1·10−9 5.7·10−12 9.1·10−10 10000 2.2·10−9 5.5·10−12 1.4·10−9 Table 13: Performance of the method for Group 7. 20000 4.2·10−9 5.3·10−11 3.9·10−9 n max(δr ) max|δα | max|δC | Table 10: Performance of the method for Group 4. 1 1 1 (m) (arcsec) (m) 100 1.6 −1 4.5 −7 8.3 −3 n max(δr ) max|δα | max|δC | ·10 ·10 ·10 1 1 1 −2 −8 −4 (m) (arcsec) (m) 200 1.0·10 2.8·10 2.6·10 500 2.6·10−4 7.2·10−10 2.7·10−6 100 1.6·10−1 2.2·10−3 1.2·10−6 1000 1.6·10−5 4.5·10−11 8.3·10−8 200 9.9·10−3 1.4·10−4 3.6·10−8 2000 1.0·10−6 2.8·10−12 2.6·10−9 500 2.5·10−4 3.6·10−6 3.7·10−10 5000 2.6·10−8 1.1·10−13 6.4·10−11 1000 1.6·10−5 2.2·10−7 1.2·10−11 10000 1.7·10−9 4.0·10−14 7.1·10−11 2000 9.9·10−7 1.4·10−8 1.0·10−11 20000 3.3·10−10 4.0·10−14 1.0·10−10 5000 2.5·10−8 3.6·10−10 1.5·10−11 10000 1.6·10−9 2.2·10−11 2.3·10−11 20000 2.6·10−10 1.8·10−11 2.9·10−11 Geodesic equations and their numerical solutions in geodetic and Cartesian coordinates Ë 41

Table 14: Performance of the method for Group 8. the inverse geodesic problem is more realistic than the direct geodesic problem, the proposed algorithm will be n max(δr1) max|δα1| max|δC1| used iteratively for the solution of the inverse problem, as (m) (arcsec) (m) has already been suggested by Jank and Kivioja (1980) and −1 −3 100 1.6·10 36 8.3·10 Vermeer (2015). −2 −4 200 1.0·10 2.3 2.6·10 Finally, we plan to apply this concept, i.e. to solve the −4 −2 −6 500 2.6·10 5.8·10 2.7·10 problem in space rather than on a , to other curves −5 −3 −8 1000 1.6·10 3.6·10 8.3·10 of geodetic importance, such as the normal section curve, −6 −4 −9 2000 1.0·10 2.3·10 2.6·10 the curve of alignment, the great elliptic arc and the loxo- −8 −6 −11 5000 2.6·10 5.8·10 7.4·10 drome, as well as in other suitable geodetic problems. 10000 1.8·10−9 3.6·10−7 7.3·10−11 −10 −8 −11 20000 3.6·10 3.7·10 9.4·10 Acknowledgement: The authors thank the reviewers for −10 −8 −10 50000 5.1·10 2.0·10 1.7·10 their constructive remarks and C.F.F. Karney for his valu- able comments on a preliminary version of this work.


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