July/August 2003 The Newsletter of The Civic Association


Reporter www.societyhillcivic.com Celebrates 40th Anniversary

Architect Ioeh Ming Pei to be Honored the Year by the American Institute of Architects and went on to build such icons as the John F. ou can’t miss Society Hill Towers. As Kennedy Library in Boston, Massachusetts, the Ymuch a landmark on the National Center for Atmospheric Research in skyline as the statue of William Penn atop Boulder, Colorado, the East Wing of the Smithso- City Hall, these three graceful high rises were nian National Gallery in Washington, D.C. and among the projects cited when their architect, the Pyramide de Louvre in Paris. The 37 Phila- Chinese-born I. M. Pei, was named the 1983 delphia townhouses in the Society Hill complex Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate, the earned Mr. Pei a 1964 design award from the profession’s highest accolade. U.S. Housing and Home Finance Agency. “Waffles?” “Uniquely On July 30, residents of the Towers and Society Hill Towers owes its origin to a few styled aluminum picture visionary Philadelphians, among them Edmund frames?” However they the 37 surrounding townhouses will celebrate were characterized by the 40th anniversary of the groundbreaking for Bacon, Charles Peterson, Joseph Clark and architectural critics in the Society Hill project with a small reception Richardson Dilworth, who in the 1940’s and the past, Society Hill for the 85-year-old Mr. Pei in two of the apart- 50’s vowed to stop the exodus of affluent city Towers and architect ments and at a poolside cocktail party. Among dwellers to the suburbs and save Philadelphia’s I.M. Pei will be honored commercial and residential buildings, over on July 30. other tributes planned is a commemorative book detailing the Towers’ history and the 30,000 of which were vacant at the time. architect’s life; a scholarship in Mr. Pei’s Society Hill, then called Washington Square name at Philadelphia’s Charter High School East, with its hundreds of historical but crum- of Architecture and Design; and, in honor of bling houses and its proximity to what would Mr. Pei’s love of natural materials, a garden become Independence National Historical featuring an Italian marble bench and a Park, was a natural place to begin. sundial created by artist Jill Sablosky. Construction on the Towers began in 1963 “Ieoh Ming Pei has given this century some of after the Dock Street produce market, consid- its most beautiful interior spaces and exterior ered one of the worst commercial slums in the forms,” said the Pritzer jury in awarding the country, was moved to the Food Distribution prize. It was not the first major award for the Center in South Philadelphia. Thirty-one acres architect, known for his reliance on abstract were purchased for urban renewal, with five form and use of stone, concrete, glass and of these set aside for a new apartment develop- steel. His firm, I. M. Pei & Partners (formed in ment. In 1963 the Aluminum Corporation of 1958), was named 1968’s Architectural Firm of America (Alcoa) took over 90 percent of the project. Perhaps surprisingly, a London firm, the Second Covent Garden Property Company, WED. MARK YOUR CALENDAR held the remaining 10 percent. July Society Hill Civic Association The Towers officially debuted to mixed reviews Board of Directors Meeting at a widely attended dedication on October 21, Wednesday, July 16, 2003, 7 p.m. 1964. One Inquirer reporter called the slim buildings “three…waffles poking into the 16 Old PIne Community Center Society Hill skyline.” Despite Pei’s growing 4th and Lombard Streets reputation, the amenities offered by Alcoa All Society Hill Civic Association members are encouraged to attend. (underground parking, a planned outdoor pool, If you will be driving to the SHCA Board meeting and plan to park in the well lighted walkways and elegant landscaping), lot on 5th Street, please DO NOT leave your car in the Fire Lane or in any and the city’s earnest efforts to renovate the “No Parking” zone. Vehicles illegally parked will be towed without warning. neighborhood around the complex, the continued on page 7 PAGE 2 SOCIETY HILL Reporter

SOCIETY HILL Reporter Editors (July/August Issue) Submissions Vicki Chatley See page 11 for details. Sandra Rothman Deadlines for the next issue: Editorial: August 11, 2003 Editorial Board Advertising: August 1, 2003 Bernice Hamel Carole LeFaivre-Rochester Signed letters to the Editor are always welcome and Business Manager may be published. and Photographer Matthew DeJulio Send submissions to: Society Hill Civic Association Contributors P.O. Box 63503 Matthew DeJulio Philadelphia, PA 19147 Martha Levine tel: 215-629-1288 Liza Seltzer fax: 215-629-9914 Keri White Linda Witt September Reporter Editors: David Woods Bernice Hamel Carole LeFaivre-Rochester Graphic Design [email protected] Visit our website: www.societyhillcivic.com

In this Issue…

Page 15 Page 22 SHCA Members Greet Project Street Trees: Spring at City Tavern Keeping Society Hill a “Greene Countrie Towne” Page 16 City Tavern, Page 27 the Reconstruction The Bookshelf: The of a Historic Building Scourge of Pestilence

Page 19 Page 30 South Street, Re-inventing Noteworthy Neighbors: Itself Once Again John Allen + Sheila Paulos


The May/June 2003 Reporter incorrectly stated that Bonnie Halda served for three years on the Board of Directors of the Society Hill Towers. It should have reported that Bonnie served on the SHCA Board as a representative of the Society Hill Towers. Bonnie has never served on the Management Council of Society Hill Towers.

In the last issue the Reporter also failed to acknowledge Linda Skale, the long-time co-chair of Society Hill Open House and Garden Tours. A special thanks is extended to Linda for her role in coordinating this successful program.

Caveat Emptor!

From time to time the Reporter will print articles about new commercial products or services available in our neighborhood. The purpose is to provide basic information to the reader. It does not signify endorsement of the product, service or business by the Reporter or SHCA. The reader should check references and conduct further investigation before making a purchase. JULY / AUGUST 2003 PAGE 3

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Join Us! ne of the things I’ve enjoyed most during Omy nine years in Society Hill is working with my neighbors on projects that help our community remain one of the most desirable urban neighborhoods in the country. By taking on the role of president of the Society Hill Civic Association (SHCA), I’m hoping to work closely with as many of you as possible. I hope you agree that SHCA is an important forum for neighborhood communication and action. But it only serves the neighborhood well if the individuals who are served by the association participate in it. So I’d like to take this opportunity to invite you, my neighbor, to get involved to whatever degree you are able. First and foremost, please join SHCA as a dues- paying member. We deliberately keep our dues At the May meeting Liza Seltzer, newly elected SHCA low to ensure that financial barriers won’t keep president, on behalf of the association presented a neighbors from joining. For just $40 a year per framed antique map of old Philadelphia to Malcolm household, our members benefit in many ways. Lazin, who completed his term as president of SHCA. Our streets are cleaner and better lit, we have if you don’t have the time or interest to get a library, new neighbors get SHCA Welcome involved in a formal capacity, there are other Baskets and, of course, we all get the Reporter, things each of us can do to support the work our outstanding community newsletter. of the association. You can: These are just some of the most tangible • Call us at 215-629-1288 when you see benefits, but there are others, too. For example, graffiti so we can arrange for its removal; SHCA works closely with our elected officials on issues such as the future of Penn’s Landing • Take the time to sweep your block on and the transfer of Washington Square to the Clean-up Day and pick up trash wherever National Park Service to ensure respect for you see it; and our neighborhood’s interests. SHCA is vigilant • Call us when a new neighbor moves in so on zoning and historic preservation issues that we can offer a Welcome Basket with gift have a direct impact on the character of our certificates and products from various community. In addition, SHCA is pursuing an neighborhood businesses. ambitious project to transform the underuti- lized Foglietta Plaza into a state-of-the-art These may seem like small things, ones many public facility. Rest assured that your dues of us — including myself — overlook. But if do make a big difference in the quality of life we remind ourselves that we are responsible we enjoy in Society Hill. for guaranteeing that Society Hill remains a place we’re proud to live in, perhaps we can do I’d also love to see more neighbors actively a better job in the future. So for the sake of our participate in SHCA. Come to our Board community, please be active and aware. And meetings — they’re open to all members let people know that the civic association is of the association. It’s a great place to share there to help make this a better neighborhood your ideas and concerns. Think about joining for everyone. a committee, becoming a Block Coordinator or offering to help out in an ad hoc way. Even —Liza Seltzer, SHCA President


Coming soon to a Society Hill street near you. Interested? Call Michael Erdos at 215-629-5857. PAGE 4 SOCIETY HILL Reporter

Wednesday - Saturday 6 - 10 pm JULY / AUGUST 2003 PAGE 5

Gambling in Philadelphia: Risky Business

SHCA officers testify at a City come together on the Mississippi River in Iowa and Illinois. According to her testimony, Council hearing on a bill intended to riverboat gambling was introduced there in regulate gambling through zoning 1991 and “within a couple of years its impact was clear; while casino parking lots were full s you may know, several gambling bills on a Saturday afternoon and businesses within Aare now pending in both houses of the a two-block radius were open, beyond that state legislature. About $700 million in annual small circle of economic activity there were revenue is predicted for Pennsylvania if slot countless stores, restaurants, car dealerships machines are permitted at racetracks or river- and other businesses boarded up.” She said boat casinos are allowed in Philadelphia. City she wouldn’t want Philadelphia to become zoning ordinances do not address the subject as unappealing a place to live as Atlantic City of gambling establishments. Thus, if gambling or New Orleans, which depend on gambling becomes legalized statewide, casinos could revenues to improve their schools and other be built anywhere in our city’s commercial city services. districts — without obtaining prior permission from the Zoning Board or any other Also speaking on behalf of Society Hill, city authority. Therefore, in an SHCA’s Vice President Bernice Hamel attempt to assert local control, said that our civic association would Councilman-at-Large James F. need to debate the potential benefit Kenney introduced a bill before or harm that gambling establish- the Rules Committee that would ments could bring to our neigh- give City Council the power over borhood and other communities zoning with respect to any gambling situated along the Delaware River. venues within Philadelphia. According to Hamel, “Bill No. 030122 would surely provide a level “It’s not that Council would have control,” of caution whereby the interests of taxpay- Kenney says, “It’s that the people Council ing citizens would be heard and given consider- represents would have control.” Bill No. ation.” Although Hamel recognizes the contra- 030122 would require any developer of a dictory needs of city development versus potential gambling establishment to obtain sources of city revenue, she said “voters zoning permission from City Council, which must become the ultimate decision-makers would ensure that individual taxpayers and regarding what could potentially have major communities have the opportunity to consider long-term consequences for us all.” and debate whether gambling will benefit or harm their respective neighborhoods or the As this issue goes to press, we’re pleased city as a whole. Should zoning be approved by to report that City Council Bill No. 030122 has City Council, the next step would be a series of become law. Mayor Street neither supported citywide public hearings from communities and the legislation nor vetoed it. Meanwhile, the citizens at large — taking into account the subject of gambling is currently being deter- needs and wishes of our city’s citizens. mined in both houses of the state legislature. We’ll keep you informed, and should a On May 1, 2003 the Rules Committee heard statewide gambling bill supersede any local testimony from several Center City leaders ordinance, we'll fight so that Philadelphia's and activists who support the bill. Liza Seltzer citizens can have a say in its own future. (at the time the nominee for SHCA president) spoke passionately in opposition to the very notion of gambling in the city, stating, What Are the Opinions of City Council Candidates? “Gambling is neither harmless recreation nor an easy way to generate revenue. The Philadelphia’s City Council facing Philadelphia. gambling industry thrives on addiction, and elections take place in Novem- Responses, excellent both ber. Before the May primary in quantity and quality, have the costs to the communities that invite it in the Coalition of Philadelphia been posted on the website far exceed the benefits when social factors are Neighborhood Associations www.Hallwatch.org. Look considered.” Seltzer personally witnessed the (CPNA) distributed question- under “Other,” select results of gambling when she lived in Chicago naires to candidates to deter- “Primary 2003” and then and visited the Quad Cities — four cities that mine their views on issues select “CPNA Questionnaire.” PAGE 6 SOCIETY HILL Reporter

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Open to the public Ready made shades • • All work done on premises Custom Shades • • 15,000 frames in stock Recovers expertly done • • Decorators welcome Any size, color, or shade • • M-F, 7 AM - 4 PM We will come to your or by appointment home or apartment! Shop at Home ALGA LAMPSHADES 325 N. 13TH STREET • PHILADELPHIA, PA 215-922-7746 JULY / AUGUST 2003 PAGE 7

The Land Value Tax: Boon or Bane?

he term “land value tax” (LVT) is finding selves but even worse, levies additional taxes Tits way into the conversations of Philadel- when owners make improvements. phia property owners. For two years City A team of researchers at Drexel University, Comptroller Jonathan A. Saidel, with support who completed an independent study this year, from some City Council members, has been report that four out of five homeowners would promoting the LVT as an alternative to the see a savings in a switch from assessing struc- onerous property taxes that have caused more tures on land to assessing taxes on the land than a few sleepless nights for city-dwellers itself. Additional advantages are that owners this past year. What is the land value tax? cannot evade or hide their assets and the And why should we have an interest in it? cycle of high real estate speculation versus Pennsylvania determines the assessed value bust times — something we have all seen of land and the buildings situated thereon sepa- frequently in the last few decades — becomes rately. Currently in Philadelphia about 78 per- inconsequential. cent of the real estate tax is attributed to build- To learn how the LVT might affect your real ings and 22 percent to the land. Thus, if you estate taxes, visit www.Hallwatch.org. Each have a row house and invest thousands of dol- Philadelphia property is found by its street lars for a new kitchen, a patio and a screened-in address. Listed among the advantages of the porch, your tax bill will rise substantially. Under land value tax for Philadelphians: the LVT, a larger portion of the property tax would be based on the value of the land and • It has worked in other cities; for example, these same improvements to the building Pittsburgh, which is using the LVT and has would increase taxes by a much lower amount. some of the least expensive housing in the country. Proponents of the LVT point to several bene- fits. It does not penalize owners who maintain • The tax can be controlled locally without in- and improve their property, including the many terference from state or federal government. older historical structures that lie within • The tax is progressive; the more land you Society Hill. It deters slumlords from holding have, the more taxes you pay. on to substandard buildings; they must have sufficient revenue to pay the higher tax on • The tax is easy to collect and difficult to avoid. land. It is likely they will either fix up commer- Discussion of this new taxing proposal is likely cial units or sell to someone who will develop to continue for some time. We promise to keep the property, thus reducing blight. The land you informed of the pros and cons of the land value tax is an alternative to the much- value tax — a new, bold proposal to fill the maligned property tax, which more often than city’s coffers without penalizing the initiative not penalizes owners for the buildings them- and creativity of its citizens.

Society Hill Toweres Celebrates 40 Years; Architect Ioeh Ming Pei Honored

continued from page 1 In 1964 Inquirer Real Estate Editor Oscar Teller Towers’ 720 units were not fully occupied for wrote that among new buildings in the city, the several years. But rental prices were reason- “brightest gem in the architectural crown is able for the area — from $130 a month for a Society Hill Towers.” By 1979, the buildings had studio up to $245 for a two-bedroom unit. become so popular that the complex switched Each apartment’s floor-to-ceiling windows from rentals to condos with many residents guaranteed a spectacular view of Philadelphia, choosing to make the Towers their permanent which a Daily News article described as being homes. In 1983, the Pritzker jury said Mr. Pei’s seen through “5,400 uniquely styled aluminum “versatility and skill in the use of material picture frames.” When the townhouses went approached the level of poetry.” In 2003, the on the market, another pundit wisecracked, full glory of these seminal buildings can be Architect I. M. Pei “A town house is what you call a row house seen at night when the brightly lighted units when it costs $45,000.” serve as a beacon for the homeward bound. PAGE 8 SOCIETY HILL Reporter

CONWAY REPAIRS The Society Hill Craftsman Don Zak Residential and Commercial Repairs Neighborhood Resident Specializing in Restaurants With “Old World” Skills Wood and Metal Doors Personal & Caring Attention to Detail & History (Locks & Closers) Custom Design Work Available Carpentry, Masonry, Electric, Plumbing Kitchen and Bathroom Walls and Floors Windows, Doors, Cabinetry, Flooring, Lighting (Tiling & Covering) Kitchen & Bath Renovations Intercom Systems for Homes & Apartments Pest Proofing Repairs & Maintenance Small & Medium Jobs Are My Specialty Neighborhood References, Lewis Conway Reliable, Affordable, Insured 215-227-1276 Call my sister (and Design Partner), Debbie Zak Cohen, to schedule an appointment & to learn how we will work with you to bring your visions to life. SINCE 1970 · FULLY INSURED 215-629-9715 JULY / AUGUST 2003 PAGE 9

Summer in the City

How to prevent car thefts. Keep Your Car and Its Contents Safe Since car break-ins can happen anywhere — on the street, in driveways, in open garages n article in the Philadelphia Inquirer, and in parking lots — a few minutes of thought May 18, 2003, notes that crime has A on your part can prevent them. Park in lighted decreased in the Sixth Police District, which areas and always lock your valuables in the includes Society Hill, by 1.3 percent. But there trunk, even if only for a few minutes. But, the is a disconcerting statement by a commander lieutenant says, it is not a good idea to leave in this district that during the summer months them there overnight. officers are assigned to work elsewhere. We asked Lieutenant John Walker of the South A few obvious suggestions: never leave your Street Mini-Station to give our community children in the car unattended; never leave some pointers on surviving the summer the car running when parked; never leave crime free. He sent these suggestions on your keys in the ignition. how to frustrate car thieves. Lieutenant Walker notes that the Philadelphia Your auto is an “open display”! Police Department (PPD) has a stolen auto Thieves tend to window shop and car owners verification program that permits police to stop Signs, posted on South, frequently give them both opportunity and a vehicle after 11 p.m. to verify ownership. This Lombard and Bainbridge enticement by leaving valuables in full view. Streets from Front to program is conducted through the Community Thieves will weigh their chances of getting Broad informing the Relations Officers in the car owner’s district. caught. Don’t give them that chance. public of a maximum Owners who wish to register are issued a yel- $300 fine, will enable How does the thief gain entrance? low sticker, which is placed on the rear window better enforcement of It takes a few seconds to break a window and a of the auto. For information, access the PPD the ordinance prohibit- website at www.PPDONLINE.org. ing loud radios. The handy rock or brick makes it easy. Sometimes signs were hung in mid- a kick or elbow will do the trick. Thus car own- A side note: Lieutenant Walker reminds May as a result of the ers have to deal not only with the theft but also efforts of Councilman us that our Mini-Station has a fund that helps the cost of window repair. Frank DiCicco. support the daily operations of the detail by What do thieves want? providing uniforms, bikes and other supplies. Thieves don’t necessarily want to take time The Police District Advisory Council maintains to steal a sound system or the contents of the this fund. Send tax-deductible donations, made glove compartment. In most cases, valuables payable to the “Friends of the South Street left in full view are the targets, and at the top Mini-Station,” to 905 South Street, Philadelphia, of the list are cell phones! PA 19107.

Vandalism Strikes Society Hill

n the morning of June 1, neighbors found inappropriately. That person may be harmless, Ooverturned and cracked planters, destroyed but he could be a potential vandal or burglar. hanging baskets, new graffiti and one case of a pushed in front door in Society Hill. Shattered It is important to notify the police whenever an glass surrounded several cars. Vandalism incident occurs so they are aware of the amount appeared to be the cause of the damage. of criminal activity that is taking place in Society Hill. Nothing should be considered too insignif- The police were contacted and the officers icant to report. There is a car designated specif- assigned to the Sixth Police District offered ically for our neighborhood, so your call won’t suggestions to prevent these thoughtless acts take an officer away from other duties. from happening. Report ALL incidents of van- dalism to the police, who will come to your Your first call should be to 911 to report home and take down the information. Be sure the crime. Yes, vandalism is a crime. Then to get the officer’s name and badge number so contact neighbor Marilyn Appel, chair of you can follow up to make sure a report has the Sixth Police District Advisory Council, been filed. Also, call the police if you notice a at 215-922-2626 or [email protected]. Help suspicious person wandering around or acting keep our neighborhood a safe place to live. PAGE 10 SOCIETY HILL Reporter

• One-on One Obedience Training at Home • Behavioral Consultation • Puppy Head Start • Positive Methods only • Gift Certificates Available Queen Village (215) 551-5254 Hours by Appointment JULY / AUGUST 2003 PAGE 11

Pride of Place A Public Forum on Current Urban Design Topics

ecently a new ad hoc, informal and the Design Advocacy Group represent a Rindependent group conducted its first virtual “Who’s Who” from our area’s most “Pride of Place” public forum, held on May 6 prestigious universities and corporations. at Carpenters’ Hall. The mission of this Whether specializing in history, fine art, or organization, called the “Design Advocacy architecture and design, their purpose is to Group,” is to provide an informed public consider recent developments in the city and voice for quality in architecture and physical region, hear presentations from prominent planning of the Philadelphia region. Drawn individuals, and vote to take advocacy from a spectrum of disciplines and comprised positions. of motivated individuals who are engaged in The group’s May 6 “Pride of Place Forum” matters of design, development and planning at Carpenters’ Hall resulted in a standing- — and who are not afraid to speak out —- room-only event, surprising even its organiz- the goal is to be proactive as well as reactive; ers by the number and variety of people who effective as well as thoughtful; critical as well showed up. Clearly many Philadelphians care as constructive . about what happens in our city and region. This group cares about development of Several Society Hill residents, including the waterfront, parking garages and trans- Bernice Hamel and Becky Stoloff, reported portation issues, and preserving our city’s that the session offered a fascinating and treasures. They have engaged in advocacy engaging series of presentations on various on a variety of issues to date, including one planning issues that will shape our city for close to our own hearts: the management of years to come. Based on discussions raised the Penn’s Landing design charrette in con- at the event, the group will prepare questions junction with the University of Pennsylvania for the mayoral candidates at a follow-up and The Philadelphia Inquirer. Founders of forum in September.

Letter to the Editors: To Submit Copy to the Reporter One of the goals of the Reporter is to print our readers may be interested to know news of interest to Society Hill residents — Ythat the 1980-81 SHCA Board of Directors especially happenings in and around our pictured (SHCA Reporter, May/June 2003, community. If your organization would like “Remember When,” page 9) was the board that to have information about an event it is spon- approved the proposal of one of its officers to soring included in this newsletter, copy should upgrade The Resident Newsletter, a four-page be submitted to the SHCA office by e-mail ([email protected]), mail (Society Hill Civic typed and copied sheet, to a professionally Association, P.O. Box 63503, Philadelphia, PA printed newsletter with advertising to under- 19147) or fax (215-629-9914). Material must write its cost. Members of this board also over- be submitted in writing and include the name came many obstacles to make resident sticker and phone number of a contact person. parking a reality, at a time when many streets Promotional items may appear if there is of Society Hill looked like a free parking lot for space; otherwise, upcoming events will be New Jersey commuters and others. listed in the calendar. Copy may be edited. Thank you for publishing the photo. I expect The deadline for submission of material is that many of those in the photo who still live in around the tenth of the month in February, Society Hill enjoyed looking back as much as I April, June, August, October and December. The exact deadline for the next issue can be did. Maybe other presidents will have a similar found on page 2 of the Reporter. The Reporter photo taken that could appear in a future is distributed between the third and tenth day Reporter. of January, March, May, July, September and —Nancy Frenze November. PAGE 12 SOCIETY HILL Reporter

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JULY / AUGUST 2003 PAGE 13 Quick Hits Arms & All e g Lisa Pytlewski stomach Penn’s Landing hiFitness Trainer / Consultant ip B.S. Exercise Physiology he 11 community groups in proximity to gs TPenn’s Landing have engaged the firm of h (610) 308-2023 Wallace, Roberts and Todd to analyze Penn’s s [email protected] Landing and develop a charrette depicting the type of development which should take place at this important location. Wallace, Roberts and Todd is a land-planning firm that special- izes in waterfront sites and was responsible for planning the successful Baltimore Inner Harbor. At the May meeting SHCA approved spending $10,000 for this endeavor from the $100,000 grant received from State Represen- tative Marie Lederer to be used for capital projects. Councilman Frank DiCicco, in whose district Penn’s Landing lies, supports the approach the local civic groups are taking. DiCicco will be instrumental in determining the type of development and the developer eventually selected for Penn’s Landing.

Chestnut Street

he Coalition to Free Chestnut Street — Ta group formed to seek the reopening of Chestnut Street to traffic after barriers were placed at the entrances to the 500 block as a security measure for Independence Hall follow- ing the events of 9/11 — thought its work had been completed when Philadelphia Mayor John Street opened the block on April 1. In fact, the Coalition changed its name to The Independence Mall Business and Residents Commission and planned to concentrate on further improving the park — such as, hope- fully, removing the “temporary” unsightly bar- riers from the sidewalks. However, in late May the Secretary of the U.S. Interior Department, Gale A. Norton, wrote a letter to Mayor Street once again advocating the closure of Chestnut Street in front of Independence Hall. And so the saga continues!

Foglietta Plaza

here is support for developing Foglietta TPlaza, which already is the site of the Korean War Memorial, as the location of a tribute to police and firefighters. Congress- man Robert A. Brady is pursuing funding from Washington to construct a memorial and associated renovations to this square. It is likely the name would be changed to “Heroes Plaza.” PAGE 14 SOCIETY HILL Reporter


Flower Boxes/Containers/Patio/Balcony Mike Waddell (215) 923-3082 [email protected] Thank you for a wonderful season, let us all welcome summer! JULY / AUGUST 2003 PAGE 15

SHCA Members Greet Spring at City Tavern

n June 2, approximately 250 easily accommodated in the Tavern's OSociety Hill Civic Association spacious garden. The hors d'oeuvres members gathered to enjoy beautiful were delicious, but the dessert table, weather and the wonderful hospitality with a tempting assortment of mouth- of City Tavern. The large turn-out was watering treats, was awesome ! pring Fling

Incoming Board Member Robin Komita (center) her An actress in historical garb greets SHCA Vice husband, Mario Moussa, and SHCA Vice President President Martha Levine, her husband, Howard and Membership Chair Kelly Nelson. Sedran, and their daughter, Elizabeth.

Norm Wisler, Rosemary Weinberg, and Marcia Wisler. Diana Anhart and Michael Erdos, incoming board member and head of Town Watch.

Holly and Greg Flanagan, Javad Parvizi, and Fabiba Al and Joanne Di Santo, SHCA Past President Mel Kasemkhani. Buckman and Zoning Chair Paul Boni. PAGE 16 SOCIETY HILL Reporter

City Tavern: The Reconstruction of a Historic Building

wo hundred and thirty years ago Tthis summer, at the corner of 2nd and what was then Gold (now Moravian) Street, carpenters and joiners, carvers and ironmongers, painters and bell hangers (who installed the pulleys and cranks which rang the bells that summoned servants) worked fever- ishly on the final touches for what Philadelphia investors hoped would be “the most convenient and elegant structure of its kind in America.” Then, 30 years ago, a group of archi- tectural historians, museum curators and experts on colonial era foodstuffs worked just as feverishly, sleuthing out old maps and engravings, all those car- penters’ and ironmongers’ invoices, as well as years of fire insurance surveys of interior details so they could repli- cate that very same building in time for our nation’s 200th birthday. That building was City Tavern and Society Hill’s Penelope (Penny) Hartshorne Batcheler, a long-time American Street resident, was the National Park Service’s historical architect (now retired) in charge of getting City Tavern back up (it had been demolished in 1854 following deterioration after an 1834 fire damaged the structure) and back in time and toast the Founding first anniversary of the signing of the authentically detailed. To be ready Fathers with an ale they might have Declaration of Independence. A band for the Bicentennial in 1976, the recognized. composed of Hessians who had been project to refurbish — and in some captured at Trenton by General cases recreate — structures that “The Park Service knew City Tavern George Washington provided the played a role in the nation’s indepen- had to be a part of Independence musical accompaniment. dence had started in the mid-1950’s National Historical Park,” she said. Invaluable clues to what the building and was going full bore by the early An inn as well as a restaurant, it had and its original setting had been came 1970’s. It was important to determine been patterned after the most fashion- from diverse sources. An early Charles what City Tavern’s original “archi- able English clubs in London, and “all Willson Peale portrait of one of the traves” or window trims were, how the guys who signed the Declaration of founders of the Philadelphia Dancing the stair railing went from one floor to Independence ended up at City Tavern Assembly revealed an archway in the the next, and if the front of the build- after sessions. It was here that Paul probable entrance hall. A London ing sported a sidewalk-wide canvas Revere came in 1774 when he rode political cartoon from the era showed canopy in summer (it did), because so from Massachusetts to Pennsylvania a period tavern’s glassed-in serving much of the drama in the founding of to announce that the British had block- bar, which suggested that City Tavern the country was played out here. aded Boston’s port…. Nearly 300 citi- zens crowded into City Tavern to hear might have had a similar one. Then Penny imagined the new tavern reactions of city leaders and out of that Penny’s team found a 1796 newspaper being the stage for “modern social and evening came the resolve to form the ad in which City Tavern boasted, “for cultural events, echoing those which First Continental Congress.” conveniency (sic) the Bill of Fare is to took place then, as well as a living his- be had at the bar” which cinched the tory facility” where a tourist or a long- A few years later, on July 4, 1777, City case. A bar “keep” now is a feature of time modern-day neighbor could step Tavern hosted a grand dinner for the the main floor reception suite. JULY / AUGUST 2003 PAGE 17

Butterhead Lettuce with Raspberry Shrub Vinaigrette Makes 2 cups vinaigrette; Serves 6 1/2 cup raspberry shrub [available for purchase at City Tavern] 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar 1 teaspoon granulated sugar 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1 1/2 cups olive oil Salt and freshly ground white pepper 3 heads butterhead (Boston/Bibb) let- tuce or mixed greens, rinsed & torn 1.In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the raspberry shrub, bal- samic vinegar, sugar and mustard. 2.Slowly add the olive oil, whisking constantly. 3.Season with salt & pepper to taste. 4.Cover and refrigerate for 10 minutes, until chilled. 5.When ready to serve, whisk the dressing. Pour over the lettuce or mixed greens and toss to coat.

From the City Tavern Cookbook © 1999 by Walter Staib. Running Press Book Publishers, Philadelphia and London. Signed copies of the book are available at City Tavern.

Architect Benjamin Henry LaTrobe’s taste,” she noted in her official report more trouble you give, the more good 1798 watercolor of the proposed Bank in 1973, there were numerous restau- things you call for, the more welcomer of Pennsylvania — with City Tavern as rants in the immediate area and “it is (sic) you are.” its neighbor on the south — and a not the intention of the National Park drawing from the mid-1800’s of the inn, Service to place itself in competition.” How would its architect rate this after it had become an auction house, Instead, her report suggested City modern day version of the “Cheers” both precisely rendered the exterior. Tavern should “serve a historic menu of 1776? Penny and George Batcheler Archeological digs were ruled out at a reasonable price.” Hence, Thomas take out-of-town guests there, but she because several later buildings with Jefferson’s sweet potato biscuits and wishes it were a bit quieter. “I now deep basements had been built on the tavern turkey stew with fried oysters think they may well have had a lot of site, but clues to pottery and cooking (inspired by a dish in Martha Wash- carpets; after all, it wasn’t a country implements were available from other ington’s Booke of Cookery) are both tavern.” The historian in her laments nearby sites. staples of the menu currently served the non-authentic glass doors inside by Walter Staib, chef/proprietor and the entry. “They were losing too much Penny originally imagined the lower author of City Tavern Cookbook - 200 heat out the front door and, because level kitchen as a learning experience Years of Classic Recipes from America’s it was rebuilt before the energy crisis, complete with authentic cooking for First Gourmet Restaurant. the building isn’t very well insulated.” the thousands who annually tour Phila- delphia. “But right from the start the Her report also quotes Dr. Samuel One fact turned up in her research that space was needed for dining and we Johnson on the subject of taverns to was not “architectural data” and there- never outfitted it as a colonial era kit- suggest what City Tavern’s ambiance fore did not make her original report, chen.” While “the visitor’s experience might aspire to, a “general freedom but still it delights her: “We know that in the structure should be enhanced from anxiety. You know you are wel- Martha Washington slept here. We by an appeal to his sense of smell and come, the more noise you make, the don’t know about George.” PAGE 18 SOCIETY HILL Reporter

Rent a Villa – Rent a Cottage Serenity & Luxury in Society Hill Gaskill House Bed &Breakfast Romantic. Charming. Peaceful. Private. Reservations & gift certificates contact: Guy Davis, Manager 215-413-0669 www.gaskillhouse.com • 312 Gaskill Street • Philadelphia, PA 19147 • JULY / AUGUST 2003 PAGE 19

South Street, Reinventing Itself Once Again

he South Street Headhouse District, under South Street is as old as the city of Philadelphia. Tthe leadership of executive director Barry And while hundreds of tenements, many still Cassidy, believes that it’s time to update the standing, always housed working class men and image of South Street, a neighborhood that has women drawn to the area by its proximity to the experienced a myriad of transformations since Delaware River docks and to New Market, the its birth as Cedar Street, the southernmost makeup of these laborers changed with time. Meet me on boundary of William Penn’s “faire country town.” South Street, An ambitious streetscape initiative, which will Home to almost every immigrant group, the last big wave of refugees was Eastern European Jews (oh yeah) start this year, promises many exciting changes, hurry on down! including fire engine red lampposts! who started arriving in Philadelphia in 1881 to escape the pogroms of their native countries. (oh baby) Work on the 2nd Street Plaza between Pine and They left an indelible mark on the street, first Meet me South Streets has already begun. Thanks to a with their peddler carts and sweatshops, then as on South generous grant obtained by State Representative Philadelphia’s unofficial garment district. Today, Street, It’s the Marie Lederer, water is again flowing in the historic Fabric Row, offering an unparalleled tex- fountain at 2nd and Lombard Streets. Next, the tile resource, is virtually all that’s left of the hippest street elevated median strip and individual meters will clothing trade. in town! be removed and replaced with a state of the art parking meter system at either end of the plaza. The neighborhood reinvented itself once again Once the square is resurfaced and utilities relo- in the mid-1960’s as suburban malls changed the cated, the resulting large, open space will be used retail industry. Shoppers dwindled, property val- for street festivals and family-style entertainment. ues plummeted and the street went into decline. These problems were exacerbated when the city Phase I of the Streetscape Program is scheduled toyed with the idea of demolishing South Street to start in several months. South Street, from to build a cross-town expressway. Struggling Front to 8th, will get all new lighting, sidewalks, artists and ethnic restaurateurs seized the eco- curbs and trees. The street itself will be com- nomic moment and set up shop. In doing so they pletely re-paved. Bike racks will be installed and changed the look and spirit of the street forever. parking meters will be double headed to reduce It became Philadelphia’s trendy melting pot, the clutter. The project will take 10 months to com- place where, as the Orlons sang in 1963, “all the plete, during which time the Streets Department hippest meet.” is committed to maintaining access to businesses. Phase II, according to Planning Chair Ann Verber, Society Hill’s gritty neighbor to the south is once will eventually extend the streetscape renovations again poised for change. And those bright red to the remainder of the businesses and proper- street posts suggest that it’s a change worth ties that are within the district’s boundaries. waiting for!

St. Peter’s Churchyard Restoration Continues

n Wednesday, June 11 Historic St. as seedlings or cuttings from the Lewis OPeter’s Church Preservation Corpor- and Clark Expedition in 1803-1806. ation (HSPCPC) held its first open-to-the- While the iron gates, brick wall and stone public annual meeting in the churchyard finials have been restored, much work at 3rd and Pine Streets. The cemetery remains including gravestone restoration, began interring parishioners in 1760 and landscaping, brick walkways and lighting. now displays over 230 years of American burial iconography, but time has taken its HSPCPC was founded in 1991 to preserve toll on the gravestones. John Carr, a con- this unique site — often referred to as an servationist retained by HSPCPC, demon- oasis in this old city — or the green lung strated how he and his staff will restore of this brick neighborhood. If you would broken headstones. Rob Cox, manuscript like to contribute, send donations to librarian for the American Philosophical HSPCPC at 313 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Society, talked about the botanical signifi- PA 19106 or call 215-925-5968 for volun- John Carr and Kristin Cardi cance of the Osage orange trees in the teer opportunities such as tour guide discuss gravestone damage southwest corner, which arrived either or gardener. with Roy Bernat of HSPCPC. PAGE 20 SOCIETY HILL Reporter

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St. Peter’s Church an Episcopal Church at 3rd and Pine Streets 215-925-5968 www.stpetersphila.org Please join us for services All are welcome at God’s table Sunday - 9:00 & 11:00 AM

Christian Education for all ages - 10:00 AM Nursery care available


Kids’ Beat a column by Keri White Family Friendly Businesses

e’ve all been there. Walk into a boutique environment that openly (and bravely) accom- Kid’s Quote Wwith a stroller and see the grimace. Bring modates families. They even hang a sign in the an infant to the salon and hear “maybe it’s time window with a list of things they welcome — “Zocalo? No way! to wean your baby.” Or my personal favorite, kids with sippy cups and strollers included! I want to go to “Ever hear of a sitter?” Lucky for us, there are Abode • 718 South Street Cafe Spice! ” lots of family friendly businesses in and around The newest edition to American Pie Crafts, Society Hill. The following is a subjective Abode features family friendly furniture. It assortment of a few of the many local mer- Kelsey, age 4 encourages families to visit and lounge on chants who go beyond common courtesy to Society Hill Kid the pieces. According to Kira, “if they are not accommodate children. comfortable around the furniture in our store, Philadelphia Java Co. • 518 South 4th Street they won’t be comfortable in their home.” A haven for both parents and children. Adults Recognizing the importance and magnitude of can acquire their lifeblood (aka caffeine) in the furniture selection, Abode encourages partici- form of La Colombe coffees, cappuccinos and a pation by the entire family. Bring the Game- variety of teas. There are plenty of kid friendly boys and coloring books and try out the sofas snacks (bagels, muffins, pastry, panini) not to and tables. Now that’s customer awareness! mention hot chocolate topped with whipped House of Tea • 720 South 4th Street cream. The staff is attentive enough to craft Another favorite of ours and an essential stop mom-approved cocoa (not too hot, not too on my errand circuit. Owner Jessica Litt always chocolatey) and to remember which kid must has a friendly hello for the little ones and, more have whipped cream and which recoils at the importantly, a generous bowl of candy for their stuff. In addition, there are two large bins of gluttonous pleasure. Like American Pie, House toys in the back seating area and a spacious, of Tea stocks a large selection of lovely, fragile clean bathroom for frequent emergency trips. items, but Jessica never restricts the exploring Owners Alia Banna and Jerry Roseman provide eyes and hands of my curious companions. a hip and friendly cafe for one and all. Long may they brew! TLA • 517 South 4th Street A great, friendly locale. Day Manager Kennie Salon@5th • 316 South 5th Street Bowen makes the effort to say hello to my kids, Salon@5th provides hair and nail services to remembers them by name, and takes the time adults while accommodating haphazard school to rap with a neighbor’s son about super- and childcare schedules. Tina Mai, the mani- heroes. TLA’s staff never fusses when my curist, opens the shop an hour early to pamper daughter sits on the counter and draws pic- the moms who have early preschool pickup. tures on their notepaper while we negotiate Stylists are always willing to adjust their sched- which films to rent. And they are understand- ules to comply with parental duties. Owner ing and matter of fact about the inevitable late Steven Chernekoff even provided me with a fee. We still have to pay it, of course, but they supply of his adorable miniature white shop- are not judgmental tyrants about it! ping bags when my daughter refused to eat lunch from any other satchel. (We have since moved on to a pink monogrammed lunchbox.) On Halloween, the shop was festively decorat- ed and gave obscene amounts of candy to trick- or-treaters. While Salon@5th does not provide services to children, there is no dirty look when a stroller enters the premises.

American Pie • 327 South Street A beautiful, but breakable collection of merchandise. Its selection of gifts, jewelry, housewares, and arts and crafts is oh-so-fragile. However, owners Peter and Kirsten Ebert, along with their daughter Kira, have created an PAGE 22 SOCIETY HILL Reporter

SHCA: Block Coordinators in Action

Cleaner lock Coordinators are ready to help out who participated in this endeavor include the & Greener Bwhen needed. They assist SHCA in com- following Block Coordinators: Laura Temple municating with you, as well as giving you a for the 200 block of South American Street; contact person on your own block to address Sandra Williams, 200 South Philip; Hans and your concerns. This spring Block Coordinators Cherry Bombeck, 500 Spruce; Elizabeth Armour, provided a neighborhood-wide mass 200 Delancey, and Kevin Yoder (with neighbor distribution of fliers for two major events — Janet Cook), 200 South 3rd. Kelly Nelson, with the Society Hill Open House and Garden Tours Blackwell Place neighbors, did an amazing job and Clean-up Day. Each Block Coordinator removing dead plants and revitalizing commu- delivered fliers to his or her respective block. nal garden space. Adrianna von Pein, with finan- Some also posted “Move your car” signs on cial support from neighbors, tends to Lawrence poles and trees to allow proper street cleaning. Walkway and St. Peter’s Way by planting con- Open House posters were displayed in many tainers, placing hanging baskets and keeping Block Coordinators’ windows. The civic associ- the area clean. She also enticed Super Fresh’s ation thanks you. We couldn’t have done it Manager, Joe Black, to provide complimentary without your assistance. mulch, which she placed around tree pits outside the store on 5th Street. Many Coordinators also initiate projects on their blocks. Several obtained contributions Roseann Loesch, although not a Block from neighbors to purchase plants and place Coordinator, organized the pruning of trees them in hanging the baskets. Neighbors take on the 400 block of Spruce, allowing more turns watering the colorful flowers. Organizers light to penetrate the street.

Keeping Society Hill a “Greene Countrie Towne”

he SHCA has received a grant from the wants to relocate in the Society Hill area and TGreen Tree Perpetual Assurance Company re-establish its identity. We enthusiastically to match, dollar for dollar (up to a maximum of welcome its participation in our Project Street $2,500 per year), the civic association’s subsidy Trees program. for planting street trees. SHCA will reimburse homeowners $150 You may have noticed the Green Tree medallion for planting a street tree. With the matching on some of the historical houses in our neigh- funds from Green Tree, the subsidy rises to borhood. The company was founded over 200 $300. Trees not only improve the look of our years ago as an offshoot of the Philadelphia neighborhood, but also provide welcoming Contributionship, which refused to grant fire shade from the heat of the summer sun. insurance for houses that had trees in front. We hope many residents will take advantage Green Tree, aware that new fire pumps made of this opportunity to add greenery to our this restriction antiquated, began to provide streetscape. fire insurance for homes with trees on the property. Thus, the tree symbol became its If you would like to have a new tree in front mark. Green Tree, which currently has its of your house, please contact the SHCA office corporate headquarters at One Liberty Place, at 215-629-1288.

House and Garden Tours Successful

o-chairs Linda Skale and Martha Levine Inclement weather on Sunday, June 1 Creport that this year’s Society Hill Open decreased garden tour participation from House Tour attracted a record-breaking 350 last year’s 265 visitors; but the 160 brave souls visitors on Sunday, May 4. It was a lovely who did tour the 19 gardens, many of which spring day, perfect for enjoying the eight beau- are located in private courtyards or behind tiful private homes on the tour, as well as St. the walls of enclosed patios, marveled at their Peter’s Church, and the beauty. Linda and Martha appreciate the Powell House. With two-thirds of the net pro- assistance of the many neighbors who ceeds benefiting SHCA, it was a great day. volunteered for these events. JULY / AUGUST 2003 PAGE 23

ADVERTISEMENT 100% Commitment Leads to 100% Satisfaction

A little trust gave these homebuyers a price range, it strengthened their offer by letting the seller know they were serious and exactly what they wanted... could afford the home. a new home in just 16 days! As the Garramones Exclusive Buyers’ Agent, I Roland and Susan Garramone were relocating devoted my full energy and attention to finding from Los Angeles to Philadelphia so that them a home that would meet their needs. I Roland could take a new and better position gave them frequent phone and e-mail updates, within his company. From the beginning, they and in just 16 days we found a condo which was knew they wanted a different kind of home EXACTLY what they wanted. They put in an Rosemary Fluehr, GRI buying experience—better than the difficult offer with their pre-approval that was accepted. Associate Broker real estate situations they had encountered in Rosemary Fluehr, Buyers looking for a new home sometimes the past. They wanted to pick the right agent— 215.440.8195 feel it is better to have 4 or 5 agents working 215.627.6005 one who would be honest with them, put for them, but fail to realize that not one of rosefl[email protected] their interests first, and be a professional. those agents is giving them 100%. When we first met, I explained to them the IF YOU FIND AN AGENT YOU TRUST benefits of signing a contract to work with a AND COMMIT TO THEM 100%, your Buyers’ Agent—making a 100% commitment home purchase will be much smoother, to one agent who will make a 100% commitment and you will get what you want and need. to find them a new home. The Garramones were skeptical, but since they were referred Don’t lock yourself in with an agent who to me by a satisfied client, they agreed. Next, is not giving you 100%. Call me today for a I got them pre-approved for a mortgage. Being buyer interview and examine a free copy of pre-approved not only helped them to focus on my “Buyer Agency Contract.” PAGE 24 SOCIETY HILL Reporter JULY / AUGUST 2003 PAGE 25 MEMBERSHIP

We Can Do It! SOCIETY HILL CIVIC ASSOCIATION Membership Application/Renewal Sure We Can!! o Renewal o New et’s join Membership Cheerleader Kelly o $40 Family LNelson as she rallies the troops to try a little o $100 business harder. “Ninety-five more is what it takes; nine- ty-five more is a piece of cake!” We’re so close o $60 businesses with under 5 employees $ to our record-breaking goal of 1,000 members Additional contribution for o Anti-Graffiti/ that we can taste it! And why, you ask, is mem- o Tree Tending o Lighting o Litter Control $ bership so important? It’s because 60 percent of our revenue comes from SHCA dues. We Check if you wish to receive use this money to fund weekly sidewalk clean- o Guide for Property Owners o Historic Windowpane Plaque ing, remove graffiti, subsidize tree planting and support our volunteer committees. Look for Total enclosed $ our newest service in the crevices and crannies I/We would be interested in working with one of SHCA’s committees. nearest you, as the association is adding a My/Our interests include: vacuum to enhance sidewalk cleaning. Name We welcome four new business members: The Green Tree Perpetual Assurance Company Address Apt. # (which we also thank for its major contribution City, State, Zip to Project Street Trees), Alma Bove Interiors, Great Beginnings Child Development Center Home Phone and St. James Associates. We also thank all the Work Phone neighbors who joined the association this year. To the at least 95 others out there who teeter E-mail

on the verge: don’t delay. Fill in the member- Mail to Society Hill Civic Assoc., P.O. Box 63503, Philadelphia, PA 19147 ship form found on this page and mail it, with your check, today. If you cannot afford membership dues, please donate what you can. Planning to Repaint Your House?

Tips for the Fussy Homeowner are essential to get rid of rough spots. When wood is exposed, it must be primed before he Society Hill Preferred List of Contract- paint is applied. Cracked paint around window- Tors has served us well by providing an panes must be removed. Use caulk to seal win- extensive list of contractors of all types recom- dows to keep water out. Prepatory work is time mended by neighbors. Typical comments by consuming; if a painter gives you a very low users are “It’s like gold” or “It’s our bible.” estimate, you may be getting a quick, but not thorough job that will need repainting in two Painting contractor Charlie Gallagher, of years. A good job will last five or more years. Gallagher & Sons Master Painters, who has 40 years of experience, offers a few suggestions Every year following exterior painting, have on how to achieve satisfactory exterior house the painter return to wash the painted surfaces painting. The best time to paint the exterior of again with TSP to loosen accumulated dirt, etc. your home is between April and November, Just as you wash your car periodically, you because air temperature should be over 50 should wash the painted surfaces of your degrees. Hire a contractor with good refer- home to prevent oxidation and peeling paint. ences and one who usually works in this area, Brass hardware, such as knockers, knobs as working on old wood requires special skill. and mail slots, should be removed and cleaned, Use the best quality paint you can afford. polished and lacquered to revive their finishes. Cheaper paints may change color or fade. For more information, call Charlie Gallagher Thorough preparation is paramount. The wood at 610-532-6904. To receive a contractor list surfaces should be hand washed with TSP contact Martha Levine at 215-629-0727 or (trisodium phosphate) to remove dirt, mildew, [email protected]. Sorry, we cannot fax or exhaust from cars/buses, acid rain and salt e-mail the list to you. This is a service available that collect on the surface. Sanding and repair to all SHCA members or prospective members. PAGE 26 SOCIETY HILL Reporter JULY / AUGUST 2003 PAGE 27

THE BOOKSHELF The Scourge of Pestilence

ith the threat of West Nile Virus, SARS Introducing “The Bookshelf” Wand bio-terrorism lurking in our contem- porary world, it is easy to imagine the scenario Living in an historic neighborhood brings of a deadly disease appearing without warning out the armchair historian in most of us. in our nation’s capital. The best doctors dis- With this in mind, the Reporter introduces agree about the origin and treatment of the a new column, “The Book Shelf,” which features publications, for adults and chil- illness. As the death toll mounts, a growing dren, that are certain to feed our need to number of residents flee for their lives. explore Philadelphia’s past. This is exactly what happened during Philadel- phia’s yellow fever epidemic of 1793. During a Bring Out Your Dead: period of four months, nearly 10 percent of the The Great Plague of Yellow city’s population of approximately 55,000 per- Fever in Philadelphia in 1793 ished, making it one of the deadliest epidemics (Studies in Health, Illness and Care-giving) John H. Powell, et al in U.S. history. The impact of this disaster was Paperback, The University of Pennsylvania, 1993 compounded by Philadelphia’s status at the time as the capital of the United States. During the hot, mosquito-infested summer of 1793, the dreaded yellow fever spread like In late summer, as the number of deaths wildfire, killing people overnight. Like specters began to climb, 20,000 citizens, including from the Middle Ages, gravediggers drew carts George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and through the streets crying, “Bring out your other members of the federal government, dead!” Historian John Harvey Powell presents fled to the countryside. a penetrating study of human nature revealing In an effort to prove themselves morally itself in his psychological portrait of a city in superior to those who reviled them, Phila- terror. Bring Out Your Dead is his absorbing delphia’s black community dedicated itself to account, from the original sources, of an tending the sick and dying as nurses and also infamous tragedy that left its mark on all serving as cart drivers and gravediggers. it touched. Despite the popular belief that blacks could not contract the disease, 240 died of the fever. Both books are available at the Independence Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia, After the epidemic, a street-by-street, alley- 13 South 7th Street. by-alley count of fever deaths was compiled. Today we can find that list in the 1795 Federal Census at the National Archives, 9th and Chestnut Streets. Fever 1793 Laurie Halse Anderson Aladdin Library; Reprint edition (March, 2002) Catering & Conference Center Ages 9-12 Corporate Meetings In Fever 1793, author Laurie Anderson takes a Social Events Philadelphia teenager through this devastating epidemic. Mattie’s story turns into one of sur- Wedding Receptions vival and growth as she overcomes the terrible Holiday Parties scourge herself, then must search for other You and your guests will enjoy survivors, battle both terrified neighbors and renowned cuisine and impeccable looters, and attempt to restore her family and service in your choice of seven fortunes while her former cook, a freed slave, elegant private dining and works with the African Free Society to visit and meeting rooms. assist the sick. Anderson makes Mattie’s story Call Today For a Personal Tour! believable — and in the process builds a The Grand Ballroom 215•925•2040 picture of Philadelphia in the days when it Visit Our Web Site at www.downtownclub.com was the nation’s largest city and capital. ACROSS FROM INDEPENDENCE HALL AT 6TH & CHESTNUT STREETS,PHILADELPHIA,PA 19106 PAGE 28 SOCIETY HILL Reporter

In Society Hill Real Estate One Name. One call. Izzy Sigman Outstanding service and results. Every time. My recent sales My New Listings 604 Addison St 234 Lombard St 211 Delancey St 251 Pine St 126 Delancey St 112 Pine St 109-111 Pine St 224 Delancey St 507 Pine St 218 Pine St 214 Pine St Call Izzy Sigman

226 South Street 215-922-4200 x 228 215-306-2864 Pager JULY / AUGUST 2003 PAGE 29


Fun for Kids at Atwater Kent Arts and Crafts Fair Also Features Workshops he Atwater Kent Museum of Philadelphia Twill again be sponsoring Phil-A-Kid he summer “Crafts & Fine Arts Fair” Summer History Camp for children ages Tsponsored by The Creative Collective has 8-13. Now in its 20th year, this program is returned to the historic Head House Shambles designed to explore Philadelphia’s history market place at 2nd and Pine Streets for its during the Colonial, Victorian and 20th 35th year. Every weekend through September Century time periods. During the week artists and crafts persons will exhibit jewelry, of August 4-8, campers will learn about ceramics, clothing and other wares. In addition, communication, transportation and multi- every Sunday between 1 and 3 p.m. there will culturalism in the early 20th century with be workshops for children ages 3 to 10. For visits to the Ben Franklin Bridge, the more information, please call 215-790-0782. Independence Seaport Museum, the National Liberty Museum and the Paul Robeson House. During August 11-15 the focus will be on the 19th century with visits to City Hall, Eastern State Penitentiary, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and the Mutter Museum. Registration is underway and will continue until available space is filled. There is a fee. For more information contact Caren Cronin at 215-685-4832 or [email protected].

New Exhibit at Atwater Kent Museum

“The Living Landmark: Philadelphia’s Liz Eaby at the helm of another season for Independence Hall,” an exhibit of images and the Creative Collective Crafts & Fine Arts objects tracing the evolution of this unique Fair at historic Head House Square. building as a symbol of American Liberty, is the Atwater Kent Museum’s current feature. “The Living Landmark” explores how each era in our country’s history interpreted Indepen- dence Hall and used it as an icon of American freedom. Independence Hall has been the site of the Pennsylvania State House, Federal Court rooms and City Council Chambers, as well as a focal point for demonstrations for causes as diverse as the abolition of slavery, women’s suffrage and gay rights. The exhibition runs through December 29. The Atwater Kent Museum, located at 15 South 7th Street, is open every day except Tuesday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call 215-685-4830. PAGE 30 SOCIETY HILL Reporter


“Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty – a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture.” —Bertrand Russell

ike his idol Bertrand Russell, John Allen LPaulos is both a mathematician and a philosopher; and like Lewis Carroll, who not only created Alice in Wonderland but also the less fanciful Euclid and His Modern Rivals, he combines mathematics with whimsy. He is the author of such popular works as Innumeracy, I Think Therefore I Laugh, Mathematics and Humor and his just-published seventh book, A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market. A professor at Temple University, Paulos describes mathematics as “elegant, ethereal, and playful” but too often presented and taught with a narrow focus. And in his A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper, he takes the press to task for playing fast and loose with numbers. He has communicated his fascination with — and expertise in — risk and probability in the New Paulos’ wife Sheila is not only a major fan, York Times and the Wall Street Journal and on pointing out that Innumeracy graced the New the Larry King and David Letterman shows. York Times bestseller list for 18 weeks, sold He also served for two years on the editorial half a million copies and was translated into board of the Philadelphia Daily News trying, 13 languages, but she is also an accomplished as he puts it, “to straddle the disparate realms writer. The author of nine romance novels, of Pythagoras and Pulitzer.” including Champagne and Red Roses, which she describes as “a surprise bestseller,” she recently completed a mainstream novel. In addition, Sheila teaches writing at the A THANK-YOU TO OUR NEIGHBORS University of the Arts and a course on intellectual heritage at Temple. The Society Hill Civic Association The pair, who met at the University of Clean-Up Day Wisconsin, lived in the Philadelphia suburbs Committee thanks before moving to Society Hill seven years ago all neighborhood when their two children went off to college. residents who With their cat Puffin, they inhabit a charming volunteered their circa 1810 house on the 600 block of Pine Street. time and talents to They describe the area as vibrant and ideal for help make Clean-up walking to theatres, bookstores and historic Day successful. sites. When not at home, John and Sheila are Special mention either at their summer home in Acadia National goes to the Doe Fund Park in Maine or traveling in Europe. of Philadelphia and its volunteer group, It’s no simple matter to calculate the odds — the “Ready, Willing and probability — that husband and wife would both Able,” for assisting meet at one university, teach at another and be us with this project. prolific, popular authors. But that’s the mathe- matical truth — and indeed the beauty of it. JULY / AUGUST 2003 PAGE 31

The Green Tree Perpetual Assurance Company

Under the headline, “A New Society certified that the property must be protect- for Ensuring Houses from Loss by Fire,” ed by the company’s private fire brigade. readers of the Philadelphia paper The Benjamin Franklin, whose many Independent Gazetteer; or the Chronicle civic interests included fire protection, of Freedom for Saturday, August  of joined with other prominent citizens of  were informed of the following: Philadelphia in  to form a volunteer A great number of the citizens of fire-fighting association called the Union Philadelphia, who are proprietors of Fire Company. This company proved houses in the city, and its suburbs…have to be so successful that it stimulated the found it convenient and agreeable to formation of many other such compa- them, to have trees planted in the streets nies. Effective as many of them were in before their houses, which…is expressly putting out fires, however, fire and its The Contributionship, however, did permitted by a law of the state; …who attendant financial losses were inescap- not rescind its by-law banning trees, and signified their willingness, that a new able threats in a city built largely of in July of , sixty-one, or nearly half, addition should be made to the premi- brick and wood. of its policyholders announced their in- um of their insurance, for the supposed tention in the city’s newspapers to form In March of  Franklin and other risque, attending trees in cases of fire, a new company unless the ban on trees like-minded residents of Philadelphia as is now done with respect to bake- were lifted within two months’ time. joined together to form the city’s first houses, coopers, apothecaries, and oil- fire insurance company, The Philadelphia The Contributionship held firm and, men’s shops; stores containing pitch, tar, Contributionship, and took as its fire in the end, eighteen dissident tree-lovers brimstone, &c.; …wherefore a number mark the image of four hands crossed of Philadelphia broke away from the of persons, desirous of having their and clasped in a pattern resembling a city’s first fire insurance company to houses ensured from loss by fire, and fireman’s chair. In Philadelphia a fire form its second on September , . feeling themselves precluded from the mark was more a matter of advertisement They elected thirteen of their number advantages of the present institution, than a demand for fire-fighting assistance. — some being absent at the time — have judged it necessary to form another Here, when a fire broke out, everyone as trustees and named George Emlen Society for the purpose aforesaid, and who could was expected to pitch in and the treasurer of their new society. have entered into an agreement, that as join the bucket brigades. Not until the soon as so many persons as have property The first meeting of the new society turn of the century would there finally in houses, to the value of one hundred was held on October , , at which be sufficient water pressure in the City thousand pounds collectively, shall have time the members drew up the articles to support the use of hoses. Each of the signed the said agreement, a meeting under which the new society would be neighbors who rushed to help would of the subscribers should be called, to governed. At a second meeting five days bring a pair of leather buckets bearing form a place for the management of later, they met at the City Coffee House, his own initials and join bucket brigades the intended Society. and the members then present approved of as many as a thousand people. the articles, or Deed of Settlement, and With this grand one-sentence paragraph, In  The Contributionship the name of the new society: The Mutual the intention to found a second fire determined that street trees were an Assurance Company for Insuring Houses insurance company in the city was impediment to the work of these bucket from Loss by Fire. Soon after, the trust- announced to the Philadelphia public. brigades and, declaring that it would no ees decided upon a well-pruned tree as The idea of a group of citizens banding longer insure a property that had trees an appropriate emblem to signify the together for their mutual protection nearby, demanded that its members new company. The trustees determined should one of their number suffer a remove them. The Pennsylvania that it should be printed on the Deed financial loss due to fire originated in Assembly followed in the Contribution- of Settlement, “and that a Tree, formed London in  with the formation of ship footsteps in April of the following in Lead, shall be the Badge or Mark to a society known as the Amicable Contri- year and ordered that all street trees be be fixed upon all Houses insured by this butionship for the Insurance of Houses removed. Colonial Philadelphians, being Society.” The fire mark quickly caught against Fire. Each property insured by rightly proud of what remained to them on and from that day to this, the the Amicable Contributionship was of Penn’s woods to shade their residential company has been known familiarly as marked by a lead emblem of two clasped streets, must have expressed their displea- The Green Tree. Many of The Green hands, signifying the mutual nature of sure with considerable force, for the law Tree’s fire marks can still be seen on the insuring company. This fire mark was repealed by that same September. properties today. To be continued…

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2003-04 SHCA OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Officers Quadrant Directors President Northeast Liza Seltzer 215-625-2100 [email protected] Colleen Farrell 215 241-9377 [email protected] Lee Dennis 215-829-1505 [email protected] Vice Presidents Keri White 215-592-9633 [email protected] Paul Boni 215-989-0034 [email protected] Bonnie Halda 215 625-0793 [email protected] Northwest Bernice Hamel 215 925-4363 [email protected] Morris Chomitz 215 629-0245 [email protected] Martha Levine 215 629-0727 [email protected] Joe Gritz 215 629-7064 [email protected] Kelly Nelson 215 925-6799 [email protected] Lisa Karlin 215-923-3889 [email protected] Treasurer Southwest Frank Hoban 215 592-3245 [email protected] Gene Gualtieri 215-923-5439 [email protected] Robin Komita 215-928-1535 [email protected] Recording Secretary Frank Signorello 215-413-3380 [email protected] Luisa Boverini 215-746-2762 [email protected] Southeast Tania Rorke 215-925-4544 [email protected] Vicki Chatley 215-925-2519 [email protected] Michael Erdos 215-629-5897 [email protected] Condominium Representatives Hopkinson House SOCIETY HILL George Koch 215-922-6019 [email protected] Independence Place Reporter Sissie Lipton 215 925-2112 [email protected] www.societyhillcivic.com Society Hill Towers Hugh McCaffrey 215-629-7474 [email protected] Alan Halpern 215 925-3431 [email protected] Administrator Penns Landing Condo Matthew DeJulio 215-629-1288 [email protected] Bruce LeBuhn 267-671-9681 [email protected]