THE WESTFIELD LEADER the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County YEAR—No. 23 Entered As Second Class Matter Published Post (Mflce
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THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County YEAR—No._23 Entered as Second Class Matter Published Post (Mflce. Westfield. N. 3 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1556 Fvery Thuradny 32 P«*e»—SC—U lary Boosts Set For Local Blood Donor Service Voters Approve Budget, [olice, Fire Departments Issues Plea For Recruits An urgent need for recruits for tives of these groups will be asked ' the Westfield-Mountainside embu- to attend a meeting of the dorio Mis* Martin Is New | latory blood donor service was service March 21. Elect 3 To School Board icil Action stressed at a meeting of its board Attending last week's re-organi Children's Librarian of directors last week. The short- zation meeting, in addition to Dr, lows Public | age. of donors is acute, according Armstrong, whyo represented the Doctors' Polio Clinic Miss Ann Martin of Honesdsle, to Dr. Lorrimer Armstrong, chair- Westfield Medical Society, wer Scheduled Monday Balloting Is Pa., has been appointed children's man, and the file of rare blood Ray Corcoran, chairman of the ring Monday librarian of the Westfield Memor- types extremely low. In order to Westfield Red Cross, Mayor Joseph A Salk anti-polio vaccine Light Here As ial Library by the Board of Trus- assure adequate whole blood sup- Komish of Mountainside, Dr. Bruce clinic for eligible children plies, Dr. Armstrong added, more Malcolm and Owen McWiliiams oi fown Council Monday night tees at their January meeting. whose parents are unable to donors must be enlisted in the the Junior Chamber of Commerce "f>ay will be conducted by the limously adopted an ordinance Miss Martin was graduated service. Raymond Grant of the YMCA 481 Go to Polls iding salary increases fow from Gettysburg, College in June> Westfield Medical Society 1954, and, completed work for a Dr, Armstrong explained, "Dur- Mrs. John Swink of the Servic< Monday at the Well ,Baby :bers of the police and Bre de- ing the first year, our registration League, William Mayer of Clino In a school board election thai ments. master's, degree at the School of Station at the YMCA. The saw 481 of 13,150"registered vot- of' blood, donors was thoroughly path Lab, and the following repre- clinic will open at 10 a.m. ie measure, which provides Library Service of Columbia Uni- era go to the (polls Tuesday night versity this January, miss Martin adequate for the variety of surgi- sentatives of the Red Gross: Mes Children must be accompan- raise for the police chief, cal, medical, and obstetrical calls dames John Mann, J. S.^Skelly, W three member;s^were elected to the „ for the fire chief and f 200 majored in English literature at ied by their'parents. Board of Education and a school Gettysburg and worked in the for whole blood treatment in this R. Clotworttiy, J. W. Valentine, E other policemep, and firemen area. But, after the outbreak of B.,Gebert, F. Gottfried, and Haze budget of 11,745,749 was approved, Brooklyn' Library while working There were no contests for thi •oaetive to Jan. 1. { the Korean conflict, we discon- Bungenstock. for her library degree; She will school board seats.' j measure also authorizes fill the position left vacant by tinued any further registration at MV Agency pay boosts for most town Mis?' June Mackey, whose resigna- the request of, the local Red -The vote this year was relative- Lyees. Another provision en- Dr. Socknian To Cross because it conflicted with ly light, compared to last year's, and t0 re cn tion was'accepted the first qf the Is police nremen ? year, when she left to be married. their program of collection for Here Still Open when 1,970 votes were cast Th« [.ay of $4,800 at the start of Open Lent Series war purposes.-'At the' close of^hos- drawing card at that time wan thi jr fourth year instead of fifth. tilities, the Red Cross vscnt letters board's proposed school building rting salary is $3,900 under the to these war-time registrants ask- Four in County program. However, this year's, r ordinance. CD Chief < Begins Tonight in ing-them to continue for the local Close This Week vote was heavier than 1954 when •he,salary of Police Chief A1- Presbyterian Church Blood Donors Service. Howevtr, DR. GEORGE VOLKEL 344 residents cast ballots, In 1953, t p. pjrrntanrt goes to $7,500 our list of available donors has Richard Pettit, Westfield agent, i;0(iG persons voted; 249 in 1963 dwindled in the natural cpurse of and 158 in 1951. ar and Fire Chief William H. Warden Resigns Dr. Ralph W. So'ckmfrn, interna- said today that things are still en to $7,100. Pay scale of events / during the last several "up in the air" concerning the The vote this year was about lionally known pasW -pf Christ years.'1 ' Church Organist „ officers is: Captain, $6,000; "Church in. New YoVk will be the closing of the local motor vehicle 15-1 in favor of the items includ- enants, $5,600; sergeants, Allen Datesman first guest rfreacher at the FamouB The local service has provided agency. Pros and cons of the ed in the budget. Vote on current detective lieutenant, $5,800, Lenten Preaching* Series~which Ije* 711 pints or bieod free of charge closing are being studied, he said. To Give Recital expenses of $ 1,688,499 was 448 yes detectives, $5,150. i Leaving Community gin today at g p.m. in the Pres- for. 244 residents of the two com- Union County Motor Vehicle 'and 29 no; on repairs and replace- re officers will receive: Sen ibyterian Church. • ' , • . munities. Originated by the Red Agencies began closing yesterday, ments amounting to $131,016. 453 iptains, $5,800-; captaii*, $6,- Citoss in Octpber, 1949, at the re- starting it Summit. The Cran- Public Invited for and 23 against, and on capital and lieutenants, $5(16,0. Sal- The resignation qf Chief C/D Dr. Sockmanjwas named one of quest of the Westfield,Medical,So- tKer six foremost clesfcym'en of, all ford 'agency is scheduled to close outlay totalling $26,015,442 in faV. a for town officials are: Clerk, Warden Allen L. Datesman was ciety, the service , enlisted 872 tomorrow with Plainfield and Hill- Sunday Afternoon or and 31 opposed, IJ00; tax collector? , $6,200; accepted with regret by .Norman denominations in this country tor donors., This number, it was re- side following Saturday. Wer, $7,400; engineer, $13,- T. Sprague, municipal director of day in a pool conducted by the ported- has dropped to 511. Al- Dr. George William Volkel, or- The three members elected to; I; assessor and clerk of the Civil Defense, to take effect imme- Christian Century. At Quite Uni- though not an official Red Cross It appeared this week that the ganist and director of "music at the board and nominated by, th« versity, further recognition was Westfield agency, originally sched- Joint Civic Committee are H, D, rd. of assessors, $(i,7«0, and diately/ Mr. Datesman, who has service, the agency pays for typ- the Presbyterian Church in West- v ,'are director, $6,200. served in this capacity since Jan- given Dr. Sockman when' he was ing of donors and administers the uled to close, will be retained but field will give a recital in the sanc- Merrill, wty> was re-elected; Rob>, hailed as the "Dean of the Amcri. that at least one other county of- ert H. Mulreany and Louis J. DDu.. Another ordinance adopted in- uary, 195*3, is leaving the cornmun- service. WILMA HOYLE JENSEN tuary Sunday at S p.m. The public ises the term of Magistrate ity in the near, future for resi- lean Protestant Pulpit;." fice will be closed instead. The is invited to hear the program ghi. Mr. Merrill topped the bar. Explanatory literature, instruc- Springfield office may be the one. lot with a total of 464 votes. Mr, M. Beard from ole to dence in Florida. The Rev. Dr, Sockman Is pas- tion sheets and i donOfT cards will which will be as follows: tor of Christ Church, Methodist, However, there isn't much more Fantasia and Fugue in G Minor, Muh-GLny received 466 and Mr.- lee years and boosts his salary Richard D. Gruman of 127 South be distributed next month during Dughi, 439.' • „ • Euclid avenue has been. appointed Park avenue at 60,th street in New the annual Red Cross drive, it was Recital Program than headaches in sight for those Johann Sebastian Bach (1(S85- i (3(000 to $3,500. York City. He and his parishion- agencies which will remain, in- 1750); Adagio (Suite in D), Bach; Write-in votes at the Elm Street fcouncil also adopted an or- as chief warden to take Mr. Dates- announced. 'As an additional part Schol were for Guy R. Byam and man's place andjwill be backed by ers began the planning of a new. of the service's recruitment cam- cluding two in Elizabeth and of- Badinerie (Suite for Flute and kiii vacating unused sections church building fn 1929. The struc- Set For Sunday fies in Rahway, Hostile, Linden Strings), Bach; choral-preludS: William L. Riederer, present board fetter street, Irving avenue and deputy chief wardens Fred Mont- paign, members of the Westfteld' members who did not seek re-elec- : gomery and ^Cseph W. Freeman. ture of Byaan^ine design was com- Junior Charriber of Commerce will and Garwood. Frederick J. Gas- Christians, Rejoice, Bach; Ave enue.