5B bus time schedule & line map

5B , Blatchington Mill School Grounds - View In Website Mode , Asda Crowhurst

The 5B bus line (Hove, Blatchington Mill School Grounds - Hollingbury, Asda Crowhurst) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) : 12:04 AM - 11:44 PM (2) Hollingbury: 12:07 AM - 11:37 PM (3) University Of : 7:07 AM - 4:22 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 5B bus station near you and nd out when is the next 5B bus arriving.

Direction: Hangleton 5B bus Time Schedule 67 stops Hangleton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 12:04 AM - 11:16 PM

Monday 5:30 AM - 11:44 PM Sussex House, Tuesday 12:04 AM - 11:44 PM North-South Road, University Of Sussex North-South Road, Wednesday 12:04 AM - 11:44 PM

Science Park Road, University Of Sussex Thursday 12:04 AM - 11:44 PM Friday 12:04 AM - 11:44 PM Mill Street, Saturday 12:04 AM - 11:44 PM Railway Station, Falmer

Brighton Academy, Road, England 5B bus Info Hikers Rest, Direction: Hangleton Park Road, and Hove Stops: 67 Trip Duration: 65 min Varley Halls, Coldean Line Summary: Sussex House, University Of Sussex, Chalvington Close, North-South Road, University Of Sussex, Science Park Road, University Of Sussex, Mill Street, Falmer, Top Of Hawkhurst Road, Coldean Railway Station, Falmer, Brighton Academy, Stanmer, Hikers Rest, Coldean, Varley Halls, Coldean, Top Of Old Boat Corner, Coldean Hawkhurst Road, Coldean, Old Boat Corner, Coldean, Crowhurst Road West, Hollingbury, Asda Crowhurst Crowhurst Road West, Hollingbury Road, Hollingbury, Crowhurst Road North, Hollingbury, Carden Hill, Hollingbury, County Oak Avenue North, Hollingbury, Carden Crescent, Asda Crowhurst Road, Hollingbury Hollingbury, Dale Drive, Hollingbury, Long Man Of Crowhurst Road, Brighton and Hove Wilmington, Hollingbury, Greeneld Crescent, Hollingbury, Braybon Avenue Top, Hollingbury, Crowhurst Road North, Hollingbury , Brighton, Surrenden Holt, Brighton, Loder Road, Brighton, St Mary's Church, Carden Hill, Hollingbury Brighton, Beaconseld Villas Top, Brighton, Lucerne Road, Brighton, Beaconseld Villas Middle, Brighton, County Oak Avenue North, Hollingbury Beaconseld Villas Bottom, Brighton, Springeld Road, Brighton, Preston Circus, Brighton, Baker Carden Crescent, Hollingbury Street, Brighton, London Road Shops, Brighton, St 189 Carden Avenue, Brighton and Hove Peter's Church, Brighton, North Road East, Brighton, Dale Drive, Hollingbury , Brighton, North Street, Brighton, Churchill Carden Parade, Brighton and Hove Square, Brighton, Clarence Square, Brighton, Waitrose, Brighton, Norfolk Square, Brighton, Long Man Of Wilmington, Hollingbury Brunswick Place, Hove, , Hove, Church Close, Brighton and Hove Second Avenue, Hove, Town Hall, Hove, Eaton Road, Hove, George Street, Hove, Portland Road, Hove, Greeneld Crescent, Hollingbury Coleridge Street, Hove, Tavern, Hove, Greyhound Stadium, Hove, Waitrose, Hove, Nevill Braybon Avenue Top, Hollingbury Way, Hove, Court Farm Road, Hove, St Peter's Church, Hangleton, Hangleton Road Twitten, Varndean College, Brighton Hangleton, Hangleton Road Shops, Hangleton, Grenadier Hotel, Hangleton, Library, Hangleton, West Surrenden Holt, Brighton Way Twitten, Hangleton, Towns Corner Shops, Hangleton, Northease Drive West, Hangleton, Sherbourne Close, Hangleton, Spencer Avenue, Loder Road, Brighton Hangleton, Poplar Avenue, Hangleton, Barnet Way, Poplar Close, Brighton and Hove Hangleton, Hardwick Way, Hangleton, Hardwick Road, Hangleton St Mary's Church, Brighton 71 Preston Drove, Brighton and Hove

Beaconseld Villas Top, Brighton

Lucerne Road, Brighton

Beaconseld Villas Middle, Brighton

Beaconseld Villas Bottom, Brighton 19 Stanford Avenue, Brighton and Hove

Springeld Road, Brighton 72 Beaconseld Road, Brighton and Hove

Preston Circus, Brighton 77 London Road, Brighton and Hove

Baker Street, Brighton 06-11 Baker Street, Brighton and Hove

London Road Shops, Brighton 119 London Road, Brighton and Hove

St Peter's Church, Brighton 7-8 York Place, Brighton and Hove

North Road East, Brighton Gloucester Place, Brighton and Hove

Old Steine, Brighton Old Steine,

North Street, Brighton Poplar Place, United Kingdom

Churchill Square, Brighton 201 Western Road, United Kingdom

Clarence Square, Brighton 164/165 Western Road, United Kingdom

Waitrose, Brighton Western Terrace, United Kingdom Norfolk Square, Brighton Norfolk Square, Brighton and Hove

Brunswick Place, Hove 31 Brunswick Square, Brighton and Hove

Palmeira Square, Hove Western Road, Brighton and Hove

Second Avenue, Hove 36 Church Road, United Kingdom

Town Hall, Hove

Eaton Road, Hove

George Street, Hove Blatchington Road, United Kingdom

Portland Road, Hove

Coleridge Street, Hove 139 Sackville Road, United Kingdom

Hove Park Tavern, Hove 93 Old Shoreham Road, Brighton and Hove

Greyhound Stadium, Hove

Waitrose, Hove 121 Nevill Road, Brighton and Hove

Nevill Way, Hove Frant Road, Brighton and Hove

Court Farm Road, Hove Howard Court, Brighton and Hove

St Peter's Church, Hangleton

Hangleton Road Twitten, Hangleton

Hangleton Road Shops, Hangleton

Grenadier Hotel, Hangleton Poplar Avenue, Brighton and Hove

Library, Hangleton

West Way Twitten, Hangleton

Towns Corner Shops, Hangleton

Northease Drive West, Hangleton

Sherbourne Close, Hangleton Sherbourne Close, Brighton and Hove

Spencer Avenue, Hangleton Poplar Avenue, Hangleton

Barnet Way, Hangleton

Hardwick Way, Hangleton

Hardwick Road, Hangleton Hardwick Road, Brighton and Hove Direction: Hollingbury 5B bus Time Schedule 58 stops Hollingbury Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 12:07 AM - 11:22 PM

Monday 5:03 AM - 11:37 PM Hardwick Road, Hangleton Hardwick Road, Brighton and Hove Tuesday 12:07 AM - 11:37 PM

Barnet Way, Hangleton Wednesday 12:07 AM - 11:37 PM

Hangleton Valley Drive, Hangleton Thursday 12:07 AM - 11:37 PM Friday 12:07 AM - 11:37 PM Spencer Avenue, Hangleton Saturday 12:07 AM - 11:37 PM Sherbourne Close, Hangleton Sherbourne Close, Brighton and Hove

Northease Drive West, Hangleton 5B bus Info Towns Corner Shops, Hangleton Direction: Hollingbury Stops: 58 West Way Twitten, Hangleton Trip Duration: 61 min Line Summary: Hardwick Road, Hangleton, Barnet Library, Hangleton Way, Hangleton, Hangleton Valley Drive, Hangleton, Spencer Avenue, Hangleton, Sherbourne Close, Grenadier Hotel, Hangleton Hangleton, Northease Drive West, Hangleton, Towns Corner Shops, Hangleton, West Way Twitten, Queens Parade, Brighton and Hove Hangleton, Library, Hangleton, Grenadier Hotel, Hangleton Road Shops, Hangleton Hangleton, Hangleton Road Shops, Hangleton, Hangleton Road Twitten, Hangleton, St Peter's Sunninghill Close, Brighton and Hove Church, Hangleton, Court Farm Road, Hove, Nevill Hangleton Road Twitten, Hangleton Way, Hove, Waitrose, Hove, Greyhound Stadium, Hove, Hove Park Tavern, Hove, Coleridge Street, Hove, Ellen Street, Hove, Livingstone Road, Hove, St Peter's Church, Hangleton George Street, Hove, Eaton Road, Hove, Town Hall, Hove, Second Avenue, Hove, Palmeira Square, Hove, Court Farm Road, Hove Brunswick Place, Hove, Norfolk Square, Brighton, 188/190 Nevill Road, Brighton and Hove Waitrose, Brighton, Clarence Square, Brighton, Churchill Square, Brighton, North Road, Brighton, Nevill Way, Hove Brighton Station, Brighton, North Road, Brighton, Nevill Place, Brighton and Hove North Street, Brighton, Old Steine, Brighton, St Peter's Church, Brighton, London Road Shops, Brighton, Waitrose, Hove York Hill, Brighton, Preston Circus, Brighton, Stanford Avenue, Brighton, Beaconseld Villas Greyhound Stadium, Hove Bottom, Brighton, Beaconseld Villas Middle, Brighton, Lucerne Road, Brighton, Beaconseld Hove Park Tavern, Hove Villas Top, Brighton, St Mary's Church, Brighton, Loder Road, Brighton, Surrenden Holt, Brighton, Coleridge Street, Hove Varndean College, Brighton, Braybon Avenue Top, Hollingbury, Greeneld Crescent, Hollingbury, Long Ellen Street, Hove Man Of Wilmington, Hollingbury, Dale Drive, Ethel Street, Brighton and Hove Hollingbury, Carden Crescent, Hollingbury, County Oak Avenue North, Hollingbury, Carden Hill, Livingstone Road, Hove Hollingbury, Crowhurst Road West, Hollingbury, Asda Goldstone Villas, United Kingdom Crowhurst Road, Hollingbury

George Street, Hove

Eaton Road, Hove Town Hall, Hove 60 Church Road, United Kingdom

Second Avenue, Hove

Palmeira Square, Hove Church Road, Brighton and Hove

Brunswick Place, Hove 34-35 Western Road, Brighton and Hove

Norfolk Square, Brighton 130 Western Road, Brighton and Hove

Waitrose, Brighton 135 Western Road, United Kingdom

Clarence Square, Brighton 169-174 Western Road, United Kingdom

Churchill Square, Brighton Unit 54 Churchill Square, United Kingdom

North Road, Brighton 48 Queens Road, Brighton and Hove

Brighton Station, Brighton 69-70 Queens Road, Brighton and Hove

North Road, Brighton 28 Queen's Road, Brighton and Hove

North Street, Brighton North Street, United Kingdom

Old Steine, Brighton Pavilion Parade, United Kingdom

St Peter's Church, Brighton St. George's Place, Brighton and Hove

London Road Shops, Brighton Marshalls Row, Brighton and Hove

York Hill, Brighton 26-27 Elder Place, Brighton and Hove

Preston Circus, Brighton

Stanford Avenue, Brighton Stanford Avenue, Brighton and Hove

Beaconseld Villas Bottom, Brighton

Beaconseld Villas Middle, Brighton

Lucerne Road, Brighton

Beaconseld Villas Top, Brighton St Mary's Church, Brighton

Loder Road, Brighton

Surrenden Holt, Brighton

Varndean College, Brighton

Braybon Avenue Top, Hollingbury

Greeneld Crescent, Hollingbury

Long Man Of Wilmington, Hollingbury

Dale Drive, Hollingbury Dale Drive, Brighton and Hove

Carden Crescent, Hollingbury

County Oak Avenue North, Hollingbury

Carden Hill, Hollingbury

Crowhurst Road West, Hollingbury

Asda Crowhurst Road, Hollingbury Crowhurst Road, Brighton and Hove Direction: University Of Sussex 5B bus Time Schedule 69 stops University Of Sussex Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:07 AM - 4:22 PM Hardwick Road, Hangleton Hardwick Road, Brighton and Hove Tuesday 7:07 AM - 4:22 PM

Barnet Way, Hangleton Wednesday 7:07 AM - 4:22 PM

Hangleton Valley Drive, Hangleton Thursday 7:07 AM - 4:22 PM Friday 7:07 AM - 4:22 PM Spencer Avenue, Hangleton Saturday Not Operational Sherbourne Close, Hangleton Sherbourne Close, Brighton and Hove

Northease Drive West, Hangleton 5B bus Info Towns Corner Shops, Hangleton Direction: University Of Sussex Stops: 69 West Way Twitten, Hangleton Trip Duration: 86 min Line Summary: Hardwick Road, Hangleton, Barnet Library, Hangleton Way, Hangleton, Hangleton Valley Drive, Hangleton, Spencer Avenue, Hangleton, Sherbourne Close, Grenadier Hotel, Hangleton Hangleton, Northease Drive West, Hangleton, Towns Corner Shops, Hangleton, West Way Twitten, Queens Parade, Brighton and Hove Hangleton, Library, Hangleton, Grenadier Hotel, Hangleton, Hangleton Road Shops, Hangleton, Hangleton Road Shops, Hangleton Hangleton Road Twitten, Hangleton, St Peter's Sunninghill Close, Brighton and Hove Church, Hangleton, Court Farm Road, Hove, Nevill Hangleton Road Twitten, Hangleton Way, Hove, Waitrose, Hove, Greyhound Stadium, Hove, Hove Park Tavern, Hove, Coleridge Street, Hove, Ellen Street, Hove, Livingstone Road, Hove, St Peter's Church, Hangleton George Street, Hove, Eaton Road, Hove, Town Hall, Hove, Second Avenue, Hove, Palmeira Square, Hove, Court Farm Road, Hove Brunswick Place, Hove, Norfolk Square, Brighton, 188/190 Nevill Road, Brighton and Hove Waitrose, Brighton, Clarence Square, Brighton, Churchill Square, Brighton, North Street, Brighton, Nevill Way, Hove Old Steine, Brighton, St Peter's Church, Brighton, Nevill Place, Brighton and Hove London Road Shops, Brighton, York Hill, Brighton, Preston Circus, Brighton, Stanford Avenue, Brighton, Waitrose, Hove Beaconseld Villas Bottom, Brighton, Beaconseld Villas Middle, Brighton, Lucerne Road, Brighton, Greyhound Stadium, Hove Beaconseld Villas Top, Brighton, St Mary's Church, Brighton, Loder Road, Brighton, Surrenden Holt, Hove Park Tavern, Hove Brighton, Varndean College, Brighton, Braybon Avenue Top, Hollingbury, Greeneld Crescent, Coleridge Street, Hove Hollingbury, Long Man Of Wilmington, Hollingbury, Dale Drive, Hollingbury, Carden Crescent, Hollingbury, Ellen Street, Hove County Oak Avenue North, Hollingbury, Carden Hill, Ethel Street, Brighton and Hove Hollingbury, Crowhurst Road West, Hollingbury, Asda Crowhurst Road, Hollingbury, Crowhurst Road Livingstone Road, Hove North, Hollingbury, Old Boat Corner, Coldean, Goldstone Villas, United Kingdom Saunders Hill, Coldean, Haig Avenue, Coldean, Standean Close, Coldean, Varley Park, Coldean, George Street, Hove Twyford Road, Coldean, Middleton Rise, Coldean, Forest Road, Coldean, Hikers Rest, Coldean, Brighton Eaton Road, Hove Academy, Stanmer, , Stanmer, Sport Centre, University Of Sussex, Sussex House, Town Hall, Hove University Of Sussex 60 Church Road, United Kingdom

Second Avenue, Hove

Palmeira Square, Hove Church Road, Brighton and Hove

Brunswick Place, Hove 34-35 Western Road, Brighton and Hove

Norfolk Square, Brighton 130 Western Road, Brighton and Hove

Waitrose, Brighton 135 Western Road, United Kingdom

Clarence Square, Brighton 169-174 Western Road, United Kingdom

Churchill Square, Brighton Unit 54 Churchill Square, United Kingdom

North Street, Brighton North Street, United Kingdom

Old Steine, Brighton Pavilion Parade, United Kingdom

St Peter's Church, Brighton St. George's Place, Brighton and Hove

London Road Shops, Brighton Marshalls Row, Brighton and Hove

York Hill, Brighton 26-27 Elder Place, Brighton and Hove

Preston Circus, Brighton

Stanford Avenue, Brighton Stanford Avenue, Brighton and Hove

Beaconseld Villas Bottom, Brighton

Beaconseld Villas Middle, Brighton

Lucerne Road, Brighton

Beaconseld Villas Top, Brighton

St Mary's Church, Brighton

Loder Road, Brighton

Surrenden Holt, Brighton

Varndean College, Brighton

Braybon Avenue Top, Hollingbury Greeneld Crescent, Hollingbury

Long Man Of Wilmington, Hollingbury

Dale Drive, Hollingbury Dale Drive, Brighton and Hove

Carden Crescent, Hollingbury

County Oak Avenue North, Hollingbury

Carden Hill, Hollingbury

Crowhurst Road West, Hollingbury

Asda Crowhurst Road, Hollingbury Crowhurst Road, Brighton and Hove

Crowhurst Road North, Hollingbury

Old Boat Corner, Coldean

Saunders Hill, Coldean

Haig Avenue, Coldean

Standean Close, Coldean

Varley Park, Coldean

Twyford Road, Coldean

Middleton Rise, Coldean Forest Road, Brighton and Hove

Forest Road, Coldean Forest Road, Brighton and Hove

Hikers Rest, Coldean Park Road, Brighton and Hove

Brighton Academy, Stanmer Lewes Road, England

Stanmer Park, Stanmer

Sport Centre, University Of Sussex Sportcentre Road, England

Sussex House, University Of Sussex 5B bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved