Rawat Warns of Crackdown, but Another Video Surfaces
Delhi monday, january 16, 2017 www.thehindu.in ● Regd. DL(ND)-11/6110/2006-07-08 ● RNI No. TNENG/2012/49940 ● ISSN 0971 - 751X ● Vol. 7 ● No. 13 ● CITY EDITION ● 28 Pages ● Rs. 8.00 Printed at Chennai, Coimbatore, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Madurai, Noida, Visakhapatnam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Vijayawada, Mangaluru, Tiruchirapalli, Kolkata, Hubballi, Mohali, Allahabad, Malappuram and Mumbai Petrol price up by Rajnath reviews Trump attacks Kohli and Jadhav 42 paise and diesel security situation in civil rights icon scintillate in India’s by ₨1.03 a litre poll-bound Manipur John Lewis superb win Page 9 Page 13 Page 14 Page 17 • • BRIEFLY Centre throws VIP security shield around Kerala BJP brass Kiran Doshi gets The Hindu in the State last year. Secretary and including In- security cover. Punjab goes Prize The ‘Y’ category CRPF protection The Central Reserve Po- telligence Bureau oicials. to the polls on February 4. CHENNAI: Kiran Doshi, a retired comes after spate of attacks on cadre lice Force (CRPF) has been Around 300 individuals are diplomat and educationist from asked to take up the security given security cover by Cent- ‘X’ category security Gujarat, won The Hindu Prize detail, the Home Ministry of- ral security forces which in- The four RSS leaders — 2016 on Sunday for his third VIJAITA SINGH manam Rajashekharan, ficial said. Last year, Prime clude the CRPF, CISF, Indo- Rameshwar Dass from Lud- major work of fiction, Jinnah former State president P.K. Minister Narendra Modi had Tibetan Border Police hiana, Pramod from Amrit- Often Came to Our House. Mr. NEW DELHI: The Centre has Krishnadas, general secret- raised the issue of attack on (ITBP) and the Border Se- sar, Ramgopal and Kuldeep Doshi was selected from nearly granted VIP security cover aries M.T.
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