Ulster M Unstor Gonnancjht Loinstor

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Ulster M Unstor Gonnancjht Loinstor Ji*^**^?*^**^*-' •*-.•/•"&$&" fc^t^^ Hff^r*^ HIT^<^Y^^ " * r^v'V' going home (or the sports field in En- neral was of large dimensions and at- 3f. Corr, J. Farmer, Mrs. T. Booney, company. O'REOAN—On Aog. 15.tetf» Patrick Doyle of Clonmaleh to niseorthy when his ear overturned. tended, by the members of the local Miss Booney, Miss Maglnnisa, Miss ' at the Booth infirmary, Sarah O'Regau. Margaret, dnngbter of the late William SWS FEOM1EELANI branch of tJ»e L N. Foresters, who McManua and Mrs. O'Callaghan. Mr. BaJlineen. Byrne of Leighliubridge. The animal he was driving was very restive. marched in processional order and act- P. J. McClew, chairman of the Carna, KERRY.— Richard Mahony, fishor- DUBLIN,—Jamef Fitzhenry, Kings­ MX THE HAPPENINGS OF INTER William Redmond, M. P., brother of 8d as pallbearers. Rev. P. O'Flaherty **(»8 present aad was cordially -wel­ majn, of Kenniure, was missed from town, died recently, deeply regretted. Mr. John E. Redmond, M. P., andOfficiate d nt the graveside EST IN THE OLD COUNTRY. comed. bl« boat Aug. HI. Tlie trawler was an He had been in the employment of the Mrs. Redmond are staying at Augb- ROSCOMMON.—The congested dis­ TYRONE.—The fe.tlval of the 16th of chored in KUrnucillogue harbor the Kingstown commissioners for twenty avannagh, Wieklow. Mr. Redmond tricts board has completed the par- | What It Being Dona by the P«opl« August was celebrated at Stewarts- i night he was missed. Fears are enter years. has been sick for some time and la chase of a fee simple estate within * Horns—Gowip From All th» town in the usual manner. The day talned that be Is lost, an bio clothes The following parochial appointment! recuperating among the beultli restor­ two indies of (.'astlerea. The estate is Counties of the Emer­ Weie found In his Hleeplng berth. were recently made by the archbishop was a general holiday. Muss was <ele- Biroate at Muilaghadooby ami was ald lele. The Royal Humane tociety has of Dublin: The Rev. Denis Pettit. ing hills of Wieklow. brnted In St. Mary's Catholic church owned by Walter John McDermott. awarded a testimonial to Matthew chaplain to his grace, to be parish The annual procession in honor of at 10 o'clock by Hev. I*. Qulnu, who Our Blessed I •ady took place at Lady's j It contains 200 acres. The land is of delivered a panegyric on the usBump Ilannan, merchant. Ltstowel, for hero priest of Falrvlew; the Rev. James Carroll, C. C, Skerries, to be parish Island on Aug. 15. The demonstra- ' first class quality, all in grazing. The Ulster tlon of the Blessed Virgin. There was ' le action at Ballyunlon July 11, when tlon this year was of a very Imposing purchase money amounted to $OJ.IHW. 1 he saved a man numed Barrett from priest of Boyhtown; the Rev. Jobu uon mis year was or a very imposing ; a large congregation present. A con Master John C. McDermott, son of being drowned while hathlng. Grluuley, C. C, Rally brack, to be parish character by reason of the special ANTRIM^—The 15th of August (Lady tingent left by special train for the Edward McDermott of Keadue, at the The Tralee feis was opened on Aug. priest of St. Mlclian's, Dublin. indulgences granted by the pope to day) was observed well throughout demonstration held near Moy, address those taking part In the procession, the J recent diocesan examination held for i 10. A pr> <esalon started from Pem­ Tho lord mayor of Dublin, John H. Belfast, all the masses being attends) ed by Messrs. P. C. Doognn, M. P., and ( numbers that visited the Island being | Ardagh and (Toumacnoise succeeded broke street, headed by B. O'Donovan. Hutchinson, In a recent issue of the fey large congregations. (heat num others. computed between 3,000 and 4,00o , in taking second place. This Is a brH- the young Carberry piper, followed by Freeman's Journal udvocated the |>era availed themselves of the oppor A Nationalist-demonstration was held people. The procession proceeded in , Uant achievement, seeing that he is 1 the hurlers, footballers and Oaels of forming of a pilgrimage from Ireland tanity of spending a day out of town Aug. 1-i In "the famous town of Moy." the following order: IJidy's Island I not thirteen years of age, and is proof the county. The procession marelcd to the historic battlefield of Foutenoy, and left the city to attend the Nation The national directory of the I nlted band; the children of the Lady's Is- [ of the efficiency of Ida teacher, Denis to the Sportstleld, und on Its arrival and It is likely the sacred spot made •list demonstrations in the country din Irish league wan leprcsvuted by Jele hind and Carne schools, marshaled by . Callagy of Keadue National Male there hurllnu and football contests took dear to Irish hearts by the effusion tricta. The weather In the evening Uilnh MaeVcagh, M. P.; \V Lundoii, teachers; Men's confraternity, Lady's . school. He enters St. Mel's college. place between teams representing Ker thereon of Irhdi blood will soon be WHS very fine, ond hands turned out. M. P., and P. <". boogiui, M. P, who Island; St Catherine's baud, Tacum- Longford, where his college course will ARMAGH.—A meeting of the Cross- were received with great enthusiasm. ry und Limerick pressed reverently by the feet of thou­ be successful. jnaglen branch of the I'nlted Irish Among those on the brake from whh h The Right Rev. Dr, Mangan, bishop sands of Irish patriots. shane; the members of the Tagoat The sports of Strokestown came off league was held In tlie league rooms the meeting was addressed were Mr elect of Kerry, arrived at Cow. Cork. On Aug. 11 a splendid meeting of Na­ Men's confraternity, marshaled by- on Aug. 15 before an enormous crowd I>nvld Mallcin, county secretary; Mr Aug. 18, from New York In order to tionalists of Rathruines was held in Father Forrestal and by W. J. Lam JJorth street, on Aug. 14, James Mor of spectators. The principal event was John Tralnor, county delegate, Ar tender hlin a fitting welcome ami to the ball of the- Boys' brigade, Rich­ bert, N. T.; the Children of Mary. fan, vice president, In the chair. Pies the 2:20 yards championship of Con- mngh; Mr. Richard, Cookntown; Mr. offer congratulations on Ida selection mond Hill. Mr Mooney, the member etc. Tlie general public followed. The •nt: M. MeConvill, treasurer; T. Mc naught, which P. C. Lenuou, Strokes- James Collogly, county delegate, Ayr as bishop u number of priests and lay­ of parliament for the constituency, got sodalities carried banners. The priests Nulty, P. Uarvey, J. McKay, 1*. town, captured from a field of ten. Jit Hearty, I'. MeNulty, F. II Hannon, <) Shire; Mr. Bernard O'N'elll. Rhickwii- men from Kerry nn'heii at (Jiieeiw a very cordial reception. Mr. James In the procession were: The Very Rev- Canon Doyle, Very Rev. Canon Whit- is his third championship this year. McEneney, II. Mc(,uinuet»s, J. Kenr tertovvn; Mr. Joli:, Tegguit, dlvlrilomil town and, through the courtesy or L. (Jlbney pres'dod. Present; T. Fan­ Tho events were well contested. The aey, J. McGeenoy. etc. The secretary delegi-"e, Kiist Tyruiie; Mr John Mc I>ean. the Cunard company's agent, ning. M Smllvaii, Professor Campbell, ty, Itev. VV. Fortune. Rev. Father cycling was pretty keenly contested, (flop Iclegate, Mid Atuuigh, Mr. i'at were allowed on board the tender und J. It. Morris. James Dwyer, Tbumus Dowling, Rev. P. O'Connor, Hector read letters from the national direct­ but M. A. HIgglns, Ralliusloe, won all rh k Mi-Kenny, president executive Went to »ea to meet their new lilsli iji Yarr, Thomas J (Jartland, Thomas Church of the Assumption, Wexford; ory and from John Campbell, M 1' the open events. Thomas MeNulty proposed and John I'. I. L., MldAiiuagh; Mr ( athal oft the harbor. That the bishop is pop Tieniey, P. Doyle. J. Clllowney, T. Rev. J. VV. 0'Byrne. Wexford; Rev. The parochial fels held in the old O'Toole, I'onaghiuole, secretary South ular v. Ith his priests and people w.is IJyrue, T. Joy<e, R Kenna, P. Murray. Father Forrestal. Kilrane: Rev. Wil­ McCoy seconded that John Hearty <>f church. Roscommon, on Aug. 15, at Coolderry, Edward Llfferty of Clarna Tyrone executive V I I... Mr TIMIIII pro\ ed in more ,IUJH than mie The J. Holmes. S I'oyle, J. Brogan, T. liam Hanton, Murrtntown; Rev. P. Murphy, M. K. 8, Euulseorthy; Rev. which the children attending the par­ and Peter Metieeney of ('omohngb as M>*< ;ulgaii, recording secretary No heartlne-iH of the (.'reeling bet \« een the Young, S Voting, T Hollander, Pat­ William Codd. president St. Peter's ish schools were the competitors, was be added to the committee. The fol |i. division secretary C I. I.. Yellow bishop and those v\ ho came tu ineei rick Ilogan, T C Condn-u. P. Lam­ college, Wexford; Rev. Mark Byrne. interesting and encouraging. The com­ lowing members attended the e\cou ford branch; Mr John Kelly , president hlin was seen plnliilv Among tho.se bert. J. McCartney, J Farrell, Michael C II.. Yellovvford br.inch, Mr J..hn Wexford; Rev. Father Cloney, Wex­ petitions lu language, dancing and Ove meeting nt Camlough: Peter Mur who met him were tlie Very lte\ I' Keegan. P ( uule. D Rough. T. Kelly. Oliver, I II.; .Mr. Patrick i^ulnn.
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