' Dallas Steers, Hot » WINNER OF THE ...mjrn Umek, Rickman Battling to TEXAS LEAGUE Crowd Games IstPlaceB unioneers As a Tuesday's * Wichita Fails 4. Houston 1. Firecracker,* Dallas S. San Antonio 1. Port 3. Beaumont 2. MANAHANS, Tex., May 22.—(JP» • -Herbert Hedemaa. New Tort, Shreveport 14, Waco 4. —The brilliant running of Giusto 423 21 15. of the Clubs Move on Waco Cubs Standing Umek. Italy, and Sam Rirhman. 10 —Mike Joyce. Cleveland. «J8 • x Team— P. W. L. Pet New York, has temporarily over- 29:14. I V Waco 35 21 14 .609 \ shadowed the fight for first Shreveport . 36 20 16 .556 place 11—Guy Shields, Picher. Okla, ft \ U , By GAYLE TALBOT. JIL. Wichita Fals 34 18 16 .529 between John Salo. Passaic. N. J.. 468 42 25. Associated Press Sports Editor Dallam . 38 19 17 .523 and Pete Oavuzi. England. 12 —Elm in Harbtne. Santa Rqm, Houston Dallas Steers. In the throes of a winning streak that has ex- 35 16 17 .514 With the bunioneers’ eyes turn- Calif.. 472:12:33. Fort Worth 35 18 17 .486 tended to out of their last nine games has carried them from ed toward Pecos, 35 miles from 13 eight San Antonio .. 34 16 18 .471 —George Rehsyne. Germany, seventh place to third in a week’s time, moved on Waco today for a Beaumont 37 12 25 .324 here, today. Rlchman's fourth posi- 495:39:35. three-game series. tion was slightly more than 13 14- -Joe Spangler. New York. NATIONAL LEAGUE When the Mavericks return to their own hours behind Umek in third. Rich- 502:10:33. stronghold Friday night Games Tuesday's man said he was out to win i'ltiestill will be matter of some t- to- 15— Elmer Cornier. Clifton. N J„ there the Chicago 8. 6. Pittsburgh and 125 to be to settle the St. Louis 12. Cincinnati 1. day’s lap make it his fifth 503:41:05. games played from Jakey Atzs crew. The Cats 192® Texas debate, so the Others rained out. consecutive day as lap winner. I league have Just finished lamming the un- series Is crucial. The word Yesterday Umek and Richman scarcely 1 fortunate Beaumonters three in a Standing of the Clubs W omens ClubsWill possibly has been over-used. But paced each over over a 38-mile lap. row. including a 3 to 2 verdict yes- Team— p. W. L Pet the team that comes out on in from Odessa, averaging almost top Chicago . 28 19 9 .679 Elect Officers At terday. nine miles an hour. the present battle of Park can St. Louis . 27 IS 9 .666 Katy The Exporters, by the way. have be considered made a Boston .I.. 24 13 11 .542 Salo. leader in elapsed time, pro- jys having set a season's record for re- Thursday Meeting Just Pittsburgh . 25 13 down payment on the next Dixie 12 .520 tected a lead of 21 minutes and 30 verse gear, loss being . 22 yesterday's Philadelphia 10 12 .455 seconds over Gavuzzi. series melon. Cincinnati For almost Election of officers will be the their tenth straight. They were j . 26 11 15 423 The odds be with the 2.000 of the 2.371.8 of the race to appear to New York . 22 ft 14 business transacted at i humbled yesterday by a former 364 principal northern least two of I date this has for club to take at mate. Buzz Phillips, who held them Brooklyn . 25 8 17 .320 pair fought the the quarterly banquet of the Valley the Ed three games. The Mavericks' ex- to five hits. top rung Gardner. Seattle federation of Business and Profes- AMERICAN LEAGUE hurling corps is mowing negro, attempting to keep up with sional Woman's clubs Thursday Tuesday's Games down all their hitters are them suffered opposition, Detroit 2. Cleveland 1. yesterday, leg trou- evening. The affair wll be held at connecting opportunely and the club Final Plans For St. Louis 7. Chicago 1. ble and dropped out of the race. the Cortex hotel. Weslaco. generally is as hot as a firecracker. Other games rained out. Total elapsed time for the 15 Dr. Minnie Lee Maffett. of Dal- The Cubs, on the other glove, have Standing of th<» *..lubs leaders was given this as las. and Miss Daisy Leake. Temple, Sale Made Taam- morning in home from a none too Poppy | P. w l. Pet follows: will be of honor. Dr. Mat- limped St. guests Louis .. 29 10 655 i successful trip through northern At Meet Above is picture . winner of the fifty fifth Kentucky Derby immediately after the 1.—John Salo. Passaic. N. J.. 338:- fett was first president of the state Legion Philadelphia . 25 17 8 630 j I climes, but still nursing their two- finish of the race, which was witnessed 100.000 who braved a New 17:27. federaticr.and Mm Leake was pres- thrilling by approximately people York . 24 14 10 .583 game lead. rain to see him win. rac when **lro,t 2— ident the past year. Final plans for the poppy sale, drizzling Clyde proved himself a great mud cr he copped the first prize . 32 18 14 563 Pete Gavuzzi. England. 338:- Charlie Bamabc. Dallas ace. Cleveland . 28 Thete are nine clubs now organ- which is to be held on Saturday, amounting to over $50,000. 13 15 :4«4 38:57 chalked his fifth win for the . 29 13 16 443 ized in the Valley, and It ts expeci- up were made at the meeting of the 3 —Giusto Umek. Italv. 354:39:21. season ®5*tOn . 26 8 18 308 ed that about 100 members will at- against one loss as the Steers American 4.—Sam Richman. New' Legion auxiliary Tuesday .. 23 York. took the odd of their series nation-wide inertia as far as poli- 7 16 .304 tend the banquet An interesting game evening. Wellington 368:00:10. from San 5 to 1. tics are concerned.” program has been prepared foe the Antonio. yesterday. The purpose of the sale is to raise WESTERN LEAGUE 5— Paul N. In this connection he it Simpson. Burlington. occasion. As 8hreveport was walloping the CALLES regards f Oklahoma City S. Denver 4 funds for the care of soldiers dis- MAKES C.. 371:00:43. Cubs. 14 to 4. the Steers moved to as significant that the country in AIRDOPT^X Wichita 9. 5. A good representation from the abled during the World war 6— Phillip Gianvllle. Hamilton. such crisis as the recent rebellion Pueblo 8. Tulsa 7. Brownsville club Is to be within two games and a half of the "We the sale on Sat- planning are holding Topeka 6. Des Ont., 384:02:00. league pinnacle. upholds the government almost ex- Moines 3. present. The entire group will meet urday rather than Memorial Day 7— M. B. McNamara. Australia. Meanwhile the Houston Buffs because of its confidence at the Methodist church at • M because we feel that we can reach LOYALTY PLEA clusively r> SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION 404:55:27 continue their from in *rhe executive. p m. and there will be transpor- alarming drop more people at that time," said Mrs. j Memphis 2. Atlanta 3. 8— ■ in ■ New * ■' ■■ ■ Harry Abraraowitz, tation for all. to Miss the top of the ladder. The 8pudders Ben C. Clark, a member of the auxi- General Calles said the revolution Little Rock 5. Birmingham 8. according York. 419:43 27. Zona Taggart, who Is In handed them their seventh straight liary. "We hope everyone will buy had been successful in economic Chattanooga 6-1. New Orleans 2-1* charge. 1 Nash villa 2. Mobile 1. Demands reverse yesterday. 4 to !. a poppy, as this is one of the auxi- Military Men Quit and social fields and also In gov- Today the Junior Cards were in lary's chief sources of revenue for ernmental administration. Army Posts Before En- He does AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Port Worth for a trio, and it is in care assisting the of the disabled not believe that even Its enemies Columbus 11. Louisville 10. doubtful they will get any sympathy) loidiers and their families." tering Politics can deny that enormous benefits Toledo 5. Indianapolis 4. Minneapolis have been wrought in the country 7. Mllwakee 6. I Kansas — 21 City 5. St. Paul 3. - since 1910 in the economic and so- Tuesday. May I cial The Mexican Aviation company. sense and that the masses re- COAST LEAGUE MEXICO CITY, May 112.—(JPi— tain an unbreakable faith in the Ford plane No. 2 left for Mexico City Hollywood 11. Sacremento. 5. General Plutarco Elias for- toe Angeles 9, Calles. revolutionary government. at 8:30 a. m. with three passengers Portland 5. Missions 17. Oakland 6. mer and more president recently and Pilots Snyder and Kennedy. Seattle 6. San Francisco 5. secretary of war. has issued a mani- Alsmeyer Checking A Dough lass O 2 arrived from festo summing up his views of the Up On Of Brooks Field at 10:10 a. m. with Elizabeth political situation and declaring the Planting Pilot Lt. Cowner and Dr. Munn as Murray “Mexican revolution” has succeeded Legumes In County passenger. They will remain in the Denies Her Guilt except in “the political field—the city over night. In democratic field—as regards rerpcct Beginning a new order of Valley Seeking Work The I. A. T. company Stinson De- — for the vote.” farmers. Henry L. Alsmeyer, county Loading The revolution to which Is now a troiter left for Houston, with Pilot DALLAS, May 22 —<>m—Mrs. Eliz- i he re- ; agent. compiling list of “ft'i m fod d|f—« abeth who wjjM ferred is the program which he "Soil Improvement Farmers.” Every Loomis at 11 a. m. this morning. Murray, received a 15- cm i pmctctful jot mm Mm month suspended sentence at Ama- “O-K-M-N X! K-E/««*«.’• and the late General Obregon fol- farmer who plants a legume will This will be converted a ship into rillo last week lowed during their administrations be designated in this class, Alsmey- on charges of usinc passenger plane there. the mails to He declared it was now time that cr states. defraud, yesterdav The Mexican Aviation sought a job in Dallas and denied rI 'HE dues are a this unfilled ambition be realized More than 1,170 acres have been company low—only Ford No. 5 arrived from her guilt. An author and lecturer A and that the army must lend Its signed up by "soil improvement plane nickel. And the Mexico at 1:20 m. with Pilot of note, she said she must have password support to the constitutional au- farmers” to date. The legumes add City p. and work. is to remember—KING Space thorities and must nitrogen to the lands. Grey one pasenger. easy refuse to second The Texas Atr Transport mail “I was innocent." she said, “but i any leader who revolts. Through Alsmeyer urges that any farmer EDWARD! No. 21 they told me the best to dc the national plane left ftr Fort Worth at thing revolutionary n«r*v planting legumes get in touch with was to I 2:10 p. m. with Pilots Robbins. plead guilty. had no money truly democratic elections must be him. giving the acreage, type of le- and did Join up today! Full details need The Texas Air Transport mail not know what else to do. you attained. gume. and where planted I am plane No. 22 arrived from Fort ruined now. and the less said at the nearest cigar counter. The manifesto was addressed to The following have been desig- the better." Worth at 2:10 p. m. with Pilot An- Distributors “my companions in arms of nated on the list so far: the drews and the south bound mail. Walker-Craig Co. army and to the 1 Brownsville: F. F. Baird. R. A entire revolution- The Texas Air ASK PROTECTION OF Caldwell. C. M. Clark. R. Mathers. Transport passen- Brannon-Signaigo Cigar Co. ary famllv” He urged that anv N. M. ger plane, a Travel Air No. 42, ar- army leader Phipps. R. Sethman. R. W. AMERICAN INTERESTS is the abandoning his mill- I rived here from San Antonio at 3:15 career Shuler. Singer Brothers. A. N. Tan- roomy body tary to enter politics should 1j Big, panel j j dv Sz Sons. F. J. Williams, and P. R. p. m. and took off at 3:45 p. m. HONGKONG, May 22.—0P>—The first place all forces under Ms Wilson. Gray and one passenger. United States gunboat Tulsa was most attractive feature of the command at the disposal of the D. R. Bowden. J. L. The doctors and their wives had sent from here to Swatow. Kwang- government Harlingen: Breueman, I. B. Corns. D. C. Lanier a treat through the courtesy of the tung.today, in answer to requests of The KINO general declared people re- Mexican Aviation the United States consul EDWARD new Brothers Merchants and N. A. Mitchell. company yester- there foi An Excellent Cl m) sent the fact that gat* Price Five c»*»f Dodge many members i La Feria S. Shearer. Los day afternoon as there were ten naval protection for American in- In- 1j of the municipal, state and even made in the new Ford terests. — i dios: H. E. Ballinger. Olmito: E. trips plane a truck federal Express light delivery legislatures have not been ! D. Box. and H. E. Fornsworth. Rio with a 132 passengers taken up over impartially elected. It is in this Hondo; R. Bates. the city and over Matamoros. These for loads. field that he finds the revolution San Benito: J. W. Clark: J. trips will be made Wednesday morn- 1,000-pound has failed. The result has been j Downey. C. M. Jones. W. E. Lobdell. ing and afternoon to take rare of all that authorities are i those a ride. The many unpopu- M. F Orr. E. E. Rail. F. L. Ramsev. desiring pilots * lar and there has resulted an i C. W. Sullivan. A. Vlemink. K. H were Kent and Thro. is apathy of the masses creating "a Whipple and R. L. Wilson. The C. A. T. company plane No. Loading space exceptionally 7727 arrived here at 6:05 with Pilot large. The florists’ plants and set Starkey from Mazatlan. WEATHER the cleaners’ SUMMARY . pieces, Barometric pressure still conttn- away , ues over the Going moderately high suit and dress Your Own greater portion of the Unite 1 bags Bring States, attended by fair to partly) | loads that cloudy weather and seasonable bmBr —any temperatures. Relatively low pres- over the 1 sure over the far Southwest, how- [ run to bulk rather ever, is responsible for light to Lunch ■ moderate rains in New Mexico and than extreme western and northwestern weight—are Texas within the last 24 hours. carried Light to heavy scattered showers holiday? easily. Picnic the were reported also from the extreme I northeastern states and from southern Florida. Except for cool HE roads will hr See this truck. It is : nights, good growing temperature delivery prevails practically throughout the crowded and nothing cotton belt. Brothers German Garden is so embarrassing to a Dodge quality through- WEATHER BULLETIN fine In Cool First figure lowest temperature driver as tire trouble in out—power, speed, economy, the Patio of the last night: second, highest tempera- And ture yesterday: third, wind velocity heavy traffic. appearance, dependability. : nt 8 a. m.; fourth, rainfall past 24 i hours. OLD MATAMOROS HOTEL Let us over lira the Chassis and com- Abilene 82 76 — .00 go your price? body Matamoros, Mexico Amarillo 52 64 — .02 now. A for f. o. b. Atlanta. 56 70 14 .00 spare Detroit. — plete #795, SERVICE FREE Austin. 60 80 .00 I Boston 46 54 — .36

in it. — Come today. it. Drive MRS. EMMA LEONARD, Prop. BROWN8VILLE 68 82 .00 Chicago 48 .58 — .00 Corpus Christi ..72 78 — .00 Dallas 62 78 14 .00

Del Rio — Jesse . 62 74 .00 Inc. — Denver Dennett, . 52 70 .00 Detroit . 42 64 — .00 I .1222 Washington — Brownsville Dodge City. 56 72 10 .00 KELLY *1 Paso 54 76 16 .01 VOLMER C. ROBERTS, San Benito Fort Smith 56 74 — .00 SPRINGFIELD BROWN MOTOR CO., Mercedes SMOKE Oalveston 66 76 — .00 * H • Helena 48 an — .00 LEE AUTO CO., McAllen a or even a service sta- — tube — Huron 56 76 tire, — .00 price** GONZALES-GUTIERREZ MOTOR a just ffpremium CO., 1 •Tacksonville .... 68 84 18 .14 Rio Grande City Kansas City :... 54 68 — .on may a ruined tions. T patch prevent R. C. DODGE, Raymondville oulsville 50 68 — .00 Cuban M-nrohis 54 68 — .00 holiday or a hurried repair Come in and let us help make I Smoker — | 'Mami 68 84 2 *6 w Mont"omerv ... 54 76 — .00 some a success. You’ll find — for 5c — job by sharpshooter” your trip ' I New Orleans ... 62 78 io .oo New York 50 54 12 .04 the road. our service and our 66 — along good | Guaranteed no better cigar for North Platte ... 56 .On 6E Oklahoma City 62 78 10 .00 DD same the price Don’t be at the of Haiestins 58 78 _ mercy prices right. .00 *r' • 1 1 Pensacola 58 78 12 .00 Sold Phoenix 66 04 — on I • by — Pittsburgh. 42 58 .02 SMITH & MERCHANT St. Louis 5* 66 — .00 St Paul 52 *8 12 on 241 North A Street — Harlingen, Texas

brothers Lake .. 54 74 _ Salt City on Valley Warehouse I Stores San Antonio ... 58 78 — .00 Harry’s Santa Fe ..44 64 — Cigar .48 Cambio Stat“n And ah Sheridan 42 82 — .02 Cook’. Service Station ■ Minor Warmack. j — Proprietor Shreveport . 5* 78 .00 San Benito Ttmoa 72 86 — .01 McAllen l"Trucks Vicksburg 56 74 — .00 motow product I — Dealers Washington .... 46 60 Valley Leading I .00 I Wllliston . 4ft ft2 .00 Wilmington. 56 68 — .02 Hhrysur % j.iV.;