26th September 2019

Re: A521 Road Closure, Blythe Bridge from 7th October – 13th December 2019

Dear Resident,

As you may be aware St Modwen Homes Ltd has been granted detailed planning permission by Moorlands District for the development of 118 dwellings on the land south east of the A521 and A50 Blythe Bridge Bypass, Staffordshire.

Included in this planning permission are improvements to the A521 highway which will enhance road user and pedestrian safety by reducing the speed limit to 40mph and the introduction of a new footway/cycleway link to Blythe Bridge encouraging more eco-friendly movements.

The works involve the realignment of existing carriageways and the formation of a new 3-way signalised junction incorporating pedestrian crossing facilities into the development. As you can imagine these works are extensive with all of this section of existing carriageway being improved.

In consultation with Staffordshire County Council Highways, Highways and all Statutory Undertakers we have investigated all possible options in carrying out these works, including alternative methods such as single lane running. Consideration was given to the close proximity of our works and its potential impact to the Highways England network, (namely the A50) and the actual physical execution of the works, including the installation of new improved drainage infrastructure, the presence of existing rock strata, and allied heavy plant to excavate this, as well as all necessary safety zones for plant and machinery. Only after careful consideration of all other possible options the resolution to close the A521 (in both directions) between the A50 roundabout and the Road has been deemed the safest and least disruptive option for the workforce and road users alike and will allow the works to be completed as expediently as possible.

This section of the highway will be closed for a period of 10 weeks commencing on the 7th October 2019 with agreed diversion proposals and traffic management put in place and maintained for the duration of the works.

In light of recent concerns raised in respect of the planned A521 road closure, St Modwen Homes Ltd will be holding an information event at Blythe Bridge & Village Hall on 2nd October 2019 between 14:00-19:00 where any concerns or questions can be answered.

St Modwen Homes Ltd apologise for any inconvenience caused and hope you will bear with us whilst we construct this new junction so that the full benefits can be realised by everyone.

Yours Faithfully,

St. Modwen Homes Ltd