List of Chemical Weapons Spirits for MD Abacination, Abbadon, Acacia
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List of Chemical Weapons Spirits for MD Abacination, Abbadon, Acacia confusa, Acetic anhydride, Acorus calamus, Acrolein, Acryloyl chloride, Active measures, acute, & chronic symptoms, acute post traumatic shock disorders, acute post traumatic stress disorders, acute pulmonary effects, Adamantanes, Adamsite, Adapting pharmaceuticals, Aerial poisoning, aflatoxin, Agent of influence, Agent Blue, Agent Green, Agent Orange, Agent Pink, Agent Purple, Agent White, etc, Agro-terrorism, Al Qa'qaa, Alcornea floribunda, alcoholic, alcoholism, Alkyl, Ames strain, Amiton, Anadenanthera, colubrina, & peregrina, Ancient psycho- chemical use, Anniston Chemical Activity, Anthrax, Anthrax attacks, Anthrax toxins, Anthrax vaccines, Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed, anthraxed water supply, apartheid, Apollion, Aptiganel, anti-nerve gas drug, Aral smallpox incident, Aralsk smallpox outbreak, Area denial weapon, Argentine hemorrhagic fever, Argyreia nervosa, Arsenic tri-chloride, Arylcyclohexylamines, Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives, assured destruction, asthma, Asthmador, asymmetrical warfare, Atlantic Storm, atomic bomb, Atropa belladonna, Auditory hallucination, Australia Group, A- WOL, Ayahuasca, Baghdad Nuclear Research Facility, Balkans war, ballistic missile submarines, Banisteriopsis caapi, barfing from fear, Basic Battle Skills, Basson brownies, Bath salts drug, Battle of Changde, Bear spray, Beatings and physical violence, Beaufort's Dyke bomb dump, Benzyl bromide, Benzyl chloride, Beyond Treason, Big Five Weapons, Binary chemical weapon, Binary liquids, Biodefense, Biohazard book, Biological agents, Biological Arms, biological defense program, Biological facilities, Biological toxin weapons, Biological warfare, Biological weapon delivery systems, Biological weapon programs, Biological Weapons, Biopreparat, Bioterrorism, Birth defects, Blinding with light, Blister agents, Blood agents, blood guiltiness, Blue Grass Army Depot, Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant, Blue Morpho Ayahuasca center, Blue, green, White, & Yellow Cross chemical warfare; Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, Bosnian Serb war, Botanical identity of soma–haoma, Botulinum toxin, Botulism, Boulet Asphyxiant, Bromoacetone, Bromobenzyl cyanide, bronchitis, Brucellosis, Brugmansia, Bundibugyo virus, Butler Review, BZ in Iraq, Calea ternifolia, California medfly attack, cancers, Cannabinoids, Cannabis, Carbogen, Carbonyl di-chloride, CARS, Catapelta, Center for Biosecurity, Chalera, Chelsea grin, Chemical agents, Chemical arms, Chemical toxins, Chemical weapons, chemical warfare agents, chemical warfare munitions, Chemical weapons, Chemical weapon delivery systems, Chemical Weapons Accord, Chemical weapons demilitarization, chemtrails, Chikungunya, Chlorine, Chloroacetone, Chloroethyl-chloromethyl-sulfide, Chloromethyl chloroformate, Chloropicrin, Chlorosarin, Chlorosoman, Chlorosulfuric acid, CIA transnational activities, Cimora, cocaine, Coccidioidomycosis, Cognitive liberty, cognitive problems, Cold War, Collective punishment, combat fatigue, combat fear, combat related stressors, combat stress, combat shock, combat trauma, Container Security Initiative, concentration camps, contaminants, Convention on Psychotropic Substances, corona viruses, counter proliferation, Coxiella burnetii, CR & S gases, crimes against civilians, crimes against humanity, crimes against innocent, crimes against peace, cronic fatigue syndrome, Chronic inflammation of central nervous system, cronic post traumatic shock disorders, cronic post traumatic stress disorders, Crotonaldehyde, culture of fear, Curveball informant, Cyanide, Cyanogen chloride, Cyber-warfare, Cyclorphan, Cyclosarin, D2R agonists, Dark Harvest Commando, Datura, inoxia, & stramonium, death, death camps, death curses, death fights, death march, death squads, Defoliants, Defoliation bacilli bomb, Deliriants, Demon in the Freezer, Depleted uranium, Deseret Chemical Depot, Designer drugs, destroyer - satan, destruction, Destruction of chemical weapons & fallout, Dexoxadrol, Dialkyls, diarrhea, Diethyl phosphite, Dimethyl methylphosphonate, Dimethyl heptylpyran, Dimethyl phosphite, Dimethyl amidophosphoric dicyanide, diphenyl-2-hydroxyacetic acid, Diphenyl-chlorarsine, Diphenyl-cyanoarsine, Diphosgene, Diplopterys cabrerana, Discredited AIDS origins theories, disease organisms, Disinformation, Dissociative drugs, Disulfur decafluoride, Dizocilpine, drug abuse, drug addictions, drug dependancies, drug intoxication, drug overdose, drug withdrawl, etc, EA-3000's, Eastern equine encephalitis virus, Ebola virus, Echinopsis lageniformis, pachanoi, peruviana, & scopulicola, Edgewood Arsenal experiments, Edgewood Chemical Activity, Early Cold War, Elemicin, emotional abuse, emotional disorders, Empathogens, enduring chronic multi- symptom illness, Entactogens, Entheogens, Entomological warfare, Epidemics & Prevention, Epidemic tyephus, Erowid, Ethnic bioweapon, ethnic cleansing, Ethyl acrylate, Ethyl bromoacetate, Ethyl diethanolamine, Ethyl dichloroarsine, Ethyl iodoacetate, Etoxadrol, European witchcraft, evil reinforcements of shedding of blood, evil audio memory recall, evil memory recall, evil video memory recall, exposure to D U munitions, explosive bombs, extreme anxiety, extreme fear, extreemly tired, fallout of chemicals, False flag operations, false memory, fatigue, fears of all kinds, fear of death, fear of dying, fear of being blown up, fear of beeing captured, fear of being injured, fear of suffering, fear of torture, etc, fear of loosing colligues, fear of loosing family, fear of loosing friends, Fifth column, Filoviridae, Flagellation, Fonofos, Force-feeding, Form constant, Fossil fuel use, Fossil fuel toxic fumes, Francisella tularensis, functional impairment, fungal hallucinogens, GABAAR agonists, Garrotting, Gassed painting, Gastro-intestinal problems, Geneva Protocol, genocide, germ warfare, germ weapons, Germs, Biological Weapons, & America's Secret War; Glanders, Global Health Security Initiative, Green report, grenades, guilt, guilty of innocent blood, guilty of shedding blood, guilty of shedding innocent blood, Gulf War oil fires, Gulf War oil fire smoke, Gulf War oil fire toxins, Gulf War oil spill & toxins, gulf war illness, gulf war syndrome, Gulf Wars, GV nerve agent, H P A deficits, Habbush letter, Hallucination, Hallucinogens, Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder, Hamiltonian spite, Handheld Isothermal Silver Standard Sensor, Hanta-virus, Hawthorne Army Depot, Hazardous powders testing kit, headaches, Heimia, Herbal hallucinogens, herbicidal warfare, herbicides, Heretic's fork, human experimentation, Human shield, Hutton Inquiry, Hwasong-5, Hydrogen cyanide, Hyoscyamus niger, IEDs, Ibogaine, Iboga, Ichthyoallyeino-toxism, illegal drug abuse, illegal drug addictions, illegal drug dependancies, illegal drug intoxication, illegal drug overdose, illegal drug withdrawl, etc, Ilicite drug abuse, Illicite drug addictions, Illicite drug dependancies, Illicite drug intoxication, Illicite drug overdose, Illicite drug withdrawl, etc, ill-treatment of prisoners of war, In Shifting Sands, Incapacitating agents, Incidents involving ryecin, incendiaries, indigestion, infectious diseases, Information warfare, Inhaleants, insect repellents, Integrated Biological Detection System, interrogation techniques, interrogation tortures, invasion of Iraq, invasion of Kuwait, Ipomoea tri-colour, Iraq & weapons of mass destruction, Iraq disarmament crisis & timeline, Iraq Dossee-ay, Iraq's weapons programs, Iraqi aluminum tubes, Iraqi biological weapons program, Israel Institute for Biological Research, Items of torture, I-War, Jia gun, Jiyeh Power Station oil spill, JLF, Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System, joint pain, K5 Plan, Kaimingjie germ weapon attack, Khabarovsk War Crimes, Khamisiyah, KhF-1 & 2 bounding gas mines, Kia quen, kill or be killed, killing, killing of civilians, killing of innocent blood, Kolokol-1, KOR & OR agonists, Korean War, Kuwaiti oil fires, Kuwaiti oil fire smoke, Kuwaiti oil fire toxins, Kykeon, Lachrymatory agents, Lassa fever, Lassa virus, Late Cold War, Lewisites, Limited hangout, Livens Projector, Lloviu cueva-virus, Lloviu virus, LSD, LSD in water-supply, Lysergamides, M1 & M23 chemical mines, Mace spray, Magnaporthe grisea, malingering post traumatic shock disorders, malingering post traumatic stress disorders, Mancuerda, Mandrake plant, Marburg disease, Marburg virus, Mark I NAAK, mass graves, mass killings, massacres, Materials of Mass Destruction, medicine abuse, medicine addictions, medicine dependancies, medicine intoxication, medicine miss-use, medicine overdose, medicine withdrawl, etc, Melioidosis, memory problems, Merry Pranksters, Methyl di- ethanolamine, Methyl di-chloroarsine, Methyl isothiocyanate, Methylphosphonyl di-chloride, Methylphosphonyl di-fluoride, Midafotel, military post traumatic shock disorders, military post traumatic stress disorders, Mimosa tenuiflora, Mind at Large, mind altering drugs, mind control, mind control and behavior-modification drugs, mind games, mind occult, mines, missiles, Mixed M O A, Mobile weapons laboratory, Mononegavirales, Morning glory, Morphinans, Moscow chemical agent, Moscow hostage crisis, Mubtakkar, Multisymptom illnesses, murder, murder of prisoners of war, Music in psychological operations, Mustard gas, mustle pain, Mutual Assured Destruction, myasthenia gravis, Myristicin, N N-Dialkyl, National Biodefense Analysis, & Countermeasures Center, NBC suit, NEFA, Nerve agents, nerve disorders, nerve gas poisoning, Nettle agent,