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CONTENTS Contents ETIAM, a.s. Integral repository for RAW CONTENTS Contents ................................................................................................................................................... 2 I. General Data on Proponent ............................................................................................................. 5 1. Name ................................................................................................................................................ 5 2. Company Identification Number ...................................................................................................... 5 3. Registered Office .............................................................................................................................. 5 4. Authorised Representative of Proponent ........................................................................................ 5 5. Contact Person ................................................................................................................................. 5 II. General Data on Proposed Activity .................................................................................................. 6 1. Name ................................................................................................................................................ 6 2. Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 6 3. User .................................................................................................................................................. 6 4. Proposed Activity Character ............................................................................................................. 6 5. Location of the Proposed Activity .................................................................................................... 6 6. Situational Drawing of the Location of the Proposed Activity ......................................................... 7 7. Commencement and Completion Dates of Proposed Activity Construction and Operation .......... 7 8. General Description of Technical and Technological Solution ......................................................... 7 8.1. Technical Solution of RAW IR as Independent Nuclear Facility ........................................... 7 8.2. Technological Solution ......................................................................................................... 9 9. Justification of the Activity on the Site .......................................................................................... 13 10. Total Costs .................................................................................................................................... 13 11. Municipalities Likely to be Concerned ......................................................................................... 13 12. Affected Self-governing Region .................................................................................................... 14 13. Authorities Likely to be Concerned .............................................................................................. 14 14. Permission Authority .................................................................................................................... 14 15. Responsible Department .............................................................................................................. 15 16. Type of Permit Required for the Proposed Activity Pursuant to Special Regulations ................. 15 17. Information about Transboundary Impacts of the Proposed Activity ......................................... 15 III. General Information on Current Environmental Situation in the Relevant Territory ............... 16 1. Characteristics of Natural Environment, Including Conservation Areas.................................... 16 1.1. Delineation of Relevant Territory ...................................................................................... 16 1.2. Geo-Morphological Conditions .......................................................................................... 16 1.3. Geological Conditions ......................................................................................................... 17 1.4. Climatic Conditions............................................................................................................. 21 1.5. Hydrological Conditions ..................................................................................................... 23 1.6. Hydro-geological Conditions .............................................................................................. 25 1.7. Soil Conditions .................................................................................................................... 27 1.8. Biotic Conditions ................................................................................................................ 28 1.9. Conservation Areas and Protection Zones ......................................................................... 32 2. Landscape, Landscape Picture, Stability, Protection, Scenery ....................................................... 33 2.1. Landscape Structure ........................................................................................................... 33 2.2. Landscape Scenery ............................................................................................................. 34 2.3. Territorial System of Ecologic Stability ............................................................................... 35 3. Population and Its Activities, Infrastructure and Cultural-Historic Values Within the Territory ... 36 3.1. Demographic Data.............................................................................................................. 37 3.2. Settlements and Build-up Areas ......................................................................................... 41 Bratislava, 02/2011 2/74 ETIAM, a.s. Integral repository for RAW 3.3. Industrial Production .......................................................................................................... 41 3.4. Agriculture and Forestry .................................................................................................... 42 3.5. Transport ............................................................................................................................ 43 3.6. Technical Infrastructure ..................................................................................................... 43 3.7. Recreation and Tourism ..................................................................................................... 44 3.8. Cultural and Historic Monuments and Sights .................................................................... 45 4. Current Environmental Quality ...................................................................................................... 45 4.1. Air Pollution ........................................................................................................................ 46 4.2. Water Pollution .................................................................................................................. 48 4.3. Ground Pollution ................................................................................................................ 51 4.4. Waste ................................................................................................................................. 52 4.5. Noise and Vibrations .......................................................................................................... 52 4.6. Radiation Sources and Other Physical Fields ..................................................................... 52 4.7. Heat and Odour Sources .................................................................................................... 53 4.8. Existing Health Condition of Population ............................................................................ 53 IV. General Data on the Expected Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Activity, INCLUDING HEALTH Impacts, and on Possible Mitigation Measures ....................................................................... 55 1. Requirements on Inputs ................................................................................................................. 55 1.1. Ground Requirements ........................................................................................................ 55 1.2. Water Consumption ........................................................................................................... 56 1.3. Material Resources ............................................................................................................. 56 1.4. Energy Sources ................................................................................................................... 56 1.5. Requirements on Transport and Other Infrastructure ...................................................... 56 1.6. Labour Force Requirements ............................................................................................... 57 2. Output Data .................................................................................................................................... 57 2.1. Air Pollution Sources .......................................................................................................... 57 2.2. Waste
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