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Restricted DFO — Llbr — Bi flue I HI(MO 09071575 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT BRANCH MANUSCRIPT REPORT No . 69-1 Hatchery Plantings of Brown Trout Lake Trout Rainbow Trout Z 14 DEPT. OF Itti_ toi;RoriEME f15 HEIllt_S SERViCE and \\.... ti, S. NALIF Plc. ------.. — Lake Whitefish In Nova Scotia, And Subsequent Angling Success by R. Semple 1969 FISHERIES SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND FORESTRY OF CANADA HALIFAX, N.S. HATCHERY PLANTINGS OF BROWN TROUT LAKE TROUT RAI NB( TROUT AND TAKE WHITEFISH IN NOVA SCOTIA, AND SUBSEQUENT ANGLING SUCCESS DI7,TRI3Y7ION OF BROZN TROUT (SALVO TRUTTA) IN NOVA SCC.. - Introduction Brown trout were introduced to the Maritimes Region in 1921 (Catt, 1950), and the first recorded hatchery distribution of brown trout in Nova Scotia was to Milford Haven River, Guysborough County, in 1923. Subsecuent plantings. have been made in numerous systems to augment sports fish populations, but the policy has generally been to stock brown trout in rivers where few or no Atlantic salmon have been angled. There :?.re also indications that brown trout populations have become estIlished in unstocked rivers through migration of sea-run trout from adjacent systems. Lein and Scott (1966) recorded distribution of brown trout in the following Nova Scotia river systems: Maccan River (Harrison Lake), Cumberland County; Clam Harbour River, a, ys- borough River and Salmon River, Guysborough County; Corn•:f - llis River, Kings County; Merigomish area (which includes Barn ys, French and Sutherland's Rivers), Pictou CoUnty; and Mersey River (which includes Kejimkujik Lake), Queens County. This report summarizes the known distribution of brcn trout in Nova Scotia as determined from hatchery distribu t ion records and angling records kept by the Federal Departmec:t of Fisheries, Halifax. Shubenacadie River and Stewiacke River are listed searately because the Stewiacke confluence with Shubenacadie River in. tidal water. Each river system has been attributed to a '.ounty depending on its point of entry to the sea. Distribution 1. Hatchery Plantinp;s: Brown trout have been distributed from hatcheric:: to 28 river systems in Nova Scotia (Appendix 1). - Plantings have been made in Southwest Brook, Broad Cove Brook, Middle River, Round Pond, River John, Harris Lake and Snarl Lake Brook, but no records are available of brown trout being angled in t',1ese rivers. 2. Anglinz Records: River systems in which brown trout have been angled correspond clOsely with those that have been stocked from hatcheries (Appendix 1). CC.F• Y ' COPY! "-- - ■••■ 1") %CPO 'XERO , CC, Y 'COPY 2 Migrations of brown trout have apparently taken )lace from Waurrh River to French River; Stewiacke River to Shu:),:nacadie River; Clam Harbour, Guysborough or Salmon Rivers to Goo Harbour River; and Roseway River to Clyde River. River Phillip has not been stocked with brown trout nor is it very close to any system known to have a brown trout ppulation. It is possible, however, that escapement of fish from Coquid Hatchery (one of the brown trout rearing hatcheries) on ver Phillip may have been sufficient for the species to esta .0•ish itself in the system. Discussion Brown trout are well known for their shyness, and tl!eir ability to avoid capture and in some cases detection in river. Populations could become established in a system through , Agration from an adjacent river and their presence go unrecorded. A com- plete record of brown trout can only be obtained by exteive sampling in all river systems, and this summary is certally not a complete record of brown trout distribution in Nova Scotia. Summary. River systems presumed to have brown trout (§almo ttta) populations in Nova Scotia include 'the following: Annapolis County: Annapolis River (including Nictaru%: River) — Antigonish County: South River Cape Breton County: Mira River, Northwest Brook, Suthwest Brook --Colchester County: French River, River Phillip, Shuenacadie River, Stewiacke River, Waugh Inver. — Cumberland County: Maccan River Digby County: Salmon River Guysborough County: Clam Harbour River, Goose Harbr River, Guysborough River , . Indian Harbir River, Milford Haven River, Salmon — Halifax County: East River, Sheet Harbour; Roun ',?ond (Musquodoboit System) Kings County: Cornwallis River Lunenburg County: Broad Cove River, Middle River --Pictou County: Barneys River, East River, French River, River John, Sutherlands River Queens County: Mersey River Shelburne County: Clyde River, Robseway River Yarmouth County: Annis River, Tusket River (Harris Lake and Snarl Lake Brook) . COPY ■•••• - )(E0 XERO COPY j COPY' ,••■ APPENDIX I RECORDS OF nowN TR=DISTRITJTION IN NOVA SCOTIA RIVERf; RECORDED III HATCHERY ANGLING CO=TY RTV.7.R. SYSTEM TRIBDTIONS RECORDS •.napolis Annapolis Rive= including Nictaux River Antisonish South Rive= Cape Breton Mira River Northwest Book Southwest Brook' Colchester French River River Phillip Shubenacadie River Stewlacke River ;laugh River x Cumberland Maccan Rive= D1 by Salmon River (Tedford Lake) y sb o rough Clam Harbour River Goose Harbour River x Guysboroush River X Harbour River x .x . Milford Haven River T x Salmon River x x Halifax East River, Sheet Harbour x x Round Pond (•usquodobolt R) Kings Cornwallis River Lunenburs Broad Cove River Middle River L, IctoU Barneys River x x East River x x French River x • x .• River John x Suthe"land's River - -• D x - x -') • pa..m........1. -14-r kA1.2=:: i..-v.,''-'f - rti--;•,• 'Vt-c.." l ■!:, cU,::CMS Mersey River System x Shelburne Clyde River Roseway River x . Annis.Rive" x Harris Lake (Tusket R) x . Snarl Lake Brook (Tusitet *agt71 6fi4c'-v , riEf70-, COPY, 3 . References Catt, J. 1950. Some notes on brown trout, with particular reference to their stP.tus in New Brunswick and Nova Scotin. Canadian Fish Cult., 7: 25-27. Lein, A. H. & W. B. Scott. 1966. Fishes of the Atlantic Coast of Canada. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada, Bulletin No. 155: 485 pp. PLANTINGS OF LAKE TROUT IN NOVA SCOTIA AI TOT AL NUMBER LAKE YEARS PLANTED PLANTED GOUGH ( ANDERSONS L . ) 1895, 96 75,000 GRAND L. 1892 50,000 HARRY'S L. 1892 50,000 RUBLE/. ' S L. 1892, 93 90,000 HUBLUG 1 S L. 1895 35,000 LAKE THOMAS 1893 20,000 LAKE ILL I AM 1893 20 , 000 ROCKY L. 1893,94,95,96 165,000 LOCHABER L. 1953,56,57,58 499,701 MILL STREAK L. 1E9 40,000 SHERBROOKE L. 1933,35,36,37,38, 40,41,45,57,58, 62,63 1,270,460 GULLY L. 1948 27,330 ANNAPOLIS L. 1894 60,000 MILFORD L. 1892 50,000 MULGRAVE L. 1892 50,000 - PARADISE L. 1893 40,000 ROUND HILL L. 1894 , 96 70,000 AYLESFORD L. 1906 10,000 GASPEREAU L. 1892 50,000 LAKE GEORGE • 1894 60, 000 LONG LAKE 1906 10,000 SOUTH RIVER L. 1894 60,000 4 4 Cc '71 n p 4 9 p lc/ Nate 6.91 rti3 y- 1`15-0 .rep cos • ANGLING RECORDS OF DIKE TROUT Salvelinus mmay_saA in NovaScotia County Location 1950119511 19521 1953 1954 1955 11956 1957 1958 19591196 1961 1962 11963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 Hal. Big Indian L. 365 200 310 635 575 311 664 934 J 2075 J 415 533 415 357 317 237 495 315 314 Lun. Sherbrooke L. *I I I 19 121 1 4 10 5 3 Hal. Dollar L. I III Hal. Pockwock-L. 1 I Guy. Lochaber L. 1 , I * Includes 2 angled in 1962 from Peter L. Ca : A PLANTINGS E.).0 . IN NOVA SCOTIA X* LAKE YEARS PLANTED - TOTAL NUY3ER PLANTED HAL . GRAND L.' 1890, 92, 93 1,100,000 HUBLEY'S L. 1892, 93 600,000 SANDY L. 1890, 94, 95 2,650,000 THOMAS L. 1893 300,000 LLIAMIS L. 1890, 92,93,97, 2,900,000 98, 1901 LOCHABER L. 1894 700,000 ST. JOSEPH'S L. 1894, 95 1,500,000 17.CPHERSON'S L. 1901 500,000 :MILTON L. 1895 500,000 BRAZIL L. 1898, 1901 1,200,000 HAINS & PORTERS L. 1895 800,000 BEELERtS L. 1892, 93 600,000 LA ROSE L. 1896 500,000 PARADISE L. 1892,93,96,97, 2,550,000 1901. ROUND HILL L. 1890,93,96,98 1,750,000 AYLESFORD L. 1890 250,000 GASFEREAU L. 1892 300,000 LAKE GEORGE 1893 300,000 LOON L. 1893 300,000 AINSLEY L. 1895,96,98 2,200,000 LAKE au LAW 1896,98, 1901 2,700,000 4 4 , r f, lc1L3 )ote ( cf 4. m s ss , n j co Lot I) cis ci•r► 1Y /c75-0 Ye Yt.5 RAINBOW TROUT PLANI.LGS IN NOVA SCOTIA Tom' AL •UY,BER LAKE OR STREAM YEARS PLANTED PLANTED ANDERSON'S L. 1899 3,000 BENNETTS L. 1899 6,000 CHOCOLATE L. 1899 4,000 CRANBERRY L. 1899 6,000 FLAT L. 1899 6,000 KELLYS L. 1961 6,000 SANDY L. 1931 _25 SPENCER L. 1935 45 SPRUCE HILL L. 1899 4,000 GIANTS L. 1931,32,33,60,61,63 222,319 GRANTS L. 1940,1959 8,505 EM LT L. 1936,37,38,39,40,41 268,159 BUTLER BRK. 1948,4412.44U 1 1 50C BUTLER L. 1949,51,55 35,600 FORTIES BK. 1948,51 12,669 FaZTY CK.SHERBROOK L. 1944,49 17,500 FRANEY L. 1948,49,51,55,56 110,544 FRAYNE L. 1957 8,000 GULLY BK. 1948,51,55,56 29,900 GULLY R. SHERBROOKE L. 1944 13,000 LAKE =LIAM 1941 12 PAUL BK. 1948 2,000 SAND L. 1948,49,51,55,56,57 180,431 SHERBROOKE L. 1955,56,57 169,300 SHERBROOKE R. 1944,48,51,55,57 50,751 SPECTACLE L. 1932 12,000 WILES L. 1935,36,37,38,39,40 104,030 CRANBERRY L. 1932,33,35 20,500 DEEP L.