Goat Types of Ethiopia and Eritrea - Physical description and management systems Table of Contents by FARM-Africa The International Livestock Research Institute Alemaya University of Agriculture, Ethiopia The Ministry of Agriculture, Ethiopia The Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation, Ethiopia FARM-Africa International Livestock Research Institute October 1996 FARM-Africa FARM-Africa specialises in agricultural development in Africa. Established in 1985, it is committed to helping the smallholder farmers and herders of Africa to help themselves, thereby breaking the cycle of famine and bringing new prosperity to neglected marginal communities. In partnership with local people, FARM's projects pioneer new strategies and techniques in crop and animal husbandry, aiming to produce more food and income in a sustainable way that does not damage the environment. Current projects cover dairy goats, pastoralist development, farmers' research, community forestry management and general rehabilitation and resettlement projects. FARM currently operates in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa. FARM-Africa, PO Box 5746, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel: +251-1-553415; Fax +251-1-552143 FARM-Africa, 9-10 Southampton Place, London, WC1A 2EA, UK Tel: +171-430-0440; Fax: 44-171-430-0460; email
[email protected] ISBN 92-9146-014-1 Correct citation: FARM-Africa. 1996. Goat Types of Ethiopia and Eritrea. Physical description and management systems. Published jointly by FARM-Africa, London, UK, and ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), Nairobi, Kenya. 76 pp. This electronic document has been scanned using optical character recognition (OCR) software and careful manual recorrection. Even if the quality of digitalisation is high, the FAO declines all responsibility for any discrepancies that may exist between the present document and its original printed version.