3736 Hon. Charles B. Rangel Hon. Frank R. Wolf
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3736 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 3 February 11, 2009 those most seriously ill had access to treat- Paul Redd published the Westchester Coun- color of what he was saying was not black ments before approval. ty Press which last month at Manhattanville . it wasn’t white . and it certainly Martin served as the director of Project In- College celebrated its 80th anniversary as wasn’t yellow, as in ‘‘yellow journalism.’’ form until 2008 and also led the Fair Pricing the county’s only black-owned newspaper. The color of what he was saying and writ- Paul Redd purchased the weekly many ing and believing was red, white and blue Coalition which negotiates affordable rates for years ago from the late Dr. Alger Adams. In . as American as it could be. HIV medications with the industry. He dedi- addition to his publishing activities . M. It really was as basic as red, white and blue cated himself to educating and shaping public Paul Redd was very active in New York . because what he was talking about . policy as well, working with everyone from State and Westchester politics serving as all the time . was equality and fairness AIDS patients to research scientists to govern- Vice Chairman of the State Democratic . the same thing Lincoln talked about ment officials. He is credited with saving thou- Party for many years. He was married to po- . and the same thing the Declaration of sands of lives. litical activist Orial Redd and their daughter Independence talks about. For his work, Martin was recently given the Paula Redd Zeeman is the County’s Director We’re going to miss him. of Human Resources. f Director’s Special Recognition Award from the He was also a fixture at many WVOX National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Dis- broadcasts. For almost 40 years, Mr. Redd at- IRAN CONTINUES SYSTEMATIC eases, a division of the National Institutes of tended this station’s St. Patrick’s Day sa- PERSECUTION OF BAHA’IS Health. The award was for ‘‘extraordinary con- lute broadcasts. (WVOX is dedicating this tributions to framing the HIV research agen- year’s broadcast to Mr. Redd). da,’’ and the Institute’s Director, Dr. Anthony One of the features of his newspaper—the HON. FRANK R. WOLF S. Faud, M.D. stated that Martin ‘‘is a formi- Westchester County Press—was the ‘‘Snoopy OF VIRGINIA dable activist and a dear friend. It is without Allgood’’ column which tweeked politicians IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in a good natured, if occasionally pointed, hyberbole that I call Marty Delaney a public way. Mr. Redd never revealed who actually Wednesday, February 11, 2009 health hero.’’ wrote those Snoopy Allgood columns. Mr. WOLF. Madam Speaker, I would like to Madam Speaker, Martin Delaney is truly a He was also a frequent guest on our radio bring to my colleagues’ attention some deeply hero. He not only saved lives; he also forged and tv talk shows and discussion programs. disturbing news coming out of Tehran. a path with his heart, his head, and his convic- Tehran’s deputy prosecutor recently an- tion that he could take action to fight the suf- STATEMENT OF WILLIAM O’SHAUGHNESSY nounced that the revolutionary court will hear fering he witnessed. I join people all over this The legendary publisher Roy Howard used the cases of seven members of the Baha’i country in mourning his passing. to say: ‘‘You can’t have a great newspaper unless you have one man or woman who has faith accused of spying for Israel. The contin- f something to say.’’ ued systematic persecution of the Baha’is by PAYING TRIBUTE TO A LEADER IN Paul Redd had a lot of things to say . the tyrannical government of President NEW YORK STATE POLITICS AND and he said them passionately, clearly and Mahmud Ahmadinejad is unacceptable and JOURNALISM: M. PAUL REDD with great eloquence. must stop. I ask that a report from the Agence His Westchester weekly had influence far beyond its circulation area . mostly be- France Press be inserted into the RECORD, as HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL cause of that one man. well. OF NEW YORK He went all the way back in this county to IRAN TO TRY BAHAIS FOR SPYING FOR ISRAEL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the time of Bill Luddy . Max Berking . TEHRAN (AFP)—Iran will soon try seven Sam Fredman . Mario Cuomo . Al members of the banned Bahai religion on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 DelBello . Miriam Jackson . Andy charges including ‘‘espionage for Israel,’’ the Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today O’Rourke . John Flynn . Edwin Gilbert ISNA news agency reported on Wednesday. to pay tribute to a fixture in New York State Michaelian . Ossie Davis . Malcolm ‘‘The charges against seven defendants in politics and journalism, M. Paul Redd—the Wilson . Richard Ottinger . Joe Shan- the case of the illegal Bahai group were ex- non . Napoleon Holmes . Milt Hoff- strong-willed publisher of the country’s only amined . and the case will be sent to the mann . Paul Dennis . Whitney Young revolutionary court next week,’’ deputy black-owned newspaper, the Westchester . Hugh Price . Guido Cribari . Tehran prosecutor Hassan Haddad was County Press. The weekly celebrated its 80th Nancy Q. Keefe . Ogden Reid . Vinnie quoted as saying. anniversary last year, just a few months prior Rippa . Tony Gioffre . Dennis Mehiel Haddad said the charges included ‘‘espio- to the passing of its longtime publisher and . Franklyn Richardson . Dr. Lester nage for Israel, insulting religious sanctities muse. Redd was an African American leader Cousin . Anthony J. Colavita . Bobby and propaganda against the Islamic repub- whose foray into journalism and politics made & Jack Kennedy . Ernie Davis . Ed lic.’’ him a premier advocate for equality and fair- Brady . Jack Javits . Vin Draddy . Iran and Israel are arch-enemies, and Ira- Bill Butcher . Fred Powers . Brother ness. With a seriousness of purpose, out- nian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad has re- Jack Driscoll . Al Sulla . Tony Vet- peatedly called for the Jewish state to be pouring of passion, and great eloquence, he eran . Francis X. O’Rourke . Wel- wiped off the map. and his paper prodded politicians towards re- lington Mara . B.J. Harrington . Wil- In late January, judiciary spokesman Ali sponsible, progressive stances and held them liam Congdon . Alvin Richard Ruskin . Reza Jamshidi said Iran had arrested six ad- accountable to the people and communities Angelo Martinelli . Bob Abplanalp . herents of the Bahai faith on the same they served. He traversed the world of media Kirby Scollon . Ed Hughes . Daniel charges. and public service, blurring the line that sepa- Patrick Moynihan . Hugh Carey . and Earlier last month, the Fars news agency rates them and serving as vice chairman of our magnificent neighbor Nelson Aldrich said the ex-secretary of Nobel laureate Rockefeller. the state Democratic Party for a number of Shirin Ebadi’s office was detained for links He amplified all their voices. with an organisation of the Bahai faith, add- years. And we will miss his . ing that the ex-staffer was a Bahai herself. A voice—when as clear, cogent, and power- Haddad did not say if the seven being ful as his was—cannot be silenced, even in STATEMENT OF GOVERNOR MARIO M. CUOMO charged were the same as those arrested in death, as the following WVOX radio tribute ti- I’ve just learned of Paul Redd’s passing January. tled ‘‘M. Paul Redd Dies Suddenly’’ makes . and I am saddened by it. Followers of the Bahai faith, founded in clear. He will continue to reverberate and re- Paul Redd had an awful lot of strength . Iran in 1863, are regarded as infidels and have sound in the minds of those he touched, in the and a whole lot of strong opinions. He had a suffered persecution both before and after words of those he influenced, in the work we strong voice, and a strong will that inspired the 1979 Islamic revolution. him to use that voice . speaking the Bahai teachings emphasise the underlying public servants have yet to do for our constitu- truth, and spreading it, as he saw it . unity of major religions, with history having encies, our state, and our country. about politics, about politicians . and produced a succession of divine messengers, M. PAUL REDD DIES SUDDENLY even beyond, whether politicians liked it or each of which founded a religion suitable for One of Westchester’s most prominent and not. the times. durable African-American leaders has died. He was a proud owner of the only Black Bahais consider Bahaullah, born in 1817, to Word came within the hour from the office newspaper in the county . for . I think be the last prophet sent by God. This is in di- of NYS Assemblyman George Latimer that it was . eighty years. rect conflict with Islam, the religion of the M. Paul Redd died suddenly last night of a And he spoke in that paper all he could on vast majority of Iranians, which considers massive heart attack. He was in his mid-80’s. all these truths. And in doing it . the Mohammed to be the last prophet. VerDate Mar 15 2010 15:18 May 17, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\E11FE9.000 E11FE9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD.