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Coyote Chronicle (1984-) Arthur E. Nelson University Archives


March 12th 1986


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Recommended Citation CSUSB, "March 12th 1986" (1986). Coyote Chronicle (1984-). 206.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Arthur E. Nelson University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Coyote Chronicle (1984-) by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Voliune 20 Number 17 March 12,1986 Bus Stop Well Young Republican "Blast from the Past 99 Performed Is political awaicucss ucau la accusea tne Young Repbulicans ot in tiiHing intending to start coyote land? Certainly not!I At the being Rambo lovers and StaUone problemsl WeU, no proUem herel by John PurceU last meetiiig of the Young groupies, along with less As a matter of frict, tte Jane Fonda William Inge's Bus Stop, as love must be given fredy and Republicans, this campus got to printable...Yuppies perhaps, but Fan Club did nothing short ot perfonned by CSUSB's Thea^e cannot be demanded, the other see a "blast from the past" if you Stallone groupie^ PUH-LEEZEll making the Young Republican Arts Department, is a i^y which diaracters show diflerent outlooks wfll when some throwbacks of the But the point here is that the meeting a unifying success. serves as a wondofiil veUde for on love. 60*8 era dashed with the clean cut Young Rqiublicans woe holding Bottom line? Pditics isexcitiiig! the acting talents of the cast Virgo, played by Steve Steele, is R^ublican conservatives. Dga a quiet scheduled with a Come to our meetings, that is if The play is about several Bo's best friend. At the end of ^ Vu? Who knows? gu^ q>ea]rer present (who, by the you don't have long hair, a beard, diaracters who end up together at {day he states, sadly, that some Calling thonsdves "Vietiuun way, was very cool even though tye-dyed jeans, and a peace sign on a small diner during a blizzard Veterans Against the War" (what being threatoied.) And the so die badt your army fdigue while watting fb the roads to be war? cola war, or what?) they caOed mm-vidait activist barged jadcet deared. 'The play is mostly The i^y was continuously wdl performed. Each actor seemed about love,*' perfiKt for the roks they were given. Dagmar Handles shinM fo Interview with. Br,—Rivera the rde of Cherie, played by people don't find love, but instead by Steve Karen Marytin Monroe in the movie are left out in the cold Others, like Elma Duckworth, Dr. Tmn Rivera, Mio ovosees Prkv to that he tau^ sixffi grade. Steve, we have the artmiswom vreskm the i^y. Cherie is a the educational support services owner the diner, and Cart, the RecenUy, he apeed to this department, and then we have singer, though not a good one. But department, whidi affects many bus driver ({Oayed by Grace shmt interview wiUi me. Here is an student life, and then we have dont tdl that the Bo Decker, university students in six excopt of some of the questions educational support service^ so played Lance Rossie. Bo is the Hoylord and David Pavao, programs, upw^ bound, student and answers. our activities focus a lot on cowboy who has fallen in love re^ectivdy) have found through affirmitive action, the laming years of experience, that Where did you receive your retention." with her and forced her to come center, services to students with commitment is not possible and education? "Wdl, 1 wait to the What are your goals for the with him on a bus to Mcmtana disabilities and the student "Harvard of the WesT Steve..J future? "To develop a whm he i^ans to marry her. But that me ni^t stands are ftie best they can hope for. assisrance in learning (SAIL) wait to Cal State LA.(lau^iing) I omitordiensive retoition plan, so Cherie has other plans. In one program, was recently graduated with the Cc^tcm High Michde ll Smith, pmtrayed by to 9eak, woriring in unison wifti show-stopping scene, Cherie gets Hispanic "Educator of the Year" School dass 1958, then I went Ddxirah Mathews, is a hi^ the academic affairs part of the up (m a t^le and sings, most by Camincs Magazine. to VaUey CoD^ for a few years school-aged waitress and also a ooDege, in that we comprehend key, while do cheers ha on. Caminos created fourteen and from there I transferred to Cal and devek^ programs as a unit to picture of innocence. Her llie play is noostly about love. It different eateries bom art to State LA. I got my Master's from increase the students view cff the has a lot to say ab^ the subject innocence stands to be corrupted education, then 7500 pec^le who CSLA, then went to UCLA to ftmire. At this point we have after While Bo and Cherie show how conL pg S bought the magazine sent in their pick up my Doctorate." one quarter of instruction ballots with their dioices for each Wliti are your main duties tii approximately 700 people on category. Dr. Rivera has been on heading this department? "I academic {vobation. Thafs realty A Night of Poetry the faculty hoe m Cal State since administer the educational die main concem. Twdve pacent 1972. He came hoe after bdng a department program^ our focus is of the freshmen have dropped out to seek retention. We are one of by Jack Gains counsdor at San Bernardino already, whidi is not b^ We Valley College, fourteen years ago. three departments. As you know In the typical school surrounding literature and show contpgS atmos|diere of high stress and how universally human poetry can oomp^tion, sutdimi^ is <^ten be. disregarded. Education has For the first time this year works become so focused in each fidd from such notable writers as that dangerous walls of igncvance Robert, Frost, Dylan Thomas, Mystery on the Mount have hardened between the arts Sylvia Path, and Alan Gindwg Onefriday mcnning, on my way organizations. I was successful in shirt^ The more I tboti^ about all and sciences. A small groiqi of can be listed to without having to an eight-o'clock class, I was just reading the first page, but I (ff the dub's stunts, the more I was students here at Cal Stde to be in a dassromn. An are more looking around the campus when read toe rest of the pages just to convinced that these music recognize these ignmandcs and than welcome, especially those aU of sudden my attoition was make sure. Could tb^ letters on animals of The Chosen Fugue will presoit an art thafs rapidly who don't get a chance to read directed towards the mountains. I that mountain have been the were responsible for this vagary. fading in popularity: podry. On much verse. We wee the waB saw the white letters "CF" near the w(^ks oi "The Chosen Fugue"? Then again, I could be wrong. the night of April 8th frmn 8 to existing between the arts and top the mountain behind the (The Chosen Fugue is a music dub Who am I to say that they are 9*30 p.m. in the pub, a group sciences as academia's greatest GYM. Right away I was saying to oa can^ius) The same dub that responsible. This could be the experioiced read^ wiD ddiver internal downfsU and that it myself^ "What in the world could was the culprit last year who put works of someone dse. But if it fird-rate poetry within relaxed benefits no one. "CF" stand for~? Just when I aU of those red, green, and oh yes, was The Chosen Fugues' doing, surroundings. Give us a few hours, you may be though this was the most fuzzy green dot stickers aU ova then I ave one thing to say to those For most of us poetry has sadly impressed by the bnuty that conservative University in campus? (and some that yet stiU who were invdved in this become more threatening and language has achieved wifoin the Califonia, someone pulls a stunt have not been discovered) escapade, (and you know who you alien than enjoyable. Even within twoitieth century. If the reading like this. I thought for a moment I said to myselL "This has to be are out thm) Ifs nice to see that classes that te^h the subject an doesn't draw you maybe the that maybe that mminfain was a the dub! This dub has always had some dubs on campus stfll have a aura of competition often discounted beer and wine wOL victim of a fratonity prank. But a warped soise of humor. Besides sense of humor even unda aU of smothers any gratification. One Remember, the sectmd Tuesday stffl there was no connection what otha dub would have a the stresses that school work can must "know" what this or that the Spring Quarfor (April 8th) between the two. picture of Jctoann Sabastian Back bring at times. I congratulate you "means," and be able to articulare from 8K)0 to 9:30 p.m. in the pub. Afta my dass, I stopped by the (complete with Ray-Ban aU. deep emotional c

Rushing Alpha Phi Alpha Phi will be holding at registration for those interested. Spring Rush on Monday Mardi If you have any questions please Fun & Hard Work withDr, Slout 31st at 7K)0 p.m. in the lower can Shirley at 887-4152 or Rajean commons. Feel free to come by at 735-6487. We look forward to by Cherrfyn Etter and see what Alpha Phi is all m#^ng an of you. "Fun and hard work front oi people — like prospective home state. about We will be taking sign ups characterize the life of the Theatre teachers." It is also a good class for He finds fascination in the Arts studaits," says the CSUSB those "who want a diange of colorful entertainment and areas catalog. This is aho true of the pace" because it is "a fim of amusement of the 19th century. Attention Women professor of Theatre Arts. For experience, ir allows you to grow", He is doing researdi for a by Theresa Ross instance, you mi^t find a and the ntm-ThetUre Arts majors biographical dictionary of 19th Cal State Organization of political locally and nationaUy. professor such as Dr. William do not need to feel intimidat^ century drcus people. He also CoD^ Women is a growing CSOCW has a display in the Slout, in the scene shop (in the He enjoys working widi finds gratification and challenge in network whidi serves as advocate library on the third floor near the Creative Arts Building), pounding Cal State Organization of copy machines, depicting away on or cutting up some board CoUq^ Women is a growing womoi's iii4X}rtant role in history. which will be used for maldn g the ...There is so much network which serves as an Students are encouraged to join scenery in "Bus Stop", a f4ay he is advocate for student concem CSOCW. Yearly memb^hip is currently directing here at CSUSB. ''unused talent" Fdating to women's issues. They $3.00 for students, and $10 for But what about the fun part? hope to (vovide a vital link in the associates. Questions or Dr. Slout finds fim in Theatre vast potential at CSUSB through membership can be sent to 539 E. Arts because "there is a CTOSS OV«' networidng with professional and Virginia, Rialto, CA 92376. with the practical and the students. He says there is so mudi Shakespear because it gives the academic." It's not routine; there is "imused talent". He believes his "world to deal with" in terms of change, such as different plays to work with the play "Tabacco creativity. Fraternity Invasion work on; and he enjoys "seeing the Road" was the most successful, Dr. Slout has also written i^ys Las V^as win never be the Sammy, and Dean, eat your heart students blossom." This he because it had a marvelous cast, of his own. "Burial of ALma," same. The hip-n-happening, outi expresses with a sparkle of pride in half of which was non-Theatre which he wrote, was produced single, successful men of Sigma A lot for one weekend? Not his eyes that seem to indicate he's Arts majors. here at CSUSB last summer. It is a Chi invaded Las V^as this past even close compared to what's thinking about those students who Where did Dr. Slout get his comedy about a history professor weekend. To the sounds of coins going on this rimft around. The have grown under his instruction. enthusiasm for the theatre? It has who isn't use to handlii^ his wife's and mugs clicking, it was judged to **Sigma Chi Suitari to San Di^o" Dr. Slout's enthusiasm to see been with him since childhood. He new found success. be a serious success. Not only did is now upon us. Are you starting to students grow is not limited to was an actor in his father's show, When asked what he would like quite a few of the Brothers manage get the picture? Sigma Chi is a those who are Theatre Arts which was a traveling dramatic to be remembered for he said, "I to win a few bucks, but all took blast (or gnarly for you surf majors. In the Spring quarter one theatre that was held in tents. They don't want to p:.' people in a advantage of the almndance of free dudes). Just ask , of the classes he is teaching is stayed for a week at a time in rural position to remem> r me. When flowing drinks and inexpensive Tom Selleck, or Merlin Olsen. "Acting for Non-Majors". This, he towns in the mid-west, performing Tm gone, I'm gone.' But already food to have one of those mythical They're all Sigs! said, is a good class for "anyone different shows each night. Later he is remembered by his students fraternity experiences known to all So, hey call 886-9926, 887- who wants to get confideiKX in the he did acting in New York and (past and present) ior his fun and as roa^pping. But wait! By far, 5353, or 887-9356 for info on our ability to communicate and be in summer stock in Michigan, his Imd work the best occured when the definitely happening group. Brothos got together to serenade a Meanwhile, see ya in San Di^! hufy friend for her birthday in the Oh, Congrats to the \HeaUh Corner^ middle of the nightclub. Frankic, Alpha Phi! Inovative Ideas Blood Drive by Jackie Wiison Last Thursday was the campus Food Services for their generosity. encourage you to do this so that The Innovative Ideas aid check distributicm. Slood Drive. Out of a campus of Also, Melinda Conley won an our Reserve Fund will be wdl Committee would like to thank JoAim Von Wald, Adminis­ 6,000 i^us, only 62 people intramural t-shirt, Felicia supplied. You may need help one the following staff and faculty who trative Affairs Director, and Dean attemped to donate. 13 were Reyes won an intramural hat, just day, and it is only through your were instrumental in helping our H. Stephen Prouty, Advising deffer^ whidi resulted in 49 pints for donating. Thanks to the donation that help is available. A by looking into the Center Director, who have b(Mh of blood credited to our Blood Intramurals Department for those special thanks to the 62 pet^le improvements suggested by been wonderfiil in responding to [Reserve Fund. Our campus two donations. Anyone who was who took the time and tried to stunts, staff, and faculty fcv our everyone's improvement averages 90-100 pints at e^ unable to (kmate last Thursday donate, wh^ber they were campus. suggestions. Blood Drive, so the results were and would like to donate to our successful or not It is people like Leonard Farw^ Business These faculty and staff members %'ery disappointing. Those who did Blood Reserve Fund can go to tbe them that keep our Reserve Fund Manager, for his response to wfl] each receive a hamburger and donate received a coupon for a free local Blood Bank in San Bemardio functioning at all, whidi benefits suggestions to improve the campus taco redeemable at the following small soft drink at their Campus and ask that their (tonation be the entire campus. We applaud bookstore and the vending locations: Burger King, 555 W. Snack Bar, and we'd like to thank credited to our campus. We you! machines. Highland Avenue and Del Taco, Helga Lingren, Student Unitm 715 W. Highland Avenue in San Director, for her response to Bernardino. The coupons may be Dealing With Tension suggestions to improve the campus picked up at the Advising Center pub and Student Union in PL-107. For all those who wish Do you ever fed you've lost sleep. The mental components 5. Avoid the stress foods-caffeine, Ted Knig, Finandal Aid to submit more suggestions for control? Six papers are due this include unrealistic goals and a sugar, or greasy foods. Eat a Director, for his response to campus improvement, please do week and you've got final exams hopeless attitude. Below are tips variety of foods, espedally stress suggestions to improve financial so for next quarter. Thanks again! to prepare for? These are pressures on how to handle a stressful reducers such as milk and foods many students face and usually situation such as finals. hi^ in Vitamins A, B, and C. can deal with, but when they pfle 1. Have a positive attitude. up, often with no end in si^t Realize that you are an intell%ait 6. Distractions — that intense stress becomes distress. The person and that there is no reascm desire to scrub the floor, the symptoms are familiar tension why you shouldn't do well inability to concentrate on headache, the jitters, upset anything but soap operas — are a stomach, or a general inabili^ to 2. Be calm wboi you stucfy. A Donnal part of studying. Instead of cope. If not stopped, distress feeds calm mind absorbs information feeling guilty about them, on itself untfl we become time better than a tense one. recognize that they are ways EDITOR-IN-CHIEF BRADLEY A. PIVAR bombs, waiting to explode. whereby you are mentally EXECUTIVE EDITOR ELROND LAWRENCE Fortunately, there are ways of 3. Exerdse r^ularly. Aerobic preparing yourself ro get down to BUSINESS' MANAGER EILEEN CRAMER stopping this vicious cyde. The exercise rdeases hormones that the task at hand. Allow yourself a TYPESETTER SHARON STALCUP first and foremost is to recognize calm the body and the mind Even limited period of guilt-free Hnw LAYOUT ARTIST •EILEEN CALLAGHAN what is happening vdien pressures if you are not into r^ular exerdse, then g^ on with your studying. start to mount and attempt to PHOTOGRAPHER FENRIS WOLF a daily walk can do wonders. A bit ftitwfllihif requests shoutd be addressed or directed to tbe Advertising Manager at the r^ain some sontrol of your of warning, though: Don't Ttmki* 7. Above all, realize that finals address and number above. Advertising Policy-The Cal State Chronicle accepts situati

Cirtth^ the Red Tiyw BE A LEADER Planning leave of absence bX'Jackie WOson A.S. Government Students "iftiring a the active partici{)ation of students commited CSUSB student who find that <^)portimites such as traveling or difference in the goings-on at Cal State. to **the welfare ^ the student body.** studying abroad, employment they wfll be away from the Each of us, as a registered student here, has a Associated students offers a unique University for more than three related to educatkmal aims and quarters up to a two-year period major fields of study, or stake in the way Associated Students opportunity for exposue to the functions of a should for an official leave partici{)atievoted service to the students surgery, or otbCT healt^related absence to contiue under the THE OUTSET. of CSUSB can help sell you to potentia) catalogue requirements in efEect at proUems. 3.) Financial reasmis, The officers and Board of Directors of A.S. employers. the time. such as necessity to obtain The evaluation of petitions fix employment for a s|)ecific period are resixmsiMe for the allocation of a Give some serious thought to running for ar {banned leaves of absace will take in order to resume study with significant sum of money. For the current A.S. office for the 1986-87 Academic year finanrial m«in« 4.) into consideration a snid^*s academic year, A.S. will dbburse over Petitions for office, as well as answers to your Mffitary service. In cases of stated {dans and the extent to $1(X),000 to supix)rt such campus activities as questions are availaMe at the student union which this absence would medical or finandal leaves, it must contribute to educational aims. be stated how the student plans to the Book Co-op, club activities, spedal desk. Petitions must be returned by Ap^ 8. Students are expected to |dan their remain current with or advance in speakers and events, The Escape Program, the Get involved in student government You time qX. return in addition to their his/her academic fidds. Child Care Center, and The Chronicle. Its can make a difference. The granting of a leave activities durmg the leave. Also, it res(X)nsibility b a significant one, and caUs for must be stated why it is important of absence does not ccmstitute a to remain in continuous waiver of the requirement for re- attendance. a|)|rfying for readmisskm to Students who are absent from CSUSB, but the applicatioo fee the University for two consecutive will be waived, pfwided that the quarters (not including summers) conditioos t^ leave have beoi may return to CSUSB under the met A leave of absmce b not cat^c^ue requirements which granted retroactivdy. The Chronicle will apidied prior to their absence, Studenb receiving a leave of provided that they have not absence after the last day to resume printing april attended any other coU^ or withdraw without penalty (April university during their absence. 18th) will recieve grades of "W" in For absences of more than two all courses they were enrolled in. 9th quarters, or for absences during Students recdving various kinds

Sighting Haley's Comet

by Melissa E McDowell Take a look fcx yoursell Just in case you missed it in Here are some tips for viewing 1910 (come now, where were thb famous comet you?) Of even last fidl, you are Fcx the best viewii^ in going to get a secrmd chance. Southern California you will need HaQey's Comet has returned, to get away from the dty lights and for a limited showing, in the night haze. Try to gd out to the desert or sky. But, unless you catch it thb the mountains. Be sure andbringa STUDENT • FACULTY time, youll have to wait another jadtet in case it b cold. DISCOUNT 76 years. Make sure you have a good THE AMIGA PERSONAL COMPIXIER A comet b really a mixture of view of the southern horizon so UNSPI-AKAILLY ADVANCED. ices and rocky matoial covoed by your sitting of the comet will not AMIGA 512 Computer UTTERLY AFFOKDABLB. a thin, hard sheU. It b something be Mocked. A good {lair of with like a dirty snowball When a binoculars will help you find the comet nears the sun, the ice comet and give you a better look at MONITOR! material vaporizes. Thb material the tail From the middle of March to forms the t^ of the comet LIMITED OFFER! Halley's Comet was named A(ml 9, early risds will have the after Edmund Halley who was first b^ chance of seeing the ccmieL to plot the orbit of the comet That's very early thou^ like an through the solar system at an hour before sunrise. If thb b too GET YOUR HANDS ON THE MOST interval of every 75 or 76 years. much trouMe, you night owb will TECHNOLOGICALLY ADVANCED Halley's Comet b the most famous get a few chan^ to see HaBey in PERSONAL COMPUTER IN ITS CUSS. inhisbxy, having bemreoHded as the evening. AND A LEG UP ON THE COMPETITION. passing near the sun at least 29 Even though the passage of times, as far bade as 239 B.C. nancy's Comet will not be as Why an dib friss over a dirty bright as it was in 1910, when the snowball? Wdl, a dirty snowball Earth passed through its tafl, you OAflNG€ on the ground cotainly isn't as should be aMe to gd a good view. €XIT impressive as the comet in the sky. Happy Looking!! N IncDLnNOS business solutions of redlonds 1 Mflll

Redlands, Cft 92373 (714 )7984937 Financing Available j \ Mafdil2,1986 THE CHRONICLE

Pertinent Information L0REEM W00LFOIRD YOy WDIM I COIME CLADSIja YOUR PROZE Associated Students CREATIVE WORD PROCESSING Professional Typing Service Means You! MARTIE SEBEK P.O. Box 3756 San Bernardino, CA 92413 Phone: (714) 882-4380 by Shana McLean Every full-time student on this Publicity campus pays $20 a year in Newqnper Publicity your problem? Do you need MONEY for college? Associated Student fees. With this Are you reading this Smdent Clubs and Organizations money, the elected student newspap^ If so, you are are always welcome to request government Board of Direcmrs benefitting from your Associated posters from the Associated SCHOLARSHIP FINDERS allocates funds to a numerous Students fees, lite Chronicle is Students publicity service. A Can Help! amount of organizations and published for the student KROY machine whidi |»'oduces services designed to enrich and community and is chiefly camera-ready letters on tape, a 4 billion $ available every year. benefit students' college lives. supported by large AS funds. button machine, border tape, and Over 100 miUion not used. Your A.S. money supports ciubs, Without the help of AS, The all such helpful items are ava^le emergency loans, campus Chronicle would not be possible. to clubs for a small cost Posters entertainment, and the Esckpe are free. Associated Students puts CALL 1-800-872-1221 x 6013 OR Program. In addition, the Camping Equipment neariy $2000 into this service 881-2269, John Chvilicek (leave message) following services are available for Capers and others who like every year and invites suggestions students* use: the gr^ outdoors but need on biow to make things better. So, camping equipment can rent if your organization needs t lovely new family don^ tents, pubhdty, simply call the AS Sid Rental office! / How many feet of snow at middle size dome tents, Coleman ATTENTION / Mammoth?? Rent downhill and lanterns, ice chests, and other Children's Center JUNIORS & cross country skiis from the assorted goodies. The ramping This year, as in past years, AS / Associated Students ski rental equipment is housed at the AS has provided a large amount of SENIORS! Activities Office, Student Union. / II supply which is housed in the gym. money to support the Children's Ass(xiated Students initiated the This year AS has been channeling Center. The Children's Center is rental program with a b^inning more dollars into this service for good reliable instructional care for Durchak. and cycles all rental fees students who live in an area children of students

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MEETINGl "Uni Phi meets from 1 lam-Noon in the S.U. Senate Chambers --Baha'i Club meets from l-2pm in S.U. room "B" "Delta Sigma Phi meets from 6-9pm in CA-20I- MEETINGS SPORTS/LEISURE "Latter-Day Saints Student Association --Intramural Poker Night from 7pm- meets from Noon-lpm in PL-212 Midnight in the SUMP & ^--Toasimasters Club meets from Noon- Chambers. tpii'i X7564 •Student Union Board of Directors meets •Woodpusher's Anonymous meets for 3-4pm in the S.U Senate Chambers Chess from 7:30pm-Midnight in S.U. Student Union Expansion Committee rooms "A" 8t "B" meets from 4-5pm. in the S.U. Senate NOW Dancing & --Jazz in the Pub from 7:30-10:00pm Chambers "Public Administration Club meets from OPEN! SP.fJt. TtLL2A.M. Romancing 5-Bpm in S.U. room "A" 7NITESAWEEK MEETINGS -Sigma Chi Omicron meets from 6-8pm in - CHOICE OF - • 10 BARS • CRAZY CONTESTS • 3 OANCE FLOORS • CASH PBtZES "Committee for Clubs meets from 8:30- the S.U. Senate Chambers LIVE • 3 DISC JOCKEYS * FUU SERVICE lG:00am in the S.U. Senate Chambers. --Alpha Phi meets from 6-9pm in the • 2 GIANT VIDEO RESTAURANT ROCK & ROLL SCREENS * RELAXING --A.S. Referendum Task Force meets from SUMP • LIVE BANDS LOUNGE NEW WAVE • CAPACITY 2ND • 1st OVER llam-12:30pm in the S.U. Senate SPORTS/LEISURE TO NONc- INVITED Chambers --Intramural "A" Basketball MUSIC "Black Student Union meets from Noon- Championship, TBA, GYM or LOUNGE lpm in S.U. room "8" "—ALL UNDER "Campus Crusade for Christ meets from 1 ROOF 7-8;30pm in CA-139 MEETINGS "Special Events Committee meets from THE FINEST IN THE INLAND EMPIRE" SPORTS/LEISURE 8:3D-9:30am in the S.U. Senate "Intramural Street Hockey Championship 5714 MISSION BtVn. Chambers starts at 3:30pm, outdoor courts 1ISSloA r-LAZA SHUhj iNG CENTfR "A.S. Board of Directors meets from R|V£RSIDE, CA "A.S. Oance from 9pm-lam. SUMP 1 Gam-Noon in the S.U, Senate Chambers "Philosophy Department meets from 7- 10pm in S.U. rooms "A" & "B" SPORTS/LEISURE SPORTS/LEISURE "Tennis & Racquetball Courts will be -Co-Rec. Volleyball from 8-10pm. GYM open for recreation from 10am-2pm. The Apple n GYM will be open from l-5pm "Newman Club Dance from 8pm-lam in Latfer-Day~SainTs~S!u(lent" Association Including: Personal Computer the SUMP meets from Noon-lpm in PL-212 Monitor "Information Management Association 2 disk drives printer, p^>er BUMBM meets from Noon-lpm in S.U. room "A" 64 k meaaory LITURGY "M.E.Ch.A. meets from l-2pm In S.U. 80 column card SAVE 50% -Newman Club Mass begins at 1 lam In room "B" Cp/m the Pine Room (C-1251 Word Processor "Newman Club meets from 1-2pmln S.U. Spdling Cbedrer MUST SELL - $1,695.00 or best offer room "A" Games "Greek Council meets from 3:3G-5:00pm Joystidc Game Paddles Please contact Steve Hekman at 682-3304 SPORTS/LEISURE " ^ in S.U. rooms "A" & "B" AU offers wffl be considered. _"M.E.Ch.A. Community meeting Is from Over 75 disks --The GYM will be open for recreation Computer desk from !•" 7-9pm in the S.U. Senate Chambers March 12,1986 THE CHRONICLE Mottwr lookliig for anodier modMf; Management Trainee Poeiticm: who needs child care for Spring Qtr. Need individual with executive i' •».«. I'm looking fm mother with 1 or 2 potential who is seeking manage­ children to swap babysitting hours. ment opportunity. Selected appli­ 1- .^iS ,- , Schedule negot Lisa 889-8369. cant will be trained for branch Experienced Typist: All types of manager of laige growing financial assignments, quickly. Reasonable & service company. Aggressive, accurate. Call Cyndy Roberts at ambitious personality is desired. 883-5267. 3/12. Good starting salary and comi^ete Throwing it up Experienced Typist, call 886-2509 program of employee benefits,. between 10 & 2. 884-5196 other Advance according to your ability to times. Mrs. Smith. 3/12 absorb training and responsibility. Professional Typing and now Apply in person at Nmwest Finan­ won't set It out word processing availaUe. Excel­ cial Service Co, 454 W. Highland, S. lent quality, accurate & timely. Call Bernardino. 92405. Pam of Expert Typing Service at 882-6502. 3/12. of }pur ^tem Tyinng Service Near Gal State. The following part-time jobs are Term papers, resumes, letters, misc. availaUe at the time the Chnmicle Call Cynthia, 887-5931. 6/4 ^xs to press, however, we cannot AM/FM Typing, Computerized guarantee that they wilt still be editing. Shirley Lewis 887-3527 3/12 available at the time the newspaper Profeaaional Typing: Neat, is read. Additional jobs come in every accurate, timely & reasonable. IBM day and are posteddaily, so check the Selectnc. Mrs. Vincent 882-5398. part-time job board in the Career 3/12 Planning and Platxment Center. SS- 116. Ty)4ng A Resume Service: Ex­ perienced APA & 1^1 formats. Salesclerks and Telephone Theses, papers Susan Watts, Operator: Local large department 882-7022. 3/12. store in the Inland Cento* Mall is Research Problems? Ali levels, looking for a telephone (q)erator to all areas. Foreign students wetcmne! work evenings and weekends Thesis counseling also available. Dr. answering phtmes and diverting the Arnold, 215477-8474 114 pm. 4/16. calls to the rig^t departments. They Brenda's Typing Service: All are also looking for salesclerks to your college papers. Accurate & work 15-20 hours/week, flexible dependable. ReasonaUe rates. Day hours. The salary for both positions ornight. 886-3726. 3/12. is $3.80/hour. *107, *108 For Sale: '77 Honda Civic auto. Xlent condition. $1450 OBO 784- Service Station Attendant: Student is needed to work at a 3090. 3/12. For Sale: '72 Honda car, new motor, service station in Highland as a paint, upholstery $1000 OBO Call service station attendant. Must be 18 | Mike 796-9281. years old or older and the hours are For Sale: '73 Vega, reblt. motor, n^tiable. Position pays $3.^ plus Xlent condition $600. Mike 796-9281 an hour. *104 Ipor Sale: Wedding dress, size 6,call Computer Sales Trainee: and we can work out a deal! 785- Student who is a business or 8055. 3/12. computer science major is needed to train students as outside salesmen For Sale: '81 Rabbit, new rebuilt in computer sales. Would work 10-20!!^ engine, 4 spd, 2dr, A/C, AM/FM. hours/week, variable hours and Xlent condition. Dave 882-7497. For Safe: WalVbugger lechaer, Codss- would receive commissions rather pbooe mange recorder, portable type­ than salary. Position is in Riverside. *103 writer, B & W TV. All inexpeoavdy priced. CaU Jerry; 787-9057. 3/12. General Counter Help: Student - who is over 18 is needed to make Roommate Needed! to share pizza, wait on customers and bus house near campus. Rent is only $187/mo plus 1/2 utilities. If tables for 15-35 hours/week at local pizza parlor. The position pays interested, call Cindy 883-1961. In the beginning, hinging and purging seemed $335/hour. *99 For Sale: Black, Fender like an easv way to control your weight. Musicmaster bass. Excellent Now. it s controlling vour whole life. ccmdition. Black leather strap and extension cord included. Must Because bulimia isn t a miracle diet. sacrifice. $300 or best offer. Call 887- it's a dangerous disease. 9589 and leave a message. Kaplan. A jM)lentiallv fatal obsession that consumes your Bear Buddie KetUel! As "bear buddies" go, you're my best "bear The father of mind while it destroys your body. pal"!! Always do your "beary" best And no matter how manv times you tell yourself because Alpha Phi is the "beary" test prep. best!! Always-your bear pal, Laura No lie!Stanley H. Kaplan you can stop, that this time is the last time, the truth is: Group W Cable: Part-time, was the first. And nearby temporary telephone sales personnel vou can t quit alone. 50 years later, he's still the But there is a place where vou're not alone. needed. $4.50/hr. plus bonuses. 4:30- best in test prep. 9KX) p.m. Mon.-Fri. Applications Kaplan will chop down any The Eating Disorders Program. available at 2090 North D Street, San fears you may have about Our medical staff and counselors have helped Bernardino or call Gr^ Blume at taking the SAX LSAX GMAX 881-2431 MCAX GRE, NTE, CPA, or hundreds of women suffering from bulimia, so we know others. His test-taking tech­ w hat vou're going through. And we can help you end niques and educational pro­ grams have helped over your physical and mental pain through a confidential, I million students boost their medically supervised inpatient program. scoring power and test confi­ ^ORT-X dence. He can do the same If you or someone you love has a problem with body fitness for you. bulimia, anorexia or overeating,call the Eating Disorders ^ if you have "presidential" eimbitions, call Kaplan. And Program. WEIGHTLIFTING EQUIP­ prepare with the expert. Because throwing up all that food you re MENT BELOW RETAIL consuming won't help. PRICES! KAPLAN You need care and understanding to eliminate A WEIDER DISTRIBUTORI STANlf Y H. KAPIAN tOUCATIONAl C£NTT8 llD DCXf T COMPETE WITH the helpless feeling that's consuming you. A KAPLAN STUDENT-BE ONE I096 OFF WITH THIS AD ENROLLING NOW! Visit us at our center. EATING DISORDERS PROGRAM 11185 Mountain View Ave., #161, Lomaj Linda. CA 92354. Or call us days, evenings VERNON L. OTERO or weekends, our phone number: (714) | SAN BERNARDINO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL (714) 887-9534 796-3727.

(714) 887-6466 < jin Ciirfi. K A L E I COPE T COMMUNICATION DEPT THE FEATURE PAGE SPONSOR MOVIE REVIEW Not just for kids anymore Comics address social issues Wait for this one on tv by Blane Harringiton "Delta Force" from the "Rambo" by Kerri Hawkins collector's editions, and the drinking problem. World hunger genre. For a time, the situation owner must go to a convention for personifi^ was attacked by Those who have avatted comic What do you get when you becomes more realistic and can be that land of transaction. superheroes in a special edition taken seriously. Everyone knows tooks because they arc **too entitled "Heroes for Hope", a cross the cast and plot of an old diildish" have missed the quiet Social issues are being faced that sooner or later the bullets will squarely on the comic book page. comic book drawn and inked by "Airport" movie with a Chuck rev(MutioD taking place in the Norris action picture? If you toss in be flying, but director Menahem Millionaire Tony Stark, better over 40 different artists. All of tbt Golan shows a great deal of comic book industry. proceeds from "Heroes for Hc^" and a Middle Eastern No longer do Donald Dudt and known as "Iron Man", was an restraint with the action. alcoholic and lost his entire went to the African Famine Relief hostage crisis, you're bound to Archie dominate news stands, says come up with "The Delta Force", fortune before he overcame his Fund. Pat Hayes of Four Cok* the latest collaboration of Norris This restraint lasts until the rest Fantasies, a shop catering to comic and Cannon films. . of the hostages are returned book fans. The cartoon image of "Delta Force" has a better plot to , and Delta Force is comic books has dLsappearcd. A and is slightly more realistic than finally able to go in after them. Tlie comic book chosen randomly off other recent Norris/Cannon movie then loses all credibility, the stand today would more than ventures sudi as "Invasion USA" with Norris wiping out scores of likely prove to be a piece of serious and "Missing In Action Part 2". terrorists on his rocket-powered fiction with artwork penciled in The story by Menahem Gcrfan and I motorcycle. He's shot at from pdin

by EbtMid Lawrence become big winners as weK Detwefler says the money, lottery fundus can be used as a lottery funding is "a genuine CSUSB hasn't been left out of the wfakb must be accounted tor ^ form of "sbortcuT to get om of assistance", it is less than one The emergence of the California game plan, but it's "winnings" so June 30, has helped to fill two o( funding education in a mcMe direct percent of Uie CSUSB total $30- State Loctoy in late 1985 brou^t far are only the tip of a much- Cal State's biggest areas of need; way. millioti-doUar budget with it the hope that California's needed icri)erg, according to schoc^ and umversitics would Robert Detwefler, vice-president "We're pleased with the money According to Detwefler, the (tf Academic AfEsirs. potential proUem lies not in Kaleidoscope Is published The proceeds from the sale o( and happy it can help. dissention over how much the weekly by the Department of lottoy tickets are divided three functe actually helps, but by CommunicatkMi to angnieat ways: 20 percent goes to operating (However) it's easy to {fladng too much importance in classroom biatnictlon. Inquiries 006(5, SO percent goes to paying exaggerate the help of the fliem. His wcMry is directed toward and conments may be addressed winners, and the remaining 30 California citizens, noting the to Kaleidoscope, care of the percent goes to education. lottery." -• Dr. Robert Detweiler public could become "too lax", Department of CommunicatkMi, To date, CSUSB has received and develop a "let-the-loctery-do- Calfomia State University, San $202,571 from the lottery for the it" syndrome. Bemrdhio, 5500 University fiscal 1985-1986 year. According An example of such is the fact Parkway, San Bemardioo, to Detwefler, the funds are being the modernizatioa instructional the CSU system asked for $7 Detwefl^ darified his fedings Calfonda, 92407. used in three areas equipment, and Cal State's million in equ^ment for fiscal by stating "We're pleased to have -$128316 for instructional faculty/professor development 1985-1986; it received the funds t^ additional equipment and Ed Gamctt, co-editor equipment/replacement program. A condition of receiving from the lottery in the form of support...tbose are good things. Tiisfa Margisoii, co-editor of obsolete equipment; the lottery money is that funding $13.1 millioQ, allotted to each We're {leased with the money and Ann Vanderhndeii, graphic -$28385 to si^port computer cannot be ua^ for capitil university or ccfllcge cm the basis of happy it can help. (However) it's dcrfgn instructkm; development, meaning no class­ enrcfllmeaL easy to exaggerate the ctf the -$45,170 to support the rooms, buildings, etc. ^EWne Patrick, photography Detwefler adds that while the lottery." ")ohn Kanftnan, advisor Student Teaching Program. Detwefler is conoOTted that the

X •" -k A March 12,1996 THE CHRONICLE F[r©% m FaunCc by John PurceU Pretty In Pink. Ringwald stars as Cryer, who plays Dudoe, Andy's scene where he lip syncs an dd poor-one which fills the viewer She's very bright dy, a rich little poor girl, in the firiend. He h^ been devoted to her Otis Redding nun^ber. with memories of the could haves, In fact she glows with a weU-written, high emodon drama since either of them can But Ringwald dominates the should haves, and never-could* briUianoe that jumps off the screen abput conflict between ridi and remember. Though she feels a film. She has a presence that have-happened-in-this-universes, and blinds the viewer to anything poor high schod seniors. special attraction for "the Duck- makes the film—wh^ could, wifli that we all have felt With the but her. The film also fieatures a man", she isn't in love with an actress of lesser taleiu, become a pursing of her lips she She is M(^y Ringwald. And she wonderful performance John Cryer is especially enjoyable in a trite comedy about rich versus communicates more emotion than many actresses can convey in an entire movie. If the film has a weakness, it is it's overdramatizaticMi of the wedge between ridi and poor among high school student In tte film the rich all dress like Sonny Crocket while the poor all dress like Madonna or Prince. This exaggeration serves as the conflict in the movie. Andy foils in love with a "richie." Blaine, played Harry Dean Stanton, drives a BMW, but he can't cope with the {mssures put on him by his parents and firiend when he dates Andy. Going out with Blaine is costly for Andy too since she must face losing Duclde's friendship. Tte rJtmiiT is, iinliltfi mOSt filnw in recent memory, rlimartir. The great performances and excellmt script makft foT an hour and a half di top quality entertainment Pretty In Pink is an intelligent film with real diaracters in situatiras that are to everyone. It is an excQ)tiooal film that should not be missed.

RIVERA from 1 should be able to do a little mor«^ for the students who are coming here for the first time, uriiether it be personal contact or having an orientation program with a follow up program. Or maybe an early alert prt^ram, in which we adc the faculty to ik us know what students aren't doing well here. My second goal is to woric with the hi^ school, junior high, and maybe dementary students to try and alot them to a college prqi program early because of the new admissions requirements that are ccMning up in 1988." (It's getting even tougher to ger into this schoolt) "Of course, of course." (Why is thalt Is U because the students now aren't well prepared enougHt) That's part of it, you're right, and also because of the academic standards that are being raised in grades K-12."

BUS STOP from 1 be Dr. Gerald Lyman, Lmmie LaPdnte, a drunken {vdessor. Dr. Lyman has given iq) on love afia tlm brokoi marriages. Grace's innocence invades him aiKl be leaves the bus stop with new hope. Grace learns that she is now a woman and that love is something ; she need not diase after. It will come to her. Marvin Earl Rjggittsis exceOoit as Will Masters, the sherrit who works as a catalyst to each of the characters, hdping them to come to their various ccmdusions about love. The Theatre Arts Department has put together an outstandii^ cast and crew. The incredible amount of work put into ths production shows in its outstanding performance.