24—MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, May 25, 1990 Summit marks a shifting of gears in relations

By Barry Schweid buffer and have stark memories of World War II, to op­ emigrate. The Soviet parliament was supposed to finish The News analysis pose such an affiliation. work on the law next Thursday, as the summit opened. Within the Soviet Union, meanwhile, the diverse Now the calendar is slipping, and Bush will not WASHINGTON — President Bush’s summit next project of the private Council on Foreign Relations, has nationalities are threatening to go their separate ways. recommend lower tariffs to Congress unless the law is on week with Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev may suggested the two leaders use the summit to begin plot­ That weakens Moscow but also raises a danger of ethnic the books. mark the end of one era in U.S.-Soviet relations and the ting “a new European security order.” He calls the task strife and instability. Bush also may delay signing a new trade deal with the beginning of another. far more imjxirtant than arms control. Like German unification, these events are outpacing Soviets even though negotiators reached broad agree­ The main business the two will conduct symbolizes Bush is not about to jettison the North Atlantic Treaty the ability of the two superpowers to take charge of his­ ment late last month in Paris. Again, conservatives are the old era. They will sign a declaration to reduce U.S. Organization. But he has to look into a future Europe tory. Bush and Gorbachev, working together, would have pressuring the White House to ret^iate against Gor­ and Soviet strategic nuclear weapons — by much less anchored by an immehsely powerful Germany and lack­ a better chance of keeping up. bachev’s moves to blunt independence drives in than the 50 percent initially advertised — and probably ing the stabilizing standoff of two military alliances. The pressure on Gorbachev, of course, is far more Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. commit themselves to pursue further cutbacks. And Gorbachev is not trying to hold on to East Ger­ severe than the strains on Bush, although the president Hard-liners like former Pentagon official Richard Perle The declaration will make the May 31-June 3 summit, many, once the Soviets’ most reliable ally. must keep a wary eye on the drive toward unification in are urging Bush to take advantage of Gorbachev’s like the majority of its predecessors, an arms control The future of the 360,000 Soviet troops there is uncer­ Western Europe and the economic colossus challenging troubles to force completion of a treaty to withdraw tens summit. tain, while the Soviet leader is likely to comply with re­ the United States that could result. of thousands of Soviet troops and tanks from Eastern and At the same time, Bush and Gorbachev will begin the quests by Hungary and Czechoslovakia to remove all The West Germans, seeking Soviet blessing for Central Europe. transition to a new superpower relationship forced on U-aces of the Red Army by next year. Poland is making unification, may be ready to buy that approval with Bush apparently will not heed the advice. The presi­ them by a rapidly changing world. noises along the same line. economic assistance. Bush so far has promised Moscow dent and Secretary of State James A. Baker HI want to The Germans, taking charge of their future, are So there is no reason for Bush to play the heavy, to almost nothing. Feeling the heat of congressional conser­ improve the U.S.-Soviet relationship even with the slow­ moving speedily toward unification. This is creating a poke a finger in Gorbachev’s eye. vatives, who are worked up over Gorbachev’s treatment down in the arms talks and the squeeze on Lithuania. new Europe, and Bush and Gorbachev will have to put The president insists that the new Germany be in of the Baltics, Bush is reluctant to assist perestroika. But the president also will take a look down the uncer­ their heads together and decide how to adjust. NATO. And yet, he also is aware of the anxieties that He has ruled out lowering tariff barriers until final pas­ tain road of Europe with the Soviet leader and may begin Michael Mandelbaum, director of the East-West causes the Soviets, who are losing their East European sage of a new Soviet law establishing the right to the transition to a new and more peaceful relationship. Firms work on space plane

WASHINGTON (AP) — Five companies, including NASA-Dcpartment of Defense armouncement Thursday € Pratt & Whitney, that usually compete for aerospace confirmed the government’s acceptance of the plan. Manchester — A City of Village Charm business will work as a team, with government permis­ “The normal mode of operation would be to select an sion, to develop an airplane 25 times faster than sound. engine and an airframe,” said Beach. “You would basi­ "They will work as if they were one,” said Lee Beach, cally select a winner from competing designs and, there­ NASA’s director of the National Aero-Space Plane fore, good ideas from nonselected designs would not be project. “Each company will share in all of the data, used. In this mode, the good ideas will be put on the table Saturday, May 26,1990 Newsstand Price: 35 Cents which is a very different kind of thing than they are used and have the potential for inclusion in the final design,” to.” Barry J. Waldman, formerly vice president and The goal is to have the NASP, known as the X-30, program manager of Rocketdyue’s NASP efforts, was flying by 1996-1997 if the project gets a final go-ahead selected by the team as program director. Rockwell Inter­ three years from now. The X-30 will be a research national will be the lead contractor. vehicle to develop technologies for planes of the future. Congress appropriated $254 million for the NASP “This is not a full-scale development program for an project this year. operational vehicle,” Beach said. “We are talking about a The immediate task, said Rockwell’s Erik Simonsen, technical demonstration program.” is to come up with a single configuration for the aircraft The X-30 would fly directly into orbit from a conven­ by the end of the year. “Right now, Rockwell’s model, tional runway, unlike the space shuttle, which requires a McDonnell Douglas’ and General Dynamics’ are slightly booster rocket and an expendable fuel tank for launching. different shapes. Their task is to come up with a single It also would be capable of long-range hypersonic travel shape,” Simonsen said. within the atmosphere. Antitmst issues raised by the teaming are not expected The five companies forming the new National Con­ to be a problem since the X-30 is not a commercial tractor Team are General Dynamics, McDonnell The Associated Press product and not for profit. Douglas, Rockwell International, Rockwell’s Rocket- Earlier this week, in an unrelated action, the French TORNADO DERAILS TRAIN — Rail cars are in a tangled heap after a tornado derailed 88 dyne Division and Pratt & Whimey. aircraft builder Aerospatiale announced an agreement to of them in Clafin, Kan., Thursday. The storm also damaged several homes, and while in­ They agreed in January to end competition for set up “an international study group” to look into the developing the plane and modify fixed-price contracts juries were reported there were no fatalities. feasibility of building a successor to the aging supersonic with the government to reflect the team concept. A joint Concorde. Aparo Concession profits concern Congress breaks f KITM AMILLI WASHINGTON (AP) — Two He promised to change the way congressional panels are looking contacts are negotiated, seek higher down '?|8BERT J,|^ into whether “sweetheart” contracts franchise fees and shorten the dura­ are allowing concessionaires to rake tion of conuacts, but he told the sub­ ^ O A K I R K H A M in excessive profits at national committee he docs not think legisla­ parks. tive changes are needed. j^TtCHRISTV.JR- “Our national parks were es­ In addition to Vento’s panel, a tablished for people, not for in court subcommittee of the House Govern­ DONALD JtttRAJEWSKi USA profiteers,” Rep. Bruce Vento, D- ment Operations Committee dealing Miim., said Thursday as his House with the environment and natural subcommittee on national parks and resources is expected to hold hear­ marshall H.MCNAMARA U.SM public lands considered two Interior ings soon on the parks concession Department reports critical of con­ issue. RAYMOND C. HOLMAN U.S.M.C cessionaire practices. While concessions at smaller Starts crying as ex-boyfriend The department’s inspector parks frequently are run by “mom general said many long-term con­ and pop” operations, conces­ tells of murder.. .page 3 JAMES F. MOTT L L^A. ^ A .^ tracts, at times running more than 30 sionaires at large parks often are years, are allowing concessionaires subsidiaries of such major corpora­ VICTOR OelGRECO.JR. to earn a much greater return on in­ tions as the MCA Inc. entertainment vestment than they could expect el­ giant, whose Park & Curry Co. EVERETT E.RINES sewhere. operates at Yosemite National Park. As a result, he said, the federal Concession contracts usually are government has earned about $100 written by inexperienced local park Bolton V, I million less in fees since 1984 than officials, officials said. it should have received, and $90 “F^ark service employees who are million more will be lost over the trained as park rangers are out­ next four years. He said the con­ matched when dealing with sophisti­ budget tracts often include a clause making cated business executives and their it virtually impossible to renegotiate accountants,” James Richards, Inter­ .m i unless the concessionaire agrees to ior inspector general, told Vento’s do so. subcommittee. Investigators also found little at­ is cut Richards said concessionaires tempt to promote competition once a reported $500 million in gross contract is up for renewal, the Inter­ receipts from national park opera­ ¥ ior Department report suggested. tions in 1988, while the government Interior Secretary Manuel Lujan $ collected only $12.5 million in 110,000 in December ordered the investiga­ franchise fees. tion as well as a report on conces­ Memo Fourteen companies accounted for sionaires by a National Park Service more than half of the receipts and task force. about $6.2 million in fees, he said. Board of Education takes biggest reduction.. .page 2 Day 1990 Start your new year Ju(ty HvdingiliAanchMMr Harak) 1 out right by stopping smoking permanently

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M M M i Bolton board Gorbachev says troops cuts budget to stay in E. Germany by $110,000 ------nuclear and conventional forces and “On the basis of those intcinternation­ By Andrew Katell hope to reach some agreements al legal acts, the Soviet Union will The Associated Press By Donna O’Leary during the summit. CSCE refers to remain where it is now with its and Dianna Talbot the 35-nation Conference on group of Uoops,” he said. MOSCOW — Mikhail S. Gor­ Manchester Herald Security and Cooperation in Europe, The Soviet Union earlier this bachev said Friday the Soviet Union which deals with military security, month was reported to have stopped would keep its troops in eastern economic cooperation and human the unilateral withdrawal of 36,000 BOLTON — Members of The Neglected Tax­ Germany and would review its payers basked in victory Friday night after apparently rights. uoops, or about one-tenth of its policies on European arms control winning a battle to slash proproscd increases in educa­ U.S. officials in Washington said and security negotiations if a total, in East Germany. Soviet tion spending. Gorbachev made a similar warning reunited Germany joined NATO. spokesman have said the pullout Responding to voters’ rejection of a $9.2 million to Secretary of State James A. Baker The Soviet president’s remarks will continue only under agreements town spending plan for 1991-92 in a referendum III during their talks last week in reached at the Vienna talks. were the Kremlin’s most dire warn­ Moscow. Wednesday, the Board of Fmance recommended cuts ing yet about what steps it would Western officials have com­ totaling $110,000 at a meeting Friday night. About Soviet negotiators still will hold plained in recent weeks that the take if a reunited Germany joins the 120 people attended. talks Saturday at the State Depart­ Western military alliance. Soviet Union has slowed progress at If voters approve of the plan, 80 percent of the ment to try to wrap up major unset­ He repeated the Soviet preference Vienna, where negotiators for the 16 cuts, or $88,000, would be ^aved off the Board of tled issues in a new Strategic Arms Friday that Germany belong to both NATO countries and the seven in Education’s proposed $5.7 million budget. Reduction Treaty (START). The the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact arc NATO and the Warsaw Pact. The The town will hold a special meeting Wednesday aim is to expand on a declaration al­ Bush administration favors NATO Uying to agree on equal ceilings in at 8 pjn. at the elementary school to decide whether ready ready for Bush and Gorbachev membership for a united Germany. tanks, artillery, troops, combat to approve the revised budget proposal. to sign during their May 30-June 3 aircraft and helicopters. Gorbachev also suggested Friday summit. However, The Neglected Taxpayers group wants that a reunited Germany could fol­ Baker said Wednesday Bush to get enough signatures on a petition by then to Gorbachev denied he was trying low France’s lead and uJee part only would press Gorbachev to revive the force the town to hold another referendum. If noL the to force the West’s hand. He told in NATO political activities. negotiations. ANYONE HOME? — Dustin budget could be approved at the meeting. reporters he issued the warning “not He told a news conference Bride, 3, checks Friday to Since the finance board can only advise the Board to try to scare any of you so that you Gorbachev justified the policy Western leaders seem to assume a of Education on where to reduce its budgeU the would begin to reflect right away review by saying NATO would take see if Chelsea Ellington, unified Germany would join the education board will meet Thesday at 8:15 p.m. to what kind of trump card is being similar action if the shoe were on seven months, is alive and North Atlantic Treaty Organization, discuss possible cuts. prepared by the Soviet Union,” but the other foot. kicking. Both were being though the German people should be “If a unified Germany should find During a 10-minutc recess, members of the Board to appeal for a joint search for “the babysat by Bob and Judy of Selectman who were present agreed to cut $22,000 allowed to decide the issue. He said right solutions, (so) that we not itself part of the Warsaw Treaty, from the town proper including: $2,100 for recrea­ Moscow was wary of that prospect. weaken the positive processes in in­ then I’m sure the Western countries Amiot of Manchester. “What should we do then about tional director; $3,000 for street light installation; ternational relations.” would immediately get together to Judy HardinoMarKd^ler Harald $9,000 from the highway budget; $2,000 from public all the negotiating processes, includ­ Gorbachev said discussion of discuss how they should proceed building commission budget; and $5,900 from the ing the European process, the CSCE German reunification took up 70 further,” Gorbachev said. capital improvement budget. process, the Vienna disarmament percent of his talks Friday with Skewing a reunited Germany in Charles Holland, TNT’s chairman, said, “TNT ad­ process? Then we must take a fresh French President Francois Mitter­ either direction would upset the Aparo weeps during Coleman testimony vocates what the Board of Selectmen advocated. We look at whether we should pursue rand, who also appeared at the news strategic balance in European have to do what must be done to run the towm.” the same policy, whether we should conference in the Soviet Foreign negotiations, he said. the months after his arrest. By Peter Viles $105,(XX), but largely because she However, Chris Walsh, co-chairman of the base it on the same approaches,” Mini.stry press center. “There is a question whether Earlier Friday, Coleman testified Gorbachev said. The Associated Press pestered him to do it and he believed Citizens Alliance for School Excellence, which Gorbachev did not threaten to the.se processes would not become it would help him regain her love. that in the weeks just prior to the His warning came six days before favors more educational spending, expressed concern withdraw from the European hostages to that kind of imbalance,” “Thai’s the way it had to be,” murder, the teen-age love affair had he discusses German reunification HARTFORD — Karin Aparo’s over the effect the proposed cuts will have on the negotiating processes and did not he said. Coleman said. “Karin had put a waned, but Apuro began talking with President Bush in Washington. murder-conspiracy trial recessed town’s educational package. specify how the Kremlin’s positions Mitterrand told the news con­ tremendous amount of pressure on again of murdering her mother. He It amounted to a new Kremlin bar­ abruptly Friday when the teen-ager in those talks might change. ference he agreed the Germans me. My state of mind was such that testified Thursday that she first men­ gaining chip, a message that the broke down in quiet sobs as her But, referring to wartime treaties, should decide, but insisted on 1 would do anything for her.” tioned such a plot in 1986 — at age West would pay a high price for former boyfriend testified about Gorbachev indicated Soviet troops guarantees that existing borders Even later, after Aparo turned 15 — but temporarily abandoned it German NATO membership. in eastern Germany would become slowly strangling her mother and would remain intact and peace set­ him in to police and he was arrested later that year. Lotteiy The superpowers are involved in dumping the body under a highway squatters if the new counpy joins tlement to end the postwar period for the murder, Coleman said he “She was demanding that it had to negotiations on reducing their NATO. would be concluded. bridge in Massacliu.setts. The tearful outburst forced a 15- wasn’t immediately angry at her. be done soon because she couldn’t stand it any longer," Coleman said. Here are I^day’s lottery results from around New minute recess and startled observers “I didn't want to sec her go to jail He said that they had narrowed England: in the packed courtroom. Aparo, 19, or get in any kind of trouble. I said I their options to poisoning or stran­ CONNECTICUT had betrayed little emotion during would take the heat," he said. gulation, and that Karin Aparo in­ Daily: 5-0-4. Horse drags, kills armless woman the first four days of her trial. Aparo, sitting just a feW feet away sisted that the body be found so that Play Four: 7-2-0-2 She is charged with accessory to in the courtroom, kept her- com­ Utto: 7-9-30-32-33-37 PORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — A woman who drums, and used her feet to change the diapers of a murder and conspiracy to commit posure during Coleman’s descrip­ she could collect insurance. Having decided to kill Joyce MASSACHUSETTS could swim, play the drums and even change a friend’s squirming baby. murder for allegedly convincing her tion of the murder. But during a Daily: 9-0-1-3 baby’s diaper despite being bom without arms died “Even though she was handicapped by having no teen-age lover. Dermis Coleman, to brief recess that followed, she col-- Aparo on the night of Aug. 4, Mass Millions: 6-9-17-28-37-41. Bonus 21 after she was dragged by a horse that spooked while arms, she just couldn’t accept that she couldn’t do kill her domineering mother on Aug. lapsed in tears at the defense table Coleman said he slipped alone into m RHODE ISLAND tied to her waist. anything like anybody else,” said Leon Manley, prin­ 5, 1987. just after the jury filed out of the the Aparo house af^tcr midnight, Daily: 1-3-9-6 Stacey Meinroe Conner of Stephenvillc suffered cipal of Stephenville High School. Her outburst came after Coleman, courtroom. wearing a ski mask. When he severe head injuries and died Wednesday at Harris “She actually wrote with her feet,” Manley said. now 22 and serving a 34-ycar sen­ When the jury returned 15 entered Joyce Aparo’s bedroom, she Methodist Fort Worth Hospital, family members said. Ms. Conner’s disability was blamed on a virus her tence for the murder, calmly minutes later, Aparo appeared to awoke, sat up, arxl looked at him, he NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND The 22-ycar-old college student, who learned to mother contracted while pregnant. described how he slipped into Joyce have regained her composure. But said. New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine daily ride at an early age, was feeding her 2-ycar-old filly, 1’he child learned to swim while still a toddler and Aparo’s house and spent 20 or 25 as Coleman began recounting his ef­ “1 froze there for a few seconds." Pick 3: 1-0-6 with the horse’s lead rope tied around her waist, later excelled at soccer. She played tlie drums with minutes strangling her to deatli with forts to dispose of her mother’s he said softly. “At that time, I didn’t Pick 4: 5-5-0-6 before the accident. her feet in the high school band and learned to ride pantyhose he had bought just hours body, Aparo’s shoulders began to really have loo many feelings ... It “Something spooked the little horse and she just on a Shetland pony. earlier at a convenience store. shake uncontrollably, and she broke was almost as if it wasn’t me in the took off, dragging Stacey,” said Ms. Conner’s Coleman, who agreed to testify into quiet sobs again. Her lawyer, room. Everything was very surreal.” mother, Lometa Reed. “She was out there by herself "About the gutsiest lady I ever saw,” said Darrell against Aparo as part of a plea bar­ Hubert Santos, immediately called He said the woman seemed to ^ Index and a neighbor saw her, cut the lead rope and called Allison of Fort Worth, a family friend who knew Ms. gain, said he was “beyond obses­ for another recess. faint when he wrapped the pan­ the ambulance." tyhose around her n i^ . For about Conner since she was a child. He arranged the Th« AuodaMd Pr«M sion” in his love for her, and that EXiring cross-examination, Santos Friends and family said Ms. Conner never let her skydiving venture in November. they planned the killing together in a sought to portray Coleman as a ^ or 25 minutes, he lightened his q B usiness 15 O o in io n 16 disability prevent her from pursuing a variety of in­ Ms. Conner would have graduated next year from ON TRIAL — Karin Aparo listens intently series of telephone calls and hushed lying, scheming dnig abuser who is bold, he said. n C la s s ifie d 3 3 -4 1 P eo o te 14 terests. Tarleton State University, where she was majoring in Friday as her former boyfriend Dennis conversations through her bedroom testifying in hopes of reducing his “1 wasn't sure if she was dead,” z C om ics 2 8 -2 8 R ehp ion 18 She parachuted from 13,(X)0 feet in November, accounting. window. prison term. Under questioning, Colcnum said. “Every time J leaned < f-ocus 1 7 -3 2 Senior Citizens 20 Coleman testifies during her trial on con­ strapped to a friend, and skiicd for the first time in Stephenville is about 50 miles .souiliwcst of Rrrt Coleman said he agreed partly be­ Coleman admitted using cocaine down to hear if her heart was beat­ Local/Stata 6 -1 0 SCKXiS 4 2 -4 8 spiracy to commit murder in connection I NatiofWtortcl 1 1 -1 5 T ele v is io n 2 1 -2 7 December. She could swim, ride horses, fish, play Worth. cause the two would collect life in­ and LSD infrequently after his arrest ing. 1 couldn’t tell. All I could hear O bitu ah o s 10 V fe a th e r 4 with the death of her mother Joyce Aparo. surance policies worth an estimated and to smoking marijuana daily in was my own heart." 1 9 9 0 REGIONAL Weather Saturday, May 26 Arafat urges U.N. to send Aoov-W«e»w* kirw w «tt>OM| 71*1 troops to occupied lands

GENEVA (AP) — Palestinian |Bo^ |6 0 » > leader Yasser Arafat urged the U.N. < r Security Council on Friday to send an emergency force to protect Arabs in the Isracli-occupi^ territories from a “war of extermination.” Opening an emergency council session, Arafat called for an end to ’s 23-ycar-old occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, a ban » * on Jewish settlements in the ter­ ritories, and international sanctions against Israel. ''if- Carbide Teeth A M M ' wr.ououtt* a O tiD V The violence “has reached an ex­ tremely dangerous and explosive point,” the Palestine Liberation Or­ SPOD FRAMER ganization chief said. 7-7'ii “The situation now requires ur­ Weather gent action in order to enforce A perfect reverence for international post in legitimacy,” he said. “Over 30 'Pound it in, Jackson months, the Israeli occupation forces m inutes, ' insert any have been waging a war of exter­ ' 4“ X 4" post. 6 ft. Contractors no more ' Great for mination on all fronts.” More clouds today, mailboxes, fences, Wheelbarrow Arafat said the Palestinian upris­ digging!. lampposts, signage. ing, which began in December 1987, CU. FT. CAPACITY: 6; TRAY: through weekend would continue until Israel is ousted Olue, seamless steel: WHEEL SIZE: from the occupied areas — home to #15513 $11.95 16" x 4 ’ WHEEL TYPE: pneumatic, 2 ply Item No. 27810 1.7 million Palestinians.- rated oiluoe Oearings: HANDLE: wood Ideal framing blade By The Associated Press He urged appointment of a per­ cf GREENSWEEPER $59.95 Lightning fosf cuts manent U.N. envoy to monitor the LAWN RAKE Requires less force Manchester and vicinity: today, increasing situation; a Security Council inves­ Extra large 30' size feature 7'/. Easier to use cloudiness. High 70s to 75. tigation into “all crimes” allegedly rust proof lightweight lines tha CIRCULAR SAW commiued by Israel against Pales­ PALESTINE arched to all touch the grout Outlook for the rest of the Memorial Day 13 AMP heavy duty hi-tech $9.95 tinians; and immediate preparations the same time to rake more i ^ ^ x U C i t a weekend, chance of showers on Sunday. The Associated Press motor: 5800 RPM; AC/DC for an international Middle East ly & efficiently. Made from du ' Shaft lock for easy blade Partly cloudy Monday. Highs in the 60s. Lows .Vermont peace conference. MAKING HIS POINT — Palestinian leader V^sser Arafat ad­ FPP: Ames exclusive Ion replacement • Well Amwlcan 50 to 55. Initial responses from other premium poly propylene One i balanced for dresses a special meeting of the U.N. Security Council in delegates were largely non-commit­ construction-no metal part better control tal. France and the Soviet Union Geneva Friday. The session was called to discuss the up­ loosen 48’ handle. • Complete with carbide tipped ' WATER SEAL" BHANll said the council should consider a surge of violence in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. ^95 #716928 blade * Double U.N. observer force. insulatediuixMi EXTERIOR STAIN In Israel, a top aide to Prime Min­ top aides to take a look at the situa­ tion the United States would support Manchester Herald ister Yitzhak Shamir said Arafat’s tion and return is something quite permanent observers. $109.95 speech was “full of lies and distor­ different.” Asked to appraise Arafat’s Founded Dec. 15,1881 as a weekly. tions.” Baker also said he believed some speech. Baker said he had not read Secretary of State James A. Baker S A ( /l Daily publication since OcL 1, 1914. people misinterpreted a statement he it. Slain III reiterated in Washington the made Wednesday, when he said the Arab delegations called the emer­ United States’ opposition to station­ Bush administration was willing to PROFESSIONAL $11.95/gal. USPS 327-500 VOL. CIX, No. 202 gency meeting of the 15-nation ing a U.N. observer force in the ter­ discuss sending observers into the Security Council to consider ways to 3/8" 2 Speed ritories but said the “idea of the West Bank and Gaz.a Strip. The quell a surge of Arab-Isracli clashes secretary-general sending one of his comment had touched off specula­ CORDLESS DRIVER Cordless Editor _\Ahlter ZaborowsKi in the territories and Israel. News Editor/Opinion Page Editor . _____ Ron Robillard DRILL KIT \ Associate E dito r______Alexander Girelli rvlodel 8093DW \ Drill Kit Contains Thompson’s Water Seal Waterproofing •2 »p o «l.'400 RPM-pf 1100 RPM loi Sports Editor______Len Auster (iNihng driving .Onlli irr si«M and ■2 mechanical speed Formula Two die as plane rams home 5/B" in wood > Well beUmced for fa»v ranges 500/1650 RPM n*nd(lnj .Quick aod eaay adiuaimeni dt, forward or reverse Advertising Director______Mamie Miller 5 iiago Krquo aentnga .PowerTuI 9 6V Patented formulation outlasts the leading stain -5-posltion adjustable torque clutch Business Manager______Jeanne G. Fromerth PEARSON, Ga. (AP) — An Air Force fighter jet “When it happened, I said ‘This is the end.’” banery "ICk cornea wWi loot in field tests. hour fast ctiMger and beitery \ Customer Service Manager ____ Gerlinde Colletti crashed into a residential area in rural south Georgia on Flying debris caused a fire inside the Corbitt house, \ lor various screwdrtving applications Composing Manager______Sheldon Cohen Friday, killing the pilot and a housekeeper as it ignited the family said. •12. volt removable batlory pack, recharges In one hour or less ' Thompson’s Semi-transparent Exterior Stain is Pressroom M anager______Robert H. Hubbard Includes 120 volt charging unit and carrying case two homes and hurled fiery debris across a highway. Atkinson County Sheriff Earl Haskins said the largest uecsiowi \ $134.95 •Extra battery included recommended for use on all wood decks. It was the second time since November that a military piece of debris he has seen from the wreckage was part «MOOEL 2735:02 $139.95 jet crashed in Georgia and killed civilians on the ground. of a wing, which was about the sizx of a car roof. Published daily except Sunday and oertair> h o lid ^ by Kathleen Guthrie, executive secretary at the Atkinson “We heard the explosion. ... It knocked our power Sale Ends May 31st the Manchester PublisNng Co., 16 Brainard Place, County sheriff’s dcpiartment, confirmed the deaths, but off,” said Martha White, owner of the Country Kitchen Manchester, Conn. 06040. Second class postage paid at identities were unavailable. Ms. Guthrie said no one else Manchester, Cortn. Postmaster: Sertd address d u n g e s Restaurant, about l'/2 miles from the crash site. to the Manchester Herald, P O. Box 591, Manchester, was killed, although she earlier had reported three deaths. “It was very loud — almost like a sonic boom,” said MANCHESTER Conn. 06040. The F-16A “Fighting Falcon” was on a training flight David McDoriald, assistant priiKipal at Atkinson County ■ Iter C a r# The Manchester Herald is a member ol The Associated from Moody Air Force Base near Valdosta — about 40 High School, less than a mile from the site. “It shook real Press, the Audit Bureau ol Circulation, the New England miles away — to Lake George Weapons Range in Press Association and the New England Newspaper As­ hard.” LUMBER, INC. y/SA- sociation. Florida when it crashed. The pilot was the only occupant, The crash site is about two miles north of Pearson, a s Guaranteed delivery. If you don't receive your Herald said base spokeswoman Dec Tait. town of about 2,000 and the county scat of rural Atkin­ 401 New State Road, Manchester, CT 06040 by 5 p.m. weekdays or 7:30 am. Saturdays, please One house and a mobile home were destroyed when son County. STORE HOURS: Monday-Saturday 7:00 a.m.-5:(X) p.m. All Prices Cash and Cany lelephorte your carrier. If you are unable to reach your the jet slammed into a row of homes on U.S. 441 north of carrier, ca l subscriber service at 647-9946 by 6 p m. A Moody Air Force Base inspection team examined PHONE: 643-5144 Delivery Extra weekdays for delivery in Manchester. Pearson shortly after 9:30 a.m., authorities said. the site Friday afternoon. A base spokeswoman said she Suggested carrier rates are $1 80 weekly, $7.70 for At least four other homes, including the home of Cur­ was uncertain what cargo or ammunition the plane was one mondi, $23.10 for three months. $46 20 tor six tis and Mary Alice Corbitt’s house across the highway, carrying. months ar>d $92.40 for one year. Newsstand price. 35 were damaged by debris that fiew in all directions. cents a copy. The Pearson Volunteer Fire Department sent both of “I’m going to praise the Lord for protecting me and its units to fight the fires, and departments from neigh­ i my wife,” said Corbitt, who suffered scrapes and bruises. boring towns also were called in. AA

Nothing major Y LOCAL & STATE Director wants seniors found in autopsy ‘Big books’ teach to take part in video teers to help. Man who bled to death not mutilated By Jacqueline Bennett Grady estimates the cost of the project will Manchester Herald be about $3,000 to rent a studio and for edit­ FARMINGTON (AP) — A Fair- On April 17, Bridgeport Hospital students to read ing. She is looking for a grant for that field man who bled to death during suspended Dr. Norman Camer from COVENTRY — Rock stars do it, fitness amount. routine surgery at Bridgeport Hospi­ when he performed surgery on gurus do it, now the human services director By Nancy Foley “They love it and we Also, Grady wants to enlist help from a tal was not mutilated, although Hirsch. Manchester HerakJ wants town senior citizens to do it too — that student at one of the area colleges to work on several of his body parts were The New Haven Register reported love it. It’s not the same is, make a video. the video as a school project. removed, an autopsy by the state Wednesday that, after Canter al­ “It would have real educational value for For years, Diane Cashman and old thing.” “We arc going to need technical help so it medical examiner ^owed. legedly almost severed Hirsch’s Karen C. Nelsen have been teaching yoimger people,” Dorothy Grady, director of won’t just be people rambling on,” Grady The body of Herbert Hirsch, 66, urethra and bladder by mistake, first graders to read by using a Human Services said in an interview Wednes­ said. who died April 12, was exhumed three other doctors were called in to m anual, a reader and a workbook. day. — Teacher For more information call, 742-5324. from a Valhalla, N.Y., cemetery last salvage the body parts. The doctors Often, the text was no more exciting “We have great technology now even more week for an autopsy at the request of failed, and chose to remove the or­ than “See Dick run.” Karen C. Nelsen so than 20 years ago. Why not take advantage his family amid rumors that he was gans while Canter was out of the This year, things have changed. of it?” Grady said. mutilated by hospital surgeons. operating room, the Register Grady said the idea came to her because Now, their students at Waddell But Dr. H. Wiyne Carver, the reported. her department is currently updating the town List being updated School sit on the floor in the front of chief state medical examiner, smd Carver’s office determined that afterward, rather than relying on list of frail, elderly and han^capped people the room and read together from a COVENTRY — The Human Services Thursday that “nothing significant” Hirsch died of bleeding due to s u rr­ workbooks. large, colorfully illustrated who may need assistance from emergetKy Department is updating the town list of frail, was found during the autopsy to cast eal complications. The autopsy did Other subjects can be taught personnel in the event of a natural disaster. storybrok written in rhyme. The elderly or handictqrped persons who may doubt on the hospital’s account of not determine what caus^ the while children are learning to read, The concept of a “living history” video, “big books" tell stories that are in­ need special assistance from emergency per- Hirsch’s death. bleeding. Carver said. Cashman said. When they read the Grady said, was sparked by her conversations teresting to the children rather than soimel in the event of a natural disaster. At the request of Hirsch’s family, “We found nothing at variance designed just to drill in skills, Cash- book about bees, for example, her with some of those people. the autopsy was mtHiitmed by Eh. students are getting a science lesson Human Services Director Dorothy Grady with medical records that we were nran said. “We start talking and it’s fascinating,” said the information will be shared with the practicing at the hospital pending an given before the autopsy,” Carver Nelsen’s students read about far­ as well, she said. Grady said. police department, fire and civil preparedness investigation into what went wrong said. “1 am going to finish micro­ myard animals frightened by a bear, Reading and writing are taught She envisions the video as a series of vig­ departments, but will remain co^idential el­ Michael Baden, formerly New York scopic studies and review records while Cashman’s students read together, now, Cashman said, while nettes with seniors age 75 or older talking not sewhere. City’s chief medical examiner. and see if the death certificate needs about bees. before reading might be taught in only about the history of the town but also the Grady said such information changes on an Hospital records show that, polishing, but there was nothing sig­ Both teachers are very excited the morning and writing in the after­ m o ^ of the times and what it was like for noon. Both Cashman and Nelsen ongoing basis and residents can contact her during the surgery, doctors removed nificant.” about the new method of teaching them then. more than a foot of Hirsch’s large A hospital spokeswoman saia showed off books that their students office anytime. reading, known as “whole lan­ “One thing we will need to focus on is just bowel along with his bladder, pros­ Canter is the only doctor under in­ guage,” which has been introduced had put together with such titles as The emergency 911 service is also looking what we want to capture,” Grady said. tate gland and urethra. vestigation in the death. in other Manchester schools as well. “Chicks on a Chair” and “Sharks on She hopes to get the project imder way no for similar information, Grady noted. “They love it and we love it,” a Shore.” Several of the books are later than fall. She will be looking for volun­ To provide information, call 742-5324. Nelsen said. “It’s not the same old being considered for publication to /T thing.” be used as texts for odwithothoroffor«orooupono.' Central Connecticut awarded 1,000 land Street, from Gardner to Spring streets; water clears and then open the faucet at the joining a parent-teacher organization, coaching j MaiicKotUr Concoit toU«i lU k u n tn la g I Noleeo. loothor or cuod. Valid thru Aug. 31. I| bachelor’s degrees during its 140th commence- Fern Street south to the town line including bottom of the tank to drain the collected a Little League team or helping a homeless nicnL j SUkCUvOiacui (BoikuiiiopSlagui) |M|Mt ciitU ag ^ St. PatrUk'iPqMBaaa Shallowbrook and Lane and Line Street; south material, which will settle at the bottom. shelter. In his address, Daniels also appealed to of Highland Street to town line and east from Also, if a load of wash is done with dis­ Southern Connecticut awarded degrees to j MaiuJMsUrPtiulcatPlagKi Uknalaa Iff ^acocatlag FREE STORAGE graduates to take up the cause of the nation’s j Vlntagi Daaca Sadat^ aa4 tnuth, wtuck a w n ... Gardner Street to Case Mountain. colored water, the load should be kept wet and 1,900 undergraduate and graduate students. troubled cities. Fire flow tests and hydraulic capacity tesu re-done after the water clears. R>ur ounces of Keep your closets clean and clutter free. At Central, CoimecUcut State University in Pay only for cleaning. Store your winter “Your cities need you desperately," he said. $ to.00 ■ CKlUnauaiar 10 } S.OO * R«fr«»tintnti & Door Prtsi will be done also during this week to decrease cream of tartar should be added to help clean New Britain, racism was also a topic of the “We need a ttew young generation filled any distxtioration of clothing. commencement address Friday by state Sen. Tickets: 646-2223 or 647-S600 the disturbances to customers. clothes safely and conveniently at no extra with a commitment to live in and to help face ffonmnd by: Tka naadtaxUr 4iti Couadl, TKa Waackartac Hlrtnrtrat Sadaty The flushing may discolor water and reduce It normally takes a few hours for the water cost to you. Joseph H. Harper Jr., EFNcw Britain, a 1978 the problems of our cities. Wc have to have a aa4 Tka Craatar Waarkaitar Ckaaibw af Caatatara pressure. If water appears discolored, it is in a home to clear. If water appears discolored 646-1887 649-2100 graduate of the school. new wave of uncompromising activists who Milrlilna Onnl FvnOa Iroai Tha EaM o« Bm Ram TowImb m a Crmoialaii DlaatM recommended that it is not used until it clears. for longer, the homeowner should call the “It is indeed alarming that in today’s world will not accept homelessness as something to 299 West Middle Tpke. 77 Main Street TNa ad counaay of Gaorga Marlow. Madcaira Daoi. Slora This will prevent rust and sediment from being division at 647-3201. of such positive-progressive developments in shrug about,” the mayor said. 9 9 0 5*»«' I I

______( j L Victim’s mom Weicker keeps sues Norwalk NORWALK (AP) — The mother lead in polls of a teenager fatally shot by a Nor­ walk police officer last year has sued the city and the officer for $15 By Judd Everhart million, claiming the officer was The Associated Press negligent. Ernest T. Gainor II, 18, was fatal­ HARTFORD — Independent gubernatorial candidate ly wounded Oct. 26, 1989 when of­ Lowell P. Weicker Jr. said Friday that he can’t get too r ■» ficer David Russo accidentally shot excited about his strong lead in the polls because the last him in the back during an arrest. time he was ahead in the polls he wound up losing the Gainor died about three months later election. as a result of his injuries. “You don’t have to worry about any overconfidence,” The federal lawsuit, filed in New said Weicker, a former Republican U.S. senator who lost Haven Thursday, names the city, the a bid for a fourth term in 1988. “1 realize there’s five Police Gommission, Police Ghicf months to go.” Garl LaBianca and Russo. Ritricia This year, Weicker is running for governor as an inde­ Gainor claims Russo was inade­ pendent under the newly created Connecticut Party. quately trained and did not take ap­ A poll by the Uniyersity of Connecticut, published propriate steps to prevent his gun Friday in The Hartford Courant, showed Weicker favored from discharging. by 41 percent of state residents queried May 15-22. The suit also claims Russo used Republican John G. Rowland had 14 percent and excessive force in making the arrest. Democrat Bruce A. Morrison had 9 percent. Thirty-six Russo, 37, had stopped Gainer’s percent were undecided. Uuck following a chase in which The results were similar to those of a UConn poll in another officer said shots were fired. late March, which showed Weicker with 39 percent, Those shots turned out to be the Rowland with 12 percent and Morrison with 9 percent. sound of the truck hitting mailboxes. In the latest poll, those who said they were undecided Russo approached Gainer’s truck were asked “if you had to express a preference as of now, with a shotgim, ordered Gainor and which one would you prefer?” Forty-eight percent said a passenger out of the vehicle and Weicker, 19 percent said Rowland and 13 percent said told them to lie face down on the Morrison. pavement. Russo said the shotgun The poll of 500 randomly selected residents has a mar­ accidentally went off as he was Reginald Pinto/Manchesler Herald gin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points. Judy Hartling/Manctieslef Herald reaching for his handcuffs. Weicker said his “greatest opponent” can’t be listed in Russo, who returned to work REMEMBERING — Left. Robert Cordner of 16 Cole St. a poll. That opponent is in the form of his request to FASHION SHOW — Lillian Andrusis models a polka- Monday, was charged with unlawful decorates the graves of a friend’s family for Memorial Day voters to “make history ... (and) vote for somebody other dotted dress Wednesday during the spring fashion show at discharge of a firearm. He was Friday at East Cemetery. Right, a view of some of the than a Republican or Democrat. So I don’t think any recently granted a special form of Jefferson House. graves of veterans at the cemetery. figures arc valid, right up until the election, no matter probation, known as accelerated Reginald Pimo/Manchester Herald how far ahead I am.” rehabilitation, by a Superior Gourt “1 consider it a no-change poll,” said Morrison. “1 judge. Under the terms of ac­ don’t expect there to be significant changes in the horse­ celerated rehabilitation, the charge race polls until the fall. Come Election Day, people will would be dropped if Russo success­ Manchester Arts Council be thinking a lot more about the job they’re choosing Forest industry’s fully complcui the yearlong proba- McCartney for.” uon. sponsors competition, sale He said he was “not at all” discouraged about his 9 percent showing. outlook is bright Jack Goldberg, Rowland’s spokesman, said the results won’t play The Manchester Arts Council is annual Arts in the Garden festival at }Neek\y weren’t surprising “because Lowell Weicker has shown federal lands in the West. sponsoring an art competition, ex­ the Cheney Homestead, 106 WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (AP) — Lose an amazing lack of courage in addressing the issues. He’s “Prices of hardwoods have Health Tip hibit and sale in conjunction with Hartford Road. The South’s forest industry has a playing rope-a-dope, dodging the issues and sitting on a prosperous outlook despite facing skyrocketed,” Edwards said. The Yale Bowl the upcoming Arts in the Garden The festival will be held June 2. lead. market pressures and increasing demand for forest products by Japan festival. The works will be on display from 2 17-25 lbs. “As soon as he begins telling people what he’s going federal environmental restrictions, and other countries will cause more NEW HAVEN (AP) — Plaul McCartney has to 8 p.m. to do, his numbers will begin to tumble,” Goldberg said. says a forest industry executive. timber to be cut in the South at a Original works in oil, watercolor, Joe Patti of Distinctive Gallery in 6 weeks Weicker, who served continuously in elective office decided not to perform at the Yale Bowl in late July Byron T. Edwards, executive vice high rate of profitability, he said. because of the controversy over the proposed con­ acrylic, mixed media, wood, stone, and Heiuy Sutton will be jurors. from 1962 to 1988, including an 18-year stint as a president of Ghampion International cert, his manager, Richard Ogden, said Friday. metal or plastic should be delivered Prizes will be awarded for first, Republican U.S. senator, was a familiar figure to four out Gorp., gave the assessment to more Ghampion International Gorp., The proposed concert at the Yile Bowl had been to the Wakeen-Merrill Galleries second, third and honorable men­ of five state residents, the poll found. than 150 people attending the Forest based in Stamford, Goon., owns bitterly opposed by residents living around the today from 12 to 5 pan. tion. “Lowell Weicker is not a new figure on the block. Farmers Association’s Southern more than 3.2 million acres of stadium. TTiey had even threatened to file a lawsuit if The shop is located at 983 Main For more information on the com­ He’s clearly known to the Connecticut public,” said poll forestry conference here Thursday. forests in the South. Sixty-three per­ McCartney decided to play there. St. petition, call 643-2024. director G. Donald Ferrce Jr. Survival and growth in the in­ cent of the company’s supply comes PUYGROUND INJURIES Mayor John Daniels had initially blocked plans for All winners and selected art For more information on the fes- But, Fence said, Weicker’s commanding lead is more dustry will become increasingly from private landowners. Ov«r a 4-y«ar pariod, a raoord of the concert, citing the concerns of Westville neigh­ works will be displayed at the third Uval, call 646-2223 or 647-8000. than a function of his high name recognition. more difficult as well-organized en­ ov«r 300,000 injurias to pra- borhood residents. But he later changed his mind “Weicker is well-liked. He was elected to three terms vironmentalists attempt to impose schoolara involvad playground a- after requiring the would-be promoters to meet a long in the Senate and he lost the (1988) eleaion very narrow­ their program of stopping cuttings quipmanL Falls onto hard sur- list of conditions to protect the surrounding neigh­ ly,” Ferree said. on M cral lands and increasing facas causad most of tha in­ borhood. City aldermen also added their own condi­ Asked their opinion of Weicker, 63 percent of the wilderness areas, Edwards said. m jurias. A 4-fool fall onto solid tions. llMI (V/ll (1(1 II. llhdlll SlldlS. grourKf — avan a 1 -fool fall onto drill’s, pills,or sp(ri;il fdi«ls. and respondents said they viewed him favorably. Twenty-one “The real goal of those in the en­ percent said they viewed him unfavorably. vironmental movement is to stop concrata or asphalt — can ba Ogden, in a letter to the promoters, said the \ulhiMii fc(diiu> liiiiii;r>.idiird\Mi fatal With soft groLJnd oovars, decision to reconsider plans to appear in New Haven piTSdiial cdiiiiscldrvMlI slmvi vnii Monison. a four-term congressman from Hamden, and cutting, and that strategy has been Legal - lid\i and sia\ vuili viiii cverN sli p Rowland, a three-term congressman from Waterbury, are such as cushioning mats, wood were the result of “fonnidable opposition” to the successful where they have been . T a lk chipe or sar>d, avan an 8-foo( fall d( ilic \^a\ \diir first I'diisiiliaiidn the front-runners for the Democratic and Republican tA event. is Ircc ('.all nii\\ able to focus their efforts on large Attoriey may ba tolaratad. “Paul is very sensitive to community concerns of nominations, respectively. blocks of government-owned At Law LcoJ. Barrett this sort and has no desire to be the catalyst for such Democrats polled gave Weicker the highest approval lands,” Edwards said. a deep and divisive controversy within the city,” rating, followed by independents arrd then Republicans. DIVORCE ERRORS But in the South, where private yb u w i m *e many anon ariAaM an tfkanay In Ogden said. **The line shop That is bad news for Morrison, who will have to ownership of forests is extensive, “it a * t o K » caaa in Connaotina ^ridudmq: (1 ) recapture Democratic defectors to make up ground. lalma to lb appaaianaa. (2) A* ■< Republican Alderman Jonathan Einhom, a leading with big fashion ideas.” will be ^fficult for single interest anma>. P ) Wbra to o|*saa pandanta ha mo- opponent of the proposed concert, said he was Morrison, who was rated favorably by 44 percent and groups to impose their program,” lana. (4) A iu n lo obtain a ooMt oidaf ha lanv poiaiy aow oft. (8> la h iia to moonj aaatf hoh*- ecstatic over the decision. He said it showed the unfavorably by 12 percent of those polled, trounced his Edwards said. a n el • » ooiat. 16) tabra to oonyilata a hme- former Bcatle recognized the concert would have a only rival for the Democratic nomination, state Rep. Wil­ The price structure of the forest- n M ha ttia la o ^ and (7) Ihkaa to Ha ami t» tjd'itioldee't'iA ()uatl a tanyiotaiy ooial lahH can taa 6>a moat “negative impact on the neighborhood.” liam J. Gibes Jr. of New London. The poll showed that products industry in the South is al­ aacioua laud I you do not hnoai your ngtda and 348 Main Street aes lAiT ciNTii iriiiT m a n c h ii t i i 113 Main 8L thm ConnaobEUI d n o c a laaia. Aaomay Lao X TTie mayor’s office had no immediate comment on 52 percent of those who identified themselves as ready showing the effects of the BanaO. 362 Hwdoid Road. Uanohattat. CT Manchester the announcement. 643-4958 Manchastar Democrats favored Morrison and 5 percent favored withdrawal of 40 percent to 50 per­ oeota # * e s i» Conn. Tdi Fioa t«0-3S-*4- 649-102B 647-0469 Gibes. cent of timber previously cut on Newport trip Y Beach cleanup is not a waste NATION/WORLD GROTON (AP) — An average of The trash included 24 55-gallon glass pieces; 2,444 plastic pieces; is planned 106 pounds of tra ^ for each mile of drums, six syringes, fast food wrap­ 2,430 pieces of foam plastic; 2,118 beach was collected during the fall pers, diapers, bottles and cans — cigarette butts; 1,977 paper pieces; Group opposes and even, in Mlford where a landfill 1,574 foam plastic cups; 1,350 metal The following ire some of the programs, trips, and 1989 beach cleanup along the Con­ Gorby appeals for calm was eroded, a refrigerator, two b^erage cans; 1,343 plastic lids; special events being offered by the Manchester lyrics and necticut shme, an analysis of the ef­ fort found. washing machines, a car transmis­ 1,202 plastic bags; 979 plastic bot­ Announcement of the plan trig­ Deputy after deputy, both con­ Recreation Department. For more information, call the MOSCOW (AP) — A The 1989 Beach Sweep was or­ sion and two dozen tires. tles and 799 metd bottle caps. huge trucks servatives and radicals, took the department at 647-2084. beleaguered Soviet premier ap­ gered immediate rushes to stores ganized by Peg Van I^ttra of the Plastic made iqi almost two-thirds Although six syringes were found for macaroni and bread, Ryzhkov podium Friday to attack the pealed to consumers Friday to stop Trips University of Ccmnecticut’s Sea of the waste found, with glass in New Haven, medical waste made WASHINGTON (AP) — America’s highways could told reporters at the Kremlin. government plan. Grant Program. The third aimual making iqi almost 12 percent, paper up only 0.07 percent of the waste their panic buying of food, trig­ Ryzhkov said the criticism had Trips do not require a recreation membership card and become more dangerous if Congress allows mammoth gered by his announcement of “Now this wave for bread and are c^)en to non-residents. cleamq) is to be held Sept. 22. almost 11 percent, metal 10 percent, found in Connecticut even less than double- and triple-n"ailer trucks to drive more of the na­ bread products has already rolled hclpal the government see “the Results of the trash analysis were and wood, cloth, rubber and other the national average of 0.09 percent. plans for sharp price increases, and weak sides” of the program and Newport, R.I. — June 9. Depart 7 aun. from the tion’s roads, a new private group said Friday. urged lawmakers to quickly ap­ through half the country, and it’s released Thursday at the Avery R)im materials making up the rest In no state was medical waste even gotten to Moscow,” he said. should continue into next week, campus of the Uruversity of Con­ The most prevalent trash included 1 percent of the trash found on prove economic reforms. but urged a quick decision on Members of CRASH, or Citizens for Reliable and Safe Opposition deputies in parlia­ “I am appealing for restraint and necticut. 3,982 plastic eating utensils; 3,300 beaches, she said. whether bread prices should rise as Highways, announced founding of the group at a news ment demanded a no-confidence calm,” said Ryzhkov, looking hag­ Recreation News conference outside the (Tapitol and said they would try to gard and with his voice ragged planned. “You have to decide, be­ vote aimed at bringing down cause this question is so difficult influence the highway bill Congress is expected to draft Premier Nikolai I. Ryzhkov’s from fatigue. next year. “Tension is growing. We’re get­ for us and for the people,” he said. Mahoney Recreation Center. Upon arrival in Newport we government, but he got one impor­ Obituaries ting a lot of telegrams expressing Bread is the staple of the Soviet will begin our tour with a cruise of Newport Hmbor to “We believe that the major issue that we’re facing here tant voice of support for his concern: 'How are we going to diet, virtually the only produa Hammersrnith Farm where we will tour the summer is one of the public interest versus the profit interest of program: from President Mikhail NEED SOME EXTRA the trucking industry,” said Joan Claybrook, former ad­ live?’” Ryzhkov told the Supreme that’s always readily available and home of former President Kennedy. Lundi will be a fiill A g R C S F o lC V S. Gorbachev. ministrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Ad­ remains c h ^ at about 32 cents a buffet at the Sheraton Hotel on Goat Island. After lunch ® ^ “I’m hoping in the end, after all Soviet parliament that must ap­ ministration and a CRASH board member. loaf. we will then tour the Breakers, former summer home of Agnes (Breen) Foley, 96, of 256 the debates — and they won’t be prove his economic plan. O “We’re forming this organization early enough, before The premier, who bears respon­ In the Ukraine, long known as the Vanderbilts then conclude the day with a narrated Main St., widow of JosejA J. Foley, SPENDING MONEY!! simple — we’ll agree that we have J 3 - n died Thursday (May 24,1990). the legislation that will be brought up in the next Con­ sibility for the economic program, the Soviet Union’s breadbaskeu tour of Ocean Drive. to move toward a market. I’m sure the republic’s prime minister said Bora in Vernon on Dec. 4, 1893, Newspaper routes available gress,” she said, speaking before a 100-foot-long, triple- of this,” Gorbachev said at a news indicated that if it led to a vote of S F uailer truck the groiq> placed before the Capitol dome as no-confidence against his govera- his government would fight Ryzh­ Martha’s Vineyard — June 21. Depart 7 ajn. born the she was a daughter of the late Henry conference. a backdrop. kov’s plan, Ukrainian activists Mahtmey Recreation Center. Arrive at the ferry for Mar- and Abby (Shea) BreeiL She moved In your area... Ryzhkov’s plan, broadcast on menL he would abide by the out­ The American Trucking Association issued a state­ reported. — m tha’s.Vineyard at about 11 ajn. Upon arrival at Martha’s to Manchester at the age of 8. where national television Thursday, come. “If there is no confidence in ment describing the news conference as “an attempt to Miners in the Ukraine’s Donetsk O o Vineyard, we will stop for lunch (on own). After lunch she had since resided. proposes tripling the price of bread the govertunent, then what?” he Earn money and prizes by cloak the rational discussion of trucking productivity in ask^. “A new government will coal region will consider calling we will have a locally guided tour of the islimd to include She is survived by two sons, and other flour-based products on manufactured safety hysteria.” work.” for a countrywide coal strike to 2 DO Gay head and Oak Bloss. The fee is $40 per person and Joseph J. Foley and Dr. Louis T. July 1 and increasing the prices of delivering the Very long trucks, with triple trailers or two 48-foot Opposition deputies in the protest the plan when they meet H < includes all transportation, tours, and full escort service. Foley, both of Manchester, and most other consumer goods in trailers, currently are allowed on certain highways in 13 Supreme Soviet have already June 11, according to the Rukh \bcht Cruise — July 7. Depart 7 ajn. several cousins, nieces and Manchester Herald January. m . Western states. The trucking associalicm said it was not demanded a no-confidence vote Press, an arm of the Ukrainian from the Mahoney Recradon Center and arrive in New nephews. It envisions a five-year gradual o i after the legislature votes on the popular front. York City at about 10 aun. Enjoy a walking tour of Mid­ She was a member of the Mer- In your neighborhood. currently seeking federal legislation to permit more shift to a government-regulated economic plan. They have said Supreme Soviet deputy Mikhail town Manhattan. At noon, b o ^ the World \hcht Cruise cyknoll Auxiliary. widespread use, but was not ruling it out. market economy by freeing most they expect it to fail, but believe Bronstein warned that the entire Ship for a luxurious buffet with live entertainment as you Services will be held Tuesday at The association said CRASH was “inspired and prices, raising taxes, selling off cruise New York Harbor. Spend the afternoon shopping 10:30 ajn. from the John F. Tierney Call today to get more details. funded, at least indirectly” by the railroads, which it said they have to make the political counU7 would need a ration card state property, and reducing central system. | - 3 3 at South Seaport before departing the city at S pjn. Es­ Funeral Home, 219 West Center St. were trying “to prevent increases in trucking productivity conuol of industry. gesture. timated return time is 8 pjn. Fee is $48 per person. A Mass of Christian Burial will fol­ and to enact unfair, burdensome truck taxes.” O O Outing Club low at 11 ajn. at St. Bridget's 647-9946 O "H Church. BUY OR SELL A CAR m rn Teen-agers 12 to IS years dL age, who possesses a cur­ Adelaide...... all iHawopetT sumbavI ^ 'I Burial will be in St. Bridget’s A CAB FLEA MARKET OPEN AT rent recreation membership card, are eligible to register DEA paid $20,000 to have Cemetery. Visiting hours will be Brookfield S t ...... all NEW LOCATION MANCHESTERi for the club’s trips. Supervision is provided by recreation P 03 Tuesday fi’cxn 9:30 to 10:30 ajn. at E a st C en ter...... 25-207 odd ■More Poople summer staff personnel. the funeral home. DYNA-LUBE | O O Riverside Amusement Park — June 25 or July 30, $20. East Middle Tpke.....0-155 odd Mexican doctor brought here ■Mom Cars 630 Center SI. -649-7606 J Memorial contributions may be ■Easier Doa! m z Lake Quassap^g — July 10 or 24, $15. M t Tom Water made to St. Bridget’s School Build­ G alw ay S t ...... all Open; Mon-Wed & FtlfrC'niuraS-Tpni Sal8-5| and Alpine Slide — July 16, $20. Hammonassett State HARTFORD DRIVE-IN THEATER EVERYDAY LOW PRICE o > ing Fund, 74 Main St., Manchester, H a y n e s ...... all NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY I Beach —^Jurte 27, July 18, or Aug. 3, $7. Rocky Neck WASHINGTON (AP) — The Drug Enforce­ $20,000 because of the diplomatic uproar from 2322 Beriin Ttxnpike > r- 06040. the Mexican government, said a congressional AVERAGE WAIT JUST 15 MINUTES Highwood Dr...... all ment Administration paid $20,000 to the Newington, CT FORI 3 ) 03 State Beach, July 25 or Aug. 8. $7. Misquamicut State Vic Tayback people who brought a Mexican doctor to U.S. source who spoke on condition of anonymity. Beach, RI — July 11 or Aug. 1, $23. Mohegan State B^k H illcrest...... all SATURDAY KF3. SUNDAY 9-1 LUBE,! soil to face charges in the murder of an Shults said he didn’t know if that was true. 5 y g 9 5 OIL, 33 > — July 29, $7. Satan's Kingdom Inner T\ibing — July 6, GLENDALE, Calif. (AP) — Vic Homestead St...... all 50% OFF. ADMISSION FEE I Tayback, known to millions of American drug agent, the DEA said Friday. “From what 1 have been told, the only pay­ RLTERI > “ • $12. GUlette Castle — July 27, $7. Block Island. RJ. — Horace St...... all “We did make a payment of services of ment made was this $20,000," he said. “There INFO; 296-9573 Osdi d lU X n^resEute^joa^S July 20. $24. television viewers as Mel the crusty “0 diner owner ot “Alice,’’ died Friday Je an R d ...... 30-65 $20,000,” said DEA spokesman Frank Shults. may be somebody out there saying, ’You owe The money, he said, was not a reward or a me money.’” Summer Camps of a heart attack, his agent said. The Jefferson...,...... all actor was 60. bounty for the delivery of Dr. Humberto Al­ The payment was made about 10 days after Applications are being accepted for Superstar Fun Kenny S t...... 1-84 MEASLES, MUMPS, RUBELLA CLINIC Camp. Seven one-week sessions are being tie re d begin­ Tayback, who had a histexy of varez Machain. Alvarez was arrested, said Shults, adding that ning June 23 to Aug. 10. Boys and girls ages 6 to 12 are heart trouble, including triple bypass K e nw ood ...... aH M R S / Shulls would not specify the services there was no advance payment even ih o u ^ the people responsible had sought $50,000 in ad­ Parents' of High School Seniors eligible. The camp is held at the Mahoney Recreation surgery in 1983, died at home in his Marble...... all rendered for the $20,000. However, he said it could have covered such things as the rental of vance. The Manchester Health D^artment, in conjunction with Center, 110 Cedar Street Activities include arts and sleep at 1 ajn., said his agem and M c C a b e ...... all crafts, sports, recreation swimming, drama, music nature, friend of 20 years, Fred Amsel. the plane that flew the Guadalajara “They wanted up-front money and we the Manchester Board of Education, will be sponsoring North M a in ...... aH wouldn’t pay it,” he said. He declined to specif events, and weekly field trips. Before and after Paramedics rushed Tayback to gynecologist to El I^so. measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine clinic for camp care is also available. The fee is $75 per week, $65 Glendale Adventist Hospital but O akw oo d S t ...... 264-371 Alvarez was arrested April 3 to face charges qx5cify who received the payment, describing graduating seniors who have been accepted at a college per week for an additional child in the same family. there was no chance of reviving in the 1985 kidnapping, torture and murder of them only as “people who were cooperating Packard S t ...... aU W bdsworth S t E x t ...... 157-164 DEA Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena. or technical school for the fall semester (September Before and after camp care is an additional $16. him, he said. with us.” R ach e l R d ...... all Waranoke...... aH The alleged kidnapping of Alvarez has 1990). This clinic will be at Manchester High School on Kinderstar Camp is for tots and tykes. Recreatkn In , U.S. District Judge Edward strained relations between the United Slates Rafecdie had scheduled a Friday afternoon games, arts and crafts, musk and more! Two and three R o s s e tto D r...... all Wbtherell...... aH June 4, 1990. Card o f Thanks and Mexico. Mexican officials, including hearing to find out “the highest level of year olds: lliesday and Thursdays, 10 ajn. to 11:30 ajn„ The ^mlly of Mdvln Fom Boomer, Squire Village ...... aU B e n to n ...... 1 0 3 -174 President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, have authority" that approved the alleged kidnap­ Permission slips for the M M R vaccine are available from July 3 to July 14 or July 17 to July 26, fee $30. R)ur and kic of Mancheeter, CT, wbhee to Stock Place ...... all Branford...... 68-161 called the operation a violation of their national ping of Alvarez. the School Nurse. Signed permission slips must be five yev olds; Monday, Wednesday, and Hiday, 9:30 thank hk many friends who shared Tonica Spring TraH...... aH D u rk in ...... All sovereignty. Alvarez’s trial has been indefinitely delayed returned to the nurse by the Friday, June 1, 1990. ajn. to 12:30 pjn., July 2 to July 13 (no c a ^ July 4) or with us our gri^ at hk sudden death. Antonio Garaic Bustamante, a former pending the outcome of the hearing into how July 16 to July 26. fee $60. The program is held at the We especially thank hk neighbors, the Union Place ...... ail East Middle...... 216-236 Even only Vaccine will only be administered to those students with Mexican police officer, has said he arranged he was brought to the United Stales. A long Nike Site. Qevengen, who have been so kind to signed permission slips. Vaccine will be available at the Union Street...... all Alvarez’s abduction from his Guadalajara of­ line of U.S. court decisions have hekl that a Camp Kenncdy/Kermedy Recreation program — This Md t h ^ many ]«ai*. We are moat same time at Manchester High School to Town residents fice at the DEA’s behest, and that 10 Mexicans fugitive can stand trial in the United States summer camp is a structured recreation program servic­ apprecktive of the floral tribute, and CALL HO\N were promised $100,000 for Alvarez’s capture even if the arrest overseas was improper or il­ who have been accepted to college or technical school in ing the special needs population. Camp is located in a of the expreeatona of sympathy by the members of the Masonic Lodeea who legal. the fall. These individuals must contact the Health De­ spacious, wooded area on Dartmouth Road behind Mar­ and delivery to El Paso. hotwred a devoted member by their 647-9946 / 643-2711 Prosecutors in Los Angeles have said they Camarena, 31, was kidnapped on a partment at 647-3173 prior to June 1, 1990. tin School. Session I, U, m , and IV are for children ftom presence.resence. Thank you all for your promised to pay $50,000 plus expenses to the Guadalajara street Feb. 7, 1985. Testimony at 6 to 11 years of age. Sessions V and VI are for 12 to klndneea. people organized by Oar ale if they would bring the trial of three other men in 1988 showed that Further information is available by calling the adult and will be designed with their interest in mind. Minna Boomer Hyde and Alvarez to the U nit^ States. he was taken to a house and tortured and inter­ Manchester Health Department at 647-3173. Transportation is provided for campo s and volumeera in jKanrlywtfr Brrali hk Nkoea and Nephews But the DEA cut off the money after paying rogated by drug lords. the Manchester area. Fees are $20 per session. 1 9 9 Biographer says Embryos donation contested East Hartford Nursery ~ your gardening partner’ for over 50 years! Elvis Presley KNOXVILLE, Thnn. (AP) — A woman’s decision Davis has appealed the decision, which touched to donate seven frozen embryos she w o t in a custody off a nationwide debate on its impact on reproductive Let our staff of trained horticulturalists help you with your ^ardenin^ problems. fight, rather than use them to become pregnant, does rights. The Tennessee Court of Appeals scheduled was a suicide not end the battle, her ex-husband said Friday. oral arguments for June 6. “I am totally against it,” Junior Lewis Davis, who Mrs. Stowe, who agreed she would not try to be­ NEW YORK (AP) — Call off the hunt! Elvis is really produced the sperm fw the embryos, said of his ex- come pregnant with the embryos until the case is set­ L dead — and the “king of rock ’n’ roll” committed suicide wife’s decision to donate them to another childless tled, filed a response Thursday to Davis’ appeal. MEMORIAL DAY SALE with a huge drug overdose, Presley’s controversial biog­ couple. In it, her attorney, Kurt Erlenbach, wrote that if the rapher claimed Friday. “There is just no way I am going to donate them,” court rules in her favor “her intention ... is not to im­ “It’s the dream gone to nightmare. It’s perfect It’s the Davis said. plant the embryos. She wants authority to donate the archetypal rags to riches to rot story,” writer Albert “I feel that’s my right. If there was a child from embryos so another childless couple may use them. Beautiful Rhododendrons in all sizes and colors! Goldman said as advance copies of his Life magazine them, then I would be a parent to it. And I don’t want Erlenbach’s wife and law partner, Susan Erlen­ cover story were released to the media. “This is what a child out there to be mine if I can’t be a parent to bach, said that Mrs. Stowe did not wish to disclose Landscape Specimen Size Plants - 36" and up happens.” it.” her reasons for deciding not to have the frozen TTie story is getting a big ride in the June issue. ‘Thir­ Davis, 31, and his ex-wife, Mary Sue Davis Stowe, embryos implanted. PJM's, CATAWBAS whites, pinks, purples • Reg. $79.99-$99.99 N ow $49.99 teen years after the death of ELVIS PRESLEY new 29, have been locked in a legal battle over the four- “All I can say is it’s been a long and painful Nova Zembla Rhododendrons - Deep red flowers, 2 gal. size N ow $19.99 evidence points to an inescapable conclusion — to-eight-cell embryos conceived through in vitro fer­ process in making the decision,” Mrs. Erlenbach said SUICIDE” reads the copy alongside a photo of the King. tilization in 1988 while they were still married. Friday from her office in Titusville, Fla., where Mrs. MEMORIAL A private autopsy conducted following Presley’s death In the only contested issue in their divorce, Bloimt Stowe now lives. ESPOMA HOLLYTONE PEAT MOSS in August 1977 put the cause of death as a heart attack. County Circuit Judge W. Dale Young ruled in Sep­ The perfect Fertilizer for all 4 cubic foot bale ARRANGEMENTS Through years of rumors about his death — including tember that temporary custody of the embryos should “If faced with the c^ ots of implantation o r Rhododenarons, Azaleas and Evergreens Mixed Flowers in Pots, Logs, some saying Elvis staged his own funeral — the Presley go to Mrs. Stowe, w to at the time said she wanted to destructiOT through non-use, (Mrs. Stowe) would Reg. $8.99 estate has stuck with that finding. try to bring a child to term. strongly argue for the right to implant the embryos,” Baskets A Friday morning phone call to Graceland, Presley’s The judge, taking the unprecedented step of ruling Erlenbach’s brief said. N O W $9.88 N O W $6.99 $7.99 to $19.99 Memphis mansion, for comment on Goldman’s claim that “life begins at conception,” acemded the “The former Mrs. Davis seeks in this case OTly to from the Presley estate was not immediately returned. embryos the same rights as children. He said it would preserve what she has created while Mr. Davis seeks Goldman stunned and infuriated millions of Presley be in the embryos’ best interests to be with Mrs. to destroy the potential for life he very willingly and fans around the world with his 1981 biography, “Elvis,” Stowe. intentiondly created.” Greenv^ew which portrayed the King as an obese, impotent drug ad­ Guaranteed to keep your piece of America beautiful. dict incapable of taking care of himself. Later, an unflat­ PlVtMl tering Goldman book on the late John Lennon had the 2 Way Green Power i Preen Garden Weed same effect on his fans. 15,000 sq. ft. size Preventer 800 sq. ft. size Goldman had written in “Elvis” that the singer died of DON'T MONKEY an accidental overdose. Reg. $38.95 NOW $24.99 • Reg. $9.95 N O W $8.45! But his conversations with David Stanley, Elvis’ stepbrother and a fixture at Graceland, convinced AROUND... Goldman that Presley had taken himself out. Stanley, one CEDAR BARK MULCH FLOWERING TREES WEEPING CHERRIES of the first jteople to see Elvis dead, says he knew all Choose from: Crabapples, Overstock clearance. Large, fully 3 cubic foot bag Reg. $5.99 along it was suicide but had trouble accepting it. Try Our Pay-By-Mail Dogwoods (pink, white, red) branched specimens' Double Flowering Peach Reform consider Program... N O W $4.99 Reg. $79.99 to $149.99 10 bags for $39.99 NOW $49.99 to $79.99 It makes paying your subscription easier on you. from $19.99 each admitting gay rabbis Instead of paying your carrier every 2 weeks, you can Flowering Annuals: Pansies, petunias. simply write a check for 3 months, 6 months or a full Spectracide Brand Diazinon NEW YORK (AP) — In a potential departure from Marigolds, Impatiens, Begonias, Agera- year...drop it in the mail. Then, you can forget about Insect control for use in vegetable tum, Allysum, Snapdragons, Salvia, etc. age-old Jewish tradition. Reform Judaism is considering having ready cash to pay your carrier, answering the 20% OFF gardens, flower gardens and lawns. removing barriers to admission of homosexuals to the door when if s inconvenient or being at home to pay Vegetable Plants: rabbinate. your bill. 10 lb. bag Reg. $14.99 Recommendations to that effect, a copy of which were WE WILL NOTIFY Any garden Six Packs $1.29 ea. obtained Friday, are to go before the annual meeting of YOUR CARRIER Now $8.88 Nine packs $1.79 ca. /3 for $5.29 Simply complete the coupon below and send it to THAT YOU ARE A the Central Conference of American Rabbis, representing us...or if you would likemore information on our Pay- PAY-BY-MAIL tool in stock Asparagus Crowns These are not tiny plants in 4 packs you Reform rabbis, June 24-28 in Seattle. By-Mail program call the Circulation Department. CUSTOMER with this coupon • exp. June 1 find elsewhere! VVe beat the competition Adoption of the proposal would mark an open break 647-9946. After initial payment and prior to expira­ 25 for $9.99 on price per plant. with traditional Jewish aversi(Hi to homosexuality and tion, you will be billed. emphasis on procreation, which date back to pre-biblical limes. Kentucky Seed I would like to pay by mail for my Manchester Herald subscription. Please begin my pay-by­ Mature The proposal urges that “all rabbis, regardless of Bluegrass Seed Japanese Maples sexual orientation, be accorded the opportunity to fulfill mail subscription on G eranium s Blueberry Bushes Reg. $3.99/lb. their sacred vocation which they have chosen.” Enclosed please firxl payment for in 4” pots Reg. $1.49 ea. 3-4' Bushy Plants The recommended stand would view sexual orienta­ Carrier Delivery: from $ 1 9 .9 9 tion “only within the context” of general qualifications, Now $1.99/lb. Reg. $39.99 “suitability for the rabbinate” and “capacity to find” ful­ □ 3 months *23.10 □ 6 months *46.20 □ 1 year *92.40 Now $1.19 ea. fillment in it. Senior Citizens: 20 lb. bag $29.99 10 for $9.99 Now $19.99 A special panel, headed by Rabbi Selig Salkowitz of □ 3 months *21.56 □ 6 months *43.12 □ 1 year *86.24 Brooklyn’s Union Temple, drew up the recommenda­ We also have Rhubarb, Blackberries, Raspberries, Asparagus Roots, Horseradish. tions in four years of study, ctxisultations, testimony and Optional carrier tip may be included with your payment / Tip Amount. Visit our two full line Florist Shops at these two locations: debate. Motor Route Delivery: Coventry, Andover, Bolton -$27.30,3 months NO RAINCHECKS The nation’s 1,560 Reform rabbis lead congregations Brower's Beauty totaling about 1.5 million members. SALE ENDS Rabbi Joseph B. Glaser, executive vice president of Name Andromeda JUNE 1, 1990 EAST CCAR, said he expects the proposed new guidelines to uc^ be approved. Landscape specimen Store Hours: HARTFORD “It's a well balanced statement, finely tuned and sensi­ Address Apt. size plants Mon-Wed 8:30-6:00 N U RSERY A " tive to our concerns,” he said. It “sets a middle ground,” S69-O800 ^ Thurs-Fri 8:30-8:00 31 Main Street 1375 Silver Lar^ approving ordination of homosexuals “in a roundabout Reg. 89.99-$99.99 Zip Phone Sat 8:30-6:00 1375 silver Lone East Hartford. CT Eost Hartford. CT way.” Ciy. Now 49.99 Sun 9:00-5:00 East Hcxttofd. CT 568-0006 568-2741 “We ordain people who are qualified and decent and we’re saying if they happen to Ik gay, it's not any busi­ MAKE IT EASY ON YOURSELF...PAY-BY-MAIL ness of ours. We’re not making an issue of it. We’re saying it’s not an issue.” However, he said there was an ancient and “basic The Manchester Herald Jewish abhorrence of homosexuality” derived from Judaism’s emphasis on procreation and perpetuating the P.O. Box 591- Manchester, CT 06040 human seed. 1 9 9 0 People Eco-activists are arrested BUSINESS Abdul stepping out in blast that rips car apart LOS ANGELES (AP) — You’ve heard of Air Jor­ Advertisers' News Q u& rtcrly dcficit ShrillkS dan? What about Air Abdul? Paula Abdul, following OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — Two Jordan added: “If you had a ched Chemey’s van and a Berkeley in the footsteps of Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson bomb, wouldn’t you be careful house occupied by several members activists for a radical environmental important source of strength for the Analysts said the strength in con­ and others, will have her own line of athletic shoes. group were arrested Friday in con­ enough not to place it where it could of another environmentalist group. By Martin Crutsinger U.S. economy for some time to sumer spending coupled with the L.A. Gear, which also has Jackson and Joe Mon­ nection with a bomb blast that injure you?” Seeds of Peace. The Associated Press strong gains in export sales were tana under contract, announced Thursday the signing ripped their car apart, but their sup­ The bomb exploded on an Oak­ Bari and Chemey had visited the come. good indications for future of its latest celebrity shoe salesman. Miss Abdul, a porters painted the duo as victims, land street just before noon house Wednesday night, and Cher- WASHINGTON — The U.S. “Europie and Germany in par­ economic growth. Laker cheerleader-tumed-video choreographer-turned not criminals. Thursday as Bari and Chemey were ney’s van was parked outside. trade deficit shrank to $26.4 billion ticular and to a lesser degree Asia The decrease in sales of existing pop star, used to pitch Reeboks, which is now “The evidence is strong they were driving to a rally at the University of The pair, described by friends as from January through March, the will be the locomotive for U.S. negotiating with Madonna. transporting this device and that’s Califomia-Santa Cruz. dedicated pacifists, were key figures smallest quarterly imbalance in growth,” he said. home was the third decline in the in planning “Mississippi Summer in past four months, with high The endorsement continues a trend by manufac­ why they were arrested,” said Oak­ The blast blew out the windows more tJian six years, the government However, some analysts cau­ the Redwoods,” an en­ mortgage rates blamed for the weak­ turers who are increasingly betting on star power to land Police Lu Mike Sims at a and the rear driver’s side door of reported Friday. tioned that it was too soon to tell vironmentalist effort to halt what sell athletic shoes. Nike started the shoe wars with Friday news conference. Bari’s station wagon. Other doors The Commerce Department said whether the first quarter perfor­ ness. Michael Jordan and Air Jordan. were blown open and the roof was they describe as excessive logging The first-quarter trade perfor­ “Based ot our determination of the 8.2 percent improvement in the mance would continue for the rest of Like Jackson and Montana, Miss Abdul, 27, will bowed upward. of old-growth timber in northern mance marked the second consecu­ the placement of the device in the trade balance was a result of the year. They noted that oil imports get a whole line of shoes bearing her name. A line of car, we believe they should have “I don’t believe it,” said Mark California. record-high export sales that offset are surging btxause U.S. production tive quarterly improvement in the sportswear under her name also is planned, with known it was there. We believe it Huntington, a friend of the pair and Both were in the San Francisco deficit In the fourth quarter, the gap the highest volume of foreign oil has dropped to 25-year lows and shoes and garments to appear in stores next spring. went off accidently.” an Earth Rrst! supporter. “If the Bay area to drum up support for the that the strength of the U.S. dollar in between exports and imports had summerlong campaign. shipments in more than 12 years. She’ll get a commission based on sales as well as Judi Bari, 40, required surgery at police produced evidence and put it comparison to the Japanese yen fallen 3.5 percent, to $28.7 billion. The effort, patterned after the The improving trade perfor­ cash, a person familiar with the deal said. Highland Hospital for a fractured on TV, I still wouldn’t believe it. I could start showing up in rising im­ Exports of machine tools, in­ The deal will yield less than $10 million, in the “Mississippi Summer” civil rights mance, if it continues, would be pelvis and suffered other injuries. think they planted it.... The FBI has ports of Japanese products. dustrial supplies and consumer second tier as such fees go, the source said on condi­ a lot of reasons to get rid of Darryl protests that drew thousands of col­ good news for the U.S. economy. She was in listed stable condition Cynthia Latta, an economist at goods climbed 4 percent to a record tion of anonymity. and Judi.” lege students to the South in 1964, Over the past three years, rising ex­ Friday. Darryl Chemey, 33, suffered DRI-McGraw Hill, said her $85.1 billion in the first quarter. minor injuries including a head cut. About 30 supporters of Earth has heightened tensions along the ports have accounted for more than forecasting company was still ex­ More than one-half of this increase Quayle makes verbal goof He was treated and released First! on Friday maintained a vigil northern California coast, where en­ GRAND OPENING — People gather out­ one-third of total domestic growth pecting only a small improvement in was attributed to a rise in civilian WAUSAU, Wis. (AP) — Oops! Dan did it again. Thursday night. outside Police Department head­ vironmentalists and the logging in­ side the Blue Duck Country Market at its as American manufacturers enjoyed the overall trade deficit when com­ aircraft shipments after the end of Vice President Dan Quayle told 3,(XX) high school The two Earth First! supporters quarters in downtown Oakland, dustry have long been at odds. recent grand opening. a boom in foreign sales. students Thursday that he was proud to be the first were being held for investigation of vowing not to leave until Chemey Although Bari and Chemey’s In other economic news Friday, pared with 1989. the Boeing strike. vice president to visit Wausau since Vice President possession and transportation of ex­ and Bari were freed. supporters said the two activists are the Commerce Department reported For the first quarter, U.S. exports Exports of farm products were up 7 percent to $11 billion with in­ Calvin Coolidge did so in 1928. plosives. Chemey was booked into Some in the crowd played guitars committed to non-violent change. Blue Duck holds opening that consumer spending shot up by rose 4.7 percent, to an all-time high Wrong, Dan. Coolidge was president in 1928. city jail, and Bari was under guard and held signs reading “Stop Blam­ Earth Fu-st! has become known for The Blue Duck Country Market recent held its 0.6 percent in April. However, the of $%.04 billion. Imports were also creases recorded in overseas sales of Tom Fischer, principal at Wausau West High at the hospital. ing the Victim,” ‘Trees Not Bombs” tactics that include sabotage and grand opening. The market, owned by Tom Tomko, National Association of Realtors at a record level, reflecting the surge wheat, vegetables, fruits and nuts. vandalism, including “tree spiking” School, where Quayle spoke, said he expected few Bari’s lawyer, Susan Jordan, said and “The FBI Did It”. is located in the former 7-11 building on Greecn reported that sales of existing homes in oil demand. They climbed 1.6 Com exports were down, reflecting — driving spikes into soon-to-bc- students even noticed the mistake. later that it’s “inconceiveable that Sims said authorities served three Road. The celebration of the opening featured a fell 2.1 percent in April. percent, to $122.4 billion. sharply lower shipments to the “What the teachers and kids realize is here is a guy they would destroy their movement search warrants and found evidence harvested trees that damages log­ grand prize give-away of a 15-speed mountain bike. The report Friday on merchandise Soviet Union. who is on the road constantly, giving speech after by doing that. It’s always easy to in several places that led to the ar­ ging equipment and can hurt log­ The wiimer was Jason Blakesly of Manchester. The bctter-than-expected perfor­ trade as calculated on a balance-of- Average prices of com and cotton speech and under public scrutiny, so those things charge somebody who’s unpopular.” rests. Thursday night, police sear­ gers. mance sent many economists scur­ payments basis confirmed trends al­ increased 2 percent while prices of happen,” Fischer said. “He probably misread a card.” rying to revise their trade forecasts ready noted in the department’s other commodities changed little, Mostlhy, Fischer said, the visit went well. for the year. Many had been expect­ monthly merchandise trade reports. the government said. “He was very personable to everybody,” he said. Police sell guns to raise money ing that weaker foreign demand and They showed a first quarter deficit Imports of petroleum surged 17 “He went out of his way to shake hands and talk to a rising oil bill would translate into a of $23.9 billion. percent in the first quarter to $15.6 the kids and he was just very warm to everyone.” Town officials, who need MONSON, Mass. (AP) — In a in use, some were confiscated, and worsening trade deficit. billion, with the average number of $9(X),000 to balance their $7.7 mil­ Musburger, critics agree small town strapped for cash, police some were even willed to the “We have continued suong export The disparity in the two figures .barrels imported daily climbing to have unveiled a rather unusual department when their owners died. lion budget for next year, said they growth and that is leading to better comes from the fact that Friday’s 8.9 million, die highest level since NEW YORK (AP) — Surprise; Sportscaster Brent fund-raising weapon: auctioning off A national handgun control aren’t expecting too much from the trade numbers than a lot of people report excludes military sales by the the third quarter of 1977. Musburger agrees with the critics who wish he’d shut extra guns. spokeswoman said she sympathized gun auction. were predicting, including us,” said U.S. government and makes other The average iH'ice per barrel in­ up once in a while. The weekend sale has caught the with Monson’s money woes, but minor adjustments to die monthly creased to $19.47, the highest since “When I’m watching tapes of a game I did, there “Anything that is sitting around Howard Lewis, vice president for interest of local gim collectors while found the idea of police selling guns figures. the first quarter of 1986, when the are many times when I get tired of the sound of my occupying space in a sufficient international economic affairs at the drawing virtually no opposition in a The increase in consumer spend­ price per barrel was $17.65. own voice,” Musburger says in an interview in the unusual. quality to get rid of it is just good National Association of Manufac­ state that has some of the nation’s America's deficits declined with June 1 issue of Entertainment Weekly. “It is a little ironic that the police business sense,” said Grace turers. ing was the biggest gain since toughest gun laws. “I turn the sound off or just shut the damn thing department is putting more guns on Makepeace, executive secretary to David Jones, an economist with January and was double the 0.3 per­ several countries, including Japan, “I think what’s happening these down $1.9 billion to $10.4 billion off and walk away.” the street,” said Glen Fitzgerald of the town of 8,000, about 15 miles Aubrey G. Lanston & Co., said ex­ cent rise in personal incomes last Musburger, for years the sports anchor at CBS, days — it makes no difference the the Washington-based Handgun east of Springfield. port growth should continue to be an month. for the first quarter. was fired by the network the day before he an­ size of your department — I think Control Inc. The group is headed by “If it’s $500 or a $1,000 or DONATION — Schaller Acura of nounced the NCAA college basketball final, his final we’re ^1 looking for innovative Sarah Brady, wife of former $2,{XX), it’s some money we didn’t Manchester recently donated an ways to help our fiscal situations,” event at CBS. He signed a month later with ABC, for presidential press secretary Jim have and it will do something automobile to Howell Cheney Regioneil E xisting whom his first assignment will be the Little League said Raymond McKeon, chief of the Brady who was seriously injured in toward helping the budget.” Vocational Technical School. World Series. Massachusetts Police Chiefs As­ tlie 1981 assassination attempt on Hom e Personal Personal "I don’t care what you put me on,” he says in the sociation. Ronald Reagan. Massachusetts gun control laws, Inconie Spending interview. “I’ve done more schlock sports than “I’m sure that they will certainly Car is donated Acting Chief Joseph Loglisci said passed in the 1960s, require that S ales r/«tan*ordMvA noTBiii anybody. I’ve done the Human Fly, a guy walking on be careful who they sell them to.” police had no worries about the gun buyers apply to their local police Schaller Acura of Manchester has donated a 1989 airplanes.” The 49-gun collection includes a sale. chiefs for permits to carry a hand­ Acura Integra to the vocational automotive program Musburger also acknowledges that he may over­ two semiautomatic 9mm pistols, a “There’s more guns out there than gun or a firearms identification card at Howell Cheney Regional Vocational Technical ______u l hype events that he covers. .306 bolt-action hunting rifle and a you can shake a stick at,” he said. for rifles and shotguns. School. «.• “If I’m not going to be enthusiastic about it, who’s 1940s Daisy “Red Rider” air rifle. “It’s not the guns that arc killing Both kinds of permits require a T h e vehicle will be used to give tl^ students going to be?” he asks. “It would be virtually impos­ Some arc old police guns no longer people.” background check. first-hand experience servicing the latest in automo­ sible for someone who shares the responsibility for tive technology," said Ralph Catalano, an instructor making an event a success to be a pure journalist.” in the program. Donations to technical schools are a part ol Estefan wins music award ^WEEKLY BINGO American Honda Motor Co.’s commitment to im­ MIAMI (AP) — Gloria Estefan of Miami Sound TUESDAY 7:00 PM proving vocational education, said Rick Drezek, Machine received the crossover artist of the year Do Not Buy An Inground Pool general manager of the dealership. award in the second annual Latin music awards. Church of the Assumption “With the increase in use of electronics in The male artists of the year were Luis Enrique, 22 So. Adams Street W/lthout Calling automobiles today, and rcfinemciiis such as mulu- tropical-salsa; Chayanne, pop-ballad; and Vicente Manchester, CT. valve engines and fuel injection, it is increasingly dif­ Fernandez, Mexican regional. $2.00 Admission ficult for schools to offer their students up-to-date JJASONOjrMA Ana Gabriel won the female artist of the year Progressive Jackpot 742-7308 training," he said. . award, only presented in the pop-ballad category. Her $£(30. this week Honda has supported vocatioial education with Apr. ‘9 9 Mw *90 Apr. "9 0 Apr. 89 Uy -90 Apr. ‘90 Apr 9 9 Mv. '90 Apr. '90 “Tierra de Nadie” was the pop-ballad album of the over $1,000 Cash Prizes POOl^ SPAS b ENCLOSURES donations of new vehicles, training aids, tools and e- I 3.44 I I 3 .4 0 I I 3 .3 3 j r«^ i 3 4 3 I I 3 6 5 I I 3.6 8 i year. In a new category, singer Celia Cruz was given quipment since 1982, Drezek said. i a lifetime achievement award Thursday night. 9 9 0 iflanriirstrr Hrralii OPINION Pullout Section, Page 17 FOCUS Saturday. May 26,1990 Talking prescribed XWecHMW..!, to improve relations wxTvfttJk 'fitp Natural packing materials are back By Sarah Overstreet Nr'(cf?ME_____

Twenty years ago a majority o f the American women HoMg.'rr^> A PKgAK w . . . polled by the Roper Organization said they believed most Earth Day celebration men were thoughtful and kind. stirs interest in wood In a recent Roper poll, a majority of American women \ C O 'J ■ reported that they think most men are mean, self- centered and lazy. By Larry Neumeister So what gives? Why in these past 20 years, when men The Ass(x:iated Press and women were supposed to be moving toward equality both at home and at work, has our opinion o f men plum­ meted? Sociologist and newspaper columnists have been opening up a storm. I -n the Daik Ages — before Styrofoam pieanuts According to some, the new poll indicates that and plastic bubble piack — man looked to the forest to women’ s expectations have risen, while at the same time ensure that his W edgwo(xl vase wouldn’t get broken by the media has pxirtrayed us as being able to pursue fast- track careers and keep home, husband and children or­ the movers. N ow , in the environmentally aware ’ 90s, excelsior and derly and hapjpy. N o one can handle that entire load other natural [lacking materials are making a comeback. alone, but women still think we should be able to. W e’ re tired, frustrated and able to run a calculator. When we “ After the Earth Day celebration, it was phenomenal the interest,” said Jim LeFevre, assistant branch manager add up the time we sp>end (Hi home and fam ily and com- f(H Ameritan Excelsior Co. o f Arlington, Texas, makers piare it to the time our mates spiend, w e’ re not only tired and frustrated; w e ’re gotxl and mad too. o f the long, thin strands o f wood nearly forgotten in the age o f plastic. Another idea about the attitude u-ansformation is that “ Our customers are telling us their customers are as­ we were all reared in a stxiety where Mom was expected king f(H environmentally safe piackaging.” to take care o f everycMie, including Dad. Old habits are Companies like LeFcvre’s never stopped making ex­ hard to break, regardless o f the amount o f egalitarian lip celsior; for the last four decades it was used mainly to service. For the most piart, Mtnn still takes care o f Dad, cover budding foliage and pirevent erositm. and many Dads still expect to be taken care of. With all Summit schedule loaded N ow , it has received a facelift o f sorts to make it more the role changing, women are confused. And so arc men. attractive to compianies piackaging everything from cos­ We women are sending mixed signals to men about what By Walter R. Mears the 1%1 summit between President said Bush and Gorbachev should be metics to dishes. we think our roles are and what we think their roles are. John F. Kennedy and Nikita S. able to announce “ substantive agree­ In red, green, blue, orange, purple and every shade m Khrushchev; miscalculations in between, excelsior made one of the more colorful dis­ Kansas City Times editorial writer Laura Scott put it W A SH IN G TO N — It used to be ment on major S T A R T issues.” Moscow the next year led to the plays at last week’ s Eastern Packaging Exposition here. this way: “ Women are just a bundle o f contradictions lonelier at the top. The summit is so A strategic arms reduction treaty Cuban missile crisis. It was far from the only environmentally sensitive even to themselves. ...Brought up to believe that the one heavily booked for meetings these will take more negotiation; final But the structured, stripted sum­ area where we are mcne than equal to men is raising days that even President Bush has terms could be signed at another [Koduct on view. mit conference was yielding to summit meeting in M oscow late in This new interest in old ways ctnnes as landfills over­ children, we d(Mi’ t share that easily. Raised to think that a had trouble keeping the schedule suaight. something less structuieid and more the year. flow and businesses worry abciut their image. dirty house reflects on the woman in the home and not “There’ s no question about it I think most major (Xir- There are four summit meetings, informal long before the Berlin Wall Nor has there been the piace and the man, we have a lower tolerance level for the family porations arc going to have a real thrust into using more one domestic, three international, on came down. That also carried risks. progress Bush sought in negotia- mess so we pick it up faster. Portrayed by advertising and environmtmtally safe materials,” said Philip Thom, a the Bush agenda for the next six When Ronald Reagan met Gor­ ti(Mis for the reduction of conven- the mass media as able to do it all well, we think we purchasing manager at Johnson & Johnson Orthopx^dics weeks. Sometimes they blur a bit. bachev in Reykjavik, leeland, in ti(Hial Soviet and U.S. forces in The Ataooaisd Pra«r should be able to do it all well.” But if this is Lond(Hi, it must be 1986, for what was to have been a Europie. Bush said he still hopies an in Braintree, Mass. “ Our selling point now is biodegradable and non-toxic. It sounds like a scenario in which you’ d rather not be NATO. Houston means it’s warmup for an arms eontrol summit, agreement to cut troopis and conven­ PROTESTING STYROFOAM — Elementary school student Andy McCaffrey of Pough­ the man or the woman, doesn’t it? But here w e find our­ they wound up talking about the tional weapions can be signed before Even our glue is non-toxic,” salesman Kevin Arnold told economic. Washington has the keepsie, N.Y., recently was involved in a protest over the use of Styrofoam at his local selves, opipiosite sexes who have been reared to fill social budget summit, which w ill drag for elimination o f all nuclear weapions, the end o f the year. That would be a customers as he d escrib^ cardboard-like piackaging roles, cxpiected to execute pierfect flipi-flojjs in both at­ weeks. then parted at (xlds over the U.S. 35-nation agreement, and some materials made by Honeycomb Corp. of North Haven, McDonald’s. Styrofoam is coming urKier attack as environmental issues come to light. titude and behavior. And w e ’re sup^sed to do it while And the big one: Bush and Soviet suategic spiace defense program. summit. Conn. holding down jobs, bringing up children and tending to President Mikhail S. Gorbachev, That’s the kind o f thing that Overall, Bush said Tuesday, Chip Giorgi, another Honeyctnnb salesman, said he crumbled. “ It’ s back to the basics. There’s no pizzazz,” Cola, Nabisco, Du Pont, Honeywell, Revlon and Ralston the house. Heck, most o f us don’t even have time to read whose four-day summit conference makes diplomats wary o f unstruc­ prepjaratory talks on arms accords feared some potential customers at the expo were s c ^ he said. Purina. the piapier at night. H ow arc we supposed to find time to begins in a week. tured meetings between their bosses. went well, “ clearing the way for away because the produa his company had made since I^ p a c k sales in the Northeast for the first three Fred Biesccker. prcsid(mt and chairman o ( Drug Plas­ examine our value systems, transcend our backgrounds In advance . o f the Gorbachev Bush and Gorbachev held one at what 1 hopic will be the highly suc­ the early 1970s was "almost too trendy.” months o f this year were 300 percent above the same tics and Glass Co. o f Boyertown. R l , conceded his com- and reconcile our respxHisibilities and our needs? summit. Bush has met individually Malta, in the Mcditciranean, last cessful meeting with Mr. Gor­ New laws are forcing companies to buy biodegradable peri(xl last year. p ^ y ’ s invention — a plastic container that uses (xie- with the leaders o f western allies. Dctrember. Bush piropiosed it as an bachev.” packaging, said Robert Sadlik, supervisor o f Miles Phar­ ‘T h ere’ s definitely something going on.” he said. third recycled plastic — is not the cheapest way to make I ’d love to know what men think o f their rclaticHishipis Conferring with Chanccll(H Helmut informal, fcct-up s<:ssion at which Successful outcomes are more maceutical. Plus, “ peanuts arc getting to be a problem. One product on display was Lock ’n’ Bap, a Key Tech a b(Htle. with women, but I haven’ t seen any p »ll results (Hi that. Kohl o f West Germany at the White they could get acquainted and make elusive for the summit meetings You open a box and they blow all over the place,” he Corp. item designed to be used in place o f plastic wrap to But, he sauL “ A better life is not a cheaper life.” M y guess is that if men were h(Hiest, they would say they House last week. Bush was sure no messages were missed amid Bush has been calling to deal with said. “ Somebody’ s got to come up with something to seal boxes and attach them to one another. He said he had not thought ab(xu recycling plastic are just as confused, and maybe just as angry. Maybe reminded that the Gorbachev meet­ the changes sweeping eastern problems at home. His education replace peanuts.” before attending a waste seminar in N ew York two years they even think women are mean and self-centered. ings end June 3. Europic. But he Uxik along a detailed summit with the governors, and the Brian Stewarlson. sales manager for Ranpak Corp. o f Lock ’n’ Bip is a clear, non-toxic and often invisible But (Hie thing I ’ m ctnivinced o f is that w e’ re not doing agenda o f arms crnitrol items he drug summit in Colombia piroduccd Willoughby, Ohio, claims his company already has. The adhesive, the Ocean, N J.. company boasts in iu litera­ ago. He smiled as he iwtccL T o d a y I ’m introducing a bottle that’ s got garbage in i t ” enough talking to each other, espiecially in non-threaten­ “ We go o ff to N A TO the next day, wanted negotiated in pweparation for promises and plans for aaion, but product, Padpack, consisu o f thick paper that has been ture. It claims to have signed up s u ± (xxnpanies as Coc* CO ing ways. 1 can’ t spieak for men, bu I know what hapjpxms don’ t we?” the president said. the real summit, now coming up. real results will be a long time com ­ C/5 with w(Hncn: W e’ re Unn between (hit hisuny and (Hir cx- “Nein, nein, nein,” corrected “ Summits take on a definition, an ing. The current budget summit can Q pierience, and we don’ t hrmestly know w h k w e have a Kohl, who also w ill be at the N A TO cxpjcctation o f grand design and succeed only with a clear and work­ right to expiect We take (Hi t(X) much, and then we be- summit in LxHidon one month later, grand agreements,” Bush said before able agreement to cut the federal c(xne resentful and disillusioned when we find we can’t (HI July 5 and 6. That’ s to be fo l­ the Malta meeting. deficit. I I do it all. Wh(m w e’ re ready to talk, it’s often in actmsa- lowed by the seven-nation allied When world leaders meet at the I tions and recriminatirxis. ec(Hi(Hnic summit in H(xist(Hi, opien- This time there are agreements summit, they usually part with I Dear Abby If I were to write a prescripHion for helping both ing a three-day stand on July 8. ready to meet that expectation, one mutual (XHigratulati(His on the suc­ I n S i d 6 I Senior citizens ’news I Weekend television I sexes thr(High this (nilture sIk k Ic, it would be this: We The(Hies o f summit diplomacy to ban most chemical wcapxHis, two cess o f their talks. The piereepXion o f . . . pages 21 to 27 ... page 28 treaties strengthening limits on I g need to devote m(ne time to each other and (Hir children, have changed since the Cold War success equals success. And the nuclear tests. F O C U S : i ■P^3e20 I z and less to the fast track. We need to spiend m(ne time lis­ days when every step, statement and storing system assures the ouUomc. The biggest deal, cutting strategic I tening to each other, and less to our beepiers. gesture was suppx>sed to be carefully I planned, lest a misreading make nuclear weapons, isn’ t finished, al­ Walter R. Mears writes for the Sarah Overstreet is a syndicated columntsL trouble. That may have hapipened at though an administration official Associated Press. 1 FOCUS/Religion FOCUS/Social

In Brief . . . Donate furniture to MACC Engagements Slaiby. By Nancy Carr In-kind donations to the Memorial services at church Executive Director M ACC News Shepherd’s Place have been Manchester Area received in March and April from Special Memorial Day church services will be held Conference of Churches Lucille Sinon, Mary Kuzmickas, Sunday at Emanuel Lutheran Church, 60 Chuich St. Florence Harworth, Bill Siddons, Those attending and participating will gather outside We are still shtxt of cribs, twin Hit Fox, Virginia Benjamin, Ed the church at lOiiS) ajn. The memorial service, with the beds, bureaus and kitchen tables and weeks to work everything out. Olander, Aileen McIXmough, Mr. When donors are moving or don’t Rev. Paul F. Johannson officiating, will be at 11 ajn. chairs in the furniture bank. and Mrs. Edmund Dean, James Veterans groups will bring flags and be in uniform. How can you donate furniture? have room to store, we regretfully Beaulieu, Mrs. Ruil Bernard, Betty Call Joanne Coykendall, or furniture lose the opportunity because of our Thibeau, Sandy Williams, Paul $ Church support group meets bank coordinator at 646-4114. limited resources. Berg, Ted Zupnik, Robert Weiss, The Inrst Congregational Church of Coventry, 1171 Step one — Joaime will check her □ □□ Kay (3arr, Frank Morasco, Shirley Main St., will sponsw a meeting of a men’s support and file to sec who needs the item you THANK YOU — Addition^ Juran, Ginger Smith, Catherine growth group May 28 frran 7 to 8:30 pjn. at the church. are offering. Step two — if there is memorial gifts in memory of Neil Byron, Lyly Krob, Cosmo Tedone, For more information, call the church office at an immediate match, she will try to Clendaniel have been made to Sam- Custom Carte Commissary, Ed­ 742-5689. arrange for delivery or pickup. ritan Shelter by Mildred Waldman, wards, Heartland, Subway Church sponsors young artists Sometimes the donor has access to Mr. and Mrs. David Pierce, Mr. and Sandwiches, Tierney Funeral Home, strong arms and to a pickig) truck or Mrs. Robert Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Temple Beth Sholom, North United North United Methodist Church, 300 I ^ e r St., will van and is willing to deliver. (3c- Daniel Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. John Methodist, Church of the Assump­ sjxjnsor the 14th annual Young Artists Competition on casionally the client can find some­ Spaulding and Bernard and Irma tion, Unitarian Universalist Society, June 3 at 7 pjn. one to pick up from the donor. Step Menschell; our thanks to Joan Wethersfield Eastern Star, 5 th New The competition is under the directorship of Herb three — if there is no one currently O’Loughlin, winner of the J.C. Pen­ Hampshir Volulunteers, Knights of ney Golden Rule Award, who desig­ k J - Ali Chatzky. Anyone interested in classical music or extraor­ in need of the item, a few items Columbus, American Field Service, dinary talent, is invited to attend the concert. (mostly beds, cribs, tables and nated the $1,(XX) award for the West Hills Social Club, Boy Scout Cheryl Ann Thomas Janice P. RemillarcJ Jessica L. Weiss San(jra J. Adams Tickets, at $4 each, can be purchased through the chairs) can be stored in the shed. Samaritan Shelter and to the Troop 25, Randy Kirsch, George John T. Shortsleeve Jr. Richard M. Borden church office or at the door. Anyone wishing to support Not all of our furniture bank employees of J.C. Penney Catalog Lessner, Grace Bogdan, Cecil Todd Stavens the competition as a COTtributor, sponsor or patron, donors, no matter how willing, can Distribution Center for an additional Young, Concordia Lutheran, Remillard-Shortsleeve Weiss-Borden should contact the church office or Herb Chatzky. find a way to deliver their donations contribution. Contributions have Mother’s Group of Center Con­ Thomas-Hodina also been received from Manchester Adams-Stavens Gerard and Noella Remillard of Mon­ Martha and Alan Weiss of Plano, to the client or shed. Not all clients gregational, St. Bridget, St. James Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. 'Thomas of Texas, announce the engagement of their members of the Baha L. Faith, roe, formerly of Manchester, announce Bishop criticizes U.S. have access to transportation, no School, Human Relations Commit­ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Adams of Brook­ Cedar Swamp Road, Coventry, announce daughter, Jessica Louise Weiss, to PANAMA CfTY, Panama (AP) — Panama’s Epis­ matter how badly they need and AARP Chapter 604, John and Con­ tee at Manchester High School. lyn announce the engagement of their the engagement of their dau^tcr, Cheryl the engagement of their daughter, Janice nie Bertrand, Manchester Herald, Pauline Remillard, to John 'Thomas Richard Michael Borden, son of Dr. and copal Bishop James H. Ottley criticized the U.S. invasion want the item. If we have a com­ In-kind donations to Samaritan daughter, Sandra J. Adams to Todd Ann Thomas, to Rainer Hodina, son of Mrs. Walter V. Borden of West Hartford. Second Congregational Ouheach Shortsleeve Jr., son of John and Phyllis of the country and disputed the official civilian death toll munity service worker assigned to Shelter were received from Isabel Suvens, son of Mrs. Barbara Beaudoin of Irma and Horst Hodina of Goose Lane, The bride-elect is also the Committee and two generous collec­ Shortsleeve Sr. of Monroe. of about 700, saying it is closer to 1,000. the department, Joaime may be able Wilcox, Rudy Persico, Harry War­ Columbia, formerly of Manchester, ai^ Coventry. granddaughter of the late 'Theodore and tions from the members of North 'The bride-elect is a graduate of Masuk “The United States is now morally obligated to to arrange pick up in our donation ren, Center (Congregational, Church Ronald Stavens of Hudson, N.H. He is The bride-elect is a 1987 graduate of Pearl Weiss, founding members of Methodist; support for Shepherd’s High School and is employed as an ac­ provide compensation for loss of life, for injuries and for van. Step four — if this last effort of the Assumption, Norman Cabana, also the grandson of Catherine Gill of 18 the University of Connecticut with a Temple Beth Sholom. Place Soup Kitchen has been counting technician with Aetna Life & the destruction of property,” he said. falls through, because of timing or Clatherine and Mary Byrtm, Irene Margaret Road. bachelor of science degree in design. She The bride-elect graduated last May received from members of the Pres­ Casualty of Trumbull. lack of storage, Joanne may ask the MacKenzie, St. James Sdiool. 'The bride-elect is a rehabilitation is a free-lance commercial designer. from Smith College, Northampton, Mass, Denominations to merge donor if they will store it for later byterian (Thurch of Manchester, the therapist at Riverview Hospital for 'The prospective bridegroom is a 1982 The prcspcciive bridegroom is a Manchester High School Student and is currently employed by the City of use. (Thildren in Middletown. graduate of Howell (Theney Regional graduate of Masuk High School and MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS, Ohio (AP) — Directors Activities Fund, Gertrude Pfister New York in the office of Management About 5 percent of donors of The prospective bridegroom is Vocational Technical School. He is a state Johnson & Wales University with a of the world mission arm of the United Church of Christ Bourgoyne, Ned Gomper, South THE and Budget. heavy items who carmot themselves employed by Southern New England licensed communications contractor and bachelors degree in accounting. He is a have decided to combine it with its counterpart in the United Methodist Church and staff accountant with Teplitzky & Co. of The prospective bridegroom is a 1987 Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). deliver, do have the capacity to store BIBLE Telephone Co. in Hartford. is president of Raintech Sound and Com­ graduate of Amherst College, Amherst, an item for us. It sometimes takes benefactors Mr. and Mrs. Theodore An Aug. 25 wedding is planned. munications. Woodbridge. The merger, expected to be accomplished by 1993, SPEAKS A Sept. 1 wedding is planned at St. Mass, and is a May graduate of New York A Sept. 15 wedding is planned at University School of Law. He has ac­ would result in the two denominations sharing personnel Jude’s (Thurch, Monroe. and programs that they spemsor in paimership with chur­ by Uniurd Methodist Church of Bolton. cepted a position as an associate at the ches overseas, including medical, educational, agricul­ Colson visits Soviet prisons Eugene Breary New York law firm of Cravath, Swaine tural and disaster-relief work. and Moore. The action by the United Church Board for World Charles W. “Chuck” Colson delegation at the invitation of the An Aug. 26 wedding is plaimed at Before the close o f the Civil W eddings Temple Beth Sholom. Ministries had been approved earlier by the Disciples’ probably has been in as many Soviet Bureau of Internal Affairs. War the practice had begin Division of Overseas Ministries. prisons as anyone, including serving “All of them had work programs, of decorating the graves of a term in one. His latest incursion — including for juveniles," he said. “It those WBed In that conflict. In into the lockups of the Soviet Union was especially good in a women’s 1868 May 30 was designated Welch-Rudin — turned up an approach he con­ prison. Everbody had a job. There Decoration Day.* In 1882 the Mary Elizabeth Rudin, daughter of Mr. College Notes Thoughts siders lacking in this country. was plenty of work to do. They got name was changed to and Mrs. Ralph Rudin of , and They have “better organized woik two-thirds of the going wage for Memorial Day', and It was 'Theodore Raymond Welch Jr., son of Mr. programs,” said the veteran traveler their work. expanded to Include the and Mrs. Roland Macha of Scotland, Do you know the difference between delegating and “They were paid bonuses if they dead from later wars. with a bachelor of business administra­ dumping? The dumpee knows! Dumping is when some- of the behind-bars circuit ^ fer­ were married Nov. 18, 1989 in St. Mary s Receives senior award product more. They were charged As with most days desigrxjted tion degree. (Hie picks up the phone at 4:30 pjn. in the afternoon, vent advocate of bracing up to memorialize events or Church, Baltic. Diane L. Barber, daughter of Mrs. for room and board. Morale was ex­ calls up someone who can’t say no to anyone, and they prisoners, body and soul. people, this day's significance The bride is also the grandaughtcr of cellent I told them they were more Brenda Barber of Oakland Street, was a Three are grads say, “By the way, could you miake 15 phones calls by 8 “It’s an area where we can learn tends to be obscured by our Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rudin and Mr. and recipient of the outstanding senior award capitalistic than on the outside. They Two Bolton residents and a Coventry pjn. tonight? something from the Russians,” he merging It Into another long Mrs. Louis Reale, all of Manchester. at (juinnipiac College, Hamden. said in an interview. “One of Uk didn't understand that The Rev. Joseph Nicols officiated. The resident are recent graduates of Dean In the best of the worlds, delegating is thoughtfully The award was given in recognition for Junior College, Franklin. Mass., with as­ ccHisidering how a task might be divided up into manage­ troubles with American prisons is It Is good to see our d ty corv bride was given in marriage by her father. service, dedication and contributions to “It’s one of the best indusuy work tlrwje the day's original pur­ Jewel Rudin, sister of the bride, was maid sociate degrees. able parts, then thinking about which person best fits that we don’t give inmates meaning­ the college. ful work. That can drive a person programs I’ve seen anyw h^ in pose with parade a n d of honor. Bridesmaids were Tracy They were: Jennifer Richardson, 12 each piece by their gifts and time, and then calling them Europe or the United States." ceremony designed to honor She was also among the students listed Old Bolton Road, and Reid Martin, 83 up with plenty of time to complete the task. crazy." Starkel, Catherine Ryan and Heidi Mcn- in Who’s Who Among Students in Colson is head of Prison Fellow­ Colson, who became a staunch the memory of our war-dead. ditto. Andrea McGuire was junior brides­ Cider Mill Road, both of Boltoit and Every once in a while I am surprised all over again. I It Is fitting that we should so American Universities and colleges. ship, a group based in Reston, Va., (Christian after serving seven months maid. Frank Lynch, 72 Springdale Avc., discover that something I find abralutely frustrating and in prison as a Watergate conspiracy do. Oh that It might remind us Coventry. that has grown into a worldwide or­ of the waste and futility of Michael Starkel, brother-in-law of the Graduates from UofM tedious for me to do, another person finds very fulfilll- ofTender, started his prison organiza- ing, and they love to do it. And sometimes the things 1 ganization to bolster religious faith warl And so may we b e groom, was best man. Ushers were Galen Barbara Ellen Slaiby of 251 Spring uon in 1976. He has since visited Maymount graduate love to do c^ve other people absolutely nuts. Have you among prisoners and seek reforms in rem lrded of Jesus' proroun- Beaupre, Roy ftpineau and Alf Papineau. St, and Judith Lynn Burinskas of 94 prisons in 28 countries, including discovered that irony? Sometimes in t h ^ situations, the the system. cement: ‘Blessed are the Eric Rudin was junior usher. W. Middle 'TUrapike, graduated recently Rebecca Lynn Morton of Manchester about 300 in the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Welch Jr. greatest thing I can do as a leader is delegate the very Talking about the work programs peacerryakers, for they wfll be 'The reception was at the French Club from the University of Michigan. Aim received a bachelor of arts degree on May He said most of the Soviet prisons caDed sons of God,* Mat. 6:9. thing that fhistrates me to someone else who loves doing in the two countries' prisons, he in Willimantic. 'The hmicymoon uip was 6 from Marymount University, Arlington, he visited, one the remote Perm 35 South Glasumbury section of Glastonbury Arbor, Mich. it. That’s how we are bread and peace for each other. said, “The Russians are doing a bet­ to Virginia Beach. 'The couple plan to Slaiby graduated with a nuister of Va. ter job of it." where several notable political make their home in Canterbury. as a payroll clerk. She spent her junior year abroad study­ Think about it in the communities you live and work in. CHURCH OF CHRIST The bridegroom is a 1987 graduate of science degree from the Rackham School That was his conclusion after a prisoners once were held, remained The bride is a 1988 graduate of Win- ing at Richmond College in London, Lydal&Vernon Streets Windham Regional Technical School and of Graduate Studies and Burinskas from rare visit inside five Soviet prisons repressive, restricting mail and fami­ dahm Regional Technical School and is England. The Rev. John HoUiger Phone:646-2903 is employed by Ducci Electric. the School of Business Administration SL (U rge’s Episcopal Church with a UJS. Department of Justice ly visits, but all had work programs. employed by the J.T. Slocomb Co. of the 1 9 9 0 AA

FOCUS/Senior Citizens Crossword Focus/Weekend TV ‘Peaks’ gives Y (CC) (2® Wrestling: AW A All Star Wrestling Instrument Anewer to Previous Puzzle Beymer new life ACROSS 39 Affirmations TO) MOVIE: 'The Triumph of Sherlock |z E S T Saturday, May 26 Holmes' When he is about to retire, the 1 Front of 41 — -de-sac Video is about senior center p P P 0 great detective investigates an unusual head 42 Over (poet.) 5 Alley — 43 Dieter s p E R murder that occurred in a nearby castle By Jerry Buck dessert Arthur Wontner, Ian Fleming 1935 June 13 at 9:30 ajn. depth look will be offered to the im­ 8 Truth Is E Y The Associated Press By Joe Diminico 12 Future 46 Ideal place T 6:00AM ® Captain Bob (5® It's Your Business (§2) Poco a Poco 50 Ages July 25 — Rocky Neck State Park migration of the following ethnic LL.Bi.’ eicam p 1 R E fSl Public Affairs [CNN] Sports Close-up Activities Specialist 13 Shame! 51 Believer In (61) Natural White LOS ANGELES — Richard Beymer says he had $6.50. Sign up June 13,9:30 ajn. groups, such as the Polish, Jewish, an ism Ie Q 0 S ® §6) Paid Prog ram [DIS] Dumbo's Circus [A&E] Living Dangerously John Denver Manchester Senior 14 Singer — no idea how rotten his character would become Aug. 22 — North Shore Music Italian and Irish immigrants. Minnelli 53 Phone part |l 0 S T ClD Little Rascals [ESPN] Outdoor Sportsman IS host (or this look at the 1984 Mount Citizens Center 15 Well 54 Hebrew Ie R A S Everest Expedition, the first successful when he was cast as the kingpin of ABC’s “Twin Center. See the stars of the The last part is entitled “Behind ventilated tetter (lD Home Shopping Club [USA] Better Ways to Bettor Grades e H L 1 L Irek by Americans up the North Wall (60 Lawrence Welk Show. Call the Scenes.” Students will be of­ 16 South of Ga. 55 MD's chart fp) Dick Van Dyke mm ) (R) Peaks.” Seniors are invited to the great 56 Sailor's pa­ D W E L ■ t 1 E B S A 7:35AM [TMC] m o v i e ; The In 17 Dutch Crow d' A suburban teen-ager's dream Beymer plays business entrepreneur Benjamin Friendship Tours at 243-1630. fered a behind-the-scenes look at cheese tron saint E E L Y [t I w A 8 R U B [A8iE] Golden Age of Television [DIS] Fraggle Rock premier of the senior center’s Video comes true when he becomes a dancer on Home in director David Lynch’s new scries that of­ Hartford Stage Company, 18 Woodchuck 57 Do as------L A R A t R E D A L E [CNN] Daybreak [ESPN] Fly Fishing the World With entitled, “Manchester senior center 58 — Grande a local T V dance show Donovan Leitch, Aug. 24 — Saratoga Race Track 20 Yeas A R N A Ia In A L 0 G U E [DIS] Mousercise John Barrett fers a quirky blend of soap opera, murder mystery An Inside Look.” The video, about Goodspeed Opera House, PMbody 22 Ear (comb, 59 Liability Jenniler Runyon 1988 Rated PG (In $32. Call Don Berger at 875-0538. form) Sian ruler 35 Quartet [ESPN] Tennis: ATP Tour (R) Stereo) [LIFE] WomanWatch and black comedy. Museum, Albany Ballet Company 11 Caps 39 Thus far 25 minutes long, is the culmination OcL 23-26 — Amish country 23 Dawn DOWN [USA] Paid Program and Little Theatre of Manchester. 19 Baseball 40 Wore away [MAX] MOVIE: 'The Greatest' The 7:45AM [MAX] m o v i e . Gleaming He says Johanna Ray, the casting director, had of a year’s effort of our own video goddess story of Muhammad All's life is chronicled $249 includes transportation, six 1 Cheat player Mel 41 Easy (si.) the Cube' (CC) A skateboarding teen­ Healthweek originally considered him for the role of the Fee for the course is $75 which in­ 24 What ghosts from childhood to championship Muham­ 9:10AM [CNN] club under the direction of Dan meals, accommodations, admission do 2 Huge 42 Losses ager investigates the strange circumst­ cludes daily lunch and coffee 21 Cruel joke 43 Abominable mad All, Ernest Borgnine, Robert Duvall ances surrounding his adopted brother's 9:30AM CD Slimerl And the Real psychiatrist, the part Russ Tamblyn plays. Then McNamara of Cox Cable. The video to Dutch Apple Dinner Theater/ 27 One ------continent breaks. Applications are available at kind 3 Singer VIkki 24 Beer snowman 1977 Rated PG death Christian Slater. Steven Bauer, Mm Ghostbusters (CC) Lynch suggested he could be Benjamin Home. highlights the center’s activities Broadway show, tour of Amish 28 12. Roman ingredient 44 Raw [USA] Law and Harry McGraw Luong 1988 Rated PG-13. (In Stereo) QD Synchronai Research “I had no idea now nefarious and slimy he was the center. 31 Popeyes 4 Primitive 25 Indian nurse minerals along with its participants. farmland, tour Hershey Chocolate 8:00AM ® Dink, the Little Dinosaur ®@) Personal Power Lastly, our condolences to the friend Olive word 26 Forearm 45 Shark 6:05AM [TMC] m o v i e The Lady going to be,” Beymer says. “Every lime I got a new I would like to thank the follow­ World, tour Gettysburg National 5 We re — bone 47 Mound From Shanghai' An Irish sailor becomes a (CC) Karate Kid (CC) script he was doing this or that. It’s like waking up Cohen family over the sudden loss 27 Having an of­ 48 Poetic fool murder pawn when he accompanies a ing individuals for their efforts in 32 Flow — see the ® High School Bowl d4i Sesame Street (CC) (R) Military Park, visit Wheatland, wizard fensive odor 49 Many(2 beautiful woman and her lawyer-husband one morning and finding yourself an arch villain. - n of Sol, a longtime participant at the 33 Ariz. time f11J Benson the greenhouse this year. They are: James Buchanan’s home, ride on 34 Forest god 6 Cooking fat 28 Dec. holiday wds.) on a cruise Rita Hayworth. Orson Welles, (5^ Say Brother 29 — of Wight 52 Engage in Isn’t that a nightmare?” center. Sol’s smile and wit will cer­ 35 Flunk 7 Quiet Everett Sloane 1948 (^6l Bugs Bunny dLl) Munsters Today (CC) Grandpa and O Carl Swanson, Cyrus Cajar, John Strasburg railroad, visit Roadside 30 How sweet winter sport Home owns the Great Northern Hotel, a depart­ tainly be missed by all. 36 Boxer Mu­ 8 Runs from f30i Kissyfur (CC) Herman serve on the jury of a murder trial JD “ n Kravonta, Joe Roginka, John America, largest indoor miniature hammad — 9 Military 6:30AM ® Young Universe ment store and other properties, but is also conspir­ 32 Having more 1241 Zoobilee Zoo (R) (CNN] Moneyweek Zelanek, Ernest Nickerson, Henry village. Call Don Berger 875-0538. 37 Wild sheep assistant (111 Little Rascals Menu 38 stringed 10 Former Rus- errors (2® Paid Program [DIS] Donald Duck Presents ing with Catherine Packard Martcll (Piper Laurie) Bartley, Wen Johnson, Chet Kosak, Seniors should be advised that the (?8) Paid Program S F Monday: Closed for Memorial 58 Wall Street Journal Report (ESPN] Jimmy Houston Outdoors to acquire the Packard Sawmill. Dot Addistm, Roland Broullette, center now has a Senior Information T” T” T" ■nrTT S D Alice (40) Pup Named Scooby Doo (CC) [LIFE] What Every Baby Knows: The The show centers on the murder of Laura Fulmer, Day. [A8.E] Heroes: Made in the U .S.A Charles Brendel, Fred Hutt, Frank Line. The number is 647-3240. n First Three Years — m T\iesday: Sliced turkey sandwich, @ Page 57 a high school homecoming queen who had a Kos, Adolf Yeske and Bill VaJente. When dialed, a recorded message 12 nr [CNN] International Correspondents soup, beverage, dessert. (ft) Wolf Rock Power Hour [MAX] MOVIE: Scrooged (CC) A mysterious link to virtually everyone in the pic­ O o Cto June 28, there will be a trip to [DIS] You and Me. Kid heartless network executive learns the will be heard informing the caller of Wednesday: Chefs salad (ham 15 n r [A&E] Journey to Adventure turesque lumber mill town of Twin Peaks near the the Museum of American Ralitical [ESPN] Motorweek Illustrated folly of his ways in this parody of the Dick­ 2 CD ongoing activities for the week, trip and cheese), muffin, beverage, des­ [CNN] Daybreak ens classic Bill Murray. Karen Allen, Carol Washington-Canadian border. Each episode slowly 18 ■HT 6:45AM ® Oavey 8i Goliath Life at the University of Hartford. schedules, menu and much more. [DIS] Good Morning, Mickey! Kane 1988 Rated PG 13 (In Stereo) reveals the dirty secrets of its characters. H ■< sert. [HBO] MOVIE Under the Cherry The museum has an unparalled col­ The service is provided 24 hours a Outdoorsman With Bock [TMC] MOVIE Farewell to the King' Thursday: Boiled ham, potato, r a r s r Moon' (CC) A poor musician gigolo tails [ESPN] “Twin Peaks” is an acting comeback for Beymer, m lection of over 60,000 campaign ar­ McNeely (CC) A U S Army deserter finds his tribal day. vegetable, roll, beverage, dessert. tor an heiress on the French Riviera Prince. paradise in a Borneo jungle threatened by whose career faltered after youthful starring roles in tifacts from George Washington to w Kristin Scon Thomas, Jerome Benton [U S A ] Financial Freedom Next Thursday after lunch the Friday: Chicken chow mein on W the arrival of British and Japanese forces such hit films as “West Side Story” and “The Diary George Bush. There will be a guided Bennet Juniw High Choral Group 1986 Rated PG 13 (In Stereol 8:30AM ® California Raisins (CC) during World War II Nick Notte, Nigel Hav­ rice, roll, noodles, beverage, dessert 31 " ers. James Fox 1989 Rated PG-13 (In of Anne Frank.” He worked mosUy as a film editor, 7:00AM ® Garfield and Friends (CC) ® ;40 Disney's Adventures of the tour ^ter an introductory film at the will perfOTm. Stereo) cinematographer and filmmaker before returmng to ® (4§) Flintstone Kids (CC) Gummi Bears (CC) museum’s mini theater. The cost of Men golfers are reminded that Ongoing activities 34 1^36 [USA] Hollywood Insider (R) (® World Tomorrow (Ji) Good Times acting in the 1980s. the trip is $1.50. Sign up in the of­ there is no golf this Monday. Play Monday: Bingo, 10 a.m.; 10:00AM ® Pee woe's Playhouse Beymer was bom in Iowa, but his family moved 1“ 37 n r (ij} Bionic Six (20J Bugs Bunny fice. The trip leaves at 10 and will will resume on June 4 at Twin Hills. pinochle, 12:30 p.m.; exercise (CC) _ S® How to Get a Second Paycheck (22) (30) Camp Candy (CC) here when he was a child. He began working on a o o return about 12:30 pjn. Lady golfers are reminded play will L (JD Soul Train (In Stereo) “Celeste,” 1:15 pjn. Without Getting a Second Job (2® Sesame Street (CC) (R) local television show when he was 10. At 13 he was O “ n Make note of the following trips: resume at the Manchester Country O ) Synchronai Research Tuesday: Square dancing, 10 (§® Family Ties (CC) (20) Twin Star Productions in “So Big” and went to for “Indiscretions of June 3-7 — Wildwood. Depans 8 nr Sledge Hammer! ; ; ; r r i Club on June 11. ajn.; exercise “Cleo,” 1:30 pjn.; O ) [USA] Paid Program 5® Ask the Manager an American Wife.” He was in “Diary of Anne @ Smurfs (CC) ajn. and return Thursday 7:30 pjn. Manchester Community College video club’s film presentation, 1 HT (S® Ring Around the World (52) La Plaza Frank” when he was 19 and “West Side Story” two (2$ NWA Wrestling P W June 13 — Showcase Cinema’s is offering an older adult summer pjn.; grocery shopping (Stop & ® Poppy's Parade A TV campaign dodi [A&E] Global AHair years later. 54 caled to helping hospitalized veterans dS Tony Brown's Journal movie “When My Baby Smiles at enrichment program. The program is Shop). [CNN] Big Story This summer Beymer will direct a theatric^ Me.” Free, departs senior center scheduled for June 25-29 from 9 to (SD Marvel Action Universe d i) Fall Guy (CC) O O Wednesday: Pinochle, 9 a.m.; 57 n r r s r [DIS] Tale Spin movie based on his adaptation of Michael Wolk’s 12:30 pjn. Movie begins 1:30 pjn. [A&E] All Creatures Great and Small (R| [A&E] Peter Wimsey: Unpleasantness m z 3. The program is divided into three Friendship Circle, 10 ajn.; arts and [ESPN] Fishing Ultimate Outdoor Ex at the Belk>na Club Oliver leads Peter novel, “The Big Picture.” June 27 — Rockingham Race [CNN] Daybreak perience Wimsey on a chase Stars Ian Carmichael D > sectimis. The first section is from 9 crafts, 12:30 pjn.; bridge, 12:30 (c) 1990 by NEA. Inc “I did four or five films after ‘West Side Story,’” [DIS] Welcome to Pooh Corner [HBO] M O VIE: Poltergeist II' A year at (60 min ) Part 2 of 4 (R) Track, Call Don Berger at 875-0538. to 10:30 a.m., Monday-Friday. p.m.; photography (informal), 1 Beymer says. “I didn’t quiL Things changed. I went > r* [ESPN] SportsCenter ler vengeful spirits drove them from their [DIS] MOVIE: 'My Little Pony' Am July 11 — Camp Connri (Salva­ These will be cooking demonstra­ home, the Freelings experience renewed pjn.; exercise “Celeste,” 1:15 pjn.; [LIFE] Self-Improvement Guide mated The Ponies peaceful homeland is to New York and got into the Actors Studio with Um JJ CO tion Army Camp), $18 includes tions from professional chefs from non-grocery shopping (Bradlees). attacks by otherworldly forces JoBeth threatened by an evil witch and her nasty encouragement of Joanne Woodward. 1 d been in transportation, luitch and use of the 7:30AM ® ® weekend Special: Williams. Craig T Nelson, Heather 0 R- daughter Voices of Danny DeVito. Made­ 3 J > restaurants such as Cavey’s and the Thursday: O i^estra rehearsal, 9 Jeeter Mason and the Magic Headset outko 1986 Rated PG 13 (In Stereo) pictures with Joanne and ftiul Newman and Eli facilities. Register Friday at 9:30 Today In History line Kahn. Ck>ris Loachman 1986 Rated Eatery. ajn.; lunch, 11:45 ajn.; program, (CC) A 10-year-old girl (Kim Hauser) 9:00AM ® Jim Henson's Muppet G Wallach and I had never studied acting. > H comes into possession of a magic moon ajn. The second part, 10:50 am . to Babies (CC) Fishtn' Hole 12:30 pjn., Bennet Junior High rock Features the voice ol Nancy Walker [ESPN] “Then in early 1964 I became socially c o n s c i^ “D July 20 — Lake Compounce 12:10 pm., will be the coming to ® (3® New Adventures of Winnie the Choral Group. (R) [HBO] MOVIE: Big Trouble in Uttle and went to Mississippi for the voter registrauon Today is Saturday, May 26, the 146th day of 1990. Pooh (CC) China' (CC) A macho truck driver ven­ “Polkabration” $19. Registration America aspect Every day an in- Friday: Bingo, 10 am.l; exercise ® ® Paid Program drive. It struck me as a wMidcrful thing to docu­ There arc 219 days left in the year. (TO Worid Wide Wrestling tures below San Francisco's Chinatown “Cleo,” 11 a.m.; setback, 12:30 (TO Laverne 8i Shirley district to rescue a friend's kidnapped fian­ ment. I bought a 16mm Bolex camera and filmed T O Synchrortat Resaatch pjn.; exercise “Celeste," 1:15 pjn. Today’s Highlight in History: ( ^ Snakmaster cee Kurt Russell. Kim Cattrall. Denms Dun everything 1 saw. I brought the film back to Los (2® W ebster Part 2 of 2 1986 Rated PG 13 (In Stereo) Blood pressure clinic: June 6, Fifty years ago, on May 26, 1940, the evacuation of Natural White ( ^ S® Captain N: The Game Master [LIFE] Attitudes Angeles and spent the next nine months editing it" Social Security 9- 11 ajn. (A-K); June 20, 9-11 amAllied . troops from Dunkirk, France, during World War II ^ Saved by the Bell (CC| The documentary, which became “A Regular began. [USA] Buttin' Loos# (L-Z). Bouquet," was narrated by Robert Ryan.^lt was Cholesterol screening: Tliesday. On this date: 10:10AM [CNN] Showbiz This QUECTION: I think my neigh­ WMk shown on the PBS series “Eyes on the Prize." ^ QUESTION: I’d like to find out Call 647-3211 for appointment In 1521, Martin Luther was banned by the Edict of TV channeLgyide Beymer later made educational films and spent «• '"• just how good of an investment So- bor might be eligible for help Worms because of his religious beliefs and writings. 1 0:30AM ® MOVIE: Pursuit to At Circuit breaker clinic: Tuesday, Cox Unllod Talo-Modia gisrs' Holmes and Watson escort an heir six years on a film called “Innerview.” cial Security is. Do you have any through the supplemental security In 1805, Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned king of ...... 2 10- 11 am . Walk in. ... 7 ...... 2 . to an Eastern throne Basil Raihbone. Nigel In 1984 he had a starring role in the ABC series WFSa, Hertford A ...... 1 ^ figures? income program. But she says it Italy. W TNH. Haven ... 1 . Bruce 1945 Medicare assistance: June 13. <••••••• “Piper Dolls.” WWOn. New Yofti ... * . . . ® TO Beettejuice (CC) isn’t worth it. What’s the maximum In 1865, arrangements were made in New Orleans for 11 ...... It ...... 20 ANSWER: If you’re an average Call 647-3211 for appointment WP1X. Nwe 'fork ( T ) Paid Program “Thankfully, they canceled iu" he says. “1 nm a amount she could get under SSI? the surrender of Confederate forces west of the Missis­ ...... IS ...... 10 Legal assistance: June 15. Call for W H CT, Hertford ...... ii .... sportswear fashion company. 1 was ready for it to worker retiring today at age 65, ...... TO TO Synchronai Rasaarch sippi. WTXX. WaiartMiry ...... 20 ...... 20 . _ you’ve paid about $12,(XX) into So- ANSWER: As you know, SSI is an appointment 647-3211. M ...... 27 . be over after 13 shows. It was totally about hair and f In 1868, the Senate impeachment trial of President WWLP, SprIrHjtleld ... T O This W a «k in Basaball Mel Aden dis co cial Setmrity. And your monthly a program fo r aged, blind, and dis­ ... 7 ...... 24 ...... 24 cusses news end highlights from the ma|ot makeup and glamour." WEOH. Hartford ...... 24 Scores Johnson ended with his acquittal as the Senate fell one WTW8. New London , ... M ...... 42 . leagues Beymer says he wants to film "Tlie Big Picture” * benefit amount will be just over abled people who have little or no ...... 4 ...... 20 McHiday pinochle: Edith O’Brien vole short of the two-thirds majority required for convic­ WV1T, Hartford ...... 4 ... (TO Shinirxg Tim a Station (CC) 9 $600 which means that you’ll get income and only few resources...... 20 ...... If as inconspicuously as possible in New llbrk City. tion. WSBK. Boaton ...... If ... 55 Abbott artd Coxtalto 803, Alice Raymo 781, Rene Maire ...... 40 ...... ^ back everything you paid into Social While it’s true that not everyone WOQB, Springfield .. He wrote the screenplay and will direct, but will not In 1913, Actors’ Equity Association was organized...... 25 ...... 25 (57) Ekruth Africa Now e- 749, Ethel Krorel 746, Helena 17 ... Security in less than 2 years. Even receives the maximum payment WQBY, Springfield ...... f appear in it He says the title will be changed be­ In 1960, U.N. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge ac­ .... 6 ...... * . [CNN] Styla With Elsa Klansch including interest, your recovery under SSI ... because of income Gavello 737. VIFTIC. Hartlord ...... 11 cause another movie has the same title. Arte S Entartalnmenl .... n ...... 15 . [ESPN] Crookad Creek Wednesday pinochle: Helen Sil­ cused the Soviets of hiding a microphone inside a wood ...... 5 ...... 50 time would be less than 5 years. from other sources ... it’s still a Cabla Nawa Network .... 11 ... “The process is what interests me,” he says. “1 m carving of the Great Seal of the United Stales that had ...... 47 ...... 41 [USA] Throb ver 735, Dom Anastasio 672. Dlanay Channel...... 1 6 . . . not interested in going out with trucks and hair and Considering that today’s retirees' can worthwhile program to look into. In ...... 7 ...... 4f Si W ednesday bridge: Romeo been presented to the U.S. embassy in Moscow. I Sporta Network ...... 10 ... 1 1 :00AM ® (4Q) Bugs Bunny & expect to live another 15 to 20 most states, if you qualify for SSI .... 14 ...... 44 ...... 2S Tw aety Show ICC) makeup and creating a big circus. 1 want a film that Auclair 5,270; Jerry Henault 4,880; In 1969, the “Apollo 10” astronauts returned to Earth Homa Box Office ...... 25 , ...... 12 years, that sounds like a good in­ payments, you are also eligible for Llfallme ...... d J Superman uses real picoplc and integrates real situations into Charlotte Haberem 4,650; Fran Burr after a successful eight-day dress rehearsal for the first .... 54 ...... 45 , ...... 42 vestment to me. Even if you’re not f o ^ stamps and Medicaid. And CInamax ...... 46 ...... 42 (It) lixcredibte Hulk the film. Hollywood films focus on the star. \bu 3,530; Joe Adams 3,490; Joanne Al­ manned moon landing. Movie Channel...... 55 ... retiring today, you can still expect to these programs can provide much .... 12 ...... 10 ...... « don’t gel to know anyone else." In 1978, the first legal casino in the eastern U.S. USA Network ...... get back everything you paid into needed help with food and medical lard 3,190; I^uline Predimek 3,120; contInMcd... opened in Atlantic City, NJ. Social Security plus interest. bills. Nadine Malcora 3,050. 1 9 9 0 =ocus/Vldeos Focus/Movies Saturday TV, continued Saturday TV, continued Videocassette sales suspected of murder when the skeleton of within the family. Perry King, Jean Sim­ [M AX] MOVIE: 'Crazy Moon' An off­ mons 1981 1 “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids” (Disney) Kasan’s latest Qj) Synchronal Research baby is discovered in the rums of the beat love affair begins between an eccen­ sorority house. Tina Louise, Paula Pren­ [T M C ] M OVIE: 'Speed Zone' A group ol 2.“Tecnage Mutant Ninja "Rirtles: Cowabunga WWF Superstars of Wrestling PARADISE tric teen-ager and a deaf saleswoman Kie­ fer Sutherland, Vanessa Vaughan, Peter tiss, Loretta Swil. 1979. zany drivers compete in a coast-to-coast Shredhead” GVE) @ C hipm unks (CC|. automobile race John Candy, Peter Boyle, Spence 1986 Rated PG-13 [TMC] MOVIE: 'Farewell to the King' 3 “Lethal Weapon 2” (Vitoer-1989) slightly askew (3 ) Raising Kids On CBS's "Para­ (CC) A U.S- Army deserter finds his tribal Donna Dixon 1989. Rated PG (In Stereo) 3:30PM (24 Nathalie Dupree's Mat- 4.“Teenage Mutant Ninja 'Rirtles: Case of the (3 ) RollerGames dise," airing SAT­ paradise in a Borneo jungle threatened by [USA] URDAY. NAY ters of Taste tho arrival of British and Japanese forces Killer Pizzas” ( I ^ ily ) ^ „ (3 ) Three Stooges ® New York Master Chefs during W orld War II. Nick Nolte, Nigel Hav­ 7:30PM (X) Jeopardy! (CC) (Sf) Washington Week in Review (CC). 26, Brian Lando is 5 “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade By Robert DiMatteo [CNN] Your Money ers, James Fox. 1989 Rated PG-13 (In 08) Synchronal Research (In Stereo) Ben Carroll, one Stereo) C22) M-A-S-H (Paramount) „ dJ) You Can Look Younger [D IS] Animals of Africa Host Joan Em 6 “New Kids on the Block: Hangm Tough Live I LOVE YOU TO DEATH (R) People have of four children bery tours an animal reserve in Africa (R) [USA] Murder, She Wrote 64) Hometime: Contracting a Home [A&E] Miss Mtuple: The Body in the reared by their very stnmg reacdons to this based-on-fact black [ESPN] Auto Racing: IMSA GTO/GTU 5l30PM (38 Synchronal Research (CC) Pan 4 o( 10 (R) (CBS) Library A nightclub dancer is found dead in uncle. comedy about a pizzaria owner’s wife (Tracey the library of the Colonel and Mrs. Bantry. Series From Long Beach, Calif (60 min ) ®4) V ictory Garden (CC) (2® Paid Program 7.“Sexy Lingerie II” (HBO) (Taped) (60 min.) Part 1 of 3. (R) [3pj Late Night W ith (In (3® N ew Lassie (CC) Megan. W ill and 8 “Harvey” (MCA) Ullman) who tries to kill her philandering husband CHECK USTINGS [ESPN] Monster Truck Challenge 4l00PM CD Knight Rider Stereo) Lassie unknowingly play in an area con­ 9. “Teenage Mutant Ninja 'Rirtles: Heroes... (Kevin Kline). Some laugh at the movie’s dark FOR EXACT TIME taining explosive material [LIFE] Frugal Gourmet (T5) Synchronal Research r$8 This Old House (CC) (R) matrimonial situatitHi, Others find the notion of a (SD Lonesome Pine Special (In Stereo) (Family) ~ ci. j [USA] Youthquake d® MOVIE: 'Creepshow 2' A wooden [CNN] Newsmaker Saturday (R) 10. “Teenage Mutant Ninja 'Rirtles: The Shred­ wife wiping out her husband with a help of her Indian, a deadly mass of goo and a hitch­ [A & E ] Challenge of the Seas A profile of mother (Joan Plowright) just too distasteful,. 1 1 :1 0AM [CNN] Science and Tech- hiker who w on't die are the horrors fea­ [D IS] Tale Spin the endangered manatee and Ihe steps der...” (Family) „ „ . rtology Week Scheduled: land fill that is tured in this trilogy of Stephen King tales [ESPN] Senior PGA Golf: Bell Atlantic being taken to ensure its survival 11. “Teenage Mutant Ninja 'Rirtles: Hot Rod- DirectX by Lawrence Kasan, in a change of pace non-pollutant. Lois Chiles, . Dorothy La- Classic Second round from Malvern, Pa [CNN] Sports Saturday from his last movie *The Accidental Tourist," “I (90 min ) (Live) ding...” (Family) . , .e 11:15AM [M AX] MOVIE: 'A Tree mour 1987. [ESPN] SpeedWeek 12. “New Kids on the Block: Hangm Tough Love You to Death” has some delicious bits, but it’s Grows in Brooklyn' (CC) For a girl grow­ dD MOVIE: 'Cinderella Liberty' A sailor 6:00PM (X ) (XI N ew s (CC) ing up in a poor neighborhood in Brooklyn, falls in love with a Seattle prostitute he 8:00PM (X) MOVIE: Perry Mason: slightly askew. (X) A-Team The Case of the Shooting Star' Mason (CBS) life changes after the death of her father. won for a night in a pool game James 13. “Playmate Centerfold of the Year 1990” The actors are motley bunch. Kevin Kline gives Dorothy McCJuire, James Dunn, Peggy Ann Caan. Marsha Mason 1973 0® Synchronal Research defends an actor accused of the on air Gamer. 1945. make a comeback. James Cagney. Joan murder of a popular talk-show host Ray­ (HBO) ^ . another of his do-or-die flamboyant comedy perfor­ (X) Snakmaster d $ Ciao Italia (In Stereo) (2® W ar of the W orlds The Morthren race mond Burr, Barbara Halo. Joe Penny Blondell. Dick Powell. 1933. IS suffering from a deadly disease which 14. “The Wizard of Oz: The Fiftieth Armiversary 1 1 :30AM (X) Supem tan dS) MOVIE: 'Shall W e Dance' A pair of mances (like in “A Hsh Called Wanda”); at times ( g l ALF (CC). MOVIE: The Secret Life of Kathy can only be cured by a missing drug (60 1986 dancers are forced into marriage because Ediuon” (MGM-UA) „ dS Synchronal Research ( 3 Rod and Reel M cC orm ick' (CC) A grocery-store cashier (X) Mission: Impossible (CC) Members he seems to be doing a parody of a hot-blooded of public opinion Fred Astaire. Ginger Ro­ min ) (R) (In Stereo) (g) Saved by the Bell (CC). falls in love w ith a wealthy man who is ol Ihe IMF use modern technology and old 15. “Tecnage Mutant Ninja 'Rirtles: Incredible... Italian-American — (m the o r ^ of a “Saturday (3) What About Women N ew s unaware of her true identity. Barbara Eden. gers, Edward Everett Horton 1937 (22) 3® 3® fashioned superstition to uncover a disho (3) Conversations With Faith Middle- @ Wonderworks: African Journey 64) Degrassi High (CC) nest arms dealer in the Northern Ireland (Family) Night Live” or Carol Burnett sketch. Tracey ton: Mark Lamos Faith Middleton inter­ Josh Taylor. Jenny O'Hara. 1988. (In ® M OVIE: 'G oldeneye' Based on the life (CC). Pan 2 of 3. (In Stereo) conflict (60 min ) (R) (In Stereo) 16. “Bambi” (Disney) Ullman and Joan nowright match up well as views the artistic director of the Hartford Stereo) of Ian Fleming, the British agent and novel g Hee Haw (R) Stage, Mark Lamos. (R) [CNN] Evans & Novak ® MOVIE: 'Summer School' Forced ist who created the legendary James 3® Hersey's Hollywood (53) ® Major League Baseball: New 17. “The Little Mermaid” (Disney) daughter and mother, but Ullman doesn’t get to do Bond Charles Dance, Phyllis Logan, Ed York Yankees at Kansas City Royals (2 (3) To Be Announced. [DIS] Here's Boomer into summer service, a high-school gym ( |7 ) New Yankee Workshop (CC) (In 18. “The Little Mermaid” (Stannaker) anything loony (she’s downright subdued), and instructor uses a variety of unorth<^ox Deveraux 1990 hrs , 30 mm ) (Live) ® Wall Street Week: The Outlook for [ESPN] Indy 500: A Race for Heroes Stereo) 19. “Die Hard” (CBS-Fox) P lo w ri^ is truly bizarre. Playing the wife’s hired Featured: Billy Vukovich teaching methods to. maintain his sanity df) Pizza Gourmet g ) Synchronal Research Corporate Profits (CC). Mark Harmon. Kirstie Alley. Robin Tho­ (H) 20. “25X5: Continuing Adventures of Rollmg killers are William Hurt, sporting stringy long hair, ® MOVIE: 'Memorial Day’ The suicide ( g g 13 East (CC) Monique takes an ® Fortunes of Foreclosed Properties [HBO] MOVIE: Say Anything' (CC) A mas 1987. [A & E ] Revue News about the entertain­ of an old Army buddy forces a suburban irresponsible suitor to court. Frazier’s now Stones” (CBS) and Keanu Reeves; they’re way-out and dmggy. high-school graduate works up the nerve ment world (60 min ) (R) [CNN] Baseball '90 to ask out the beautiful class valedictorian ® A uri lawyer to come to grips with his memories billing system is sabotaged (In Stereo) This is an odd, flaky movie that straddles the fence [CNN] Newswatch [D IS ] Best of Mickey Mouse Club (CC). John Cusack, lone Skye, John Mahoney. (ST) Rod and Reel of Vietnam Mike Farrell, Robert Walden. (24) This Old House (CC) (R) Videocassette rentals Shelley Fabares 1983 between weird and commercial. GRADE: AA (In Stereo) 1989 Rated PG-13. (In Stereo) © M O V IE : 'Terror Out of the Sky' Three [D IS ] Avonlea (CC) Young Sara Stanley (p) ® Major League Baseball: Boston 1. “Look Who’s Talking” (RCA-Columbia) THE COOK, THE THIEF, HIS WIFE, & [ESPN] Gamettey [LIFE] Rodeo Drive people attempt to stop an invading swarm [A & E ] Biography: Rommel World War II must adjust to a new home alter her father Red Sox at Minnesota Twins (3 hrs ) German Gen Erwin Rommel, "The Desert sends her to live with relatives in the town 2. “Sea of Love” (MCA) [LIFE] Esquire: About Men, for Women of killer bees Efram Zimbalist Jr. Dan Hag­ (Live) HER LOVER (not rated) British director I^ e r 1:00PM (X) Golf Show Fox. " who turned from Hitler when he saw ol Avonlea (60 min ) (R) gerty, Tovah Feldshuh. 1978 ®3) Totally Hidden V ideo Rebroadcasts 3. “Black Rain” (Raramounl) Greenaway’s contemporary fable is set in an ultra- [T M C ] MOVIE: 'The Delta Force' A ter­ (X) M ovie his country being destroyed (60 min ) (R) [USA] Equalizer rorist hijacking leads an invincible band of [A&E] MOVIE: Over the Edge' When Teen-age Mutant Ninja Turtles vi%ji a 4. “Dead Poets Saiiety” (Touchstone) [DIS] MOVIE: Poor Linie Rich Girl' st^isticaled restaurant, styled after a Hrans Hals commandos to the Middle East. Chuck (11) MOViE: 'Romantic Comedy' Two their pleas for parental attention go un­ 6:15PM [M AX] MOVIE: Her Alibi' school, a rude parrot, a restaurant patron (CC) Claiming to be an orphan, the daugh 5. “Sex, Lies, and Videotape” (RCA-Columbia) Norris, Leo Marvin, . 1986. playwrights have trouble synchronizing heeded, a group of California teen-agers (CC) A mystery novelist suffering from removes his dentures (R) (In Stereo) painting that hangs on the restaurant wall. Outside, ter of a wealthy soap manufacturer joins a Rated R. (In Stereo) their interest in each other, Dudley Moore, violently revolts against the system. Matt writei s block becomes involved with a 6. “The Abyss” (CBS-Fox) song-and-danco team's act Colorized ver­ [A&E] Footsteps of Man: Frontiers A all maimer of brutalities take place: food rots in Mary Steenburgen, Ron Leibman. 1983 Dillon, Michael Kramer, Pamela Ludwig beautiful murder suspect Tom Selleck, [USA] Dance Party USA sion Shirley Temple, Alice Faye. Gloria look at the mountain region that divides 7. “Field of Dreams" (MCA) lockers, gangsters beat iq> tteir- enemies, and (g) WWF Superstars of Wrestling 1979 Paulina Porizkova, William Daniels 1989 Spam and France (60 mm ) (3) College Mad House Stuart 1936 Rated PG (In Stereol 8. “Next of Kin” (Warner) ravenous dogs tear at pieces of meat that the res­ 1 2:00PM ( 3 Collectors (In Stereo) [D IS] MOVIE: 'The Secrets of Ufe' Na [CNN] Primenews fT l American Telecast ture s constant struggle for survival is por­ [LIFE] Spenser: For Hire 9. “Hooey. I Shrunk the Kids” (Disney) taurant’s fastidious c o ^ (Richard Bohringer) has (3) Bayw atch (CC) Jill loses her first 6:30PM (X C B S N ew s (CCI (In Stereo) (ESPN) Auto Racing: OH Road Cham trayed 1956 [U SA] Double Trouble 10. “Johimy Handsome” (FVE) (X) drowning victim; an inept would-be life­ Who's the Boss? (CC) pionship Grand Prix From Seattle (60 judged inferior for human consumption. Inside, the [ESPN] Indy 500: A Race for Heroes (XI (S) CHIPS guard blows his chances on the beach (60 4:10PM [C N N ] Sports Close-up (R) mm ) (Taped) 11 .“An Innocent Man” CTouchstone) “thief” (Michael Gambon) — a vicious, uncouth min.) (R) (In Stereo) Featured 0® Synchronal Research [HBO] MOVIE The Fly If (CC) Young 12. “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacauon Cll) Home Shopping Club 4:30PM (X) PGA Golf: BellSouth At (g ^ NBC News racketeer — bullies his cronies. G@) Liquid Lustre [LIFE] Moonlighting Martin Brundle begins to transform into a 8® MOVIE: 'Superman IV: The Quest lanta Classic (CC) Third Round, from At 64) W ild Am erica (CC) The black bear monstrous insect m this sequel to the (Warner Bros.) Greenaway intends his film to be a scathing com­ for Peace' Lex Luthor and the radiation- [A&E] Voyage of the Great Southern [TM C] Picture Show lama Country Club in Marietta, Ga (90 battles an alligator that invades its feeding 1986 Oscar winner Eric Stoltz. Daphne 13. “ftrenthood” (MCA) mentary on cOTtempwary mores, particularly those powered Nuclear Man threaten Super­ Ark An exploration of Australia's natural [USA] MOVIE: The Great Waldo Pep min ) (Live) wonders (60 min ) Part 3 of 3 (R) ground Part 2 of 2 (R) Zuniga. Loo Richardson 1989 Rated R (In 14. “Casualtic8 of War” (RCA-Columbia) man's mission to rid the world of nuclear per’ Years after W orld W ar I. a barnstorm­ (T ) 3 ® W ide W orld of Sports (CC) Fca of Thatcherite England. The restaurant represents (3® W KRP in C incinnati Stereo) weapons. Christopher Reeve, Gone Hack- [CNN] Newsday ing American pilot meets the German ace lured Jeff Fenech vs Antonio Esparra 15. “Dad” (MCA) the conspicuous cOTSumption of bourgeois society: [M AX] MOVIE; How to Get Ahead in man, Jackie Cooper. 1987 [DIS] Yosemite: A Gift of Creation A who gave him fits in battle Robert Red- goza in a WBC W orld Super Featherweight (4® ABC N ew s (CC) ford, Bo Svenson, Susan Sarandon 1975 Advertising' Involvomeni in a campaign 16. “A Dry While Season” (CBS-Fox) food and sex and power are joined in stnne sort of (g) ALF-tales (CC). tour of California's Yosemite National championship bout scheduled for 12 ® Austin City Limits (In Stereo) rounds from Sydney, Australia, Mini Mara­ for pimple cream plunges an advertising 17. “Shirley Valentine” (Paramount) unholy alliance. Greenaway is a cagey aesthete: his @) Bookmark (CC). Park (60 min ) (R) 2:10PM [CNN] Healthwaek (R) [CNN] Pinnacle thon from New York City, an Indianapolis executive's life into chaos Richard E [ESPN] Indy 500: A Race for Heroes 18. “Lcthal Weapon 2” (Wamcr-1989) movie (including “The Draughtsman’s COTtracO (3) MOVIE: 'Little House on the Prairie' 2:30PM (2$ Travelin' Gourmet (R) 500 report (90 min ) [H B O ] MOVIE: Poltergeist I f A year al Grant, Rachel Ward. Richard Wilson A family struggles to survive in the Ameri­ Featured Roger Penske ter vengeful spirits drove them from tbeir 1989 Rated R (In Stereo) 19. “Let It Ride" (Phrarnoum) are gorgeous, cool slightly off-putting constructs. Makeover Magic (3® Synchronal Research can wilderness during the early 1870s Mi­ [LIFE] Days and Nights of Molly Dodd homo, tho Freelings experience renewed [USA] MOVIE Slugs' Toxic waste 20. “T\imcr & Hooch” (Tbuchstooc) "The Cook...” is no exception. Superbly acted in chael London, Melissa Gilbert, Melissa Sue (CC) (R) ® ) Hometime (CC). (24) Frugal G ourm et (In Stereo) attacks by otheiworldly forces JoBelh turns garden-variety invertebrates into Anderson 1974 [CNN] Style W ith Elsa Klensch (R) Williams. Craig T Nelson. Heather O R bloodthirsty killers Michael Garfield. San bravura style, it lodes ravishing, with a complicated Basketball Show Pal O'B 3$) Best of Carson (In Stereo) 1 :30PM CsD ourko 1986 Rated PG 13 (In Stereo) tiago Alvarez. Philip Machole 1988 visual scheme in which the characters’ clothes (3) Black Perspective rien is host ol this program that provides [ESPN] Indy 500: A Race for Heroes (Sf) Victory Garden (CC) change colors as they move from room to room. 3 ) MOVIE: 'The Bad News Bears in insight to the NBA playoffs (Live) Featured Bobby Rahal [CNN] Future Watch 7:00PM (X Lifestyles of the Rich and 8:30PM ® Synchronal Research Breaking Training' The Bears are Astro­ Famous Vanna White. Malcolm Jamal CD W itn e ss to S urvival A mountain dim [HBO] MOVIE: 'The House on Carroll [ESPN] Willie Shoemaker: Nice Guys ( g (3® A m en (CC) Rev Gregory, Ihrea And Michael Nyman’s musical score is evocative. dome bound lor a big playoff game W il­ Warner ("The Cosby Show ) (60min |(R) ber's life-throatening (all. a bomb squad S tree t' (CC) During the 1950s. e blackl­ Finish First (60 min ) tened by gang members, reluctantly al We watch this provocative, overlong movie with a liam Devane, Jackie Earle Haley, Clifton detective disabled in an explosion isted magazine photographer uncovers a m g Wheel of Fortune (CC) Cinema lows his Sunday service to be televised (R) James 1977 plot to smuggle Nazi war cnminals into the [HBO] MOVIE: 'Irreconcilable Differ­ kind of chilly detachment Certainly, the film isn’t 1^4) Joy of Painting (R) ences' (CC) A 9 year old girt tries to di (X) Major League Baseball: San Diego (In SlHieo) -9® Candlepin Bowling (60 min ) United States Kelly McGitlis. Jeff Daniels, Padres at N ew York M ats (3 hrs I (Live) likable — but then, neither is the world it describes, C4® Daily Mixer Mandy Patinkin 1988. Rated PG vorce' hersell from her self-involved par 64) New Yankee Workshop (CC) (R) ® ) McLaughlin Group ents Ryan 0 Neal, Shelley Long, Drew (1 1 ) (5 1 ) Star Trek: The Next Generation (5/! W ild A m erica (CC) A profile of the BIMIW'* Pub a Clnanw — Cmiy P«>pl» (R) S«t-^n 730, 9 ^ i Greenaway dares to smear mud (and wcKse) in our ® Raising America’s Children [TM C ] MOVIE: 'Silverado' (CC) In Ihe (H) MOVIE: 'Green Eyes' A young Viet­ Barrymore 1984 Rated PG (CC) The crew engages in sn all out war wild turkey. America s largest gamebird 1880s the paths of two drifters converge SbowctM Clo«n« V10 - Th* W ' faces. This is the ultimate horror movie for jaded nam veteran journeys back to Southeast [CNN] Newsmaker Saturday when Dr Crusher is kidnapped by a tenor 4 45. 7;15. 925, 1130. — PfaBy Wtonwt (R) S«! Sun 12:10. , en route to their destiny in a town called [MAX] MOVIE: Buck and the Pan 1 ol 2 Asia to search for the son he left behind [ESPN] Indy 500: A Race (or Heroes ist group (60 min ) (R| (In Steioo) 10, 12:20, — T»w»g« MutwX Nmpi TurS« (PG) S«FS^ 12:». intellectuals in an apocalyptic mood. GRADE: Silverado Kevin Kline, Scott Glenn. Danny Preacher' A trail guide who protects (g ) Tracey Ullm an (CC) This special odi Paul W infield, Rita Tushingham 1977 Featured Mark Donahue 5:40 7. — T«l** From »» Dufukto: Tha Uovia (fl) S«FS»m 120. 3.» . Glover 1985 Rated PG-13 (In Stereo) former slaves seeking to homestead is (i® Synchronal Research tion, rejinsmg the best sketches from past AAA 535 a lO'OS. 12:05 — Bin! on a Wira (PG-13) Sal-Sun 121^ 1. [A & E] Kingdom of the Sun An explora­ [LIFE] Day by Day confronted by a con man Sidney Poilior. (20l Major League Baseball San Diego episodes, includes apizoaiancos by guest PBA Bowtiisg: Oregon 3 'is ’ 4 45 530 7:10 7:50. 9:35, 10:15 11:45 —Back to toa Futoro Part tion of tile termite, which creates Africa's [M A X ] MOVIE: Oh GodI Book II' The 3:00PM (X) SS Harry Belalonlo. Ruby Dee 1972 Rated Padres at Now York Mots (3 bis ) slots Mol Brooks Isabella Rossellini and New home video Open From Hollywood Bowl in Portland. III (TO) Sal-Sun noofv. 1:10, 230. 4:15 5.05 705 7:40, a45 most astonishing natural monuments (60 Visitor from above charms an innocent PG Glenn Close and Tiacoy Ullman’s (jotliayal min.) (R) Ore (90 min ) (Live) 64) Travel Magazine ol (avoiile char actors Francesca and Ginny j 2;15 — Fira BinJ# (PG-13) Sal-Sun 12:50. 3:10. 520. 7;45 la iO . 12:10. BYE BYE BRAZIL (not rated) Fox-Lorber- into spreading his message George Burns. [USA] My Sister Sam — Q4A (R) Sal-Sun 9:15 11*5. — Cad4lac Man (R) Sal Sun 12 40, 5 Tamarelle tape. An offbeat charmer that belong to [CNN] Newsday Suzanrte Pleshette, David Birney 1980 fl~) Knight Rider ( g Nowhart (CC) Tillman (90 mm I (In Stereo) 5:00PM (X ) A Team (30 Suporboy Supeiboy turns evil atlor 5:15 7:30.950,11:50 Rated PG. 33) MOVIE: The Wild Ufa' Two teen m o v ie the Cinema Nuovo movement of Brazilian [D IS] Beatles (33) MOVIE: Summer School' Forced 9:00PM CD B L Stryker age co-workers move m together to pur being exposed to mysterious rod krypton A untie S ue’ (CC) RosKfonis of a reliio [ESPN] Lageitds of the Brickyard: '89 2:00PM (XI NBA Basketball Playoffs: into summer service, a high school gym **tl4^11ia«a>« Eaal — Joa Wraua toa Itokano (TO) Sal and Son 2. CO filmmaking of the ’70s and ’80s. sue what they think is important -- drugs, lie (R) mom village become involved m a gem litdy 500 1989 Indianapolis 500 race EMtem Conference Final Teama to Be instructor uses a variety of unorthodox 405 7 905 — Emaat Goaa to Jal (TO) Sat and Sun 215 sex and rock n ’ roll Christopher Penn. Lea ( g St. Elsewhere smuggling jtlol EJurt Reynolds. Maureen The movie’s touch is featherly light’ It feels like highlights. (R) AnnourK:ed (CC) (2 hrs . 30 min ) (Live) leaching methods to maintain his sanity 9 15 — Haid T o Kil (R) Sal and Sun 230, 430. 730. 9 » . R ^T Thompson. Eric Stoltz 1984. i40) Star Search (60 min ) (In Simtio) Stapleton, Douglas Fairbanks Jr 1989 (R| Hlwror Pteturo Slww (R) Sal nudmoht — Blua Valval Sat 11 45 [HBO] Reel Heat: Summer Movies Mark Harmon. Kirstie Alley. Robin Tho a musical (and does have a wonderful, lilting-ironic (X) Crazy Like * Home Club (In Stereo) 1990 A preview of movies to apjaear.in (311 Sfioppiitg mas 1987 [A&E] New Wilderness B a ik a l C aaa M (El) S at na dnlgh l title song). Diegues meets the contradictions of con­ MOVIE: Like Father. Uke Son' An 11# Synchrtwuil Research theaters ties summer (R) experimental serum accidenially switches (3) New York Master Chefs 3® Synchronal Research [CNN] Capital Gang 521 iSO Golden Girls (CCI Blanche renews temporary Brazil head-on — aixl then opens his [LIFE] Supermarket Sweep a surgeon's personality with that of his ® Motorweek Ferrari 348, motorcycle (24) Justin Wilson's Louisiana Cookin’ [DIS] MOVIE Star Wars' A motley e tn a 1 S 2 — Emaal Goaa to Jail (TO) Sat and Sun 1 . 3 15 5^- — J safety. BMW M3, Leon Kaplan, mecharuc tioslilnios with iKit sister when slie travels arms for an embrace. And he has a ^>ecial feeling [USA] MOVIE: 'Airport 1976' A ste­ teen age son Dudley Moore, Kirk Came­ Home G row n (In Stereo) group ol rebels and lobots band togiithei Lova 'Ibu to Daato (R) SaFSon 920 — Joa Varooa lha Volcano (TO) Sal ron. Sean Astin 1987 to the stars homo to attend her lallHir s (uneral |R) tin wardess IS forced to take the controls to ojiposii the evil Galactic Emjiire in and Son 2. 4.15 7:10.9 30 for the romantic allure of the corrupt carnival (57) Frugal Gourmet (In Stereo) Sieriro) when a midair collision leaves the crew of a (S) MOVIE: 'The Laughing Policeman' [CNN] On the Menu Geoige Lucas Oscar winning space Ian 54) Traces of Murder New lecIvioUKjy milieu, not unlike the Fellini of “Variety Lights” A policeman seeks the mass murderer [A&E] Connie Francis: A legend in lasy Mark Hamill, Canio Fisltei. Hanison 747 incapacitated Charlton Heston, Karon [ESPN] Indy 500: A Race for Heroes I trace murderers is revealed |60 w ho killed his partner along with a busload C oncert Conmu Fr jncis porforinx in Holly Ford 1977 Rated PG (In Slofeol used t* Clnamaa — Bad on a WIra (f*Q-13) Sat and & in 1. and “The O ow t.” GRADE : A AA>/a Black, George Kennedy 1974 Featured Jimmy Clark. Graham Hill, Jackie wood. Flu wilh highlighls including film of civilians Walter Matthau, . mm ) 7 45 10 — ra rlla r Man (ft) Sat and Sun 125 325 520, ~ Stewart clips from her curoMf and an iniurview with [ESPN] SportsCanter CBS Spons Saturday: Lou Gossett 1973 57 MOVIE The Throe Feces of Eve Taanvia Mubml Ekraa Tia»aa (TO) Sal and Son 105 3:15 5 ^ . 1 2:30PM (3) Dick Clark (60 mm ) (R) (tn Sloreo) (LIFE) MOVIE 'Golden Gate' When llie FDu grading: AAAA — exoelient, AAA NCAA Women's Gymnastics Cham­ [LIFE] MacGruder & Loud Ib e true lile story ol a wom an with three g^IS ^B ack to »ia Fuluia PWl HI (E>G) Sal and Son 1, 330. 730, 10 — (2$ Flower Shop (R) son ol a San Fiancisco jiublishing lamily pionships From Gill Coliseum on the cam­ [CNN] Newswatch P,% Sat «al Sun 130. 4. 7. 930. - Fl« Btol. (PG-13) Sal good, A A — fair, A — poor. Irie-'* to save a prized newsjiajiei horn tak pus of Oregon State University in Corvaks, MOVIE: 'F o otllght Parade' A leak in continued ■nd Son 1 10. 3 10. 5 10, 7:10. 9:10 pubbcily hampers a director's ettempt to continued ••• [LIFE] MOVIE Friendships, Secrets eover. a bitter jtowui struggle erupts Ore (60 mm.) (Taped) and Lies' Six fornuir boronty bislurs aru 1 9 9 0 Focus/Music Saturday TV, continued Sunday TV, continued Focus/Music Hot singles 1 .“Vogue” Madonna (Sire) distinctly different personalities is por­ [LIFE] Hotel Kiss Before Dying," (60 min ) (In Stereo) (Stil (S7) Sesam e S treet (CC). (R) 2. “All I Wanna Do Is MaJee Love to % u” Heart Vega finds trayed. Joanne W oodward, Lee J. Cobb. ® American Gladiators [USA] Hitchhiker 1957. ( ^ Oral Roberts MOTHER'S (Capitol) ® Freddy's Nightmares A mime is ® Jack Benny [A &E] MOVIE: The First Deadly Sin' A 1 0:30P M framed for a murder he didn't commit (60 ( ^ World Tomorrow REQUEST 3. “Hold On” Wilson Phillips (SBK) detective discovers a pattern in a string of Ql) USA Tonight min ) (In Stereo) (48) Robert Schuller 4. "Alright” Janet Jackson (A&M) success tiring ax murders. Frank Sinatra. Faye Dunaway. Frances Schreuder David Dukes. 1980. (li) Synchronal Research (11) MOVIE: 'Weeds' A group of former (5t) Funtastic World: Richie Rich (Stefanie Pow­ 5. “Poison” Bell Biv Devoe (MCA) inmates takes to the road w ith a play about [C N N ] Iron Curtain Odessey An exami­ §5) Tales From the Darkside Before she [A&E] Journey to Adventure (R) ers) arranges to life behind bars. Nick Nolte, Lane Smith, 6. “It Must Have Been Love” Roxette (EMI) nation of life along the East-West border in moves to a retirement home, a burden­ By Hillel Italie some grandmother teaches her family William Forsythe 1987. [CNN] Daybreak have her m ulti­ 7. “Nothing Compares 2U” Sinead O’Connor Europe, and the economic, political and so­ millionaire father The Associated Press cial changes taking place. Hosted by CNN what it's like to grow old. (18) Synchronal Research [DIS] Good Morning. Mickey! (Chrysalis) — Platinum (More than 1 million correspondent Richard Blystone. (60 min ) ig ) da) FM (CC) Ted's new girlfriend is (gg) (58) Saturday Night Live (90 min.) (In [ESPN] Best of Muscle Magazine killed in cold singles sold.) assigned to be Maude's French teacher; (R) Stereo) [HBO ] Babar (R) blood by her son NEW YORK — Suzanne Vega has a new black Jay aims to make Gretchen jealous. (In 8. “Sending All My Love” Linear (Atlantic) [DIS] MOVIE: Bill Cosby - 'Himself" ( ^ MOVIE; ‘Shaft in Africa' Private eye [USA] Cartoon Express (Doug McKcon, jacket, jeans without holes and adjoining lofts that Funnyman Bill Cosby looks at the humo­ Stereo) John Shaft is sent to Ethiopia to infiltrate r.), in the conclu­ 9. "U Can’t Touch This” M.C. Hammer (Capitol) rous sides of marriage, childbirth and fa­ d i) Crime Stoppers 800 The search for a 8:30AM ® Paid Prog ram look as big as Greenwich Village. an Africa-to-Europe slave-smuggling ring sion of "At 10. “Ooh La La I Can’t Get Over You" Perfect mily life in this concert film taped in Ontario Louisiana man suspected of killing his wife; Richard Roundtree, Frank Finlay. 1973. OS Choices We Face A small reward, you might say, for being in 1981. Bill Cosby. 1982. Rated PG. a Vero Beach. Fla., murder case Mother's Re­ Gentlemen (Columbia) (48) MOVIE: 'B.L. Stryker: Auntie Sue' $9) Daffy Duck credited with keeping the sound of small clubs and [ESPN] Saturday Night Thunder [D IS] Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet quest,' airing (CC) Residents of a retirement village be­ Mailbox Millionaire Top LPs coffeehouses alive during the Age of Greed, for Weekly senes which discusses current [USA] Presents (In come involved in a gem-smuggling plot. SUNDAY, MAY 27, ( ^ Robert Schuller cracking the Top 10 at a time when female folk auto racing, auto personalities and vanous Stereo) Burt Reynolds, Maureen Stapleton, Doug­ on CBS. Corey 1. “I Do Not Want What I Haven’t Got” Sinead motorsports information. Featured will be las Fairbanks Jr. 1989 (R) (In Stereo) (36) Inspector Gadget O’Connor (Ensign) — Platinum (More than 1 mil­ USAC Sprints from Indianapolis. (2 hrs ) 1 1:00PM ® ® News (CC). Parker also stars. singers were as welcome on the radio as liberals [A &E] Improv Tonite Host: actress He­ (61) Funtastic World: SuperTed (Live) (Rebroadcast) lion units sold.) ® Comedy Tonight len Slater (In Stereo) were in the White House. [A&E] My Family and Other Animals A CHECK IISTINGS [LIFE] Moonlighting (11) Cheers (CC). 2. “Please Hammer Don’t Hurt ‘Em” M.C. Ham­ Thanks to one Sunday afternoon, six years ago, [CNN] Sports Tonight young man calls on Margo; Gerry tests his FOR EXACT TIME [TM C ] MOVIE: The Delta Force' A ter mer (Capitol) — Platinum when Vega dashed off a catchy song called “Luka,” (IB) Synchronal Research [ESPN] SportsCenter wings. Mother catches fleas at the cinema ronst hijacking leads an invincible band of Part 4 of 10. 3. “Brigadc” Heart (Capitol) women and guitars, acoustic or electric, are commandos to the Middle East. Chuck SS) Freddy's N ightm ares A mime is [M AX] MOVIE: 'The Drifter' A one- framed for a murder he didn't commit (60 night stand with a stranger turns a female [CNN] Evans & Novak (R) 4. “‘Pretty Woman’ Soundtrack” (EMI) — Gold everywhere: Tracy Chapman, Michelle Shocked, Norris. . Martin Balsam. 1986 [D IS ] MOVIE: 'Benji the H unted' (CC) Ciao Italia (R) (In Stereo) Rated R. (In Stereo) min ) (R) (In Stereo) designer's life into a nightmare. Kim Dela­ [DIS] Tale Spin Stranded in the Pacific Northwest, the can­ America's Top Ten (More than 500,000 units sold.) Edie Brickell, Marti Jones. (g) (^ ® News ney. Timothy Bottoms, Miles O'Keeffe ine star finds himself playing surrogate par 0 8 Synchronal Research [ESPN] Lee Haney Workout 5. “Poison” Bell Biv Devoe (MCA) — Platinum 9;30PM 1988 Rated R eni to four orphaned cougar cubs Benji, ® World Tomorrow But the one who made it first admits she needed ® Paid Program [H B O ] W onderful W izard of Oz Em pty N est (CC) Harry's neigh­ [TM C ] MOVIE: ‘Slumber Party Massa­ Red Steagall. Frank Inn 1987 Rated G (In 6. “Soul Provider” Michael Bolton (Columbia) — some time off before rejoining the movement, that (58) MOVIE; 'Baby Boom ' A high- ^ Three Stooges bor. Rose Nyland. insists on getting his car cre II' A female rock band and their male [MAX] MOVIE: Hard Times* In Stereo) powered executive's life is turned upside d?) Soapbox W ith Tom C ottio Popularity, Platinum commercial success and Grammy nominations repaired after she hits it (R) (In Stereo) companions are stalked by a bizarre killer Depression-era New Orleans, a bareknuc­ down when she inherits a distant cousin's [ESPN] Scholastic Sports America cliques and how peer groups shape atti­ [M A X ] MOVIE: Scrooged' (CC) A during a weekend trip Crystal Bernard. kle fighter and his manager take on im­ 7. “Janet Jackson’s Rhythm Nation 1814” Janet posed mysteries loo perplexing even for this enig­ year-old daughter. Diane Keaton, Sam [LIFE] Family Practice Update tudes and behavior heartless network executive learns the Jennifer Rhodes, Kimberly McArthur promptu matches for high stakes Charles Jackson (A&M) — Platinum matic singer-songwriter. Shepard. Harold Ramis. 1987 [CNN] Sportsweek in Review folly of his ways in this parody of the Dick­ 1987 Rated R Bronson. James Coburn, Jill Ireland 1975 [MAX] MOVIE: Quicksilver' (CC) 8. “Violator” Depeche Mode (Sire) “I stopped writing. I stopped listening to music. I ens classic Bill Murray, Karen Allen, Carol (5?) MOVIE: 'M onty Python and the Holy Rated PG When a young stockbroker loses it all. he [D IS ] Avonlea (CC) Young Sara Stanley G rail’ King Arthur and his loyal knights bat­ 11:45P M [HBO] Tales From the takes to the streets as a bicycle messen­ 9. “Nick of Time” Bonnie Raitt (Capitol) — didn’t want to hear anything,” explained Vega, Kane. 1988 Rated PG-13 (In Stereo) 9:00A M CB Sunday Morning (CC) must adjust to a new home after her father tle wizards, warriors and a killer rabbit in Crypt (CC) A shady promoter hosts a be­ ger Kevin Bacon. Jami Gertz. Paul Rodn sends her to live with relatives in the town Platinum seated at a long wooden table in a Manhattan loft lO^OOPM ® Saturday Night With their quest for the Holy Grail Graham nefit concert starring musician Iggy Pop CB CB Paid Program guez 1986 Rated PG (In Stereo) of Avonlea (60 min ) (R) Connie Chung (CC) (60 min ) (In Stereo) (R) (In Stereo) 10. “Fear of a Black Planet” Public Enemy (Def Chapman. John Cleese, Terry Gilliam. CiD Twin Star Productions [USA] Popeye and Son that overlooks the Hudson River. 1974 [ESPN] Gameday (3D N ew s (CC) 1 2:00A M Ql] Home Shopping Club (20) Bugs Bunny Jam) “I didn’t want to listen to the radio. I was really 10:1 0A M [CNN] On the Menu (R) [LIFE] Obstetiics/Gynecology Update (IS) Synchronal Research (61) Comic Strip Live From Los Angeles, Smash H its tired. I was really wondering what ... had hap- tonight's scheduled comics include Andy (24) Sesame S treet (CC) (R) [USA] He-Man and Masters of the Monsters A shy woman makes a 10:30AM (B inside Washington Country singles (So) Bumatai. Mark Pitta, David Strassman, (ll) MOVIE: 'Partners' Two cops pose as (26) Frederick K. Price Universe j)ened. Wondering what it meant” deadly deal with hopes of winning over the Mike Douglas. Steve Kelley and Geechy lovers in Los Angeles' gay community to (TT) Charles in Charge (CC) Lillian consi­ 1. “I’ve Cried My Last Tear For You” Ricky Van man she secretly loves (38) College Mad House 1 2:00P M CB Magnum. P.l. The days of prowling Manhattan in tom clothes Guy (60 min.) (R) nab a vicious killer Ryan O'Neal. John ders marrying an old boyfriend Shelton (Columbia) @8 Carol & Company (CC) Came Hurt. Kenneth McMillan 1982 (40) Rev. David Paul (B CinemAttractions are over. No more lugging her guitar to clubs that [C N N ] Capital Gang (R) (3) Solid Gold History 2. “Walkin’ Away” Oint Black (RCA) Hamilton and Robert Urich guest star in a [A&E] Footsteps of Man: Frontiers A (57) Sesame Street (CC) ® This Old House (CC) (R) (TT) MOVIE: 'Abbott and Costello Meet turn her away. Dressed neatly in jacket and jeans sketch about a mother-daughter singing [DtS] MOVIE: 'The Last Starfighter' A look at the mountain region that divides (61} Daily Mixer the Mummy' The boys are terrified by a 3. “Lovc Without End, Amen” Grorgc Strait and a white turtleneck, she seems a bit amused that duo (Postponed from an earlier date) (In teen-age video game wizard is recruited by Spam and France (60 min ) (R) (jS) M unsters Today Grandpa and Herman mummy that stalks their treasure expedi­ aliens who want to use his skills to stem an [A&E] MOVIE: 'Terror by Night' Sher serve on the jury of a murder trial (MCA) Stereo) tion Bud Abbott. Lou Costello. Mane young performers are tagged the “new” Suzaime intergalactic invasion Robert Preston, [CNN] Newsnight lock Holmes trios to trap a )owci thief Basil Story of John Phillips and The Ma­ (49) The Spotlight Windsor 1955 4. “Walking Shoes” Tanya Thckcr (Capitol) Lance Guest. Catherine Mary Stewart Rathbone. Nigel Bruce, Alan Mowbray Vega the way she was called the “new” Joni mas and the Papas: Straight Shooter A [ESPN] MISL Soccer: Dallas Sidekicks 1984 Rated PG (In Stereo) 1946 (S7) Reading Rainbow (CC) (R) (Ti) Home Shopping Club 5. ‘Tm Over You" Keith WhiUey (RCA) video biography of the ‘60s band hrs ) at San Diego Sockers (2 hrs.) (Taped) Mitchell” or the “new” Bob Dylan. (2 [A&E] Shortstories 6. “l’d Be Better Off In a Pine Box” Doug Stone (In Stereo) [ESPN] Baseball Tonight [LIFE] What's Up. Dr. Ruth? (CC) [CNN] Morning News $9) MOVIE: 'Gray Lady Down' A nuclear She also admits that for her new album, “Days of submarine becomes trapped deep beneath [LIFE] Spenser: For Hire [CNN] Newsmaker Sunday (^ ic ) ObJ Missing/Reward A California freeway 1 2:1 5AM [HBO] MOVIE: Third De [DIS] Fraggle Rock (he sea after a collision with a freighter Open Hand,” she was looking for a “new” Suzanne gunman; Cracker Jacks toy prizes (R) [ESPN] This Week in Sports 7. “Hclp Me Hold On” Travis Triu (Warner Vega herself. [USA] MOVIE: 'Amazons' Two female gree Burn’ |CC) A private detective be [ESPN] Inside the PGA Tour Charlton Heston, David Carradine, Stacy [CNN] CNN News warriors are selected to locate the one comes involved in murder after falling in [HBO] MOVIE: Police Academy 3: [H B O ] MOVIE: Stealing H om e’ (CC) Keach 1978 Bros.) weapon capable of defeating a powerful Flashbacks tell the story of a minor-league “I felt like I had written my songs that I had done [H B O ] MOVIE: Say A nything ' (CC) A love with the adulterous wife he’s been Back in Training' (CC) Saving thf* Aca Quantum Marketing 8. “Phss It on Down" Alabama (RCA) lord, W indsor Taylor Randolph, Penelope basi'ball player s bittersweet relationship high-school graduate works up the nerve hired to follow Treat Williams. Virginia demy is the newest and toughest chal in my early 20s and suddenly they were all finished Reed, Joseph W hipp 1987 with the older woman who was both his 24: McLaughlin Group 9. “I Watched It All On My Radio” Lionel to ask out the beautiful class valedictorian Madsen 1989 (In Stereo) lenge for the members of the orujinnl grad and now what am I going to do? You’re in this lover and mentor Mark Harmon Jodie John Cusack, lone Skye. John Mahoney uating class Stove Guttenberg. Bubba ($§ Wrangler Rodeo Show (60 min ) Cartwright (MCA) 1 1 :30PM (® Entertainment This Foster Blair Brown 1988 Rated PG-13 room with this ridiculous feeling that you’re 1989 Rated PG-13 (In Stereo) 1 2 ;30A M QD Byron Allen (In Stereo) Smith, David Graf 1986 Rated PG 3d Meet the Press (CC) Week Actor Matt Dillon's new movie "A (In St<*reo) 10. “Thc Domino Theory” Steve Warincr (MCA) making the whole thing as you go along and feeling [LIFE] Physicians' Journal Update (5/) American interests [LIFE] Internal Medicine Update [TMC] MOVIE: 'Out of the Shadows' [A & E] MOVIE: 'Matewan' A fact based Adult singles there’s no validity because you’re doing that.” [USA] Cartoon Express Though she concedes that “Tired of Sleeping,” An Interpol agent comes to the assistance account of the conflicts between a grow­ 1. “Do You Remember?” Phil Collins (Atlantic) of an Afn(*rican embassy worker sus 10:45A M 30 Jewish Life ing coal miners' union and their stubborn with its lament, “Oh mom, I wonder when I’ll be Sunday, May 27 fxjcted of murder Alexandra Paul, Charles bosses in 1920 W est Virginia Chris 2. “Hold On” Wilson Phillips (SBK) waking,” was about getting started again, Vega in­ Dance 1988 1 1 :00AM (B Pace the Notion Cooper. Will Oldham. James Earl Jones 3. “Club at the End of the Street” Elton John sists that once she began writing, the songs poured 9:30AM ® Auh ( B 40 Indianapolis 500 (CC) The 74th 1987 (MCA) edition of this auto rating classic, from In [CNN] Newsday Of) Synchronal Research 9; Bugs. Daffy and Friends dianapolis Motoi Speedway (3 hrs ) (In 4. “Nothing Compares 2 U" Sinead O’Conrror ouL 5:30A M (5f) A lice magazine photographer uncovers a plot to [ESPN] College Baseball: NCAA Re Stereo Live) “Somewhere deep within, hear the creak that lets (28 Travel and Adventure (61) Stain O Rator smuggle Nazi war criminals into the United 10' To Be Announced. gional Playoff Teams to be announced (3 (Ensign) States Kelly McGillis, Jeff Daniels, Mandy f36) One Day at a Time 20: Kiss TV (R) (B Paid Program hfs I (Live) the tale begin,” she sings on “This Long of Winter.” [A&E] Heroes: Made in the U S A F^atinkin 1988 Rated PG (In Stereo) 5. "This Old Heart of Mine” Rod Stewart & [A&E] Shortstories 22' M eet the Press (CC) 11 incredible Hulk [LIFE] Physicians' Journal Update (R) The tales include “Book of Dreams,” the album’s [CNN] Style With Elsa Klensch |R) [USA] Calliope Ronald Islcy (Warner Bros.) (3 ) David Paul first single; “Pilgrimage,” the last song on the [CNN] Moneyweek (R) [DIS] You and Me. Kid 30 Stain O Rator [M A X ] MOVIE The Agony and the Ec­ 6. “A11 I Wanna Do Is NLikc Love to You” Heart 7:05A M [HBO] Little Miss Perfect A 20 A irw olf stasy' Michelangelo and Pope Julius II [DIS] Scheme of Things [ESPN] SpeedWeek (R| 38 N ew Lassie (CC) Megan Will and (Capitol) record; and the chilling “Men in a War” and “In­ teen ager copes w ith the pressures of a lassie unknowingly play in an area con clash over the painting of the Sistine Cha [ESPN] Road to the NFR (R) '22 Real to Reel stitution Green.” 7:00A M ® Vista new school and a new town by finding so taming ex()iosive material pel Charlton Heston. Rex Harrison. Diane 7. “Savc Me” Rcctwood Mac (Warner Bros.) lace in food Stars Diane Baker, Marsha 24 Frugal Gourmet (In Slnreol Ciiento 1965 (In Stereo) [MAX] Crazy About the Touring caused delays and Vega admits that long 5:40A M CSD Breakthrough Mason directed (R) 40 Synchronal Research 8. “ll Must Have Been Love” Roxette (EMI) Movies: Montgomery Clift: His Place in 26 Weekend With Crook and Chase [USA] All American Wrestling GD Point of View 611 C onnecticut N ow (In Stereo) 9. “Thc Heart of the Matter” Don Henley (Gcf- periods of time, too long, were spent on the arran­ the Sun (CC) Home movies and inter 7:30A M CB America's Black Forum 30 C onnecticut Real Estate Showcase ;11} Frederick K Price 12:30P M ® Outdoor Sportsman views trace Monigornory C lift's film career [CNN] Your Money (R) 38 M am a's Family Mama s love for de fen) gements, like the one for “Big Space.” CB 8 th Day 22. Poppy's Parade from Broadway to Hollywood (80 min ) (R) (16J Divine Plan [DIS] Donald Duck Presents tective movies * *>mes m handy wfmn lola s 10. “Whcn Something Is Wrong With My Baby” The song started with Vega strumming a guitar in (In Stereo) CB Sunday Mass (2d) Harvey's Kitchen mother disappears 24; On the Record a hotel room, a “fast, nervous feel,” she recalled. (S ) Stain O Rator [ESPN] Sportraits Profiles of golfer Grog Linda Ronsladt (EIcktra) 6 :00A M ® We Believe (22) James Kennedy Norman and motorcycle racer Giacomo Degrassi High (CC) (R) 3d( Connecticut Newsmakers She gave the demo to her band, which tried several (20) Miracle Faith Outreach Agostini (R) ® Public Affairs (26) Wheel Power 6i) MOVIE ‘The Sign of Zorro' The 57) Firing Line Was the Supreme Court Black singles arrangements, fast and slow. No matter what, the (22) Day of Discovery [USA] Famous Adventures of Mr Ma masked avenger must expose an imposter Wrong About Flag Burning? (R) I ® (M) P»iJ Program (30) To Be Announced. 1. “Hold On” En Vogue (AUaniic) tn $61 Dr D. Jam es Kennedy goo out to discredit him Guy Williams Henry [CNN] Science and Technology Week singer explained, “Pipeline” sounded like a “fake rtt) Remote Control (36) Kenneth Copeland Calvin Gem* Sfwidon 1960 Scheduled land fill that is non-pollutant 2. “Thc Blucs"Tony! Toni! Tone! (Mydor) pop thing.” (30) Celebrate with Reverend Mellon 1 0 :00A M ® This Week With David > (if) Synchronal Research (4()) Jimmy Swaggart [A & E ] Revue News about the entertain (R) A r (61) Funtastic World: Fantastic Max Brinkley 3. ‘Tomorrow Better You. Better Me" Quincy Eventually, she went back to the feeling of the (|8) Insight Out (61) Funtastic World Paddington Bear m«?nt world |60 min ) (R) [D IS ] Best of Ozzie and Harriet o [CNN] Big Story (R) (B Steampipe Alley Jones featuring Tevin Campbell (Qwest) original recording; it took a year to finish the song. ^ Dick Van Dyke [A & E ] Great Buffalo Saga Docurntmtary [ESPN] Sports Reporters [HBO] MOVIE The Man Who Broke [DIS] Dumbo's Circus lD Laverne & Shirley 4. “Alright" Janet Jackson (A&M) “I get that feeling of thinking too much,” Vega [A & E] Golden Age of Television about thif struggle to protect the buffalo [LIFE] Cardiology Update 1000 Chains' (CC) A fact based account population in North America (60 min ) [ESPNl Bodyshaping IB Regina Vac of World War I veteran Robert Elliott 5. “Why You Get Funky on Me" Today (Motown) admitted. “That little voice in there that’s thinking [DIS] Mousercise [T M C ] MOVIE C ocktail' (CC) An arro [CNN] Daybreak '20) Buck Rogers Burns’ imprisonment and escape from a 6. “It’s Time" The Winans (Qwest) is also editing and commenting and making sarcas­ [ESPN] Scholastic Sports America 8:00A M (B New England Sunday gant young hartender uses his charm and brutal Soutfiern work camp during the [DIS] Welcome to Pooh Corner Chalice of Salvation (Livo) (jood looks to move to the top of the Man 1920s Val Kilmer. Charles Durning 1987 7. “You Can’t Touch This" M.C. Hammer tic comments. At some point you have to say, 6 :10A M [CNN] Healthweek (R) ( 8 J Paid Program [ESPN] SportsCenter 24) ($?) M is te r Rogers (CC) (R) haltan bar scene Tom Cruise Bryan (In Stereo) (Capitol) C9^ Bugs, Porky and Friends Brown. Elisabeth ShuM 1988 Haled R (In 'Well, cut it out.’ 6 :30A M ® Captain Bob 26) Financial Freedom [LIFE] Self-Improvement Guide (11) Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera Stereo) 1 :00PM [J3 PGA Golf BellSouth At 8. “My Baby’s House" Michael Cooper (Reprise) “As a dancer, that’s what they kept shouting at ® In the Black 3(2) Sacrifice of the Mass lanta Classic (CC) Final F ^ n d from At [M A X ] MOVIE: Big Top Pee w ee' (CC) (18) Daily Mixer [U S A ] Jem 9. “Rub You the Right Way" Johnny Gill me. ‘You’re thinking loo much.’ ‘Why don't you (il) Larry Jones A big storm miraculously drops a big circus '36) My Secret Identity Andrew is upset lanta Oouniry Club m Marietta. Ga (2 hrs (20) Porky Pig 1 1 ;1 0 A M [CNN] Travel Guide (R) 30 mm ) (Live) (Motown) stop thinking?’ It’s like asking someone not to think (If) Twin Star Productions in Pee woe s back yard Pee wr*e Herman when Kirk starts spending time with his Kris Knstofferson. Valeria Golino 1988 22) Sunday Today new girlfriend 1 1 :30A M i$J Im p o rt 1.9: Jack Benny 10. “Dan‘i Wanna Rill in Love” Jane Child of a white hair and that’s all they can think of for (20) Snakmaster Rated PG (In Stereo) 40> Synchronal Research (18) Beat (Warner Bros.) — Gold (More than 5(X),000 singles the next 15 minutes.” (JO) This Week on Pit Road [TM C ] MOVIE: 'The House on Carroll 61) Fame 2Z Used Vehicle Showcase continued... l i o l d . ) ______(50) Ring Around the World Street' During the 1950s, a blacklisted continued... 1 9 9 0 AA

Focus/Books Sunday TV, continued Sunday TV, continued Focus/Books Y

Shadow Theater Featured outra­ §2) MOVIE: Fear in Fun Park' The Saint [CNN] World Report [USA] geous movie promotions, Alfred Trap Hawaiian Honeymoon (CC) The in­ squares off against a ruthless syndicate in­ [ESPN] Daredevils (R) Vanna White; Malcolm>Jamal Warner [CNN] Inside Business (R) Bugs’ birthday Hitchcock discusses "Psycho." (R) comparable triplets accompany their tent on claiming a valuable piece of Aus­ ("The Cosby Show"). (60 min.) (R) [LIFE] Physicians' Journal Update (R) father and his new wife to Hawaii where [ESPN] SportsCenter (60 min.) ‘Sooner Spy’ tralian real estate. Simon Dutton. Rebecca 5:30PM 0® Synchronal Research (I® Synchronal Research Gilling, Ed Devereaux. 1989. [TM C] MOVIE; 'Gotham' A struggling they inherit a dilapidated Hawaiian hotel. (2 [LIFE] Orthopaedic Surgery Update (R) private eye lakes on a case involving the (26) MOVIE; 'Paid to Kill' Bankrupt man hrs.) (R) (In Stereo) ® Saturday Night Live 15th Anniv­ Connecticut Newsweek (R) [TM C] MOVIE: 'Cjotham' A struggling is remembered search for a woman thought to hiive died hires his own killer so wife can collect in­ 0 $ Great Railway Journeys of the World ersary (CC) Comedy and musical perform­ private eye takes on a case involving tlie Auto Racing; Miller 200 (3 hrs.) 10 years before. Tommy Lee Jones. Virgi surance. ho changes mmd, but can i find ances. classic clips and appearances by Newhart (CC). search for a woman thought to have died not improbable nia Madsen, Frederic Forrest 1988 Rated thug Dane Clark. Cecile Chevreau. Thea formdr S.N.L. hosts highlight this 15th an­ (30) To Be Announced. 10 years before. Tommy Lee Jones, Virgi­ Gregory 1954 MOVIE: 'The Possession of Joel De­ niversary celebration Appearances by R (In Stereo) nia Madsen, Frederic Forrest. 1988. Rated By Phil Thomas Odd Couple laney' A Manhattan woman tries to save Chevy Chase. Jane Curtin. Dan Aykroyd QD NBA Basketball Playoffs: (57) Collectors (In Stereo) R. (In Stereo) THE SOONER SPY. By Jim Lehrer. Pntnam. ® Voices & Visions (CC) A profile of 3:30PM her brother, who has been possessed by and Garrett Morris. (2 hrs.. 30 min.) (R) (In The Associated Press Western Conference Final - Teams to C61) Charles in Charge (CC) Charles turns Stereo) Pulitzer Prize winner Elizabeth Bishop, fo­ the spirit of a murderer. Shirley Maclaine, [USA] Miam i V ice (In Stereo) 222 FSages. $19.95. Be Announced (CC) (2 hrs . 30 min ) back to his old ways when three high- cusing on her preoccupation with percep­ Perry King, Lisa Kohane. 1971. (S) Friday the 13th; The Series Johnny school friends visit (R) 1 1:30PM ® Magnum, P.l. tion and consciousness. (60 mm ) Part 12 (Live) (S?) All Creatures Great and Small and Micki are terrorized by two deranged Try to imagine a Russian spy who gives up NEW YORK — “What’s Doc?” ® MOVIE: 'Altered States' A research (3) 0® Auto Racing: International Race [A&E] Heroes A profile of pilot Joe Jack brothers who trap them in a house of hor­ of 13 d i) Outsiders Soda faces a difficult deci­ spying and resettles in Oklahoma tx^use his Bugs Bunny’s age. That’s what’s up. of Champions From Talladega. Ala (60 son who led a rescue mission m Vietnam rors. (60 min.) (R) (In Stereo) scientist uses dangerous sell- (61) MOVIE: 'Terror at London Bridge' A sion when he learns that a casual girlfriend experimenlation to solve the riddle (behind mother loved Broadway musicals and played her al­ It may come as a shock, but this year, the “was- mm.) (Taped) (R) present-day detective believes a senes of is pregnant. (60 min.) (R) (In Stereo) ® Masterpiece Theatre: The Channer man's origins. William Hurt. Blair Brown, (6T1 MOVIE: 'Young Love, First Love' [CNN] Newsmaker Sunday (R) (CC) Con man Ralph Gorse. who uses his bums of them oxistantly as her small son listened. cally wabbit” is celebrating the 50th anniversary of Arizona murders is linked to the spirit of [A&E] Unknown War Charles Haid. 1980 Jack the Ripper David Hasselhoff, Step- Tw o teen-agers must make choices be attractiveness to women to obtain power the creation of his first cartoon. The story of his [DIS] Sidekicks 03) Star Trek: The Next Generation (CC) One of the recordings was, of course, “Ok­ fame Kramer, Adrienne Barbeau 1985 tween the values of their strict traditional [CNN] Newswatch and money, meets a wealthy widow In a [LIFE] Myocardial Reperfusion 1990: A visit by Sarek, the famous Vulcan am­ long movie career is detailed in “Bugs Bunny: 50 upbringing and the permissive altitudes of [DIS] MOVIE: 'The Swan' A princess roadhouse. (60 min.) Part 1 of 6. (R) lahoma!” Naturally, the son who was to grow into a [CNN] Newsday Concepts and Controversies |R) bassador, sparks violent outbursts aboard Years and Only One Grey Hare” (Holt) by Joe their peers. Valerie Bertinelli, Timothy Hut plans to recoup the family fortune by ® Married... With Children (CC) A trip spy and then a defector could sing all the songs ef­ [DIS] Born Free [USA] Alfred Hitchcock Presents (In the Enterprise. (60 mm.) (R) (In Stereo) ^ ton 1979 marrying her daughter to a crown prince. to the beach brings back memories of Al's Adamson. ® Hot Shot Bowling (60 min ) fortlessly. [LIFE] Internal M edicine Update (R) [ESPN] Bowling: National Collegiate Stereo) Grace Kelly, Alec Guinness, Louis Jourdan. adolescence (R) (In Stereo) It’s one of a number of new books about movies 1956. (In Stereo) (g) (9) News [TM C] MOVIE: 'Allan Quatermain and Championship From Portland, Ore (60 6:00PM ® CBS News (CC) [CNN] W eek in Review (R) Im pn^ble? Not in Jim Lehrer’s CXilahoma the Lost City of Gold' Quatermain and his min.) (Taped) Baseball Tonight (60 min.) and the people who make them that has been ® News (CC) [ESPN] 0$ Talking Sports With Rod Michaud novels, of which “The Sooner Spy” is the third. All bride-to-be discover a lost civilization [DIS] Best of Spike Jones Bandleader 01) MOVIE; 'Sphinx' A beauii [LIFE] Milestones in Medicine (8) Jack Van Impa published recently. while searching for the adventurer's long- 4:00PM f9~) Knight Rider Spike Jones and his City Slickers are fea­ feature the One Eyed Mack, currently serving as ful woman journeys lo Egypt in search of a “Bugs” is outsize and generously illustrated with lost brother Richard Chamberlain, Sharon [USA] Equalizer tured In this collection of clips from their (S) Massachusetts Council of Rabbis long-forgotten tomb Lesley-Anne Down, 01) MOV)E; Baby Boom' A high- 1952-57 television shows. (60 min.) lieutenant governor of the Sooner State but with a Stone. James Earl Jones 1987 Rated PG pictures of Bugs and his motley gang of associates, Frank Langella, Sir John Gielgud 1981 powered executive's life is turned upside 7:30PM 01 Synchronal Research ® MOVIE: Death Wish 3' Paul Kersey knack for getting into messes that holders of high (In Stereo) down when she inherits a distant cousin's [LIFE] Cardiology Update (R) returns to New York seeking revenge such as Elmer Fudd, Daffy Etuck, Yosemite Sam, (18) Synchronal Research (S) Paid Program [U SA] Miam i V ice (In Stereo) year old daughter Diane Keaton, Sam [TM C] MOVIE: Cocktail' (CC) An arro­ against the sadistic street gang that mur­ office should not get into. the Tasmanian Devil and Wile E. Coyote. S® MOVIE; 'Gunga Din' Inspired by Rud Shepard. Harold Ramis 1987 [CNN] Sports Sunday gant young bartender uses his charm and dered his friend. . Deborah ( S Major League Baseball: In his previoiis adventure. Mack was assigned by 1 :30 PM yard Kipling's poem about the camaraderie [LIFE] Milestones in Medicine good looks to move to the top of the Man­ Raffin. Ed Lauter. 1985. It also contains a list of Bugs’ film credits. The San Diego Padres at New York Mets (3 CL® Synchronal Research between an Indian waterboy and three Bn hattan bar scene Tom Cruise. Bryan [CNN] Sports Tonight the governor, whose idea of raising money for the first is “The Wild Hare,” a 1940 production in hrs ) (Live) tish soldiers in colonial India Colorized ver­ (M) MOVIE: 'Vietnam W ar Story' Trilogy 8:00PM ® Murder, She Wrote (CC) Brown, Elisabeth Shoe. 1988 Rated R (In [LIFE] Internal Medicine Update (R) state is to sell chunks of it to Japan, to root out a which Elmer Fudd “goes hunting Bugs. He lives to (11) MOVIE; 'The Manchurian Candi­ sion Cary Grant, Victor McLaglen. Doug­ of stories based on the real-life experi­ The death of a legendary mystery writer Stereo) date' An American Army captain uncov­ las Fairbanks Jr 1939 ences of Vietnam veterans on leave, in ac­ prompts Jessica to recount a 1947 murder [M AX] MOVIE: See No Evil. Hear No Mafia-type organization rumored to be based in Ok­ know better.” tion and m a veterans hospital Tom Fn aboard the Queen Mary. (60 mm.) (R) (In 9:30PM 0® Synchronal Research Evil' (CC) A deaf New Yorker and his blind ers an assassination plot when he at­ @ MOVIE: Death of a Soldier' A faci dley. Enq La Salle, David Harris. 1987 Stereo) lahoma. Mack did, but the results were not what the In a preface. Friz Freleng, one of Bugs’ directors, tempts to learn the truth about his based account of a mentally unbalanced (3) Butterflies employee find themselves involved in mur­ der Gene Wilder, Richard Pryor, Joan Sev­ recurring Korean War nightmares. Frank American serviceman who stood trial in ^ C3® 4® News (T) 9® America's Funniest Home Vi­ ® In Living Color (CC) Sketches boxing govenxx- had in mind. observes: erance 1989 Rated R (In Stereo) Sinatra. Laurence Harvey. Angela Lans- World War II Australia for the murders of (24) The Doctor Is In deos (CC) Scheduled: a bride answers the promoter Don King's early years. Little Ri­ In “The Sooner Spy,” Mack manages to mess “Bugs Bunny? Yes. I know Bugs Buimy. bury. 1962 three local women Reb Brown. James call of nature during the ceremony; wres­ chard's version of "Cinderella'; a new (26) Crazy Like a Fox 1 1:40PM [HBO] MOVIE: Seven “You have to know Bugs to create a cartoon with @ Tony Brown's Journal Coburn. Bill Hunter 1986 tling kittens; unplanned disrobings (R) (In home improvement show, (in Stereo) Hours to Judgm ent' A distraught wi­ things up all by himself. (38) St. Elsewhere Stereo) Bugs Buimy — you must think like Bugs Bunny, (S) Fashion Report W omen's swimsuit (^ Wonderworks: The Finding (CC) [LIFE] Internal M edicine Update (R) dower seeks revenge against the |udge When approached by a young man who wants to (57) Nature; The Nature of Australia; A QT) Star Starch (60 min ) (In Stereo) who allowed hts late wife's killers to walk fashions Hosts actor Doug Barr, actress (58) Charlie's Angels [M AX] MOVIE: Working Girl' (CC) An act like Bugs Bunny, and be Bugs Bunny. Portrait of the island Continent (CC) free Beau Bridges, Ron Liebman. Juiianne join the CIA but has been turned down by that or­ Clare Kirkconnell. G!) Synchronal Research opportunistic Staten Island secretary “Much as any good actor, when he portrays a Microwave Master Northeastern Australia's wildlife survives Phillips 1988 Rated R ganization, Mack suggests be track down and cap­ moves up the ranks to become a Wall (58) This W eek in Baseball Mel Allen dis­ the extremes of successive wet and dry MOVIE: 'Midway' The Japanese and character is no longer himself; he becomes that [A& E] Jacquos Loussier: Bach to Bach Street whiz Melanie Griffith. Harrison 1 2:00AM CD ® Paid program ture a Russian spy in Oklahoma. cusses news and highlights from the ma)or seasons (60 mm ) Part 5 of 6 (R) (In American fleets battle for control of a stra­ Jacques Loussier blends jazz with Bach Ford, Sigourney Weaver 1988 Rated R character, or he doesn’t come across at all. So it is leagues Stereo) tegic island in the Pacific during World War O ) Home Shopping Club The young man thinks that a fine idea and the classics (60 mm ) (R) (In Stereo) (In Stereo) [CNN] Moneyweek (R) II Charlton Heston. Henry Fonda. James (S) (5® George Michael's Sports Mach­ with the director who is producing and directing a [DIS] MOVIE; 'Flight of the Navigator' Obi) Star Trek; The Next Generation (CC) controlled madness that is a trademark of these Coburn 1976 P a t 1 of 2 MOVIE: 'Stir Crazy' ine (In Stereo) [LIFE] Orthopaedic Surgery Update (CC) An alien spacecraft holds the clue to The crew engages in an all-out war when 9:45PM [HBO] Bugs Bunny cartoon. He is acting through the (5$ National M em orial Day Concert With Two down-on-their-luck New Yorkers, novels begiiu. the mystery behind a young boy's eight Dr Crusher is kidnapped by a terrorist (59 Hockey W eek graphite at the end of his pencil. 2:00PM CE) Indianapolis 500 Con­ E G Marshall James Earl Jones, the Na­ sentenced to life m prison for a robbery year disappearance. Joey Cramer. Veron group (60 mm ) (R) (In Stereo) ® Gene Scott hi addition to the great spy hunt. Mack also has tinues tional Symphony Orchestra, the U S Army they didn't commit, sp>end their days learn­ “To be Bugs you must be young at heart, ica Cartwright, Cliff De Young 1986 [A&E] Return to Iwo uima Ed McMahon S® MOVIE: '36 Hours' An American spy Chorus, the Old Guard Fife and Drum ing to cope and plotting to escape Gone [A&E] MOVIE: 'Tumbledown' A young to deal with his son’s used grease collecting busi­ stimulating, inventive, daring, and imaginative. He Rated PG IS the host of this documentary on the first IS brainwashed by his Nazi captors into be­ Corps (90 mm ) (In Stereo) Wilder. Richard Pryor. (3eorg Stanford lieutenant in the British Army comes lo ness as well as his own passion for all things deal­ [LIFE] Special reunion of Japanese and American veter­ grips with his paralysis after being is fantasy brought into the realm of believability.” lieving that the war is over Colorized ver­ (59 MOVIE: 'One, Tw o. Three' A Coca- Brown 1980 Rated R ans commemorating the 40th anniversary wounded in the Falklar>ds War Colin Firth. ing with buses — a passion that lures him imo peuy sion. James Garner, Eva Mane Saint. Rod [MAX] MOVIE: Young Sherlock Cola executive in Berlin, aiming for a top Other recent books that deal with film’s fantasy of the World War II battle (60 mm ) (R) 1 0:00PM ® News (CC) David Calder. 1988 Taylor 1964 Holm es' (CC) Soon after their first meet London post, sees his plans go awry when theft. [CNN] This W eek in the NB A ) USA Tonight world include: (^Adam Smith's Money World: Devil's ing in boarding school, the teen-age his boss's daughter secretly weds a Com ­ 03 [CNN] World Report Holmes and Watson investigate the mys­ As always. Mack and his pals are lots of fun. Bargain (R) [DIS] Danger Bay (CC) Jonah and Nicole munist James Cagney, Arlene Francis, GD Synchronal Research [ESPN] Horae Racing: Kansas Futurity • “Acting in Film: An Actor’s Thke on Movie terious deaths of several London gentle discover a native whaling shnne (R) (In Horst Buchholz 1961 New Life Quarterhofse race from Ruidoso Downs. Making” (Applause) by Michael Caine. Film star (S) (S) Major League Baseball: Boston men. Nicholas Rowe, Alan Cox 1985 Stereo) N M (60 mm ) (Taped) — Phil Thomas Red Sox at Minnesota Tw ins (2 hrs . 45 Rated PG-13 (In Stereo) (S) Testament (2$ M asterpiece Theatre The Charmer Caine “(Hovides insights on the art of screen ac­ [LIFE] Test of Time: From HIV to AIDS mm ) (Live) ®f) Cops A woman s boyfriend leaves her (CC) Con man Ralph Gorse. who uses his [LIFE] Self-Improvement Guide The Associated Press [U SA] Double Trouble Profiles of several people who mamiam a ting.” @7) Mystery!: Inspector Morse (CC) in possession of drugs during a routine attractiveness to women to obtain power healthy altitude despite testing HIV posi­ [USA] Holtywood Insider • “The BFI Companion to the Western” Morse learns that Sir Julius probably com-' A:30PM SD G® Auto Racing: Grand traffic stop (R) (In Stereo) and money, meets a wealthy widow in a tive (60 min ) (R) roadhouse (60 min ) Part 1 of 6 (R) 1 2: 30AM CD A t the M ovies Profile of milted suicide, the nanny is suspected of Prix of M onaco (90 m m ) (Same day [A&E] MOVIE: Tumbledow n' A young (Atheneum) edited by ^ w a rd Buscombe. Prepared [M AX] MOVIE. '9 to 5' Three working Robin Williams drugging her charge (60 min ) Part 2 of 2. Tape) lieutenant in the British Army comes to How on Earth Are the World's Child­ women rebel against their subjugation by a under the auspices of the British Film Institute, this [CNN] W eek in Review CSD Kiner's Korner grips with his paralysis after being ren (3t) Friday tha 13th: The Series (60 min ) male chauvinist boss Jane Fonda. Dolly (In Stereo) Best Sellers wounded m the Falklands War Colm Firth. hefty book claims it is “the first book to offer a [DIS] MOVIE; 'Flipper's New Adven­ fig) Synchronal Research Parion, Lily Tomlin 1980 Rated PG (59 War of the Worlds The Morthron race ture' A young boy and his pet dolphin try David Calder 1988 IS suffering from a deadly disease which ^® M ega MarrKxy comprehensive guide not only to the films but also (1^ Ciao Italia [USA] Murder, She Wrote to outwit a group of escaped convicts [CNN] PrimeNews can only be cured by a missing drug (60 tlS Synchronal Research Senior PGA Golf: Bell Atlantic Fiction to the rich and complex cultural background of the holding a family hostage m the Florida [ESPN ] min ) (R) (In Stereo) Classic Final round from Malvern, Pa (2 6:1 5PM [HBO] MOVIE: II [ESPN] Major League Baseball: To­ (3) 9® Paid Program Western” as well as “the definitive guide to Western Keys. Brian Kelly, Luke Halpin. Pamela Gen 'Cfiappy ' Sinclair leads a misfit team dS MOVIE: Black and White' A night 1. “The Stand,” Stephen King hrs ) (Live) ronto Blue Jeya at Seattle Mariners (3 W ar of the W orlds The Morthren race Franklin 1964 Rated G of American and Soviet pilots against a with a stranger leads to serious complica­ films.” rirs ) (Live) is suffenng from a deadly disease which 2. “September,” Rosamundc Pilcher [HBO] MOVIE: By Dawn's Early Light' Middle Eastern nuclear missile silo Louis tions for a married woman Raimu. Alerme. [LIFE] Family Practice Update (R) can only be cured by a missmg drug (60 • “Madcap” (Little, Brown) by E)onald Spoto. A (CC) American and Soviet loaders race to Gossell Jr . Mark Humphrey. Stuart Mar [HBO] MOVIE: The Boost' (CC) A Suzanne Dantes 1931 (Subtitled) 3. “Dragon," Clive Cusslcr [USA] MOVIE: 'Rooster Cogbum' The mm ) (R) (In Stereo) avoid a nuclear confrontation after an um golin 1988 Rated PG (In Stereo) young couple's rise to success leads ifiem portrait of F ^ lo n Sturges, the noted writer-direc­ daughter of a murdered minister )oins ® Booker (CC) After Booker escorts a 4. “Oh. the Places You’ll Go!” Dr. Seuss dentified missile explodes over Russia down the dangerous path of cocaine add [DIS] MOVIE: Bk>odhour>ds of Broad tor. forces with a crotchety former deputy to Teshima case witness across the country, Powers Boothe. Rebecca De Mornay. 6:30PM ® News (CC) iclion Janies W oods. Sean Young, John way' A New York City bookie helps a 5. “The Bourne Ultimatum,” Robert Ludlum track down the killers John Wayne. Ka he discovers she s the wrong j:>«rson (60 • “The Pleasures of Age” (Mercury House) by James Earl Jones 1990 (In Stereo) ® 00; ABC News (CC) Kapelos 1988. Rated R. (In Stereo) young backwoods girt from Georgia make 6. “The Golden Orange," Joseph >^i0mbaugh tharme Hepburn, Richard Jordan 1975 min ) (R) (In Stereo) Robert Morley. The noted actor has written “a col­ [LIFE] Obstetrics/Gynecology Update 00) Synchronal Research [LIFE] Physicians' Journal Update (R) It to Broadway Mitzi Gaynor. Scott Brady. 7. “Masquerade,” Janet Dailey 2:30PM (5$ Firing Line: What Do They (R) [A&E] All Creatures Great and Small Mitzi Green 1952 lection of commentaries, tongue-in-cheek tips, ^ 0® NBC News [M A X ] MOVIE: 'The Rachel Papers* A 8. *The Outlaws of Mesquite," Louis L’Amour Do About Drugs in England and Amster­ [USA] My Sister Sam young computer whiz plots a plan of action [CNN] C N N News [ U S A ] Firumcial Freedom reflections, and reminiscences.” dam? 04 Eight Back) W ith David Horowitz lo win the girl of his dreams Dexter [DIS] MOVIE: Anna and the King of 9. T h e Scions of S h a im ^ ” Ttrry Brooks 0® SportsWorld LPGA Skins (CC) 12:45AM [TM C] m o v i e : "nw Fiy' [HBO] MOVIE; 'Jeremiah Johnson' A 4:45PM Fletcher, lone Skye. Jonathan Pryce Siam' A widow accepts a pK)St m Siam as • “Bette Davis: An Intimate Memoir” (Donald I. ICC) A scwntitt IS trantformad into a mon 10. “Always and Fbrever," Cynthia Freeman 19lh-century adventurer abandons civiliza­ Gam e From Slonebriar Country Club in [CNN] Inside Business 1989 Rated R. (In Stereo) tutor for the King s children Irene Dunne. Fine) by Roy Moseley. sirous mseci following an lU-fatad Istspor- tion for life in the Rocky Mountain wilder­ Frisco, Texas (75 mm ) (Same day Tape) Rex Harrison. Linda Darned 1946 [DIS] Animals of Africa Host Joan Em- [USA] MOVIE: 'Dead Raefconing' A lalion experinwni Jeff Goldblum. GM na Non-fiction • “Alfred Hitchexxk and the Making of Psycho” ness Robert Bedford. Will Geer. Stefan 5:00PM d ) Buck Rogers bery lours the Fever-Tree Forest murderous love triangle develops between [LIFE] Obstetrics/Gyr>e€ok>gy Update Davis. John Getz 1966 Rated R (In Gierasch 1972 Rated PG 1. “Wlealth Without Risk," Charles Givens (Dcmbncr Books) by Stephen Rebel lo. (19) Synchronal Research [ESPN] SportsCenter three seafarers stranded at a remote island (R) Slefo<) [LIFE] Cardiology Update (R) cove Cliff Robertson. Susan Blakely, Rick 2. “Men at Wrrk," George F. WiU • “Elvis in Hollywood” (NAL) by Steve Pond. (24) All Creatures Great and Small [TM C] MOVIE 'The Delta Force' A ter [U S A ] Crim e Story (In Stereo) 1:00AM ® New England Sunday |R) [M A X ] MOVIE: License to Drive' Dos Springfield 1990. (In Stereo) Photographs “documenting the filming of Elvis’ (29) Paid Program ronst hijacking leads an invincible band of 3. “Secrets About Men Every Woman Should pite the fact that he failed his driver s test, 10:30PM ® Golf Show 0® Mage Memory commandos lo the Middle East Chuck 8:30PM ® (S® MOVIE: Olamondt K ik iw .” first feature film ’Love Me Tender.’” Sportsbeat Scheduled Upton Bell. ( ) Diorme and Friends Scheduled Jef­ Barbeia De Angelis a teen-ager "borrows" his grandfather s Norris. Lee Marvin, Martin Balsam 1986 Are Forever' (CC) pursues an 33 [ESPN] Road Race of tha Month: Bob Lobel. Joe Fitzgerald and Bob Ryan • “Let Me Entertain You” (Morrow) by David mmt-condition Cadillac for a late night Rated R (In Stereo) arch villain who plans to conquer the world frey Osborne. George Duke (In Stereo) Bloomsday 12K Fiom Spokane. Wash 4. “In the Arena," Richard Nixon |60 min ) dream date Corey Haim. Corey Feldman using a space satellite armed with a laser O SyrKhronal Research (R) 5. “U Was on Fire When I U y Down on lu” Brown. Motion picture producer Brown has spent 1988 Rated PG (In Stereo) !57.‘ Nathalie Dupree's Matters of Taste 7:00PM CSeo M m utes (cc) leo min ) beam Sean Connery, Jill St John. Lana [LIFE] Family Practice Update (R) 1 : 1 5AM [HBO] MOVIE: The Longest more than 50 years in the entertainment industry. (In Stereo) Wood 1971 Robeit FUghum 3:00PM GD Home Shopping Club (611 M y Secret identity Andrew is upset Yard' A former football player, m pnson on when Kirk starts sjiunding lime with his ® f40 Life Goes On (CC) Drew arranges 1 1 :00PM ® ® Now* (CC) 6. “All I Really Need to Kix>w 1 Learned in • “Arnold: An Unauthorized Biography” (Con- (22J French Open Preview From Stade C9) Synchronal Reeaarch minor charges, is chosen to tram a group new girlfriend a d.ile for Patye with tfie man he believes is ® (8) P«<1 Program of convict* for a game agamst the pnion's gdon & Weed) by Wendy Leigh. A look at actor Ar­ Roland Garros in Pans (60 min ) (Taped) 0 D Sim psons (CC) Bart cheats on an apti­ Kindergarten,” Robert FUghum B- [A&E] Eagle and the Bear (CC) (R) Mr Right (60 mm ) (R) (In Stereo) guards Burt RayiKilds. Eddw Albari. Bar (24) Lawrence Welk Show: Songs by tude lest and is placed in e school lor gifted 0 J Choors (CC) 7. “Audubon Society Guide to North American nold Schwarzenegger. C£) MOVIE; 'PT 109' John F Kennedy's nadelta Patera 1974 Raiad R Johnny Mercer [CNN] Newswatch children (R) (In Stereo) 0® Jimmy Swaggart Birds: East,” Eds. • “Citizen Welles: A Biography of Orson Welles” explons on the PT 109 are chronicled Cliff [MAX] MOVIE: Rad Haat' An ($7j Masterpiece Theatre Traffik (CC) [LIFE] Cardiology Update (H) (Doubleday) by Frank Brady. Robertson. Ty Hardin. James Groriorv 9:00PM ® M O VIE: *At M other's Rs- 0® Insight-Out Amancan-backed commando team heads 8. “It’s Always Something,” OUda Radner Fazal IS m prison. Ulli thinks that ho s inter 1963 [TM C] MOVIE 'Johnny Be Good' (CC) quest' (CC) A t the poitce invettigaiion on (2® Naval tha Twain to East Germany to rascua an imprisoned • “I’d Love to Kiss You ... : Conversations With cepted Helens heroin shipment. Jack A hotshot high school (juarterback is Frankim B/odthsw't murder ciotes tn. Ri­ 9. “Flowers for Mother," Leroy Brownlow Synchronal Research (9) Ask tha Managor woman aiKl an intaHigafKa agent Lmda Bette Davis” (Rocket) by Whimey Stine. searches for fiis runaway daughter (60 wmed iind dined by an eixjless succession chard Behrent attempts blackmail to ra- 10. T h e lYugal Gourmet Cooks Three Ancient 22 30 Magical World of Disney: Parent Blair. Syfvia Kristal. Sue Kwl 1985 Rated mm ) Part 5 of 5 of college fooib.ill s.outs Anthony Mi ineva hit money from FrarKes. Stefame 0® Naw s NR Cuisines,” Jeff Smith [A&E] American Playwrights Theater chael Hall, Robert Downey Jr. Paul Glea Powers. John Wood, Doug McKeon ®J) Arsanio Hall (R) (In Stereo) Let Me Hear You Whisper (CC) (K) son 1988 Haled R (In Stereo) 1987 Part 2 of 2 (R) (In Stereo) 1:30AM ® Paid Program — Courtesy of Waldcnbooks continued... [A&E] Carollria's Com edy Hour (60 0D War of tha Worlds (80 rrsn ) Ufestyles of the Rich end FerrKMis min ) 9 9 0

FOCUS/Home House full of storage space Weeders Guide MANCHESTER HAS IT REPLACE YOUR BASEMENT DOOR 288 Center Street CUSTOM KITCHEN CENTER It’s been said that no home can Lawn mowers Serving The Area For 25 Years ever have enough storage space, but We Buy and Sell in the Camellia 1 the designers House of the Week Custom Designed Baths And Kitchens made a valiant effort to belie that are dangerous Baseball Cards Total Remodeling old saw. With more closet and Visit Our Newly RemoCeied Showroom storage space than are found in Mon to Sat. 3 PM to 7 PM 645-6961 Talk With Our Certified Kitchen Designer many larger homes, this is truly a By Earl Aronson small home-owner’s dream. The Associated Press APPLIANCES REPAIRED While most modem home designs Free Estimates • Any size, width, iength, height (i> d r s i include walk-in closets in the master According to lawn-mower industry experts, there For House calls — 646-4800 - .... ; ( « suite, this plan has one in each of the are an average of 60,(X)0 reported accidents a year. STEEL FOUNDATION PLATES 25 Olcott street, other two bedrooms as well. And all This figure is based “only on reports from hospital ON ALL INSTALLATIONS Tom Kirby S^KiBA Manchester three of them are substantial in size. emergency rooms. Which means the numbers in­ eSUBiyyi^¥^ 643-4644 To help , ,prated against toundatlon araalon caused by snow, rein and un- 8 7 2 - 6 2 3 6 Sandwiches & Salads In addition, two linen closets make clude only those injuries serious enough to warrant wantodnaeJd Inaacti and lodsnls. 649-7544 good use of space along the hallway hospital treatment.” to the bedrooms, there’s an ent^ CAMELLIA 1 The experts note that the reasons behind lawn- closet, a pantry cupboard space in mower accidents range from the ridiculous to the Phone; (203) 646-3577 the utility room, and still more mundane, with some the result of operators discon­ storage space in the garage. necting safety devices. ®aitrlip0tpr Hpralb JA WHITE GLASS CO., Nd The dining room isn’t exactly for­ “The industry can do only so much,” says Larry EVERYTHING IN GLASS FFDORA OPTICAL mal as it is only partially separated Miller, director of engineering for Gravely Interna­ PETER J. FEDORA from the kitchen by an eating bar tional, a manufacturer of mowing equipment. Serving the Manchester Lum\ed Opiit ian with a built in range and oven. The “People also have to be responsible for their own area for 100 years MIRRORS • SHOWER DOORS room opens onto a partially covered safety.” Medicare Assignment deck ai^ is totally open to the living “Lawn mower blades are dangerous,” says Hollis 16 Brainard Place Ao:epted room as well. Some families might STORE FRONTS • SAFETY GUSS Malone, landscape manager at the Opryland Hotel Manchester prefer to outfit it as a family room, in Nashville, Tenn. “Keeping that fact in mind is the BATHTUB ENCLOSURES & MORE! 485 Hartford Road Mon.-Wed., Eri.; 9:00-5:.1C installing a home entertaiiunent first step in learning to operate a mower safely.” 203-643-2711 (Keeney Mall) Thurs.: 9.00-8.00 center here and a couch or a few Manchester, Cl. 06040 Sal.: 9:00-1:00 comfy chairs along with an expan­ Mower safety tips dable table for dining. • Wear long pants, such as jeans or chinos, and The master bedroom features heavy shoes (no sandals, flip-flops or tennis shoes); Auto Glass double vanities located in a dressing protect eyes with goggles when using walk-behind area outside the water closet. By equipment; wear a cap to prevent heatsuoke. 'YeSa we do windows" Mirrors-Screens using a sliding door to separate the • Clear a path, making a sweep of the area before Certain Teed Vinyl Replacement Windows two, the designers have avoided mowing to remove hazards. I Patk) Doors - Plexigtass % g m d ^ I H D ^ W a ts iT • Attach a grass catcher when near a children’s problems that a hinged door would I Shower Doors & Enclosures N.S.F. CERTIFIED BOTTLED SPRING WATER create in such small spaces. playground or other areas where objects thrown by •A HEALTHY CHOICE THAT REFRESHES* For those dark and snowy winter the mower could pose a threat. A mower can throw nights, the passageway from the a small rock at a velocity of about 300 feet per I Picture Winciows PREMIUM PACKAGED AND BLOCKED ICE garage into the utility room makes it second. •THE DIFFERENCE IS CLEAR* easy to park and be safely and down ironing board. (330-31), send $5 to Landmark • Maintain your equipment: gas up and check oil I Safety Glass CALL TODAY: MANCHESTER ICE 643-1129 warmly inside closed garage doors In the living room, the bay win­ Designs, P.O. Box 2307, Eugene, before mowing, not while the mower is running and MwDbar MncIwaMr before leaving your car. In addition dow overlooks a covered porch Ore. 97402. Be sure to specify plan engine is hot. Gasoline fumes arc flammable, “and Q««tM(OtOaaMaafca i Storm Windows MEMBERS OF; to the extra storage space in the complete with railings and posts. name and number when ordering. INTERNATIONAL BOm ED WATER ASSOCIATION so are you.” PACKAGED ICE ASSOCIATION garage, there’s also room for a The porch adds a touch of country Designers, architects and readers • Don’t put gasoline into the tank while in a ALUMINUM SERVICES I Store Fronts workbench. And the utility room is charm to this otherwise contem- with plans they would like to see closed garage or other indoor space. Don’t smoke. SERVtNO HOMEOWNERS FOR OVER 30 YRS fairly large, with counter space for pxjrary home. featured also are invited to contact • Have your mower or tractor serviced regularly I Insulated Glass folding, a utility sink, and a fold- For a study plan of the Camellia 1 Landmark. to ensure t^ t all safety devices arc working and un­ safe conditions don’t develop through neglect. J.N.L^ Marketing I Furniture Tops • Don’t stick hands or feet under a mower. DflanrliFBlpr Hpra!^ Mower blades are invisible when turning and even Bacteriostatic Water Systems Sweaty toilet tank drips water shutting off the power is not enough. Kinetic ener­ gy (momentum) causes mower blades to continue • a , 649-7322 Serving the Manchester plaster walls of my living room feathering the edges flush with the to turn for a time even after the power is shut off. ' WATER & AIR area lor 100 years By Popular Mechanics several times, filling a large crack wall surface. • Don’t hesitate to turn off the engine. When IN OUR 40th YEAR For The Associated Press t h e w a y i t u s e d t o b e that starts at the comer of a finished life’s little crises turn up, turn off the engine before 'WE CANT HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT' 16 Brainard Place opening with joint compound. QUES'FIONS: My insulation in­ you deal with them. T ry It You'll Like It" Manchester QUESTIONS: All summer long Shortly after each paint job, the staller recommended urethane foam • Don’t baby-sit while mowing the lawn. Young 31 BISSELL STREET o our toilet tank sweats and drips crack reappears. How can 1 repair it in my attic. He claims that 1 inch of children don’t understand the danger a mower 203-643-2711 water, especially when it’s humid. permanently? urethane will equate to an R-30 represents. They may head straight for Mommy or MANCHESTER s' We’ve tried several products, but value. He claims that’s a lot better Daddy, who can’t hear them coming over the noise Business; 647-4830 ANSWERS: The position of that 150 N. Main Street they only work for short periods. than fiberglass as 6 inches of of the mower. crack is a sign that the framing is in­ Manchester, CT 06040 Home: 643-1892 One plumber suggested we hook up fiberglass can’t get anywhere near adequate. The best solution would • Don’t let anyone ride with you on the riding T3C3 the tank to the hot-water line, but that R-value. But 1 have heard that mower — not even a child in your lap or riding in a awnings • accountants • air-conditioning others had never heard of this. be to beef up the header or top plate plastic foams should be avoided. of the bearing wall — the sooner the cart pulled behind. People could fall off or out, right • auto parts • bakers • builders EVERYTHING IN GLASS 03 Who’s right? into the path of the mower; don’t let older children MANCHESTER 00 better. • buyers • bartenders •cij»'penters WE CAN'T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT" ANSWERS: The fir.st plumber ride around for fun. MEMORIAL CO. Q knows his business. When wann, If you’re not prepared for such an ANSWERS: You’d better change • car washers ihild care < moist room air hits your water- extensive repair presently, chip out installers. Never even consider using Mowing on hills CL all loose plaster and clean the crack designe • drillers Opp Em I Cem.tery 1. A. WHITE GLASS CO., i. cooled tank and bowl, condensation foam in the attic. The material was With walk-bchind mowers, mow side to side OVER S forms. Tell your plumber to install a out thoroughly. Lay an ample bed of • driven' lectricians 45 developed for use in walls or on flat along the hill. If you go up or down, you could slip YEARS mixing valve that will flush your compound about 3 inches wide over roofs (mainly commercial ones). By ‘rminators 649.7323 and your feet could slide under the mower, or slip • enginet' CALL 649-5807 EXPERIENCE IN OUR 40th YEAR toilet with room-temperature water the crack. Place wallboard tape the way, don’t confuse all “foams” aiul have it roll onto you. You might wear old- (not straight hot water). The valve down with a 4 inch taping knife, with urea-formaldehyde, which the • framers' urriers 31 BISSELL ST. MANCHESTER I fashioned leather-topped golf shoes with spikes for can be adjusted to maintain the cor­ squeezing out the excess compound Consumer Product Safety Commis­ better traction on steep hills. • MIRRORS• SHOWER DOORS• STORE FRONTS u general contractors QUALITY MEMORIALS • SAFETY GLASS• BATHTUB ENCLOSURES • ETC z rect water temperature without wast­ and making sure there are no air sion has deemed harmful to your < With riding units, mow up and down the hill, not HARRISON STREET MANCHESTER ing hot water. bubbles underneath the tape. When health. Most foams, however, are side to side. Here, the danger is rolling the machine the compound dries (in a day or so), flammable and certain precautions over onto yourself. ’ heaters • janitors • masons e realtors I Q U F^IO N S: I’ve repainted the apply a second coat over the tape. must be taken. opticians • plumbers • pools 1 9 9 0 r m H ^ L P i r r i H E L P I l l J WANTED LLLI WANTED APARTMENTS HOMES CONOOMINIUMS APARTMENTS APARTMENTS APARTMENTS APARTMENTS INDUSTRIAL HOMES FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT Q t] PROPERTY FOR SALE HD FOR SALE FOR SALE COVENTRY-QuIet neigh­ BENNET Elderly MANCHESTER-2 family, HEBRON-2 bedroom, ap­ MANCHESTER-For rent. MAKE THE DISCOV­ BOLTON-Neat and borhood, 1 bedroom Apartments-1 bedroom quiet nelghborhoad, A s h f o r d New 2 story Commercl- Clean. Cute 6 room Manchester- pliances, heat and hot ERY!!! Quality built apartment, carpeted, apartments for Imme­ central location, large water Included, wall- 2 BR Duplex, private set­ al/lndustrlal building. Contemporary Split- Ranch on a large lot By Owner basement storage diate occupancy. 1 rooms and yard, on bus ting, parkirrg and laundry. 1 mile from Pavllllon close to Indian Notch to-wall carpeting, cel­ level Is ready for you Newer adorable 2 BR available. No dogs. month free rent. Please line. $725 month. Call lar storage, large yard, WINDHAM Mall. 1 500/ 1 2,000 with 3 bedrooms up­ Park on Bolton Lake. call 528-6522 for an Rick, 647-1865 between square feet. Available Townhouse, 1 1/2 baths, $425 monthly. 1 '/j parking. 20 minutes to 1 BR. 2 BR. Furnished stairs, formal dining 16x19 dining room months security. 742- application.______8am-5pm. Hartford, lOmIntuesto units. Lease & Refererx»s July 1. Additional room, living room with could be 1st floor fam­ central air, basemenL d e ^ 0569. Manchester. $635 No Animal* 40,000, build to suit. ily room. A great star­ EAST HARTFORD-1 bed­ MANCHESTER-1 bed­ fireplace and heatola- garage, pool & tennis. room across from room apartment. Heat, monthly. 649-2871. 423-4190 eveninfl* Available soon. $6.25- ter! $128,500. D.W. Fish MANCHESTER- $8.00 square foot. 649- tor. You’ll enlov the Superb location. Near Dynamlte 1 bedroom Wickham Park. hot water, carpeting, convenience of having Realty, 643-1591.0 3006. schools, shopping & I-84. unit. 1st floor. $525 $575/month. Includes air, all appliances. Call MANCHESTER- a lower level with re­ MANCHESTER- Includes heat, hot wa­ heat. Wallace-Tustin, 649-5240.______creation room and Beautlful Park-LIke Well maintained, quaint Beautltul, quality, 1 CONOOMINIUMS ter, and garage. No 644-5667. bedroom, quiet, on bus FOR RENT $1,000 monthly fourth bedroom. New Yard. Custom Ranch attractive setting. pets. Call Sue, 643-4862. Large 9 room home for retail, carpeting throughout, on a very private MANCHESTER-3, 4, and MANCHESTER-3 bed­ line, air conditioned, BOLTON-Guest house 5 room apartments tor room, 2nd floor of living room, dining office, or other commercial Cathedral ceilings and wooded lot. Eat-In kit­ $139,900 No Agents MANCHESTER-2 bed­ uses. available 6/ 1. 1 bed­ rent. 646-2426 week­ newer 2 family, ap­ room, kitchen with new room Condo. Kitchen skylights, 2 car garage chen with breakfast Call 644'9387 days, 9-5. andlargelot. Now’sthe area and pocket door room, living room, kit­ pliances, carpeting,air appliances Including with appliances, air. Anne Miller Real chen, bath. Single conditioners. $800 plus frost tree refrigerator, time ta deal! Anne to fi.replaced living 2 BEDROOM TOWN- $650 plus utilities. 1 Estate 647-8000 Miller Real Estate, 647- room are lust a few of ROCKY HILL-Move In older woman pre­ HOUSE. All applian­ utilities. Securities 8, self cleaning oven, dis­ months deposit. 648- references. No pets. 8000.D the fine features. condition. Lovely ferred. No pets. $600 ces. Heat/hot water, hwasher. Ideal for se­ 1283 after 7:30 pm. $146,500. D.W. Fish Condo at popular Was­ plus utilities. Security carpeting, air. Call 649- Residential area. Call niors or middle aged. MESSAGE TO HOME and references. 649- 649-9228. Come see why we BUYERS-Want more Realty, 643-1591.0 tage. Air, pool, play­ 5240. ROOMMATES Custom 12 room ranch with privacy situated on 2.35 ground, extra storage. 3446.______rarely have a vacancy. HOMES acres with a 20 x 40 foot m-ground pooi and a 2 car space, privacy, quality MANCHESTER-3 bed­ VERNON!!! Large 1 and Heat and hot water [ ] WANTED construction, unique Terrific location, rem­ MANCHESTER-4 room room apartment. Near 2 bedroom apartments 34 FOR RENT attached garage. Amenities inciude cathedral ceil­ CONDOMINIUMS odeled Interior. $98,900 apartment. Newly Included. Large stor­ floor plan? Call Ron recreational facilities. from $550-$635/month. age area. $645. 247-5030. ROOMMATE NEEDED-4 ings, sun room, walkout decks overlooking back yard Fournier to see 71 FOR SALE by owner. 563-9702. painted. $425 plus utili­ References/security Laundry facilities, wall ANDOVER-Across from lake, large yard, 2 bed­ room apartment In 4 and central air. Lower level is finished with a large McDlvItt St., Manches­ COUNTRY CLUB, POOL ties. Security. No dogs. required. $650monthly. to wall carpeting or unit brick building In E. recreation room and three additional rooms that could ter. U 8. R oversized EAST HARTFORD-NEW 81 TENNIS!!! Truly ex­ 872-9951. No utilities Included. hardwood floors, dis­ rooms, kitchen, living LISTING! Like new, 6 ROOMS, 2nd floor flat. room, and enclosed Hartford. 2nd floor, be used as bedrooms, home offx» or den combina­ Raised Ranch. clusive 3 bedroom MANCHESTER-4 rooms, 875-5874. hwasher, extra stor­ Heat furnished. Imme­ good size rooms, drive­ tions. New on market and a must see at $249,000. RE/MAX East of the room Townhouse. 2 Townhouse with 2 full 2nd floor, 2 family. age. Swimming poal, porch. $800 per month. bedrooms, panelled diate occupancy. Suit­ References/security way parking, wooded River, 647-1419.0 baths, 2 half baths, full Quiet area, appliances. 3 BEDROOM DUPLEX. BBQ pits, heat In­ able for single or mar- lot behind building. BOB PRICE REAL ESTATE Rec room, dining dining room, lower No dogs. $600 plus utll- Available June. Securl- cluded. Call Impact required. 742-7625. BRAND NEW LISINT- room, central air, fire­ rled couple. $375 Non-smokers only, fe- ING!!! Colonial lovers level family room and tles. 649-8001 or 643- ty/references. No utili­ Management Group ot monthly. 643-8474. mole/male. Available 649-1955 place, garage and office. Central air, cen­ 8481. ties. 647-1750. 1-800-562-9550. STORE/OFFICE be sure to see this much more. Only June 1. $250 plus Vj delightful 8 room home tral yac, and many FOR RENT utilities. Securlty/ref- $124,OOO.U 8. R Realty, custom bullt-lns for the COLUMBIA-7 room Cope on Joon Circle In Man­ 643-2692.0______erence. 528-0896. has huge kitchen with chester. 4 bedrooms, discerning ho- STORE FOR RENT-460 Island, lots of cabinets 2.5 boths, fireplace, CONDOMINIUMS-Sunny meowner. Owner Is wil­ Main Street, Manches­ and countertop and lovely decor through­ Ranch Condo, private ling to entertain offers Astrograph ter. Please call 646- pantry. Nearly 3 acres, out, appliances, ap­ entrance. Rent with op­ for creative financing. 2426, 9:00-5:00 LAWN CARE pool. $205,000. Philips proximately 2200 tion to buy! $59,900. Call office for ol the weekdays.______IMMACULATE 1st Real Estote, 742-145Qo square feet. 165x182 lot details! $159,900. Anne LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Try to keep pace CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) You MANCHESTER-983 Main floor unit. Fully Miller Real Estate, 647- LAWN CARE-Bv college MANCHESTER-Solar with rear fencing. Ap­ with your duties and responsibilities to­ might feel stymied today by the very St. Office, 500 square student. Reasonable proved for daycare apllanced! $60,900. 8000.D cfour day so that they do not begin to pile up people who are usually the most sup­ home. Maintenance 2BEDROOM END feet. Excellent loca­ rates. Call Eric Hein­ tree with wood stove also. Reasonably on you. Mounting pressure is something portive. They still love you. but present tion. Includes heat. 647- rich, 228-1774, after priced at $217,900. UNIT. Pool 8i Tennis, BRAND NEW LIST­ birthday you might not handle loo well conditions may be such they have to at­ and gas heat backups. charming village set­ ING!!! Terrific 1 bed­ 9223/643-7175. June 10, 643-2668. Very low utility bills. 3 Jackson 8, Jackson VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sapt. 22) Should tend to other needs first. 4 AIR CONDITIONED Real Estate, 647-8400.D ting.$124,900. Anne room Condo In small May 27,1990 something testy develop between two AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) It won't bedrooms, sliders from Miller Real Estate, 647- complex on Eldridge OFFICES areavallable master bedroom, kit­ friends of yours today, it could prove an do you much good today to dwell on BRAND NEW LIST­ 8000.O______St. In Manchester. Spa­ Elevate your sights in the year ahead In Manchester. Square CARPENTRY/ chen and dining room ING!!! A very unique and work hard to achieve your objec­ unwise move if you lake sides. You how you would like things to be In order WEST HARTFORD- cious floor plan with feet areas are 600-480- REMODELING to ottached green­ situation! Completely tives. Rewards that previously ap­ could end up in the middle with both an­ to progress, you must face up to reality 350-240. The office are Elegant, spacious, 2 open kitchen and din­ gry at you house. Private yard remodeled 2 family on ing area. 14x13 living peared impossible to win, will now be and begin to work from that point. centrally located with features many fruit Marble St. In Manches­ bedroom, 2 bath, Bar­ LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) You will have PISCES (Fab. 20-March 20) Today you CARPENTER-Small clay Court Condo. room, private base­ r0ach)dt3l0 ample parking. Call lobs, big lobs, altera­ trees. Must see! ter. 4 rooms on each GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Owing to a to be assertive and determined if you might have to deal with an acquaint­ 649-2891. Doorman, garage. ment, low monthly hope to achieve an important objective tions, decks. 25 years $185,656. Philips Real floor. One unit with Condo fee for afforda­ lack of proper evaluation, you might get ance who did some things in the past Estate, 742-14500 $125,000. Owner will fi­ today. Wishy-washy won't et the )Ob that displeased you There's still a pos­ MANCHESTER-MaIn St. experience. Insured. central air, hattub, ap­ bility. Priced at $89,900. yourself involved in a situation today 27,000 square feet. Re- 870-9036. pliances, separate gas nance $100,000 long done and could make you look weak in sibility your personalities could clash, COVENTRY-Walk to pri­ term. Call 813-433-1418. Jackson 8> Jackson that could cost you more than you an­ tall/Offlce scoce. $3.99 vate beach from this 6 heat, 2 car garage. Real Estate, 647-8400.D ticipate. Don't be impulsive. Gemini, the eyes ol others so be careful. MANCHESTER- SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) If you have ARIES (March 21-April 19) Be mindful square foot. NNN. Mr. room maintenance Ideal fo r families treat yourself to a birthday gift. Send tor Peters, 646-2364. who’d like to live to­ Attractlve 1 bedroom, SOUTH WINDSOR-Plum a closed mind today it could cause you of your behavior today, or else you tree 3 bedroom home. Ridge. Super sized lux­ your Astro-Graph predictions tor the New vinyl siding, attic gether under one roof! with private garage. In year ahead by mailing $1.25 to Astro- to ignore the suggestions ol a friend might unintentionally offend someone OFFICE SPACE TO FLOORING Vinyl siding for eosv quiet neighborhood. ury 3 bedrooms, 4 full who is trying to be helpful This person's who is very egocentric and does not SHARE located In storage. $119,900. Phil­ bath Condo second to Graph, c/o this newspaper. P.O. Box ips Real Estate, 742- care! An excellent Complete new kitchen reasoning might be superior to yours. readily forgive or forget. downtown Manches­ none. Ceramic entry, 91428, Cleveland, OH 44101-3428. Be ter. Completely fur­ 1450a value at $172,500. Jack- Including cabinets, sure to state your zodiac sign. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-D*c. 21) Let TAURUS (April 20-May 20) In order to LAKEWOOD CIRCLE- counter tops, and ap­ mirrored wall. Cathed­ your present state of finances deter­ have others believe in and be support­ nished, fox, cooler, etc. ONE FLOOR LIVING son 8i Jackson Real CANCER (Juna 21-July 22) If others do FLOORSANDING Prlstlne 3 bedroom, 1V2 pliances. Seller will ral ceilings, skylights mine the kind of expenditures you make ive of your ideas today, you must first $300 monthly. 643-9192 'Floors Iks new EASE!!! Newly listed Estate, 647-8400.O not give you their complete cooperation bath. Cape overlook­ pay closing expenses and private master today. If you allow instant gratification believe in them yourself. Doubtfulness or 875-6349, Mondav- 'Specializing in aider floors and ready for fomlly BOLTON-Spaclous Con­ today, it might be due to the fact you're ing the town reservoir. up to $2,500. Must see! bedroom suite. rule, you may do something very will be easily prerceived causing others Frldov, 9-5 or 633-1726 'ftatural t stained floors fun or leisure ease. temporary on a picture reluctant to let them share the applause 2 fireplaces. $182,500. Call Tom Boyle, $219,900. D.W. Fish imprudent to back away. after 5. 'N o waxing anymore Blanchard 8, Rossetto This lovely Ranch has3 perfect lot. Highlights Realty, 643-1591.0 or credit. Include a dramatic bal­ owner/agent, Boyle John Vertslle Realtors," We’re Sel- bedrooms, a first floor Real Estate Co., 649- $4<-S7$ 0 llng Houses" 646-2482,0 Florida room with heot cony overlooking spa­ VACATION and a magnificent cious Istfloorfireploce 4800. RENTALS AVERY STREET-8 room, with Cothedral celling SOUTH WINDSOR- I'/j bath Colonial. 1st Swedish fireplace In BUSINESS the living room. Enloy and skylights. Rural Affordable luxury. Im­ Bridge CAPE COD-Falmouth floor, family room, setting vet convenient maculate 2 bedroom PROPERTY fireplace, oversized 2 the beautifully lands­ Heights, 2 bedrooms, 2 CLOTHING caped, very private to highways. $258,900. unit with loft In wond­ full baths, sleeps 5. car garage. $190's. D.W. Fish Realty, 643- erful complex featur­ Blanchard 8< Rossetto fenced In backyard. Walk to beach. 742- Call for your exclusive 1591.□______ing Indoor and outdoor NORTH s-zs-M Squeeze right, run.s the heart suit Along the way he 8703. 2 Realtors," We’re Sel- pools. Clubhouse with makes the unusual play of discarding > llng Houses" 646-2482.C show ingl! $135,900. FRONT-TO-BACK living ♦ 8 CHARLESTOWN Rhode EXCELLENT z Anne Miller Real Est- room and master bed­ sauna and exercise ¥ K Q J 10 8 6 4 his winning king of clubs. At the finish n TOLLANO-BEAT THE squeeze wrong Island-Summer Ren­ CONDITION ate. 647-8000.D______room are 2 hl-llghts In room. A neat way to FOR ♦ K 5 3 the last three cards in dummy are a tal. After 5;30pm, 649- X HEAT In your very own live. $100,900. Turn ♦ J 4 •Dior Boys Suit Size 16 LOW MAINTENANCE this 3 bedroom, I'/j By James Jacoby spade, a diamond and the club jack 9994. 51 pool with deck and 6 YARD with a backyard bath Colonial. New kit­ your skills Into gold. DtHiarer will be down to A-Q-J of •Shirts Size 16 person lacuzzl. This LEASE WRST EAST OLD SAYBROOK-3 bed­ of trees and woods. chen and Vj bath floors. Join the professionals spades And Wesf* To come down to •Pants 28* Waist 50 Contemporary Split Oak floors under car­ at Century 21, Epstein ♦ K 6 ♦ to 975432 Of course six hearts is a belter con­ room cottage. Water- Immaculate and OR SALE three cards. West must either unguard view. Weekly rentols. X level also features all charming Inside and peting and 1 car gar­ Realty, 647-8895.0 ▼ A 7 5 ¥9 tract But declarer had to bear the 6 47 -9 5 00 m appliances, paddle New 12.000 ♦ g J 10 8 6 ♦ 7 burden of his clumsy bidding So he the spade king or else throw away the 646-6454. 50 out. A home that has age. Great locaton off MALLARD VIEW-Open club queen or the high diamond If he fans, tongue and been well cared for. of Parker St. Asking Sudays 1-4. New. Ran- square foot ♦ y 10 2 ♦ 9 7 6 5 won the ace of diamonds and forctnl CAPE COD-Falmouth > groove paneling and throws away either minor-suit winner, Heights, 2 bedrooms, 2 Walk out rec room that $137,900. Strano Real ches/Townhouses. No commercial/Iight .SOUTH out the ace of hearts. Then he took the b security system. The Is huge. Asking Estate, 647-7653.0 association fees. Only diamond king and ran all the hearts the corresponding card in dummy be­ full baths. Sleeps 5. master bedroom has a industrial building ♦ AQ J comes gotKl and can bo played next. Walk to beach. 742- on $259,900. Call Barbara. GREAT INVESTMENT a few units remain In His last four cards were the A-K of LI walk-ln closet and full ¥ 3 2 That will squeeze West once again His 8703 [74] FURNITURE RE/MAX East of the PROPERTYI! Seper- this beautiful new sub­ off exit 66 and I- ♦ A 9 4 2 clubs and the A-Q of spades As you bath. $224,985. Philips River, 647-1419.0 division. Our 2 bed­ only hope is that Kast holds as much as Real Estate, 742-1450o ate systems In this 4 84, Vernon. Can ♦ A K 8 3 might imagine. West kept the K-6 of TWO CHEST ot drawers B- COUNTRY LOCATION- and 4 two family. Much room, 2 bath Ranch spades and the high diamond, so de­ the jack of spades, so he should blank INDUSTRIAL customize, will Vulnerable: East-West set with mirror. $200. SPECTACULAR Colonial Qulck commute. Cedar up-dating completed. features; a covered clarer had to lose another trick Could the spade king But South then suc­ PROPERTY porch, fireplace, din­ sub-divide. Avail­ Dealer West ceeds by playing to his ace. dropping Full size bed frame In Tolland. Superbly sided U-shaped custom Including roof, fur­ something have bi'en done about i f ’ OD with headboard. $50. Ranch. Quality nace, stairs, deck and ing room, 1st floor able July 1990 West's king and taking the last two decorated, 2 firepla­ South West North East Watch closely Call 646-4604 offer 4pm. throughout. Anderson remodeled 2nd floor laundry, full basement. tricks with the Q-J MANCHESTER- ces, large family room, 1 ♦ 4 ¥ I'a.>cs l.et declarer win the ace of dia­ front-to-back formal sliders open to attrac­ apartment. Fully ap- Attached garage. Also J j m n Jjcoty s books ’Jtcoby an Bndgr" and Available July 1, SOFA-Excellent condi­ Call Dick fi NT All pas.s monds and cash the ace of clubs West 4800/7200 square feet tion, yellow 8, green living room plus for­ tive pool and patio. pllanced, plus 2 3 bedroom, I'/j bath 'JjH-oby uo C srJ (iMines ’ 1 wnlten with b u Utbor. i mal dining room. Aft-’ Large rec room. Ask­ washers and dryers. units from $139,900. will win the ace of hearts and continue Ibr lilr (hwtid Jicoby) J r r now tv siU b lr jit Commercial Industrial topestry with 3 cu­ 870-9811 Opening lead: ♦ Q ached 2 car garage plus ing $269,900. Call Bar­ Full basement and gar­ Blanchard 8, Rossetto diamonds IX'clarer takes the king and bookslorrs Bi^b srr published by f'btros Books 3 phase electric. 646- shions, on wheels. Ask­ more. RE/MAX East of bara. RE/MAX East of age. $179,900. Strano Realtors," We’re Sel­ or 684-1443 5477. ing $100. 647-0007. the River, 647-1419.0 the River, 647-1419.0 Real Estate, 647-7653.0 ling Houses" 646-2482.0 9 9 0 TAG SALE

STEREO SYSTEAA- FOR SALE-250, 2x8x16. COLECO-24ft X 48 ft Ploneer stereo re­ Red Potlo Brick. Best above ground pool, fil­ FLEA MARKET ceiver. VC tope deck, offer. Please coll 647- ter and pump. Will sell Kenwood speakers. 1701.______seporotelv. Needs Hartford Drive-In Theater Good condition. Per­ AUCTION-ConsIgnments liner and cover. Best Every Sat 10-3, Sun. 9-1 fect for rec room or wanted for super auc­ offer. 645-8584. college dorm. $175. Coll tion featuring boats, OLD, PRINTER’S Type SPACE AVAILABLE 257-6632, evenings. recreation vehicles, Trovs. Full size Collf. Info. 296-9573 classic cars and out­ for dlsplovlng collectl- door eaulpment. To be bles,etc. $22.00 each. EARTH RENOVATORS Specialist MACHINERY held at Hebron Fair Also 2 maple type ca­ SATURDAY-9-4, 13 Haw­ GCF HOME SERVICES AND TOOLS Grounds, June 30. Ex­ binets complete with ley St. Baby clothes & CHARLESTHE •Land Cleared Items. Maternity •New Lawns Installed Remodeling & Repair pecting 1000's of buv- troys (2*3 size) For HANDYMAN ers. Coll for brochure clothes 12-14. MIsc. ■Bobcat & Baetdioe Work Decks, A^itioiis TROY HORSE Information coll 643- ENTERPRISES ROTOTILLER-Used 30 E-Zee Auctions 659- 6669 or 646-5834. Items. •Stump Removal Senior Discount POWER WASHING times. Must see. $650. 0506. •Screen Top Soil & Free Estimates 10 Foot Aluminum step- rMidentlil & commercial Larrdscape Materials PAINTING 645-6559 ladder. Best offer. 643- I CARS I CARS CARS Delivered 9665.______Interlor/exterior FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE YARDMASIEKSJ •Stone Driveways SPRING CLEANING RED SNAPPER Rl^ng GSL Building kI t CHEN & BATH ■garages ‘yard -cellars SPRING CLEANUP 644-5998 Lawn Mower. 2 v ^ s , ■gutters Maintenance Co. •Trees & Lawns Cui like new. $6S0/negotla- Commerdal/Rasldentiai buHd- REMODELING ble. 643-0884. MEMORIAL DAY Totatllllng ■Yards & Garages Cleaned T + A LAWN & PAINTING/ PAINTING/ ■Brush/tree & trash Ing repass and home improve- ■Brush Piles Removed From the smallest PAPERING PAPERING removal mertts. Interior and axlertor •Truck & Backhoe Work LANDSCAPING INC. repair to the largest House Cleaning palming, Ight carpentry. Com­ SCREEN TOP SOIL .m s m ■*30 yrs. experience •Exlcrior Housepainling Personal Care , plete janitorial service. Experi- •Mowing renovation, we will do a TJ ^fast, reliable & •Driveways Sealed WEIGLE'S PAINTING CO. Interior/Exterior ANY AMOUNT Polish woman will enoed, rsiable, free esti- ■Planting * Design complete job. fully Insured ■Landscaping Installations Quality work at a Painting Done o clean your home. males. •Complete Building & Call Aaron Aiibrio reasonablo pricol DELIVERED ★ 10% senior Start to finish. ■power w atth in g -m h l oerpeniry HOURS ONLY JO -n Propmy Maintairi^ Intorior & Exterior ttrivewey MaioQ ■owinga arYd w tia I I discounts 643-0304 6464)511 FREE ESTIMATES Also, Backhoe Bobcat & iVifJabCamhlMd Free Estimates reo ‘anin end oeure oiemed 644-4663 or 644-2835 CALL 872-4072 S F FULUrOeUSED fMEEmUMES Complete do-it-yourself Call Brian Welgie 646-6386 Loader rental. Saturday 9-5 Monday 9-12 cui. YARDMASTERS programs available. 645-8912 tuny Insured/free estimates 872-1400 or /^THE'DiCKWORi^ Frank Young 643-9996 — m LAWN CARE Heritage Kitchen & 659-9555 (Spring Special) Y/all Papering and Painting O o Beautifully built decks at SUPERIOR Contracting & SALE/TRADE Bath Center 30 years Experience SPECIAL PURCHASE great affordability. HOME ^ DD FREE ESTIMATES Tony K's Mowing I Come visit our showroom at: Insurance, Relere.nces and McHugh Himself SPORTING Maintenance Painting & wallpapering at H ^ 644-2362 ^ Service MAINTENANCE 254 Broad Street Free Estimales GOODS THE BOOK its best Free Estimates. Fully m . Reduced rates for SERVICE Manchester MARTY'MATTSSON Company: RACK Insured. Established 1974. REMINGTON. 30-06 Sfedc^iang In M ina Hone 649-5400 049-4431______o ^ d e c k s ' ^ Senior Citizens 643-9321 Seml-automatIc. Pressure Treated •Painting Interia & Exterior Audio CaMctte Books. All Repaifs HOUSE PAINTERS Brand new. Paid $420, 645-0062 Categories. sell at $275; Ithlgo Custom Designs •Wallpapering No Job Too Small F a Superia. Prolessional, experienced, reliable FREE ESTIMATES Discounted st 10%. feather weight 12. go. •Remodeling - Custom WQuality Work Call ’ PHIL’S LAWN CARE AND Fully hsaed CUSTOM CARPENTRY ★ lnsuraiv:e College Pro Pump Shotgun. $140. 436J H artford T pke. 649-5400. THE DECK SPECIALISTS Kitchens & Bathrooms LANDSCAPING Carpentry - Electrical- UNLIMITED ★ Free Estimates 1.000,000 Liability Int. Y | - JO Thatching, edging, planting, -Shops at 30 P lu a- ★ Relerenoes V. 646-0032 ■Room Alterations & Additions Licenced & Insured Hardvvorki^ College Students GOLF CLUBS-UseO. yard cleanup. Weekly lawn Vemon, CT 06066 Plumbing ‘ Call Collect, 467-1422 2 Year Written Guarantee o o ■Replacement Windows B70-B870 Starter and full sets mowing. Residential and com­ Decks. Kitchens & Bath­ PRESTO PAINTERS Free Estimates O “n •Electrical FREE ESTIMATES with bogs from $35. ELDERLY CARE m ercial. rooms designed & remod­ MANCHESTER m r n •Plumbing CALL Also misc. clubs. 649- CALL 742-9540 BO O K RACK eled. Ceramic tile, all phases Call 1-800-346-4629 24 Hours 1794. 1990 Cadillac DeVilles •Roofing 647-3785 of carpentry & repair. IN-EX Painting •Exteria Siding Previously enjoyed paperback 5 In Stock - Loaded o ) NURSE'S AIDE books from Romance to Hor- CaH Now For Spring Spsdais BRUSH WORKS •Decks BOATS/MARINE rorl We will trade tor your good Anytlnrw Services Years of Experience. Gilbert's Lawn Service T8tB ELECTRONIC 528-5502 o o Senior Citizen Discount paperbacks 2 for 1; or we will Senior Citizen Discount Interior Painting EQUIPMENT Hospital Trained. Complete Property Complete Lawn Care sell our books 1/2 price. REPAIRS m z Trucking, Bobcat Rental, CUSTOM QUALITY Power Washing ★ Free Estimates FIBER GLASS soil boot Excellent References. Maintenance Loam, Stone & Mulch Complete servicina of all a > 435 J Hartford Tpke. One stop improvements. with trailer. $600. Coll D eliveries makes and models. ★ 12 yrs. experience > I - 742-6402 “Shops at 30 Plaza" Framing to Painting. Free Estimates 643-9382.______Free Estimates TV, VCR, Stereo Com­ JO CO 203^43^774 Vernon, CT 06066 Licensed A Insured. Fully Insured w/excellent references. BOAT-15" fiberglass run­ 291-9681 870-8870. ponents, Microwave Call "ave Adamick about, no engine, no No Job Too Small Ovens, and small for a tree quote. ★ Repair ceilings, walls MASONRY trailer. $400 or best appliances. 647-1814 WeTreatYourHome ★ Refinish cabinets offer. 644-2362. 118,995 > !i LAWN SERVICE LANDSCAPING “D CUSTOM Fertilizing, liming, spring FREE ESTIMATES Like Our Own w/fine finished work SPRING IS THE TIME clean-up, complete lawn BUILDING WS TAUT SERVICE/FREE ES TlUA TES PETS AND For Chimney Repair service. Brookside Exterior Kevin 647-0836 SUPPLIES Call Now For Free Estimate 643-0747 2914)392 Bath/Kitchen Remodeling Maintenance & *vMlh this ad save $10 off lepar One Call Does It All Talaga Masonry T.R. Connelly 644-0056 AQUARIUM tank supp­ Building Co. 649-8045 30 Yeare Experience lies and fish. 45 gallon 643-8209 Landscaping M&M Plumbing & Heating Larry tank complete with ______after 6pm Remodeling & Additions CARPENTRY/ ■Kitchens & Baths INSTALLATION/ feeder, heater, pump, Div. of GRF & Company, fnc. 649-2871 filter, scenery, and ■Roofing, Dorm ers MOWING REMODELING 528-6389 REPAIR Specialist in Year-Round many extras Including TILE/MARBLE ■Decks & Sunrooms All lawn, tree, and several fish. Asking $1000REBATES ON 2894)161 shnib service Exterior Maintenance “We can tell you Installation and Replacement $150. Coll 649-0593. W allpapeaer - $25 a roll KANDYMEN/CARPENTERS Residential ■ Commercial Cloanng, Hatixig. Carpenter, what to look for... of Water Heaters FREE TO A GOOD OVER 40 DJR TILE WORKS CALL JOHN Vin'Vinyl Floor Install/Replace various tile & HEATING/ Romodoixig. Reasonably Pitod and what to look ■Gas HOME-Chorpel, 2 ye­ •Lawn Maintenance Ceramic Tlla Free Estxnales ars old. Timid but marble. 649-0773 C arpentry out for!" ■Eleciric SPECIAL •Quality work PLUMBING All Calls Answerwl friendly. Fine with •Landscape Design A Installation Licensed & Insured Rick's Handyman & ■Oil •Reasoru'ble prices Wilson Oil Company cots, not good with PURCHASE •Free estimates LAWN MOWING Tom's Installation Carpentry ^rvlce HarBro other dogs. 649-6927. •Exterior Power Washing ol All • 645-8393------646-3455 M&M OIL Installation of lawns Surfaces 647-7126 646-1948 FREE to o good home. CARS PLUMBINGS IlEATlIiG Painting Adorable, double and light hauling. •Driveway Sealing A Paving pawed, mole kitten. Remember - This sale is good this Saturday 9-5 •Oil Burner Service A Sales CARPENTRY/ of Manchester You con moke excellent Coll 647-9460. Call Mark Mumley •Tree Work and Monday 9-12 •Automatic Oil Delivery REMODELING SEWING dish cloths from the mesh s LIQUIDATION ■Well Pumps Sales A Serviue 649-3104 Quality Painting boos In which oronoes, •Tractor Work ALTERATIONS ■..MISCELLANEOUS •Water Heaters (Ei«:tnc t Gm ) potatoes, onions, etc. ore We make believers. Services ' IFOR SALE BaBirnom A Kitchen CARPENTER & sold. Just boll for 15 Make us prove it to you! MOWING & TILLING ■Gutter Cleaning A Mamlenance •Free Estimates ED ESTATE LIQUIDATION Remodeling SEAMSTRESS minutes In wofer to which Yard Cleanup HANDYMAN SERVICE ■Dressmaking ■ Alterations ■Senior Citizen Discounts •Senior Citizen Discouni ■ 203-645-8892 chlorine bleoch hos been Commercial & Residential Driveways Sealed ■ Replace Zippers • Coal E N D ROLLS •Eloctric Work No job loo smal. ■Aluminum & Vinyl odded. Put still pood but Cash or CoS on Free Estimates Linings ■ Custom Curtains no-lonoer needed furni­ FREE ESTIMATES Repairs on most anything Specializing in remodeling. Puwerw ashing 27'6" width — 504 Consitnme ' Landscaping Consulting ■Slipcovers ture ond oppllonces back 13" width — 2 for 504 7/0 M otors 1 Phone. Call Bernie, Sr. Fully Insured. ★ 30 Years Experience Into use bv selling them M Ra m L W m u rif Conn. 423-7746 ^★ l^ 646-3172 Fully Insured Call Tom-649-6273 NawKirlnt WKl rotli can b . Routs 68, Coium lita Road. W H nw ntic, Conn. 423-7746 6 45 -1 174 649-2871 CALL 647-8730 646-6815 with o low-cost Closslfled p«ckM) up .1 m . ManchMlw HOURS. Monday thru Thursday 8 AM to 8 PM; Friday 8 AM to 6 PM; W e're H ere To Serve 643-2711. Herskl ONLY betom 11 am Saturday 8 AM to 5 PM, Attor Hours By Appointnwit Monday llyoogh ThwwJay 1 9 9 0 M AA

WANTED TO TO CLEAN artificial flow­ I I q ^ cars I CARS ITRUCKS/VANS I WANTED TO ers, place them heads m TAG SALE IBUY/TRADE FOR SALE FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE IBUY/TRADE TAG SALE TAG SALE TAG SALE TAG SALE TAG SALE down In a paper bog. add Y W ANTED: bedroom set, salt and shake well. To ESTATE SALE-760 East DODGE - 19867 m 5o T 318 FORD-1984 Van. E150. W© buy clean, late model MANCHESTER-2 family TAG SALE-50 Crosby ANNUAL FLEA clean out storage areas In St., Andover. 5 piece dining room set, CID, automatic, bed Carpeted, Cargo Von, MOVING-MIsc. Items. dressers, & m isc. furni­ tag sale> June 2, 9AM. Rd..9-3. M ay 27. Water- MARKET-June2. Man­ NEW COVENTRY your home or garage, Marble topped bed­ liner, tool box, 50K, Schaller's A/T, 6 cylinder. Excel­ used cars rr.d trucks. Top bed. 35mm camera. chester Grange. 205 01- Prolector, pool table, room set. Mahogany ture. 524-8824. $5500. 742-8669.______lent condition and very prices paid. Rain date June 3.32 &41 freezer, picture place an ad In classified Quality PreOwned Autoe Keeney Street. Moth­ mIsc.______cott St. Rain Date June FLEA MARKET table with 4 chairs, reliable. $3,300. Coll Hr. DuH • Carter ChevroM frames, bar. May 26 8. telling our readers what MUST SELLI 1984, Jeep Value Priced ers treasures galore. 9. 649-9294 or 528-8015. round Oak table with Dove 646-2789, days or 1229 Main Street TAG SALE-Saturday. EVERY SUNDAY 27, 114 East Eldridge you have tor sale. I CARS Cherokee. Great condi­ 1990 ACURA LEGEND L SEDAN Mencheeter, CT Many frames, books. & M a y 26. 9-4. 39 Lyndale GIANT Used Clothing choirs, other odd furni­ tion, loaded, make 644-4504 evenings. St., 9-5. ture, Oriental rugs, oil FOR SALE $22,900 household Items. St. Manchester. Reaso­ And Tag Sale! Satur­ 12-6PM I otter. 645-0718. 19MMAZDAMXIOT G M C 1979 Von, 350 motor. day. M a y 26. 8-5. 238 paintings, 7 sleep sofas, Some damage to pas­ MANCHESTER-48 Buck- nable prices. Every- I CARS BUICK REGAL, 1984. Ex­ $10,900 thlng must go!______Mountain Rd.. Man- 1220 MAIN STREET I CARS glassware, collecti­ s e n g e r side sliding Ingham. Saturday. 9-3. FOR SALE bles, and many other cellent condition. 1981 SUBARU DL WAGON G irl's clothing (1-6). MOVING-FurnIture. on- chester. Rain. May 26. FOR SALE CARDINAL White-blue landau. Au­ door. $1500 or best (ROUTE 31) Items of Interest. Fri­ $7400 offer. 644-2362. toys, pictures, misc. tlques. collectibles, MANCHESTER-81 White day, M ay 25 and Satur­ tomatic, loaded, low 19U FORD MUSTANG LX household Items, many household Items. St.. Sunday & Monday. FOR INFORMATION: BUICK, INC. milage, 1 owner. Must day, May 26, 10am- 1989 BuIckLaSabre Wag S O L D $S9K)0 weight bench and Saturday and Sunday. 27 & 28.10-4. Furniture, Call 4pm. (Bolton exit off see. $4,950. 649-6482. 1989 Buick Regal Coupa $10,980 1988 PONTIAC 6000 STE weights. Rain date 9:30-4. 56 S. Hawthorne household Items, 384 E., follow 85 S., left BLUE TEMPO-1987. Air PRIVATE PARTY books. 8< collectibles. 1988 Chevy Cavalier $6,900 $ S3 0 0 Sunday. St.. M anchester. The Golden Acorn on Daly Rd. to East St., conditioning, 50K. 1981 HYUNDAI EXCEL QL 198898 8 ^ Brougham $13,490 742-0116 228-3345 next to Hurst Farm .) Good condition. Runs $2700 Merchandise Ads I CARS 1988 Chevy Z-24 Cavalier $8,980 well. $4,900. Call 643- 1987 0108 CALAIS SEDAN I CARS CARS 1988 Pontiac Sunbird Coupe $7,695 9382. FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE MANCHESTER-61 Union $ 5 ^ St., Saturday 8< Sun­ MANCHESTER 1987 Buick LeSabra S O L O CADILLAC-1979 Coupe 1988VWQO(JF day, 8-5. Furniture and 1987 Buick Pari( Are $11,490 DeVllle. New point, $4700 Misc. Items. 254 Broad Street 1007 Buck SomerselCpa $7,400 clean, runs great. M ust 1985 CAOULAC SEDAN DEVUX sel I. $3,200 or best offer. (naxttoWendys) 1987 Chevrolet Caprice $7/495 $8900 635-7391. TAG 8. CRAFT SALE- T A G S A L E ! 1986 Mitsubishi Pickup $3j99S 1987 HYUNDAI EXCEL QLS PER Saturday June 2. Rain HONDA-1980 Accord. 4 MONDAY -RJLLYWARRANTEED ★ Tubs 1986 Buick SkyhawkCpe $5,980 $3900 Date June 3. S3 Oxford door, equipped for han­ 1984NBSANSENTRASE DAY St., M onchester, 9-3. ★ ToMi 1986 Buick Century Wagon S O L D dicapped driver. Very M L Y RECONDmONED ★ SM V M ta 1986 Pontiac Grand Prix $7,980 $5900 MEMORIAL good condition. All op­ 1984 HONDA ACCORD U ★ Fauosb 1985 Cadillac Sedan DeVia $9480 tions. $1,350 firm . Coll ★ Milum um 4 Lines — 7 Days OPEN T A G SALE-211 Oak St., ★ MadUneCaUrNk $4995 o Saturday, M a y 26,10-3. •INSPECTED 'mROUGHOin'l 1065 Pontiac Bonneville SOLD 633-0818 otter 6pm. ★ Additioiul Lines $50 Per Line, Per Day DAY AKIchanCablnefe 1985 TOYOTA MRZ 3 J - n A little of everything. ★ Ugldng 81 Adams Street DODGE-1986 Caravan. 7 $ S90 0 ★ Classifications 71 thru 87 passenger, olr, wood ★ Gum M anchester 1987 HONDA CWIC SEDAN ★ Merchandise Under $99 2 F ★ CDUrtwTcps trim. $6500 or best 649-4571 offer. 649-2013. $7400 ★ Ad must contain price! For our huge Memorial Day Sale I CARS DEMOS ★ TubtShowerWah 1985 OLDS CIERA BROUGHAM 5 i ^ ★ TubDoos VOLKSWAGON Jetta FOR SALE 90 CHEV CORSICA LT 4i>.v«AtoMLuwM $5400 — m 512.895 andklscBlanaoui DODGE-1980 Omni. 1985, 4 door, white, olr, 1987 HONDA ACCORD Ua SEO 90 CHEV CAVAUER Z24 CPE O o 513.895 Alling(X)doondifcn& Needs som e work. $850. 5 speed, great condi­ $9900 CALL CLASSIFIED 90 CHEV LUMINA EURO 514,095 Please coll Keith at tion. $4800. 646-6388. OUTTOBECOME inexpensive 90 CHEV CAPRICE CLASSIC 516,495 649-1513 anytim e. STATION WAGON-1985 SCHALLER ACURA 2 CD MANCHESTER'S 90 CHEVS10 BLAZER 4X4 v«rMo,Ac.u»u 517,695 SaL,May26,9anvNoon VW SUPER BEETLE- Chevrolet Cavalier. 345 Center street 643-2711 H • < HERITAGE KITCHEN 1973. Very clean, some Excellent condition. M anchester m . IMPORTS rust repair. Alwovs SOK mileage. Asking 6 4 7 - 7 0 7 7 #1 &BATH garaged. $650. 647-9529. $4,200. Coll 643-6669 or NOW! 85 MAZDA 626 LX TOURNING 4C)L53p,M; 56,495 NOTICE DEALER 89 NISSAN SEfTTRAE 4Dl,4C)l.M) 57,795 elderly atxf rfisabled on behalf of foe Grantee and PUBLIC HEARING deliver K to foe Oiekict in substantialy the form On 1982Ca(aacBdQado $5995 89HOYOTACORaUDX 40r,4Cyl.M«AC 59,195 BOARD OF DIRECTORS submitted to this meetirtg, to execute and deliver all r “ 3 D TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT ^onaay 1982Firebinl $ 3 89 5 clher documents arxl ormibitB necessary to oomplele O O DOMESTICS Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors, Town of Manchester. ConnecbcuL wil hold a and implement said Contract arxl to take any other action 1989 1983 Toyota C o n la S R S $ 3 49 5 Q ~ n 85 RENAULT ENCORE ‘LS’ 4p .4o i.a« ax; 52.995 Public Hearing at the Lincoln Center Hearing Room, 494 Main Street, Manchester, Connecticut, necessary to complele arxl implement said (5onkact 1966 UncQln Town Car $ 9 89 5 87 CHEV NOVA 4Dr.4Cd.5»d.M: 53.995 on Tuesday, June 5, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. to consider and act on the following; * g. Additional Af^ropriation to Ftofice Department — m r n 1985 Portiac Fere $2995 83 CHEV CAPRICE CLASSIC 53.995 * a. Appropriation to General Fund — TRANSFER Special Services...... $275,000.00 1985 Ford Escort $1 99 5 85 BUICKSKYHAVYK 20..4C«i.rke> 53.995 to Capital Improvement Flesen/e — to be finaiKed by additional toes received. 0 ) Town A id ...... $332,338.00 1986200SX $5895 86 CHEV CAVAUER C S 2i>.4Ct./u.M: 54.595 * h. Additional Appropriation to Special Taxing and allocated as follows: District — F>arking Authority...... $700.00 1986 Chevy S-10 Blazer 4x4 $ 9 39 5 87 FORD ESCORT GL 2Dr.4c«i.ik«M: 54.995 Improved Fioads...... $331,593 00 O O 86 CHEV CAVAUER STA WG 4c i.auw,m; 54.995 for foe purpose of hiring e temporary 1986 Lincoln Town Car Unimproved Roads...... $745.00 parking area maintenarx^ worker to be financed m z Model 85BUICKREGALCPEy«ve.Ac to be financed by a State Grant 1966 Mercury Cougar 55.595 from Special Taxing Fund District Balarxie. 84 CHEV CAPRICE CLASSIC 55.595 a > 1986 Mazda RX-7 * b. Appropriation to Special Grants — Fund 61 — i. Appropriation to the Capital Accounts ol foe 87 PLYMOUTH RELIANT LE 4(>,4Cyt./Ui;AC 55.995 Existing Account #908 — CADAC ...... - ...... 5 1 ,000.00 > 1“ 1966 Ford Thundeitird Gerwal Futxf to authorize purchase ol General 88 CHEV SPECTRUM IVB ;[>.4C4.m ^m ; 56.495 to be financed by donation already received Furxl portion of Financial mnagement ^ftware JO CO 1966 Honda Accoid DO $8995 86 CHRYS LEBARON CONV. 4cy./k«.M: 56.995 from the Savings Bank of Manchester for and authorization for foe GenerM M a rra ^ to 1966 Mazda B2200SE6P-UP $395 89 NISSAN SENTRA'E* 4p.4Cyt.rWti 57,750 substance abuse concerns. enter into a lease-purchase agreement (or the 3 3 > * c. An OdinarKS authorizing the purchase of the finarxxng foereof...... $125,000GO 1967F1egancy9e $101495 86 CHEV CAPRICE CLASSIC 4P.vArk«Ac 57,795 > folfowirrg promisee from tire following owners and to make following aXocations to co m p ly Clearance 87 PONT GRAND PRIX CPE ve.rwt«AC ' “D 1967 Hyundai Excel $3495 57.495 for the MIowing amounts: finarxxrrg ol foe Financial Msnagement 87 BUICK CENTURY LTD T-TYPE M,rw»i« 1967 Mazda B2200 Pickup $3995 57.995 Property Address Owner Amount 87 CHEV MONTE CARLO CPE v«rw.»Ac 1967BMW3251S $18,995 57.995 954 Tolland Tpka. Anthony 4 Amelia Dzen $2,500 AllKatfon In Whtor Resenre Fund 22 87 BUICK REGAL CPE vdrv«rtc 58,695 960 Tolland Tpko. Anthony 4 Amelta Dzen $3,350 Attocation in Sewer Reserve Fund F I’522 22 1987 Meicuty Topaz LS $4995 21 Brand new 1989 Models 88 CHEV B E R E H A CPE v«.rwty/w; 59,095 900 Tolland Tpke. Patrick S. O Briant $1,675 Altocation in Fke Reserve Fund * ' ® ' ^ 22 1987 Metcuiy Sable G S $7895 87 CHEV CAPRICE CLASSIC 4P.ve,rt«AC 59,195 262 Union St Michael P. 4 Gail S. Callahan $1,850 Allocation in Sanitation Resenre Fund $15.500.00 1987 Mereuy Cougar LSCpe $8995 87 CHEV CAPRICE CLASSIC 4P.v«rwwr4C 59.495 472 Tolland Tpke. Roger A. 4 Bonnie Wasson $2.^ TotM purchase price of Financial Management System AT SACRIFICE PRICES BOO Tolland Tpke. Hermm S. 4 Kathleen M. Helm $2,200 is $219,500.00 1967 Ford Tempo $ 3 99 5 87 CAPRICE CLASSIC BROUGHAM va/u > 59.995 90 CHEV CORSICA LT 4P.4Cyi.rwtyrtc All the aforesaid purchases are for the wrpoeo of * I. Appropriation to Special Grants — Fund 61 — ..-ynr, 1987 Ford Teuui $6995 59.995 Phooe-A-Rlde Bus lor 1900«1...... $96,447.00 Make an Offer I 89 OLDS CUTLASS G ERA 4p.VArwtyrvc highway improvements to be made to Tolland Turnpike. • O 1988 Mazda 323 S E $4995 510,495 (A copy of the proposed ordinartoe may be seen in the to be Inanoed by $41,899.00 sppropriMion 1988 Ford Escort $4895 Town Clerk's Office during businees hours.) abaedy providad from Oensral Furxl arxl TRUCKS $54,548.00 from Federal Grant 1968 J ^ X J 6 Sedan $ 2 9 ^ * d. Adoption o( Proposed Schedule of Ratee. Chargee end Fees. 88 DODGE DAKOTA PICKUP 4cy.5!k» 2 . 6 ^ TO 4t-496TO3 — Chapter 1 — NeglocSed and DeSnqoent...... $2,422 TO 1986 Mercury Sable G s W ^ $11,995 1. Stale DOT Grant received $25,000 T O ...... ^ Bring In Your Title And Be to tw Inanoad by a Stats Grant 1986 Lincoln Town Car $19,995 2. Various contributions, receipt Ready To Trade - We Are! All public meatings of lha Town of Manchsstsr ara held at tocations w hi^ are a o c e « ^ to 1986FlonliacGandPrRLE $11,995 ol which is hereby aooepM $5,150 3. E x c e ss rem aining firom R e se rve haridcapped dllzens. In addtion, hwidte^jped indMduals requiring auxtitary aid « order to 1669 Mercury Grand Marquis $15,995 Fond alocation of 346/90 for purchase of tour phone^e-nde tiieir participation at inaatinQS should contact tha Town at 647-3123 one week prior to MANY (3TNERS NOT U SnO vehicles $2,400 foe scheduied meeting so foal appropriate arrangements can be made 4. Transfer of existing Fund 61 Ronald Oseila, E3 CARTER S to Shared VMn Prayect funds 5^ Secretary MORANDE $33,000 Board of Directors 'He M o t o r s L B « » L N MERCURY MAZDA 1 and autiorization tor 8ie General Manager, Richard J. Dated at Manchester, Connecticut _ Route 68,OA Cotumbia r*nkmhlit Road,R o m I. WHHmantic,WHHmantic. Conn. 423-7748 (lormerK Moriarly Bros.) CHEVROLET/GEO Sartor, to eseculs Conkact wHh tw Greater Hartford fois 24fo day of May 1990. ^ H O U RS' Monday thru Thursday 8 AM tfc 8 PM; Friday 8 AM to 6 PM; 3016wder Street 1229 Main Street, Manchester Exit 3 /1-364 Traneit Disktetto acquire such vehicle tor foa usa Mencheeter Saturday 8 AM to 5 PM; Atter Hours By Appointment. 646-6464 Hours: Mon-Thurs 9-8 • Frl 9-6 • Sal 9-5 069-06 643-5135 1 9 9 0 5

Llrt i&r,' SPORTS______Fittipaldi out to defy odds at the Indy 500

By Mike Harris We ^memSer The Associated Press

DTDIANAPOLIS — History at the Indianapolis 500 can be as daunting as it is rich, and Emerson Fittipaldi is trying to defy it. Only four men have won two straight at the In­ dianapolis Motor Speedway in the 73 years the 500-milc race has been nm. The last to do it was A1 Unscr in M 1970-71. On Sunday, Fittipaldi will attempt to add his name to those o f Unser, Bill Vukovich (1953-54), Mauri Rose Their Memory (1947-48), and Wilbur Shaw (1939-40). “First, you have to win the race,” he said with a smile. i “I have done that. Now, I have the opportunity to do this, and I think 20 years is long enough for any record. It is s/ I time for it to happen again.” Bobby Rahal, who won here in 1986 and finished 26th Lives On the next year, knows that it’s difficult to repeat at any IN MEMORIAM track, particularly here. IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM “Five hundred miles is a long way to go. Repeats are John F. and Rose E. Lovett In loving memory of my wife Eva In sad and loving memory of Robin In sad and loving memory of Oliver f/' exceptions, unique. The length here further complicates Sadly Missed By, Aronson. Rita Ross-Tayler who p ass^ away on Jarvis, who pass^ away on Novem­ the ability to repeat,” he said. “This place, just when you Children, Grandchildren Love, April 17,1990. ber 16,1989. think you’ve got it covered, you don’t have it covered.” Your Husband, Allan and Great Grandchildren Ifbu brought joy to all who Sadly Missed, won Indy in 1985 and was ninth in knew you. By Sister 1986. Always Remembered, Asked why it is so hard to repeat here, Sullivan said, In Memoriam Parents, Grandparents, Brothers, In Memoriam Sisters, Husband, and Children “That’s a question that’s been asked in the NBA, the Always Remembered, NHL, everything. Why is it so hard to repeat? I really John Crie Sr. In loving menrtory of our In Memoriam don’t know.” Ruth Cooley Crie son and brother In Memoriam Fittipaldi, Rahal and Sullivan are among eight former Th* A*tocial«d Press John Crie Jr. Roger Henry Rydlewicz In sad and loving memory of Eva and champions in this year’s 33-car lineup. The others are John Kennedy. In sad and loving memory of John W. TRACK TALK — Defending Indy 500 champ Emerson Fittipaldi, left, and Al Unser Jr. Sadly Missed, July 16,1946-May 26,1949 Calderone, who passed away on June four-time winners Unser and A.J. FoyL three-time winner share a laugh after Thursday’s practice at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Fittipaldi will Family Sadly Missed, 19,1989. Rick Mears and Mario Andretti and Tom Sneva, each Not just today, but every day. By their family start Sunday’s race from the pole position while Unser will start from the inside of the third Our thoughts turn back to you Dad, I miss the talks with one victory. IN MEMORIAM Some little thing in a special way The political arguments Andretti has been trying to get his second Indy victory row. since 1969. He has a pair o f second-place finishes at Indy ' In loving memory of Ernest DeCloccio Like you used to say and do. Watching movies with you In Memoriam Al Jr., who has yet to get to the end of the race in ^Jr., who passed away on April 17, It says time heals all sorrow The friendship and love and has become noted for his hard luck here. always ask ‘Is this your year at Indy? Arc you going to In loving memory of my husband 1% 1. and helps you to forget. That we had. “It’s has become more difficult (to win),” he said. “So win here?’ Now they ask, ‘Can you win again?’ That’s seven starts, plays down the need to win here. Always smiling, happy and content. And so far time has only proved Robert E Arnold who passed away I love you much time has lapsed in between and so many real op­ different. It’s like n i^ t and day.” “I used to think I wanted to win Indy more than any­ Loved and respected wherever how much we miss you yet. on May 28,1988. May God bless your souL portunities have gone by. I would think victory today One driver who hasn’t won here, Al Unser Jr., is ob­ thing else," said last year’s second-place finisher. “Now And God gave us strength to fight he went. Margory Love, would mean a lot more to me than it did then because at- viously more concerned with winning the race the first all 1 want to do is race Indy every year. That’s what I live and courage to bear the blow Years will not darken or ^fourSon time Fittipaldi’s chance for a second straight victory. for; to race here." And what it meant to lose you. that time I felt like I was gonna win a dozen of these shadows dim. Richard Calderone. things.” In fact, it was the younger Unser who Fittipaldi But the need to carry on the tradition of the Unscr The beautiful memories we No one will ever know. Rahal says even one victory here makes all the dif­ bumped aside less than two laps from the end of last family — his father’s four victories and now-retired have of him. Loving memories. In Memoriam uncle Bobby’s three — bums bright. Love, Mommy, Daddy, sister Joyce, ference in the world to a driver. May’s race — sending him careening into the wall — on “From dad, I got his smoothness," the 28-year-old Mother, brothers & sisters brother Alan In loving nvemory of our nephew, “When you win, you know the flavor and you want to the way to the win. son, brother, and cousin, Richard said. “He’s the smoothest race driver in the world. ... / taste it again,” Rahal said. “When you win this race, the “He naturally has to feel pressure as close as he came 'Danny' Stence, who passed away on In Memoriam monkey’s off your back. last year," Rahal said. “You say your time will come, but Uncle Bobby is more of a mechanical mind and con- March 31,1989. In sad and loving memory of “I’ve won a lot o f races, come from behind, but they you don’t know that it will.” cenuated on the working of the car and every detail. IN MEMORIAM In Memoriam \bu are gone, Gertrude Mortensen, who passed In sad and loving memory of Earl F. but not forgotten away on June 15,1989. In sad and loving memory of EXxig Moore, who pass^ away on May 19, Sadly Missed, Beloved mother A grandmother Wentworth, who passed away on 1986. The Wemmell's and Gone but not forgotten Bulls face must-win situation against Pistons November 14,1984. ybu are still beside us TheStenoes Sadly Missed, Doug, I really miss you will end. If not, it continues at the Palace both games with 27 points and 31 points. in all we do, Husband, Children after the Bulls’ practice session Friday. John Salley has b e ^ the first off the Your memories will guide us Ybur Sister Jean and Grattdchildren By Joe Mooshil “There’s no doubt about iL there’s no Wednesday night. and see us through IN MEMORIAM The Associated Press tomorrow. Tomorrow is fishing, or out on “I’d like to get it over in as few games bench and has conuibuted heavily to Life must go on, the golf course. as possible," said Detroit coach Chuck Detroit’s success. we know it's true. In sad and loving memory of Ernest — The hobbling Chicago “(But) the conuoversy only is in the Daly. “But we need to win at least one of “When you get somebody down, you But it's not the same DeQocdo Sr., who passed away on IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM Bulls face a must-win game, and the rev­ media," Jackson said. “It’s not among these two games which would really set have to keep them down," said Salley. “I siitce we lost you. April 19,1982. In lovirtg ntemory of Jantes H. Sarles In remembranoe of Lawrence A. Jar­ It doesn't take a special day. ving Detroit Pistons hope to put the NBA ourselves." us up." think it will be a tough game Saturday. I Sadly Missed, Sr., who passed away on April 3, vis, who passed away on Novciitber To bring you to our minds Eastern Conference title out of reach Jordan has hip and wrist injuries and Daly said as far as he is concerned, the think they’ll step it up." Wife, Daughter and Son-in-law, 1984. The days we do not think of you when the rivals continue their best-of-7 John Paxson has an ankle injury, but scries starts Saturday. He also expects to Son and Daughter-in-law and 3,1963. May his soul rest in peace. Always remembered Are very hard to find. Sadly Missed, scries at Chicago Stadium today. coach Phil Jackson said both arc im­ the Bulls to use Jordan’s actions to their Jackson is looking for some changes in Grandchildren, Brothers Love, by Wife and Children by Wife, Chlidtm The Pistons enter the game with a 2-0 proved. They should be ready for Satur­ advantage. the attack and hinted the Pistons arc using aivd Sisters Ybur Loving Wife and Children and Grandchildren lead built on their home floor in Auburn day's nationally-televised cncounU:r. “H e’s their emotional and physical illegal defenses. Hills, Mich. “I’m feeling good and Michael is all leader, and they’ll play better bemuse of “It’s almost impossible to dribble and All eyes Saturday will be on Michael righL” Paxson said. “We had two great what he said and did," Daly said. “This drive against the Pistons," said Jackson. Jordan, the always pleasant and ever- practices. I can’t speak for Michael but he could be the best game of the scries, and “Their legal or illegal defenses will not Memorial Day 1990 available superstar who has been in a snit was talking it up in practice today and if we’re expecting an emotional game from allow you to do that. It is up to us to go to since TXiesday night’s embarrassing he doesn’t want to speak with the media, them." other options." Daly said Detroit’s bench has played 102-93 loss at the ftdacc. At halftime, it’s his business. Jackson also is concerned about Jordan chided his teammates and told “This whole thing is being blown out especially well in this scries. “But a number of our starters can play Dumars’ production. them they would have to play harder. of proportion. All I know is, we’ll be “We can’t let him get easy baskets," Then, out of character, Jordan has made ready on Saturday afternoon." better offensively and defensively and I said Jackson. “We can live with his 18- himself unavailable to the media. The scries will continue with anoher think they will," he added. to-20-point average but we don't want “To get the team going, we need emo­ televised holiday matinee Monday, and if Joe Dumars is not among his concerns. him putting 30 poinu on the board." tion, not anger," said cnach Phil Jackson the Pistons win both games, the scries Dumars has led the Pistons in scoring in Little League SCOREBOARD In Brief . . . SCOREBOARD AMERICAN — American Legion remained unbeaten with a 7-2 win over Army and Navy Friday night at Wad­ E— LJohnson, Ventura. DP— Chicago 1, East players are honored Coming Classic scores D etroit Z LOD-^hicago 8, Detroit 6. 2B— Wil­ Phillies 5, Braves 4 dell Field. Mike Bergenty and Rich Griffeth had three East Catholic High baseball team placed two players CORNING. N.Y. (AP) — Scores Friday after liams. SB— Phillips (9). S— Ftomsro. PHILA Golf hits apiece with the latter drilling two triples for Legion, Baseball IP H RER BB SO Basketball the second n>und of the LPGA's $350,000 a b r h b l a b r h b l on the all-All Connecticut Conference first team and Coming Claisic played on the 6,006-yard, now 7-0. Bob Zimmerman and Scott Cochran added two C hica g o G a n tc f 5 0 2 1 D y k s tra d 3 1 1 0 Hibbard L.3-3 8 5 2 0 3 another two on the second team, it was announced. par-35-36— 71 Corning CXiuntry Club course: Lem ke2b 5 0 0 0 Ready 2b 4 0 1 0 Alice Ritzman - hits apiece. Cochran pitched well. Dave Eastwood American League standings D e tro it Senior catcher Jim Penders and sophomore shortstop Atlanta Classic scores 68 68— 136 LoSmith If 4 0 1 0 VHayes rf 2 1 0 0 NBA playoff glance Jane (leddea - P etty 6 2116 MARIETTA, (U . (AP) — Scorae Friday after 70 68— 138 pitched well, Shawn Hayes and Jeremy Laviene hit well East Division Presley 3b 3 1 1 1 Jordan 1b 4 0 1 0 Robby Penders received first team honors while senior CONFERENCE HNAL8 Sherri Turner 7137— 138 w L P et. GB GibsonW.1-1 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 1 K ru k lf the second round of the $1 miliion Adania (>olf and Matt Dennis played well defensively for A&N, 3-4. Murphy rf 4 1 0 0 second baseman Martin Fiori and senior outfielder Joe Trish Johnson 68- 70-138 — Henneman S,11 2 1 0 0 1 Clataic played on the 7,018-yard, par-72 Attan- Milwaukee 22 16 .579 Justice 1b 3 0 2 0 C H ayes 3b 3 2 2 3 EASTERN CONFERENCE Kris Monaghan 69- 70— 139 NATIONAL FARM — The Lawyers blanked Boland Petty pitched to 2 batters in the 7th. Bums earned second team mention. t i (Xxjntty (Xub course: Bos Ian 21 19 .525 2 Thom as ss 3 0 0 0 Thon ss 4 0 1 0 C hica g o vm. DotroH FYit Bradley 69- 70— 139 3 HBP— Phillips by Hibbard. W P-Petry. Larry Mi zs 66-€»— 135 Brothers, 7-0, behind the two-hit shutout pitching of C leveland 20 20 .500 OMcDII ph 1 0 0 0 L a ka c 1 0 0 0 Sunday, May 20 Rotis Jones 72-68— 140 3'I2 Umpires— Home, Scott; First. Hirscbeck; Howard Twitty 6838— 136 Toronto 21 22 .488 O lson c 3 1 1 1 H err ph 1 0 1 1 Dattoit 86, Chicago 77 Dawn Coa 72- 68— 140 Jeremy Bull. Bull struck out 15. Kyle Wolff had a three- Second. McCoy; Third. Clark. Mize leads Atlanta Classic N ic k f^ io e 68- 69— 137 D etroit 20 24 .456 5 Tredwy ph 1 1 0 0 Daulton c 1 0 0 0 Psity Sheehan 71- 69— 140 T— 3:00. A— 13.852. TU tidiy, Itey 22 Keith aeamvatar 7038— 138 run homer and Jason D ’Amico hit well for the winners N e w 'ib rk 16 22 .421 6 G lavine p 1 0 0 0 C ook p 1 0 1 0 MARIETTA, Ga. (AP) — Former Masters champion Dottolt 102, Chicago 93, Dattoit loads sorios Meg Mallon 7070— 140 24 .415 6chian 89- 72— 141 Milwauksa at California (n) Los Angeles 22 20 .524 8 since winning the Greater Hartford Open 10 years ago. WKfnasday, May 23 O k-H eeK u 73- 71— 144 Hesketh L.1-1 2 Bobby (Xampett 7437— 141 played well defensively for Carter’s. Cleveland at Oakland (n) San Diego 20 21 .488 9 '/a Philadelphia South African Nick Price, who tied for second last Poriland 108, Phoanix 107, Portland leads Robin Hood 69- 75— 144 Bitty Mayfair 72-69— 141 Toronto at Seattle (n) San FrarKisco 16 25 .390 131/2 Cook 5 2 -3 senes 2 3 L y m Adams 74- 70— 144 Epstein Realty toppled A1 Sieffert’s, 21-0. Robbie week in the Colonial, was alone in third place with a 69 John Inriian 69- 72— 141 Saturday's Games Atlanta 15 24 .385 13'/2 Akerfelds 1 1-3 Friday, Hay 28 Cindy Rarick 71- 73— 144 Stan Uttay 70- 71— 141 Allen, Andy Broneill and Danny Hauserman played well Chicago (Kutzler 2^0) at Detroit (J.Robinson Houston 15 25 .375 14 Parrott W.2-2 for 137. Portand at Phoenix, (n) Barb Bunkowsky 73- 71— 144 1 JayDonBlaka 69- 72-141 4- 3). 1:15 p.m. Friday's Gamas RMcOwll S.12 Sundiy, May 27 Aliaon Finnsy 7 5 3 9 -1 4 4 for Epstein’s while A1 Burgess, Matt Cafarella and Mike 1 Rocco Uadata 89- 72— 141 Cleveiartd (\Mldaz 1-0) at Oakland (Wfelch Lata GaiTM Not Includad Fforiland al Phoanix, 330 p.m. Ptrmy Hanmai 72- 72— 144 Kerfeld pitched to 2 betters in the 7th. Ritzman tops Corning Classic Tom K ite 72-69— 141 Egidi were best for Sieffert’s. 5- 2), 4:05 p.m. Houston at Chicago, ppd., rain lUaaday, Hay 29 Kim Shipman 73- 71— 144 HBP— l^ke by Glavine, VHayes by Hesketh. Scott Varplenk 70- 71— 141 New Mjrk (Hawkins 1-3) at Kansas City (West Cincinnati 5, Montreal 0 Phoenix at Poriland. 9 p.m., if necaaaary Judy Dickinaon 6676— 144 B&J Auto outlasted Dickenson Plumbing, 12-8. Geof­ B K -C o o k . CORNING, N.Y. (AP) — Alice Ritzman, winless in Tommy Moore 68- 73— 141 2-3), 805 p.m. San Diego 5. Now 'ibrk 4 Thursday, May 31 Dottis Modvis 74- 71— 146 Umpires— Homs. Winters; FirsL Davis; 12 years on the LPGA tour, birdied five holes Friday to Andrew Magee 72- 70— 142 frey St. Peter and Tom Parker hit well while Lauren Be- Boston (Boddicker 6-3) at Minnesota (Guthrie Philadelphia 5, Atlanta 4 Porland at Phoenix. 9 pim.. If neceeeory UaaWaltort 68- 77— 145 Secorxl, Runge; Third, Layne. Stave Jonac 72- 70— 142 1-0), 805 p.m. Los Angeles 4, SL Louis 1 take a two-shot lead after the second round of the Com­ Saturday, Juna 2 or Cathy Garring 72- 73— 146 hrman played well defensively for B&J. Garrett Owens, T— 3:04. A— 22162. Nolan Henke 70- 72— 142 Baltimore (Milacki 1-3) at Texas (Bohanon San Frarvtisco at Pittsburgh (n) Sunday, Juna 3 Janet Anderson 75- 70— 145 Drew Best and Jason Bartlett played well for Dickenson. ing Classic. Jim Hallel 70- 72— 142 0-2), 8:35 p.ra Saturday's Games Phoenix at Porilarxl. 330 pun., if necaaaary Barb Mucha 71- 74— 146 Jim Thorpe 68- 74— 142 Milwaukee (Higuera 4-1) at California Houston (Scott 1-5 and Deshaies 1-2) at Reds 5, Expos 0 Ritzman started the round tied at 3-under 68 with six Karan Daviaa 74- 71— 146 J.C. Snead 72- 70— 142 (Blyleven 2-3), 1005 p.m. Chicago (Boskia 1-0 and Maddux 4-3), 2, 1:05 CINCINNATI MONTREAL Uartra Nausa 72- 73— 145 other players. She shot another 68 to finish at 136 after B obL ohr 72- 70— 142 Toronto (Stottlomyro 4-5) at Seattle (Holman p.m. a b r h b l ab r h bl Mard Bozarih 74- 72— 146 two tours of the 6,(X)6-yard Coming Country Club Grant While 72- 70-142 6- 2), 10:05 p.m. Cincinnati (D.Jackson 0-1) at Montreal 5 0 0 0 DeShIds 2b 4 0 1 0 Carokns Rarce 71- 75— 146 Sabo 3b Radio, TV Michael Alan 7537— 142 In Brief . . . Sunday's Gamas (Z.Smith 2-3), 135 p.m. W inghm ef 5 2 2 2 DMrtnz cf 3 0 0 0 Course. Lori Ffottng 73- 73— 146 Jim Cellar 70- 73-143 Chicago al Detroit, 1:35 p.m. San Diego (Durme 0-0) at Now Kbrk (Fernan­ Larkin ss 4 13 1 Grissmph 10 0 0 “I didn’t feel like I putted the ball as well today as Honrie Black 73- 70— 143 Boston at Minnesota, 2:15 p.m. dez 2-4), 735 pm. EDavis H 3 0 11 Flaines If 4 0 0 0 Today Larry Rinker 73- 70— 143 New Mbrk at Kansas City, 205 p.m. Atlanta (P.Smith 3-3) at Philadelphia (Combs O N eiH rf 5 0 11 Galarrg 1b 4 0 1 0 yesterday,” Ritzman said. “But I hit a lot of fairways and B obT w ey 72- 71— 143 Spain leads the U.S. Baltimore at Texas, 3:05 p.m. 2-4), 7:05 p.m Bnzngr 1b 5 0 0 0 Wallach 3b 3 0 0 0 1230 p.m. — NCAA aroman’s gymnaatlca greens.” Bobby WheUnt 73- 70— 143 Milwaukee at California, 405 pm. & n FrBTKisco (Garrells 1-4) at Pittsburgh O esler 2b 4 0 10 Wbikerrf 3 0 1 0 championthipa, (Xiannal 3 Transactions WittiaWbod 71- 72— 143 MARBELLA, Spain (AP) — Spain took a 2-1 lead Cleveland at Oaklarvt, 405 pm. (Drabek 6-1), 7:05 p.m O kvarc 2 10 0 Goffc 2 0 0 0 Jane Geddes, Sherri "Rimer and Trisha Johnson were 1 p.m. — (^sg a baiabal: Big Tan cham- Chip Beck 69- 74— 143 Toronto at Seattle, 805 p.m Los Angeles (Morgan 5-3) at SL Louis Anrrstm p 2 0 0 0 Fitzgerldc 0 0 0 0 two shots back at 138. "Rimer, the 1988 Coming cham­ pionthip. SportaChannal (tapad) over the United States in the Nation’s Cup Friday as BobVYbIcon 73- 70— 143 (B.Smith 5-3), 8:05 p.m Griffey ph 1110 Foley as 3 0 1 0 2 pm. — Pistons at Butts. ChannsI 3 Arantxa Sanchez Vicario and Conchita Martinez over­ pion, birdied four holes and had no bogeys for the day’s Dan Halldorton 73- 71— 144 B AS E B A LL Sunday's Gamas M yers p 0 0 0 0 DeMrtnz p 10 0 0 3 p.m. — Bowling: Oregon Open, (Xiannel 8 American League results George Bums 74- 70— 144 A m s rtc s n L m u im whelmed Zina Garrison and Lori McNeil in the doubles CirKinnali at Montreal, 1:35 p.m. W Jhnsn ph 10 0 0 low score, a 4-under 67. 4 p.m. — (jolf; LPGA Skins (jama, (Xwinai Dave Barr 72- 72— 144TEXAS RANGERS— Activatsd Slavs San Diego at Now Ifork, 1:35 p.m. Schm idt p 0 0 0 0 30, (taped) 6-1, 6-3. Twins 16, Red SoxO Geddes birdied her last two holes to gain a tie for Bitt Butttiar 69- 75— 144Buschsie. tikd baaamaa from ttia 21-day dia- Atlanta at Philadelphia, 1:35 pm . Hall p 0 0 0 0 430 pm. — Goff: Alania Claialc. (Xiamal 3 Slava Lamontagna 73- 71—ablsd 144 ia t Opiionsd Scott Cootiaugh. third The outcome of the clay court event will be decided BOSTON MINNESOTA San Francisco at Pittsburgh, 135 p.m T o U ls 36 5 9 5 ToUla 29 0 4 0 second in the $350,000 tournament. 4;M pm. — Boxing: Jsfl Fanach va. Juan Lae R x ia r 70- 74—baseman, 144 to (Oklahoma (Xty of tha AmsrKan ab r h b l a b r h b i Los Angelss at SL Louis, 2:15 p.m Lafforta. super tealherweightp Charmal 6 Saturday when Jennifer Capriati of the U.S. team faces C in c in n a ti 000 001 004— 5 7638 — 144 Ataodatton. Boggs 3b 3 0 0 0 G ladden If 3 2 2 0 530 p.m. — (joK: Sarvor P(U(. Ball Adantic Sonny Skinner Houston at Chicago. 2:20 p.m. M o ntre al 000 COO 000— 0 NrII o o aI L t ig t i# Sanchez Vicario in the opening singles and Garrison 1 0 0 0 Mack If 3 2 2 1 R ickF eh r 74- 70-144 ESarrett 3b LOB— Cincinnati 10, Montreal 4. 2B— Galar­ Classic. ESPN MONTREAL EXPOS— Named FYt Daugherty 3 0 0 0 M oses rf 4 3 2 1 Trevino, Hills share lead M arkH eyea 71- 73— 144 plays Martinez. JoReed 2b raga, Winningham, Larkin. 38— Winningham. 7 p.m. — Padrss at Meta, Cha. 0, 20. WFAN rranagar of Jamestown of Iha Nsw Wrk-Pann Bucknr ph 1 0 0 0 P uckett d 3 3 2 3 Ray Stewart 69- 75— 144 SB— Larkin (12). S— DeMartinez, Fitzgerald. MALVERN, I^. (AP) — Lee Trevino and brothers (AM-660) Laagus: Lorenzo Bundy manager of tra Expos Sanchez Vicario and Martinez, who had been piaircd Greenwl If 3 0 2 0 Castillo rf 2 0 1 0 Ctark Dennis 73- 71— 144 K> H RER BB SO 8 p.m. — Red Sox at Tvans, Channal 38, of ttia (julf Coeat Laegus; Ed Creach rranagar just twice previously, took only 50 minutes to finish off Romine If 1 0 0 0 H rbek 1b 3 0 2 2 National League results Mike Hill and Dave Hill shot 3-under-par 67’s on Friday D uffy WWdorf 89- 75— 144 Cincinnati WTIC of (Seta Clly of ttis Plonaar Laagua, and Pierre Brnnsky rf 3 0 0 0 Ckigne d 1 0 0 0 Lanriy Whdkina 72- 72— 144 the more seasoned American pair who are regular Armstrong W.8-1 8 3 0 0 0 7 to share the first-round lead in the Bell Atlantic Classic 8 p.m. — Yhnkaaa at Royals, Oia. 11, 26, Arianault frandi language broadcaalsr. 0 0 0 0 ( ^ t t i 3b 4 2 2 2 Jo d a M u d d 7539— 144 Hoop rf M yers 1 1 0 0 0 1 senior golf tournament at the Chester Valley Golf Club. WPOP CXXLE(2E partners on the women’s tour. Evans dh 3 0 0 0 Harper c 3 1 1 1 Padres, Mets 4 Gene Sauers 73- 71— 144 M o ntre al 10 p.m. — Auto Racing: USAC Midgala. ARKANSAS STATE— Named Gary C ^ p Kutcher rf 0 0 0 0 O tiz c 2 0 1 0 Dave Hill, who won here last year by beating Chi Chi Joel Edvwirds 71- 73— 144 SANOIEGO NEW YORK DeMrtinaz L.3-4 6 5 1 1 3 10 ESPN aaaialani athlattc dractor kx marketing an Pena c 2 0 1 0 Larkin dh 3 1 1 2 Greg Wbltf 73- 71— 144 Rose lawyers get report abrh bl ab r h bl Schm idt 2 3 3 4 4 2 0 Rodriguez in a playoff, had six birdies but mis.sed a 11:30 pm . — Soccer: Boston Bolls va. Otlarv promotiona. Gedman c 1 0 1 0 D wyer dh 2 1 0 1 Barry Jaeckel 7639 — 146 Roberts If 5 110 Jefferis 2b 5 1 1 1 HaK 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 do. SportsChannel (taped) JAMES MAOtSOF— Named Susan LaMoBa CINCINNATI (AP) — Lawyers for Pete Rose Burks cf 3 0 0 0 M anriq 2b 5 1 2 0 chance to take a commanding lead when he bogeyed the Richard Zokol 73- 72— 145 Abner If 0 0 0 0 M iller cf 4 0 1 0 HBP— Armstrong DeMartinez. WP— Midnight — Soccer: MISL playoffs- San head woman's golf ooadv Q uintan 1 b 3 0 0 0 Nawmn ss 4 0 1 1 by 10th, 11th and 12th holes on the 6,406-yard course. Brad Fabei 75- 70— 145 received a pre-scntencing report Friday in his income-tax A lom ar 2b 4 0 0 0 Mussim n p 0 0 0 0 Myers. Diego at Dalles. ESPN (taped) 3 0 0 0 R ivera ss TGwynn rf 3 110 Machado p 0 0 0 0 Umpires— Home, Darling; FirsL Froemming; Trevino, who has won four of eight tournaments in his case, Rose’s spokeswoman said. T o tals X 0 4 0 Totals 42 1619 14 JCarter cf 3 111 O M ally ph 10 0 0 Second, PuHi; Third. Rippley. Sunday 000— 0 first season on the Senior PGA Tour, chippied in from 20 “We have absolutely no comment to make on it,” Bar­ B o sto n O X O X Santiago c 4 12 3 HJhnsn 3b 4 0 1 0 T— 2:36. A— 17,058. 11 am. — Auto Racing: Indianapdia 5(X), X 5 202 31X— 18 M inn esota Pglnjfo 3b 4 0 10 McRvtds If 5 1 1 n feet on the 18th hole for his fifth birdie of the day to grab C harnel 8 bara Pinzka said. 2. Rom ine, C astillo . E— R ivera, Q uintana Stphnsn 1b 4 111 Teufel 1b 3 1 1 0 a share of the lead. He lost a chance to lead alone when 1 p m . — QM-. Aflenia (Xasaic. (Xramal 3 Prosecutors and Rose’s lawyers have 10 days to object DP— Boston 3. Minnesota 1. LOB— Boston 3, L ^ e rts p 0 0 0 0 Magadn 1b 10 0 0 SUPERSOU he had a double bogey (HI the 11th hole. 130 pm. — Padres al Mets, ChannsI 9, to any factual statements in the report before it goes to Minnesota 6. 2B— Moses, Larkin. Puckett. Tm pitn ss 4 0 0 0 Carreon rf 3 1 2 1 Dodgers 4, Cardinals 1 WFAN Gaetti. 38— Puckett. Mack Z SF— Hrbek, New­ 10 0 0 U.S. District Judge S. Arthur Spiegel, said I^t Crowley, Rasmsn p 2 0 10 Boston cf LOSANGELS STLO UtS Mike Hill, who w (h i the G"TE Suncoast Classic in 2 p.m — Rad Sox al Twna, Qra 30, 38, man. G H arris p 1 0 0 0 Elster ss 4 0 1 0 ab r h bl ab r h b i WTIC IP H R ER BB SO 10 10 Hundley c 2 0 0 0 Tampa earlier this year f(H his first victory as a senior, supervising officer in the U.S. probation office here. Jackson cf Ckinzalz cf 4 1 1 0 O jle m an H 4 0 1 0 2:X p.m. — Yankees at Royafo, Cha. 11, 26, coMFomr! B o sto n Rose pleaded guilty before Spiegel in April to filing Sttwbry rf 10 0 1 ShrprsnSb 3 0 0 0 Q S m ith a t 4 0 0 0 was 4-undia' after 13 holes. He fell back into a tic when WPOP HotzelL,1-4 2 2-3 5 7 Cone p 10 0 0 Daniela If 3 0 1 0 M rG e s d 4 1 1 0 3:30 pm. — Trail Blazara at Sunp O am al 3 false federal income-tax returns for 1985 and 1987. He Lam p 11-34 3 he pitched over the green and missed a 6-foot par putt Ri\l Wuig Wtois Fieldar 1b 4 0 1 0 Rasmusen W.4-2 5 7 4 3 0 2 ATLANTA (AP) — A black coaches group told a Pasqua rf 10 0 0 4. 2B— Scioacia. 38— C^rualaz. HR— Samuel 3 pm. — Platons at Butta Channal 3 4 0 1 0 a cixitLKiiovI iUsliK'ii aixi tlx' excKisiw panel of journalists Friday that the media must t ^ e great Lyons 1b 10 0 0 G M v d ll GHarris 21-3 2 0 0 0 0 (3). SB— Coleman (21). S— Magrane. ner Classic on Saturday. . . -i 5 X pm. — Auto Radng: IMSA QTP, Irom 3 0 0 0 Heath c 3 0 1 0 LoHertsS,7 12-3 0 0 0 1 1 S u iv iS o k '" F is k c IP H R ER BB SO Instead of being held

BOSTON — Edmonton showed the Boston Bruins NEW YORK (AP) — Benito Santiago hit a thrcc-run what they need — more speed, scorers and shoving — to homer in the first irming off struggling David Cone and get what they want. The Stanley Cup. the San Diego Padres held on to beat the New York Mets The Bruins spent the season trying to tone down their 5-4 Friday night despite committing four errors. trademark physical style and stress their skating skills, Bip Roberts led off the game against Cone (1-3) with a but they were caught in between. They were neither fast enough nor tough enough. walk and stole second. Tony Gwynn walked one out later and Santiago followed with his sixth homer, a drive into They couldn’t hit what they couldn’t catch. the left-field bleachers. Cone has allowed 11 first-inning So the Oilers dominated the live-game NHL finals that runs in seven starts. ended with Thursday night’s 4-1 win, their third of the The Mets came right back against Dennis Rasmussen series in Boston. (4-2) when Gregg Jefferies led off the bottom of the first “They were overwhelming us,” Bruins center Craig with his sixth homer. Janney said. “Their forwards were blazing and their Utilityman Phil Stephenson, batting .2(X), restored the defense just stood us up really well the whole series. Padres’ thrcc-run lead when he led off the second with That’s why they’re the champs.” his second homer of the season. The Bruins never scored more than two goals in any of With two out in the third, Joe Carter hit his sixth the games. Their total of eight was just one more than The Associated Press Edmonton got in a 7-2 victory in Game 2. homer and the seventh allowed by Cone this season. Cone allowed five hits and five runs in four innings. In Their top four goal scorers in the regular season — GRAZIANO FUNERAL — Pallbears carry the body of former middleweight boxer Rocky 40 innings, he has allowed 44 hits and 31 runs. Cam Neely with 55, Bob Carpenter with 25, Jaimey with Graziano into St. Patrick’s cathedral followed by his wife, Norma Graziano, far right, and an 24 and Bob Sweeney with 22 — were shut out When the Kevin McRcynolds reached on shortstop Garry big guns fire blanks, scoring must come frwn other for­ unidentified man at funeral services Friday. Templeton’s throwing error leading off the fourth, moved wards. to third on Tim Teufel’s single and scored on a wild Edmonton got that especially in the first two games pitch. Mark Carreon followed with an opposite-field RBI before the main line of Craig Simpson, Mark Messier double to right to make it 5-3. Friends say goodbye to ‘The Rock’ Carreon led off the sixth with a double and moved to and Glenn Anderson got untracked. Boston never did. “We just didn’t get any offense going right from the third on Kevin Elster’s single to chase Rasmussen. By Ed Schuyler Jr. 1950s and who was good enough to was the Rock’s show. start, starting from myself,” Neely said. “I was aiming Pinch-hitter Darryl Strawberry then hit a sacrifice fly to The Associated Press once beat Joey Giardello, who went Jake LaMotta, the Bronx Bull center off reliever Greg Harris to move the Mets within a the puck early, then decided to shoot the puck toward the on to win the middleweight title. when he was the middleweight run. net more and see what happens. It was working for me Graziano was much more, champion, the Raging Bull as NEW YORK — People glanced Rasmussen allowed seven hits and four runs in five- The Associated Press all year, but not in this series.” however, than a hero to Szuzina. at them, not because of their movie-made folk hero, was there, plus innings. Craig Lefferts relieved with one out in the Edmonton, in the NHL just 11 years, won its fifth “He lived in my neighborhood,” but the turnout was anything but a celebrity, but because of their faces, eighth and finished for his seventh save. NO PICKOFF — New York’s Roberto Kelly loses sight of the play as his helmet slips over Stanley Cup. The Bruins also have five titles. But Szuzina said. “I knew him as a celebrity crowd. which marked them as a fighters, to The Mets missed a chance to tic the score in the his eyes but he’s safe on an attempted pickoff at second base during the first inning of they’ve been in the league 66 years and haven’t been friend.” There were a goodly number of champions since 1972. some objects of curiosity. seventh against Harris when they suanded Howard John­ Friday night’s game. KC shortstop Kurt Stillwell takes the throw. Neither Frank Szuzina nor Tom Asked if he had ever seen squashed noses and suits too tight Until the finals, the Bruins had every reason to be op­ son at third with nobody out. O’Shea made a mark on boxing as Graziano fight, O’Shea, who said he and a little threadbare. One man timistic. Reds 5, Expos 0: At Montreal, Jack Arm.strong al­ Rocky Graziano did, and neither fought as a bantamweight in the wore pants with a pattern of stains In the regular season, they had the NHL’s best record lowed three hits in eight innings to become the National have achieved the level of recogni­ early 1950s, replied, “Im not here to and carried a gym bag that had a Bosox routed, Yanks top KC and defense. They had a hot goalie in Andy Moog and League’s first eight-game winner as the Cincinnati Reds tion reached by the former mid­ talk about who he fought. beer logo on it. got better as the playoffs went on, beating Hartford in “I’m here because I loved the It was the kind of crowd that sat beat the Montreal Expos 5-0 Friday night. 6-3 Friday night dleweight champion. Armstrong dropped his league-leading ERA to 1.61, MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Kirby seven games, Montre^ in five and Washington in four. far from ringside and roared his A throwing error by rookie guy" struck out seven and walked none. Randy Myers got the Puckett drove in three runs and But those were just good hockey teams. The Oilers The Rock, however, left his mark Both Szuzina and O’Shea at­ name when the Rock fought in clubs AL Roundup second baseman Terry Shumpert last three outs, allowing one hit, for the Reds' sixth scored three times Friday night as were something else. on them, and the two old pros came tracted men with raichrophones and in Brooklyn and Coney Island and helped the Yankees tack on two shutout of the season. the Minnesota Twins had 19 hits in They had three outstanding lines, six dependable to St. Patrick’s Cathedral Friday to cameras as they stood on the street in Madison Square Garden and more runs in the fifth as the Royals The only other eight-game winner in baseball is Oak­ a 16-0 rout of the Boston Red Sox. ning, the result of two Boston errors, dropped to 15-26, tied with Houston defensemen and a goalie. Bruins castoff Bill Ranford, say farewell to Graziano, who died waiting for the funeral mass to Yankee Stadium and on that brutally The Twins’ assault on five pushed the lead to 8-0. Hrbek had a who let only eight pucks get by him in five games, just begin. The faces attracted, but the hot night he beat Tony Zale for the land’s Dave Stewart. for the worst record in the major 1\iesday night. Armstrong (8-1) beat St. Louis 4-0 on May 19 and has pitchers allowed Puckett to leave in sacrifice fly, Brian Harper hit a two of them in the triple-overtime opener. “He was my idol,” said Szuzina, names drew blank stares. title in the Chicago Stadium more leagues. pitched 22 consecutive scoreless innings. the sixth inning, but not before the two-out RBI single aixl Gene Larkin Chuck Cary (2-0) went five in­ “We can only count on Andy so much,” Janney said. who fought some 80 times in the Szuzina and O’Shea did care. It than 40 years ago. All-Star helped start the rout. Puck­ had a two-run double. Larkin scored Phillies 5, Braves 4: At Philadelphia, Charlie Hayes nings, walking two, striking out five “We’ve got to get him stnne gods.” ett’s two-run triple past diving right when first baseman Carlos Quintana hit a three-run homer in the eighth inning to r^ly and giving up four hits. Lee Gueticr- Before the finals, midseason acquisitions Dave Poulin, fielder Tom Brunansky in the first dropped a throw from Luis Rivera. Philadelphia past the Atlanta Braves 5-4 Friday night for man allowed three hits in three in­ Brian Propp and Dave Christian were hailed as important inning and his RBI double in the Minnesota got two more runs in Seles in tough draw at French Open the Phillies’ fourth straight victory. nings and Dave Righetti worked the reasons for the Bruins’ success. Against the Oilers, all fourth led the Twins to a 10-0 lead the fourth on Puckett’s RBI double were scoreless, and Poulin missed the last three games The Phillies trailed 3-2 starting the eighth, when Von ninth for his ninth save. two-fisted shots. That ended a 66- other Grand Slam event after four innings. and Gary Gaetti’s run-scoring with a knee injury. By Larry Siddons Hayes was hit by a pitch. After Ricky Jordan flied out, Royals starter Storm Davis (1-5) match winning streak for the West In a men’s field depleted by in­ Minnesota’s Roy Smith, 3-4, single. The lead jumped to 12-0 in The defense, so effective in the regular season, was ex­ The Associated Press John Kruk’s routine fly ball was dropped for an error by was knocked out in the fifth inning. German. juries and defections, one of the whose longest outing had been 6 2-3 the sixth on an RBI single by John Steve Sax’s one-out single got the posed. Ray Bourque and Glen Wesley were consistently But when the blue chips were left fielder Lonnie Smith. innings this season, went all the way Moses and a fielder’s choice PARIS — In virtual jxivacy, Stef­ toughest draws went to the top Hayes, who earlier had extended his hitting streak to Yankees started in the first. Roberto good. But Garry Galley, Don Sweeney and A1 Pedersen drawn to pair the field for this Grand with a four-hitter. He retired 12 grounder by Gactti. fi Graf and Monica Seles opened player. nine games, hit reliever Joe Hesketh’s first pitch over the Kelly followed with a single and were too sloppy and too slow, leaving Moog helpless too Slam event, Seles was no winner. straight batters from the fourth into Minrresota added another three their very public duel for the Don Mattingly’s single scored Sax many times. Stefan Edberg, seeded first as lcftectators as the top women’s seeds round match against either Catarina berg then faces Jonas Svensson, a check-swing hit that weakly rolled TO in next week’s French Open drew consecutive victory. lasted just 2 2-3 innings. a ball hit by Moses. over the first base bag. > who broke his leg in the last game against Washington, Lindqvist of Sweden or Helen fellow Swede ranked 24th in the Martinez (5-2) outpitched Joe Magranc (2-7), who al­ The game between the top two Outfields Danny Heep pitched r hurt. their opponents. Kelesi of Canada. world and a French Open scmi­ lowed only five hits in eight iimings. The Dodgers won hitting teams in the American the eighth for Boston, the second Tigers 2, White Sox 1: At a Beers could be at full suength at the start of next Graf looked up-and-down during Both are veterans who have done finalist two years ago. for the eighth time in 11 games, improving their record league was a reversal from last pitching performance in his 10-ycar Detroit. Kenny Williams’ seventh- season. Junior hockey stars Wes Walz and Shayne a two-hour workout on the center well in Grand Slam play. Lindqvist Saturday, when the Red Sox set career. Heep allowed orx; run when inning double broke a tic Fnday Stevenson could add scoring [xmeh. John Byce, who court clay with coach I^vcl Slozil, Defending men’s champion to 3-0 their current road trip. reached the semifinals at season highs for runs (13) and hits Gactti doubled. Junior Ortiz singled night aird led the Detroit Tigers to a joined Boston after helping Wisconsin win the NCAA but Seles faced the prospect of a fast Michael Chang also got a nasty Wimbledon last year and has been Cubs-Astros postponed: At Chicago, Friday’s (20) in a 13-1 victory. Minnesota him to third and Jim Dwyer’s groun- 2-1 victory over the Chicago White tournament, showed a good touch around the net. The fu­ down-and-out after the midday draw. The winner of just two ranked as high as No. 10. Kelesi was scheduled game between the Chicago Cubs arul Houston tied its 1990 high for runs and hits dout scored the run. Sox. tures of veterans Bob Sweeney, Bob Gould and Propp draw. matches this season, Chang opens a quarterfinalist here the last two Asuos was postponed because of rain. Friday. Yankees 6, Royals 3: At Kansas Paul Gibson (1-1) got the victory' appear uncertain. The 16-year-old frmn Yugoslavia against clay-courter Casio Motla of It will be made up as part of a doublehcadcr today, years and has been doing well on The Twins took a 3-0 lead in the City, Jesse Barfield’s check-swing in relief of D ^ lYtry and Mike Entering the series, Boston was ctmsidered the favorite via Sarasota, Florida, is the hottest Brazil, probably faces another clay- European clay this spring. starting at 1:05 pan. EDT. firet on the two-mn triple by Puckett double drove in three runs in the Hetuteman got his 1 Ith save as by many and was expected to do better than it did in the player in tennis, winning 24 straight court specialist in Italy’s I ^ lo Cane The game was called after the start was delayed 1 hour and a long RBI single off the right- first inning and shoddy fielding by Detroit beat Chicago for the fourth 1988 finals, when Edmtxiton won in a four-game sweep. matches and beating Graf last week Seles was a scmifinalist at Roland in the second round and then could and 35 minutes by a steady downpour. The Chicago the Royals also hclp«l the New straight time. The White Sox had “We thought things would go better for us” in this in Berlin fw her fifth toumamem Garros a year ago but never has meet up with former semifinalist weather forecast cdled for continu^ showers through field tarp by Kent Hrbck. York Yankees roll past Kansas City only tl'rce hits; Denoit had five. year’s finals than they did, Bourque said. title in a row with her powerful made it past the fourth round at any Miloslav Mecir of Czechoslovakia. the day and evening. Five unearned mns in the third in- 1 9 9 0 ft High School Roundup Y Coventry girls softball takes COC playoff championship

Catholic softball team in the All Connecticut Conference By Herald Staff Tournament Friday afternoon at Lycoming Field. East lost to Mercy High of Middletown, 17-7, and STOLEN BASE — It was quite a change from the opening game of the ended its season with a record of 3-15. season. East Hartford's Dan The Eagles took a 3-0 lead in the first inning, however, Coventry High girls’ softball team, which suffered a Gatlin (12) heads for Mercy erupted for seven runs in second, five in the third 23-0 thrashing at the hands of RHAM High in the 1990 and four in the fourth. Eagle pitchers allowed 14 walks. second base with a season opicner for both schools, handed the Sachems Nicole Bizjmrro led the winners with three hits. stolen base as their first loss of the year Friday afternoon, 3-2, to take Chris Lcnegan, Lynn Krawczyk and Chris Allard col­ the Charter Oak Conference playoff championship. Manchester second lected two hits each for East. Chore Torsiello and Sue Coventry whipped Cromwell High, 16-1, and RHAM baseman Lindsey Mann each delivered two-run doubles while Beth White trounced East Hampton, 16-3, to set up an all COC East Boutilier waits for the scored two runs. final. throw during second Coventry heads into stale tournament play at 18-4 Manchester golfers win two inning action Friday while RHAM, ranked No. 1 in the Class M Division, SOMERS — The Manchester High golf team con­ heads into postseason play at 17-1. RHAM won the COC afternoon at McKen­ tinued its winning ways, posting a pair of victories over O The Associated Press regular season tide. Fermi High of Enfield and Hartford Public Friday after­ na Field in East “After getting beat 23-0 on opening day, and beating a DO "n noon at Cedar Knob. Hartford. Indian LOOK OUT — Rutgers second baseman team that is ranked No. 1 in the Class M poll, I have S F every reason to be proud of this team,” Coventry coach The Indians nipped Fermi, 157-158, and beat Public, shortstop Mike Gilbert Chris Gerkens fires over the head of 157-221. Todd Stiles of Fermi took medalist honors with backs up the play. Rich Page said. UConn runner Michael Cleary during their “It was an excellent defensive game on both sides,” a 1-under-par 35. Jim Carroll carded a 37 to top — m Manchester. Other Manchester scores were: Matt Kohut, Reginald Pinto/Manchester Herald NCAA Northeast Regional clash Friday at I^ge said. “I think both teams played up to their poten­ 38, Matt Miner 40, Chris Chaisson 42 and Bruce Bcr- O o tial.” Municipal Stadium in Waterbury. Rutgers zenski 47. eliminated the Huskies, 15-5. Coventry plated the deciding two runs in the fifth in­ ^ CD ning. Nicole Christman reached on an error and took Manchester’s iKxt match is Tbesday versus Simsbury H - < Manchester third on an infield hit by Marlene Dolai. Chri.stman at Sim.sbury Farms. m . scored on a groundnut by Kristen Filippi and Dolal o zi From Page 48 scored on an infield out by Carrie Weikel. Local teams set Chrissy Gagnon hurled a four-hitter in the opxiner and MHS girls’ tennis blanks East UConn nine a six-hitter in the nightcap. She struck out nine in the two The Manchester High girls’ tennis team blanked East is the first lime he didn’t have it when he wanted to have Perry, who collected three hits and three RBIs, al­ games. Catholic, 7-0, Friday afternoon. The Indians, 14-3 and it. Any ballplayer who’s ever played has had off days.” lowed seven hits, walked two and shuck out five. for tourney play Jen Siriaruii was 3-for-3 in the nightcap for Coventry. No. 9 in the Class L Division, will play eighth-ranked | - 3 ) Manchester scored a run to cut its deficit to 7-1 in the Dumecr and Sawyer added two hits apiece. She tripled in the second and scored on a Stacey Guinan Cheshire High Wednesday in Hamden in CIAC girls’ o o third on an RBI-inficld single by senior Lindsey Boutilier “Perry’s a hell of a pitcher in that no matter what the is eliminated sacrifice fly. HAMDEN — Three teams have home dates to start team tennis tournament action, O scoring John Cunningham. The Hornets extended their situation is, he’s going to come in and make you beat “I’m really proud of the way the kids hung in there,” and one will be on the road as state baseball and softball liast finishes at 0-13. m rn lead to 9-1 in the third on a two-run single to center by him,” Lussier said. I’age said. “Physically we were ready to open the season Ra s u Ks : Kato Cbadburn (M) d»( Kkirmir Bogloy 6-2, Nancy Bray (M) tournament information was released Friday afternoon at WATERBURY (AP) — Todd Nichols slammed a Perry. Race summarized matters. but not mentally. This time around, we knew what to ex­ d«f. Jos&stca Wooindga 8-2. M>challa Mazntz (M) daf. Jan Marltno 8-2. two-run home run in the first inning to lead top-seeded Laura S«r>aa (M) daf Jan Trocooia 8-3. Marian F^rrm arOan Con (M) da/ “I don’t think we were ever out of it,” he said. “We CIAC headquarters. pect. RHAM is an excellent offensive team and they North Carolina to a 5-3 victory over third-seeded Iowa Amarxla Damtgian-Bryrw Pastarnak 8-2, Emily Kofl-Juka Lampaon (M) daf “Last lime we had nine hits off him,” Lussier said of just couldn’t manage to get in it. He (Perry) was pitching Manchester High baseball and Coventry High girls’ pushed, but we didn’t give in.” Jan Mtlla-Erica Shanck 8-5. Manchaatar won final doublaa match forlail Helin. “We were on him last game and today they found very effectively.” softball have home dates on Tfiesday while CovenU7 Friday in the second round of the NCAA Northeast In the opener, Coventry had 13 hits with Johanna o o holes. I have to give them credit. We were ahead eight EAST HARTFORD (9) — Dumesf u 4-2-2-0. Calin 2b 1-2-0-0. R»fry p High and East Catholic baseball don’t see action until Regional Baseball Tournament. VanKruiningen socking three hits and Sirianni, Renee Cheney boys’ tennis is beaten m z 4-1-3-3. Gonzales c 4-0-00, Mason 3b 2-1-1-1. Fogarty ph 1-0-00, Cor- In Friday’s first game, Rutgers defeated Connecticut runs and they didn’t fold. When it was 9-1, if 1 could’ve mief dh 30-1-1, SWonar IbOOOO, Sawyer cf 2-1-2-1, Jimerrez It 3-100, Thursday with the Patriots at home and the Eagles on the Eckert, Christman and Weikel two apiece. The Cheney Tech boys’ tennis team dropped a 4-1 D > scratched and clawed for a run, I would have. The game Palombizio 3-1-1-2 Totals 27-0-10-8. road against two-time defending Class L champ East 15-5, eliminating the Huskies from the tournament. Coventry 010 020 O— 3*7*2 decision to Portland Friday afternoon. The Beavers > I - MANCHESTER (5) — Joyner Ittp 3-1-1-1, Leonard d 4-1-1-1, Boutilier RHAM 100 010 2-6-2 meant too much to sit back.” Lyme High. Gagnon and Guinan; Rabecca BaM and Haathaf McOonatd finished their season at 3-12. 3J CO 2b 4-0-1-1. Davis 1b 3-0-2-2. White dh 3-00-0, Marquez c OOOO, Gilbert In the second game, Iowa, 38-19, cut the Tarheels’ WP- Gagnon. LP- Bad Brandon Merrick was the lone Beaver winner. Manchester rallied for four runs in the fifth to shave ss 3-010, Barry 3b 3 0 0 0 , Cunningham rf 3-2-10, HelirvfVH 2-1-15-0. To­ Manchester, 14-6, is the No. 8 seed in the Class LL lead to 2-1 in the second inning on a home run by Chris the deficit to 9-5. Joyner and Leonard delivered RBI- tals 28-5-7-5. Division and will host 25th seed 9-9 Glastonbury High RaauRt: Brar^don Mamck (CT) da/ Madina 6-0, 6-1; MaroUi (P) da/. DD > East Hartford 612 000 x— 8-10-0 Hatcher. East softball is eliminated Aaron Granato 6-2, 6-1; won by for/ait: Wbat F^amar (P) da/ Todd singles with the big blow being a two-run single to left Tuesday at 3 p.m. at Kelley Field. An Indian victory Mafoar PNi Guata/son 6-1. 6-1. F\xtlarxl woo tha final doutiiaa match by > “ • Manchester 001 040 0— 57-1 STRATFORD — It was a quick exit for the Ea.st off the bat of senior Jeff Davis (two hits). Parry arrd Gonzales. Helin, Joyner (3) arxi Marquez. would put them into Thursday’s second round against the North Carolina, 51-12, extended its lead to 4-1 with dafauK. The Indians didn’t threaten in the final two frames. WP- Parry (51). LP- Helin (7-1). Westhill-Norwich Free Academy winner. two runs in the fifth inning. The Tarheels made it 5-1 in Coventry High girls, 18-4 and the newly crowned the sixth inning on a single by Don Lcshnock, a double COC playoff champs, are the No. 5 seed in the Class S by Kurt Green and an RBI suicide squeeze by Chad Division and will host 12th-ranked 12-7 Stamford I lolbrook. Coventry Catholic Tuesday at 3:30 pm. Jobs for bat boys in jeopardy The Hawkeyes closed out tlie scoring with two runs in The Coventry baseball team (18-3), newly crowned the seventh inning on two errors, an RBI double by Tim 2 From Page 48 Charter Oak Conference champs, arc the No. 2 seed in > Costo and an infield out. HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (AP) — A year general maiugcr. in violation of the spirit of the law. the Class S Division and will host the St. Thomas A- z Tarheels pitcher Michael Hoog (9-3) earned llie win. minor league team is considering Wolfgang Trammell, an inspector We're trying to do what we can be­ n catching guys looking.” single, a second on a sacrifice fly by at 3 pjn. Cromwell, which has been quinas-Wheeler winner on Thursday at 3 p.m. Also on the eeXT West representative three Brett Backland (6-4) look llic loss for Iowa. firing its six bat boys after a dis­ who reviewed the case for the state cause we want to keep this group of “I had a good game going but the Chris McCarthy who had a steady Thursday, East Catholic, the No. 11 seed in the Class L !/i homer rattled me a little bit,” Onnen consecutive years, heads into In Friday’s opener, Ted Ciesla had five hits, including gruntled parent filed a complaint child labor division, said the Stars guys and save their jobs.” he said. defensive game at shortstop, and Division, is on the road at No. 6 seed 14-6 East Lyme said, “but I just bore down and third on what was ruled a double postseason play at 14-7. a double and a triple, and drove in tlirce runs as sixth- with the state alleging the club is were in apparent violation of stale Tranmicll said the slate's other High in another 3 p.m. clash. Southern League club, the Binnin- threw strikes.” steal after the Panther defense failed “It all starts all over again next seeded Rutgers defeated Connecticut 15-5. violating child labor laws. laws that prohibit children younger gham Barons. aLso is violating the rr Rheault, who had no trouble with to execute properly. week,” Plaste said. “This is just a The Eagles have squared off with East Lyme in two of Fiftli-secdcd Connecticut, 27-19-1, was eliminated The general manager of the than 16 from working past 9 p.m. The Stars have six bat boys for law and could lose all 14 of its bat X the offerings of Panther hurlcr Jim “The runs gave us a nice nice feeling.” the past five years and liave been humbled each time. from the louniament with its second loss. Southern League’s Huntsville Stars, > The Vikings beat the Eagles in 1986, 13-4, and in the ’88 David Demonbreun, said u father 1990, all age 14 or 15, and Southern boys, who range in age from 11 to Hodge (5-1) was 2-for-3 including a cushion,” Plaster said, “and you saw Rutgers, 34-18, jumped to a 10-0 lead, scoring two COVENTRY (7) — TopliH ct 3-2-2-Z Oman p 14. two-run 350-foot homer to right what happened,” he added, referring semifinals, 15-2. apparently made the claim after his League games rtiutincly go as laic as 4-0-1-1, Rhtwult c 4-1-2-2, McCarthy u runs in the first inning, four in the second and four more 10:30 p.m. “I've talked with iliem and am tzi centerfield after a leadoff walk to 2-0-0-1, Totten 1b 2-0-0-0, Rtulm II 3-0-0-0, The girls’ team tennis rankings were also announced son did not win a spot as a but boy to the Icme Cromwell runs. in die fourth. Chris McAlindin and Scan Ryan had four going to sec them again." he said. Rob Topliff. Vinci’s homer, a 345-foot shot to Ouintiliam dh 3-1-10, Moulton 2b O-O-O-O, Friday with Manchester High the No. 8 seed in Class L at iliis season. Demonbreun declined to McPeck rf 3-1-2-0, KrukoakJ 3b 3-2-1-0. Total* hits apiece and Doug Mciner had two triples for Rutgers. name tlic man, but said the youth “If that ruling stands, we’ll have “They understand what the law t “That homer got us pumped,” right, made it a little closer but then 2 7 -7 -5 6 . 13-3 with the Indians opposing No. 9 seed 13-4 Cheshire Connecticut scored two runs in the bottom of tlic says." Onnen said. “The homer gave us Coventry plated two final runs in the CROMWELL (2) — Gi»h rf 3-0-0-0, Htruzzal- 1 ligh on Wednesday at 1 p.m. at Hamden High with the was a bat boy for the club last year. to release all of our bat boys,’’ said locf 14H1-0, Vino u 2-1-1-2, Toplsy c 1-00-0. fourth inning, added another run in the fifth and two TramnK-11 said it seemed silly to some momentum. You could sec that sixth on RBI singles by Topliff and wiiuicr advancing to quartcrfiiuil round play later in the Demonbreun. But. he said, the Class wrU Hodge p 3-00-0. Manwaring pr 0-000, Sciontf more in the eighth on back-to-back solo home runs by restrict the boys from a jxisilion home run lift the kids early,” Plaster Onnen. 2b 3000. Ribera 1b 2000. Lewkowicz If afternoon at 3:30. “He’s trying to hurt the Stars, but AA club won't give up without a Ken Coffee and Sal Tinnercllo. most youths dream about. But the 5?; added. Coventry heads into state tourna­ 1-000, Bonneau dh 2-000, Lamborl 3b The baseball and softball finals are set for the weekend what he’s really doing is hurting six fight. 2 0 0 0 , KopydrwKi ph 10-00 Totala 21-2-1-2 Bob Faz4?kas (5-6) allowed seven hits, struck out two “We’ll go to court to try and ob­ law is llie law, and the bat Kiss pul Coventry virtually pul things ment play in the Class S Division as Covenby 200 032 »— 7-0-2 of June 8-9. young men who’vc worked very in long days, he s.iid. away with three runs in the fifth, die No. 2 seed and is now 18-3. It’ll Cromwell 000 002 O— 2-1-1 I ;ind walked one in going the distance for Rutgers. Jason hard this summer,” said the first- tain a court order ilial s.iys we’re not one on a successful suicide squeeze play the Whcelcr-Si. Thomas A- Cary Orvten arxf Jeff Ftheault' Jim Hodge and Fronio (7-2), die first of four Connecticut pitchers, ttxik John Teplay the loss. by Topliff that went for an RBI quinas winner at home on Thursday WP- Onnoo (50); LP- Hodge (51) 1 9 9 0 s 11-14 Itf