1 Plum, William R. the Military Telegraph During the Civil War In

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1 Plum, William R. the Military Telegraph During the Civil War In Plum, William R. The Military Telegraph during the Civil War in the United States. 2 vols. Chicago: Jansen, McClurg & Co., 1882. Volume I CHAPTER I. Ancient and Modern means of Communication for War Purposes, • 9 CHAPTER II. War Cryptographs, - - - ' - - - - - 33 CHAPTER III. The United States Military Telegraph ; its Initial State and Early Operations, - - - - * - - - - 62 CHAPTER IV. Early Operations in Western Virginia, - - - • - 92 CHAPTER V. The Southwest early in the War, -..--. 108 CHAPTER VI. The Corps Organized.— Biographical Mention.— A View of the Telegraphs South. — The Fort Monroe line. — The Monitor and Merrimac. — The Peninsular Campaign. — A View along the Coast. — Banks' Defeat in the Valley. — Experience of Captured Operators. — Affairs in West Virginia, - - - 127 CHAPTER VII. The Telegraph in the Southwest. — Fort Donelson. — Pea Ridge. — Island No. 10.— Memphis, - - - - - - - 170 CHAPTER VIII. The Telegraph in Kentucky, Tennessee and Northern Alabama. — Mill Springs. — Cumberland Gap. — Morgan's Raid in Kentucky. — Shiloh, 187 CHAPTER IX. The Telegraph with General Pope in Virginia. — Cedar Mountain. — Groveton. — Chantilly. — Harper's Ferry. — South Mountain. — Antietam, - 216 CHAPTER X. The Telegraph in West Tennessee and Northern Mississippi during the last half of 1802, — Farmington, — luka. — Corinth. — Van Dorn's and Forrest's Raids. — Grant versus the U. B. M. T. — Chickasaw Bluffs. — Arkansas Post, ........ 242 CHAPTER XI. The Telegraph in Tennessee and Kentucky. — Forrest's, Woodward's and Morgan's Raids. — Buell's Army retires to Kentucky. — Cumberland Gap Evacuated. — Richmond, (Ky.) — Numerous Incidents. — Perryville. — Rosecrans Supersedes Buell. — Nashville Affairs. — Stone River. — Excitement in Nashville. — Morgan again in Kentucky. — Spies Hung. — Operators Tap Confederate Telegraphs, - - - 273 CHAPTER XII. The Telegraph about Vicksburg and in West Tennessee. — The Vicksburg Campaign. — Various Federal Raids. — Champion Hills. — Affairs about Cairo, - - - - 313 CHAPTER XIII. The Telegraph in Arkansas and Missouri in 1863.— Helena.— Little Rock Campaign. — Other Campaigns and Conflicts in Missouri and Arkansas.— An Operator Hung, ...... 333 CHAPTER XIV. The Telegraph in Virginia during the Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville Campaigns. — Suffolk. — Various Raids, .... 351 1 APPENDIX. Cipher Number Nine Complete, ...... 370 Volume II CHAPTER I. The Telegraph in the Gettysburg Campaign, ... 9 CHAPTER II. The Telegraph in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida and along the Coast. — The Corps' Successes and Sacrifices, - - - - 25 CHAPTER III. The Telegraph in the Department of the Gulf. — Port Hudson, Red River, and other Campaigns, - - - - - - 37 CHAPTER IV. The Telegraph in the Departments of the Cumberland and Ohio. — Raids in Kentucky. — Ohio Invaded. — Middle and Eastern Tennessee Occupied by Federals. — Chickamauga. — Missionary Ridge. — Defense of Knoxville, --------- 51 CHAPTER V. Telegraphic Affairs in West Tennessee in the Fall of 1863.— Nicholson's Death.— General Sherman's Escape.— Forrest's Raid.— Memphis. — Presentations, - - - - - - - - 79 CHAPTER VI. The Signal Corps and its Efforts to Control the Electric Field Telegraphs. — Stanton praises the United States Military Telegraph - 86 CHAPTER VII. The Status of Federal and Confederate Operators and their Salaries, - 106 CHAPTER VIII. The Telegraph in Eastern Virginia from July, 1863, to July, 1864.— Saved from Execution by Telegraphic Reprieves. — Movements of the Armies of the Potomac and James. — Wilderness. — Spotsylvania. — Cold Harbor. —Petersburg, - - - - - - 123 CHAPTER IX. The Telegraph in the Shenandoah Valley, West Virginia and the District.— Sigel Defeated.— Cloyd's Mountain.— Pennsylvania, Maryland and the District Invaded, ------ 143 CHAPTER X. The Telegraph in Kentucky and East Tennessee in 1864.— Perilous Opposition to Enlistment of Negroes in Kentucky. — Morgan's Last Raid.— Stoneman's Successful Raid Owing Largely to the Operator with Him, --------- 154 CHAPTER XI. The Fort Donelson Line. — Beck with Dismissed for Obeying General Grant's Orders; is Reinstated. — Interference with Ciphers and Cipher Operators by Staff and Other Officers Forbidden. — Atlanta Campaign Telegraphs. — Various Battles. — A Terrible Accident. — A Strange but Providential Premonition. — Confederate Raid into East and Middle Tennessee.— Atlanta Taken, - - - - 166 CHAPTER XII The Telegraph in the Department of the Tennessee (1864) and Gulf, to September. — Sherman's Advance from Vicksburg. — A Perilous Ride on a Flat Car. — W. S. Smith's Raiding Failure. — Forrest's Successes and Defeat in West Tennessee and Kentucky. — Fort Pillow Massacre. — Capture and Remarkable Escape of an Operator. — Sturgis' and A. J. Smith's Raids. — An 2 Operator Riddled with Buck-shot. — Forrest's Dash into Memphis; Captures an Operator; His Experience. — Vicksburg Matters. — Grierson's Raid. — Capture of Forts in Mobile Bay, 188 CHAPTER XIII. The Telegraph in Arkansas and Missouri During the Last Half of 1864. — Price's Invasion of Missouri. — Various Battles and Incidents. — Major Smith Resigns in Favor of Captain Clowry. — A Summary of the Service, ......... 213 CHAPTER XIV. The Telegraph in Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia. — Forrest Captures Troops and Operators at Athens. — His Raid in Tennessee. — Operators' Experience about Athens. — Experiences in Cahaba Prison, Johnsonville Burned. — Hood's Army on Sherman's Railroad. — How Allatoona was Saved. — Manager of Atlanta Office Arrested. — Sherman Starts for the Sea.— Franklin.— Operators Captured ; their Escape. — Hood's Waterloo, -.----. CHAPTER XV. Sherman's March to the Sea. — Atlanta in Ruins. — A Great Picnic. — Tapping the Enemy's Wires. — A View within the Confederate Lines. — Storming Fort McAllister. — Interesting Incidents. — Savannah Taken, — Telegraphic Connections, ----- . 241 CHAPTER XVI. The Telegraph in the Siege of Petersburg. — The Mine Explosion. — Operators Court-Martial ed ; not Guilty. — Dangers of the Service. — Advances Toward Richmond Checked. — Narrow Escape at Reams Station. — A Military Railroad. — Grant's Wires Tapped ; Important Results. — Hatcher's Run Fight. — West Virginia Affairs. — Numerous Telegraphic Incidents. — The Rebels Out-witted — Shenandoah Operations under Sheridan. — A Great Victory. — Operator McCrickett and Others Killed. — Operations in North Carolina. — Fort Fisher. — Sherman's Advance from Savannah. — Incidents of the March. — Sherman at Goldsboro, ..----.. 257. CHAPTER XVII. The Telegraph in the Departments of the Great South- West. — Stoneman's Raid. — Rebel Wires Tapped. — Confederates Disheartened.:— Guerrillas. — Wilson's Raid. — Selma, Montgomery and Macon Captured. — Sherman Orders Wilson by Confederate Wires. — Telegraph Cashier Robbed and Nearly Murdered in Missouri. — Resume of Affairs in Missouri. — Captain Bruch's Death. — Monument. — Cable Line from New Orleans to Mobile Bay. — Operations Against Mobile. — Its Capture. — The Bay Cleared of Torpedoes by the Corps. — The Ram "Webb" Nearly Escapes to the Sea. — A Telegraph from Federal to Confederate Headquarters. — Terrible Accident. — A Venturesome Ride; Narrow Escape. — Death of an Operator. — Some Serious Jokes.— The War Closed in the South- West, - - - - 280 CHAPTER XVIII The Telegraph in Virginia During the Last Campaign. — Grant's Anxiety. — Five Forks. — General Assault.— Exposure of Operators. — Lincoln and Davis Hear the News of Victory and Defeat, — Petersburg and Richmond Evacuated. — Lincoln Visits Petersburg. — How the News of the Capture of Richmond was Sent and Received. — Lincoln in Richmond. — An Operator Receives Applause Intended for Grant. — The Pursuit of Lee. — Sailors' Creek. — Farmville. — Appomattox. — How the News of the Surrender of Lee's Army was Sent and Received. — The News of Lincoln's Assassination. — Capture of the Assassin. — Lincoln's Stories.— Johnston's Surrender. — Recapitulation of the Service of the Telegraph, ----- 314 3 CHAPTER XIX. Reconstruction.— The Corps Disbanded.— Its Officers Promoted.— Lines Turned Over to Private Companies. — Recapitulatory Statements. — Official Presentation to Ten Members of the Corps. — Death of Two Members. — A Few Appreciatory Letters and Other Evidences of the Value of the Corps.— Canadian Operators.— Finale, - - - 339 APPENDIX. Annual Reports of Anson Stager, Chief of Military Telegraph, to the Quarter - Master General, ...... 359 Roll of the United States Military Telegraph Operators, - - 376 4 .
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