Consumer Information on - Book Recommandations

More than 250 books to read in a lifetime –

detailed description of the books and sorted by Publication Date

“Scars show us where we have been, they do not dictate where we are going.”

The list of books packed with knowledge is also an allegory of more than 150 years of struggle for dignity,respect , health and welfare for all living beings and the environment.

The authors show us, that even when we have limitations we can always act accordingly . 1 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Issues:  (animal test) The truth about bad and good science. Not validated animal test methods used for profit in Big Pharma companies. Health risk for human and animals. Scientist and doctors that rather would use alternative methods instead of in-vivo, but politically are forced to use animal models. , morality and double standards. Authors:

A John Nocella, Adrian Stallwood, AFMA, Alan Cassels, Alan Watson, Albert Leffingwell,Albert Porter, Alberto Manganaro, Alix Fano, Amanda Flisher, Andre Menache, , Andrew Knight, , Andrew ML Lever, , Angela McPherson, Aniela Jaff, Anita Guerrini, Annamaria Manzoni, Anthony J. Nocella, Antidote, Atsuko Matsuoka, Aysha Akhtar, B.Sc., Bantam, Baynard Kendrick, Ben Berkhout, Ben Goldacre, Bent Haller, Berdoe, Bette Overell, Birgitta Carlsson, Bruno J.R. Nicolaus, C. Ray Greek, Carl Hart, Carol J. Adams, Carsten Christophersen, Cary Wolfe, Charles Danten, Charles S. Myers, Chris Dubbs, Chris Hayhurs, Christine Stevens, Christopher Anderegg, , Clifford Warwick, Clifton Flynn, Colin Burgess, Cora Diamond, Corina Gericke, Dan CohnSherbok, David Grimm, David Irvng, David Quammen., Deborah Rudacille, Dottor X, Drew Winter, E Hester, E.G. Vallianatos, Edward Anthony, Ellen och Johan Brtz, Emanuela Corsini, Emil Levine, Anthes, Erin Lestrade, Fairchild, , Francesca Sorcinelli, Franco Travaglini, Frank R. Ascione, Gary L. Francione, Gary Wolf, Gnther Witzany, Gennaro Ciaburri, Gerald Sonnenfield, Gianluca Felicetti, Gianni Mannari, Gianni Tamino, , Glyn N. Stacey, Greg Goodale, Guglielmo Ferraro, Gunnar Theodr Eggertsson, Guylaine Lanctt, Hal Herzog, Hans Joachim Alpers, , Harry Salem,Helene Sarreseca, Helga Kuhse, Henk Van Loveren, Heny Trefflich, Herbert Stiller, HLS, Horton, Human Australia (HRA), Icare, Ian Freshney, Ian Hacking, , Ita Stein Gvirtzman, Ivan Avila Gaitan, , Jane Leslie Conly, Jane Mann, Jarrod Bailey, Jason Black, Jason del Gandio, Jrgen Lemcke, Jean Swingle Greek, Jeffrey M. Smith, Jerzy Leszczynski, Jessica Speart, Jim Flash, JoAnne McArthur, Joachim Schafer, Joan Court,Joav Merrick, Johannes Jrgenson, John J. Pippin, John McDowell, John Olsen, John Pippin, John Sorensen, , Jonathan M. Auerbach, Jos Kleinjans, Jose A. Centeno, Joseph Covino Jr., Jougla Audrey, Kara Davis, Kate Stewart, Kathy Archibald, Kathy Snow Guillermo, , , Kim Socha, , Kristin ShraderFrechette, Lambert M. Surhone, Larry Butz, Lars Abrahamsen, Laura Grabel , Lawson Tait, Leffingwell, Leonardo Caffo, Linden Brough, Lisa Kemmerer, Lizzy Lind af Hageby, Lori Gruen, , M.D., M.d. Fadali, Marco Mamone Capria, Mark H. Bernstein, Mark T D Croninm, , Ellen Drayer, Massimo Tettamanti, Matiam T. Tennoe, Matthew Cole, , Max Keller, McKay Jenkins, Mette Nielsen, , Michael Balls, Michael C. Carroll,Michela Kuan, Michelle Rokke, Michiya Matsusaki, Milda Bandzaite, Milly Schr Manzoli, Mira Manga, Misturu Akashi, Moneim Fadali, Monica Bertini, Murry J. Cohen, Niall Shanks, Nicola Loprieno, Nicolaas A. Rupke, Nina Boyd, Nirmala Bhogal, Olle Selinus, Otis Webb Brawley, Palgrave MacMillan, , Paul Goldberg, Paul Illing, Penny Dransart, Peter C. Gtzsche, Peter Knights, Peter Laufer, , Phil Arkow, Philippe Grandjean, Piers Beirne, Pietro Croce, Pietrzykowski Tomasz, Pozas Terrados, R M Harrison, Raffaella Tolicetti, Ramesh C. Gupta, Ray Moynihan, Rene Bickel, Richard Adams, Richard Wagner, Rita Stiens, Robert B. Finkelman, Robert C. O Brian, Robert Combes, Robert Johnson, Robert S. Mendelsohn, Robert Sharpe, , Roche, Rock Brynner, Rom Harr, Ruth Fox, Sahadeva Dasa, Samir Mejri, Sarak Kite, Sren Ventegodt, Sidney A. Katz, Stanley Cavell, Stefanie Merenyi, Stefano Cagno, Stephen , Stephen R. Kaufman, , Steven M. Wise, Susan F. Henssonow, Susan McPherson, Susanna Penco, Takami Akagi, Tom L. Beauchamp, Tomasz Puzyn, Tony Benn, Tony Page, Trent Stephens, Vagn Lundbye, Vernon Coleman, Vivian Spitz, Wendy Lee, Werner Hartinger, Wilkie Collins, William McBride, William Townsend, Winfried Ahne etc.

The book cover of each suggested book in this book list is presented in a slideshow on youtube.

2 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Kemi på hjernen - går ud over enhver forstand af Philippe Grandjean & Pernille Hermann Forlag:Gyldendal Udgivet:06112015

Lægen og miljømedicineren Philippe Grandjean har brugt store dele af et forskerliv på at undersøge forskellige industrikemikaliers indvirkning på hjernen. I en ny bog gør han status og advarer om, at næste generation af hjerner er i fare.

Indsatsen begynder hos de mindste børn og de unge piger, for flere miljøgifte hober sig op i kroppen og går direkte videre til fosteret. Fremtidens kloge hoveder er afhængige af unge kvinders viden og vaner.“Vi har kun én chance for at udvikle en hjerne, og den er i fosterstadiet og de første leveår,” fastslår Philippe Grandjean, der har drevet forskningsprojekter i hele verden for at undersøge miljøets påvirkning af menneskers intelligens og udvikling.Bogen er Philippe Grandjeans personlige og let læste fortælling om disse forsøg og deres resultater. Den skræller lag på lag af årtiers uvidenhed, naivitet og korruption, som har ført til udbredelsen af de farlige miljøgifte. Og den fortæller om en af Danmarks skarpe forskere og hans livslange arbejde i milj øets tjeneste.

PROFESSION : ANIMAL DE LABORATOIRE Auteur: Jougla Audrey Producteur: Autrement Parution: 23.09.2015

La journaliste et philosophe raconte son enquête dans des laboratoires français publics et privés, pour un documentaire caméra cachée sur les tests menés sur les animaux et la prise en compte de la souffrance animale.

Critique du scientifique André Ménache Posté le 19 septembre 2015 par Luce Lapin:

"Une enquête inédite, en caméra cachée, dans le silence « de ces labos, trop secrets pour ne pas être honteux ». Une première excellente critique d’un scientifique. À paraître mercredi 23 septembre 2015.

Audrey Jougla dévoile avec grand courage la face cachée de la recherche impliquant les animaux de laboratoires et éclaircit par la suite la désensibilisation presque inaperçue du personnel impliqué dans cette recherche. Son œuvre constitue une mise à jour importante, d’où va découler une prise de conscience du grand public sur ce que revêt réellement l’expérimentation animale en France aujourd’hui. On comprend à présent pourquoi ces chercheurs préfèrent garder leur petit secret.

Ceuxci devront, dans un premier temps, se préparer à apporter des réponses cohérentes aux contribuables et en second lieu accepter de participer à un débat rigoureusement scientifique : en quoi — contrairement aux connaissances actuelles en matière de biologie de l’évolution — l’animal, selon ces chercheurs, représentetil un modèle fiable pour l’étude des maladies humaines ?

Cette œuvre s’ajoute aux faits récents (l’initiative citoyenne européenne Stop Vivisection notamment) qui font de l’expérimentation animale une « patate chaude » pour les chercheurs qui voudraient nous faire croire encore en ce XXIe siècle que tout cela est un « mal nécessaire ».

Il reste dès lors à mobiliser les scientifiques honnêtes et possédant l’esprit critique requis pour ce métier, afin que l’édifice de l’expérimentation animale puisse s’effondrer comme un château de cartes." André Ménache, Docteur vétérinaire, Directeur d’Antidote Europe, Comité scientifique pour une science responsable.

Dødelig psykiatri og organiseret fornægtelse af Peter C. Gøtzsche - Forlag: People´s Press Udgivet 31082015

Psykiatrien har desværre ændret behandlingstilgang og har i vid udstrækning forladt den biopsykosociale sygdomsmodel. I stedet bliver lægemidler set som "løsningen" på alle problemer. Men denne tilgang er skadelig og har alvorlige konsekvenser. De fleste patienter responderer ikke på den medicin de får, hvilket leder psykiaterne til at ordinere flere lægemidler og øge doserne.

"Dødelig psykiatri og organiseret fornægtelse" argumenterer for at den måde psykofarmaka anvendes i dag gør langt mere skade end gavn. Formentligt kan alle psykofarmaka fremkalde hjerneskader ved langtidsbrug. Hvert år dræber psykofarmaka en halv million mennesker i USA og Europa, der er mindst 65 år gamle. Derfor er psykofarmaka den tredje hyppigste dødsårsag efter hjertesygdomme og .

"Dødelig psykiatri og organiseret fornægtelse" er skrevet af professor og overlæge, Peter C. Gøtzsche, der er grundlægger af det internationale uafhængige forskningscenter The Nordic Cochrane Centre. Denne bog er et 3 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations forskningsmæssigt og fagligt underbygget anklageskrift, der mener at det nuværende forbrug af psykofarmaka kan reduceres med 98% til gavn for patienternes mentale og fysiske sundhed og overlevelse.

Deadly Psychiatry and organised denial by Peter C. Gøtzsche - Published by People´s Preess/ArtPeople Publication Date: September 1, 2015

Unfortunately, psychiatry has, to a considerable extent, abandoned the biopsychosocial model and now uses almost exclusively a biomodel, which means using drugs as the “solution” for all problems. This approach to psychiatry has failed to deliver what the patients want, and it has had serious consequences. Most patients don’t respond to the drugs they receive and unfortunately, the psychiatrists’ frustrations over the lack of progress often lead to institution of more drugs and higher doses, harming the patients further.

There is no doubt that the way we currently use psychiatric drugs does far more harm than good. Psychiatric drugs are so harmful that they kill more than half a million people every year among those aged 65 and above in the and Europe. This makes psychiatric drugs the third leading cause of death, after heart disease and cancer. We could reduce our current usage of psychotropic drugs by 98% and at the same time improve people’s and survival. There is nothing psychiatric patients fear more than forced treatment, and this is an important reason why having close contact with the psychiatric treatment system markedly increases suicides. According to a United Nations convention, forced treatment is a violation of human rights and must be banned, and empirical data have shown that a psychiatry without forced treatment is possible.

Peter C. Gøtzsche, a professor in design and analysis, specialist in internal medicine, and founder of the Nordic Cochrane Centre, is a world leader in his field. His research and professional integrity enjoys great international respect, and this book will be published simultaneously with the Danish version. This is one of the most scientifically and academically substantiated indictments ever directed against one of the world's largest and most powerful industries.

Scienziati e laici – Per un controllo democratico della scienza da Marco Mamone Capria –, 6 luglio 2015 Che cos’è la verità scientifica, e come viene decisa? Che possibilità di dialogo ci sono tra il cittadino non scienziato (il laico) e il professionista della scienza (lo scienziato)? Che rimane della democrazia in un’epoca così largamente dominata dalla tecnoscienza? Il libro si propone di dare risposte oneste a queste domande, offrendosi come strumento sia di informazione sia di orientamento concettuale per molte questioni in cui l’atteggiamento rispetto alla scienza risulta decisivo (energia nucleare, medicina ortodossa e non, eugenismo, campagne vaccinali, screening, valutazione della ricerca, editoria scientifica e nuovi media, il rapporto tra scienza e complesso politicomilitareindustriale ecc.). Tra gli esempi trattati, si discute l’appoggio degli scienziati italiani e tedeschi al nazifascismo, e si presenta un ampio bilancio sulla decisione di gettare le bombe atomiche su Hiroshima e Nagasaki e il ruolo svolto in essa dagli scienziati coinvolti. “Un libro che inserisce la questione della vivisezione nel quadro più ampio della crisi degli standard della ricerca scientifica, e in particolare di quella biomedica, incoraggiando il cittadino a riappropriarsi della tutela della propria salute, e a sviluppare un sano scetticismo attivo verso le élite scientifiche, le autorità e le istituzioni che affermano di fare gli interessi della collettività ma, troppe volte, non solo non ci riescono, ma nemmeno ci provano. Uno strumento di informazione accuratamente referenziato su molti temi sui quali i principali media gareggiano per autocensura, reticenza e disinformazione.” – Fondazione Hans Ruesch per una Medicina Senza Vivisezione

The Rhetorical Invention of Man: A History of Distinguishing Humans from Other Animals by Greg Goodale – Publisher: Lexington Books (June 9, 2015)

This book draws attention to the logical contradictions, unstable premises, and unquestioned assumptions that underlie arguments about Man’s distinction, while also demonstrating that the way we think about nonhuman animals is only one possibility among many. Vestiges of older ways of thinking continue to inform our understanding of the humannonhuman animal relationship, disturbing the simple narrative that Man has mastered nature. The reader will additionally find here a history that illuminates popular attitudes toward nature as well as intellectual traditions about the relationship between Man and other animals. As a result, each chapter is an overview of how 4 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations the past continues to inform the present. The chapters, then, move back and forth between ancient ideas like the myths of Prometheus and Orpheus, Age of Reason philosophers like Francis Bacon and Immanuel Kant and modern practices like petkeeping and vivisection. Greg Goodale is a graduate of George Mason University (BA and MA), the University of Virginia School of Law (JD), and the University of Illinois’ Department of Communication (PhD) where he researched in Rhetoric and American Studies. A former lawyer, lobbyist, and congressional aide, Greg continues his interest in democracy and in particular how American citizenship intersects with race, gender, disability, and animality. As a public advocate for people with disabilities, Greg brings his Washington, DC experience into the classroom and into his scholarship. Greg also takes advantage of his experience as a radio disk jockey at WEFTFM and content developer at the Center for History and New Media.

Review: “In this pathbreaking book, Greg Goodale takes us on a fascinating tour of the many ways in which humans, since the “Age of Reason” have attempted to distinguish ourselves from nature, and in particular from other animals. Digging through medieval archives in search of a different way of understanding the world, Goodale discovers that the concept of “Man” is an invention that has only existed for a few centuries and is likely to soon be replaced by a more enlightened way of understanding the world.” – Aysha Akhtar, author of Animals and Public Health: Why Treating Animals Better is Critical to Human Welfare.

Religiöser Wahn und schwarze Magie – Das tragische Leben der by Aniela Jaffé – Publisher: Daimon Verlag (June 7, 2015)

Anna Kingsford (1846—1888) war für ihre Zeit eine ungewöhnliche und sehr gebildete Frau: Ärztin, Vorkämpferin gegen die Vivisektion und Visionärin. Der ihr eigene Fanatismus wurde ihr jedoch zum Verhängnis. Sie zögerte nicht, schwarzmagische Praktiken in ihrem Kampf gegen die Forscher einzusetzen, welche Vivisektionen vornahmen.

«Es handelt sich um eine der seltenen Biographien, die auch eine Fülle von Manifestationen aus dem Unbewußten berichten: Träume und Visionen Aus diesem Grund ist Anna Kingsfords Lebensgeschichte nicht nur menschlich ergreifend, sondern von tiefenpsychologischem Interesse.» — Aus dem Vorwort

Aniela Jaffé war Analytikerin in Zürich und langjährige Mitarbeiterin C.G. Jungs. Als Herausgeberin von “Erinnerungen, Träume, Gedanken von C.G. Jung” ist sie einem großen Leserpublikum bekannt geworden. Sie hat mit ihren zahlreichen Publikationen maßgeblich dazu beigetragen, daß seine Psychologie einem breiteren Kreis näher gebracht wurde

Sperimentazione animale: un male da sconfiggere (Noi animali – goWare) (Italian Edition) autore Stefano Cagno Publisher: goWare; 1 edition (February 25, 2015)

È vero che gli animali si usano in casi eccezionali? Che sono in costante diminuzione? Che non soffrono? Che sono prevalentemente roditori? Che le leggi sono severe? Che i controlli sono scrupolosi? Che non esistono metodi sostitutivi? Soprattutto è vero che la sperimentazione animale è in grado di predire quanto poi accadrà nella nostra specie? Questo saggio che si può leggere in meno di un’ora cerca di fornire delle risposte documentate e meditate a tutte queste domande. 5 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Il caso dell’allevamento di Green Hill, l’approvazione della nuova Direttiva Europea riguardante la sperimentazione animale con la successiva iniziativa “Stop Vivisection” e il recepimento della Direttiva da parte dell’Italia hanno stimolato l’opinione pubblica a riflettere sul tema dell’utilizzo degli animali nella ricerca. Il dibattito è stato, però, intenzionalmente polarizzato sul confronto tra gli animalisti e la parte della comunità scientifica favorevole alla sperimentazione animale, trascurando di dare spazio a quanti sono contrari per motivi scientifici. Questo libro fornisce un breve inquadramento su ciò che il movimento scientifico antivivisezionista sta portando avanti da anni, partendo dagli slogan che l’opinione pubblica si sente ripetere da alcuni ricercatori per cercare di condizionarla a schierarsi a favore della sperimentazione animale.

Handbook of of Chemical Warfare Agents by Ramesh C. Gupta – Publisher: Academic Press; 2 edition (February 4, 2015)

Handbook of Toxicology of Chemical Warfare Agents, Second Edition covers every aspect of deadly toxic chemicals used in conflicts, warfare and terrorism. Including findings from experimental as well as clinical studies, this essential reference offers indepth coverage of individual toxicants, target organ , major incidents, toxic effects in humans, animals and , biosensors and biomarkers, onsite and laboratory analytical methods, decontamination and detoxification procedures, and countermeasures. Expanding on the groundbreaking first edition, Handbook of Toxicology of Chemical Warfare Agents has been completely updated, presenting the most recent advances in field. Brand new chapters include a of the IranIraq war, an overview of chemical weapons of mass destruction, explosives, ricin, the human respiratory system, alternative testing methods, brain injuries, and more. Unites worldleading experts to present cuttingedge, agentspecific information on chemical warfare agents and their adverse effects on human and animal health and the environment. Covers all aspects of chemical warfare agent modes of action, detection, prevention, therapeutic treatment and countermeasures. Features a full update on the first edition to reflect the most recent advances in the field as well as nine new chapters.

MouseStruck by Ita Stein Gvirtzman – Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (January 12, 2015)

A genuine and rarefied glance into the world of vivisection – A significant contribution to .

“For over twenty years, my friends at the laboratory were mainly white and black mice, there were also gray mice and and a few . I consider them my friends because I truly loved them all and it is beyond my understanding how in my own two hands, without a flinch or hesitation, and without even being able to think of another possible way, I had caused them all such .”

This is a unique and rare candid account of a vivisector who, after a long career in vivisection, had decided to break the wall of silence and courageously tells the story of lab animals that intertwines with her own life story.

The author is a former vivisector who, for over twenty years, had practiced animal experimentation for the sake of science. MouseStruck is a true account unfolding the process of the author crossing the lines after contracting cancer following many years of participating in the research to find a cure for this class of , and a sincere attempt to comprehend the vivisection act. 6 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

“This is my attempt to share my frustration and bewilderment in the face of the unreasonable reason, double standards, unsynchronized academic disciplines, and the rift between academic discourse and actual reality, while expressing my sense of freedom after releasing myself from the trap of a daily routine which eroded and distorted my life. I wish to reveal the atrocities, to protest against the scientific arrogance which is detached and alienated from the Humanities and the human spirit, and to allow the reader to grasp the inconceivable.”

Our Children and Other Animals: The Cultural Construction of Human-animal Relations in Childhood by Matthew Cole and Kate Stewart – Publisher: Ashgate Publishing Company; New edition edition (November 28, 2014)

Focusing on the socialization of the human use of other animals as resources in contemporary Western society, this book explores the cultural reproduction of humannonhuman animal relations in childhood. With close attention to the dominant practices through which children encounter animals and mainstream representations of animals in children’s culture – whether in terms of the selective exposure of children to animals as ‘’ or as food in the home or in school, or the representation of animals in mass media and social media – Our Children and Other Animals reveals the interconnectedness of studies of childhood, culture and humananimal relations. In doing so it establishes the importance of humananimal relations in sociology, by describing the sociological importance of animals in children’s lives and children in animals’ lives.Presenting a new typology of the various kinds of humananimal relationship, this conceptually innovative book constitutes a clear demonstration of the relevance of sociology to the interdisciplinary field of humananimal relations and will appeal to readers across the social sciences with interests in sociology, childhood studies, cultural and media studies and humananimal interaction.

Molecular Immunotoxicology by Emanuela Corsini and Henk Van Loveren – Publisher: WileyVCH; 1 edition (October 27, 2014)

From the Back Cover: “The human body’s is constantly exposed to chemical contaminants, whether from food, water or air. Some chemicals directly elicit an immune response, while others indirectly activate or deactivate components within the immune system. Thus when tracking or predicting the effect of a chemical on the immune system, many different pathways and modes of action need to be considered. Following an introduction to the various pathways and toxicity mechanisms from a systemic perspective, the main part of this comprehensive reference surveys individual molecular mechanisms of important immunotoxicants, from PAHs to biopharmaceuticals, and from receptormediated toxicity to nanoparticle toxicity, using analyses based on molecular effects rather than on animal models. Taken together, the knowledge presented here provides an uptodate overview of this hot topic that can be directly applied to the prediction and characterization of immunotoxic effects in drugs, chemicals, and environmental contaminants.”

Animal Rights and Public Wrongs: a biography of Lizzy Lind af Hageby by Nina Boyd – Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (October 27, 2014)

This is the first biography of Lizzy Lind af Hageby, a unique study of an engaging and humanitarian woman who had an enormous influence on the cause of all over the world. Lizzy Lind af Hageby (18781963) was a wealthy Swedish philanthropist who took British citizenship and became an influential Edwardian animal rights activist. A prolific author and lecturer on topics ranging from music and to spiritualism and talking animals, she and a tightknit group of lifelong friends transformed the way nonhuman animals are treated in 7 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations laboratories, farming and transport. Among her many achievements, she coauthored with Leisa Schartau The Shambles of Science (1903), a sensational causecélèbre which exposed the cruelty of vivisection as it was practised in hospital teaching laboratories was the first woman to plead her own case in an English court of law, having sued a leading journal for libel established the Bureau International Humanitaire Zoophile in Geneva, a campaigning animal protection organization, which influenced the proceedings of the League of Nations set up the Purple Cross Society to care for horses injured on the battlefield in two world wars became an expert on the Swedish dramatist, August Strindberg, publishing the first biography of him shortly after his death cofounded, with the Duchess of Hamilton, the Ferne in Dorset, to which and other animals were evacuated in World War II. This sanctuary has never closed opened a sanatorium in the South of France in 1916 to treat wounded soldiers. It remained open as a treatment centre for deprived and orphaned children met talking dogs; condemned vaccination and premature burial; was a leading spiritualist and Theosophist, and a believer in natural healing.

Ebola: The Natural and Human History of a Deadly Virus by David Quammen – Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company; 1 edition (October 20, 2014)

“A frightening and fascinating masterpiece of science reporting that reads like a detective story.” —Walter Isaacson

In 1976 a deadly virus emerged from the Congo forest. As swiftly as it came, it disappeared, leaving no trace. Over the four decades since, Ebola has emerged sporadically, each time to devastating effect. It can kill up to 90 percent of its victims. In between these outbreaks, it is untraceable, hiding deep in the jungle. The search is on to find Ebola’s elusive host animal. And until we find it, Ebola will continue to strike. Acclaimed science writer and explorer David Quammen first came near the virus while he was traveling in the jungles of Gabon, accompanied by local men whose village had been devastated by a recent outbreak. Here he tells the story of Ebola—its past, present, and its unknowable future.

Extracted from Spillover by David Quammen, updated and with additional material.

( “Spillover – Animal Infections And The Next Human Pandemic” from 2012 you will also find in our list)

Engineered Cell Manipulation for Biomedical Application (Nanomedicine and ) by Edtors Misturu Akashi, Takami Akagi, Michiya Matsusaki – Publisher: Springer; 2014 edition (October 20, 2014)

This book is the first to summarize new technologies for engineered cell manipulation. The contents focus on control of cellular functions by nanomaterials and control of threedimensional cell–cell interactions. Control of cellular functions is important for cell differentiation, maturation, and activation, which generally are controlled by the addition of soluble cytokines or growth factors into dishes. Target antigen molecules can be efficiently delivered to the cytosol of the dendritic cells using the nanoparticle technique described here, and cellular functions such as dendritic cell maturation can be controlled easily and with precision. This book describes basic preparation of the nanoparticles, activation control of dendritic cells, immune function control, and application for various vaccination systems. The second type of control,that of cell–cell interaction, is important for tissue engineering in order to develop threedimensional cellular constructs. To achieve engineering of threedimensional human tissue constructs, cell–cell interaction must be controlled in three dimensions, but typical biological cell manipulation technique cannot accomplish this task. An engineered cell manipulation technique is necessary. In this book the authors describe the fabrication of nanofilms onto cell surfaces, development of threedimensional cellular multilayers, and various applications of the cellular multilayers as threedimensional human models. This important 8 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations work will be highly informative for researchers and students in the fields of materials science, polymer science, biomaterials, medicinal science, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and biology.

Tainted: How Philosophy of Science Can Expose Bad Science (ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS AND SCIENCE POLICY SERIES) by Kristin ShraderFrechette – Publisher: Oxford University Press (October 15, 2014)

Threefourths of scientific research in the United States is funded by special interests. Many of these groups have specific practical goals, such as developing pharmaceuticals or establishing that a pollutant causes only minimal harm. For groups with financial conflicts of interest, their scientific findings often can be deeply flawed. To uncover and assess these scientific flaws, awardwinning biologist and philosopher of science Kristin ShraderFrechette uses the analytical tools of classic philosophy of science. She identifies and evaluates the concepts, data, inferences, methods, models, and conclusions of science tainted by the influence of special interests. As a result, she challenges accepted scientific findings regarding risks such as chemical toxins and , ionizing radiation, , hazardouswaste disposal, development of environmentally sensitive lands, threats to endangered species, and lessprotective standards for workplacepollution exposure. In so doing, she dissects the science on which many contemporary scientific controversies turn. Demonstrating and advocating “liberation science,” she shows how practical, logical, methodological, and ethical evaluations of science can both improve its quality and credibility — and protect people from harm caused by flawed science, such as underestimates of caused by bovine growth hormones, cell phones, fracking, or highvoltage wires.

This book is both an indepth look at the unreliable scientific findings at the root of contemporary debates in biochemistry, ecology, economics, hydrogeology, physics, and — and a call to action for scientists, philosophers of science, and all citizens.

Oltre il filo spinato di Green Hill. La vivisezione esiste ancora. Come e perché superarla di Gianluca Felicetti – Michela Kuan – Editore Sonda, Collana Saggi Pubblicato 07/10/2014

Un saggio rivolto a coloro che si pongono la questione etica della validità scientifica della sperimentazione sugli animali, sullo sfruttamento dei più deboli, sulla gestione della nostra salute e l’impiego trasparente dei fondi per la ricerca.

Due protagonisti della battaglia antivivisezionista spiegano cosa è successo negli ultimi anni, i dati, il dibattito, gli ambiti applicativi (ricerca di base, farmacologica, chimica, didattica, ecc), i casi di cronaca più significativi, l’uso delle cavie umane, i metodi sostitutivi; la clamorosa battaglia contro Green Hill con la liberazione di 3.000 , vicenda senza precedenti al mondo per così tanti animali “da laboratorio”, l’obiezione di coscienza alla vivisezione.

E poi la direttiva europea, l’iniziativa dei cittadini “Stop Vivisection” per abrogarla, la nuova legge in vigore in Italia da pochi mesi. L’opinione dei ricercatori, le testimonianze dei malati, le denunce degli attivisti e la sfida che lanciano alla ricerca sugli animali. Alla vivisezione.

GLI AUTORI: Gianluca Felicetti è Presidente della LAV Lega Anti Vivisezione. Attivo in prima persona contro la vivisezione e contro qualunque forma di sfruttamento animale, ha condotto molteplici campagne, iniziative legali e legislative. E’ uno dei leader più noti e autorevoli dell’animalismo italiano. – Michela Kuan è biologa e responsabile nazionale LAV del settore Vivisezione. Laureata in Scienze Biologiche con indirizzo bioecologico e con un dottorato internazionale 9 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations conseguito all’Università di Bologna in biodiversità ed evoluzione. Ha ricevuto il premio DNA 2013 dall’Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi.

Fermare Green Hill – Il libro è autoprodotto dal Coordinamento Fermare Green Hill. – Il libro viene venduto a euro 10 più spese postali. Per ordinarlo scrivere a [email protected]

“Fermare Green Hill” è il racconto della storia della campagna contro il tristemente noto allevamento di da laboratorio di Montichiari, e insieme la storia degli attivisti che questa campagna l’hanno pensata, costruita e resa possibile.

E’ una vicenda incredibile che dimostra come poche persone ben organizzate e determinate con pressoché nessun mezzo se non una strategia chiara e intelligente possano un giorno cambiare il mondo e realizzare un sogno. E’ la storia delle paure, delle gioie, delle lacrime, dei sorrisi, dell’amar10ezza e della soddisfazione di chi ha lavorato e programmato, giorno dopo giorno, lo smantellamento di Green Hill e la liberazione di tutti i cani prigionieri.

E’ la storia di un’idea e di un sogno, di una lotta per la giustizia e la liberazione animale. Di una campagna nata per chiudere un allevamento, e diventata veicolo senza precedenti della guerra contro la vivisezione. Grazie all’occupazione del tetto, alla liberazione dei cani il 28 aprile 2012, e all’occupazione dello stabulario del Dipartimento di Farmacologia dell’aprile 2013, in Italia e non solo il velo che nasconde e mistifica la realtà della sperimentazione animale è stato squarciato. Il dibattito diventato sempre più acceso. Fino a spingere anche la classe politica a prendere timidamente posizione. Questo libro vuole essere quindi racconto di quanto accaduto, ma anche spinta e stimolo, affinché quel velo venga squarciato sempre più, affinché la lotta continui. E Green Hill sia solo il primo lager ad esseresvuotato. Il primo di molti altri.

NOTA: Il libro è autoprodotto dal Coordinamento Fermare Green Hill. L’intero ricavato dalla vendita, senza alcun ricarico, servirà a sostenere le spese legali degli attivisti indagati e inquisiti per vari reati durante lo svolgimento di questa straordinaria campagna.” –Pubblicato da Montichiari Contro Green Hill

Plaidoyer pour les animaux de Matthieu Ricard – Editeur : ALLARY (3 octobre 2014).

Nous tuons chaque année 60 milliards d’animaux terrestres et 1 000 milliards d’animaux marins pour notre consommation. Un massacre inégalé dans l’histoire de l’Humanité qui pose un défi éthique majeur et nuit à nos sociétés : cette surconsommation aggrave la faim dans le monde, provoque des déséquilibres écologiques, est mauvaise pour notre santé. En plus de l’alimentation, nous instrumentalisons aussi les animaux pour des raisons purement vénales (trafic de la faune sauvage), pour la recherche scientifique ou par simple divertissement (corridas, cirques, ). Et si le temps était venu de les considérer non plus comme des êtres inférieurs mais comme nos “concitoyens” sur cette terre ? Nous vivons dans un monde interdépendant où le sort de chaque être, quel qu’il soit, est intimement lié à celui des autres. Il ne s’agit pas de s’occuper que des animaux mais aussi des animaux. Cet essai lumineux met à la portée de tous les connaissances actuelles sur les animaux, et sur la façon dont nous les traitons. Une invitation à changer nos comportements et nos mentalités.

La Medicina degli affari di Guglielmo Ferraro – Editore: (2 settembre 2014)

Quando la scienza è al servizio del profitto. Attraverso un’ampia revisione scientifica vengono documentati i drammatici effetti di una imperante pseudoscienza medica, dedita esclusivamente al profitto e indifferente alle sofferenze dell’umanità. L’autore ha inteso inoltre 10 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations focalizzare l’attenzione su alcuni tra i più importanti risultati ottenuti da ricerche mediche indipendenti, volutamente trascurati dai mass media, asserviti da sempre ai potenti, e violentemente rigettati da chi, ingloriosamente, detiene le redini della medicina. Il desiderio dell’autore di vedere la scienza medica separata dall’interesse pecuniario, aumentato negli ultimi tempi, che ne ostacola la funzione terapeutica, con danno della salute e con spreco del denaro pubblico, nasce, si legge chiaramente, e non solo tra le righe, dalla sentita necessità di una palingenesi morale e politica, in grado di riportare tra gli uomini valori oggi spariti. Non manca qualche tratto di garbata ironia. Un libro coraggioso.

“Educating for Action: Strategies to Ignite Social Justice” a New book includes ICAS members by Jason Del Gandio and Anthony J. Nocella II – Publisher: New Society Publishers (August 19, 2014)

Educating for Action includes many contributors from Institute for Critical such as Kim Socha, Anthony Nocella, Drew Winter, and Larry Butz.

The pursuit of freedom and justice is a timeless one, but new activists may not know where to begin, while more experienced ones often become jaded or fatigued. The task of constructing a new society, free from oppression and inequality, can be overwhelming. Tools for facilitating , engagement, and communication can mean the difference between failure and success for activists and social movements.

Educating for Action collects the voices of activists whose combined experience in confronting injustice has generated a wealth of key insights for creating social change. This practical guide explores such topics as:

Community activism and direct democracy Conflict negotiation, communication, and rhetoric Law, the educational system, and lifestyle activism Social media skills, conference planning, and online organizing

Written in an inspirational tone, Educating for Action consciously straddles the line between street activism and classroom instruction. Bridging the gap between these two worlds makes for an engaging and instructive manual for social justice, helping students, teachers, and larger activist communities turn their idealism into action.

EDITED BY: Jason Del Gandio is a scholaractivist and assistant professor of rhetoric and public advocacy at Temple University. He is the author of Rhetoric for Radicals: A Handbook for 21st Century Activists. Anthony J. Nocella II is a scholaractivist and senior fellow of the Dispute Resolution Institute at the Hamline Law School. He is a longtime antiracism, youth justice, prison abolition, hip hop, animal, disability, and Earth liberation activist and has published over fifty scholarly articles and book chapters and sixteen books.

A ’S TALE is going to be released on the 17th August 2014

Come to Vegan Festival (Kensington Town Hall, London W8 7NX) and be one of the firsts to get Your signed copy. Don’t worry if You can’t make it, You still can preorder and order it via post.

“A Rat’s Tale” retells the story of the Rat, her life in a laboratory and an accidental escape to the real world. Some people say that it’s a typical story to promote animal rights and can be called an iconic antivivisection work. Others argue that it is an allegory about humanity and raises a philosophical question if many lives matter more 11 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations than one. No one knows the answer. It does not judge the subject as expected, but rather encourages everyone to make their own conclusions and critical thinking. To order the book visit To get the signed book by Milda Bandzaite, the author and illustrator of “A Rat’s Tale”.

“Applied In Vitro Toxicology” – New Rochelle, NY, August 7, 2014

Expert insights on in vitro alternatives for drug and chemical toxicity testing!

In vitro toxicity testing is rapidly being adopted in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and industries, for example, as an alternative to animal studies to predict adverse health effects of drugs and personal care products and the health consequences of environmental exposures. An insightful Roundtable Discussion focused on how to apply these novel toxicology models to everyday hazard prediction, risk assessment, and decision making in industry is published in the preview issue of the new journal Applied In Vitro Toxicology, a peerreviewed publication from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers. The article is available free on the Applied In Vitro Toxicology website.

In the Roundtable Discussion “Comments on How to Make the New Vision of Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century a Reality,” Moderator Jim McKim, EditorinChief of Applied In Vitro Toxicology and Founder and CEO, IONTOX, LLC, challenges the panelists to present a realistic view of how far the field has advanced in implementing the strategy put forth in a National Academy of Sciences report to improve toxicity testing.

Panelists Alan Goldberg, Consulting Editor of the Journal, Nicole Kleinstreuer, ILS/National Toxicology Program Interagency Center for Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods (Research Triangle Park, NC), Francois Busquet, Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (Konstanz, Germany), and Melvin Andersen, The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences (RTP, NC) participate in an interactive discussion on the use of human cell models combined with highthroughput screening methods to test for toxicity, and the complexity of applying adverse outcome pathways (AOPs). The conversation covers topics ranging from policy issues, challenges related to data interpretation and understanding the information gained from in vitro models, the emergence of threedimensional tissue culture models that integrate cells from multiple human organs, and the different approaches being used to assess risk from highdose, shortterm exposures compared to exposure to lower concentrations of a chemical over longer periods of time.

“Improved analytical technologies and improvements in human tissue models will allow us to change the animal safety testing paradigm,” says Jim McKim.

Credit: ©2014, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers Caption: Applied In Vitro Toxicology is published quarterly in print and online. For more information, visit Text crossposted from:

The Cruel Science: Animal Research from to the 21st Century by David Irving – Publisher: Create Space Independent Publishing Platform (July 8, 2014)

THE CRUEL SCIENCE recounts the history of animal research from ancient times to the present. It provides an overview of the history of animal research starting with the ancient Greeks and offers a unique perspective on the 12 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations impact of Aristotle’s hierarchical view of nature on animal research that continues to the present day. The book shows that animal research claims that language is a prerequisite for cannot be maintained in light of the evidence.

The book exposes the probable responsibility of animal research for the AIDS epidemic and many forms of cancer and how the industry has invented a perpetual money producing machine that bilks the public out of billions of dollars every year for needless, senseless that are often exceptionally cruel.

Think! Eat! Act! – A Sea Shepherd Chef’s Vegan Recipes (Microcosm) by Raffaella Tolicetti – Publisher: Microcosm Publishing (July 1, 2014)

Featuring the wide variety of vegan food prepared on the ships of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, this goaloriented cookbook shows how to make delicious meals while engaged in activism. From Italian and Spanish dishes to French, Asian, and more, the recipes are not only great tasting but also driven and inspired by living compassionately. In addition to the conscientious and scrumptious food, the book also provides information about current vegan activist campaigns going on around the world.

COSMETICS: Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 by Stefanie Merenyi (Chemical Watch) – Publisher: GRIN Verlag GmbH (June 13, 2014) Kosmetische Mittel: Verordnung (Eg) NR. 1223/2009 von Stefanie Meryi (Chemical Watch) Publisher: GRIN Verlag GmbH (June 27, 2014)Anthology from the year 2014 in the subject Law – European and International Law, Intellectual Properties, , language: English, abstract: Chemicals legislation is quite a vivid regulatory arena. As is the case in the science of Chemistry itself there is also no standstill in chemicals legislation. Most of the relevant regulations are subject to chronic revisions. In order to keep up with the actual legislation beyond the efforts of a looseleaf collection, the series CSL: Consolidated Substances Legislation has been created. This is the consolidated version of the European Cosmetics Regulation (April 2014).

Defensores de la igualdad: Libertad sin cadenas, más allá de la genética – autor Pedro Pozas Terrados – Editor Punto Rojo Libros (June 13, 2014)

La defensa por los derechos fundamentales de los Grandes simios en España. Una historia, una realidad, una lucha, una esperanza y una verdad a favor de la vida, protagonizada por los defensores de la igualdad. Una libertad sin cadenas más allá de la genética, rompiendo la barrera de las especies.

Naturalista, investigador, crítico, aventurero, ecologista y animalista convencido, ciudadano del mundo, director ejecutivo y coordinador del Proyecto Gran Simio (GAP/PGSEspaña) y escritor de nacimiento. Lucha por defender la igualdad, romper la barrera más allá de las especies, por los derechos de los grandes simios y del resto de los seres vivos, por la conservación de las selvas tropicales y la defensa de sus pueblos indígenas y sus campesinos verdaderos héroes de la Tierra, por la defensa de los derechos de los cetáceos que son los grandes simios de océano. Tiene claro que la situación actual del mundo seguirá agravándose hasta el No Retorno, mientras exista el Sistema Político actual y el poder económico utilice a los representantes del pueblo como simples marionetas. Piensa que el ciudadano tiene el poder para salvar al mundo, para acabar con el hambre y las guerras?pero se necesita unión, valentía y acción, ser guerreros del arco iris que luchen pacíficamente por nuestro planeta, por las generaciones futuras y no ser motas de polvo que pasan desapercibidas en los rincones de la ignorancia. Director 13 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Ejecutivo y Coordinador General del Proyecto Gran Simio en España. Jefe del Departamento de Prensa de OMDIMAR (Oasis y Dispensarios Marinos). Coordinador de la Red Mundial de OMDIMAR (Oasis y Dispensarios Marinos) Miembro de Honor de la Asociación Profesional Española de Naturopatía y Bioterapia. (Los cargos son desempeñados de forma altruista y desinteresada; realizando todas las actividades, publicaciones, conferencias y cargos de responsabilidad en sus horas libres, fuera de su trabajo habitual).

Growl: Life Lessons, Hard Truths, and Bold Strategies from an Animal Advocate by Kim Stallwood – Publisher: (May 27, 2014)

Kim Stallwood is an independent scholar and author on animal rights. His book, Growl: Life Lessons, Hard Truths, and Bold Strategies from an Animal Advocate, is published by Lantern Books in 2014. Since 1974, he demonstrated personal commitment and professional experience in leadership positions with some of the world’s foremost animal advocacy organisations in the U.K. and U.S.A. This includes Compassion In World Farming, British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and The Animals’ Agenda magazine. He cofounded the Animals and Society Institute in 2005. He is ASI’s European Director. He is also (volunteer) Executive Director of Minding Animals International. His client organisations include CIWF, GREY2K USA Worldwide, and League Against Cruel Sports. He became a vegetarian in 1974 after working in a chicken . He has been a vegan since 1976. He holds dual citizenship in the U.K. and U.S.

The Quest for a Moral Compass by Kenan Malik – Publisher: Atlantic Books (1 May 2014)

In this remarkable and groundbreaking book, Kenan Malik explores the history of moral thought as it has developed over three millennia, from Homer’s Greece to Mao’s China, from ancient India to modern America. It tells the stories of the great philosophers, and breathes life into their ideas, while also challenging many of our most cherished moral beliefs. Engaging and provocative, The Quest for a Moral Compass confronts some of humanity’s deepest questions. Where do values come from? Is God necessary for moral guidance? Are there absolute moral truths? It also brings morality down to earth, showing how, throughout history, social needs and political desires have shaped moral thinking. It is a history of the world told through the history of moral thought, and a history of moral thought that casts new light on global history. At a time of great social turbulence and moral uncertainty, there will be few histories more important than this.

Kenan Malik is a writer, lecturer and broadcaster. He is a presenter of Analysis of BBC Radio 4, and a panelist on The Moral Maze. He has taught at universities in Britain, Europe, Australia and the USA, presented many TV documentaries and writes regularly for newspapers across the world including , the Guardian, GoteborgsPosten and the Australian. His books include Man, Beast and Zombie, Strange and From Fatwa to Jihad, which was shortlisted for the 2010 Orwell Book Prize.

Sulla cattiva strada. Il legame tra la violenza sugli animali e quella sugli umani di Annamaria Manzoni – Editore Sonda, Collana Saggi Pubblicato 29/04/2014.

Il male è tutto ciò che fa soffrire gli esseri senzienti: da questa banale considerazione, si snoda il tema del saggio, in cui l’autrice tocca temi uniti dal comune denominatore di avere come vittime della sofferenza inflitta gli animali non umani: le crudeltà di cui loro sono oggetto non sono solo quelle frutto del sadismo individuale, ma anche tutte quelle inflitte a norma di legge nei luoghi del loro martirio: territori di caccia, macelli, laboratori di vivisezione, il dietro le quinte dei circhi. Si ricompone così il filo che unisce queste realtà a tutte le altre che hanno come vittime gli umani: 14 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations territori di guerra, prigioni, ospedali psichiatrici giudiziari, metodi educativi autoritari. Il risultato è un affresco al negativo in cui diventano evidenti e innegabili le interconnessioni tra tutte le forme di violenza manifesta, legali o illegali che siano, che, come una ragnatela, si ampliano e si contagiano reciprocamente. Ma anche una possibilità di riscatto e di cambiamento, non volendo confondere ciò che è lecito con ciò che è giusto, perché l’ingiustizia resta tale anche se normata da tutte le leggi di questa terra. E con la speranza di superare il cronicizzato peccato mortale dell’esclusione degli altri animali.

Frankenstein’s : Cuddling Up to Biotech’s Brave New Beasts by Emily Anthes – Publisher: Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux; Reprint edition (April 8, 2014)

From Booklist:

“Medicineproducing , a glowing beagle, and remotecontrolled rats seem like science fiction, but not only are they scientifically possible, they’re already here. Welcome to the weird world of animal biotechnology presented by journalist Anthes. Genetic alteration has allowed us to change animals in ways never before possible. The book is a quick, often surprising review of current advances, giving accessible treatment to a weighty subject and employing clear descriptions of complex science. Anthes not only explores what is being done but also asks why and if it should be done. Along the way, the book reveals much about humans and our connections to animals and the world we all inhabit. These animals are not just in labs. Glowing and steerable are being sold, and a cloned cat has been accepted into a home after her research days were finished. Cyborg beetles and much more are a reality today, and their existence prompts us to wonder where our responsibility lies when pursuing our evergrowing power to play with the animal kingdom.” –Bridget Thoreson –This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

“Smart, funny and deep: Frankenstein’s Cat is a report from the frontiers of the scientific campaign to reengineer animals to fulfill human desires. At the same time Anthes, whose love of animals shines through on every page, takes her readers on a rich and challenging quest of selfdiscovery: what rights do the animal objects of our creativity possess—and what obligations to them and to ourselves must we accept as we reshape (again!) the living world? A great read.” —Thomas Levenson, Professor of Science Writing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and author of Newton and the Counterfeiter

Poison Spring: The Secret History of Pollution and the EPA by E.G. Vallianatos and McKay Jenkins – Publisher: Bloomsbury Press; First Edition edition (April 8, 2014)

Imagine walking into a restaurant and finding chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides, or neonicotinoid insecticides listed in the description of your entree. They may not be printed in the menu, but many are in your food. These are a few of the literally millions of pounds of approved synthetic substances dumped into the environment every day, not just in the US but around the world. They seep into our water supply, are carried thousands of miles by wind and rain from the site of application, remain potent long after they are deposited, and constitute, in the words of one scientist, “biologic death bombs with a delayed time fuse and which may prove to be, in the long run, as dangerous to the existence of mankind as the arsenal of atom bombs.” All of these poisons are sanctioned–or in some cases, ignored–by the EPA. For twentyfive years E.G. Vallianatos saw the EPA from the inside, with rising dismay over how pressure from politicians and threats from huge corporations were turning it from the public’s watchdog into a “polluter’s protection agency.” Based on his own experience, the testimony of colleagues, and hundreds of documents Vallianatos collected inside the EPA, Poison Spring reveals how the agency has continually reinforced the chemicalindustrial complex. 15 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Writing with acclaimed environmental journalist McKay Jenkins, E.G. Vallianatos provides a devastating exposé of how the agency created to protect Americans and our environment has betrayed its mission. Half a century after after Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring awakened us to the dangers of pesticides, we are poisoning our lands and waters with more toxic chemicals than ever.

False Certezze di Bruno J.R. Nicolaus – Editore: Youcanprint, Formato Kindle (28 febbraio 2014)

Un’opera di divulgazione su temi di grande attualità. L’armonia della natura ha modellato le culture, finchè il degrado ambientale e morale non favorì stili di vita aberranti ed il dilagare di farmaci,droga e violenza. A questi problemi si sommano quelli causati da fame, sete, povertà, aumento demografico, clima, inquinamento,allevamenti,vivisezione, alimentazione,obesità, droghe lecite e illecite,alcol e fumo. Alzheimer e demenza senile galoppano,oggi,mentre la scienza insegue vecchi miraggi, come prolungare la vita fino ed oltre i 120 anni

Sinossi Nata alcuni miliardi d’anni fa, la vita si è evoluta, stimolando meccanismi di difesa, che hanno permesso all’uomo di sopravvivere alle calamità naturali: terremoti e maremoti; inondazioni, siccità e glaciazioni; carestie ed eruzioni vulcaniche; collisioni con asteroidi, catastrofi ecologiche, pestilenze, ecc. Ciononostante, la salute del pianeta continua ad essere a rischio, per la simultanea insorgenza di fattori naturali ed antropici negativi: l’azione congiunta di fattori pericolosi e potenzialmente sinergici finirà per danneggiare seriamente il nostro organismo. Da ciò, consegue la necessità di mettere in opera, con urgenza, modelli di sopravvivenza, in grado di sopperire all’emergenza in atto e di armonizzare le varie esigenze, quali: Fame, sete e l’elisir di lunga vita; effetto serra, carenza energetica ed energie alternative; inquinamento della biosfera; degrado ambientale e morale; esplosione demografica; allevamenti intensivi; sperimentazione animale e vivisezione; modifiche degli stili di vita – alimentazione, soprappeso, obesità – farmaci, droghe illecite e lecite tra cui alcol e fumo, paradisi artificiali; insorgenza di nuove patologie da germi ed agenti chimici patogeni; nascita della vita e morte biologica, ecc.

La difficile materia viene affrontata in maniera appassionante ed accessibile a tutti: proporremo nuove tematiche e loro soluzioni pratiche, come pure discipline e progetti all’avanguardia: sarà una specie di volo virtuale, che partendo dalla chimica degli astri approderà alla nascita della materia vivente, fino al binomio mentecervello.

Sarà un vero e proprio volo virtuale: dalle stelle al pensiero.

Totale Befreiung: Eine Revolution für das 21. Jahrhundert – von Steven Best – Verlag: Echo Göttingen; Auflage: 1 (10. Februar 2014)

In seinem neuen Buch Totale Befreiung: Eine Revolution für das 21. Jahrhundert beschreibt Steven Best sehr anschaulich die tiefe Krise, in der sich Mensch und Natur befinden. Schonungslos und kritisch setzt er sich mit den wichtigsten Problemen der gegenwärtigen Tierrechtsbewegung, der veganen Bewegung sowie weiteren sozialen Strömungen auseinander. Best deckt dabei deren Defizite auf und argumentiert, dass sie ihre Schwächen nur überwinden können, wenn sie sich gegenseitig ergänzen und unterstützen, weshalb er auf ein Bündnis drängt, das breiter und tiefgreifender als alles bisher Dagewesene ist. Mit seiner entlarvenden Betrachtung des westlichen Konzepts von Fortschritt regt Best zum Nach und Umdenken an, wobei er ein erschütterndes Bild einer Welt malt, die ohne eine baldige Veränderung dem Untergang geweiht ist. Das 21. Jahrhundert ist der entscheidende Wendepunkt der Menschheitsgeschichte eine historische Ära, in der das, was wir tun oder nicht tun, darüber bestimmt, ob die Zukunft nur schlimm oder schrecklich sein wird, lediglich beschwerlich oder katastrophal. Um die Krise zu überwinden, bedarf es einer neuen Politik einer Politik der totalen Befreiung, die die ungleichen Befreiungsbewegungen für die Menschen, Tiere und die Erde vereint. 16 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

: Revolution for the 21st Century” by Steven Best – coming soon in Italian and English – end of 2014

From Steve Best blog “I am pleased to announce the publication of my new book, Total Liberation: Revolution for the 21st Century. This concise, jargonfree, and highly readable work is soon to be published in three different languages: first, next month, in German, by Echo Verlag publishers; second, by midyear, in Italian, by Ortica Editrice; and third, in English toward the end of 2014, by the major American academic press, PalgraveMacMillan.” Summary: Despite recent decades of intense social and environmental struggles, we are nevertheless losing ground in the battles for democracy and ecology. and globalization have destroyed social democracies, widened gaps between rich and poor, dispossessed farmers, and marketized the entire world. Signs of ecological distress are everywhere, from shrinking forests and depleted fisheries to vanishing wilderness and rising sea levels. Since the 1980s, there has been growing awareness that cannot succeed without social justice and social justice cannot be realized without environmentalism. But this alliance is exclusionary, discriminatory, speciesist, and hypocritical. The interests of one species are represented as millions of others go unrecognized except to be exploited as resources for human use. It fails to grasp the profound theoretical, ethical, political, and ecological contributions that (and its corollary, ethical ) bring to the table. Conversely, the animal rights and vegan communities — marginalized in their largely white middle class zones of privilege – fail to engage the massive global power base of progressive/Left social movements. It is becoming increasingly clear that human, animal, and earth liberation movements are inseparably linked, such that none can be free until all are free. Given their symbiotic, holistic, and interlocking relationship, it is imperative that we no longer speak of human liberation, animal liberation, or earth liberation as if they were independent struggles; rather, we need to speak of total liberation. Theoretically, we must identify commonalities of oppression, such as stem from and slavery, or patriarchy and capitalism. Politically, we need to form alliances against common oppressors, across class, racial, gender, and national boundaries, as we link democracy to ecology and social justice to animal rights. Now more than ever, we need more expansive visions and politics on all sides of the human/animal/earth liberation equation, as we must build new bridges and advance novel forms of dialogue, learning, and struggle. The domination of humans, animals, and the earth stem from the same mindset and institutional forms that promote hierarchy, hostility to otherness, and the will to power. This can only be fully revealed and transformed by engaging the animal standpoint, a multiperspectival theory of hierarchical domination, and an alliance politics broader and deeper than anything yet created. A truly revolutionary movement will not just emancipate members of one species, but rather all species and the earth itself. A future revolutionary movement worthy of its name will overcome instrumentalism and hierarchical thinking in every pernicious form, including that of humans over animals and the earth. It will merge animal, earth, and human liberation in a total liberation struggle against global capitalism and hierarchical domination of all kinds. Look for other editions soon to come:

Citizen Canine: Our Evolving Relationship with and Dogs – author David Grimm, April 8 2014

When we talk about animal test – more people get angry if they hear about the use of cat or dogs for laboratoy tests, than the use of a rat, mice, , , fish or a . 17 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Why is that? “Citizen Canine” is a book that will make you understand – and hopefully also make you aware of your own moral dilemma when it comes to animal suffering and animals used in laboratories – and why you protect your pets more than other animals.

Cats and dogs were once wild animals. Today, they are family members and surrogate children. A little over a century ago, pets didn’t warrant the meager legal status of property. Now, they have more rights and protections than any other animal in the country. Some say they’re even on the verge of becoming legal persons. Today dogs are getting lawyers. Cats are getting kidney transplants. Could they one day be fellow citizens? How did we get here—and what happens next?

In this fascinating exploration of the changing status of dogs and cats in society, lover and awardwinning journalist David Grimm explores the rich and surprising history of our favorite companion animals. He treks the long and often torturous path from their wild origins to their dark days in the middle ages to their current standing as the most valued animals on Earth. As he travels across the country—riding along with Los Angeles detectives as they investigate animal cruelty cases, touring the devastation of New Orleans in search of the orphaned pets of Hurricane Katrina, and coming facetoface with wolves and feral cats—Grimm reveals the changing social attitudes that have turned pets into family members, and the remarkable laws and court cases that have elevated them to quasi citizens. Also read the interview with Grimm in National geographic

“Toxicogenomics-Based Cellular Models: Alternatives to Animal Testing for Safety Assessment.” Publication Date: 17 Mar 2014 – Jos Kleinjans ToxicogenomicsBased Cellular Models is a unique and valuable reference for all academic and professional researchers employing toxicogenomic methods with respect to animal testing for chemical safety. This resource offers cuttingedge information on the application of toxicogenomics to developing alternatives to current animal toxicity tests. By illustrating the development of toxicogenomicsbased cellular models for critical endpoints of toxicity and providing realworld examples for validation and data analysis, this book provides an assessment of the current state of the field, as well as opportunities and challenges for the future. Written by renowned international toxicological experts, this book explores ‘omics technology for developing new assays for toxicity testing and safety assessment and provides the reader with a focused examination of alternative means to animal testing. It describes the stateoftheart in developing toxicogenomicsbased cellular models for chemicalinduced carcinogenicity, immunotoxicity, developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity and reproduction toxicity. It illustrates how to validate toxicogenomicsbased alternative test models and provides an outlook to societal and economic implementation of these novel assays. It includes an overview of current testing methods and risk assessment frameworks. It provides a realworld assessment by articulating the current development and challenges in toxicogenomics while suggesting ways to move this field forward.

Hope by Amanda Flisher – Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 1, 2014)

Hope is a true based story of a little collie cross Albanian , who was picked up as a stray in Albania and used for vivisection. She was to be destroyed when a female technician pleaded for her life. That is when Unite to care and other like minded people went on a journey to rescue her and provide her with a future away from and torture.

Living Beings examines the vital characteristics of social interactions between living beings, including humans, other animals and trees by by Penny Dransart (Editor) – Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic (February 13, 2014) 18 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Many discussions of such relationships highlight the exceptional qualities of the human members of the category, insisting for instance on their religious beliefs or creativity. In contrast, the international case studies in this volume dissect views based on hierarchical oppositions between human and other living beings. Although human practices may sometimes appear to exist in a realm beyond nature, they are nevertheless subject to the pull of natural forces. These forces may be brought into prominence through a consideration of the interactions between human beings and other inhabitants of the natural world. The interplay in this book between social anthropologists, philosophers and artists cuts across species divisions to examine the experiential dimensions of interspecies engagements. In ethnographically and/or historically contextualized chapters, contributors examine the juxtaposition of human and other living beings in the light of themes such as wildlife safaris, violence, difference, mimicry, simulation, spiritual renewal, dress and language. Penelope Dransart is Reader in and Archaeology at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, UK.

The War on Humans by Wesley J. Smith – Publisher: Discovery Institute Press; 1st edition (February 5, 2014)

The environmental movement has helped produce significant improvements in the world around us–from cleaner air to the preservation of natural wonders such as Yellowstone. But in recent years, environmental activists have arisen who regard humans as Public Enemy #1. In this provocative ebook, Wesley J. Smith exposes efforts by radical activists to reduce the human population by up to 90% and to grant legal rights to animals, plants, and Mother Earth. Smith argues that the ultimate victims of this misanthropic crusade will be the poorest and most vulnerable among us, and he urges us to defend both human dignity and the natural environment before it is too late. Wesley J. Smith is a Senior Fellow in Human Rights and Bioethics at the Discovery Institute.

Defining : An Intersectional Social Justice Approach for Liberation (Csounterpoint: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education) – by Anthony J. Nocella, John Sorenson , Kim Socha, Atsuko Matsuoka – Publisher: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers (December 30, 2013)

This is the first book to define the philosophical and practical parameters of critical animal studies (CAS). Rooted in anarchist perspectives that oppose all systems of domination and authoritarianism, CAS both challenges anthropocentrism and presents animal liberation as a social justice movement that intersects with other movements for positive change. Written by a collection of internationally respected scholaractivists, each chapter expands upon the theory and practice underlying the total liberation approach, the roles of academics and activists, and the ten principles of CAS. With apolitical animal studies and exploitative animal research dominating higher education, this book offers a timely counternarrative that demands the liberation of all oppressed beings and the environment. Defining Critical Animal Studies will interest educators, students, activists, community members, and policy makers seeking accessible theory that can be put into action.

“We Animals” – new book, dec. 2013 author JoAnne McArthur

“These images take us to dark and hidden places visited by only a few determined and courageous individuals like JoAnne McArthur. They reveal the secret practices that many people will not want to know about. For the animals’ sake, I beg that you will not only look but feel. For if we truly understand their suffering then, surely, we shall no longer condone it. And the heartwarming images at the end of the book show us the road to compassion.” — Dr. Jane Goodall, primatologist and author. 19 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Danger – Cosmetics to Go: A Cosmetics Company on the Edge by Mira Manga – Publisher: Lush (October 19, 2013) From “This exclusive book tells the story of LUSH origins Our first book, Danger! Cosmetics To Go, tells the story of the meteoric rise and devastating fall of the company that came before LUSH, Cosmetics To Go. Meet the founders of LUSH, discover their stories and follow them as they forge a brand new cosmetics company unlike any other. Songwriter Mira Manga who works for LUSH in England spent nearly two years exploring, interviewing, researching and writing to bring us this keepsake book, complete with original imagery from Cosmetics to Go catalogs. Read about the invention of the Bath Bomb, how the creation of the Shampoo Bar was actually a lucky mistake, and how this unique company took the cosmetics industry by storm. It’s a nostalgic look back at the people and products of Cosmetics To Go, all the dizzying highs and eventual lows.”

“We’ve been against animal testing for over 30 years and will continue to inform, encourage and participate in the fight for animal rights. We’re proud to say that the founders of LUSH have been passionately fighting against animal testing during all of this time, long before LUSH was even an idea. Since the movement to stop animal testing started, policies have been created to work with cosmetics companies and raw materials suppliers to end animal cruelty As a cosmetics company we care deeply about both the quality of our products and the safety of our customers, and we happily comply with federal safety standards. Cosmetic companies are responsible for providing safety assurances in whatever manner they deem appropriate. This can be done without any new animal testing by relying on the roughly 20,000 established cosmetic ingredients that have already been evaluated for their safety, and through the use of a growing number of proven, nonanimal test methods. The science of cosmetics safety testing has progressed greatly in recent years, and there are now dozens of proven nonanimal test methods accepted by government regulators of cosmetics. Examples include 3dimensional human skin models, which can fully replace the use of rabbits for skin irritation testing, and cell culture tests for sunlightinduced “photo”toxicity, genetic mutations, and other harmful effects. Nonanimal methods have been shown to be scientifically superior – and usually take less time to complete, at a fraction of the cost of animal experiments.” – Lush Cosmetic

Dødelig Medicin Og Organiseret Kriminalitet – Hvordan Medicinalindustrien Har Korrumperet Sundhedsvæsenet – af Peter C. Gøtzsche – 19 september 2013

DØDELIG MEDICIN OG ORGANISERET KRIMINALITET er en af de heftigste anklager, der er rettet mod medicinalindustrien og dens mange forgreninger i nyere tid. Overlæge og dr. med. Peter Gøtzsche opfordrer til et radikalt opgør med et behandlingssystem og en industri, der har katastrofale konsekvenser for patienterne, og hvis forretningsmodel er organiseret kriminalitet. Gøtzsche dokumenterer de mafiaagtige metoder, som effektivt kører i et spind af intimiderende psykisk vold – hvis du ikke makker ret, ødelægger vi din karriere – og han viser, hvordan patientens tillid til de lægemidler, lægerne udskriver, er baseret på en livsfarlig illusion om, at de er sikre, fordi de er blevet testet og godkendt. I den vestlige verden er lægemidler den tredjehyppigste dødsårsag efter hjertesygdomme og kræft. Medicinen fører os ofte uforvarende fra asken i ilden, og patienten har ingen chance for at vide, at det er det, der sker. Gøtzsche afslører, hvordan den omfattende hasard med patienternes liv foregår; hvordan løgnen, selv efter den er afsløret, ufortrødent fortsætter i et maskineri, der sætter profitten højere end patienternes liv.

Boganmeldelse: Peter Gøtzsches nye bog: Big pharma = Big crime? Cochranelægen Peter Gøtzsche har udgivet en bog med stærk kritik af medicinalindustrien og systemet for godkendelse og kontrol af medicin. Bogen er ladet med eksempler fra mange terapeutiske områder og er – med sin usædvanligt hårde retorik – en oplagt debatskaber. Dansk artikel: 20 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Book Review: Peter Gøtzsches new book: Big Pharma = Big crime? Cochrane doctor Peter Gøtzsche published a book with strong criticism of the and the system for approval and monitoring of . The book is loaded with examples from many therapeutic areas and is – with its unusually harsh rhetoric – an obvious topic to a debate. Information flyer in english at

“High Price” – A Neuroscientist’s Journey of Self-Discovery That Challenges Everything You Know About Drugs and Society by Carl Hart – Imprint: Harper, November 2013 Book review by Carl Hart: “For a long time I have been critical about conclusions drawn from animal experiments which purported to be models for addictive behavior with drugs in humans. In particular, I got annoyed hearing over and over about how rats and rhesus monkeys would press levers to get cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine compulsively, even until they died, choosing drugs over even food and water. These experiments were touted incessantly by socalled experts. As I mentioned in a previous post, the head of the National Institute for Drug Abuse, Dr. Nora Volkov, even had the nerve to say that rats and humans could have the same phenotype! My usual response to this was that rats and monkeys do not know about the damage the drugs might do to them, but that humans do, and that makes the comparison ridiculous if not completely preposterous. Furthermore, if a monkey experienced the “crash” that followed stopping cocaine or meth, it would not know that the crash was due to the drug, only that the drug stopped the crash. And scientists even STILL have had no luck in finding rats who hide bottles of alcohol.”read the whole review :

Carl Hart is an associate professor in the departments of and psychiatry at Columbia University. He is also a research scientist in the Division of Substance Abuse at the New York State Psychiatric Institute; a member of the National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse; and on the board of directors of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence and the Drug Policy Alliance. A native of Miami, Florida, he lives in New York City.

Only One Chance – How Environmental Pollution Impairs Brain Development — and How to Protect the Brains of the Next Generation by Philippe Grandjean – Publisher: Oxford University Press Inc 16082013

Environmental pollutants such as lead, mercury, and pesticides interfere with brain development, yet we do not test industrial chemicals for brain toxicity. In this book, Philippe Grandjean argues for the necessity of protecting the brains of future generations and proposes a plan of action to halt what he refers to as chemical brain drain.

Philippe Grandjean is Professor, Head of Research Unit, MD, DMSc of environmental medicine and health at the university of Southern Denmark.

Le Prix Du Bonheur I: Le Mythe de L’Animal-Roi de Charles Danten – Createspace; 1 edition (Aug. 5 2013)

Si vous aimez les animaux domestiques, si vous pensez qu’ils sont bien traités, aussi bien sinon mieux que vos propres enfants, ce livre dérangeant de l’exvétérinaire Charles Danten vous ébranlera.

Diplômé en agronomie et en médecine vétérinaire, Charles Danten a pratiqué la médecine vétérinaire pendant dixhuit ans, dont dix à son propre compte près de Montréal, au Québec. À différents moments de sa carrière, le Dr Danten a soigné aussi bien les animaux de compagnie que les animaux de ferme et de . Après avoir pris conscience du véritable visage de la relation hommeanimal, il a vendu sa clinique et abandonné la pratique de la médecine vétérinaire pour se consacrer, entre autres, à l’amélioration de la condition animale. 21 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Slaves of Our Affection: The Myth of the Happy Pet by Charles Danten (Author), Erin Lestrade (Translator) – Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (December 25, 2013)

This provocative exposé puts our most revered interactions with animals under the microscope. Meticulously documented, it raises poignant questions about the nature of our relationships with animals and reveals littleknown aspects of the industry behind it all. Pet food manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, , shelters, humane societies, animal activists, factory farms, and even pet owners are at the core of a subtle exploitation that operates under the guise of love and compassion. A graduate of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Charles Danten practiced veterinary medicine for eighteen years, ten of which were spent in his own veterinary clinic near Montreal, Quebec. At different times during his career, Dr. Danten cared for companion, farm, and zoo animals. A growing awareness of the undesirable aspects of humananimal relationships led him to sell his clinic and leave the profession altogether.

What’s the message you want people and activists to take from your book? Take time to look at all the issues thoroughly, to see the big picture in a eurêka fashion, the only thing capable of really changing things. Don’t be afraid to dig deep into the roots of the problem you are concerned with, don’t be afraid to question your founding credo and values, the solution to any problem is in it’s investigation. In the end, don’t feed the problem by your actions, take time to analyze their results, and don’t let your ego lead the way, ask yourself why you really want to help animals, ask yourself finally if your sole concern is not yourself.

From an interview by LeighChantelle: Consider the message behind this slogan, whose aim is to promote “responsible” pet ownership: “Adopting an animal is for life!” On the surface, it caters to the desire to make society kinder towards animals. However, by silently buying into the fallacies of the pet industry, it does more to nullify the wanted effect of saving animals and to amplify the dreaded effect of consumerism, with all its inseparable atrocities. This is how people who aim to protect animals end up instead smilingly contributing to the heinousness of the industry. Their involvement within the accepted confines of the present system only gives strength to its basic building blocks. Thus, paradoxically, those who defend animals in this superficial matter only worsen the problem they are trying to solve precisely because they do so with the exact same frame of mind that created the problem in the first place. This explains, in a nutshell, why the animal condition has deteriorated over the past 300 years and why it will continue to do so. “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root,” says Henry David Thoreau in Walden, “and it may be that he who bestows the largest amount of time and money on the needy is doing the most by his mode of life to produce that misery which he strives in vain to relieve.”

Il maiale non fa la rivoluzione – Manifesto per un antispecismo debole di Leonardo Caffo – Collana: Saggi 2013

Perché il solo nascere di un’altra specie deve significare la condanna a morte o lo sfruttamento? Ogni giorno, esclusivamente a scopo alimentare uccidiamo milioni di animali di grossa taglia, che diventano 50 miliardi in un anno. Gli animali vengono mangiati, indossati, usati per la ricerca scientifica o, se fortunati, messi dietro le sbarre di uno zoo oppure esposti alla berlina in un circo. Chi ignora tutto questo forse è felice e inconsapevole: vive pensando che i peggiori dei mali siano oggi superati e che, nonostante tutto, la nostra vita sia una vita innanzitutto morale. Per capire cosa ne è, oggi, di tutto questo dolore bisogna scrivere non da animalisti, ma da animali. La domanda che guida questo saggio diventa dunque: che cosa penserebbe un maiale se avesse avuto la possibilità di indicarci la strada per quella rivoluzione che è la sua liberazione – ovvero la liberazione animale? Una confutazione appassionata e rigorosa di tutte le visioni che relativizzano la sofferenza degli animali, con uno sguardo sempre attento alla società (dai cani liberati di Green Hill in Italia, a quelli sterminati in Ucraina, al nascente 22 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations partito «animalista») e alle sue contraddizioni. Una riflessione per ridefinire gli obiettivi del movimento di liberazione animale attraverso la definizione e la pratica dell’«antispecismo debole» – una nuova teoria, per un nuovo mondo.

«Non è lontano il giorno in cui lo specismo ci risulterà altrettanto inaccettabile che il razzismo, ma perché ciò avvenga bisogna non cedere alla retorica e lavorare con finezza di analisi e con sottigliezza dialettica. È quello che fa in questo libro Leonardo Caffo, il più promettente, versatile e originale tra i giovani filosofi italiani». – Maurizio Ferraris, professore di Filosofia Teoretica, Università di Torino Intervista al Dott. Leonardo Caffo, filosofo, in occasione della Sagra del Seitan di Firenze (10° edizione):

Rational Morality: a science of right and wrong by Robert Johnson – Publisher: Dangerous Little Books (May 24, 2013)

– How do we formulate a coherent moral code in a world without religion? – How can we show natural ideas like ‘moral relativism’ and ‘egoism’ to be irrational? – Moreover, how can we create a genuinely scientific and rational theory of morality which, so far, has evaded academics? Rational Morality sets out to answer these questions by presenting a new form of ethics for the Brian Cox and Richard Dawkins generation; creating ‘moral science’ from ‘moral philosophy’ in the process. In this passionate, thoughtprovoking and often radical thesis, Robert Johnson presents both a refreshing theory of morality based on science and a guide to the practical consequences of what a truly rational concept of morality involves. Exploring rationality, atheism, animal ethics, determinism and politics in the modern world, Johnson uncovers some surprising and original arguments in each area.

In this passionate, thoughtprovoking and often radical thesis, Robert Johnson presents both a refreshing theory of morality based on science and a guide to the practical consequences of what a truly rational concept of morality involves. Robert Johnson is a practical ethicist and philosopher of science, graduated in Philosophy from the University of Aberdeen. He specialises in the intersection of morality and rationality, whilst being a staunch advocate of science and evidence based endeavours.

Anime in gabbia - la crudeltà della vivisezione (Romanzo) di Lara Lazzeri Editore: Sassoscritto, Pubblicato 24/05/2013

"Un cane e una bambina affetta da una malattia crudele che lascia poco spazio alla speranza. Un padre che cerca disperatamente di trovare una cura per la figlia, ma prende una strada sbagliata. Perché non è detto che le cure sperimentate sugli animali abbiano lo stesso effetto sugli uomini e la vivisezione è una pratica inutile oltre che crudele. Sullo sfondo, un mondo dominato dall'indifferenza e dalla cinica ricerca del profitto: si uccidono centinaia di animali in nome del progresso scientifico, anche solo per testare una crema di bellezza. Ma fortunatamente gli sforzi disperati di centinaia e poi migliaia di militanti, che manifestano davanti ai cancelli della clinicalager, riescono a far comprendere all'opinione pubblica, e infine anche ai protagonisti del romanzo, che “c’è solo una cosa che tutto il denaro del mondo non potrà mai comprare: lo scodinzolìo di un cane.”

Defiant Daughters: 21 Women on Art, Activism, Animals, and the Sexual Politics of by Wendy Lee, Carol J. Adams and Kara Davis – Published March 1st 2013 by Lantern Books. 23 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

When The Sexual Politics of Meat: A FeministVegetarian Critical Theory by Carol J. Adams was published more than twenty years ago, it caused a immediate stir among writers and thinkers, feminists and animal rights activists alike. Never before had the relationship between patriarchy and meat eating been drawn so clearly, the idea that there lies a strong connection between the consumption of women and animals so plainly asserted. But, as the 21 personal stories in this anthology show, the impact of this provocative text on womens lives continues to this day, and it is as diverse as it is revelatory. One writer attempts to reconcile her feministvegan beliefs with her Muslim upbringing; a second makes the connection between animal abuse and her own selfdestructive tendencies. A new mother discusses the sexual politics of breastfeeding, while another pens a letter to her young son about all she wishes for him in the future. Many others recall how the book inspired them to start careers in the music business, animal advocacy, and food. No matter whether they first read it in college or later in life, whether they are in their late teens or early forties, these writers all credit The Sexual Politics of Meat in some way with the awakening of their identities as feminists, activists, and women. Even if you havent read the original work, youre sure to be moved and inspired by these tales of growing up and, perhaps more important, waking up to the truths around us.

Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients by Ben Goldacre – Publisher: Faber & Faber; Reprint edition, February 5, 2013

In the followup to his popular Bad Science (2010), British medical doctor Goldacre reveals how pharmaceutical companies mislead doctors and hurt patients. They “sponsor” trials, which tend to yield favorable results, while negative results often remain unreported. He also reports that drug companies spend twice as much on marketing and advertising as on researching and developing new drugs. Unfortunately for U.S. readers, he focuses largely on the UK, but ghost authorship of studies and “continuing medical education” boondoggle trips for doctors are problematic everywhere, and he does refer to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on multiple occasions. And everyone, everywhere should feel unsettled by his discovery that pharmaceutical companies funnel $10 million to $20 million a year to such major medical journals as the New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association. Not surprisingly, he notes, studies funded by the pharmaceutical industry are that much more likely to get published in these influential journals. Goldacre’s essential exposé will prompt readers to ask more questions before automatically popping a doctorprescribed pill. We like to imagine that medicine is based on evidence and the results of fair testing and clinical trials. In reality, those tests and trials are often profoundly flawed. We like to imagine that doctors who write prescriptions for everything from antidepressants to cancer drugs to heart medication are familiar with the research literature about a drug, when in reality much of the research is hidden from them by drug companies. We like to imagine that doctors are impartially educated, when in reality much of their education is funded by the pharmaceutical industry. We like to imagine that regulators have some code of ethics and let only effective drugs onto the market, when in reality they approve useless drugs, with data on side effects casually withheld from doctors and patients. All these problems have been shielded from public scrutiny because they’re too complex to capture in a sound bite. But Ben Goldacre shows that the true scale of this murderous disaster fully reveals itself only when the details are untangled. He believes we should all be able to understand precisely how data manipulation works and how research misconduct in the medical industry affects us on a global scale. With Goldacre’s characteristic flair and a forensic attention to detail, reveals a shockingly broken system and calls for regulation. This is the pharmaceutical industry as it has never been seen before.

Die Wahrheit über Kosmetik: Der kritische Wegweiser durch den Kosmetik-Dschungel von Rita Stiens – Verlag: RSMedia; Auflage: 1., Aufl. (2013)

Unter dem Titel „Die Wahrheit über Kosmetik – Der kritische Wegweiser durch den KosmetikDschungel“ hat KosmetikExpertin Rita Stiens ein neues Buch herausgebracht. Die Autorin der Bücher „Schön um jeden Preis?“ und „La verité sur les cosmetique“ sowie Betreiberin der Webseite setzt sich in ihrem neuen 24 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Sachbuch kritisch mit Kosmetik und Naturkosmetik auseinander und greift viele relevante Verbraucherfragen auf. Stiens schreibt, das KosmetikAngebot sei nicht nur größer geworden, sondern habe sich auch signifikant verändert.

Mittlerweile seien Pflegeprodukte mit ChemieCocktails auf dem Markt, wie sie vor einigen Jahren noch undenkbar schienen. Das neue Buch beschäftigt sich auch mit schwierigen und komplexen Themen wie dem neuen EUKosmetikrecht. Es geht auf über 300 Seiten auf Inhaltsstoffe, Label, Gesetzgebung, Risiken, Nanotechnologie, Konservierungsstoffe, Duftstoffe, Tierversuche und viele andere Themen ein und bietet auch einen Nachschlageteil für Inhaltsstoffe.

De la isla del Doctor Moreau al planeta de los simios. La dicotomía humano/animal como problema político – Autor: Iván Ávila Gaitán – Deasde Abajo 2013

Estudió ciencia política en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Dentro de sus principales campos e intereses de investigación se encuentran los estudios culturales, la biopolítica, los estudios sociales de la ciencia, la teoría queer y la teoría política contemporánea. Actualmente, como becario de la Universidad de los Andes, lleva a cabo un proyecto cuyo propósito central consiste en analizar críticamente las producciones discursivas sobre los animales durante la consolidación y el desarrollo de la zootecnia en Colombia. Considera el veganismo como una postura éticopolítica que pretende actualizar formasdevida alternativas a las basadas en la subordinación animal —no lo concibe, pues, como dieta, identidad o “estilo de vida” con su lugar en el mercado capitalista.

Animals and War: Confronting the Military-Animal Industrial Complex – (Nocella, Colin, and Bentley 2013)

Animals and War: Confronting the MilitaryAnimal Industrial Complex is the first book to examine how nonhuman animals are used for war by military forces. Each chapter delves deeply into modes of nonhuman animal exploitation: as weapons, test subjects, and transportation, and as casualties of war leading to homelessness, starvation, and death. With leading scholaractivists writing each chapter, this is an important text in the fields of peace studies and critical animal studies. This is a must read for anyone interested in ending war and fostering peace and justice.

Before the Law – Humans and other animals in a biopolitical frame by Cary Wolfe – Publisher: Press (December 10, 2012)

Animal studies and biopolitics are two of the most dynamic areas of interdisciplinary scholarship, but until now, they have had little to say to each other. Bringing these two emergent areas of thought into direct conversation in Before the Law, Cary Wolfe fosters a new discussion about the status of nonhuman animals and the shared plight of humans and animals under biopolitics. Vinciane Despret, University of Liege: “Before the Law shows, in a highly convincing way, that paying attention to the question of nonhuman animal life has the potential to radicalize biopolitical thought beyond its usual boundaries. Cary Wolfe unfolds step by step, brilliantly and without concessions, each proposition contained in biopolitical theories, creating a pragmatic and political ethics of attention and care—not only an ethics of that which causes us to think and act in a certain way but that which involves the lives of other beings who have been excluded from political questioning. The pragmatic question of ‘How it matters’ becomes over the course of this book a real cosmopolitical question: ‘How it matters and for whom?”

The Costs and Benefits of Animal Experiments by Andrew Knight – Publisher PalgraveMacmillan 29112012. A comprehensive review of recent scientific evidence examining the contributions of animal experimentation to human healthcare. The book also explores toxicity prediction, animal use during life and health sciences education, impacts on student attitudes toward animals, and the extent to which animals suffer in laboratories. 13 tables, 18 25 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations figures. Few ethical issues create as much controversy as invasive experiments on animals. Some scientists claim they are essential for combating major human diseases, or detecting human toxins. Others claim the contrary, backed by thousands of patients harmed by pharmaceuticals developed using animal tests. Some claim all experiments are conducted humanely, to high scientific standards. Yet, a wealth of studies have recently revealed that laboratory animals suffer significant stress, which may distort experimental results. a Where, then, does the truth lie? How useful are such experiments in advancing human healthcare? How much do animals suffer as a result? And do students really need to dissect or on animals? What are the effects on their attitudes towards them? Bioethicist and Andrew Knight presents more than a decade of groundbreaking scientific research, analysis and experience to provide evidencebased answers to a key question: is animal experimentation ethically justifiable? also watch the video “Animal Experiments – a failing science” where Dr Andrew Knight looks at the “necessity” of animal use in .

Medicin – til gavn eller skade? af Joav Merrick & Søren Ventegodt – Forlag:Søren Ventegodt 23112012

Hver anden dansker er kronisk syg, og lige så mange får løbende medicin i form af kemiske lægemidler af deres læge. Den samlede skadevirkning hvert år i Danmark af den kemiske medicin svarer til en stor atomkraftulykke, med flere tusinde dødsfald og hundredtusinde hospitalsindlæggelser pga. forgiftning. Det anslås normalt at 8% af alle hospitalsindlæggelser er direkte relateret til medicinbivirkninger1. Ny forskning i form af metaanalyser af høj kvalitet har afsløret, at den kemiske medicin er langt mindre effektiv end hidtil antaget, og at en stor del af medicinen er uden væsentlig gavnlig effekt eller reelt kun skadelig. Dette gælder fx for den antidepressive og den antipsykotiske medicin, og for den cellegift, der anvendes som cancer kemoterapi. Årsagen til at det står så galt til er, at de gavnlige virkninger, som lægemiddelindustrien påstår deres lægemidler har, er fundet ved en metode, som er alvorligt fejlbehæftet. Den kliniske placebokontrollerede undersøgelse (RCT) har nemlig en systematisk tendens til at få giftstoffer til at se ud som virksom og uskadelig medicin. Problemerne med testmetoden har været kendt af metodeforskere i mange år, men et nært forhold mellem lægemiddelindustrien, lægerne, universiteterne og resten af det offentlige sundhedsvæsen har forhindret kritikken i at komme frem og blive taget alvorligt. I bogen ”Medicin til gavn eller skade? En kritik af medicinalindustriens testmetoder” lægger vi disse problemer frem for offentligheden. Vi dokumenterer også at Lægemiddelstyrelens/Sundhedsstyrelsens rolle som overvåger af medicinen slet ikke fungerer, idet den uvirksomme og skadelige medicin ikke trækkes tilbage fra markedet trods myndighedernes årelange kendskab til problemerne! Konklusionen er, at det offentlige sundhedsvæsen i Danmark er en fiasko: Sundhedsvæsenet er i sig selv blevet en gigantisk trussel mod folkesundheden, og situationen er helt uholdbar. For at forstå hvorfor tingene er som de er, og hvorfor de er så svære at ændre, må man se på pengestrømmene. Lægemiddelindustrien dræner statskassen for ca. 20 milliarder kroner om året; et beløb der støt stiger 15% hvert år. Omkring halvdelen af disse enorme summer gives tilbage til lægerne, bl.a. i form af karrierevenlig støtte til forskning – naturligvis inden for det biomedicinske paradigme. De medicinske lærerbøger på lægeskolerne i fag som farmakologi og psykiatri er skrevet af folk, der ukritisk støtter den kemiske medicin. De nye læger forlader derfor lægeskolerne med en blank og naiv tiltro til de farmakologiske stoffers gavnlige virkninger, og helt uden kendskab til de alvorlige metodeproblemer, som den kemiske medicin slås med. De mennesker, der kommer til tops i det akademiske system og som får de magtfulde stillinger i Sundhedsvæsenet, er næsten altid blevet direkte eller indirekte støttet af medicinalindustrien, og er derfor loyale over for denne. Forudsætning for forandring er at befolkningen bliver gjort bekendte med de faktiske forhold, så de kan støtte politiske initiativer til forandring. Det kræver politisk mod og vilje at gå op mod verdens mest magtfulde industri – og dens allestedsnærværende repræsentanter – og stille de nødvendige krav til testning af de stoffer, der markedsføres, således at godkendte lægemidler fremover kan være til gavn for patienterne. Vi foreslår at godkendte lægemidler fremover: 1) skal være testet med en videnskabeligt gyldig testmetode 26 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

2) ikke må være sundhedsskadelige, især må de ikke medføre kroniske skader og overdødelighed 3) skal forbedre livskvaliteten og/eller forlænge levetiden

Randomized Clinical Trials & Can You Trust the Drugs are Working & Safe? – by Joav Merrick & Søren Ventegodt – Publisher: Nova Science Publishers Inc 21052012

Randomised clinical trials (RCT) have been accepted as the golden standard of testing, which in turn makes chemical medicine “evidence based”. RCT is based on four assumptions: the placebo effect is represented by a placebo pill; it is possible to make a doubleblind test with biologically active drugs; beneficial and harmful effects of drugs are fairly measured in RCTs; and, an appropriate time frame for the test is used. RCTs can turn drugs that are only toxic and not beneficial at all into products sold as useful chemical medicine. Many pharmaceutical drugs on the market today are tested only with this flawed RTCprocedure and we recommend that these drugs be tested again using a rational method. This book presents new research which examines the helpfulness of drugs and the need for clinical trials in order to test whether it is safe to use these drugs.

Viruses: Essential Agents of Life by Günther Witzany (Editor) – Publisher: Springer; 2012 edition (November 12, 2012) From the Back Cover: A renaissance of virus research is taking centre stage in biology. Empirical data from the last decade indicate the important roles of viruses, both in the of all life and as symbionts or coevolutionary partners of host organisms. There is increasing evidence that all cellular life is colonized by exogenous and/or endogenous viruses in a nonlytic but persistent lifestyle. Viruses and viral parts form the most numerous genetic matter on this planet. Viruses have long been considered as disease causing pathogens with often epidemic consequences and major enemies of living organisms. Viruses are now considered to play major roles in the evolution of life. Because they have that are not found in any cellular organism they seem to be remnants of early stages of life on earth. Besides their disease causing features and actions as genetic parasites viruses have lifestyles that are clearly symbiotic and even symbiogenetic. Increasing empirical data suggest that some viruses such as endogenous retroviruses and nonretroviral RNA viruses and even DNA viruses prefer cellular as habitat. They determine genetic host (group) identity and genetic host features. Viruses and virusrelated modules such as mobile genetic elements and other repeat sequences identified in intronic regions of host genomes play important roles in regulation and genetic content (re)arrangement. This book exemplifies some astonishing key features of viruses acting as essential agents of life.

How We Do Harm: A Doctor Breaks Ranks About Being Sick in America by Otis Webb Brawley, Paul Goldberg – Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin; Reprint edition (October 30, 2012).

How We Do Harm exposes the underbelly of healthcare today—the overtreatment of the rich, the under treatment of the poor, the financial conflicts of interest that determine the care that physicians’ provide, insurance companies that don’t demand the best (or even the least expensive) care, and pharmaceutical companies concerned with selling drugs, regardless of whether they improve health or do harm.

Dr. Otis Brawley is the chief medical and scientific officer of The American Cancer Society, an oncologist with a dazzling clinical, research, and policy career. How We Do Harm pulls back the curtain on how medicine is really practiced in America. Brawley tells of doctors who select treatment based on payment they will receive, rather than on demonstrated scientific results; hospitals and pharmaceutical companies that seek out patients to treat even if they are not actually ill (but as long as their insurance will pay); a public primed to swallow the latest pill, no matter the cost; and rising healthcare costs for unnecessary—and often unproven—treatments that we all pay for. Brawley 27 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations calls for rational healthcare, healthcare drawn from resultsbased, scientifically justifiable treatments, and not just the peddling of hot new drugs.

Brawley’s personal history – from a childhood in the gangridden streets of black Detroit, to the green hallways of Grady Memorial Hospital, the largest public hospital in the U.S., to the boardrooms of The American Cancer Society—results in a passionate view of medicine and the politics of illness in America – and a deep understanding of healthcare today. How We Do Harm is his wellreasoned manifesto for change.

We Feel – Just Like You Do by Dr. Sahadeva dasa – Publisher: Soul Science University Press; 1 edition (September 1, 2012)

A Book To Prove That Animals Have Soul. All over the world, cruelty on animals is on the rise, thanks to the spread of factory farms and meat trade. Even India is undergoing a ‘pink revolution’, establishing thousands of and taking a lead in beef export.

How egocentric of humans to think we are the only beings who can think, feel, bond with others, etc. As the “dominating” species, we have a responsibility to care for and protect the entire planet, including the other animals. Those who describe animals as not having any thoughts or feelings come closer to the description they’re trying to describe. Its enormously puzzling that extreme suffering only gets widely questioned if it is the suffering of members of the human species. It is extraordinary how many people just accept the appalling treatment of such a vast number of animals. Animals have souls and we have a duty to respect them! Anything less is to deny one’s humanity and one’s own soul! Numerous stories outlined in this book prove this point, beyond the shadow of a doubt. Dr. Sahadeva dasa’s recently released book “We Feel – Just Like You Do” is trying to counteract these sad tendencies by shedding light on the inner life of the animals.

Understanding Animal Abuse: A Sociological Analysis by Clifton Flynn – Publisher: Lantern Books (28 Aug 2012)

Clifton P. Flynn is Professor of Sociology and Chair of the Department of Sociology, Criminal Justice and Women’s Studies at the University of South Carolina Upstate. He is a past Chair of the Section on Animals and Society of the American Sociological Association.

Until the last decade of the twentieth century, the abusive or cruel treatment of animals had received virtually no attention among academics. Since then, however, empirical studies of animal abuse and its relation to other forms of violence toward humans, have increased not only in number but in quality and stature. Sociologists, criminologists, social workers, , legal scholars, feminists and others have recognised the myriad reasons that animal abuse is worthy of serious scholarly focus. In his overview of contemporary sociological understanding of animal abuse, Clifton Flynn asks why studying animal abuse is important, examines the connections between animal abuse and human violence, surveys the theses surrounding the supposed link between abuse of animals and humans and lays out some theoretical perspectives on the issue. The book offers recommendations for policy and professionals and directions for future research. Ultimately, UNDERSTANDING ANIMAL ABUSE challenges the reader to consider animal abuse as not limited just to harmful acts committed by individuals. It asks us to extend our notion of abuse to the systemic cruelty of factory farms and vivisection laboratories.

Spillover – Animal Infections And The Next Human Pandemic by David Quammen. W. W. Norton, 2012.

David Quammen examines the emergence and causes of new diseases all over the world, describing a process called “spillover,” where illness originates in wild animals before being passed to humans. He discusses the 28 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations potential for the next huge pandemic. David Quammen is an American science, nature and travel writer and the author of fifteen books, five of them fiction. He wrote a column, called “Natural Acts” for Outside magazine for fifteen years. His articles have also appeared in National Geographic, Harper’s, Rolling Stone, the New York Times Book Review and other periodicals. In 2013, Quammen’s book Spillover was shortlisted for the PEN/E. O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award.When not travelling the world researching his projects, Quammen resides in Bozeman, Montana.

“Spillover” is the event when a disease, or the agent that causes it, moves from one species to another. In particular, there’s a group of diseases, called zoonotic diseases, which pass from nonhuman animals into humans. And spillover is the moment when a new virus has the opportunity to leap from a bat, monkey or rodent into its first human victim.

The Ebola Outbreak: ‘A Dress Rehearsal For The Next Big One': The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is spreading at a frightening rate. To find out why this outbreak has been so deadly and what may lie ahead, we spoke with science writer David Quammen. Listen to The Ebola Outbreak: A Dress Rehearsal For The Next Big One' igone

Tutto quello che Dovresti Sapere sulla Vivisezione ma non Vogliono che tu Sappia – Stefano Cagno – Editore: Edizioni Cosmopolis, pubblicazione: Maggio 2012

Questo non è un libro, è una piccola guida attraverso le tante bugie raccontate per anni dai vivisettori. Una guida che, evitando volutamente immagini forti e racconti raccapriccianti, cerca di fare luce su un argomento controverso e dibattuto da sempre ma ancora troppo pieno di lati oscuri, zone d’ombra, slogan carichi di emotività e di falsa scienza. Perché è con argomenti come la salute, la ricerca medica, la nobile missione di salvare vite umane che i ricercatori tentano di farci digerire la sofferenza e la morte ingiusta e ingiustificabile di milioni di animali. Una sofferenza che non è solo inutile ma anche dannosa. Per gli animali ma anche per noi.

Stefano Cagno, un medico che da anni si batte per una ricerca capace di superare questa pratica antietica ed antiscientifica, presenta, dopo una breve analisi dei principi su cui si basa la vivisezione, una serie di risposte alle più comuni domande che la gente si pone e ai più diffusi slogan dei ricercatori e dell’industria farmaceutica.

Animals and Public Health: Why Treating Animals Better is Critical to Human Welfare (Palgrave MacMillan Animal Ethics) – author Aysha Akhtar, March 13, 2012

Aysha Akhtar, author of the book, Animals and Public Health, demonstrates the mutual benefit to both humans and animals when animals are protected.

Disclaimer: Dr. Akhtar is speaking at TEDxFoggyBottom on her individual capacity. Watch the 14 min. video here: 29 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

New Technologies for Toxicity Testing – author Michael Balls, Robert Combes, Nirmala Bhogal – Pub Date: 7 Feb 2012 – Series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 745, Landes Bioscience

Current Developments in Cell Culture Technology. Embryonic Stem Cells in Safety Pharmacology and Toxicology. Trends in Cell Culture Technology. Tissue Engineering in the Development of Replacement Technologies. Toxicity Testing of Nanomaterials. PhysiologicallyBased Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Models in Toxicity Testing and Risk Assessment. Methods for Toxicity Prediction. Luminescent Quantum Dots for Molecular Toxicology. Engineering QuasiVivo® InVitro Organ Models. ECVAM and New Technologies for Toxicity Testing. Medium to High Throughput Screening: Microfabricat ion and ChipBased Technology. The Use of Genomics in Model In Vitro Systems. The Use of Integrated and Intelligent Testing Strategies in the Prediction of Toxic Hazard and in Risk Assessment.

Recent advances in QSAR studies : methods and applications – Author: Tomasz Puzyn; Jerzy Leszczynski; Mark T D Croninm orig.publ. 2010 – with contributer Dan Stombaugh republ. 2012 – Publisher: Springer

This book presents an interdisciplinary overview on the most recent advances in QSAR studies. The first part consists of a comprehensive review of QSAR methodology. The second part highlights the interdisciplinary aspects and new areas of QSAR modelling. QSAR methods for identifying hazardous chemicals without additional animal testing.

Free the Animals – by Ingrid Newkirk – 20th Anniversary Edition – Publisher: Lantern Books (February 1, 2012)

The shattering account of one woman’s struggle against the forces supporting the abuse of animals, Free the Animals is the bestselling and actionpacked story of underground adventure, as well as an eloquent plea for the rights of nonhuman animals. Free the Animals, with an introduction by , is the story of Valerie, a 23yearold police officer in Montgomery County, Maryland, whose world was turned upside down when she learned about the abuses of animals in laboratories. The book describes how this lawabiding woman came to challenge the system by taking and examines why ordinary people are moved to do extraordinary things on behalf of animals.

Free the Animals . . . takes us to the front lines of the movement for the nineties and give us insight into what makes the world’s newest freedom fighters tick. –Chrissie Hynde

Link I. Crudeltà su animali e pericolosità sociale. – autore Sorcinelli Francesca, 2012, Gruppo Editoriale Viator

Questo volume introduce un innovativo progetto editoriale all’interno di LinkItalia, che si pone l’obiettivo di indagare scientificamente il link, ovvero il nesso tra violenza su animali e violenza interpersonale, grazie al contributo di autorevoli esperti del settore, e di sviluppare l’attenzione su tale degenerazione come possibile strumento di prevenzione e controllo del crimine. Il volume 1 riflette su questo fenomeno nelle sue molteplici varianti, sottolineando gli aspetti psicologicocomportamentali, giuridici, criminologici e introducendo nuove discipline come la Zooantropologia della Devianza. È necessario un sostanziale cambio di prospettiva che permetta di superare le contraddizioni culturali e linguistiche insite in una società che fatica a riconoscere la criticità del problema.

Link II. Investigare la crudeltà su animali. Autore Sorcinelli Francesca, 2012, Gruppo Editoriale Viator

Secondo volume della trilogia nata all’interno del progetto LinkItalia, che si pone l’obiettivo di indagare scientificamente il link, ovvero il nesso tra violenza su animali e violenza interpersonale, grazie al contributo di autorevoli esperti del settore, e di sviluppare l’attenzione a tale fenomeno come possibile strumento di prevenzione 30 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations e controllo del crimine. Il volume 2 si propone come un manuale praticooperativo che evidenzia il reato della crudeltà su animali in ambito giuridicoinvestigativo e considera l’inserimento di innovative tecniche come l’Autopsia Zooantropologica. Strumento di indagine teorizzato e presentato per la prima volta al mondo in questo progetto editoriale.

Link III. Veterinaria forense – autore Sorcinelli Francesca, 2012, Gruppo Editoriale Viator

Terzo volume della trilogia nata all’interno del progetto LinkItalia, che si pone l’obiettivo di indagare scientificamente il link, ovvero il nesso tra violenza su animali e violenza interpersonale, grazie al contributo di autorevoli esperti del settore, e di sviluppare l’attenzione a tale fenomeno come possibile strumento di prevenzione e controllo del crimine. Il volume 3 propone un’introduzione all’Investigazione veterinaria forense, approfondendo la figura dell’animale vittima di maltrattamenti specifici come il fenomeno crush, riflettendo sulla loro connessione con diverse forme di crimini interumani e considerando il ruolo sociale del veterinario medico legale sulla scena del crimine.

Animals and World Religions by Lisa Kemmerer – Publisher: Oxford University Press (December 9, 2011).

Despite increasing public attention to animal suffering, little seems to have changed: Human beings continue to exploit billions of animals in factory farms, medical laboratories, and elsewhere. In this wideranging and perceptive study, Lisa Kemmerer shows how spiritual writings and teachings in seven major religious traditions can help people to consider their ethical obligations toward other creatures. Dr. Kemmerer examines the role of nonhuman animals in scripture and myth, in the lives of religious exemplars, and by drawing on foundational philosophical and moral teachings. She begins with a study of indigenous traditions around the world, then focuses on the religions of India (Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain) and China (Daoism and Confucianism), and finally, religions of the Middle East (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). At the end of each chapter, Kemmerer explores the inspiring lives and work of contemporary animal advocates who are motivated by a personal religious commitment. Animals and World Religions demonstrates that rethinking how we treat nonhuman animals is essential for anyone claiming one of the world’s great religions.

No Animals Were Harmed: The Controversial Line Between Entertainment And Abuse by Peter Laufer – Publishee Lyons Press 18 October 2011

Review: “A provocative examination of the fine line between the use and abuse of animals. In a continuation of his study on the interaction of animals and humans, Laufer (Journalism/Univ. of Oregon; Forbidden Creatures: Inside the World of Animal Smuggling and Exotic Pets, 2010, etc.) opens the doors to the complex world of animal service and exploitation. What is the difference between use, misuse and abuse of animals? How does a person know an animal is actually enjoying itself? Do animals feel pain? Does a chicken raised specifically for meat suffer more or less at its death than a rooster raised specifically for cock fights? Is a act entertainment for humans or an enslavement of animals? These are some of the many troubling questions the author poses as he travels the world searching for answers. From a lion handler in Budapest to whale shows at SeaWorld to slaughterhouses in California, Laufer graphically details firsthand the varied ways humans and animals interact. Descriptions of canned hunts, dairycow abuse, vivisection and many examples of cockfights force readers to ponder the same questions as the author. Interviews with members of the , the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and numerous animalrights organizations counterbalance interviews with breeders of fighting cocks, arsonists and many others who see no harm in how they treat animals. Laufer’s compelling evidence will push readers to assess the distinctions between love and mistreatment among our animal brethren.” –Kirkus 31 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

The Oxford Handbook of Animal Ethics by Tom L. Beauchamp (Editor), R.G. Frey (Editor) – Publisher: Oxford University Press (October 26, 2011)

This book of original essays is the most comprehensive single volume ever published on animal minds and the ethics of our use of animals.

Review:A major contribution to the debates about animals by giving a philosophical basis for many of the current views The various chapters successfully illustrate the uncomfortable truth that for any view about animals, someone, somewhere will come up with the argument that that view is illogical, illfounded, or morally repugnant This handbook provides an instructive way of getting to grips with a variety of philosophical positions on issues such as animal pain. Marian Stamp Dawkins, Times Literary Supplement This substantial collection is a wonderful addition to the diverse philosophical concerning animals, their moral status, and human obligations to nonhuman species. Michael J. Gilmour, Philosophy in Review. About the Author: Tom L. Beauchamp is Professor of Philosophy, Georgetown University and Senior Research Scholar, Kennedy Institute of Ethics. R. G. Frey (19412012) was Professor of Philosophy at Bowling Green State University.

Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It’s So Hard to Think Straight About Animals by Hal Herzog – Publisher: Harper Perennial; Reprint edition (August 9, 2011) “Everybody who is interested in the ethics of our relationship between humans and animals should read this book.” —, author of Animals Make Us Human

Hal Herzog, a maverick scientist and leader in the field of offers a controversial, thoughtprovoking, and unprecedented exploration of the psychology behind the inconsistent and often paradoxical ways we think, feel, and behave towards animals. A cross between ’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma and Bill Bryson’s A Walk in the Woods, Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat, in the words of Irene M. Pepperberg, bestselling author of Alex & Me, “deftly blends anecdote with scientific research to show how almost any moral or ethical position regarding our relationship with animals can lead to absurd consequences”

Victims of Charity – A Report on the Cruel and Scientifically Invalid Experiments Funded by Medical Research Charities. 30 Jun 2011 – by authors: Adrian Stallwood , Andre Menache and Animal aid

Victims of Charity. A Report on the Cruel and Scientifically Invalid Experiments Funded by Medical Research Charities.

“Animal Aid’s interest in Cancer Research UK, the British Heart Foundation, Parkinson’s UK and the Alzheimer’s Society relates to the animal experiments they fund. The appalling suffering meted out in the course of such experiments – to mice, monkeys, goats, pigs, dogs and other animals – is sufficient reason for them to be stopped. Animals’ brains are deliberately damaged with toxic chemicals, or their hearts are slowly and systematically destroyed. Animals are tormented in water mazes, injected with cancerous tissue and subjected to breeding programmes that produce weakened, diseaseprone, mentally deranged ‘mutants’. The agonies they endure are described – in cold, arcane prose – in the published scientific papers that serve as the raw material for our report.” – Andre Menache and Adrian Stallwood.

Vivisection Is A Social Evil – by Linden Brough – March 7, 2011 – Publisher:

A true account of a present day Vivisectionist, backed by beguiled supporters, confronting a Buddhist as the spirit of GEORGE BERNARD SHAW timelessly illuminates the lost understanding of Morality. 32 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Was Sie schon immer über Tierversuche wissen wollten: Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen – Broschiert von Corina Gericke– 16. März 2011 – Verlag: Echo Verlag Werkstatt Vertrieb; Auflage: 2.

Wie viele Tiere werden pro Jahr in Tierversuchen getötet? Schützt das Tierschutzgesetz die Tiere? Was kosten Tierversuche und wer finanziert sie? Warum werden Tierversuche gemacht? Können ohne Tierversuche überhaupt neue Medikamente gefunden werden? Wäre die Abschaffung aller Tierversuche nicht das Ende jeglichen medizinischen Fortschritts? Sind Tierversuche in der Kosmetik verboten? Was Sie schon immer über Tierversuche wissen wollten – 80 aktuelle Fragen, 80 klare Antworten – fundiert, sachlich, prägnant – Übersichtlich in fünf Kapiteln geordnet – Die unentbehrliche Diskussionsgrundlage zum Thema Tierversuche – Ob für das Schulreferat, als Nachschlagewerk für Tierschützer oder einfach für alle, die sich eingehend informieren möchten. Was Sie schon immer über Tierversuche wissen wollten – räumt auf mit so mancher Fehlinformation – macht Schluss mit der Vorstellung, es ginge nicht ohne Tierversuche – liefert überzeugende Argumente – lässt keine Frage offen.

Medical Geology – A Regional Synthesis (International Year of Planet Earth) – by editors: Olle Selinus, Robert B. Finkelman, Jose A. Centeno – Publisher: Springer; 2010 edition (January 14, 2011)

Are you interested in reading about the importance and interrelationships of geological processes to the health and diseases of humans and animals?

A serie from: International Year of Planet Earth •Gives a detailed global overview of the effects of our natural environment to our health •A truly interdisciplinary study written by geoscientists and medical scientists •Acts as a complement to the awardwinning Essentials of Medical Geology.

Medical Geology is a rapidly growing field concerned with the relationship between natural geological factors and human and animal health, as well as with improving our understanding of the influence of environmental factors on the geographical distribution of health problems. This book brings together the work of geoscientists and medical/public health researchers, which addresses health problems caused, or exacerbated by geological materials (rocks, minerals, atmospheric dust and water) and processes (including volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Among the environmental health problems discussed in this book are: exposure to toxic levels of trace essential and nonessential elements such as arsenic and mercury; trace element deficiencies; exposure to natural dusts and to radioactivity; naturally occurring organic compounds in drinking water; volcanic emissions, etc. The text also deals with the many health benefits of geologic materials and processes. This wideranging volume covers issues in medical geology all over the world with each author covering their respective region. It provides examples from different continents as well as a stateoftheart review of the latest developments in the discipline. The authors are all recognized geoscientific and medical experts working in the field. The book is written for a wide variety of specialists from geologists, geochemists, pathologists and medical doctors to veterinarians and biologists.

Dottor X – Cavie Umane nel nuovo millennio – Autore Dottor X – Editore ICARE Europe onlus 2010. Dall’introduzione: “E’ normalmente privilegio di un autore di essere conosciuto, almeno per nome, dai suoi lettori. Non sarà questo il caso. Se arriverete a conoscere il mio nome allora qualcosa sarà andato storto e io sarò nei guai. Potete chiamarmi Dottor X e quello che sto facendo va contro la volontà dei miei datori di lavoro: sto rivelando la terribile verità che si cela dietro brevetti di milioni di euro. Ho circa quarant’anni e da circa dieci lavoro in un’unità oncologica. Sono un ricercatore clinico. Ovvero, per dirlo con parole aderenti alla realtà della mia professione, sperimento su cavie umane”. 33 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Si tratta di una testimonianza unica, pubblicata con la speranza di alzare il velo sulle pratiche sconvolgenti che si celano dietro la sperimentazione scientifica. Una testimonianza che rivela il come, quando, quanto, dove, da chi, e il perché della sperimentazione su cavie umane. Dalla lettura dei documenti ufficiali, si evince chiaramente come la sperimentazione su animali sia, a detta di coloro che la commissionano o la eseguono, una pratica scientificamente inutile che ha come unico scopo rendere l’uomo, spesso a sua insaputa, l’unica vera cavia da esperimento. E che non serve, quindi, a “proteggere” l’uomo, ma piuttosto il contrario. L’autore, per le ben comprensibili ragioni che emergeranno dalla lettura, ha chiesto di rimanere anonimo, ed e’ stato quindi mantenuto per lui lo pseudonimo, utilizzato in narrativa, di Dottor X. Tutto il ricavato della vendita di questo libro verrà devoluto a favore di ICare Italia, per lo sviluppo e la diffusione di metodi scientifici di ricerca e test senza l’uso di animali –

Mosley’s Old Suffragette – A Biography of Norah Dacre Fox by Susan McPherson, Angela McPherson – Publisher: (24 Dec 2010).

Norah Dacre Fox (aka Elam) was the General Secretary, chief organiser and spokeswoman for the the Women’s Social and Political Union. Banished from the Suffragette Fellowship, she gained notoriety for joining Oswald Mosley’s inner circle in the 1930s. Interned in Holloway Prison during both world wars, Norah’s spirit of radical feminism was well suited to the revolutionary Britain of the early twentieth century. The authors attempt to understand how this serial militant who spent the first part of her life fighting for equality later turned to the dark forces of fascism, and they explore the long lasting emotional impact on their family. “Combining a familyhistorymystery quest with a portrait of the latter days of the militant suffragette movement and the activities of the British Union of Fascists, this is a pageturner.” (Elizabeth Crawford, Author, ‘The Women’s Suffrage Movement’, Routledge, 1999) Norah Elam claimed to be a founding member of the London and Provincial AntiVivisection Society (LPAVS). Documentary evidence of this has not been found, but it is known that she was a member from about the time of its inception circa 1900. In the 1930s she had published under the auspices of the LPAVS two pamphlets: “The MRC: What it is and How it Works” and “The Vitamin Survey”. The pamphlets were widely distributed throughout the UK, including public libraries.

How Shelter Pets are Brokered for Experimentation: Understanding Pound Seizure by Allie Phillips Publisher:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Publication date:16092010

Pound seizure or pound release involves a shelter selling or giving away cats and dogs to research facilities, universities, or Class B Dealers (random source animal brokers licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture) to be used for experimentation that often ends in death. This book offers an overview of the problem of pound seizure, and its history, and provides practical tips for how anyone can become an advocate to end pound seizure in their community, while protecting oneself from legal attacks from Class B Dealers and the research community. With personal stories, firsthand accounts, and vivid examples, the author relays the seamier side of this practice and offers a plan for ending it.

Publishers Weekly: When Phillips, who had once worked as a volunteer at an , learned of the practice of pound seizure, she turned a "betrayal of trust" into action. As vice president of No Paws Left Behind and director of public policy at the Association, the former prosecutor has made it her mission to expose and fight the practice of shelter's giving or selling cats and dogs to research facilities, universities, or Class B Dealers (animal brokers licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture). Extensive research and expert opinion result is a thorough history of a little known practice "often intertwined with the legitimacy of medical research." Phillips outlines some of the ways in which seized animals can be used for research, including "the testing of medical techniques (surgical techniques or medical tools), pharmaceutical testing (human and animal drugs), blood banking for other animals, cosmetic, industrial, and biochemical." Though many organizations are phasing out the use of such testing, these sections are still disturbing. Taking readers methodically through the facts of the issue, Phillips hopes to not only create awareness but also advocacy, and provides a bounty of practical resources for anyone who wants to take action. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 34 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Bad Science: Quacks, Hacks, and Big Pharma Flacks by Ben Goldacre – Publisher: Faber & Faber; Reprint edition (October 12, 2010)

Have you ever wondered how one day the media can assert that alcohol is bad for us and the next unashamedly run a story touting the benefits of daily alcohol consumption? Or how a drug that is pulled off the market for causing heart attacks ever got approved in the first place? How can average readers, who aren’t medical doctors or Ph.D.s in biochemistry, tell what they should be paying attention to and what’s, well, just more bullshit?

Ben Goldacre has made a point of exposing quack doctors and nutritionists, bogus credentialing programs, and biased scientific studies. He has also taken the media to task for its willingness to throw facts and proof out the window. But he’s not here just to tell you what’s wrong. Goldacre is here to teach you how to evaluate placebo effects, doubleblind studies, and sample sizes, so that you can recognize bad science when you see it. You’re about to feel a whole lot better.

Holokaust – wiwisekcja dzisiaj – Autorzy: Milly Schär Manzoli, Max Keller – Wydawnictwo: VegaPOL Tlumaczenie: Roman Rupowski Wydanie drugie, poprawione i poszerzone – Data zakonczenia: 20100327

Przerazajace fakty o wiwisekcji, zbrodnie popelniane codziennie przez lekarzy, naukowców i psychiatrów w ich laboratoriach musza ujrzec swiatlo dzienne i musza byc powstrzymane. Ksiazka jest czescia trwajacej walki przeciwko lamaniu praw zwierzat oraz ludzi; jej tresc uswiadomila juz tysiacom ludzi los milionów zwierzat laboratoryjnych skazanych na okrutna zagladeO autorach:Milly SchärManzoli, dr nauk ekonomicznych, pisarka, dziennikarka, laureatka Medalu Alberta Schweitzera za walke przeciwko wiwisekcji, wydawca kwartalnika Orizzonti. Opublikowala wiele artykulów i napisala kilka ksiazek, „The Golden Calf”, „AIDSStory”, „The Tabu of Vaccinations”, „The Health Departement Mafia”, które maja fundamentalne znaczenie dla ruchu antywiwisekcyjnego. Ksiazki Milly SchärManzoli zostaly przetlumaczone na wiele jezyków swiata i spotkaly sie z duzym zainteresowaniem czytelników. W 1978 roku wraz z Maxem Kellerem zalozyla organizacje ILDAV (International League Doctors for the Abolition of Vivisection), której zostala sekretarzem generalnym. Dzialala takze w organizacjach ATRA (Swiss Society for the Abolition of Vivisection), OIPA (International Organization for Animal Protection) i AGSTG (Swiss Antivivisection Society).Max Keller pracowal w komisji weryfikujacej eksperymenty na zwierzetach i potajemnie robil kopie dokumentów pochodzacych z laboratoriów wiwisekcyjnych. Publikujac zebrane przez siebie materialy, ryzykowal uwiezienie, gdyz nalezac do komisji, reprezentowal urzad panstwowy i obowiazywala go tajemnica sluzbowa. Ksiazka ta zostala napisana przez Milly SchärManzoli na podstawie poufnych dokumentów dostarczonych jej przez Maxa Kellera, a takze innych materialów, które swiadcza o maltretowaniu zwierzat. Max Keller, pionier europejskiego ruchu antywiwisekcyjnego, przewodniczyl organizacjom: „League for Animal Protection”, „ Against the Maltreatment of Animals” i „Swiss Antivivisection Society”.

DIRECTIVE 2010/63/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 22 September 2010 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes

In all languages 35 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

The replacement of non human in brain research – A report by André Ménache, september 2010

Download link: earch

British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection by Lambert M. Surhone, Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow – Publisher: Betascript Publishing 8/19/2010. (No description)

Recent Advances in Human Retroviruses: Principles of Replication and Pathogenesis – Advances in Retroviral Research by KuanTeh Jeang, Andrew ML Lever, Ben Berkhout – Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company; 1 edition (July 29, 2010)

There are three major types of human retroviruses, namely HIV, HTLV, and endogenous human retroviruses. This book presents the latest findings on the replication of these human retroviruses. This book is unique in that there has been no comparable book that integrates the findings from the three known classes of human retroviruses. Other books have focused on one of the three classes of human retroviruses individually. An accomplished international team of contributing authors have combined their expertise to provide cuttingedge findings in this important field. The book will be a valuable reference for students, researchers and medical professionals.

Teologia zwierzat – Andrew Linzey – Publ. Wam; 1 edition (Jan 2010)

Wyzwanie dla naszego sposobu zycia i myslenia

“To polaczenie wysokiej próby pracy naukowej z rozmyslaniami, zdradzajacymi pasje, wyobraznie, wrazliwosc i poczucie humoru autora, zmienia spojrzenie na swiat.”

– Church Times

Andrew Linzey kwestionuje rozpowszechniony w dzisiejszym swiecie poglad, jakoby nauka Chrystusa o milosci i szacunku odnosila sie wylacznie do ludzi. Jego ksiazka jest waznym glosem w dyskusji o miejscu zwierzat w swiecie i o tym, jak chrzescijanska teologia moze przyczynic sie do wlasciwego ich traktowania. W pierwszej czesci pracy autor przedstawia szereg argumentów i zasad teologii zwierzat. W drugiej omawia obszary wykorzystywania zwierzat: eksperymenty, polowanie dla rozrywki, zabijanie dla pozywienia czy inzynierie genetyczna. Linzey jest przekonany, ze wiara we wcielonego, milosiernego Boga moze pomóc chrzescijanom dostrzec cierpienia istot stworzonych.

Prof. Andrew Linzey jest pierwszym na swiecie laureatem stypendium z zakresu teologii i dobra zwierzat – International Fund for Senior Research Fellowship – w Mansfield College w Oksfordzie. Wyklada teologie na Uniwersytecie Nottingham. Jest autorem kilkunastu ksiazek o teologii i etyce.

Ethical Questions and International NGOs – An exchange between Philosophers and NGOs Series: Library of Ethics and Applied Philosophy, Vol. 23, Horton, Keith, Roche, Chris (Eds.) – SPRINGER VERLAG NY 2010.

“The book offers a sustained discussion of ethical questions that International NGOs faces. – Includes contributions from both practitioners and moral and political philosophers. – Derives from a dialogue between practitioners and moral and political philosophersIs framed by an Introduction and Afterword cowritten by a development practitioner 36 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

(Chris Roche) and a philosopher (Keith Horton) – Offers extended discussion of issues such as INGO accountability and effectiveness, the dilemmas of humanitarian relief, and questions associated with the phenomenon of INGO growth and organizational structure.

In recent decades there has been a great expansion in the number, size and influence of International NonGovernmental Organisations (INGOs) involved in international relief and development. These changes have led to increased scrutiny of such organisations, and this scrutiny, together with increasing reflection by INGOs themselves and their staff on their own practice, has helped to highlight a number of pressing ethical questions such organisations face, such as: should INGOs attempt to provide emergency assistance even when doing so risks helping to fuel further conflict? How should INGOs manage any differences between their values and those of the people they seek to benefit? How open and honest should INGOs be about their own uncertainties and failures?

This book consists of sustained reflections on such questions. It derives from a workshop held at Melbourne University in July 2007 that brought together a group of people – for the most part, reflective practitioners and moral and political philosophers – to discuss such questions. It explores honestly some of the current challenges and dilemmas that INGOs face, and also suggests some new ideas for meeting these challenges. Our hope is that the kind of explicit reflection on the ethical issues INGOs face exemplified in this publication will help to promote a wider debate about these issues, a debate that in turn will help INGO managers and others to make better, wiser, more ethically informed decisions.” – by

Scientific and Humane Issues in the Use of Random Source Dogs and Cats in Research – Authors: National Research Council (US) Committee on Scientific and Humane Issues in the Use of Random Source Dogs and Cats in Research. – National Academies Press (US); 2009

In response to a request of Congress, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) charged the National Academies to critically examine the general desirability and necessity of using random source dogs and cats in NIHfunded research, and the specific necessity of using dogs and cats from Class B dealers for such research.

Scientific and Humane Issues in the Use of RandomSource Dogs and Cats in Research examines the value of randomsource animals in biomedical research and the role of Class B dealers who acquire and resell live dogs and cats to research institutions. Findings include that, while some randomsource dogs and cats may be necessary and desirable for National Institutes of Health (NIH)funded research, there is no clear need to obtain those animals from Class B dealers. Several options for randomsource animal acquisition already exist and additional options are recommended, which would further ensure the welfare of these animals and foster a positive public image for NIH.

While the scientific community has recognized and responded to concerns for humane treatment of animals in research, government oversight has thus far been unable to fully enforce the Animal Welfare Act in regard to Class B dealers of live animals. Although the animals acquired by Class B dealers are destined for research–and NIH research in particular–the standard of care while in the possession of some Class B dealers requires an inordinate amount of government enforcement and is not commensurate with the policies of most NIHfunded research laboratories. This dichotomy of standards reflects poorly on public perceptions of NIH and jeopardizes animal welfare.

This book will be crucial for NIH and other groups using randomsource animals in research, including veterinary schools and research facilities. Animal welfare advocates, policy makers, and concerned pet owners will also find this a vital and informative work for reconciling the needs of research with the welfare of animals. 37 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

The Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence by Andrew Linzey – Publisher: Sussex Academic Press; 1 edition (December 1, 2009)

Nothing that many philosophers, including Thomas Aquinas, John Locke, and Immanuel Kant, have assumed that there is a link between and violence to people, this work brings together international experts from seven countries to examine, in detail the relationships between animal abuse and child abuse, the emotional development of the child, family violence, and serial murder. Considering the implications for legal and social policy and the work of key professionals, this book also includes the critical overviews of existing research, a discussion of ethical issues, and a special focus on the abuse of wild animals. This book is essential reading for all those who have a stake in the debate, either because their academic work relates to the issues involved or because their professional role involves contact with the abused or the abusers, both human and animal. It is an authoritative and comprehensive volume on the link between animal abuse and human violence.

“For social workers, the value of this collection lies in its comprehensive sweep of a subject that does not get much professional attention. Its concern with the deliberate cruelty to animals that may occur alongside child neglect, domestic violence and the mistreatment of at risk makes this an important volume on an area often neglected in family violence literature. The book will be of use to social work teachers, students & professionals working with adults & children at risk of abuse” – The Magazine for The British Assoication of Social Workers, July/August 2011 Without exception, the papers and the contributions of Professor Linzey significantly add to the knowledge base relating to the cruelty connection and the book will be an invaluable resource for researchers, policy makers and those working in the field with responsibilities for the protection of vulnerable people and animals. The book merits wider readership and adds to the growing debate about the morality of our treatment of animals? — Journal of Animal Welfare Law Written and edited to the highest standards, this book provides an essential reference for all those interested in studying this important emerging field. It is a field no veterinarian should be unaware of. For other readers, it provides a fascinating albeit sometimes disturbing insight into one of the darker realms of human psychopathology.” – Veterinary Times

The Poet-Physician and The Healer-Killer, Vivisection and The Emergence of a Medical Technocracy by Roberta Kalechofsky, Ph.D. – Micah Publications, Inc.; first edition (October 1, 2009)

The PoetPhysician and the HealerKiller is a social history of a popular movement and of how propaganda defeated it, so that it lost its place in historic accounts of the Victorian Era. Run your finger down the indices of history and literary books about the Victorian Era, and look for the words, “vivisection” or “Antivivisection. You’re not likely to find them. Standard histories of the age will not inform a reader that academic vivisection–experimenting on animals and human beings–began in the Victorian Era and that it was first met with furious horror on the part of the English public and the press. In The PoetPhysician and The HealerKiller, vivisection and its counter assault, the Antivivisection movement take their place in the history of the Victorian ge. The book demonstrates how both movements grew out of Victorian ideas and philosophy concerning progress, and that the Antivivisection movement grew out of the Feminist Movement in the nineteenth century, and that we, in the 21st century, still suffer the consequences.

“In 35 year of reading books and articles about the treatment of animals I have seen nothing that so illuminates the connection between the horrors of vivisection and the horrors of human experimentation. With style and grace, the book traces the history of socalled medical advances, particularly in the 19th century and reveals that the foundation of uncritical adulation of physicians has its roots in unthinkable atrocities.Even specialists in will discover they have a great deal to learn from Dr. Kalechofsky. I cannot overpraise this book.” Professor Sidney Gendin, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Eastern Michigan University 38 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

From Dusk ‘Til Dawn: An Insider’s View of the Growth of the Animal Liberation Movement by Keith Mann – Publisher: Warcry Communications; First Edition edition (September 29, 2009)

Go inside the . Written by former Animal Liberation Front organizer Keith Mann, From Dusk ’til Dawn is a detailed account of the advance of the radical Animal Liberation Movement, from the English hunt saboteurs of the 1960’s, to the Animal Liberation Front of the 1970’s and 80’s, to the focused direct action campaigns of the 1990’s. Daring stories of masked liberators spiriting animals from labs in the middle of the night, militant vegans firebombing egg farm trucks, and the dramatic government response.

Fifteen years in the making, From Dusk ’til Dawn was born during Keith Mann’s lengthy prison sentence for Animal Liberation Front actions. His escape from custody in 1994 nearly scuppered the project but his determination to document the growth of the animal liberation movement ensured its completion. From Dusk ’til Dawn is a mustread for anyone wishing to understand why people break the law and give their lives to rescue animals from exploitation.

FAQs About the Use of Animals in Science: A handbook for the scientifically perplexed – September 30, 2009 – by Ray Greek and Niall Shanks –

F.A.Q.s About the Use of Animals in Science: A handbook for the scientifically perplexed offers readers that are not extensively educated in science a balanced critique of the practice of using animals in scientific research. This book is about the scientific questions and issues surrounding the use of animals in general areas of science, rather than focusing on the muchdiscussed ethical issues. Greek and Shanks explain the scientific merits of using animals in specific areas and criticize the use of animals in areas of science where animal models simply cannot achieve the researcher’s goal. This book provides an explanation of AFMA’s position and is geared to the nonscientist.

Animal Models in Light of Evolution by Niall Shanks , C. Ray Greek – Publisher: Brown Walker Press (August 30, 2009)

This book is designed for readers with a strong scientific background, this book provides a detailed and highly authoritative explanation of AFMA’s position on animals as predictive models.

The central concern of this book is with the “prediction problem” in biomedical research. In particular, the authors examine the use of animal models to predict human responses in drug and disease research. The arguments discussed are drawn from both biological and biomedical theory (with numerous examples and case studies drawn from evolutionary biology, complex systems theory, oncology, , and AIDS research), and analyses of empirical evidence (concerning, for example, data on intra and interspecies differences revealed by recent results from analyses of various species, human population studies, and statistical studies of the predictive utility of animal models). This book comes to the unique conclusion that while animals can be successfully used for many endeavors in science such as basic and comparative research, they cannot be used to predict drug and disease response in humans. The arguments presented are rooted in the history, philosophy, and methodology of biomedical research. This book will be of interest to anyone involved, directly or indirectly, in biomedical research (including physicians, veterinarians and scientists), and anyone interested in the history, philosophy and methodology of science. In contrast to books written by and for the and books written by and for the animalbased research industry, this book honestly examines all sides of the scientific arguments for using animals in science and 39 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations concludes that each group in turn exaggerates the flaws or strengths of using animals. There are areas in science where animals can be viably used but there are also areas where they cannot be so used.

Confronting Animal Abuse: Law, Criminology, and Human-Animal Relationshipsby Piers Beirne – Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (July 16, 2009)

Confronting Animal Abuse presents a powerful examination of the humananimal relationship and the laws designed to protect it. Piers Beirne, a leading scholar in the growing field of green criminology, explores the heated topic of animal abuse in agriculture, science, and sport, as well as what is known, if anything, about the potential for animal assault to lead to interhuman violence. He convincingly shows how from its roots in the Irish plowfields of 1635 through today, animalrights legislation has been primarily shaped by human interest and why we must reconsider the terms of humananimal relationships. Piers Beirne is professor of sociology and legal studies at the University of Southern Maine. He is recognized as a leading scholar in the emerging field of green criminology. Beirne argues that if violations of animals’ rights are to be taken seriously, then scholars and activists should examine why some harms to animals are defined as criminal, others as abusive but not criminal and still others as neither criminal nor abusive. Confronting Animal Abuse points to the need for a more inclusive concept of harms to animals, without which the meaning of animal abuse will be overwhelmingly confined to those harms that are regarded as socially unacceptable, oneonone cases of animal cruelty. Certainly, those cases demand attention. But so, too, do those other and far more numerous institutionalized harms to animals, where abuse is routine, invisible, ubiquitous and often defined as socially acceptable. In this pioneering, proanimal book Beirne identifies flaws in our traditional understanding of humananimal relationships, and proposes a compelling new approach.

“Beirne, who originated the nonspeciesist approach to criminology and is a leading exponent of green criminology, brings together for the first time his main themes and research interests within one text. As the originator of this approach, this book will further establish Beirne’s reputation as the leading scholar of nonspeciesist criminology. The originality in identifying a serious problem in traditional analyses of humannonhuman relations is a major contribution to the field.” – , University College Dublin.

The Bunny Hugging Terrorist by Joan Court – Publisher: Selene Press (1 April 2009)

The redoubtable Joan Court has produced the second volume in her amazing autobiography in which she describes her fight for animal rights after her move to Cambridge in 1977. This is a really good read and is a must for anyone interested in the history of the movement and in the life of an inspirational woman. Foreword by Tony Benn.

Pavlov’s Dogs and Schrödinger’s Cat: Scenes from the living laboratory by Rom Harré – Oxford University Press 26022009. Rom Harre gives a lively account of the many ways in which scientists have used animals and plants, whether alive or dead – From the sheep, dog, and cockerel that were sent aloft in Montgolfier’s balloon, to Galvani’s ’s legs, the Sheep, the finches of the Galapagos, and even imaginary cats and simulated life forms, Pavlov’s Dogs and Schrodinger’s Cat explores the fascinating history of the role of living things in science. The ways in which animals and plants have been used in science has always been a matter for considerable public debate, and this book provides an important and fascinating new perspective, setting aside moral reflection to simply examine the history of how and why living creatures have been used for the purposes of scientific discovery. Many extraordinary stories are uncovered throughout five centuries of science – tales of the people involved, curious incidents and episodes, and the occasional scientific fraud too, as clear reflections on the history and philosophy of science are combined with remarkable accounts from the living laboratory. 40 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Metodi alternativi e innovativi. Un altro modo di fare ricerca a vantaggio dell’uomo e nel rispetto degli animali di Susanna Penco – Editore Aracne 2008. La biologa con la sclerosi che dice no alla sperimentazione animale. Dr.Susanna Penco, AntidoteEurope.

Deutschlands erstes Tierschutzgesetz von Jürgen Lemcke – Verlag: ReginVerlag; Auflage: 1., Aufl. (1. November 2008)

Tiere gelten heute noch in zahllosen Kulturen und weiten Teilen der Welt als rechtlos. In den europäischen Nationen begriff man bereits früh, wie unwürdig dieser Zustand für das Tier, aber auch für den Menschen selbst war. Nicht nur, daß Tiere aus rein ökonomischem Gewinnstreben großen Qualen ausgesetzt wurden und zum Teil heute noch werden; auch die wissenschaftliche Forschung, die zahllose unnötige grausame Experimente vornimmt, meldet in unseren Tagen einen drastisch gestiegenen Bedarf an Versuchstieren. Dabei wird der Kampf um den Schutz der Tiere und die Durchsetzung ihrer Rechte schon seit über hundert Jahren erbittert geführt. Der Autor, Jürgen Lemcke, zeichnet den Weg zu Deutschlands erstem Tierschutzgesetz nach: Ausgehend von der Kaiserzeit, in der sich bereits Ärzte zusammenfanden, die etwa die Vivisektion für barbarisch und überflüssig erklärten; über die Weimarer Republik, in der erregt das Für und Wider des Schächtens – jenes jüdischen Ritus, bei dem man ein Tier durch Aufschneiden der Halsschlagader bei vollem Bewußtsein ausbluten läßt – diskutiert wurde; bis zum Dritten Reich, als das seinerzeit weltweit als mustergültig gefeierte Reichstierschutzgesetz in Kraft gesetzt wurde. Dabei steht die Frage im Mittelpunkt, warum die Regierungsübernahme der Nationalsozialisten 1933 für den Tierschutz in Deutschland eine kopernikanische Wende bedeutete: Aus welcher Intention heraus agierte die Reichsregierung? Handelte es sich um Augenwischerei, die dem noch jungen Dritten Reich lediglich eine gute Presse verschaffen sollte? Oder meinte Adolf Hitler es ehrlich, als er 1929 erklärte, daß es „im kommenden nationalsozialistischen Staate“ keine Tierquälerei mehr geben werde? Dieses Büchlein zeichnet fundiert das Zustandekommen des Schlacht sowie des Reichstierschutzgesetzes und des von Hermann Göring initiierten Vivisektionsverbotes von 1933 nach, erläutert den zeitgenössischen Kontext und schließt mit einer kritischen Einschätzung des heutigen deutschen Tierschutzes, der in mancherlei Hinsicht nicht mehr die Standards erreicht, die bis 1945 für ihn galten. Quellenangaben und eine Literaturliste gestatten die weiterführende Lektüre. Überdies enthält dieses Werk u. a.: • ein ungekürztes Faksimile der seltenen Schrift Jüdische Stimmen gegen das Schächten (1927), • den vollen Wortlaut des Schlachtgesetzes vom 21. April 1933, • jenen der Verordnung über das Schlachten von Tieren vom 21. April 1933 und • jenen des Reichstierschutzgesetzes vom 24. November 1933.

Philosophy and Animal Life by Stanley Cavell, Cora Diamond, John McDowell, Ian Hacking, and Cary Wolfe – Columbia University Press 19052008

Philosophy and Animal Life offers a new way of thinking about animal rights, our obligation to animals, and the nature of philosophy itself. Cora Diamond begins with “The Difficulty of Reality and the Difficulty of Philosophy,” in which she accuses analytical philosophy of evading, or deflecting, the responsibility of human beings toward nonhuman animals. Diamond then explores the animal question as it is bound up with the more general problem of philosophical skepticism. Focusing specifically on J. M. Coetzee’s , she considers the failure of language to capture the vulnerability of humans and animals.

Stanley Cavell responds to Diamond’s argument with his own close reading of Coetzee’s work, connecting the humananimal relation to further themes of morality and philosophy. John McDowell follows with a critique of both Diamond and Cavell, and Ian Hacking explains why Cora Diamond’s essay is so deeply perturbing and, paradoxically for a philosopher, he favors poetry over philosophy as a way of overcoming some of her difficulties. Cary Wolfe’s introduction situates these arguments within the broader context of contemporary continental philosophy and theory, particularly Jacques Derrida’s work on deconstruction and the question of the animal. 41 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Philosophy and Animal Life is a crucial collection for those interested in animal rights, ethics, and the development of philosophical inquiry. It also offers a unique exploration of the role of ethics in Coetzee’s fiction.

Publication of ‘Animal Experimentation – a necessary evil?’ by HRA Human Research Australia. 2007 “Education is an area that we feel is of huge importance. Many members support our work simply because it is cruel and unethical to conduct invasive research on animals. While this reason alone should be sufficient, it is simply not enough if we are to engage in debate. It is so important that we are aware of the scientific arguments against animal research, understand how the system works and are able to challenge the justifications of the proanimal research advocates. For this reason we produced the booklet “Animal Experimentation – a necessary evil?” It provides an overview of the types of research conducted in Australia, statistics, legislation and protection, species differences, examples of where animal research has caused delays and disasters, why it continues and the alternatives. The booklet is not an indepth study but provides an overview of the issue so that members, supporters, students etc are provided with a basic understanding. The booklet is freely available to schools and libraries and can also be downloadedfrom our website” – HRA

Striking at the Roots: A Practical Guide to Animal Activism by Mark Hawthorne – Publisher: Changemakers Books (December 20, 2007).

Animal protection is one of the most passionately debated issues of our day. In light of recent legislation and intensified pressure put on activists around the world, those advocates fighting for animal liberation or even animal welfare need a single resource covering the major, and some minor, models of animal activism. : A Practical Guide to Animal Activism brings together the most effective tactics for speaking out for animals and gives voice to activists from around the globe, who explain why their chosen models of activism have been successful — and how others can get involved.

Stem Cell Research- The Ethical Issues by Lori Gruen, Peter Singer & Laura Grabel – Pub. John Wiley And Sons Ltd, 10092007 The social and political climate surrounding human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research is constantly changing, as is the science, with new developments occurring at a regular pace. Rapid changes can exacerbate fears, and fears often contribute to sweeping pronouncements and prohibitions that may not, ultimately, withstand rational scrutiny.

Culture of Human Stem Cells by R. Ian Freshney, Glyn N. Stacey, Jonathan M. Auerbach – Publisher: WileyLiss; 1 edition (June 22, 2007)

This book collects the most effective and cuttingedge methods and protocols for deriving and culturing human embryonic and stem cells—in one handy resource.

This groundbreaking book follows the tradition of previous books in the Culture of Specialized Cells Series—each methods and protocols chapter is laid out exactly like the next, with stepwise protocols, preceded by specific requirements for that , and a concise discussion of methods illustrated by data. The editors describe a limited number of representative techniques across a wide spectrum of stem cells from embryonic, newborn, and adult tissue, yielding an allencompassing and versatile guide to the field of stem cell biology and culture.

The book includes a comprehensive list of suppliers for all equipment used in the protocols presented, with websites available in an appendix. Additionally, there is a chapter on quality control, and other chapters covering legal and ethical issues, cryopreservation, and feeder layer culture. This text is a onestop resource for all researchers, clinical scientists, teachers, and students involved in this crucial area of study.

Spór o Prawa Zwierzat przez Pietrzykowski Tomasz – Wydawca Wydawnictwo Sonia Draga – Data premiery: 20070524 42 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Dzieki takim ksiazkom, mam nadzieje, bedziemy mogli jako spoleczenstwo poglebic nasza wiedze o zupelnie innym swiecie. Swiecie pelnym milosci i cierpienia, którego czesto jestesmy sprawcami. Obok nas zyja nasi bracia.

W wielu krajach swiata nie tylko rozwija sie bardzo wiele organizacji i grup aktywistów nazywanych zwykle ruchem wyzwolenia zwierzat, ale takze dostrzec mozna coraz powazniejsze traktowanie tej problematyki przez etyków, filozofów i prawników.

Byc moze najtrudniejszym zadaniem, ale najbardziej oczekiwanym i potrzebnym przelomem jest przekonanie opinii publicznej, ze zainteresowanie sytuacja i losem zwierzat nie jest domena lekko zwariowanych na punkcie psów i kotów starszych pan i grupek mlodziezy.

Tierversuche: Im Spannungsfeld von Praxis und Bioethik von Winfried Ahne (Autor), Wolfgang Apel (Mitarbeiter) – Verlag: Schattauer; Auflage: 1., Aufl. (März 2007).

In Deutschland werden jährlich mehr als zwei Millionen Tiere zu Versuchszwecken eingeSetzt – Tendenz steigend. Der Tierversuch ist in vielen Bereichen, wie Grundlagen und medizinischer Forschung, Toxikologie und Produktentwicklung, etabliert und zum Teil sogar geSetzlich vorgeschrieben. Die Durchführung von Tierversuchen erzeugt jedoch von jeher ein Spannungsfeld, das sich häufig in emotional zugespitzten Diskussionen zwischen Befürwortern und Gegnern entlädt. Skandale wie die ConterganKatastrophe Ende der 50er Jahre sowie jüngst der Eklat um das Arzneimittel TG1412 schüren zusätzlich das Misstrauen gegenüber dem wissenschaftlichen Wert von Prüfstrategien für HumanArzneimittel, die auf Tierversuchen basieren. Winfried Ahne, Professor für Zoologie und Virologie an der LMU München, stellt die kontroversen Standpunkte sachlich fundiert gegenüber. Der Autor beleuchtet die gängige Tierversuchspraxis aus der Perspektive von Natur und Rechtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Ethik, kehrt bei seiner kritischen AuseinanderSetzung jedoch immer wieder zu den Fragen zurück: Sind Tierversuche ethisch zu rechtfertigen? Welche Alternativen gibt es? Der Leser erhält mit dem Werk aber auch einen umfassenden Einblick in ein Thema, das Menschen heutzutage und in früheren Zeiten immer wieder beschäftigt hat. Dabei spannt der Autor mit erzählerischem Geschick einen weiten Bogen – vom Codex Chammurabi ca. 2 000 v. Chr. bis hin zur aktuellen Diskussion um Sinn und Nutzen von Tierversuchen. Das Buch ist nicht nur wegen seiner interdisziplinären Konzeption ein spannender und informativer Beitrag zum Thema Tierversuche, sondern auch ein Plädoyer für den rücksichtsvollen Umgang mit Tieren. Essential: Sachlich fundierte, kritische AuseinanderSetzung mit der gängigen Tierversuchspraxis Berücksichtigung unterschiedlichster Standpunkte (Natur und Rechtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Ethik) bei der Darstellung der aktuellen Diskussion zur Tierversuchsproblematik Kurzweiliger Überblick über ein Thema, das Menschen seit 4 000 Jahren interessiert und beschäftigt.

Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods by Jeffrey M. Smith – Publisher: Yes! Books; 4th edition (January 31, 2007)

Eating genetically modified food is gambling with every bite.

The biotech industry’s claim that genetically modified (GM) foods are safe is shattered in this groundbreaking book. Sixtyfive health risks of the foods that Americans eat every day are presented in easytoread twopage spreads. The left page is designed for the quick scanning reader; it includes bullets, illustrations, and quotes. The right side offers fully referenced text, describing both research studies and theoretical risks. The second half of Genetic Roulette shows how safety assessments on GM crops are not competent to identify the health problems presented in the first half. It also exposes how industry research is rigged to avoid finding problems. This book, prepared in with input by more than 30 scientists, is for anyone wanting to understand GM technology, to learn how to protect themselves, or to share their concerns with others. It is presented in the clear, accessible style that made Jeffrey Smith’s Seeds of Deception the 43 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations world’s bestselling book on genetically engineered foods. As the world’s most complete reference on the health risks of GM foods, Genetic Roulette is also ideal for schools and libraries.

DVD – Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives by Jeffrey M. Smith – 2012

NeverBeforeSeenEvidence points to genetically engineered foods as a major contributor to rising disease rates in the US population, especially among children. Gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, inflammatory diseases, and infertility are just some of the problems implicated in humans, pets, , and lab animals that eat genetically modified and corn. Monsanto’s strong arm tactics, the FDA’s fraudulent policies, and how the USDA ignores a growing health emergency are also laid bare. This sometimes shocking film may change your diet, help you protect your family, and accelerate the consumer tipping point against genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Don’t miss this film! The main feature film Genetic Roulette is 85 minutes. The package also contains a bonus DVD with: Seeds of Freedom (28 min) Narrated by Jeremy Irons, produced by The Gaia Foundation and African Biodiversity Network, this landmark film shows how the story of seed at the hands of multinationals has become one of loss, control, dependence and debt. More information about the Seeds of Freedom can be found here. The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods (42 min) Jeffrey Smith presents a concise, hardhitting talk to more than 800 healthcare practitioners at Andrew Weil’s Arizona Center for Integrated Medicine conference in 2011. The Politics of GMOs (16 min) This presentation excerpt describes the unholy alliance between the US government and Monsanto, as well as some highlights of Monsanto’s dark history. 12 Short Public Service Announcements All content in the bonus disk can be played on television without charge or special permission. Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives is a film by bestselling author Jeffrey M. Smith. Experts expose the serious threats that genetically engineered foods pose to your health and how corporations like Monsanto hide the evidence. The main feature film is 85 minutes. The package also contains a bonus DVD with: – Seeds of Freedom (28 min)–narrated by Jeremy Irons, produced by The Gaia Foundation and African Biodiversity Network. This landmark short film shows how the story of seed at the hands of multinationals has become one of loss, control, dependence and debt. – The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods (42 minutes)–Jeffrey Smith presents a concise, hardhitting talk to more than 800 healthcare practitioners at Andrew Weil’s Arizona Center for Integrated Medicine conference in 2011. – The Politics of GMOs (16 minutes)–this presentation excerpt describes the unholy alliance between the United States government and Monsanto, as well as some highlights of Monsanto’s dark history. – 12 short public service announcements.

Die lukrativen Lügen der Wissenschaft – Wie unsinnige Ideen als Wissenschaft verkauft werden von Johannes Jürgenson – Verlag: Argo; Auflage: 1., Aufl., 1. Januar 2007

Ist es denkbar, daß Wissenschaftler lügen? Daß allgemein akzeptierte Theorien grundsätzlich falsch sind? Das Buch beschreibt, was viele irgendwie ahnen: Wir werden von Wissenschaftlern und Medien in wichtigen Fragen belogen! Die Motive: Geltungssucht, Millionenbeträge und Nachlässigkeit. Dem Autor gelingt es, die Zusammenhänge mit dem Blick für das Wesentliche und in klaren Worten so zu erläutern, daß sie jeder leicht versteht. Er zeigt, wie falsche Theorien entstehen, wie Kritiker kaltgestellt werden und wie abweichende Meinungen einer allgemeinen Zensur zum Opfer fallen. Das alles wird belegt mit Hunderten von Quellen und Zitaten. Die Erkenntnisse dieses Buches sind reiner Sprengstoff für diejenigen, die durch Desinformation der Öffentlichkeit zu Macht und Ansehen gekommen sind. Trotz der wissenschaftlichen Themen liest sich das Buch leicht und mit Vergnügen, da sich der Autor – respektlos und leicht verständlich – gelegentliche ironische Seitenhiebe nicht verkneifen kann. 44 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Er nimmt kein Blatt vor den Mund und erschließt dem Leser eine Fundgrube brisanter Informationen. Es war selten so spannend und faszinierend wie in diesem Buch, mehr über die Hintergründe von Wissenschaft und Politik zu erfahren.

I Diari di Michelle Rokke – Versione online Scarica – Editore AgireOra Edizioni – 2007

Nel 1996 Michelle Rokke trascorre alcune settimane come infliltrata nel laboratorio di vivisezione di HLS del New Jersey (USA) e tiene dei diari in cui registra quello che ogni giorno vede: la sofferenza degli animali, l’incuria dei tecnici e dei medici, l’incompetenza e la cattiva fede, il menefreghismo e la mancanza della seppur minima sensibilità e rispetto verso gli animali utilizzati.

I Diari dimostrano, con i fatti più che con mille teorie, quanto inutile sia la sperimentazione su animali da un punto di vista scientifico, e come, anche se potesse essere utile in teoria, non lo è comunque nella pratica per come gli esperimenti vengono eseguiti.

Dimostrano non tanto la crudeltà di pochi, ma l’incuria e il disprezzo con cui gli animali sono normalmente, da tutti, trattati, e la loro infinita sofferenza. Da leggere, per sapere cosa accade veramente in tutti i laboratori di vivisezione del mondo

English: The Diary of Michelle Rokke (undercover investigator at HLS in 1996/1997) read online. chelle%20Rokke.htm

Animals in Space: From Research Rockets to the Space Shuttle by Colin Burgess, Chris Dubbs – Publisher: Springer; 2007 edition (December 22, 2006)

Many readers will doubtless be astonished to learn that animals were being fired aloft in U.S. and Soviet research rockets in the late 1940s. In fact most people not only believe that the Russian space dog was the first canine to be launched into space, but also that the highprofile, precursory Mercury flights of chimps Ham and were the only flights conducted by the United States. In fact, both countries had sent literally dozens of animals aloft for many years prior to these events and continued to do so for many years after. Other latterday space nations, such as France and China, would also begin to use animals in their own space research. will explain why dogs, primates, mice and other rodents were chosen and tested, at a time when dedicated scientists from both space nations were determined to establish the survivability of human subjects on both ballistic and orbital space flights. It will also recount the way this happened; the secrecy involved and the methods employed, and offer an objective analysis of how the role of animals as spaceflight test subjects not only evolved, but subsequently changed over the years in response to a public outcry led by animal activists. It will explore the ways in which animal highaltitude and space flight research impacted on space flight biomedicine and technology, and how the results – both successful and disappointing – allowed human beings to then undertake that same hazardous journey with far greater understanding and confidence.

Colin Burgess is a recognised historian in the field of space literature and has carried out extensive research on the history of animal space flights over many years. Chris Dubbs also carried out comprehensive research on Soviet animal flights. He was selected by the New Mexico Museum of Space History to serve as Guest Curator for their upcoming exhibit on the . 45 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

“Animals in Space is an extremely detailed, yet absorbing, history of animals used in the space programs around the world. In addition to a list of references at the end of each chapter, the book’s documentation includes photos, charts, and lists of the U.S., Soviet, Chinese, French and international space missions (including Bion and International Space Station) that utilized animals as test and research subjects. the book will surely serve as a standard on the subject for years to come.” (Advocacy for Animals, November, 2007)

What Will We Do If We Don’t Experiment On Animals? Medical Research for the Twenty-first Century – Jean Swingle Greek and C. Ray Greek – July 6, 2006 “In most ethical debates about animal experimentation, the question at issue is whether the benefits that humans ultimately derive from such research is worth the suffering and deaths of the animals involved. In the case of biomedical research aimed at understanding human diseases or developing new human medicines or vaccines, many people think that the answer to the question is yes, because, as they believe, animal experimentation can and regularly does save thousands or even millions of human lives. Others think that even these great benefits to humans do not justify experiments on innocent creatures that in many cases amount to death by torture. Both sides of the debate tend to take for granted that animal experimentation is scientifically the most fruitful and efficient means of developing potentially lifesaving drugs. In two earlier works, Sacred Cows and Golden Geese: The Human Cost of Experiments on Animals (2002) and Specious Science: How and Evolution Reveal Why Medical Research on Animals Harms Humans (2003), the authors, a veterinary dermatologist and an anesthesiologist, offered sophisticated refutations of this assumption. The animal model of biomedical research, they argued, is radically misguided, because animals and humans are significantly different from humans in ways that affect the metabolism and elimination of tested drugs and thereby their effectiveness and the side effects they may or may not produce. The result is that every year millions of people in the U.S. become sick, and hundreds of thousands die, because of unforeseen reactions to prescribed that were approved as safe on the basis of animal testing. In What Will We Do If We Don’t Experiment On Animals? , the authors address the most frequently asked question raised in response to their earlier work. The answer is twofold: (1) stop relying on tests that dont work (this course of action would be appropriate even if there were no alternatives to animal testing); and (2) rely instead on numerous recently developed testing techniques and diagnostic methods, all focused on humans rather than animals, including in vitro testing of human cells and tissues, computer modeling of human at the molecular level, and genetic profiling. Other more traditional methods, such as and , have become vastly more fruitful with computer enhancements. (As the authors noted in earlier work, it was epidemiology, not animal testing, that revealed the link between smoking and human lung disease and between folicacid deficiency and spina bifida.) The authors argue convincingly that the billions of dollars spent annually on biomedical research in the U.S. should be redirected away from scientifically pointless animal experimentation and toward sounder forms of humanbased research.”

Review crossposted from: ort/

Animaux cobayes et victimes humaines de Hélène Sarreseca – Collection : Environnement et Santé durables, Editeur : Editions Dangles (22 juin 2006)

Si la vivisection pouvait être l’un des rares moyens de faire progresser les connaissances il y a cent ans, il est temps aujourd’hui d’utiliser toutes les techniques dont nous disposons pour explorer le corps humain dans son état normal ou pathologique et de tirer des leçons des échecs auxquels l’expérimentation animale nous a conduits. Il est 46 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations temps d’entendre les chercheurs qui s’opposent, pour des raisons strictement scientifiques, à l’utilisation des animaux dans la recherche biomédicale. Pour construire une nouvelle biologie, une nouvelle attitude envers les animaux et envers les humains, il est moins nécessaires de juger les acteurs du passé que de prendre conscience des possibilités actuelles et des raisons de nos échecs sanitaires. C’est à quoi ce livre espère contribuer. L’auteur développe trois thème principaux : l’expérimentation animale, définition et chiffres ; l’expérimentation animale dans la loi et dans les faits ; les principales utilisations des animaux.

Documentation: Antidote Europe vous propose diffrents supports que vous pouvez commander en utilisant le formulaire ci-contre

Alternatives To Animal Testing (Issues in Environmental Science and Technology) – by R E Hester (Editor), R M Harrison (Editor), Paul Illing (Contributor), Michael Balls (Contributor) – Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry; 1 edition (June 7, 2006) – Series: Issues in Environmental Science and Technology (Book 23)

A stateoftheart description of the evaluation of the safety of chemicals, difficulties with internationally accepted validation, barriers to the acceptance of nonanimal tests, and possible future directions. Important reading for all involved with pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Alternatives to Animal Testing, written by leading experts in the field, discusses the issues involved and approaches that can be taken. Topics include; the safety evaluation of chemicals, international validation and barriers to the validation of alternative tests, in vitro testing for endocrine disruptors, intelligent approaches to safety evaluation of chemicals, alternative tests and the regulatory framework.

Bioethics – An Anthology – by Helga Kuhse , Peter Singer – Publisher Blackwell Publishing; 2nd edition (March 20, 2006)

The expanded and revised edition of Bioethics: An Anthology is a definitive onevolume collection of key primary texts for the study of bioethics. * Brings together writings on a broad range of ethical issues relating such matters as reproduction, genetics, life and death, and animal experimentation. * Now includes introductions to each of the sections. * Features new coverage of the latest debates on hot topics such as genetic screening, the use of embryonic human stem cells, and resource allocation between patients. * The selections are independent of any particular approach to bioethics. * Can be used as a source book to complement A Companion to Bioethics (1999).

Cancro: un male evitabile – Come combattere una strage inutile – Autore Gianni Tamino – Edizioni Cosmopolis 2006

Dopo anni di ricerca il cancro fa ancora paura. Nonostante i moltissimi soldi continuamente spesi e le migliaia di ricercatori impegnati in questa battaglia, è ancora sinonimo di dolore e morte. È nella natura di questo male “oscuro” l’essere invincibile o qualcosa nel modo di affrontarlo non ha funzionato? Cosa ha significato, ad esempio, per la ricerca la scelta unidirezionale a favore della vivisezione?

Gianni Tamino, biologo e ricercatore, traccia in maniera chiara una storia di questa decennale lotta contro il “male del secolo”, mettendo in evidenza come il fondamento epistemologico che si basa sulla sperimentazione animale, abbia fino ad oggi fornito dati e conclusioni errate. Il cancro è, secondo l’autore, un male curabile e, fatto ancor più interessante, è un male che si può e si deve prevenire a patto di consegnare alla storia della medicina (non certo tra le pagine più brillanti) la sperimentazione di ogni rimedio sugli animali. 47 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Sotto accusa non c’è soltanto la vivisezione in quanto tale, ma l’idea stessa del ruolo della medicina, il cui compito primario non dovrebbe essere quello di curare, somministrando farmaci e sostanze chimiche sempre nuove, ma quello di aiutarci a prevenire, mantenendo efficienti ed efficaci i nostri sistemi naturali di difesa.

Animal Horror: An investigation into animal rights, horror cinema and the double standards of violent human behaviour by Gunnar Theodór Eggertsson – Universiteit van Amsterdam. Media and Culture – M.A. Thesis in Film Studies – Supervisor: mw. drs. F.J. Jonquiere August, 2006. To be downloaded

POVIJESNI UÈINAK EKSPERIMENTIRANJA NA ŽIVOTINJAMA Christopher Anderegg, M.D., Ph.D., Kathy Archibald, B.Sc., Jarrod Bailey, Ph.D., Murry J. Cohen, M.D., Stephen R. Kaufman, M.D., John J. Pippin, M.D., F.A.C.C. © Medical Research Modernization Committee, 2006.

Odbor za osuvremenjivanje medicinskog istraživanja (mrmc) neprofi tna je organizacija koja zagovara zdravlje, a u njoj su aktivni medicinski profesionalci i znanstvenici koji prepoznaju i promoviraju uèinkovite, pouzdane i troškovno uèinkovite metode istraživanja. mrmc se fokusira iskljuèivo na znanstvenim meritumima razlièitih istraživaèkih pristupa, premda neki od njih nedvojbeno izazivaju ozbiljnu i važnu etièku zabrinutost. Aktivnosti koje sponzorira mrmc ukljuèuju istraživanje, publikacije i edukaciju studenata. Sve veæi broj znanstvenika i klinièkih specijalista osporava pokuse na životinjama na medicinskim i znanstvenim temeljima.13 Prema nadzoru kojega je 2004. godine u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu provela udruga Europljani za medicinski napredak4, primjerice, 82% lijeènika opæe prakse tvrdi da su „zabrinuti jer podaci dobiveni testiranjem na životinjama mogu biti zavaravajuæi kada se primjenjuju na ljude”. Znaèajni dokazi pokazuju da je testiranje na životinjama neuèinkovito i nepouzdano, dok su nove, nedavno razvijene metodologije daleko bolje i stoje znatno manje od testiranja na životinjama.


A Critical Look at Animal Experimentation, Christopher Anderegg, M.D., Ph.D., Kathy Archibald, B.Sc., Jarrod Bailey, Ph.D., Murry J. Cohen, M.D., Stephen R. Kaufman, M.D., John J. Pippin, M.D., F.A.C.C. © Medical Research Modernization Committee, 2006 – online Brochure

Increasing numbers of scientists and clinicians are challenging animal experimentation on medical and scientific grounds. In the , for example, 82% of general practitioners said they were “concerned that animal data can be misleading when applied to humans”, according to a 2004 survey commissioned by Europeans for Medical Progress. Considerable evidence demonstrates that animal experimentation is inefficient and unreliable, while newly developed methodologies are more valid and less expensive than animal studies.

The Animals Are Our Brothers and Sisters . Why Animal Experiments are Misleading and Wrong by Werner Hartinger, Published: November 2005, Temple Lodge Press

Respected surgeon and medical doctor Werner Hartinger investigates the claims and counterclaims concerning experimentation on animals. Through meticulous analysis he comes to the conclusion that animal experiments are not only unnecessary, but that the experiments themselves are questionable and lead to meaningless results. Dr. Hartinger writes from many years’ experience within the medical profession, and with ample scientific data to back his findings. He also tackles the spiritual aspect of this question, inspired by the work of the Austrian 48 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations philosopher Rudolf Steiner. The author gives a commentary on Christian teachings regarding animals, examining the biblical commandments. He also studies the varieties of diseases and their causes, and the hidden aspects of sickness and health.

Curiosity Killed the Dog: An Animal Aid Report on the Use of Animals in Basic Research: A Case Study by Andre Menache (Author), John Pippin (Author), Andrew Tyler (Editor) – Publisher: Animal Aid (Oct 2005) – pdf file

A critique analysing terminal experiments on dogs at Leeds Medical School, showing the manipulation of animal models for convenience, regardless of effects upon the validity of results obtained, with the purpose of sustaining careers, rather than any benefit. This special report was prompted by Animal Aid’s discovery of a longrunning series of terminal experiments on dogs, carried out at a leading UK medical school and funded, in large part, by one of the country’s biggest charities – the British Heart Foundation.

Selling Sickness: How the World’s Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies are Turning Us All into Patients by Ray Moynihan , Alan Cassels – Publisher: Nation Books; 1 edition (June 24, 2005).

Thirty years ago, the head of the drug company Merck made some remarkably candid comments about his distress that his company’s market was limited to sick people. Suggesting he would like Merck to be more like the maker of Wrigley’s chewing gum, the CEO said it had long been his dream to make drugs for healthy people, to “sell to everyone.” That dream now drives the marketing machinery of the most profitable industry on earth. From awardwinning Ray Moynihan,—one of the world’s top medical journalists—Selling Sickness reveals how widening the boundaries of illness and lowering the threshold for treatments is creating millions of new patients and billions in new profits. This in turn is driving up personal drug bills and threatening to bankrupt national health systems all over the world. As more and more ordinary life is “medicalized,” the industry moves ever closer to being able to “sell to everyone.”

Animal Experiments: Bad Ethics, Bad Science by Andre Menache Publisher: Animal Aid (Jun 2005) Synopsis: Animal Experiments are both morally indefensible and unreliable. They can be dangerously misleading, as animals’ bodies are so different from humans, and they do not suffer the same diseases. “Andre Menache BSc(Hons), BVSc, MRCVS – Born in Belgium, Andre Menache has been an active campaigner for the past 30 years mainly in South Africa, Israel and the UK. He has held various posts, including that of president of Doctors and Lawyers for Responsible Medicine (UK) and general manager of the Federation of Animal Protection Societies in Israel. Today he provides scientific support to several grass roots organisations, in addition to his official position as director of Antidote Europe, based in France. His expertise includes animal experiments and regulatory toxicology. However, his interests cover other issues as well. In addition to being coorganiser and speaker at several national and international congresses on animal experimentation, , informed consent and vaccine damage compensation, he was instrumental in launching a Supreme Court Action that led to a ban on the force feeding of geese in Israel, then the world’s third largest exporter of foie gras (2006). Andre is listed in Who’s Who in the World (19th edn.), Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare (Millennium edn.) and is a recipient of a 21st century award for achievement from the International Biographical Centre (Cambridge).” Selected Publications: – World Health Organisation, International Journal of Public Health, Round table discussion: animal to human organ transplants (vol 77(1), 1999; 5462). – Proposal to amend the Helsinki Declaration (A. Menache, Elsevier publications, 2000). Adopted by plenary 49 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations session at 3rd World Congress on Alternatives and Animal use in the Life Sciences and subsequently adopted by World Medical Association 52nd General Assembly at Edinburgh, 2000. – Healthy human volunteers and informed consent. Med Law 2000; 19(3): 5235.” – Animal Consultants International (an internationallybased group of doctors, veterinarians, lawyers, graphic designers and other specialists who provide multidisciplinary expertise and key support skills for animal ethics projects.)

The Cause by Jane Mann – Publisher: Vinca Press (5 April 2005)

A graphic tale of dedication with a love interest set in the undercover world of the animal rights movement. Action, suspense and conflict are combined with exploration of contemporary issue. Attractive and twentyeight, Kate Wilson is trying to rebuild her life after a broken relationship, when she attends an animal rights meeting one evening, encouraged by her friend, Steve. Here for the first time she meets and hears the dynamic activist, Mark Stanton, whose aim is to bring to an end all animal experimentation and suffering in the notorious company, Draco Life Sciences. Though sceptical and reluctant at first to be involved, Kate is impressed by Mark and persuaded by him eventually to go undercover to get vital information to achieve his objective. Soon she realises that Mark has enemies both inside and outside the movement, as well as the authorities on his trail, causing tension and constant danger. But Mark is a man of conviction and strength. Despite setbacks and a considerable cost to his own welfare, safety and career, he persists with his objective. “Remember”, he says, “the animals need us. No one will help them if we do not. Don’t pass by on the other side”. Gradually as she becomes more involved, Kate falls in love with Mark. Can her love though break through his dedication to the cause and can Mark succeed with the forces closing in on him? “The Cause” breaks new ground in exploring the issue of vivisection through fiction rather than documentary. It helps us to understand the motivation and determination of those who want to bring it to an end and value animals for what they are – as sentient beings.

Doctors From Hell: The Horrific Account of Nazi Experiments on Humans by Vivian Spitz – Publisher: Sentient Publications 5/15/2005

This shocking firsthand account of the monstrous behaviors of Nazi physicians by Vivien Spitz should be required reading for all medical, dental, nursing, and public health students and faculty. Time is better spent reading this book than filling out HIPAA forms and other wellintentioned but even less effective tools designed to protect patients’ interests.

Spitz was a 22yearold court reporter during the doctors’ trials at Nuremberg following World War II. In Doctors from hell: the horrific account of Nazj experiments on humans, she recounts in vivid, objective detail the horrific human experiments conducted by 20 socalled physicians and medical assistants in Germany under the direction of the Nazis. The human experiments included “highaltitude” experiments in which concentration camp inmates were forced, without oxygen, into highaltitude chambers that duplicated conditions at up to 68,000 feet; removal of sections of bone, muscle, and nerves, including whole legs removed at the hips to transplant to other victims; artificial wounding and exposure to mustard gas; wounding of two limbs and treatment of one but not the other with sulfanamide antibiotics; with fresh typhus; and collection of skeletons from 112 live Jewish inmates who were killed and defleshed.

When you read this account, do not skip past the critically important foreword by Fredrick R. Adams. It is Adams who helps put this horror into a modern and deeply disturbing context for us. Adams carefully documents how Nazi doctors shaped much of their human experimentation program after similar studies conducted earlier in the United States. He notes that “Germans lagged behind their American colleagues in implementing the eugenic endorsements of doctors.” Adams writes that as of 1995, Mississippi’s eugenic sterilization law allowing for 50 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations compulsory sterilization of “the socially inadequate” was still in force. Indeed, Germany’s sterilization law, passed in 1933, came 26 years after the state of Indiana’s. What lessons have been learned from the medical experimentation horrors of the Nazis? Today, in my own field of cardiology, I am aware of clinical studies now ongoing, particularly in the areas of gene therapy and cellbased therapy, for which there are inadequately convincing animal data, yet patients are being subjected to experimentation that puts them at great risk. What chance do patients have, even the most well informed, when an arrogant and egotistically driven physician tells them that they are going to die unless they submit themselves to an unproven treatment? Are the patients told the truth – that we don’t have a lot of options, and this is an unproven therapy that will likely to do more harm than good, but we need to experiment on you?

Experimentation with animal models in space by Gerald Sonnenfeld – Illustrated edition – publisher Amsterdam ; Oxford : Elsevier, 2005. “Vivisection include many kinds of tests. Not only are the vivisectors using a knife but they are able to crush every bone of an animal just to test gravity. Among other things, Experimentation with animal models in space. Get an insight in these trials and judge for yourself whether you ethically and morally defend this. This book is from 2005 but in 2014 six national space programs have so far flown animals into space: the Soviet Union, the United States, France, China, Japan and Iran. They are used as surrogates to test the suitability of the space environment for human habitation. Animals are also used to study how animals react in low gravity conditions. Scientists are reporting mice traveling aboard STS133 showed evidence of ocular nerve damage and changes in eye gene expression or to learn / study astronauts to fall like a cat.” – Consumer information on Animal Testing (FB) Introduction to the book: Exposure to space flight has been shown to results in changes in many physiological systems, including the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system, the immune system, and the neurovestibular system. These changes could negatively impact the ability of humans to undertake longterm habitation and exploration of space. However, there are limits to the studies that can be done with humans in space. Both groundbased and space flight animal model systems are currently used for these studies as an alternative. This volume covers the latest developments in the use of animal models to study the effects of the space flight environment on human physiological systems.

Contents: Machine derived contents note: Overview The Hindlimb Unloading Rat Model The International Collaboration on Russian Spacecraft and the Case for Free Flyer Biosatellites Mouse Infection Models for Space Flight Immunology Vestibular Experiments in Space Effect of Space Flight on Circadian Rhythms Development as The Use of Animal Models to Study Skeletal Effects of Space Flight Responses Across the Gravity Continuum Aquatic animals Primates in Space flight. Notes: Includes bibliographical references and index.

La carica dei Beagle di Gianni Mannari edito da Aliberti, 2005. 51 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

La verità sulla vivisezione, la ricerca scientifica e l’industria farmaceutica partendo dalla denuncia del caso dell’allevamento Morini di San Polo, che fornisce gli animali per la sperimentazione.

Oxford University and Animal Experimentation: A Catalogue of Shame by Andre Menache (Author), Andrew Tyler (Editor) – Publisher: Animal Aid (Aug 2004) – pdf version

Oxford University has been building an £18 million animal research facility. The following report documents some of the animal experiments that have already been carried out at this institution, in the name of science. Part 1: Background – The historical background to Oxford University and animal experiments. Part 2: Experiments 14 – Experiments on dogs, adult beagles, five week old kittens, and sixty two . Part 3: Experiments 58 – Experiments on female rats, brain damaged monkeys, monkeys and rhesus monkeys, plus our conclusions.

Without a Tear: Our tragic relationship with animals by Mark H. Bernstein – Publisher: University of Illinois Press (June 2, 2004).

In “Without a Tear”, Mark H. Bernstein begins with one of our most common and cherished moral beliefs: that it is wrong to intentionally and gratuitously inflict harm on the innocent. Over the course of the book, he shows how this apparently innocuous commitment requires that we drastically revise many of our most common practices involving nonhuman animals. Most people who write about our ethical obligations concerning animals base their arguments on emotional appeals or contentious philosophical assumptions; Bernstein, however, argues from reasons but carries little theoretical baggage. He considers the issues in a religious context, where he finds that Judaism in particular has the resources to ground moral obligations to animals. “Without a Tear” also makes novel use of feminist ethics to add to the case for drawing animals more closely into our ethical world. Bernstein details the realities of factory farms, animalbased research, and fields, and contrasting these chilling facts with our moral imperatives clearly shows the need for fundamental changes to some of our most basic animal institutions. The tightly argued, provocative claims in “Without a Tear” will be an eyeopening experience for animal lovers, scholars, and people of good faith everywhere.

Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? – Reflections on the Liberation of Animals by Steven Best & A John Nocella – 1 June 2004, pub Rudolf Steiner Press

The first anthology of writings on the history, ethics, politics and tactics of the Animal Liberation Front, Terrorists or Freedom Fighters? features both academic and activist perspectives and offers powerful insight into this international organization and its position within the animal rights movement. Calling on sources as venerable as Thomas Aquinas and as current as the Patriot Act–and, in some cases, personal experience–the contributors explore the history of civil disobedience and sabotage, and examine the philosophical and cultural meanings of words like “terrorism,” “democracy” and “freedom,” in a book that ultimately challenges the values and assumptions that pervade our culture. Contributors include , , Ingrid Newkirk, , , and others.

Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government’s Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory by Michael C. Carroll – Publisher: William Morrow; 1 edition (February 17, 2004)

The original antianimal BW mission was “to establish and pursue a program of research and development of certain antianimal (BW) agents”. By August 1954 animals occupied holding areas at Plum Island and research was ongoing within Building 257. Scientists worked with “hot viruses” in the building, known simply as Lab 257 at this point, on animals and in petri dishes. Work was conducted through gloveboxes, steel, windowed boxes outfitted with glove inserts for experiments inside the contained box. The USDA facility, known as the Plum Island Animal 52 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Disease Center, continued work on biological warfare research until the U.S. program was ended by Richard Nixon in 1969.

The bioweapons research at Building 257 and Fort Terry was shrouded in aura of mystery and secrecy. The existence of biological warfare experiments on Plum Island was denied for several decades by the U.S. government. In 1993 Newsday unearthed documents proving otherwise.

From Publishers Weekly: “This strong first effort by New York lawyer Carroll centers on a U.S. government biological research center devoted to studying such exotic and virulent diseases as African swine fever, Rift Valley fever, footandmouth disease and West Nile virus. Plum Island is quietly nestled a mere two miles off of Long Island, 85 miles from New York City, and Carroll argues convincingly that the island is dangerously insecure. Based on sedulous research into declassified government files and interviews with Plum Island scientists and employees, he offers clear and convincing evidence that Plum Island is rife with the potential for a catastrophic disaster eith?r from an accident or, equally frightening, terrorist action. Carroll raises two chilling questions: Is there a connection between Lyme disease and Plum Island research? (Old Lyme, Conn., the location of the disease’s initial 1975 outbreak, is close to Plum Island.) And what about West Nile virus, which also suddenly appeared in close proximity to Plum Island? Carroll offers clear descriptions of the dangers inherent in studying deadly viruses that could infect untold numbers of humans, disrupt the food supply or cripple an entire industry—dangers heightened by a lack of even minimally adequate security. The author acknowledges that the times demand that the U.S. have a research facility like the one at Plum Island and ends this provocative book with a list of reasonable, wellconceived suggestions on how to make the research lab safe, or at least safer. Readers will hope that someone takes notice. 16 pages of b&w photos not seen by PW.” Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Den hvide mands fodspor – og andre historier fra molekylernes verden af Carsten Christophersen (Fotograf: Mette Nielsen) – Forlag: Nyt Teknisk Forlag 01/01/2004

Den hvide mands fodspor er en samling af medrivende historier fra molekylernes verden med både underholdningsværdi og dybde Artiklerne så som “Arsenik til frokost styrker helbredet”, “55 millioner år gammel drivhuseffekt” og “GMO – udvej eller baghold?”, har tidligere været udgivet i månedsmagasinet Dansk Kemi. I bogen er artiklerne udvalgt, så de danner en helhed inden for seks afgrænsede områder, alle i grænseområdet mellem kemi og natur, biologi, bioteknologi og endda samfundsudvikling. De enkelte historier er suppleret med spørgsmål, kommentarer, ordforklaringer og forslag til diskussionsemner. Alt sammen for at fremme anvendeligheden af Den hvide mands fodspor i en undervisningssituation i gymnasiet og HF efter gymnasiereformens naturvidenskabelige grundforløb, men de kan også bare læses for sjov. Carsten Christophersen er cand. scient. i kemi fra 1966, har modtaget adskillige priser for sin forskning i bl.a. organisk kemi, lægemidler og marin naturstofkemi og er tilknyttet universiteter rundt om i verden.Gennem hele Carstens Christophersens karriere har ønsket om at formidle de komplicerede emner været et hjertebarn. Han modtager i 1999 Paul Bergsøe legatet til at studere popularisering af naturvidenskab på ugemagasinet Ingeniøren, har siden 2001 en del af fagredaktionen for magasinet Dansk Kemi og har givet forelæsninger i fagdidaktik for gymnasielærere.

Scienza e democrazia di Marco Mamone Capria – Editore Liguori – Pubblicato 01/01/2003.

Il controllo della ricerca scientifica (finalità, metodi, attendibilità, investimenti) da parte dei cittadini si presenta oggi come una condizione necessaria per la realizzazione di una democrazia degna del nome. Eppure i rapporti tra scienza e democrazia sono spesso elusi dagli scienziati, in nome di una ‘libertà di ricerca’ che sarebbe misteriosamente immune alle influenze culturali, sociali, economiche del loro tempo. Dalla fusione fredda alle medicine complementari, dalla cosmologia del Big Bang alla ricerca sull’AIDS, dalle biotecnologie agricole 53 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations all’ingegneria, dalla matematica alla divulgazione – la varietà e importanza dei temi, discussi in maniera aggiornata e attenta alla loro dimensione politica, permetterà al lettore di farsi un’idea non ingenua e per molti versi inedita di ‘come funziona veramente la scienza’, e di come costruire un rapporto tra laici e specialisti adeguato alle sfide sempre più rischiose del nostro futuro.

Science and the Citizen by Marco Mamone Capria – Publisher: (July 23, 2013). This collection of essays comes from the international project “Science and Democracy”. It offers an examination of several controversial issues, within and about science, of wideranging social relevance. A partial list runs as follows: the role of scientific technology in shaping our life; the influence of corporations on contemporary medicine; grassroots activism and new technologies; environmental constraints on economical growth; the HIV/AIDS controversy; the Wakefield trial and the MMR vaccineautism link; the organ transplant ideology and business; the debate on the terrorist attacks in USA of September 11, 2001; the role of whistleblowers in science; etc. – Contributions by J. Barretto Bastos Filho, H. Bauer, M. Brown, M. C. Danhoni Neves, F. Fabbri, P. Ghisellini, S. Lang, A. Liversidge, C. Loré, M. Mamone Capria, R. Maruotti, D. Mastrangelo, S. Maurano, M. Mazzucco, D. Rasnick, S. Siminovic, S. Ulgiati, M. Walker.

Drawing the Line: Science and the Case for Animal Rights by Steven M. Wise – Publisher: Basic Books (May 13, 2003)

Are we ready for parrots and dolphins to be treated as persons before the law? In this unprecedented exploration of along the evolutionary spectrumfrom infants and children to other intelligent primates, from dolphins, parrots, elephants, and dogs to colonies of honeybeesSteve Wise finds answers to the big question in animal rights today: Where do we draw the line? Readers will be enthralled as they follow Wise’s firsthand account of the world’s most famous animal experts at work: Cynthia Moss and the touchingly affectionate families of Amboseli; Irene Pepperberg and her amazing and witty African Grey parrot, Alex; and Penny Paterson with the formidable gorilla Koko. In many cases, Wise was able to sustain an extended conversation with these extraordinary creatures. No one with even a shred of curiosity about animal intelligence or justice will want to miss this book.

From Library Journal “A pioneer in the field of animal rights law and author of Rattling the Cage, Wise has written yet another groundbreaking book a pageturner for anyone even remotely interested in the legal status of nonhuman animals. He has devised a taxonomy that allows him (and us) to consider whether an animal possesses selfawareness and has mental abilities, desires, and intentions that resemble those of humans. Using this tool, Wise studies various species, including African Grey parrots, dogs, , dolphins, and even human children to determine whether they are entitled to recognition as legal persons with rights and dignity. His conclusions are based on observation, experiments, and the thinking of such wellknown ethologists and neuroscientists as , Irene Pepperberg, Donald Griffin, and Antonio Damasio. The result is a provocative and solidly grounded book. Essential for all libraries. Peggie Partello, Keene State Coll. Lib., NH” – Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc. –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Monkeying Around with Human Health: The Cost to People of Experiments on Primates by C. Ray Greek and Kathy Archibald – with additional information by Animal Aid – Publisher: Animal Aid (May 2003)

“It is time the public knew that using monkeys is archaic and dangerous to human health. The abandonment of animal models is absolutely vital for medicine to advance.” Ray Greek MD 54 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

“I have yet to hear a sufficiently compelling scientific argument that justifies the suffering inflicted on primates in medical research.” Dr Charlotte Uhlenbroek, leading primatologist and BBC science presenter. To be downloaded from Animal Aid

Experimenting with Humans and Animals: From to Animal Rights by Professor Anita Guerrini – Press, 2003.

Experimentation on animals and particularly humans is often assumed to be a uniquely modern phenomenon. But the ideas and attitudes that encourage the biological and medical sciences to experiment on living creatures date from the earliest expression of Western thought. In “Animal and Human Experimentation,” Anita Guerrini looks at the history of these practices from vivisection in ancient Alexandria to presentday battles over animal rights and medical research employing human subjects. Guerrini discusses indepth key historical episodes in the use of living beings in science and medicine, including the discovery of blood circulation, the development of smallpox and polio vaccines, and recent AIDS research. She also explores the rise of the antivivisection movement in Victorian England, the modern animal rights movement, and current debates over gene therapy. In this highly accessible text, we learn how our understanding of an animal’s capacity to feel pain has evolved. Guerrini reminds us that the ethical values of science seldom stray far from those of the society in which scientists live and work. Ethical questions about the use of animals and humans in research remain among the most vexing within both the scientific community and society at large. These often rancorous arguments have gone on, however, with little awareness of their historical antecedents. “Animal and Human Experimentation” offers students and concerned general readers on every side of this debate a context within which to understand more fully the responsibility we all bear for the suffering inflicted on other living beings in the name of scientific knowledge.

Gli animali e la ricerca. Viaggio nel mondo della vivisezione di Stefano Cagno – Editore: Editori Riuniti (1 maggio 2002)

La lotta alla ricerca scientifica sugli animali iniziò, molti anni fa, sulle ali di orribili immagini e di raccapriccianti documentari in cui le più atroci sevizie erano illustrate. Poi venne “Imperatrice Nuda”, il famoso libro che, accanto all’accusa contro tali pratiche, dimostrava anche la loro inutilità. Oggi, il Comitato Scientifico Antivivisezionista ha avviato una dura lotta sulla base dei danni che una pratica errata provoca alla salute umana. Stefano Cagno, membro di questo Comitato, fa, in questo libro, il punto sulle incongruenze scientifiche e sulle atrocità ancora diffusamente perpetrate. Uno strumento indispensabile per chi voglia, davvero, impegnarsi nella difficile battaglia contro la sperimentazione sugli animali.

Specious Science: How Genetics and Evolution Reveal Why Medical Research on Animals Harms Humans – C. Ray Greek, MD, Jean Swingle Greek, DVM; Continuum Books, 2002 There is a great divide between species that makes extrapolation of biochemical research from one group to another utterly invalid. In their previous book, Sacred Cows and Golden Geese: The Human Cost of Experiments on Animals, the Greeks showed how an amorphous but insidious network of drug manufacturers, researchers dependent on government grants to earn their living, even cagemanufacturers have perpetuated animal research in spite of its total unpredictability when applied to humans. (Cancer in mice, for example, has long been cured. Chimps live long and relatively healthy lives with AIDS. There is no animal form of Alzheimer’s disease.) In doing so, the Greeks blew the lid off the “specious science” we have been culturally conditioned to accept. This persuasive book takes these stunning revelations one step further. In accessible language, it provides the scientific underpinning for the Greeks’ philosophy of “do no harm to any animal, human or not,” by examining pediatrics, diseases of the brain, new surgical techniques, in vitro research, the Human Genome and Proteome Projects, and an array of scientific and technological breakthroughs. 55 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Vivisection or science? An Investigation into Testing Drugs and Safeguarding Health by Pietro Croce, 1991, 2001 In this book, a leading Italian medical researcher concludes, after years of himself practising animal experimentation and vivisection, that the traditional reliance on these techniques is scientifically misplaced. Published originally in Italian (where it has been through many editions), translated into German and Japanese, and now available in a completely revised and updated edition in English, Professor Croce’s classic work constitutes a powerful argument to which both the general public and the medical profession need to pay attention. He documents with a wealth of fascinating detail precisely how the scientific antivivisection movement has constructed a rational case, as opposed to a sentimental or ethical argument. He highlights the increasing dangers to human health resulting from the animal experimenters’ assumption that the biological systems of humans and other species are sufficiently similar for valid biomedical comparison. Professor Pietro Croce headed the Research Laboratory of the L. Sacco Hospital in Milan for many years, in addition to working in various research departments in US and Spanish hospitals. He is the author of a number of medical works in Italian and Spanish.

Dark Remedy: The Impact Of And Its Revival As A Vital Medicine – by Trent Stephens, Rock Brynner – Publisher: Basic Books; 1 edition (December 24, 2001)

In this riveting medical detective story, Trent Stephens and Rock Brynner recount the history of thalidomide, from the epidemic of birth defects in the 1960’s to the present day, as scientists work to create and test an alternative drug that captures thalidomide’s curative properties without its cruel side effects. A parable about compassionand the absence of itDark Remedy is a gripping account of thalidomide’s extraordinary impact on the lives of individuals and nations over half a century.

Rattling The Cage: Toward Legal Rights For Animals by Steven M. Wise (Author), Jane Goodall (Foreword) – Publisher: Perseus Publishing; 1st edition (January 9, 2001) From Publishers Weekly: “In a groundbreaking study, Harvard lecturer Wise argues that chimpanzees and bonobos (sometimes called “pygmy chimpanzees”) should be granted the status of legal personhood to guarantee the basic protections of bodily integrity and freedom from harm. A lawyer who lectures on animal rights law, Wise has spent 20 years fighting for the interests of nonhuman primates, dolphins, deer, cats, dogs, bald eagles, goats and other species. Documenting the treatment of our close primate cousins, which are routinely kidnapped for biomedical research, slaughtered for their meat and caged in roadside zoos, Wise notes that chimpanzees and bonobos are nearing annihilation. Their DNA structure is a 99% match to humans’, and our brain structures are incredibly similar. Furthermore, Wise cites studies of primate social life revealing that chimps exhibit keen sensitivity to others, conflict resolution, reciprocal exchanges and toolmaking abilities; “enculturated” chimps can add numerals and learn abstract symbols. Indeed, an increasing number of biologists insist that chimpanzees and humans should be grouped in the same genus, Homo. Ten years ago this book would have been ridiculed or ignored, but the tide is turning: in 1996, the British government banned the use of great in biomedical research, and respected international law commentators now support whales’ legal right to life. Although one could argue that overlegislation is not the best way to combat society’s maltreatment of animals, Wise’s proposal to accord animals fundamental legal rights could some day be adopted (as expert Goodall believes it will be). This impassioned, closely argued brief presents a formidable challenge to the treatment of animals perpetrated by agribusiness, scientific research, the pharmaceutical industry, hunters, liveanimal traders and others. It’s a clarion call for rethinking the animalhuman relationship. (Feb.) ” – Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc. –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. 56 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

The Scalpel and the Butterfly: The War Between Animal Research and Animal Protection by Deborah Rudacille – Farrar Straus Giroux, 2000.

An engrossing and eloquent study of the history and ethics of animal experimentation The heart of a pig may soon beat in a human chest. Sheep, cattle, and mice have been cloned. Slowly but inexorably scientists are learning how to transfer tissues, organs, and DNA between species. Some think this research is moving too far, too fast, without adequate discussion of possible consequences: Is it ethical to breed animals for spare parts? When does the cost in animal life and suffering outweigh the potential benefit to humans? In precise and elegant prose, “The Scalpel and the Butterfly” explores the ongoing struggle between the promise offered by new research and the anxiety about safety and ethical implications in the context of the conflict between experimental medicine and animal protection that dates back to the midnineteenth century. Deborah Rudacille offers a compelling and cogent look at the history of this divisive topic, from the days of and the founding of organized antivivisection in England to the Nazi embrace of eugenics, from animal rights to the continuing war between PETA and biomedical researchers, and the latest developments in replacing, reducing, and refining animal use for research and testing.

Sacred Cows and Golden Geese: The Human Cost of Experiments on Animals – C. Ray Greek, MD, Jean Swingle Greek, DVM; Continuum Books, 2000 Read the interview about the book: “Sacred Cows and Golden GeeseAn Interview With Dr. Ray Greek”

Animal Testing (Focus on Science and Society) by Chris Hayhurs – Rosen Publishing Group (November 2000)

Focus on Science and Society focuses on key ethical issues raised by groundbreaking scientific and technological advancements in today’s society. This series looks at the importance, relevance, and morality of issues that fill today’s headlines. It presents the basic scientific and technological terms, concepts, theories, and research behind these debates and emphasizes the need for ethical and responsible science. These uptodate titles look at the balance that must be struck between the competing interests of science and society.

Do human beings have the right to test the safety of medicines and cosmetics on other species, and in the process cause them suffering and death? Are our lives more valuable than those of the animals used in medical experiments? Here is the information teens will need to form their own opinions about animal testing and the debate over animal rights.

Introduction to Animal Rights: Your Child or the Dog? by Gary L. Francione (Author), Alan Watson (Foreword) Publisher: Temple University Press (September 5, 2000).

Twothirds of Americans polled by the “Associated Press” agree with the following statement: “An animal’s right to live free of suffering should be just as important as a person’s right to live free of suffering.” More than 50 percent of Americans believe that it is wrong to kill animals to make fur coats or to hunt them for sport. But these same Americans eat hamburgers, take their children to and rodeos, and use products developed with animal testing. How do we justify our inconsistency? In this easytoread introduction, animal rights advocate Gary Francione looks at our conventional moral thinking about animals. Using examples, analogies, and thoughtexperiments, he reveals the dramatic inconsistency between what we say we believe about animals and how we actually treat them. “Introduction to Animal Rights: Your Child or the Dog?” provides a guidebook to examining our social and personal ethical beliefs. It takes us through concepts of property and equal consideration to arrive at the basic contention of animal rights: that everyone – human and nonhuman – has the right not to be treated as a means to an end. Along the way, it illuminates concepts and theories that all of us use but few of us 57 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations understand – the nature of “rights” and “interests,” for example, and the theories of Locke, Descartes, and Bentham. Filled with fascinating information and cogent arguments, this is a book that you may love or hate, but that will never fail to inform, enlighten, and educate. Author note: Gary L. Francione is Professor of Law and Nicholas de B. Katzenbach Scholar of Law and Philosophy at Rutgers University Law School, Newark. He is the author of “Animals, Property, and the Law” and “Rain Without Thunder: The Ideology of the Animal Rights Movement” (both Temple).

Dyrejeg – en nødvendig bog om dyr og menneske af Vagn Lundbye – Forlag: Borgen 15022000

Dyr er en del af en sammenhæng, der fandtes før de første mennesker.

Vagn Lundbyes budskab er, at hvis vi ignorerer fællesskabet mellem dyr og mennesker, ødelægger vi sammenhængen her på Jorden og gør mennesket hjemløst. I Dyrejeg skriver Vagn Lundbye bl.a. om nødvendigheden af at lære dyr og natur, om fællesskabet mellem mennesker og menneskeaber, om husdyr og kæledyr, om dyreforsøg og dyremishandling, samt om menneskets nærmeste slægtning, bonoboaben. Derudover indeholder bogen en række tekster af bl.a. Æsop, H.V.Kaalund, Thorkild Bjørnvig og Selma Lagerløf, der alle belyser bogens emne, samt et skuespil for børn af Vagn Lundbye, der fortæller om dyrenes forsøg på at forstå sin slægtning, mennesket. Endelig findes Vagn Lundbyes forslag til menneskeaberettighedserklæringen trykt her for første gang. Bogen er illustreret med en lang række fotos og tegninger, bl.a. af John Olsen, som sammen med Vagn Lundbye, grafikeren Lars Abrahamsen og Brandts Klædefabrik står bag udstillingen Dyrejeg, der i år 2000 og 2001 blev vist i Odense, København, Stockholm og Porsgrund.

La questione animale. Per una teoria allargata dei diritti umani di Paola Cavalieri edito da Bollati Boringhieri, 1999.

Quanto contano, da un punto di vista etico, gli animali nonumani? Possiamo continuare a considerarli esseri di seconda classe o dobbiamo estendere loro qualche forma di egualitarismo morale? Il libro sostiene che è necessario superare la contrapposizione tra utilitarismo e kantismo per concentrarsi sulla più potente dottrina morale: la teoria dei diritti umani. Si scoprirà che è la logica stessa di tale dottrina a puntare in direzione dell’inclusione di molti animali nonumani tra gli esseri cui spetta piena protezione morale.

The Animal Question: Why Nonhuman Animals Deserve Human Rights by Paola Cavalieri (Author), Catherine Woollard (Translator) – Publisher: Oxford University Press (January 15, 2004) How much do animals matter–morally? Can we keep considering them as second class beings, to be used merely for our benefit? Or, should we offer them some form of moral egalitarianism? Inserting itself into the passionate debate over animal rights, this fascinating, provocative work by renowned scholar Paola Cavalieri advances a radical proposal: that we extend basic human rights to the nonhuman animals we currently treat as “things.”

Toxicity Assessment Alternatives: Methods, Issues, Opportunities – by Harry Salem and Sidney A. Katz – Publisher: Humana Press, July 2, 1999

Toxicity Assessment Alternatives: Methods, Issues, Opportunities contains a broad array of critical surveys, contributed by active and respected investigators, describing their research and offering updates on toxicity assessment alternatives, directions determined by current and future grant programs, opportunities for mechanistically based test methods to detect endocrine disruptor activity, the use of alternatives in the Department of Defense hazard assessment initiatives, and the issues and opportunities for validation and regulatory acceptance. Several of these advances make use oftransgenic models that reduce the time and cost of carcinogenicity testing. Others use tissue cultures for the assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Cultures of human epidermal keratinocytes are applicable as models for sulfur mustard lesions, and in vitro protein 58 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations denaturation is used as a chemical test for assessing the ocular and dermal irritation potential of cosmetic prod ucts. Molecular modeling is applied to explaining chemical toxicity. Commercially developed assay systems have undergone extensive evaluation by their manufacturers. Some of these await external valida tion, and others await acceptance by North American and European regulatory agencies. Toxicity Assessment Alternatives: Methods, Issues, Opportunities provides information from members of the scientific and regulatory communities on what has been achieved and what has been accepted in alternatives to animal testing.

From the Back Cover: In Toxicity Assessment Alternatives, internationally known scientists review what has been accomplished thus far in developing acceptable alternatives to classical animal toxicity assessment methods. Authoritative chapters describe not only the many practical alternative approaches that have recently emerged, but also consider current trends and likely future approaches, as well as emerging automated assessment techniques. Hazard assessment applications and the validation of new alternative methods are also discussed. The methods described here will help toxicologists, cosmetic chemists, and pharmacologists greatly reduce, refine, or even possibly replace, the use of laboratory animals in their work. Life science researchers will also find many new opportunities for detecting endocrine disruptions. Regulatory officers will gain a new perspective on alternative assessment, environmental assessment, and risk assessment. Significantly extending the efforts the National Institutes of Health, the European Union, and the ICCVAM, Toxicity Assessment Alternatives offers all those evaluating toxicity today a cuttingedge collection of practical and highly effective alternative methods.

Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Animal Abuse by Frank R. Ascione, Phil Arkow – Publisher: Purdue University Press (April 1, 1999)

Evidence is mounting that animal abuse, frequently embedded in families scarred by domestic violence and child abuse and neglect, often predicts the potential for other violent acts. As early intervention is critical in the prevention and reduction of aggression, this boo encourages researchers and professionals to recognize animal abuse as significant problem and a human publichealth issue that should be included as a curriculum topic in training. The book is an interdisciplinary sourcebook of original essays that examines the relations between animal maltreatment and human interpersonal violence, expands the scope of research in this growing area, and provides practical assessment and documentation strategies to help professionals confronting violence do their jobs better by attending to these connections. This book brings together, for the first time, all of the leaders in this emerging field. They examine contemporary research and programmatic issues, encourage crossdisciplinary interactions, and describe innovative programs in the field today. The book also includes vivid firstperson accounts from “survivors” whose experiences included animal maltreatment among other forms of family violence.

Frank Ascione is a professor of psychology and adjunct professor of family, consumer, and human development at State University. Ascione received the 2001 Distinguished Scholar Award from the International Association of Human–Animal Interaction and the International Society for Anthrozoology, and in 2002 was selected as USU’s College of Education Scholar/Researcher of the Year. Ascione serves on the Child and Animal Abuse Prevention Advisory Council of the Latham Foundation. During his career, he has published several books including, Cruelty to Animals and Interpersonal Violence: Readings in Research and Application (1998), Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Animal Abuse: Linking the Circles of Compassion for Prevention and Intervention (1998), both by Purdue University Press, and authored Safe Havens for Pets: Guidelines for Programs Sheltering Pets for Women Who Are Battered.

Internationally acclaimed lecturer, author, and educator Phil Arkow is a consultant and contributing editor to the Latham Foundation and chairs the Foundation’s Animal Abuse and Family Violence Prevention Project. He is 59 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations coordinator of the National Link Coalition and a consultant for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Animals & Society Institute. He previously directed Link programs at the American Humane Association, the nation’s oldest federation of child and animal protection organizations. He was one of the founders of the National Link Coalition, the National Animal Control Association, the Animal Welfare Federation of New Jersey, and the Colorado Federation of Animal Welfare Agencies. He trains internationally on a variety of topics for animal shelters, child protection agencies, domestic violence programs, adult protective services, law enforcement, judges, and veterinarians. He is an adjunct faculty member at Harcum College in Pennsylvania and Camden County College in New Jersey where he teaches Certificate courses in AnimalAssisted Therapy. A former newspaper reporter and foundation communications officer, Arkow is a prolific writer. He has authored and edited innumerable articles, chapters and 14 key reference books on the humananimal bond, violence prevention, humane education, animalassisted therapy, and animal shelter management. He has also served with the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Delta Society, and the American Association of HumanAnimal Bond Veterinarians

Lethal Laws: Animal Testing, Human Health and Environmental Policy by Alix Fano – Publisher: Zed Books; 1 edition (December 15, 1997)

Alix Fano is a New York based environmental writer and sustainability consultant and the cofounder of Green Schools NY. Fano holds a Master’s degree in Urban and Environmental Policy from Tufts University. She is a contributing author to Redesigning Life: The Worldwide Challenge to (Zed Books, 2000, and sole author of Lethal Laws: Animal Testing, Human Health and Environmental Policy – a critique of federal animalbased toxicology programs (Zed/St. Martin’s Press, 1997). Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Ecologist, British Medical Journal, The Lancet, and the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, among others. She has been a guest on national and international radio and television programs. For the last 150 years, industrial, agricultural and household chemicals have been tested on animals for the alleged purpose of protecting the public from their dangerous effects. Through a meticulous analysis of the technical and scientific problems that have plagued animal tests for decades, this book reveals that using animals as human surrogates is not only unethical, it is bad science.

From Publishers Weekly: “Activist Fano has strong opinions on both animal testing and environmental damage, describing herself as “outraged” that such “heinous” activities can take place in a supposedly modern society. Lethal Laws, however, concentrates on science, not . By taking a rational approach, Fano hopes to “convince skeptics to think critically,” while helping activists become “informed and empowered.” Emphasizing the often neglected connection between animal advocacy and environmental protection, Fano rightly points out that anyone who considers themselves a lover of the environment must respect the animal life that is part of it. She gives detailed accounts of the various toxicity tests laboratory animals undergo, then sets out to show that such tests could be performed more quickly, cheaply and effectively by using newly developed in vitro methods. As the abbreviations and footnotes pile up, the book takes on the tone of a research journal written for?and read by?specialists. Fano does provide helpful guidelines on specific new technologies and includes a howto guide for activists wanting to take on companies that rely on animal testing. But as for her goal of eradicating the “professional disagreement, bureaucratic inertia, and political maneuvering within the scientific and regulatory communities,” this book won’t attract the number of readers necessary to spark public outrage about current testing methods.”(Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc. –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.)

Vivisezione. Gli animali sperimentali nella ricerca scientifica e nella vita quotidiana – autore: Franco Travaglini – publ. Aporie (December 31, 1997) 60 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Il tabù che non c’è [sulla vivisezione] Alla base della sperimentazione animale c’è un presupposto eticoculturale, non scientifico. Quello che dice che si può fare agli animali ciò che non si può fare all’uomo. La sperimentazione animale è divenuta uno schermo alla pigrizia della ricerca, un alibi alla commercializzazione di prodotti nocivi per l’uomo. La sempre maggiore difficoltà di usare un modello animale per le malattie moderne. La spinta alla ricerca di pratiche alternative deve venire dalla società prima che dalla scienza.

“Alla base della sperimentazione animale c’è un presupposto eticoculturale, non scientifico. Quello che dice che si può fare agli animali ciò che non si può fare all’uomo. La sperimentazione animale è divenuta uno schermo alla pigrizia della ricerca, un alibi alla commercializzazione di prodotti nocivi per l’uomo. La sempre maggiore difficoltà di usare un modello animale per le malattie moderne. La spinta alla ricerca di pratiche alternative deve venire dalla società prima che dalla scienza.” Intervista a Franco Travaglini

Animal Experimentation: A Harvest of Shame by Moneim A., M.d. Fadali – Publisher: Hidden Springs Pr (July 1997). From the Author. “The practice of medicine is an old and honorable profession, one to which I am proud to belong. Unfortunately, however, in some respects I would contend that medicine western medicine has gone astray. For example, the first principle of the Hippocratic oath we physicians take is, “Primum non nocera” (First, do no harm). In this book, Animal Experimentation: A Harvest of Shame, I will make the case that the current scientific emphasis on the vivisection of animalsinducing injury and disease in previously healthy animalshas not only done tremendous harm to the animals, it has worked to the detriment of patients as well. The thesis of this book will no doubt come as a shock to many. I would only ask that the reader maintain an open mind, looking at the evidence he/she will find here. I would also ask the reader to keep an open heart, that is, to never lose sight of the fact that the humane treatment of all living beings is an ethical responsibility which must not be ignored in pursuit of socalled “progress.” Earning a medical degree and donning the white coat of the doctor does not thereby provide physicians with the privilege to disregard moral behavior. Indeed, I would contend that the opposite is true, that medical doctors have a particularly compelling obligation to act with kindness and respect toward all. Over the years, I have discovered that among physicians I am far from alone in these beliefs, as expressed and supported in this book. Nevertheless, medical doctors are usually reluctant to publicly express their feelings because to do so invites reprisals and recriminations from professional medical organizations and even from some of our peers. I cannot concern myself with this risk. I have a higher duty. To be true to itself and to those whom it serves, I maintain that medicine must never cause diseases in the name of curing them, nor inflict injuries in the name of healing them. To do so constitutes bad science, bad medicine and inhumane conduct. I hope this book will not only inform you, I hope it will help you to make wiser and healthier choices in your life.” – Moneim Fadali, M.D.

Die Vivisektion – Autor Dr. med. Gennaro Ciaburri – verlag ATRA 1997

Die Geschichte der Vivisektion und ihrer Gräuel im Laufe der Jahrhunderte, aufgezeigt durch die mutige und genaue Untersuchung eines tierversuchsgegnerischen Arztes, eines Pioniers der Bewegung für die Abschaffung der Tierversuche. Die falschen Wissenschaftler werden entlarvt und ihre Irrtümer werden aufgedeckt. Dr. Ciaburri weist nach, wie so viele fundamentale Entdeckungen auf dem Gebiet der Medizin nicht auf Tierversuche zurück zu führen, sondern anderen Forschungsmethoden zu verdanken sind.

Vivisection Unveiled – An Expose of the Medical Futility of Animal Experimentation. Edited by Gottlieb Guntern. Author: Tony Page – 1997 Jon Carpenter Publishing 61 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Professor Pietro Croce author of the landmark book, Animal Experimentation has written re Vivisection Unveiled: “I do not see how vivisectors could escape the pressing logic (of this book)”. According to British physician and writer Vernon Coleman, “No one who reads it can possibly doubt that vivisection is a fraud of Brobdingnagian proportions.” The literature revealing the scientific absurdity of vivisecting animals to develop cures for human diseases keeps expanding to such an extent that it seems improbable that the practice of using animals as models for humans has not been consigned to the dust bins of history along with all with all the other archaic customs (e.g. drawing blood to cure illness) that were once considered to be beneficial. This book is dedicated to Dr. Walter R. Hadwen (18541932), “Britain’s first great scientific antivivisectionist” with frequent acknowledgements of the contributions of living legend Hans Ruesch, a Swiss national, who is frequently described as “the father of the modern scientific antivivisection movement”. The author’s unique contribution to AV literature is that he allows vivisectors to discredit their own work by repeating what they have said and written to each other, which differs greatly from their claims to the public that all medical advances have been derived from animal experimentation. For example, Dr Frederick Coulston opened a conference prior to the 1980’s with these words: “A key issue today, at least in the United States, is the prediction of chemical carcinogenesis from animal data to man. We’ve all struggled with this problem over the years and there is as yet no real answer, it seems to me. The real answer will be human experience (emphasis added) Yet Coulston and colleagues have still continued to conduct animal experiments that are misleading and even dangerous when applied to human conditions. – (courtesy, bookreview from )

After Noah: Animals and the Liberation of Theology by Andrew Linzey, Dan CohnSherbok – Published by Bloomsbury 3PL, January 12th 1997

A comprehensive study of Jewish and Christian teaching about animals, this text argues that the treatment of animals is not only a moral issue, but also a theological and spiritual one. The authors show how Jews and Christians have often failed to promote a compassionate and sensitive regard for animals. The text argues that the way we treat animals is a benchmark of the kind of society we are, and that in recognizing the true, and biblically based, value of animals, we liberate ourselves from the idolatry which is to be found at the heart of much contemporary spirituality. It is addressed to all people of faith who believe that, in devaluing animals, we ultimately devalue ourselves and our own souls.

Rain Without Thunder: The Ideology of the Animal Rights Movement by Gary L. Francione – Published August 1996 by by Temple University Press. Are “animal welfare” supporters indistinguishable from the animal exploiters they oppose? Do reformist measures reaffirm the underlying principles that make animal exploitation possible in the first place? In this provocative book, Gary L. Francione argues that the modern animal rights movement has become indistinguishable from a centuryold concern with the welfare of animals that in no way prevents them from being exploited. Francione maintains that advocating humane treatment of animals retains a sense of them as instrumental to human ends. When they are considered dispensable property, he says, they are left fundamentally without “rights.” Until the seventies, Francione claims, this was the paradigm within which the Animal Rights Movement operated, as demonstrated by laws such as the Federal Humane Slaughter Act of 1958. In this wideranging book, Francione takes the reader through the philosophical and intellectual debates surrounding animal welfare to make clear the difference between animal rights and animal welfare. Through case studies such as campaigns against animal shelters, animal laboratories, and the wearing of fur, Francione demonstrates the selectiveness and confusion inherent in reformist programs that target fur, for example, but leave wool and leather alone. 62 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

The solution to this dilemma, Francione argues, is not in a liberal position that espouses the humane treatment of animals, but in a more radical acceptance of the fundamental inalienability of animal rights.

Alternativen zu Tierexperimenten von Horst Spielmann – Verlag: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag; Auflage: 1 (26. März 1996)

Wissenschaftliche Herausforderung und Perspektiven von Horst Spielmann – Dieses von kompetenten deutschsprachigen Wissenschaftlern auf verständlichem Niveau verfaßte Buch gibt einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung und über den momentanen Einsatz von Ersatz und Ergänzungsmethoden zu Tierversuchen. Das breite Themenspektrum umfaßt Beiträge u.a. zu: – Alternativen in der Toxikologie – Ökotoxikologie (u.a. Biomonitoring, Fischzellkulturen) – Alternativen in der pharmakologischen Forschung (mechanische Studien, neue Technologien) – Alternativen bei der Prüfung immunologischer Erzeugnisse (Impfstoffe, in vitro Diagnostika) – ComputerModelle (CADD, Metabolismus, Zellkinetik) – Tiergerechte Haltung von Labortieren – Tierversuchsfreie Ausbildungsmethoden (Computersimulationen, Selbstversuche, Organ und Zellmethode)

The Medical Mafia: How to Get Out of it Alive and Take Back Our Health and Wealth by Guylaine Lanctôt – Publisher: Bridge of Love; No Edition Stated edition (December 1995)

Expose of medical wrongdoings and how alternative methods hold the key.

“Why do the authorities forbid alternative medicine? Because they are serving the industry, and the industry cannot make money on herbs, vitamins and homeopathy. They cannot patent natural remedies.” Dr Guyliane Lanctot From her book The Medical Mafia.

Dr. Lanctôt is a living testimony to the thin veneer that is the West’s commitment to freedom of speech. Not long after writing this book (1995) – which strongly advocated treating the whole person and even worse proposed putting more money into preventative and alternative medicines as well as improvement of the environment – she was sued. Indeed, the Canadian medical establishment went after Dr. Lanctôt like a tiger with all claws fully extended. So vicious were the attacks that Joachim Shafer wrote a followup book, “The Trials of The Medical Mafia” to document what measures were taken to ensure that Dr. Lanctot would never be able to practice medicine again. The Trial of the Medical Mafia by Joachim Schafer (Author), Guylaine Lanctot (Author), Rene Bickel (Illustrator) – Publisher: Voici La Clef (February 1998)

“I am a free physician” Canadian Medical Doctor Guylaine Lanctot told her accusers and with that she dumped her judges and simply left the court. This is an account of the hearings before the Quebec College of Physicians Medical Board gleaned from the two thousand pages of official trial transcripts, personal insights by Doctor Lanctot, and the testimony of witnesses who were not heard. 63 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Alternative Methodologies for the Safety Evaluation of Chemicals in the (Pharmacology and Toxicology) by Nicola Loprieno – Publisher: CRC Press; 1 edition (August 1, 1995)

The international cosmetic industry is a highly selfregulated industry that provides quality products with a remarkable absence of toxicity. Specific European Union directives raise the need for quality in vitro methods to yet a new level. These directives will force new practices for safety evaluation of personal care products throughout the world in just a few years. Alternative Methodologies for the Safety Evaluation of Chemicals in the Cosmetic Industry presents a categorization and collection of information available for the evaluation of safety using in vitro techniques. It offers a comprehensive and complete look at the entire field. In doing so, the author provides the foundation for the next phase of significant growth for this discipline. Readers will be able to find information easily throughout the book. The author uses outlines and tables to provide details in a ready format. He puts his unique expertise and insight to paper and offers a valuable and comprehensive look at the field. The book begins with an excellent history of the approach of the European Union. Because of Loprieno’s intimate knowledge of the subject, the reader receives a solid understanding of the developments that resulted in legislation. Chapters are filled with important quotes, individual methods, how various aspects of the field were developed, and important crossroads in research. The book ends with an indepth look at the Galileo Data Base. Alternative Methodologies for the Safety Evaluation of Chemicals in the Cosmetic Industry is extremely useful, not only now, but also as more advanced and significant developments occur during the next decade. It is a musthave resource for anyone interested in this field.

“The quantity and quality of information provided in the pages of this book is truly remarkable. The tables, the outlines, the lists, and the bibliography are magnificently comprehensive and complete. Professor Loprieno has written an important work that is exceedingly comprehensive, detailed and remarkably accurate. This volume is a major contribution to the field.” – Alan M. Goldberg, Director, Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing, Johns Hopkins University

The Animal Dealers: Evidence of Abuse of Animals in the Commerical Trade, 1952-1997 by by (Author), Mary Ellen Drayer (Editor), Christine Stevens (Introduction), Jason Black (Author), Jim Flash (Author), Ruth Fox (Author), Peter Knights (Author), Jessica Speart (Author), Clifford Warwick (Author) – Publisher: Animal Welfare Institute; First edition. edition (1998)

A shocking exposé of cruelty, fraud and negligence in the trade of dogs, cats, primates, and reptiles.

Killing the messenger by William McBride – Publisher: Eldorado (1994)

Dr McBride’s downfall began in 1987 when a radio science programme in Australia accused him of faking experiments with scopolamine, a travelsickness drug which has similar actions to a component of Debendox. An inquiry set up by Foundation 41, the Sydney research institute which he headed (named after the 40 weeks of pregnancy and the first week after birth), found the case against him proved. The New South Wales medical tribunal launched an inquiry into the same charges. It dragged on for three and a half years, ending with Dr McBride being struck off last July. In his book, Killing the Messenger, Dr McBride writes: ‘Without flattering myself, I am sure the decision was received with pleasure by many of the international drug companies.’

“On June 22 1971 Australian Dr William McBride, internationally respected scientist and gynaecologist was invited to Paris by the Institut de la Vie where 18 Nobel Prize winners gathered to pay tribute to the man who alerted the world to the dangers of Thalidomide. In a ceremony which he described as “the most shimmering moment of glory never to be forgotten” he was presented with a gold medal and cash prize of $40,000 (with which he established an 64 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations institute for study of the first 41 weeks of life). In 1969 he was made a Commander of the British Empire and in 1977 awarded the Order of Australia. (By the time Thalidomide was withdrawn thousands of babies had been born with terrible malformations, including 27 in Australia.) In 1972 after being named Father of the Year, Dr McBride created another international furore by announcing that Imipramine, a widelyused antidepressant, caused birth deformities. (The Australian Drug Evaluation Committee rejected the evidence.) In 1980 turning his attention to the Debendox antinausea drug produced by Merrel Dow he appeared as an expert witness for the U.S. women who had children with birth defects and were sueing the manufacturer. The drug was subsequently removed from the market. There were many Debendox victims in Australia and New Zealand. Then McBride said his research showed that Debendox was also responsible for causing mental retardation. On December 12 1987 McBride was accused of scientific fraud, of manoeuvring the results of the Debendox experiments. In November 1988 he was found guilty by a committee of inquiry and appealed against the decision. Dr McBride says that everyone will eventually realise that he is innocent of the charges against him. In an interview with Jane Cadzow, senior writer for the Australian Good Weekend he accused the N.S.W. Health Department of being a “Gestapo State”. “There’s big money behind this”, he said: “You know, big business is just as vicious as the CIA. Because I’ve given evidence for the kids in America The drug companies have been known to resort to drastic methods to discredit those who appear in court against them.” Dr McBride launched a Supreme Court action in an attempt to overturn the findings brought against him. (Little wonder doctors are hesitant to swim against the tide of conventional established thought by asking for the abolition of vivisection, the cause of drug failures – Author.)” – (Good Weekend, The Sydney Morning Herald Magazine, July 15 1989.) Animal Research Takes Lives by Bette Overell. Also read the article from 1994: “Thalidomide doctor alleges plot to gag him“, The Independent.

Monkey Business: The Disturbing Case That Launched the Animal Rights Movement , Kathy Snow Guillermo – Pub. Natl Pr Books (September 1993)

Documenting the case that provided the impetus for forming PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), a fastpaced chronicle of the organization shows how the group has changed the way Americans think about animals.

From Publishers Weekly: “Guillermo, lifestyles director for People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, tells how PETA cofounder Alan Pacheco shocked the nation into awareness of animal abuse in the realm of science. In 1981, seeking firsthand knowledge of liveanimal experiments, Pacheco applied for a summer job at the Institute of Behavioral Research in Silver Springs, Md., where work funded by the National Institute of Health was being carried out. Accepted as a volunteer, he found 17 monkeys in small wire cages in the unventilated, filthy lab where he was assigned. Twelve animals were disabled by severed nerves; five were control subjects. Pacheco went to the lab at night and took photos. He brought in scientists and veterinarians to see the monkeys; then he called the state police. The case of the Silver Springs monkeys resulted in the first reduction of federal funding for governmentsupported research because of animal abuse; it was the first laboratory animal case argued before the U.S. Supreme Court. Photos. $75,000 ad/promo; author tour.” Copyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Animal Research Takes Lives – Humans and Animals Both Suffer by Bette Overell – Publisher: New Zealand AntiVivisection Society (Inc.); 1 Ed edition (April 24, 1993)

“This book is phenomenal from start to finish, and it is hard to find the words to do it justice. Essentially, Overell takes each one of the claims made in the pamphlet and disproves them – always on scientific grounds. ‘ANIMAL RESEARCH TAKES LIVES – Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer’ is by no means a simple rebuttal of the points 65 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations raised by the provivisection alliance in their pamphlet. In her book Overell tells the whole story – the truth behind the vivisection industry, vaccinations, the development of drugs, cancer, – the chapters are so extensive I could take up the rest of this page with a summary alone.” Guardians Web Page

In 1978 Bette Overell founded the N.Z. AntiVivisection Society of which she was President for over 15 years. Many New Zealanders will remember her Society’s spectacular marches through the Capital that took place each consecutive World Day for Laboratory Animals on 24 April during this period. In 1984 NZAVS took a Petition to Parliament seeking abolition of the notorious Lethal Dose 50 toxicity test where Overell presented evidence that the procedure is not only illogical and unsound, but that it is carried out solely as an alibi for legal and commercial purposes. In 1989 she led a march to parliament with a further Petition, signed by 100 640 New Zealanders demanding the abolition of all experiments on animals after obtaining affidavits from doctors all over the world who claim vivisection is medically and scientifically invalid. Drawing on evidence of which the author says there is an abundance, this book is Bette Overell’s answer to Animal Research Saves Lives, a booklet produced and distributed widely throughout New Zealand by the Ministry of Agriculture and private organisations. An eyeopener Animal Research Takes Lives – Humans and Animals Both Suffer exposes facts seldom if ever published in the popular press, such as the growing medical movement against animal experimentation, the injustice of the peer review system whereby animal experimenters make their own laws and regulate their own activities, and the colossal profits and academic advantages being made from the industry. Bette Overell is recognised internationally for her work in the new abolitionist movement. This startling book, the first of its kind to be published in Australasia, is essential reading for all those who have been brainwashed to believe that health must depend on animal experiments. It could save your life!

Why Animal Experiments Must Stop And How You Can Help Stop Them by Vernon Coleman – August 1, 1991. Publisher: Jon Carter Publishing

The most damning indictment of vivisection ever published. Dr. Coleman analyses all the provivisection arguments one by one — & destroys them. He shows how animal experiments endanger human health, & how they have been responsible for the deaths of thousands of people. He reveals how scientists, doctors & drug manufacturers collude to protect a practice that has as much relevance to science as alchemy. Also describes the alternatives to animal experiments. It offers the reader a 10point plan to help make sure that vivisection is stopped, putting an end to one of the world’s most barbaric practices.

Cardiac arrest – Claims for Animal Research (vivisection) Refuted & Rebutted. – Booklet by Emil Levine – January/June 1991 – Civitas Inc.

Dr. Emil Levin refutes the American Heart Association’s claims that animal research led to advances in human medicine.

Below is a scan (image/link)) of the Booklet “Cardiac Arrest” by Dr Emil Levin M.D. It is a very enlightening refutation of the claims made by the American Heart Association regards their use of animal researchtestingexperimentsvivisection. As Dr Levin shows the medical advances came from scientific observation & treatment of humans and did not rely on animal research.

Booklet Cardiac Arrest by Dr Emil Levin M.D.

Victimes Silencieuses – Deux années dans un laboratoire d’expérimentation animale de Samir Mejri préface de , Editions Terradou 1991.

L’avantpropos 66 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

“Ce livre est un témoignage, un drame de conscience et non une dénonciation. Il n’a pas été fait contre une cible particulière. Il n’est qu’un passage dans le temps, d’un univers sordide. Il est un exemple afin de continuer à méditer sur la façon dont se fait l’expérimentation animale. C’est un vieux débat Une habitude ancrée dans un système archaïque et peu scrupuleux de la loi, de la vie, de l’environnement. A travers ce livre, c’est l’histoire d’un homme – Samir MEJRI – qui, à un moment de son existence, avait le choix entre le “chrome” et la “vie réaliste”. Un homme qui se sentait floué dans le plus profond de sa chair. Audelà du numéro de Sécurité Sociale, du confort matériel, de la considération de ses proches, il n’arrivait pas à coller avec la “vérité du sujet”. Quitter ce monde de tortures, d’expériences, devenait une obsession. Malgré toute la sécurité de l’embauche que cet emploi lui donnait, il ne pouvait cautionner cet univers de honte. Il voulait bien croire qu’il était heureux, mais la pilule ne passait pas. Pourtant des “galères”, il en avait vécues. Il sortait avec sa femme d’un trou noir. Mais rien ne pouvait justifier sa fiche de paye et son confort illusoire. Sa prise de conscience l’a remis dans le trou noir le couple est reparti “aux galères”, mais libre Deux ans dans un laboratoire c’est une expérience longue et douloureuse. Ses proches ne comprenaient pas pourquoi il avait fui la “sécurité de l’emploi”. A force d’être harcelé, Samir MEJRI a décidé avec l’aide d’un copain d’écrire son témoignage. C’est pour cela que “Victimes Silencieuses” existe. Il dénonce le vaste trafic de chiens et chats vendus secrètement et illégalement. Mais, il faut savoir aussi qu’il existe une vente par correspondance et sur catalogue – tout à fait légale – des animaux destinés à la vivisection. Des chercheurs de tous poils et de tous domaines s’intéressent aux résultats de l’expérimentation animale. Derrière cet intérêt se cache le plus sordide massacre des innocents. Si nous avons falsifié les noms des personnes et des lieux, c’est par pudeur. C’est aussi pour ne pas donner prise à une querelle de personnes. C’est enfin, dire que ce témoignage aurait pu avoir lieu dans n’importe quel laboratoire de vivisection. Ces laboratoires ont “pignon sur rue”. L’homme s’est protégé contre les abus de l’expérimentation en décembre 1988. A quand la protection contre les abus de l’expérimentation sur animaux ? Les positions antagonistes s’accentuent. L’Académie des sciences, partant du principe que la condition de l’espèce humaine est une priorité absolue, indique : “compte tenu de la complexité du vivant, l’expérimentation animale ne peut être abolie. La même Académie souhaite que les conditions d’élevage, de transport et de stabulation des animaux destinés à l’expérimentation obéissent aux règles strictes de l’éthique et que soient offertes aux laboratoires des possibilités d’approvisionnement dûment organisées et réglementées”. On peut voir l’écart entre ce qui se pratique tous les jours et ce que l’autorité réclame. L’éthique ? “Il n’y a pas d’éthique humaine qui soit séparée de l’éthique animale”, disait le professeur Schwarzenberg A la veille du 21e siècle, nous disons que l’éthique humaine, animale, végétale sera une nécessité pour la survie de la planète. On a vu naître des comités d’éthique dans le domaine médical A quand les comités d’éthique dans le domaine animal ? Végétal ? Là est notre combat faire évoluer les méthodes dépassées de l’expérimentation animale et végétale, c’est contribuer simplement à l’évolution de l’homme. C’est pour ces raisons que nous publions ce témoignage.” L’éditeur

Lab Animal Abuse: Vivisection Exposed! by Joseph Covino Jr. – November 30, 1990 – Epic Press; 1st edition (November 30, 1990)

This is a complete and comprehensive academic argument against the use(and abuse)of live animals in biomedical and commercial laboratory experimentation and research. JOSEPH COVINO JR is a creative multigenre novelist and the ondemand publisher for EPIC PRESS books. He’s also an allnatural classic physique physical culturist and practitioner of the health and fitness principles pioneered and perfected by champion worldclass bodybuilder icon and filmdom’s one and only original “Hercules”: STEVE REEVES. An expert fitness trainer and consultant, he’s certified by the American Council On Exercise(ACE), International Sports Sciences Association(ISSA), National Academy of Sports Medicine(NASM), National Council on Strength and Fitness(NCSF), National Federation of Personal Trainers(NFPT)and the National Strength and Conditioning Association(NSCA) 67 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Vivisection in Historical Perspective (Frm the Welcome Institute Series in the History of Medicine) by Nicolaas A. Rupke – 24 May 1990, Publisher: Routledge

This book examines the debate over vivisection over the past century in detail, placing it in the context of the wider conflict of the value of modern scientific research. This book should be of interest to social history, history of medicine, history of science and philosophy.

Das goldene Kalb: die Epoche der pharmazeutischen Verwirrung von Milly ScharManzoli – Verlag: AGSTGATRA (1990)

Dieses mutige und schockierende Buch zeigt den wahren “Wert” der meistgebrauchten Medikamente; es zerreißt den Schleier der Verschwiegenheit, mit dem die auf Gewinn bedacht chemischpharmazeutische Industrie und das Gesundheitswesen der Bevölkerung die wahren Zustände verborgen haben. Milly SchärManzoli, Doktorin der Wirtschaftskunde, ist mit der AlbertSchweitzerMedaille für ihren Kampf gegen die Tierversuche ausgezeicnnet worden.

Suffering: Inside a British Laboratory by Sarah Kite – Publisher: Buav (1990)

Exposed: BUAV’s pioneering investigation at Huntingdon Research Centre revealed, for the very first time, the plight of beagles in toxicity testing and caused a public and political outcry.

Huntingdon Research Centre (now ) is Europe’s largest contract testing laboratory carrying out toxicity tests on animals. The BUAV infiltrated its animal laboratories in 1989 when Sarah Kite worked for eight months undercover in both the rodent and the dog toxicology units. Sarah painstakingly collected evidence of the suffering and poor conditions endured by the animals, and the uncaring attitudes of the staff. Her work provided the first real insight into conditions inside a ‘modern’ British laboratory, and indeed the first damning insight into the actual workings of the government’s much heralded Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986.

Tiere sehen dich an oder Das Potential Mengele von Hans Wollschläger – SalzhausenLuhmühlen: Die Republik 1987, Heidelberg: Haug 1996.

Mit seinem ebenso fundierten wie engagierten TierschutzEssay „Tiere sehen dich an“ oder das Potential Mengele trat Wollschläger 1987 so Maßstab setzend gegen den gewissenlosen Umgang mit Nutz und Versuchstieren auf, dass sein Werk inzwischen zu einem Standard der Tierrechtsbewegung geworden ist.

1000 Doctors (and many more) Against Vivisection – by Hans Ruesch, editor CIVIS, New York, 1989

A collection of statements from physicians opposing animal experimentation from 1989 back to 1824.

“It often happens that the universal belief of one age, a belief from which no one was free or could be free without an extraordinary effort of genius or courage, becomes to a subsequent age, so palpable an absurdity, that the only difficulty is to imagine how such an idea could ever have appeared credible.” – John Stuart Mill.

Animal Experimentation: The Consensus Changes by Gill Langley (Editor) – Macmillan Press, 31. December 1989

This book addresses practical and philosophical issues regarding animals in biomedical research, testing and teaching. It does so with the aim of presenting in some detail, from numerous perspectives and at different levels, facts and arguments to encourage scientists, whether researchers, doctors, veterinarians, laboratory animal technicians or science students, to reconsider their views about animal experimentation. The essays range from 68 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations animal rights philosophy to the reduction of suffering in laboratory animals, from human/animal relations to the legislative scene, from science policy to humane research and many areas in between.

The Cruel Deception: The Use of Animals in Medical Research by Robert Sharpe – Publisher: Harpercollins; First Edition edition (August 1988).

Considers both scientific facts and public opinion regarding the use of animals in medical research, and seeks alternatives to vivisection and other techniques. Dr. Sharpe was a research chemist at the Royal Postgraduate Medical Scool in London. In his book he argues that vivisection has done more harm than good by misleading scientists. Dr. Sharpe’s book is full of references and is easy to read.

In Pity and in Anger: A Study of the Use of Animals in Science by John Vyvyan – Publisher: Micah Pubns; Exlibrary edition (January 1988).

A readable account of the beginnings of animal research in the 19th century, of the AntiVivisection movement that arose to oppose it, and of the passionate people and amazing women who founded the AntiVivisection movement. The author was an archeologist, a Shakespearean scholar, and a lover of science.

Tierversuche. Stumme Bitten, die zum Himmel schreien – Vivisektion aus geistiger Sicht von Richard Wagner – Würzburg : Universelles Leben, 1988., 2. Aufl.

The old brown dog: women, workers, and vivisection in Edwardian England by Coral Lansbury University of Wisconsin Press, 1985

Nordiska Samfundet Mot Plågsamma Djurförsök, 1882-1982. Av Ellen och Johan Börtz –

En hundraårig kamp för djurens rätt och människans värdighet En bok om organisationen Djurens Rätts 100 första år. Djurens Rätt hette nämligen tidigare Nordiska Samfundet Mot Plågsamma Djurförsök.

Forska Utan Djurförsök bildades 1964, då under namnet Nordiska Samfundets Stiftelse För Vetenskaplig Forskning utan Djurförsök. Johan Börtz var stiftelsens första ordförande och hans fru Ellen Börtz vår första sekreteraren.

De första forskningsanslagen delades ut 1971 och stiftelsen blev därmed först i Sverige – och bland de första organisationerna i världen – att ge forskningsanslag specifikt inriktade på att ersätta djurförsök med alternativa metoder. På riksstämman 1999 beslutades att Nordiska samfundet mot plågsamma djurförsök skulle byta namn till Förbundet djurens rätt.

Djurens Rätt 125 år – På djurens sida 1882 – 2007. Av Birgitta Carlsson –

En framgångsrik agitator för djuren. Beskrivning av Djurens Rätts verksamhet under 125 år, med inblickar i hur företrädarna för organisationen tänkte och handlade.

Expérimentation animale, honte et échecs de la médecine – Hans Ruesch, 1982, Civis File 781

Les témoignages de l’auteur portent sur les expérimentations non seulement animales, mais aussi humaines De réputation mondiale, il a été harcelé honteusement depuis la révélation de dossiers brûlants dans le monde d’une pseudorecherche médicale. Ce livre, boycotté depuis un quart de siècle, met en lumière cette pseudorecherche médicale où il est fait usage d’expériences effectuées sur des animaux vivants ; une pratique condamnée par de plus en plus de médecins conscients de son inutilité et du manque de rigueur scientifique dont elle fait preuve.Hans Ruesch fait la démonstration que l’application des résultats de ces expériences sur l’homme engendre de graves 69 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations maladies. Un livre qui bouscule les idées reçues et dont il est temps de prendre connaissance. Il est plus que jamais d’actualité.

Slaughter of the Innocent – The use of animals in medicine byHans Ruesch – Bantam 1978, Civitas Publications, 1983

Foreword Prof. Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD:

“In the Religion of Modern Medicine the rite of vivisection is central.

The medical studentacolyte, early in his preclinical years in the seminary called medical school, learns live animal in and pharmacology classes. The religious significance of this practice is implanted deeply into his unconscious by his teachers, who train him, at the end of each experiment, not to kill the animal, but to “sacrifice” it.

Although never explicitly spelled out, the purpose of that “sacrifice” is tacitly shared by the studentacolyte and his doctorpriest teacher. That word “sacrifice” – and the positive image it evokes – obviates any serious deliberation of the pros and cons of vivisection. Thus the highlycharged, human emotion inevitably roused by vivisection, carried out in its sacred precincts, far from public view, blessed by its priests and bishops and archbishops, becomes incorporated, subliminally, almost instinctively, into the belief system of every medical student.

Without any perceived need for reflection, thought, debate or evidence, the medical student, in his formative years, is indoctrinated with the value of vivisection in teaching, testing and experimenting. If pressed, he /she may defend its use in highly limited circumstances; but in accord with a basic ethic of the Religion of Modern Medicine “the extreme becomes the mean” – he/she will soon sanction vivisection on a large, indeed massive, scale. How else can penicillin, a wonderful drug for meningitis and severe pneumonia, be applied to the common cold? How else can cortisone, a miracle for lifethreatening Addison’s disease, be prescribed for sunburn?

The payoff of this early religiouslysanctioned bloodletting in seminary training is an insatiable bloodlust – or tolerance for the spilling of blood – during the student’s later tenure as a lifetime physicianpriest. How else can the doctor be trained to do the big operations (e.g., radical mastectomy) when smaller ones (lumpectomy) are scientifically demonstrated over and over again, to kill fewer and cure more. How else can he accept, indeed defend, the everincreasing epidemic (now 25% of all births) of Caesarian sections? How else can he learn to mouth the catechism of surgery – “When in doubt, cut it out.” “Big surgeon, big incision; little surgeon, little incision.” “Your uterus is just a sack for cancer.” “Your husband loves you for your self, not your breasts.” And the allpowerful “Just trust me.”

It is that litany that proves that Modern Medicine is not a science but a religion. The physician’s bloodlust demands laboratory tests on patients to the point of exsanguination. The risk of excessive blood tests to little babies is so well recognized that a special diagnostic category now exists – “iatrogenic anemia” – anemia caused by the doctor.

Other religions also have their bloodrituals. The American Indians require a drop of blood from the fingertip. We Jews demand several drops from circumcision (“bris”). But the Religion of Modern Medicine, in its bloodbank drives, calls for pints and quarts and gallons. There is never enough blood in the hospitaltemples of Modern Medicine to satisfy the surgeon’s desire as he seduces his victims – primarily women – virgin and otherwise – to mount the holy alter so he can carry out his ritual mutilations. This wild bloodlust, starting with animal vivisection and proceeding to human mutilation, stamps Modern Medicine as the most primitive religion this world has ever seen. 70 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Like other false religions, Modern Medicine is now exposed as deathoriented. The antibiotics kill more than they cure. When studied statistically, surgical mortality is twice as high as the surgeons verbally claim. The bodycount from vaccineinduced encephalopathy is now reaching the public view. The hatred of doctors for a normal birth is reflected in their automatic response to women complaining about dangers of The Pill – “It’s safer than a pregnancy.” While the deathrate from pregnancy drops, that from doctorsanctioned contraception (oral contraceptive, IUD, vasectomy, tubal ligation, hysterectomy, multiple abortions) skyrockets.

Of course not all doctors carry out the deathoriented atrocities of the Church of Modern Medicine. Some do. The rest, by condoning and protecting the actions of their colleagues, are equally as guilty.

Modern Medicine mocks religion. Readers of the Old and New Testament will remember the many restrictions surrounding animal sacrifices – animals brought by the citizen, sacrificed in the public view, by a member of a hereditary caste (the priestly class) who did not later become a surgeon. Contrast this careful ritual with the secret vivisection by students and doctors of the Religion of Modern Medicine.

Regarding human sacrifice, the Jewish patriarch, Abraham was prohibited from sacrificing his own son to his god. Contrast this to the surgical slaughter and mayhem – the millions of deaths from unnecessary operations – permitted, indeed required, by the god of the Religion of Modern Medicine. No wonder the surgeon is masked!

Modern Medicine tries to replace the 8th day “bris” with the dangerous hospital circumcision right after birth. In sharp contrast to Jewish ethics, the Religion of Modern Medicine sanctions, indeed, delights in, abortionondemand.

I have made my choice. I have rejected as idolatrous the Religion of Modern Medicine and its fundamental sacrament – vivisection. For years I have encouraged my medical students to surreptitiously photograph animal conditions in their laboratories, to keep diaries, to leak the truth to the media. This sabotage serves not only to inform the public, but also helps save the integrity – indeed, the souls – of the students.

For myself, I cling to the Sabbath commandment prohibiting even animals from being worked seven days a week. Every human being whose religion is derived from the Old Testament (and Eastern religions as well) knows the laws protecting animals. Only Modern Medicine, in its arrogant idolatry, sanctions cruelty to animals as the norm.

Hans Ruesch’s magnificent book washes away the thin excuses of doctorapologists for animal testing. Comprehensively and carefully documented, objective, yet emotionally compelling, it serves as the steel battering ram that can dislodge the cornerstone of Modern Medicine – vivisection. All of us – including future generations – are in his debt.

Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD June, 1982

Naked Empress or the Great Medical Fraud by Hans Ruesch – June 1, 1982 – Publisher: Cancer Control Society; First Edition edition (June 1982)

NAKED EMPRESS, book review: Following up his sensational SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENT, this new exposé of Hans Ruesch shows how with the help of press agentry and the venality of most of the mass media the public has been brainwashed into equating 71 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

MEDICAL CARE with HEALTH, whereas in fact exactly the opposite applies: modern medicine has become the principal cause of disease today.

So in one year 1.5 million Americans had to be hospitalised as a consequence of the intake of drugs that were supposed to cure them of one thing or other. Another case in point is cancer. The ably exploited fear of this dread disease, caused for the most part by products issuing from chemical, industrial and pharmaceutical laboratories, has become a solid gold source for researchers, drug manufacturers and doctors, who keep foisting their deleterious cutburnpoison therapies on the frightened patients, most of whom die from the treatment before the cancer can kill them.

Since the cause of most cancers is wellknown, they could be avoided through prevention, which early education should provide. And yet, practically no public funds go into prevention because there is no money to be gained with it – only health. The big money is all in the pseudo Research, done on millions of animals, which can only give fallacious answers, and in the treatment of the patients with violent, destructive, but immensely lucrative therapies imposed by official medicine.

Certified reports of cancers completely cured by soft, drugless treatments, usually based on natural diets, mostly various raw foods, have been piling up both in Europe and the USA. But all the competent and honest doctors who threaten the profits of the lucrative medical trade with inexpensive therapies are being viciously attacked, vilified as quacks and charlatans, sometimes even barred from the profession, by the quacks and charlatans who make up the profitoriented Medical Power.

Animal experimentation, inevitably misleading, is of course the alibi that has been devised by this organisation for extorting huge grants for a phoney Research, and to safeguard the drug manufacturers from criminal prosecution whenever the deleterious effects of one more of their noxious products can no longer be concealed. Then they can always say all the prescribed tests (on animals) had been conscientiously undertaken. But not saying that they themselves, in collusion with the Health agencies and corrupt or misled politicos, have imposed those tests.

Not more chemicals, but fewer chemicals, not an increase of drugs, but a drastic reduction of drugs, and not a multiplication of animal experiments, but a total abolition of all such alibi experiments, are the inescapable premise for a betterment of living conditions and an improvement of public health. The present book brings ample proof of this, besides unearthing some information that many powerful individuals in America and abroad would prefer to keep buried forever.

The above reprinted from NAKED EMPRESS, by Hans Ruesch

Vivisection is scientific fraud by Hans Ruesch – Civis , 1979 Die Fälscher der Wissenschaft, Civis, 1979 I falsari della scienza, Civis, 1980, 1984, 1991 Les Faussaires de la Science, Civis, 1993

Questi volumi sottili ma di formato grande offrono un resoconto acuto e, come al solito, senza peli sulla lingua del confrontoscontro tra Ruesch e vari esponenti di punta della farmaceutica, della farmacologia, della ricerca biomedica, dei media e della politica. Essenziali per l’antivivisezionista che vuole sapere con che tipo di persone e di argomenti dovrà avere a che fare nelle sue lotte. Il testo francese non è una traduzione di quello italiano, ma approfondisce casi più vicini al lettore francese e francosvizzero. In appendice ai due volumi le versioni italiana e francese di “Vivisection is scientific fraud”. 72 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Tödliche Tests – Experimente mit Tieren und Menschen von Herbert Stiller, Margot Stiller, Ilja Weiss – Verlag: Frantz Hirthammer, München 1979

Tierversuch und Tierexperimentator von Herbert Stiller , Margot Stiller – Franz Hirthammer Verlag, München 1977 ( Verlag: Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall; Auflage: 5., Aufl. 1990)

Animal Experimentation and animal experimenters by Herbert Stiller – Verlag: AGM (1977) „Wie viel Menschenopfer muss es eigentlich noch geben, damit man endlich begreift, dass Tiere anatomisch, physiologisch, biochemisch, metabolisch, biorhythmisch, psychisch, intellektuell sowie sozial anders sind als der Mensch? Daher sind Ergebnisse der Tierversuche im Hinblick auf den Menschen nicht repräsentativ und oft sogar irreführend. Wer den Tierversuch zu einem Maßstab der Arzneimittelsicherheit erhebt, wie es heute üblich ist, handelt entweder in völliger Verkennung der Tatsachen oder verfolgt in Wahrheit ganz andere Ziele.“ – Herbert Stiller

In ihrem zweiten Buch „Tödliche Tests. Experimente mit Tieren und Menschen“ versuchten die Stillers (zusammen mit dem Journalisten Ilja Weiss) anhand historischer und aktueller Beispiele aufzuzeigen, wie der Tierversuch als Folge des zunehmenden Einflusses der einseitig auf das Messbare ausgerichteten naturwissenschaftlichtechnischen Wissenschaft zu einem Denkersatz für eine auf den Menschen bezogene Forschung wurde, wie er wertvolles medizinisches Wissen über den Menschen verdrängte – und wie er zur Verrohung der medizinischen Kultur beitrug und in jeder Epoche zwangsläufig zu Versuchen an Menschen mit schädlichen Auswirkungen führte. Sie benannten Fortschritte, die in der Medizin seit der Antike durch die Orientierung an der therapeutischen Praxis, d. h. Beobachtungen am Menschen, sorgfältige theoretische Studien oder Selbstversuche von Ärzten, möglich waren, und kritisierten die Experimentiersucht mehrerer Medizinergenerationen, in denen sich Forscher wie z. B. François Magendie, Claude Bernard, Iwan Petrowitsch Pawlow und ihrer Ansicht nach zu irreführenden, gefährlichen Theorien verleiten ließen. Auch zu der Kritik an ihrem ersten Buch Tierversuch und Tierexperimentator äußerten sich die Stillers: Sie entgegneten, dass einzelne Passagen ihrer Studie aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen wurden und die Kritiker weder sachliche Einwände gegen ihre Argumente hervorbrachten noch den Mut zu einer öffentlichen Auseinandersetzung über Tierversuche gefunden hatten: „Einen besseren Beweis für die Richtigkeit und Notwendigkeit unserer Kritik am Tierversuch konnten wir uns gar nicht wünschen.“ Auch die Tatsache, dass Horst Stern in seiner dreiteiligen Fernsehdokumentation Die Stellvertreter – Tiere in der Pharmaforschung den psychologischen Teil von Tierversuch und Tierexperimentator zu widerlegen versuchte, gleichzeitig aber später selber zugeben musste, dass ihn schon die Dreharbeiten in den Versuchstierlaboratorien psychisch verändert hatten, bestätigte in den Augen der Stillers die Richtigkeit ihrer CharakterStudie. Die umstrittene Aussage „Tierexperimentatoren sind Wesen besonderer Art, man sollte sie nicht leichtfertig Menschen nennen“, die mehrfach Empörung auslöste und seit den 1970erJahren Herbert Stiller zugeschrieben wird, ist durch keine seiner Veröffentlichungen belegbar.

“Die Menschheit ist mit kulturellen Missständen, wie den Menschenopfern, den Hexenverfolgungen, der Sklaverei, der Kinderarbeit und so weiter fertig geworden, wenn die Zeit reif war. Und die Zeit ist immer dann reif, wenn die Öffentlichkeit aufgeklärt ist. Die Argumente der Befürworter dieser Missstände haben sich nie als stichhaltig erwiesen. Die Götter haben die Menschheit ohne Tier und Hexenopfer nicht vernichtet, sie ist ohne Sklaven oder Kinderarbeit nicht verhungert und sie wird auch ohne Versuchstiere nicht hilflos dem Siechtum preisgegeben sein. Ethisches Verhalten des Menschen hat sich im Gegenteil immer als segensreich erwiesen.“ – Herbert Stiller: Medizin im Teufelskreis (1980)

Jungle for Sale: America’s Leading Wild Animal Dealer Tells His Story by Henry Trefflich, Edward Anthony – Publisher: Hawthorn Books; 1st edition (1967) 73 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Henry Trefflich was an animal importer and dealer. He procured animals of many different types and sizes from Africa, Asia and South America and imported them to the United States via ship and airplane. He sold them to zoos, circuses, Hollywood studios and also to various private and government research institutions. His business was headquartered on Fulton Street in , New York City, NY, USA where his shop was considered a local attraction in its own right. In the early 1960s his building along with the neighboring properties were bought by the Port Authority for the construction of New York City’s World Trade Center.

There are two books about him, Jungle for Sale by Edward Anthony and They Never Talk Back by Baynard Kendrick.

The uselessness of vivisection upon animals as a method of scientific research, by Lawson Tait – pub. before 1923 – reprinted sept. 2011 by Nabu Press

This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important despite the imperfections.

Vivisection, a Heartless Science – Primary Source Edition Paperback – by , published before 1923 – reprinted january 2010, Publisher: Nabu Press

This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.

An Ethical Problem by Albert Leffingwell (Author) – written before 1916 and reprinted CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (August 23, 2014)

Written by physician and social reformer, Albert Leffingwell sheds light on the abusive experimentation on man and animals.

“Probably the bestconsidered treatise on the subject now in print. The author does not take the position that experimentation upon animals is always wrong. He maintains, however, in the most convincing way, that such experiments should be permitted only by genuine scientists. Anyone interested in this vital question will find much that is stimulating, suggestive, and convincing in Dr. Leffingwell’s book.”–Universalist Leader.

The Vivisection Problem: A Controversy Between Charles S. Myers And Albert Leffingwell (1907) – Pub: Printed for the Vivisection Reform Society, Kessinger Publishing Company

This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger Publishing’s Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment to protecting, preserving, and promoting the world’s literature. Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and hardtofind books with something of interest for everyone! 74 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Does science need secrecy? – Author: Leffingwell, Albert; Porter, William Townsend – Publisher: [Providence, R.I.?] : The American Humane Association, 1900.

The discerning reader cannot fail to note the only purpose of this essay. In no sense is it intended as a discussion of the ethics of vivisection or as a denunciation of cruelty. It is simply a challenge. It denies that a certain manifesto, put forth by six of the leading vivisectors of Harvard Uni versity, was, — what it claimed to be, — • ” a plain statement of the whole truth.” These eminent scientists, affirmed of painful that ” such investigations are rare ; no?ie such have been made in Harvard Medical School within our knowledge.” That assertion was either true or false. To prove its untruth ; to demonstrate beyond question that experiments causing some degree of pain, — and occasionally prolonged pain, — had been performed by some of the very men who were responsible for that most astounding assertion, was the principal object of the following pages. The experiments in question might have been free from any stigma of cruelty; they might have been entirely justifiable; but that was not the point at issue. A deliberate statement was made to the public that no painful vivisections had been performed in the Harvard Medical School ; and that statement was false. Read online.

Anti-vivisection – Author: Allen, Fairchild, Mrs; Illinois AntiVivisection Society; History of Medicine Collections (Duke University) NcD – Vivisection pamphlet – Volume: 1895 (Jan.) – Publisher: Aurora, Ill. : IllinoisAntiVivisection Society. Read online.

The futility of experiments with drugs on animals – Author: Berdoe, Edward, 18361916; Victoria Street Society for the Protection of Animals from Vivisection; International Association for the Total Suppression of Vivisection. – Publisher: London : Victoria Street and International Society for the Protection of Animals from Vivisection ; Swan Sonnenschein (1889) Read online

Physiological cruelty, or, Fact v. fancy : an inquiry into the vivisection question – Publisher: New York : John Wiley and Sons, 1883 Read online." \l "page/n6/mode/2up

Heart and Science by Wilkie Collins – First edition 3 volumes, Chatto & Windus, London 1883. Translations Dutch, The Hague 1883; Italy, Milan 1884; German, Berlin 1886. At the suggestion of his friend, Monsieur Le Vicomte du Pontavice de Heussey, Collins asked his literary agent A. P. Watt to negotiate a French translation in Le Temps, an antivivisection newspaper. Recent publisher: Consumer Oriented Ebooks Publisher og Kindler Edition 2014

Heart and Science, one of Wilkie Collins’ later novels, is concerned with the debate over what he termed ‘the hideous secrets of vivisection.’ The tale of a family split by various opinions and sentiments, as well as the novel’s clear parallels to the animal welfare/animal rights debates of today will strike chords of understanding with modern readers, who always relate well to the accessible conversational style of Collins’ prose.

“Didactic novel attacking vivisection. Collins always liked animals and during his research corresponded with the SurgeonGeneral, C. T. Gordon, writing in July 1882 ‘I am endeavouring to add my small contribution in aid of the good cause, by such means as Fiction will permit – and I am especially obliged to you for valuable “facts” which I could not have discovered for myself.’ In 1884 he wrote to Frances Power Cobbe, discussing cheap reissues and translation of the story, ‘What little I have been able to do towards helping this good cause is in a fair way, I hope, of appealing to a large audience.’ The assistance of both is acknowledged in the preface where Collins is at to point out details of his research. Chapter thirtytwo presents many of the arguments still valid today against what the author calls ‘the hateful secrets of Vivisection.’ Heart and Science received generally favourable reviews although the Athenaeum considered it had a weak ending and the Academy deemed it an ‘antivivisection manifesto’. Swinburne later called it ‘a childish and harmless onslaught on scientific research’ but thought it the best, after Man 75 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations and Wife, of Collins’ didactic tales. He particularly liked the characters of Zo and her father. A portion of the opening chapter bears a strong resemblance to Collins’s unpublished short story, ‘A Little Fable’.” – WILKIE COLLINS INFORMATION PAGES" \l "Publish

The right of tormenting – Being part of an Address delivered in Edinburgh, August, 1881, by Miss France Power Cobbe – Author: Cobbe, Frances Power, 18221904; Society for the Protection of Animals from Vivisection; History of Medicine Collections (Duke University) NcD Read online.

LECONS SUR LA CHALEUR ANIMALE By Claude Bernard. LA PRESSION BAROMETRIQUE. By Paul Bert, Paris, 1878. AS REPRODUCED IN “BERNARD’S MARTYRS” and “LIGHT IN DARK PLACES.” By MISS FRANCES POWER COBBE. – AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR THE RESTRICTION OF VIVISECTION, 1887 FROM BERNARD’S MARTYRS – A COMMENT ON CLAUDE BERNARDS PHYSIOLOGIE OPERATOIRE. DO NOT REFUSE TO LOOK AT THESE PICTURES. IF YOU CANNOT BEAR TO LOOK AT THEM, WHAT MUST THE SUFFERING BE TO THE ANIMALS WHO UNDERGO THE CRUELTIES THEY REPRESENT? “ These animals are entirely at our mercy. They are dumb and power less to resist. There is no kind of brutality that we cannot, at our pleasure, inflict upon them.” Then, how base is it to take advantage of their unprotected condition, and torture them in such a manner. Is not the idea repulsive to every generous mind ? “Better I or my friend should die,” says Professor Henry J. Bigelow, ” than protract existence through accumulated years of torture upon animals whose exquisite suffering we cannot fail to infer, even though they may have neither voice nor feature to express it. Read online" \l "page/n0/mode/2up

Light in dark places.(Victoria street soc. for the protection of animals from vivisection, with the Internat. assoc. for the suppression of vivisection). – Frances Power Cobbe – 1883

Lecons de physiologie operatoire – Claude Bernard – Paris, Librairie J.B.Bailiere et Fils 1876.

Also read about theExhibition: Los Angeles May 10 August 3, 2014 Light in Dark Places: Anti-Vivisection from the Victorian Era to Modern Day 76 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Children and young People books

Some of the life lessons come from our favour Children´s books –

we have added a few to the list about Ethics, values and morals.

Read with your child or read the book before your child - Caring and responsible parents are doing their homework by knowing what kind of book their younger children read.

Don't indoctrinate, but let your children develop their own opinions.

What Do You Do with an Idea? by author Kobi Yamada, Mae Besom (illustrator) – Publisher: Compendium Inc (February 1, 2014)

This is the story of one brilliant idea and the child who helps to bring it into the world. As the child’s confidence grows, so does the idea itself. And then, one day, something amazing happens. This is a story for anyone, at any age, who’ s ever had an idea that seemed a little too big, too odd, too difficult. It s a story to inspire you to welcome that idea, to give it some space to grow, and to see what happens next. Because your idea isn t going anywhere. In fact, it’s just getting started.

Leo Escapes From The Lab – childrens book. 24 pages, published December 2013 by Human Research Australia (HRA).

Based on a true story, this A4 sized illustrated story book tells the story of Leo an exresearch cat in Australia. Leo was bred for use in experiments but unlike most such animals was fortunate. Leo now lives happily with a loving human family.

Fuga dal laboratorio. Cinci e il mistero del tempio di Elena Sposito Editore Edigiò Pubblicato 10/01/2014

Cinci è un topino che riesce a scappare da un laboratorio di vivisezione e che inconsapevolmente si rifugia in un tempio, dove vive un buddista di nome, Liliang. Grazie al monaco, il topolino scopre il valore dell'amicizia con un essere umano, sentimento che non aveva mai provato nella sua vita. Dalle gallerie sotterranee del tempio, la storia vede coinvolta anche una topina di nome Picia ed altri animali del laboratorio di vivisezione "Special animals for human welfare". Venite a scoprire le avventure di Cinci e i suoi amici! Età di lettura: da 7 anni.

Kimba The Pet Shop Puppy by Mr Ian Luke (Author), Ms Tracey Lee McDonald (Illustrator) – Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (26 Nov 2013)

Kimba is a gorgeous puppy. Her family found her in a pet shop window and bought her straight away. But they are not prepared for the dog she grows up to be. What will happen to poor Kimba? Follow Kimba as she follows the 77 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations path of many impulse purchased pets, as she grows from cute and cuddley puppy, to boistrous dog, a problem pet dumped at the pound where she becomes one of the lucky few to be given a second chance

Il sogno di Ilaria di Luigi Civita (autore) Illustrazioni di Silvana Verduci – Editore: La Quercia (Napoli) (31 luglio 2013)

L’autore, Luigi Civita, racconta la storia di un’amicizia davvero singolare, quella tra un gatto, un pulcino di nome Piopio e Marzia, una bambina coraggiosa e sensibile che vuole cambiare il mondo.

I tre amici superano le differenze di genere e linguaggio, dimostrando che è possibile andare oltre le barriere imposte dalla società. ll titolo del libro fa riferimento alla mamma di Piopio, una gallina ovaiola che vive nella minuscola gabbia di un allevamento. Il suo sogno è razzolare nella terra, annusare l’aria, beccare l’erba. Come farebbe qualunque gallina libera in un ambiente naturale. Grazie al coraggio di Marzia e all’aiuto dei suoi amici, il sogno di Ilaria potrà avverarsi, chiudendo la storia con un messaggio di speranza e l’invito ai piccoli lettori a rimboccarsi le maniche per un futuro migliore, proprio come ha deciso di fare questa bambina speciale.

The Magic Snallygaster. Exclusice to the Dr Hadwen Trust. An enchanting children’s fantasy story by Dr Hadwen Trust supporter. Read more and only to be bought at Dr Hadwen Trust.

Wildsvin af Bent Haller – Høst & Søn 2010

Paw hedder hovedpersonen i Hallers børnebog, med kærlig hilsen til Torry Gredsted, og han har fået nok. Både af sin fordrukne plejefar og af skolen, hvor eleverne driller ham med hans grønlandske baggrund: Isperker, kalder de ham. Så Paw skrider fra det hele, og i et skur på havnen møder han forsøgsdyret Grisla, som også har været udsat for lidt af hvert. Sammen flygter de ud i skoven – væk fra menneskene, som Paw ikke længere ønsker at være i slægt med: – Vi er ikke almindelige svin, Grisla.– Er vi ikke? – Nej, for vi er frie, vi er vilde, vi er vildsvin, og vi er ikke bare vildsvin, vi er wildsvin med w. – Hold da op, sagde Grisla. – Med W.

Kitty McSporran Saves the Animals – with the help of her magic cape by HRA Human Research Australia. 2010. “‘Kitty McSporran Saves the Animals’ was written by one of our members and HRA covered the cost of publication. This colourful story book is aimed at a much younger audience and addresses this taboo subject in a nonconfronting way. Readers share in Kitty’s discovery that by not accepting the status quo, we can show compassion to other animals AND further medical research. It is freely available to schools and libraries.” HRA

Il grande libro dei diritti animali di Lega Antivivisezione (a cura di), C. Zanetti (Illustratore) – Editore: Sonda (4 maggio 2009) l libro è diviso in due parti. La prima narra la storia di Leonardo che ha dieci anni e vive a Roma. Un bambino come tanti, che conduce una vita del tutto normale. Ma un giorno scopre di avere una qualità straordinaria: è in grado di 78 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations parlare con gli animali. Nemmeno il tempo di rendersene conto che, suo malgrado, rimane coinvolto in un’appassionante e incredibile vicenda: la rivoluzione degli animali. A lui toccherà il compito di tenere a freno il gruppo rivoluzionario “Liberisubito”, capitanato dallo squalo bianco Ernesto e di farsi portavoce, con il governo italiano, delle istanze di giustizia e libertà di tutti gli animali della Terra. Ad aiutarlo ci saranno il ragno Peter Parker, l’orsa Placida, Gianna la talpa e tanti altri. Un’avventura avvincente, dal ritmo incalzante, che vi condurrà per mano nel mondo dei diritti animali, tenendovi con il fiato sospeso fino all’ultima parola. Ma anche un viaggio intimo, nei propri sentimenti ed emozioni, in ciò che di comune abbiamo con gli altri animali. Nella seconda parte del volume, la sezione didattica “Educare ai Diritti Animali – Guida educativa per insegnanti e genitori” offre schede, giochi ed approfondimenti da proporre al bambino.

A Home for Dakota by Jan Grover and Nancy Lane – Publisher: The Gryphon Press (April 1, 2008)

Dog #241 lives in a dark crate on a , until she is rescued and learns to trust humans again. When the puppy (now named Dakota) meets a young girl who has been as traumatized as she, healing begins for both of them.

Claude and Medea: The Hellburn Dogs by Zoe Weil – Lantern Books, 2007.

Winner of the 2008 Moonbeam Award

A strange substitute teacher with interesting ideas sparks Medea and Claude to think about the world and the choices they make, which leads them on a mysterious hunt to rescue kidnapped dogs.

“In ‘Claude and Medea’ we are introduced to two incredible characters whose very different lives are intertwined by their shared willingness to open their hearts and minds and see past prejudice. This charming story reminds us of the passion that welled inside all of us when we learned of the injustices that take place in the world. Weil’s engaging book helps us appreciate the creativity of children and the desire that we all have to make a positive difference in the world—no matter our age.” ~ Lauren Ornelas, Founder,

Freddy in Peril (Freddy the ) by Dietlof Reiche (Author), Joe Cepeda (Illustrator), John Brownjohn (Translator) – Publisher: Scholastic; Reprint edition (Mar 2006)

Freddy in Peril is a exciting fiction book by Dietlof Reiche. This humorous and enjoyable book was published by Scholastic. Freddy is a strange hamster that can write and type. He lives in a small apartment with humans doing their jobs. There are a few other animals like two other hamsters. Also there is a house cat that is friendly.

Freddy and his friends go on an adventure to escape an evil scientist that wants to take Freddy’s brain to examine. Luckily Freddy has friends that are willing to help him. Together they try to escape the evil scientist. But will they succeed in this perilous adventure?

Animals Behind Bars (Talking Point) by Sylvia Funston – Publisher: Scholastic Point (January 15, 1999)

Provides the facts about how we treat animals in and what goes on in their minds. Find out both sides of the argument on animal rights and make your own decisions. Are experiments on animals ever justified? Should we all become vegetarians? Are zoos nothing more than animal prisons? Do animals suffer in the same way we do? 79 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

Once you have heard all the arguments, things might not seem as straightforward as you’d thought. Is there any such thing as a dumb animal? Or is it just humans who are stupid? The facts and arguments on both sides of the animal rights debate, with sections on zoos, factory farms and research labs, and quizzes and discussion points in each chapter. Aimed at teenagers.

Aktion ‘Dicker Hund’ von Hans J. Alpers – Verlag: Arena; Auflage: 1. Auflage (1998).

Ein ausgesetzter, misshandelter und halb verhungerter Hund wird von der Ökobande aufgefunden. Bei der Suche nach dem Besitzer stoßen die vier Freunde auf Kampfhunde, die von gewissenlosen Gangstern für blutige Wettkämpfe abgerichtet werden. Auch ohne ihre Hunde sind die Männer eindeutig in der Übermacht. Kann die Ökobande den Laden auffliegen lassen?

Serieninfos zur ÖkobandeReihe Diese Buchserie wurde von Hans Joachim Alpers geschrieben. Insgesamt sind uns 14 Bände der Reihe bekannt. Im Folgenden findest Du die Reihenfolge der einzelnen Bände der Serie. Die ÖkobandeReihe startete im Jahr 1992. Der letzte bzw. neueste Band der Reihe stammt aus dem Jahr 1998

Findes også på dansk som “Operation fede hund” og kan købes ved GAD. Gads omtale: “Krimi. Da Mexi finder en udsultet og mishandlet hund i sin have, og et par mystiske skadedyrsbekæmpere lurer i kvarteret, går hun og vennerne Anne, Cassius og Baronen i aktion mod dyreforsøg og det der er værre.” – Desværre har vi intet billede af bogen men kan oplyse at den er en del af serien som på dansk kaldes “En sag for kratluskerne” – På originalsprog hedder serien “Økobanden”.

The Plague Dogs by Richard Adams – 1977 – Publisher: Ballantine Books; Reprint edition (November 28, 2006) A 1977 novel by Richard Adams about two dogs named Rowf and Snitter. The two narrowly escape from an animal testing lab and roam the English countryside with the help of a fox known only as “the tod” (a dialect word for “fox”). The facility, Animal Research, Scientific and Experimental, attempts to reclaim the dogs and spreads a rumour that the two harbour a dangerous bioweapon to assist in their capture, hence the title. It was made into an animated featurelength film in The Eighties a few of years after Richard Adams’ other book Watership Down.

Hundeflugten af Richard Adams – Forlag: Borgen 1978 En novelle om to hunde der flygter fra et laboratorium, hvor der udføres dyreforsøg, og jagten går ind, først med de lokale jægere og bønder og siden politi og militær.

Rats of NIMH series of three children’s books, the first one by Robert C. O’Brien, and the second and third by his daughter Jane Leslie Conly. (1971, 1986, 1990)

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert C. O’Brien – Illustrated by Zena Berstein – Publisher : Atheneum 1971

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH is a 1971 children’s book by Robert C. O’Brien, with illustrations by Zena Bernstein. The winner of the 1972 Newbery Medal, the story was adapted for film in 1982 as The Secret of NIMH.

The novel relates the plight of a widowed field mouse, Mrs. Frisby, who seeks the aid of a group of former laboratory rats in rescuing her home from destruction by a farmer’s plow, and of the history of the rats’ escape from the laboratory and development of a literate and technological society. 80 Consumer Information on Animal Testing - Book Recommandations

The work was inspired by the research of Dr. John B. Calhoun on mice and rat population dynamics at the National Institute of Mental Health from the 1940s to the 1960s.

Racso and the Rats of NIMH by Author: Jane Leslie Conly, Illustrator Leonard B. Lubin – Publishe: Harper & Row 1986 Publishers Weekly – Publisher’s Weekly: Taking up the tale where her father Robert C. O’Brien ended Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, Conly does full justice to his Newberywinning novel. So does Lubin, depicting the endearing company that now includes a cheeky little rat named Rasco. Growing up in the city, Rasco has heard about the intelligent NIMH escapees from his father, Jenner. Leaving home, the boy is looking for the legendary rats who, he hopes, will help him to become educated and valorous. Rasco meets the gentle field mouse Timothy Frisby, on his way to the rats’ school in the valley. The long journey cements their friendship as they rescue each other from perils before arriving at the peaceful colony. As time passes, the members get news of the worst possible danger, when Mrs. Frisby flies in on the wings of the crow Jeremy. Human beings, the widow warns, are about to flood the river, wiping out the rats’ settlement. Rasco’s learning is interrupted by the need to prove his heroism. He does that, rejoined by his father, who lends a selfsacrificing hand to his old comrades. The story is tense, funny and poignant in the classic tradition.

R-T, Margaret, and the Rats of NIMH – Author: Jane Leslie Conly, llustrator Leonard B. Lubin – Publisher: Harper & Row 1990

The further adventures of the intelligent young rat Racso and his friends Christopher and Isabella as they try to ensure the survival of their secret community in Thorn Valley after its accidental discovery by two human children.

It was written by Jane Leslie Conly, the daughter of the author for the original book. When Margaret and her younger brother, Artie, get lost in the woods on a family camping trip, they are rescued by rats — the superintelligent rats of NIMH. Taken into the rat’s community, the children are safe for the time being. But winter is coming. Margaret and Artie have to get back home. And when they do, they must protect the rats who have helped them. Everything depends on their silence but it’s hard to evade questions forever.

Consumer Information on Animal Testing is a FB page for consumers with information on products tested on animals and on scientific ground explain why we can´t rely on vivisektion and why we have to use alternnative/animalfree test methods. The FBpage also inform consumers, to make a better life for people, animals and the environment.

The facebook page "Consumer Information on Animal testing " started as a support page for the ECI and is created by Global House Holistic. ( )