' ' ' The 'Tree ' takes root - page 8

VOL. XIII, No. 73 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary's WEDNESDAY, ANUARY 31, 1979 Carroll Hall 'abolishes' parietals ; plans protest

by Mark R/lsl They pointed to Provost Senior StaffReporter Timothy O'Meara's recent ref ee tion of a 0.C appeal that would Carroll Hall residents, dissatis­ place parietals in the jurisdiction fied with a cam~us atmosphere of hall judicial boards as evidence they say is partially caused by that the avenues were "closed." visitation restrictions, have voted Carroll Rector Bro. Frank to .. abolish" rarietals in a move Drury said that he learned of the that some hal presidents say has hall council vote to "abolish" the potential to spread campus r,arietals the following day and wide. 'really couldn't get very excited The Carroll residents met about it." Monday night to discuss their He said that tl-c-'-': is a "good beefs against the social atmos­ purpose" to U· ~(.'\':rsity rules and phere on campus, which they say re~ations, and that .thejr vote ts •• downright unhealthy.'' They "ctoesn't change anything." plan to collect support for a Drury pointed to Eastern campus wide protest. Michigan University, a school in The vote to "abolish" Ypsilanti, MI, as evidence that parietals, which the residents having parietals "allows the stu· admit will not affect University dents more freedom." policy, is "only the beginning," "They had parietals in their according to Mark Mocarski, a hall and their roommates didn't Carroll section leader and spon­ have to worry about how they Skiing has been great but all this snow can really get you down. sor of the Hall Council motion to were artired or who came in their "abolish" parietals. room after a certain hour,'' Drury Under the leadership of stated. Mocarski, the residents plan to Drury said that he understood, wait for a show of solidarity from based on conversations with of­ other halls in the form of similar ficials at Eastern Michigan, that 0-C students discuss problems votes to "abolish" parietals. students \'referred parietals over Once they receive that show of 24 hour vtsitation. by Dan Letcher Fitzpatrick opened the meeting bus specifically for off-campus support, according to Mocarski, The Carroll residents, how­ StaffReporter with a brief comment about the students," she added. they intend to organize and ever, pointed to Memphis State need for each member to con­ publicize a "parietals break as an example of what they A group of students inter­ centrate on a specific goal such Talk then turned to the night" that will "involve the considered an ideal compromise. ested in off-campus problems as vacation storage or the possibility of amending the whole campus." ''At Memphis State each hall has met last night in LaFortune to publishing of a monthly news­ Student Government constitu· Mocarski said the resident in its own visitation rules,'' Tim discuss a list of goals including letter. tion. This amendment would Carroll decided to "do something Coonan, a Carroll sophomore shuttle service expansion, Phil Johnson, a sophomore, give off-campus students repre­ about it'' when it became clear to said. "Some have no restrictions security awareness programs delivered a presentation con­ sentation on the Board of them that accepted avenues of and others have strict visitation and a proposed amendment to cerning secunty and crime pre­ Commissioners which, in turn, change--recommendations from hours. By giving them a choice, the Student Government consti· vention. In his address he would give off-campus students the Campus Life Council to the Memphis State shows their stu· tution. stated that, "the group's main some say in the allocation of University administration-- were dents that they consider them Student Government Off. concern is to ratse student's funds. closed. [continued on page 7 ] Campus Commissioner ~~John awareness in this area." ''This group is also hoping to In a discussion afterwards, see an off-campus council Fitzpatrick commented on an formed which would be simi­ In Grace Hall meeting article which appeared in Mon­ liar, but on a smaller scale, to day's Observer.. This article the Hall President's Council," addressed the decrease in off­ Fitzpatrick noted. This council campus crime and Fitzpatrick could also serve as a link HPC discusses laundry, sports felt, "that this article was between the students and mis-leading." He pointed out neighborhood groups. that the two most highly­ The group ts attempting to by Azleen Lavin held every Sunday night in the Little Theater in populated student sections had gain the supfort as well as tht" StaffReporter LaFortune. the highest burglary rate in assistance o more off-campus This year the Jimmy Brogan Award, given to South Bend. students. Fitzpatrick feels that The possibility of installing washers a~d the dorm who does the craziest thing in the An Junior Shannon Neville then "the university will generally dryers m Grace Hall was among the toptcs Tostal spirit, will be a cash prize of $100, discussed the shuttle service take care of on-campus stu· discussed at last night's HPC meeting in that according to Callahan. Representatives from the and her hopes to expand the dents while it neglects the hall. men's dorms are needed to help organize this number of off-campus stops. off-campus students." Such The HPC had previously voted to approve the year's Mr. Campus contest, Callahan said. He "If we come up with a schedule attitudes may change if the men's laundry, but have decided to poll the also pointed out that women representatives are and show that there is a group can gain more recogni­ dorms to see how many male students are needed to coordinate Recess, a traditional An clemand, we could get another tion. interested in using the proposed washers and Tostal event. dryers. - Because of the abundance of complaints by The poll is being undertaken to answer students, the snow in D-1 and D-2 will be concerns voiced by the University at the Monday removed this Saturday. All students must move China desires peace, nights HPC meettng. their cars by 8 a.m. Saturday morning to parking The University has expressed concerns that lots, C-3, 4 and 5. too many students would not be willing to hay Security has announced its willingness to help with Taiwan laundry costs if given the alternative, which t .ey those students who are unable to move their cars say would lead to the closin~ of St. Michael's because they are buried or need battery jumps. WASHINGTON (AP) - Vice that "there has been no dts­ Laundry and affect the uniomzed workers. The cars will have to be returned to the parking Premier Teng Hsiao-ping was cussion of boycou'' against Funds amounting to $1500 were reallocated to lots in the afternon because of the scheduled reported yesterday to have Taiwan. clubs and organizations who appealed for them basketball game Saturday evening, according to declared that China wants a The senator who made notes last Sunday. $3500 still remain due to the lack of Security. peaceful resolution of the Tai­ declined the use of his name. clubs applying for the excess funds. The HPC set up a sports commission to wan issue, but "cannot commit His. notes quoted Teng as Dan Darfler, HPC representative to the board establish guidelines for choosing all-star teams herself not to resort'' to the use saymg: of commissioners, explained the poor response for footba11, basketball, soccer, hockey, and of force. "We will permit the present was a result of "lack of communication." volleyball. The account ofTeng's remarks system on Taiwan and way of The sailing club will receive aid from. the Previously, football was the qnly sport for at a Senate luncheon came from life to remain unchanged. We HPC's funds to help them recover from the fire which an all-star team was chosen. The a senator who took notes. will allow the local government last fall, if the club is unable to obtain help members of the new commission are Ed Durbin, Another senator, Thad Coch­ of Taiwan to maintain people­ elsewhere. Marty Paulson, Ellen Dorney, Carrie Seringer, ran, R-Miss., quoted the Chin­ to-people rdations with other Paul Callahan, An Tostal chairman, and Jack Prendergast. ese leader as saying: 'You can people, like Japan -and the announced the need for volunteers on the Next week's meeting will be hosted by Holy rely on our assurance that we United Statt:s. organizational committee. The meetings are· Cross Hall. don't intend to use force" and [Continued on page 6]

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" News in brief Wednesday, January 31, 1979- page 2 Khomeini to return to Iran SU social as Americans leave • • TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - The government said yesterday that commtsston Avatullah Ruhollah Khomemi, the i]"chitect of the Iranian uprising, could return to Iran, and &ave Air France meets today permission to fly him from his Parisian exde to an expected CI()A~ J>()INT LIVI Sti()WS triumphant re-entry in his· homeland. The American There will be a general Embassy meanwhile ordered U.S. government dependents meeting for all past and _present PERFORMERS out of Iran "at the earliest feasible date" after attacks on members of the Student Union MUSICIANS three Americans. Millions are expected to greet the Social Commission today . at TECHNICIANS 78-year-old Khomeini when he returns, possibly tomorrow to 7 p.m. in the Social Commission Tech Interviews 1.00, Auditions 2:00 office. press his campaign to oust the constitutional monarchy ATHENS, OH- Mon., Jan. 29 headed by Prime Minister Shahfour Bakhtiar and set up an The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss events already Ohio University Islamic republic. Khomeini led the uprising that forced Shah Baker Center Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to leave the: country for what many planned for second semescer, feel is permanent exile. and to solicit proposals for COLUMBUS, OH - Tues., Jan. 30 additional activities. Sheraton Motor Inn. North Anyone wishin~ to work with 1-71/Rt.-161 Pope exhorts young the Commission m planning HIGHLAND HEIGHTS, KY - Wed., Jan. 31 events this semester 1s welcome Northern Kentucky University to attend. lf you are interested, Fine Arts Building to seek peace of Christ but not able to attend the MEXICO CI1Y (AP)-Pope John Paul II urged all young people meeting, contact John Bonacci, BLOOMINGTON, IN-Thurs., Feb. 1 yesterday to forsake ''those ideolo&ies that lead to hate, violence social commissioner, at 3797. Indiana University and despair'' and seek joy, sereruty and peace in Christ. He School of Music then flew to Guadalajara, Mexico's second largest city. INDIANAPOLIS, IN - Fri., Feb. 2 Thousands waved handkerchiefs in the Vatican's yellow and Obse1~ver Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge white colors and let fly hundreds of small balloons as the pope 1-70 E/Post Rd. Exit got off the jet at Guadalajara's airport. He was scheduled to DAYTON, OH - Sat., Feb. 3 meet with workers, cloistered nuns and seminarians before welcomes Holiday Inn. Downtown returning to the capital. Before departing Mexico City, "EI 1-75 and 1st Street Papa'' told a large crowd gathered at a grammar school that ''the church sees an enormous renovating force in youth, which subscribers Also at Cedar Point Sat.. Feb. 10; Sat., Feb. 17 our predecessor Pope John XXIII considered a symbol of the minimum age 18 church itself.'' The Observer wishes to FOR OTHER AUDITION SITES welcome all its subscribers to AND FURTHER INFORMATION the spring semester. We hope CONTACT: LIVE SHOWS State Commissioner says you enjoy reading our daily. To better serve you, the students should invest loans circulation department asks CEDAlPOINT that you promptly notify our SANDUSKY, OHIO 44870 BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP)-The state Commissioner of Higher 419-626-0830 Education has suggested that students should reap office if a J>roblem arises in the thousands oi dollars of profit by investing federal student loans delivery of your newspaper. rather than using them to pay for their education. In a Without your help we will copyrighted <:tory yesterdav. the Indiana Daily Student reported be unable to take corrective that Commissioner Richard P. Nugent said students who can actions. Therefore, please call manage to par college expenses without spending the loan us at (219)283-8106, or write: Engineering & Computer Science Majors money should mvest 1t and make more than $2,000 in interest Circulation Dept. during their four-year college careers. "If I had children in The Observer college, that's what I would do," he told an audience at a BoxQ DON'T legislative semiaar in Indianapolis earlier this month. Notre Dame, Ind. 46556. GRADUATE Marvin takes stand - Scholars without talking to the philosophizes on love needed for Hughes Recruiter visiting LOS ANGElES (AP)-Actu.r 1..ee Marvin said yesterday that he your campus soon. never felt ''the ultimate in love'' toward Michelle Triola Marvin, College Bowl his lover for six years and his opponent in a landmark propen:y Contact your placement office rights suit. "There are all degrees of love on a scale," said There will be an informational Marvin, taking the stand for a third day. "There would be the meeting at 6 pm in the South for interview dates. young frivolous love,'' he said. ''The childlike love of a teddy Alcove of the ftrst floor LiF')r­ r~------·-----, bear, and as we go up the scale, I would imagine the ultimate in tune for those interested in I I love would be between people - a deep regard for the other participating in College Br·wl :HUGHES: person, truthfulness, loyalty, fidelity and a tremendous sense of competition. Intramural games I I selflessness toward the other person.'' Marvin Mitchelson, will be held soon to select a team O,.tlngL------~ • ,_ world with electronics Miss Marvin's attorney, asked the actor what kind of ''love were to compete in the regionals at you referring to that you did not have for Michelle. '' ''The love I Saint Mary's in March. All AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M/F described toward the end,'' Marvin said. ''The loyalty, fidelity, students are invited to attend. truthfulness - that kind of love?" Mitchelson asked. "Yes," said Marvin. FThe Observer Weather Night Tiditor: Margie Mostly cloudy and breezy with 30 percent chance of snow or Brassil snow flurries today. flighs in the upper teens to the lower 20s. Asst. Night Editor: Patsy Fair and cold tonight and tomorrow. Lows tonight 5-10 above. Campbell . Highs tomorrow in the upper teens and. the lower 20s. Layout Staff: Ann Mona­ ghan, Rod Beard and Scoop Sports Layout: Greg Sol­ man, Frank LaGrotta Typists: Trish, Nancy, Betz and Katie Night Controller: Mardi Day Editor: Dan Letcher Copy Reader: Mark Rust and Mike Onufrac.k 12:15--LECTURE, "the liJ?osome, does it have a future?" dr. Ad Layout: Flo 0 'Connell charles kulpa, spon. by rrucrobio dept, GALVIN AUD. and Matt DeSalvo Photographer: Cate 4: 20--COLLOQUIUM ''particle production from nuclei,'' prof. a. Mag ennis bialas, fermilab & jagellonian u., krakow, poland, spon. by physics dept., 118 NIEUWLAND. 6 pro--MEETING, college bowl competitors, 1st FLOOR The Observer !USPS 598 9201 is published Monday through Friday ex­ LAFORTIJNE cept during exam and vacation periods. The Observer is published by the 6:30--MEETING, sailing club, 204 O'SHAG. students of Notre Dame and Saint Mary's College. Subscriptions may be purchased for $20 per year 1510 per 7:30 --HOCKEY nd vs. bowling green, A.C.C. semester] from The Observer. P.O. box 0, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556. Second 8:15--RECITAL* becky stauffer-soprano, spon. by music dept., class postage paid, Notre Dame, In­ LIB. AUD. diana 46556. The Observer is a member of the Associated Press. All reproduction rights are reserved .

. \ 1· ·,·, ...... ------

The Observer Wednesday, January 31 , 1979 - page 3 Possible machine installation Grace Hall considers laundry Club pr•••nt• a by Pat Toomey I this· semester. Wesseln has the annual turnover of manage­ l been trying to get them ment in any student-run opera­ installeq since September. tion .luda & The installation of laundry Under the plan now bemg In order for this plan to be machines in Grace Hall is considered, the University implemented, it would have to currently under seiious consi: would rent the machines and be approved by both the admi­ Self Defense deration by the University. put them in the Grace base­ nistration and Grace Hall resi­ Thomas Mason, vice-president ment. The revenue gained dent. Brother Kieran Ryan, for Business Affairs, stated the from this system would offset vice-president for Business Presentatian machines could be installed the loss in income which the Affairs, is scheduled to visit "this semester, if no serious ~otre Dame laundry would Grace soon to make sure that problems develop." mcur. the basement would be a suit­ Tanit~~ht at 7:DDpm Curt W esseln, Grace Hall Mason said he opposed a ~ble location for laundry mach­ vice-president, the driving student-run operation because tnes. in th• FIC:C: Pit. force behind the proposal, is he did not want a proliferation W esseln will go to the Grace optimistic about the proposed of student vendors on campus. Hall Council tonight to settle installation of the machines for He also expressed concern over several issues. Grace residents Free AdmissianI ======must determine if they will restrict the use of the machines to Grace residents, if they will Students return to class accept having the University run the machines, and if a after sniper assault • laundry would best utilize the SAN DIEGO (AP) - A few "if they need any help." involved space. minutes before the children Monday's violence began as started filing back into the students and staff arrived for Elementary School yesterday, a school. They were walking up a playground supervisor knelt on wide sidewalk to enter the main the sidewalk to clean away the building when the shots rang out. bloodstains. The children screamed and The flag" was flying at half scattered, Principal Burton mast. Wragg saw a student fall and "I had bad dreams and rushed from his office. He was thought the lady would still be hit in the chest and fell on the here," said 9-year-old George sidewalk, 30 feet from the front Johnson as he entered the school door. about 8:40 a.m. "But my dad Michael Suchar, the school said it's all right now." custodian, ran to Wragg's aid Twenty-four hours earlier, a and also was hit in the chest. sniper holed up in a house across Both men died later. 1 the street had opened fire with a One of the first officers to I .22 caliber rifle, killing the princ- arrive, Robert Robb, 28, was also I ciple and the janitor and wound- hit. He was in fair condition I in~ nine others including eight yesterday at Alvarado Hospital I children. with a neck wound. · WINTER I I The "lady" of the boy's dream Six of the eight wounded has been identified by police as students were treated for and Brenda Spencer, a 16-year-old released, but two 9-year-old girls girl who they say sprayed the remained in serious condition. mADNESS school grounds with gunfire in a Miss Spencer, a red-haired ~) i seven-hour seige. 11th-grader described as "an Miss Spencer, described by a average" student at Patrick girlfriend as ''crazy about guns,'' Henry High School, came out of was being held at J unvenile Hall the house and surrendered at SALE while law enforcement officials 3:10p.m. She Jar. down a pellet decided what charges to file and gun and a .22 caliber rifle with a ·whether she will be prosecuted as telescopic sight and went back JAN. 31 to FEB. 3 an adult or a juvenile. It may be inside to fetch several hundred several days before a decision is rounds of ammunition, police 1.)1.. made. said. Teachers went ahead with their There were open liquor bottles CLOSED WEDNESDAY! regular class plans yesterday but in the front room of the house and much of the time was spent police said the girl told them that SPECIAL SNEAK PREVIEW trying to explain the violence of she had been drinking and taking Wed. Nite... 6 pm to 9 pm Jan. 31st the day before. barbituates. Most of the children appeared calm, but some seemed dazed. · Last summer Miss Spencer Acting l?rincipal Daryl Barnes was arrested for shooting out the said psychiatric help will be given Cleveland school's windows with 2nd Annual to any ofthe school's 311 pupils, a B-B gun. WINTER mADNESS SALE will bring ,you savings of up to 80%! ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED! Lcuge Selection: IN produced by Aiken Management *Men's Sweaters In association with *Jeans-Jeans-Jeans CONCERT! River City Records *All Ladies' Tops *All Men's Shirts

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good seats ~re still available at River Citv Records, 50970 U.S. 31 North (3 miles north ot campus) and the Morris Civic box otfice. Call 277-4242 for further info ''

The Observer Wednesday, January 31, 1979 - page 4



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. .,• . 1' ~ !' The Observe1 Wednesday, January 31, 1979 - page 5

• • . Carroll (Continued from page 1) central to creating "the unheal­ Applications for adults." thy atmosphere." "I personally object to not Drury tempered the residents' being treated as an adult here at remarks with the observation that Notre Dame, •·• Coonan continu­ Carroll Hall in particular "has SENIOR BAR ed. "That is, in large part, what cenain problems' ' that affect the is wrong with the soc1al atmos­ viewpoint of its residents. phere here at Notre Dame. It's ''You have to understand, flrst downright unhealthy." of all, it takes a deliberat~ act for Echomg Coonan's sentiments someone to come and visit out Managers 1979-80 can be picked was a roomful of Carroll resi­ here. We are pretty isolated," dents, all of whom were q_uick to he said. point out they they are primarily "Second we have mosdy fresh­ up in Room 315, Dean of Students mterested in changing the social men and sophomores in the hall. atmosphere at Notre Dame. We have only seven upf>erclass­ The students said that they men besides the RA's. If we had could have picked any issue to more upperclassmen, I'm sure Office, after February 1. Applications are protest, but they chose parietals there would be a more mature because they see that 1ssue as [continued on page 7 ) due February 9 with recommendations . ACIOSS 25. Tnaa river DOWN I. "Tetched" 211. Diluted c I. M.>ve quiekly 6. Peels 27. Jarcon 2. M' I a rial fever R II. Spry 28. Sullen 3. Cle ·oched hMnd So ... PICK THEM UP EARLY! 12. Spoke: 2 wda. 29. Manly brews 4. Ru11 away 0 14. Stratag•ms 30. Unuoually good 5. AmLcuoua I 5. Stimulate ~I. Christmas drink reply: 3 wda. s 16. Privattt t-onver· 32. Winter 6. Ship of 1492 sation : 3 wds. "visitor": 2 wda. 7. Church s 18. One th11t pro· 37. Gymnaetic . projection duct·&: ~utl\x apparatus 8. Corded fabrir Saturday NiF~~hl: w 19. 9. Buildings The "N" in N.B. 3!1. Proprrtion 0 20. Elevate ~0. Estabh•hes 10. Certain to be 21. Cheap and 41. lnsperting succeaaful: R gaudy 42. Transartions hyph. wd. LaFarl:une Fever 24. Ma5culintt nam~ 43. All~viates 12. Devoutne10 D 13. Impudently 17. Lacerated s 20. Mother of movie clips Apollo I• l0 21. Cut to fit 22. Renounce [11 [12 ,13 23. Peruke• [U lS 24. Lighthea .·ted 26. Angles [11 l7 26. Travail 19 28. Symbols ot'

21 [22 [23 authority 30. IJemoliahH [2~ 32. Take definite form [27 33. East Indian '2t broad bill Lafortune Ballraam 34. BiK name in '31 33 [34 3~ 13S elevators !1:3Dpm -I:DDam 37 [39 36. Without: Latin Sat. February :Jrd 60 [U 36. Clothes 38. Srhool organi­ f) I 7,9, and 11 I I Fri.- wltli I I I (1\t?l'lll (2ul"lt?-,~ 41 ~c~l:>lclt?clu~ I I 13t?til lt?clill clllcl ~lt:il ()ff?Zif)§f)) I I I I Sat.- ..lJSI£14~S J4.. - 13llJIS ~lfJI-11 I Just ('f)lll£' Ill ()tlcl J()rn h1

of either Institution. The news is EDITORIAL BOARD reponed as accurately and as objectively Editor-in-Chief ...... Tony Pace News Editor ...... Diane Wilson _The Observer_ as possible. Editorials represent the Managing Ediror ...... Steve Odland Sports Editor ...... Ray 0 'Bn'en Box Q Notre J)ame, IN 46556 opinion of a majority of the Editorial Executive Editor ...... john Calcutt Features Editor ...... Chns Stewart Board. Commenraries, opinions and Executive Editor ...... Barb Lang henry Photo Editor ...... Doug Chn'stian The Obseroer is an independent newspa­ letters are the views of their authors. Editorial Editor ...... Rosemary Mf/ls per published by students of the Column space is available to all mem­ Copy Edito~ ... : ...... Phil Cacld_el Production Manager ...... Manit· Nevin Universiry of Notre Dame and Saint bers of the community, and the free Sal" ~ary s EdJtoF ...... Ellen Buddy Business Manager ...... john Tucker Mary's College. It does not necessarily expression of varying opinions on cam- N• '1itor ...... Ann Gales Advertising Manager: . · ...... Bob Rudy reflect the policies of the administration ' through letters, is encouraged. . ·~or ...... Mike Lewis The Observer Wednesday, January 31, 1979 - page 6 • Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau ACC experiences overcrowding

HI, PHRED! HOfAJ5 'MFNtN6, EV£3RYTHIN& GO­ 1 VICTrYate in the Bengal While the Rock's pool and orial and the ACC experience a Bouts also tram here. Squash, weight rooms are kept busy by marked increase in the use of handball, and racquetball courts individual athletes, several club their respective facilities. Ac­ are filled to capacity, so filled, it sports use it as a conditioning cording to Mike Danch, events is difficult to reserve one. center. Both the gymnastics club manager at the ACC, ''we get so The ice rink also sees much and the ND Crew use it as the site crowded that we're reaching the service in the form of interhall for winter workouts. limit in the usage of space in the Her, THATS NOW, IAJ4fT A hockey, free skating and use by RIGHT! YOU MINIJT&-AR& building." physical education classes. ''Our We MEA '11J(J SURe 'tW Among those who use the ACC biggest problem is to accom­ Sll3AI< eiJYS [)ft:JN'T for training are twelve varsity modate what is going on now. DINNER! lJ5E CiBANS? sports, numerous clubs and intra­ we really have no security \ mural leagues, and individuals. problems," said Danch. Molarity Men's basketball, hockey, wrest­ Accommodation is also a prob­ ling, fencing, baseball, track, lem at the Rock according to soccer, and tennis · as well as Edward Kazmierzak, supervisor Michael Molinelli women's fencing, tennis, and of the Rockne Memorial. "Ac­ basketball are the varsity sports tivity really picks up the ftrst ftve that use the ACC. Add to this the weeks of the semester due to the • NOW THAT 1-JE HAV£ A : interhall sports of hockey and weather and lighter workloads", TREATY WJ'TH CHINA THEY~E! basketball, co-ree sports such as he stated. GOJN6 TO SELL SOM£ volleyball and one can perceive As many as 850 students use CHINESE ITEMS HER£ ~ what an extremely crowded the Rock on any given day, last




"Fill him up." HELP THE HUNGRY Fast forms available For.1'~ the real beer lover. tonight in dining halls.

I -~J -- -~ ------~------~------

The Observer Wednesday, January 31, 1979 -page 7

• • . China • • . Carroll. [continued from page 1 1 we did it would not be benefic­ "With this policy, we believe ial to peaceful reunification." we can achiev peaceful reuni­ Carter, while confirming he [continued from page 5 1 that it will pass with no Jim O'Hare, of Grace said that fication. Like you, we want to was quoted al curately, Cochran view. Different things would be problem." • while the "symbolism of the resolve the isue by peacef\d said his original Teng quotes discussed,'' Drury continued. Pangborn President Jose thing is good, I don't like the means. We Chinese have were "100 strong" and that "I "No matter where you go or Marrero said that, although he smell of it. It sounds like patience. However, China would be more comfortable what you do, people will ~e didn't "know all the ramifica­ c.onsp~acy ~at the administra­ cannot commit herself not to saying he (Teng) ~·r~ated the telling you what to do, and this tions yet," he would be in favor tion ts m on wtth Carroll to kick us resort to other means because if impression - happens all throughout life," of such a resolution. ''If it is a all off campus (for breaking Drury said. "You are going to be well organized thing, I'll be all parietals) so that there will be no marching to many tunes." for it," he said. ne,..d for a lottery." When informed of the resi­ Meet Someone New dents' plan to gain campus wide support for abolishing parietals, Drury indicated that he thought Engineering & Computer Science Majors other hall councils might not go THE RAMROD along with the Carroll Hall Coun­ cil plan. "I think it is going to be EVERY Thursday interesting to see how they WATCH FOR THE react," he said. Four hall presidents were con­ HUGHES Pitchers tacted by the Observer, and they were all in favor of presenting the RECRUITER VISITING just plan to their Hall Councils. Three indicated that a resolution YOUR CAMPUS SOON. similar to the Carroll resolution .$1.50 would pass easily. TomPaese, Flanner Hall pres­ Contact your placement office ident, srud that, alth.ough his hall for Interview dates. does not generally have parietal * dance floor * DJ Buddy King problems, he would still be "100 ,------, percent with them." I I pool table every Fri ~ Sat night Marty Paulsen, Dillon presi­ l HUGHES: * dent, said his hall "would be I I ~------J 511 S. Mich St. overwhelmingly for it. It will Ctullllfl 1 ntiW WOI1d with elecltDflics pass unanimously in Dillon. We are pretty disgusted with the AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M/F (downtown) open till 3am. Provost's reiectton of that (CLq appeal on parietals, so I'm sure

All classified ads must be received by 5:00p.m .. two days prior to the issue in which the ad is run. The Observer office will accept classifieds Monday through Fnday. 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p m. All Classifieds . cla~sif1eds must be pre-paid. either in person or through the mail Need Dayton BB Tickets Call Steve 1857. see their team w~Ged and beaten. Sundancers Need tickets; Joe . Have more fun!! 2211 N. Main at Notices Wanted Wanted Dayton tickets Call Ann 41-5165 McKinley In Mishawaka. 256-0971 ravel to London & Rome this summer. Need ride to chicago on friday. Will Need GA's for Dayton game Call1840. Tom Perrucclo was happy to see his For more Information contact Dr. A. share driving and/or expenses Call Don Personals friends from Indiana durin~break. While Black SMC 4948. at 8175. Need 4 Dayton tickets quick!! Call Jeff he Is recureeratlng from Is Illness he 6749. would be p eased to recelw mall from the Nocturne Nl~htFIIght, WSND 89FM, Need ride to Chicago Friday Feb 2 Call Corky: When the music starts. man your ND communi~ Renee Reder eatures Peter Carr, "Mul- 6143. Need 2 GA tlx to any weekend home organ. LeMans 222 Orange Rd. tlple Flash" tonight. B-Ball game Call Don 1059 Middletown, CT. PART TIME JOBS: Excellent pay ... work AMEN INC: HAPPY HOUR 06457 Fellow Floridians of ND & SMC: There whenever l!ou have time ... no obligation. Need Dayton tickets! Big money call Paul at Nickles 4-6 All our welcome Beers 3 Anne Johnson, R.N. will be an Important meeting of the Write: UMCHOICE Box 530, State 272-5201 for $1 and 7&7-.50 Club on Wednesday, Jan 31 at 7 College, PA. 16801...and start earning Sundancers ~ In the LaFortune Theatre. DUES next week. I need many Dayton B-Ball tlx. Call 8937. Old somebody say disco was dead? Turn you on! 2211 N. Main at McKinley ILL BE COLLECTED. WRONGO$$ Disco Is back with a In Mishawaka. 256-0971. WAR! No, just kidding, but I do need 3 rengeance! Accurate. fast tyf'ng. Mrs. Bedford Dayton GA tlx. (Not necessarily all D.K Sundancers 288-2107 Hours: am to 5 pm. For Sale together) Call John at 3089. Are for lovers! 2211 N. Main at Patsy Campbell gets Into hot wax!!! McKinley In Mishawaka. 256-0971 . Attention all Logan Volunteers and .tJI ·Need 3 tlx for Dayton ~arne. Call Cindy Interested students! For Sale Section: Marybeth, Hundreds of 8-track tapes for sale. Good 5762 Desperately need. Sundancers Like to watch hockey? Help some of the Face it, the world loves you, admires Are number one! 2211 N. Main at mentally handicapped kids and adults condition. Call Brad at 6931. ~u, admirers are all around. Just De~erately need Dayton BB tickets McKinley In Mishawaka 256-0971. enjoy the Colorado College-NO Hockey stu ent or GA will pay good money Call cause you don't get more personal's game this Friday, February 2nd. Cheer HP-25 Calculator, fully programmable, means nothing. You're the favorite. scientific. Call 1780. Larry 1205. Business Opportunity. Introduce Sun- the ND leers to vlcto~ and help the kids dancer to your friends. Apply 2211 N. too. Meet at Logan enter on Frida~ at Help! Bobby Desperately needs 4 Barry M-We're all so happb for you-we'll Main at McKinleY, In Mishawaka or call 6:30 pm. Tickets are provided for Ids Cold? Nice warm hand made quilts for all danee at your wedding. ut truthfully, sale. 8269. ~added seat) UCLA tix $$$! Please call 256-0971. and volunteers. 607. is It love or Is It twl ns?? R~ular Saturdat Rec this Saturday, Feb Allee: 3r . at Logan enter From 9:()(} 11 :00 Bl~, great speakers for sale call Bernie Peggy & Friends, 33 2 or 3321. Desparately need 1 or 2 student or GA I I hope you enjoyed the skiing as much as I a.m. Come and join In on the fun! UCLA tlx. Call 41-4103. Sorry I missed your party. I tried. did, but I'm sorry If I tried to hard, even Questions call Mike 1371 or Sue 41-4832. Sean USED BOOK SHOP. Wed., Sat., Sun. though I'm not sorry for trying. I need any UCLA tix Call 4-4908 "47" 9-7 Ralph Casperon 1303 Buchanan Road Dear Suey. Nlies. 683-2888. Need 5 Maryland Tlx Call Ron 4614 Happy Birthday! Welcome to legali~. Sweetheart 111 ! ! ! ! ! ! Lost&Found Love K.. G. 1 do. Thanks for a great lime last Lost: One gold medal on 18" chain. Need Dayton tix call Tim 8821. week-end. Christ profile. Reward 2103. Tickets Seniors: Your capitol cutle pie. Needed: 5 GA tix for Dayton. John 8894. Buy your tickets. Nan tor cinnabars Found: Money call and Identity Phil $15.00 per couple. Tlx on sale In LeMans Hey third floor Lewis, 1245. Relatives of John Wooden need GA tix tor Need money? Sell Me UCLA Stu. tix. lobby 11-2 and in ND dining halls Ahem. the farmer had three cows. UCLA Call Matt 6637 Tony 1423. Man-Friday. and ... a what? Lost: A light brown cashmete scarf with Love. Mlddle Earth red and black stripes. Please call Karen Will sell suitemates or provide much cash Wanted UCLA tix Call Mike 289-9351 Klmbie, at 6779. for UCLA student ticket. Call Mike at If you think I'm sexy, Come hear Ginocchio play "Jungle"· 1619. Wanted: 1 or 2 student or GA UCLA tix. If you want my body Drums in the Nazz tonight. Lost: Blue, Nylon coat with gloves, hat Will pay good$$$$. Call F.J. 1222 Come on baby let me know!! and keys in pocket. At Goose's Sat. 1120 Need 1 UCLA ticket (student or GA). Call Dave Please. Sign up tonight to fast once In a Don 8175. Ken 1141. Need up to 6 Dayton Tix. Greg 1606. week and help teed others. 151 Breen Phillips: Lost: White adidas B-Ball shoes at track Need GA tickets for any home basketball I desperately need two GA or student Holding for ransome two seals and one Odysseus, Thomas Jefferson, and Satan meet in ACC near hockey rink Friday game. Call Dave 1146. tickets for the UCLA game. If I don't Nunkie Lovie. If interested In safe all had red-hair. night, 1/26. Call 1521. come through, mb sister will have my return, hang something out window Need 4 Xavier Tickets for family! Please hide! Call Kevin . at 1787. Wednesday at midnight. Red Heads have most fun. Lost: Gold longines pocket watch. Help! $$ Call Felix 1685. Kidnappers PLEASE return for a big $ reward, this DAYTON* DAYTON* DAYTON! Get the HELENE AND MARY w•tch Is my entire life!! Jim 2164. Need 2 Dyton Tix. Call Ray 8686. picture? I need tickets. As many as What Color? HI, How's the diet going? Here is the possible In any combination. Call John at TO personal you both wanted. Need 1 student bleacher UCLA ticket. 3089. Jim, 3621 or 7469. Chicago registered voters desiring TIM JOYCE, For Rent I need UCLA tickets badly Call Matt absentee ballots for Feb. 27 primary We never see you anymore election, please call Kathy Byrne at Desperately need 2 GA's to an~ home 1780. Rosie and Trlsh! Big Country house for rent, furnished, basketball game. Call Brad at 6 31. 41-5425. el~ht to ten minutes travel. for next Need 2 Dayton GA tix will pay $$ Doug HOLYCROSS 3rd North sc ool year. 2n-3604. $ Need many Dayton B-Ball tickets. Call 8641. Spring to Life with Sundance! 2211 N. Come to the formal and make Trlsh happy John 272-9354. $ Main at McKinley In Mishawaka. for a change! 256-0971 Furnished four bedroom house for rent Oe~eratley need Dayton tix-GA or couple qlocks from campus for next Mafia Contract out on me unless I ~et 5 stu ent. Call 8007. HI KATHY* JEANINE AND LISA! !I! school year. 2n-3604. · Dayton tix as soon as possible. orne Need ride to Ann Arbor Area. Feb 3-5. family members from East Coast coming Wanted: GA or student tickets to Dayton Will share expenses. Call Dusty 4-1-5183 MALE Roommate needed for N.D. apts. In to make an offer I can't refuser Help game Call 2n-3422. $75.~r month plus utilities. Call Matt call Gulsepe at 3089 Need ride to Chlca~. Feb 3-5. Will 234-2 ' S& M Friends from Dayton would love to share expenses Qlll argle 4-1-5183

• ------~ ------

SRorts Wednesday, January 31, 1979 - page 8 Orlando Woolridge: 'The Tree' plants his roots at Notre Dame by Mike Ortman a big favorite of the student basketball player" and "here is a Sports Wnler body. In the recent game student." Instead it's "here is a ''A slam dunk by the TREE ... agamst South Carolina, Game­ friend. '' The athletes aren' i: Orlando Woolridge," bellows cock forward Cedrick Hordges really singled out here and I like the announcer in that drawn violently fouled the sophomore that." out, often-mimicked way. The giant. The students became Woolridge feels that the high­ crowd responds fanatically.''O'' outraged. This brazen lumber­ light of his brief Notre Dame they scream as they spring jack had chopr,ed down their career was this year's San Fran­ from their seats to voice their mighty "Tree. ' They became cisco game. That marked the approval so incensed with anger that second time that "0" received a Orlando certainly has the abil­ every time flordges touched game's MVP honors (St. Francis ity to keep the fans in the game, the ball, a thunderous ''boo'' was the other). Against the even when the Irish lead by rang throughout the arena. Dons, he hit nine of thirteen such lopsided margins. His It seems that the students need from the floor for 18 points and awesome slams, jams and "0" (to keep things interesting hauled down seven rebounds, stuffs arouse the emotions of in some of those one-sided leading the team in both depart­ even the most bored spectato.r slaughters), but he needs the ments. "I got to play ~ainst in the ACC. 'I do that to get the students as well. "I need them some really good competition in team fired up and to get the to get me up sometimes,'' says that game," said Woolridge. fans fired up,'' admits the 6-9 the Mansfield, LA. native. "I'll The Dons weren't only "really forward. "It's just one small be out on the court sometime good" but they were "really way for me to contribute to our and I'll need a little extra big." Frisco, led by 7-1 All­ team." But as most Irish fans something to get me going. To American Bill Cartright, boasts know, Woolridge contributes in know that they're behind me one of the tallest front lines in many other ways as well. really gets the adrenaline flow­ college basketball. But Wool­ Woolridge's stats are typical ing." ridge's career is yet young. for this year's Irish squad. There is little question that the Surely he will receive more MVP Before last night's game, he relationship between Woolridge honors in the future. had connected on 65 of his field and the stUdents is an excellent By the way, when asked goal attempts, was one of five one. But Orlando feels that this whether he preferred to be called players averaging between four relationship extends outside the "0" or, "Tree " Woolrid~e and five rebounds per game confines of the ACC. ''In a lot of responded "Well, they call '0" (4.1) and was one of the five colleges, the student body rarely around here," gesturing to his scorers averaging in double gets to meet the players or even teammates. "But I mean look, figures (11.2). All of that ain't compared to him (pointing to 6-11 bad when you consider that the get to know who they are off the Laimbeer ;), I'm JUSt a shrub." ~~-··::..a..;::.. "Tree" plays just 24 minutes court. That's what I really love Somehow it is hard to ima- per game. about Notre Dame. People here gine the students standing up He's the "Tree", Woolridge, seen here doing what he can get to know you off the court after a Woolridge dunk and does best. [Photo by Doug Chnstian] Without a doubt, Woolridge is as well. It's not "here is a screaming ''shrub!'' MVP Branning leads with 16 Notre Dame paints Brown green '80-53 . one month to get ready for the by Ray O'Brien letdown after their last-second 12:08 remainin~. "Digger" over 70 points all year, got all NCAA's." Sports Editor loss on Saturday as -Orlando Phelps then sent 10 a new crew as their offense from Peter Moss. Woolrid~e and Jackson hit Woolridge and Bill Hanzlik lead Brown did some regrouping of Moss thrilled an otherwise quiet double digits for ND with 12 and Despite a weekend loss to an early barrage. Notre Dame their own. crowd with a slam dunk and a 10 points respectively. ·Moss Maryland, Notre Dame's basket­ broke a 4-4 tie and ran off ten Bruin Coach Joe Mullaney block of a Woolridge shot as his poured in 14 markers in the ball team held on to their number unanswered J>?in~s. and that was slo~ed down the pace to little team salvaged a 46-27 deficit by losing cause as Brown dropped to one ranking and didn't disap­ as close as therr VISitors from the avail as the home team continued halftime. The second stanza was not 5-9 on the season. point any of their backers as they east wou!d get. this night. to. increase ~e ga.P with Stan Notre Dame will be without the quickly crushed the Bruins of An~ther eight po10t. rush after a .. Wilcox and Mike Mitchell hin_jpg much different from the frrst services of Gilbert· Salinas for Brown, 80-53 last night at the BCUlO basket spearheaded by only net on their field goal except that Mullaney solved full the remainder of the season due ACC. Rich Branning's outside shooting attempts. ND's court press, cutting to academic ineligibility. The Irish showed no signs of a gave Notre Dame a 22-6lead with Brown, who .has not scored down on turnovers and the The Irish's next contest is amount of scoring. Branning, who was voted the game's against Xavier Thursday night at MVP, the ACC. Tipoff is set for 8 p.m. continued to hit from the top of SharonPetro eyes second state title the key and was joined outside by Tracy Jackson as Notre Dame cruis~cf to the 80-53 flOal tally. Two state championships in two different sports "I thought we played well," for one coach in one year? Is it possible? Sharon Mark offered Phelps afterwards. ''The Petro will find out in a mattel of a tew weeks. defensive intensity at the begin­ In the fall of '78, Petro's women's tennis team ning of the game was necessary capnired the Indiana state team tennis champion­ Hannuksela ·to set the tempo of the game and ship. As we near the spring of '79, Petro's avoid the slowdown.'' women's basketball team is headed towards the of Notre Dame tradition. Over the course of their same goal. But their road isn't paved. year-and-a-half existence, the team has a com­ Phelps was especially pleased At this point in the season, the Notre Dame bined record of 24-6. Among the more notable with the play of his guards as women own an 11-2 record. And they have five accomplishments for the team thus far are Branning's 16 point perfor­ very difficult games ahead of them. Th_e frrst of tournament wins at Huntington and Northern mance, 8-12 from the floor, r hose games will involve a trip to Snow C1ty, USA, Illinois, four consecutive wins over Valparaiso, and marked the end of a slump for the where the Irish will take on DePaul. The game, a four more over archrival Saint Mary's College. Oh, Irish floor leader. "I thought rriake-up of a previously scheduled game, will be and one more thing; of the fourteen members of Branning played well, showed plared on Tuesday. Then on Sa~day,_ the Irish this year's team, only three will be lost to intensity and shot well," said wil play host to a tall Marquette Uruverstty club at graduation. To most fans, that means the team will Phelps. "I think this really was 3:30 p.m. at the ACC. The flOal three regular get better; to most opponents, that means trouble. good for his confidence." season games will be against three of the top teams Individually, senior co-captain Carol Lally has "The way I've been playing in Notre Dame's distrtct. It is these three teams spearheaded the Irish attack by averaging 14.2 lately, I wanted to get things that will pose the most problems for Petro's squad points per ballgame and 5.5 rebounds. That together," confided Branning. _orne tournament time. rebounding figure is good for third place on the "I think I've been letting down "I can't really assess how well we'll do in the team. Jane Politiski leads that category with 106 the team in a lot of areas. But oumaments," stated Petro, "until I've seen how rebounds, and 8.6 game average. Politiski is also I'm happy we're number one at Captains to meet well we perform against St. Joe's (supposedly the second on the team in scoring with an 8.6 ppg the halfway mark and I'm think­ toughest team in the district), Marion, and average. One of the Irish's oncoming stars has There will be an important ing of the rest of the games as a meeting for all men's Interhall Goshen. All three are super tough, and the fact been freshman Tricia McManus. At 5-11, the second season.'' that they have revamped the state pairings doesn't tallest member of the team, Tricia has the third Basketball captains, Wednesday, help us either. Under the new rules we have to win highest point total on the team (92, including 22 On the Irish number one Jan. 31, at 4:30 in the ACC our district to make the states." against SMC on Saturday, for a 7.1 average), is ranking Phelps remarked, ''I was Auditorium. Due to excessive ''But we can't look ahead too far yet; we've gotta second in rebounding with a 6.4 average, and leads surprised at the ranking because water leakage, Gym IV will no play DePaul frrst." the team in blocked shots with 15. I voted for Indiana State. When longer be available for use. Con­ Indeed, the road ahead is tough, and DePaul is What's in store for the Irish? Well, this reporter North Carolina lost I thought we sequent schedule changes will be next, but visions of the past should be enough to doesn't claim to hold a key to the future, but I've would stay at number two. But announced at the meetin~. tame the fears of those looking ahead. seen the door, and looked through the keyhole. we don't have to prove anything. Captains will be held responsible In only .their second year, the team has When Sharon Petro gets there, I think she's going We've established ourselves as a for all revisions made at this established itself as anothe~ of the great upholders to like what she sees. national power and we just have time.