Physical Education Bulletin 1955 1956.Pdf
Calendar, 1955-56 FIRST SEMESTER October 3, Monday .... .......................... Registration of students and entrance examinations. October 3, Monday ...................... .. ....... Instruction begins. November 24, Thursday....... .. Thanksgiving, a holiday. December 20, Tuesday, 3 p.m. .... ........ Christmas recess begins. January 4, Wednesday Instruction resumed. January 27, Friday First semester ends. Bulletin SECOND SEMESTER January 30, Monday Second semester begins. of the March 26, Monday Spring recess begins. April 6, Monday Instruction resumed. May 31, Thursday Second semester ends. Normal College CAMP TERM June 1, Friday Students leave for camp. of the June 2, Saturday Camp course begins. Tune 29, Friday Camp course ends. American Gymnastic Union Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana INDIANA UNIVERSITY BULLETIN (OFFICIAL SERIES) Entc"cd as second-class mail matte!' January 28, 1916, at the post office at Bloomington, lnditlna , uncle," lhe Act of Augu:)~ 24, 1912. Published thirty times a year (foUl- times each in JalHlary, Feb,"ua!"y, March; three t.imes each in ApI-ii, May, June; twice each in July, August, December; monthly in SClltcmbcr, October, November). by Indiana University from tIle University Orricc , Bloomington , Indiana. Vol. LIlI, No.3 Bloomington, Indiana January 20, 1955 Contents P AC E C OLLEC E CALE l\'DAR, 1955-56 ii cover STAFF, 1954-55 4 GE NER AL S TAT E M EN T b History 6 Admiss ion fj Fees, Expenses, and Schola rships New Student Union and Food Service Building 3 Camp Facilities and Requirements & Intercollegia te Athletics 8 Degree Bachelor of Science 9 Withdrawals and Ineompletes 9 T eacher's Certification and Placement Servicc 10 C U RRI C ULA 12 DESCRIPTION OF C OURSES, 1955-56 14 (S) NORMAL COLLEGE OF THE AMERICAN GYMNASTIC UNION 5 Staff, 1954-55 LEO M.
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