Sol Campbell—is the World Cup worth it? ISSUE 219 | JUNE 2014 JUNE 2014 | £4.95 How to save the Union DAVID MARQUAND HOW TO SAVE THE UNION THE SAVE TO HOW Plus Nick Clegg, the lonely liberal EDWARD DOCX The truth about self-employment HAMISH MCRAE Nato chief: “we will not hesitate” BRONWEN MADDOX The death of the shelf WILL SELF Hand me the Booker prize LIONEL SHRIVER Also Clive James, George Packer, Ben Macintyre, Lydia Davis, Alexander McCall Smith Britain’s new E p14 classpoll divisions: results PROSPECT JUNE 2014 5 Foreword How to unite the kingdom 5th Floor, 23 Savile Row, London W1S 2ET Publishing 020 7255 1281 Editorial 020 7255 1344 Fax 020 7255 1279 Email
[email protected] [email protected] Website Editorial Editor and Chief Executive Bronwen Maddox Editor-at-Large David Goodhart Deputy Editor Jay Elwes Is this the last summer of the United Kingdom? In three Managing Editor Jonathan Derbyshire Arts & Books Editor David Wolf months’ time, the UK may surrender half its territory, with Creative Director David Killen Production Editor Jessica Abrahams not even a whimper. It would be too generous to credit the Digital Editor Serena Kutchinsky Assistant Digital Editor Josh Lowe Better Together campaign, alternately complacent and Editorial Assistant Chris Oldfield tentative, with even that level of decibels; even its name Publishing President & co-founder Derek Coombs captures its diffidence (what was wrong with “Best Commercial Director Alex Stevenson Together”?). The television news will airbrush Scotland out Publishing Consultant David Hanger Finance Manager Pauline Joy of the nightly weather charts, as it comically now does for Circulation Marketing Director Yvonne Dwerryhouse the Republic of Ireland.