Subject: RE Topic: Sikhism Year Group: Year 8

Key Words Definition Sikh Beliefs The Golden Temple Amrit The ceremony where 1 Beliefs about God is called Waheguru 1 Where is It is in Amritsar, the . someone becomes a Sikh God? and is the one God. it? Ek Onkar The one creator God Sikhism is monotheistic 2 Symbols? The entire roof is made of gold Golden temple Sikh place of pilgrimage in 2 What is the ik The Gurmukhi symbol Amritsar Onkar? for God 3 Langar? The langar kitchen serves food Gurdwara Sikh place of worship every day to guests. The meals 3 What is God Creator, omnipresent Gurmukhi The script that Punjabi is like? and eternal are free and usually lentil dahl. Everyone eats on the floor written in Guru Sikh teacher. A human! 4 What is the The core beliefs of together. mool mantra? Sikhism that they recite 4 Holy The Guru Granth Sahib is the Guru Granth Holy Book of Sikhism in prayer Sahib Book? holy book but treated like a Kaur Female Sikh surname, meaning human. It has its own room in Sikh Gurus princess the temple Khalsa Group of who follow 1 What is A human teacher who passes extra rules. a Guru? God’s message to others. There Life as a Sikh Kirt Karna Earning an honest living were ten main Sikh gurus. 1 3 duties? Pray, Work, Give Langar Free meals made at a 2 First Guru Nanak was the first Guru. Gurdwara Guru? He taught equality and 2 How? Pray: keep God in mind Mool mantra Core beliefs of Sikhism compassion. He went into a river Work: earn an honest living for 3 days and had a vision of Give: volunteer help and care Nam japna Keeping God in your mind God. for others. Practice sewa Panj pyrae First five who gave their lives 3 Tenth Guru Gobind Singh was a famous 3 Who is A 100 year old to Guru Gobind Singh Guru? warrior. He started the Khalsa Fauja Singh runner who uses faith for by asking Sikhs to give their lives strength. for faith. This was a trick, but Pilgrimage Religious journey 4 Women? Sikhism is well-known for showed the importance of teaching equality but women Sewa Selfless service commitment. have still be treated unfairly. Singh Male Sikh surname, meaning 4 Khalsa? Khalsa Sikhs follow extra rules There is debate as to whether lion like wearing the 5 Ks and not they can represent the first Vand Chhakna Helping others eating meat. five khalsa men. Waheguru Sikh name for God Sikhism is the youngest of the six main religions and has 27 million followers. Subject: RE Topic: Sikhism Year Group: Year 8

Key Words Definition Sikh Beliefs The Golden Temple Amrit 1 Beliefs about 1 Where is God? it? Ek Onkar

Golden temple 2 What is the ik 2 Symbols? Onkar? Gurdwara

3 What is God Gurmukhi like? 3 Langar? Guru

4 What is the Guru Granth mool mantra? 4 Holy Sahib Kaur Book? Sikh Gurus Khalsa

1 What is Life as a Sikh Kirt Karna a Guru? 1 3 duties? Langar

Mool mantra 2 First Guru? 2 How? Nam japna Panj pyrae

3 Tenth 3 Who is Guru? Fauja Singh Pilgrimage


4 Khalsa? 4 Women? Singh

Vand Chhakna

Sikhism is the youngest of the six main religions and has 27 million followers. Waheguru