1984 Magazine (Warren Publishing) Issue #9
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PROVOCATIVE ILLUSTRATED ADULT FANTA5Y! A WARREN MAGAZINE?* ';& m NEW FULL COLORART sgw^i PAPERBACKS ^»«5a LARGE SIZE FORMATon SUPER GLOSSY PAPER SORCERERS A collection of fan- TOMORROW AND BEYOND This BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Chris tasy art from Ariel Books in con- is without doubt the definitive col- Achilleos is one of England's top junction with Bruce Jones and Ar- lection of science fiction art mas- science fiction and fantasy mand Eisen. Ariel Books does it terpieces. This enormous 158 painters. See why he has begun to again! This time they have put page edition, edited by Ian Sum- receive international acclaim for together one of the best fantasy mers contains ALL the best in SF his vibrant paintings of heroic fan- art collections ever including some paintings from the United States tasy: Bare- breasted maidens being of your favorite artists such as and Europe. Many works have ravished by everything from in- Bruce Jones, Alex Nino, Steve been printed here for the first sects to Emperors; herioc war- Hickman, Jack Kirby, James time. There are over 300 lavish riors, slimy serpents, bloody bat- Steranko and many many more! full color illustrations and paint- tles, spaceships, UFOs and even An art edition printed on the ings printed on high quality glossy Doctor Who! Don't miss this highest quality stock, printed in stock, with a complete index to Paper Tiger edition printed on high the most brilliant colors available! each picture. A 12x9" full color quality stock in full color! 1T/a" 1 12"x9" softcover!#21372/$7.95 quality paperback!#213G4/S9.95 x8 /a " softcover! #21363/57.95 ^3&pgg NUMBER NINE OCTOBER 1979 JAMES WARREN Publisher W.B. DuBAY Editor CHRIS ADAMES Assistant Editor CartoonFactory BREAK EVEN L HERMA 24 Art Production Between the orbits of Mars and They found the Viking princess Jupiter, there ought to be a frozen within a solid wall of ice. SUZIN STARK planet. Basic astronomy had They never expected her to be Advertising Production that figured out centuries ago. alive. But when her cold, Why then has it never been seemingly-lifeless body bega: MICHAEL SCHNEIDER discovered? Might be that it to stir, it gripped the world ii_ Circulation Director is an itty-bitty gnat of a world! passions never before known! PATRICK WOODROFFE Cover Illustrator Authors GERRY BOUDREAU KEVIN DUANE BILL DuBAY JIM STENSTRUM Illustrators HERB ARNOLD JOSE GONZALEZ CLEAR DANGER 34 STARFIRE JESS JODLOMAN They called him, simply, The Becker skulked in the shado ABEL LAXAMANA Navigator, for he charted the vaiting. When at last the boy ALEX NINO forbidden byways of time itself. appeared and began to disrobe, FRANK SPRINGER His mission: to save an op- Becker watched with silent re- pressed society and prevent vulsion as the nude form was 1984 MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED SIX a dictator, a madman, a false revealed. It was true. The boy TIMES A YEAR, IN FEBRUARY, JUNE, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER AND messiah from ever being born! was not at all what he claimed! DECEMBER BY WARREN PUBLISHING COMPANY. EDITORIAL SUBSCRIPTION AND BUSINESS OFFICES AT 145 EAST 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10016. TELEPHONE 1212) BB3-6D50 SUBSCRIPTIONS: SIX ISSUES FOR S9.00 IN THE U.S.A., CANADA AND ELSEWHERE: 512.00. SECOND CLASS MAIL PRIVILEGE PENDING AT NEW YORK, N.Y. AND AT ADDITIONAL MAIL- ING OFFICES. ENTIRE CONTENTS COPYRIGHTED 1979 BY WARREN PUB- LISHING COMPANY, WHICH COMPANY IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS CON- CEPTION AND CONTENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD UNDER THE UNIVERSAL COPYRIGHT CONVENTIONS, THE INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT CONVENTION AND THE PAN AMERICAN CONVENTION. NOTHING MAY BE REPRODUCED IN REX HAVOC 51 The SCHMOO 74 WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT WRITTEN dying man's screams echoes PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHER Japan! The Island Empire! Land A SORRY, NO RESPONSIBILITY CAN BE of the Rising Sun. Home of ka- off the walls of the mile- ACCEPTED FOR UNSOLICITED MATE- RIAL. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. buki dancers, small cars, very high city. A man plunges to his SUBSCRIBERS: PLEASE ALLOW EIGHT complicated lots death as his wife watches. It WEEKS FDR DELIVERY OF FIRST ISSUE. cameras with * 1984 MAGAZINE IS THE PROPERTY of expensive attachments, and is the final sound she will SOLELY OF WARREN PUBLISHING COMPANY, WHICH COMPANY IS SOL- ever hear, and a thoughtless, ELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS CON- stick at! irreverent to say goodbye! CEPTION AND CONTENT. than you can shake a way WHERE, OH WHERE A LEXICOGRAPHERS HAS BIG REX GONE? PARADISE IN 1984 just picked up the eighth is- I think 1984 sucks. sue of 1984 and could not be By now you must be used to I more upset. Again, my favor- hearing such lowbrow comments ite series was conspicuously miss- from your readers; moreover, edi- ing from the magazine's pages. tor Bill DuBay must be on quite a Where, oh where has Rex Havoc few more shit lists than just gone? We have not seen him nor Gloria Steinam's. the Asskickers of the Fantastic The letters printed in your most since issue #6. Please don't tell me recent issue rate as some of the his series has been cancelled in most ignorant and reprehensible favor of the far more titillating ad- ever published anywhere. It br- ventures of Frank Thome's Ghita. ings to mind the stir that was As much as I like Ghita and caused by Michael Oliveri's letter Thome's storytelling, it is not an in CREEPY magazine a few years adequate substitute for Bex. back, wherein Archie Goodwin vil- Can't we please have a heaping lified Oliveri for his use of profani- portion of both? Ghita and Rex? ty. Do away with the other stories if Certainly lexicographers could need be. But please don't take write a dictionary of profanity away my series! with the words that are used so ca- JULIUS CROUSE valierly in the Warren magazines Modesto, Calif. now. But I won't go into a song and dance about that, or the Rex is with us again this issue, needless violence or the inex- Julius. Unfortunately, you'll find cusable sexism. No one with half that Frank Thome's Ghita is con- their colloid tissue is going to swill spicuously missing. While, ideally MUTANT WORLD these inane tales of tomorrow as we would like to present as many viable visions of the future. series per issue as possible (we're GONE FOREVER? I must say, however, that al- not dummies . we know what Oh no! I just picked up 1984 #8, most every letter criticizing the you're hooked on!) we have found and have read, to my dismay, what magazine, did so honestly and ac- that artistic quality is compromis- you are leading me to believe is the curately. The only faults I could ed considerably by artists forced final installment of Richard Cor- find with some of the jibes, to meet rigid publishing dead- and ben's Mutant World series. this is purely arbitrary, is that lines. We have allowed our artists While it isn't stated anywhere there was a surfeit of insults to set their own pace, instructing that this is indeed the final aimed at editor DuBay. No matter them to insure quality first and chapter, the last page of the story how much a person deserves it, consider deadlines second. is more like an epitaph than you just can't go name-calling and Hence, when deadlines roll anything I've read since last write meaningful criticism at the around, we will not always have a visiting Wildwood Cemetery. same time. No professional editor Rex Havoc or Ghita adventure Please tell me it isn't so. Dimento or author is going to listen to that prepared for the issue. However, will be back. Won't he? kind of harangue from a reader. you can be assured that we will RANDALL JENKINS He'll disregard the whole she- have the best possible art and Randall, Ariz. bang, and then what good are the stories to see print. intelligent things that were said? Rich's Mutant World series was 1984: JUST ANOTHER originally scheduled to run six As for 1984 itself; yes, Richard PRETTY FACE? episodes, Randall. With some Corben still draws pretty pictures, minor arm twisting we were able and Jan Strnad (Leander and the There is a slick- papered, color- to persuade Rich to extend the Fat Queen, Encounter at War, re- crammed purported science fic- saga of Dimento an additional two member those carefree under- tion magazine being published chapters, thus ending the series ground days, Jan?) still has the across town that is a pile of piping in 1984 #8. most readable story in the issue. hot pterodactyl shit compared to Dimento, Mutant World and The rest was . unspeakable. 1984. Rich's art have been so popular Jeez, how I wish Warren would That other magazine may ap- with the readers, however, that have published a science fiction pear superficially slick, but what Rich just might be convinced that magazine back when J.R. Cochran good is a pretty face when it a second series would do wonders and Billy Graham were the masks an empty mind? Fortun- for his career. He says otherwise. editors. I'm sure we would have ately, 1984 has the intelligence, But who knows what the future seen Borne sensitive, well-wrought and when you come right down to holds? fantasies instead of the crap it, its face, while not as pretty as In the meantime, we hope you you're purveying nowadays.