Republic of


PAB Development Consultants Ltd., D/36 Vixen Close Comm. 18 Lashibi,Tema P.O. Box CO 1840, Tema Tel: 233-0303 414204-5 Fax: 233-0303- 414205 E-mail: [email protected] June, 2011 FIRM PROFILE

Business Name: PAB Development Consultants Ltd.

Legal Status: Limited Liability Company

Registration Number: 44,163

VAT Registration No.: 617V000045

Date of Establishment: November 1991

Address: D/36 Vixen Close, Community 18 P. O. Box CO 1840 Tema Telephone No.: (233) 0303-414204

Fax: (233) 0303-414205

E-Mail: [email protected]

Types of Services: . Project Management/Coordination . Project Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Studies . Training/Capacity Building . Transport Planning . Rural/Regional Development . Socio-economic Studies . Environmental Management . Financial Services . Research, Gender Targeting and Advocacy

Firm’s Representative: 1. Dr. Kwame Prakah-Asante, 2. Elijah Yaw Danso

Personnel: Eight (8) permanent/core staff, seventeen (17) Principal Associate Consultants/Researchers and fifty-eight (58) Associate Consultants/Researchers.

Infrastructure: Housed in own building with six (6) Office rooms, One (1) reception room, a conference room, well- equipped Library and a Secretariat; all rooms are air- conditioned and have full broadband internet connectivity. Equipment: . Eight (8) Computers, four (4) of which are laptops installed with standard and project relevant software (Windows 2000, MS-Office, MS-Project, SPSS 11, SAS Insight, etc.) hardware such as laser printers, fax machines; . Two Canon high speed copiers . Equipment for the facilitation of group events: i.e. Four (4) soft boards, three (3) pin boards, four (4) flipchart-stands; 3 projectors. . Two (2) 4X4 vehicles and one (1) Saloon car Strategic International Partners: PARTICIP GmbH (Germany), SOFRECO (France), FRR Ltd (UK) ICON-INSTITUT (Germany) Bankers: Barclays Bank Gh. Ltd., Tema Main Branch.


Integrated Service:

Experience has shown over the decades that societies are not limited to things physical or spatial and economic, but also include social, institutional and structural dimensions. Care is, therefore, being taken currently to approach developmental issues with integrative, mutually supportive and inter- sectoral strategies.

It is in recognition of this current approach to development, which includes the need for good governance, research and advocacy, infrastructure planning/management as well as capacity building particularly human and institutional capacity development, that PAB Development Consultants Ltd (PAB Consult) was born. PAB Consult firmly believes that account should be taken of the natural, economic, social, institutional, political and spatial systems operative in the project environment and the nation as a whole. By this stance, PAB Consult is committed to the holistic improvement in the standard of living and the quality of life of beneficiaries of interventions, by ensuring that public institutions are strengthened to enable them stimulate or facilitate growth in the private sector of the economy.

Types of Services:

█ Project Management/Coordination

» Participatory Project Identification and Planning. » Pre-investment/Feasibility Studies. » Project Implementation and Management (Supervision, Co-ordination and Control). » Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Studies. » Production and Operations Management of micro-enterprises.

█ Socio-economic Studies

» Beneficiary Assessments » Baseline studies/surveys » Monitoring & Evaluation » Design of Monitoring & Evaluation System » Project Reviews » Management Information System Design » Feasibility Studies » Tracer Studies

█ Capacity Building/Human Resource Development

» Training Needs Assessment - Conduct in-depth human resources analysis at country, sub-region and sector levels to determine training needs. » Elaboration of Manpower Development/Training plans to respond to country/sub- regional development goals and objectives. » Planning, Conducting and Evaluation of Training Programmes. » Moderation/Facilitation and Adult Education Methods. » Review and Assessment of Institutional Capability including Skills Gap Analysis. » Organizational Development. » Staff training in job performance. » Development and publication of training aids, user manuals and self-instructional materials. » Community participation and management of community-based projects/programmes

1 PAB Development Consultants Limited Firm Profile

█ Financial Services

» Review and Assessment of Financial Capabilities of institutions. » Financial and Management audits. » Portfolio Management. » Review of Accounting Systems. » Financial and Management training. » Budgetary Planning and Control. » Monitoring and Sales Management.

█ Rural/Regional Development

» Sector Studies/Socio-Economic Surveys using Rapid Appraisal and Participatory techniques. » Livelihood Support Services » Rural/Regional Development Planning including human settlements development and management » Agricultural Development Planning including small scale agro-industrial development, sustainable agriculture and food security. » Agricultural Research Services-Organisation and Management. » Land use/Capability Studies. » Water Resources Appraisal and Management including Surface and Ground Water, Irrigation Water Management and Drainage Networks. » Community Development. » Extension Services-Organisation and Management. » Forest and Wildlife Management and Research, Social Forestry and Forest Conservation.

█ Environmental Management

» Environmental audit for existing projects/programmes with the view of designing corrective measures. » Environmental Impact Assessment for new projects. Understanding of existing and potential environmental impacts. » Development of Environmental Management Plans to mitigate adverse effects of development initiatives. » Environmental Economics. » Environmental Monitoring.

█ Transport Planning

» Economic/Investment analysis of rural transport projects. » Feasibility studies on rural roads and transport (Preparatory Project Design). » Traffic forecasting. » Preparation of assessment/evaluation reports including socio-economic impact studies. » Design of training materials and training of field staff in rural transport evaluation. » Design, implementation and management of rural road projects. » Environmental impact studies/socio-economic/baseline studies in the transport sector.

█ Research, Gender Targeting & Advocacy

» Policy Research. » Economic & Agricultural Research. » Public/Community Health including water and sanitation, HIV/AIDS, environmental & reproductive health.

2 PAB Development Consultants Limited Firm Profile « Statistical Research & Analysis. » Social Research. » Communication Studies. » Gender, children Mainstreaming & Advocacy. » Resource Development & Management Studies. » Marketing Research including Product Research, Market Research & Price Research. » Tracer Studies. » Land use/Capability Studies. » Organizational Studies and Analyses. » Institutional capacity building » Poverty reduction issues and disability issues

Services Rendered:

(a) Project Management/Co-ordination

. Development and Implementation of the Northern Region Lowland Rice Development Project (NRLRDP) in the Northern Region, AFD/GOG (in association with SOFRECO, France), as part of the Northern Sector Livelihood Support and Investment. . Management support to the Improvement of Rural Water Supply Project in the Upper West Region, sponsored by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and GTZ. The role of PAB included the provision of local consultancy services for project design and implementation, budget preparation, staff development and training, community self-help capacity development, design of participatory management systems, monitoring and evaluation. . Forest Resource Management Project, GWD/IUCN Project 9786, sponsored by the World Bank. PAB Consult’s responsibilities included the development of management plans for 8 protected areas under the management of the Ghana Wildlife Department. In addition, PAB prepared project and financial proposals for 2 other protected areas for support by the European Union. . Formulation of Development Plans for the Mole National Park sponsored by the Dutch Government. . Review and Preparation of a Two-year Plan of Operations for the Strengthening Community Management Project (SCMP), MLGRD.

(b) Socio-Economic Studies

. Social Profiling of Communities in Area of Influence of the Ahafo South Mine Operations, to ensure that development maximizes its benefits and minimizes its costs, especially those costs borne by people (including those in other places and in the future. Funded by Newmont Ghana Gold Limited. . Beneficiary Institutional Assessment Surveys for the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD). The assignment involved an assessment survey for MLGRD to study and gather views of major beneficiaries of MLGRD services (i.e. the District Assemblies). The study aimed at providing basis for improvement of the services of the Ministry and the DAs as part of the Civil Service Improvement Project (CSIP). The districts covered included Afram Plains, Afigya-Sekyere and Birim South District. . Review and rationalization of the organizational and functional structures of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Namibia as part of the Commonwealth Secretariat (C.F.T.C) Mission to Namibia. It involved a review of internal controls, assessment of manpower requirements for financial management, budget planning and administration, assessment of physical infrastructure, formulation of training plan and implementation strategies. . Feasibility Studies of Programme Communities, PLAN Ghana. . Assessment of the Institutional and Financial Capacities of District Assemblies under the Village Infrastructure Project sponsored by MOFA and the World Bank. The study involved a review and assessment of the capacities of forty (40) District Assemblies selected from all the administrative regions of Ghana, for planning and management of rural infrastructure

3 PAB Development Consultants Limited Firm Profile investment and for financial management. Activities included a review of accounting procedures, internal controls and constraints, assessment of manpower requirements for financial management and budget planning, as well as the assessment of physical infrastructure and formulation of training plan. . Baseline Study for Woodcarvers, ATAG. . Technical backstopping for Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS), MOFA/FAO/AfDB. . Socio-Economic Baseline survey of the Upper East Region, as a component of the Upper East land conservation and Small Holders Rehabilitation Project sponsored by IFAD/MOFA. . Study and Formulation of Street Children and Community-Based Poverty Monitoring and Evaluation Component of the Learning Innovative Loan (LIL) Programme, World Bank/USAID; . Review and Preparation of a Two-year Plan of Operations for Strengthening Community Management Project (SCMP), MLGRD; using participatory approaches;

(c) Project Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Studies

. Mid-Term Evaluation of Ahafo Agribusiness Growth Initiative, which aims to stimulate long-term economic growth and improve the livelihood of communities in the Ahafo area by strengthening agricultural productivity, improving farm management skills, building the capacity of farmers and increasing market linkages and supply chain interventions and linking farmers to markets and improving access to micro-finance for small holders. Funded by Newmont Ghana Gold Limited. . Mid-Term Evaluation of Ahafo Gold Mine Operations in Brong of Ghana on the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) as well as a 5-year Livelihood Enhancement and Empowerment (LEEP) and the Community Development Plan (CDP), Funded by Newmont Ghana Gold Limited. . Mid-Term Review of Inland Valleys Rice Development Projects in Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Eastern, Central and Western Regions of Ghana. Funded by the Ministry of Agriculture (MOFA) and African Development Bank (AfDB) . Mid-Term Review of Rural Enterprises Projects in all Regions, Funded by Rural Enterprises Project. . Reviewing and Mapping of all on-going activities in Agriculture in the Northern Region for the Northern Region Poverty Reduction Programme (NORPREP), Funded by IFAD/UNOPS. . Evaluation of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP) commissioned by the GEF Council . Mid-Term Review of the Standard Setting and Sustainable Supply Chain Management of Allanblackia Project, on behalf of Swiss Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and IUCN. . Mid-Term Review of the Community Forest Management Project on behalf of the Ministry of Lands Forestry and Mines and the African Development Bank . Mid-Term Review of the Wildlife Division Support Project sponsored by the Royal Netherlands Embassy and the Ministry of Lands, Forestry and Mines. Review conducted together wit AIDEnvironment, Netherlands; . Mid-Term Review of the Wildfire Management Project sponsored by the Royal Netherlands Embassy and the Ministry of Lands, Forestry and Mines. Review conducted together wit AIDEnvironment, Netherlands; . Mid-Term Evaluation of the UNDP’s Environmental Resource Management Programme in Five (5) selected Districts, each in the Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Western, Central and Northern Regions. . Assessment of GARFUND Beneficiaries of the First Call, Ghana AIDS Commission. . Evaluation of Plan Ghana’s Country Programme Outlines, PLAN Ghana. . Mid-Term Review of the IDA/World Bank Community Water and Sanitation Project – II (Ashanti and Brong Ahafo Regions). . Process Monitoring: Street Children Component of the Community-based Poverty Reduction Project; Ministry of Manpower Development and Employment. . Study for the Design of a Monitoring and Evaluation System for MOFA, MOFA/EU. . Strengthening the Monitoring and Evaluation System of GRATIS/RTTC PHASE III, GRATIS Foundation/PARTICIP GmbH/EU. . Review of Participatory Action and Learning Programmes (PALS) supported by the British Government in Ghana, DFID;

4 PAB Development Consultants Limited Firm Profile . Mid-Term Evaluation of EC Multi-Annual Micro--project Programme in Namibia. Study done in collaboration with PARTICIP, Germany; . Mid-Term Evaluation of UNDP-GEF project, African NGO-Government Partnership for Sustainable Biodiversity Action, UNOPS; . Participatory Review/Evaluation of UNV Programmes in Namibia, UNV/UNDP/Government of Namibia;

(d) Training / Capacity Building

In the area of HRD/Capacity Building, the firm has recently been involved in:

. Training Needs Assessment . Staff Training and Development . Development of Training Manuals and Materials . Organizational Development . Performance Appraisal . Monitoring and Evaluation

Specific Training/Moderation and Capacity Building Assignments

. Entrepreneurial Skills Training for Two Hundred and Fifty (250) Redeployed Forestry Sector Workers, Min. of Lands and Forestry in the Brong Ahafo Region; a DFID sponsored public- private sector collaboration. . Conference facilitation/moderation of the 10th Annual Review Conference of the Community Water and Sanitation Agency, which included all Regional Directors, Regional Engineers, Institutional Strengthening Specialists and other stakeholders. . Under the Capacity Development and Utilisation Programme of the AGI, sponsored by the UNDP, PAB Consult facilitated and provided Project Management Training for Regional Project Officers. . Training Needs Assessment and preparation of Capacity Building Plans for twenty-three (23) District Assemblies, under the Urban V Project, Ministry of Local Government & Rural Development/IDA. The firm designed and administered questionnaires for competency-based training needs assessment, training plans, and organizational culture/practices as well as the development of competency profiles. Designed and administered relevant investigative tools to assess the performance of the eighty-six (86) statutory functions at twenty-three (23) District Assemblies in the Ashanti, Central, Eastern, and Volta Regions of Ghana. . Training Needs Assessment and Formulation of Human Resource Development Plan for beneficiaries of the Project Strengthening Community Management in Development and Operation of Facilities and Services (SCMP) initiated by MLGRD and HABITAT and sponsored by DANIDA. The services to the project also included the development of several training manuals and materials for training of project personnel and community members in the private sector, another public-private sector collaboration. . Co-ordination of the EU/MLGRD Human Resource Development Programme. The programme involved the training of District Assembly members and District Assembly staff to build their capacity for management and participatory development. . Community mobilization, sensitization and capacity building workshop for sub project management committee members in the Asunafo District of the Brong Ahafo Region. . Community mobilization, sensitization, animation and training of private sector groups in Micro Enterprise Management Skills in the New Juaben District, MOFA/The World Bank. . Training of Rural Micro-finance Institutions under the Rural Financial Services Project, Ministry of Finance/IDA/IFAD/ADB. . Moderation/Facilitation of Inception Workshop of Plan Ghana’s Evaluation of Country Programme Outlines, PLAN Ghana. . Preparation of a Two-year Plan of Operations for the Strengthening Community Management Project (SCMP), MLGRD.

5 PAB Development Consultants Limited Firm Profile . Moderation/Facilitation of Street Children Project Implementation Workshop, Ministry of Manpower Development and Employment/IDA. . Training of key District Assembly Staff in Participatory Planning Skills, Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA)/RICU/The World Bank. . Programme for Rural Action; Financial Management Training for Finance and Administration sub-committees of the West Gonja and Kintampo District Assemblies. Sponsored by GTZ and Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD). . Under Rural Water and Sanitation Programme, PAB Consult developed training materials/curriculum and facilitated capacity building workshops for seventy-five (75) District Assemblies in participatory project identification, planning, implementation, management, monitoring and evaluation. The programme also involved identification, design and selection of projects for EU support. Sponsored by the European Union and the Ministry of Finance. . Business Enterprise Development Training for Artisans, sponsored by ATAG . Design & execution of training in Community entry resource mobilization, participatory monitoring and evaluation for staff of the Hunger Project at National and District levels, Hunger Project Ghana.

Other Capacity Building/Training Assignments:

. Collaborative Forest Resource Management Programme, with a component of training of local people in resource management planning and training of Forestry Department Staff on participatory development approaches and skills. Sponsored by British Overseas Development Administration (ODA) and Forestry Department, Ghana as part of public-private sector collaboration. . Training of Forestry Department staff and local communities in Natural Resource Management Planning under the forest Sector Development Project sponsored by DFID. . Forest Resource Management Project. GWD/IUCN 9786. With a component of staff development involving training of counterparts of Ghana Wildlife Department Staff in socio- economic assessment, analysis and participatory development issues. Sponsored by World Bank, Ghana Wildlife Department and World Conservation Union (IUCN). . Design and Execution of urban III Project Planning Training Programme for Project Planners, World Bank. . Training of Community Committee Members for Collaborative Community Forest Initiative at Bunso. . Upper East Region Land Conservation and Small Holder Rehabilitation Project Training of the staff of the Project Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Department (PPMED) of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) in the region in participatory socio-economic baseline survey techniques. Sponsored by MOFA and DANIDA. . Facilitation of Sub-Regional Workshop for African NGOs, US PVOs and USAI organized by Inter-Action. . Facilitation of workshop on Infrastructure Project Implementation Manuals, World Bank/IFAD/MOFA, Ghana. . Moderation/Facilitation of Consultations for the Service Charter of Forest Services Division under FSDP 1 sponsored DFID. . Preparation of Project Implementation Manuals for the Street Children and Community-Based Poverty Monitoring and Evaluation Components of the Learning Innovative Loan (LIL) Programme, World Bank. . Training for professional staff of the Planning Branch of the Forestry Department in Facilitation Skills and Training manuals on Process Facilitation and Training of Trainers. Delivered training on these to over 40 personnel of the Forestry Department under FSDP 1 sponsored by DFID. . Moderation/Facilitation of one-day workshop for ILO fellows from Malawi on Ghana’s Small and Medium Enterprise Development effort for ILO.

6 PAB Development Consultants Limited Firm Profile In the development of Training Manuals and Guides, PAB has recently developed the following:

. Leadership and Conflict Management Manual. . The Problem Solving Cycle Manual. . Revenue Mobilization and Credit Management Manual for Business Associations . Environmental Health: A manual for community facilitators . Ghana Micro project Training Manual (A Participatory Project Planning and Management Manual). . Operational Planning and Management Manual. . Project Implementation Manuals for the Street Children and Community-Based Poverty Monitoring and Evaluation Components of the Learning Innovative Loan (LIL) Programme, World Bank. . Preparation of Training Programme, Training Materials Development and Delivery of Curriculum and Training to staff of 75 District Assemblies in participatory project identification planning, implementation, management, monitoring and evaluation under the Ghana Micro- Project Programme, The European Union/Ministry of Finance (e) Transport Planning

. Inter-sectoral planning for the preparation of the framework for infrastructure planning, monitoring and evaluation in Ghana, including the road sector under Ghana’s Vision 2020:the second step (National Development Planning Commission). . Socio-economic impact studies of feeder roads and highways rehabilitated under the HSIP. . Infrastructure and Environmental assessment of the Southeast Greenbelt Project. . Assessment of the potential environmental and economic impact of the Winneba junction– Agona Swedru road rehabilitation project; Ministry of Roads and Highways. . Economic appraisal of the Fumesua Inland Port project; Ministry of Ports and Harbours. . Post-project monitoring of feeder roads projects in the Brong Ahafo Region, support by JICA. . Feeder Roads Studies in the Asante Akim South, Amansie, Dormaa, Sante Akim South, Kwahu South and Tano districts including the preparation of the districts’ transport Development Plans; Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development. . Appraisal of the transport component of the National Tourism Development Plan.

(f) Local Economy Development

The firm has been involved in several consultancies aimed at developing income-generating projects for implementation by local communities and district assemblies. Among the several projects related to local economic development undertaken by the Firm are:

. The study of Development Options for five Coastal Wetland (Ramser) sites. The study, which was sponsored under the Ghana Environmental Management Project, involved the identification of environmental friendly development activities that could be undertaken by local communities and district assemblies in the selected conservation sites. . A study of Mechanized Farming Process in Northern Ghana sponsored by MOFA/DANIDA. . Business Enterprise Development Training for Artisans sponsored by ATAG . Formulation of a country programme for Small and Micro-Enterprise Development in Namibia, UNDP. . Formulation of a Small Business Development Policy for Namibia, UNDP. . Formulation and monitoring of Bomaa Community Project supported by USAID. It is a Community-based income-generating activity involving the establishment of 80 hectares of citronella farms and two processing plants, with the involvement of over 200 farmers based at Bomaa, Dwomo, Techimantia, Derma Nkwaakyire and Derma in the Ahafo North District of the Brong Ahafo Region.

(g) Research, Gender Targeting & Advocacy

. Research into Women in Employment in the Asutifi District in the Brong Ahafo Region for purposes of gender targeting and advocacy; Action Aid International, Ghana. . ILO/IPEC Vocational Skills Project: Work-based, Family, and Consumer Research with Gender Lenses.

7 PAB Development Consultants Limited Firm Profile  Research Study to Determine the Productivity and Wage Levels for Children aged between 5 and 15 Years, under the International Programme for the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC), sponsored by ILO. . Study into the Productive Uses of Electricity in the Kpando District of the Volta Region, sponsored by the Min. of Energy. . Policy Research Study involving the “Synthesizing of Sectoral Policies and Strategies for the Development of Rural Micro and Small Enterprise Sub-Sector”, MEST/IFAD. . Policy Research Study into the “Investment for Poverty Reducing Employment (IPRE) – Participation and Governance Component - including Advocacy & Gender Sensitivity”, ILO/MMDE. . A Diagnostic Study of the Samsam Pineapple Growers Co-operative, sponsored by the World Bank/MOFA. . Study and Formulation of Street Children and Community-Based Poverty Monitoring and Evaluation Component of the Learning Innovative Loan (LIL) Programme, World Bank/USAID. . A Study of the Mechanized Farming Practices under Land and Water Management Project for MOFA/ DANIDA/World Bank. . Various Studies into the Improvement of the Cocoa Sector in Ghana; sponsored by EU and ADB.



. Social Profiling of Communities in Area of Influence of the Ahafo South Mine Operations, to ensure that development maximizes its benefits and minimizes its costs, especially those costs borne by people (including those in other places and in the future. Funded by Newmont Ghana Gold Limited.

. Continuous Management of Agricultural Development And Value Chain Enhancement (ADVANCE) Project, Partner to ADVANCE in providing Technical assistance to FBOs, outgrowers, agricultural sector service providers and buyers to apply the Value Chain concept to enhance productivity and income (USAID 4YR. Project).

. Continuous management of Millennium Development Authority (MiDA), GHANA, Technical & Training Services Provider, Commercial Development of Farmer-Based Organisation financed by Millennium Challenge Ghana Compact and Managed by Millennium Development Authority.


. Management of Agricultural Development And Value Chain Enhancement (ADVANCE) Project, Partner to ADVANCE in providing Technical assistance to FBOs, outgrowers, agricultural sector service providers and buyers to apply the Value Chain concept to enhance productivity and income (USAID 4YR. Project).

. Millennium Development Authority (MiDA), GHANA, Technical & Training Services Provider, Commercial Development of Farmer-Based Organisation financed by Millennium Challenge Ghana Compact and Managed by Millennium Development Authority.

 A mid-term evaluation of Ahafo Agribusiness Growth Initiative, which aims to stimulate long-term economic growth and improve the livelihood of communities in the Ahafo area by strengthening agricultural productivity, improving farm management skills, building the capacity of farmers and increasing market linkages and supply chain interventions and linking farmers to markets and improving access to micro-finance for small holders. The

8 PAB Development Consultants Limited Firm Profile project is a Newmont Ghana Gold Ltd. (NGGL) and African Connections Ghana Limited (AC) in partnership with eight communities in the Asutifi District. The eight communities involved in the project are No. 1, Kenyasi No. 2, Ntotroso, , Wamahinso, Gyedu, Nkaseim and Nkrankrom and Funded by Newmont Ghana Gold Limited.

. Short-term technical assistance for provision of capacity building programme for district assemblies and communities under the 6th micro projects programme in Ghana, under Government of Ghana/European Union.

. Baseline Survey for Export Marketing and Quality Awareness Project (MoFA), funded by African Development Bank (the Project is to increase the income levels of horticultural crop farmers and exporters of horticultural products). The project is operating in four regions – Greater Accra, Central, Eastern and Volta.

. Clustering and Validating of Farmer-Based Organisations in Ghana under the Ministry of Food and Agriculture through the Directorate of Agricultural Extension (DAES). The work is being done in four Lots: Lot One in the Northern belt (districts in the Northern, Upper East and Upper West regions); Lot Two in the Middle belt (Ashanti and Brong Ahafo regions); Lot Three, Southern Western belt (Western, Central); and Lot Four in the South Eastern belt (Eastern, Volta and Greater Accra regions).


. Mid-Term Evaluation of Ahafo Gold Mine Operations in Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana on the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) as well as a 5-year Livelihood Enhancement and Empowerment (LEEP) and the Community Development Plan (CDP), Funded by Newmont Ghana Gold Limited.

. Mid-Term Review of Inland Valleys Rice Development Projects in Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Eastern, Central and Western Regions of Ghana. Funded by the Ministry of Agriculture (MOFA) and African Development Bank (AfDB)

. Mid-Term Review of Rural Enterprises Projects in all Regions, Funded by Rural Enterprises Project.


 Reviewing and Mapping of all on-going activities in Agriculture in the Northern Region for the Northern Region Poverty Reduction Programme (NORPREP), Funded by IFAD/UNOPS.

. Application of the Poverty-Forest Linkages Toolkit as a tool for incorporating Natural resource indicators into the PRSP processes in Ghana. World Bank/PROFOR/IIED.

. Evaluation of the Ghana-Denmark Development Cooperation from 1990 to 2006.

. Evaluation of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP) commissioned by the GEF Council.

. Mid-Term Review of the Standard Setting and Sustainable Supply Chain Management of Allanblackia Project, on behalf of Swiss Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and IUCN.

. Mid-Term Review and Mapping of all on-going activities in Agriculture in the Northern Region. Funded by IFAD/UNOPS.

. Implementation of Staff Training Workshop, sponsored by The Hunger Project, Ghana.

9 PAB Development Consultants Limited Firm Profile


. Formulation Study for the Cocoa Sector Support Programme Phase 2 in Ghana, on behalf of PARTICIP GmbH. Sponsored by the European Union and the Ministry of Finance

. Capacity Building in the Informal Sector: Training of Target Beneficiaries on the Rural Microfinance Institutions (RMFI) Component of the Rural Financial Services Project (RFSP), funded by Ministry of Finance/GOG/IDA/AfDB/IFAD.

. Dissemination Workshop on Research into Women in Employment in the Asutifi District in the Brong Ahafo Region, Action Aid International, Ghana.

. Implementation of the Information and Education Campaign for the 6th Microproject Programme, under Government of Ghana/European Union. . Training of Area Council Members and Community Opinion Leaders in Three District Assemblies in the Central Region under the Community-Based Rural Development Project, funded by Central Regional Coordinating Council/GoG.


. Participatory Design of Sustainable Cocoa Project for the “Conservation of Globally Significant Biodiversity in Cocoa Production Landscapes in West Africa’.

 Mid-term Evaluation of UNDP’s Environmental Resource Management Programme (ERMP) in five (5) selected districts, each in the Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Western, Central and Northern Regions of Ghana, sponsored by UNDP/MEST.

. ILO/IPEC Vocational Skills Project: Work-based, Family, and Consumer Research with Gender Lenses: Baseline Survey

. Programme Review/Evaluation of the Northern Region Poverty Reduction Programme (NORPREP), United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS).

. TechnoServe Title II Development Activity Program (2002-2005) – Final Evaluation, funded by TechnoServe Ghana.

. Monitoring and Final Evaluation of USAID funded Food Security Title II Program by ADRA/Guinea.

 Research into Women in Employment in the Asutifi District in the Brong Ahafo Region, Action Aid International, Ghana.

 Moderation of 2004 Annual Review Conference of the Community Water and Sanitation (CWSA), funded by CWSA/DANADA.

 Moderation/Facilitation of Strategic Planning Workshop of the UNDP/GOG Environmental Resource Management Programme (ERMP) for District Coordinating Directors, District Planning Officers, and Focal Persons, UNDP/ MES/GOG/ERMP.

 Economic Study on Child Labour Wages and Productivity Levels, under the International Programme for the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC), sponsored by ILO.

 Process Monitoring Organisation: Street Children Component of the Community-based Poverty Reduction Project (CPRP), MMDE/IDA.

10 PAB Development Consultants Limited Firm Profile 2004

 Mid-term Evaluation of UNDP’s Environmental Resource Management Programme (ERMP) in five (5) selected districts, each in the Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Western, Central and Northern Regions of Ghana, sponsored by UNDP/MEST.

 Economic Study on Child Labour Wages and Productivity Levels, under the International Programme for the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC), sponsored by ILO.

 Entrepreneurial Skills Training for the Redeployed Forestry Sector Workers, Min. of Lands and Forestry, DFID.

 Feasibility Study into Productive Uses of Electricity in the Kpando District of the Volta Region, Min. of Energy.  Preparation of Training Needs Assessment and Capacity Building Plans, Urban V, MLGRD/IDA.

 Assessment of GARFUND Beneficiaries of the First Call, Ghana AIDS Commission.

 Evaluation of Plan Ghana’s Country Programme Outlines, PLAN Ghana.

 Process Monitoring Organisation: Street Children Component of the Community-based Poverty Reduction Project (CPRP), MMDE/IDA

 Training of Rural Microfinance Institutions (RMFI): Rural Financial Services Project (RFSP), IDA, IFAD, ADB.

. Moderation/Facilitation of Inception Workshop of Plan Ghana’s Evaluation of Country Programme Outlines, PLAN Ghana.

 Strengthening the Monitoring and Evaluation System of GRATIS/RTTC PHASE III, GRATIS Foundation/EU.

 Evaluation of GARFUND fourth call proposals; Ghana Aids Commission.

 Review of NGOs Monitoring and Evaluation Technical reports; Ghana AIDS Commission.


 Training of key District Assembly staff and Market Management Committees in the efficient management of markets under the Village Infrastructure Project, sponsored by MOFA and the World Bank in the Ahafo Ano South and Asante-Akim North in Ashanti Region, as well as Tano, Sene, Jaman and Wenchi districts in the Brong Ahafo Region.

. Business Plan Formulation for Groups and Associations in the New Juaben Municipality, Ministry of Food and Agriculture/Village Infrastructure Project/New Juaben Municipal Assembly (MOFA/VIP/NJMA). Undertook a study into feasibility of ten (10) selected community-based enterprises, and prepared Business Plans to establish the financial viability of the ten (10) agro-processing (corn milling, gari processing) as well as production of pepper, cabbages, cow pea, and maize.

 Evaluation of Plan Ghana’s Country Programme Outlines, PLAN Ghana.

 Feasibility Studies into Provision of Water and Sanitation Facilities in the Bawjiase Programme Area of PLAN Ghana, funded by PLAN Ghana International.  Process Monitoring Organisation: Street Children Component of the Community-based Poverty Reduction Project (CPRP), MMDE/IDA.

11 PAB Development Consultants Limited Firm Profile

 Training of Rural Microfinance Institutions (RMFI): Rural Financial Services Project (RFSP), IDA, IFAD, ADB.

 Strengthening the Monitoring and Evaluation System of GRATIS/RTTC PHASE III, GRATIS Foundation/PARTICIP GmbH/EU.

 Implementation of the Lowland Rice Development Project in the Northern Region, AFD/SOFRECO France/MOFA/GOG.

 Moderation/Facilitation of Street Children Project Implementation Workshop, MMDE/IDA;


 Study for the Design of a Monitoring and Evaluation System for MOFA, MOFA/EU.

 Strengthening the Monitoring and Evaluation System of GRATIS/RTTC PHASE III, GRATIS Foundation/PARTICIP GmbH/EU.

 Mid-Term Review of the IDA/World Bank Community Water and Sanitation Project – II (Ashanti and Brong Ahafo Regions).

 Mid-Term Evaluation of EC Multi-Annual Micro-project Programme in Namibia. Study done in collaboration with PARTICIP, Germany.

 Synthesizing Sectoral Policies and Strategies for the Development of Rural Micro and Small Enterprise Sub-Sector, MEST/IFAD.

 Training of key District Assembly Staff in Participatory Planning Skills under the Village Infrastructure Project (V.I.P), MOFA/The World Bank.

 Training Workshop For Sub Project Management Committee Members In Jaman District, Brong Ahafo, Social Investment Fund (GPRP/SIF), funded by GoG/AfDB/UNDP.

 Training Workshop For Sub Project Management Committee Members In Asunafo District, Brong Ahafo, Social Investment Fund (GPRP/SIF), funded by GoG/AfDB/UNDP.

 Training of Groups in Micro Enterprise Management Skills in the New Juaben District under the Village Infrastructure Project, MOFA/The World Bank.

 Technical Assistance for Sub-Project Identification and Preparation, under Ghana Poverty Reduction Project, Social Investment Fund (GPRP/SIF), funded by GoG/AfDB/UNDP.

 Technical Backstopping for Social Investment Fund (SIF), funded by GoG/AfDB/UNDP.

 Technical Backstopping for Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS), MOFA/FAO/AfDB.

 Implementation of the Lowland Rice Development Project in the Northern Region, in collaboration with SOFRECO France, funded by AFD//MOFA/GOG.

 Investment for Poverty Reducing Employment (IPRE) – Participation and Governance Component, ILO/Ministry of Manpower Development and Employment.

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 Evaluation of Ghana Capacity 21 and National Poverty Reduction Programmes, UNDP.

 Sector Studies- Civil Society and NGO Effectiveness, ADB/Ministry of Finance.

 Baseline Study for Woodcarvers, ATAG.

 Animation of groups benefiting from technical and financial assistance from the VIP project at New Juaben District, MOFA/The World Bank.

 Training of key District Assembly staff and heads of decentralized departments at the district level under the Village Infrastructure Project (VIP); MOFA/The World Bank.  Implementation of the Lowland Rice Development Project in the Northern Region, in collaboration with SOFRECO France, funded by AFD//MOFA/GOG.

 Technical Assistance to Tano Development Association (Bomaa Development Association).


 Assessment of the Institutional and Financial Capacities of District Assemblies under the Village Infrastructure Project sponsored by MOFA and the World Bank.

. Inter-sectoral planning for the preparation of the framework for infrastructure planning, monitoring and evaluation in Ghana, including the road sector under Ghana’s Vision 2020 the second step (National Development Planning Commission).

 Moderation/Facilitation of Sub-Regional Workshop for African NGOs, US PVOs and USAID organized by Inter-Action.

 Moderation/Facilitation of workshop on Vision, Commitment, Action, Hunger Project.

. Beneficiary Institutional Assessment Surveys for the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD)/The World Bank.

 Mid-Term Evaluation of UNDP-GEF project, African NGO-Government Partnership for Sustainable Biodiversity Action, UNOPS.

 Implementation of the Lowland Rice Development Project in the Northern Region, in collaboration with SOFRECO France, funded by AFD//MOFA/GOG.  Supervision Mission, Rural Enterprises Project, UNOPS/IFAD/MEST, GHANA.

 Preparation of Village Infrastructure Project Implementation Manuals, World Bank/IFAD/MOFA, GHANA.

 Management of EU/MLGRD Human Resource Development Programme (HRDP), EU/GOG, GHANA.

13 PAB Development Consultants Limited Firm Profile


. Socio-economic impact studies of feeder roads and highways rehabilitated under the HSIP.

. Beneficiary Institutional Assessment Surveys for the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD)/The World Bank.

 Assessment of the Institutional and Financial Capacities of District Assemblies under the Village Infrastructure Project sponsored by MOFA and the World Bank.

. Infrastructure and Environmental assessment of the Southeast Greenbelt Project.

 Moderation/Facilitation of Consultations for the Service Charter of Forest Services Division under FSDP I sponsored by DFID.

 Formulation of UNV Country Programme for Namibia, UNDP/UNV.

 Formulation of Street Children and Community-Based Poverty Monitoring and Evaluation Components of the Learning Innovative Loan (LIL) Programme, World Bank.

 Preparation of Project Implementation Manuals for the Street Children and Community-Based Poverty Monitoring and Evaluation Components of the Learning Innovative Loan (LIL) Programme, World Bank.

 Implementation of the Lowland Rice Development Project in the Northern Region, in collaboration with SOFRECO France, funded by AFD//MOFA/GOG.

 Management of EU/MLGRD Human Resource Development Programme (HRDP), EU/GOG.

 Design and Execution of a Project Planning Training Programme for Project Planners, World Bank/MLGRD.

 Training of Community Committee Members for Collaborative Community Forest Initiative at Bunso, ADRA.

 Evaluation of Capacity Development and Utilisation Programme, UNDP.

 Animal Traction Technology for Agricultural Extension Services, MOFA/World Bank.

. Assessment of the potential environmental impact of the Winneba junction–Agona Swedru road rehabilitation project; Ministry of Roads and Highways.

. Economic appraisal of the Fumesua Inland Port project; Ministry of Ports and Harbours.

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. Rural Water and Sanitation Programme – Development of training materials and delivery of curriculum and training for 75 District Assemblies in participatory project identification planning, implementation, management, monitoring and evaluation. The programme also involved identification, design and selection of projects for EU support. Sponsored by the European Union and the Ministry of Finance.

. Beneficiary Institutional Assessment Surveys for the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD)/The World Bank.

. Assessment of the potential environmental impact of the Winneba junction–Agona Swedru road rehabilitation project; Ministry of Roads and Highways.

 Assessment of the Institutional and Financial Capacities of District Assemblies under the Village Infrastructure Project sponsored by MOFA and the World Bank.

. Economic appraisal of the Fumesua Inland Port project; Ministry of Ports and Harbours.

 Ghana Environmental Resource Management Project: Study of Development Options for Coastal Wetlands sponsored by GEF/EPA.

 Monitoring and Evaluation of PL 480 Title III Program (NGO Component) Ministry of Finance/USAID.

 Project Design in Support of the Management of Mole National Park, Netherlands Government.

 Institutional/Financial Assessment of District Assemblies, Village Infrastructure Project, World Bank/MOFA.

 Review and Preparation of a Two-year Plan of Operations for Strengthening Community Management Project (SCMP), MLGRD.

 Review/Evaluation of UNV Programmes in Namibia, UNV/UNDP/Government of Namibia.

 Review of Participatory Action and Learning Programmes (PALS) supported by the British Government in Ghana, DFID.


 Facilitation of a series of workshops on Forest Management Planning related to the involvement of local people in forest management and the introduction of integrated forest management to Forestry Department staff, under FSDP I sponsored by DFID.

 Training for professional Staff of the Planning Branch of the Forestry Department in Facilitation Skill and Training manuals on Process Facilitation and Training of Trainers. Delivered training on these to over 40 personnel of the Forestry Department under FSDP I sponsored by DFID.

15 PAB Development Consultants Limited Firm Profile  Management Support to the Improvement of Rural Water Use in the Upper West Region, Upper West Water Resource Development Project, German Government and Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA).

 Monitoring and Evaluation of EU Support to the Ministry of Health 1996 Recurrent Budget under GIP Project

 Formulation of a Country Program for Small and Micro-Enterprise Development in Namibia, UNDP

 Formulation of SME Policy for Namibia, UNDP

 Organisation and Facilitation of Resource Management Planning Workshops for Forestry Department Personnel

 Studies into the Improvement of the Cocoa Sector in Ghana. Separate studies sponsored by EU and ADB.  Environmental Impact Assessment of 2 proposed EU-Stabex funded Feeder Roads in Western Region

 Co-ordination of the 4-year MLGRD/EU-Human Resource Development Programme sponsored by the Government of Ghana and EU.

 Business Enterprise Development Training for Artisans sponsored by ATAG

 Training in Project Management for Districts Participating in the SCMP project, sponsored by MLGRD/DANINDA/UNCHS

 Feasibility Study of a Rice Development Project in the Northern Region of Ghana sponsored by AFD/MOFA

. Beneficiary Institutional Assessment Surveys for the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD)/The World Bank.


. Post-project monitoring of feeder roads projects in the Brong Ahafo Region, support by JICA.

. Feeder Roads Studies in the Asante Akim South, Amansie, Dormaa, Sante Akim South, Kwahu South and Tano districts including the preparation of the districts’ transport Development Plans; Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development.

 Monitoring and Evaluation of PL 480 Title III Program (NGO Component) Ministry of Finance/USAID

 Financial Management training for Finance and Administration sub-committee of a District Assembly, sponsored by GTZ.

 Facilitators and Trainers, Project Management Training for Regional Project Officers under the Capacity Development and Utilisation Programme, AGI sponsored by the UNDP.

 Technical Assistance, Animal Traction and Animal Drawn Farm Implements Development, under National Agriculture Extension Project (NAEP), MOFA/World Bank.

 Institutional Building: Design and Execution of District Level Training Programme, Strengthening Community Management Project (SCMP), MLG&RD/DANIDA/UNHCS.

16 PAB Development Consultants Limited Firm Profile  Management Support to the Improvement of Rural Water Use in the Upper West Region, Upper West Water Resource Development Project, German Government and Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA).

 Monitoring of GIP, EU and Ministry of Finance (MOFA).  Technical Assistance to the Agricultural Sector Investment Project (ASIP) in the following areas; Irrigation, Rural access roads, agro-processing and development of rural markets for World Bank/MOFA.

 Moderation/Facilitation of Resource Management Workshops, ODA.

 Review of Participatory Forest Management Project in the West African Sub-Region, ODA.

 Preparation of Tano Citronella Project, Bomaa Development Association.

 Moderation/Facilitation of Planning Workshops, GTZ.


 Monitoring and Evaluation of Ghana's General Import Programme, Management of EU Counterpart Fund, commissioned by EU and MFEP.

. Appraisal of the transport component of the National Tourism Development Plan.

 Financial management training for Finance and Administration sub-committee of a District Assembly, sponsored by GTZ.

 Preparation of Training Programme, Training Materials Development and Delivery of Curriculum and Training to staff of 75 District Assemblies in participatory project identification planning, implementation, management, monitoring and evaluation under the Ghana Micro- Project Programme, The European Union/Ministry of Finance

 Training Workshop for rural water and sanitation project team sponsored by GWSC and GTZ.

 Moderation/Facilitation of one-day workshop for ILO fellows from Malawi on Ghana's Small and Medium Enterprise Development efforts for ILO.

 Mechanized Farming Study under Land and Water Management Project for MOFA/ DANIDA/World Bank.

 Moderation/Facilitation of a two-day GRATIS workshop on Five Year Strategic Plan Formulation for CIDA/MEST.

 Technical Assistance to the Agricultural Sector Investment Project (ASIP) in the following areas; Irrigation, Rural access roads, agro-processing and development of rural markets for World Bank/MOFA.

 Collaborative Forest Management Project for ODA/Forestry Department.

 Monitoring/Evaluation of PL 480 Title III Programme (NGO Component), Ministry of Finance/USAID


 Moderation/Facilitation of a two-day GRATIS workshop on Five Year Strategic Plan Formulation for CIDA/MEST.

17 PAB Development Consultants Limited Firm Profile  Technical Assistance to the Agricultural Sector Investment Project (ASIP) in the following areas; Irrigation, Rural access roads, agro-processing and development of rural markets for World Bank/MOFA.

 Management Training for Small-Scale Miners for GTZ/Ministry of Mines & Energy.  Training Needs Assessment Survey of 11 project communities in Central, Western and Eastern Regions of Ghana for UNCHS/MLG & RD/DANIDA.

 Training Consultants for 3rd Micro-projects Programme LOME IV covering 34 administrative districts in Ghana for EU/GOG.

 Collaborative Forest Management Project for ODA/Forestry Department.

 Monitoring and Evaluation of Ghana's General Import Programme, Management of EU Counterpart Fund, commissioned by EU and MFEP.


 Diagnostic Study for the Sam-Sam Pineapple Growers Co-operatives for MOFA/World Bank.

 Evaluation of APPP and FY-PL-480 Title III projects for USAID/GOG.

 GOG/EU/Micro-project LOME III Training Programme involving 15 core districts in Brong Ahafo and Western Regions of Ghana for EU/GOG.

 Mid-Term Evaluation of the 2nd Micro-project Programme for EU/MFEP.  Evaluation of Takoradi and Tema Harbours for EU/MEFP.

 Socio-Economic Baseline Survey of the Techiman District of Ghana for the establishment of Rural Enterprises for IFAD/MEST.


 Baseline Survey: Upper-East Region Land Conservation and Small Holder Rehabilitation Project for IFAD/MOFA.

 Socio-Economic Baseline Survey of Protected Areas in Ghana for IUCN/DGW.


 Education/Training of Project personnel and community leaders at the district/ village levels for EU, IFAD and MOFA.

 Identification and Formulation of Micro-projects e.g. Schools, Rural Water Systems, Agro- Processing, Livestock Management and Health Facilities for EU, District Assemblies.

 Preparation of Integrated Rural Development (IRD) Projects for Dwomo INTERUD Council, EU.

 Baseline Survey of Rural Banks Catchment’s areas for Bank of Ghana, Rural Communities.

 Promotion of group related and community initiated rural projects under the Ghana Microproject Scheme for EU, Dwomo INTERUD Council.

 Evaluation of rural development programmes for EU, USAID.

18 PAB Development Consultants Limited Firm Profile UNIQUENESS OF PAB CONSULT:

PAB Consult has links with various international, as well as, local consulting firms. This helps to keep pace with cost-effective modern trends in consultancy work. PAB is well qualified to assist government, non-governmental organisations, both local and foreign based.

The staff and associates of PAB Consult meet at regular intervals to discuss new assignments and share ideas in the latest developments in the various fields of specialization. This process ensures the delivery of a high quality service that responds to contemporary needs of clients.


We approach every service with the perfect understanding of the needs of clients and the problems the intended service is to solve. We also provide professional advice beyond our contractual obligations to prepare grounds for the next phase of project.


Underlying the uniqueness of PAB Consult is the firm's commitment to client service and interest and its adherence to participatory techniques in service provision. This is made possible by the staff of the firm who are seasoned professionals with considerable years of practical and theoretical experience, both locally and internationally. We are a firm committed, among others, to: ensuring Sustainable Community Development; Institutional/Human Resource Development; Participatory Development; and Poverty Alleviation by direct grassroots parties.

In recent years, PAB Consult has been gradually placing greater emphasis on the conducting of evidence-based research and the dissemination of outcomes through advocacy and the building of coalitions so as to be able to influence the formulation of policies that seek to address issues of development. The firm has, therefore, committed itself to the holistic improvement in the standard of living and the quality of life of the citizens of the nation, right from the policy formulation stage (via research and advocacy) through project design and management, (including monitoring and evaluation) up to the capacity building stage. By this approach, PAB Consult has committed itself to the giving of a voice to the voiceless majority, especially vulnerable women, children, the poor and the physically challenged in our communities.

19 PAB Development Consultants Limited Firm Profile