Vinícius Costa Villas Bôas Segura

UISKEI: Sketching the User Interface and Its Behavior


Dissertation presented to the Postgraduate Program in Informatics of the Departamento de Informática, PUC-Rio as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Mestre em Informática.

Advisor: Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa

Rio de Janeiro March 2011

Vinícius Costa Villas Bôas Segura

UISKEI: Sketching the User Interface and Its Behavior

Dissertation presented to the Postgraduate Program in Informatics of the Departamento de Informática do Centro Técnico Científico da PUC-Rio, as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Mestre.

Profa. Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa Advisor Departamento de Informática - PUC-Rio

Prof. Hugo Fuks Departamento de Informática - PUC-Rio

Prof. Alberto Barbosa Raposo Departamento de Informática - PUC-Rio

Prof. José Eugênio Leal Coordinator of the Centro Técnico Científico - PUC-Rio

Rio de Janeiro, March 30, 2011 All rights reserved.

Vinícius Costa Villas Bôas Segura Graduated in from PUC-Rio in 2008, he works at Tecgraf, a Computer Graphics laboratory from PUC-Rio's. His main focus areas are Human-Computer Interaction and Computer Graphics.

Bibliographic data

Segura, Vinícius Costa Villas Bôas

UISKEI: sketching the user interface and its behavior / Vinícius Costa Villas Bôas Segura ; advisor: Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa. – 2011.

95 f. : il. (color.) ; 30 cm

Dissertação (mestrado)–Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Departamento de Informática, 2011.

Inclui bibliografia

1. Informática – Teses. 2. Interação baseada em caneta. 3. Esboços de interface. 4. Prototipação no estágio inicial. 5.

Desenho do comportamento da interface. I. Barbosa, Simone Diniz Junqueira. II. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. Departamento de Informática. III. Título.

CDD: 004

To my grandma, one of my first teachers. Acknowledgments

To CNPq, for funding my research.

To Simone Barbosa, the best advisor a student could ever ask for. Always present and helpful, knowing how to motivate through curiosity and provide guidance with kindness, instead of adopting the typical "Prof. Smith attitude".

To my family, for the continued support and for keeping up the positive thinking even from afar.

To Clarissa, who may have spent some time away, but is now closer than ever, playing a big role in my life. Thanks for all the encouragement and motivation, you give me the strength to power through.

To PUC people - specially Laris, Jan, Baère and Paula - who accompanied me through the worries of the Masters program and still found time for movie night almost every Friday.

To Tec people, the ones responsible for the soundboard that I now have in my mind, for raising my glucose to dangerous levels with super-sized candies and for all the fun both inside and outside our work place.

To pH people - specially Nat, Fê, Mari and Pedro - for all the good times and the support during this phase.

To my childhood friends, Ray and Bia, for still being there no matter what. Abstract

Segura, Vinícius Costa Villas Bôas; Barbosa, Simone Diniz Junqueira. UISKEI: Sketching the User Interface and Its Behavior. Rio de Janeiro, 2011. 95p. MSc. Dissertation– Departamento de Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro.

During the early user interface design phase, different solutions should be explored and iteratively refined by the design team. In this rapidly evolving scenario, a tool that enables and facilitates changes is of great value. UISKEI takes the power of sketching, allowing the designer to convey his or her idea in a rough and more natural form of expression, and adds the power of computing, which makes manipulation and editing easier. More than an interface prototype drawing tool, UISKEI also features the definition of the prototype behavior, going beyond navigation between user interface containers (e.g. windows, web pages, screen shots) and allowing to define changes to the state of user interface elements and widgets (enabling/disabling widgets, for example). This dissertation presents the main concepts underlying UISKEI and a study on how it compares to similar tools. The user interface drawing stage is detailed, explaining how the conversion of sketches to widgets is made by combining a sketch recognizer, which uses the Levenshtein distance as a similarity measure, and the interpretation of recognized sketches based on an evolution tree. Furthermore, it discusses the different solutions explored to address the issue of drawing an interaction, suggesting an innovative mind-map-like visualization approach that enables the user to express the event, conditions and actions of each interaction case while still keeping the pen-based interaction paradigm in mind.

Keywords Pen-based interaction; user interface sketching; ink; early prototyping; sketching user interface behavior Resumo

Segura, Vinícius Costa Villas Bôas; Barbosa, Simone Diniz Junqueira. UISKEI: Sketching the User Interface and Its Behavior. Rio de Janeiro, 2011. 95p. Dissertação de Mestrado – Departamento de Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro.

Durante o estágio inicial do design de uma interface com usuário, diferentes soluções devem ser exploradas e refinadas iterativamente pela equipe de design. Nesse cenário de mudanças rápidas e constantes, uma ferramenta que permita e facilite essas mudanças é de grande valia. UISKEI explora o poder do desenho, possibilitando ao designer transmitir sua ideia com uma forma de expressão mais natural, e adiciona o poder computacional, facilitando a manipulação e edição dos elementos. Mais do que uma ferramenta de desenho de protótipos de interface, UISKEI também permite a definição do comportamento da interface, indo além da navegação entre contêineres de interfaces (por exemplo, janelas, páginas web, capturas de telas) e possibilitando definir mudanças nos estados dos elementos de interface (habilitando e desabilitando-os, por exemplo). Essa dissertação apresenta os conceitos principais por trás do UISKEI e um estudo de como ele se compara a ferramentas similares. A etapa de desenho da interface é detalhada, explicando como a conversão dos traços em widgets é feita através da combinação de um reconhecedor de traços, que usa a distância de Levenshtein como medida de similaridade, e a interpretação dos traços reconhecidos baseada em uma árvore de evoluções. Além disso, também são discutidas as diferentes soluções exploradas para endereçar o problema do desenho da interação, propondo uma visualização inovadora no estilo mind-map que possibilita ao usuário expressar o evento, as condições e ações de cada caso de interação, sem abandonar o paradigma da interação com caneta.

Palavras-chave Interação baseada em caneta; esboços de interface; prototipação no estágio inicial; desenho do comportamento da interface Contents

1 Introduction ______14

2 Related work ______16 2.1 Mouse-based prototyping ______16 2.1.1. Microsoft Visio ______16 2.1.2. Balsamiq ______17 2.1.3. Axure RP Pro ______18 2.2 Pen-based prototyping software ______19 2.2.1. DENIM ______19 2.2.2. SketchiXML ______21 2.2.3. CogTool ______23 2.3 Summary ______25

3 UISKEI ______27 3.1 Early version study ______30 3.2 New version requirements ______31

4 Drawing the interface ______32 4.1 Segments ______32 4.2 Shapes ______34 4.3 Element descriptors ______35 4.4 Recognition ______37 4.5 Element properties ______38

5 Drawing the behavior ______41 5.1 ECA ______41 5.1.1. Events (When) ______42 5.1.2. Conditions (If) ______42 5.1.3. Actions (Do) ______43 5.1.4. Valid ECAs ______44 5.2 Drawing ECAs ______44

6 Prototype evaluation ______50

7 Recognizer test ______53

8 User evaluation study ______59 8.1 Evaluation method ______60 8.2 Evaluation results ______62 8.3 Participants’ opinions ______65

9 Conclusion and Future work ______67 9.1 Shapes and element descriptors ______68 9.2 Recognizer ______69 9.3 ECA ______69 9.4 Prototype evaluation ______70

10 Bibliography ______71

11 Appendix A: Implementing UISKEI ______75 11.1 uskModel ______75 11.2 uskRecognizer ______78 11.3 uskWizard ______80

12 Appendix B: Evaluation study script ______84 12.1 Description ______84 12.2 Questionnaire ______85 12.3 First Cycle ______87 12.3.1. Scenario 01 ______87 12.3.2. Task 01 ______87 12.4 Second Cycle ______88 12.4.1. Scenario 02 ______88 12.4.2. Task 02 ______88 12.5 Third Cycle ______89 12.5.1. Scenario 03 ______89 12.5.2. Task 03 ______90

13 Appendix B: Complete test results ______91

List of Figures

Figure 1: Microsoft Visio 2007. ______17 Figure 2: Balsamiq. ______18 Figure 3: Axure RP Pro. ______18 Figure 4: Defining behavior with Axure RP Pro. ______19 Figure 5: DENIM. ______20 Figure 6: DENIM gesture system. ______20 Figure 7: DENIM’s representation of conditionals. ______21 Figure 8: SketchiXML. ______22 Figure 9: Different levels of representation in SketchiXML. ______23 Figure 10: CogTool. ______24 Figure 11: Simulation in CogTool. ______24 Figure 12: A simple interaction design model. ______27 Figure 13: Action Manager of UISKEI’s early version. ______30 Figure 14: Drawing a rectangle in three different ways. ______32 Figure 15: Multiple strokes that should be grouped but not merged. ___ 33 Figure 16: The directions compass rose. ______34 Figure 17: The rectangle shape as a string. ______34 Figure 18: Language to create elements. ______36 Figure 19: Douglas Peucker algorithm ______37 Figure 20: Labels. ______39 Figure 21: ECAMan interface. ______42 Figure 22: ECA buttons. ______45 Figure 23: Pie menu allows a single stroke to define all parameters. ___ 46 Figure 24: Element condition (left) and action (right) pie menus. ______47 Figure 25: Presentation unit filmstrip. ______47 Figure 26: DENIM combinatorial explosion. ______48 Figure 27: ECA mind-map-like representation. ______49 Figure 28: Prototype evaluation example. ______51 Figure 29: The evolution of login screens through the cycles. ______59

Figure 30: Average scores per question. ______62 Figure 31: Average score per group of questions. ______64 Figure 32: Summary of interview results. ______64 Figure 33: Class diagram for uskModel. ______75 Figure 34: ElementDescriptor class. ______77 Figure 35: Operations enums. ______78 Figure 36: Class diagram for uskRecognizer. ______79 Figure 37: Class diagram for uskWizard. ______81

List of Tables

Table 1: Software comparison. ______25 Table 2: Elements’ states. ______40 Table 3: Condition and action creation. ______45 Table 4: Top 10 recognizer configuration results organized by success percentage. ______55 Table 5: Top 10 recognizer configuration results organized by average shape success percentage. ______56 Table 6: Shape analysis for best success percentage configuration. _ 57 Table 7: Shape analysis for best average success percentage configuration. ______58 Table 8: UISKEI comparison with related software. ______68 Table 9: Tools presentation order. ______91 Table 10: Questionnaire answers. ______91 Table 11: First cycle questionnaire answers and statistics. ______92 Table 12: Second cycle questionnaire answers and statistics. ______93 Table 13: Third cycle questionnaire answers and statistics. ______94 E como as esperanças têm esse fado que cumprir, nascer uma das outras, por isso é que, apesar de tantas decepções, ainda não se acabaram no mundo José Saramago, As Intermitências Da Morte

I almost wish I hadn't gone down that rabbit hole - and yet - and yet - it's rather curious , you know, this sort of life. Lewis Carrol, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 1 Introduction

During the early user interface (UI) design phase, different design solutions should be explored and iteratively refined by the design team. Sketching on paper is acknowledged as a quick way to document ideas and design details before they are forgotten. However, paper sketches are hard to be kept and modified, particularly in a rapidly evolving scenario, which often results in having to redraw the mockups several times (Landay & Myers, 1995). Incorporating the sketch‘s natural, unconstrained and informal virtues, for which it is praised in many areas (Kieffer, Coyette, & Vanderdonckt, 2010) into a computational solution could make early prototyping easier and faster. As stated by Gross, ―certainly there are many practical benefits to addressing and resolving the challenges of sketch-based interaction and modeling: the design, graphics, and media industries depend heavily on drawing, and being able to engage with artists and designers in their (still) preferred medium of choice is a tremendous advantage‖ (Gross, 2009). Even with the advantages of sketches, the mouse-based interaction is very popular and well established amongst users. Due to the large number of years spent using this technology, mouse-based computer interfaces for drawing graphics are considered so efficient and ―natural‖ that, nowadays, changing from mouse to pen would shift industry practices (Kurtenbach, 2010). Besides that, most applications that come with pen-based computers such as Tablet PCs are still designed focusing in the mouse-based interaction, usually ignoring the power of pen strokes and sketching (Davis, Saponas, Shilman, & Landay, 2007). However, as technology advances and bigger screens and portable devices become more popular, the mouse supremacy may be at stake: it may still be the predominant pointing device for conventional desktop Graphical User Interfaces (GUI), but as new devices arise, the comprehension of new input methods is becoming more important, amongst them, the pen input (Po, Fisher, & Booth, 2005). Developing a pen-based application implies in a paradigm break, going beyond a simple redesign and actually rethinking the application to take 15

advantage of the pen input‘s intrinsic capacity for rapid, direct, modeless 2D expression (Gross, 2009). This dissertation presents UISKEI (User Interface Sketching and Evaluation Instrument), a tool being developed bearing in mind the use of a Tablet PC, so as to explore how the pen can be used in a ―paperless‖ user interface prototyping application. Maintaining the natural characteristic of drawing shapes on paper, it adds the computational power of moving shapes, resizing them and interpreting them as interface elements. More than an interface prototype drawing tool, UISKEI also features the definition of the prototype‘s behavior, going beyond navigation between user interface containers (e.g. windows, web pages, screen shots) to allow changes to be made to the state of user interface elements and widgets (enabling/disabling widgets, for example). This dissertation also presents a study and comparison of similar tools (Chapter 2) and the main concepts underlying UISKEI (Chapter 3). The user interface drawing stage is detailed in Chapter 4, explaining how the conversion of sketches to widgets is made by combining a sketch recognizer, which uses the Douglas-Peucker simplification algorithm and the Levenshtein distance as a similarity measure, and the interpretation of recognized sketches based on an evolution tree. Chapter 5 discusses the different solutions explored to address the issue of drawing an interface behavior, suggesting an innovative mind-map-like visualization approach that enables the user to express the event, conditions and actions of each interaction case, while still keeping the pen interaction paradigm in mind. Chapter 6 explains how the end users can interact with the simulation of the sketched user interface and thus help to evaluate its behavior. Chapter 7 describes a test to determine the values to be used in the recognizer. Chapter 8 presents an evaluation study of creating a prototyping — from the interface building and its behavior definition to the prototype evaluation — using UISKEI and two other techniques (paper prototyping and Balsamiq®). The last chapter (Chapter 9) suggests future work and presents the final conclusions of this dissertation.

2 Related work

Several tools can aid the prototyping stage, with many approaches available: desktop or web-based applications, UI-specific or generic diagrammatic solutions, mouse-based or pen-based interaction, amongst others. Lists of some products can be found online, for example, in (Harrelson, 2009) or (Barber, 2009). An overview of some widely used applications will be presented in the following sections. Section 2.1 analyzes mouse-based prototyping software and Section 2.2, pen-based ones. Section 2.3 presents a comparison table summarizing the analyzed applications.

2.1 Mouse-based prototyping software

2.1.1. Microsoft Visio

Microsoft Visio 1 is a tool that allows the creation of various types of diagrams - from flowcharts to Windows-style user interfaces. For each type, a pre- defined set of elements is presented and, by drag-and-drop, the selected ones are added to the representation being built. Although largely known and utilized, Microsoft Visio presents relevant limitations. Since it handles a wide array of diagram types, it is a rather generic solution to the UI prototyping problem. Therefore, specific behavior is not supported, allowing only the navigation between screens. Its strength resides in the fact that the mockup interface is really similar to the final result in a Windows XP environment, as seen in Figure 1.

1 Information about the latest version can be found at 17

Figure 1: Microsoft Visio 2007.

2.1.2. Balsamiq

Balsamiq2 is a very popular UI prototyping software as of the writing of this dissertation. It presents a collection of 75 elements that can be added to the mockup, varying the complexity from simple buttons and labels to more complex ones, such as a formatting toolbar or an iTunes-like cover flow. Elements are added by drag-and-drop and the only possible interaction with them is as hyperlinks between mock-ups (for example, a checkbox cannot toggle its ―checked‖ state during the ―full-screen presentation‖). This limitation is a major disadvantage of the software, since if the designer wants to create an interactive prototype, he/she must build copies of the same interface with the elements in different states and then create links between these mock-ups. Moreover, not all elements can have hyperlinks associated to them. For instance, cover flow, numeric stepper and playback controls cannot trigger navigation actions. Although not pen-based, Balsamiq‘s elements have a ―sketchy‖ look-and- feel, which can be seen in Figure 2. This helps to enhance the conceptual

2 18

difference between ―prototype‖ and ―product‖ to the final user, thus ―can help to disarm those who think that suddenly your software is ‗done‘‖ (Harrelson, 2009).

Figure 2: Balsamiq3.

2.1.3. Axure RP Pro

Another UI prototype tool is the Axure RP Pro4. It supports defining other forms of interaction than only navigating between screens, allowing the generation of a functional prototype with less effort. Its interface can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Axure RP Pro5.

3 Image taken from: 4 5 Image taken from: 19

The addition of elements is also done by drag-and-drop and there is an extensive list of properties to be defined for each element. The form-based paradigm extends to the definition of the interactive behavior, being necessary to fill out some fields and requiring several mouse clicks, as can be seen in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Defining behavior with Axure RP Pro6.

2.2 Pen-based prototyping software

2.2.1. DENIM

DENIM 7 (Lin, Thomsen, & Landay, 2002) explores the pen-based interaction paradigm to aid the initial states of website development. Its main characteristic is the different zoom levels to view the project, going from a macro vision – the site map – to a micro vision – a single page. The pen strokes easily create links between pages by dragging lines between them, as can be seen in Figure 5, in which the ―Home‖ page links to the ―Weather‖ page.

6 Images taken from: and 7 20

Figure 5: DENIM.

DENIM also features a gesture system that naturally flows along with the drawing of pages. If the user holds the pen‘s barrel button or the CTRL key, the drawing will be interpreted as a gesture, following the language presented in Figure 6. The gesture system allows frequent operations, such as undo/redo and cut/copy/paste, to be executed directly from the canvas, without changing the drawing paradigm by adding an implicit mode of interaction (a ―gesture mode‖ activated by the holding of the pen‘s barrel button or the CTRL key).

Figure 6: DENIM gesture system8.

8 Images taken from online documentation available at : 21

However, even heavily based on drawing, the addition of WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointers) elements still relies on specific tools that work as ―stamps‖, as can be seen in the lower bar of Figure 5. Another limitation is that the only available actions are navigational (hyperlinks), but it is possible to make a conditional navigational depending on the state of elements. Such conditionals are displayed one at a time, without highlighting which component is related to each conditional. As can be seen in Figure 7, the checkbox is responsible for the two possible navigational paths, but it is not highlighted in any way.

Figure 7: DENIM‘s representation of conditionals9.

One nice feature is the idea of ―custom component‖, allowing the use of a user-defined element in the application. The operations regarding custom components — such as creating, adding and editing — are accessible through the pie menu, so it is not possible to add these components through drawing or stamps as the regular ones.

2.2.2. SketchiXML

The SketchiXML10 is a ―multi-agent application able to handle several kinds of hand-drawn sources as input, and to provide the corresponding specification in UsiXML― (Coyette, Faulkner, Kolp, Limbourg, & Vanderdonckt, 2004). It focuses on UI sketching and has its own gestural language to add elements through drawing, which can be seen in Figure 8.

9 Images taken from online documentation available at: htm 10 22

Figure 8: SketchiXML11.

Not all elements can trigger actions. For instance, a button can trigger multiple actions, but an image can trigger none. Moreover, these actions are limited to navigation between screens. This behavior definition is done in the ―Navigate‖ mode, where the screens are presented as thumbnails in a 2-D space. Then they can be organized by the user, since he/she is unaware of this 2-D space when he is building the screens. The addition of actions explores the pen input, since we need to draw a line connecting the element that will trigger the action to the screen that will be shown. When a valid connection is available, the line being drawn changes its color, giving feedback that an action can then be created. After lifting the pen, a pop-up menu appears so the user can choose what action will be created (open/close, minimize/maximize, bring to front/back). The creation of an action therefore happens in two steps: drawing a line to determine the trigger element and the target screen and then selecting the action from the pop-up menu. A particular characteristic of SketchiXML is that it has different levels of the mockup visual representation: the original stroke, a ―beautified‖ stroke, a conceptual version of the element and the element as would be shown at the interface of the current running . The different representation levels can be seen in Figure 9, starting from the top-left corner and going clockwise:

11 Image taken from: 23

Figure 9: Different levels of representation in SketchiXML.

2.2.3. CogTool

CogTool12 is a software currently being developed by the Carnegie Mellon University that, besides creating UI prototypes, ―automatically evaluates your design with a predictive human performance model‖ (Carnegie Mellon University, 2009). One difference from all other evaluated tools is that CogTool supports different input devices (not only the usual keyboard and mouse, but also touch screen and microphone) and audio as another output device in addition to the monitor screen. In CogTool, a project consists of frames, related to the windows of the interface being designed. The elements are defined by drawing a rectangular area that will be occupied by it. Despite having this rectangle drawing component, the user must choose the corresponding tool to choose the element type. Between frames it is possible to add a transition, having an event (such as a mouse or keyboard input) associated to it. These transitions can be shown in a storyboard-like fashion, allowing an overview of the project and the relations between frames, as can be seen in Figure 10.

12 24

Figure 10: CogTool.

Having defined the frames and transitions, it is possible to make a GOMS task analysis simulation with a ―cognitive crash dummy‖ (as described in the project‘s webpage), measuring the time elapsed in each step. In the end, a graph summarizing the results is displayed, as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11: Simulation in CogTool. 25

Besides a good task analysis, the prototype is very simplified, since all user interface elements are graphically represented by rectangles (bounding boxes) with which users can interact. As the main focus is the automated task analysis to be used by the design team, the choice for this simplified representation is justified. However, if the prototype is presented to an end user, we believe that this design choice of only displaying bounding boxes could result in some confusion.

2.3 Summary

Table 1 presents a comparison of the tools described in this chapter. Each lines represents a feature, showing whether the tool has (y) or does not have (n) a certain feature. When a certain feature depends on another, it is indented in a tree- like fashion with ―>>―. In this case, if the tool does not have the ―parent‖ feature, it is marked with an ―x‖. Empty cells means that the features were not evaluated.

Table 1: Software comparison.

Microsoft VisioMicrosoft RP ProAxure Denim SketchiXML Balsamiq CogTool Free n n y y n y UI-prototype exclusive (vs generic diagrammatic tool) n y y y y n UI components for multiple environments (vs web- y y n y y y page prototype only) Drawing widgets n n n y n n >> Evolution of widgets x x x n x x Element manipulation y n n y y Undo/Redo y y y y y Group/Ungroup y y n y n >> Select internal objects y x x n x Cut/Copy/Paste y y y y y >> Copies the action n n n y n Zoom levels y y y y y Guidelines n n n y n Layer ordering y n n y y Sketchy visual n n y y y y Actions n y y y y y >> Beyond navigation x y n n n n >> Sketchy interaction x n y y n y >> Event x y y n n y >> Conditions x n y n n n Prototype evaluation x y y n y y Save y y y n y y 26

As we will see in the next chapters, UISKEI targets the prototyping process with a pen-based interaction approach, not only during interface building but also when defining the interface behavior. Moreover, the behavior defined should go beyond navigational purposes and be conditionally triggered, combination only present in Axure RP Pro, but without the sketchy interaction. 3 UISKEI

There is a common belief that to build a good user interface, we must refine the solutions iteratively, testing with users to gather feedback and revise them as many time as possible (Szekely, 1994). This ideal interaction design life cycle encompasses a series of inter-related activities, which are part of a greater iterative process. A simple model of this idea can be found in (Preece, Rogers, & Sharp, 2002) and is displayed in the figure below:

Figure 12: A simple interaction design model13.

UISKEI (User Interface Sketching and Evaluation Instrument) was developed to aid this life cycle in the early prototyping phase, considering that it can be summarized in three major iterative stages: 1. Interface building  The ―(Re)Design‖ stage, choosing which elements compose the interface and their position, size, etc.; 2. Behavior definition  The ―Build an interactive version‖ stage, describing how the prototype works; 3. Prototype evaluation  The ―Evaluate‖ stage, allowing end users to interact with the prototype to gather their feedback.

13 Image 6.7, taken from Section 6.4.1 of (Preece, Rogers, & Sharp, 2002) 28

During the early prototyping phase, sketching can be highly beneficial due to its inherent speed - allowing rapid exploration and iteration of different ideas - and ambiguity - allowing the designer to focus on basic structural issues rather than unimportant details and also allowing multiple interpretations, which can lead to new ideas (Lin, Thomsen, & Landay, 2002). Also, the freeform nature of sketch allows the design to be more creative and exploratory than when using the computer (Hong, Landay, Long, & Mankoff, 2002). If pen-based interaction resembles the paper experience, why do designers find it easier to sketch on paper? Hammond et al. explain this by claiming that ―a gulf still exists between the sketch recognition system and the user. To the user, a new mode of interaction is occurring, pen input; however, this conceptual model is inaccurate as the computer still interprets the pen under the mouse/keyboard archetype. No longer can the pen merely stand in for the mouse; rather, a new paradigm of human-computer interaction must be designed around the pen and recognition of the pen input. Pen-based interfaces should provide interpretation and feedback in a natural and intuitive manner, rather than locking the user into mouse-like interactions.‖ (Hammond, Lank, & Adler, 2010) UISKEI tries to overcome this gulf, creating a rapid ―paperless‖ early prototyping environment, granting the flexibility and speed of the pen and paper version along with interesting computational features, such as moving and resizing. ―Sketching is fundamental to ideation and design. (…) Designers do not draw sketches to externally represent ideas that are already consolidated in their minds. Rather, they draw sketches to try out ideas, usually vague and uncertain ones― (Tohidi, Buxton, Baecker, & Sellen, 2006b). By relying on sketching, we aim to stimulate the exploration of the solution space during the early phases of design. This allows a low cost development of more design alternatives and the possibility to refine them, increasing the chances of obtaining the design right (Tohidi, Buxton, Baecker, & Sellen, 2006a). Sketching UI designs has already shown advantages according to a study by Kieffer et al.(Kieffer, Coyette, & Vanderdonckt, 2010), as follows:  ―UI sketching is preferred over traditional interface builders, especially by end users and could be performed at different levels of fidelity without losing advantages; 29

 the amount of usability problems discovered with a sketched design is not inferior to those corresponding to a genuine UI;  the expressive power of a sketched UI remains the same;  a sketched UI provides quantitative and qualitative results that are comparable to traditional UI prototypes except that the cost is reduced;  UI sketching encourages exploratory design and fosters communication between stakeholders more than any other prototype;  flexibility is superior to UI builders, authoring tools, and paper prototypes.‖ Aiming for the pen-based interaction and to aid in all the three stages of prototyping, the main requirements of UISKEI are detailed below:  Interface building o Produce mock-ups of graphical user interfaces through pen- based interaction; o Recognize and convert the sketched elements into interactive elements of the interface model (widgets); o Manipulate and edit the widgets  Behavior definition o Define a case, composed by a set of conditions and actions associated to an event;  Prototype evaluation o Evaluate an interactive version of the prototype, in order to realize formative evaluation during the design process; UISKEI's early version will be discussed in Section 3.1 and the main focus of the new version will be discussed in Section 3.2. The new version approach to each stage will be detailed in further chapters: the interface building will be described in Chapter 4, the interaction definition in Chapter 5, and the prototype simulation in Chapter 6. 30

3.1 Early version study

A previous version of UISKEI was developed in 2008 as an undergraduate final project (Segura & Barbosa, 2008). This version already explored the drawing of elements which are the basis for interface building, but the behavior definition heavily relied on the form-based interaction, as can be seen in Figure 13.

Figure 13: Action Manager of UISKEI‘s early version.

To add a new behavior, the user should first select the element associated with the event, then click in the ―Manage Actions…‖ button (the lower button on the element‘s properties pane, pictured in the top-right portion of Figure 13) to open the ―Action Manager‖ window. In this window (pictured in the left portion of Figure 13), the user should add a new behavior case, by clicking in the ―Add case‖ button and then define the conditions and actions associated to the behavior case. To add a condition, he/she should click in the ―Add condition‖ button and then choose the parameters in two drop-down lists. To add an action, he/she should first click in the ―Add action‖ button, then choose one action type by selecting it amongst the available radio buttons. When the action type was chosen, the parameter pane changed accordingly, as can be seen in the zoomed region of Figure 13, which shows all the possible panes. With this description, it is possible 31

to notice the amount of mouse clicks needed to define a behavior, completely breaking the pen-based interaction paradigm of the interface building phase. In addition, the recognition algorithm was hard-coded, restricting the known shapes, and with a recognition rate around 58,6%. An early study (Segura & Barbosa, 2009) considering the end user role and comparing the paper prototyping evaluation technique to an interaction session supported by UISKEI showed that UISKEI was generally well accepted by the study participants, thereby justifying working towards a new version.

3.2 New version requirements

The main issue in the early version was the paradigm break between stages: while the interface building was done in a pen-based style, the interaction definition was done with lots of mouse clicks on a form. Therefore, the major challenges we wanted to address in the new version were to define interaction in the canvas and to show it to the user in a comprehensible way. Another improvement was to make the software more customizable, by allowing users to define the collection of elements that could be sketched and recognized. This means that the collection of recognized shapes should be customizable as well and the hard-coded recognition system should be revised.

4 Drawing the interface

A prototype in UISKEI is composed by presentation units, which are user interface containers that can represent a window or a webpage, for example. Elements are then added to the presentation units. An element can be a widget (recognized element) or a scribble (unrecognized element). The elements‘ creation process by drawing them will be detailed in the next sections, covering all steps from the user drawing a stroke, to the stroke being recognized as a shape and, finally, to the element being created. Section 4.1 discusses how UISKEI converts the ink stroke to a Segment data structure. Section 4.2 describes how the shapes are defined as a string. Section 4.3 presents the ElementDescriptor concept to define an element in UISKEI. Section 4.4 details the recognition process. Finally, Section 4.5 enumerates the available elements' properties.

4.1 Segments

When the user starts drawing, he/she may express his/her idea using a single line or several lines. The ink SDK considers that a stroke was created every time the user lifts up the pen, even if he/she is in the middle of a drawing. Multiple strokes can therefore frequently be combined into a single segment. For example, a rectangle can be drawn using a single stroke or more than one, as seen in the figure below (where the dot marks the initial point of each stroke):

Figure 14: Drawing a rectangle in three different ways.

As can be seen, the leftmost rectangle (Figure 14a) was drawn with a single stroke, while the other ones were drawn with different combinations of two 33

strokes: Figure 14b has the initial point of a stroke near the end point of the other, whilst Figure 14c has the initial point and end point of the strokes near one another. To simplify the shape recognition process, the strokes are converted into a Segment, which is a list of points with a bounding box. When strokes can be combined, like in Figure 14b and Figure 14c, they are merged into a single Segment, only having to change the stroke‘s direction if needed (as happens in Figure 14c). Though merging solves part of the problem, the user can still have a drawing with multiple strokes that can‘t be combined into a single one. For example, if he/she wants to write the word ―test‖ or draw a square with an ―X‖ inside, he/she may end up with three strokes in each drawing that should not be combined, as illustrated in the figure below.

Figure 15: Multiple strokes that should be grouped but not merged.

Besides merging strokes into Segment, it is also needed to group strokes that can‘t be merged. Therefore, a MultipleSegments is a list of Segment with a bounding box. When the user draws a stroke, it is converted to a Segment and added to the current MultipleSegments being drawn, with three possible outcomes:  The new Segment is merged with another Segment already in the MultipleSegments (when its initial point is close enough to the initial/end point of the other segment, like Figure 14b and Figure 14c);  It is added to the MultipleSegments (when it couldn‘t be merged to another Segment, but it is still close enough to be considered part of the drawing, like in Figure 15);  It can‘t be added. When the new Segment cannot be added to the current MultipleSegments (or there is none), the current MultipleSegments is ready to be recognized and converted to an element (as will be show in Section 4.2) and a new MultipleSegments is created with the new Segment. 34

Another way that the current MultipleSegments may enter the recognition process is when the user changes the current presentation unit or takes too long between strokes, since we consider that the user finished his/her drawing after a certain amount of time of inactivity.

4.2 Shapes

In order for the recognition process to take place, the user drawings (already converted to Segment and MultipleSegments) must first be associated to a known shape. In UISKEI, a Shape is defined by the series of stroke directions that makes its drawing, similar to the work of (Cha, Shin, & Srihari, 1999). The directions can be one of the four cardinal directions (N, S, E, W) or the four ordinal directions (NE, NW, SE, SW). To simplify the notation, each direction was associated with a single character, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 16: The directions compass rose.

Based on this abstraction, each shape of p points can be denoted as a string of p-1 characters. But a shape can be drawn in different ways and the application should respond to how the drawing looks, not how it was made (Sezgin, Stahovich, & Davis, 2006). Taking for example the rectangle, the drawing has 5 points (to close it, the end point should be in the same position as the first point), so it can be expressed as a string of 4 characters, as illustrated in the following figure:

Figure 17: The rectangle shape as a string. 35

As can be seen, a shape can be expressed by different combinations of its n directions. If the shape is open (i.e. the end point is different from the initial point), like a ‗\_|‘ shape, it has 2 variants: drawing from left to right (―DCA‖) or drawing from right to left (―EGH‖). If the shape is closed, as in the rectangle example, it depends on the starting point of the drawing (the columns in Figure 17), having n possibilities, and the direction of the drawing (the rows in Figure 17), having 2 variations (clockwise and counter-clockwise) to each previous possibility, summing up to 2n variations. When a user wants to create a new shape, he/she must create a text file with only the ―base case‖ of the shape and whether it is closed or not, name the file with the name of the shape and with a .shp extension and place it in a specific directory. The text should follow this pattern, where the first term indicates if it is a closed shape (y) or not (n) and the second term is the string of the ―base case‖: [y/n] ([A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H]+) UISKEI will look for available shapes when building the shape library at load time, creating all the variations in the process. For example, the Rectangle.shp file should contain only the line y CEGA and UISKEI would generate the 8 possible strings (―CEGA‖/‖ECAG‖, ―ACEG‖/‖GECA‖, ―GACE‖/‖AGEC‖, ―EGAC‖/‖CAGE‖).

4.3 Element descriptors

Besides a list of Shapes, the recognition process also needs a list of ElementDescriptors. An ElementDescriptor defines many characteristics of a recognized widget, such as how it is drawn, what its possible states are (to be described later, in Section 4.5), how it handles events, which events it handles, and also how the elements can be recognized. By having a descriptor, the behavior of an element is delegated to it, allowing the customization of the known widgets. Ideally, the user should be able to implement new widgets by creating new ElementDescriptors. However, the definition of a description language to allow the customization of widgets, 36

such as described in (Hammond & Davis, 2006), lies outside the scope of this dissertation. Consequently, the ElementDescriptors were hard-coded, allowing for easier manipulation during the development phase and shedding some light on which operations and operators the descriptor language should support. At the moment, UISKEI supports the following elements:  Button  Checkbox  DropDown  Frame  Label  Radio  Spinbox  Textbox Since the creation of the elements is done through drawing, the ElementDescriptor should know how the element is drawn. In order to do that, it uses the Shape name and may apply some restrictions to it, such as a limit in height and/or width and whether it was drawn inside a specific element. The last restriction is responsible for the ―evolution‖ of elements, a characteristic unique to UISKEI among the researched tools. A summary of how the widgets are created is seen in Figure 18:

Figure 18: Language to create elements. 37

While in recognition mode, a small circle will be converted into a radio button and a small square, to a checkbox, for example. Figure 18 shows how both restrictions work: the size restriction is what determines if the rectangle is a checkbox, a button or a frame, and the evolution restriction determines if the horizontal line is a label or a textbox.

4.4 Recognition

When a MultipleSegments enters the recognition process, each of its Segments is simplified and converted into a string, following the same notation described in Section 4.2. The simplification process uses the Douglas-Peucker algorithm (Douglas & Peucker, 1973) to find the drawing‘s significant points, reducing noise as can be seen in Figure 19, and a tolerance regarding the size of which line segments should be converted into a ―direction character‖.

Figure 19: Douglas Peucker algorithm14

14 Image taken from: Algorithm 38

Then, this string is compared to all strings corresponding to each preloaded shape using the Levenshtein distance algorithm (Gusfield, 1997, p. 215), using the difference between directions as a cost to the algorithm‘s operation. The overall distance between the Segment‘s string and the shape‘s string is calculated proportionally to the segment‘s length, so that longer Segments, more prone to noise and less accurate, can still be recognized. If the smallest distance (i.e., the best match) is less than a threshold, the Segment is associated to the Shape. If an association is made, it runs through the list of loaded ElementDescriptors to check for the first possible match. For the elements‘ evolution to work, the list should be ordered by the descriptor complexity: if it does not evolve, its complexity is 1; otherwise its complexity is 1 + the complexity of the ―ancestor‖ element. This guarantees that the most complex elements will be checked first, ensuring that, for example, a horizontal line will generate a label only if it is not possible to generate a textbox with it. If no association to a Shape is made or no ElementDescriptor matches the configuration, the Segment remains as it was drawn (an unrecognized element is called a Scribble). This way, the user can create and manipulate any kind of new element, even if it is not turned into a widget, making the software more flexible.

4.5 Element properties

Each element, no matter whether recognized, unrecognized, or a group, has a number of properties which will be defined in the next sections.  Name: The element‘s name is how the designer will reference the element throughout the design process. By default, each element will be created with a name in the form (e.g.: Button1, Checkbox4, Radio42), assigning a unique name to each new one in the same presentation unit (elements from different presentation units may have the same name). 39

 Label: The label is an auxiliary text that accompanies the element and varies its position accordingly, as can be seen in Figure 20 (the names of the elements were written as their labels):

Figure 20: Labels.

 Position: The position (x,y) in the presentation unit, always referring to the top-left position of the element related to the top-left of the presentation unit, disregarding the element‘s label.  Size: The element‘s width and height, disregarding the element‘s label dimensions. Some elements are created with fixed values in either direction, regardless of their drawing. For example, checkboxes are always created with the same width and height, while buttons are always created with the same height to help to establish a more consistent look and feel.  Enabled / Disabled: This relates to how the element is first displayed during a simulation with the client. When the element is disabled, its representation is grayed, so the designer can know what the initial configuration is.  Visible / Invisible: Similar to enabled/disabled, indicates if the element is visible in the beginning of the simulation. If the element is invisible, it is drawn in a light shade of blue in the ―design view‖ and it does not appear to the client during the simulation. If the element is disabled and invisible, the representation of invisible is the one shown.  States: States are possible values for the elements. Each one has its own set, expressed in the following table: 40

Table 2: Elements‘ states. Element Number of states States Button No states Checkbox 3 states Checked / Unchecked / Mixed DropDown Custom states A string that the user can select later Frame No states Label No states Radio 2 states Checked / Unchecked Spinbox 2 states Up / Down Textbox 3 pre-defined + Blank / Valid / Invalid Custom states A name, a pattern and a sample text In the textbox case, the states are defined in a table-like fashion. Each one has a name, which is how the state is presented to the designer, may have a pattern, which is used in the simulation to propose the state after the user‘s input of text, and may have a default text, which is the text to appear at the initial state. The pattern is a regular expression, which will be used when a text is entered in the textbox to determine its new state.  Initial state: The state shown to the user at the beginning of the simulation.

5 Drawing the behavior

To define the behavior of the prototype, the designer must think about the event associated to the behavior and which element triggers it, the conditions under which the behavior will happen and which actions will be executed. This ECA (event, conditions and actions) represents a single case of the element‘s behavior, since another set of conditions can trigger a different set of actions. This chapter explains both the ECA logic (Section 5.1) and how to define an ECA in UISKEI (Section 5.2).

5.1 ECA

To define the interface behavior, we needed a language to express how to react to elements‘ events (e.g. mouse clicks, text input), empowering the designer to choose what to do when the interface is at a given state. We found that ECA (Event Condition Action) languages could be an intuitive and powerful paradigm to this situation (Alferes, Banti, & Brogi, 2006). They are used in many applications — such as in active databases, workflow management, network management, etc. Also, they have a declarative syntax being more easily analyzed when compared to implementing with a programming language (Bailey, Poulovassilis, & Wood, 2002). In UISKEI, an ECA represents a behavior case, following the idea of ―when an happens, if all are satisfied, then the take place‖. It has a name that the user may enter to make the association to the behavior case defined clearer (the default name is ― - ECA ―, the event which will trigger it, a list of conditions and a list of actions. All the ECAs are shown in the ECAMan sidebar (ECAs Manager), allowing the user to rapidly see them, as shown in Figure 21. 42

Figure 21: ECAMan interface.

As can be seen in the right pane, the ECAMan sidebar shows all ECAs in the project (lower list) and gives the details of the current selected ECA, allowing users to edit the ECA name and see the list of conditions and actions. The events will be discussed in the following section, while conditions will be discussed in Section 5.1.2, and the actions in Section 5.1.3. In Section 5.1.4, the concept of a "valid ECA" is introduced.

5.1.1. Events (When)

An event is the action which may trigger an ECA. Each element has its own pre-defined events. While buttons, checkboxes and radio buttons can handle the ―Clicked‖ event, textboxes can handle the ―Text Changed‖ event and the dropdown lists can handle the ―Selection Changed‖ event. For now, an element can only have one event, but future work may overcome this limitation.

5.1.2. Conditions (If)

Conditions are expressions that must be satisfied in order to trigger an ECA. The conditions currently supported by UISKEI are related to the status of an element and are described below:  Element conditions o If the element is in state 43

o If the element is o If the element is An ECA‘s set of conditions has an internal operator of ―AND‖, so all conditions must be met to activate the ECA. The ―OR‖ operator can be achieved by defining a new ECA. Ideally, the ECAs of an element should be mutually exclusive, since if two or more of them can be activated in a given situation, only the first one in the list will do so. Therefore, the ECAs‘ order in the ECAMan is important to the simulation.

5.1.3. Actions (Do)

An action is an operation that will be performed if activated, changing the simulation state. While conditions may only refer to elements, an action can refer to an element, to a presentation unit or to a default kind of message. The operations available to each group can be seen in the following list:  Element actions o Change element to state o Make the element o Toggle the element‘s visibility status o Make the element o Toggle the element‘s enabled status  Presentation unit actions o the presentation unit  Default message actions o Show a message with When an ECA event is triggered, if the set of conditions is satisfied, all of its actions are executed. 44

5.1.4. Valid ECAs

When an element is removed from the project, all ECAs triggered by the element‘s event are also removed. However, it could also be associated to conditions or actions of other ECAs, but the remaining of these ECAs could still be valid. The same issue may happen to removed presentation units and removed states. To avoid greater impact, such as also removing the ECAs with the changed conditions or actions, the concept of ECA validity was created. When a condition or action references a removed object, it becomes invalid, invalidating the ECA that contains it. An invalid ECA continues in the ECAMan, so the user can later make changes to make it valid again, but it is ignored during simulation, to avoid undesired or unplanned behavior.

5.2 Drawing ECAs

As could be seen in Figure 13, the first version of UISKEI had a form-based approach to handle ECAs, forcing users to switch the interaction paradigm between the interface design mode (pen-based) and the interaction design mode (form-based). One of the new version‘s biggest challenges was making this step more adequate to pen-based interaction. The first idea was based on the DENIM approach of navigation between pages, by connecting lines between an element and a page. This is effective when there is only one kind of behavior (when is clicked, go to ) and two parameters (the beginning of the line defines the anchor and the end, the target . UISKEI, however, offers 3 different kinds of actions, and both conditions and actions have additional parameters to be defined, so a more complex approach was necessary. The proposed solution was to create a specific mode of interaction, Eca Mode (as opposed to the Drawing Mode / Recognition Mode used to create the interface). While in this mode, the user must focus on an element – which will be the one that raises the ECA‘s event – and add an ECA to it. The manipulation of ECA‘s (adding, removing, duplicating, activating the next or the 45

previous ECA) is done by clicking buttons that appear on the canvas when an element is focused, as shown below:

Figure 22: ECA buttons.

Conditions and actions can be added to the active ECA by drawing lines, with the start and the end point determining what is being added. The first idea was simple: if the line began on the focused element (the element associated with the ECA event), it was a condition, if it ended on it, an action. However, this solution demanded too much effort from the user, since it was necessary to draw long lines; was much too complex if an element of a different presentation unit was involved and made it impossible to have an action or condition associated to the focused element itself, since the start and end points would always be in the element, making the user‘s goal unknown. Another solution was proposed, following the table below:

Table 3: Condition and action creation. Start point End Point Creates Element Anywhere Element condition Element Element action Canvas Presentation Unit Presentation unit action None of the above Default message action Analyzing the start and end points we can only define which ―higher level‖ type of operation is being added, i.e., if it is an element condition, an element action, a presentation unit action or a default message action. The specific operation and its parameters are still undefined. For example, if an element condition is being created, we do not know if it is one of kind ―is in state ― or ―is ― with only the start and end points. So, we need to ask the user what operation he/she wants (e.g. is in state <>) and the parameters (e.g. ). 46

To make the process more fluent and pen-like, it was decided to use a pie menu approach, since it reduces target seek time, ―lowering error rates by fixing the distance factor and increasing the target size in Fitts‘s Law‖ (Callahan, Hopkins, Weiser, & Shneiderman, 1988). The pie menu pops up once the pen stops for a given amount of time, determining the end point of the line. Without raising the pen, the user chooses the last parameters of the condition or the action being created. Therefore, one single stroke can define a condition or an action, as can be seen in the following image:

Figure 23: Pie menu allows a single stroke to define all parameters.

The default message action is defined with only one pie menu, but an additional dialog is necessary to define the text that will be shown. Every element condition and action is defined through a two-level pie menu. Since an element can have a variable number of states, the choice of state was postponed to the second level of the pie menu. This decision was made in order to guarantee that the first level of the pie menu would always look the same, making it more recognizable to the user and, thus, more efficient. The visibility and activity status, although having a fixed set of operations, has different numbers of operations depending if it is a condition (2 options: is visible / is invisible, is enabled / is disabled) or an action (3 options: make visible / make invisible / toggle, make enabled / make disabled / toggle). So, to keep the menu coherent and make the first level the same between conditions and action, the options were organized in the second level. The final pie menu hierarchy when creating a condition or an action can be seen in the following figure. 47

Figure 24: Element condition (left) and action (right) pie menus.

The presentation unit action is defined with only one pie menu, but the problem was that the list of presentation units didn‘t appear in the canvas, being a drop-down list in the lower bar of the window. A first idea was to follow the DENIM approach and have multiple zoom levels, but this would mean that the user should have a two-dimensional space awareness of where his/hers presentation units were. To make it similar to the dropdown list available off the canvas, a one-dimensional filmstrip was added to the canvas, showing a thumbnail of every presentation unit and allowing the user to scroll among them. The presentation unit filmstrip can be seen in Figure 25, along with the presentation unit action pie menu.

Figure 25: Presentation unit filmstrip. 48

The conditions and actions were added, but how should they be represented on the canvas? DENIM showed that multiple conditions could lead to a combinatorial explosion, as can be seen in Figure 26 taken from (Lin, Thomsen, & Landay, 2002). Note that there are multiple copies of a page, each one representing a combination of its possible states. Also, the usage of the same representation to indicate either interaction or navigation adds to the confusion and may further hinder the design process.

Figure 26: DENIM combinatorial explosion.

The first decision to overcome this problem was to show only one ECA at a time, avoiding screen pollution with the cost of losing sight of the ―big picture‖. The initial idea was to display the same lines used in the creation of conditions and actions, but this idea was abandoned. First, because it would also make the screen polluted, as there could be many lines, connecting different presentation units or distant elements. Also because a single element could be associated with different conditions and actions, so it was necessary to make a distinction between them. Instead of lines connecting objects, the proposed solution uses a mind-map- like representation. Reflecting the ―if / when / do‖ of an ECA, the ―mind-map‖ shows a block of connections on the left to represent the conditions and a block of connections on the right for the actions. In the middle, the ―when‖ block, displaying the active ECA and its associated event. By doing so, it is possible to see all the ECA‘s conditions and actions in an ordered and centered manner, making it easier to view, comprehend and edit. 49

Originally, these blocks appeared over the focused element, but this occluded the elements behind it, making it difficult or even impossible to associate conditions or actions to the occluded elements. So, a special area is now reserved for the active ECA on the top of the canvas, making it always visible even when the canvas is scrolled. The approach of drawing lines to define conditions and actions raised an issue: while in ECA mode, the user should be able to manipulate (move and resize) the focused element and to make it part of a condition or an action. If the user clicks inside the selected element and drags it, the element should move. Since the language to create an element condition is to ―draw a line from the element to the canvas‖ and this results in moving the element, the solution was to use the ―when‖ block as a hotspot for the focused element. So, if he/she clicks inside the ―when‖ block and drags to its outside, a condition related to the selected element is created, thus solving this impasse. Finally, to give users a feedback of which objects are related to the active ECA, they are painted with a color code to specify if they are related to a condition (green), an action (orange) or both (brown), as shown in Figure 27. The command button is in green (indicating it is part of a condition), the radio button and the target presentation unit are in orange (indicating they are part of an action), and the checkbox is in brown (indicating that it is both part of a condition and part of an action).

Figure 27: ECA mind-map-like representation. 6 Prototype evaluation

The steps described so far in Chapters 4 (Drawing the interface) and 5 (Drawing the behavior) relate to the designer’s perspective, the one who creates the prototype. However, the sketched mockup should also be evaluated according to the end user’s (client’s) perspective. In order to do so, UISKEI provides a simulation mode, which presents a functional version of the prototype that the user can interact with, in a similar fashion to the final product. The prototype keeps its sketchy look-and-feel, since studies show that testing with rough prototypes does not interfere with the discovery of usability problems when compared to more finished ones (Lin, Thomsen, & Landay, 2002). This early stage prototyping can help designers obtain invaluable feedback, with potential value in the later stages as well (Hundhausen, Balkar, Nuur, & Trent, 2007). A login screen example can be seen in Figure 28.When the user hovers the pointer over an element, it becomes blue, to give feedback about where the pointer is. In the example, it is possible to see that when the user clicks on a textbox, a text input field appears, allowing the user to enter any text. The TextEntered event is only triggered when the element loses focus, so the pattern matching only occurs after all text is written and considered finished. At this time, there is no special treatment for the textbox input. For instance, there is not a flag indicating whether the textbox is a ―password textbox‖. In the example, the text entered in the password field was actually a sequence of asterisks. Then, when the user clicks on the ―Groups‖ dropdown, the dropdown items appear. Again, the SelectedItem event only happens after the user makes a selection. Finally, when the user clicks on the ―Login‖ button, it triggers the Clicked event, which is associated to an action to display a default message. 51

Figure 28: Prototype evaluation example.

Each simulation has its own manager, SimulationManager, so it is possible to run more than one independent simulation at the same time. This SimulationManager references the current‘s project ECAMan, so if changes are made to ECAs on the designer view during the simulation, they are reflected in the simulation. This was planned as a basis for a future Wizard of Oz approach, which will be discussed later in Section 9.4. Besides updating ECAMan, it could also reference the current presentation unit, so changes in the elements‘ list could be reflected on-the-fly. Despite being a functional prototype, UISKEI lacks some basic features, such as switching the focused widget with the TAB key, for example. At the present time, only the events discussed in 5.1.1 are handled. Similar to the 52

element descriptors, the simulation representation is hard-coded according to the event type. If new widgets were added, that share the same already existing events (for example, a list should also have the SelectedItem event), this simulation dynamics and representation should also be defined in the descriptor as well. Another reason for delegating this to the descriptors is because a widget can handle more than one event, depending on how or where it was activated. For example, a numeric spinbox can have the TextEntered event, when the user inputs the value through the keyboard in the text input area, and the ValueChanged event, when the user changes the value by using the up/down arrows. As could be observed, the simulation does not follow the pen-based interaction paradigm and rather falls in a mouse-based paradigm. Although this may be a valid critique, UISKEI‘s main intent is to explore the pen during the designer‘s phase, not during the prototype evaluation. So, the paradigm break is acceptable, particularly because it happens together with the designer/end user perspective change.

7 Recognizer test

To evaluate the recognizer and try to find the combination of parameters that results in the best recognition experience, we have run a few tests. A dataset composed of 1357 shapes was created, containing all currently recognizable shapes and organized in ―test cases‖: 335 radios (circles), 76 horizontal lines, 171 vertical lines, 81 horizontal zig-zags, 139 vertical zig-zags, 144 triangles, and 411 rectangles (distributed in three test cases with various size: 207 checkboxes, 160 buttons, and 44 frames). The dataset was then tested with different configurations of the recognizer, changing a number of parameters described below:  Douglas-Peucker simplification algorithm usage  the recognizer may or may not use this simplification algorithm.  Douglas-Peucker tolerance (DP Tol.)  if the recognizer uses the Douglas-Peucker algorithm, the tolerance used in the algorithm can vary. We tested values ranging from 1 to 14.  Direction tolerance (Dir. Tol.)  when the line segment is converted into a string, only the directions determined by points distant from each other by a certain distance should be converted into a character direction. We tested this threshold varying it from 0 to 12.  Levenshtein cost  the Levenshtein edit distance algorithm calculates the edit distance between string A and string B by performing the operations of insertion, deletion and substitution. Each operation has its own cost and the best result is given by the sequence of operations that sums up to the lesser cost. The algorithm creates a dynamic table where each cell (i,j) contains the best solution to the distance between substrings A[i] and B[j]. The last cell (where i is the length of string A and j is the length of string B) then gives the best solution for the whole string. Since the algorithm is based on filling up a table, the operations can be interpreted as the directions we travel in the table: the insertion operation is when we 54

go up, the delete operation when we go left and the substitution operation when we go diagonally. The operations‘ costs can be determined in different ways and we tested the following methods: o Costs equal to the diagonal difference  all the costs are the same and equal to the difference between character A[i] and B[j]: diagCost = Math.Abs(A[aInx] - B[bInx]); leftCost = Math.Abs(A[aInx] - B[bInx]); upCost = Math.Abs(A[aInx] - B[bInx]); o Diagonal cost 1 or 0, left and up 1  the cost of going diagonally depends on if the characters are equal, while the costs of going left or up is always equal to 1: diagCost = A[aInx] == B[bInx] ? 0 : 1; leftCost = 1; upCost = 1; o Cost based on each direction and base case 0  in this case we compare the cost to the characters in the string: if we go diagonally, we compare between the strings, if we go left, we compare the current character in string A to the previous on in the same string, if we go up, we compare the current character in string B with the previous in string B. If there is not a previous character, the cost is 0: diagCost = Math.Abs(A[aInx] - B[bInx]); leftCost = Math.Abs(A[aInx] - A[aInx-1]) : 0; upCost = Math.Abs(B[bInx] - B[bInx-1]) : 0; o Cost based on each direction and base case 1  this case is similar to the previous one, but if there is not a previous character, the cost is 1: diagCost = Math.Abs(A[aInx] - B[bInx]); leftCost = Math.Abs(A[aInx] - A[aInx-1]) : 1; upCost = Math.Abs(B[bInx] - B[bInx-1]) : 1; The distance we use, as described earlier in Section 4.4, is proportional to the segment‘s length, i.e. the distance is the distance calculated by the Levenshtein algorithm divided by the segment‘s length. With this we aim to reduce the effect of longer segments having more noise and being more error 55

prone. With the different costs tested, the distance does not necessarily fall within the range [0.0,1.0], since there are costs that may be greater than one. For example, when we use the Math.Abs(A[aInx] - B[bInx]), the resulting value can be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 (considering the 8 possible directions). This test focused on associating each drawing of the dataset to a shape, i.e., the shape with the lesser distance from the drawing. To each recognizer configuration, we obtained the number of successful associations and the percentage from the total it represents. Another statistic obtained is the average shape success percentage and standard deviation, calculated by summing up each test case success percentage and dividing by the number of test cases. This value will indicate how well the configuration performed for the different shapes and sizes (the test cases) and if it was uniform between test cases, since a recognizer configuration can perform well with checkboxes rectangles but poorly with frame rectangles, for example. Also we calculated an average shape success distance, by summing up each test case success distance and dividing by the number of test cases. This value cannot be compared between different configurations, since depending on how the Levenshtein‘s costs are calculated, the distance may be greater than when compared to other costs. This value is only an indicative of which value we should use to consider that the association to a shape was in fact a successful recognition. We tested 780 different recognizer configurations in total. We will only present the top 10 results, first ordered by total success percentage (Table 4) and later by average shape success percentage (Table 5).

Table 4: Top 10 recognizer configuration results organized by success percentage. Average Std Dev Ave. Dir. Levenshtein DP Success Success Shape Shape Shape Tol. Costs Tol. # % Success % Success % Dist. 9 equal to diag. diff. 1 1243 91.60% 93.29% 0.051 25.83 8 equal to diag. diff. 1 1240 91.38% 91.42% 0.061 27.11 9 equal to diag. diff. 2 1234 90.94% 93.55% 0.063 27.11 10 equal to diag. diff. 1 1231 90.71% 93.74% 0.079 23.89 9 equal to diag. diff. 3 1226 90.35% 93.14% 0.070 26.93 9 equal to diag. diff. 4 1225 90.27% 93.11% 0.072 27.27 8 equal to diag. diff. 2 1222 90.05% 91.25% 0.071 27.83 10 equal to diag. diff. 2 1220 89.90% 93.96% 0.096 25.08 8 equal to diag. diff. 3 1219 89.83% 91.06% 0.073 27.97 8 equal to diag. diff. 4 1219 89.83% 91.09% 0.074 28.22 56

Table 5: Top 10 recognizer configuration results organized by average shape success percentage. Average Std Dev Ave. Dir. Levenshtein DP Success Success Shape Shape Shape Tol. Costs Tol. # % Success % Success % Dist. 10 equal to diag. diff. 2 1220 89.90% 93.96% 0.096 25.08 11 equal to diag. diff. 1 1214 89.46% 93.88% 0.110 22.61 10 equal to diag. diff. 1 1231 90.71% 93.74% 0.079 23.89 9 equal to diag. diff. 2 1234 90.94% 93.55% 0.063 27.11 10 equal to diag. diff. 3 1218 89.76% 93.47% 0.096 25.53 11 equal to diag. diff. 3 1182 87.10% 93.35% 0.143 22.63 11 equal to diag. diff. 2 1185 87.32% 93.33% 0.142 22.15 9 equal to diag. diff. 1 1243 91.60% 93.29% 0.051 25.83 9 equal to diag. diff. 3 1226 90.35% 93.14% 0.070 26.93 9 equal to diag. diff. 4 1225 90.27% 93.11% 0.072 27.27

The first observable conclusion is that the Levenshtein costs with best results was the first one described, with the cost equal to the diagonal difference. Another observation is that, although the use of the Douglas-Peucker algorithm provided better results, the tolerance used is small. This conclusion needs further investigation, since the recognizer with the same configuration of the best result in Table 4, except for the use of Douglas-Peucker, obtained a 83.27% success percentage. A close-up investigation of the two best configurations can be seen in the following tables. In them, each column represents a test case. The first block of shadowed rows is a summary of the results: the first row shows the number of shapes, the second row shows the number of shapes associated correctly and the following rows show the success percentage, the successful associations‘ average distance and the standard deviation of such distances. The next block of rows provide a detailed investigation of the associations made: each block of rows represents a shape (displayed in the first column) and to each shape we show the number of associations made, the average distance and the standard deviation. The cells in boldface highlight the successful associations. For example, if we take Table 6 and analyze the Radio test case (by observing the column marked with ―Radio‖), we can see that there were 335 shapes in the dataset that were drawn as radio buttons (i.e. drawn as small circles). 280 of these were successfully associated to the shape ―Circle‖, which represents a success rate of 83.58%. Amongst the successes, the average distance was 0.40 with a standard deviation of 0.11. Looking closely at the results, we can see that 57

the 55 circles that were not associated correctly (335 shapes - 280 successes) were mostly recognized as rectangles. Actually, 49 circles were incorrectly associated to rectangles, with an average distance of 0.36 and a 0.10 standard deviation. 5 other circles were considered triangles and 1 circle was considered a horizontal zig-zag.

Table 6: Shape analysis for best success percentage configuration.

HorizontalZZ Checkbox Triangle VerticalZZ Radio Label Button Frame Vertical

Shapes # 335 76 81 207 160 44 144 171 139 Success # 280 73 80 197 147 42 133 171 120 Success % 83.58% 96.05% 98.77% 95.17% 91.88% 95.45% 92.36% 100.00% 86.33% Success 0.40 0.12 0.09 0.08 0.17 0.08 0.15 0.00 0.35 Ave. Dist. Success 0.11 0.24 0.16 0.13 0.19 0.10 0.22 0.00 0.20 Std. Dev. # 280 0 0 6 8 2 0 0 0

Ave. Dist. 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.33 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 Circle Std. Dev. 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.14 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 # 0 73 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Ave. Dist. 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Horizontal Std. Dev. 0.00 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 # 1 0 80 1 0 0 0 0 0

Ave. Dist. 0.71 0.00 0.09 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Zig-Zag

Horizontal Horizontal Std. Dev. 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 # 49 0 0 197 147 42 11 0 6 Ave. Dist. 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.17 0.08 0.29 0.00 0.77

Rectangle Std. Dev. 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.19 0.10 0.07 0.00 0.08 # 5 3 1 2 5 0 133 0 2 Ave. Dist. 0.58 0.47 0.60 0.25 0.60 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.79

Triangle Std. Dev. 0.07 0.05 0.00 0.08 0.12 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.04 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 171 11 Ave. Dist. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77

Vertical Std. Dev. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120

Ave. Dist. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 Zig-Zag Vertical Vertical Std. Dev. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20


Table 7: Shape analysis for best average success percentage configuration.

HorizontalZZ Checkbox Triangle VerticalZZ Radio Label Button Frame Vertical

Shapes # 335 76 81 207 160 44 144 171 139 Success # 225 75 80 201 154 42 138 171 134 Success % 67.16% 98.68% 98.77% 97.10% 96.25% 95.45% 95.83% 100.00% 96.40% Success 0.47 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.16 0.08 0.14 0.00 0.34 Ave. Dist. Success 0.11 0.23 0.17 0.12 0.22 0.11 0.22 0.00 0.20 Std. Dev. # 225 0 0 4 3 1 0 0 0

Ave. Dist. 0.47 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.44 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 Circle Std. Dev. 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 # 0 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ave. Dist. 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Horizontal Std. Dev. 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 # 5 1 80 0 0 0 0 0 0

Ave. Dist. 0.63 0.50 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Zig-Zag

Horizontal Horizontal Std. Dev. 0.07 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 # 90 0 0 201 154 42 6 0 0 Ave. Dist. 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.16 0.08 0.31 0.00 0.00

Rectangle Std. Dev. 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.22 0.11 0.07 0.00 0.00 # 15 0 1 2 3 1 138 0 0 Ave. Dist. 0.57 0.00 0.50 0.30 0.68 0.55 0.14 0.00 0.00

Triangle Std. Dev. 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.00 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 171 5 Ave. Dist. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.77

Vertical Std. Dev. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 134

Ave. Dist. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 Zig-Zag Vertical Vertical Std. Dev. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20

Comparing the overall results, it is possible to see that the results shown in Table 7 were better than those shown in Table 6, except for the ―Radio‖ case. This shows that the circle case, shape that has no vertices, demand a more thoughtful approach. Due to this large difference, we chose to keep the configuration of best success percentage (the one from Table 6). Further investigation of the different configurations may point to a better solution than the one chosen. A larger dataset may be needed and the results obtained should be compared to other approaches, such as those that will be described in Section 9.2. 8 User evaluation study

A test with 12 participants was made to see how UISKEI compares to other two prototyping techniques: paper prototyping and prototyping using Balsamiq. The goal was to evaluate the difficulty not only in drawing a user interface, but mainly in defining its interactive behavior. The evaluator asked the participants to create and simulate a prototype of a login screen using the three different tools, evolving the prototype through three cycles of iteration:  1st cycle  Create the login screen prototype with a single checkbox, which may lead to two different outcomes during simulation.  2nd cycle  Add another checkbox to the previous prototype, increasing the number of possible outcomes to four.  3rd cycle  Discuss about how much effort is needed to add yet another checkbox, raising the number of possible outcomes to eight.

Figure 29: The evolution of login screens through the cycles.

The hypothesis of the test is that UISKEI should have a poor performance in the first cycle, since its language to add elements and ECAs is unknown to most of the participants, but then it would improve in later cycles, as participants learn the language and benefit from having only one mock-up with coded behavior. We expect that Balsamiq would perform well in the beginning, due to its extensive collection of widgets and the well-known drag-and-drop paradigm, but the need to duplicate screens to show the behavior using only navigation would make it harder to use as complexity increases. 60

According to (Hammond T. A., 2009), ―Pen and paper provide a freedom of interaction that is still preferred to a computer automated design tool, even though users want the sophistication of analysis and simulation capabilities of a computer-understood diagram‖. So we expect the same pattern for paper, since the addition of an element is extremely easy by drawing, but as the prototype evolves and becomes more complex, some changes may require the participant to redraw the prototype, eventually making it very difficult to perform the simulation on- the-fly. In the following section we present the evaluation method used. Section 8.2 presents and analyzes some results, while Section 8.3 shows some participants' opinions expressed during the evaluation.

8.1 Evaluation method

The experiment followed a within-group design, comparing the performances of the same participants on all three tools (paper, Balsamiq and UISKEI), thus requiring a smaller sample than if each participant was only exposed to a single tool. This had the negative effect, however, of them learning from the experience of previous tools and getting better in completing the tasks (Lazar, Feng, & Hochheiser, 2010, p. 48). To avoid the learning effect, we randomized the order in which each participant used the tools, so the learning effect of a user is offset by another one. Consequently, the entire data set is not significantly biased by the learning effect (Lazar, Feng, & Hochheiser, 2010, p. 52). Before using each tool in the first cycle, videos were shown to introduce the tools and to explain how to add elements and define the behavior. A ―cheat sheet‖ with the main language used in UISKEI (containing Figure 18 and Table 3) was also provided. After using each tool in cycles 1 and 2, as well as after the discussion of the 3rd cycle, the participant was asked to answer a short questionnaire, containing 10 grading questions, as follows: 1. How easy was it to understand what needed to be done to add the interface elements? (1: very hard, 5: very easy) 61

2. Once you knew what to do, the effort needed to create elements was: (1: very high, 5: very easy) 3. How different were the resulting interface and what you had in mind? (1: very different, 5: very easy) 4. In general, how did you like the way to create elements? (1: hated it, 5: loved it) 5. How easy was it to plan what needed to be done to create the required behavior? (1: very hard, 5: very easy) 6. How efficient was the definition of the planned behavior? (1: very inefficient, 5: very efficient) 7. How easy was it to create the new behavior? (1: very hard, 5: very easy) 8. The definition of the new behavior required an effort: (1: very high, 5: very easy) 9. In general, how did you like the way to define behaviors? (1: hated it, 5: loved it) 10. Once a behavior is defined, what do you think about its representation? (1: hard to understand, 5: easy to understand) All questions were formulated in a way that higher scores meant better results. The first four questions are related to the creation of the prototype interface, whilst the remaining questions are related to its behavior. After doing the tasks, participants also went through a quick interview, questioning them about which tool they would use in the situations described below, and why: 1. In an early development stage, while exploring the idea space, where different solutions are considered and constantly changed, focusing only in the interface. 2. When the idea is clearer, a solution was chosen and a single prototype needs to be built, focusing still only in the interface. 3. Considering that they needed to define the behavior of the chosen solution. 62

The complete test script can be found in ―Appendix B: Evaluation study script―.

8.2 Evaluation results

Overall, the hypothesis of an increase in the scores given to UISKEI as the cycles progress was confirmed by the test. After the end of the second cycle, UISKEI only received scores lower than the other tools in questions 5 and 7, showing that the logic behind defining ECAs is not easily grasped. By the end of the third cycle, UISKEI‘s average scores in all questions were greater than the other tools and all greater than 4.0. The average score of each tool in each question can be seen in Figure 30. The complete test results can be seen in ―Appendix B: Complete test results―.

Figure 30: Average scores per question.

The lowest scores in the third cycle were given in questions 7 and 8 (both with an average score of 4.17). Compared to the other tools, the average of question 7 (paper had a 3.83 average while Balsamiq had a 3.58) suggests that participants faced difficulties in handling new behaviors with all the tools, but the answers to question 8 (in which paper got a 3.33 score and Balsamiq, 2.75) show 63

that the participants considered UISKEI as a more effortless way to solve these problems. In the same cycle, the questions with the biggest differences from other tools were questions 6 (+1.58 from paper and +2.33 from Balsamiq), 9 (+2.25 from paper and +2.75 from Balsamiq) and 10 (+1.92 from paper and +2.17 from Balsamiq), all related to the interaction definition. In general, participants liked having a single interface (contrary to the multiple ones created in Balsamiq) and a previously defined behavior (opposed to the ―on-the-fly‖ simulation of paper). Question 10 results also show that the mind-map representation of ECAs was well accepted. Another good indicator of UISKEI‘s success was the answers to the ―hated it / loved it‖ questions. Question 4 is related to the user interface and shows that the added complexity is quickly perceived in the paper technique, which faces an almost steady decrease in its scores in all cycles, while Balsamiq decreases only in the last cycle. UISKEI, on the other hand, has a steady increase of its scores, showing that the language to add elements, once learned, is well appreciated by users. The ―hated it / loved it‖ interaction question (question 9) showed yet another pattern, with a steep decrease in the last cycle for both paper and Balsamiq, while UISKEI received an almost constant score, showing that users liked the way that the increased simulation complexity was handled. Analyzing the question in groups (the interface building question - 1 to 4 - , the interaction building ones - 5 to 10 - and all the questions grouped together), it is possible to see that UISKEI achieved good results. Moreover, Figure 31 shows that the standard deviation of UISKEI‘s answers (the error bars in the bar graph) was smaller than for the other tools, suggesting that the participants seemed more in agreement when evaluating UISKEI. 64

Figure 31: Average score per group of questions.

The interview results were also in favor of UISKEI, as can be seen in Figure 32. In the first question, while 25% of participants chose paper, 33% of them chose UISKEI. This near tie indicates that UISKEI‘s sketching method is comparable to paper, giving the desired ―paperless prototyping‖ feeling to the participants. Balsamiq‘s results in the first two questions may be a result of its vast library of elements and features, such as alignment options and gridlines. However, the power of ECAs is shown in the answers to the third question, in which the vast majority chose UISKEI over the other tools.

Figure 32: Summary of interview results. 65

8.3 Participants’ opinions

Most participants did not know that it is possible to create an interactive prototype with paper. After seeing the introductory video, some participants already complained about the work involved. When they assumed the ―computer‖ role during the prototype simulation, the number of complaints increased. One of the participants (p6) stated that ―using paper may cause confusion in the ‗computer‘‖. This opinion was later reinforced by another participant (p8), who called him/herself as a ―486‖ (referencing Intel‘s older line of microprocessors) during paper simulation, summing up that ―Paper is fun, but not much practical‖. The overall opinion about drawing on paper was that it is good for a rough sketch, but difficult to make changes. It can be summarized in p1‘s declaration: ―it really complicates in the sense that you don‘t have too much flexibility once you have already drawn something. I think that you become too restricted to what you have or you start from the scratch, which is certainly not efficient‖. This shows a great disadvantage of paper, since the exploration of different solutions may be limited due to the effort of making changes in the prototype. Regarding the paper simulation, some terms used were ―boring‖, ―disgusting‖ and ―hell.‖ The fourth participant pointed out something very interesting, saying that ―despite being easy to do and easy to simulate, you don‘t have the register of what was happening, unless you film it, of course, but even so, you don‘t have the register of the used logic or even the errors that happened.‖ Balsamiq, on the other hand, divided opinions, ranging from people who loved it and others who hated it. Amongst the ―lovers‖, the most praised features were the smart gridlines and the overall look-and-feel of the elements, showing that once you have these ―aesthetics‖ facilities, they turn into a major concern. Actually, comparing the Balsamiq prototypes with the other ones, the disposition of the elements was much more similar to the ones pictured in the script. This focus on the detailed look-and feel was not observed in UISKEI, since, as a sketching tool, the focus should be more in the overall interaction and structure rather than on the ―aesthetics― (Landay & Myers, 2001). The ―haters‖ focused their dislikes on the limitation of navigational actions, having to duplicate the prototype due to the lack of conditionals. The participant 66

p11 said that ―it is a hell having to replicate (…) if there isn‘t an ‗if‘, nothing works‖. In comparison with UISKEI, it was considered ―less dynamic‖, as said by p5, who simply said ―Balsamiq is static, UISKEI is dynamic‖. Regarding UISKEI, the most common comment was about the ―learning curve‖ and the terminology used. This visual programming problem was already stated in the work (Schmucker, 1996), which said ―the tools for producing these applications often require months or even years of study to use effectively, and more often than not require the use of programming languages that are difficult to use even for professional (e.g., C++)‖. However, the participants envisioned that, once learned, it would make the design process easier. P11 said that ―in UISKEI, the learning curve is a little high, a little higher than normal, but once you get it, it is piece of cake‖. Another participant, p4, added ―it is something that you can take a while to learn, but once you learn it, it will be way faster to use‖. The behavior definition process fits the ―learning curve‖ observation, since most users are not familiar with either pen-based interaction or pie menus. Besides the difficulties, it was well accepted, as described by participant p8: ―I found UISKEI quite cool. I liked this way of connecting events, of creating conditions and actions, way practical and well integrated to the pen, easy to use even without mouse and even with the pen not being so precise‖. This participant was not the only who complained about pen interaction issues: p1 lacked the use of keyboard, since writing recognition was not featured in Brazilian Portuguese (language of the test). One of the participants chose to experiment the writing recognition, translating the text to English, but found that entering text is slower than the keyboard, result also obtained in (Frye & Franke, 2008) regarding writing code. The ECA representation was also praised. Comparing to Balsamiq and its replicated interface, p4 said that ―UISKEI‘s way is more interesting, because you can see all the conditions that are happening at the same time‖. Another participant, p2, praised the way the ECAs were presented, saying that ―what I liked is that it is very compact, you can work in a organized way (…) The interface is compact, things are shown in the right place and the actions are simple‖. 9 Conclusion and Future work

UISKEI is a promising ―paperless‖ user interface prototyping application. It explores the pen input paradigm to allow the user to draw the interface elements and their behaviors. Besides the drawing component, the behavior definition also features the power of conditionals and actions that go beyond the navigational scope. This gives to the designer the possibility to easily create an interactive prototype that he/she can later evaluate with an end user and then gather invaluable feedback. The interface building step relies on the drawing recognition and the evolution of elements. The recognition uses the Douglas-Peucker simplification algorithm and the Levenshtein string edit distance, which obtained good recognition results and is a promising technique for customizable sketch recognition. The interface behavior is defined in an innovative way, expressing the behavior using an ECA language and visualizing it with a mind-map like representation. The conditions and actions are added by drawing lines on the canvas and defining the parameters with the aid of a pie menu, allowing the user to define them with a single pen stroke. The evaluation study also showed that the participants had a very positive opinion about UISKEI, giving higher grades to it than the other tools. UISKEI‘s overall final score was 4.5, while Balsamiq‘s was 3.2 and Paper‘s was 3.4. Not only the average score was one point higher than the other tools, but also the participants were more likely to give higher grades to UISKEI in the final cycle (with more complex interactions), since the standard deviation of the UISKEI‘s scores was 0.65 and for the other tools, it was 1.51. Besides all the good feedback, UISKEI is still a work in progress. Comparing UISKEI to the related work described in Chapter 2, we can say that, while the core functionality of the program is already available, some basic features, such as undo/redo and cut/copy/paste (only duplicate is available), are 68

missing. Advanced functionalities, like smart guidelines to aid in the drawing phase and smart grouping, would also be great add-ons. The complete comparison table, now with UISKEI, can be seen in Table 8, where the lines in bold highlights the features that were the focus of this dissertation.

Table 8: UISKEI comparison with related software.

Microsoft VisioMicrosoft RP ProAxure Denim SketchiXML Balsamiq CogTool UISKEI Free n n y y n y y UI-prototype exclusive (vs generic diagrammatic tool) n y y y y n y UI components for multiple environments (vs web- y y n y y y y page prototype only) Drawing widgets n n n y n n y >> Evolution of widgets x x x n x x y Element manipulation y n n y y y Undo/Redo y y y y y n Group/Ungroup y y n y n y >> Select internal objects y x x n x n Cut/Copy/Paste y y y y y n >> Copies the action n n n y n x Zoom levels y y y y y n Guidelines n n n y n n Layer ordering y n n y y n Sketchy visual n n y y y y y Actions n y y y y y y >> Beyond navigation x y n n n n y >> Sketchy interaction x n y y n y y >> Event x y y n n y y >> Conditions x n y n n n y Prototype evaluation x y y n y y y Save y y y n y y y Regarding the implemented features, some features may be further developed. A brief discussion of them will follow in the next sections, organized by topic.

9.1 Shapes and element descriptors

At the moment, the shape descriptor only considers shapes with a single segment. Shapes with multiple segments would greatly enhance the possibility of having a larger element set. 69

UISKEI could also have more than one library of shapes and/or elements, so that the user can choose which ones to use and customize the element recognition. This would allow for greater software flexibility, for example, having a library for a desktop application prototype and another for a mobile application. However, if the system becomes highly customizable, a tool to check for consistency (such as not having two shapes being recognized in the same way, elements that cannot be created due to the lack of an ancestor element or required shape or even because another element is created instead of given a condition) will be needed.

9.2 Recognizer

The eight directions limit can be changed to consider more directions, but the impact in the shape descriptor and in the recognition rate should be evaluated. Also, still considering the string edit distance basis, other implementations can be tried, such as the ones described in (Schimke & Vielhauer, 2007). For example, (Coyette, Schimke, Vanderdonckt, & Vielhauer, 2007) uses a recognition method that, instead of using the Douglas-Peucker simplification algorithm, uses a uniform grid approximation approach. If the recognition rate is still unsatisfactory, other approaches to recognition can be tried, such as using a neural network. Since recognition tends to be ambiguous and error-prone, the application could give the users feedback about the recognized shape as it is being drawn, allowing the users to make necessary changes while drawing (Tandler & Prante, 2001), or at least give the possibility to Also, a beautification approach of user‘s rough sketches can be implemented, such as the one proposed in (Paulson & Hammond, 2008).

9.3 ECA

Since the ECAs are evaluated in the order they appear in ECAMan, it is necessary to give the user the option to change this order. Also, to avoid the repetition of ECAs, a way to express AND and OR clauses in conditionals could be 70

looked into. Another improvement could be to trigger more than one ECA at a time, and the visualization of such possibility should be considered. The limitation of an element having only one possible event should be reconsidered, since some elements may have more than one event. For example, a spinbox can have its value changed by the user clicking on the up or down button or even typing the value. The ECAs should be able to handle multiple events, giving the option of choosing a specific event (e.g., clicked or text entered) or a more generic one (value changed, for example). Finally, for bigger projects, keeping track of ECAs can be difficult, so a tool to validate them and search for unreachable ECAs (because of errors in the conditions set or because another ECA is always activated first) or duplicated ones may be necessary.

9.4 Prototype evaluation

The prototype evaluation could take advantage of the Wizard of Oz technique, with the final user executing the simulation in a computer and a member of the designing team accompanying the session in another computer. With this, the end user can have more freedom or be more constrained, since the designer can mediate his/her interaction (Dahlbäck, Jönsson, & Ahrenberg, 1993). Besides the usual logging possibility, this would also allow for a definition on-the-fly of presentation units, elements and ECAs, which could be reused in future tests.

10 Bibliography

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11 Appendix A: Implementing UISKEI

We developed UISKEI in C#, using 2007 and the .NET Framework 3.5. It consists of three main projects — uskModel, uskRecognizer and uskWizard — which will be presented in the following sections.

11.1 uskModel

This project contains all the core data and logics of an UISKEI‘s project. All the project‘s information that needs to be saved to a file is in this project, so many of its classes implement the C# interface ISerializable, allowing the serialization of necessary data to a binary file. The class diagram of this project can be seen in Figure 33.

Figure 33: Class diagram for uskModel. 76

The main class of uskModel is UiskeiProject, which stores a list of PresentationUnits, a ProjectDefaults and a ECAMan. A PresentationUnit stores a list of abstract elements, AElementModel. For most uses, the abstract element is sufficient: we only need to know the ―concrete‖ element to create the correct visualization and to create the group of selected elements. All the other operations are done with abstract elements. An element can contain a list of ElementStates, which contains a name and may have additional parameters that are interpreted accordingly. For example, the textbox‘s states discussed in Section 4.5 have the pattern and the sample text as additional parameters. The AElementModel is the base class for three different concrete classes:  GroupElementModel  represents a group of elements, therefore it has a list of AElementModels.  ScribbleElementModel  represents the unidentified drawing, therefore containing the drawing converted to a MultipleSegments, composed of a list of Segments and a bounding box.  DescribedElementModel  represents the identified drawing, which was converted to a widget. It contains a reference to the ElementDescriptor which describes the widget. As previously discussed in Section 4.3, we implemented the descriptors hard-coded, so it is possible to see in the class diagram all the inheritance of classes and the available elements. Besides that, the remaining code is already prepared to handle generic descriptors, since the ―concrete descriptors‖ are private to this project and never referenced. The only class that uses the ―concrete descriptors‖ is the loader, ElementDescriptorLibrary. When the descriptor language is available, we will only have to change the loader to create descriptor instances from the language. This descriptor language should handle all the necessary information, currently coded in the ElementDescriptors, as shown in Figure 34. 77

Figure 34: ElementDescriptor class.

The ProjectDefaults stores some default values for the project, such as a default width and height for newly created presentation units. The ECAMan stores all available ECAs for the project in a list, organized by the element which triggers the event. An ECA stores the EventType which triggers the behavior, the list of EcaConditions to be tested and the list of EcaActions to be performed. Since the available ECA conditions are only related to elements, the EcaCondition class has a default constructor with two parameters: an AElementModel and a TestType. TestType is a nested enumeration of the available test operations, listed in Section 5.1.2. In the other hand, there are three different types of ECA actions, so the EcaAction was implemented as an interface. The MessageEcaAction, ElementEcaAction and ViewEcaAction implement this interface. All three classes have a single constructor which receives the target object (a presentation unit in the case of MessageEcaAction, an element in the case of ElementEcaAction and a string in the case of ViewEcaAction) and an ActionType. Similar to the TestType, ActionType is a nested enumerator 78

in each class of available operations, as listed in Section 5.1.3. An overview of the TestType and ActionType can be seen in Figure 35.

Figure 35: Operations enums.

Also in uskModel there is the SimulationManager, which references a ECAMan. This class controls the state of the elements — their properties and ElementState — during a prototype evaluation session, creating a data structure SimulationElementState to store it. An ECA is activated through the SimulationManager, testing its conditions and executing its actions according to the SimulationElementStates. As discussed in Section 6, since the manager only references the ECAMan, changes in ECAs are reflected on-the-fly during the prototype evaluation session. The Common class contains a list of common methods used in various projects. The ResizePoint class represents the eight handles or points that appears onscreen when the user tries to resize an element. Since depending on the manipulated point the resize result is different, this is a parameter of the resize method of an element. When no ResizePoint is specified, it is considered that the resize occurs in the SouthEast direction.

11.2 uskRecognizer

This project is the one responsible for recognizing the user‘s drawings. It handles the MultipleSegments and Segment data structures and evaluates 79

the Shape associated to it. The classes that compose this project can be seen in Figure 36.

Figure 36: Class diagram for uskRecognizer.

The main exported class is the ShapeRecognizer. It has two methods, GetBestShape and GetElementDescriptorFromShape. The first method receives the MultipleSegments to be recognized and returns the structure BestShapeResult, which references the shape with the least distance and the distance value. After associating the MultipleSegments to a shape, the second method is called. It receives the MultipleSegments, the BestShapeResult and the element in which the drawing was made (or null otherwise). It returns a data structure ElementDescriptorResult, which contains the descriptor (or null if not recognized) and how the element can be created (if it is a new element or an evolved element). The recognition process was divided in two methods for two reasons. First, for test purposes, since the association to a shape was dissociated from the recognition as an element. Second because since several drawings may enter the recognition process, the association to a shape can happen only one time and the element recognition may happen iteratively. For example, if the user draws several rectangles in sequence and in the end draws a line in the first one, the first one should be converted into a textbox and the others, to a button. So, the association to a shape may happen only in the beginning (several rectangles and a 80

horizontal line) but the element recognition must happen iteratively (so the rectangle is first recognized as a button and later as a textbox). The GetBestShape method uses the ShapeLibrary to go through the list of loaded shapes. A StringShape is defined as explained in Section 4.2 and loaded from a text file with a .shp extension. The other classes are internal for the project. RecognizerCommon contains common methods used in the project. RecognizerArgs is a structure that associates a Segment to its description as a string of directions and is used during the association to a shape step. Finally, the DouglasPeucker class is responsible for the Douglas-Peucker algorithm of simplifying line segments as discussed in Section 4.4. There are a number of variations related to the recognition process that needs to be defined. The Douglas-Peucker simplification algorithm may or may not be used and, if used, we need to establish a value for tolerance. Then, when the segment is being converted to a string, we need to define how far apart the points must be in order to be converted into a character direction. Finally, with the segment string, we need to define which will be the costs used in the Levenshtein edit distance algorithm. An experimental test to determine these variations is detailed in Chapter 7.

11.3 uskWizard

The last project is uskWizard. It contains the graphical user interface of UISKEI, entirely built using XAML. The project‘s classes can be seen in Figure 37. 81

Figure 37: Class diagram for uskWizard.

The MainWindow is composed by several controls — MenuControl, PresentationUnitControl, ECAManControl, ToolbarControl, ElementControl — and the WizardView, a UserControl with a WizardCanvas. Since the diagram generated by Visual Studio lacks the representation of GUI composition, the classes were displayed in a tree-like fashion in Figure 37 to illustrate this composition. 82

Each control references the same WizardController, object that keeps the current state of the interface, for example, the current project, the current presentation unit, the selected elements, etc. Since all controls references the same object, they are kept in sync. The WizardCanvas is where the presentation units are displayed and the pen-based interaction occurs. It contains a PresentationUnitFilmstrip (shown in Figure 25), composed of a list of thumbnails, PresentationUnitThumbnails. Each thumbnail contains a scaled PresentationUnitView, which is the representation of a presentation unit. Each PresentationUnitView contains a list of AElementViews, which, similarly, are the representation of an AElementModel. The ElementViewFactory is responsible for creating the correct concrete implementation of AElementView. This architecture does not use the FrameworkElement paradigm, so we had to explicitly handle the Draw event and also the mouse events (e.g. click, enter, leave), having total control of how it worked. Also, since there is no reference to parent objects, we were able to use the same PresentationUnitView in the filmstrip and in the canvas, reducing the number of objects in memory. The MainWindow also controls the current mode of UISKEI, between four possible modes: drawing mode, recognition mode, ECA mode and simulation mode. The first three modes changes how the designer interacts with the canvas, while the last one creates a new dialog. The drawing mode and the recognition mode are essentially the same, only having to recognize the drawings or not. So, the DrawingMode class is used for both and a boolean passed as a parameter in the constructor sets the recognition process on or off. The ECA mode is handled by the EcaMode class. The modes that changes the interaction with the canvas are abstracted with the IMode interface. When an IMode is set on the canvas, the previous one is deactivated and the new one is activated, so the modes can connect/disconnect to the canvas‘ events needed. For example, for the DrawingMode, the StrokeCollected event is important and the MouseMove is not, while for 83

the EcaMode is the opposite: the MouseMove event is important and the StrokeCollected is not. The last mode, simulation mode, displays a new window with the interactive prototype for evaluation purposes. Since one of the future works idea is to have a Wizard of Oz approach to the simulation (as will be discussed in Section 9.4), the simulation user dialog was called Dorothy and it is composed by ElementViews. To investigate how the FrameworkElement paradigm works, the ElementView inherits from FrameworkElement. Other smaller dialogs also are part of uskWizard. The DefaultTextboxDialog is a standard dialog with a instructions message and a textbox, used to input the text of a message action. The ProjectDefaultsDlg configures the uskModel.ProjectDefaults of the current project. The StatesEditorDlg is the dialog to edit element‘s states. By the time, it contains only a textbox, but it can be improved to show a data grid with on-the-fly validation, for example.

12 Appendix B: Evaluation study script

The test comparing the three prototyping techniques took place in the beginning of February / 2011 and recruited 12 participants. To each one was presented the script below, freely translated from Portuguese (the participants‘ native language), keeping its format, organization and structure.

12.1 Description

This study aims to compare three different GUI prototyping techniques (paper prototyping, prototyping using UISKEI and prototyping using Balsamiq), evaluating how they can be applied to a use case described through the test. It is divided in stages, described below:  Initial stage  Only a questionnaire about your familiarity with the use of computers and prototyping tools.  1st and 2nd cycles  Each one is further divided in three parts: o Scenario  A story to motivate the tool usage. o Task  The activity to be done related to the scenario, using all three techniques. In the first cycle, a video will be show to introduce you to the tools. o Questionnaire  Three questionnaires will be presented in each cycle, one after the use of each tool during task execution, to obtain your opinion about each technique.  Final cycle  An additional scenario will be shown, but the task will not need to be performed: we will only talk about how you would perform it. After the discussion, the same three questionnaires should be filled and a quick interview will take place. 85

If you wish to be a test participant, in order to guarantee your anonymity and privacy rights, and to assure the adequate use of the collected data, you will need to sign an informed consent form. IMPORTANT: What is being evaluated are the tools, NOT you. There is not a ―right way‖ to perform each task. The difficulties and facilities that each tool provide in each task are the main focus of the test.

12.2 Questionnaire

1) How often do you use computers?  4 - Many times a day  3 - At least once a day  2 - At least once a week  1 - Once in a while  0 - Never 2) Do you know any programming language?  0 - No (go to question 3)  1 - Yes, Which ones? ______a) With which ones are you most familiarized? ______b) How often do you use this programming language?  4 - Many times a day  3 - At least once a day  2 - At least once a week  1 - Once in a while c) How would you classify your knowledge about this programming language?  4 - I know the language deeply and I can do everything I want with it  3 - I have a fair knowledge of the language, but sometimes I need to learn a little more  2 - I know little about the language, knowing only its basic usage  1 - Still learning the basics 86

3) Have you already had to design a graphical user interface (an application window, a web page, for example), i.e., plan how the interface elements are arranged and how the interface ―works‖?  0 - No (end of questionnaire)  1 - Yes a) How often have you had to make an interface design?  3 - Practically every week  2 - Sometimes a month  1 - Sometimes a year b) How do you usually elaborate the designs? (you may mark more than one option)  Using paper drawings  Using a generic tool  Image editing software (Paint, Photoshop, GIMP, etc)  Power Point  HTML  Others? ______ Using a specific prototyping tool  Visio  Balsamiq  Dreamweaver  Specific language designer ( Designer, Expression Blend, etc)  Others? ______ Implementing in code 4) Have you ever used any of the prototyping tools to be evaluated in this test?  0 - No (end of questionnaire)  1 - Yes, please fill in the following table:


Paper Balsamiq UISKEI How would you classify your knowledge of this tool? 4 - I know the tool deeply and I can do everything I want with it 3 - I have a fair knowledge of the tool, but sometimes I need to learn a little more 2 - I know little about the tool, knowing only its basic usage 1 - Still learning the basics 0 - I don‘t know / Never used How often do you use this tool? 4 - Many times a day 3 - At least once a day 2 - At least once a week 1 - Once in a while 0 - Never

12.3 First Cycle

12.3.1. Scenario 01

You are developing an e-commerce application and wish to plan how the checkout process will occur after the products are in the cart. You imagine a system where the user must identify him/herself to the system (entering a username and a password, for example), informing whether he/she is already a registered user. If he/she is already a registered user, he/she will see the ―Checkout of registered user‖ screen, where he/she can choose the payment information (as address and credit card) previously used. If he/she is not a registered user, he/she will see the ―Register user‖ screen, in which he/she must enter other information, as e-mail, password confirmation, etc.

12.3.2. Task 01

Sketch the screen below, related to the presented scenario, in the available three tools and in the established order, as you would present the planned prototype to a client. 88

After drawing the screens, simulate the prototype, exploring all the alternative interaction paths. Ps.: The resulting screens (―Checkout of registered user‖ and ―Register user‖) don‘t need to be sketched. They are only needed to distinguish which would be the resulting screen when pressing the button.

12.4 Second Cycle

12.4.1. Scenario 02

Talking to a friend of yours, he shows himself outraged for being obliged to make a registration in a web store where he plans to never buy again. To avoid this kind of dissatisfaction of your future clients, you plan to add to that initial screen an option of ―Buy without registration‖. If the client activates this option, the client identification fields (login and password) will be disabled. Depending of the chosen options, the client could go to different screens, described below: “Buy without “Already a Result registration” registered user”  ―Register user‖   ―Checkout of registered user‖  ―Checkout without register‖ ―Error 1‖ (client informed that doesn‘t want   to buy with a registration and that he/she is a registered user)

12.4.2. Task 02

Sketch the screen below, related to the presented scenario, in the available three tools and in the established order. Then, demonstrate how you would test the prototype with a user, showing how you would do to display that the checkbox 89

―Buy without registration‖ determines whether the fields ―Login‖ and ―Password‖ are enabled/disabled and how the combination of this checkbox with the other one can lead to 4 different results.

12.5 Third Cycle

12.5.1. Scenario 03

Navigating in competitors websites, you discover that there is a ―Facebook connect‖ feature, allowing a site to use the user‘s Facebook registration to identify him/herself in other sites. To integrate this possibility into your website, you change the text from ―Login‖ to ―E-Mail‖ and add a new option to indicate whether the information provided is from the site or from the Facebook. With this new option, the possible paths are: “Already a “Facebook “Buy without registered Result Connect” registration” user”  ―Register user‖   ―Checkout of registered user‖   ―Checkout without register‖  ―Error 1‖ (Without registration X  Registered user)   ―Register user using Facebook‖  ―Checkout of Facebook registered user‖    ―Error 2‖ (Without registration X Facebook)  ―Error 3‖ (Without registration X Registered with Facebook) 90

12.5.2. Task 03

Talk about what modification you would make in the prototypes and how you would test them, using the available three tools and in the established order. Try talking about how each tool makes the process of building the prototype and its behavior easier or harder.

13 Appendix B: Complete test results

The tables in this appendix show the data collected from the evaluation study for every participant, represented by p (the fifth participant is named p5, for example). The following table shows the tool presentation order, where P stands for paper, B stands for Balsamiq and U stands for UISKEI. It is possible to see that every combination (6 in total) was performed with two different participants.

Table 9: Tools presentation order. p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12

P 1 1 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 3 2 B 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 Order U 3 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 1

The next table shows the answers to the initial questionnaire presented to the participants. The complete questionnaire script and the answer code can be seen in Section 12.1.

Table 10: Questionnaire answers.

p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12

1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2b 2 4 1 1 4 3 2 4 3 2 4 4 2c 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 2 3 3

3 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3a x 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 4p1 2 x 2 x x 3 0 2 4 x x 4

Questionnaire 4p2 0 x 1 x x 1 0 1 1 x x 1 4b1 0 x 0 x x 0 0 0 0 x x 0 4b2 0 x 0 x x 0 0 0 0 x x 0 4u1 1 x 0 x x 2 2 0 0 x x 0 4u2 0 x 0 x x 1 1 0 0 x x 0 92

The following tables show the scores given by the participants in the questionnaire presented after each cycle (the questions can be found in Section 8.1). Also, they present the average score and standard deviation for each question and group of questions (grouped in user interface questions and interaction questions, as discussed in Section 8.2).

Table 11: First cycle questionnaire answers and statistics.

Std Std

p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 Ave Ave Dev Dev 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 4.83 0.58

2 5 4 4 5 3 5 4 5 4 4 4 5 4.33 0.65 4.33 0.86 3 5 3 5 5 4 5 3 5 5 2 4 5 4.25 1.06

4 5 5 5 4 2 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 3.92 0.90

5 3 2 5 5 4 5 4 5 3 4 5 5 4.17 1.03

Paper 6 2 4 5 5 2 5 4 2 4 3 3 1 3.33 1.37

7 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 2 4 3 3 4 4.08 1.00 3.74 1.22 8 5 5 5 5 3 5 4 3 5 5 4 4 4.42 0.79

9 3 3 5 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 3 1 3.08 1.08

10 5 3 5 3 2 5 3 1 3 4 5 1 3.33 1.50

1 4 3 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 4 4.42 0.67

2 3 4 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 2 5 4 4.25 1.06 4.25 0.89 3 3 5 4 5 2 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 4.33 0.98

4 3 4 4 5 2 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 4.00 0.85

5 2 2 5 3 3 4 2 2 2 3 4 3 2.92 1.00

6 1 3 2 4 2 2 3 3 3 1 2 2 2.33 0.89 1st Cycle 1st

Balsamiq 7 2 4 5 3 2 3 4 5 4 2 3 4 3.42 1.08 2.97 1.10 8 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3.58 0.67

9 2 3 4 3 2 2 4 2 2 1 1 3 2.42 1.00

10 4 3 5 5 2 4 4 4 3 1 2 1 3.17 1.40

1 5 3 3 5 2 4 4 4 5 3 5 4 3.92 1.00

2 5 3 2 5 3 3 3 4 5 2 5 3 3.58 1.16 4.02 1.00 3 5 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 3 4 4 5 4.42 0.67

4 5 5 2 5 3 3 4 5 5 4 5 4 4.17 1.03

5 2 3 3 5 4 5 2 5 4 4 5 5 3.92 1.16

6 4 4 3 5 5 5 3 5 5 3 5 4 4.25 0.87 UISKEI 7 4 3 3 4 3 5 2 4 4 3 5 4 3.67 0.89 3.94 1.06 8 4 3 2 3 4 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3.75 1.29

9 5 4 2 5 3 4 3 5 5 3 5 4 4.00 1.04

10 5 5 1 5 4 5 4 3 4 4 5 4 4.08 1.16


Table 12: Second cycle questionnaire answers and statistics.

Std Std

p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 Ave Ave Dev Dev 1 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 3 4 5 5 5 4.67 0.65

2 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 2 5 4 3 5 3.83 1.11 3.83 1.10 3 3 4 2 5 2 5 3 5 4 1 4 4 3.50 1.31

4 3 3 5 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 3 3.33 0.78

5 5 2 5 5 3 5 4 4 2 4 5 5 4.08 1.16

Paper 6 2 2 4 5 2 5 3 2 4 3 2 1 2.92 1.31

7 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 1 4 5 3 3 3.83 1.11 3.35 1.34 8 4 4 3 5 3 5 3 2 3 5 3 1 3.42 1.24

9 3 2 5 4 2 4 4 1 3 5 2 1 3.00 1.41

10 5 2 4 4 2 4 3 1 2 1 5 1 2.83 1.53

1 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 4.75 0.45

2 4 5 5 5 3 5 3 5 4 4 5 3 4.25 0.87 4.31 0.90 3 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 4 4 4 5 2 4.25 1.14

4 2 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 3 4 5 3 4.00 0.95

5 5 2 5 5 4 4 5 3 4 4 4 5 4.17 0.94

6 1 3 5 5 2 4 4 2 1 2 2 1 2.67 1.50

Balsamiq 2nd Cycle 2nd 7 4 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 3 5 2 4 4.17 0.94 3.35 1.42 8 4 4 5 5 2 5 3 5 2 4 2 1 3.50 1.45

9 2 2 5 4 2 3 5 1 2 1 1 1 2.42 1.51

10 2 3 5 5 3 4 4 4 2 3 2 1 3.17 1.27

1 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 5 5 5 5 4.75 0.62

2 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 5 5 3 5 4 4.42 0.67 4.58 0.65 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 5 5 4.75 0.45

4 5 5 5 5 4 3 4 5 4 3 5 5 4.42 0.79

5 2 3 4 4 4 5 3 4 3 3 5 5 3.75 0.97

6 5 4 5 4 4 5 3 4 4 3 5 5 4.25 0.75 UISKEI 7 4 3 5 3 4 5 4 3 4 3 5 4 3.92 0.79 4.14 0.81 8 4 4 5 4 3 4 4 3 5 3 5 4 4.00 0.74

9 5 4 5 5 4 4 3 5 4 3 5 5 4.33 0.78

10 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 4 5 5 4.58 0.67


Table 13: Third cycle questionnaire answers and statistics.

Std Std

p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 Ave Ave Dev Dev 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 4.83 0.58

2 1 3 3 5 3 5 2 2 4 5 3 5 3.42 1.38 3.67 1.36 3 5 3 3 5 2 5 3 5 2 1 4 5 3.58 1.44

4 1 2 4 4 2 4 4 3 2 2 2 4 2.83 1.11

5 5 2 5 5 4 5 4 2 4 5 5 5 4.25 1.14

Paper 6 1 2 3 5 2 5 2 1 5 5 2 1 2.83 1.70

7 4 3 5 5 3 5 4 2 5 5 1 4 3.83 1.34 3.18 1.58 8 4 3 4 5 3 5 2 2 5 5 1 1 3.33 1.56

9 2 1 4 3 1 4 3 1 3 2 1 1 2.17 1.19

10 5 1 4 3 2 5 3 1 1 1 5 1 2.67 1.72

1 5 5 4 5 5 3 5 5 5 4 5 5 4.67 0.65

2 4 5 2 5 3 4 1 3 3 4 5 2 3.42 1.31 3.88 1.28 3 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 3 2 4 5 2 3.92 1.51

4 2 4 3 5 1 4 5 3 3 4 5 3 3.50 1.24

5 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 2 3 5 4 5 4.17 0.94

6 1 4 1 5 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 2.08 1.31

Balsamiq 3rd Cycle 3rd 7 4 5 2 5 3 5 4 3 3 4 1 4 3.58 1.24 2.78 1.49 8 4 4 2 4 3 5 1 3 2 3 1 1 2.75 1.36

9 1 2 1 4 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1.67 0.98

10 1 4 1 5 1 3 3 3 1 5 1 1 2.42 1.62

1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 4.83 0.58

2 5 4 4 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 4.67 0.49 4.73 0.54 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 3 5 5 5 4.75 0.62

4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 5 4 4.67 0.49

5 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 5 4.50 0.52

6 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 3 5 5 4.42 0.67 UISKEI 7 5 4 4 3 5 5 4 4 4 3 5 4 4.17 0.72 4.38 0.68 8 5 4 5 3 5 5 4 3 4 3 5 4 4.17 0.83

9 5 4 4 5 5 4 3 5 4 4 5 5 4.42 0.67

10 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 4 5 5 4.58 0.67


Lastly, the following table shows the answers to the interview questions (presented in section 8.1), with the same letter code previously used (p=Paper, b=Balsamiq, u=UISKEI). The last columns show the number of participants who chose the corresponding tool in that question.

Table 14: Interview answers.

p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 P B U

1 B U P B U P B P U U B B 3 5 4

2 B B B U U B B B B B B B 0 10 2

Interview 3 U U U U U U P U U U U U 1 0 11