Page 1 All Matters Fishery Notes - Farming & Forestry, too! Vol. 1, No. 3 March 2006 FREE Attacking TABOR by John Frary On Tuesday, February 26, the Secretary Apart from doubts one may have about of State certified that the Taxpayer Bill of the voters’ enthusiasm for LD1, it is fla- Rights (TABOR) petitions have enough grantly illogical for the Democrats to boast signatures to place the measure before the of reforming a mess they created in the voters in a referendum. If passed TABOR first place. I would be surprised if Maine’s would tie the amount of state taxes and taxpayers, studying their own tax bills, fees to the nation’s official rate of infla- will be much impressed by assurances that tion and Maine’s population growth. Any “four studies have shown that LD 1 is suc- increase over this limit would require the ceeding.” consent of a majority of the voters. Twenty House Speaker John Richardson enthu- percent of any state revenue in excess of siastically characterizes TABOR as “the ca- the limit would set aside in a reserve fund lamity from Colorado.” He warns us that to cover shortfalls due to periods of eco- “it will only create problems that will hurt nomic downturns and the remaining 80% Maine’s school children, and our families, returned to taxpayers. Similar limits would our seniors and our communities.” What apply to local taxes. he really means, of course, is that the vot- The key to TABOR is this: Maine’s tax- ers will create problems if they are allowed payers must consent to increases beyond to interfere with business that properly Ruland Farm in Parkman, Maine. the stated limits. belongs to John Richardson, the Boo-Boo The immediate reaction of our masters from Brunswick, and his colleagues. Not in Augusta tells us that we can expect no that we will be hearing them say that in so The Token Conservative response to this key point in the months to many words. Nor will we be hearing a lot by Jon Reisman come. All manner of fearful consequences about the dubious achievements of LD1. The resurrection of All Maine Mat- that phrase for my column. It’s will be predicted, but we will hear no op- Fear will be the key to the anti-TABOR ters and the opportunity to pen a ponent arguing that taxpayers should be campaign. Official sources aided by every pithy and accurate, a standard denied a direct say about the burdens im- organized interest group dependent on monthly column herein is cause for I will strive for. Here’s where I’m posed upon them. gouging the taxpayer and abetted by a lib- optimism and good cheer. A column coming from: Planning Director Martha Freeman, eral-minded press will bombard the voters is a great chance to think and talk I was born in Buffalo, NY 50 speaking on behalf of Governor Baldacci, with vague warnings of disasters if they are about Maine politics and policy. It’s a years ago. I grew up in Philadelphia. provided the initial response. She assures allowed to have a say in taxation. chance to influence the agenda, edu- My family summered in the early us that “Taxpayer concerns already have The objective of all this will not be to cate and pontificate. For a conserva- 60’s on Long Lake in Naples, and been addressed very well in LD1.” If that’s inform the voters, but to create unease and tive academic wordsmith, what’s not I spent a total of 10 summers as uncertainty. Mary Adams, Jack Wibby, the true, then TABOR is done for. Happy and to like? a camper and counselor at a camp Maine Heritage Policy Center and other satisfied taxpayers will troop to the polls In the (hopefully hugely profitable) there. I first traveled to Washington and vote it down. Speaking for myself, I TABOR advocates will be out-spent by a issues to come, I will write about na- County as a 13 year old canoeist in rather doubt that Director Freeman is all wide margin in the campaign to come. Ev- tional and state politics and policy, that confident of the Maine taxpayers’ con- ery word they speak will be countered by 1969, and the beauty, wilderness tentment with LD1. If she is, a day trip to ten or a hundred. global warming, the culture war, in- and poverty I saw those many years Auburn is certain to shake her confidence Continued on page 10 tellectual pluralism, entrepreneur- ago haunts me still. I went to col- a bit. ship, blue, red and purple America, lege at Colby (majoring in both en- and more. House Republican leader vironmental studies and econom- David Bowles once introduced me ics, a combination that raised some JOIN THE PAPER TRAIL (AND SAVE A TREE): IF YOU ARE as the System’s eyebrows thirty years ago). I stud- CONCERNED LIKE WE ARE, READ THIS PAPER, CIRCLE A token conservative, and with a gen- ied economics in graduate school, NUMBER, AND PASS IT ON TO A FRIEND. tle jab at the “native conservative” married a Maine girl and moved to SAM’s George Smith, I’ve adopted 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Continued on page 10 Endangered Species – Making Mom and Dad Extinct By Tim Russell This Month’s Contents For millennia, societies around the “The most essential sociocultural pat- world have held that the cornerstone of terning of a newborn human organism the foundation for their existence has is achieved by the family. It is the first Attacking TABOR 1 been the traditional family – a mother, and most efficient sculptor of human The Token Conservative 1 material, shaping the physical, behav- a father united in monogamous mar- Endangered Species - Making Mom and Dad Extinct 1 riage raising children. Marriage was ioral, mental, moral and sociocultural characteristics of practically every indi- What Maine Needs Now 2 not created by the law or the Constitu- vidual. …From remotest past, married Discussion with Stu Kallgren, Maine Leaseholders Assn 2 tion. Marriage is not a legal statement, parents have been the most effective State of the State Response 3 but an anthropological and sociologi- 1 teachers of their children.” Undue Influence: Katahdin Region, Part 3 4 cal reality, created and sanctioned by The Center for Law and Social Pol- God. icy, a liberal child advocacy organiza- The Man of Steel 5 Marriage laws merely recognize tion, reported in 2003, “Most research- Needed Reforms: Part 1 56 and regulate an institution already in ers now agree that…studies support Is Big Brother Gonna Be Riding Shotgun? 6 existence for thousands of years. Soci- the notion that, on average, children Struggling with GOP Membership 6 etal archives, throughout many civiliza- do best when raised by their two mar- tions, are filled with many volumes of ried biological parents…”2 Freedom of Thought? 7 documented social science evidence A Child Trends Research Brief also A SOP to Socialized Medicine 7 attesting to a child’s mental, physical, reports “An extensive body of re- Profiles in Rural Maine: Parkman 8 economic and emotional well being search tells us that children do best $75,000 For Another Study? 10 when raised in a traditional family set- when they grow up with both biologi- An American Perestroika 13 ting. cal parents…”3 Pitirim Sorokin, founder and first Tragically, this traditional meaning Controlling the Last Free Voice in the World 13 chair of the Sociology Department at and understanding of the family is no Ask Alvina 6 Harvard, proclaimed, fifty years ago, longer held by many in today’s soci- Crossword Puzzle 12 ety. the importance of married parents. Letters to the Editor 15 Continued on page 11 We are also on the web at Page 2 All Maine Matters Fishery Notes - Farming & Forestry, Too! Continuing a Discussion With Stu Kallgren, of the What Maine Needs Now Maine Leaseholder’s Association by Matt McDonald The Maine Leaseholder’s Associa- STU: Well, the Katahdin Timberlands Why do people choose to live in the State Nearly three years and fifty three million tion was organized in 1990 to address leases are not the only group of lease- of Maine? This is the question that I have dollars later, there are only two thousand the concerns of leaseholders in the State holders that we represent. We represent newly enrolled people in Dirigo Choice. That been posing to myself over the last couple of of Maine. Stu Kallgren has served as its all of the leaseholders in the state of is certainly a far cry from what the Governor weeks. You have probably asked yourself the president since 1996. Maine. We’re not going to make a deal same question. With the beauty of Maine’s promised. AMM: Stu, I understand you’ve for one group that leaves the others out. vast forests, pristine coastline, and untouched Instead of reforming or getting rid of this met with the Judiciary Committee on wilderness, the state is certainly in a class all failure of a healthcare plan, the Governor is AMM: This has been something that by itself. asking for more time and more tax dollars to LD1646, which we talked about last the Maine Leaseholder’s Association has The citizens of Maine are known for being fund it. What is the answer to the terrible cost month. Can you tell me something been working on for a long time. What’s good hearted as well as hardworking. There of healthcare in Maine? It is found in a free about your meeting? the bottom line? is hardly any pollution or crime, and a num- market where the individual is able to choose STU: Quite a few leaseholders STU: The bottom line is that the Leg- ber of studies places Maine as one of the top what type of coverage he or she needs based showed up for it. The bill was spon- islature has to do something about the places to raise children. Yet with all these posi- upon their needs and wants, not based on sored by Herbie Clark, who introduced situation. That’s the bottom line. Instead, tive characteristics, the state of Maine is one what the State of Maine says that they need. it. He then introduced Jim Giffune, who they want to sit back, do nothing, and It is based in a free market where an interstate of the hardest — if not the hardest — places had been invited to speak on it. In the hope that something will come out of to live and to make a living, and if things to insurance sale is available. It is found in a free market where a Maine family can purchase an end, the committee decided to table the our negotiations with the landowners. do not change soon, the only people who will bill. They wanted us to try to speak to be enjoying all the beauty of this fine state will insurance plan at the same rate as a family in AMM: Isn’t it reasonable to ask you be thosee who vacation here in the summer New Hampshire. the landowners again. to try to work things out for yourselves because all the good hearted and hardworking The citizens of Maine should not have to AMM: Did you do that? first? Maine citizens will have to move because of suffer with such high healthcare costs when STU: We did go down to Portland on STU: The problem is that that isn’t go- the lack of good paying jobs and the terrible the answer is simply found in a free market Tuesday the 21st, and spoke with an at- ing to happen unless there’s a hammer tax burden that citizens of Maine are being approach to healthcare. torney for Katahdin Timberlands. over their head. forced to carry. A final challenge that the citizens of the AMM: Was it productive? AMM: Go on. What needs to change? First of all there State of Maine have to deal with is that we STU: I think it was more of a feeling STU: The best case scenario. The Ju- have a person in the Blaine House who should is the obvious: There has to be tax reform out process myself. He asked what we diciary Committee asks the Governor not be there. He has done nothing but fail the brought to Maine. As the great tax reform didn’t like about the 15-year lease they to set up a commission to study leasing patriot Mary Adams says, “It’s time to rein in people that he is supposed to be governing. had come up with. The attorney who - seasonal, year-round, and commercial. government spending.” The people of Maine cried out for tax re- came up with the 15-year lease was also The state of Maine has a great spending form and tax relief. The Governor provided The traditional leases here in northern problem. At the time of the writing of this LD1. LD1 has done nothing to bring tax re- there. Maine are seasonal and year-round. article the State of Maine has appropriated form or tax relief to the people of Maine. AMM: And what is it that you don’t AMM: What is the outcome you’re $6,911,419,180 (that’s almost seven billion The people of Maine have cried out for like about the fifteen-year lease? looking for? dollars) to spend in this fiscal year. This money healthcare reform and relief from high health- STU: Basically, the 15-year lease is STU: The outcome desired is one that represents the funds that will be used in the care costs. The Governor introduced social- nothing more than three 5-year leases protects the landowner’s rights, but General fund, the Highway fund, Internal Ser- ized healthcare via Dirigo Choice, which has put together. Katahdin Timberlands is which also protects the property that vice funds, Bond funds, and other state service been nothing but a tax burden to the Maine trying to sell it as offering more protec- sits on the land. Everyone should have citizens. funds. tion for the leaseholder when it really the same lease. Anyone who leases land What the nearly seven billion dollar budget The Governor has vetoed and discour- aged the will of the majority of the citizens of doesn’t. should have the same wording in the funding does not represent is education spend- AMM: Why? ing that is derived from local tax sources, nor Maine on multiple occasions. This can be seen lease. does it include federal funds that do not go with his introduction of sexual orientation STU: If someone were to assume AMM: What is the advantage in that? through state agencies, such as Social Security, into the Maine Civil Rights Act and with his ownership of the property, they could STU: The leaseholder’s property is Medicare, and agriculture subsidies. stalling of the Racino in Bangor, even though still terminate the lease at any time. protected. We know what we have, and If one were to calculate what the State of the majority of the voters voted it in. Also, with the 15-year lease, every five that we’re not going to be suddenly Maine spends a day it comes out to nearly This November the citizens of Maine have years the lease can be modified. Any- faced with exhorbitant increases in the $19,000,000. The underpaid and overtaxed a great opportunity to remove a man from the thing can change - the rates, the terms, cost of our lease. The landowner won’t people of Maine are being asked to ante up Blaine House who has shown himself to be even the complete wording of the lease. be able to extort more money from the nothing more then a failure of a governor. nearly $19,000,000 a day so that the current It’s basically a 5-year lease in three dif- leaseholder who is otherwise trapped, Maine is a great place to live, and with governor and his administration can recklessly ferent parts. unable to move his property, yet unable and carelessly spend it. This should not be so. change it will be a great place for our children AMM: And the main problem with to pay new and unreasonable costs. Another challenge that the citizens of to live. that is? Maine are being forced to carry is the terrible AMM: And who would regulate cost of healthcare. In 2003, Governor Balda- (Facts and figures from the article can be found on STU: Security. There’s no security this? cci introduced socialized medicine into Maine,, there whatsoever. STU: The commission. under the guise of Dirigo Choice. The Gov- and AMM: Are there any other problems AMM: Do you believe that this is fea- associated with the Katahdin Timber- rnor promised that Dirigo Choice would be Matt McDonald can be reached at sible or likely? the answer to the nearly one hundred thirty matthewthomasmcdonald@yahoo. land leases? Continued on page 10 thousand uninsured citizens of Maine. com We are also on the web at All Maine Matters Fishery Notes - Farming & Forestry, Too! Page 3 State of the State Response by Sen. Paul Davis In our February issue, we pub- over the years is the so-called “Pine lished Governor Baldacci’s “State of Tree Opportunity Zone.” Pine Tree the State” speech and the responses Zones offer a combination of tax in- All Maine Matters of several Republican legislators. One centives to spur economic develop- Fishery Notes of those legislators was Sen. Paul ment in targeted areas of the state. Davis. We inadvertently left the last Benefits include: paying reduced Farming & Forestry Too! part of his response out of the piece, or even no Maine income taxes for and we are publishing the entire re- the first several years; sales tax ex- sponse in this issue. We apologize for emption for sales to construction any inconvenience. contractors; sales tax exemption for Published by Maine Free Press, LLC sales of personal property to a quali- There are two vastly different views fying business; and reimbursement of the role government should play of employee withholding taxes for Editor and Advertising when it comes to job creation and qualified employees in a Pine Tree Michelle Anderson economic development. One view is Zone. that government ought to be in the Another qualification, or more Distribution business of creating jobs. The other accurately a limitation of Pine Tree view, and the view the Republican Zones is that they may only be locat- Ken Anderson Party subscribes to, is that the role ed in areas of relatively high unem- of government should be to foster an ployment or low wages. Seems to me environment that allows businesses like the entire state of Maine ought 207.723.4456 to create the jobs that will grow the to be designated a Pine Tree Zone. economy. In other words, govern- That, I suspect, would bring real ment has to make it safe and practi- economic development to Maine. cal for business to operate, and then Another of the other gimmicks get out of the way! we need to be careful to avoid is go- PO Box 788 When we encourage businesses to ing to be the upcoming campaign to thrive, the result is always going to establish a “living wage” in Maine. Kingman, ME 04451 be healthy economic development, Just what is a living wage? It usual- the investment and the entrepre- ly means enough income to support neurship that generate jobs and in- a family on one paycheck. What the come levels that enable Maine people so-called living wage really amounts This Month’s Contributors: to support their families. The fact is to is a local minimum wage policy Laura Adelmann Ken Anderson Maine competes with 49 other states requiring much higher pay rates David Bowles Adam Brackemyre as a location for businesses to call than the federal minimum wage law. Tarren Bragdon Rich Cebra home. Job relocation to other states It’s a new minimum wage. And just is twice as common as “outsourcing” like the old minimum wage, it never David P. Cyr Paul Davis overseas. helps those it was originally intend- Tom DeWeese Mark J. Ellis Maine routinely appears on the ed to help, and promises unintend- John Frary Michael Fundalewicz list of the ten states having the worst ed consequences. The fact is, when Matt McDonald Patrick Moening business tax climate in the country. goods are over-priced, fewer of them Joseph J. Nugent III Jon Reisman Our tax rate is #1 in the nation and get purchased. Labor is no different. Ray Richardson Tim Russell is a major cause for both the lack Fewer people get hired at artificially of new businesses coming to Maine higher wages. The living wage cru- Bob Sanders Alvina Turner and the high number of businesses sade will create the very real problem leaving the state. Maine also has a of low-skilled workers having trouble corporate tax rate that removes busi- finding a job at all. nesses incentive to set up shop here. We spend a fortune to educate 10,000 copies distributed from We have a complex, high-rate Unem- our kids, but then they have to leave ployment Insurance tax system rid- Maine to find satisfying careers. Machias to Kittery, North to Fort Fairfield, Stockholm, and dled with add-on benefits and sur- That’s very sad. Fort Kent, west to Greenville, Dover-Foxcroft, Dexter, Rumford, taxes that frustrate business owners On the bright side, we may finally and Bethel, and points in between and beyond! and practically pit them against the get rid of the tax on business equip- best interests of their employees. ment. For years, this has been a ma- The Republican vision for the jor impediment to businesses trying Published the first week of each month State of Maine begins by lowering to grow and create more jobs. And the tax burden on both the citizens for years, Republicans have argued of our state and the businesses that that this tax is counter-productive. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY ARTICLE OR AD employ our citizens. Job growth and Now, finally, the governor and the SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION. economic development will not be- Democrats may be joining with us to come a reality under our current end it. We welcome them aboard. philosophy, which looks at our busi- Maine is a beautiful state with ness community as something that tremendous assets. It’s a wonder- has to be taxed in order to support ful place to live and raise children. our state government. There is no reason we can’t main- A fundamental part of the Repub- tain a great quality of life while also lican approach to economic devel- building a strong economy with good opment is avoiding gimmicks and jobs and good incomes for our citi- Mothers short term fixes. One example of zens. That is the Republican vision. Anonymous these gimmicks that we have seen Cindy Sheehan asked President Bush, “Why did my son have to die in Iraq?”

Another mother asked President Kennedy, “Why did my son have to die in Viet Nam?”

Another mother asked President Truman, “Why did my son have to die in Korea?”

We are also on the web at Another mother asked President F.D. Roosevelt, “Why did my son have to die at Iwo Jima?”

Another mother asked President W. Wilson, “Why did my son have to die on the battlefield of France?”

Yet another mother asked President Lincoln, “Why did my son have to die at Gettysburg?”

And yet another mother asked President G. Washington, “Why did my son have to die near Valley Forge?”

Then, long, long ago, a mother asked, “Heavenly Father, why did my Son have to die on a cross outside of Jerusalem?”

The answer to all these is the same: “That others may have life and dwell in peace, happi- ness and freedom.” Page 4 All Maine Matters Fishery Notes - Farming & Forestry, Too! Undue Influence: Katahdin Region, Part 3 by David P. Cyr

A while ago, I announced that there was was wrong. To the Northern Forest Alliance day, at least not until it was too late for the With the removal of 87% of the logging in- credible evidence on State of Maine letter- this was only a minor set back. The ease forest industry on the west coast. dustry jobs on the West Coast and the suc- head to prove that the paper industry did not of removing the camps in New York State, We have the same lie here in Maine today; cessful removal of 17,000 manufacturing fall down. There are mountains of paperwork Vermont and New Hampshire (see footnote) they are called Atlantic Salmon. 400 years jobs in Maine, from 2000 to 2003, The Al- depicting the states closure of its northern was not going to happen here. It was time to ago, Salmon running free into the ocean were liance has developed a new form of help - half because the State is, and has been, the go to plan B. of pure lineage and unique to Maine. Euro- called an “Eco-Park.” This is where they tell primary pawn of the Northern Forest Alli- Michael Kellet, former New England Di- peans brought new breeding lines to Maine you that we need to say goodbye to the old ance. All you have to do is go back to 1985, rector of the Wilderness Society, Founder in an attempt to produce larger, faster grow- paper industry, give it a proper burial, and let when the “Big A Dam” was the first project and Executive Director of RESTORE, made ing salmon in fish farms. Over time, leaks in go of the past. in recorded history to be killed by a State no apologies for his need to remove the peo- the farming pens have allowed the European When you hear this often enough it even- Agency, demanding guaranteed employment ple from his new Park. In fact, at an environ- strains to breed with our native stock. The tually becomes almost believable. The same levels from the parent company. The death mental leadership conference, held at Tufts results of this mix was the watering down of thing occurs with the “ Eco-Park” lie. The of the “Big A” at the hands of our State Gov- University, both Kellet and Brock Evans of the original Native Stock. With salmon lying basic theory and workings are possible, but ernment also marked the beginning of the the Audubon Society, urged the audience to in riverbeds like cordwood, we are led to be- the application is a stretch from reality. If in end for Millinocket, for it would be only a “Be unreasonable. You can do it. Yesterday’s lieve they are near extinction. Our Govern- fact the Eco-Park was a good alternative to few short years before the dissection of our heresy is today’s common wisdom.” It hap- ment and the Northern Forest Alliance will replace logging and Paper industry jobs, they land, dams, and industry would begin with pens over and over again. So I would say lets use the sins of our forefathers, who allowed would be able to show you shining examples the arrival of ... BOWATER, and their “New take it back. Let`s take it ALL back.” (see the pure breed to become mixed, to federally of actual places where these Eco-Parks are Beginning”. footnote) While Evans and Kellet strongly protect our waterways, to no good end. functioning. That is not the case, however. We have been very gullible when it comes proclaimed the need of Massachusetts to Now that sounds harmless enough, right? By showing you a successful Eco-Park, to our State leaders; part of being a Mainer take Maine back and repair the “damage” Wrong! The Alliance has spent over three you would then learn about other communi- is our need to trust in those who have been that had occurred during three hundred decades planning to use this, and when they ties which have had their industry taken away elected as our leaders. But that trust has been years of European settlement, that message finally light this candle, it will likely do the by the Northern Forest Alliance. You would abused by the green movement. They have only provoked outrage in Maine. So the “al- same for Maine as the Spotted Owl did for also learn how difficult it really is to make it used their power, wealth, and influence to liance” changed its tactics and allowed the the West Coast. Why do you think you hear work. For an Eco-Park to work, the theory is carefully mold the careers of those politi- Nature Conservancy to take the lead. all these new terms in the press and on the simple: When you collect a bunch of small cians who will do their dirty work. Why do In the 1800’s, President Roosevelt led the tube? Terms like “urban interface”, “fringe woodworking businesses on the road, the you think it has taken more than a decade charge to build several National Parks and habitat,” “underground acquifer;” these and waste can be used to generate low cost heat and two Governors to achieve and maintain preserve the true Natural jewels in this great several dozen other green phrases are now and electricity, that would indeed benefit all our status of being the most anti-business country. The Sierra Club, at the time, was the the products of the Northern Forest Alli- in theory. In reality, this process is already state in the union? original founder of the green movement, and ance’s war on civilization. By naming and re- fatally flawed, when a business attempts to When a state collects the titles of, “High- was instrumental in recognizing and priori- cording every point of origin and every point open in the Eco-Park, it must overcome two est State Tax,” “Highest Corporate Tax,” tizing our first National Parks. What had be- of release of a single drop of water, from a major hurdles. First, Maine is the most Anti- “Highest Workers Compensation,” “High- gun as a beneficial relationship between the collection basin to a watershed, the Alliance entrepreneurial state in the country. While est Healthcare Cost,” and “Highest Unem- Government and a private club has evolved has connected all of Maine’s 5,000 rivers, other states work to provide incentives for ployment Insurance.” All this, while almost into an entire society of public/private part- lakes, ponds, and streams, both underground businesses, Maine works to provide the ap- sharing a border with New Hampshire, one nerships called the Northern Forest Alli- and above ground. As we widen the protec- pearance of being business friendly (Pine the lowest taxed states in the country. Why ance. tion areas around our waterways and find Tree Zones), even while working full time to do you think our Governor and the Land for In 1935, a radical right wing spur was exciting new colorful names for disgusting overregulate all northern Maine business out Maine’s Future Board has been pushing to hatched from the Sierra Club called the “Wil- swamps, I predict that there will be only two of business. Second, Eco-Park residents will spend hundreds of millions of dollars to pur- derness Society.” Its goals, as stated, were to trailer parks and a land fill remaining that is need wood to cut and use, and once again, chase and protect land from development? create true “Wilderness” where man is not not connected to a water supply somewhere land is the issue. The land, fractured by the Land that is already within the boundaries even a visitor; or to use their own words in Maine. When they finally use the federal Bowater dissection of the 90’s, will still be of the most anti-entrepreneurial and envi- “Untrammeled by Man.” government to protect our waterways, they controlled by the Alliance. ronmentally protected State in the Country In 1953, The Nature Conservancy was will also connect all the land. First, we must believe that we are now doesn’t need to be further protected. What incorporated, leaving the radicals from pre- While the Wilderness Society enjoyed somehow better off sending trinkets down they are after is governmental control of the vious clubs behind. To give you some idea the aggressive approach, there are only so the road, receiving peanuts for our efforts, land. My research has uncovered the roots of the degree of importance that The Nature many jobs, factories and people that you can than we were when we were sending truck- and origin of the “Land For Maine’s Future Conservancy placed on the acquisition of eliminate before someone notices. The Na- loads of paper down the road to keep good Board” that was set up back in 1987. The Maine, you need to understand that there are ture Conservancy, however, invented a sys- paying jobs with benefits here. The only ben- Nature Conservancy was the driving force now 80 Chapters of the TNC: One in all 50 tem by which everybody wins. Take Milli- eficiaries of the reduction of exports from behind the installation of a green bank within States, and in 30 foreign countries, they also nocket, for example. We were led to believe truckloads to toothpicks are the Northern our State’s already overloaded bureaucracy. hold a seat in the United Nations. They ap- that the TNC was instrumental in helping Forest Alliance and the outdoor enthusiast The cold, cruel facts are as simple as this; parently have enough clout to be compared Great Northern in the final months prior to industry (rafting/tourism). The removal of to make a park in this state the people and in- to a Sovereign Nation, but Maine was impor- its 1/10/03 bankruptcy filing. good-paying jobs with benefits is absolutely dustry must go. No one wants to explore the tant enough to become their fourth chapter, While we are hearing how the TNC does necessary for the growth of tourism. If tour- arrogance that follows. Simply put, they de- incorporated way back in 1956. “good things,” their actions simply do not re- ism has to compete with living wage jobs to cided decades ago that our forefathers have You may ask, “What have they been do- flect that result. We have lost 41,000 acres at fill its needs, anything above minimum wage settled into a portion of these United States ing here for the past 50 years?” Debsconeag, 3,500 acres at Trout Mountain. will reduce profit and growth. that must now be uninhabited. Our forefa- Look around you, do you see thriv- And we are supposed to believe that re- It may be time to ask some very pertinent thers made a big mistake; they cut trees, built ing paper companies or multiplying green moving all that land from timber production questions: “Why would any tourism-based homes and fed their families in the wrong groups? You cannot have both. Remember, forever is the best thing for our local paper business owner promote any manufactur- place. Wrong according to whom? I despise only eighteen years ago there was softwood company. Bowater’s downsizing of 2.1 mil- ing in his own community? Why would any the arrogance of those who sit behind the stacked two stories high, for miles on both lion acres to now under 400,000 acres, has tourism-based business owner partner up protection of a computer screen, while they sides of the Golden Road, and not a single left our local paper company looking to ship with the Northern Forest Alliance?” use their self- proclaimed superior intel- soul knew about the TNC or the Alliance stock from Canada to keep the Millinocket The answers are coming. lect to manipulate the rural population of a back then. Today, you would be hard pressed mill going. Senator claims poor state. They make O Sama Bin Laden to find any softwood on the Golden road, but that this is a new door opening for trade, Editor’s Note: The title for this se- look kind. The Northern Forest Alliance has you would have no problem finding mention when in fact it is the door closing on our ries of articles was borrowed from decided for us, that in order to achieve the of several different green groups in all of the mill’s future. The result is plain for all to the excellent book by Ron Ar- largest continuous tract of uninhabited Wil- local publications, mostly trying to convince see. nold, entitled, “Undue Influence: derness in our great country, all of Northern you of how great they are. The TNC was Instead of cutting trees in this area and Wealthy Foundations, Grant Driven Maine must be empty. Nothing personal, just formed using a new format, building on the making stock with those trees, here at our Environmental Groups and Zealous don’t let the door hit you in the butt on the successes of the Public/Private Partnerships. mills, we are supposed to believe that us- ing Canada’s trees, processed into stock at Bureaucrats That Control Your Fu- way out. Within these new guidelines, The Nature ture.” Other Ron Arnold books in- In order to understand this level of arro- a Canadian mill, pressed into blocks to ship, Conservancy was able to become the largest clude: gance, we must first see the results of their and most the powerful non-profit of its kind transported to a port, shipped to a port in arrogance: de-population. My wife and I in the world. Maine, off-loaded into a warehouse, and fi- attended the RESTORE “Bar-B-Que” in The bulldozer style of the Wilderness nally shipped to a mill in Millinocket ... This • Ecology Wars: Environmental- Greenville back in 2000. Upon our arriv- Society gave the Northern Forest Alliance is a cost-effective way to make paper? ism As If People Mattered al we passed by and collected a variety of public relation problems across the country, It doesn’t take a college degree to un- • Trashing the Economy: How hand-outs available on a well placed table, especially after the Spotted Owl Campaign derstand that adding five steps to a one-step Runaway Environmentalism is we must have reached into something sa- successfully removed 87% of the logging in- process will not enhance profit. What it does Wrecking America cred, because we came home with a de-pop- dustry jobs from the West Coast. The success enhance, however, is the public’s perception ulation list, and a map illustrating Route 11 of that campaign was based largely on a lie. that all of these entities are here to help. as the perimeter road for the new park. The The green movement uses pseudo-science If in fact, the TNC was here to help, they map dictates the towns eliminated within and half-truths to achieve its goals. While could, out of the goodness of their hearts, David P. Cyr, a lifelong resident of the new park, the list dictates the percentage studies showing the Spotted Owl’s near ex- give back the 44,500 acres they removed Millinocket, Maine gave up his seat of de-population projected in the areas al- tinction at the hands of the logging industry from use, even while claiming to be helping as a member of the Millinocket Plan- lowed to exist. (See footnote) Back in 2000, were being used to de-populate the west us. In fact, if their motive, as stated, was to ning Board, prior to his election to I placed very little concern on RESTORE’s coast, scientific studies that were performed help, we would see some results. With $3.2 the Millinocket Town Council. While ability to obtain its goals. Today I am look- to report on the owl’s adaptability in learning Billion in liquid assets, the TNC could pur- he retains his seat on the Compre- ing at the accuracy of their four-year-old to feed on new growth forest were not re- chase many third world countries. If in fact, hensive Planning Committee, he also projections, asking, “What happened?” leased until after the campaign was complete. the stability and well-being of a struggling holds a seat on the Board of the Mil- When we left the Greenville “RESTORE To sum it up, they used the fact that the paper company was a concern, they could re- linocket Historical Society and Ka- Roast”, I believed they were defeated. The owl is very small and has used the high can- turn the 44,500 acres they helped themselves tahdin Area Television. Along with following day, they cancelled their scheduled opy of “Old Growth” forest to escape pre- to, and find more available land to stabilize his membership in the Maine Lease- meeting in Millinocket. We Won! I, like oth- dation from larger species and support itself Katahdin Papers’ lack of land/stock issues. holder’s Association and the Fin And ers, believed that this victory was permanent, as a reason to end logging, when in fact, the You will have to live a long time before Feather Club, he was recently elect- their announcement of their intentions to re- studies performed showing the owl’s ability you actually see a member of the Northern ed to the Steering Committee of the move the camps and reclaim the land was so to live in new growth forest and adapt to a Forest Alliance help the logging industry. Maine Woods Coalition. outrageous it would be their undoing. But I changing environment never saw the light of All Maine Matters Fishery Notes - Farming & Forestry, Too! Page 5 Straight from The Man of Steel Nana Beth’s Kitchen! by Mark J. Ellis This month’s recipe: Bread Pudding “You can’t hurt the man of steel,” I sponse had been engineered by his de- In the upcoming campaign for state would claim victoriously with my hands sire to discover opportunities where offices, we will hear from our liberal Bake @ 375* 30-45 min. on my hips in the most rigid pose I could none should exist. At that moment, the friends that increases in state and local muster. grand piano of parental responsibility taxes are to be blamed on the federal Ingredients: Sam would smile and retreat with came crashing down on me from the top government and, more specifically, Pres- • Bread tired arms and smarting fists. He was floor. Once again, I was reminded of my ident Bush’s policies that have cut fed- • Milk completely aware that the torrent of most important job as a parent. eral contributions to the states. The fact • Eggs of the matter is that even as the federal • Can of Apple Pie Filling punches he had just delivered to his Maintaining an environment that pro- • Raisons dad’s abdomen had no affect at all. motes the growth of high self-esteem is portion of our tax burden has decreased • Sugar The last time I remember playing The just as vital to raising children as provid- since 2000, federal aid to states has in- • Salt Man of Steel with my son Sam was seven ing the staples of food, clothing, educa- creased 31%. During the same period, • Cinnamon years ago at the mall. We were waiting tion, and shelter. It is the hinge on which state government spending in Maine has • Nutmeg for Mom and Sister to finish their well the door to all of our relationships opens increased 18% -- the second highest in- choreographed but excruciating ballet and closes. High self-esteem is the key crease in the nation. In a 3 qt. saucepan: to and from the fitting rooms at Filene’s. to the Golden Rule of treating others the Pardon me for stating the obvious Amid the annoying squeak and click of way we want to be treated. but, Maine doesn’t have a tax problem; At least 2 1/2 cups of milk, heated; hangers on the clothing racks, six-year- With high self-esteem, our children we have a spending problem! take off stove The size and scope of our state old Sam and I snuck away to an isolated will develop into caring and contribut- Add - 3 beaten eggs aisle. We played our game to our hearts’ ing members of the communities we government have reached crisis propor- 2 tsps. of vanilla content and it ended the same way it love. They will make the best decisions tions. We need to reverse the trend of 2 pinches of salt always did – the man of steel was un- in the most difficult of circumstances government growth so that families can 3/4 cups of sugar scathed. and they will choose light and life in a spend more time together and less time “Okay Sam, it’s my turn. And you culture of darkness and death. paying their tax burden. We need to Crumble up 4 - 5 slices of bread into better watch out! I’m going to knock you As parents, the most precious tool we change course before we lose another small pieces and add 1/2 tsp, of cin- into next week,” I growled jokingly as I have to help us instill high self-esteem in generation to the culture of irresponsi- namon and raisins . added a new twist to our game. our children is time. Time is the resource bility and dependency. The menacing sneer on my face came that, if not invested in early and often Giving time back to parents will Stir all ingredients together and spray be, in a phrase often used by liberals, casserole dish with Pam. easily as I tapped into the mood of the with our young ones, will compound rainy Sunday afternoon. At first, Sam exponentially into corrective require- “good for the children.” Cover entire bottom of the dish with was surprised and shrank back like a ments that will burden our communities full slices of bread . frightened mouse that had been trapped unnecessarily in the future. in a corner by a big, hungry cat. And Living in the highest taxed state in the Spread 1 can of apple pie filling on then, as he took a brave step forward, an union, parents in Maine are being robbed top of bread slices. expression of sincere hope quickly blos- of precious time. The Tax Foundation somed on his face. ( reported that Mark J. Ellis is the Director of Infor- Pour custard mixture with raisons on top and sprinkle lightly with nutmeg. “Dad, can you send me to Friday? in 2005, Mainers had to work from Jan- mation Technology at Douglas Dy- That’s the day of our school roller skat- uary 1st to April 23rd just to pay their namics, LLC and is the State Chair- Serve warm with whipped cream or ing party,” he announced. taxes. That is six days longer than the man of the Maine Republican Party. cool whip. I knelt down and hugged him as I national average and approximately ten He resides in Augusta with his wife laughed my way to tears. Sam’s clever- days more than what is required to pur- Rachel and their three children. ness had taken me by surprise. Then I chase food, clothing, and medical care took pause as I recognized that his re- combined. Needed Reforms: Part 1 by Michael Fundalewicz Growing up in a rural area of Massachu- Kids and parents actually got along because minimum or above and that was usually a B- night on a weekend just dreaming. Our par- setts during the 60s and 70s was totally differ- the kids knew where they stood and were or above. ents knew where we were and we were safe, ent from what it is now. taught respect for their elders no matter who My parents didn’t blow their budget on contained and accounted for. Is that the case We went to school, listened to our teach- they were. Any step out of line was immedi- Christmas either. I was glad to get whatever now? Nope! God only knows where they are ers and respected our elders. When we came ately followed up with a quick reminder; and it and cherished it. A list was intended for Santa or what they’re doing. Good thing we have cell home, we changed our clothes, did our home- usually stung too. and not a purchase order. phones now. By the way, who paid for them? work without question and then headed off Let me ask you folks, when’s the last time Fast food in my house was considered to We didn’t “tool around town” in the cars to do our daily chores. Mine was to tend to you saw a family with kids who took the ini- be either a peanut butter and jelly sandwich our parents bought us and waste gas, even at the garden, cut the lawn, feed the chickens and tiative to cut the lawn, rake the leaves or do or whatever left-overs Ma had in the fridge. $.50 a gallon. We bought our own cars and whatever else we had, clean out their pens and any chores without a fight breaking out or the The only time that we as a family, and that worked for the money to get and maintain then get ready for supper. demand for some sort of payment? I wouldn’t was only once a month maybe, went out and them. We paid our own way. Why? Because During the meal we’d chat about each oth- have dreamed of asking my folks for money, splurged on “fast food” was either at the “Ve- that’s the way it was. You work, you play and er’s day and relax. Then it was my time to help I knew my home was dry, paid for, warm and nus Cafe“ where the pizza’s were under $3.00 you pay your own way; plain and simple! out with the dishes; after all, Ma cooked and there was food on the table. or the “Burger Boy” where burgers were $.15 And another “law” we had was “when the cleaned all day, Dad worked his butt off for Let me ask you folks, when’s the last time and fries $.25; and we‘re talking a full pound street lights come on, you’d best be home”. menial pay and their shifts were done. you saw a family with kids who took the ini- too. Ya, the prices have changed but so have Never mind this staying out all night bull that Then, and only then, the black and white tiative to cut the lawn, rake the leaves or do the priorities. goes on now. School night, in by the lights. TV came on and we watched the news and any chores without a fight breaking out or the What ever happened to taking your bikes, Weekends, in by 10 PM, period! then a few other shows. By 8 o’clock it was demand for some sort of payment? I wouldn’t as kids, and going fishing or camping or just Let’s take a soft step back folks and remem- time for bed and again, no questions were have dreamed of asking my folks for money, riding around the block for that matter. Or just ber what we, as well as our kids, have lost in needed. It was just done that way. I knew my home was dry, paid for, warm and laying around in the field watching the stars or the interim and in the name of advancement What happened to those days? there was food on the table. just catching fireflies. I remember playing “war and progress. Is it really all it’s cut out to be or Life was simple. The only time I’d hear a The only time a reward was issued was games” as a 17 year old in my back field with is it a cursed trap we’ve let ourselves fall into? head-fit going on is if Ma burned something when my school grades met the mandatory several friends until the “wee” hours of the I know that we all want the best for our on the stove or I ran over a rock with the lawn kids, I do too, but are we honestly doing it??? I mower. don’t really think so. DO YOU?


Green, Seasoned, or Kiln Dried

Cut, Split, and Delivered 277-3017 Doug Thomas

We are also on the web at Page 6 All Maine Matters Fishery Notes - Farming & Forestry, Too! Is Big Brother Gonna Be Riding Shotgun? Struggling with GOP Membership by Bob Sanders By Ray Richardson

Here we go on a little educational adven- If the code indicates malfunctions in areas of As you may have heard, I have been What I haven’t figured out is why ture into the land of Check Engine lights and emission control, (most of them do), then this struggling with my membership in the this trend started. Is it because we lost a the engine management systems that are busy info is processed and the vehicle owner is sent Republican Party. I have struggled be- few elections and became more worried controlling a myriad of devices on your vehi- a letter informing them that they have ten days cause I have loved this Party for as long about winning than being true to our cle that keep you motoring along the highway. to have the problem rectified and a certificate as I can remember and it has pained me beliefs? I know something about that. And, more importantly to the EPA, that part of compliance sent back to the gummint. to see it stray so far from its foundation Every mistake I have ever made, every of management software that controls activa- If you haven’t complied with all of this, the and its ideals. I went so far last week as consequence I have ever suffered is be- tion of the Check Engine light due to a mal- next letter in your mailbox will tell you how to get a voter registration card with the cause I abandoned what I believed, even function in the emission control package. much your fine is. (Ain’t this getting fun?) idea to “quietly” un-enroll, becoming an when I realized that is exactly what I was It has been my experience that the public And, of course, if you ignore this, then Independent. So much for that plan as doing. shakes out into two very distinct schools of things really start to get ugly. word leaked out to a point where I had to What good is winning elections, gain- philosophy when it comes to their reaction Don’t like that version? Here’s another: address it on my program Friday morn- ing the majority which allows you to to this particular “idiot light” staring back at Instead of the greetings from the EPA telling ing. set the agenda, if when you get there, them from their instrument clusters. you how much you get to contribute to Uncle I have been a Republican in spirit those who make-up your majority do not One school mimics Barney Fife and acts Sam, we just change the software. If you don’t since I was ten years old and a Republi- share your ideas? Pandering for votes is just about as cool and collected as Barney send in your compliance verification, after so can in fact since I was 18. Being a part of the worst offense an elected person can when it was time to put his one bullet in his re- many days, your vehicle’s software will com- this Party and the ideals it has stood for commit. It means that winning the elec- volver, and the other group follows the Alfred mand a maximum vehicle speed that is pro- has been a very important part of my life. tion is more important than serving the E. Newman “What, Me Worry” indifference. gressively 5 MPH lower every start/shutdown I worked for Richard Nixon’s re-election best interest of your constituents. What Since most emission related failures don’t cycle, down to a minimum of 15 MPH. (It’s in 1972 by going door-to-door hand- has been accomplished if you think you make a lot of difference in vehicle perfor- gonna take longer and longer to get to work.) ing out fliers (no, my parents did not elected an elephant, but once they got mance, the majority of people simply ignore Or how about this: The software disables push me, the reason is a long story for to office, you realize you really elected a it when it becomes obvious that the car runs all the HVAC functions. You know, no heat, another day), did just about everything RINO? “just fine”. no air (climate dependant, of course), they’ll you can think of for Ronald Reagan dur- The Republican Party has historically The ostrich-like behavior of most of the either freeze you out or roast you. ing his two elections and have supported stood for great ideals and attracted peo- public when it comes to responding to Check There was another version that was run the current President Bush as much as I ple to the Party because our cause was/is Engine lights would come to an end if the up the ol’ flagpole that simply commanded can. noble and just. I am not a “big tent” Re- EPA had its druthers. The emission monitor- engine shutdown after a prescribed amount I have loved being a Republican be- publican because I believe we do not ad- ing level that has been in place since 1996 on of time, but that version was thrown out for cause, like being from Maine, it means just our principles simply to attract new all vehicles sold in the USA is known as OBD fear of engine shutdown just when the wife something. The ideals of the Republican members. Does that mean we don’t ac- II. The next generation of emission monitor- and her six kids in the Caravan were straddling Party have always represented the very cept those who do not share our founda- ing is going to b3e called OBD III, and if some the B&A railroad tracks. (These guys are all best about being an American. Lately, tional ideas? Of course we accept them; federal agencies were King of the World, then heart!) however, the principles have been com- however, we do it by drawing them to OBD III would have some real enforcement Is this Orwellian nightmare gonna happen? promised and the identity has been our noble cause, not by changing who we teeth built right into the software. Not likely. Simply because of the legal ques- muddied. Our mantra used to be “This are for a few lousy votes. It would work something like this: tions of who actually owns the software when is what we believe and we want you The Republican Party has always been If your engine management system moni- you buy your car, and for that matter, who to join us in our cause which is noble Pro-Life, Pro-Opportunity, Pro-Equal- tored a malfunction in the emission package owns the car. and just.” Unfortunately it has become ity (meaning merit and character, not that allowed emissions to exceed a predeter- You can see that if this were all to come “What do we need to do to get you to join anything else) for Limited Government mined maximum, the Check Engine light to pass, then government agencies would be us.” I reject that idea. Its adoption has Intrusion in our lives, Limited Taxation would be activated, just like now. But that wielding considerable control over the func- watered down our identity to the point and giving our neighbors a helping hand would be just the beginning. tions of your property. Right now, you own that most Mainers and most Americans up when they are in need and a kick in At the same time of light activation, the the family sedan, but if the legal issues could have a hard time telling the difference the pants to get them going when they code data your system is generating when your be sidestepped, then the EPA would drag ev- between a Democrat and a Republican. need it. We also believe in a strong econ- Check Engine light is on would be relayed to erybody into the Barney Fife Family of Mo- It made me consider leaving this Party omy that allows us to prosper and gives a data collection center via the cell phone net- toring, dropping into an absolute panic every that I love, but after much soul-search- us the ability to support and provide for work. time the little yellow light came on. ing, I refuse to be driven out of my Party those who are not capable of provid- by those who do not truly believe in the ing for themselves. We believe a strong ideals that we have long held. Continued on page 11

Dear Alvina: My problem is that I know that soon I will be very sad and lonely. I have a great room- mate. We have been together for many years. We jointly own our beautiful home and have found we love each other. We are both women. Ask The thing is that she has to go across the country to stay with her sick aging mother. She thinks that she will ultimately stay there because her siblings and their children and her own Dear Alvina: children live there. I have bought her out as far as the house goes, we both went 50/ 50 when I was born December 31, 1960. I married at age 29 and have been married for 16 years. we bought it. We are both sad, and I fear being alone as I have no family here. The problem is that I do not want to be married any more. I have a wonderful wife, two great My birthday is February 25, 1941, and her birthday is February 19, 1946. children and I am even attached to my dog. I just started my own business and feel I am doing very well and feel I have to break up In grief because I am so unhappy. This is making my family unhappy too because they know I do Dear in Grief: not want to be tied down. We have tried marriage counseling and I have had talks with my You are a very intuitive and sensitive minister but the constant urge to leave is with me. woman. At this time in your life you are in Am I crazy? Am I imagining things will be better if I leave? the space where you are learning the differ- ence between being of SERVICE and being Attached. a SERVANT. When I see your roommates chart I feel that you have carried the burden of many things in her life. She is in disarray Dear Attached. and seems to need someone to take of her. I As a Capricorn, you are in a space where there is transition and reorganization. This is am wondering if she will be able to care for also a space where there are secrets and suspicions around you. I feel you are not telling me her sick mother. She is needy and you like to all the story, that you have a secret you have not told your family and that secret is weighing be needed. you down. Of course you will miss her company and It also seems that soon you will receive an inheritance and have the feeling that you will taking care of her crisis periods. I see that be able to travel and do things that you cannot do with the responsibilities of family and a you will feel free to roll up your sleeves dog. You are learning the lesson of “YOURS, MINE AND OURS.” and get into deep, serious activity that will Your moon is in Gemini and in an aspect that leads me to believe your emotional duality take your attention. You will now become of tears you apart in many areas of your life not just in your marriage. You are not crazy, it SERVICE and leave the SERVANT behind. is just that you cannot make the move to leave on your own, therefore, you probably want I know that in the community you live in you someone else to make it for you. They won’t . . . you will. can soon find places where you can cooper- ate with others in volunteering to do the kind Keyword: TRUTH of work you dreamed of way back in 1988 to 1991. It is in an area you love. You won’t be lonely long, you will be too busy. Alvina has been a psychic, astrologer, consultant, writer and speaker for over 40 years. This is a powerful combination to help people realize their Keyword: PRODUCE own timing for this lifetime. Alvina Turner reaches out and connects people Do you have a question for Al- with their past present and future. vina? Send it -- along with your Alvina’s book, Visions, Wishes, and Dreams…Oh My! is available now. You birth date, time, and place of birth can buy it by calling this toll-free order number 877-484-6464. Or order via telephone, toll-free – to Alvina at PO Box 6547, Santa 877-484-6464 Fe, NM 87502 All Maine Matters Fishery Notes - Farming & Forestry, Too! Page 7 Freedom of Thought? A SOP to Socialized Medicine by Joseph J. Nugent III Tarren Bragdon and Adam Brackemyre Maine has to raise taxes to pay for all the The insurance commissioner revised A follow up to “Is This Still the Land of But today we are a nation under attack. We are not only under attack because of a “savings” of its health-care program. the claimed savings to approximately the Free?” from last month’s issue. I had $44 million. Ultimately, less than $3 mil- what I considered to be a really neat con- war against fear, but we are a nation under attack because we’ve allowed fear to dictate PORTLAND, Maine--Welcome to the lion was attributed to reductions in un- versation with a young mother and her son Pine Tree state, where a program that compensated care. Most of the rest was back in January. It was as eye opening for me how we live and how we think. We are a nation under attack against the governor claims has saved the state due to Dirigo regulations that asked as it was confirming. Like many families in millions of dollars means that your the state’s hospitals to cap their cost in- America today this family is having to deal thought, our ability to express, and more im- portantly a war against our own willingness taxes go . . . up. Maine is the home of creases at 3% a year. Maine hospitals with a separation due to one parent’s work in Democratic Gov. John Baldacci’s Di- did so, accounting for almost $34 mil- the country presently known as Iraq. to think outside the box. I’m not sure this war is being fought against us as much by rigo Health, which regulates the state’s lion in savings, compared with what the How challenging or worrisome a separa- health-care system and includes a governor projected costs would have tion like that must be. Only someone who is terrorists as it is by ourselves, and by corpo- rate entities. subsidized health-insurance program. increased. affected by it can truly know. But what was (Dirigo is the state’s motto, Latin for “I Looking further into the issue, one interesting to me is that while the son’s moth- If you don’t think I’m correct, then do a little research on who owns the newspapers lead.”) When the law creating Dirigo consultant tested the formulas that er was telling me about her husband’s work Health was signed, proponents said it Maine used to calculate the hospital- and the concern she has for him despite as- which form public opinion in Maine. Who are they owned by, and who owns them? would reduce cost-shifting and health- generated savings by feeding in data surances of his safety, her young son politely system costs and ultimately cover all from New Hampshire--which does not spoke with the surety and confidence that Whether you are a Democrat or a Republi- can, you’ll find more and more that these are 130,000 uninsured Mainers within five have Dirigo Health regulations or sub- comes from growing up in a loving home, years, including 31,000 uninsured in sidies for uninsured health insurance, “But if we don’t want him for President any- large corporately owned media companies whose interests cross state lines, and even year one. and which should presumably not show more, we can vote him out, and end the war,” It hasn’t worked out that way. Through any savings at all. Nevertheless the he said looking up at me, and hanging on to cross the nation. Laws were passed not very long ago to the first nine months only 1,600 previ- model showed tens of millions in sav- a door knob twisting both it and his body as ously uninsured individuals enrolled ings for New Hampshire hospitals. This any normal eight- or nine-year old boy might maximize investment opportunity from Wall Street to help corporations acquire smaller in Dirigo Health’s insurance product, puzzling result raised questions about do. called DirigoChoice. The other 6,000 the accuracy of the savings that result- I have to tell you how this conversation opinions — I mean media companies, and bring them into the fold or larger opinions — who enrolled simply traded their pri- ed from Dirigo Health. But for now, the made my day. This article isn’t to proselytize vate health insurance for taxpayer- $44 million figure stands--and Gov. Bal- for or against the war in Iraq, but to cele- I mean conglomerates. These type of com- panies now exist under more relaxed rules subsidized DirigoChoice. The program dacci has used it as the excuse to raise brate America, and the freedom to think that continues to spend millions subsidizing taxes. we still have in America even if you’re an of how many media segments a company or conglomerate can own. insurance for those already insured. The Dirigo board is levying a Sav- eight-year old. Despite what the television, Gov. Baldacci promised that his new ings Offset Payment, or SOP--a remark- or mainstream print newspaper tells us, this America, a nation of free thinkers, used to regulate how many newspapers, radio program would insure the uninsured ably innovative name for a new claims youngster was able to express exactly why, and save the state money. It’s a bit hard tax--to “recover” every dollar that the for the time being, it is still great to be an stations, magazines, or television news out- lets a company could own in given markets. to see how, when it cost $19.5 million to state says it has “saved.” This SOP is American. cover 1,600 previously uninsured peo- similar to a sales tax; a 2.4% surcharge We form our own opinions, and people But watch out because these regulations have been relaxed, and perhaps without you ple. Nevertheless, the governor says is added to all paid health-care claims. have died for our right to vote. We can ex- that it does--and that now Mainers must When applied, this new tax will cost the press our opinions to others. We can go to knowing it. Your ability to glean the information nec- pay it all back! The reasoning goes like average individual about $70 and the church, or not. We can believe what we want this. By enrolling the uninsured, Dirigo average family about $200 a year--at to, or not. We can discuss our opinions with essary to form your own opinion has come under attack. Have things been changing in Health would reduce “cost shifting,” a time when most individual insurance our neighbors on the sidewalk, in the coffee which happens when unpaid bills are policyholders are already absorbing a shop, at a town meeting, or in some newspa- your opinion? Is it just a generation gap, or are people thinking differently? Are the rea- passed along to other paying patients 16% increase in their insurance premi- pers, like here at All Maine Matters, where in the form of higher costs. So when ums. people who pick up this kind of information sons and the causes healthy in your opinion? Is America still the place you want it to be? individuals have coverage, the insurer But, you may ask, if the program is are people who care to keep themselves in- pays most of the bills, reducing the saving all this money, why is a new tax formed. More importantly, will America, or Maine for that matter, remain the place you want chance of unpaid bills. This reduction necessary? The answer is that with- As Americans, we’re lucky because we in bad debt would become savings-- out the SOP, Dirigo Health’s high costs can even change our mind, about war, about it to be? Will your children be able to make it their own, or will it be a place that is an which Maine could claim for the state. would bankrupt the program. leaders, about the media. And, at least for The Dirigo Health board of direc- The SOP, effective last month, ap- now, we can still be the change we’d like to America that someone else makes it for them to be? tors hired an outside firm to examine plies only to individuals, small busi- see. health-care system spending in Maine nesses and other businesses buying But our freedoms are being eroded, and Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this: staying informed is one of the to determine Dirigo Health’s savings. health insurance from a Maine insurer a media that is now more and more in the Initially, the governor claimed that Di- or using a third-party administrator. By hands of a small corporately owned elite has responsibilities that we all have as Ameri- cans. Thank you for reading, contributing, or rigo saved the system about $137 mil- raising insurance costs, this tax may far more ability to shape your opinion, twist lion. That didn’t seem right--how could end up compelling some individuals their stories, and tell you and your children advertising in All Maine Matters. It’s papers like this that help keep America free. a program that covered a mere 1,600 to drop their coverage. But, hey, maybe what to believe than ever before. As Ameri- uninsured people save $137 million? they too can get subsidized coverage cans, we have to stay vigilant, remain in- The insurance commissioner revised under Dirigo. formed, and ever on guard for if it is us that the claimed savings to approximately Currently, SOP is being challenged is shaping our ideas or decisions, or not. The Joseph Nugent is a 30-something free $44 million. Ultimately, less than $3 mil- in court, for both the calculations of power of the media in a small collective is a thinker who was fortunate to get an lion was attributed to reductions in un- the savings and the ability of the state concern for us all. education at a private school which compensated care. Most of the rest was to tax certain large employers. Some Without free news outlets, there may not encouraged a discerning perspective due to Dirigo regulations that asked insurers have included a notice on be many free thinkers, true leaders, or smart of the world around him. He contin- the state’s hospitals to cap their cost in- policies highlighting the new tax--and as a whip eight-year olds who want their Dad ues to view the world as he sees fit. creases at 3% a year. Maine hospitals consumers are furious. On Tuesday the to come home from Iraq, and do so soon. He’s an entrepreneur and occasional did so, accounting for almost $34 mil- Legislature held a public hearing for I was grateful for this conversation be- investor whose penchant for politics, lion in savings, compared with what the a bill that would forbid insurers from cause it reminded me of how important a freedom, and truth occasionally gets governor projected costs would have passing along the cost of the SOP to role a mother can play in raising her chil- him into trouble. He’s still proud to increased. policyholders. Gov. Baldacci supports dren: encouraging them to think, to read, to be an American and is always open The Dirigo Health board of direc- this proposal even though it sets the think, and to express. It reminded me how to ways of keeping America the free tors hired an outside firm to examine dangerous precedent of the state limit- my own mother did that, and how powerful place it was meant to be. He can health-care system spending in Maine ing a private business’s ability to pass those conversations were. be reached at [email protected]. to determine Dirigo Health’s savings. along a cost of doing business. It also America is a country built on leadership. Comments and suggestions are wel- Initially, the governor claimed that Di- threatens the very financial viability of We encouraged other nations to give us their comed and appreciated. rigo saved the system about $137 mil- the private insurance market in Maine. tired, their hungry, and their poor. We made a lion. That didn’t seem right--how could The legislative proposal shows their place, not intended to work them like slaves, a program that covered a mere 1,600 political concern over the public’s re- but a place to give freedom where they could uninsured people save $137 million? action to the SOP. work and enjoy the freedoms of life, liberty, Continued on page 10 property, and to pursue happiness.

Photographs of rural Maine by Ken Anderson

Copyright 2006

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All Maine Matters PO Box 788 Kingman, ME 04451 Page 8 All Maine Matters Fishery Notes - Farming & Forestry, Too! Profiles in Rural Maine by Ken Anderson

Parkman, Maine

erance, quit drinking, and rose to promi- Even after the divisions, the Calvinistic nence in town and county politics. The last Baptists shared a church building with, not of the Parkman lands were sold in 1858, only the Free Will Baptists, who had formed and Shaw returned to Boston. their own congregation, but the Methodists More typical of the early settlers were as well. In 1839, there were sixteen different the farmers. Lewis and Emeline Harlow church groups, with a combined member- lived in a tent while they were clearing land ship of 807, including ten ordained minis- and building their homestead. Zenas Hall, ters, meeting in various places around town. the town’s first minister, once raised a beet While Zenas Hall was elected 1st Select- that weighed eight pounds without the stalk. man in 1822, William Brewster served in Jo Bunker promoted agriculture through a that capacity from 1823 through 1843, ex- series of letters to the editor. In 1846, Park- cept for one year. A direct descendent of the man was home to 2,621 sheep, 120 horses, Mayflower Brewsters, he was also the great- 279 oxen, 366 cows, 497 younger stock, grandfather of Maine’s governor and senator, and 191 swine. In 1838, Parkman farmers . In 1837, Brewster, a raised 6,151 bushels of wheat; and the fol- Democrat, was displaced by Thomas B. Sea- lowing year the number had risen to 7,671 bury, a Whig, although he remained on the bushels of wheat and 618 bushels of corn. Board of Selectmen. Brewster was reelected By 1830, the population of Parkman to that position the following year, Seabury had grown to 802, approximately what it later retook it and held it from 1851 through is today. In 1840, 1,205 people were liv- 1858, except for one year. ing in Parkman, most of them under the n the period between the Brewster and age of five. At the time of the 1850 census, Seabury administrations, Samuel Shaw Parkman Baptist Church its population had peaked at 1,243, never served in that position from 1844 through again to exceed that number. In 1848, there 1850. Shaw also served as town clerk, trea- were 572 students in 14 Parkman schools. surer, and pound keeper, as it was not unusu- “The history of Parkman is not exciting. Phillip Judkins, a New Hampshire native, All of the potential mill sites were de- al for people to hold multiple offices at that It is the history of a homeloving, hardwork- had served under Captain John Parker at veloped between the years of 1820 and time. Shaw, a Whig, didn’t fare well in his ing people who have ‘done their best’ quietly Lexington and Concord. He also served in a 1850, the lack of a dependable water flow several bids for state office, however; some- and faithfully. There are some dark blots on New Hampshire regiment organized by Col- hampering the operations of each. times even losing the Parkman vote. their fair pages, but no page is really dark.” onel John Stark, taking part in the Battle of The Sturtevant Mill was a saw mill, The first store in Parkman was built by Thus reads a portion of the introduction to Bunker Hill. He was then recruited into the built in 1820 along Center Stream, just Thomas Seabury at Parkman Corner. “Parkman’s Centeseptquinary,” a tribute that Continental Army by George Washington’s south of Parkman Corner. It washed out Nelson Dingley, Sr., a peddler, bought a was compiled in 1997, and that seems to be top aide, Henry Dearborn, and probably took when the dam at Pingree Center broke in farm near Parkman Corner in 1833, moving an accurate summary. part in the Battle of Yorktown. After the war, 1828. his family to Parkman in the middle of the Located on Route 150, just south of Guil- he lived in Parkman until his death in 1851 The Curtiss Brothers Mill was built at winter. His brother, William Dingley, fol- ford, in what is now Piscataquis County, at the age of 103. the site of the Sturtevant Mill, adding a lowed soon thereafter. The Dingley brothers Parkman has never been a large town by to- Another early Parkman resident was Sam- grist mill to the operations. The site be- worked the farm for two years, while Nelson day’s standards, but it once rivaled any other uel Pingree, who came to the area as Samuel came known as “Slab City.” Ira York build continued to peddle his wares. He joined Isa- town in the area. Parkman’s agent, remaining in Parkman af- what became known as the York Mill on iah Vickery in 1835 in the purchase of a ho- T5R6, located “north of the Waldo Pat- ter his employer left, settling in what was to Cummings Brook in southeast Parkman. tel and store at the Corner, while his younger ent” in the District of Maine, was laid out become known as Pingree Center. He built Both of these mills were used into the 20th brother continued to work the farm. for the General Court of Massachusetts some a grist mill and a saw mill, but the flow of century, but were not suited for full-time or When his son, Nelson Jr., was six-years- time prior to 1794. Parkman was an irregular water was not sufficient to permit full-time large-scale operations due to a weak water old, his family moved to Unity. Nelson held township, its east-west boundary being lon- operations. He also worked as a hatter, an flow. onto some of his Parkman associations, how- ger than its north-south boundary. occupation he had maintained while living The Pease Mill, located on the South- ever. His father’s partner, Isaiah Vickery, re- Native Americans traveled through the in New Gloucester earlier, and served as the west Branch of the Piscataquis River, was mained a close friend of the family, and Nel- township en route to Penobscot River, ap- Justice of the Peace for the area. A Feder- built by Isaac and David Pease in 1849. son Jr. visited Parkman off and on while he parently following the Sebasticook River to alist, he was not in political sympathy with David sold his share to Captain Isaac and was a student in Waterville. Nelson Dingley, Sucker Brook, which led them into Harlow most of the townspeople. Still, Parkman’s his son, Jerome Pease. When the Belfast Jr. was elected twice, as Pond and the Piscataquis River. first town meeting was held on March 4, and Moosehead Railroad never extended well as Speaker of the Maine House of Rep- A Massachusetts land speculator by the 1822, at the home of Samuel Pingree. that far north, mill operations ceased. resentatives. Later elected to the U.S. Con- name of Andre Craigie, bought the township Samuel Parkman visited the township By the mid-1800’s, religion dominated gress, he served as Chairman of the House from Massachusetts in 1794, with a stipula- again in 1816, and by that time it had become the social and political structures of the Ways and Means Committee, and was the tion that at least forty families be settled in known as Parkman Plantation, although community. The pastors of the Method- author of the Dingley Tariff. While his fa- the area within eight years. There is no re- there is no record of it having actually been ist and Universalist congregations were ther, uncle, and close family friends were ac- cord of anyone having settled the area, and incorporated as a plantation. involved in the organization of a Sons of tive in the Whig Party, he ran and served as a Craigie lost ownership of it in 1802 after By 1820, Parkman had a population of Temperance unit in 1843, Parkman’s being Republican. failing to meet the conditions of the sale. 255. the first in the county. William McKissick came to Parkman Samuel Parkman purchased the township The earliest settlers in Parkman were The Baptists still represented the from Limerick in the late 1830’s. A farm- in 1804, paying $7,285. Parkman owned land those who moved to the area from Greene. majority of the population in Parkman, but er, and a generous man, he kept what was in several parts of Maine, including Willi- They were Baptists and, while lay services they were split over issues relating to tem- known as a “Pilgrim’s tavern,” which was mantic, which he later donated to Harvard were held in Parkman ocassionally, regular perance and doctrinal concerns. free to anyone who came. His family, many in return for a Chair of Theology. Parkman worshippers traveled to the Baptist church only lived in the town that bears his name for in Guilford Center on Sundays. In May of about ten years, moving in 1814. 1818, several people from Parkman Planta- Stephen Weston was hired to T5 in 1807, tion were baptized, prompting the Parkman laying the township out in 200-acre lots. To Baptists to found a church of their own. fulfill the stipulations placed on his purchase Sixteen Parkman residents were approved of the township, Parkman offered the first as members in May of 1818, and five more forty lots at $1.00 an acre. Land was first were baptized into the church that same day. cleared in 1810, and the first families moved Elder Zenas Hall, of Guilford, was ordained into Parkman between 1810 and 1812, all as the town’s first minister. moving to the area from Greene, Maine. Samuel Parkman died in 1824, leaving In September of 1814, Samuel Parkman his property to his widow. Upon her death, was in the township with Samuel Elkins of the estate was divided equally among his Dexter, who acted as the Justice of the Peace. eight remaining children and their heirs. The He offered lots to more than twenty settlers, Parkman lands came into the possession of mostly by mortgage. Dr. George Parkman, a physician associated Most of the early settlers had been in- with Harvard Medical School. Dr. Parkman volved in the War of 1812. never resided in Parkman, but visited the area Ephraim Andrews had served one enlist- often, collecting payments for land in cattle, ment as a privateer, during which time he which he then sold. Although there were was captured and paroled. He then served foreclosures, he is remembered for being a three enlistments in the ground forces, in- fair man. In December of 1849, Dr. Parkman cluding the siege at Boston in 1775. While in was hacked to death by a faculty rival, lead- Parkman, he is said to have become mentally ing to a trial that dominated the newspapers ill and sufficiently dangerous to have been for more than a year. locked inside a cage at his home, and left in On the death of Dr. Parkman, the remain- the care of his sons. ing lands passed to a nephew, Samuel P. Edward Soule, who moved to Park- Shaw, who came to Parkman as an alcohol- man from Freeport, had been captured three ic, settling in Parkman Corner. Shaw came Farm on Merrill Road. times by the British while privateering in the under the influence of the Sons of Temp- War of 1812. All Maine Matters Fishery Notes - Farming & Forestry, Too! Page 9 Parkman, Maine to a Farmer’s Club; and a Farmer’s Institute Somerset County, but this was not granted. was formed in 1887. The Parkman Grange, Politically, the town also found itself often organized in 1889 with nineteen charter on the edge of things. While the rest of the members, became an important social and state was becoming Republican, Parkman educational influence in the town. voters were Democrat. Its residents favored In the middle of the 1890’s, farmers began local autonomy and strong neighborhood to switch from sheep to dairy cattle. Shep- governments; while, to them, the Republi- herd Fletcher produced 984 pounds of wool can Party represented federal interference, a from 123 sheep as late as 1900, but Ireson draft, national banks, an income tax, tariffs, Briggs was the town’s only large producer of welfare, and railroad subsidies. wool in the 20th century. There was a brief It might be argued that Parkman made interest in raising swine, but it didn’t last. In bad choices. If so, it would seem that it did 1896, there were 1,843 pigs in Parkman, but so out of a strong sense of integrity and fru- by 1922 that number had fallen to 131. gality. Perhaps it could be said that Parkman S.B. Drew built the first silo in town in voters chose a quality of life over a growing 1891. By 1910, creameries were collecting population. milk in town, particularly the Solon & Guil- Today, Parkman is smaller than it was ford creameries. By 1912, the D. Whitney 176 years ago, but its residents enjoy living Company of Boston had a collection route in there, exhibiting a pride in their community, Parkman. The rise of the dairy industry cre- their history, and in their homes. ated a market for ice, and M.A. Green built One couple that I spoke to were William an ice house in 1889. and Mary Kay Santoro, who live on the beau- By 1896, horses had all but replaced tiful Ruland Farm along Route 150. Their oxen. farm had originally been in the Briggs fam- Parkman politics tilted strongly toward ily, who raised sheep there. The home has neighborhood government. In the mid- to been in Mrs. Santoro’s family since 1911, late-1800’s, Parkman had 15 school districts when it was purchased by her great-grand- and 42 highway districts. parents, John and Neva Ruland, who farmed Parkman Baptist Church cemetary. In 1878, Z. Gould Manter was elected the land, raised cattle, and did some logging. of whom changed the spelling of their name agreed to buy a town farm for the purpose 1st Selectman. Although a Democrat, he Mary Kay spent much of her childhood in to McKusick, remained in the area, becom- of caring for the poor, but the decision was had served in the Civil War with distinction, the house, while her grandparents, Kenneth rescinded three weeks later. Parkman tax- earning the respect of the townspeople. In and Hazel Ruland, were living there. Ken- ing prominent in town affairs. Parkman’s ex- the period from 1885 to 1888, Republican neth was a well-known hunter and trapper in payers were asked to contribute to the repair isting elementary school is named after this C.N. Rand replaced him as 1st Selectman; the area. He and his wife had two children: family. of the Pease Bridge, but since the Southwest and another Republican, A.S. Merrill, served Warren, and Alice, Mary Kay’s mother. In 1839, during the Aroostook War, Park- Branch of the Piscataquis River flowed for in that position from 1889-1890, but Manter The house was vacant for a year and a man sent twelve men on an expedition to the only a mile or two on the northern bound- remained on the board during this entire pe- half before the Santoros purchased it. They state’s northern frontier. They were Sylva- ary with Abbot, Parkman voters saw no great riod. Manter was to become an intense rival have been working to restore the house, with nus B. Cummings, Chandler Harlow, Ste- advantage to maintaining the bridge. When it of Merrill, with the balance of power shifting much respect given to the original architec- phen Larrabee, Daniel McDaniel, E.C. Hall, washed out three times in twenty years, the from year to year. ture. The original barn, which sat closer to Sumner Crockett, Jabez Prince, Parkman town refused to rebuilt it, resulting in a law- Things were changing in Parkman. In Route 150, was taken by eminent domain in Pingree, Ezra Cox, Rice King, Asa Pratt, and suit which the state won against the town. the early 1900’s, there were sixteen one- 1966 and removed for the purpose of build- Jeremiah Leavitt, each of whom were paid During this period, Parkman voters made room schools in Parkman. By 1925, there ing the new road, and another building was $1.50 for their service. the decision not to subsidize the building were only seven left, including the Dorr moved to another part of the property, but Even before secession, Parkman ex- of a railroad through town. This decision School, Manter School, Smart School, the house is very much like it was. pressed Southern sympathies in its vote. In probably had as much to do with local senti- Southwest School, Pond School, Pease There are several other beautiful farms 1860, only 19.3% of Maine Democrats voted ment against the subsidizing of railroads as School, and Parkman Corner School. High and homes in and around Parkman, some for the Southerner, Breckenridge, rather than to the town’s economic status, as Parkman school students attended school in either dating back to the town’s early years. I only Douglas, the Northern Democratic choice. voters voted 114 to 7 against an 1859 ref- Dexter or Guilford. In 1955, the one-room wish I had had the time to have visited some But 61.3% of Parkman Democrats preferred erendum to aid the Aroostook Railroad. In schools were closed and students were of the others, and to have gotten to know the the Southern choice. A large number of sup- 1867, 1873, and again in 1886, Parkman bussed to the new Carroll Mckusick School, people of Parkman beyond the brief conver- voters opposed the appropriation of funds to porters of both parties stayed home from the which then had four rooms and a kitchen. sations that I’ve had with several of them. assist in the building of a railroad through In 1904, the New England Telephone I’d like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Santoro general election. Lincoln carried Parkman, town. In the end, Dexter’s railroad linked and Telegraph Company extended its lines for allowing me to visit with them, and for but only because the Democrat vote was with Dover rather than Parkman, a decision from Guilford to Parkman Corner from the the photo of their home without the electri- split between Breckenridge and Douglas. that many believe contributed to a decline in north. The following year, the Cambridge cal wires. I’d also like to thank Mr. Merrill When the Civil War began, the 1861 Parkman’s relative importance among other Telephone Company extended its lines to Bridges, who was also very kind to me dur- vote showed even greater contrasts. State- area towns. the Corner from the south. The town gave ing our brief visit. wide, 52.6% of Democrats endorsed C.D. Nevertheless, Parkman sent its share of its permission for the Cambridge Telephone Jameson, the War Democrat, for governor, men to the state house. Serving in the State Company to overlap its lines with the other Much of the information used in this pro- as opposed to the regular Peace candidate. House of Representatives were Jesse Nutting company as long as both companies agreed. file was obtained from the following texts: In Parkman, only 8.1% did the same, with (1858), Eben D. Wade (1864), Dr. A.J.W. In 1912, Greenville Light and Power ran • The History of Parkman, by Roger C. Jameson receiving only 11 votes. When the Stevens (1872), Ireson Briggs (1879), and its electric lines to Parkman from Guilford. Storms, published in 1969. War Democrats are added to the Republican Charles Rand (1883-1884). It is interest- Economically, Parkman had great chal- • Parkman’s Centeseptquinary 1822- votes, supporters of the war had only a 4 vote ing to note that Wade, Stevens, and Rand lenges. Geographically isolated on the di- 1997, published in 1997. majority in Parkman. (all Republicans) did not carry the Parkman vide between the Kennebec and Penobscot Still, Parkman supplied many enthusiasts vote, while Nutting and Briggs (Democrats) Rivers, the town had no reliable waterways Any errors contained in this profile were for the Union army, comparing favorably carried their own town. Before changing for water power, and the routes of travel of- probably my own. with many other towns. Parkman sent 94 parties, Briggs had won, and lost, as a Re- ten missed the town. Parkman had no large men to active service during the Civil War, mills, and no railroad. Initially situated on publican. Ken is, among other things, the edi- with at least one out of every ten residents the edge of Somerset County, the town later In 1859, Jesse Nutting was elected 1st tor of the online news outlet, Mag- serving in the military, not counting sub- found itself in a corner of the newly created Selectman, replacing Thomas Seabury, who ic City Morning Star, on the web at stitutes which the town provided in place Piscataquis County, and unhappy with it, turned his attention to county and state poli- of residents. There were three desertions, tics. Nutting served until 1868, after which a Parkman petitioned to be re-annexed with which was lower than the national average; succession of people held the office through one was captured by the enemy; eight died; 1877, including Shepherd Fletcher, H.E. and nineteen suffered serious wounds or ill- Curtis, Dr. Stevens, Lamont Tyler, S. Leigh- nesses. ton, and E.G. Eastman. While Parkman demonstrated an opposi- In 1886, Hazen O. Ayer played a part in tion to the war effort, it did its part. the formation of the new Prohibition Party, The period between 1854 and 1890 were and received its nomination for the State tough economic times for Parkman. Like Senate. He received only a few votes, but many towns, Parkman found itself deeply in several Parkman residents joined his cause. debt following the Civil War and, rather than In referendum questions, the majority of going deeper into debt in order to pay off its Parkman voters who voted on the question obligations, the townspeople elected to pay favored restrictions on drinking, but even it off as soon as possible. greater numbers left the referendum question Following the Civil War, the townspeople blank. were mostly unwilling to serve in the armed In the mid-1860’s, agriculture remained forces themselves, and were unwilling to ap- the focus of Parkman’s economy, but there propriate enough money to hire substitutes was a transition from subsistance to com- competitively. Nevertheless, elected officials mercial farming. By the late 1800’s how- were expected to meet the legal demands of ever, agriculture declined while the forest in- state and federal quotas; and given the limi- dustry gained in prominence. People began tations put on them by the voters, they found leaving Parkman to work in the timberlands to the north and west. Many never returned, themselves in a tight spot. Funds were appro- some of them settling in the western states. priated, only to be rescinded or reduced by the Agriculture continued to be a significant voters weeks later. Selectmen were forced to part of the economy, though. Parkman resi- raise money to meet these quotas on their own. dents active in agriculture included Elisha Efforts to gain support for building a town Briggs, who raised sheep, as well as Ire- hall were unsuccessful until 1888, when the son Briggs, a speculator who dealt in cat voters finally agreed to the purchase. Voters tle, sheep, and horses. Daniel Haines grew apples commercially, and W.H. Green kept bees for honey. In 1871, Parkman was home Old Harrington Farm Page 10 All Maine Matters Fishery Notes - Farming & Forestry, Too! Continuing a Discussion With Stu Kallgren, of the The Token Conservative Maine Leaseholder’s Association (Continued from page 1) (Continued from page 2) Washington County in 1984 when The environmental left has suc- the University of Maine at Machias cessfully used public money to dam- STU: Right now, the Legislature lawsuits against those companies that offered me a job. I was a moderate to age and collectivize the rural econ- doesn’t know what to do. They don’t were still trying to operate here. These conservative Democrat at the time. omy. They have not, however, done understand the issues. They need to conservation easements are going to In 1988 I was Washington County the salmon or the people one bit of learn the history of what we had before dramatically affect the entire forest in- chair for another moderate to con- good. before they can be expected to under- dustry in Maine. servative Democrat…Al Gore. People I believe in capitalism and the stand where we are today. AMM: Haven’t they already? change. constitution, which puts me at odds AMM: Go on. STU: Yes. Twenty years ago, we had In 1994 I helped get with environmentalists, who gener- STU: When the paper industry was twenty paper machines operating here. elected Governor. I advised him to ally believe in neither. I believe envi- still a viable industry in Maine, leas- But the most significant problem with oppose car-testing and his decision ronmentalism is essentially Maine’s ing wasn’t a primary source of income these conservation easements are that to do so was decisive. I worked for state religion, and I long for a little for the paper companies. Today, multi- they are in perpetuity. Angus for almost a year. When I re- more separation of church and state. nationals and wealthy individuals are AMM: In perpetuity? turned home to Washington County, I want an environmental policy based buying huge chunks of land with non STU: Yes, they never end. This leaves I made a fateful decision to publicly on capitalism, science and facts in- intention of using it for forestry or for- us with no hope for the future, and se- oppose the Atlantic salmon endan- stead of socialism, religion and fear. est harvesting. The leases are paying verely limits the options for those who gered species listing. That deci- I think our public universities be- the taxes on their land - on all of their come after us. lieve in every kind of diversity except sion moved me rightward out of the land. These new landowners are using AMM: Yes, I can see how that would intellectual diversity. Our campuses moderate middle. As a conservative, old state laws, putting their land in tree be a problem, for us as well as for our have become hostile environments growth. children and grandchildren. Is there I would never have been hired or for conservatives of either secular tenured by a public university. My AMM: In tree growth? Do you mean a anything else? or religious stripe, and no Republi- special tax classification? STU: Non-profit groups, such as the rightward shift and vocal opposition can legislator should support more to the endangered species listing STU: Yes, but tree growth wasn’t set Nature Conservancy, the Appalachian funding for the University until and up for that. Tree growth was set up for Mountain Club, and the Wilderness So- alienated the environmental left and unless this is honestly addressed. many of my academic colleagues. companies that are using the land to ciety, are buying huge chunks of land in Before it can be addressed, the uni- supply mills and, more importantly, to Maine. How long is it going to be before In 1998 I ran for Congress against versity needs to get past denial. John Baldacci and was soundly employ people. The new landowners they say, we’re non-profit organizations, I live in a red County in a blue are using tax breaks that were intended we shouldn’t be paying taxes? Who is thrashed. In 1999 I led the opposi- state. It’s interesting that the two to keep people working, but they’re not going to make up the difference then? tion to the $50 million lands bond, poorest Counties, Washington and doing this. We are. hacking a watermelon (green on Piscataquis, are red- kind of difficult the outside, red on the inside) with AMM: I see. In the past, the paper AMM: Bringing it back to LD1646, is to explain from a Marxist perspec- there anything else you’d like to add? a machete in the Hall of Flags. The tive. But the reality is a mosaic of companies were given a break on their STU: This bill needs to move forward. lands bond passed overwhelmingly, reds and blues that at a distance is taxes and, in return, these same compa- People need to call their representatives, although almost 100 small com- really purple. nies were employing people and con- and call them again. We need to have a munities in northern and eastern Red Maine is pretty disenfran- tributing to the economy. Maine voted against it (we could see chised these days, but with a spir- STU: Yes, and for many years that commission set up, and this commission the target on our backs). Since then ited GOP gubernatorial primary and worked, and worked well. needs to develop a program that protects 20% of the money ($10 million) has a resurrected All Maine Matters, AMM: What went wrong? all of the property owners in the state of been spent converting Washington maybe things are looking up. STU: As regulations, taxes, and the Maine, not just the landowners. economy began to worsen, the paper AMM: Thank you, Stu. I look forward County salmon watershed habitat Jon Reisman eats greens for lunch. He from private to public ownership companies put their capital investments to continuing our discussion on this and can be contacted at jreisman@maine. elsewhere, outside of Maine. Our mills other issues next month. and control. edu. were not upgraded, and eventually became old mills. As other states and Editor’s Note: We will be continuing Attacking TABOR A SOP to Socialized Medicine countries came on line with new ma- our discussion with Stu Kallgren in (Continued from page 7) chines and new technologies, Maine’s the April issue of All Maine Mat- (Continued from page 1) mills could no longer compete. Environ- ters. Confusion is the ally of our Masters in A better alternative for uninsured in- mental groups started coming in, buying this contest. Confusion is the mother of dividuals in Maine is Health Savings Ac- conservation easements and bringing unease and fear. It will help the voters to counts, a tax-deductible personal fund cut through the fog of propaganda if the coupled with a high-deductible health- $75,000 For Another Study? keep their minds fixed on a few key ques- insurance policy. The savings account by Rep . Rich Cebra tions. permits a person to take federal income First, should be taxpayer be allowed to tax deductions for account contribu- I have received several calls to my This is one of many issues where have a direct say in taxation? tions and, in most cases, state income District Legislative Office this week -re a state-imposed, top-down solution Second, is it reasonable to tie taxes and tax deductions--though not in Maine. garding LD 10. The bill asks for $75,000 would, for obvious reasons, not work fees to the rate of inflation and population The high-deductible insurance plan, like for a study by the Maine Fire Protec- everywhere. But that is, without a doubt, where they are heading with this study. growth? all insurance, protects the insured from tion Services Commission regarding This study would cost the taxpayers Third, is it unreasonable for the State financial loss. And HSAs would cost the the provision of health care benefits to of this state $75,000. I was told by a lob- of Maine to compete for number one rat- state far less than Dirigo. volunteer firefighters. byist before voting not to worry about If Dirigo truly saved money, the pro- The argument in favor of the bill is ing in tax burden with states having far the cost, that $75,000 is “peanuts” to the more economic resources? gram’s benefits would exceed its costs. that the ranks of volunteer firefighters are declining and paying for health in- state government. I am a firm believer Fourth, do you regard tax-home pay an Elementary math indicates that this is however, that when you start adding up allowance granted by the state? not the case; every dollar questionably surance would provide a strong incen- tive to stay on or recruit new members. all those needless $75,000 expenditures Other questions might be asked, but identified by the state as having been it starts to look like, what they call in these have priority and should be an- “saved” is taken from consumers thanks They want to study how much it will cost. It passed the House 98-48; as of Augusta, “real money.” Any amount of swered first. The voters should ask them- to the SOP. Perhaps not surprisingly, wasted taxpayer money is too much. selves whether Gov. Baldacci, Speaker several other states are asking whether my writing, the Senate has yet to act. This being an election year, I am sure Providing health insurance for volun- Richardson, et al., are responding to them. Maine’s Dirigo Health could be a model teer firefighters may be one method of for them. It could, if they too want to in- many of my colleagues in the House voted for this simply to appear, on the retaining and recruiting members. How- John Frary was born in Farmington, crease taxes, meanwhile doing virtually ever, local issues are best dealt with lo- nothing to help the uninsured. “Dirigo” surface, to be the volunteer fireman’s where he now resides. He graduated best friend. I believe my vote against cally and the state should stick to trying might come to mean “Don’t be misled.” to straighten out its own issues and let from U of M, Orono. He did graduate this study was the best thing to do in And if legal attempts to challenge it us run our local towns the way we see work in Political Science and in An- the interests of our local volunteer fail, then the Dirigo Savings Offset Pay- fit. cient, Medieval, Byzantine and mod- firefighters and our communities asa ern history at U of M., Rutgers and ment will probably become permanent I can be reached for comments at: re- and grow in future years. The cry in whole. [email protected] or at Princeton, completing his Masters I voted against this bill for several degree along with all courses and ex- Maine soon may become “Dirigo, your my district office at 693-4951. savings are too taxing.” reasons. First off, I believe that this is aminations for the PhD. He worked a local issue. The state should not get in administration and as a profes- involved in researching something at a Representative Rich Cebra, a small Mr. Bragdon is the director of health sor of history and political science at $75,000 price tag that those municipali- business owner, represents the 101st reform initiatives at the Maine Heri- Middlesex County College in Edison, ties who would be interested in provid- House District, including Casco, Naples tage Policy Center. Mr. Brackemyre NJ for 32 years. He is associate edi- ing health insurance for their volunteers and part of Poland. Married 14 years is the assistant director of legislative tor of The International Military En- could do for free. Town managers and with two children, Rich is active in lo- affairs for the Council for Affordable cyclopedia, has been assistant editor the local fire chiefs are in the best posi- cal affairs on the Naples Budget Com- of Continuity: A Journal of History as Health Insurance. tion to know what is best for their indi- mittee and Naples Main Street revi- well as editor and publisher The LU/ vidual communities – they are the ex- talization committee. He is a charter English Newsletter. After returning to perts at addressing local problems. Any member of the Naples Lions club, a Maine he was chosen to be the con- town manager could easily pick up the life member of the NRA, a member of servative columnist for The Kennebec phone and ask a representative of the SAM and the Citizens Alliance of Maine, Journal and The Morning Sentinel. He town’s health insurance provider what and is an active supporter of the Right was dismissed from this position in it would cost to add the volunteers to to Life movement. He is active in sup- December for refusing to drop his the town’s health insurance policy. The porting TABOR and promoting the idea criticism of the Dirigo Health Plan. He cost? Zero. of smaller more efficient government is currently chairman of the Franklin whenever he can. County Republican Committee. All Maine Matters Fishery Notes - Farming & Forestry, Too! Page 11 Endangered Species – Making Mom and Dad Extinct GOP Membership (Continued from page 1) (Continued from page 6) Example 4: §1846 – Acknowledg- And not coincidently, laws are being giving lawful sanction to 3, 4, 5, or more military is our surest course to safety at enacted or changed to drastically rede- ment of establishment of parentage of legal parents of a child. Let me repeat, home and abroad. We never lost a battle fine the traditional meaning of family, LD 1526 will permit a child to have 3, non-marital presumed parent. This sec- with direct and devastating consequenc- tion crosses to §1844, 1E – “for the first 2 because we are too strong. 4, 5 or more legal parents. What types There is more and I will continue to es on our children and, ultimately, soci- of parents will a child have, as defined years of life, resided in the same house- ety. The State of Maine is now looking hold with the child and openly held out talk about these ideas. They are larger in LD 1526? A child could have a Mari- than any one person and transcend time. at redefining how children will be raised tal Presumed Parent; Non-Marital Pre- the child to be ‘persons’ own.” with LD 1526, An Act to Enact the Uni- • Permits a “person” to acknowledge Being a Republican, like being an Ameri- sumed Parent; Acknowledged Parent; parentage by filing with the State can, should mean that your membership form Parentage Act and Conforming Adjudicated Parent; Artificial Repro- Amendments and Additional Amend- Registrar of Vital Statistics; this identifies you and your values. Changing ments to Laws Concerning Probate, ductive Technology (ART) Parent; Ges- “person” becomes an ‘acknowledged’ those values because some pollster said Adoption, Child Support, Child Protec- tational Agreement Parent; and a De parent as though adjudicate in the the wind is blowing a certain way on a tion and Other Family Law Issues; which facto Parent. Notice the gender specific court system with all the rights and certain day is wrong. came before the Judiciary Committee language in these categories, e.g. man/ authority of a legal parent. P. 21. People want to be a part of something and may have already been reported out woman or mother/father or maternity/ “2”. that is larger than they are. People are to the full legislature for action, as you paternity, is conspicuously absent. • Result: A gay/lesbian couple could attracted to an organization because of read this. Again, a child could have all 7 of ‘acknowledge’ a child who lived with its ideals and what it places value in. The issues dealing with LD 1526, An these (or more) as legal parents at the them for the first 2 years of his/her/ I invite you to join the Republican Act to Enact the Uniform Parentage Act… same time, all with the same co-equal their lives – and after 2 years put Party, not because we asked you what must first begin with a little background legal rights and authority over how they their names on the birth certificate. you need us to become for you to join, information. According to the Center will be raised, cared for, schooled - in • The effect of non-acknowledgment but because we have stood on a set of on a non-marital presumed par- for Law and Social Policy, in 2000, the short live their childhood years. ideals that has inspired you and made ent: they are not given notice of an National Conference of Commissioners Below are several specific exam- you want to be a part of a cause that is on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) ap- expedited paternity process. The ples of what LD 1526 would codify if noble and just. proved a new Uniform Parentage Act. To passed by Maine’s Legislature this ses- non-marital presumed parent may, be used by all states as a sort of standard, sion. These examples use references to however, still be a ‘presumed par- so individual state laws would not con- the legislative bill itself and are by no ent’ if they fulfill the requirements of Ray Richardson is the host of the flict too drastically with each other and means inclusive of how this bill would §1844. WLOB Morning News heard weekday at the same time fall within the param- further legalize the extinction of the tra- Example 5: §1941 – Admissibility of mornings on News/FOX WLOB. For eters of federal law. At the request of results of genetic testing; expenses. almost a decade, Ray has been one ditional family in Maine. But will give • If the child has a presumed par- several committees of the American Bar of a very few conservative newspaper you an idea of the direction the state is ent (see notes above re: §1844) the Association (ABA) some changes were columnists in the State of Maine. He subsequently made in the Act. It was headed with regard to what it means to results of genetic testing might not serves as the Chair of the Westbrook then approved by the ABA and is now be a mother and father in Maine rais- be admissible in court if the child’s known as the Uniform Parentage Act ing children; not to mention what this presumed parent objects (unless or- Republican Party and sits on the 2002 (UPA 2002). This Act provides a would portend for society in general. dered by the court). p. 64, “3”. Cumberland County GOP Executive comprehensive framework for establish- Example 1: §1841 – Establishment • The result: A genetic father could Committee. He is a grassroots po- ing the parents of children born to both of parent-child relationship be blocked from establishing his litical activist whose activities reach married and unmarried couples whether LD 1526 removes all gender specific parentage as against a homosexual back well over two decades in Maine those children were conceived through terms, the result: homosexual couples couple who were illegally married to and Florida. Ray has organized over sexual intercourse, assisted reproduc- can be declared the “presumed parents” each other at the time the child was 50 rallies throughout Maine, focus- tion, or through a gestational agreement. (cross §1844). born. ing on issues such as limited govern- The UPA (2002) reflects both federal re- • Maine courts are given the authority Example 6: §1963 – “Parentage” of ment, lower taxes and support of our quirements and state best practices in to rule in such a way that the child child of assisted reproduction. (Pater- troops and the war in Iraq. Ray lives areas dealing with paternity. ends up with more than 2 parents. nity in UPA 2002) with his wife Dee Dee and their four Several important highlights of UPA p. 13, “4” (Note: point “4” is unique • Makes it possible for a lesbian couple children in Westbrook. 2002 include: to Maine, not included in the UPA, to be the natural parents of a child • A comprehensive scheme for estab- 2002.). by one woman donating the egg (ge- lishing paternity through voluntary Example 2: §1844 – Presump- netic mother) for the other woman acknowledgment. tion of Parentage (Paternity in the UPA (gestational mother) to carry the child. p. 77. • Standards for ordering genetic tests 2002) • Hinges on the person’s “intent” to be and rules for the administration, The UPA 2002 version limits presump- admissibility, and payment of such parent. tions of paternity to those related to tests. marriage (p. 18, lines 18-26). The UPA • A detailed process for establishing Editorial Note: As this publication was 2002 includes valid/invalid marriage, paternity through adjudication as going to press the Judiciary Commit- but still between a man and a woman, well as rules for disestablishing pa- tee held a Work Session for LD 1526. p. 18. LD 1526 is more radical than the ternity when appropriate. Once discussion of the bill started, a UPA 2002 version by making some of With the above in mind what does LD motion of “Ought Not to Pass” was al- these presumptions to be gender neu- 1526, if passed, hold for Maine’s chil- most immediately put forward. Further tral. The results: dren, (their mother’s and father’s) and discussion and support for the motion • An illegal gay marriage partner our society? This proposed legislation included the caveat that the bill be sent could be presumed to be the parent completely ignores as much as irratio- back to the Family Law Advisory Com- – even when Maine does not have nally possible gender specific language, mission (FLAC) for revision with more when it comes to dealing with husband, homosexual marriage. p. 17, points specific instructions and be re-submit- father, man, and paternity; inserting in- “C”, “D”, “E”. ted during the next legislative session. stead gender neutral language (e.g. par- • Enlarges the possible number of le- The motion of “Ought Not to Pass” was ent, person, parentage). gal parents from two to more than unanimously approved, along with a As the details of this proposed bill are two as a presumed parent cannot motion to send the bill back to FLAC for fleshed out, one objective becomes very prevent a child from being a child of a re-write, including a Committee letter apparent – it seeks to establish in law more than 2 parents. p. 17, points outlining more specific directions FLAC that the unmarried heterosexual and ho- “3” & “4” (Unique to Maine). should follow. This bill will be back be- mosexual households are the moral and Example 3: §1845 – De Facto par- fore Maine’s Legislature next legislative legal equivalent of heterosexual married entage (Cross to §1833 Maine Com- session. households in raising children. Thus ment, p. 11 for de facto parentage sum- ignoring what is fundamental to the mary) health of a child by disregarding the over 1 Pitirim Sorokin, Society, Culture, and Per- whelming positive evidence concerning • Unique to Maine: this section does sonality (New York: Harper and Row, 1947), the economic, emotional, psychologi- not exist under the UPA, 2002. pp. 246-247; The American Sex Revolution cal, and physical development of a child • Addresses who might be deemed (Boston: Porter Sargent, 1956), p. 5. nurtured in home with a married mother “parents” of older children, not 2 Mary Parke, “Are Married Parents Really and father. born to persons who might be par- Better for Children?” Center for Law and So- LD 1526 would transform marriage ents and possibly not living with cial Policy Policy Brief, May 2003, p. 1. and father/mother roles into states of these two persons for the first two 3 Kristin Anderson Moore, et al., “Marriage being wholly meaningless to the procre- years of life. From a Child’s Perspective: How Does Fam- ating, raising, and caring of a child. It • Makes it easier for homosexual ily Structure Affect Children, and What Can reduces the very existence of a child’s couples to become parents of older We Do about It?” Child Trends Research biological father and mother to be of the children by establishing de facto Brief, June 2002, p. 1. most minor importance with respect to parentage based upon the ‘quality’ any legal designation of “parent”. There- of relationship. p. 20. Tim Russell is the Legislative Liai- by creating a simple and automatic legal • Courts are expressly given the path for unmarried heterosexual and power to make the determination son for the Christian Civic League Toll Free Phone Numbers homosexual couples to be granted the of whether de facto parentage has of Maine. same authority and rights as those that been established. today’s biological father’s and mother’s Pay as little as 2.9 cents per • A court establishment of de facto minute! Change providers with- now have. parentage does not preempt the out changing your toll free phone Most shocking, LD 1526 would create rights of other parents, presumed new legal designations and definitions of or otherwise. The result, again, is number! “parent”, giving not only the court ex- that the child could end up with press power to make these determina- more than two legal parents. tions but also a state agency; ultimately Call 723-4826 for information. Page 12 All Maine Matters Fishery Notes - Farming & Forestry, Too!

March Crossword Across The clue is the name of the Maine town or place at the time of the Revolutionary War or before. The answer is the name of the town or place today. 4. Eastman’s Grant (4) 7. Pleasant River (7) Answers on page 14. 9. Lewistown (8) 12. Broad Bay (9) 1 2 3 13. Sandy River (10) 4 5 6 7

16. Township No. 4 (7) 8 17. Narraguagus (11) 9 10 11 18. Pepperrellborough (4) 20. Realstown (8) 25. West Waterville (7) 12 13 27. Coxhall (5) 28. Sterlington (5) 14 15 16 30. Chandlerville (7) 31. Bagaduce (7) 17 32. Sudbury-Canada (6) 18

34. New Marblehead (7) 19 35. Little Falls Village (6) 20 21 38. Collegetown (7) 39. Sunkhaze (7) 22 23 24 40. Buckstown (9) 25 26

41. New Sandwich (5) 27 28 42. Piggwackett (8) 29 44. Meduncook (10) 45. Phillipsburg (6) 30 31 47. Townshead (8) 32 33

48. Saccrappa (9) 34 49. Union River (9) 35 36 37


Down 39

40 1. Royallsborough (6) 2. Sheppardsfield (6) 41 42 43 3. Sterling (7)

5. Massabesic (9) 44 45 46 6. Little Falls (6) 8. Bloomfield (9) 10. Chandler River (9) 47 11. Ballstown (9) 48

14. Harlem (5) 49 15. Gardnerstown (8) 19. Condeskeag (10) Created with EclipseCrossword - 21. Pejepscot (9) 22. Casco Bay (8) 23. Hancock Plantation (7) 24. New Worcester (9) 26. Bakerstown (6) 29. Goshen (6) 33. Ducktrap (12) 34. Pondtown (8) 36. Pearsontown (8) 37. Pownalborough (9) 43. Pemaquid (7) 46. New Boston (4) All Maine Matters Fishery Notes - Farming & Forestry, Too! Page 13 Controlling the Last Free Voice in the World An American Perestroika by Tom DeWeese by Laura Adelmann

America is in the midst of a broad, radical property could even become impossible to The American people simply have have had their well-paid lawyers, lob- perestroika — a complete restructuring of sell on the regular market. no idea what it’s like to live in a totali- byists and public relations people on a our society, orchestrated internationally and But the most concerning thing about tarian society. We go where we want; full frontal assault against the very idea. played out locally. conservation easements is that it seems a watch movies and television shows or They would have done it because they U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has system set up to turn property ownership to any kind; start new businesses on a don’t fear the U.S. government and so called the radical reformation which creates government. Often, environmental NGOs whim; shop in huge supermarkets that they can. Not so in Communist China. global governance a “quiet revolution.” This initially negotiate and fund the purchase of carry any item imaginable; even sit But imagine what could have been ac- revolution, much of its Marxist/Commu- easements, but later sell them to govern- in public places and say anything we complished in Communist China had nist/Socialist principles bleached in market- ment. With control over the property’s use, want about political leaders. Microsoft worried less about losing a ing language of “sustainable development,” government takes full ownership of all its Today in our modern society, many market and more about gaining some seeks control of every aspect of human life. natural resources; productivity of the land is of us sit at our computer for hours on freedom for an oppressed people. It is being implemented in cities across then government-controlled and restricted. end sending e-mails, corresponding, Imagine if Microsoft had reacted to America through an anti-capitalist system The citizen has become a dependent-servant web surfing, researching, subscrib- the Communist order by refusing, in- of public/private contracted “partnerships” of government — what the U.N. terms a stead shutting down its operation in ing to web sites, gaining information, China and using its formidable press involving government, business, regional “global citizen.” booking hotels and airline reserva- unelected governing boards and non-govern- There is probably no better place to see the operation to tell why. China would have tions, buying gifts, even creating per- blinked and quite possibly relented. mental organizations (NGOs). They jointly U.N. goals in action locally than in our own sonal web sites - or blogs - where any fund initiatives which, by astounding co- children’s classrooms. As across this country, Why is the China story so important? average citizen can vent on the politi- To fully understand, switch to another incidence, carry out plans conceived at the parents are working to pay their ever-bloat- cal issues of the day and send it to the recent news story. That story is the un- United Nations (U.N.). ing tax burden, government schools are in- world. Frankly, there is simply no end relenting control of the Internet by the For years, American patriots like Tom doctrinating our children to hate America, to to what we Americans can do sitting in United Nations. Things got serious in DeWeese and Henry Lamb and have report- willfully turn from her freedom and embrace our own homes behind our trusty com- the UN’s bid last November at an inter- ed extensively on U.N. plans to destroy our a new “global society.” For at least 13 years, puter. The Internet is fast becoming the national confab held in Tunis. freedom by controlling our lives and natu- our children are brainwashed to believe pa- most valued root of our free society. Focus of the meeting was a de- ral resources. Just as they have predicted, triotism is elitist, sovereignty intolerant and To better understand the vast scope sire by several UN member nations in a myriad of ways, U.N. goals are being American culture irrelevant. Those children of such American freedom, contrast it to wrestle control of the Internet from implemented locally. For example, regional exhibiting any kind of curiosity or spirit are with a recent new story out of Beijing, the U.S.- based International Corpora- governing boards, often comprised of un- targeted to be drugged — but only after being China. The Associated Press (AP) re- tion for Assigned Names and Numbers elected, “representatives,” are implementing permanently labeled as having a “disease” port details how the Communist gov- (ICANN), a quasi-governmental non- mandates that will limit or prohibit citizen’s or learning disability so the government in- ernment has forced Microsoft Corpo- profit organization that oversees the access to natural resources and create “hu- doctrination center (school) can use them ration to shut down the Internet journal day-to-day operation of the Internet. man habitats.” These regional “Metropolitan to get more federal funding. It is by design of a Chinese blogger who discussed ICANN doesn’t control who uses the In- Councils” control development by dictat- that our entire public education system has “politically sensitive” issues, including ternet and it doesn’t censor content. It’s ing the spread of necessary infrastructure, been internationalized, radically reinvented a recent strike at a Beijing newspaper. a free market and ICANN’s mission is like water, sewer pipes and roads. They also from a system designed to teach children a to preserve it as such. To make it even The AP report says, “Although Bei- better, though today ICANN operates control the distribution of state and federal broad-base of facts and knowledge to live as jing has supported Internet use for ed- transportation and development funding. To a free people into a dumbed-down workforce under an agreement with the U.S. De- ucation and business, it fiercely polices partment of Commerce, in November, get project money, municipalities must com- training system that employs a failed com- content. Filters block objectionable pete with each other by presenting the de- mand economy as exemplified in the Soviet it will actually become a fully private foreign Web sites, and regulations ban corporation, breaking all of its govern- velopment plan that most reflects the terms Union. perceived subversive or pornographic mental ties. dictated by the council. Not by coincidence, That is the road we are on, and it is easy to content and require service providers The UN argues that the Internet is these terms mirror U.N. sustainability prin- see the U.N. agenda being implemented lo- to enforce censorship rules.” In its de- international in scope and needs much ciples of human settlement areas and feature cally. It appears in board resolutions, during fense, poor Microsoft admits to being grander over site. Who better to handle stacked housing, near train and bus lines and visioning processes and facilitated meetings; a pawn to whatever gang of thugs is in the chore, of course than the body that walking-distance businesses. it shows up in sustainability reports and trial charge. “When we operate in markets fancies itself an international govern- Another U.N. goal is government control programs. City by city, inch by inch, the re- around the world, we have to ensure ment? The Internet is fast becoming of property. In part, this goal is being met structuring perestroika of America is under- that our service complies with global the biggest international prize as the in hometown America through conservation way in your own neighborhood. laws as well as local laws and norms,” greatest source of information and hu- easements, spreading like a plague across the said Brooke Richardson, Microsoft man involvement. It offers the UN huge nation. Marketed as a way to “protect” green Laura Adelmann is a Staff Writer for spokeswoman. opportunity for creating tax revenues space, conservation easements eliminate pri- the New Media Alliance. She is an Of course the “local norm” in Com- and controlling commerce. It is also the vate property ownership. Under this binding award-winning investigative reporter munist China is to ban anything that place to control the flow of ideas. What agreement, a property owner sells for a frac- and researcher who stands for the criticizes the brutal totalitarian govern- totalitarian can resist a bid to control the Internet? tion of its worth — forever — some or all of conservative Christian values that ment. The communists call literature The assault on ICANN was fierce at the following: the right to control, use, pos- founded America. She has a passion like the Declaration of Independence sess, develop, lease, modify or sell their land. the Tunis meeting, but the Bush Ad- for truth, integrity and accuracy, as “pornographic.” The fact that Microsoft ministration thought it was able to ar- The owner is reduced to a “fee title holder,” a well as a love of research. Her work, caved so quickly on this obvious cen- mere tenant but responsible for paying prop- gue its way out -- for the time being which includes news articles, inves- sorship, for fear of losing the Chinese keeping ICANN in control. However, erty taxes and employing land management tigative stories and opinion pieces, market speaks volumes about corpo- practices the easement holder mandates. All the Administration made a fatal error has appeared in Minnesota Christian rate globalism which pledges no al- when it agreed to let the UN create a current and future “owners” have no say Chronicle, Pro-Family News and nu- legiance to any country or idea other permanent standing body called the in who owns the conservation easement or merous local newspapers in Dakota than profit for profit’s sake. “Internet Governance Forum” (IGF), how many times it changes hands. But they County, Minnesota. Laura has also Imagine what would have happened which intends to keep up a long-term may have a tough time selling their fee title written copy for conservative candi- had the Bush Administration even re- campaign to finally achieve UN control because the easement encumbrance is upon dates running for state and national motely suggested any form of censor- over the Internet. the land forever, impacting its value and thus offices. You can reach her at - ladel ship of the Internet. Microsoft would Continued on page 14ga limiting potential buyers. The encumbered [email protected].

• Talmadge: Large four bedroom home on a 70+ acre organic farm. 900 feet of frontage on Musquash Stream and your own private air strip make this an ultimate professional’s home. 40 by 40 foot barn and a 3 car garage with a 24 by 40 studio above. The home has two full baths, a kitchen with breakfast bar and a large office with private owned DSL link. A pond is visible from the kitchen. Property must be seen. Not just near the airport. You OWN the airport. VOR on the property. Salmon fish the East Branch of Musquash Stream on the property. Owned DSL server on site. $239,000 • Talmadge: Classic Maine farm home on 65 acres. Attached barn, gardens, two wells, glassed in porch facing south and a stream on the property. This is all on a year round town road that dead ends into a trail system. Updated kitchen, huge family room and a private DSL internet link make this home a great getaway, second home or site for a home based on-line business. $139,900. • Burlington: Nearly new camp on Madagasgal Lake. Owned land! Insulated, wired for generator and neatly finished with knotty pine inside. This camp looks west at the sunset. Prevail- ing west wind keeps the bugs away. Great fishing for the accomplished sportsman and kids both. Snowmobile and ATV right from the camp. Trails connect with the new ATV regional system. Sandy bottom for swimming and there is a babbling brook beside the camp. A perfect four season getaway. Madagasgal Lake is a quiet lake with many camps owned by area families. Don’t wait til spring. $139,000 • Waite: Secluded camp just off a paved road. Power and phone at the road. This camp sleeps 8 to 10 and has water to the camp. Screened in porch. This land goes back a half mile and backs up against timber company land. Camp is hidden, but only 300 feet from the road so it could have power to the camp. Great fishing nearby and the area has moose, deer and bear. Owned land. $55,000 • Springfield: 47.3 acres in the back country where the deer are. Nicely wooded with cedar and spruce. Some high ground for a camp and some low ground where the deer hang out. 4WD access. Three lakes within a mile and many lakes nearby. $25,000 • Lee: Three acres on the South Road. Nice level lot in quiet area and close to Silver lake. ATV and Snowmobile trails go right by. Town road with power and phone. Quiet area. $11,900

Land, Camps, Farms, Businesses and even Homes. 3 acres to 20,000 acres. Buy your Maine land while you still can. ERA McPhail Realty, Lincoln, Maine Page 14 All Maine Matters Fishery Notes - Farming & Forestry, Too! Controlling the Last Free Voice in the World (Continued from page 13) This then is the real reason the Unit- And what will happen to the free In- ed Nations seeks control of the Inter- The Internet is also the voice of freedom Internet, was to set internationally “ac- ternet once the UN takes control. Go net. It’s particularly interested in gain- around the world. Third world people, ceptable boundaries to freedom of ex- back to the top of this story and simply ing access to your personal records. living under oppressive dictatorships, pression.” Acceptable to whom? Con replace the words “Communist China” China certainly isn’t interested in pro- are able to gain access to information trol of the Internet by any government with “the UN.” What corporation will tecting the Internet security of other and truth. While many Americans now force puts it up for grabs by whatever then oppose such censorship? And nations, or of stopping viruses. China forget the revolutionary ideals of a free- gang of thugs is in control. Why did the what censorship can we expect? Here’s is now spending billions to build a new dom spoken by our founding fathers, to United States even participate in such a good example: Hate talk. We’ve all department for its military specifically those living in the darkness of oppres- a sham? heard discussions about it. Most shake for destroying computer systems of its sion, the Declaration of Independence Regardless of whether or not the forces our heads in agreement that it just enemies through the use of computer and the Bill of Rights are the light of of darkness succeeded in taking con- shouldn’t be allowed. Even pro-fam- viruses. What they want is control of the hope. Remember that the students who trol of the Internet at the Tunis Summit, ily groups argue that there should be last free voice in the world. rallied for freedom in China’s Tiana- the agenda is on the table. The IGF will some law, some control over it. The Internet is the voice of freedom men Square a decade ago were clutch- float trial balloons to check the strength What is hate talk? Many have been in the United States. It’s the tool that has ing the Declaration of Independence in and vigilance of the forces of freedom. led to think of some racist diatribe from enabled the forces of freedom to cir- their hands as they were crushed under As soon as they detect a weakness they the Ku Klux Klan, or perhaps some neo cumvent the stranglehold of the elite communist tanks. The forces of oppres- will strike. Nazi skinheads engaged in gay bash- media. It has become a way to issue sion fear the Internet. That’s why they ing. The latest examples of hate talk, alerts to stop or expose pending leg- For over 31 years, Tom DeWeese has now seek to control it. we’re told, have been aimed at those of islation. It is a way to search for docu- been a businessman, grassroots ac- Keep in mind, too, that the title of the Arab descent. But most readers may be ments. Parents have used the Internet tivist, writer and publisher. As such, surprised to learn that such “hate talks” Tunis UN summit, which openly seeks effectively to expose globalist school he has always advocated a firm belief aren’t the most ‘er... hateful, according Internet control, was the “World Sum- curriculum and gain access to secret in man’s need to keep moving for- to most UN members. Real hate crimes, mit on the Information Society.” Its pur- evaluation tests used on their children. ward while protecting Constitutional- according to Red China, Red Cuba, pose, besides grabbing control of the ly-guaranteed rights of property and Red Vietnam, and their ilk, are words individual freedom. spoken against the international prole- tariat. In other words, talk against com- munist oppression is hate talk. In addition, attacks on unions; radi- cal environmentalism; gun control; sus- tainable development and abortion are Would you like this paper mailed to you? considered divisive and hateful. Sup- port of Christian religion and the Ten Commandments are radical and divi- The cost is $18.00 per year, to cover shipping and handling. sive. Advocating limited government control over our lives is divisive and Name ______Address ______counter-productive - hateful. Anything uttered pro-Israel is hateful. Any criti- Town: ______Zip Code: ______cism of Islamic fundamentalism is hate- ful. Imagine a United Nation’s committee Fill out this form and mail it, along with your check or money order, to: assigned to oversee the Internet, which is made up of representatives of Com- munist China or an Islamic nation like Saudi Arabia. These oppressive nations All Maine Matters are doing everything possible to ban uncontrolled Internet access in their PO Box 788 countries. In fact, the only access per- Kingman, ME 04451 mitted to the public in China is through Internet cafes where the computers are registered and inspected by the gov- ernment. Or sign up at We are also free on the internet at

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12O E 13 H A O T O E W A L D O B O R O F A R M I N G T O N F

H 14 B 15 M E 16E F

E 17 C O P S T E U B E N

18 G C H E R R Y F I E L D B R

S A C O I O T 19 O S

N N T 20 K 21 R O

A 22 S D E A R B O R N 23 24

F 25T N R 26 C O

27A O A K L A N D 28 U M L R

L Y M A N 29 U U N I O N I R

M 30 V S S 31S N I

32 33 O D E T R O I T K W C A S T I N E

B E T H E L U 34 E E I O O G

35 I T 36 W I N D H A M C W 37 N T

L I S B O N H S I N G K 38 W O

39 C T N A D I X M O N T

M I L F O R D A T 40 S

41 L N 42 H 43 B U C K S P O RT W A Y N E D F R Y E B U R G A

44 V I O R 45 S 46 F R I E N D S H I P I H O L L I S G

L H S 47 E R

48 L T B O O T H B A Y

W E S T B R O O K 49 O Y E L L S W O R T H

Created with EclipseCrossword - All Maine Matters Fishery Notes - Farming & Forestry, Too! Page 15 Letters to the Editor Thank You, Governor Baldacci! Re: Cebra’s Illegal Immigration Article I would like to thank Gov. Baldacci So, let’s get down to tooth and nail. for his amazing and outstanding job I work what I can, when I can. I find a To the Editors: Maine has seen fit to extend support that he is doing for the great state of great job (what I think is) and for some to all of the state’s residents. If the I thought that Rep. Richard Ce- Maine. His years of business oriented reason a government entity comes up people of Maine disagree, they can thinking, that he must have picked up bra’s article on illegal immigration in vote him out of office. It is none of with stupid things to wind me up to the Maine (AMM February 2006) should from his family’s business, has really point that I quit. Washington’s business. done amazing things for the state. He not pass without some comments. Rep. Cebra characterizes these But, the worst part is that at least Immigration policy is a serious is- really knows how the American dollar people as coming from “virtually ev- 30% of my wages goes to support ille- sue, and deserves an important works. gal aliens and bull flop programs that I ery failed country on earth.” How dare place in our political debates. Sadly, he refer to these nations as “failed”? There are something’s that I have no- don’t qualify for unless I’m broke. Rep. Cebra’s article contributes little ticed just by listening to other people What would the tax payer think if to the discussion, and merely stirs How is he measuring failure? Sure, and reading news papers. Here are they knew that a homeless shelter is a up worry and anger about fictitious many people come to America from some of them. regular hangout for people from Texas, problems like “Third World momen- countries with developing economies What I find amazing is how he can California, overseas, etc.? Why would tum,” while distracting people from and high rates of poverty. However, stand in front of the people who voted they want to come to Northern Maine in the real issues and trade-offs in- most of these countries have histo- him in and the tax payer, that pays his the winter? WHY!!!? I’ll tell you. These volved in the immigration debate. ries of slavery, colonization and un- wages, and outright lies, seems, manip- people have stated that Maine is the This is the bottom line: the major- fair trade relationships which are ulates and sticks it to the tax payer and easiest state to get disability and wel- ity of illegal immigrants work. They responsible for today’s widespread still has a positive attitude with a smile. fare. Aroostook is great because there work on farms and orchards. They poverty. To simply brush aside the Well Governor, I have a problem are no lines to wait in. work in restaurants and hotels. They poor nations of the world as “fail- with all that you stand for. Your outright Well, I don’t know about anybody work in construction and landscap- ures” betrays ignorance of history, underhanded “Executive Order” for else, but I’m getting tired of paying for ing. Most often, they are forced to foreign relations, and economics. aliens is downright theft. someone else’s free ride. It happens work for sub-standard wages with- In his article’s climax, Rep. Cebra Your stealing tax dollars from the le- even in Lewiston at the Social Security out any job security. This is not any continues to spread fear by claim- easy life. These people risk death gal Mainers and giving it away like it office. Illegal immigrants who are fresh ing our “language, culture, environ- was yours. Who do you think you are, getting here to live out the Ameri- ment, crime rate, and quality of life off the boat with no papers, green card can Dream, just like my ancestors Robin Hood? or anything, walk in and ask for “THE will be changed utterly.” He is right. Maybe you need to read that book. did and just like many of yours too. The future will always bring change, FREE” “I WANT THE FREE!” They do not risk death for welfare (Robin Hood) It’s steal from the rich HELLO!! Does this seem wrong? often in ways we don’t expect. It is handouts. Rep. Cebra tries to paint likely that our language, culture, and give to the poor. Not, steal from the This is just a few things that I know them as common criminals. Do some and all the rest will be different in tax payer and give to the illegal. about. How many other problems are make foolish choices and wind up in While I’m on the subject of tax pay- out there that people don’t talk about prison? Sure, but so have some of the future, whether illegal immi- er. You have stated that Maine is doing unless they are in the local coffee shop our neighbors. There are criminals grants come to work in Maine or not. well. I don’t see it. I personally have or at a gathering where it doesn’t really in every community. The things he wants to protect are decided that I have a very difficult time matter? Rep. Cebra worries us about the shaped by many factors. Illegal im- with corporate companies and the gov- So, finally, if things are going to great cost of sharing our social ser- migration is just a drop in the buck- ernment anything. I have had many change then the people of Maine (legal vices given the state’s limited fi- et! International trade agreements, jobs in my short career. I have worked residence and preferably not on the nances. It is true that these people personal and business tax rates, in lumber mills where you break your system) need to speak up, raise your do not pay income tax. This is be- and the marketing of the entertain- back for someone else and your only a voice, pound your fists, point your fin- cause they’re paid under the table. ment industry, just to name a few, number. gers and speak your minds. Call it a However, these people actually do have a much greater effect than im- I have worked for local towns where uprising if you want, it doesn’t matter contribute money to the state cof- migration policy on these things. if anything has happened in the past to me, but I’m ready to use the consti- fers. They pay sales taxes, and they Rep. Cebra is trying to use illegal they hold it against you. I have worked tution that the forefathers fought to get spend their wages in their local com- immigrants as scapegoats for other for a town where their local govern- for the legitimate Americans and throw munities. If issued a drivers license, problems. These same arguments few are going to run out and vote as ment was so new that they have no idea a fit. have been used during earlier waves how departments work. I have worked Rep. Cebra alleges. They are going to of legal immigration, when Italians, So, Governor Baldacci, THANK YOU save up and buy a used car, fill it seasonal construction for many years for sticking it to everybody. I’d ask for Irish, Poles and others were subject- and the new council who don’t have a with gas, go buy groceries and shop ed to discrimination as they arrived assistance to take it better, but I don’t at Wal-Mart — just like the rest of clue calls me a liar. Who would put up Medicare, Mainecare, or Dirigo, so it on our shores to start a new life. We us. Their low wage labor also helps do not need to repeat this. with that? looks like I have to take it dry. the businesses which employ them Growing up in Maine, I did not I also work as an Emergency Medi- Thanks again. GREAT JOB. You need to grow, because their payrolls are cal Technician. For those of you who another 4 years. smaller. These businesses pay taxes. meet an illegal immigrant until my are unsure of what a person in that ca- Plus, low labor costs help businesses mid-twenties when I moved down to pacity does, well, we are the ones who Respectfully, keep prices low. In effect, their inex- New York City. As you would expect, help save lives outside of the hospitals. pensive labor subsidizes the prices many illegal immigrants have chosen Anyway, a job of that caliber, you’d Ticked off tax payer of many products which we all en- to live here. I have gotten to know a think that there would be good money Perry Charette joy, from cheap eggs and apples to few of them, and to learn their sto- in it. Well there is, outside of Maine, Nashville Plt,Me. lower prices when we go out to eat. ries. And I have been struck by what especially outside of Aroostook. I get The economics are a little more com- hard working, family-oriented people paid $7.07/hour after 3 years of being plex than Rep. Cebra describes. they are. By and large, these people with this company. The problem is, like many that I am proud to make room for at Americans, these people do not my table. Duly Impressed make enough money to be able to My wife and I are planning to return Grateful to Read AMM afford private healthcare plans. to Maine in a few years to start a Good Sunday morning, Thank you, thank you, thank you! Many do not make enough money family. And as far as I see it, if some- I picked up your newspaper at a local to provide adequate nutritious food one is hard working, a good neigh- I juts picked up your paper last night at café this morning, and I have read it from for their families. So, like many bor, and minds their own business, the Oriental Jade in Bangor. I usally pick up front to back now and am looking forward Americans, some are forced to take they deserve a place in the com- anything that looks readable and was duly im- to your next issue. advantage of the safety nets which munity whether they are a citizen pressed with your publication. This is the newspaper I’ve been praying Maine has provided to the poor- or not. There is no denying that we I know the state is a mess with our current for! No liberal blather. No filler. Just news est and most vulnerable. We may need to fix our immigration policies. administration, but didnt realize how bad it re- and thoughtful, compelling opinion. And have problems with poverty, but the As we work towards this goal, it is United States is still the wealthiest ally was until I read some of the articles this what a great list of distinguished contribu- critical to keep in mind that we are morning. tors! and most powerful nation on Earth. Is it morally right to force someone talking about a complex problem, Keep up the good word and I will have our Keep up the good work, and tell me with many trade-offs. This demands company send some advertising your way. to go without medical care or to what I can do to help. deny their children food simply be- level heads and sensitivity. We can- cause they do not have a green card? not resort simply to fear mongering Howard Dunn Marcia K. and name-calling. We cannot follow Glenburn, ME Rep. Cebra considers this execu- South Portland tive order an example of a “loss of Rep. Cebra’s example. rule of law.” He even cites federal Editor’s note: statutes to prove it. However, this is Respectfully, Thank you for your letter. There not really a case of “loss of rule of Andrew Roberts Letters to the Editor are most wel- are indeed things you can do to law.” Allocation of state funds is a Bronx, NY come and even encouraged! Email help. states’ rights issue. The governor of [email protected] or send We need advertisers, contribu- it via USPS to PO Box 788, Kingman, tors, and distributors. Contact ME 04451. us at [email protected] or PO Box 788, Kingman, ME We do publish anonymous letters 04451 or call us at 723-4456. to the editor, or those signed with a psuedonym. Page 16 All Maine Matters Fishery Notes - Farming & Forestry, Too!