Sacred Heart School of Montreal the pulse Volume 1 Issue 4, March 2012

Staff Don’t Forget . . . Faculty Advisor: Ms. McIvor

©insanityisthefuture Editor-in-chief: Katherine Chamandy April Editors: 3 - Full School Mass, Charity Day Arts & Entertainment: Sara Turcotte 4 - English BLC - Dress Uniform Associate: Alexina McLeod 5 - Holy Thursday - No School 6 - Good Friday - No School Regular Columnists: 9 - Easter Monday - No School Jessica Abreu-Moore 11 - Deadline: Student Council Jennifer Baritang-Junio Applications Caroline Chamandy 12 - YPI Presentatiions & Graduation Natasha Hodge-Masnaghetti Monica Petras Pot Luck (Graditude) Jasmine Rach 16 - International BLC - Dress Uniform Brigid Roberts 19 - 22 Toronto Music Festival 25 - FIGA: Student Council Speeches Contributors: 25 - 27 Sec V Drama Production (7 pm) Sabina Alka Jennifer Baldino Maya Botti May Claudia di Salvatore 1 - Graduation Breakfast & Mass Katricia Durham 2 - Student Council Elections Mr. Angelo Gallo 4 - Ped Day - No School the pulse the Ashley Hagen 7 - House Head Elections Candice Law 14 - Faculty Scholars Tea ©Candice! Law Rebecca McPherson 21 - Victoria Day - No School Esmè Panarello Victoria Perotta June : Pranavy Sabaratnam Cutest Bird Amber Kylie Sura 1 - Graduation Cocktail & Prom Eleni Borondy IA Nicole Tieman 5 - 22 EXAMS Annie Tsotas 21 - Graduation Ceremony Athina Tzinevrakis 23 - SUMMER VACATION

: - Cutest Dog 1st Houdini : , - Cutest Kitten Romeo Rebecca Letourneau Duynstee IIIA PET PHOTO CONTEST WINNERS Claudia Belliveau IVC - 2nd Brody - 3rd Rudy Alexia Tummillo VB Eleni Borondy IA

Find us online! In an effort to be more sustainable, the pulse is available online as a full-color PDF - downloadable and forwardable at on the home page and under the Students and Parents tabs, under News and Reminders. Reading online is a great way to reduce 2011-12 paper usage and our carbon footprint, leading to a better and healthier planet! This message is supported by SHSM’s Environment Club. Beauty and Health Ask Alice Ask Alice Ask Alice My friend really likes this guy but he just asked me out. I BY BRIGID ROBERTS want to go out with him. What should I do and what do I The Truth About the Two Most-Used Cosmetics say to my friend? Foundation: First of all, it's important you talk with your friend. If you value your friendship, you wouldn't want to hurt her, even if that In terms of your face, foundation is one of the most meant sacrificing a date. Secondly, when you do talk to your popular cosmetics that teens use. If used right, friend, keep in mind that she has feelings too. She might say foundation can give the appearance of clearer and you can go out with the guy, she might not. Whatever answer smoother skin. With that being said, foundation should she gives you, you have to respect that, or else (as I said definitely not be used too often. It can clog pores and before) you might hurt her. Finally, put things into perspective. dry out your skin. Foundation is Does your friend come before this guy? Or do you want to put a tricky type of makeup to work yourself first and ignore her feelings? If all else fails, do what with because there are many you think is right. If you fail miserably, that will be just another things that can go wrong while lesson learned. Good luck! using it. While using this makeup, it might seem like it is My best friend is hanging out with some people who sticking into your pores. A drink a lot and I'm worried. reason for this could be your Do you know if your friend is drinking? If so, do you trust their skin type. If your face is more judgement? I'm sure you know your best friend more than on the oily side, try using anyone else and if you know they can take care of themselves, powder foundation instead of you shouldn't worry. Yes, as a best friend it's important to look liquid. Sometimes, people can tend to put too much out for your friend, but perhaps your assumptions are getting foundation on their face and a solution is to use a the best of you. If you've talked to your friend and you know sponge instead of your fingers so that the sponge they are in danger, you should tell them you're concerned. If soaks up the excess liquid. their new friendships become a problem, it would be in your interest to warn an adult. Mascara: Mascara is commonly used by girls of! all ages to lengthen, darken and/or thicken eyelashes. For a little background information, there are many different the column of happy ingredients that are put into this makeup depending on the type of mascara. For example, mascaras that are (little things to get you through used to lengthen lashes contain nylon or microfibers. the month) Waterproof mascaras contain by j2 different ingredients that are used to reject water. Throw -April Fools out your mascara every 4-6 months to make sure it is -the snow is finally melting... again always safe for your eyes. ! FUN FACT: Mascara can -2 free dress days in one month also be used to make your eyelashes heavier and this -getting a lollipop-o-gram builds up the muscles in your -eating that lollipop o gram in class eyelids. We Day -sending an embarrassing song to BY REBECCA McPHERSON your friend for v-day On February 29, girls from Secondary I to V - doing well on your exams participated in Free the Children’s Montreal We (especially if you were unprepared) Day. We Day is an international event created by FTC that brings together and inspires young people to get involved in today’s -making your Easter break plans global issues and to make a difference. We heard from speakers from Martin Sheen and Reverend Jesse Jackson to Joannie -making your Passover break plans Rochette and the cast of Degrassi. We saw Shawn Desman do -not getting caught with uniform the We Day Dance and got an inspirational and creative speech from Marc and Craig Kielburger. It really was a day that made infractions us believe we can do anything we set our minds to! -reading j2's column every month!

Sacred Heart School of Montreal the pulse Volume 1 Issue 4, March 2012 a + e

Who Sent That Note? BY MONICA PETRAS The cold never affected Emma Jones; she had always loved cold weather. The chilly wind, the red color that claimed each person’s cheeks and noses, the getting bundled up. But it was always around winter that the cold, no matter how welcoming, reminded Emma of how lonely she truly was. She wasn’t completely hopeless; ever since Halloween, she had felt a growing sense of reassurance, however something was still missing. Could it be that her daily routine was becoming too humdrum? Or perhaps it had something to do with the card she had received on Halloween? It obviously hadn’t been sent by mail as there was no postage stamp. It would have to have been sent by someone who knew her address…but who? She rummaged through her thoughts, trying to remember if she’d noticed anyone being especially nice to her lately. She could recall no such instance. She ran down possible candidates in her head. It could have been her lab partner Shelly; she seemed nice enough. Or it could have been Jeremy; he had been decent enough to wish her happy holidays before the break. Oh God, what if it wasn’t anyone at school? She wondered if her parents, perhaps, had put the card in the mailbox to cheer her up. She knew it wasn’t possible, though. Their handwriting did not come close to the perfect cursive loops that filled the page of the card. She subsequently ruled out all the boys she knew; she had not once seen a boy’s handwriting as dainty as the script in the card. The more Emma thought of it, the more she was dying to know who had put the card in her mailbox. She had no idea how she could figure it out, but she hoped that somehow she could solve the puzzle. She quickly called her new-found friend, Trisha, and asked her to come over right away, insisting that it was absolutely necessary. Within the hour, Trisha showed up at her front door and Emma wasted no time in showing her the card, “Do you know whose handwriting this is?” Trisha stared at the card, looking a little upset. “This is what was so important?” Emma looked down in embarrassment for making Trisha come all the way over just so she could attempt to decipher the handwriting on the Halloween card. “Yeah,” she blushed. Trisha sighed, then actually looked at the card, “Well, it’s neat and very fancy; the writing obviously belongs to someone with a lot of downtime.” “I assumed that already, but do you recognize the letters?” Emma wondered. “Well, those h’s sure look a lot like the way Jeremy does his h’s.” Jeremy? Hmmm. Emma had even considered the possibility of it being him herself. Jeremy had never really noticed her before, though. How could it have been him? “Is that all you can tell me?” “About the card, yes, but when you make me come all the way to your house just to show me a card, I expect a little more,” Trisha crossed her arms unhappily. RIDDLE OF THE MONTH: “What if I said you could sleep over?” Emma tempted Trisha to forgive her. What can go down a chimney up Trisha smiled in approval as they both went upstairs and talked and but can’t go up a chimney down?

giggled and acted goofy, until the possibility of a “not-so-secret admirer” flashed across Emma’s brain and they fell asleep. umbrella an Answer:

THE HISTORY OF BLACK HISTORY MONTH It takes a special person to notice the absence of something important and to do something about it. Dr. Carter G. Woodson, a Ph.D graduate of Harvard University, was the son of slaves who started high school at the age of twenty after working in the Kentucky coal mines. He took notice of the relative absence of blacks in American history studies and dedicated himself to changing that. Consequently, the first Negro History Week, which later became Black History Month, was celebrated in 1926. February was chosen by Woodson because it was the birth month of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, two men who were influential on the course of history for blacks in America. As history now shows, February has become more important in black history over the years, including being the month the law granting blacks the right to vote was passed, the month Malcolm X was killed, and the month the first black U.S. Senator was sworn in.

Sacred Heart School of Montreal the pulse Volume 1 Issue 4, March 2012 a + e

Band of the Month: BY SARA TURCOTTE The Kooks, an upbeat indie-rock band from East-Essex, England, made their way to Montreal in late 2011 to promote their new , , released September 12. Lead by charismatic frontman Luke Pritchard, The Kooks’ music incorporates a sort of pop feel as it was inspired by the so-called “British Invasion” of the 1960s. Picture this: November 22, 2011. Metropolis; 59 Ste. Catherine Street East. The lights dim as the four authentic, beautiful Brits take the stage. One light shines onto Luke as he sings out the first line, “Is it me? Is it you? Is it the times that we’re living through?” and his boys come in simultaneously as the crowd starts to dance. Warmed up by The Postelles, an indie band from New York City with a sound similar to that of The Kooks, the crowd was literally 75% female. Early on in the show and then again before the encore, I did somewhat feel like I was at a Jonas Brothers concert no doubt because of the jumping, shrieking girls filling the mosh pit. Yes, Luke is a charmer, but I did feel a little violated. Their setlist was comprised mostly of songs off their new album, Junk of the Heart. Filling the gaps, however, was a mix of hits off of their previous two , Inside In/Inside Out and Konk. It’s impossible to say whether the highlight of the show was Luke’s midway serenade to the ladies during Seaside or the last jam of the night, Naive. The audience’s responses were equally ear-splitting and so this is quite difficult to establish. The Kooks are often compared to another English indie-rock band, the , but they prefer not to be affiliated with them following several negative encounters at EMI (mutual recording studio) and a failed attempt by Alex Turner (lead vocals in the Arctic Monkeys) to physically pull the leads out of Pritchard’s guitar pedal during a show. Answers to puzzle on page 10 The Kooks now continue to promote their new album, touring with The Postelles, 1 4 8 2 3 5 9 6 7 Arctic Monkey-free. Their overall dynamic album, Junk of the Heart, is one whose 9 5 2 4 7 6 3 8 1 tracks differ vastly. November 22 was, overall, a night to remember due to the genuine 7 3 6 9 8 1 5 4 2 2 1 3 5 9 8 6 7 4 vocals, catchy chord changes, and off-beat drum patterns. 4 9 5 6 2 7 1 3 8 8 6 7 1 4 3 2 5 9 5 7 9 3 1 4 8 2 6 DASHABUSTADD 3 8 1 7 6 2 4 9 5 BY ESMÈ PANARELLO 6 2 4 8 5 9 7 1 3 On Friday, February 24, 2012, the Sacred Heart School of Montreal managed to once again pull off a fantastic presentation of Dashabustadd. The show was made possible thanks to the incredible dedication of the actors, backstage crew, volunteers, directors Gab Courey and Olivia D’Ambrosio, and supervisors Mr. Beauvais and Ms. Coull. The show itself was amazing. The lovely hosts, Sarah Camacho and Caitlin Matthews, opened the show with some light comedic banter that was incredibly funny and evidently well-rehearsed. The talent in the show was of the highest quality. Who knew that Kat Durham could dance like that? Dancers Kaleigh Metcalfe, Rachel Rubbo and Maya Botti all performed amazing self- choreographed solos. Moreover, Deidra Robertson–Chois, Victoria Perotta, and Meagan Fett all managed to nail the songs they selected to perform. These are but a few of the gems the show held. A well deserved round of applause to everyone who worked so hard on the final production of this year’s show!

Sacred Heart School of Montreal the pulse Volume 1 Issue 4, March 2012 a + e

Did you notice? La Semaine de la français: la pièce de théâtre Mr. Gallo is pregnant (again)? DE ASHLEY HAGEN La pièce était géniale et très Ms. Lecuyer has a new best friend? agréable! Elle était drôle et légère There are only two real months of school left? ce qui l’a rendue facile à comprendre pour tous les niveaux. Mr. O’Donnell’s the new CJAD morning man? C’était un excellent moyen de The SHSM video is going viral on Youtube? mettre fin à notre lundi après-midi et aussi un excellent début à notre There are new (old) snacks in the vending Semaine de Français. Félicitations machines? à toutes les actrices et aussi au It’s time for polos again? département de français pour un superbe spectacle! Sorry, we meant it’s time for parkas again?

Cultural Institutions: The Montreal Canadiens


Cultural institutions refers to organizations, institutions, places, events or groupings of a culture and/or sub- culture that have specific relevance and importance. Cultural institutions draw on religious, economic, ethnic, geo-political, artistic, historical, social, intellectual elements that have an importance for a cultural and/or sub-cultural group. We often hear of people referring to a restaurant, a movie, an example of architecture, etc. as being an “institution” within society. Often times these cultural institutions are part of the “social fabric” of a society and have a cultural importance that transcends time. These institutions help define who we are. In Montreal we have many Cultural Institutions that define our city vis-à-vis other cities, for example: St. Viateur Bagels, Old Montreal, McGill, Schwartz’s Deli, Mount Royal, St. Joseph Oratory, etc., but none is bigger or more important than the Montreal Canadiens. The Montreal Canadiens in one way or another unify us as Montrealers because: • The Canadiens fan base transcends the French – English divide. • The Canadiens official slogan is “La ville est hockey.” • Maurice Richard was/is not just a hockey player but a Canadian and, more importantly, a French – Canadian hero. • In Montreal, spring does not officially arrive unless the Canadiens are in the Playoffs. • Lastly, all true Montrealers detest and outright despise the evil Toronto Maple Laughs (sorry, I meant Leafs). GO HABS GO!!!

Sacred Heart School of Montreal the pulse Volume 1 Issue 4, March 2012 a + e

España + Portugal = Esportugal 2012 Reflections BY CAROLINE CHAMANDY BY ALEXINA MCLEOD This past March Break, forty-three girls, Holà chicas! six chaperones, and one tour guide made This year, a few students from Secondary IV and V got the it safely through Spain and Portugal opportunity to visit Spain and Portugal with the school, and what a virtually unscathed. It was a fantastic trip trip it was! We got to see history come alive, we got to taste some with lots of beautiful architecture, scenery, delicious food and most importantly, we met some very bold and beaches, and history. Of course, what trip interesting people (wink, wink). The places we saw were for 43 girls would be complete without unbelievably beautiful and I know we all miss our amazing tour guide, some time to shop. We learned a lot about Andréa for showing us a little bit of Europe…in his own way. We these two amazing countries, as well as, shared memories together; it was Mr. Beauvais’s first time on a about each other (and our chaperones). beach in the Algarves in Portugal! If I can speak on behalf of the Thanks so much to our outstanding students, and maybe even the teachers, it was an amazing trip and I chaperones: Mr. Beavais, Madame was sad to leave. Spain and Portugal are definitely places I hope to Belfort, Mr. Gallo, Mr. Reda, Miss go back to! Simpson, and Ms. Valela.

Band of the Month The Black Keys BY SARA TURCOTTE The Bell Center was charmed by the presence of garage-rock revival band The Black Keys on March 13. Dan Auerbach and Patrick Carney formed the Keys back in 2001 and have since released seven albums including their most recent which they are currently promoting entitled El Camino. The duo met at the age of eight in Akron, Ohio, where they both grew up. They began jamming in their early teens and started experimenting with Carney’s four-track recorder shortly after. Gigs at bars and cafés followed, kick starting their career. They have unquestionably advanced a great amount since 2001 when they recorded their first album, The Big Come Up, in Patrick’s basement. In 2003, they were offered $100 000 for the rights to use one of their tracks in a mayonnaise commercial. Not wanting to appear to be sell-outs, they refused the offer, having faith that something better would come around. Auerbach and Carney’s career exploded in 2010 when The Black Keys won the title of Best New Artist at the MTV Music Awards after the release of Brothers featuring the hit single “Tighten Up”. They have since been nominated for other awards including MuchMusic, American, Billboard and UK Music Awards as well as several Grammys. Touring accompanied by English indie rock band the Arctic Monkeys, the Black Keys put on an epic live show grasping spectators’ attention from beginning to end. The Arctic Monkeys’ set list comprised of a fair mix of new and old songs. The Monkeys’ drummer Matt Helders put on quite the show himself with his fancy drumstick manoeuvres and tricks along with his dramatic facial expressions. Moreover, lead singer Alex Turner had the ladies screaming with his Sheffield accent, gelled back hair and exaggerated guitar solos. By the time the Black Keys came onstage, the crowd was well warmed up and ready to go. With high energy throughout the show, the Keys reached their highest point in the encore when an enormous disco ball was lowered from the ceiling, lighting up the entire venue. At perhaps the prime of their career, the Black Keys will be headlining the Osheaga Music and Arts Festival on August 3-5, 2012 at Parc Jean Drapeau. It’s unquestionably a must-see act, as the Black Keys offer a mature and quality set of their best tracks at each and every show.

Sacred Heart School of Montreal the pulse Volume 1 Issue 4, March 2012 From the Sec Vs on Retreat... And on Lunch Out. . . We loved Sec 5 retreat. Thinking about all the good times I am so happy that the administration and the teachers we’ve had together. The past 5 years have really brought have decided to let the Sec 5s leave to have lunch! The our grade together. little bit of freedom we can get at lunch is AMAZING! -Vicky P. & Pranavy -Maya

Retreat was super fun! We got to know our classmates a It’s never too far or too late to go to MacDonald’s! lot better. -Jennifer B. -Jen Junio & Candice!

Sec 5 retreat was two days filled with much laughter and many memories and fun moments with our grade! CALLING ALL ARTIST and WRITERS -Claudia d-S It’s that time of year again when all Retreat was an eye opener. budding artists, writers, and poets are -Annie reminded to submit their masterpieces A liberating experience. Enjoyed every moment of it! for consideration for inclusion in the -Katricia 2012 Literary Magazine. Submissions may be

It’s a secret. What is so fragile that even saying

its name can break it? emailed to [email protected] or -Sabina silence Answer: dropped in the envelope on the English Board

Valentine’s Day Reality Check! outside the Study Hall. BY CANDICE LAW Virtually every song that has ever been written in the history of music is about a) a hookup b) a breakup or c) makeup. What is the common element in these three themes? Ah yes, that little four letter word we obsess over: LOVE. It is just past the time of year again, where couples feel free to show public displays of affection without people around them giving them weird looks. It is the most romantic day of the year: Valentine's Day. If you think about it more carefully, the actual idea of Valentine’s Day, and perhaps even love itself, is overrated and overexposed. This does not mean that love does not exist (the Notebook was based on a true story after all!), but that it is “appraised too highly” as defined by Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but these are facts: In Canada alone, the revenue for chocolates was $1 billion, a combined total of $5 billion dollars were spent on cosmetics, fragrances or jewelry, and 12.8 million roses were produced. What is the point in killing so many flowers? You put them in a vase for a week, then they die, and you throw them out. Is that not a waste? And all this money, is there not a better way to spend it? Think back to a book, movie or song that had absolutely nothing to do with love. My guess is that task is not the easiest thing to do. The truth of the matter is, the entertainment industry constantly markets this idea of romantic "love." This is the reason why people go crazy, blowing everything out of proportion. The simple thought that we should show appreciation for those around us, turns into a glorified holiday. It is a commercial holiday merely created to generate profit for marketing purposes. So, with all due respect, it is not that we "can't escape my love" in the words of Enrique Iglesias, we are simply unable to escape love in general, - not only during this time of year, but every day. It haunts us every time we turn on the radio or television. Why do you need a designated day to show people you care about how much they mean to you? The answer is that you do not. Valentine's Day is merely a 24-hour-long opportunity for florists and Hallmark to suck the money out of your wallet, all in the name of so-called “love.” Sacred Heart School of Montreal the pulse Volume 1 Issue 4, March 2012 !


What’s Hot What’s Not

♦ Hunter Rainboots (They are ♦ Uggs (The sheep ! fully waterproof!) population in Australia is depleting) ♦ Cone shaped pizza (It ♦ Traffic cones (They are ! actually exists) taking over the city!) ♦ Walking (Those two legs ♦ Opus cards (The system are good for something) just doesn’t work….) ♦ Re-usable water bottles ♦ Plastic water bottles (80% (One of the easiest ways to of the bottles are not even go green) being recycled) ♦ Taking real vitamins and a ♦ Vitamin Water (It’s glass of water (They are the scientifically proven that it is real deal when it comes to not actually good for you) nutrition) ♦ Bulk food stores (Friendly ♦ Depanneurs (Over priced) snacking) ♦ Sleeping (This should not ♦ Energy drinks (Very toxic for have to be explained) your body) ♦ Perry the platypus (The first ♦ Dora the Explorer (will she cartoon platypus to ever ever stop exploring?) make it on television) ! ♦ Playing real tennis (It’s a ♦ Playing “wii” tennis (It is cardiovascular workout) unfortunately not real exercise) ♦ E readers such as the ♦ Paperback novels (Cuts “kindle” and “kobo”(Saves down too many trees) loads of space) ♦ Memory foam pillows (You ♦ Regular pillows (Causes will never go back to your neck tension) old pillow once you’ve tried them)

Sacred Heart School of Montreal the pulse Volume 1 Issue 4, March 2012 three billion people around the world. Smoke-related health COOKING UP SOLUTIONS problems from cook fires kill more than two million people March 19, 2012 | CRAIG & MARC KIELBURGER every year. A regular FTC column on current global & social issues. Sharadabenʼs family already enjoys a health benefit from their new clean stove. “We are not coughing all the time,” she Sharadaben bustled around the tent making tea for told Muthiah. her visitors. Before the start of the salt panning season, Bhadveer must Outside, the salt flats of Gujarat, India, stretched into the go ahead of the family to set up camp and drill a well. Salty distance. This tent is her familyʼs home for eight months of brine from the well will flood the surrounding plain into a the year as they pan for salt, their main source of income. bunch of small ponds – pans – where the water will Within just a few minutes, Sharadaben delivered the tea, evaporate, leaving the salt for the family to harvest over the beaming as she brought a cup to her guest. Sitting on the coming months. dirt floor, her husband, Bhadveer, and her children looked on Bhadveer must walk the 15 kilometres from their village proudly. As the hot sun shone through the thin burlap walls carrying at least a weekʼs worth of supplies like tools, food, of the shelter, neighbors huddled around the tent opening, water, and wood for fuel. At just six kilograms, the solar stove peeking in at the visitor. weighs a lot less than an entire weekʼs supply of wood. With a Timʼs on every corner, it might seem odd to a Around the world, entire swaths of land are stripped bare of Canadian to make such a deal over tea. all wood as people in developing In fact, itʼs not the tea itself but how it communities gather kindling for their cook was made that has Sharadabenʼs family Simple clean- fires. overjoyed. burning stoves can In many places, gathering firewood is At one time, the task of making tea womenʼs work. As nearby resources are would have required an arduous trek to saves millions of depleted the women must go further afield, gather wood, and more time to start a lives, benefit women, exposing them to ever greater risk of assault. fire and wait for the water to slowly heat. improve the quality Clean cookstoves also provide an income All the while, family and guests would be opportunity for budding entrepreneurs in coughing as the fire filled the tent with of life in developing developing communities. swirling smoke and ash. communities, and In Gujarat, a group called the Self-Employed This time there was no trek, no smoke reduce climate- Womenʼs Association (SEWA) empowers and ash, and the tea was ready in Indian women to build their own small minutes, thanks to the familyʼs new altering carbon businesses. SEWAʼs latest project is the solar-powered cookstove. emissions by as Green Economy Initiative. Women can “It was incredible to see the joy on much as 900 million become agents, selling green products like their faces,” says Radha Muthiah, clean cookstoves and solar lights. Executive Director of the Global Alliance tonnes over the next In India, stoves like Sharadabenʼs cost 2,500 for Clean Cookstoves. It was Muthiah decade. to 3,000 rupees – about $60 Canadian. Itʼs enjoying Sharadabenʼs hospitality that day. nearly a monthʼs income for Sharadabenʼs When youʼre trying to help make a better world, itʼs easy family, but Sharadaben says itʼs worth it. to get wrapped up in the big problems. Sometimes itʼs There are a wide variety of clean cook stoves. important and valuable to celebrate the little victories and Sharadabenʼs family has an electric stove powered by solar marvel at how such a small action can make such an panels. A simpler solar stove uses a reflector like a satellite enormous difference. dish to concentrate the sunʼs rays on a cooking surface. Other Simple clean-burning stoves can saves millions of lives, stoves are constructed to more efficiently burn wood, benefit women, improve the quality of life in developing charcoal, or other clean-burning fuels like specially-formulated communities, and reduce climate-altering carbon emissions wood pellets. Many clean-burning stoves are equipped with by as much as 900 million tonnes over the next decade. fans that re-circulate gases for more complete and efficient Canada is giving $1.7 million to support the Global combustion and reduced emissions. Alliance for Clean Cookstoves. The Alliance is a worldwide The different options mean thereʼs a stove capable of public-private partnership initiative led by the United Nations meeting the differing needs and available resources in that is working to bring clean-burning stoves to 100 million developing communities around the world. households in developing communities. Sometimes changing the world is as simple as a new stove Traditional wood-burning stoves and open fires are the for a woman in India. primary means of cooking and providing heat for more than

Sacred Heart School of Montreal the pulse Volume 1 Issue 4, March 2012 Social Spotlight BY SARA TURCOTTE

“Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?” – Ernest Gaines Revel & Riot is a non-profit organization created by graphic designer Emily ‘Emy’ Storey (previous girlfriend of Sara Quin of indie rock band Tegan and Sara) alongside Sarah Fobes. They strive to promote and encourage LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning) rights all around the world. Revel & Riot raises awareness through media (sites such as Twitter) and writing, as well as, products designed by Storey that are sold online. LGBTQ people struggle every day with major issues such as hate crimes, homophobia, marriage equality, and even suicide. Revel & Riot’s mission is to make the world aware of their struggles and build community surrounding these central issues. Storey’s clothing and art designs reflect the hardships endured by LGBTQ people and demonstrate the evolution of both their struggles and their style. Through their own efforts to raise awareness, Revel & Riot encourages people to go out into their communities and promote the cause. They are currently working on making LGBTQ websites more easily accessible. Moreover, they are striving to eliminate the spread of vile propaganda against gay people and really push social activism. To learn more about Revel & Riot accomplishments and missions, visit ... “It’s all fun and gay ‘til someone loses their rights.” What can burn the eyes, sting the mouth, yet can be consumed?

Is There Science Fair In The Air? Peppers Answer BY ALEXINA MCLEOD, ATHINA TZINEVRAKIS This year a few of our ver own paricipated in the Monteal Regional Science Fair and won! In Secondar IIB, Athina Tzinevrakis competed against 300 other stdents and won a silver medal as well as a 100 dollar prize fom the McGill Universit Redpath Museum for her project, Granny’s Remedy vs. Antibiotics. Congatlations Athina! “The purose of this project was to demonstate which antibiotics would be the most effective against four tes of bacteria. The antibiotics tested were: natral and pharaceutical. All of my exeriment was done at the labs of Dawson College. In conclusion, it depended on the te of bacteria to deterine the best antibiotic. I did this project because bacteria are becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics. I think that in the ftre we should go back to using natral antibiotics (ginger, garlic, honey…etc.) Don’t forget GARLIC!!!! Garlic was the most effective among all of the natral antibiotics, which were lemon, vinegar, honey and ginger.” In Secondar V, Claudia Di Salvatore and Hannah Hyde-de Sousa joined forces to present their project, also their Facult Scholars project, at the Fair. They focused their project on Tye 1 diabetes research done in Dr. Piccirillo’s lab and were awarded Winners from left: Hannah, Claudia, and Athina the MRSF Silver Medal for the Senior categor as well as the Dawson Science Award of $100.

Sacred Heart School of Montreal the pulse Volume 1 Issue 4, March 2012 We welcome your comments, questions, submissions, observations, critiques, etc.: [email protected]

Can you find the 12 hidden Valentine words?

a h x f e b r u a r y s v o r

u r p d c s v t h w a k f t e

p c n i b m b o e i r m o s r

©websudoku a a p u h e a r t p r c u r i t n t w p s k f t e o g r o m

g d r o g e d z v f w d t l d

b y m j z x l n a c n t e k a Fun with Figures c h o c o l a t e l t y e n t Can you solve it ??? f e s r q g s w v i q b n d e Every letter is a different number and i r e d e h n a o f r e t v r there is only one solution to get the o v l h y b r s l a d f h g c corresponding numerical addition. w r o s e i v i w d i p u c e H O R S E q r y a c u t r m b k h d j s + S A D D L E i u h v a l e n t i n e a q s G A L L O P friendship arrow red february love valentine secret admirer fourteenth heart cupid candy rose

Here is the solution to last issue’s puzzle:

2 9 9 8 2 + 2 9 9 8 2

3 6

8 2 = 5 9 8 8 2

Sacred Heart School of Montreal the pulse Volume 1 Issue 4, March 2012

Here is the solution to last issue’s puzzle:

2 9 9 8 2 + 2 9 9 8 2

3 6

8 2 = 5 9 8 8 2