Republique Vanuatu Republic; Vanuatu

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Republique Vanuatu Republic; Vanuatu REPUBLIQUE REPUBLIC; DE OF VANUATU VANUATU JOURNAL OFFICIEL OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16c1UIN 2008 NO. 21 16 clUNE 2008 SO NT PUBLIES LES TEXTES SUIVANTS NOTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION ARRETES LOI NO.5 DE 1980 SUR LES COMMUNES • ARRETE NO. 23 DE 2008 SUR L'EXTENSION DE LA PERIODE DE SUSPENSION DE L'EXERCICE DES POUVOIRS DU CONSEIL MUNICIPAL DE PORT VILA. OFFICIAL SALARIES ACT [CAP 168] • OFFICIAL SALARIES ORDER NO. 25 OF 2008. IMMIGRATION ACT [CAP 66] • INSTRUMENT OF REVOCATION OF ORDER OF REMOVAL FROM VANUATU ORDER NO. 26 OF 2008. LEADERSHIP CODE ACT [CAP 240] • ANNUAL RETURNS - 2007 'SOMMAIRE CONTENTS LOI NO. 13 DE 1982 SUR LES ELECTIONS • DATE DE CLOTURE DES . DEPOTS DE CANDIDATURES 1. LOI NO. 55 DE 2005 SUR LES PECHES • AVIS - PECHES DESIGNEES 2. REGLEMENT CONJOINT NO. 12 DE 1957 SUR LA POLICE DES PORTS • DECLARATION DE PORT 3. PORTS ACT [CAP 26) • DECLARATION OF PORT 4-5. REPUBLIQUE DE VANUATU LOI N° 5 DE 1980 SUR LES COMMUNES Arrete N° 23 de 2008 sur I'extension de la periode de suspension de I'exercice des pouvoirs du Conseil municipal de Port-Vila. LE MINISTRE DE L'INTERIEUR Vu les pouvoirs que lui confere I'alim~a 61.3)a) de la Loi N° 5 de 1980 sur les communes et Ie paragraphe 1.3) de l'Arrete N° 5 de 2008 sur la suspension de I'exercice des pouvoirs du conseil municipal de Port-Vila ARRETE 1 Prolongation de la periode de la suspension de I'exercice des pouvoirs du conseil municipal de Port-Vila La periode de la suspension de "exercice des pouvoirs du conseil municipai de • Port-Vila est prolongee de six mois a compter de la date de I'entree en vigueur du present Arrete. 2 Entree en vigueur Le present arrete entre en vigueur Ie 18 mai 2008. Fait a Port-Vila Ie 28 mai 2008. Le ministre de l'lnterieur Le ministre de l'lnterieur REPUBLIC OF VANUATU IMMIGRATION ACT [CAP 66] INSTRUMENT OF REVOCATION OF ORDER OF REMOVAL FROM VANUATU ORDER NO~OF 2008 In exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 17 A of the Immigration Act [CAP 66] and subsection 15(3) of the Interpretation Act [CAP 132], I, Honourable JOE NATUMAN, Minister of Internal Affairs revoke the Order of Removal from Vanuatu made on the 13 th of May 2008. This Instrument of revocation commences on the day on which it was made. f'L- ..-r Made at Port Vila this (b day of -;.;u -::<.. 2008 Honoable Joe Natuman Minister of Internal Affairs ,Il [: :'., /~.~.~ -- -.//~.~ - ----------- I REPUBLIC OF VANUATU o FFI CIAL SALARIES ACT [CAP 168] Official Saliaries Order No, :25 of 20~lg '. An Order to amend the Official Salaries Act [CAP 168]. In exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3 of the Official Salaries Act [CAP 168], I, the Honourable James Bule, Acting Prime Minister, with the prior approval of the Council of Ministers, make the following Order. 1 Amendments The Schedule to the Official Salaries Act [CAP 168J is amended as set out in the Schedule to this Order. 2 Commencement This Order is taken to have commenced on 01 July 2007. Made at Port Vila this I q f!; of r2 ufo hd 2007. Acting Prime Minister 1 SCHEDULE AJ\1ENDJ\1ENTS OF THE SCHEDULE TO THE OFFICIAL SALARIES ACT (CAP 168] . 1 Part 1 of the Schedule Add at the end in Column 3 "+U" corresponding to "Minister" i.n Column 1. 2 Part 2 of the Scbedule Add at tbe end "CLASS W (l) An acting allowance, for a person acting in another position that is bigher than that person's position for a period of 5 or more working days, whicb is to be the diffeJence between the saJary of the position that the person is acting in and the salary of the person's substantive position. (2) A responsibility allowance calculated at the rate of a quarter of the salary of tbe office in relation to whom extra responsibilities are being carried out for each 5 working days tbe extra responsibilities are carried out. (3) For each yecu' of service by a person in a government Ministry or the office of the . Speaker at Parliament for a period of not less than 3 years, a goodwill payment of 2 month's salary calculated at the monthly rate of salary of the person at the end of the person's final year of service" 3 Part 1 of the Schedule (a) Add at the end in column 3 "+ W (1)" corresponding to the following offices in Column 1: - Deputy Prime Minister Minister 2nd Political Advisor 3rd Political Advisor Assistant Private Secretary to Prime Minister Public Relations Officer (PRO) - PMO Speaker of Parliament First Deputy Speaker Second Deputy Speaker Second Political AdvisOJ to the Spealcer Third Political Advisor to the Speaker Political Advisor-Office Coordination to the Leader of Opposition 2 (b) Add at tbe end in column 3 "+ W (2)" corresponding 10 the foIl owing offices in Column 1. Minister Private Secret3JY- PMO lSI PolItical Advisor-PMO Other 1sl Political Advisors 10 Ministries 2nd PolItical Advisor 3 rd Politi cal Advisor (c) Add at tIle end in column 3 "+W (3)" corresponding to the following offices in column 1. Prime Minister Deputy Prime Minister Minister lSI Political Advisor-PMO Private Secretary- PMO Assistant Private Secretary-PMO Other 1st Political Advisors to Ministries 2nd Political Advisors 3rd Political Advisors Minister's Office supervisors Minister's Secretary Itypist Ministers Driver Grade 1 Ministers Driver Grade 2 Public Relations Officer- PMO (PRO) Office Manager- PMO Residence cleaner Office cleaner Messenger! Receptionist Office GardeneT Secretary typist to the Prime Mimster Second Residence cleaner to Prime Minister 1Sl Typist to Minister Speaker First Deputy Speaker Second Deputy Speaker Private Secre.tary to the Speaker Office Supervisor to the Speaker Secretary typist to the'Speaker Speaker's residence cleaner Cleaner (Speakers Office) Second Political Advisor to the Speaker Third PolitIcal Advisor 1.0 tlle Speaker Speakers Driver -Grade] Speakers Driver -Grade 2 Filing Cler1c- Speakers Office MessengeriReceptionisl- Speakers Office Office Gardener to Speaker 4 REPUBLIQUE DE VANUATU LOI N° 13 DE 1982 SUR LES ELECTIONS Prevoyant la declaration de la date de cloture des depots des candidatures pour les elections legislatives qui auront lieu Ie 2 septembre 2008 LE CONSEIL DES ELECTIONS Vu les pouvoirs que lui conferent les articles 25 et 69 de la Loi N° 13 de 1982 sur les elections ARRETE 1 Date de cloture des depots des candidatures 1) Une personne desirant se presenter aux elections legislatives prevues Ie 2 septembre 2008 doit deposer au Bureau electoral sa candidature accompagnee des pieces et selon les conditions prevues a I'article 25 de la Loi N° 13 de 1982 sur les elections ("Loi"). 2) La candidature doit etre deposee au Bureau electoral d'ici 16h30 Ie 14 juillet 2008 au plus tard. 3) L'eventuel candidat doit etre admissible conformement aux articles 24 et 25 de la Loi. 2 Entree en vigueur Le present arrete entre en vigueur a I~ date de sa signature. Fait a Port-Vila Ie 8 mai 2008. Le President Le membre Le membre Etienne Kombe Youen Atnelo Cherol Ala REPUBLIQUE DE VANUATU AVIS Peches designees Dans Ie present Avis emis conformement au paragraphe 2.2) de la Loi N° 55 de 2005 sur les peches. 1 Peches designees Voici les peches designees: • Peche commerciale pour aquarium marin • Peche aux trocas • Peche aux beches de mer • Peche aux crabes de cocotier • Peche a la palangre (vivaneau et merou) 2 Plan de gestion Le Plan national de gestion de la Peche commerciale pour aquarium marin de Vanuatu pour les peches designees est etabli par Ie Directeur des Peches, conformement au paragraphe 3.5) de la Loi N° 55 de 2005 sur les peches. Le Plan de gestion est approuve par Ie ministre des Peches Ie 17 mai 2008. 3 Entree en vigueur Le present avis entre en vigueur a la date de sa signature. Fait a Port-Vila Ie 19 mai 2008. Le ministre des Peches Monsieur Donna Browni REPUBLIQUE DE VANUATU REGLEMENT CONJOINT N° 12 DE 1957 SUR LA POLICE DES PORTS DECLARATION DE PORT Vu les pouvoirs que lui confere I'article 4 du Reglement conjoint N° 12 de 1957 sur la police des ports, Ie ministre de l'lnfrastructure et des Services publics declare Ie port d'Anelgauhat sur I'fle d'Anatom situe port d'entree international. Ses limites sont definies par reference a une ligne reliant les points suivants : A I'intersection de la longitude de 169° Est et la latitude 20° 13.5" Sud au lieu dit Apegra sur I'fle principale et une autre ligne de la latitude 20°15.0" Sud a la pointe du recif, sud de I'fle d'inyeug (ilot mystere) (Mystry Island). La presente declaration entre en vigueur a la date de sa signature. Fait a Port-Vila Ie 19 mai 2008. Le ministre de l'lnfrastructure et des Services publics Monsieur Edward Nipake Natapei - ---------- --- ---------------- REPUBLIC OF VANUATU PORTS ACT [CAP 26] DECLARATION OF PORT In exercise of the power conferred on me by section 4 of the Ports Act [CAP 26], I, Honourable EDWARD NIPAKE NATAPEI Minister of Infrastructure and Public Utilities declare Port of Port Patterson (Sola) on Vanualava as a Port of Intemational Entry and its limits shall be defined by reference to a line joining the following points; - From Nousa point on Latitude 1300 50.0" Soutlidraw line to Longitude 1670 33.25" East toPakea Island and from Latitude 13 0 53.0" South to Longitude 1670 35.80'; East.
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