1983: Iowa City, IA
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SOCIEry for FRENCH HISTORICALSTUDIES rwenty- THURSDAY.APRIL 7 Mutuality, Mutualism, and Workers' Consciousness.1789-1870 6:00-9:00p.m. EARLY REGISTRATION,Cash Bar, OrientalRoom, IMU* Ohio State Room Chair: Julian Archer, Drake Universitgr FRIDAY, APRIL 8 Pansian Mutualism, 1789-1848 8:00 a.m.-noon,1:00-5:00 p.m. Book Exhibit, Michael David Sibalis, Huron College, London, NorthwesternRoom, IMU Ontario 9:00 a.m.-noon,1:00-5:00 p.m. The MabbottCollection The Mutualism of Piene-Joseph Proudhon of Medalsof the French Revolutionof 1848. The K. Steven Vincent, North Carolina State University Universityof Iowa Room, Third Floor, Main Library Mutuol Aid ond Cooperation in Lyon, 1830-1870 10:00 a.m.-5:00p.m. FrenchWorks of Art on Paper George J. Sheridan, Jr., University of Oregon from the Museum Collection,Carver Gallery, Commentator: Julian Archer, Drake University Museum of Art 8:00 a.m.-noon,1:00-5:00 p.m. REGISTRATION,Big Women and the Monastic Experience Ten Lounge, Third Floor South, IMU Harvard Room 8:00-9:15a.m. Coffee and Croissants,Harvard Room, IMU Chair: Alexander Sedgwick, University of Virginia 8:15-9:15a.m. BREAKFASTSESSION, Samuel Miller A House that Foiled: The Cistercian Nunnery of la Room, IMU, A New Tool t'or the Histonan:American Cour Notre-Dome de Michery ond French Researchon the Treosuryof the French William Jordan, Princeton University Longuage (ARTFUL). A computerizeddata bank of The Persistence of the Cistercion Spirit at Port-Royol literarysources. Keith Baker, Universityof Chicago F. Ellen Weaver, Department of Theology, University 9:30-11:30a.m. MorningSession, IMU of Notre Dame French Responses to Immigration Commentator: Alexander Sedgwick during the Inter-War Years The Press and Politics at the Illinois Room End of the Old Regime Chair: Michael Marrus, University of Toronto N"rth*"rt"r" R.". Asylum ond Jobs but Little More: French Gouemment Chair: Cissie F. Fairchilds, Syracuse University Policy towards Politicolly Actiue ltalian Emigrds, 7922- English Politics in the French Press, 1773-1783 1929 Jack R. Censer, George Mason University Joel Blatt, University of Connecticut-Stamford The 'Press Reuolution of 1789' Reconsidered 'France t'or the French': Reactionsto lmmigrotion Jeremy D. Popkin, University of Kentucky between the Wars and the Growth of French Racial Thought Commentator: Keith Baker, University of Chicago William H. Schneider,University of North Carolina- Noon-2:00 p.m. LUNCHEON, IMU Ballroom Wilmington Luncheon Address: "Edgar Quinet, historien de la From Appeasementto Colloborotion:French Public R€volution frangaise" Attitudestoward Jewish lmmigrotion dunng the Late Francois Furet, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences 1930s Sociales Vicki Caron, Columbia University Commentators: Michael Marrus Stuart Campbell, Alfred University *lowa Memorial Union inthAnnualMeeting April8-9,1983 TheUniversity of lowa,Iowa City FRIDAY, APRIL 8 History and lts Uses in Early Modern France Ohio State Room 2:30-4:30 p.m. AfternoonSession, IMU Chair: Donald R. Kelley, University of Rochester Women in 2fth Centurv Politics Histoncol Consciousness and Nonotiue Wnters in Late- Illinois Room Seuenteenth- and Early-Eighteenth-CenturyFrance Chair: Karen Offen, StanfordUniversity Phyllis K. Leffler, Tennessee State University gical Histoncol Cotholic Women and the Vote: The Responseof the G eneolo Consciousness and Consciousness Ligue Patriotique des Frangaisesto Women's Sut't'rage in Early Modem France: The Case ol Henri de Bouloinuilliers Odile Sarti, Indiana University Harold A. Ellis, Washington University Women ond Politics under the French Fit'thRepublic: Why the Electoral Shift to the Left by Femole Voters History as an ldeological Weopon: The Debote ouer (1755-1756) in the 1987 Elections? Fronce's Ancient Constitution Wayne Northcutt, Niagara University D. Carrol Joynes, University of Chicago Jeffra Flaitz, SUNY-Buffalo Commentators: Joseph Klaits, Oakland University and Commentator:Marie-France Toinet, FondationNational Catholic University of America; Dale Van Kley, des SciencesPolitiques Calvin College 5:30-8:30 p.m. RECEPTION/BUFFET (courtesy of The French Economic Policv after World War I University of Iowa Foundation). Scenes from French NorthwesternRoom Opera, Opera Theater, School of Music, IMU Chair: Kim Munholland, University of Minnesota Ballroom Louis Loucheur and the Economic Transition t'rom War to Peace SATURDAYAPRIL9 Stephen D. Carls, Sterling College 8:00 a.m.-noon Book Exhibit,Northwestern Room, Finonciol Crisis in Postwar France: Orthodox Economrcs IMU uersus the Nofiono/ lnterest, 1918-1923 10:00a.m.-5:00 p.m. FrenchWorks of Art on Paper Dan P. Silverman, Pennsylvania State University from the MuseumCollection, Museum of Art, Carver Gallery Commentator: Marc Trachtenberg, University of Pennsylvania 9:30-11:30a.m. MorningSession, IMU The Protection of Industrial Workers, The Social Basis of the French Reformation Younger and Older Harvard Room Harvard Room Chair: Harriet Lightman,Chicago, Illinois Chair: Judith Stone, Empire State College The Aftisonsot the Beginning of the French Reformation: The Child Labor Problem in the 7860s: Reolitiesand Hommageto Henn Hauser Attitudes Henry Heller, Universityof Manitoba Lee Shai Weissbach,Universig of Louisville Schoolteochersand the Early Relormotion in Fronce Regulotingthe 'DongerousTrodes' GeorgeHuppert, Universityof lllinoisat Chicago Anne-LouiseShapiro, Bunting Institute,Radcliffe CaluinistMorols Control ot Nimes College RaymondA. Mentzer,Jr., MontanaState University Winning the Eight-Hour Day in 7979: The Politicsot' Commentator:James E. Brink, TexasTech University Concessionin o Socio/ Crisis Gary Cross, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Commentator:Judith Stone I Engagement in Contemporary France Sidney Painter,French Chiuolry Illinois Room Johann Huizinga, The Waning of the Middle Ages Maurice Keen, The Laws of War in the Late Mddle Chair: James Wilkinson, Harvard University Ages 'P€chd organis€ par mon pays'--Cotholic Antiwar MalcolmVale, Wor and Chiuolry Engagement, 19il-1962 2. Janet Flanner/Genet Reports from Paris, Robert B. David Schalk, Vassar College Holtman, LouisianaState University,203 English- 'Feminbt' Engogement: 1968-1980 PhilosophyBuilding Elaine Marks, Wisconsin-Madison University of Janet Flanner,Paris Joumol, 19U-1971 Academic Engogement: Enseignants Elected Deputies in D. L. Hanley, ed. ContemporaryFrance: Politics June 1981 ond Society since 7948 Edward T. Gargan, University of Wisconsin- A. Werth. France.1940-1955 Madison Christopher Paul Pinet, Montana State University- 3. Civil-Military Relationsin Modern France, Dale Bozeman Clifford,University of North Florida,212 English- PhilosophyBuilding Commentator: James Wilkinson Louis Girard, Lo Gorde Notionale, 1814-1871 Patterns of Political Behavior RichardChallener, The FrenchNotion in Arms in the Third Republic R. Girardet, Lo SocietdMilitaire dons Io Fronce Contemporaine Chair: W. O. Aydelotte, The Universityof Iowa 4. Mother Love: Myth and Reality, Motherhood in Modern History, Barbara Conado-Pope, University Cementor Shi/tingSond: Incumbency and Competitiueness of Oregon,and BonnieSmith, University of Rochester, in the French Chamber Elections,1876-1914 215 English-PhilosophyBuilding James Graham,Jr., Bowling Green State Q. ElizabethBadinter, Mother Loue: Myth and Reolity, University Ch. 2-7 or ElizabethBadinter, L'Amour en plus, Voting Blocs ond the Constitutional Question in the Port l, Ch. 2-Part ll, Ch. 2, FrenchNofionol Assembly,1871-1875 lnteruiew oJ Elbobeth Badinter, Nouvel Observateur, StephenAtkins, The Universityof Iowa June 2, 1980 Commentator:Michael Lewis-Beck, Department of 5. Michef Foucault, pouvoir-savoir, and History, Political Science,The University of lowa James A. Winders, AppalachianState University, Law and Order in the Eighteenth Century 216 English-PhilosophyBuilding Michel Foucault,"What ls an Author?" Longuage, Counter-Memory and Proctice:Selected Essoys ond Chair: Robert Forster,Johns Hopkins University lnteruiews Testing the Limits of Authonty: Local Ot't'icialsond MichelFoucault, "Nietzsche, Freud, Marx," Nietzsche, Their Communitiesdunng fhe SubsisfenceCisis of Cahiersde Royaumont 1775 6. The French Revolution Outside of France, Cynthia A. Bouton, SUNY-Binghamton Marianne Elliott, Universityof Wales and lowa State Policing the Poor in Eighteenth-CenturyFrance: A University,218 English-PhilosophyBuilding Reossessmenfof State Power W. Doyle, The Old EuropeanOrder, 7660-1800, Robert M. Schwartz,Mount Holyoke College chaps.13-15 Commentator: Robert Forster M. Elliott, Partnersin Reuolution: The United Noon-1:30p.m. BUSINESSLUNCHEON, IMU lrishmen and France Ballroom S. Schama, Patriotsond Liberators:Reuolution in the Netherlands.1780-1813 SATURDAYAPRIL 9 T. C. W. Blanning,"German Jacobinsand the FrenchRevolution," Historicol Joumol 23 (1980). 2:00-3:30 p.m. SEMINARS 985-1002 1. Changing Values of the Medieval Military Class, 7. Preparationsfor the Bicentennialof the French John Bell Henneman. The Universitv of lowa. Revolution,Darline Gay Levy, New York University, Harvard Room, IMU NorthwesternRoom, IMU 8. The Mabbott Collection of Medals of the French Revolution of 1848, Alan B. Spitzeq,The University of lowa, The Universityof Iowa Room, Third Floor, Main Librarv I I SATURDAYAPRIL 9 PLENARYSESSION Senate Chamber, Old Capitol 4:00-5:00p.m. Figures de la grandeur au XVIII" siecle: le roi, le hdros, le grand homme Mona Ozouf, Ecole des Hautes Efudes en Sciences Sociales,Old Capitol 6:00-7:30p.m. RECEPTION,Museum of Art, Courtesy of Oxford