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1967 Annual Report.Pdf \ . ' ~ 1 '1 ~ ~ . I : .1 Annual Report , , . OF THE " I J" ~ r • 1 ~ ~, l:l ." j I i • AMERICAN HISTORICAL ,',, 'I ASSOCIATION 1 \ 1 I t FOR THE YEAR 1967 + VOLUME 1 + " Proceedings . , } J SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION PRESS :L " City of Washington 'i .. ,. .. .f ' .. , ! ., "t<i': " ,iI " I { Letter of SubIllittal { THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Washington, D.C., 15 June 1967 :r:o the Congress of the Unit~d States: ~ accorcIance with the act of incorporation of the American Historical Association, approved 4 January 1889, I have the honor of suhnrl~g to Congress the Annual RepOrt of the Association for the year 1967.· .. Respectfully, J \ I S. DILLON RIPLEY, Secretary 1 ,I iii l\ t \ .~ j \ J ~ " 1 ,I .~ ,> -" ~< , t. ~ \' <j' ,> ~ Letter of Translll.ittal . +r THE AMERICAN mSTORICAL ASSOCIATION Washington, D.C., 15 June 1967 To the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution: As provided by law, I submit her~with the 'Annual Report of the Am.eri~an Historical Association for th~ year 1967. This consists of two volumes. ..' . Voluine ,I contains the pro!=ee~gs bf the, Associat~on for 1967, and the report of the secretary-treasurer of the Pacific Coast Branch for 1967. Volum.e n will contain the Writings on American History for 1965. PAUL L. WARD, Executive Secretary iv " ----------------~-------------------.----------~~- _t? ~. " *,,"' " ,; {\ ~, .. I I THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIA TION is a nonprofit, Il1eIl1- 'I' ,.If bership corporation created in 1889 by special act of Congress for the proIl1otion of historical studies, the collection and preservation of historical Il1anuscripts, and the disseIllination of the fruits of historical research. Persons interested in the study of history, whether professionally or otherwise, are invited to Il1eIl1bership. Present paid Il1eIl1bership is about 16,000. 'I The Council of the Association, its executive body, Il1eets twice 1 a year. The work of the Association is carried on by its officers, , . I Council, and staff, with the help of an extensive systeIl1 of COIl1- J Illittees. The Association holds an annual Il1eeting with a three-day ! prograIl1 DeceIl1ber 28-30 of each year, at which tiIl1e Il1any pro­ I fessional historical groups Il1eet within or jointly with it. The Pacific Coast Branch of the Association holds separate annual I Il1eetings on the west coast and publishes the Pacific Historical f Review• , The AIllerican Historical Review has long been recognized as • the official periodical for the historical profession in AIl1erica. It is published five tim.es a year and sent to all Il1eIl1bers. In addition to the Review, the Association publishes its Annual Report, prize books, the list of doctoral dissertations in history, bibliographical and other volUIlles, and the AHANewsletter. The Service Center for Teachers of History publishes a paIl1phlet series and sponsors conferences designed to aid history teachers. The Professional Register serves as a placeIl1ent service for historians. The Association1s capital funds are Il1anaged by a Board of Trustees. Much of the incoIl1e froIl1 these funds is earIl1arked for special purposes, so the Association Il1ust depend chiefly upon Il1eIl1bership dues to support its broader educational purposes. ." Annual Il1eIl1bership, including subscription to the AIl1erican His­ j torical Review, is $15.00 for regular Il1eIl1bers, $7.50 for student Il1eIl1bers (faculty signature required). Life Il1eIl1bershipis $300.00. '\ Questions about any phase of Association activities Il1ay be addressed to the Executive Secretary,AIl1ericanHistoricalAssocia­ tion, 400 A Street, S. E., Washington, D.C. 20003. ) v I \.. if !I I .,) L~ e, " .. TABLE OF CONTENTS ,j. ... I. !' Page ,J " -II ,I Act of Incorporation••....... • ' •.•.•.•.... I •••••• ix 0onstitu.tion .•...•.•.•...•..•..•..•.•.•••••. xi 1968 Officers, Council, Nominating Coznmittee,andBoard of Trustees .•..• . ~. • .....•... -...' xv Officers' Reports, 1967 '•• 1 Executive SecretarY. • • , ••• 3 Managing Editor. ;. , , , ,,', , , ,', 6 Treasurer . "•. ' ..' ....•.. ~ •. -.-;. a ••••• 8 Draft cbudg ets· " .. , , ,-', , ,', 13 , Membership ,ata·tistica, , • , , " 14 Minutes· of, Council Me e ting s, 1967, " , , 16 Minutes 'of Business Meetin:g.' 1967 ~ , , , , , " 31 Annual Meeting, 1967', ~.;', 'o'., ;. , , ;. , 35 Program: Ghairman's Report ~ , 37 Synopsis of PrograIIl ;.', , ~ , ... -. 48 COIIlInitteesalid Delegates ,',' 67 NoIninating CoInInittee, 69 COIIlInittee on CoIIlIIlittees 70 Prizes' an~ Honors ....•.••.• -.•••' ... 71 COIIlInittee on Honorary MeIIlbers , , ;. " , 71 List of Honorary MeIIlbers ,',', , , , , .. ,', , , .. 72 CoInIriittee on Prizes and Awards" , • ,', 73 COIIlIIlittee on the HarIIlsworth Professorship •• 74 List of Prizes and Awards '. ""~ • ;. , • , ••• 75 COIIlInittee on the Herbert Baxter Adams Prize 76 CoInInittee on the George Louis Beer Prize. 77 COIIlInittee on the Albert J. Beveridge Prize 77 , " The Albert B. Corey Prize .' •••••••••••• 79 ComInittee on the John H. Dunning Prize ••• , 79 1 CoInInittee on the Clarence W. Haring Prize 79 i CoInInittee on the Littleton-Griswold Fund. , •• 80 COIIlIIlittee on the Robert Livingston Schuyler Prize .- .... e' •••••• ~ •••••• 81 I COII1II1ittee on the WatUIIluU Prize. • " 81 Teaching and the CurriculUIIl. , ,. , , • , 82 { Service Center COII1II1itteeon Teaching. ;. 82 l CoInInittee on University and College Teaching, 85 ( VII r I ! ,tL ;;j , ' 'J ') f \' . " 'w vm AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Page Teaching and the Curriculum.,Cont'd Committee on the Feature FilIns Project •••••• 86 6 • . ... Committee on the Professional Register ••••••• 87 I" ~ Committee on Ph.D. Programs in History •••••• 88 ./ Research and Publication •••••••••••••••••••• 90 CoIpnlittee pn the Historian. and the Feqeral. Gov- ,,' e,=-e~t ,.•• , ••......•.•••.•...•• ,. • •.• . • '90 Committee onNa tional.Aid to Historical Re- s~~z:cp. ............ ,a •••• , •• _•• ,a ••.••••' r. • • 91 Committee on the ;F;r~edo~ of Historical, Inquiry. .. '92 Co~ttE;e qn BipliograpQigal ,SerV;ices I to History. 93 Comm.j.~ee on ~titative pata in History•. «, ••• • 93 Com~ttee qn,4meric;:a,n-~ast ,Asj.ap. Relation~ ....... ', 94 Co~ttee qn Ip.~e,rIia,tj,onal $~toric~l Activities •• '. • • 96 Committee on C,o~e1D,oration.. of; the A me ric a n RevQlu~ion, Bic,eIltennial •••••• ' ••. i .,,, •• • • •• • 97 JoiIlt COp).mittee fo~ ~e D~fe:nB,e of the Rights of, Histp:rians lJnder ,~~ First A-m,endnlent,. •• • .. • • • • 98 Joint, Committee. of tl1eG~dia.n Historical Associ- ation and the AmE;ric;a:n$~tp:ric~~s sociation. • .. • • 100 Joint Conunitt~e oIl, ~he. Sta~u,s of 'the Natio.nal Ar- cPivel;J ••••••••• ,. ,•••.•••• 18 ~ •••••••.••••• 100 Delegat~s I Reports" 1967 Advisory Gom,mitt~e ~o the Marquis Bibliographical Li~~a}:y Society :i- ••••• '. i. 1a -••- •••••' •••••• 101 American Council of Learned Societies •••••• 103 A:ngl9--American' Commj,.tte~ on Bibliographies of B~i~sh Histo~y •• '., ••• '••• 'e, • < ••••••••••• 104 Central Atlantic RegiQll.a1 EducaJ;ional'Labora~ry • 105 Consor~iUI'Il of Professional ,A.s_s.ociCl.tions for Study , oj Special TeaCher I~p~ovement Programs •••• 106 Comite Inttl.r~tional ges Sciences Historiques ••• ," 109 Inter~ti()nal Textboolt Project•• , ............ 109 National Council, fo:r .. Accreditation of Teacher Edu- cation ........ .,..................... 110 :Natiqnal Council for the Social Studies--So.cia1 Edu- .. cation' ••••' •.• ~ • •i r • •• *' •••••••••••• 110 Natiqnal I:Iistori~al P\lblications Commission,. III Socia,]. S.cie:nge Research Council 113 Ac;l Interirn.Appo~tm~nts, 1967 ••••• 114 Annual Report of Pacific· Coast Branch ••••• 115 List of Offic~rs :for 1968 ••••••.•••••••• 117 Report for 1967 .•.•••..•......• 119 List of Doctoral Dissertations in History Recently Com­ pleted at Colleges and Universities in the United States •• 121 .' t. ,. -.. ~, .I ACT OF INCORPORATION 'j , ' r .. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of AInerica in Congress assembled, That Andrew / D. White, of Ithaca, in the State of New Yorkj George Bancroft, of Washington, in the District of Columbiaj Justin Winsor, of Cambridge, in the State of Massachusettsj William F. Poole, of Chicago, in the State of illinoisj Herbert B. Adams of Baltimore, in the State of Marylandj Clarence W. Bowen, of Brooklyn, in the 'I State of New York, their associates and successors, are hereby j created, in the District of Columbia, a body corporate and politic by the name of the AInerican Historical Association, for the pro­ , , 1 motion of historical studies, the collection and preservation of historical manuscripts, and for kindred purposes in the interest of A:merican history, and of history in AInerica. Said Association is authorized to hold real and personal estate in the District of Columbia as far as IIlay be necessary to its lawful ends, to adopt a constitution, and IIlake bylaws not inconsistent with law. Said As­ sociation shall have its principal office at Washington, in the Dis­ trict of Columbia, and IIlay hold its annual IIleetings in such places as the said incorporators shall deterIIline. Said Association shall report annually to the Secretary of the SIIlithsonian Institution, concerning its proceedings and the condition of historical study ! in AInerica. Said Secretary shall communicate to Congres s the whole of such report, or such portions thereof as he shall see fit. l The Regents of the SIIlithsonian Institution are authorized to perIIlit said Association to deposit its collections, IIlanuscripts, books,
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