Attacks On education The impact of conflict and grave violations on children’s futures Attacks On education The impact of conflict and grave violations on children’s futures

Save the Children works in more than 120 countries. We save children’s lives. We fight for their rights. We help them fulfil their potential.

Acknowledgements This report was written by Elin Martinez, with research support from Kate Kenny and Will Paxton. We would like to thank the following Save the Children colleagues for their contributions: Veronique Aubert, Cat Carter, Charlotte Balfour-Poole, David Bass, Jenny Bloxham, Annie Bodmer-Roy, Kimberly Brown, Alfonso Daniels, Emily Echessa, Marcela Forero, George Graham, Mark Kaye, Caroline Keenan, Michael Klosson, Sue Macpherson, Christine McCormick, Robbie McIntyre, Jennifer Moorehead, Kjersti Okkelmo, Isabel Proano Gomez, Hiba Qaraman, Bernice Romero, Dorothy Sang, Katie Seaborne, David Skinner, Dawn Trump, Sarah Tyler and Ravi Wickremasinghe. Many thanks also to Save the Children colleagues working in countries included in this report, particularly Jean de Dieu Muhindo, Isabelle Modigell and Joel Kiramba. We would also like to particularly thank the Education for All Global Monitoring Report team, for working in partnership with Save the Children to produce new analysis on out-of-school numbers. Their excellent analysis provides the bedrock of the first chapter. Special thanks are also due for Zama Coursen-Neff and Diya Nijhowne, from the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, for their expert advice.

In order to protect children and teachers who agreed to be interviewed by Save the Children, names in this report have been changed and exact locations omitted. All testimonies from Syria are based on children’s experiences living in Syria at the time of the attacks.

Published by Save the Children 1 St John’s Lane EC1M 4AR UK +44 (0)20 7012 6400

First published 2013

© The Save the Children Fund 2013

The Save the Children Fund is a charity registered in England and Wales (213890) and Scotland (SC039570). Registered Company No. 178159

This publication is copyright, but may be reproduced by any method without fee or prior permission for teaching purposes, but not for resale. For copying in any other circumstances, prior written permission must be obtained from the publisher, and a fee may be payable.

Cover photo: Bullet holes in the wall of a classroom in Libya (Photo: Jenn Warren/ Save the Children)

Typeset by Grasshopper Design Company contents

Executive summary iv

1 The hidden crisis of education in countries affected by conflict 1

2 The scale of attacks on education and why they occur 4

3 The impact on children of different types of attacks on education 7

4 Country case studies 12 Central African Republic 12 Democratic Republic of Congo 13 Mali 14 Occupied Palestinian territory and 15 Pakistan 16 Syria 17

5 Closing the funding gap for education in humanitarian crises 19

6 Conclusions and recommendations: Fulfilling the right to education in conflict-affected countries 23

Endnotes 26 Executive summary

“Which one of you is Malala Yousafzai?” (EFA–GMR) for Save the Children shows that the international community risks falling short of its On 9 October 2012, Malala Yousafzai, a commitments to ensure all girls and boys are in 15-year-old secondary school girl from school by 2015, with children living in conflict-affected Mingora in the Swat Valley of Pakistan, was countries worst affected. Almost 50 million primary- singled out on her school bus by armed and lower-secondary-age children are out of school insurgents due to her public engagement as in conflict-affected countries. Of these, 28.5 million a girls’ education advocate. Malala was shot are primary-age; more than half of them are girls. in the head and neck, sustaining severe and The proportion of out-of-school children in conflict- almost fatal wounds. Two other secondary affected countries has increased from 42% of the school girls, Kainat Riaz and Shazia Ramzan, global total in 2008 to 50% in 2011. also sustained grave wounds during the attack. The armed group responsible for the attack Attacks on education subsequently announced further threats if Malala continued her public outreach and Conflict affects children’s chances of receiving a issued warnings against anyone who was seen good-quality education in many different ways. Where to support her or the principles she stood for: government is weakened and states are fragile, it ensuring every girl in Pakistan is able to enjoy is often challenging – though not impossible – to her right to education. provide schooling, particularly in remote or poor areas. In other cases, conflict causes a reduction in On 12 July 2013, Malala will celebrate her 16th the supply of teachers. This report examines another, birthday. As a young person, she has her own hopes comparatively ignored effect of conflict: attacks and ambitions for the future. But Malala is also a on education. global symbol of the power of education to transform children’s lives. Her bravery has shone a light on Malala’s case involves an attack on a student the education crisis the world faces, with 57 million whose ‘crime’ was a desire to learn. But attacks primary-age children out of school and 250 million on education can take a number of forms. They children who have either been denied a chance to are defined as any intentional threat or use of go to school or spent several years in school but not force directed against students, teachers, education learned to read basic sentences.1 personnel and/or education institutions, carried out for political, military, ideological, sectarian, ethnic, religious or criminal reasons.2 Conflict and Global reports show how attacks on education are out-of-school children widespread in a number of ongoing conflicts. Based on UN data, we estimate that there were more than Malala’s story also highlights the barriers to education 3,600 separate, documented attacks on education in faced by millions of children and young people who 2012.3 The number of recorded attacks on education live in countries and regions affected by conflict, has increased in recent years. One attack can have a and in particular the many social and cultural widespread and substantial impact on children’s right barriers faced by girls. New analysis for this report to education. by the Education for All Global Monitoring Report

iv Executive summary v we are calling for attacks on education are impartially investigated, impartially investigated, attacks on education are – prosecuted duly are and those responsible civilian or militarywhether through courts security or non-state military, institutions by domestic legislation and armed actors through military doctrine and local communities by driven and initiatives of schools as centres authorities to safeguard adoption of Schools learning – with the eventual as Zones of Peace Lucens Guidelines on the non-use of educational institutions during armed conflict – and particularly in or in populated areas weapons harm near educational institutions – causes severe and to infrastructure including children, to civilians, including national policies and practices, strengthen and to monitoring and reporting mechanisms, that will standards international stronger develop attack education from protect to sign on to the 2010 Deed of territories of Children the Protection Commitment for Armed Conflict. of the Effects from as well as clear prohibitions against the use of schools the use of schools against as clear prohibitions as well needs Security Council The UN militaryfor purposes. attacks on bring an end to action to greater to take UN Monitoring the strengthening including education, enhanced and Reporting ensure Mechanism to of attacks on education; monitoring and reporting armed actors from commitments and securing key of attacks on education. perpetrators who are life a milestone in her own Malala will be celebrating must community The international 2013. on 12 July universal opportunity to ensure seize this as a key millions of for the right to education for respect conflict. blighted by are whose lives children What to: call on governments We • all education and ensure criminalise all attacks on • the use of schools and other education prohibit • to adopt local measures with communities work • and finalisation of the support the development • that the use of explosive acknowledge publicly • and with the UN and civil society to review work • in their encourage non-state armed groups

4 5 protecting ase studies Estimates from April 2013 show a rapid increase in increase rapid a 2013 show April Estimates from 22,000 schools of the country’s with 22% this number, education purposes. for unusable rendered This report also looks at how destructive attacks on destructive also looks at how This report of specific countries. can be in a number education crisis in Syria exemplifies the current example, For out of school because are children a situation where attacks on education. widespread of the conflict and near- Syria’s reversed of conflict have The effects January Up to 2013, primaryuniversal enrolment. schools in Syria had been destroyed, than 3,900 more than education. purposes other for occupied or used C Education must be better protected from attacks. attacks. from be better protected Education must to attacks on education and responding Preventing and mechanisms, national legal redress will require endorsed regulations, and nationally community-led Despite the impact of conflict on education, very education, Despite the impact of conflict on provided of humanitarian funding are levels low the education sector This prevents education. for to needs after periods of swiftly responding from responding to the effects intense conflict – including schooling. of attacks on education and restoring this report out for carried analysis Based on new of humanitarian financing levels the EFA–GMR, by In 2011, falling. very and are low education are for humanitarian 2% of overall education represented the the 4% figure below this was already funding; But since 2010. has been calling for global community a starting has been this low point there from even education in 2012 global humanitarian funding for fall: amounted to 1.4%. funding and in conflict education The report’s case studies focus on the Central African on the Central case studies focus The report’s Mali, of Congo, the Democratic Republic Republic, Pakistan the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT), all but they Each context is different, and Syria. demonstrate the short-term damage and long-term Together, impact of conflict on education systems. the education of millions how these case studies show or years. months for is interrupted of children vi attacks on education issueaPresidential Statementre-affirming its • We callontheUNSecurityCouncilto: ensure thatUNtreaty bodiesresponsible • ensureandresourcing fullsupport (technical • buildcapacity ofgovernments andnational • We callontheUNto: Diana, from Colombia, wasraped whenshewasfive by amanfrom anarea where lotsofparamilitaries live. groups orforces. or othereducationalinstitutionsby armed including callingfor abanontheuseofschools commitment toendingattacksoneducation, rights law. education, inlinewithrelevant internationalhuman attention tomonitoringandreportingattackson and variousSpecialProcedures, give greater mechanisms includingUniversal Periodic Review for humanrightsmonitoring, aswell asother other armedactors education, or includinguseofschoolsby military enhanced monitoringandreportingofattackson Mechanism,Monitoring andReporting toensure task-forcesand financial)ofcountry oftheUN education civil societytomonitorandreportattackson promote greater for efforts theIASCProtection • We callonhumanitarianstakeholders to: increase thelevels ofhumanitarianaidto • allocatefundingfor educationinconflict-affected • We callonhumanitariandonorsto:

education from attack. to secure jointresponses for theprotection of the EducationClustertocollaboratemore closely Cluster’s ChildProtection Working Group and for education. a minimum of4%globalhumanitarianfunding needs, andprogressively contributetoreaching education, commensuratewiththescaleof funding for education divide between humanitariananddevelopment policies are integratedinorder tominimisethe and ensure theirhumanitariananddevelopment situations intheirown pledgesanddisbursements,

save / smith paul : photo children the 1 The hidden crisis of education in countries affected by conflict

In 2000, as part of the Millennium comprises children whose education is affected by Development Goals, the world set itself conflict. This chapter presents new data on why the the ambitious target of ensuring that every failure to get more children into school in conflict- primary-age child in the world would be in affected countries is a growing challenge, and one that school by 2015. As that end date approaches is contributing significantly to the world’s failure to – and despite significant progress – it appears deliver on the promise made in 2000. that the international community will fall short of this goal. In 2011, in countries around Primary school-age children the world, 57 million primary-age children were reported to be out of school.6 For some time there has been a recognition that conflict-affected parts of the world are more likely There are many reasons why millions of children are to have children out of school. In 2006, Save the being denied an education. These include a recent Children launched a ground-breaking global campaign, decline in aid for basic education7, and the poor Rewrite the Future, which helped to place this issue quality of too many schools, which leads to pupils on the global agenda. The campaign called for good- dropping out.8 quality education in conflict-affected countries to be However, one of the other principal reasons for the prioritised on global and donor agendas, and for the slowdown in progress towards the goal of universal inclusion and financing of education as an integral primary education is the failure to address barriers component of any humanitarian response. The faced by those groups of children that are most at campaign proved that large-scale interventions could risk of being out of school.9 One of these groups be delivered in complex, conflict-affected settings.

Table 1: List of conflict-affected countries: 1999–2008; and 2002–2011

Afghanistan Indonesia Rwanda Algeria Iran Serbia Angola Iraq Sierra Leone Burundi Liberia Somalia Central African Republic Libya Sri Lanka Chad Mali Sudan Colombia Myanmar (Burma) Syria Côte d’Ivoire Nepal Thailand Democratic Republic of Congo Niger Timor-Leste Eritrea Nigeria Ethiopia Pakistan Uganda Georgia Occupied Palestinian territory Yemen Guinea The Philippines India Russian Federation

Note: Countries in blue were on the list in 2011 but are no longer identified as conflict-affected in 2013. Countries in red joined the list in 2013. Source: EFA Global Monitoring Report. See for full details.

1 2 attacks on education in conflict-affected countries. inexposingthe further ‘hidden crisis’ofeducation in sub-Saharan Africa; 5.3million, or19%, live insouth in conflict-affected countries, 12.6million, or44%, live middle income’. Of28.5million children outofschool that the World Bankclassifiesas ‘low income’or ‘low- poorest countriesandregions: 95%are incountries in conflict-affected countriesare predominantly inthe Perhaps notsurprisingly, thosewhoare outofschool • (EFA–GMR)Report In 2011, theEducationfor All GlobalMonitoring out by theEFA–GMR • This new analysis backwards. with noprogress inrecent years; arguably, itisgoing in conflict-affected countries–atbest, itisflat-lining the internationalcommunity isnotreaching children really scared. from themsotheydon’ttalktome, becauseI’m That’s why, whenIgo outtothestreet, Ihavetohide toleave,impossible totry for fear ofending updead. to bethere, thatshewas really scared, butthatitwas The lasttimewetalked, shetoldmedidn’twant months ago. Ihaven’theard from hernow for amonth. “My cousinwas tricked intogoing withthemfour be death. but Iknow theonlythingwaiting for methere would haveaskedguerillas metogo withthemmanytimes, are torecruit approachedby them. the guerrillas The around amongthepeople. Young peopleinthevillage “Where Ilive, it’s normalfor armedgroups towalk P 2008 to50%in2011. increasing from 42%oftheglobaltotalin primary-age children deniedaneducation, now make upalarger proportion ofthe Children livinginconflict-affected countries affected countries: thisisasmallincrease on children were outofschoolinconflict- In 2011, school-age 28.5millionprimary the figure in2008, whichwas28.0million. aula, 15,olombia C 13 shows that: 10 –basedatUNESCOwent 12 for thisreportshows that 11 New analysis carried 14,

15 to sexualviolenceandearly pregnancy. recruitment intoarmedgroups orcriminalgangs, vulnerabletoaseriesofthreats:particularly from older children inconflict-affected countriescan be risk ofmissingoutoneducationalopportunities, children, 11millionwere girls.Aswell astheincreased in conflict-affected countries. Ofthese20million who were notinschool2011, 20millionlived Of the69millionchildren oflower-secondary-age with good cause. paying schooling–and greater attentiontosecondary education,primary thedevelopment community is Now, following theprogress inimproving accessto children children. hasbeenfocused onprimary-age Much ofthedebateaboutconflictandout-of-school Secondary that I’m worried about.”that I’mworried because I’ve learnedtotalkmy parents aboutissues hasgot bettertoo–we’reeverything now closer because now weknoware… whatourrights At home “We now, inyoungpeopleatschool seethe change for thestateexamsthat we havetotake inninthgrade. to thequalityofeducationandthey’ve prepared us finish highschool. SavetheChildren hasalsocontributed are. uswhatourrights andtoteach school Iwant to usmore,to support ustoget alongbetterat toteach havehadtrainingI feel calmerbecausemy teachers “Ever sinceSavetheChildren cametomy school, children whoareprimary-age notinschool. countries affected by conflict, girlsmake up55%of analysis carried outby theEFA–GMR shows that, in states. Girlsare disproportionately affected. The new and west Asia; and4million, or14%, live inthe Arab those seekingtoexploitthem”. from theeducationsystem become “easy prey for ifyoungconsequences –particularly peopleexcluded young peopleofeducationmay have broader social -age children 17

16 Depriving 1 The hidden crisis of education in countries affected by conflict 3

photo: eman mohammed/save the children education on ttacks A of effect ignored, but often One particularly damaging, of attacks on proliferation on education is the conflict world, the conflict around every nearly In . education the targets of or schools become teachers children, to school their children sending fear Parents attacks. Other risks becomes a target. in case the school recruitment – such as child associated with conflict long-term consequences – have or sexual violence disturb ultimately and and their futures children for every In nearly an education. chances of getting any particularly girls are country, conflict-affected to the higher incidence of sexual due vulnerable, The violence (SGBV) against girls. and gender-based damaging more impact of attacks on education is even and many learning is not restored in situations where into – recruited forcibly resort to – or are children on focus chapters two The following armed groups. of attacks children causes and impact on the scale, on education. 19 school to countries -affected Even where children can access schools children where Even 18 children preventing arriers A damaged classroom in Gaza. classroom A damaged Children and young people living in conflict zones face people living in conflict zones and young Children schools range from These to education. barriers many areas in the worst-affected not being available simply recruiting sufficient of to the difficulty of a country, to to return teachers former teachers or persuading teaching. in conflict going from B learning and from or schools are functioning, the chances of receiving a the chances of receiving functioning, or schools are basic skills – can education – and learning good-quality disrupted example, for of, result be diminished as a or no unsafe poor learning environments, attendance, distribution of reduced and school reconstruction, context, precarious In an already learning materials. that can lead barriers these constitute additional out permanently. to drop children 2 The scale of attacks On education and why they occur

“Schools and hospitals must be zones of peace, institutions”.24 Those responsible can belong to where children are granted protection even State security forces, including armed forces, law in times of conflict. Yet, there is an increasing enforcement agencies and paramilitaries, or to trend of schools and hospitals being attacked non-state armed groups. with detrimental effects on children.” 20 Documented attacks on education include “…they were hitting schools. Many children died killings, disappearances, abductions, forced exile, imprisonment, torture, maiming, rape and sexual so we got scared and stopped going to school. No violence and the recruitment of child soldiers – all children would go to school, it was too dangerous.” taking place in schools – as well as the destruction Saba, 13, Syria of educational buildings and materials.25 Recent global efforts to raise the visibility of the As explored in chapter 3, although the use of schools impact of conflict on children’s education have led to for military purposes does not constitute an attack on greater prominence of the specific issue of attacks on education under customary international humanitarian 21 education. This has included growing recognition, law or other international prohibitions, it may lead to particularly through UN Security Council Resolution attacks against children, teachers and schools, due to 22 1612 , that attacks against schools represent a the presence of armed actors in the vicinity or inside grave violation against children and are a violation of schools. Similarly, the presence of armed groups near children’s right to education. Other grave violations to a school, leading to that school being closed down, against children in armed conflict include killing does not on its own constitute an attack against and maiming, abduction, armed recruitment, rape education. However, when armed actors in or around and other forms of sexual violence, and denial of schools or communities resort to threatening or 23 humanitarian access to children. injuring students and teachers or education personnel Yet, as this chapter shows, attacks on education in order to disrupt schooling, they can be accused of are widespread. They cause irreparable damage to perpetrating an attack on education. children’s education – both in terms of children’s The range of attacks on education covered in this access to school and their learning outcomes – and to report includes: teachers’ lives. In addition, they cause massive damage • threats of or actual violence, torture or other to education systems. These attacks are in direct forms of inhuman or degrading treatment targeted contravention of international humanitarian law (see at students, teachers and education personnel page 6). • shelling, bombing, shooting or other weaponry directed against education facilities26 • targeted recruitment or abduction by armed What is an attack groups of children from schools (not solely limited on education? to direct participation in hostilities, and including indoctrination) The most widely agreed understanding of attacks on • looting, destruction or confiscation of learning education defines an attack as “any intentional threat materials and school furniture or use of force – carried out for political, military, • attacks on and threats against children, teachers ideological, sectarian, ethnic, religious or criminal and education personnel on their way to and from reasons – against students, teachers, and education school or connected to their role in education.

4 2 The scale of attacks on education and why they occur 5

40 (GCPEA) – the global (GCPEA) – the global This figure only includes only This figure 36 37 Though attacks on schools may Though attacks on schools may 39 The increase in attacks in 2010, in attacks in 2010, The increase

41 38 advocacy platform seeking to bring an end to seeking to bring platform advocacy including against – attacks, attacks on education and the military use of institutions, higher education in at least 24 conflict-affected happened have schools, countries since 2007. an election year, indicated the links between schools schools the links between indicated an election year, targets schools became the direct and polling stations: of those seeking to undermine the parliamentary ? attacks motivates What attacks because of face Educational institutions may seen are or because they content, their curriculum or structures to support or old government new education is In other situations, political ideologies. social of stopping educational, as a means attacked of particular for groups and economic progress widespread or to cause particularly girls, children, not supportive of that are destruction in communities an armed group. one of attacks on education varies from The nature in intensity, differ they particular, In conflict to another. scale and intention. These global figures serve to give evidence of the evidence of the serve to give figures These global incidence. and their widespread scale of attacks to be underestimates likely are they However, incidents Many scale of the problem. of the real the UN Secretary- by covered in the countries not systematically occur but are report General’s international monitoring or regular through verified the UN. by documentation led to the Global Coalition to Protect According Education Attack from countries that have experienced a pattern of countries that have targeted attacks. be classified or reported as collateral damage, or as a reportedbe classified or as collateral damage, occur may they intense conflict, of a highly by-product as part impact of a strategy to undermine the positive This is particularly the of education and its providers. to education is seen to be the key where case in areas of children. particular for groups progress attacks on schools, example, for Afghanistan, In been reported in large teachers and students have of the conflict. the last ten years over numbers Between 2006 and 2008, there were 1,153 reported were there 2006 and 2008, Between including damage or destruction attacks on education, and rockets; mines grenades, arson, of schools by and killing of children to teachers and officials; threats and looting. staff;


34 31, 32 31, expanded the expanded 27 35 attacks Once ‘activated’, the monitoring the ‘activated’, Once 29, 30 29, UN Security Council Resolution 1998 UN Security Council 28 90 cases of military use and occupation of schools in 11 countries 3,643 incidents of reported attacks 3,643 incidents of reported 17 countries education in against included on the ‘list of shame’ 4 parties included on the of perpetrators of attacks on schools and hospitals. as a result of direct or indirect attacks or indirect of direct as a result on education 75 children and 212 teachers and 75 children education personnel killed or injured Based on the UN Secretary-General’s 2013 report Based on the UN Secretary-General’s the Children Save on 22 countryfocused situations, found: The UN Secretary-General’s 2013 report on Children 2013 report on Children The UN Secretary-General’s and the most current Armed Conflict provides and behind of the reality global picture comprehensive as to the UN, this practice in countries of concern 2012. by the UN throughout reported and verified and reporting mechanism (MRM) requires parties to and reporting mechanism (MRM) requires and to the UN, conflict to enter into a dialogue with on its through an action plan and follow negotiate practices listed. implementation to bring an end to • on education Council the UN Security In 2011, listing partiescriteria for conflict to include to of on schools or threats perpetrators of attacks persons in relation and protected attacks on schools to schools. The scaleof The contrast between these figures and the number and the these figures The contrast between of incidents of attacks on education reported in the 2012 report is significant. UN Secretary-General’s • (2011) also requested the Secretary-General to (2011) also requested on the militarymonitor and report of schools use of international humanitarian in contravention UN to include Resolution 1998 enables the law. of partiesthe naming and shaming to conflict that of the Annexes violations in the perpetrate these Report and Annual on Children Secretary-General’s Armed Conflict. In 2011, the UN reported more than 1,600 attacks on the UN reported more In 2011, killed with 184 teachers and 39 children education, There of attacks on education. as a result or injured cases of the use and occupation 148 recorded were of schools in 10 countries. • • 6 attacks on education attacks onciviliansandcivilian objects. actively inhostilities, grave actsofsexualviolenceand under 15, enlistingthemorusingtoparticipate and anti-government groups. on educationhave beenperpetratedby the Taliban not targeted, thevastmajorityofdocumentedattacks issued adecree todemandthateducationfacilitiesare ofeducationandhas public statementsinsupport humanitarian law. provisions ofwell-established, international customary Many attacksamounttoadirect violationof key human rightslaw therighttoeducation. – particularly Attacks againsteducationhappen indirect violation of Violations of international law violent groups, orinhigh-intensityconflicts. a highlevel ofattacksagainstciviliansledby particularly attacks oneducationemergeinareas characterisedby As canbeseeninlaterchapters, somepatternsof elections. Source: GlobalCoalitiontoProtect Educationfrom Attack dedicated toeducation, as awarcrime–inparticular, attacksonbuildings identifies aseriesofintentionalattacksoneducation (ICC) Statute oftheInternationalCriminalCourt and educationinstitutionsintimesofwar.The Rome since 2007 Figure 1: Countries 42 Although the Taliban hasmadeseveral 44 This affords protection tocivilians 45 conscriptingchildren aged that have experienced 43


a pattern of of histroops. and affecting theeducationsystemduetoconduct denying thousandsofchildren theirrighttoeducation child recruitment, Lubanga’s 14-year sentence included 30-year sentence. Inaddition tochargesrelated to of thereasons why hewasrequesting amaximum highlighted theimpactonchildren’s educationasone education. Initsfirst ever case, theICC’s Prosecutor crucial linksbetween warcrimesandtheirimpacton leader oftheUnionCongolese Patriots, proved the The ICC’s firstrulingagainst ThomasLubangaDyilo, applicable inallconflict situations. normofinternational law,This isacustomary operations.against theconsequencesofmilitary objectives andprotectedlegitimate military that civilianobjectsmust bedistinguishedfrom is prohibited underthegenerallegalprinciple necessity hospitals intheabsenceofmilitary children. Deliberately targetingschoolsor and hospitalstothecivilianpopulation, especially objects, WarTime of prohibits thetargetingofcivilian to theProtection of CivilianPersons in The Fourth Geneva Convention relative 48 emphasising the importance ofschools emphasisingtheimportance 47 attacks oneducation 49 3 The impact on children Of different types of attacks on education

“I saw that when they see a child they shoot • In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the without hesitating. In our school they aimed Mouvement du 23 Mars (M23) was largely missiles towards us, and when the missiles hit responsible for rendering 250 schools out of use in the school it destroyed half the building…I was 2012, either as a result of occupation for military not at school that day, but I saw it on fire. I have purposes or looting. Between April and December 50 seen many bodies – in the streets, thrown outside more than 240,000 students had no schooling. homes, and even in the river.” • In the Central African Republic, more than half of Fadi, 9, Syria the country’s schools remain closed following the The physical damage of attacks against schools Séléka rebel coalition’s takeover of the country in is quantifiable – a destruction of education April 2013. The education of 1 million children 51 infrastructure represents a financial cost for a has been jeopardised as a result. government. But it is the human cost that is greatest. • In Mali, following widespread attacks on schools, A single attack on a school can keep hundreds of more than 1,500 schools in the north of the children out of the classroom, potentially destroying a country are in need of repair, new equipment and community’s only place of learning and a principal hub. removal of weapons. The conflict has disrupted the 52 In the worst scenarios, a combination of attacks on education of more than 700,000 children. education and wider conflict can potentially deprive • In Syria, by January 2013 an estimated 3,900 an entire generation of children the chance to get a schools had been destroyed or occupied for good-quality education. Moreover, attacks on teachers purposes other than education and are now deprive children and schools of teachers – essential rendered unusable for education purposes.53 actors in children’s learning, and role models. Estimates in April 2013 show a very rapid increase in this number, with 22% of the country’s 22,000 schools rendered unusable. The combined The impact on children of effects of conflict have jeopardised the education attacks on education of 2.5 million school-age children and young people.54 Not all of the 50 million children and young people who are out of school in conflict-affected countries If schools are damaged or closed, children’s are victims of attacks on education. However, as can educational progress is likely to be curtailed: they are be seen below, a considerable proportion of children not able to learn, complete courses, or sit exams. The become direct victims of attacks, or are indirectly broader impact of conflict may also significantly affect affected when their schools or teachers come under students’ learning trajectories. As the Inter-Agency attack, or when education is threatened, leading to Network on Education in Emergencies (INEE) states, school closures. “such violence has long-lasting consequences for… individual learners. Even when physically able to access The following examples from ongoing conflicts education, learners and staff may be exposed to abuse, demonstrate the impact of attacks on children’s violence and discrimination that can adversely impact education: quality and learning outcomes and have devastating

7 8 attacks on education because ofstigma. of rape, are oftenprevented from attending school including thosewhobecome pregnant asaresult girls andfemale teacherssubjectedtosexualviolence, gender-based violencewithinschool environments. Girls andwomen faceadditional risksofsexual and against girlsand sexual andgender -based on education different types social andpsychologicaleffects.” barrier togirls’attendanceinschools. pupils. The absenceoffemale teacherscanbeanother ineducation,participation bothby teachersand countries, thisriskhasproved adeterrent tofemale by armedactors. Inseveral conflict-affected sexual violence(SGBV), including rape, committed Girls andfemale teacherscanbeathigherriskof effect onchildren. understood tohave significantpsychological avery previously have had. conflict, preventing thepositive impacteducation may prevents themfrom leaving thecycleofviolenceand children andyoung peopleaneducationoften the promise ofgreater socialcohesion, denying people livingthrough conflict. Whileeducationoffers for youngalso translateintoalossofopportunities out ofschool, andpermanently dropping out, can The long-termconsequencesofaprolonged time personal safety. by armedactors, traffickingorotherriskstotheir the more vulnerablechildren becometorecruitment that thelongerwe waitfor educationtoberestored, experience working inhumanitariancrisesshows where welearnthings.” were doingatall. issupposedtobeaplace School want themtodestroy ourthings. Ididn’tlike whatthey destroyed booksandourthings. ourschool Ididn’t It mademescared. They broke desks, ourschool wasn’twe were wearing good. girls were dressed. They yelled atus, sayingthatwhat into theschool. They didn’tlike theway someofthe more. OnMondayIwenttoschool. The rebels came “…They destroyed ourschool, wecouldn’tgo any 57

56 Save theChildren’s longstanding 58 young of attacks 55 women violence Conflictisgenerally 60 Furthermore,

Sita, 12, Mali 59

is seentobedamaginglocalcustoms. suffered sexualviolence. Hundreds, ifnotthousands, ofschool-agegirlshave the real number isunderstoodtobemuch higher. more than120,000girls. and privateschoolswere closed, restricting accessfor education, anestimated900Pakistanigovernment 2010, following threats from the Taliban ongirls’ to underminethestatusofgirlsandwomen. In attack whenideologiesheldby armedgroups seek that girls, teachersandgirls’schoolscomeunder In Afghanistan, MaliandPakistan, evidence shows school asaresult ofattacksintheregion. school for fear ofattacks. Girlshave refused togo to conflict, parents are afraidtosendtheirdaughters In Mali, reportsshow thatinthefaceofcurrent them from going toschool. consumed by girls, withtheintention ofpreventing clothing requirements. have alsobeentargetedfor notadheringtostrict conflict-affected areas ofMali, where girlsand women school-going girls and associatedarmedgroups have thrown acidat going toschool, elements in Afghanistan have warnedgirlstostop 2012. of sexualviolenceby militantgroups reportedin regionsin thenorthern ofMali, withatleast211cases gender-based violence(SGBV)hasbecomecommon perceived ‘foreign’ interference, perceived ‘foreign’ of violencedirected atthecentralgovernment or found where schoolshave historically beentargets Targeted attacksongirls’educationcanalsobe T argeting teachers secure learningspaces.” calls for schoolstoberespected assafe and teachers around theworld inrecent years. He concerned abouttheincrease ofviolenceagainst isgreatly“The [UN]Secretary-General streets, takingushome–those started the teachers calmed down. When thearmedmenhadleft daywas untiltheschool over,school untilthingshad takingusupstairs. started teachers We stayed in and everyone’spetrified face hadturnedwhite. The “Armed menwere allover thestreets. We were all 64 Given thegross underreporting ofsuchcases, 69 apracticethatisalsocommonin 67 andpoisonedthewaterfood Spokesperson oftheUNSecretary-General 70

65 66 In Afghanistan, the Taliban 71 68 Anti-government 61 orwhere education 62 63 Sexualand 3 The impact on children of different types of attacks on education 9

77 76 78 In 2009, the killing of an the In 2009, in killed were 22 teachers 75 official Ministry of Education supported school. Location removed for security reasons. for Location removed supported school. 10 departments in 2010. 10 departments to in 2010. According armed groups, non-state sources, government Armadas Revolucionarias including the Fuerzas Pueblo (FARC-EP), del de Colombia – Ejército Urabeños and Los Paisas, Los Los Rastrojos, teachers leading community threatened have sexual violence and child against initiatives recruitment. other data reports that 222 teachers and as recorded educational personnel were the conflict began. been killed since having indigenous teacher in front of his students in front indigenous teacher led to suspected members of FARC-EP by of an entire the internal displacement indigenous community. There are indications that the figures could indications that the figures are There a local human rights NGO higher; be much staff has announced that 640 educational by and 1,300 arrested been killed, have forces. government A refugee volunteer headmaster, and now at a Save the Children- at a Save and now headmaster, volunteer A refugee under attack Teachers • In Colombia, • In Syria, “The children have many challenges here. Many have have Many challenges here. many have “The children has been fighting. there where areas come from Sometimes their things. seen horrible Some have body will be in the class but their minds will be of our students have Quite a few else. somewhere Some have lost either one or both of their parents. But I think of them. care with and take no one to stay the ones who need this school are these children them the support need. can offer they We most. I wanted wanted to be a teacher. “I think I always the and help to develop community to help my doing here are I think what we next generation. is helping.”

73 Doa’a, 13, Syria 13, Doa’a,

74 Persecution and intimidation may may and intimidation Persecution 72 who live far away were taken by car, and those who who and those car, by taken were away who live far the teachers.” by home walked were live nearby “Now I’m the volunteer headmaster at this school I’m the volunteer “Now the Children. supported Save by “I left that place straight away. I didn’t even go to go even I didn’t “I left that place straight away. I told someone to tell and children. wife collect my them to meet me at the border. “One morning when I was teaching my class some “One morning when I was teaching my said They everything. men came and destroyed kill would that I had to stop teaching or that they anyone like These people don’t I was scared. me. may that you thought If they think is a leader. they challenge them or tell the people not to do what be no would There will kill you. then they say they I took hesitation. As a teacher I was singled out. very seriously. their threat Singled out For every teacher who is attacked, scores of children of children scores who is attacked, teacher every For in experience the Children’s Save affected. are the given that, countries shows conflict-affected a learning process, centrality of teachers in any of qualified teachers has a in numbers reduction learning outcomes. significant impact on children’s force teachers to leave their communities – for fear fear – for communities their to leave teachers force or children against their own of death and reprisals members. family The absence of teachers from a classroom will have will have a classroom The absence of teachers from and retention on the enrolment a long-term effect African In the Central in these areas. of children ratio student-teacher average the current Republic, Haut of conflict-affected areas in the worst-affected 97 to 102 pupils per ranges from Mbomou préfecture, be in may children As a result, teacher and classroom. school but not learning. In many conflict-affected areas, teachers are a direct a direct are teachers areas, conflict-affected In many and and paramilitaries, forces target of government exposed are Teachers groups. of non-state armed torture and persecution and are to intimidation, killed. frequently 10 attacks on education or around schools. and sexualviolenceby armed actorsoperatinginside increases boththeactual andperceived riskofrape girls. useofschools Evidenceshows thatthemilitary children’s education. threatening Itisparticularly for armed actors. This canbehugely disruptive for it more vulnerabletoalegitimateattackby other object,civilian objectintoamilitary thereby making useofaschoolturnsanotherwise The military Europe, theMiddle EastandSouth America. in atleast24countriesconflictsacross Africa,Asia, and even peacekeepers, usededucationinstitutions non-state armedgroups, includingmultinational forces Between 2005and2012, nationalarmedforces and The military useofschools accessing educationinNovember 2012. damaged, preventing more than1,100children from schools were reportedasoccupiedandsubsequently andsecondary the DRCshow that42primary barracks andsniperposts. and interrogation centres, trainingcentres, military headquarters,are usingschoolsasmilitary detention for example, allarmedgroups involved intheconflict involved inongoing conflicts. IntheconflictinSyria, The practiceremains prevalent amongmany parties classes for over sixmonths. and leftaminefieldthat forced thesuspensionof forces,a shieldinorder toattackColombianmilitary 2011, theFARC-EP used aschoolin Valle delCaucaas munitions caches, amongother purposes. torture centres, firingpositionsand weapons and were usedasbases, barracks, detentionfacilities, other groups destroying aruralschool. forcesmilitary insideschoolsledtoFARC-EP and in June 2010, thephysical presence ofColombian “So westoppedgoing toschool.” men were insidetheschool. calledthemandtoldnottocomebecause driver were ontheway, theyweren’t there yet, so the bus nexttoourschool The teachers andwesawarmed “…we were onthebustoschool attack andhamperschildren’s righttoeducation.” purposesputschildrenschools foratriskof military and provide themwithprotection. The useof asasafe“Schools shouldserve haven for children 86

82 Similarly, reports from UN Secretary-General, BanKiMoon 85

84 83 AndinMay InColombia, 81

80 Nidal, 6, Syria Schools 79

education facilities. classrooms, andleadingtowidespread destruction of near schools–killingchildren andteachersgathered in is exacerbatedby theuseofexplosive weapons onor areas hasdevastating consequencesfor children. This devices. The useofexplosive weapons inpopulated bombs, air-dropped bombsandimprovised explosive shells,are orartillery munitions suchasmortar cluster against civilianobjectsorcivilians. reported casesoftheuseexplosive weapons In thelasttwo years, there have beennumerous in The useofexplosive higherrisksofdeathorsevere from attacks, injury • useandoccupationofschoolsmaymilitary leadto: In addition todisruptionofschoolenvironments, humanitarian law. schools andhospitalsincontravention ofinternational useof General tomonitorandreportonthemilitary to education”andrequested theUNSecretary- “refrain from actionsthatimpedechildren’s access inconflictto Council Resolution1998urgedparties by opposingforces. Inthisregard, UNSecurity target, placingstudentsandteachersatriskofattack institution canconvert itintoalegitimatemilitary Under internationallaw, useofaneducation military highstudentdrop-out rates, • exposure ofchildren torecruitment orsexual • by studentsandteachersfor educationpurposes. using thematthesametimeasthey are beingused it doesprohibit armedforces andarmedgroups purposes,the useofschoolbuildingsfor military While internationallaw containsnogeneralbanon been attacked.” window toseewhathappened, andsawthatithad andIwere terrified.My friends We looked outthe the middleofplayground infront ofourschool. air. Then theythrew in amissileanditexplodedright shootinginthe sudden acarpassedby andstarted “I was inschool, studying. wewere inclass All ofa violence by parties toconflict violence by parties weapons orexplosive ordnance and from accidentalormisdirected firingof overcrowding andlossofinstructionalhours. lower ratesoftransitiontohighereducationlevels, populated areas 88 weapons Doa’a (pictured opposite), 13, Syria reduced enrolment, 89 Explosive weapons 87

3 The impact on children of different types of attacks on education 11

photo: hedinn haldorsson/save the children 94

92 In southern Israel, six In southern Israel, 93 Damage to 43 educational facilities prevented facilities prevented to 43 educational Damage to school. returning from 25,000 children Approximately 462,000 Palestinian students missed 462,000 Palestinian Approximately and damage interruption closure, school due to the to the education system. school buildings were damaged by rockets launched rockets damaged by school buildings were during the hostilities. Palestinian armed groups by

91 Moreover, 285 Moreover, 90 in Gaza on education attacks school buildings suffered damage as a result of as a result damage school buildings suffered Nations Refugee including 64 United airstrikes, school buildings. Agency (UNRWA) Works The seven-day military operation in November military in November operation The seven-day education Gaza’s damaged severely 2012 in Gaza 22 students 14 and 21 November, Between system. killed. teachers were and four Air Doa’a, from Syria, was in school when a missile landed in the playground (see page 10). (see page was in school when a missile landed in the playground Syria, from Doa’a, 4 Country case studies

Countries included in this chapter illustrate According to a child protection assessment carried reported attacks on education and demonstrate out recently by Save the Children in the worst hit the short-term damage and long-term impact of préfectures of the country, many children were seen conflict on education systems. Save the Children playing commandante (commander) and carrying toy itself draws no conclusions on whether attacks guns. Community members commented that, with reported were deliberate or a result of the destruction of already fragile government systems and the lack of education and other opportunities collateral damage. for children, many children are beginning to see enrolment with Séléka as their only viable option.99 Central African Republic The scale and impact of UNICEF estimates that more than 2.3 million children attacks on education are currently affected by the crisis in Central African • In April 2013, at least 650,000 children were Republic (CAR).95 The education of more than being denied access to education – up from an 1 million children has been jeopardised by the conflict estimated 166,000 out-of-school children in and the coup led by the Séléka rebel coalition,96 and February 2013.100 The increase is due to nearly half the conflict has had a damaging impact on what was of the country’s schools being closed101, military already an extremely fragile education system. There occupation of schools, and teacher absence. are 746,000 primary school-aged children in CAR, • There is a net school enrolment rate of 48% in the aged 6–11 years, 67% of whom were attending school northern, conflict-affected regions.102 Only 21% before the crisis. At least 250,000 children who of school-age children are able to be in school started the 2012–13 primary school year and 30,000 in conflict-affected Bambouti and Haut Mbomou who were in secondary school are now at risk of divisions, for example.103 losing the entire school year.97 • Learning levels are very poor, which has led many children to drop out of school.104 Though it is difficult to ascertain the exact number • Children – and girls, in particular – are exposed of schools that have been used by armed groups, to a wide range of protection risks, including it is well known that schools have been used as abuse, sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) military bases. In December 2012, assessments in the and early marriage.105 worst-hit areas of the country reported that nearly all schools and other basic infrastructure remain closed; pillaging of schools had left them without any learning materials.98

12 4 Country case studies 13 113 toilets or walls, while Education 110 111 ct of 600 schools had around

ation 112 a further attacks on 18 were there ale and impa ale and c cks on edu , the UN by schools reported even desks as a result of military as a result desks interventions and even have Schools and classrooms attacks in the area. as a result or damaged destroyed been completely displaced people sheltering in of arson attacks, school buildings military occupying groups them, firewood. and people using desks and doors for Cluster assessments reported widespread damage widespread reported Cluster assessments to at least 500 schools. been affected by armed conflict in North by Kivu been affected on the education of around impacting alone, 200,000 children. • roofs, schools do not have Many • start At the of 2013, The sc atta • In 2012, school was raided and the textbooks and exercise and exercise school was raided and the textbooks for kept the material we … even books destroyed was looted. building work future organised and well were the war we “Before But after the war the very well. teachers worked because their teachers can no longer pay parents not are their children looted, were properties own been buildings have away, moved have they well, the war there Before is scarce. and food destroyed 784. have we today 815 students; were it can see that the war does not build; “We our urge the authorities to respect We destroys. children and to protect and public property goods and their right to education.”


The Joanna, 10 Joanna, 106 ebruary welve welve As T Armed 108 , people APCLS, pril 2012, a rebel group split group a rebel April 2012, ouvement of the Mouvement The creation 109 ebruary 2013 the school was destroyed. ebruary was destroyed. 2013 the school “I was sexually abused by a Mai Mai soldier in a Mai Mai abused by sexually “I was near to Kibarangiriro, 2012 when I went November He took aunt in the hospital… visit my Masisi to me… into the bush and raped me out and led me who parents, home and I had to tell my I returned continue my me to comforted and encouraged me to school despite I go now incident. studies despite the being discriminated by against like many problems, distance between the school and the classmates, my and hours there four walking – it takes and our village again.” I will be attacked scared and I’m back, orces and the armed group and the armed group orces pril 2012, conflict broke out in the eastern conflict broke April 2012, ome hours later, bombs fell on our village, on our village, bombs fell “Some hours later, targeting displaced people hiding in the school the enemy. for had been confused – they “On 27 F the Congolese During clashes between F the night of 26 F in the school for sheltered decided we bullet cartridges, saw When we 2013. to their homes but should return the children at school. some remained girl from … A six-year-old people died immediately other students, and three first grade was injured, in the sixth grade. boy including a 12-year-old The headmaster of a primary school in North Kivu his school came under attack: describes how in the line of fire in C has been severely The education system in the DRC has been severely nearly In 2012, conflict. of ongoing years by affected out of school. aged 5–17 were 30% of children of Congo c Republi c crati Demo ecember last year, more than 600 schools more In December last year, the conflict in 2012. by had been affected from the national army, resulted in a marked increase increase in a marked resulted national army, the from violations against children. of grave in the number In of DRC. provinces du 23 Mars (M23) in ovember 2012, 540 schools were affected in affected 540 schools were 2012, of November North Kivu alone. 14 attacks on education one classroom. 1,250 studentsgainedaccess; 130studentswere in schoolopenedin primary 2013,Timbuktu inFebruary groups. hosting displacedpeopleanddestructionby armed damage causedby conflictandflooding, looting, and that2,500schoolshadbeenaffected, including 700,000 children hadbeendisruptedduetoconflict In June 2013, UNICEFestimatedthattheeducationof taught by 2,486teachersintheseschools. out ofatotal1,079schools. as functioningintheGao, Timbuktu andKidalregions, In August 2012, only 48%ofschoolswere reported Mali Salif’s school in northern Maliwasransacked schoolinnorthern duringtheconflict inearly 2013. Salif’s through ground combatandaerialbombardments. 2013ledtodamageschools conflict inJanuary dropping out. environment for children, andcouldleadtochildren to learning, nortoestablishingasafe andprotective destroyed thestudents’ andfolders.” papers the headmaster’s officeanddestroyed everything. They saw them. They wentinsidetheschool. They wentinto “The daytherebels came, theydestroyed theschool. I 116 An estimated103,692studentswere being 118 Suchconditionsare notconducive 114 The resurgence of 117 When a Salif, 13 115

Many reportsalsocitedeliberateattemptsto • Several reportsindicatethatchildren asyoung • Children andteachersreportfleeingfrom gunfire • Schoolshave beendamagedordestroyed by • attacks oneducation andimpactThe scale of papers, textbooksandotherlearningmaterials obstruct educationthrough thedestructionof recruited. hundreds ofchildren are estimatedtohave been groups; althoughspecific numbers are not available, as 11have beenrecruited andtrainedby armed to be used to support fighting. to beusedsupport raided, witharmedgroups takinganything ofvalue and fightingnearschools. Schoolshave been been pillaged. – andeven bedsfrom schoolhave anursery in schools and military bases. in schoolsandmilitary training andrecruitment ofchildren takingplace put atriskfrom unexplodedordnance. bombed, damaged, groups usedby or military around schools. In2012, 155schoolswere looted, threat from unexplodedordnances leftinand fighting, looted by militantgroups orare under attacks onschools. equipment andde-pollutionfollowing widespread ofMali,north 1,528schoolswere inneedofrepair, 124 There are 18recorded casesof 123

120 125 121

119 Inthe


save / roy - bodmer annie : photo children the 4 Country case studies 15 135


132 six school buildings were hostilities in open increased 134 of attacks the vast majority in Gaza, schools were of attacks on 25 incidents Gaza led to the cancellation of classes in five Israeli Israeli of classes in five Gaza led to the cancellation nearly affecting schools and 53 schools in Gaza, 27,000 students. damaged by rockets launched by Palestinian armed launched by rockets damaged by 2012. during the hostilities in November groups Israeli school in Beersheba was One additional from fire rocket 2012 by damaged on 11 March reported as were No injuries to children Gaza. school was already the of the incident; a result as a precautionary measure. closed that day happened during the Israeli militaryhappened operation in total of 285 schools reported with a November, of air strikes. as damaged as a result reported in the , including at least including Bank, West in the reported military the Israeli or where 17 instances entered search for school premises attempted to enter flags or to Palestinian to remove operations, Israeli settlers. protect • 2012, In October • In southern Israel, • In 2012, of The scale and impact on education attacks • In 2012, Israeli 128 130

territory alestinian 129

In Gaza, 285 school buildings suffered school buildings suffered 285 In Gaza, 131 126 Additionally, seven attacks affected attacks affected seven Additionally, 127 Israeli schools, with no fatal consequences. Israeli schools, damage as a result of air strikes, including 60 United of air strikes, damage as a result school Agency (UNRWA) Nations Relief and Works buildings. children were at risk through mortars and rockets mortars and rockets at risk through were children relatively the Gaza Strip – though the from fired and schools affected of children small numbers protection and the significance of an effective reflects to the government system set up by preparedness children. protect Barriers to education particularly affect Area C and Area to education particularly Barriers affect facing long with children in Hebron, the H2 area and questioning body and school-bag searches, waits, of effect The combined checkpoints. when crossing injuries to children, in physical such practices result due to the difficulties in accessing loss of school days dangerous to avoid longer commutes areas, controlled stress and psychological checkpoints, or crossing areas on children. and Israel occupied Palestinian education in the Attacks on spectrum the full territory and Israel exemplify (OPT) access including the denial of of attacks on education, occupation, in a situation of protracted to education, as periods of high- as well hostilities, with recurrent the UN Secretary-General In 2012, intensity conflict. of attacks against education reported 321 incidents in the OPT. occupied P Checkpoints, gates and arrest of children, as well as well of children, gates and arrest Checkpoints, students and Israeli militaryas clashes between or military schools all constitute types operations around 31% of 113 communities In 2011, of denial of access. young Bank reported that schoolchildren, West in the one or more people and teachers had to cross affecting military their schools, checkpoints to reach daily. than 2,500 children more 16 attacks on education more than120,000girls. schools were closed, restricting schoolaccessfor education, anestimated900government andprivate In 2010, following threats from the Taliban ongirls’ since experiencedthebruntofmany gruesomeattacks. girls’educationhaveteachers andthosesupporting campaign againstgirls’education. Female students, of theirinterpretation ofSharialaw, andaviolent province. This resulted strictenforcement inavery control oftheSwat Valley inwhatisnow theKP threats ifMalalacontinued herpublicoutreach to and values. The TTP subsequently announcedfurther kill anyone leadingacampaignagainstIslamiclaw to was justifiedunderclaimsthatitobligatory against Malala Yousafzai, Kainat Riaz and Shazia Ramzan In 2012, the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan’s (TTP)attack most heavily targeted. and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa(KP)province have beenthe Autonomous Tribal(FATA), Areas bordering Afghanistan, scene ofmostattacksoneducation. The Federally Pakistan’s Taliban-controlled areas have beenthe P akistan 30March :Abdul Rasheed, aschoolprincipal, • 30March: agirls’schoolwasblown upin • : 1January five teachers were killednearthe • January–June 2013 T 26March : ShahnazNazli, ateacherinShahkas • argeted school inKarachi. shooting asexamresults were distributed ata including four children, inagrenade attackand was killedandanothereightpeoplewere injured, Karachi. town ofSwabiinKPprovince. the FATA, wasshotdeadonherway towork. on the Afghan border intheKhyber Agency of 145

attacks 136 144 In2009, the Taliban gained 137

against education inpakistan: 142


9May: four schoolswere blown upinseparate • Armedgroups carried outacidattackson • InMarch 2013, • 10May: agovernment schoolwasblown upin • 15June: female abombonbuscarrying • In2011, • attacks oneducation andimpactThe scale of to education. or theprincipleshestoodfor: every girl’s right against anyone Malala whowasseentosupport ensure more girlsgo toschool, andissuedwarnings 5May: aboys’ schoolwasblown upin • attacks inBalochistan. northern Pakistan. northern acid by the Taliban inthecityofParachinar the victim. In2012, two girlswere attacked with children –anactthatcarries lifelong stigmafor Swabi town intheKPprovince. gunmen attacked thehospital. wereWhen thesurvivors taken tohospital, 22 inQuetta, capital ofBalochistanProvince. students exploded, killing11peopleandinjuring Balochistan. schools) inKPprovince. and 763damaged(244girls’schools, 519boys’ girls’ schools, 187boys’ schools)were destroyed the government statedthat246schools(59 in theFATA andKPprovince. 995 schoolsand35collegeshave beendestroyed informed theSupremethat, Court since2008, registered inFATA andKP on schoolsandeducationalfacilitieshadbeen theUNreportedthat152attacks 146

Pakistan’s intelligenceagencies 141 147 140 province 139 149 148 Further tothis, Further

. 138 4 Country case studies 17 Hundreds Hundreds 156 Nearly half of Nearly 155 Approximately 80% of Approximately 154

157 They start whipping them with lashes. They take the They take They start whipping them with lashes. and the women outside and start them, harassing children cry and fear. because of the horror and scream “Everyone is frightened… took place Many massacres in a house or some shots If a gun is heard area. in my anyone they in and execute armed men will go nearby, I have seen this – sometimes the whole family. suspect, I had and shoot them. they put them against the wall or they would kill me too, when I saw this, to run away sure.for because when they to school, students don’t go “Now the school shells – I think they targeted were did there leaving Students were it. all across because shells fell home in the afternoon when it startedto go and two When children both very died – they were young. They die because they die. in Syria, children injured are are We them. to move them, to rescue is no way there nowhere was there Even if we could have, surrounded. these fragments So children from died them. to take of bombs. “In Syria people – now, I had a friendship of 13 group and stuck Most are in Syria still, still alive. are only three under siege.” we cannot talk to them because they are of thousands of refugee children in the region are are in the region children of thousands of refugee waiting to join school. these children – more than 2.5 million – are between between than 2.5 million – are more – these children ages of 4 and 18. the school-going The current situation has grave implications for implications for grave situation has The current primary universal reached Syria almost education. universal to reaching way and was on the enrolment, the below, secondary in 2010. As shown enrolment and reversed been have education levels country’s the education decades to restore many it will take system to its full capacity. had been than 3.1 million children more 2013, By June crisis. the ongoing by affected them, 1.6 million, have been displaced and face severe displaced and face severe been have 1.6 million, them, children of these Many schooling. constraints on their years. two been out of school for have and the use of heavy and the use of heavy 152 The conflict has been The UN’s most recent most recent The UN’s 151 150

153 “Let me tell you what happens in Syria. First – bombing “Let me tell you what happens in Syria. heavy missiles, Mortars, and shelling to pave the way. but about such knew things before, I never artillery. types and sounds. all the different I can recognise now and This is to start, They used everything against us. And then days non-stop. two the bombing continues for house in and go – armed men move raids the ground the men and tie their I have seen them take to house. the wall. them to face forcing hands behind their back, “I’m in ninth grade but this war stopped me from stopped me from but this war “I’m in ninth grade to high and gone – I should have graduated graduating to start future but no… my future building my school, is destroyed. “My life has changed a lot, 100% from before. My before. 100% from has changed a lot, “My life we used to meet and spend the evening friends and I, 4pm, out after 5 or even we can’t go but now together, dangerous. too because it’s “We left Syria very recently because of the horror, the left Syria very because of the horror, recently “We no food, I left Syria because there’s everyraids other day. theft and the raids, no electricity, no water, no bread, and insulting the men and hitting hurting women, looting, torturing old men and women… Syrian people children, every you could imagine. facing are hardship Motasem, 16, recounted his experiences of the recounted 16, Motasem, conflict in Syria: ” “My future is destroyed characterised by vast numbers of grave violations of grave vast numbers characterised by killed, been injured, who have against children Parties the to and tortured. interrogated maimed, resorted to a wide variety of tactical conflict have occupation of schools including the use and violence, armed actors by as barracks According to the Office of the UN High Office of the UN to the According since Rights (OHCHR), Human for Commissioner the start Syria in 2011 an estimated the conflict in of thousands of Many been killed. 93,000 people have 10 an estimated 1,700 were children; them were of age or younger. years Syria figures indicate that more than 4.25 million people than 4.25 million people that more indicate figures children, half of whom are Syria, displaced within are 1.7 million people seeking refuge than with more in neighbouring countries. weaponry in populated areas, resulting in teachers and resulting weaponry in populated areas, students being killed. 18 attacks on education Refugee Syrianchildren take inactivitiesatasafe spacerunby part Save theChildren. estimates a$740millionlossininfrastructure. used assheltersfor IDPs(680schools). The Ministry or completely destroyed (2,963schools), orare being schools, 3,643(16.6%)are damaged eitherpartially unable toaccessbasiceducation. Ofatotalof22,000 that more than1millionchildren insideSyriaare ofEducationestimatesshow Official SyrianMinistry attacks oneducation andimpactThe scale of completely destroyed. education couldexceed3,900, with450ofthem destroyed orare beingusedfor purposesotherthan total number ofschoolsthathave beendamaged, However, 2013theUNestimatedthat inJanuary 159 According totheSyrian 158

80% ofschoolfacilitiesare notfunctional. Moreover, governorates theNorthern reportthat of schoolscannotbeusedfor educationpurposes. enrolment ratedropped aslow as6%. damaged ordestroyed. displaced persons, while2,963schoolshave been 2013, 1,992schoolswere beingusedassheltersfor ofEducation’sMinistry latestestimatesin April Id lib,Ar-Raqqa andruralDamascus. affected governorates, including:Aleppo, Dar’a, Homs, sharpdecreasea very inattendanceratesthemost damaged. Aleppo alone, 1,500schoolshave beendestroyed or 162 Itisnosurprisethenthatthere hasbeen 160 This meansthatatleast22% 163 164 In Aleppo, the 161


save / hyams jonathan : photo children the 5 closing the funding gap for education in humanitarian crises

“I only brought one bag. I put some clothes in, Whilst the focus is on the importance of securing my school books too. I didn’t know how long we adequate funding to ensure education is protected in would be gone. I didn’t know what to bring, I was a humanitarian emergency, it is crucial to understand in a panic…To go to school here is a big problem. that this is only one component of an adequate They’ve kicked me out of school now because we response to education in conflict that seeks to couldn’t pay the school fees… protect education from attack. When I finish school, I’ll be able to get a good job and make some money of my own.” Education – an essential Magloire, 13, Mali component of a Many countries embroiled in conflict are inadequately humanitarian response addressed in the international aid structure, with their education systems receiving neither adequate The education in emergencies community has shown long-term development assistance nor sufficient how education provides protection and routine for short-term humanitarian aid. In humanitarian contexts, children, and signals a return to normality by building the onerous task of restoring an education system a structure for children from the very early days of that has been destroyed or significantly damaged by a humanitarian emergency,166 particularly at a time conflict falls to the education sector, supported by when existing formal education systems are in major international actors. disrepair.167 Education interventions accompany children throughout a country’s recovery process, Education in emergencies interventions respond to when development strategies begin to be implemented the immediate needs that arise, among others, when and are also implemented as part of preparedness to education has come under attack. Moreover, they seek reduce the impact of any future crises. to protect the education of children who are at risk of dropping out because of crises and, in many cases, Examples of interventions include setting up informal ensure that children who have never been to school and formal structures for learning and attracting enrol in education programmes. For example, 95% teachers and building their capacity quickly. This of refugee children enrolled in Save the Children’s helps ensure education is up and running promptly EU Children of Peace Initiative project in Dollo Ado enough to ensure children do not drop out refugee camp in Ethiopia had never been to school.165 permanently. Many out-of-school children in conflict- affected areas may have already been out of school This chapter highlights the importance of guaranteeing for reasons related to the conflict, as well those that education becomes an essential component of brought about by poverty or discrimination. In many a humanitarian response, and that it is adequately cases, accelerated learning programmes (ALPs) are funded. It also outlines that short-term gains for implemented to ensure the older children are able to education made through humanitarian responses must catch-up on their education, with their progressive be safeguarded and continued across recovery and incorporation into the education system or in development. alternative learning programmes.168

19 20 attacks on education T analysis by theEFA–GMR shows that theshare of demonstrate justhow underfundededucationis. New and fundingallocated. pointto asastarting Itserves shows thefullextentoffundingrequested(CAP) UN’s humanitarianConsolidated Appeals Process where aUN-ledcoordination systemisinplace. The financing for humanitarianneedsinallcountries year,Every theUNleadsaprocess torequest launched duringahumanitarianemergency. mandate tocoordinate alleducationinterventions by Save theChildren andUNICEF, hasbeengiven the Standing Committee(IASC)EducationCluster, co-led populations affected are met. The Inter-Agency toensureset upinterventions thebasicneedsof – are overseen UNmechanisms, by in-country which responses –ledby theglobalhumanitariancommunity In mostconflict-affected areas, humanitarian to meeteducation needs Humanitarian able 2: Low

Afghanistan DRC OPT photo: save the children -level fundingrequirements aid –failing 20.9 million 75 million 16.7 million requirements (USD) Education 6.2 million 5.9 million 9.1 million (USD) Funding received to restore education arenot met Figure 2shows similardatafor Syria. under the CAP receivedunder theCAP limitedfunding. very education andprotection-focused projects proposed requirements for education.Asignificantamountof request overall. DRCreceived only 7.9%offunding of thefundingrequired, low albeitwithavery and Afghanistan –only OPTreceived over half numbers ofattacksoneducation–OPT, DRC As Table 2shows, outofthree countrieswithhigh funding gap of$221million. received for educationinhumanitariancrises, leaving a requested through theUN’s was humanitarianCAP year, for example, only 26%ofthemodest amount of theamountrequested ofany sector. Inthissame small share overall, it receives thesmallestproportion from adoubledisadvantage: notonly doesitreceive a In 2012, thisdecreased to1.4%. Educationsuffers funding, areduction from 2.3%in2010. 2011, educationaccountedfor just2%ofhumanitarian humanitarian fundingfor educationhasdeclined. In requirements thatare covered Percentage ofeducation 29.6% 54.7% 7.9% 169 North Kivu,North DRC. displaced peoplein A boy atacampfor 170

5 CLOSING the funding gap for education in humanitarian crises 21 Requirements Funding Unmet requirements Protection sector by , and funding education. Many of these children face other risks, face other risks, of these children Many education. parties by to the conflict, including recruitment education and through which could be prevented An education response programmes. protection high proportion has been set up to guarantee that a access to learning will have of Syrian children schooling and psychosocial formal programmes, them with the protection, activities that will provide cognitive and continued routine sense of normality, needs Fulfilling education need. they development and communities children, at this time is crucial for it has become a moral obligation of Syria; the future the international community. for violations against children and adults. to and adults. A response violations against children or cases of sexual violence against schoolchildren interventions effective requires example, for teachers, to in addition sectors’, ‘protective both from to sectors, collaboration with health and livelihoods and stronger A greater all needs holistically. address the humanitarian coordinating collaboration between implementing protective for bodies responsible Cluster the IASC Protection namely interventions, be encouraged must and the IASC Education Cluster, within humanitarian responses. Health 171 the Food ’: ’: sectors joint funding Education 0

700 600 500 400 300 200 100 $ millions $ As outlined in the previous chapter, Syria’s Syria’s chapter, As outlined in the previous and collapsed, education system has nearly their waiting to resume are 1.6 million children A mid-2013 snapshot of Syria’s Humanitarian of Syria’s A mid-2013 snapshot the shows Assistance Response Plan (SHARP) the Education Cluster by requested levels minimum in and the considerable unmet requirements, 4. in chapter comparison to the need highlighted areas covers really the SHARP only Moreover, a blank on what has – leaving that can be reached The education areas. in the worst-affected happened In US$45 million in Januarysector requested 2013. $9 million. received it had only 2013, June requirements humanitarian syria’s figure 2: funding little needs , huge Syria: need for more collaboration and stronger The country situations reported in the previous The country reported in the previous situations stronger to secure joint approaches section require collaboration and integration of the activities of two and education. sectors’ – child protection ‘protective both sectors can implement psychosocial Together, as conflict, by affected interventions children for to gross reporting and response as increasing well The ‘protective 22 attacks on education education in Afghanistan andPakistan, for example. Juan andhisfamily, fragility, programmes incountries affected by conflictand allocate 30%ofitsbudgetby 2014for development Development (DFID)tooktheleadincommittingto Notably, the UK’s for International Department for children inthemostchallengingenvironments. the challengeofsecuringrighttoeducation In 2010, anumber ofdonorsbegantostepup in conflict-affected countries. children andyoung peoplewhoremain outofschool safe, good-quality educationtothenearly 50million development fundingare neededtoguaranteea outlined previously, bothhumanitarianandlong-term through educationandpeace-building. Inmany crises affected areas, andtotreat theroot causes ofconflict to scaleupeducationprogrammes intheworst- countries to buildingeducationandsupporting strategies. Predictable, multi-year fundingcontributes term resources ambitiouseducation tosupport education systemthatisdestroyed –requires long- Recovering from conflict–and rebuilding an conflict predictable fundingfor The needforlong-term, 172 withsignificantinvestment inchildren’s -affected countries from Colombia, hadtofleetheirhomebecause ofconflict.

just seven recipient countries. destined to37fragilestatesin2010; halfofitwent to emergencies through flexibleGPEdisbursements. added incentive ofsecuringfundingfor educationin commitments towards thesameeffect, withthe (GPE) begantosecure donorandpartner-country Additionally, for Education theGlobalPartnership in conflict-affected countriesamongits key priorities. International Development (USAID)setouteducation A year later, theUnitedStates Agency for hits, andlong-termdevelopment educationstrategies. reaches children andyoung peopleassoonacrisis to ensure educationinhumanitarianemergencies are connected, sothatfundingcovers boththeneed that theirhumanitariananddevelopment policies their development targets. Donorsmust alsoensure that mostrequire aidinorder tomake progress in conflict-affected countries, as theseare thecountries Donors must ensure they maintaintheirfocus on education prospects atrisk. in globalaidtoeducationare puttingchildren’s The EFA–GMR recently reportedthatreductions continue tobedonororphans: needs facedby fragilestates, mostfragilecountries Development (OECD)reportedthatdespitethehuge Organization for EconomicCooperationand 174 Inparallel, the 176 175



children the save : photo 6 Conclusions and recommendations: fulfilling the right to education in conflict- affected countries

Children’s education cannot wait. Ensuring Guaranteeing greater accountability children in conflict-affected countries for violations continue to enjoy their right to education Governments must ensure that effective judicial is crucial to ensuring that they are able to systems and redress mechanisms guarantee that see beyond the everyday horrors of conflict. perpetrators of attacks against education are not Moreover, securing continuity in education is beyond the law. Armed forces must take major steps crucial to enable children and young people to enforce customary provisions of international to have the chance to break away from the humanitarian law that prohibit attacks against schools cycle of violence and conflict, and to decrease and civilians. Where such prohibitions have been the opportunity costs of becoming involved breached, perpetrators belonging to the armed forces or armed groups must be duly prosecuted. Moreover, in the conflict surrounding them. Responding non-state armed actors can also take action by to the scale of the challenge identified in this signing on to the 2010 Deed of Commitment for the report will require action on many fronts. Protection of Children from the Effects of Armed But in this final chapter we highlight two Conflict, “to avoid using for military purposes schools particular priorities. First, education must or premises primarily used by children”.178 be better protected from attacks. Second, humanitarian funding must be adequate to National government action: meet the needs of all children caught in ending the use of schools conflict-affected crises. Some countries have already started to take positive steps towards banning the military use of schools by their armed forces. Some governments have 1 Take major steps to complete bans on the practice in their military codes protect education of conduct.179 In other cases, community-led initiatives backed by governments have led to successful removal Preventing and responding to attacks on education of armed actors from school premises. and protecting children, teachers and schools requires multiple, contextualised approaches. This Declaring Schools as Zones of Peace section suggests a combination of approaches, which Schools as Zones of Peace, an initiative to ensure include legal redress mechanisms, community-led and children are able to access education in violence- nationally endorsed regulations, and clear prohibitions free environments, was piloted in Nepal in 2001. It against the military use of schools.177 was developed to protect schools from the impact

23 of political disturbances and violence during the • work with communities to adopt local measures internal conflict that affected the country from 1996 and initiatives driven by communities and local to 2006. Creating ‘Zones of Peace’ has included the authorities to safeguard schools as centres of construction of boundary walls for schools as a learning – with the eventual adoption of Schools physical protection from attack, the development of as Zones of Peace codes of conduct, and activities aimed at empowering • support the development and finalisation of the local communities to enforce declarations making Lucens Guidelines on the non-use of educational schools a zone of peace. This helped schools and institutions during armed conflict local communities to take a stand and to turn away • publically acknowledge that the use of explosive

on education attacks any individuals carrying weapons or those seeking to weapons in populated areas – and particularly in or interfere politically. near educational institutions – causes severe harm to civilians, including children, and to infrastructure In 2012, other countries, including Côte d’Ivoire, • work with the UN and civil society to review Liberia, Afghanistan and OPT, have learned from the and strengthen national policies and practices, Nepal experience and are currently piloting Schools including monitoring and reporting mechanisms, as Zones of Peace, with support from the government and to develop stronger international standards of Norway. that will protect education from attack Declaring schools as zones of peace ensures that • encourage non-state armed groups in their political parties and armed actors are more likely to territories to sign on to the 2010 Deed of honour their commitments of ensuring education Commitment for the Protection of Children from continues without interruption or interference. It can the Effects of Armed Conflict. also contribute to peace-building efforts in post- We call on the UN to: conflict countries; and it ensures all actors respect • build capacity of governments and national their obligations. civil society to monitor and report attacks on education Global action: prohibition through • ensure full support and resourcing (technical the adoption of global guidelines and financial) of country task-forces of the UN At the global level a concerted effort is needed to Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism to ensure protect education institutions from use by armed enhanced monitoring and reporting of attacks on forces and armed groups. The Lucens Guidelines for education, including occupation or use of schools Protecting Schools and Universities from Military Use by military or other armed actors 180 during Armed Conflict have been drawn up by legal, • ensure that UN treaty bodies responsible defence, military and education experts with the aim for human rights monitoring, as well as other of reducing the use of schools and universities by mechanisms including Universal Periodic Review parties to armed conflict in support of their military and various Special Procedures, give greater effort, and to minimise the negative impact that attention to monitoring and reporting attacks armed conflict has on students’ safety and education. on education, in line with relevant international The guidelines are for those parties involved in the human rights law. planning and execution of military operations. We call on the UN Security Council to: Recommendations • issue a Presidential Statement re-affirming its commitment to ending attacks on education, We call on governments to: including calling for a ban on the use of schools • criminalise all attacks on education and ensure all or other educational institutions by armed attacks on education are impartially investigated, groups or forces. and those responsible are duly prosecuted – whether through civilian or military courts • prohibit the use of schools and other education institutions by military, security or non-state armed actors through domestic legislation and military doctrine

24 6 Conclusions and recommendations: fulfilling the right to education in conflict-affected countries 25

photo: save the children situations in their own pledges and disbursements, and disbursements, pledges in their own situations and development their humanitarian and ensure the to minimise in order integrated policies are and development humanitarian divide between education funding for commensurate with the scale of education, to reaching contribute progressively and needs, aid of 4% of global humanitarian a minimum to education. and Group Working Child Protection Cluster’s closely, more the Education Cluster to collaborate of the protection for joint responses to secure attack. education from Recommendations to: donors call on humanitarian We • in conflict-affected education for allocate funding • aid to of humanitarian the levels increase to: call on humanitarian stakeholders We • the IASC Protection efforts for greater promote

183 in addition in addition 182 including through the including through 181 to funding levels of adequate Ensure Education Cannot Wait Call to Action, Call to Wait Education Cannot Zakia, 9, at a temporary learning centre in Peshawar district, Pakistan. She and her family had to She and her family Pakistan. district, at a temporary in Peshawar learning centre 9, Zakia, of conflict. their home as a result leave In the medium term, humanitarian donors must humanitarian donors must In the medium term, education humanitarian contribute to increasing of 4% of humanitarian a minimum aid to reach made benchmark and commitment funding – a key Global the UN Secretary-General’s in 2012 through Education First Initiative, The decline in humanitarian funding for education funding for The decline in humanitarian than needed more funds are comes at a time when humanitarian their policies, While reviewing ever. of education as a inclusive be more donors must In sector. and protective life-sustaining life-saving, consider humanitarian donors must the short term, their forthcomingeducation needs in pledges in humanitarian considered currently countries that are in this those presented priorities – that includes CAR and Mali. such as Syria, report, humanitarian in fast education restore by conflict affected countries 2 This requires greater efforts to integrate education greater This requires guaranteeing a into their humanitarian policies – thus education in donor priorities. permanent place for to other complementary global commitments. ENDNOTES

1 UNESCO, Institute of Statistics and Education for All Global Monitoring can skew figures, this exercise makes an adjustment by including only Report (EFA–GMR), Schooling for millions of children jeopardised by reductions conflict-affected areas for India, Indonesia, Nigeria and Pakistan. Thirty-two in aid, UIS Factsheet No. 25, June 2013 countries were identified to be affected by armed conflict in the period images/0022/002211/221129E.pdf 2002–2011, three fewer than those affected by conflict in the period 1999–2008 (Table 1). (During the period in question Sudan was still a 2 Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA), What Is an unified a country.) However, new countries have joined the list, such as Attack on Education?; Libya, Mali and Syria. See notes 13 and 14 UNESCO, Education Under Attack 2010, Paris, 2010, see p 23–28 16 World Bank, Peter Buckland, Reshaping the future: Education and 3 The UN Secretary General’s report includes 19 situations which address Postconflict reconstruction, Washington, DC, 2005 education-related violations, including schools bombed, shelled, and razed by warring parties, and students and education personnel threatened, 17 Marc Sommers, ‘Education amidst conflict: The youth challenge’, in abducted, and killed. Out of these, 17 situations specify attacks on XXIV Praxis: The Fletcher Journal of Human Security (2009), p 35 education, including against schools, students and education personnel. In 18 Save the Children, Breaking the Cycle of Crisis, Learning from Save the a number of situations, this includes use of schools for military purposes. Children’s delivery of education in conflict-affected fragile states, 2012, p 3 Wherever specified, these have been counted separately – in line with current definitions of attacks on education. Please refer to chapter two of 19 See note 18 the report for more details. See note 79 20 UN Office of the Special Representative for Children and Armed 4 UNICEF, UN Emergency Directors shocked by appalling plight of people in Conflict, Syria, Beirut, 22 January 2013 most-grave-violations/attacks-against-schools/ html 21 For example, UNESCO’s early work since 2007 on Education Under 5 UNICEF, 2013, Syria Crisis Bi-weekly Humanitarian Situation Report at Attack, the most comprehensive set of publications on attacks on education documented since 2007. From 2013, this effort will be taken Humanitarian_SitRep_Syria_Jordan_Lebanon_Iraq_Turkey_16May2013.pdf forward by the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack. accessed 8 July 2013 22 UN Security Council Resolution 1612, adopted unanimously by the UN 6 See note 1 Security Council on July 26th 2005, was a groundbreaking development in the children and armed conflict agenda. It established an unprecedented 7 See note 1 UN-led monitoring and reporting mechanism (MRM) to systematically 8 See Save the Children, Ending the Hidden Exclusion: Learning and equity in document and report on the six grave violations against children in education post-2015, 2013 armed conflict. UN Security Council Resolution 1612 also created the libraries/Ending_the_hidden_exclusion_full_report.pdf UN Security Council’s Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, a unique high-level structure that oversees the MRM. See http://watchlist. 9 See note 8 org/un-security-council-resolution-1612-of-2005-the-mrm-the-un-security- 10 The EFA–GMR, an authoritative reference that aims to inform, influence council-working-group-and-an-enhanced-protection-from-recruitment- and sustain genuine commitment towards Education For All Goals, is and-use-of-children-by-parties-to-a-conflict produced by an independent research body based at UNESCO. 23 Office of the UN Special Representative of the Secretary General for 11 See note 8 Children and Armed Conflict, The Six Grave Violations Against Children During Armed Conflict: The Legal Foundation, Working Paper No.1, October 2009 12 The EFA–GMR have published a more detailed Policy Note setting out their analysis and methodology which can be seen at http://unesdoc. SixGraveViolationsLegalFoundation.pdf 24 See Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, http:// 13 The methodology used for the analysis in this report is set out in more; UNESCO, Education Under detail by an accompanying policy briefing from the Education for All Global Attack 2010, Paris, 2010, see p 23–28 Monitoring Report team. This report can be found at http://unesdoc. 25 Global Coalition to Protect Education From Attack, 2013 see note 24 14 See note 8 26 Indiscriminate use of force with the end result of not distinguishing civilian objects is a violation of IHL and often results in heavy damage to 15 While defining conflict is not an exact science, the EFA Global education infrastructure. Such use of force often leads to school closures. Monitoring Report has used the same international reporting systems See as used for its previous calculation in 2011 to construct an updated list of conflict-affected countries. The criteria used for compiling the list of 27 UN Security Council, 12 July 2011. “Resolution 1998 Adopted by the conflict-affected countries are any country with 1,000 or more battle- Security Council at its 6581st meeting” S/RES/1998 (2011) related deaths over 2002–2011, plus any country with more than 200 28 See note 27 par 4 battle-related deaths in any one year between 2009 and 2011. Battle- related deaths include fatalities among civilians and military actors. Data 29 See note 23 are compiled using the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and Uppsala 30 Information for the UN Secretary General’s report is gathered Conflict Data Program (UCDP) datasets on armed conflict and battle nationally through Monitoring and Reporting Mechanisms (MRM) task deaths. See Box 3.1 in the 2011 EFA Global Monitoring Report for further forces or equivalent reporting bodies, with reporting verified through UN information. Because localized conflicts in large-population countries country teams.

26 endnotes 27 Afghanistan Annual Report on Protection of Civilians in Armed Annual Report of Civilians in on Protection Afghanistan , 2009 to school to go , January acid vow 23, Afghan girls maimed by UNAMA, UNAMA, Secretary-GeneralAssistant for on Mali by Conference Press UN, York, New Statement attributable to the UN Secretary General, pact?, What Is the Im GCPEA, Unspeakable Crimes Against Children: Sexual Violence in Sexual Against Children: Unspeakable Crimes the Children, Save See note 18 p 17–18 Afghanistan, Attacksin on Education Terror: Lessons in Watch, Human Rights See note 18 school.” my they raided before the textbooks “I rescued 2013, UNESCO, See note 79 January 2013 survivors Helping rape , in Mali to speak up See UNWomen, and Education in Emergencies Report, 2011 Programme UNICEF Pakistan, CNN, Clancy from p 176–178, Attack 2010, Education Under UNESCO, See note 23 this violence DR Congo Over 600 schools by or damaged looted UNICEF, African Republic Crisis leaves Central Foundation, Thomson Reuters A re-evaluation Priority actions and humanitarian needs analysis: UNHCR, See note 4 Jan-Dec 2013 Plan, Assistance Response Syrian Humanitarian Revised The multiple on Education in Emergencies (INEE), Network Inter-Agency IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial 2007, June IASC, in Conflict- Children Education for is Now: The Future the Children, Save in Youth Challenge’, The Amidst Conflict: ‘Education Sommers, Marc they have not become military objectives. militarynot become objectives. have they ihl/eng/docs/v1_cha_chapter2_rule9 69 70 10 October 2012, Human Rights, docs/2012/121010_Guest.doc.htm 71 2013 at 28 March 72 2013 2013 accessed 8 July 59 April Conflict, 2013 60 61 2006, July 62 63 A teacher Gao (Mali) speaks out. from education/resources/online-materials/single-view/news/i_rescued_the_ textbooks_before_they_raided_my_school_a_teacher_from_gao_mali_ speaks_out/ 64 65 Mali rape no justice for Little support, IRIN News, and speak-up/#edn1, accessed 2013 May survivors, 2013 8 July 66 2012 June Post , Transitions Conflict 67 68 who Oppose Women to Threat Growing Attacks and Rape: “Acid Chassay, and Report of the 22 2008; November The Guardian, Order,” Traditional A/63/785-S/2009/158 Armed Conflict, Secretary and on Children General 2009) 26, (March UNHCR UNAMA, 2012, Conflict, 49 50 2012 December , year 51 April 2013, 24 1 million children out of school, 2013 accessed 8 July item/20130424160803-lwpld/ 52 and northern in central intensified conflict by Mali in Januaryprompted 2013, 2013 accessed 8 July 53 54 at Revised_Syria_Humanitarian_Assistance_Response_Plan_Jan-Dec_2013_ en.pdf p 81 55 contexts http://www.ineesite. and fragile of education in conflict-affected faces org/uploads/files/resources/Brief-The_multiple_faces_of_education_in_ conflict-affected__fragile_contexts.pdf 56 Support in Emergency Settings emergencies/guidelines_iasc_mental_health_psychosocial_june_2007.pdf 57 2010 States, Fragile Affected 58 p 35 The Fletcher Journal of Human Security (2009), XXIV Praxis, Afghanistan Annual Report on Protection of Civilians in Armed Annual Report of Civilians in on Protection Afghanistan State practice considers civilian areas, towns, cities, villages, residential residential villages, cities, towns, State practice considers civilian areas, See note 46 p 6 With the exception of any use that could render it a military use that could render objective. With the exception of any by Affected Education in Countries Protecting Global Education Cluster, UNAMA, UNAMA, violated? http:// What international laws are See GCPEA, See note 40 Armed Conflict, Annual Report of the Secretary-General and on Children Knowledge on Fire, Attacks on education in Afghanistan: Risks and Afghanistan: Attacks on education in on Fire, Knowledge Marit Glad, Whilst the majority of attacks on education happen in countries were in countries were on education happen Whilst the majority of attacks See Côte d’Ivoire, Colombia, African Republic, Central , Afghanistan, , 2012, 2012, Armed Conflict, Annual Report of the Secretary and on Children General Attack (GCPEA) is Education From The Global Coalition to Protect This was the first year the UN Secretary General’s report included full year the UN Secretary General’s was the first This Use and occupation specified in Afghanistan, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Côte d’Ivoire, Afghanistan, in Use and occupation specified Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, of Congo, Democratic Republic African Republic, Central Afghanistan, The UN Secretary General’s report includes 19 situations which address address which 19 situations report includes The UN Secretary General’s 48 47 civilian means of houses and schools, buildings and dwellings, areas, historic medical establishments and medical units, hospitals, transportation, and the natural cultural property and places of worship monuments, in the final analysis, provided, as prima civilian objects, facie environment 45 46 October (Booklet 2), Accountability and the Duty to Protect Legal Conflict, p 5 2012, 44 42 par 57 2011, A/65/820–S/2011/250, April, 23 UN, 43 February 2013 p 51 UNHCR, 2012, Conflict, a for analysis A comprehensive laws. of all applicable overview comprehensive in British Institute of is also available international laws of applicable Education in Insecurity Protecting and Law, International and Comparative 2012 Handbook, Armed Conflict, An International Law 40 41 , CARE/World Bank/Afghan Ministry of CARE/World successful mitigation, for measures 2009 Education, 39 connected to high-intensity not exclusively are they conflict is ongoing, deemed to be that are conflicts. Attacks on education occur in situations political or criminal instability has led to loss or where fragile at times; such in violence, and an increase control of governmental or breakdown not are however, These attacks, America. as in various states of Central and and armed conflict reporting on children the UN’s through captured as criminal acts. be reported currently may 37 38 Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Georgia, Honduras, India, India, Honduras, Georgia, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kyrgyzstan, Kenya, Israel/occupied Palestinian territory, Iraq, Iran, Indonesia, Somalia, Philippines, Pakistan, Nigeria, Niger, Nepal, Myanmar, Mali, Libya, and Zimbabwe. Yemen Thailand, Syria, Sudan, Sri Lanka, South Sudan, 36 34 UN Security Council Resolution following reports on attacks on schools, 1998. 35 26 April A/66/782-S/2012/261 2012, the Council for a coalition of international organizations that includes Watch, Human Rights All, Above Education Academics, Assisting Refugee UNICEF, UNESCO, the Children, Save Institute of International Education, and UNHCR. 33 South Somalia, Palestinian territory/Israel, the occupied Republic of Congo, use or occupation Where and Sri Lanka. Philippines India, Colombia, Sudan, as an incident of attacks on education and not of schools was reported in note 32 presented number it is included in the global disaggregated, 32 Iraq, Libya, Mali, Occupied Palestinian Territory/Israel, Somalia, South Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Territory/Israel, Occupied Palestinian Mali, Libya, Iraq, the Thailand and and Philippines Pakistan, India, Colombia, Yemen, Syria, African region. Central in the Army Resistance Lord’s 31 education-related violations, including schools bombed, shelled, and razed shelled, including schools bombed, violations, education-related threatened, and education personnel and students parties, warring by in mentions attacks on education The report and killed. abducted, See a reported figure. but does not specify Cote d’Ivoire and as as well teachers-and-students-2013-security-council-debate-children note 79 28 attacks on education Report.pdf resources/UNICEF%20Central%20African%20Republic%20Situation%20 2013, 1-8 April 9 April 2013, 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 position paper, 2013 89 Conflict,April 2009, S/PRST/2009/9 88 use.pdf default/files/documents/protect_schools_and_universities_from_military_ Use, fromUniversities Military 2013 87 86 85 84 article.cfm?id=6810 in EasternDRC, June 2013 en.pdf, seealso, around Minova, SouthKivuProvince, from 15November to2December2012 combatants oftheM23inGomaandSake, KivuProvince, North andin violationsperpetrated ofthe Congoleserights by soldiers Armed Forces and 83 ,JuneSyria 2013 82 81 Conflict, andOtherEducationInstitutionsduring Use ofSchools 2012 Global CoalitiontoProtect Educationfrom Attack, Lessonsin War: Military Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Thailand, Uganda, Yemen – See Occupied Palestinian Territory, Libya, Mali, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Cote d’Ivoire, DemocraticRepublicofCongo, Georgia, India, Iraq, Israel/ 80 Conflict, 2013 A/67/845–S/2013/245par9 79 8 July 2013 humanrights/pages/3696b141-cf4b-4555-924e-97b6feffeb08 accessed 78 77 76 Armed Conflict, onColombia, Report 2012, S/2012/171p10 75 CAPProjectSheet_979_2013612.pdf Consolidated Appeal Process, Education 74 73 conflict women affected, by theGazacrises 23November 2012 November_2012.pdf November 2012, 100 Save theChildren, Explosive Weapons andGrave Violations againstChildren , SeeUNSecurityCouncil, Presidential StatementonChildren and Armed GlobalCoalitiontoProtect EducationFrom Attack, Protectand Schools Seenote80 Seenote75p10 Seenote75p10 oftheUnitedNationsJointHumanRightsOfficeonhuman Report HumanRights Watch, Safe NoMore: Under StudentsandSchools in Attack Seenote79par9 Afghanistan, Burma/Myanmar, Central African Republic, Chad, Colombia, onChildren oftheSecretary-General Annual and Report Armed NGOSyrianNetwork for HumanRights Seenote5 Seenote75p10 UNSpecialRepresentative Generalfor oftheSecretary Children and CooperazioneInternazionaleItalia(COOPI),Republic Central African Seenote18p17 Save theChildren, Central protection Republicchild assessment ,African 2013 Seenote95 Seenote95 Seenote95 UNICEF, EducationinCentral Republic–anothercasualtyofthe African Seenote79par120 UNICEF, OccupiedPalestinian Territory, Immediateneedsfor and children UNICEF, IsraelandtheoccupiedPalestinian Territory, Bulletin – CAAC Seenote79par. 119 Seenote79par. 110and119 UNICEF, Central RepublicSituationReport,African Period: Reporting Doctors Doctors Without Borders, Life isSuffering:Among theDisplaced FR.pdf 2013, pg. 49 accessed8July 2013 2012, outofschool and teenagers p12. reports/daily/ocha_R32_A979___8_July_2013_(15_52).pdf Bangoran, Projectavailable CAF-13/E/55732/8661 reports/daily/ocha_R32_A979___8_July_2013_(15_52).pdf of CAR, Projectavailable CAF-13/E/55530/R/124 enrolment for thechildren inthenewly conflictaffected prefectures A979___8_July_2013_(15_52).pdf 13/E/55358/14921 available education systemintheBamboutiSousprefecture, Project CAF- and boys (58percent)in2012. of 66percent, withdisparitybetween theenrolment ofgirls(42percent) with anetenrolment rateofonly 48percent, below thenationalaverage item/20130424160803-lwp1d/ accessed8July 2013 , outofschool 1 millionchildren 24 April 2013, 2012 accessed 8July 2013 2013, prompted MaliinJanuary by intensifiedconflictincentral andnorthern CLUSTER_BULLETIN_MARCH_ENG.pdf ,,000 children Armed ConflictinMali, 2013p26–27 sites/ 20130403100822&L=EN campaign_detail?PTN=PROMO-20100413081651&TN=PROJECT- educationfor,April 2013, displacedchildren school appeals/drc.html; andseenote50 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 UN-OCHA, Pland’ActionHumanitaire, RépubliqueDémocratique duCongo Seenote79par62; andseealsonote50 UNICEF, Humanitarian Action for Children, DRC, 28thJune 2013athttp:// Seenote50 Seenote79par56 ofEducation, DRCMinistry onthesituationofchildren NationalSurvey DanishRefugeeCouncil, EmergencyeducationinOuham andBamingui UNICEF, Improve access, retention andgenderequityinschool Initiative Developpement Centrafrique(IDC), Improve andreinforce regions,Access toschoolsremainsandnorth-east limitedinthenorth Thomson ReutersFoundation, Central leaves RepublicCrisis African Seenote79par120 Seenote79p27 Seenote79par117 Seenote124 HumanRights Watch, Mali: Islamist Armed Groups, Spread Fear inNorth Seenote115p26–27 Seenote63 Seenote63 UNHCR, needsanalysis: actionsandhumanitarian Priority A re-evaluation Seenote79par97 UN-OCHA, EducationClusterBulletin, March 2013http://mali. Seenote114 UNICEFPress Release, for some in Malidisruptschooling Conflictandcrisis Watchlist onChildren and Armed Conflict, Where are they?Children and UN-OCHA, EducationCluster, Mali,August2012 Jesuit refugee Centre, Democratic RepublicofCongo: targeting secondary UNICEF, Humanitarian Action for Children, DRC, at endnotes 29 Accelerated Learning Programmes in conflict-affected in conflict-affected Learning Programmes Accelerated In order: Afghanistan, DRC, Ethiopia, Haiti, Pakistan, OPT and Iraq. OPT and Iraq. Pakistan, Haiti, Ethiopia, DRC, In order: Afghanistan, been have measures programmatic A range of other successful Save the Children, the Children, Save Transaction the UN-OCHA Financial Based on data obtained through Appeal Projects List of Appeals Process, DRC Consolidated UNOCHA, out on 4 July on UNOCHA- FTS carried Calculation based on analysis Humanitarian DFID Conflict, Department development, International for and GPE in fragile In Focus: Global Partnership Education, for See note 1 Ensuring Economic Cooperation and Development, Organization for See note 54 p 81 See note 54 p 81 See note 54 See note 79 Syria Regional Response Plan 2013, January to December 2013 UN, See note 54 p 81 See note 4 See note 5 Assessment in Northern Syria (J-RANS) January 2013 based Rapid Joint 2013 , Education Factsheet UNICEF, See note 54 p 81 See note 161 by Educating children affected of Peace: EU Children the Children, Save ‘Education: (IASC) Education Cluster, Standing Committee Inter-Agency Education Development, International Agency for See United States UNICEF condemns mortar condemns UNICEF attack on Syrian school, Centre, UN News , Policy Brief, July 2010, 2010, July Brief, Policy countries, default/files/docs/accelerated_learning_programmes_policy_brief_(2)_1. see note 18 p 11–13 pdf; 177 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 153 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), (OECD), Economic Cooperation and Development Organization for 2013 Factsheet on resource Not Left Behind, Ensuring Fragile States are 4. see Figure 2013, and trends, flows national and international actors piloted by and successfully developed to please refer information, more For attack. education from to protect in Measures Roundtable on Programmatic the Report the Knowledge from November Attacks on Education, Intervention and Response to Prevention, Service (FTS), Service (FTS), 2013 last accessed 24 June June_2013_(16_03).pdf Cluster), (listed by 2013 last accessed 1 July A981___1_July_2013_(02_04).pdf 2013 2013 last accessed 4 July July_2013_(02_03).pdf https:// 2012, June Operational Plan 2012–2015 and Security Department, file/67382/chase-2011.pdf 2013, May humanitarian contexts, docs/publications/2013-06-GPE-work-fragile-countries-Brochure.pdf , and trends flows on resource 2013 Factsheet Not Left Behind, States are Fragile 2013 Response%20Plan.pdf Northernsix the of sub-districts 128 of out 58 governorates. from data on files/2013_06_05_Education_Factsheet_-_final.pdf conflict in Ethiopia, do/education/education-in-emergencies-eu-children-of-peace 2011 An Essential Component of a Humanitarian Response’ Geneva/London, USAID Education Strategy 2011–2015, Opportunity Learning, through pp 13–15 documents/USAID_ED_Strategy_feb2011.pdf December 2012, December 2012, documents/unicef_condemns_mortar_attack_on_syrian_school.pdf#page=

Updated Statistical Analysis of Documentation of Killings in the Syrian Arab Arab Analysis of Documentation of Killings in the Syrian Updated Statistical IRIN News, June 2013, Aid projects in limbo after Karachi killings, http:// in limbo after Karachi killings, 2013, Aid projects June IRIN News, See note 79 par 119 CAAC Bulletin – Territory, Palestinian and the occupied Israel UNICEF, Save the Children in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Monitoring and Territory, in the Occupied Palestinian the Children Save See note 79 par 118 Mapping Exercise in West Bank by Save the Children UK, UNICEF, and UNICEF, UK, the Children Save Bank by West in Exercise Mapping The Israeli Education System Strives to Protect Strives System Education to Protect The Israeli Ministry Israeli of Education, See note 79 pages 32–35 See note 79 par 161 See note 145 the UN Secretary for UN statement attributable to the Spokesperson See note 145 See note 145 Institute for Conflict Management and South Asian Terrorism Portal, Portal, Terrorism Asian Conflict Management and South Institute for

Condemning Attacks on Teachers in Pakistan, Secretary-General in Pakistan, Teachers Attacks on Condemning UN News, UN statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General on for UN statement attributable to the Spokesperson Dawn News, Marvi demands action over acid attack on students, 17th acid attack on students, Marvi demands action over News, Dawn European Parliament, Resolution of 26 October 2012 on the discrimination Parliament, European , Volume Volume 11, Assessments & Briefings, Weekly Portal, Terrorism Asia South 2011 Programme Report, Education in Emergencies and Education in Emergencies Report, 2011 Programme UNICEF Pakistan, 2012, News, Watch Human Rights See note 79 par 120 Submission on the Fourth Periodic Report of Watch, Human Rights , 13th June 2013 13th June for Human Rights, Republic Office of the UN High Commissioner 133 134 131 132 130 129 152 150 151 149 146 147 148 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 137 138 135 136 November 2012, 2012, November November_2012.pdf Reporting Mechanism 2012–2013 (advanced version) Fact Sheet, Children’s Right to Education in Children’s Sheet, Fact Children, the MoE cited in Save October 2011 Armed Conflict, , Terror Its Schools from and Students in the protection The Ministry physical offer of education page_54.htm to the ministry funding provides protection, physical enable “To ways following to to school buses; protection construct shelters and add reinforced fences and of the number to increase the schools; to guard security guards and train hire much more” and much, in psychological support, staffers involved , New York, 15 June 2013 http://www. 15 June York, New , on terrorist attacksGeneral in Pakistan 2013, 2013 accessed 8 July Stresses Need for International Action in Support 2013, of Right to Education International Need for Stresses , New York, 28 March 2013, http://www. 2013, 28 March York, New the attacks on teachers, in Pakistan October 2012, October 2012, 2013 8 July accessed over-acid-attack-on-students-2 Yousafzai in particular the case of Malala against girls in Pakistan, (2012/2843(RSP)) 2012 November /201211/20121119ATT55900/20121119ATT55900EN.pdf 2013 accessed 8 July No. 47, May 27, 2013 27, May 47, No. 2013 sair11/11_47.htm accessed 8 July , June 2012. June Post , Transitions Conflict news/2012/10/19/pakistan-protect-students-teachers-schools-attack Pakistan to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Pakistan 2013 , January 28, against Women submission-fourth-periodic-report-pakistan-united-nations-committee- elimination-disc 30 attacks on education draft_lucens_guidelines.pdf May 2013 Armed Conflict, UseDuring fromGuidelines for ProtectingandUniversities Military Schools EN.pdf accessed8July 2013 resources/deed-of-commitment/f-deed-of-commitment/CANSA_DoC_ of Children from theEffects of Armed Conflict, 180 179 178 accessed 8July 2013 8-11-2011, GlobalCoalitiontoProtect Educationfrom Attack, http://www. GlobalCoalitiontoprotect Educationfrom Attack, Draft Lucens For example, Colombia, thePhilippinesandIndia. Seenote80 Geneva Call, DeedofCommitmentunderGeneva Callfor theProtection education inemergencysituations, adoptedinJuly 2010 A/RES/64/290 2012-EN.pdf Emergencies andConflictSituations to aQualityEducationinHumanitarian org/218.htm 183 182 181 Notably, theUNGeneral Assembly Resolutionontherightto SeeUNICEF, EducationCannot Wait: Protecting Children and Youth’s Right SeeGlobalEducationFirstInitiative, http://www.globaleducationfirst. Attacks On education COVERP hoto : The impact of conflict and grave violations on children’s futures jenn w arren / save the chi l dren

In 2012 Malala Yousafzai was on a school bus when she was singled out by armed insurgents and shot in the head and neck. The reason? Malala had publicly stood up for the right of every girl in Pakistan to go to school. On 12 July 2013 Malala turns 16. Her bravery has shone a light on the global education crisis. 57 million primary-age children are out of school. Half of them live in countries affected by conflict. Conflict jeopardises children’s chances of a good-quality education in many ways. This report looks at a comparatively ignored effect of conflict: attacks on education. The number of recorded attacks on education – whether on students, teachers and other staff, or on school buildings – has increased in recent years, directly and indirectly affecting the education of millions of children. The report examines the different types of attacks on schools, what motivates attacks and their impact on children. Country case studies are included, looking at attacks on education in Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, occupied Palestinian territory and Israel, Pakistan and Syria. Despite the impact of conflict on education, very low levels of humanitarian funding are provided for education. This prevents the education sector from responding swiftly to needs after periods of intense conflict – including responding to the effects of attacks on education and restoring schooling. This report sets out how education can be better protected from attacks and how the international community can support ways of restoring education when it has been affected by conflict. It makes recommendations to governments, the UN, and humanitarian donors and agencies. c o ver ph o t o : hildren