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Examples of the TREATING HYPERPROLIFERATIVE second agent include metformin (e.g., metformin chloride), DISEASES phenformin and buformin. The third agent can be a compound possessing or main CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED taining at least one of the serotonin's activities and, when APPLICATIONS used in combination with the first and second agents, effec tively treats one or more of the target diseases of this inven This application claims benefit to U.S. Provisional Appli tion. Examples include serotonin (e.g., serotonin Sulfate, cation Ser. No. 61/127,883, filed May 16, 2008, and U.S. serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex, or serotonin hydrochlo Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/212,072, filed Apr. 7, 10 ride) and a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor. 2009, the contents of which are incorporated herein by refer A preferred composition of the present invention contains ence in their entirety. aspirin, metformin hydrochloride, and serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex. BACKGROUND In another aspect, the invention features a composition 15 consisting essentially of a first agent that possesses anti According to the World Health Organization, there are five inflammatory activity or acetaminophen, phenacetin, trama million people dying from cancer every year. Drug treatment dol and the like, a second agent that can be an oxidative is one of the three major therapies for cancer. At present, the phosphorylation inhibitor, an ionophore, or an AMPK activa anticancer directions are as follows: Interfere with or inhibit tor, and a third agent that possesses serotonin activity. The cell division, Regulate cell generation cycle, Promote tumor term "consisting essentially of used herein limits a compo cell to apoptosis, Inhibitangiogenesis, Inhibit oncogene, Pro sition to the three specified agents and those that do not mote tumor Suppressing gene, Tumor antigen, Inhibitor of materially affect its basic and novel characteristics, i.e., the telomerase and Interfere with information transfer of tumor efficacy in treating a target disease described herein. An cells. example of such a composition contains the above-mentioned In view of the high mortality rates associated with abnor 25 three agents and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. The mal proliferative diseases including cancer, there exists a compositions described above can contain 5-5,000 mg (e.g., need in the art for an effective treatment for benign prolifera 5-3,000 mg, 5-1,500 mg or 5-1,000 mg) of the first agent, tive diseases as well as cancer. 1-5,000 mg (e.g., 1-3000 mg, 1-1,000 mg, 1-500 mg. or 1-100 mg) of the second agent, and 0.1-1,000 mg (e.g., 0.1-100 mg. SUMMARY 30 0.1-50 mg. or 0.1-30 mg) of the third agent, or in quantities of the same ratio as that calculated based on the above amounts. This invention is based on the discovery that a combination In still another aspect, the invention features a method for of certain known drugs is effective in treating hyperprolifera treating hyperproliferative diseases. The method includes tive diseases including cancer. administering to a subject in need thereofan effective amount In one aspect, the invention features a composition that 35 of one or more of the compositions described above. The includes (A) a first agent that possesses anti-inflammatory diseases mentioned above also include their associated dis activity or acetaminophen, phenacetin, tramadol and the like, orders. a second agent (B) that can be an oxidative phosphorylation The term “treating or “treatment used herein refers to inhibitor, an ionophore, or an adenosine 5'-monophosphate administering one or more above-described compositions to a activated Protein kinase (AMPK) activator, and a third agent 40 Subject, who has a disease described above, a symptom of (C) that possesses or maintains serotonin activity. Such a disease, or a predisposition toward Such a disease, with The first agent can be any suitable anti-inflammatory com the purpose to conferatherapeutic effect, e.g., to cure, relieve, pound (e.g., non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds) or alter, affect, ameliorate, or prevent the disease, the symptom acetaminophen, phenacetin, tramadol and the like. Examples of it, or the predisposition toward it. include aspirin, (e.g., diclofenac potassium or 45 The composition described above can be in form suitable diclofenac sodium), (e.g., or dexibu for any route of administration. For example, when the com profen lysine), indomethacin, , and a COX-2 position is orally administered, the present invention in cer inhibitor (e.g., a nitric oxide-based COX-2 inhibitor or Cele tain embodiments may be administered by any pharmaceuti brex.R (4-5-(4-methylphenyl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyra cally acceptable oral dosage form including, Solids (e.g., Zol-1-ylbenzenesulfonamide)). Other examples of the first 50 tablets, capsules), liquids (e.g., syrups, solutions and Suspen agent include Aspirin-arginine, Alxiling, L-arginine acetyl sions), orally dissolving dosage forms (e.g., orally disinte salicylic; Aspirin-DL-lysine; Bismuth Salicylate Basic; Bis grating dosage forms, lozenges and troches), powders or muth salicylate; ; Diethylamine Sali granules. cylate; , sodium salt; imidazole salicylate; The compositions may also be prepared for parenteral Sodium Aminosalicylate; Aminosalicylate; Phys 55 administration as a solution, or Suspension. The compositions ostigmine Salicylate; Pregnenolone Acetylsalicylate; Cho may also be in dry form ready for reconstitution (e.g., with the line Magnesium Trisalycylate (Trilisate); Salicylic Acid Zinc additional of sterile water for injection), prior to parenteral Oxide: Sodium Salicylate and Sodium Iodide; Salicylic Acid administration. Parenteral administration includes adminis and Glacial Solution; and . tration into anybody space or tissue, for example intravenous, The secondagent is an oxidative phosphorylation inhibitor, 60 intra-arterial, intramuscular and subcutaneous. Where the ionophore or AMPK activator). The term “oxidative phos intended cite of action is a solid tumor, in certain embodi phorylation inhibitor refers to any suitable agents that inhibit ments the composition may be injected directly into the oxidative phosphorylation, Such as oxidative phosphoryla tumor. tion uncouplers. An ionophore is a lipid-soluble molecule In certain other embodiments of the invention, one or more capable of transporting an ion across the lipid bilayer of cell 65 active compounds of the present invention are associated with membranes; and an AMPK activator is an agent that activates a carrier Substance Such as a compound or molecule (e.g., an AMPK to phosphorylate its substrates, e.g., acetyl-CoA car antibody), to facilitate the transport of the one or more active US 8,367,645 B2 3 4 compounds to the intended cite of action. In certain preferred methylprednisolone, triamcinolone, fluocinolone acetonide, embodiments, active compound B (useful for treating a fludrocortisone, and beclometaSone propionate. hyperproliferating tissue), is covalently bonded to an anti Examples of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs body that corresponds to a marker located on the hyperpro (NSAIDs) include A183827, ABT963, , acemeta liferative tissue. According to this aspect of the invention, it is cin, acetyl salicylic acid, AHR10037, , alminopro contemplated that toxicity and adverse effects can be reduced fen, , amtolimetin guacil, apaZone, atliprofen because lower levels of the active agent are capable of pro methyl ester, AU8001, , flufe viding the desired therapeutic effect relative to administration namate, bermoprofen, bezpiperylon, BF388, BF389, BIRL790, BMS347070, , bucloxic acid, buti of the active agent that is not associated with a carrier Sub 10 Stance. bufen, BW755C, C53, C73, C85, , CBS1108, cele The first, second, and third agents described above include coxib, CHF2003, chlorobiphenyl, choline magnesium trisali active compounds, as well as any pharmaceutically accept cylate, CHX108, , cinnoxicam, clidanac, able derivatives such as their salts, pro-drugs, and Solvates, if CLX1205, COX-2 inhibitors, CP331, CS502, CS706, applicable. A salt, for example, can be formed between an 15 D1367, darbufelone, , , DFP. DFU, anion and a positively charged group (e.g., amino) on an diclofenac potassium, diclofenac sodium, diclofenac sodium agent. Examples of Suitable anions include chloride, bro , , DP155, DRF4367, E5110, E6087, mide, iodide, Sulfate, nitrate, phosphate, citrate, methane eltenac, ER34122., esflurbiprofen, , , F025, Sulfonate, trifluoroacetate, acetate, chlorophenyoxyacetate, ethyl, , , , fencloz malate, tosylate, tartrate, fumarate, glutamate, glucuronate, ine, , , , filenadol, flobufen, flo lactate, glutarate, benzoate, embonate, glycolate, pamoate, rifenine, flosulide, flubichin methanesulfonate, flufenamic aspartate, parachlorophenoxyisobutyrate, formate, Succinate, acid, fluprofen, , FPL62064, FR122047, cyclohexanecarboxylate, hexanoate, octonoate, decanoate, FR123826, FR140423, FR188582, FS205397, furofenac, hexadecanoate, octodecanoate, benzenesulphonate, tri GR253035, GW406381, HAI 105, HAI106, HCT2035, methoxybenzoate, paratoluenesulphonate, adamantanecar 25 HCT6015, HGP12, HN3392, HP977, HX0835. HYAL boxylate, glycoxylate, pyrrolidonecarboxylate, naphthalene AT2101, ibufenac, -beta-cyclodextrin, icoduli Sulphonate, 1-glucosephosphate, Sulphite, dithionate, and num, IDEA070, iguratimod, imrecoxib, , IP751, maleate. Likewise, a salt can also be formed between a cation isoxepac, , KCT64, , L652343, L745337, and a negatively charged group (e.g., carboxylate) on an L748731, L752860, L761066, L768277, L776967, L783003, agent. Examples of Suitable cations include Sodium ion, 30 L784520, L791456, L804600, L818571, LAS33815, potassium ion, magnesium ion, ion, and an ammo LAS34475, , LM 4108, lobuprofen, lomoxicam, nium cation such as tetramethylammonium ion. In certain , mabuprofen, , meclofe embodiments, the agents also include salts containing qua namate Sodium, , , mercaptoeth ternary nitrogenatoms. Examples of pro-drugs include esters ylguanidine, mesoporphyrin, metoxibutropate, , and other pharmaceutically acceptable derivatives, which, 35 , , MX1094, nabumetone, upon administration to a Subject, are capable of providing sodium, naproxen-sodium/metoclopramide, NCX1101, active compounds. A Solvate refers to a complex formed NCX284, NCX285, NCX4016, NCX4215, NCX530, niflu between an active compound and a pharmaceutically accept mic acid, nimeSulide, nitric oxide-based NSAIDs (NitroMed, able solvent. Examples of pharmaceutically acceptable sol Lexington, Mass.), nitrofenac, nitroflurbiprofen, vents include water, ethanol, isopropanol, ethyl acetate, ace 40 nitronaproxen, NS398, ocimum sanctum oil, ONO3144, tic acid, and ethanolamine. orpanoxin, , OXindanac, oXpinac, oxycodone/ibu Other examples of the salts include arginine, L-arginine; profen, , P10294, P54, P8892, pamicogrel, DL-lysine; Bismuth Salicylate Basic; Bismuth salicylate: parcetasal, , PD138387, PD145246, PD164387, Magnesium; Diethylamine; sodium salt; imidazole, Sodium pelubiprofen, pemedolac, , piraZolac, piroxi Aminosalicylate: Isoniazid Aminosalicylate; Physostigmine; 45 cam, beta-cyclodextrin, piroXicam pivalate, pir Pregnenolone Acetylsalicylate: Choline Magnesium Trisaly profen, , , R-ketoprofen, R-, cylate (Trilisate); Zinc Oxide: Iodide; Acetic Acid Glacial , RP66364, RU43526, RU54808, RWJ63556, Solution and Methyl. S19812, S2474, S33516, salicylsalicylic acid, , sati Also within the scope of this invention is one or more grel, SC236, SC57666, SC58125, SC58451, SFPP, compositions described above for use in treating a disease 50 SKF 105809, SKF86002, sodium salicylate, sudoxicam, sul described herein, and the use of such a composition for the fasalazine, , , SVT2016, T3788, TA60, tal manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of a disease metacin, talniflumate, taZofelone, tebufelone, , described herein. tenoxican, , , , tilnopro The details of one or more embodiments of the invention fen arbamel, tinoridine, tiopinac, tioxaprofen, tolfenamic are set forth in the description below. Other features, objects, 55 acid, , , tropesin, TY10222. TY10246, and advantages of the invention will be apparent from the TY10474, UR8962, ursolic acid, , WAY 120739, description and from the claims. WY28342, WY41770, Ximoprofen, YS134, , Zidometacin, and . Other examples of the first DETAILED DESCRIPTION agent include acetaminophen, phenacetin, tramadol and the 60 like. In certain embodiments, a composition of this invention Still other examples of the first agent include Aspirin can include three agents. arginine, Alxiling, L-arginine acetylsalicylic; Aspirin-DL Examples of the first agent can include steroidal anti-in lysine; Bismuth Salicylate Basic; Bismuth salicylate; Mag flammatory drugs and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. nesium Salicylate; Diethylamine Salicylate: Salicylic acid, Examples of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs include glu 65 Sodium salt; imidazole Salicylate; Sodium Aminosalicylate; cocorticoids, hydrocortisone, cortisone, beclomethasone, Isoniazid Aminosalicylate; Physostigmine Salicylate; Preg dipropionate, betamethasone, dexamethasone, prednisone, nenolone Acetylsalicylate; Choline Magnesium Trisalycylate US 8,367,645 B2 5 6 (Trilisate); Salicylic Acid Zinc Oxide: Sodium Salicylate and 5-HT3 agonists such as Phenylbiguanide, O-Methylsero Sodium Iodide; Salicylic Acid and Acetic Acid Glacial Solu tonin HCl, SR 57227A and 1-(3-Chlorophenyl)biguanide tion; and Methyl Salicylate. HC1; Examples of the second agent can include, in addition to 5-HT 4 agonist Such as cisapride, mosapride citrate duhy those described above, 4,6-dinitro-ocresol, uncoupling pro drate and ML 10302: teins (e.g., UCP1, UCP2, or UCP3), carbonyl cyanide p(trif 5HT7 receptor agonist Such as: 4-(2-pyridyl) , luoromethoxy)phenyl-hydraZone, carbonyl cyanide m-chlo LP 12 hydrochloride hydrate, LP44 and quinoline deriva rophenyl-hydraZone, C5 gene products, dinitrophenol (e.g., tives; 2,4-dinitrophenol), efrapeptin (A23871), , chlo Serotonin transporter inhibitors such as: ; 10 Serotonin inhibitors such as (e.g., arylpyrrolidine rpromazine, amytal, secobarbital, rotenone, , compounds, phenylpiperazine compounds, benzylpiperidine antimycin A, naphthoduinone, 8-hydroxyquinoline, carbon compounds, piperidine compounds, gamma-carbo monoxide, cyanides, azides (e.g., NaN3), dicoumarin, biliru lines dulloxetine compounds, pyrazinoquinoxaline com bin, bile pigment, ephedrine, hydrogen Sulfide, tetraiodothy pounds, pyridoindole compounds, piperidyindole com ronine, quercetin, 2.4-bis(p-chloroanilino)pyrimidine, glyc 15 pounds, , , metabolite, eraldehyde-3 phosphate dehydrogenase, oligomycin, demethylsertraline, norfluoxetine, desmethylcitalopram, tributyltin chloride, auroVertin, rutamycin, Venturicidin, mer , 1-fenfluramine, femoxetine, ifoxetine, cyan curials, dicyclohexylcarbdiimide, Dio-9, m-chlorophenyl odothiepin, litoxetine, dapoxetine, , cericlamine, hydrazone mesoxalonitrile, ionomycin, calcium ionophores , , , , indelox (e.g., A23 187, NMDA, CA 1001, or enniatin B), compounds azine, milnacipran, , Sibutramine, Zimeldine, traZ that increase the Ca+2 concentration in mitochondria (e.g., odone hydrochloride, dexfenfluramine, bici fadine, Vilaz atractyloside, bongkrekic acid, thapsigargin, amino acid neu odone, , dulloxetine, , rotransmitters, glutamate, N-methyl-D-aspartic acid, carba , , , , , chol, ionophores, inducers of potassium depolarization), apo , , , amoxapnie, ptogens (i.e., compounds that induce apoptosis), 25 , adhyperforin, bromopheniramine, chlorphe Valinomycin, gramicidin, nonactin, nigericin, lasalocid, and niramine, dextromethorphan, , , monensin. The second agent can be an AMPK activator (e.g., , nefazodone, pethidine, phencyclidine, phe metformin or phenformin, buformin, AICAR, thienopyri niramine, propoxyphene and those in U.S. Pat. No. 6,365, dones, resveratrol, nootkatone, thiazole, adiponectin, thiazo 633, WO 01/27060, and WO 01/162341), the disclosures of lidinediones, rosiglitaZone, pioglitaZone or dithiolethiones). 30 which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entireties, The third agent includes serotonin and its functional EPTI, 8-OH-DPAT, ProzacR) ( hydrochloride) and equivalents. Examples of the functional equivalents of sero Zoloft(R) (Sertraline hydrochloride); tonin include: Serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors such as: Serotonin 1A agonists such as: (e.g., arylpiperazine com (e.g., , Venlafaxine metabolite O-desmethylven pounds, azaheterocyclylmethyl derivatives of heterocycle 35 lafaxine, , and clomipramine metabolite desm fused benzodioxans, or , 3-amino-dihydro-1-ben ethylclomipramine); Zopyrans and benzothiopyrians, (S)-4-3-2- Monoamine re-uptake inhibitors such as: (e.g., amides); (dimethylamino)ethyl)-1H-indol-5-yl)methyl-2- PyridaZinone aldose reductase inhibitors such as: (e.g., oxazolidinone—311C90) and 8-OH-DPAT), pyridaZinone compounds); 5-Carboxamidotyptamine hemiethanolate maleate salt, N.N- 40 Serotonergic agents, which are also stimulants of serotonin Dipropyl-5-carboxamidotryptamine maleate salt, R(+)-UH receptors, such as: (e.g., mesylate or mesy 301 HC1, S15535, , psilocybin, xaliproden HCl and late); ; Stimulants of serotonin synthesis such as: (e.g., vitamin Serotonin 1B agonists such as: CGS-12066a, N-Methyld B1, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, biotin, Sadenosylmethionine, uipazine dimaleate salt, rizatriptan and naratriptan; 45 folic acid, ascorbic acid, magnesium, coenzyme Q10, or Serotonin 1C agonists such as: dexnorfenfluramine; piracetam); Serotonin 1A, 1B, 1D and 1F agonists such as Sumatriptan Serotonin receptoragonists such as: , Yohim and 5-Carboxamidotryptamine hemiethanolate maleate salt; bine, alpha.-Methyl-5-hydroxytryptamine, 1-(1-Naphthyl) Serotonin 1B and 1D agonists such as: , metoclopramide, HTF-919, R-093877, Zolmi and GR46611; 50 triptan, 5-Methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, 5-MEO-DIPT Serotonin 1A and 1D agonists such as: LY-165,163; hydrochloride hydrate and lysergic acid diethylamide: Serotonin 1A and 1E agonists such as: ergonovine and Serotonin precursors such as ; BRL 54443 maleate salt: Agents that promote serotonin release from nerve termi 5-HT2A/2C agonists such as: DOI (2,5-dimethoxy-4-io nals such as: fenfluramine, and norfenfluramine; doamphetamine), mCPP (m-chlorophenyl-piperazine), 55 All of the compounds mentioned above are known drugs TFMPP (3-Trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine), mescaline, and are readily available to the public. Some of the drugs can DMT, psilocin, 2C-B, lorcaserin, methylserotonin laleaste be purchased from chemical companies, such as Sigma-Ald salt and 1-(3-Chlorophenyl)piperazine HCl; rich, St. Louis, Mo. Where the drugs are not readily available, Serotonin 2B agonist such as: BW 723C86: in certain embodiments, one of ordinary skill in art will appre Serotonin receptor 2C modulators such as: (e.g., BVT933, 60 ciate that the compounds can be organically manufactured DPCA37215, IK264, PNU22394, WAY161503, R-1065, and identified according to accepted Standards such as those YM348, VER-3323 hemifumarate and those disclosed in found in the Merck Index, Remington's Pharmaceutical Sci U.S. Pat. No. 3,914,250, WO 01/66548, WO 02/10169, WO ences, USP/NF, and foreign publications. In certain embodi 02/36596, WO 02/40456, and WO02/40457, WO 02/44152, ments, regimens for administering these drug compounds are WO 02/48124, WO 02/51844, and WO 03/033479), the dis 65 well known and, if necessary, can be easily re-established by closures of which are incorporated by reference in their an ordinary skilled clinician. Effective doses will vary, as entireties; recognized by those skilled in the art, depending on the type US 8,367,645 B2 7 8 or degree of the disease to be treated; the subject's size, istered orally, the active ingredient can be suspended or dis weight, age, and sex; the route of administration; the excipi Solved in an oily phase combined with emulsifying or Sus ent usage; rate of metabolism, rate of excretion, and the pending agents. If desired, certain Sweetening, flavoring, or possible co-usage with other therapeutic treatment. In certain coloring agents can be added. embodiments, coadministration of other drugs can lead to A nasal aerosol or inhalation composition can be prepared increased or decreased metabolism and or excretion requiring according to techniques well known in the art of pharmaceu an adjustment in dose. In certain other embodiments, where tical formulation. For example, such a composition can be one or more of the active agents are bound to plasma proteins, prepared as a solution in Saline, employing benzyl alcohol or coadministration of other drugs that effect the extent of bind other Suitable preservatives, absorption promoters to enhance ing may also require an adjustment of dose. The daily dose of 10 the compositions described above can be 5-10,000 mg (e.g., bioavailability, fluorocarbons, and/or other solubilizing or 10-5000 or 10-3,000 mg) of the first agent, 1-5,000 mg (e.g., dispersing agents known in the art. 2-1,000 or 2-3,000 mg) of the second agent, and 0.1-1,000 mg A composition for topical administration can be prepared (e.g., 1-50 mg) of the third agent. in form of an ointment, a gel, a plaster, an emulsion, a lotion, In certain preferred embodiments the human dose of the 15 a foam, a cream of a mixed phase or amphiphilic emulsion composition of the present invention is about 5-5,000 mg of system (oil/water-water/oil mixed phase), a liposome, a trans metformin, about 1-5,000 mg aspirin and about 0.1-1,000 mg fersome, a paste, or a powder. serotonin creatinine complex. In certain more preferred Any of the compositions described above can also be embodiments, the human dose of the composition is about administered in the form of Suppositories for rectal adminis 1000 mg of metformin, about 400 mg aspirin and about 4 mg tration. It also can be designed Such that the composition is serotonin creatinine complex administered as multiple daily released in the intestine. For example, the composition is doses. In certain further preferred embodiments, this dose is confined in a solid Sub-unit or a capsule compartment that has administered three times a day. respectively a matrix or a wall or a closure comprising an One aspect of this invention features a method of admin enteric polymer which dissolves or disperses at the pH of the istering an effective amount of one or more of the above 25 Small or large intestine to release the drug Substance in the mentioned compositions to a Subject for treating a disease intestine. Suitable such polymers have been described above, described herein. Such a subject can be identified by a health for example with reference to U.S. Pat. No. 5,705,189. care professional Such as a clinician based on results from any In certain embodiments, the carrier in the pharmaceutical suitable diagnostic method. “An effective amount” refers to composition must be “acceptable in the sense that it is com the amount of one or more compositions described herein that 30 patible with the active ingredient of the composition (and is required to confer a therapeutic effect on a treated Subject. preferably, capable of stabilizing the active ingredient) and To practice the method of the present invention, in certain not deleterious to the subject to be treated. One or more embodiments, one or more of the above-described composi solubilizing agents can be utilized as pharmaceutical excipi tions can be administered parenterally, orally, nasally, rec ents for delivery of an active compound. Examples of other tally, topically, or buccally. The term “parenteral as used 35 carriers include colloidal silicon oxide, magnesium Stearate, herein refers to Subcutaneous, intracutaneous, intravenous, cellulose, sodium lauryl sulfate, and D&C Yellow #10. intramuscular, intraarticular, intraarterial, intrasynovial, Benign Tumors intrasternal, intrathecal, intralesional, or intracranial injec The compounds and methods of the present invention are tion, as well as any Suitable infusion or injection technique. also suitable for treatment of variety of benign tumors. Exem A sterile injectable composition can be a solution or Sus 40 plary benign tumors include: Adrenal tumors such as pension in a non-toxic parenterally acceptable diluent or Sol , Adrenal Pheochromocytoma and Adrenal Ganglio vent, such as a Solution in 1,3-butanediol. Examples of the neuroma; Brain tumors such as Meningioma and Adenoma; acceptable vehicles and solvents that can be employed are Peripherial Nerve tumors such as Neurofibroma and Schw mannitol, water, Ringer's solution, and isotonic sodium chlo annoma; Liver tumors such as Adenoma; Thyroid tumors ride solution. In addition, fixed oils are conventionally 45 such as Follicular Adenoma; Parathyroid tumors such as employed as a solvent or Suspending medium (e.g., synthetic Adenoma; Thymus tumors such as ; Salivary mono- or ). Fatty acid, Such as oleic acid and its Gland tumors such as Pleomorphic Adenoma; Small Intestine glyceride derivatives are useful in the preparation of tumor Such as Villous Adenoma; Colon tumors such as Tubu injectables, as are natural pharmaceutically acceptable oils, lovillous Adenoma, Adenomatous Polyp of Colon and Poly Such as or castor oil, especially in their polyoxyethy 50 posis Coli; Pancreas tumors such as Serous ; lated versions. Islettumors such as Pancreatic Islet Cell Tumor; Nasopharyn These oil solutions or Suspensions can also contain a long gyl tumors such as Nasal Angiofibroma: tumors such chain alcohol diluent or dispersant, carboxymethyl cellulose, as: Atypical Proliferating Mucinous , Brenner or similar dispersing agents. Other commonly used Surfac Tumor of Ovary, , Papillary cystad tants such as Tweens or Spans or other similar emulsifying 55 enoma, Dermoid of Ovary, Ovarian , Ovarian agents or bioavailability enhancers which are commonly used , and ; Uterus tumors such as in the manufacture of pharmaceutically acceptable solid, liq Uterine Cellular Leiomyoma and Leiomyoma; uid, or other dosage forms can also be used for the purpose of tumors such as Chorioangioma, Partial hydatidiform mole, formulation. Complete Hydatidiform and Mole: Bone tumors such as Cav A composition for oral administration can be any orally 60 ernous Hemangioma and Giant Cell Tumor; Soft Tissue acceptable dosage form including capsules, tablets, emul tumors such as Cavernous hemangioma, Desmoid Tumor, sions and aqueous Suspensions, dispersions, and Solutions. In lipoma, Myelolipoma and osteochondroma; Joint tumors the case of tablets, commonly used carriers include lactose Such as Synovial Chondromatosis: Lung tumors such as Car and corn starch. Lubricating agents, such as magnesium cinoid Tumor, Granular Cell Tumor and Hemangioma: Myo Stearate, are also typically added. For oral administration in a 65 cardium tumors such as Atrial Myxoma; Breast tumors such capsule form, useful diluents include lactose and dried corn as Fibroadenoma, Intraductal and Schwannoma; starch. When aqueous Suspensions or emulsions are admin Kidney tumors such as Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma; US 8,367,645 B2 9 10 and Skin tumors such as Giant Congenital Intradermal Nevus: OVARY: Serous cystadenoma, Serous cystadenocarci Kidney tumors such as Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma. noma, Mucinous cystadenoma, Mucinous cystadenocarci The present composition can be administered for the treat noma, Endometrioid tumor, Endometrioid , ment of hyperproliferative disorders. The term “hyperprolif Clear cell tumor, Clear cell , Unclassi erative disorders’ refers to excess cell proliferation that is not fied tumor governed by the usual limitation of normal growth. The term VAGINA: Squamous cell , Adenocarcinoma denotes malignant as well as nonmalignant cell populations. VULVA: Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, grade I, Vulvar The excess cell proliferation can be determined by reference intraipithelial neoplasia, grade II, Vulvar intraepithelial neo to the general population and/or by reference to a particular plasia, grade III (squamous cell carcinomain situ), Squamous patient, e.g. at an earlier point in the patient’s life. Hyperpro 10 liferative cell disorders can occur in different types of animals Cell Carcinoma, , Padget's disease of and in humans, and produce different physical manifestations the Vulva, Adenocarcinoma, NOS, Basal cell carcinoma, depending upon the affected cells. NOS, Bartholin's gland carcinoma Hyperproliferative cell disorders include tumors as well as Male Reproductive System nontumors. A “tumor here refers to an abnormal mass of 15 PENIS: tissue that results from excessive cell division that is uncon PROSTATE: Adenocarcinoma, Sarcoma, Transitional cell trolled and progressive, also called a neoplasm. carcinoma of the prostate Examples of tumors include a variety of solid tumor such TESTIS. Seminomatous tumor, Nonseminomatous tumor, as laryngeal tumors, brain tumors, other tumors of the head Teratoma, , Yolk sac tumor, Choriocar and neck; colon, rectal and prostate tumors; breast and tho cinoma racic Solid tumors; ovarian and uterine tumors; tumors of the CARDIAC: sarcoma (angiosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, rhab esophagus, stomach, pancreas and liver; bladder and gall domyosarcoma, liposarcoma), myxoma, rhabdomyoma, bladder tumors; skin tumors such as ; and the like, fibroma, lipoma and teratoma and a fluid tumor such as leukemia. Respiratory System A “solid tumor, as used herein, refers to an abnormal mass 25 LARYNX: Squamous cell carcinoma of tissue that usually does not contain or liquid areas. PLEURALMESOTHELIOMA: Primary pleural mesothe Solid tumors may be benign (not cancerous), or malignant lioma (cancerous). Solid tumors have a distinct structure that mim PHARYNX: Squamous cell carcinoma ics that of normal tissues and comprises two distinct but Lung interdependent compartments: the parenchyma (neoplastic 30 1. Squamous cell carcinoma (epidermoid carcinoma), cells) and the stroma that the neoplastic cells induce and in which they are dispersed. Different types of solid tumors are Variant: Spindle cell; named for the type of cells that form them. Examples of solid 2. Small cell carcinoma, Other cell carcinoma, Intermedi tumors are sarcomas, , and lymphomas. ate cell type, Combined oat cell carcinoma; “Solid tumor” means a locus of tumor cells where the 35 3. Adenocarcinoma: Acinar adenocarcinoma, Papillary majority of the cells are tumor cells or tumor-associated cells. adenocarcimoma, Bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma, Solid car More particularly, tumor here refers to either benign (not cinoma with mucus formation; cancerous) or malignant tumors. 4. Large cell carcinoma: Giant cell carcinoma, Clear cell Malignant Tumors carcinoma, Sarcoma; Examples of malignant tumors include but not limited to: 40 Gastrointestinal Tract Breast cancer: AMPULLA OF VATER: Primary adenocarcinoma, Carci 1. : A1. Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS): noid tumor, Lymphoma , Cribriform, Papillary, Micropapillary; ANAL CANAL: Adenocarcinoma, Squamous cell carci A2. Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma (IDC): Tubular Carci noma, noma, Mucinous (Colloid) Carcinoma, Medullary Carci 45 EXTRAHEPATIC BILE DUCTS: Carcinoma in situ, noma, Papillary Carcinoma, Metaplastic Carcinoma, Inflam Adenocarcinoma, Papillary adenocarcinoma, Adenocarci matory Carcinoma noma, intestinal type, Mucinous adenocarcinoma, Clear cell 2. : B1. Lobular Carcinoma In Situ adenocarcinom, Segnet-ring cell carcinoma, Adenosqua (LCIS); B2. Invasive lobular carcinoma mous carcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma, Small cell (oat) 3. Paget’s Disease of the Nipple 50 Female Reproductive System carcinoma, Undifferentiated carcinoma, Carcinoma, NOS, CERVIXUTERI: Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, grade Sarcoma, tumor I, Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, grade II, Cervical COLON AND RECTUM: Adenocarcinoma in situ, intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III (Squamous cell carcinoma Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous adenocarcinoma (colloid type; in situ), Keratinizing Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Nonkerati 55 greater than 50% mucinous carcinoma), Signet ring cell car nizing Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Verrucous Carcinoma, cinoma (greater than 50% signet ring cell), Squamous cell Adenocarcinoma in situ, Adenocarcinoma in situ, endocervi (epidermoid) carcinoma, Adenosquamous carcinoma, Small cal type, Endometrioid adenocarcinoma, Clear cell adenocar cell (oat cell) carcinoma, Undifferentiated carcinoma, Carci cinoma, Adenosquamous carcinoma, Adenoid cystic carci noma, NOS, Sarcoma, Lymphoma, Carcinoid tumor noma, Small cell carcinoma, Undifferentiated carcinoma 60 ESOPHAGUS: squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarci CORPUS UTERI: Endometrioid carcinoma, Adenocarci noma, leiomyosarcomalymphoma noma, Adenocanthoma (adenocarcinoma with Squamous GALLBLADDER: Adenocarcinoma, Adenocarcinoma, metaplasia), Adenosquamous carcinoma (mixed adenocarci intestinal type, Adenosquamous carcinoma, Carcinoma in noma and squamous cell carcinoma, Mucinous adenocarci situ, Carcinoma, NOS, Clear celladenocarcinoma, Mucinous noma, Serous adenocarcinoma, Clear cell adenocarcinoma, 65 adenocarcinoma, Papillary adenocarcinoma, Signet-ring cell Squamous cell adenocarcino, Undifferentiated adenocarci carcinoma, Small cell (oat cell) carcinoma, Squamous cell Oa carcinoma, Undifferentiated carcinoma US 8,367,645 B2 11 12 LIP AND ORAL CAVITY: Squamous cell carcinoma myeloma, myelodysplastic syndrome), Hodgkin’s disease, LIVER: hepatoma (), cholangio non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (malignant lymphonoma); carcinoma, hepatoblastoma, angiosarcoma, hepatocellular Endocrine System adenoma, hemangioma THYROID GLAND: Papillary carcinoma (including those with follicular foci). Follicular carcinoma, Medullary carci EXOCRINE PANCREAS: Duct cell carcinoma, Pleomor noma, Undifferentiated (anaplastic) carcinoma phic giant cell carcinoma, Giant cell carcinoma, osteoclastoid NEUROBLASTOMA: Sympathicoblastoma, Sympa type, Adenocarcinoma, Adenosquamous carcinoma, Muci thicogonioma, Malignant ganglioneuroma, Gangliosympa nous (colloid) carcinoma, Cystadenocarcinoma, Acinar cell thicoblastma, Ganglioneuroma carcinoma, Papillary carcinoma, Small cell (oat cell) carci Skin noma, Mixed cell typed, Carcinoma, NOS, Undifferentiated 10 Squamous cell carcinoma, Spindle cell variant of squamous carcinoma, Endocrine cell tumors arising in the islets of cell carcinoma, Basal cell carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma Langerhans, Carcinoid developing from Sweat or sebaceous gland, Malignant Mela SALIVARY GLANDS: Acinic (acinar) cell carcinoma, Oa (cylindroma), Adenocarcinoma, Eve 15 f CONJUNCTIVA: Carcinoma of the conjunctiva: Squamous cell carcinoma, Carcinoma in pleomorphic THE EYELID: Basal cell carcinoma, Squamous cell car adenoma (malignant ), Mucoepidermoid carci cinoma, Sebaceous cell carcinoma; noma, Well differentiated (low grade), Poorly differentiated THE LACRIMAL GLAND: Adenocarcinoma, Adenoid (high grade) cystic carcinoma, Carcinoma in pleomorphic adenoma, STOMACH: Adenocarcinoma, Papillary adenocarcinoma, , Squamous cell carcinoma; Tubular adenocarcinoma, Mucinous adenocarcinoma, Signet THE EYELID: Melanoma of the eyelid ring cell carcinoma, Adenosquamous carcinoma, Squamous THE UVEA: Spindle cell melanoma, Mixed cell mela cell carcinoma, Small cell carcinoma, Undifferentiated car noma, Epithelioid cell melanoma cinoma, Lymphoma, Sarcoma, Carcinoid tumor SARCOMA OF THE ORBIT: Soft tissue tumor, Sarcoma SMALL INTESTINE: adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, car 25 of bone cinoid tumors, Karposi's sarcoma, leiomyoma, hemangioma, RETINOBLASTOMA: Retinoblastoma lipoma, neurofibroma, fibroma Examples of nontumor hyperproliferative disorders Urinary System include but not limited to myelodysplastic disorders; cervical KIDNEY: , Carcinoma of Bellini’s carcinoma-in-situ; familial intestinal polyposes such as Gard collecting ducts, Adenocarcinoma, Papillary, Tubular carci 30 ner syndrome; oral leukoplakias; histiocytoses; keloids; noma, Granular cell carcinoma, Clear cell carcinoma (hype hemangiomas; inflammatory arthritis; hyperkeratoses and mephroma), Sarcoma of the kidney, Nephroblastoma, Neph papulosauamous eruptions including arthritis. Also included roblastoma are viral induced hyperproliferative diseases Such as warts RENAL PELVIS AND URETER: Transitional cell carci and EBV induced disease (i.e., infectious mononucleosis), noma, Papillary transitional cell carcinoma carcinoma, Squa 35 scar formation, blood vessel proliferative disorders such as mous cell carcinoma, Adenomcarcinoma restenosis, atherosclerosis, in-stent Stenosis, vascular graft URETHRA: Transitional cell carcinoma, Squamous cell restenosis, etc.; fibrotic disorders; psoriasis; glomerular carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma nephritis; macular degenerative disorders; benign growth dis URINARY BLADDER: Carcinoma in situ, Transitional orders such as prostate enlargement and lipomas; autoim urothelial cell carcinoma, Papillary transitional cell carci 40 mune disorders and the like. noma, Squamous cell carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma, Undiffer The present composition can also be administered for the entiated treatment of Cardiac dysrhythmias, including but not limited Muscle, Bone, and Soft Tissue to the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and atrioventricular BONE: A. Bone-forming: Osteosarcoma; B. Cartilage-form nodal reentrant tachycardia ventricular tachycardia (VT), ing: Chondrosarcoma, Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma, C. 45 atrial tachycardias, atrial flutter and atrial fibrillationsu Giant cell tumor, malignant, D. Ewing's sarcoma, E. Vascular praventricular tachycardias. tumors: Hemangioendothelioma, Hemangiopericytoma, The present composition can also be administered for the Angiosarcoma; F. Connective tissue tumors: Fibrosarcoma, treatment of , (Uterineleiomyo Liposarcoma, Malignant mesenchymoma, Undifferentiated mata) menorrhagia, cervical erosion, cervical polyp, and the sarcoma; G. Other tumors: Chordoma, Adamantinoma of 50 like. long bones The present composition can also be administered for the SOFT TISSUES: Alveolar soft-part sarcoma, Angiosar treatment of the defects or disorders of intervertebral discs coma, Epithelioid sarcoma, Extraskeletal chondrosarcoma, include but not limited to annular fissures, fragmentation of Fibrosarcoma, , Liposarcoma, Malignant the nucleus pulposus, and contained herniation a herniated fibrous histiocytoma, Malignant hemangiopericytoma, 55 intervertebral disc, degenerative intervertebral discs. Malignant mesenchymoma, Malignant Schwannoma, Rhab The compositions described above can be preliminarily domyosarcoma, Synovial sarcoma, Sarcoma, NOS screened for their efficacy in treating above-described dis NERVOUS SYSTEM: skull (osteoma, hemangioma, eases by an in vitro assay and then confirmed by animal granuloma, Xanthoma, osteitis deformans), meninges (men experiments (See Examples 1-9 below) and clinic trials. Hav ingioma, meningiosarcoma, gliomatosis), brain (astrocy 60 ing the information set forth in the present invention, other toma, medulloblastoma, glioma, ependymoma, methods will also be apparent to those of ordinary skill in the (pilealoma), glioblastoma multiform, oligodendroglioma, art. Schwannoma, retinoblastoma, congenital tumors), spinal The specific examples below are to be construed as merely cord neurofibroma, meningioma, glioma, sarcoma) illustrative, and not limitative of the remainder of the disclo HEMATOLOGY: blood (myeloid leukemia (acute and 65 sure in any way whatsoever. Without further elaboration, it is chronic), acute lymphloblastic leukemia, chronic lympho believed that one skilled in the art can, based on the descrip cytic leukemia, myeloproliferative diseases, multiple tion herein, utilize the present invention to its fullest extent. US 8,367,645 B2 13 14 All of the publications cited herein are incorporated by ref TABLE 2 erence in their entirety. Effect of B2OL Metformin + aspirin + serotonin creatinine sulfate complex DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED on Cells after 48 and 72 Hours EMBODIMENTS Group G1 S G2 Cells can exist in different periods of a cell cycle such as: The effect of B2OL on cell cycle in 48 hours G1 phase cells, S phase cells, (indicating synthesis and dou Control 47% 46.20% 6.60% bling of DNA), and G2 phase cells. Comparing cancer cells to Metformin 1 mM + 71.70% 25.40% 2.90% 10 aspirin 0.4 mM + normal cells, one finds a decrease in the proportion of G1 Serotonin creatinine phase cells in cancer, an increase in the proportion of cells in Sulfate complex synthesis in cancer and an increase in the proportion of cells O.OO2 mM in G2 phase and S phase. The effect of B2OL on cell cycle in 72 hours 15 Control 57% 37.40% S.80% Example 1 Metformin 1 mM + 63.80% 31.50% 4.60% aspirin 0.4 mM + Serotonin creatinine In Example 1, B2OL (Metformin 1 mM--aspirin 0.4 Sulfate complex mM+serotonin creatinine sulfate complex 0.002 mM) and O.OO2 mM B2OH (Metformin 10 mM+aspirin 4 mM+serotonin creati nine sulfate complex 0.02 mM) were tested to determine the The results indicate that Metformin-i-aspirin-i-serotonin effect on the cell cycle of pancreatic cancer cells after 24 creatinine Sulfate complex can block pancreatic cancer cells hours. Each of the cell samples were then tested in a flow in G1 phase from progressing into S phase and G2 phase after cytometer. The testing methodology and equipment used are 24, 48 and 72 hours as the two treatment groups have a higher set forth as follows. Cells were harvested and washed twice 25 proportion of cancer cells in the G1 phase. with phosphate buffered saline, (PBS) and fixed in 70% cold ethanol at 4°C. overnight. Before analysis, cells were washed Example 3 twice with PBS, containing 1% bovine serumalbumin (BSA), then resuspended with 400 ul PBS and treated with 100 ug/ml In Example 3, different dosages of Metformin-i-aspirin-- RNase A (Roche Diagnostics) and 50 ug/ml propidium iodide 30 serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex were tested to determine (PI) (Sigma). After incubation for 30 min at 37°C., the cells the effect on the cell cycle of breast cancer cells after 24 hours. were subjected to DNA content analysis. propidium iodide, Each of the cell samples were then tested in a flow cytometer (PI) fluorescence was analyzed with a FACS calibur flowcy according to the procedures set forth in Example 1 above. The tometer, (Becton Dickinson). Data from at least 10,000 cells results of a control group as well as the two active treatment were analyzed with software. The results of a control group as 35 groups are set forth in Table 3 below. well as the two active treatment groups are set forth in Table 1 below. TABLE 3 Effect of different dosages of Metformin + aspirin + serotonin creatinine TABLE 1. 40 Sulfate complex on Breast Cancer Cells after 24 Hours Effect of B2OL Metformin + aspirin + serotonin creatinine sulfate complex Group G1 S G2 and B2OH Metformin + aspirin + serotonin creatinine sulfate complex on Pancreatic Cancer Cells after 24 Hours Control 43% 46.10% 10.6% (Metformin 1 mM + 59.60% 36.30% 4.10% Group G1 S G2 aspirin 0.4 mM + 45 Serotonin creatinine Control 63% 35.5% 1.5% Sulfate complex B2OL Metformin 87.30% 9.40% 3.30% 0.002 mM) 1 mM + aspirin Metformin 10 mM + 73.80% 20.00% 6.20% 0.4 mM + serotonin aspirin 4 mM + creatinine Sulfate Serotonin creatinine complex 0.002 mM 50 Sulfate complex Metformin 10 mM + 88.70% 7.80% 3.40% O.O2 mM aspirin 4 mM + serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex The results indicate that B20 different dosages of Met O.O2 mM formin-i-aspirin-i-serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex can 55 block breast cancer cells in G1 phase from progressing into S The results indicate that Metformin--aspirin-i-serotonin phase cells after 24 hours as the two treatment groups have a creatinine Sulfate complex can block pancreatic cancer cells lower proportion of cancer S phase cells. in G1 phase from progressing into S phase and G2 phase after 24 hours as the two treatment groups have a higher proportion Example 4 of cancer cells in the G1 phase. 60 In Example 4, different dosages of Metformin-i-aspirin-- Example 2 serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex were tested to determine the effect on proliferation speed of pancreatic cancer cells In Example 2, the testing procedure according to Example after 24, 48 and 72 hours. The testing methodology and equip 1 above was carried out for 48 and 72 hours comparing the 65 ment used are set forth as follows. Pancreatic cancer cells control group to a B20L treatment group. The results are were subcultured into 96-well plates at approximately 4x10' provided in Table 2 below. cells per ml and allowed to adhere for 24 h at 37° C. before US 8,367,645 B2 15 16 being treated with the drug. Cell viability was assessed using Example 6 the Dojindo Cell Counting Kit-8. The cell viability was in direct proportion to the absorbance at 450 nm. Accordingly, In Example 6, Metformin 50 mM.; Metformin 100 mM, the cell viability was expressed as the absorbance at 450 nm. Metformin 150 mM, and metformin 200 mM were tested to All experiments were performed in triplicate on three sepa determine the kill effect on breast cancer cells after 3, 12 and rate occasions. The results of a control group as well as the 24 hours. The testing methodology and equipment used are two active treatment groups are set forth in Table 4 below. set forth as follows. Breast cancer cells were subcultured into 96-well plates at approximately 4x10" cells per ml and TABLE 4 10 allowed to adhere for 24h at 37°C. before being treated with Effect of different dosages of Metformin + aspirin + serotonin creatinine the drug. Cell viability was assessed using the Dojindo Cell Sulfate complex on Proliferation Speed of Pancreatic Cancer Cells after Counting Kit-8. The cell viability was in direct proportion to 24, 48 and 72 Hours the absorbance at 450 nm. Accordingly, the cell viability was Group 24 H 48 H 72H expressed as the absorbance at 450 nm. All experiments were 15 performed in triplicate on three separate occasions. The Control O.89 0.053 1805 - 0.033 Metformin 1 0.725 + 0.047** 0.787 0.066** results are set forth in Table 6 below showing the kill ratio mM + aspirin (compared to control group) of different concentrations and 0.4 mM + different action times of metformin on MCF-7 cells (breast Serotonin creatinine cancer cells). Sulfate complex O.OO2 mM TABLE 6 Metformin 10 mM + aspirin Effect of metformin on MCF-7 kill ratio of Breast Cancer 4 mM + Cells after 3, 12 and 24 Hours Serotonin creatinine 25 Time Sulfate complex O.O2 mM Concentration 3 h (%) 12 h (%) 24h (%) Metformin O.139 O.O41** O.397 0.042** O404 O.O61** 50 mM 30 Metformin 0.1230.057** 0.353 - 0.083** 0.542 0.095** 100 mM The results indicate that different dosage of Metformin-- Metformin O.318 O.O32** O.488 O.O36** O.887 O.O68** aspirin-i-serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex can inhibit pan 150 mM creatic cancer cell proliferation and the effects are time and Metformin 0.321 - 0.07** O.769 O.O88** O.983 O.O18** dose dependent. 200 mM 35 *p < 0.05, Example 5 **p < 0.01 The results indicate that Metformin was effective, can kill In Example 5, Metformin 5 mM, Metformin 5 mM--aspirin breast cancer cell and the effects are time and dose dependent. 2 mM; and Metformin 5 mM--aspirin 2 mM+serotonin crea 40 tinine sulfate complex 0.001 mM were tested to determine the Example 7 effect on cell cycle on B16 (mice melanoma cells) during the G1, S and G2 cell phases. The procedure for testing using the In Example 7, Metformin-i-serotonin creatinine sulfate flow cytometer was carried out as set forth in Example 1 45 complex+different compounds with anti-inflammatory activ above. The results are set forth in Table 5 below. ity or acetaminophen or tramadol (different first agent), were tested to determine the kill effect on liver cancer cells after 24 TABLE 5 and 48 hours. The testing methodology and equipment was Effect of Metformin 5 mM, Metformin 5 mM + aspirin 2 mM, and carried out as set forth in Example 6 above. The results are set Metformin 5 mM + aspirin 2 mM + serotonin creatinine 50 forth in Table 7 below showing the kill ratio (compared to the Sulfate complex 0.01 mM on B16 mice melanoma cells during G1, control group), of different compositions and different action S and G2 cell phases. times on HepG-2 cells (liver cancer cells). Group G1 S G2 TABLE 7 Control 64 12.8 23.1 55 Metformin 5 mM 71.8 4.6 23.6 The kill ratio of different compositions and different Metformin 5 mM + 82.4 6.O 11.6 action times on HepG-2 cells aspirin 2 mM Metformin 5 mM + 85.1 6.9 8.0 24 hr (%) 48 hr (%) aspirin 2 mM + serotonin creatinine Metformin 0.975 + 0.004** O.995 O.OO4** Sulfate complex 60 100 mM + aspirin 40 mM + O.O1 mM Serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex 0.2 mM Metformin 100 mM + The results indicate that metformin was effective. Met indomethacin 30 mM + formin+aspirin had better effect metformin alone, while met 65 Serotonin creatinine formin-i-aspirin-i-serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex is better Sulfate complex 0.2 mM than metformin-i-aspirin. US 8,367,645 B2 17 18 TABLE 7-continued TABLE 8-continued The kill ratio of different compositions and different The kill ratio of different compositions and different action times on HepG-2 cells actions time on HepG-2 cells 24 hr (%) 48 hr (%) 24 hours (%) 48 hours (%) Metformin 100 mM + 0.935 + 0.022** 0.974. O.OO7** Phenformin 2 mM + O.817 O.O28** 0.957 0.002** nimeSulide 30 mM + celebrex 30 mM + Serotonin creatinine Serotonin creatinine sulfate complex 0.2 mM Sulfate complex 0.2 mM Metformin 100 mM + 0.925 + 0.027** 0.971 - 0.005** 10 Phenformin 2 mM + celebrex 30 mM + Piroxicam33 mM + Serotonin creatinine Serotonin creatinine sulfate complex 0.2 mM Sulfate complex 0.2 mM Metformin 100 mM + 0.957 OO15** 0.975 + 0.009** Phenformin 2 mM + 0.9920.005** Piroxicam33 mM + diclofenac25 mM + Serotonin creatinine 15 Serotonin creatinine sulfate complex 0.2 mM Sulfate complex 0.2 mM Metformin 100 mM + Phenformin 2 mM + O.940 O.O22** 0.991 - 0.005** diclofenac25 mM + acetaminophen Serotonin creatinine 7 mM + serotonin sulfate complex 0.2 mM creatinine Sulfate Metformin 100 mM + 0.757. O.115** O.969 O.O14** complex 0.2 mM acetaminophen Phenformin 2 mM + 0.721 0.027** O.940 O.OO4** 17 mM + serotonin tramadol creatinine Sulfate hydrochloride complex 0.2 mM 7 mM + serotonin Metformin 100 mM + O.884 OO15** O.978 O.OO8** creatinine Sulfate Tramadol complex 0.2 mM hydrochloride 17 mM + 25 Serotonin creatinine sulfate complex 0.2 mM The results indicate that phenformin (different second (p<0.05, **p < 0.01) agent)+serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex-i-compounds 30 with different anti-inflammatory activity or acetaminophen, The results indicate that Metformin-i-serotonin creatinine tramadol, can kill the live cancer cell well and the effect is Sulfate complex-different compounds with anti-inflamma better than metformin only. tory activity, acetaminophen, and tramadol (different first agent), can kill the live cancer cells well, and the effect is Example 9 better than metformin only. 35 In Example 9, the effect of B10 (Metformin 50 mg/kg+ Example 8 aspirin 40 mg/kg+serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex 0.4 mg/kg) was tested to determine the effect on Volume of hepatoma in Strain Kunming Mice (KM) relative to a 10% In Example 8, phenformin (different second agent)+sero 40 saline (GS) group. The drugs were administered by tonin creatinine Sulfate complex-different compounds with intratumor injection, twice a day for 3 days. Volume was anti-inflammatory activity or acetaminophen, or tramadol, measured before and after treatment for each group. The were tested to determine the kill effect on liver cancer cells results including the change in volume are set forth in Table 6 after 24 and 48 hours. The testing methodology and equip below. ment was carried out as set forth in Example 6 above. The 45 results are set forth in Table 8 below showing the kill ratio TABLE 9 (compared to control group) of different compositions and different action times on HepG-2 cells. The effect of B10 Metformin 50 mg/kg+ aspirin 40 mg/kg + Serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex 0.4 mg/kg on the volume of hepatona in KM mice TABLE 8 50 Group Before Drug After Drug The kill ratio of different compositions and different actions time on HepG-2 cells 10% G.S. (glucose saline) 321 - 54 388 - 275 Metformin 50 mg/kg+ aspirin 40 mg/kg + 219 68 13 6** 24 hours (%) 48 hours (%) Serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex 55 0.4 mg/kg Phenformin O.936 O.O16** O.991 O.OO6** 2 mM + aspirin 40 mM + (n = 4. p < 0.05, **p < 0.01) Serotonin creatinine Sulfate The results indicate that B10Metformin 50 mg/kg+aspirin complex 0.2 mM Phenformin 2 mM + 40 mg/kg+serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex 0.4 mg/kg indomethacin 60 can eliminate hepatoma volume in KM mice at the rate of 30 mM + serotonin 94.1% creatinine Sulfate complex 0.2 mM Example 10 Phenformin 2 mM + nimeSulide 30 mM + Serotonin creatinine 65 In Example 10, the effect of B10 Metformin 50 mg/kg+ Sulfate complex 0.2 mM aspirin 40 mg/kg+serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex 0.4 mg/kg was tested to determine the effect on the weight and US 8,367,645 B2 19 20 Volume of transplanted human hepatoma in hairless mice only 2 mice Survived. The active drug group Survival time was relative to a 10% GS group and a dehydration alcohol group. also better than control group indicating that this drug therapy The procedures for performing this test were as follows. Hep can extend mice Survival time and reduce cancer cell trans G2 cells were prepared at 25*10° cells/ml and 0.2 ml of the plantation rate. cell suspension (5*10 cells) was injected in an exposed 5 mouse mammary fat pad. When tumors achieved the required size (0.5 cm), animals would be treated with 50 ul of B10, Example 12 dehydrated alcohol or 10% glucose solution once daily for 6 days. During 12 days after the last injection, tumor Volume In Example 12, the effect of B3 and B10 was tested to will be assessed by measuring tumor dimensions (long (L) 10 determine the effect on oncogenesis rate of hepatoma carci and short (S)) and estimated it as V=0.52*L*S. 12 days after noma H22 cells in KM mice. Fifty thousand (50,000) mice the last injection, mice would be sacrificed and tumors would hepatoma carcinoma H22 cells were injected Subcutaneously be dissected, weighed and stored in a formaline solution for into KM mice. Treatment groups consisted of B3 and B10, administered three times a day for 30 days. After the drug was further evaluation.). Volume was measured before and after 15 treatment for each group. The results including the change in stopped, the mice were observed for the presence of tumor Volume are set forth in Table 7 below. tissue to determine whether oncogenesis has occurred. The results of the B10 and B3 treatment groups and the G.S. group TABLE 10 are set forth in Table 9 below. The effect of B10 on the weight and volume of hepatona in KM mice 2O TABLE 12 Volume Oncogenesis Rate for Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 After Inoculation and Treatment with B10 (Metformin 50 mg/kg+ aspirin 40 mg/kg + Before After serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex 0.4 mg/kg) and B3 Group Treatment Treatment Changes (Metformin 50 mg/kg+ celebrex 10 mg/kg + 25 serotonin creatinine sulfate complex 0.4 mg/kg 10% G.S. 1726S.S 444 199 15.8% Dehydration ethanol 188 119 89 - 120** 52.7% Time after administration Metformin 50 mg/kg + 180 128 105 2.09** 199.4% aspirin 40 mg/kg + of drug and Oncogenesis Rate Serotonin creatinine Sulfate Group 1 w 2 w 3 w 4 w 6 w 8 w complex 0.4 mg/kg 30 GS 60 70 70 90 90 (n = 4, p < 0.05, **p < 0.01) Metformin 50 mg/kg+ 10 2O 2O 2O 2O aspirin40 mg/kg + The results indicate that B10 can eliminate hepatoma vol Serotonin ume in hairless mice at the rate 99.4%, compared to the creatinine Sulfate complex dehydration ethanol group rate of 52.7%. 35 0.4 mg/kg Metformin 50 mg/kg+ 30 50 50 50 50 50 Example 11 celebrex 10 mg/kg + Serotonin creatinine In Example 11, the effect of B3 (Metformin 50 mg/kg+ Sulfate complex celebrex 10 mg/kg+serotonin creatinine sulfate complex 0.4 40 0.4 mg/kg mg/kg) was tested to determine the effect on metastasis of hepatoma carcinoma H22 cells. Fifty thousand (50,000) mice hepatoma carcinoma H22 cells were injected into the The results indicate that 8 weeks after the drugs were abdominal cavity of KM mice, and then administered 10% administered, the Metformin 50 mg/kg+aspirin 40 mg/kg+ G.S. in the control group, or Metformin 50 mg/kg+celebrex 45 serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex 0.4 mg/kg group only 10 mg/kg+serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex 0.4 mg/kg had a 20% oncogenesis rate. The Metformin 50 mg/kg+cele two times a day for only the first 30 days in the active treat brex 10 mg/kg+serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex 0.4 ment group. After treatment was stopped, Survival time was mg/kg only had a 50% oncogenesis rate. Both active drug observed. The results of the active treatment group and the groups had a lower oncogenesis rate than the control group 10% G.S. group are set forth in Table 8 below. 50 (90%). Therefore, these drugs can decrease the rate of trans plantation of tumor cells. TABLE 11 Survival Data of KM Mice Treated with Metformin 50 mg/kg+ celebrex Other Embodiments 10 mg/kg + serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex 0.4 mg/kg three 55 times a day for 30 days All of the features disclosed in this specification may be Number Surviving combined in any combination. Each feature disclosed in this Group 120 Days Survival Time specification may be replaced by an alternative feature serv 10% G.S. 2f12 64.8 27.8 ing the same, equivalent, or similar purpose. Thus, unless Metformin 50 mg/kg+ celebrex 9,12 95 + 37.9: 60 expressly stated otherwise, each feature disclosed is only an 10 mg/kg + serotonin creatinine example of a generic series of equivalent or similar features. Sulfate complex 0.4 mg/kg From the above description, one skilled in the art can easily ascertain the essential characteristics of the present invention, (n = 12, p < 0.05, **p < 0.01) and without departing from the spirit and scope thereof, can The results indicate that the metformin 50 mg/kg+celebrex 65 make various changes and modifications of the invention to 10 mg/kg+serotonin creatinine Sulfate complex 0.4 mg/kg adapt it to various usages and conditions. Thus, other embodi group, 9 mice Survived 120 days, and in the control group ments are also within the scope of the following claims. US 8,367,645 B2 21 22 What is claimed is: (a) a first agent that possesses anti-inflammatory activity, 1. A method for treating cancer, consisting essentially of wherein the first agent is celecoxib; administering to a subject in need thereofan effective amount (b) a second agent that is an 5'-monophosphate-activated of a composition consisting essentially of a first agent protein kinase (AMPK) activator, wherein the second selected from the group consisting of aspirin and celecoxib; a 5 agent is metformin; and second agent that is metformin; and a third agent that pos (c) a third agent that possesses or maintains serotoninactiv sesses or maintains serotonin activity that is serotonin crea ity, wherein the third agentis serotonin creatinine Sulfate tinine Sulfate complex. complex. 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the cancer is a malignant 7. A method for treating cancer, consisting essentially of 10 administering to a subject in need thereofan effective amount tumor. of a composition consisting essentially of 3. The method of claim 1, wherein the cancer is a solid (a) a first agent that possesses anti-inflammatory activity, tumor. wherein the first agent is aspirin; 4. The method of claim 1, wherein the composition consists (b) a second agent that is an 5'-monophosphate-activated essentially of 1-5000 mg of the first agent, 5-5000 mg of the 15 protein kinase (AMPK) activator, wherein the second second agent, and 0.1-1000 mg of the third agent. agent is metformin; and 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the composition further (c) a third agent that possesses or maintains serotoninactiv consists essentially of a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. ity, wherein the third agentis serotonin creatinine Sulfate 6. A method for treating cancer, consisting essentially of complex. administering to a subject in need thereofan effective amount of a composition consisting essentially of UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION PATENT NO. : 8,367,645 B2 Page 1 of 1 APPLICATIONNO. : 12/467640 DATED : February 5, 2013 INVENTOR(S) : Chien-Hung Chen It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:

Title Page, Col. 2, item (56) under Other Publications

Line 20, Delete “Reducese and insert -- Reduces --, therefor.

Line 21, Delete “Distrubances and insert -- Disturbances --, therefor.

Line 22, Delete “Feactures and insert -- Features --, therefor. Line 28-29, Delete “Biochimia et Biophysia Acta and insert -- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta --, therefor.

Line 31-34, Delete “Knowler et al., “Reducition in the Incidence of Type 2, diabetes with Lifestyle Intervention or Metformin, N. Eng. J. of Med. Vol. 346, No. 6, Feb. 7, 29002: pp. 393-403. and insert -- Knowler et al., “Reduction in the Incidence of Type 2, diabetes with Lifestyle Intervention or Metformin, N. Eng. J. of Med. Vol. 346, No. 6, Feb. 7, 2002: pp. 393-403. --, on First Page, Col. 2, line 32, as a new Entry. Line 35, Delete “palmintate and insert -- palmitate --, therefor. Line 36, Delete “palmintate and insert -- palmitate --, therefor.

Signed and Sealed this Ninth Day of April, 2013

Teresa Stanek Rea Acting Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office