


Attending: Alex Fergusson (chair), Bruce Crawford, Michael McMahon, David McLetchie, Robert Brown

Apologies: Alasdair Morgan, Trish Godman

Observing: Richard Baker,

Officials present: Paul Grice, Ken Hughes, David McGill, Jennifer Smart, Irene Fleming, Jane McEwan, Nicola Dove

1. Item 1a: Minutes of last meeting – The minutes of 26 August 2008 were agreed.

2. Item 1b: Matters Arising – There were no matters arising.

3. Future Business Programme – The Bureau agreed to recommend to the Parliament a business programme for the current week and the weeks beginning 8 and 15 September.

4. It was noted that the Government would be allocated time for the first opening speaker in the debate on the ’s Programme on the morning of Wednesday 3 September. Robert Brown reserved his party’s position in this regard.

5. It was noted that the debate on the Report of the Scottish Prisons Commission, to be taken on the afternoon of Thursday 11 September, would be a subject debate without a motion.

6. It was noted that Members’ Business on Wednesday 10 September would be S3M-2232 Brian Adam: Shortage of Indian Chefs in and on Thursday 11 September would be S3M-1839 Nigel Don: Family Law Disputes.

Procedural Motions 7. Membership of Committees – It was agreed to recommend to the Parliament that the following changes in committee membership be agreed:

Nicol Stephen be appointed to replace as a member of the Audit Committee;

Iain Smith be appointed to replace as a member of the Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee;

Margaret Smith be appointed to replace as a member of the Education, Lifelong Learning and Culture Committee; PB/S3/08/MINS/24

Jim Hume be appointed to replace Iain Smith as a member of the European and External Relations Committee;

Jeremy Purvis be appointed to replace Liam McArthur as a member of the Finance Committee;

Robert Brown be appointed to replace Margaret Smith as a member of the Justice Committee;

Liam McArthur be appointed to replace Mike Rumbles as a member of the Rural Affairs and Environment Committee;

Robert Brown be appointed to replace Hugh O’Donnell as a member of the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee.

8. Substitution on Committees – It was agreed to recommend to the Parliament that the following substitution on committees be agreed:

John Farquhar Munro be appointed to replace Iain Smith as the Scottish Liberal Democrats substitute on the Audit Committee;

Jeremy Purvis be appointed to replace Liam McArthur as the Scottish Liberal Democrats substitute on the Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee;

Margaret Smith be appointed to replace as the Scottish Liberal Democrats substitute on the Equal Opportunities Committee;

Iain Smith be appointed to replace Jeremy Purvis as the Scottish Liberal Democrats substitute on the European and External Relations Committee;

Liam McArthur be appointed to replace as the Scottish Liberal Democrats substitute on the Finance Committee;

Alison McInnes be appointed to replace Robert Brown as the Scottish Liberal Democrats substitute on the Local Government and Communities Committee;

Nicol Stephen be appointed to replace Jim Hume as the Scottish Liberal Democrats substitute on the Public Petitions Committee;

Jim Hume be appointed to replace as the Scottish Liberal Democrats substitute on the Rural Affairs and Environment Committee;

Mike Rumbles be appointed to replace Alison McInnes as the Scottish Liberal Democrats substitute on the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee;

Ross Finnie be appointed to replace Margaret Smith as the Scottish Liberal Democrats substitute on the Subordinate Legislation Committee;

Jim Tolson be appointed to replace Tavish Scott as the Scottish Liberal Democrats substitute on the Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change Committee.

9. Publication Scheme – It was agreed that all papers considered at the meeting should be published.


10. Date of next meeting – The next meeting of the Bureau would be held at 2.00 pm on Tuesday 9 September 2008.

Jennifer Smart Clerk to the Parliamentary Bureau 2 September 2008