: Conflict-Induced Displacement (as of 02 June 2015)

SITUATION OVERVIEW The start of the traditional spring fighting season has caused significant population movements in the Northern and Western regions, specifically in Badakhshan, Bagdhis and Kunduz provinces. Smaller scale conflict displacement has however also been recorded in Baghlan, Farah, Faryab, Ghor, Herat, Jawzjan and Sar-e-pul.

BTADJIAKHSHANKISTAN Dar-e-B. BADGHIS and FARYAB KUNDUZ and BAGHLAN Shaki Darwaz 1,283 IDP families reportedly displaced from Ab 18,355 family petitions* received from 6 districts Around 1,200 families reportedly displacedTAJIKI inS TJoArm.N Kamari, and Qadis identified in in . Around 800 families reportedly 56 IDP familiesK ofromfab are reportedly Badghis. 190 IDP families were assessed in FKahrayna-eb-C.. remain displacedTAJIKIS inT ABaghlanN Province. in Fayzabad.Khwahan Bagh Yang. Qorghan 18,355 familes from Aliabad, Chardarah, Dasht-e-Archi, Emamsa heb, 56 families are reported to be displaced from Gultepa 400 families reportedly displaced from Astana valley Drqd. Qala Raghestan Khanabad, Kunduz and Qala-e-Zal to Kunduz city and surrounding districts Shighnan Khwjb. area of Kunduz district to Fayzabad district. in Shringtabad district to Dawlatabad district. Yawan Qaramqol submitted petition. Assessments and response are ongoing. In Aliabad, an Chahab A joint assessment is completed on 26 May. Assessment is pending due to insecurity. assessment of approx 400 families has started on 25 May but hadD to-e -beQ. Shah-e-B. Kohestn. interrupted due to interference by the ALP and other pro-government militias. 46 familes reportedly displaced from FARYAB Yaftal-e-Sf. Emamsaheb Arghn. Morchagal village in Khwajasabzposh district Dawlatabad Rostaq Khwjg. assessed on 5 May. Response is pending. Fayzabad ! Dasht-e-Arc. Rostaq !! Shuhada Qala-e-Zal Hzrsmc. Shirintagab Argo Bhrk. Kunduz TURKMENISTAN Qushtp. Taloqan Klfgn. !! Darym. Eshk. Khwjsbzp. !!! ! Almar Darzab Kunduz Jorm Warduj ! Keshem Ghormach Maymana !! Chardarah Khanabd. TAKHAR Teshkan Bilchrgh. Bangi Wakhan Aliabad Nmk. KUNDUZ Chal Tagab Yamgan Qaysar Pashtunkot Hazrat-e-Sultan Zebak Garziwan Farkhar Bala Eshkashem Murghab Baghlan-e-Jadid !!! Aybak Kohestan BADGHIS Aybak Burka Guzar-e-N. TAKHAR Muqur BAGHLAN BADAKHSHAN SAMANGAN Warsaj PAKISTAN Charsadra Khuram Wa Koran Wa Nahrin Monjan Ab Kamari ! !! Qala-e-Naw Jawand Sarbagh !!! Khost Wa ! Khwjhjr. Pul-e-Khumri Fereng Barg-e-Matal Qadis Dahana-e-Ghori Paryan Dehsalah Doshi Mandol Kamdesh Andarab On 21 April, 1,283 families from Barakhana, Chah Sangi, and Nahrab villages Pul-e-Hesar !!! 474 familes reportedly displaced!!! from Baharak, Jorm and Warduj Karukh Poruns! of Ab Kamari district reportedlyC displacedhishti to Mubarakshah cluster within the Some 800 families are living in displacement in Baghlan-e-Jadid district. NURISTdistrictAN s. AssessmentsPoruns and response have been completed. district, Jafari Village of Muqur andSha rQala-e-Nawif capital of . Assessment ongoing by ARCS; spontaneous return of the majority of Duab Obe Khenjan Waygal Ghazbd. (Remarks: based on the recent monitoring and Government sources reports, initial return families to areas of origin already reported. About 1,200 families signaledWam .by the Government asN displacedari within Jorm. GHOR Tala Wa Pashoftu partn of the families to from Qala-e-Now to areasS ofh aoriginhrak in Ab Kamari is reported). Bazarak Figures to be confirmed and believed to be much lower by the assessment Du Layna barfak Brkn. Around 100 families reportedly remain displaced in Dahana-e-GhoriShtl. ! Bazarak Zarghun Tulak Kahmard !! Dawteams.latshh . HumanitarianNurgeram access to several areas of Jorm district currently 144 families, out of 592 reportedly displaced to Maymana City Salang Dara / Chpdr. KUNAR Dng. . Assessments are pending due to access constraints. hindered by security situation. Adraskn. from surrounding districts were assessed on 13 May. Sayghan Shinwar. Ab Shar Alsy. Da-e-P. !!! 9,990 families have been assessed in Kunduz city, out of which, A joint assessment identified 1,086 IDP families Assessments are ongoing in Fayzabad and 3,844 were identified as genuine IDPs and needing in Qala-e-Naw, 145 families in Muqur and 52 Jorm. Earlier inter-agency assessments !^ assistance. 3,128 families in inaccessible areas !^ families in Ab Kamari districts in Badghis. 195 !^ verified 256 families in Baharak and 218 Kabul Kabul Kabul additional IDP familes were identified in Farah, were referred to ICRC/ARCS for assessment. families in Jorm displaced from Baharak Ghor and Herat. Response is ongoing in Kunduz city and 3,000 Zorm and Warduj districts. IRC, UNHCR, UNICEF, WVI and WFP provided assistance to the verified families have been assisted. Assistance is provided by WFP (food), WFP and UNHCR have provided food and NFIs to the 474 assessed IDPs in the Western Region. Response is pending in . UNHCR (NFI), UNICEF (Hygiene kits). IDPs in Baghlan have been families. Other caseloads are awaiting verification. referred to ARCS and ICRC.

Data Sources: AGCHO; Reports from OCHA sub offices, Regional IDP Task Force updates, UNHCR, and reports from the governemnt. * Families that have led a petition to be considered as conict-induced displaced. Screening and house-to-house assessment on-going to verify genuine displaced families Creation date: 2 June 2015 Doc Name: afg_Conflict_Displacement_20150602 Feedback: [email protected] Website: http://www.unocha.org/afghanistan http://afg.humanitarianresponse.info Disclaimers: The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.