ISSN 2278- 4136

ZDB-Number: 2668735-5

IC Journal No: 8192 Volume 2 Issue 1

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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Cytotoxic (In-Vitro) Effect of Methanol and Petroleum Ether Extracts of the lanata.

Entaz Bahar*1, Joushan Ara2, Mofasser Hossain3 ,Bashutosh Nath4 and Nazmunnahar Runi5

1. Entaz Bahar, Department of Pharmacy, University of science & Technology Chittagong (USTC), Chawkbazer, Chittagong-4203, Bangladesh. [E.mail:[email protected]] 2. Joushan Ara, Department of Pharmacy, University of science & Technology Chittagong (USTC), Chawkbazer, Chittagong-4203, Bangladesh. [E-mail:[email protected]] 3. Mofasser Hossain, Department of Pharmacy, University of science & Technology Chittagong (USTC), Chawkbazer, Chittagong-4203, Bangladesh. [E-mail: [email protected]] 4. Bashutosh Nath, Department of Pharmacy, BGC Trust University, Chawkbazer, Chittagong-4203, Bangladesh [E.mail:[email protected]] 5. Nasmunnahar Runi, Department of Pharmacy, State university of Bangladesh, Dhaka-1203, Bangladesh [E.mail:[email protected]]

The present study was designed to investigate cytotoxic activity of methanol and petroleum ether extracts of the . Both extracts were subjected to brine shrimp lethality bioassay for possible cytotoxicity where a concentration dependent increment in percent mortality of brine shrimp nauplii was produced by the extracts indicating the presence of cytotoxic principles in these extractives. The cytotoxicity of the extracts were found promising. The results of these studies suggest significant cytotoxicity of different extracts of Aerva lanata. The result that obtained from the Crude extract of the of Aerva lanata have strong cytotoxic activity. Keyword: Aerva lanata, Cytotoxicity Activity

1. Introduction: characteristics in the medicinal growing Medicinal plants are various plants used in with them, yet they possess some special qualities herbalism and thought by some to have medicinal or virtues that make them medicinally important. properties.The definition of Medicinal has It has now been established that the plants which been formulated by WHO (World Health naturally synthesis and accumulate some Organization) as follows- “A medicinal plant is secondary metabolites, like alkaloids, glycosides, any plant which, in one or more of its organ, tannins, volatiles oils and contain minerals and contains substance that can be used for vitamins, possess medicinal properties. therapeutic purpose or which is a precursor for synthesis of useful drugs.” The plants that possess 1.1.1Toxicological studies therapeutic properties or exert beneficial Toxicology is the branch of pharmacology, which pharmacological effects on the animal body are deals with the comprehensive study of poisonous generally designated as “Medicinal Plants”. and adverse effects of bioactive substances on Although there are no apparent morphological living organisms along with their detection,

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prevention and treatment of poisonings. All drugs II. Sub- acute toxicity studies are toxic at higher doses and people vary greatly Sub- acute toxicity studies are done by giving in their sensitivities to the drugs. So the safe and repeated dose of a drug in sub- lethal appropriate dose for someone may be an over concentration to animal species for a period of 14 dose for another individual. Moreover, even the to 21 days. The aim is to predict toxic effect that therapeutic doses, many drugs have unavoidable may occur during chronic administration of the toxic effects (Klaassen, C.D. 1991 and Plaa, drug. A Varity of parameters are monitored G.L. 1988). during this period and at the end of the study, In order to develop and assess the safety and tissues and organs are examined from efficacy level of a new drug, toxicity studies are histopathological changes. essential. No drug is used clinically without its clinical trial as well as toxicity studies. III. Chronic toxicity studies Toxicological data helps to make decision Chronic toxicity studies refer to the toxic effects whether a new drug is adopted for clinical use or of a drug over a extended period of time during not, which animal may receive repeated doses of the Toxicological studies are used: drugs in an apparently safe level. Study of a a) To determine or evaluate the efficacy, chronic exposure is often used to determine the safety or toxicity of a new drug. carcinogenicity and mutagenic potential of the b) To determine the factors those modify drug drug safety and efficacy. c) To get information about drug 1.1.3 Toxicity: metabolism. Sum of adverse effects or the degree of danger d) To reveal the toxic effects on different posed by a substance to living organisms. It is organs. expressed generally as a dose response e) To predict therapeutic dose relationship involving the quantity of substance to f) To establish dose interval time which the organism is exposed and the route of g) To determine lethality (LD50) bioassay. exposure skin (absorption), mouth (ingestion), or Toxicity studies are carried out on experimental respiratory tract (inhalation). Toxicity can refer to animals like mice, guinea pigs, dogs and the effect on a whole organism, such as an monkeys under various conditions of drug animal, bacterium, or plant, as well as the effect administration. on a substructure of the organism, such as a cell (cytotoxicity) or an organ (organotoxicity), such 1.1.2 Types of toxicity studies as the liver (hepatotoxicity). By extension, the I. Acute toxicity studies word may be metaphorically used to describe Acute toxicities are those which occur rapidly as toxic effects on larger and more complex groups, result of exposure to a relatively large quantity of such as the family unit or society at large. a drug, administered as a single dose. The effects Toxicity is classified usually as are quite dramatic occurring shortly after the drug 1) Acuteicitytox : harmful effects produced administration drug is characterized by untoward through a single or short-term exposure. reactions having serious symptoms and short 2) Chronictoxicity : harmful effects course of existence, which may follow the produced through repeated or continuous administration of a single dose ( or an over dose ) exposure over an extended period. of the drug ( Satoskar, R. S. et al. 1995 ). 3) Sub-chronic: harmful effects produced During screening of a new drug, acute toxicity through repeated or continuous exposure test are done to estimate the nature and extent of over twelve months or more but less than acute toxicity. the normal lifespan of the organism.

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1.1.4 Types of toxicants: cytotoxic effects. Compounds that have cytotoxic There are generally three types of toxic entities; effects often compromise cell membrane chemical, biological, and physical: integrity. Vital dyes, such as trypan blue or propidium iodide are normally excluded from the 1. Chemical toxicants: include inorganic inside of healthy cells; however, if the cell substances such as lead, mercury, asbestos, membrane has been compromised, they freely hydrofluoric acid, and chlorine gas, organic cross the membrane and stain intracellular compounds such as methyl alcohol, most components. Alternatively, membrane integrity medications, and poisons from living things. can be assessed by monitoring the passage of 2. Biological toxicants: include bacteria and substances that are normally sequestered inside viruses that can induce disease in living cells to the outside. One commonly measured orgasm. Biological toxicity can be difficult to molecule is lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). measure because the "threshold dose" may be Protease biomarkers have been identified that a single organism. Theoretically one virus, allow researchers to measure relative numbers of bacterium or worm can reproduce to cause a live and dead cells within the same cell serious infection. However, in a host with an population. The live-cell protease is only active in intact immune system the inherent toxicity of cells that have a healthy cell membrane, and loses the organism is balanced by the host's ability activity once the cell is compromised and the to fight back; the effective toxicity is then a protease is exposed to the external environment. combination of both parts of the relationship. The dead-cell protease cannot cross the cell A similar situation is also present with other membrane, and can only be measured in culture types of toxic agents. media after cells have lost their membrane 3. Physical toxicants: are substances that, due integrity. to their physical nature, interfere with Cytotoxicity can also be monitored using the biological processes. Examples include coal MTT or MTS assay. This assay measures the dust and asbestos fibers, both of which can reducing potential of the cell using a colorimetric ultimately be fatal if inhaled. reaction. Viable cells will reduce the MTS reagent to a colored formazan product. A similar 1.1.5 Cytotoxicity: redox-based assay has also been developed using Cytotoxicity is the quality of being toxic to cells. the fluorescent dye, reassuring. In addition to Examples of toxic agents are a chemical using dyes to indicate the redox potential of cells substance, an immune cell or some types of in order to monitor their viability, researchers venom (e.g. from the puff adder or brown recluse have developed assays that use ATP content as a spider). marker of viability. Such ATP-based assays include bioluminescent assays in which ATP is 1.1.6 Measuring cytotoxicity: the limiting reagent for the luciferase reaction. Cytotoxicity assays are widely used by the Cytotoxicity can also be measured by the pharmaceutical industry to screen for cytotoxicity sulforhodamine B (SRB) assay, WST assay and in compound libraries. Researchers can either clonogenic assay. A label-free approach to follow look for cytotoxic compounds, if they are the cytotoxic response of adherent animal cells in interested in developing a therapeutic that targets real-time is based on electric impedance rapidly dividing cancer cells, for instance; or they measurements when the cells are grown on gold- can screen "hits" from initial high-throughput film electrodes. This technology is referred to as drug screens for unwanted cytotoxic effects electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS). before investing in their development as a Label-free real-time techniques provide the pharmaceutical. kinetics of the cytotoxic response rather than just Assessing cell membrane integrity is one of the a snapshot like many colorimetric endpoint most common ways to measure cell viability and assays.

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2.1.3 Using information: 2.1 Description of study plant Aerva lanata: Aerva lanata Aerva lanata var. rotundifolia 2.1.1Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): Angiosperms (unranked): (unranked): Core eudicots Order: Family: Subfamily: Fig 01: Aerva lanata Genus: Aerva Species: A. lanata Amaranthaceae family of the genus Aerva that sometimes flowers in the first year. Aerva lanata The plant is said to be diuretic and demulcent. Its belonging to Amaranthaceae family is a common diuretic action is said to be very effective in the weed which grows wild everywhere in plains of treatment of urethral discharges and gonorrhea India. The root has camphor like aroma. The and is of value in cases of lithiasis and as an dried flowers which look like soft spikes, are sold anthelmintic. A trace of alkaloid has been under the commercial name as Buikallan or Boor. detected. Decoction of the flowers is said to cure stones in Food: The whole plant especially the leaves are any part of the stomach and that of the root is edible. The leaves are put into soup or eaten as diuretic and cure for kidney stones. spinach or as a vegetable. The plant provides grazing for stock, game in and chickens. 2.1.2 Distribution Leaves: A leaf-decoction is prepared as a gargle A. lanata prefers damper sites than A. javanica for treating sore-throat and used in various and can be found in open forests on mountain complex treatments against guinea-worm. to slopes, on waste and disturbed ground, deserted wash Babies that have become unconscious cultivation and coastal scrub and at altitudes from during an attack of malaria or of some other sea level to 900 meters (3,000 ft). disease are washed with a leaf decoction at the Native same time smoke from the burning plant is inhaled. The leaf-sap is also used for eye- Northeast Tropical Africa: Ethiopia, Somalia complaints. An infusion is given to cure diarrhea East Tropical Africa: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda West-Central Tropical Africa: Cameroon, and in an unspecified manner at childbirth, and Rwanda, Zaire on sores. West Tropical Africa: Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Root: The root is used in snake-bite treatment. Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Togo Leaves are used in toothache and fever. Roots are South Tropical Africa: Malawi, Mozambique, also used in fever. The latex of the plant is used Zimbabwe Southern Africa: South Africa - Natal, Transvaal to stop hemorrhage. Bark is anti-dysenteric; used Western Indian Ocean: Madagascar in menstrual and renal complaints. Arabian Peninsula: Saudi Arabia Indian Subcontinent: India, Sri Lanka.Bangladesh 2.1.4 The aim of study: The aim of study was to find out the bioactive chemical constituents and to evaluate the antioxidant, cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity of the petroleum ether and methanol extracts of Aerva lanata.

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To observe the biological effects, such as agents. These data are processed in a simple program for profit analysis to estimate LC50 Toxicological Studies: i.e. values with 95% confidence intervals for Cytotoxic effect on brine shrimp statistically significant comparisons of potencies. In order to develop and assess the safety and efficacy level of a new drug, toxicity studies are Test materials essential. 1) Artemia salina Leach (brine shrimp eggs) 2) Sea salt non ionized NaCl) 3.1 Method and Materials: 3) Small tank with perforated dividing dam 3.1.1 Cytotoxicity Studies to hatch the shrimp Brine shrimp lethality bioassay 4) Lamp to attract the nauplii Brine shrimp lethality bioassay is a recent 5) Pipette (1 ml and 5 ml ) development in the bioassay for the bioactive 6) Micropipette (5-50l &10 to 100 l) compounds, which indicates cytotoxicity as well 7) Glass vials (5ml) as a wide range of pharmacological activities 8) Magnifying glass (e.g. anticancer, antiviral, insecticidal, pesticidal, 9) Test sample for experimental plants AIDS etc) of the compounds. Bioactive compounds are almost always toxic in high doses. Procedure Pharmacology is simply toxicology at a higher Preparation of the simulated sea dose. Brine shrimp lethality bioassay is a bench water top bioassay method for evaluating anticancer, 37 grams sea salt (nonionized NaCl) was antimicrobial and pharmacological activities of weighted accurately, dissolved in 1 liter of natural products. Natural products extracts, sterilized distilled water and then filtered to get fractions or pure compounds can be tested for clear solution. The pH of the sea water was their bioactivity by this method. Here in vitro maintained between 8.5 using 1 NNaOH solution. lethality of a simple zoological organism (brine shrimp nauplii) is used as a convenient monitor Hatching of brine shrimp eggs for screening an fractionation in the discovery of Artemia salina Leach (brine shrimp eggs) new bioactive natural products, Generally the collected from the pet shop was used as the test median effective dose (ED50) values for organism. Simulated sea water was taken in the cytotoxicities are one tenth (1/10) of median small tank and the shrimp eggs (1.5 gm /L) were lethal dose (LD50) values in the brine shrimp test added to one side of the tank and this side was (McLaughlin, J. L. 1990 Personae, G. 1980, covered. The shrimps were allowed to one side of Meyer, B. N. et al., 1992 and McLaughlin, J. L. et tank and this side was covered. The shrimp were al., 1988). allowed for two days to hatch and mature as nauplii (larvae). Constant oxygen supply was Principle carried out during the hatching time. The hatched Brine shrimp eggs are hatched in simulated sea shrimps were attracted to the lamp on the other water to get nauplii. Test samples are prepared by side of the divided tank through the perforated the addition of calculated amount of DMSO dam. These nauplii were taken for this bioassay. (dimethyl sulfoxide) for obtaining desired concentration of test sample. The nauplii are Preparation of the sample solution counted by visual inspection and are taken in Clean test tubes were taken. These test tubes were vials containing 5 ml of sea water. The samples used for different concentration (one test tube for of different concentrations are added to pre- each concentration) of test samples. marked vials with a micropipette. The vials are 5 mg of petroleum ether methanol,extract s(Aerva left for 24 hours and sthen nauplii are counted lanata( were accurately weighed and dissolved in again to find out the cytotoxicity of the test 1000l or 1 ml DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide)in

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different beaker. Thus a concentration of 5 mg/ml Application of brine shrimp nauplii was obtained which used as a stock solution . With the help of the Pasteur pipette 20 living From this stock solution 500 g/ml, 300g/ml, nauplii were added to each of the vials containing 100g/ml, 50g/ml, 25g/mland 10g/ml 5 ml of simulated sea water. A magnifying glass were taken in six test tubes respectively each was used for convenient count of nauplii. If the containing 5ml sea water and 20 nauplii. counting of the 20 nauplii was not be possible accurately, then a variation in counting from19- Preparation of control group 21 table might be allowed. Control groups are used in cytotoxicity study to validate the test method and ensure that the Counting of the nauplii results obtained are only due to the activity of the After 24 hours, the vials are observed using a test agent and the effects of the other possible magnifying glass and the number of survival factors are nullified. Usually two types of control nauplii in each vial were counted and recorded. groups are used. From this data, the percentage of mortality of I. Positive control nauplii was calculated for each concentration of II. Negative control the sample. The median lethal concentration (LC50) of the test samples was obtained by a plot Preparation of the positive control of percentage of the shrimps killed against the group: logarithm of the sample concentration. Positive control in cytotoxicity study is a widely Cytotoxicity, expressed as LC50 was calculated accepted cytotoxic agent and the result of the test using the formula: agent is compared with the result obtained for the Log LC50 – Log Concentration A / Log positive control. In the present study, vincristine Concentration B sulphate was used as the positive control. 3 mg Log Concentration A = 50% - M / N - M of vincristine sulphate was dissolved in 1.8 ml of Where concentration A is the concentration distilled water to get a concentration of 5 mg/ml. before LC50, Concentration B is the This was used as stock solution of vincristine concentration after LC50, sulphate. With the help of a micropipette 10, 50, M is the % killed before LC50, and N is the % 100, 150 and 200 μl of the stock solution were killed after LC50. transferred in 5 different vials. NaCl solution (brine water) was added to each vial making the 4.1Result: volume up to 5 ml. The final concentration of The results of brine shrimp lethality bioassay are vincristine sulphate in the vials became 10, 50, shown in the table 01.02 & Test samples showed 100, 150 and 200μg/ml respectively. The different mortality rate at different concentration. experiment was repeated three times. The mortality rate of brine shrimp napulii was found to be increased with the increase with the Preparation of the negative control concentration of the sample. The median lethal group: concentration (LC50) was calculated. The LC50 100 μl of distilled water was added to each of the values of petroleum ether and methanol of Aerva three remarked glass vials containing 5 ml of lanata are 40.85 g/m and 49.997 g/ml simulated sea water and 10 shrimp nauplii to use .respectively as control groups. If the brine shrimp nauplii in So, it is evident that the petroleum etherand these vials show a rapid mortality rate, then the methanol extract ofAerva lanata were cytotoxic test is considered as in valid as the nauplii died as well as biologically active. due to some reason other than the cytotoxicity of the samples.

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Table 01: Effect of Aerva lanata) P(etroleum ether extracton shrimp nauplii

No. of No. of % Conc. LC50 Log C nauplii nauplii mortalit Probit Value of x μg/ml μg/ml taken dead y

0 0 20 0 0 -

10 1 20 6 30 4.75

50 1.699 20 10 50 5.00 40.85 1.611196

100 2.000 20 16 80 5.84

300 2.477 20 18 90 6.28

500 2.699 20 20 100

Fig 02: Effects of various concentrations of Petrolium ether extract of Aerva lanatal on the viability of brine shrimp nauplii after 24 hrs of incubation.

Table 02: Effect of Aerva lanata (Methanol extract) on shrimp nauplii.

No. of No. of % Conc. LC50 Log C nauplii nauplii mortalit Probit Value of x μg/ml μg/ml taken dead y

50 1.699 20 10 50 5.00 49.997 1.698949

100 2.000 20 18 90 6.28

300 2.477 20 20 100

500 2.699 20 20 100

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Fig 03: Effects of various concentrations of methanolic extract of Aerva lanatal on the viability of brine shrimp nauplii after 24 hrs of incubation. n order to find screened against various diseases i 5.Discussions out its unexplored efficacy and can be a potential The present study was aimed at investigating the .source of biologically important drug candidates cytotoxicity of the mthanolic and petrolium extracts of Aerva lanata. The cytotoxicity of 6. Acknowledgement extracts has been evaluated by using a sensitive in I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to my vitro Brine shrimp lethality bioassay. From result belove Colleagues and Friends who’s sincere, it can be well predicted that the crude extracts active, passionate outstanding guidance and have considerable cytotoxicity. competent supervision during the occupancy of The present results suggest that all the tested research has enabled me to reach the end. I plant extracts have moderate to strong ctotoxic express my thanks to him. activity. Since a variety of constituents is present in the extracts studied, it becomes difficult to 7. References describe the cytotoxic properties selectively to 1. Lambert J., Srivastava, J., and Vietmeyer N. (1997). any one group of constituents without further Medicinal plants: Rescuing a global heritage. World studies, which are beyond the scope of this paper. Bank. Agriculture and Forestry Systems, Washington, D.C.

2. Hossain M.Z. et al. (2003). People’s awareness about 6. Conclusion medicinal values of plants and prospect in In conclusion, the present study, using in vitro Bangladesh. BRAC, Research and Evaluation experiments established that petroleum ether and division, Dhaka, Bangladesh. methanol ofAerva lanatainhibits the bacterial 3. Srivastava, J., Lambert J. and Vietmeyer N. (1996). growth. In case of anticancer drug preparation Medicinal plants: An expanding role in reated as a good this plant extracts may t development. World bank. Agriculture and Forestry Systems, Washington, D.C. candidate as it has notable cytotoxic effect. The 4. Hopking A.(2004). The glimpse over the history of petroleum ether and methanol extracts ofAerva Herbalism. Godshaer Herbalist advanced botanical lanatapossesses cytotoxic activity.It was center of medicine. observed that brime shrimp was died at the concentrations of 10µg/ml 25 ,g/ml 50 ,g/ml , 5. 100g/ml 300 ,g/ml and 500 g/mlLC50 was . 6. 7. Ghani A.(1998), Medicinal plants of Bangladesh: found at the dose of 50g/mlin case of Chemical constituents and uses. Asiatic society of petroleum ether extract, at the dose of 100g/ml Bangladesh, Dhaka. in case of methanol extract This is only a 8. preliminary study but the plant can be further

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